Is robot-aided sensorimotor training in stroke rehabilitation a realistic option? Bruce T. Volpea,b, Hermano I. Krebsc and Neville Hoganc,d Stroke is the leading cause of disability, despite continued advances in prevention and treatment techniques based on novel delivery of new fibrinolytic drugs. Improved medical treatment of the complications caused by acute stroke has contributed to decreased mortality, but 90% of the survivors have significant neurological deficits. Reducing the degree of permanent disability remains the goal of poststroke neurorehabilitation programs, and new approaches to impairment reduction through managing sensorimotor experience may contribute further to altering disability. Recent reports from a number of laboratories using enhanced sensorimotor training protocols, particularly those with robotic devices, have indicated modest success in reducing impairment and increasing motor power in the exercised limb of patients with stroke when compared with control individuals. Whether arming the therapist with new tools, especially robotic devices, to treat impairment is a realistic approach to modern interdisciplinary rehabilitation raises questions regarding the added value of impairment reduction, and under what conditions should scientific and clinical development of robotic studies continue. Curr Opin Neurol 14:745±752. # 2001 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. a Burke Medical Research Institute, White Plains, New York, bWeill Medical College of Cornell University, Department Neurology and Neuroscience, NY, NY, c Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Mechanical Engineering Department, Newman Laboratory for Biomechanics and Human Rehabilitation, Massachusetts, and dMassachusetts Institute of Technology, Brain and Cognitive Sciences Department, Cambridge, MA, USA Correspondence to Bruce T. Volpe, Burke Medical Research Institute, 785 Mamaroneck Avenue, White Plains, NY 10605, USA Fax: +1 914 597 2796; e-mail: Current Opinion in Neurology 2001, 14:745±752 # 2001 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 1350-7540 Introduction Despite the success of preventive strategies that control blood pressure and treat atrial ®brillation, and that encourage cessation of smoking, attention to weight control and a modest exercise regimen, recent studies have revised upward the incidence of stroke [1,2]. With increasing life expectancy and the coincidence of the `baby boom' generation growing older, coupled with improved medical treatment of the complications caused by acute stroke, in the USA the ranks of the over 4 million survivors of stroke alive today are likely to swell considerably [1]. Most survivors of stroke are left with signi®cant residual physical, cognitive and psychological impairments, and the combination of these impairments results in disability. Re-emergence of the treatment principle of impairment reduction A patient's impairment or neurologic de®cit is de®ned by the speci®c loss or abnormality of psychologic, physiologic, or anatomic structure. Impairment after stroke depends on the lesion size and location in the brain. Disability is a broader term that captures any restriction or lack of ability to perform an activity within the range considered normal. Current interdisciplinary treatment programs for patients with stroke attend to both impairment and disability reduction; however, the rush to discharge the patient from the rehabilitation hospital more quickly has prompted a shift toward encouraging functional improvement by learning compensatory techniques. Although this emphasis on disability reduction also happens to coincide with the patient's main concern, it occurs at the expense of impairment reduction. Recent experimental results [3] suggest that the hasty compensation for a disability engenders a pattern of disuse in the impaired limbs that extinguishes temporarily that aspect of recovery and mutes the potential for future impairment change, if not recovery measured in terms of disability reduction. In fact, constraint induced or forced-use treatments, in which the partly paralyzed upper limb is the focus of motor activity, have led to signi®cant improvements in motor power both in the acute [4] and chronic [5,6] rehabilitation period after stroke. Studies of patients on acute poststroke rehabilitation programs had the advantage of comparing a forced-use treated group with control individuals [4]. 745 746 Trauma and rehabilitation Other studies [5,6] using constraint-induced programs in patients with chronic stroke suggest that, for some, additional recovery follows additional training. The largest proportion of recovery occurs during the weeks and months that immediately follow the acute stroke; these data therefore suggest that, for some, motor recovery occurs in a salutatory pattern, with functional plateaus that may be followed by change. Rehabilitation and attention to recovery need not stop after the acute rehabilitation hospital event, and the potential of home training or home training enhanced with devices managed by therapists might continue to contribute to recovery goals. Rigorous outcome studies with appropriate controls trigger the need for new approaches Forced-use or constraint-induced strategies have exploited the natural context of patients' environment by requiring increased use of the paralyzed limb. These efforts are consistent with experiments in which increased focused additional sensorimotor training for the paralyzed limb were employed to improve outcome [7,8]. Because most patients display some recovery after stroke and the natural history of those changes (especially for the sensorimotor system) have been well described, recent studies of the effect of a speci®c intervention have compared outcome with an appropriate control. For example, investigators have demonstrated that the addition of 30 min of a pushing exercise of the paretic upper limb over 30 sessions to a program of poststroke rehabilitation facilitated motor recovery of that paretic limb [9]. A general attempt to enhance rehabilitation with an ``eclectic . . . selection of treatment techniques'' led to improved motor outcome 6 months after the stroke, but the control group had caught up with the treatment group by 1 year [10,11]. Other experiments also attempted to focus the training and then specify the measurement of outcome [7]. In that study, enhanced training for the upper or lower limb led to improved outcome for treated limbs, and not especially for the `untreated' limbs. Several groups have described results from functional imaging of the brain in patients recovered from stroke [12±16]. There was increased blood ¯ow in areas around the lesion, in supplemental and premotor cortex, and in ipsilateral motor cortex (ipsilesional). The signi®cance of these novel descriptions remains controversial. In patients recovering from stroke, recent work has tested the effect of enhanced treatment for the paralyzed arm using sequential positron emission tomography images performed while the patients had their affected limb passively moved [17 .]. The second positron emission tomography scan, in patients randomized to an intensive treatment or standard treatment, demonstrated that the enhanced treatment group had more activation, indicating greater regional cerebral blood ¯ow in a number of sensorimotor cortical areas. The group treated with enhanced therapy also had improved functional outcome as compared with control individuals on standard treatment. Increased regional activation was also observed in a functional magnetic resonance imaging task in patients recovering from stroke [18 .]. In those controlled studies the group treated with `more' therapy had better motor outcome, particularly when the outcome measure was focused on the exercised limb. Although the effect on muscles, joints, and the general effect of conditioning were not measured in those studies, the signi®cant changes in regional cerebral blood ¯ow suggest that enriched sensorimotor experience has a direct effect on the brain. A broader context for candidate brain mechanisms underlying recovery Recent work with animal recovery models also supports the idea that training enhances recovery after damage to the central nervous system. Animals with focal cortical injury exposed to enriched or challenging sensorimotor environments exhibited greater anatomic responses [19± 21]. Other experiments in animals in which highly practiced motor tasks were interrupted by speci®c focal brain injury [22±26] demonstrated that retraining the motor-impaired animals led to improved functional output, sometimes nearly to levels of prelesion performance, depending on the task and lesion size. The critical measures focused on remapping the sensory cortex in animals that had sustained lesions, had been trained, and in which the prelesion maps had been determined. Postlesion sensory representations of the trained upper limb re-emerged in novel cortical locations. Furthermore, the studied cortical zones were excited by novel stimuli, the representations were enlarged, and multiple receptive ®elds from other parts of the limb were also represented in the emergent cortical receptive ®eld. Basic work in animal models, clinical outcomes research, and functional brain imaging data suggest that activitydependent plasticity contributes importantly to recovery. This work supports a clinical model in which some sensorimotor experience abets recovery of the impairment after brain injury. Present state of therapy: an opportunity for technological experiment Current standard interdisciplinary treatment for stroke rehabilitation is labor intensive, usually relying on oneon-one, manual interactions with therapists. Studies that use enhanced training are no exception. The treatment protocols rely on daily interaction over periods of weeks. For stroke, because the therapy that promotes the best Robot-aided sensorimotor training Volpe et al. 747 recovery is unknown, most therapists use a combination of traditional techniques. Patient evaluation is usually done subjectively, making it dif®cult to monitor treatment effects. This situation presents an opportunity to create new technological solutions to the problems of neuro-recovery. Devices that provide safe, quanti®able, and reproducible physical activity would clearly assist health care delivery experts. Whether experiments with these devices produce added value are challenges that loom large. The primary challenge is whether the robotic training has ef®cacy ± does it work? When compared with control individuals, does enhanced sensorimotor training with robotic devices produce not only decreased impairment but also decreased disability, and are the motor improvements long lasting. Second, and for the present beyond the scope of the present review, if robotic training is effective then are cost ef®ciencies obtained as a result? Recent data gathered by several groups concentrate on the use of upper limb robotics in patients with stroke. Those studies have proposed initial design standards, and have demonstrated preliminary results in over 100 patients who have had robotic sensorimotor therapy added to standard rehabilitation programs. We consider those data as an example of the potential of technologybased methods, and intentionally leave to another discussion the complementary approaches of other devices that are meant to enhance recovery of gait. Such approaches include body weight supported treadmill trainers [27,28,29 .,30,31 .,33 .], functional neuromuscular stimulation for gait training [34 .,35 .], and other functional electrical stimulation strategies for upper limb recovery [36,37]. Robot training: tools for therapists to increase productivity and quality of care The idea we are attempting to test is not whether robots or robotic devices can serve the brain injured patient, the `tin man' metaphor. Rather, we are testing whether we can improve motor outcome by equipping therapists with robotic devices to enhance the sensorimotor aspect of rehabilitation. Clinical and scienti®c rationales exist for added sensorimotor training during the recovery period after stroke. Before examining the outcome results from several groups, it is worth discussing the practical advantages and disadvantages of robotic training. On the positive side, the robot will deliver a quanti®able input and measure the patient's output objectively. This unparalleled objective measurement of movement will contribute to other outcomes research, for example combined robotic and pharmacological intervention. A standard day in a rehabilitation hospital requires at least 3 h of instruction, leaving several time periods available for additional therapy. Under optimal conditions and assuming the effect on outcome is positive, a single therapist could manage multiple patients, each of whom is interacting with their device. Patient acceptance of the robotic devices as training machines ®ts into their conception of the standard rehabilitation gym that is already ®lled with wheel and pulley devices, and patients' general interest in the multimedia aspect of some of the devices is also compelling. The effectiveness of the robotic training program with regard to impairment and disability reduction is yet to be fully determined. The measure of the cost is a more dif®cult question, and should be postponed pending the determination of effectiveness. It is important to note that there are at least two different approaches to the application of robotic technology. Brie¯y, industrial robots typically emphasize controlling robot position, so that applications that do not require controlled contact (e.g. automobile spray-painting) comprise its most successful and safe application. Reliable control of the forces exerted on a manipulated object is more challenging, although it has been shown to be practicable. We have taken an alternative approach of controlling the dynamic relation between motion and the forces of interaction between the robot and the object it manipulates [38±41]. (Material published before the annual period of review provides the initial articulations of the impedance control concept [38,39], a patent statement [40], and key engineering references that motivated the low-impedance, high-compliance approach [41].) This strategy with its advantage of rapidly and smoothly responding to forces exerted on it, so that it is compliant and easy to move, emphasizes a `biologically friendly' quality [39,42]. (In an important historical article, Flash and Hogan [42] argued that the `minimum jerk' hypothesis captured signi®cant information about movement generation.) Along these lines, Krebs et al. [43] found that initial movements as recovery proceeded conformed to the minimum jerk hypothesis, and indicated that the recovering patients blended submovements in performing the motor task. These `back-driveable' machines also tolerate rapid or uncontrolled movement, as occurs in tremor or myoclonus, with a safety factor that exceeds that of the industrial designed position controlled machines [43]. Whether one strategy is more clinically effective than another is an empirical issue. It may be that all approaches are successful in particular groups of patients. Experimental results on robotic enhanced rehabilitation The Burke±Massachusetts Institute of Technology group subjected the upper limb robotic device to a test 748 Trauma and rehabilitation of clinical effectiveness for the ®rst time some 6 years ago. The experimental design has not changed, although the designs to explore aspects of motor recovery that have characteristics of motor learning have evolved, and new efforts have focused on the development of the visual display in order to motivate interest in exercise. Figure 1 depicts a typical patient setup in front of the robotic device for treatment. Consecutive patients were randomly assigned to a robot treatment or control group. Inclusion criteria were that the patients had been admitted to the rehabilitation hospital within 3 weeks of their ®rst stroke, had sustained some upper limb weakness, and were able to follow a few simple instructions. A `measuring' therapist who was unaware of the patient's group assignment made all clinical measurements of impairment and disability. All patients, robot treated and control, underwent a standard interdisciplinary rehabilitation program, the robot treatment or control was added to the program. Robot training took place in a standard therapy suite (supervised by a research therapist), lasted 45 min (without setup, which took approximately 10 min), and required that a patient performed 1024 ¯exion and extension movements of the arm with gravity eliminated in eight directions represented by the points of a compass. The training program occurred 5 days per week for 4 weeks. Control patients had less time on the robot (1 or 2 h/week), the motors were never turned on, and the patients moved the affected limb with the unaffected limb. Table 1 indicates the interval change from rehabilitation admission to discharge in 96 patients. In order to address the question posed in the central argument of this paper, these data are a compilation of the past published results with the current addition of 20 new patients [44,45 . .,46,47,48 . .,49 . .]. Details of the new adaptive training protocols and the various temporal sequences will be elaborated elsewhere. The robottrained group demonstrated increased Fugl±Meyer for shoulder and elbow (maximum 42) scores, but the difference was not signi®cant. The expanded measure of upper limb motor impairment (Motor Power, standard muscle testing, maximum 20) and the expanded mixed measure of upper limb impairment and disability (the Motor Status Score for shoulder and elbow, maximum 40) were signi®cantly improved in the robot-trained group as compared with the control group. In data reported elsewhere [44,45 . .,46], the motor improvement was con®ned to the exercised proximal limb: movements around the shoulder and elbow. There was no advantage conferred by robotic training on sensorimotor activity of the wrist and ®ngers. Motor performance of lower limb activity, especially gait, was comparable between groups. Figure 1. Robot training with the MIT-Manus at the Burke Medical Research Institute A patient seated in front of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology± Manus device with her shoulders strapped to the chair and moving the manipulandum. The patient's hand is strapped to a wrist carrier attached to the manipulandum. The video screen is above the training table. Table 1. Change from rehabilitation admission to discharge in robottrained and control stroke patients Group Robot-trained (n = 56) Control (n = 40) Significance FM S/E (maximum 42) MSS S/E (maximum 40) MP (maximum 20) 6.6+1.0 4.9+0.8 NS 8.6+0.9 3.4+0.5 P50.001 4.1+0.4 2.2+0.3 P50.005 These 96 patients with stroke had rehabilitation treatment shortly after the event, and the robot-trained group demonstrated significant improvement as compared with the control patients. The impairment measurements depict interval change (mean+standard error). Timing of stroke to rehabilitation (around 2.5 weeks), duration of rehabilitation experience (around 3.5 weeks) and all admission impairment measures were comparable between groups. FM S/E, Fugl±Meyer Score for shoulder and elbow; MP, Muscle Power; MMS S/E, Motor Status Scale for shoulder and elbow. Figure 2 shows the impairment results on the Motor Power Scale for the 96 patients, and follow-up evaluation about 3 years after stroke for 31 patients. The robottrained group demonstrated sustained impairment gains in the upper limb compared with the control individuals, although the difference is not signi®cant; this indicates that improvement continues, albeit to a modest degree, many months after stroke. For those 96 patients the interval change in the Functional Independence Measure (a reliable disability score) was comparable across groups. The Functional Independence Measure has reliability and validity, but many of the activities measured in the self-care subsection that depend on upper limb motor control Robot-aided sensorimotor training Volpe et al. 749 Figure 2. Change in motor power after robot training or control in patients recovering from stroke Motor 20 power 17.5 15 12.5 10 7.5 5 2.5 0 Admission (n = 96) Discharge (n = 96) Follow up (n = 31) Control Robot-trained Mean+standard error Motor Power scores (maximum score 20) of 96 patients on admission before rehabilitation, at discharge after rehabilitation and robotic training or control, and at follow-up evaluation approximately 3 years after stroke. Robot-trained patients maintain the motor improvements. *P50.05, versus control. can be performed with one limb. Because these scores were not obtained with the restriction of using only the paralyzed or unaffected limb, a de®nitive conclusion regarding the links among decreased upper limb motor impairment, increased motor function and decreased disability is not currently possible. The Palo Alto Veteran's Affairs±Stanford group has pioneered the use of robotic training for patients who had stroke for many months or years [50,51,52 . .,53 .,54]. Their published results focus on treating over 24 patients 6 months to 2 years after stroke with a robotic device called `MIME' (mirror image motion enabler; a PUMA 260 machine). Patients were randomly assigned to robot treatment or control. All patients were in a treatment program for the same amount of time. Robottreated patients had their upper extremity manipulated by the robot as well as the therapist, whereas control patients had only the therapist manipulate their affected upper limb. Therapists determined the stage and the application of the individually tailored robot treatment protocol. The results demonstrate that the robot-treated patients had signi®cantly greater interval change in the Fugl± Meyer scale score for shoulder and elbow activity, but not for wrist and hand activity [52 . .,53 .,54]. The robottrained patients also demonstrated signi®cantly improved percentage change in mean strength of shoulder and elbow movements as compared with control patients. Consistent with the Burke±Massachusetts Institute of Technology results in patients treated within weeks of stroke, the Palo Alto Veteran's Affairs±Stanford experiments demonstrated that recovery may be enhanced during different time periods, because it almost certainly continues in small increments months to years after the acute stroke. Additional recent work from that group explored the added effect of visual context on stroke recovery. They designed a split wheel robotic device that requires different levels of force on various parts of the wheel to train and test driving ability [54 . .]. Other groups have also explored the use of the visual display to increase interest and motivation [47,55]. The Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago±University of California at Irvine group reported the initial training results of adding a therapy with a robotic controlled reaching device (Assistive Rehabilitation and Measurement Guide) to a standard program [56,57 . .]. (Reinkensmeyer et al. [56] provided engineering information for the device, which can guide upper limb movement against gravity). They trained over 12 patients with chronic stroke (some over 5 years after stroke) on the reaching paradigm. Initial results demonstrated that trained patients had improved kinematics of reach and velocity, and better control of tone; patients produced smoother movements [57 . .]. If smoothness or the quality of movement acquired in recovery matters to outcome, and smoothness has been shown to be a de®ning characteristic of normal, coordinated movement (42 for example), then these detailed measurements obtained only by technological instrumentation will add another clinically important dimension. A randomized study [58,59 . .] demonstrated that control patients treated with an equal number of movements directed by a therapist improved to a level comparable to the level achieved by those trained using the Assistive Rehabilitation and Measurement Guide device. Furthermore, using a disability measure of bimanual functional activity, those investigators found trends that favored the robottreated group [60]. Conclusion A variety of robotic approaches also appear to in¯uence favorably the motor outcome in patients with chronic injury. In combination, these data demonstrate that robotic sensorimotor training added to an acute rehabilitation program improved motor outcome as compared with control patients. These studies were prospective and randomized, with masked therapists acting to assess outcome [44±49]. The improved outcome appears concentrated in the exercised limb. In the follow up studies to date, the advantage conferred by robotic training continues for at least 3 years. These promising results prompt further questions. 750 Trauma and rehabilitation In addition to the modest gains in impairment reduction, some groups are identifying gains in disability reduction. Although some of the current robotic devices could be programmed to teach a patient to compensate for a task-related de®cit, the current protocols were not designed to compensate for a speci®c task. The broader goal is to help therapists treat impairment more effectively. Whether these devices will replace therapists or exist as a potent new tool for therapists should settle de®nitively on the latter purpose. For the robot to be an effective tool, gains in impairment should translate into disability gains. In order to make a paralyzed arm more functional, improved wrist, hand, and ®nger function must follow. Robotic devices are currently in the test phase that will train the wrist and ®ngers, and continue to develop shoulder elevation [61±64]. The impairment in the distal upper limb may dictate whether robotic training programs can in¯uence disability. These tests will be completed soon, and results will become available in the near future. Experiments should determine whether the critical ingredient that underlies motor improvement is the intensity of the movement experience. An approach to this question requires that the treatment and control group spend equivalent time, respectively, moving or being moved by a device or by a therapist. The Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago±University of California at Irvine group has shown that comparable training by therapists (and speci®cally the same number of movements [58 .]) leads to comparable clinical outcomes between robot-trained and control patients. Under the circumstances of the amount of movement that is possible on a robotic device, it may be dif®cult for the typical one-on-one therapist±patient interaction to compete. For example with the Burke±Massachusetts Institute of Technology device (the Manus), a subject typically had over 20 000 extra ¯exion±extension upper limb movements. Nevertheless, there are wheel and pulley devices that could be employed to test this question. There should be a collaborative effort to gather the data with alacrity. The groups should agree on subjective clinical scales so that they are measuring the same movement variables, and the effectiveness of devices could be compared. New measurement scales must have bona ®de reliability and correlate with the long established, reliable scales. There should be an attempt to generate objective measures and test the correlation of these objective measures with the standard clinical scales. Finally, there should be a concerted effort to understand the relationship between structure and function. Clearly, some patients with stroke undergo better recovery than others. There are a variety of robotic techniques and nonrobotic techniques that have demonstrated effectiveness in changing the level of impairment, and some have in¯uenced the level of disability. For the ®rst time, to our knowledge, these data demonstrate that more sensorimotor training leads to better motor outcome compared with control. One of the possible reinterpretations of the question in the title of the present review might be, `Can we afford to continue emphasizing disability reduction at the expense of a balanced approach to impairment, as well as disability reduction?' A ®nal determination regarding whether the use of robotic devices in stroke rehabilitation is realistic needs to be postponed, because more work is required. However, arguments have been advanced that the proper question might be whether neglecting to arm the therapist with new tools, among them robotic devices, can continue to be a realistic option. Acknowledgements The authors acknowledge support from the Burke Medical Research Institute, the USPHS (NIH, HD 37397 and 36827), and the Langeloth Foundation. 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Neurobiol Learn Mem 2000; 74:27±55. 44 Aisen ML, Krebs HI, Hogan N, et al. The effect of robot assisted therapy and rehabilitative training on motor recovery following stroke. Arch Neurol 1997; 54:443±446. 25 Schallert T, Kozlowski DA, Humm JL, Cocke RR. Use-dependent structural events in recovery of function. Adv Neurol 1997; 73:229±238. 45 Volpe BT, Krebs HI, Hogan N, et al. A novel approach to stroke rehabilitation: . . robot aided sensorimotor stimulation. Neurology 2000; 54:1938±1944. Fifty-six patients (30 in treatment group, 26 control patients) were treated within 3 weeks after stroke. Control patients, measuring therapist, and design were comparable to those of the first study [44]. A significant advantage in motor power improvement as compared with control patients was identified, but there was no effect on disability. Clinical characteristics and motor scores on admission, location and size of stroke were comparable between groups. This work provides preliminary evidence that, among patients with larger lesions, those who undergo this form of treatment improve more than do control patients. 26 Xerri C, Merzenich MM, Peterson BE, Jenkins W. Plasticity of primary somatosensory cortex paralleling sensorimotor skill recovery from stroke in adult monkeys. J Neurophysiol 1998; 79:2119±2148. 27 Barbeau H, McCrea DA, O'Donovan MJ, et al. Tapping into spinal circuits to restore motor function. Brain Res 1999; 20:27±51. 28 Barbeau H, Ladouceur M, Norman KE, et al. Walking after spinal cord injury: evaluation, treatment and functional recovery. Arch Phys Med Rehab 1999; 80:225±235. 29 Edgerton VR, deLeon RD, Harkema SJ, et al. Retraining the injured spinal cord. . J Physiol 2001; 533:15±22. Edgerton et al. provide a review of an exciting rationale for device intervention and novel potential pharmacologic intervention. A companion paper [26,27] provides a review of critical physiology. 30 Hesse S, Uhlenbrock D, Werner C, Bardelben A. A mechanized gait trainer for restoring gait in nonambulatory subjects. Arch Phys Med Rehab 2000; 81:1158±1161. 31 Hesse S, Uhlenbrock D. A mechanized gait trainer for restoration of gait. J . Rehabil Res Dev 2000; 37:701±708. This gait trainer has an updated design compared with a device that was previously used successfully to restore gait in hemiplegic patients. Companion paper [30] reports individual patients trained in an advanced system that `does not overstrain' therapists. The later work also reports electromyography comparisons with normal persons, suggesting improved gait kinematics for the patient while on the trainer. 32 Colombo G, Joerg M, Schreier R, Dietz V. Treadmill training of paraplegic . patients using a robotic orthosis. J Rehabil Res Dev 2000; 37:693±700. In this report, a treadmill trainer is described with driven gait orthosis that moves the subject's legs. 46 Volpe BT, Krebs HI, Hogan N, et al. Robot training enhanced motor outcome in patients with stroke maintained in three year follow-up. Neurology 1999; 53:1874±1876. 47 Krebs HI, Hogan N, Aisen ML, Volpe BT. Robot aided neuro-rehabilitation. IEEE Trans Rehabil Eng 1998; 6:75±87. 48 Krebs HI, Volpe BT, Aisen ML, Hogan N. Increasing productivity and quality of . . care: robot-aided neurorehabilitation. J Rehabil Res Dev 2000; 37:639±652. Lesion location affected accuracy in a reaching task. Patient with cortical plus striatal lesions had speedy but impaired accuracy on reaching movement as compared with a patient with a striatal lesion alone who had slow but accurate reaching movements. This paper emphasizes the potential use of robots as tools that therapists could use to deliver individualized training to more than one patient. The therapist's role may evolve away from labor-intensive manual treatment to a supervisory and decision-making role. 49 Krebs HI, Volpe BT, Palazzolo J, et al. Robot aided neuro-rehabilitation in stroke: . . interim results on follow-up of 76 patients and on movement indices. In: Integration of assistive technology in the information age. Mokhtari M (editor). Amsterdam, The Netherlands: IOS Press; 2001. pp. 45±59. The robot-treated group had an outcome advantage with respect to motor improvement. Additional evidence is provided that early movements after initial complete paralysis appear to be blended (this is consistent with earlier work by this group in patients with stroke [43]. 752 Trauma and rehabilitation 50 Lum PS, Reinkensmeyer DJ, Lehman SH. Robotic assist devices for bimanual physical therapy: preliminary experiments. IEEE Trans Rehab Eng 1993; 1:185±191. 55 Rose FD, Attree EA, Brooks BM, et al. Training in virtual environments: transfer to real world tasks and equivalence to real world training. Ergonomics 2000; 43:494±511. 51 Lum PS, Burgar CG, Kenney DE, Van der Loos HF. Quantification of force abnormalities during passive and active-assisted upper-limb reaching movements in post-stroke hemiparesis. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 1999; 46:652± 662. 56 Reinkensmeyer DJ, Dewald JPA, Rymer WZ. Robotic devices for physical rehabilitation of stroke patients; fundamental requirements, target therapeutic techniques and preliminary designs. Technol Disability 1996; 5:205±215. 52 Burgar CG, Lum PS, Shor PC, Machiel Van der Loos HF. Development of .. robots for rehabilitation therapy: the Palo Alto VA/Stanford experience. J Rehabil Res Dev 2000; 37:663±673. This paper describes findings with a redesigned MIME using an industrial-type robot (PUMA 560). Twenty-one patients (11 robot trained and 10 control patients), who were at least 6 months poststroke (average 2 years), were enrolled. Patients were all treated in the same treatment space and all were aided by either therapist or robot. In is unclear how decisions were made regarding whether patients received robot-aided reach therapy or therapist-aided reach therapy, or the quantity of one or the other treatment. The authors claim to have delivered comparable treatment intensity and duration to the two groups. Results indicate that the treated group improved on standard impairment scores, but strength (maximum voluntary isometric contraction) areas not treated (i.e. hand and wrist) did not improve. Improved performance in the robot treated group was accompanied by better activation patterns, measured as the difference between pre- and post-treatment electromyography activations. 57 Reinkensmeyer DJ, Kahn LE, Averbuch M, et al. Understanding and treating .. arm movement impairment after chronic brain injury: progress with the ARM guide. J Rehabil Res Dev 2000; 37:653±662. Three patients were included, who were 0.5, 2, and 5 years poststroke. The severity of stroke was variable, but all patients demonstrated improvement in reach, velocity, tone and off-axis force. Two-thirds improved reach to targets. 53 Shor PC, Lum PS, Burgar CG, et al. The effect of robot aided therapy on upper . extremity joint passive range of motion and pain. In: Integration of assistive technology in the information age. Mokhtari M (editor). Amsterdam, The Netherlands: IOS Press; 2001. pp. 79±83. Twenty-seven patients (13 robot trained and 14 control), who had suffered a stroke more than 6 month previously, were enrolled. The control patients were treated with NDT; and the treatment regimen involved progression through four modes; the time spent in each mode was not indicated. There were comparable training times in both groups (24 1-h sessions). Early time points demonstrated an outcome advantage for the treatment group, but control patients caught up by 8 months (change on the order of 2-4 points on the Fugl±Meyer scale). Results demonstrated that low compliance systems (such as MIME) are safe, and there was a trend toward less pain in the affected limb in the treatment group (both results similar to the high compliance MIT-Manus device, 44). 54 Johnson MJ, Van der Loos HFM, Burgar CG, et al. Designing a robotic stroke .. therapy device to motivate use of the impaired limb. In: Integration of assistive technology in the information age. Mokhtari M (editor). Amsterdam, The Netherlands: IOS Press; 2001. pp. 123±132. Eight patients, long after they had sustained a stroke (5 years), but no control patients were included; rather, patients were compared with normal individuals. Nifty use of context and cues was employed (embedded corrective force cuing). Patients faced a steering wheel, and viewed a driving scene and road display. (Video games have arrived in neuro-rehabilitation.) The measure of limb power was torque on a steering wheel; weak limbs move better with rather than against gravity. No measure of generalization to other tasks was taken, or was a direct measure of impairment or power. 58 Kahn L, Averbuch M, Rymer WZ, Reinkensmeyer DJ. Comparison of robot . assisted reaching to free reaching in promoting recovery from chronic stroke. In: Integration of assistive technology in the information age. Mokhtari M (editor). Amsterdam, The Netherlands: IOS Press; 2001. pp. 39±44. Ten patients with stroke were randomized to robot treatment and comparable training by a therapist. Results demonstrated that both groups improved with regard to disability (Chedoke and Rancho Los Amigo); there were similar improvement across groups for kinematic measures. 59 Kahn LE, Zygman ML, Rymer WZ, Reinkensmeyer DJ. Effect of robot-assisted .. exercise on functional reaching in chronic hemiparesis. In: Proceedings of the 23rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE-EMBS; 25±28 October 2001; Istanbul, Turkey. Fourteen patients with stroke were randomized to robot treatment and comparable training by a therapist. Results demonstrated significant improvement in movement smoothness for the robot-trained group. 60 Gowland C, Stratford P, Ward M. Measuring physical impairment and disability with the Chedoke-McMaster Stroke Assessment. Stroke 1993; 24:58±93. 61 Krebs HI, Buerger SP, Jugenheimer KA, et al. 3-D extension for MITMANUS: a robot-aided neuro-rehabilitation workstation. ASME 2000 IDETC/ CIE, DETC2000/MECH-14151, September 2000. 62 Buerger SP, Krebs HI, Hogan N. Characterization and control of a screwdriven robot for neurorehabilitation. IEEE CCA/ISIC 2001, CCA-388, September 2001. 63 Jugenheimer KA, Hogan N, Krebs HI. A robot for hand rehabilitation: a continuation of the MIT-MANUS neuro-rehabilitation workstation. ASME 2001 IDETC/CIE, DETC2001/DAC-21085, September 2001. 64 Williams DJ, Krebs HI, Hogan N. A robot for wrist rehabilitation. In: Proceedings of the 23rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE-EMBS; 25±28 October 2001; Istanbul, Turkey.