“How I would like a church that is poor and for the

Web-Based Catholic Social Teaching Resources
“How I would like a church that is poor and for the poor.” – Pope Francis
Poverty, USA: www.povertyusa.org
5-minute video (Tour Poverty, USA), education and prayer resources
Global Rich List: www.globalrichlist.com
An interactive way of putting money in a global perspective: where do you rank?
Stop the Hunger: www.stopthehunger.com
Hunger and food waste statistics updated in real time
Miniature Earth Project: YouTube search “Miniature Earth”
If the world were a village of 100 people, how many would live on less than $2 a day?
Spent: www.playspent.org
“Choose your own adventure”-style activity that simulates living in poverty
Slavery Footprint: www.slaveryfootprint.org
Survey of your own possessions and how that affects the lives of others
Pray & Reflect
Rob Bell’s “Rich”: Google Video search “Rob Bell Rich”; click version dated
October 24, 2010
12-minute video that connects care for the poor with faith and Scripture
First-World Problems Rap: YouTube search “First world problems rap”
A funny reflection on we can often let little things bother us
Catholic Relief Services Prayers: education.crs.org/prayers
Try “The Lord’s Prayer: Little by Little We Change the World”
Free Rice: www.freerice.com
Trivia game in which each correct answer leads to 10 grains of donated rice
Kiva: www.kiva.org
Make a loan of $25 to an aspiring entrepreneur in the developing world
USCCB Action Network: Google search “USCCB Action Network”
Email, write, and call lawmakers about key Life & Justice issues
NETWORK: www.networklobby.org
Participate in legislative advocacy efforts with the effective and respected “nuns’ lobby”
“In-Person” Catholic Social Teaching Resources
To connect your faith community with any organization below, contact Mike Jordan Laskey,
Director of Life & Justice Ministries, at michael.laskey@camdendiocese.org.
Local Agencies/Organizations
Romero Center Young Adult Ministry (www.romero-center.org)
Service, social, and spiritual events throughout the year for adults in their 20s and 30s
Contact: Patrick Cashio, director of young adult ministry, cashio@romero-center.org
Diocese of Camden Life & Justice Ministries (camdenlifejustice.wordpress.com)
Topical presentations at your parish or school, parish social ministry resources, more
Camden Churches Organized for People (www.camdenchurches.org)
Community organization of congregations in and near Camden that works for change
Center for Environmental Transformation (camdencenterfortransformation.org)
Promotes environmental justice in Camden, rooted in Catholic Social Teaching
National & Global Agencies/Organizations
JustFaith Ministries (www.justfaith.org)
A wide range of programs that transform people and expand their commitment to social
ministry through education, prayer, reflection, service immersion, and more
Catholic Relief Services Rice Bowl and Fair Trade bazaar (www.crs.org)
Two tangible ways your faith community can support and learn about the work of CRS
Justice for Immigrants Postcard Campaign (www.justiceforimmigrants.org)
Print immigration reform postcards and invite people to send them to legislators
Just Neighbors Program (Google search “Just Neighbors Program”)
Interactive, multimedia poverty education and empowerment curriculum
Bread for the World Offering of Letters (www.bread.org)
Ecumenical hunger-relief advocacy effort; training for interested parishes offered at
Christ Our Light, Cherry Hill, 4/28, 2 pm. Register at bread.org.