housing accommodation requests based on

The Disability Center (http://disabilitycenter.missouri.edu) receives requests, reviews documentation and works
with the Department of Residential Life to facilitate housing accommodations (e.g. wheelchair accessibility,
modified safety alarms) for students with disabilities. Residential living and the learning environment are central
to the Mizzou student experience, particularly for our first year students. We evaluate all requests for disabilitybased housing assignments carefully. Below is a summary of the factors considered when evaluating housing
Severity of the condition
1. Is the impact of the condition life threatening if the request is not met?
2. Is there a negative health impact that may be permanent if the request is not met?
3. Is the request an integral component of a treatment plan for the condition in question?
4. What is the likely impact on academic performance if the request is not met?
5. What is the likely impact on social development if the request is not met?
6. What is the likely impact on the student’s level of comfort if the request is not met?
Timing of the request
1. Was the request made with the initial housing request?
2. Was the request made before the deadline for housing requests for the semester in question?
3. Was the request made as soon as possible after identifying the need (based on date of diagnosis, receipt
of housing assignment, change in status, etc.)?
Feasibility and Availability
1. Is space available that meets the student’s needs?
2. Is the student requesting special interest housing (e.g. learning community, FIG)? If so, can the
requested configuration be met within that area?
3. Can space be adapted to provide the requested configuration without creating a safety hazard?
4. Are there other effective methods or housing configurations that would achieve similar benefits as the
requested configuration?
5. How does meeting this request impact housing commitments to other students?
To be eligible to request housing accommodations, students must be “otherwise qualified” to live in Residential
Life housing (e.g. possess a current contract or currently live in Residential Life housing). To initiate the request,
students should complete the attached Student Request for Housing Accommodations form, a Student
Information Questionnaire (SIQ) (available on the Disability Center website) and provide supporting
Supporting documentation should consist of an evaluation by an appropriate professional that relates the current
impact of the disability to the request, and should include:
 A diagnostic statement including the date of the most recent evaluation
 A description of the diagnostic criteria or tests used
 A statement concerning the current impact of (or limitations posed by) the disability as well as its
expected duration, stability or progression
 The credentials of the diagnosing professional
In addition, recommendations from the diagnosing/treating professional are welcome and will be given
consideration in evaluating a request. Recommendations should:
 Provide a clear description of the recommended housing configuration
 Connect the recommended configuration to the impact of the disability
 Suggest possible alternatives to the recommended configuration
 Include a statement of the level of need for (or the consequences of not receiving) the recommended
Adapted from Procedures for Dealing with Housing Request (Longwood College) – http://daisweb.com/node/35 11/13/08
S5 Memorial Union
Columbia, MO 65211
To be completed by the student who is requesting accommodation.
Name: ________________________________________________________________________
Student ID #: ______________________ Email Address: ________________________________
Permanent Address: _____________________________________________________________
Primary phone number: _____________________ Alternate phone number: _______________
Are you bringing a service animal?
This request is for housing in the following semester:
Residence Hall
University Apartment
Incoming 1st year student
Transfer student
Returning student (year______)
Graduate student
I understand that my request for housing accommodations will not be addressed until all required documentation
is received by the MU Disability Center. I also understand that I will be charged the established room rate for the
hall and type of room where I am assigned. By signing this form, I give permission for the Disability Center and
Residential Life to share pertinent information in order to facilitate my request for accommodation.
Student Signature
Please indicate the housing accommodations you are requesting (use the space below to provide
Modified equipment for deaf or hard of hearing persons
Wheelchair accessible room
Wheelchair accessible shower
Lowered closet rods
Avoid stairs and/or must be on lower level
Wheelchair access to elevator
Wheelchair accessible furnishings
Hands-free student room door access
Private restroom
Other _________________________________________________________________
Explain how your request relates to your disability:
Please use the space below (use additional sheets as needed) to provide any other information that
will be helpful in evaluating and providing the accommodations you request. You may choose to
answer these questions:
Is the impact of the condition life threatening if your request is not met?
Is there a negative health impact that may be permanent if your request is not met?
Is your request an integral component of a treatment plan for your disability?
What is the likely impact on your academic performance if your request is not met?
What is the likely impact on your social development if your request is not met?
What is the likely impact on your level of comfort if your request is not met?
Please attach a completed Student Information Questionnaire (SIQ) and your supporting
documentation to this form and send to:
MU Disability Center
S5 Memorial Union
University of Missouri
Columbia, MO 65211
Fax: 573-884-5002
Note: If you wish to request academic accommodations, additional specific documentation may be
required by the Disability Center. This may be sent at a later time and under separate cover. You are
encouraged to call (573-882-4696) or email (disabilitycenter@missouri.edu) us if you have questions
regarding your rights and responsibilities in this process.
Frequently Asked Questions
Housing and Disability Accommodations
I want to live on-campus and would like to request housing accommodations due to my disability. Which
department should I work with - Residential Life or the Disability Center?
You will actually work with both of our departments:
In order to live on-campus, all students go through Residential Life to set up a Housing and Dining
contract. The contract is what guarantees you a space in the residence halls. Here is a link to the Res Life
web page with information: http://reslife.missouri.edu/incoming-contract
In order to set up disability accommodations for your on-campus residence, you would work with our
Disability Center. The first step is to complete the Student Request for Housing Accommodations form.
You will find this form, along with more information about establishing an accommodation plan with the
Disability Center, at this page on our website: http://disabilitycenter.missouri.edu/accommodationsservices-policies/housing.php
I have been approved for housing accommodations through the Disability Center. Do I still need to do the
ROAR process online through Residential Life?
When the ROAR system is open (for housing for the fall semester), we recommend you participate in it,
even if you are approved for residential disability accommodations. This gives you an opportunity to
communicate your preferences early in the housing process.
Shortly after logging into ROAR online, there will be an option asking if you need accommodations due to
a disability. When you select that option, it will route you away from the room selection process and
allow you to select preferences, such as whether you’d like to be in a FIG or Learning Community, your
preferred type of floor plan, and possible roommate requests.
Once your housing accommodation request is approved through the Disability Center, we will connect
you with the specific director in Residential Life who will work with you personally to discuss your housing
preferences as well as your accommodation needs. The director will then hand-assign you to a room that
meets your needs and as many of your preferences as possible.
I need a single room because of my disability. Can I just select my own single room in ROAR? Or do I
need to choose the option for Disability Accommodation and get assigned to a room later?
You can select your own single room through ROAR. You do not need to choose the option for Disability
Accommodation. However, if you are not able to self-select a single room through ROAR that fits with
your stated preferences, you are welcome to request it as an accommodation.
If I need a certain type of room due to a disability (for example, a single or a suite style), would I pay the
posted room rate?
Yes, all students pay the posted room rate for the type of room or hall where they live. Room rates vary
and may be found at https://reslife.missouri.edu/rates-amenities. If modifications to your room were
needed, such as visual alarm systems or hands-free door access, the modifications would be made at no
cost to you.
I have a medical condition and need to take prescribed medication for it. Do I need to request
accommodations through the Disability Center in order to keep my medicine in my room?
It depends. If your medicine can be stored at room-temperature, it is fine to keep it in your room,
although we would recommend bringing a small lock-box to keep it secure. However, if your medicine
must be refrigerated and you need a second refrigerator in which to store it in the room, then you would
need to request to have a second refrigerator as a housing accommodation.
I want to live on-campus because of my disability, but I do not have a Housing and Dining contract yet.
Can the Disability Center help me get a contract?
No, there is not an accommodation related to securing the contract itself. Because Housing and Dining
contracts are available on a first-come first-served basis, it creates an equal opportunity for all students to
secure a contract.
When students have a contract, we will gladly assist with setting up any accommodations that may be
needed for their residence space.
There is assistance available to locate housing options for students who are not able to live on-campus
through the department of Off-Campus Student Services: http://offcampus.missouri.edu/index.html
If I have been approved for accommodations through the Disability Center and am being assigned a room
individually through Residential Life, when will I be assigned a room?
It varies, depending on the semester as well as when you submit your Housing and Dining contract.
Please consult with Residential Life for more information on timelines.