THE NATURE OF CARETAKER SPEECH IN DISCIPLINING CHILDREN FOUND IN THE FINCK FAMILY IN NANNY 911 REALITY SHOW EPISODE 1 AND ITS IMPLICATION IN ENGLISH TEACHING TO YOUNG LEARNERS THESIS Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For Graduate Degree of Language Study at Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta Written by : ASRI HERU WATI S200120067 MAGISTER OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE STUDY GRADUATE PROGRAM MUHAMMADIYAH UNIVERSITY OF SURAKARTA 2015 ii iii iv MOTTO Stay positive Be strong And focus on your dreams. Work hard in silence Let your success make all the noise v DEDICATION This thesis paper is proudly and wholeheartedly dedicated to: My beloved Father (almarhuma) and Mother, Husband. Thanks for every care, love, support, and prayer they devote for me. I love you so much. My beloved sisters, brothers. Thanks for your love, warmness and care for me. You are the best I have. Thanks for everything. I love you. vi vii ABSTRACT This study is mainly intended to find out the nature of caretaker speech found in the Finck Family Found in Nanny 911 Reality Show Episode 1. The objectives of this research are to analyze type of language form, analyze type of language function, and message contained in caretaker speech found in Nanny 911 Reality Show Episode 1. This study is qualitative research which involves approach analysis. The objectives of this research are to analyze the type of language form, and to analyze the type of language function, and to analyze the message function in the Finck Family found in Nanny 911 reality show episode 1. In collecting the data, the researcher uses documentation expert. The data are analyzed using Huberman and Miles theory. The study in this research, the caretaker uses expression more than sentence for example “reward for good behavior” and “simple word”. The result showed that there are 7 form of expressions, 8 form of type sentences divided 2 classifications which the highest of expression is 32,35% about logical consequences and the highest of sentence is 11,54% about imperative sentence. Considering the result above, it can be concluded that caretaker speech is good choice to controlling or disciplining children. Key words: caretaker speech, disciplining children, teaching English to young learners(TEFL) viii PRONOUNCEMENT I am the writer of this thesis, Name : Asri Heru Wati NIM : S 200120067 Program : Magister of Language Study Focus on : Education Title : The Nature of Caretaker Speech in Disciplining Children Found in the Finck Family Nanny911Reality Show Episode 1 and Its Implication in English Teaching to Young Learners Certify that this thesis is definitely my own work. I am completely responsible for its contents. Otherwise, there are some other writer’s opinions for findings included in this thesis but they are quoted or cited in accordance with ethical standard. When there is evidence that this thesis is a kind of plagiarism, I will accept the correlation of my post graduate degree given by Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. Surakarta, Sincerely, Asri Heru Wati ix ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ﺒﺴﻢﺍﻠﻠﻪﺍﻠﺮﺤﻤﻦﺍﻠﺮﺤﻴﻢ Alhamdullilahirabbal’alamin, praise and gratitude to the most gracious and most merciful, Allah SWT for blessing the writer in performing this thesis, under the title of “The Nature of Caretaker Speech in Disciplining Children Found in the Finck Family Nanny 911Reality Show Episode 1 and Its Implication in English Teaching to Young Learners”. This is the one of the requirements for getting the post graduate degree of Language Department at Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. The writer realizes that this thesis would never be possible without other people’ help, so the writer would like to express her gratitude and appreciation to: 1. Prof. Dr. Khudzaifah Dimyati, SH, M.Hum, The director of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta, 2. Prof. Dr. Markhamah, M.Hum, the Head of Language Study Department, 3. Prof. Dr. Endang Fauziati, Dr. Mauly Halwat, as advisors of this thesis who have guided and advised her during the arrangement of research paper from the beginning until the end, x The writer’s beloved Father (Almarhumma)and Mother, who always give all love, support and prayer, 4. Her beloved husband, brother, sisters who always support and care the writer 5. Her big Family in Denasri Wetan Batang 6. All her friends in Magister of Language Study in Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta 7. Her best friends who always support and give strength 8. All the parties that cannot be mentioned one by one. The writer realizes that this research paper still has a lot of weaknesses. Therefore, the writer would thank to the readers if they can give the suggestion and criticism to make the thesis better. Surakarta, ASRI HERU WATI S 200120067 xi TABLE OF CONTENT TITLE ............................................................................................................... i NOTE OF ADVISOR I ........................................................................................ ii NOTE OF ADVISOR II ....................................................................................... iii ADVISOR APPROVED ...................................................................................... iv MOTTO ............................................................................................................ v DEDICATION .................................................................................................... vi ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................ vii PRONOUNCEMENT ......................................................................................... viii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................... ix TABLE OF CONTENT ....................................................................................... xi CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION .......................................................................... 1 A. Background of the Study ............................................................... 1 B. Research Problem .......................................................................... 4 C. Objectives of the Study .................................................................. 5 D. Benefits of the Study ...................................................................... 6 E. Definition of Terms ........................................................................ 6 CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE ............................................. 7 A. Previous Studies ............................................................................ 7 B. Underlying Theory .......................................................................... 23 xii 1. Caretaker Speech ............................................................................ 24 a. Notion....................................................................................... 24 b. Characteristics of Caretaker Speech ....................................... 27 c. Function of Caretaker Speech ................................................. 29 2. Language Form ................................................................................ 31 a. Expressions in Disciplining Children ........................................ 31 b. Sentence ................................................................................... 33 3. Language Function .......................................................................... 38 C. Theoretical Framework .................................................................. 44 CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHOD .................................................................. 47 A. Type of the Research ..................................................................... 47 B. Object of the Research ................................................................... 48 C. Data and Data Source .................................................................... 48 D. Technique of Collecting Data ......................................................... 48 E. Technique of the Data Analysis ..................................................... 49 CHAPTER IV: RESEARCH FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS ................................. 50 A. Research Findings ........................................................................... 50 1. The Type of Language Forms ..................................................... 50 a. Expressions ............................................................................ 51 b. Sentence ................................................................................ 58 2. The Type of Language Functions ............................................... 72 3. The Message Contained within each caretaker to children .................................................................................. 80 xiii B. Discussion of Finding ...................................................................... 85 CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION, PEDAGOGICAL IMPLICATION, SUGGESTION ...... 90 A. Conclusion ...................................................................................... 90 B. Pedagogical Implication ................................................................. 91 C. Suggestion ...................................................................................... 96 BIBLIOGRAPHY ................................................................................................. 97 VIRTUAL REFERENCES...................................................................................... 97 APPENDIX………………………………………………………………………………………………..102 xiv