Chapter 5 Conclusion and recommendation

Chapter 5
Conclusion and recommendation
The finding and conclusion of this study are first presented in this chapter. Then the
recommendation for the Siam Commercial Bank are followed, Finally, limitation and
future research suggestion are presented.
5.1 Conclusion
According to the framework of research (see the figure 3-1), the first part of the frame
work focused about service quality. The results show that online customer service of
Siam Commercial Bank was of moderately high quality. All of the dimensions of
service quality – reliability, responsiveness, security, ease of use and access- were
accepted by the respondents. The average scores of all dimensions is higher than 3.
The majority of the respondents are scored in agree and strongly agree with the
service quality questions. Among five dimensions, the highest average score is ease of
use, followed with the access and reliability.
The second part is focused on the customer satisfaction with the online customer
service of Siam Commercial Bank. The results found that respondents are quite
satisfied with the online customer service, the average score is 7.15 from the lowest 1
through the highest 10. Moreover, the respondents mostly agreed that the online
customer services provided are better than their expectations.
The researcher divided customer satisfaction scores into three areas, 1- 4 is low
satisfaction, 5-7 is average satisfaction, 8-10 is high satisfaction. The research found
that the respondents whose age was allocated from 26-35 and have monthly income
between THB20,000-THB39,999 is the majority group in the high satisfaction
area.(see appendix 5-6 )
The third part of the framework is loyalty. The results found that respondents have
loyalty to the Siam Commercial Bank. More than 50% of the respondents will tend to
use the service provide by Siam Commercial Internet Banking more often and will
consider the new products of Siam Commercial Internet Banking. Furthermore, the
respondents will suggest the services to their family and friends. When it comes to not
switching to other banks, though the proportions of agree or strongly agree is not very
high (≈32%), the percentage is still more than disagree or strongly disagree (≈ 26%).
Therefore, one-third of respondents have moderately loyalty to the Siam Commercial
This research divided the test outcome of relationships between service quality and
customer satisfaction. The results showed that among five dimensions of the service
quality, there are three dimension that significant positively related to customer
satisfaction. They are
responsiveness (H1b), security (H1c) and ease of use (H1d).
The other two dimensions, reliability (H1a) and access (H1e), have no significant
relationship to customer satisfaction. However, the overall service quality of online
customer service of Siam Commercial Bank has significant positively to customer
satisfaction. The respondents are satisfied with the service quality of online customer
This research also addresses further analysis on customer loyalty. This research
divided the dimensions of customer loyalty: long-term purchase, recommendation and
expected repurchase into three groups, then calculated within the overall picture of
customer loyalty. The research analyzed the relationship between customer
satisfaction and customer loyalty, and the outcomes indicated that the customer
satisfaction has significant positive effect on customer loyalty (hypothesis H2 is
supported). More than fifty percent (50%) of respondents agree and strongly agree
that they will increase the using of the new products provided by Siam Commercial
Bank, and further recommend the services to their friends and family. In addition,
about ninety one percent (91%) of the respondents have used Siam Commercial Bank
Internet banking. Hence, the results can state that respondents; in this case refer to the
Siam Commercial Bank’s customers, have loyalty to Siam Commercial Bank.
In addition, the results also show that only thirty eight percent (38%) of the
respondents agree or strongly agree that online customer service can totally solved
problems that occur on Internet banking, however, more than sixty percent (60%) of
them agree and strongly agree that online customer service is still important to
Internet banking. Phrutthipalakorn (2006), states that the reference groups’ opinion
had a positive impact on Internet banking adoption. Bank should provide the social
contacts with their customers along with Internet banking services; for instance, a
personal services online and instantaneous service etc. This also support that the
online customer service is important to Siam Commercial Internet banking.
5.2 Recommendation for Siam Commercial Bank
The results show above can help Siam Commercial Bank to particularize their
strategic to improve the service quality in online customer service, and achieve the old
customers’ satisfaction. Besides, bank can expand its Internet banking services to
cover all target customer groups.
The Internet banking is widely known to be very beneficial to both customers and
organization (Turban et al, 2004). Online customer service is a new channel for Thai
Internet banking to support their online system. Online customer service is the useful
equipment for not only customers but also for the SCB itself. However, the numbers
of user of Internet banking are very limited, bank should promote the prominence of
Internet banking and online customer service, for the advantages of time and cost
saving, convenience, quick response to complaints etc, to the customers.
According to this research, the results show that three dimension, responsiveness,
security and ease of use, positively and significantly relate to customer satisfaction
and customer loyalty. Therefore, the bank should focus more on these three
dimensions in order to reach the desired customer satisfaction level.
On the subject of to the responsiveness, we find that the average agreement of this
dimension is the lowest among five dimensions (see table 4-7), but it is a dimension
that influences to customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. Thus, Siam Commercial
Bank should concentrate on improve the responsiveness. Bank should increase the
sufficient customer service staff in order to cope with the online customer services. As
regards to the web chat, the bank should not use its staff to reply the web chatting and
phone receiving as it will slow the problem solving process. Bank should separate web
chatting staff from phone receiving staff. Besides, the system is also an important
factor to improve the responsiveness. Bank should upgrade the systems and network
and increase the nationwide bandwidth, the mainframe host capacity, servers, and the
system storage capacity to support the growing demand of internet banking users in
the future.
The mean of the ease of use is the highest among five dimensions. This means the
Siam Commercial Bank has provided a good service in this area. There are some
additional suggestions for this area, bank should provide the instruction for main
services on internet banking such as a guideline for money transfer, checking balance
or stopped check etc.
Security is the most important factor not only for the online customer service, but also
for the whole part of internet banking services. Bank should improve the tools, better
awareness and more effective processes about the security.
Moreover, the researcher also found that the factors which can influence the
respondents’ behavior of switching to other banks’ services. This result is very
important to the bank, so that bank can formulate the strategy to prevent its assets and
deal with its weakness. Maintain the old customers, and at the same time persuade the
new comers. The results showed that the most important factors that can influence
respondents to switch to other bank is the necessity of the customers to do transaction
within that banks. The second factor that can influence the customers is the various
kinds of services provided by other banks and the third factor is suitable services
which meets customers’ needs provided by other banks.
From three factors above, Siam Commercial Bank should expand products and
services to cover the all customers’ needs and some products and services should be
adapted to be more compatible to the customers’ lifestyle. Siam Commercial Internet
banking services should market to all level of customers, not only the value customers.
From the research, the majority group of respondents is in the age of 25 through 35.
Siam Commercial Bank should not overlook this group of customers. Although they
have not very high potential when compared with the value customers of the bank,
this group of customers is becoming more and more important in the future.
5.3 Limitations and suggestions for future studies
As a result of the exploratory and descriptive nature of this study and limited literature
review in this area, there are limitations to the present study, and some more
suggestions for further research are presenting as following.
First, the limitation was the diversity of data sets. Due to this research is conducted in
Taiwan and the sample group is in Thailand, so it is hard to control the set of data.
Consequently, a large number of the respondents (25.5%) were students. In other
words, the most accessible demographic group of possible respondents was students.
In addition, the number of Thais who have experience in using Siam Commercial
Bank online customer service may be comparatively small since Internet banking is a
new services in Thailand. These issues limited the variety of results and the value of
the scope of findings.
Further, given the fact that the banks are averse to reveal names and addresses of their
customers, it is not easy to collect the data for this research. The researcher asked the
respondents to send the questionnaire to their familiars who have the experiences in
using online customer service of Siam Commercial baking. It would be useful if the
bank can provide the pool of data, thus the researcher can gain insight information
from these sets of customer.
During the process in present research, future research could make several extensions
of current study. First, the future research need to be enhanced and validated by using
more diversified random samples. Also, future research can verify the impact of
service quality to customer satisfaction and loyalty in overall scope in Internet
banking of Thailand. The study could, in the future be conducted to explore the
comparison of the service quality among Thai Internet banking. The future research
can also study the correlation between service quality and the adoption Internet
banking in Thailand.