Case Study

Case Study
With Rx EDGE, Men Get Straight Talk on Hair Loss
The Challenge
CVS and Eckerd stores within the Rx EDGE network. The
headline on the dispenser panel said “Still think you’re doing
enough for your hair loss?” The intent was to reach men who
wanted to control their hair loss but hadn’t decided to see a
Men experiencing hair loss can feel embarrassed and self
conscious and investigate almost anything that could help
restore hair growth, such as transplants, hair thickening
shampoo preparations and medications like
The brand team turned to
The pull-out information stated “Maybe it’s time
Rogaine. For those unwilling to deal with baldyou talked to the expert – your doctor.” It
ing, it can be difficult to decide what to do while
Rx EDGE to develop an
reported how the prescription medication
sorting through an array of product claims
in-store promotional
either re-grew hair or stemmed further hair loss
made in advertisements and infomercials.
campaign to blend
in 90 percent of patients evaluated in a clinical
straight talk about male
trial. The reverse side of the pamphlet had
While male pattern baldness isn’t a medical
questions and answers about hair loss and its
condition, per se, men coping with it somepattern baldness with
causes and basic product information.
times seek advice from physicians and pharinformation on how a
macists. They want to know what, if anything,
prescription medication
The message in a second Rx EDGE campaign
works and if there are side effects or other
can restore hair growth or
was aimed at balding men who had tried other
physical complications from specific treatmedications. The panel teaser read: “Still
ments. Since hair loss control is not covered
prevent further hair loss.
think you’re doing enough for your hair loss? If
by health insurance, men also want to be
you tried Rogaine, read this.” The dispenser insert showed
confident a product or treatment is right for them before
side-by-side shots of twin brothers with male pattern baldreaching into their pockets month after month.
ness. One used the client’s medication, the other nothing.
The difference was dramatic. One brother had moderate hair
The brand team for the only oral prescription medication
loss at the top of the head while the other was totally bald in
approved by the FDA to treat male pattern baldness faced the
that area. The copy explained the brother with more hair was
difficult challenge of convincing men to talk to their doctors
treated for one year right after noticing his hair loss.
about their hair loss and bypass over-the-counter remedies.
The goal was to offer the opportunity to
separate fact from fiction, understand
Rx EDGE was the primary media
underlying biological causes, and learn
vehicle to reach the target audience.
The second Rx EDGE campaign
how medical treatment can restore lost
The firm’s in-store promotional
involved 5500 CVS and Eckerd stores.
hair growth. The brand team turned to
Matched panel research compared
Rx EDGE to develop an in-store promoapproach supported the
product sales in 91 stores that used the
tional campaign to blend straight talk
education-oriented marketing
about male pattern baldness with inforpromotion with 71 control stores. Sales
strategy. In the first Rx EDGE
mation on how a prescription medicawere measured for a 12 week period.
information dispensers
tion can restore hair growth or prevent
The results showed that throughout the
further hair loss.
monitoring period the lift in prescriptions
were placed in pharmacy aisles
attributable to the Rx EDGE campaign
containing specialty shampoos in
consistently ranged between 2 and 5
3500 CVS and Eckerd stores within
Program Strategy
percent. Clearly, the strategy of targetthe Rx EDGE network.
ing men serious about controlling hair
The brand team sought to boost flat
loss paid off with increased sales.
product sales by urging men concerned about hair loss to go
the extra mile and become better informed about the condiFor further information about Rx EDGE solutions, contact
tion. Rx EDGE was the primary media vehicle to reach the
Kathleen Bonetti at 847.879.6036 or
target audience. The firm’s in-store promotional approach
supported the education-oriented marketing strategy. In the
first Rx EDGE campaign, information dispensers were placed
in pharmacy aisles containing specialty shampoos in 3500