The Design of Virtual Reality Flight Simulation Platform Based on Rigidbody Kinematics Gang WANG, Wei MEI, Heng LIU, Ying XIAO The Design of Virtual Reality Flight Simulation Platform Based on Rigidbody Kinematics Gang WANG, Wei MEI, Heng LIU, Ying XIAO Electronic and Optical Engineering Department, Ordnance Engineering College, Shijiazhuang, China, Abstract MATLAB ○R /Simulink ○R simulation platform with man-in-the-loop was designed to realize virtual reality flight based on rigid-body kinematics. Joystick orders input by operators can be transformed into control signals. Position translation, rotation quaternion and other parameters calculated by flight motion module were sent to 3D virtual reality space. 3D virtual reality space based on VRML was designed by V-realm BuilderTM. Joystick inputs, flight motion module and 3D virtual reality space were combined into a whole simulation system by Simulink 3D Animation BlocksetTM. Results of simulation demonstrated that the simulation platform can realize piloting task under the control of multiple operators with good maneuverability and verisimilar visual human-computer interface when 3D flight trajectory was drawing in the 3D space at the same time. Keywords: Flight Simulation, Virtual Reality, Rigid-Body Kinematics, Quaternion, VRML, Human-Computer Interface 1. Introduction Virtual reality (VR) is a rapidly developing computer interface that strives to immerse the user completely within an experimental simulation [1], thereby greatly enhancing the overall impact and providing a much more intuitive link between the computer and the human participants. Virtual reality has been applied successfully to hundreds if not thousands of scenarios in diverse areas including rapid prototyping, manufacturing, scientific visualization, engineering, and education [2-4]. Flight simulation is widely used in plane design, performance test, pilot training and other aviation researches [5]. Numbers of papers have discussed the flight simulation model. Flight simulation based on OpenGL was designed in [6]. 3D flight simulation based on Virtools was realized in [7]. Direct 3D was applied in flight simulation in [8]. Reference [9] presents a route planning method. Precise parameters simulations were researched in [10]. UAS flight simulation with hardware-in-the-loop was developed in [11]. There are limits in offline simulation without man-in-the-loop. Simulations in pilot training, formation flight or air fight assessment require function of controllability. Simulation without visual scene is unable to give ocular demonstration. Moreover, bespoke trajectory used in real-time track-totrack association and fusion is not convictive enough because of the game theory. The paper build a MATLAB/Simulink simulation platform with man-in-the-loop to realize virtual reality flight based on rigid-body kinematics. Joystick order input by operator can be transformed into control signal. Position translation, rotation quaternion and other parameters calculated by flight motion module were sent to 3D virtual reality space. Joystick input, flight motion module and 3D virtual reality space were combined into a whole simulation system by Simulink 3D Animation Blockset. Operator can use joystick to control virtual plane in visual scene. It is convenient to create simulation model with the help of great calculation function and intensive module in MATLAB/Simulink. MATLAB development environment provides convenience for function expanding. 3D virtual reality space based on VRML requires moderate storage space. It is also suitable for transmission via network. This paper introduced the architecture of the flight simulation platform in Section II. The approach and technique to design joystick module, flight motion module based on rigid-body kinematics and virtual reality scene are introduced in detail. The function of simulation platform is tested and verified by simulation in Section III. Section IV concludes the paper and makes clear of future work. 2. Architecture of the flight simulation platform International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications(JDCTA) Volume7,Number7,April 2013 doi:10.4156/jdcta.vol7.issue7.112 949 The Design of Virtual Reality Flight Simulation Platform Based on Rigidbody Kinematics Gang WANG, Wei MEI, Heng LIU, Ying XIAO The MATLAB/Simulink virtual reality flight simulation platform based on rigid-body kinematics consists of three modules with man-in-the-loop as shown in Figure 1. Operators use joysticks input orders which can manoeuvre the aircrafts in virtual reality world. Position translation, rotation quaternion and other parameters can be calculated by flight motion module when orders input. Humancomputer interface displays vivid 3D scene of flight. Figure 1. Total scheme of virtual reality flight simulation platform 2.1 Design of joystick module An input device should be convenient and natural for a user to transmit information to a computer, and should be designed from an understanding of the task to be performed and the interrelationship between the task and the device from the perspective of the user. The design of an input device should match the perceptual needs of the user. As a result, the integration of input devices should follow a user needs analysis in order to map their expectations onto the attributes of the overall virtual reality system [12] . The Joystick Input block in Simulink 3D Animation Blockset provides a convenient connector between a Simulink model and the real world joystick. The Joystick Input block uses axes, buttons, and the point-of-view selector, if present. Its output ports reflect the status of the joystick controls for axes and buttons. There are twelve control press-buttons on a real joystick generally as shown in Figure 2. Four of the press-buttons called “Axes” and eight of them called “Buttons”. Each of “Axes” can output the value of 0 (released), -1/ +1(pressed), and each of “Button” can output Boolean 0 (released), 1 (pressed). Figure 2. Press-button function distribution Because of the existence of error, Simulink blocks Dead Zone and Sign were used to ensure the output value is 0, -1 or +1 exactly. The Data Type Conversion block converts the Boolean type input signal to the data type of double. Selector block selects joystick input signal to control different variable. As shown in Figure 2, axes 1-4 were chosen to control the plane to thrust, yaw right, brake or yaw left. Buttons 1-4 were chosen to control the plane pitch up, roll right, pitch down or roll left. 2.2 Design of flight motion module The system reference frames are introduced and shown in Figure 3. Earth-based inertial frame is (North, East, and Earth core). V-Realm Builder frame will be referred in Part C. 950 The Design of Virtual Reality Flight Simulation Platform Based on Rigidbody Kinematics Gang WANG, Wei MEI, Heng LIU, Ying XIAO Figure 3. Earth-based inertial frame (Xe, Ye, Ze), aircraft body frame (Xf, Yf, Zf) and V-Realm Builder frame (Xv, Yv, Zv) System assumptions are elaborated as follows. Assumption 1: The aircraft is assumed to be a rigid body. This implies that the distance between two points of aircraft is time-invariant when measured with respect to the aircraft body frame. This assumption is realistic for small-size or low-weight aircraft such as general aviation and fighter aircraft typically. Assumption 2: Flight control module is designed according to kinematic model. This assumption might seem unrealistic considering the aerodynamics. However, kinematic model is the foundation of aircraft dynamic model simulation. And it is acceptable to a certain extent when the platform is used for formation flight training, airfight scenario demonstration, etc. Positive direction linear acceleration (ax, ay, az) and angular velocity (P, Q, R) of body frame axes are given from joystick module. The positive direction linear velocity (U, V, W) in the body axes can be obtained by integration over acceleration. Acceleration a and velocity Vplane can be calculated by formula: a ax 2 a y 2 a z 2 2 2 V plane U V W (1) 2 (2) The Kinematic Equation in a matrix format is given by: 1 sin tan cos tan P 0 sin Q cos 0 sin sec cos sec R (3) where (ψ, Θ, Φ) is the Euler angle of aircraft. The relationship between the components of the aircraft velocity in the body axes and the Earth inertial frame is given by the following equation: 0 U X cos sin 0 cos 0 sin 1 0 Y sin cos 0 0 1 0 0 cos sin V 0 1 sin 0 cos 0 sin cos W Z 0 (4) Flight parameters can be obtained by following the process in Figure 4. , , , , X Y Z V plane X Y Z ..D Figure 4. Process of calculating flight parameters 951 The Design of Virtual Reality Flight Simulation Platform Based on Rigidbody Kinematics Gang WANG, Wei MEI, Heng LIU, Ying XIAO Rotation quaternion can be used to represent attitude angle [13]. An attitude or unit quaternion, q, describes a single-axis rotation about the Euler-axis for the rotation angle α, the basic definition is: q1 e sin q2 2 q q1 q2 i q3 j q4 k cos q3 2 q 4 (5) where [q1, q2, q3]T is its vector element, q4 is its scalar element and e is an unit vector ( e1= [0 0 1]T, e2= [0 1 0] T , e3= [1 0 0] T ). A normalized quaternion obeys the unit length constraint: (6) q1 q2 q3 q4 1 Suppose “*” is the multiplication operator of two quaternions. The multiplication rule of quaternions is given by the following: t qr (7) ( q0 iq1 jq2 kq3 ) ( r0 ir1 jr2 kr3 ) t0 it1 jt2 kt3 where 2 2 2 2 t0 (r0 q0 r1q1 r2 q2 r3q3 ) t (r q r q r q r q ) 1 0 1 1 0 2 3 3 2 t r q r q r q r ( 0 2 1 3 2 0 3 q1 ) 2 t3 (r0 q3 r1q2 r2 q1 r3q0 ) Suppose p1, p2, p3 are quaternions representing angle of yaw, pitch and roll. Thus the expression of quaternion for representing attitude angles is given by the following: 0 0 sin( / 2) 0 0 sin( / 2) Q p1 p2 p3 sin( / 2) 0 0 cos( / 2) cos( / 2) cos( / 2) sin( 2 ) sin( 2 ) cos( 2 ) cos( 2 ) cos( 2 ) sin( 2 ) cos( ) sin( ) cos( ) sin( ) cos( ) sin( ) 2 2 2 2 2 2 sin( ) cos( ) cos( ) cos( ) sin( ) sin( ) 2 2 2 2 2 2 cos( ) cos( ) cos( ) sin( ) sin( ) sin( ) 2 2 2 2 2 2 (8) The aircraft will come across difficulty because of lack of object for reference when it is cruising. Navigation function is required in the system. As shown in Figure 5, the coordinate of aircraft and target in Earth-based frame is (XA, YA, ZA), (XT, YT, ZT) while the yaw angle and pitch angle is ψ, Θ at the moment. Then the bias angles α, β between flight direction and target direction could be calculated by following expression. T (9) T where 952 The Design of Virtual Reality Flight Simulation Platform Based on Rigidbody Kinematics Gang WANG, Wei MEI, Heng LIU, Ying XIAO Y Y T arctan A T X A XT ZA T arctan 2 2 ( ) Y Y A T ( X A X T ) (10) The distance between the aircraft and target can be obtained by the expression: D ( X A X T )2 (YA YT )2 (Z A ZT )2 (11) ( X A,YA, Z A ) T T ( X T ,YT , ZT ) Figure 5. Bias angles in flight navigation 2.3 Design of 3D virtual reality space V-Realm Builder is a software that is used to design virtual worlds and draw/import 3D virtual objects. Users can manipulate the objects and the virtual scene through MATLAB commands and Simulink models to animate the scene after building the virtual world. Virtual 3D objects’ properties such as translation, rotation, scale, and color can be changed through MATLAB commands and Simulink models [14]. 3D virtual reality space based on VRML requires moderate storage space. It is also suitable for transmission via network. Node is the elementary unit of VRML which is used to describe objects and their attribute in virtual reality space. Nodes can be organized in a structure of sequential hierarchy tree. Figure 6 shows the development environment of building virtual reality world using V-Realm Builder. Nodes tree on the left side of V-Realm builder contains editers of virtual 3D objects’ properties. Node “translation” is used to adjust the objects’ position. “Rotation” sets the rotation angle in quaternion form. “Scale” is used to adjust the size of objects. Subsidiary objects will be placed under “children” nodes. Light, sound, fog and many other effects can be integrated into virtual reality world with the help of V-Realm Builder. Figure 6. Using V-Realm Builder to design virtual reality world Attention need to pay on the coordinate system in V-Realm Builder because it is different from the 953 The Design of Virtual Reality Flight Simulation Platform Based on Rigidbody Kinematics Gang WANG, Wei MEI, Heng LIU, Ying XIAO Earth-based inertial frame as shown in Figure 2. Transformation expression is given by the following. XV X e YV Z e Z Y e V (12) VR Sink block of Simulink connects the flight motion module to the virtual reality world. VR browser inside provides human-computer interface where operators can have a view of 3D space scene. VR Tracer is used trace the trajectory of aircraft and draw 3D trajectory in the associated virtual scene. Color of trajectory can be chosen by a vector. VR Text Output provides a method for editing HUD (Head Up Display) text which will display on the top of screen interface. This helps a lot to inform pilots the fight information as assistance. Gauges Blockset™ software is a collection of blocks that provides graphical displays for monitoring signals in Simulink models. Using this product, the platform can set up realistic-looking icons that are custom-designed for Simulink model and visually representative of the flight parameters. 3. Simulation results The simulation aims to test the performance of flight simulation platform. Operator should complete the simulation setting before running the system. Plane model and landform should be chosen in the setting. The simulation is conducted in a PC with a Pentium 4, 3.00 GHz Dual Core processor, an ATI Radeon HD 6570 graphics board and 4G RAM. The output device is a monitor with pixel of 1280× 1024. Simulation results indicate that the scene view is verisimilar and virtual plane can complete flight tasks under the control of operator. Flight scene and information display in the human-computer interface as shown in Figure 7 and Figure 8. The top right corner of Figure 8 is navigation map which provides guiding help for pilots. Figure 9 and Figure 10 portray the scenes of formation flight and pursuit flight. Figure 7. Scene of overlook viewpoint 954 The Design of Virtual Reality Flight Simulation Platform Based on Rigidbody Kinematics Gang WANG, Wei MEI, Heng LIU, Ying XIAO Figure 8. Cockpit scene of flight Scene of form mation flight Figure 9. S Figure 100. Scene of purrsuit flight S Single plane fllight and form mation flight exxperiments weere conducted tto test the function of trajecctory draw wing. Figure 11 shows thee 3D flight traajectory draw wn in the virtuual reality woorld. Platform can outpput accurate flight parameteers to MATLA AB workspace for further ressearch. Figuree 12 is a singlee 3D trajeectory plotted by MATLAB B command. T Two trajectoriees which are uused in the exxperiment of rrealtimee track-to-tracck association and fusion w were plotted inn Figure 13. F Furthermore, gauges displaay in simuulation system m work well ass depicted in F Figure 14. 955 The Design of Virtual Reality Flight Simulation Platform Based on Rigidbody Kinematics Gang WANG, Wei MEI, Heng LIU, Ying XIAO Figure 11. 3D trajectory in virtual reality world Figure 12. 3D trajectory of single plane plotted by MATLAB command Figure 13. 3D trajectories of two planes plotted by MATLAB command Figure 14. Gauges display 956 The Design of Virtual Reality Flight Simulation Platform Based on Rigidbody Kinematics Gang WANG, Wei MEI, Heng LIU, Ying XIAO 4. Conclusions and future work The paper has investigated the simulation of virtual reality flight and the platform based on rigidbody kinematics was designed. The simulation system has the advantages of convenience of programming, scalability, and maneuverability. Results of simulated flight task demonstrated that the simulation platform can realize piloting task under the control of multiple operators with good maneuverability and verisimilar visual human-computer interface when 3D flight trajectory was drawing in the 3D space at the same time. The virtual reality flight simulation platform can provide support as a “virtual testbed” for formation training, air fight assessment, real-time track-to-track association and fusion, maneuvering targets tracking, etc. Future work is to develop more functionality and increase system immersion. Experiments supported by this platform will be conducted. Acknowledgment This work is co-supported by Chinese NSFC under Grant 61141009 and the National Defense Technology Fund 40405070102. 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