Act 3 -‐ Earth's Water Crisis

 Essential Question: Why is sharing clean water resources vital to all creatures on Earth? Act 3 -­‐ Earth’s Water Crisis Goal/Purpose: After completing this job I will know the human issues of Earth’s Global Water crisis. Background: A two pronged crisis is lurking in our world, hiding in plain sight. A crisis kills or sickens millions of people each year. The crisis is the lack of water and also the lack of clean, drinkable (potable) water. Looking at this crisis from the human perspective is bad enough, yet the crisis affects all creatures that live in or near the water too. In this assignment you are going to explore the human side of the Earth’s water crisis. Instructions: a. Research one aspect of Earth’s water crisis as it affects humans. b. Then, in your own words, write an essay giving facts and solutions about our water crisis. Your essay should have 3 paragraphs and follow this basic format. Be sure to include facts, reasons, evidence, and details: 1. Essay Introduction: Write a paragraph summarizing the overall human crisis. In other words, explain why it is important for people to understand the human side of Earth’s water crisis. 2. Your issue: Write an informative paragraph (standard format) on one of these subject areas. i. Water borne diseases iii. Disease v. Sanitation ii. Children iv. Economics/Finance vi. Women Be sure to: a. Introduce the issue b. Provide and explain the issue using more than four facts from your research. c. Closing Provide and explain at least one workable solution that will help solve the problem. 3. Solution: Create a third paragraph explaining workable solutions that will help people know how to solve the problem. Use standard format. Resources -­‐ Use the data provided from these links for your research Clean Water non profit websites Wateraid the water project More research Links/vckps World Health Organization – Water Related diseases Water changes everything World Water Day video Water pollution in India (India used only as one example. Many more countries on Earth have similar issues.) In one year, the average American residence uses over 100,000 gallons (indoors & outside). Student Review: 1-­‐Below Standard, 2-­‐Approaching Standard, 3-­‐Standard, 4-­‐Above Standard Use the scale to evaluate completeness & correctness of the job. Put score, Initial & date in boxes. Score Initial/D
ate Earth – Our People and the Water Crisis Intro:________________________________________________________________________________
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________________________________________________________ [Type text] The earth is a closed system, rarely losing or gaining matter.
The same water that existed on the earth
[Type text] of years ago is still present today. [Type text] ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________
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