ECO9723: Econometrics T&A Sebastiano Manzan Fall 2015 Assignment 5: Forecasting VaR • • • • Submit the problem in Blackboard by 6pm of MONDAY December 14th, 2015 the weight of this problem set is 3% of the overall grade The problem set is done individually, but you can discuss it with other students Upload in Blackboard the Word file and the Rmd file The aim of this assignment is to calculate and compare several risk measures for a portfolio of two assets. You are assigned two ETFs that represent traded “mutual funds” that give investors exposure to a wide set of asset classes. Download the adjusted closing price for the two ETFs assigned to you (see the last two pages of the assignment) at the daily frequency starting from the oldest date such that both ETFs have historical prices. Create the percentage log-returns using the usual formula Rt = 100 ∗ ln(Pt /Pt−1 ), where Pt represents the adjusted closing price in day t. Two possible problems that you might encounter: • I obtained the tickers from Yahoo Finance and I have not tested whether there is an ETF (and prices) associated with each ticker; in case your ticker does not exist, pick a substitute from the following list: DEE, CUT, SIVR, UUP, DBC, TMV, ITB, IWX, NDQ, VCLT • All ETFs should have at least 5 years of historical prices; in case your ETF has significantly less (two years of less) replace it with one of the following: IWX, CUT, NDQ, UUP, RFG, DBC, VCLT, TMV, DEE, ENY VaR assuming normality 1. Create the portfolio return of holding 40% in ETF 1 and 60% in ETF 2 which is given by Rp,t = w1 ∗ R1,t + w2 ∗ R2,t , where R1,t and R2,t are the daily returns of ETF 1 and 2 and w1 and w2 are the portfolio weights. Calculate the correlation between the ETF returns and their descriptive statistics and compare them with the statistics for the portfolio return. Discuss. 2. Calculate 99% VaR for the ETF returns and the portfolio return using EMA with λ = 0.06 and provide a time series plot of the risk measure. Discuss. 3. Calculate the violations of the 99% portfolio VaR starting from the 251st available day until the end of the sample. Discuss the results in relation to the value that is expected if the risk model is the true model. Historical Simulation (HS) 4. Calculate portfolio VaR at 99% based on the HS approach with M = 250 and provide a time series plot of portfolio risk for EMA and HS. Discuss the differences (if any) between the two measures. 1 5. Calculate the violations of HS VaR and compare the results to those for EMA. Which method is closer to the expected percentage of violations? [NB: the violation rate for the two methods refers to to the same set of days since we calculated the violations starting from the 251st day in point 3] Portfolio VaR Let’s consider now the disaggregate approach to risk calculation which requires to forecast the volatility of each ETF, in addition to also forecast the covariance/correlation between the two assets. 6. Forecast the variance of the daily returns for the two ETFs using EMA(0.06) and provide a time series plot of their standard deviation (volatility). Discuss the similarities/differences between the two volatility series. 7. Forecast the covariance of the daily ETF returns using the EMA(0.06) approach. Provide a time series plot of the correlation between the two assets for λ = 0.06 and λ = 0.01 and discuss: • if there evidence to argue that the correlation between the ETF is varying over time • the effect of changing the smoothing parameter 8. Calculate portfolio 99% VaR assuming normality and using the same weight as above. Provide a time series plot of the individual ETFs and portfolio VaR and discuss the results. Calculate the violation rate for portfolio VaR and compare the results with the methods considered earlier. The assigment should be done in Rstudio by creating a new file: File -> New File -> R Markdown and in the next window select Word as the output format. Save the file in your drive and compile it by clicking on the Knit Word button which opens up the document in Word (Office or OpenOffice). Upload the Word document in Blackboard under Assignment 5. 2 First Name ETF 1 TICKER 1 Abul Fazal iShares International Treasury Bond IGOV Matthew Vanguard Mid-Cap Value ETF VOE Lizi SPDR\xc2 S&P International Indl Sect ETF IPN Han Columbia Core Bond ETF GMTB Duc United States Short Oil ETF DNO Canberk PowerShares DWA Emerging Markets Mom ETF PIE Ryan SPDR\xc2 Dow Jones Global Real Estate ETF RWO Cheng DB Base Metals Double Long ETN BDD Haoxiang PIMCO Short Term Municipal Bond Actv ETF SMMU Dung CurrencyShares\xc2 Swiss Franc ETF FXF Jeffrey First Trust NASDAQ-100 Equal Wtd ETF QQEW Qing iShares Asia Developed Real Estate IFAS David First Trust ISE Global Platinum ETF PLTM Yiping PowerShares Dynamic Food & Beverage ETF PBJ Joyce iShares S&P Mid-Cap 400 Value IJJ Indhira SPDR\xc2 S&P 600 Small Cap ETF SLY Kathleen First Trust Cnsmr Staples AlphaDEX\xc2 ETF FXG Joshua Global X China Financials ETF CHIX Xingxin iShares US Financials IYF Andrea iShares MSCI EMU EZU Minqi iShares International Dev Rel Est IFGL William iShares MSCI ACWI ACWI Yanran iPath\xc2 Bloomberg Lead SubTR ETN LD Xiaolei PowerShares Golden Dragon China ETF PGJ Ming ProShares Short MidCap400 MYY First Name ETF 2 TICKER 2 Abul Fazal iShares iBoxx $ Invst Grade Crp Bond LQD Matthew iShares Globl Consumer Discretionary RXI Lizi iShares S&P Small-Cap 600 Value IJS Han PowerShares 1-30 Laddered Treasury ETF PLW Duc SPDR\xc2 Barclays Long Term Treasury ETF TLO Canberk Guggenheim S&P Global Div Opps Idx ETF LVL Ryan Vanguard FTSE All-World ex-US ETF VEU Cheng PowerShares DB Gold ETF DGL Haoxiang iShares Russell Mid-Cap Value IWS Dung First Trust ISE Global Platinum ETF PLTM Jeffrey PowerShares S&P SmallCap Energy ETF PSCE Qing PowerShares S&P SmallCap Utilities ETF PSCU David ProShares Ultra Health Care RXL Yiping ProShares Ultra Real Estate URE Joyce iShares Russell Top 200 IWL Indhira iShares Interm Government/Credit Bd GVI Kathleen Vanguard Total World Stock ETF VT Joshua PowerShares DWA Cnsmr Cyclicals Mom ETF PEZ Xingxin iShares Russell 1000 Growth IWF Andrea ProShares Ultra Russell2000 UWM Minqi PowerShares DWA Emerging Markets Mom ETF PIE William CurrencyShares\xc2 Japanese Yen ETF FXY Yanran iShares China Large-Cap FXI Xiaolei iShares 1-3 Year International Trs Bd ISHG Ming iPath\xc2 JPY/USD Exchange Rate ETN JYN 3