Key Questions
What is a frontier?
What do frontiers do?
Who builds frontiers?
Why do we build frontiers?
How do we break down frontiers?
Is it good to break down frontiers?
Are there frontiers that we cannot see?
How do frontiers make us feel?
Kinaesthetic art: painting, pastels
Giacomo Balla, Duchamp, Robert Delauney, Boccini
Visual Literacy
Film-making: Propaganda/point of view- Sparkhill park: Good or Bad?
Points of View
Reading Moving & Still images
That camera angle & shot is always for a reason
What you see from one angle may not be the whole truth
What we see is always the photographer's point of view
We use stereotypes to judge people
To design and make a small bag/mobile phone holder
Consider carefully the appearance
Take inspiration from Indian artwork to create your own detailed pattern
Pin, sew and stitch where appropriate
Design Brief
Design Criteria
DT: Textile bag/mobile phone holder
Britain since 1930-work at home and at school: share with each other and receive feedback.
Visual literacy film making project
Can you use Audacity to make an audio track to go with your Good/Bad film?
Use Google Sketch Up to create a World War 2 living room.
Edit an entry on Wikipedia about St John's school using reliable evidence.
Robotics: lego mindstorm robots
History: Britain since 1930
What do we already know about WW2?
What would we like to find out more about?
How and when did WW2 begin?
How did WW2 become a 'world war'?
Who/what were the main leaders/events/dates of WW2?
Why were British and German cities bombed? How were people protected?
How did peoples lives change during WW2?
How did the war affect children?
Where have we got our info' about WW2 from? Can we trust these sources?
Do wars still happen today? where? why?
What has been done to prevent another 'world war'
How could we present our findings?
What do you already know about forces?
What else would you like to know?
SC4 2bHow are objects pulled to the earth? How is weight created?
SC4 2c What is friction? What does it do?
SC4 2c What is air resistance? What does it do? How can it be beneficial?
SC4 2d How do forces act on an object?
SC4 2e How can we measure weight?
SC4 2e How can we identify the direction in which a force is acting?
What have you learned about forces?
How can you present this to other people?
Forces In Action
Use Mindmapping software to develop and record ideas on frontiers' (focus on 'key questions')
Use images from World War 2 to research ideas/feelings
Children annotate images from the war: what does this show? How do we know if it's true? Who took the photo' and why?
Use PowerPoint to make an interactive quiz about Forces/WWII'. Include buttons/hyperlinks etc
Take digital photos' of Sparkhill park. Manipulate them to make the park look good/bad
Use the internet to research science topics
Children to present their work in different ways eg. Publisher, Word, PowerPoint, film, annotating pictures, etc
Forces and Motion
Investigating change
Passport (India)
Use Espresso modules:
Starting point ideas for cross curricular ICT
What does the Bible teach us about
What does Jesus teach about wealth in the parable of the Rich Young Fool?
Why is Langar important to Sikh's? What does this teach us about how we should treat others?
How are Christians, Muslims and Sikhs similar?
What places are special/holy to you?
Why? What do you do there?
What makes a place holy to people?
Do some places feel holier than others?
Why do Jews consider the Western wall such a holy place?
What makes Vatican city such a special place for Catholics?
Science: Changing circuits
What do you already know about circuits?
Which materials would you make the components of your circuit out of to ensure they are good conductors?
What circuit would you need to make to make this electrical device work?
How would you change the speed of the motor/brightness of the bulbs in a series circuit?
How can a series circuit be represented in drawings using symbols?
Can you/someone else construct a series circuit from the diagram?
How will you find the answer to your question in an investigation?
What will you change/keep the same/measure to make it a fair test?
What is the most appropriate way to present your results?
What comparisons can you make between your results and the results of others?
What conclusions can you draw from your data?
Can you use what you have learned to explain your measurements/observations/conclusions?
What do you know now that you didn't know before?