ภาพนิ่ง 1 - Bangkok Flight Services

Issue 3 / July – September 2015
Handling with CARE…Customer ∙ Attentive ∙ Responsive ∙ Efficient
Dear Aviation Colleagues and Friends,
Greetings from MD
Welcome to our third quarter newsletter and the news that 52 million
passengers have passed through Suvarnabhumi in the last 12 months. Whilst
it is great news for Thailand, and for all of us involved in the Aviation industry
here, the fact that the airport is operating at 15% more than its’ original
design capacity brings its’ own share of challenges, many of which are
mentioned by Bob and Colin in their messages below. We will continue to find
new and innovative ways to deal with these challenges to ensure we can
deliver the best possible service given the various constraints.
It is interesting to note that Don Muaeng Airport handled nearly 30 million
passengers within the last 12 months also, this gives a combined throughput of
82 million passengers through Bangkok’s airports – incredible numbers given that 10 years ago this number
was 39 million! This staggering growth, along with the number of A380 aircraft now using BKK, makes
the need for the further development of both BKK and DMK critical and urgent to support further growth.
Whilst we have seen very strong passenger growth in Thailand over the last 12 months, cargo has
remained stagnant reflecting the market concerns about weaker than expected growth in China and
the wildly fluctuating foreign exchange rates that are making supply chain planning very difficult for
all concerned. For Thailand, there is hope that the weaker Baht may revive the export market that has
been shrinking over the last 12 months but there is currently no statistical data to indicate a recovery yet.
As you will read, this quarter has brought many events that BFS have either participated in, sponsored
or led and I would like to offer a big thank you to everyone concerned in the Marketing Team and the
Social Committee who have been hard at work delivering these events this quarter and for the support
of the various teams, companies and sponsors who have joined with us in these events. It is gratifying to
see how the Airport Community pulls together and gets behind these events and I am sure there will be
more exciting events to report in the final three months of this year too.
On behalf of the BFS Team I would like to express my thanks, as always, for your friendship and support.
Stewart Sinclair
Managing Director
BFS Newsletter Issue 3 July – September 2015
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Greetings from General Manager Sales and Ground Services
Mr. Robert Ruesz
Dear Aviation Colleagues and Friends,
I hope all of you are doing well.
We are now preparing for the peak season, and forward planning is an
essential part in ensuring that we have the manpower and equipment
ready to handle the additional volumes from November to March.
Do help us by communicating your winter schedules and requirements
as early as possible and preferably before the end of this month.
As usual we are expecting some additional frequencies, especially with the return of additional flights from
Russia. To prepare for this we are recruiting staff and adding some equipment on the ramp.
A key focus area for improvement for us now is to improve the availability of our equipment on the ramp
by reducing the downtime required for (CM) curative maintenance. This issue is being addressed through
a Business Improvement Task force looking at finding improvements in the areas of equipment
serviceability. Key areas of review are preventive maintenance and spare parts ordering and management
(many spare parts require very long delivery schedules). We are actively replacing some older baggage
tractors with some new models that have just arrived this week.
Another area of focus is first and last bag delivery, against an 18/40 mins target. There are indeed some
challenges there such as, the distances between points in the airport, traffic jams on the ramp and in the
sorting area, requirement to stop towing whenever an aircraft is taxiing to a gate, multiple flight delivery
of baggage on one carousel, priority baggage either mix loaded or not loaded at aircraft door side, sorting
of transfer bags at aircraft side to the TBT. We did achieve 92.6% in 20min and 96.8% in 25min. for the
month of June, and will focus on improving these numbers for the future.
Passenger Services are in the final month of the “Customer First” Campaign. We will be awarding our top
performers (Most compliments, going the extra mile, excellent team mate) with a pin that they will proudly
wear on their uniform. You will be able to identify them.
You will notice that we have added some new pieces to our uniform. We hope that you like our new look!!
Kind regards,
Robert Ruesz
General Manager Sales and Ground Services
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Greetings from Director Service Delivery Ramp Operations and Maintenance
Mr. Colin Temple
Dear Aviation Colleagues and Friends,
Despite the ongoing challenges with closure of taxi lanes and parking
bays, our ramp operation continues to make improvements in safety,
quality and performance. The poor condition of some infrastructure
does take a toll on some of our ground support equipment.
Bob has mentioned the focus we have on equipment maintenance
already, so I will only add that we are also enhancing our in-house
software systems to enable better oversight and control of both
maintenance costs and operational downtime. In addition, we are making some changes in the
organisational structure of our support departments to streamline processes.
Through the hard work of our Safety and Quality Department, most notably the 'Tiger Team', we are
now seeing tangible improvements in safety awareness on the ramp. The Tiger Team campaigns are
aimed at the frontline staff, with workshops that are interactive and fun for the participants. These
workshops have really made a positive impact and the safety culture continues to improve. Each
workshop episode focuses on a different issue, e.g. Episode 5 was Bay Incursion and FOD.
The delivery of 8 new cargo tow diesel tractors next week will allow us to retire another batch of the
tractors that have been in use since the airport opened. This will have an immediate impact on our
logistics efficiency. Next year, the last batch of the old diesel tractors will be phased out. I am also
looking to replace some other ageing items as well as adding more equipment to our existing fleet.
The increasing number of A380 operations daily with only 4 A380 gates available is another
infrastructure constraint that drives up GSE requirements. No Fixed power or preconditioned air is
available at remote bays, so we have to provide mobile units with high capacity when the A380's are
handled off pier. Fleet growth and a significant increase in frequencies of Bangkok Airways is another
major driver for additional GSE. I am looking at some new technology options for GPU/AirCon,
particularly for the ATR 72 flights that are always on remote bays.
On the subject of new technology, our Hand Held Terminals (HHT) have been successfully introduced
and are used by our turnaround coordinators. Development of phase 2 software to enable real time
monitoring and management of the activities at the aircraft side is in progress and will be ready to roll
out early next year.
Colin Temple
Director, Ramp Operations and Maintenance
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BFS Update News
BFS Organized “BFS CUP Friendship Futsal Day 2015”
On Friday 18 September 2015, Bangkok Flight Services (BFS) organized a friendship futsal competition
with the goal to help strengthen the relationship among the various organizations of Suvarnabhumi
Airport and to promote good health with the spirit of sports. “BFS CUP Friendship Futsal Day 2015”
was held at the Skykick Arena, Bangna-Trat Road, Bangkok from 10.00-19.00 hrs.
Mr. Stewart Sinclair, Managing Director of Bangkok Flight Services and Ms. Somruthai
Prasarttongosoth, Director of Bangkok Flight Services opened the ceremony in the morning.
This friendly competition was very well attended amongst the participating organizations. There were
a total of 12 teams from both government and private sectors organizations who all operate at
Suvarnabhumi Airport.
The following organizations presented teams;
Bangkok Flight Services
Bangkok Airways
Bangkok Air Catering
Airports of Thailand
Bangkok Aviation Fuel Services
Thai Airways
Aeronautical Radio of Thailand
Department of Civil Aviation
Suvarnabhumi Airport Cargo Clearance Customs Bureau
Immigration Division 2
Thailand Tourist Police Division
Asia Security Management
Each team competed in 3 matches and the team having scored the most goals was the winner of the
Our VIP’s from the various participating organizations came together to form 2 teams who played
against each other to close the event,
Mr. Stewart Sinclair rewarded each winning team with a trophy and closed the ceremony. Following
the ceremony all of the players and guests were invited to a wonderful diner buffet sponsored by
Bangkok Air Catering.
BFS hopes that this friendly competition serves as a venue, to bring members from the Airline industry
around a futsal game, together, connecting, competing and enjoying a good time together.
Last but not least, a big thank you to the sponsors
Airports of Thailand
Bangkok Airways
Bangkok Air Catering
Bangkok Hospital
Bangkok Aviation Fuel Services
Thai Airways
Asia Security Management
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BFS Newsletter Issue 3 July – September 2015
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BFS Sponsored and Participated in the CAPA LCC Airports Congress Asia
2015 in Bangkok.
Bangkok Flight Services (BFS) sponsored and participated in the CAPA LCC Airports Congress Asia
2015 conference held on 15 September 2015 at Shangri-La Hotel, Bangkok. This conference
aimed to help Airports, governments and key stakeholders, understand the distinct needs and
challenges of the LCC sector in order to drive the LCC industry forward. Low Cost carriers (LCCs)
play a vital role in the development of travel and tourism across the Asia Pacific region and should
be further developed for the future.
Mr. Robert Ruesz, General Manager Sales and Ground Services, Mr. Colin Temple, Director Service
Delivery Ramp Operations and Maintenance and Mr. Ekpol Mekvishai, Contracts Manager from
BFS, joined this one-day conference as participants. There were over 200 VIP guests, executives
and participants from Airlines, Ground Handlers, Airport Authority and service providers attending
this event. The contents of this year’s conference covered issues related to responding to the
needs and requirements of short and long-haul LCCs, the LCC experience in Asia, ASEAN
liberalization update and Asian Aviation.
BFS is very proud to have been part of this successful conference and we look forward to
strengthened relationships between the stakeholders and the LCC aviation business in Asia.
BFS Instructor Invited to an Aviation Career Development Symposium
On Sunday 13, September 2015, Mr. Manasak Phamonmareerut, Passenger Service Instructor at
Bangkok Flight Services was invited to be a speaker at the Aviation Career Development Symposium.
This event held at Novotel Suvarnabhumi Airport Hotel and organized by students attending the
Master of Management in Aviation Management program from the Civil Aviation Training Center.
The symposium focused on how to develop a career in the Thailand aviation industry.
The event was opened to the public, including students from various institutes who are interested in
an aviation career. There were over 300 attendees at the seminar, including many representatives of
aviation related businesses who joined as speakers.
The academic seminar was classified into two sections, one which focused on career development for
pilots and air traffic controller and the other section discussed opportunities for a hospitality career in
aviation. Mr. Manasak was a guest speaker on the discussion concerning a hospitality career in
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WFS and BFS Hosted Air Cargo Handling 2015 Conference and
Air Cargo Handling 2015 Gala Dinner in Bangkok
The Air Cargo Handling Conference - ACH is widely recognized as the global air cargo handling
sector’s premier annual gathering. This year, Worldwide Flight Services (WFS) and Bangkok Flight
Services (BFS) hosted the Air Cargo Handling 2015 Conference in Bangkok, Thailand and hosted
the Air Cargo Handling 2015 Gala Dinner as part of the conference.
Worldwide Flight Services (WFS) and Bangkok Flight Services (BFS), a local joint venture of WFS
offering handling services at Suvarnabhumi Airport hosted the Air Cargo Handling 2015 Conference
from 1 - 3 September 2015 at Shangri-La Hotel, Bangkok which was the first time the global event
had been staged outside of Europe.
Over 160 international cargo industry professionals attended this conference. The conference
featured presentations and discussions with leading international industry leaders sharing the
various perspectives on several concerning topics within air cargo industry including the issues of
improving quality, standards, e-AWB, security, technology and more.
In addition, on the evening of 2 September 2015, WFS and BFS organized and sponsored the Gala
Dinner at the Chomwang Room, Royal Navy Convention Hall in Bangkok as one of the highlights of
this high profile conference.
The guests were boarded on river boats for a cocktail cruise down the Chao Phraya River, taking
them from the Shangri-la Hotel pier to the Chomwang Room where the Air Cargo Handling 2015
Gala Dinner was held. The Gala Dinner was themed to promote Thai cultures and identity through
the various forms of Thai arts. The participants enjoyed Thai cuisine and performances and the
demonstration of Thai style flower arrangement, fruit carving and umbrella painting.
During the evening, a charity auction was also held to raise funds for two organisations; the
Foundation for Slum Child Care in Bangkok and the Old MacDonalds Farm in Zambia. Both charity
organisations are greatly involved in improving the life of children in Thailand and Zambia.
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BFS Organized "Suvarnabhumi Airport Cleaning 2015"
On Friday 21 August 2015, Bangkok Flight Services (BFS) organized ‘Suvarnabhumi Airport
Cleaning 2015’ at 9.00 – 12.30 hrs. at the Bird Garden, Suvarnabhumi Airport by collecting trash
in a campaign to promote good environment in the airport which collecting trash in 3 areas;
1. Western Park of Passenger Terminal or the Bird Garden
2. Eastern Park of Passenger Terminal or the Boat Garden
3. Area behind the Bus terminal at Suvarnabhumi Airport through the in front of Bangkok Air
This event was very well received amongst the participating organizations. There was a total of
155 staff participating from 10 various organizations from Suvarnabhumi Airport as follows;
Bangkok Flight Services
Bangkok Airways
Bangkok Air Catering
Airports of Thailand
Aeronautical Radio of Thailand
Bangkok Aviation Fuel Services
King Power
Thai Airways
Suvarnabhumi Airport Cargo Clearance Customs Bureau
Immigration Division 2
Ms.Somruthai Prasarttongosoth, Director of Bangkok Flight Services opened the ceremony.
In this event, the participants were divided into 3 groups with the goal to help each other, collect
trash and also build a good relationship amongst the organizations. Prior to the start of the trash
collection, recreational activities were held with the great support from Bangkok Air Catering.
Mr.Sirote Duangratana, General Manager of Suvarnabhumi Airport presented awards to the
winning team which had collected the heaviest amount of trash, which closed the ceremony.
BFS hopes that this CSR activity will help create environmental awareness of our workplace
amongst the staffs working at Suvarnabhumi Airport. This activity was well supported by all
participating organizations which helped make this event successful.
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