Degree Graduate's Last Name Classroom Marshal School of

Fairfield University
2013 Graduate Commencement
Classroom and Marshal Assignments
in Canisius Hall to report to prior to Commencement
Please report to the following classrooms by 1:30 p.m. on Sunday, May 19, 2013
The following groups will exit out the 1st floor door of CNS by the CAS Dean's Office:
School of Nursing
Doctor of Nursing Practice
Master of Science in Nursing
Kaechele to Tuttle (3)
Andrade to Young (39)
CNS 202
CNS 203
Theresa Quell
Thomas Murray
College of Arts and Sciences
Master of Arts
Master of Science
Master of Fine Arts
Bernstein to Zsunkan (21)
Bishop to Trolle (9)
Abreu to Winkler (31)
CNS 204
CNS 204
CNS 204
Elizabeth Petrino
David McFadden
David McFadden
Auriemma to Matson (27)
McKeown to White (27)
Abbasi to Jenks (24)
Lambert to Wyman (23)
CNS 206
CNS 208
CNS 207
CNS 209
Paul Caster
Dawn Massey
Norm Solomon
Mark Ligas
Dolan School of Business
Master of Science
Master of Business Administration
Graduate's Last Name
The following groups will exit out the ground floor door of CNS closest to BCC:
School of Engineering
Master of Science
Acosta to Graham-Cornell (22)
Haang to Zhagahu (22)
Graduate School of Education and Allied Professions
Master of Arts
Adams to Gorab (50)
Gould to Noel-Alva (50)
Norwood to Zappone (49)
Certificate of Advanced Study
Baldino to Cicki (18)
Grand Marshal Marshal-in-Chief Assistants to Marshal-in-Chief Faculty Marshal-
Carl Scheraga
David Gudelunas
Michael Pagano
Joan Van Hise
Michael Coyne
CNS 15
CNS 10
Ryan Munden
Amalia Rusu
Tracey Robert
Gayle Bogel
David Sapp
Bogusia Skudrzyk