April Newsletter Almost Final

APRIL 2013
In this Issue: Website
Collaboration Grants
Increasing Student Interest
In the age of technology in which we
live, most people, especially students, get a
bulk of their information from the internet.
As such, we understand the importance of
having a NACLE website that is clean,
informative, and user-friendly. Our goal of
increasing student interest requires that the
website it up-to-date and engaging.
We started off 2013 by re-evaluating
the website and figuring out how we could
improve it. Our new Communications
Director, Brittany Mortimer ran “Google
Analytics” to give us a deeper and more
Thank you for being a
part of NACLE.
Social Media
well-rounded understanding of
where the traffic to the NACLE
website comes from and what
links on the website are of most
As it turns out, there are a
good amount of monthly visits to
the website. Since January,
Exit Surveys
NACLE Tabling
Total visits in March
New Visitors Most Viewed Campus 2nd Most Viewed Campus
www. NACLE.org has had a
monthly average of 550 visitors.
Now the big question: How do
we get that high number of visitors to
translate into study abroad applications?
Part of the answer, we think, is
keeping the website fresh and up-to-date.
Send us synopses about new and exciting
current events that are happening at your
campus. Please include pictures! A huge
thanks to all of you that have already done
this! It is immensely helpful!
University of Houston Law Center McGill University Centro de Investigación
y Docencia Económicas
Tecnológico de Monterrey George Washington
School of Law Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas Universidad
Panamericana Southwestern School of Law Suffolk University University of
Arizona University of Ottowa Dalhousie University University of British
Grants: Free
Do you have a great idea for a
project? Are you looking for funding?
Then take advantage of the NACLE
Collaboration Grants! We are looking to
help people like you!
Just tell us three things:
1. How your project is related to
teaching, research, or public
service ?
2. How you will collaborate
with faculty or students
at another NACLE
member school to
achieve your project’s
3. How much money you will
need for activities
related to the project?
Projects that are perfect
for Collaboration Grants
include a joint research
project between NACLE
schools that delves into an
issue of high importance. I.e.
What effect does the Keystone
Pipeline debaate have on discussions
surrounding trade and transporation of
natural resources across North America?
Or perhaps a moot court exercise that
engages students from NACLE member
law schools. The criteria are very openended so be creative and pursue a
research project that you feel your
students would benefit from. You can
also allow your students to come up with
a proposal and spearhead the project
Involve all three NACLE countries
and guarantee yourself a successful
grant application!
Send all applications to Tony VanDuzer at
For more information, visit http://
We’re on an
Info. Quest!
NACLE is creating an online survey
system to be completed upon entry to &
exit from your campus.
The online survey will give NACLE
accurate and up-to-date data about the
students and schools involved in
exchanges and statistical analysis of the
data will be published online. At the
beginning of the exchange, the student
will complete the survey (which will be
available on the NACLE website) that
will ask some basic student information
(i.e., name, email, school they attend,
exchange school, date of exchange,
engaging, and dynamic event at the
University of British Columbia in
If there is a topic that you would
particularly like to see discussed at the
Workshop, please feel free to share. The
location of Workshop has no bearing on
the topic. I.e. Mexican campuses
wanting to highlight issues affecting
Mexico are not restricted due to the
Workshop being held in Canada.
Many of you have asked about the
2014 Workshop topic/theme. A few
ideas have been proposed from various
schools. Let’s keep these conversations
going in a blog format on our LinkedIn
page. A few topic suggestions are listed
below. Visit the NACLE LinkedIn page to
join the discussion.
Implications of the Quebec Mining Statute
-Prof. Godin, McGill University
Judicial Ethics (also a long-term idea for a
Collaboration Grant) --Prof. Devlin,
Energy, Trade, and Investment in North
America --Prof. Biukovic, UBC
Appoint a
Student Rep.
etc.). This purpose of this entry survey
is to register the student in our system
so we can keep track of which students
are studying where and how many. Thus,
the initial survey should be completed
before embarks on his exchange. Next, at the culmination of his
exchange, the NACLE student will fill out
an evaluation where he will be asked
about his experience, feedback,
critiques, and advice for future NACLE
students who choose to study at that
school. (I.e. On a scale of 1-10 how
would you rate your experience at
Panamericana? What would you have
changed? What were the best/worst
parts of your semester? Etc.)
Workshop 2014Vancouver
Discussions surrounding the 2014
Workshop have already kicked off and
NACLE is looking forward to a vibrant,
Being a part of NACLE is an exciting
and worthwhile experience: the
opportunities provided by this kind of
continental collaboration are priceless.
In an effort to make NACLE more
student-centric, we would like to
delegate some responsibility to an
appointed Student Representative. That
NACLE Student Rep. would be
responsible for promoting NACLE on
his/her campus (i.e. see blurb on tabling
event, page 3) as well as welcoming any
incoming NACLE students and showing
them the ropes around their new campus
in order to facilitate a smooth transition.
They might also oversee the Entry/Exit
surveys (referenced above). In addition,
the Student Representative would gain
an invaluable experience learning about
issues affecting North America and have
the chance to collaborate with his/her
NACLE Student Rep. international
“Hello!” From the
General Administrative
Office in Houston
Left to Right (Prof. Zamora, Emily
Faber, Veronica Bernal, Olivia
Mathias, Emma Raimi-Zlatic, Aditi
Spreading the
Word about
“Tabling” in the
Last week NACLE student
representatives “tabled” in the lounge
area of the University of Houston Law
Center (UHLC) as students passing by
learned about the unique opportunities
they are afforded through a NACLE
study abroad. The tabling was held from
9am - 12pm and students were lured in
with breakfast pastries, bagels, fresh
fruit, coffee, and juices. They left the
NACLE info. table with tummies full of
carbs and minds full of information
regarding expanded educational
Trenz Pruca
Aliquam de Mantis
Urna Semper
Chauncey de Billuptus
Cras Maecenas
Curabitur Leo
Leo Praesen
Mauris Vitaequam
Orci Aliquam
Vivamus Nunc
Tortor Rasellus
Quisque Porta
Diam Nobis
Senmaris Calla Ipsum
Nobis Eget
Sed accumsan Libero
Urna Sodales
Aliquam Mattis Felis
Eget Toque
Aliquam de Manti
Fermen Pede
Vestibulum Bibendum
Veli Ligula
Morbi congue Magna
Fringilla Viverr
Seargente de Fermentum
Uam Scelerisque
Maecenas Interdum
Odio Pede
Eget Purus
The most common questions asked
were “How much?” and “How long
is the commitment?” Over 10
students were interested in summer
study abroad programs. Are
classes held during a summer session
on your campus? (Is this something
that you would be interested in
offering NACLE participants? Let us
know by emailing Emma
We found tabling to be a really
effective, fun way to heighten
awareness about the opportunities
provided by NACLE in a casual,
conversational, and student-led
Is there a student on your campus
that has recently done something great
that deserves recognition? Published an
article? Conducted a study/research
project? Won an award? Please tell us
about it. We'd like to highlight them on
the website. The student does not have
to be NACLE affiliated. Example: "Shout-out to
Dalhousie students, Michele Charles and
Suzanne Kittell, who defeated all of the
regional teams in the National Trial
Advocacy Competition in Canada! The
Charles and Kittell took home the
Sponika Cup making this Dalhousie's
THIRD go-around for the Sponika!"
Check out the article at: http://
NACLE on Social
”Follow, “Like,” and
“Connect” with us.
Goal: 100 “likes” by
summer. Search “Friends of
NACLE” on Facebook, or go
to www.NACLE.org and click
on the Facebook icon at the
top of the page.
Many professionals prefer LinkedIn to
Facebook when it comes to social
networking. So, we’ve
created a NACLE LinkedIn
Group. This will can also
serve as a discussion/blog
forum. Join the group here, http://
gid=4909781 or connect through the
NACLE website by clicking at the icon
on the top of the page.
Tweet with us! What’s going
on in your end of the
continent? Give us your
updates... in 140 character
or less! https://twitter.com/