News-Press • Saturday, June 15, 1996

* * * * News-Press • Saturday, June 15, 1996 - 7A
Former Senate Majority Leader and presidential campaigner Bob
Dote, standing next to his wife, Elizabeth, dons a cap given to him in
honor of flag day during a Georgia Republicans rally Friday at the '
Marriott Riverfront on Friday.
A time line of candidates'visits
Photos by Scott Bryant/Savannah News-Press
Bob Dole greets supporters at the Georgia Republican rally In Savannah.
a eourtin' Georgia
fy John Cbeves
Savannah News-Press
Georgia is a Southern lady who
likes to be wooed, and .the
Republican Partyv is doing a swell
Once a Democratic stronghold,
Georgia •— and slower^paced, tradi;*tibnal Savannah -^ enjoys the atten\J: tidn by ambitious Republicans. The
result scores of new GOP bfricehold^ ers, such as Rep: Jack KingstonrR^Ga., £nd hapi>y Republican rariklH
ahd*file, such as AnneEdgecQmbe.
^ v'ltfs now safe to be a. Republican
*V here,'r Edgecombe said; Fridayj waiV
TUi& fbf a glimpse of ?ob Dole after
^rfiis speech at the Savannah J/larnott
' '.Riverfront
always' that
' ' "It
' ' wasn't
political leaders in south
ia formerly bragged about the
legion of "yellow-dog
'"bemocrats". — people so loyal,
,lhey'd vote Democrat even if the can^'didatewasJa yellow dog,
^ After the Democratic primary, the
elections generally were decided in
• v.
history. Now
ItapubHcans such as Dole regularly
•{l visit Southern states they used to
:; jjass by, confident that their epnserv;i
ative ideology — fear of the United
Nations, support of religion and the
'• military — will win voters whose
? 'daddies and granddaddies reflexive^;}y pulled the Democrat lever.
- • : ' Dole won his biggest cheers in
. Savannah not on complicated eco"jiomic or domestic issues, but on
^simpler GOP favorites: the impor^tance of military service, a
^Constitutional amendment against
turning the American flag and the
'"removal of "liberal judges and liber, a) prosecutors."
• ' • • ' • ' •
"This is gonna be a tough state for
the Democrats to win this year," said
Emory University political scientist
Michael Giles.
"(President) Clinton is going to
have to come down and spend some
time here," Giles said, "He can't just
count on the black vote and the city
.whites who are a little more liberal.
The Republicans are top well-organized."
Kingston taunted Clinton on that
point Friday hinting that "the current and outgoing president" hasn't
bothered to spend much time in
Georgia since his 1992 election.
: "Bob Dble was in- -Marietta^ last
; week," ^Kingston reminded the
crowd. "Liddy Dole (Dole's wife); Was
, in Augusta last month.'' ^ ;,_'• ; ' ;
Dole wants Georgia's13 electoral
votes, .which went in 1992 to Clinton.
But it's unlikely he'll ne^d to sweat
much about Chatham County Unlike
many of its. neighbors in south
Georgia, urban Chatham has voted
Republican in the lastseveralpresidential elections.
"Savannah as a city tends to be
more conservative than even
Atlanta,^ said Armstrong State
College political scientist Vijay
•'Atlanta has a lot of transplants,
more liberal people(from placeslike
the Midwest," Kapur said.
"Savannah's still pretty conservative, traditional to its roots,"
Still, Edgecombe argued, Georgia
didn't leave the Democrats; if s the
Democratic Party that left Georgia
behind by becoming too liberal.
Steady, conservative Democrats
such as Sen. Sam Nunn, D-Ga., are
disappearing, she said.
"I think the Democratic Party, as a
whole, clearly has shifted to the
left," Edgecombe said.
• :
Continued from page 1A
The way we were
South Georgia rriay have a history
as "yellow-dog Democrat" country,
but urban Chatham County, usually .
prefers •Republican president?, the
one recent exception was
President Jimmy Carter — a
Georgian ~ in 1980.
1392 *
"!^-"V. ' •
Bush-Quayle(Rep): 31,925
Clinton-Gore (Dem): 31,533
PerbtrStockdaie. (Ind); 8,269
Other: 339
• Bush^u.ayle (Rep):,35;623
pukakjs-Bentsen (Dem): 25,063
Other: 603 ^
; Reagan-Bush (Rep): 38,580 ;
Mondale-Ferraro (Dem): 28,271
•'• : "; : - : i \ ; ; : - . . . ; ' • ; ' ; - . : - :
GarterrMondale (Dem): 28,413
Reagan-Bush (Rep): 26,499
Anderson-Lucey (j'nd): 1^234
Othen625 ,
. Source: Chatham County Board of Elections
''Atlanta has a lot of
transplants, more liberal
people from places like
the Midwest. Savannah's
still pretty conservative,
traditional to its roots"
Vijay Kapur
Armstrong State College
political scientist
draft, Bob Dole spent his youth dodging bullets," U.S. Rep. Jack Kingston
said in his introduction of Dole.
Dole picked *up thei Flag Day
theme, renewing his call for a constitutional amendment protecting the
Bob Dole visited Savannah in May 1987 to speak to the Georgia GOP „•
convention. Other presidential candidates' visits to Savannah include: ...
March 1975:Jimmy Carter arrives
September 1384: George Bush
for St. Patrick's Day celebration.
campaigns here.
: .'-y
: Speaks to Rotarians, rides in
January 1988: Pat Robertson astfs
for voter support.
February 1980: Ronald Reagan
February 1992: Bill Clinton holds ''"
speaks at Civic Center
rally in Johnson Square,
January 1984: Walter Mondale
March 1992: Pat Buchanan holds>
visits for invitation-only breakfast
;. breakfast rally.
. * • -i
at DeSdto Hilton.
May 1992: George Bush speaks on
February 1984: Visits by Jesse
River Street,
Compiled by staff researcher.Julia C. I
Jackson and Gary Hart.
Democratic Party Chairman -Beth'.
Scott renewed a charge that Dole is
violating federal campaign finance
laws by continuing to campaign even
though he has exceeded a federal
spending cap.
Committee filed a complaint against
Dole • with federal regulators this
weeky alleging he has surpassed the
' ; .' •':• : ' :,: ; ...v: :
"Some say let's go burn it, let's go
desecrate it — let's pass a constitutional amendment paying you can't
do that," he said.; '
"The flag represents America
itself," .he said. "President Clinton
does not support a constitutional
American flag. I do, I do, I do."
He vowed never to put the.U.S. military under control of the United
Nations if elected president.
"I will make that decision and not
Boutros Boutros-Ghali," Dole said.
The former Senate majority leader
reiterated his calls for a balanced
budget and welfare reform. And he
.pledged to appoint only strict conservatives to positions as federal
judges and prosecutors—in contrast
to what he said are. Clinton's liberal
While his comments received rousing , applause from Georgia
Republicans, they were dismissed as
inconsequential and irrelevant by
"One of these days Bob Dole will be
forced to face the important issues
that all Americans deal with/'
Clinton; campaign spokesman Joe
Lockhart said, "Americans are confronted with serious problems that
demand serious solutions."
Lockhart said Dole's call for a flagburning amendment is campaign
rhetoric because . "he was in
Congress 35 years and he never
seemed to get around to doing anything about it"
He said an independent counsel is
looking into the issue of the FBI
files, rendering moot Dole's call for
m investigation.
In addition, Chatham County
borne in Aim
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gains on' Clinton in new national
,•.". •
By Mike MokrzycW
the gap by 16 points from a similar
survey a month earlier.
The Associated Press
A Fox News poll released Friday
YORK — President Clinton's and a Harris Poll the day before also
once-imposing lead over Bob Dole is found the presidential contest to
shrinking in a new round of polls, have tightened in the past month,
with one survey Friday giving though not as dramatically.
"We're catching up," Dole told a
Clinton his smallest advantage in a
cheering crowd of 400 at a campaign
national survey in three months.
The time-CNN survey gave Clinton appearance in Savannah.
"It shows that I'm working," Dole
a 6 percentage point lead over Dole
among registered voters, narrowing told reporters earlier. "Polls are
polls, except this is better than I've
seen. It means, I assume, we got a
bump out of leaving the Senate, but
you can only do that once."
According to the CNN-Time survey,
Clinton would get 49 percent and
Dole 43 percent if the election were
today. The June 12-13 telephone poll
surveyed 807 registered voters and
had an error margin of plus or minus
3.5 percentage points.
Clinton's lead had tumbled 16
points from 56-34 in a May 15-16
CNN-Time poll.
The new polls were conducted
after Dole's emotional retirement
Tuesday from the Senate, where he
had been majority leader, to campaign full time for the presidency.
They also followed Dole's appeal
for a "declaration of tolerance" for
people who oppose the Republican
platform's strong anti-abortion
Adding to Randstad officials'
headaches was a statewide tele
phone number they gave out
Continued from page 1A
Thursday for applicants to call for
more information. It was not working
Hew into Savannah I n t e r n a t i o n a l in Savannah on Friday morning.
At the news conference ThursAirport, along with deorgia Labor
Commissioner David Poythress. to day, Drew said that potential appliannounce the 200 job openings in cants could call a special number
from any where in the state for job
, Savannah and up lo 4,000 more open
information. Told Friday that the
'" ings in Atlanta
fiowever, no one in Randstad's number was not working in Savan''Atlanta headquarters had called the nah, Drew said, "When it rains, it
Savannah office to tell them that the pours - we will take care of that."
Officials in Poythress' office said
^jobs were new ones, just ordered by
'-the Atlantic Committee for the Friday that they were unaware
Thursday of any communication
^Olympic Games and contractors,
problems at Randstad.
v The Savannah office was not noti
"1 am certainly glad to hear that it
"fied of the new job requests until
straightened out and that there
' Friday, well after applicants began
are 200 more jobs to fill," said
director of communica- "I wish they had told me Thursday,"
labor department in
Little, manager of
Randstad's Savannah office, said Atlanta.
: Friday. "I am realjy pleased to find Almost 125 Olympics-related jobs
have been filled already in
out there are 200 more jobs to fill."
Savannah. Drew said. There are still
between 3,000 and 4.000 Olympicrelated jobs to be filled in the
Atlanta area, she added.
Cecil Wilkerson. who heads the
Savannah office, said plans (o open
the White Bluff Road office today to
lake applications for the 200 Olympic
jobs have not changed
"We will keep the office open from
9 a.m. until 3 p.m.." Wilkerson said.
"If people come in. we will take their
names and put them into depart
ment's electronic log in Atlanta,
which Randstad can draw on."
"We will also use the opportunity to
take applications from people for a
lot of non-Olympic jobs we have
available," Wilkerson said.
Drew said that Randstad personnel
will be on hand at the labor department office here today to conduct
"We will take names and applications and likely will extend some job
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$37.1 million federal cap.on primary
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Georgia GOP .officials haVe.
acknowledged that Dole is near the
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The event in Savannah was paid fot
by the state GOP — rather than tfe»»
pole campaign -- because it ws&a
"unity rally" for all Georgia
Republican candidates, they said.'7
offers and also call some people
back for further interviews," Drew
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