INVESTIGATING PHYSICS DERIVATIONS OF FORMULAE AND LINKS ANDREW KENNY GILL & MACMILLAN Contents Derivations of Formulae Links 1 11 Derivations of Formulae Derivation of Formula T Fd With reference to the illustration, consider the moments of each force acting on the lever about an axis O: F1 = F x O d F2 = F M1 F1x moment of F1 about the axis O M1 Fx F1 F ; moment as illustrated is clockwise M2 F2(d x) moment of F2 about the axis O M2 F(d x) F2 F ; moment as illustrated is clockwise M1 M2 Fx F(d x) adding the moments due to both forces M1 M2 Fd simplifying the right-hand side of the equation T Fd as the forces are equal in magnitude, opposite in direction and whose lines of action do not coincide, they constitute a couple; therefore the sum of their moments equals the torque of the couple D E R I VAT I O N S O F F O R M U L A E 1 Derivation of Formula P rgh Based on the definition of pressure, pressure is force per unit area, we have: A 2 F A mg p A rVg p A r(Ah)g p A p rgh p h I N V E S T I G AT I N G P H YS I C S since the force is due to the weight of the fluid subbing ‘rV ’ for ‘m’ subbing ‘Ah’ for ‘V ’ dividing above and below by ‘A ’ Derivation of Formula a v 2r Based on the definition of sine and cosine we get the displacement vector of a point on a circle: j - axis (r cos , r sin ) r i - axis B B r r cos u i r sin u j B with reference to the diagram B B r r cos vt i r sin vt j B subbing ‘vt’ for ‘u’, where v angular velocity, t time drB B B vr sin vt i vr cos vt j dt B B differentiating displacement to get velocity drB ’ dt v vr sin vt i vr cos vt j subbing ‘Bv ’ for ‘ dvB B B v2 r cos vt i v2r sin vt j dt differentiating velocity to get acceleration aB v2(r cos vt i r sin vt j ) subbing ‘aB ’ for ‘ B B aB v2Br B dvB ’ dt B B B subbing ‘ r ’ for ‘r cos vt i r sin vt j ’ D E R I VAT I O N S O F F O R M U L A E 3 l Ag Derivation of Formula T 2p Simple Pendulum With reference to the illustration, taking the direction of displacement of the pendulum bob from its rest position as positive, based on Newton’s second law we have: F mg sin u l ma mg sin u subbing ‘ma’ for ‘F ’ ma mg u making the assumption that sin u u, we can only make this assumption as U<5° a gu dividing both sides by ‘m’ x l a g mg sin mg g a x l g v2x x l g v2 l v g Al g 2p T Al T 2p g 2l l Ag T 2p 4 I N V E S T I G AT I N G P H YS I C S x where x is the arc length l Since g and l are constant we can say that the pendulum is undergoing simple harmonic motion if we assume the arc x is linear. we can only make this assumption as U<5° since u rearranging the equation so that it is in the standard form for simple harmonic motion subbing ‘v2x ’ for ‘a’ dividing both sides by ‘x’ square rooting both sides subbing ‘ 2p ’ for ‘v’ T Derivation of Formula I.L. 10 log10 I I0 The relative increase in sound intensity is the ratio of one intensity to another. It is measured in bels, B. If the intensity of one sound is 10 times the intensity of another, then the difference between their intensities is one bel. The relative increase in intensity from I1 to I2 is 1 B if I2 10I1 It follows that the relative increase in intensity from I1 to I2 is 2 B if I2 10 (10I1) 102I1 Continuing this on, the relative increase in intensity from I1 to I2 is 3 B if I2 103I1 This can be generalised, the relative increase in intensity from I1 to I2 is n B if I2 10nI1 Based on this equation we get: 10 n I2 I1 n log10 I2 I1 rewrite the equation, changing it from index notation to logarithm notation I2 I1 A decibel, dB, is one-tenth of a bel, as the prefix ‘deci’ means 101. Number of bels log10 Therefore 1B 10 dB. Number of decibels 10 log10 I2 I1 Sound intensity level Sound intensity level (I.L.) is defined as the ratio of sound intensity (I) at a point to the sound intensity at the threshold of hearing (I0). I2 Subbing ‘I’ for ‘I2’ and ‘I0’ for ‘I1’ in the equation, Number of decibels 10 log10 we I1 get: I I.L. 10 log10 , where I.L. is measured in decibels. I0 Doubling sound intensity causes an increase of 3 dB in sound intensity level. Consider the situation where I2 2 I1. I2 Number of decibels 10 log10 I1 2I1 I1 10 log10 2 10 log10 subbing ‘2I1’ for ‘I2’ 10(0.30103) 3.0 D E R I VAT I O N S O F F O R M U L A E 5 Derivation of the Wheatstone Bridge Formula R3 R1 ⴝ where R1, R2, R3 and R 4 are the resistances of the four resistors, as illustrated R2 R4 B I1 R1 R2 I1 A D I2 R4 R3 I2 C When the Wheatstone bridge is balanced, no current flows through the galvanometer. This means that the current flowing through R 1 equals the current flowing through R 2; call this current I1. Similarly, the current flowing through R 3 equals the current flowing through R 4; call this current I2. As no current is flowing through the galvanometer, the points B and C must be at the same potential. This means that the potential difference across R1 equals the potential difference across R3; call this voltage V. V I1R1 Ohm’s law applied to R1 V I2R3 Ohm’s law applied to R3 I1R1 I2R3 call this equation (i) Similarly, since the potential difference across R2 equals the potential difference across R4 we get 6 I N V E S T I G AT I N G P H YS I C S I1R2 I2R 4 call this equation (ii) I1R1 I2R3 I1R2 I2R4 dividing equation (i) by equation (ii) R1 R3 R2 R4 simplifying both fractions Derivation of Formulae I0 V0 & Vrms Irms 22 22 Joule’s law states that W I2Rt; this means that the heating effect of an electric current is proportional to its current squared.The law holds true for both alternating and direct currents. When an a.c. supply is said to have a voltage V or cause a current I, what is being described is the equivalent voltage or current from a d.c. supply that would have the same heating effect. The voltage is called the root mean squared voltage (Vrms ); it is equal to the peak voltage (V0) divided by the square root of two. Vrms V0 22 Similarly, the current is the root mean squared current (Irms ); it is equal to the peak voltage (I0) divided by the square root of two. Irms I0 22 The derivations of these formulae are not on the Leaving Cert. course and are merely described here for illustrative purposes. The derivation of each one is similar to the other, so I will just outline the derivation I0 of Ir ms . 22 The current–time graph for an a.c. supply is sinusoidal, as illustrated in the diagram below. sin 0 The current, I, at any instant is given by I I0 sin u. I0 I 0 I = I0 sin The current changes as a function of time, so it should therefore be clear that u should be defined in terms of time. u 2pft where f is the frequency of the a.c. supply. D E R I VAT I O N S O F F O R M U L A E 7 The derivation of this equation is given below. v u t where v angular frequency, u angle (measured in radians), t time T 2p v where T periodic time T 1 f where f frequency 1 2p f v combining the equations T 2p 1 and T v f v 2pf rearranging the above equation u 2pf t u subbing ‘ ’ for ‘v’ t u 2pft rearranging the above equation Therefore the current, I, can be expressed as a function of time, where I0 the peak current and f the frequency of the supply. I I0 sin 2pft I0 I I = I0 sin 2 ft 0 t The heating effect of this alternating current (I) is equal to the heating effect of a direct current of value Irms . Joule’s law states W I2Rt, therefore Ir ms2 Rt I 2Rt heat produced by the d.c. equals heat produced by the a.c. Ir ms2 t I 2 t Ir ms2 t dividing both sides by R (I0 sin 2pft) t 2 subbing ‘I0 sin 2pft ’ for ‘I’ In order to equate these we can graph current squared against time for the a.c. and the d.c. equivalent. I2 I2 I02 I 2 = (I0 sin 2 ft) 2 Irms 2 0 t Graph of square of d.c. against time 8 I N V E S T I G AT I N G P H YS I C S 0 t Graph of square of a.c. against time. The area under the curve in both graphs is equal to Irms2 t and (I0 sin 2pft)2 t respectively. As these are equal, we get: L Ir ms2dt T 3 L (I0 sin 2pft)2dt the area under a curve is equal to its integral (I0 sin 2pft)2 dt equating one cycle by setting the limits as 0 to T, where T is the periodic time T Ir ms2 dt 0 3 0 I2 I2 I 2 = (I0 sin 2 ft ) 2 I0 2 Irms 2 0 t T Graph of square of d.c. against time, with one period highlighted T Ir ms2 3 dt I 02 3 (sin 2pft)2dt 0 T 3 Graph of square of a.c. against time, with one period highlighted T 0 Ir ms2 t 0 T taking the constants outside the integrals T dt I 02 0 1 (1 cos 2(2pft)) dt 32 0 T using the trigonometric identity sin2A T I0 2 (1 cos (4pft)) dt Ir ms2 dt 2 3 3 0 0 Ir ms2[t]T0 I 02 1 a [t]T0 [sin 4pft]T0 b 2 4pf 1 (1 cos 2A) 2 taking the constants outside the integrals and simplifying the cosine function carrying out the integration Ir ms2(T 0) I 02 1 a(T 0) (sin 4pf T sin 0)b 2 4pf Ir ms2(T ) I 02 1 aT (0 0)b 2 4pf Ir ms2(T ) I0 2 (T ) 2 Ir ms2 Irms I 02 2 I0 22 subbing in the limits 1 Q fT 1, f therefore sin 4pf T sin 4p 0. Also sin 0 0 T dividing both sides by T square rooting both sides By a similar argument it may be shown that the root mean squared value of alternating V0 voltage is given by Vrms 22 D E R I VAT I O N S O F F O R M U L A E 9 ln 2 Derivation of Formula T1>2 l Based on the law of radioactive decay we have: dN lN dt where N number of undecayed nuclei, l decay constant, t time 1 dN ldt N rearranging the above equation 1 dN ldt L LN integrating both sides ln N lt C where C constant of integration ln N0 0 C where N0 the number of nuclei present when t 0 Q C ln N0 ln N lt ln N0 subbing ‘ln N0’ for ‘C ’ ln N ln N0 lt rearranging the above equation ln N lt N0 >2 N0 ln ln N0 lT1>2 1 lT1>2 2 ln 2 lT1>2 T1>2 10 I N V E S T I G AT I N G P H YS I C S ln 2 l x using the laws of logs, log a a b log a x log a y y by definition of half-life, N 12N0 when t T1>2 Links Links to Websites Related to Topics in Investigating Physics Chapter 2 – Linear Motion 1. Addition of vectors: p. 16 VectorAdditionApplet.html 2. Finding the resultant of two vectors: p. 17 3. Difference between distance and displacement: p. 18 DisplaceDistance/DisplaceDistance.html 4. Distance–time and velocity–time graphs: p. 26 Chapter 3 – Force and Momentum 5. Principle of Conservation of Momentum: p. 40 6. Demonstrating that F ⫽ ma : p. 43 7. Illustration of the scale of the Earth to the Sun: p. 46 8. Acceleration due to gravity: p. 48 Galileo_Drops_the_Ball/anim/en/index.html?width=740&height=570&popup=true 9. Terminal velocity: p. 51 Chapter 4 – Moments, Density and Pressure 10. Principle of the Lever: p. 67 11. Boyle’s law: p. 77 Chapter 5 – Work, Energy and Power 12. Newton’s cradle: p. 91 LINKS 11 Chapter 6 – Circular Motion 13. Applet 6.2: illustrating centripetal acceleration: p. 100 Chapter 7 – Simple Harmonic Motion and Hooke’s Law 14. Simple Harmonic Motion: p. 114 15. Simple pendulum: p. 116 Chapter 8 – Temperature 16. Difference between heat and temperature: p. 122 Chapter 9 – Heat 17. Explanation of conduction: p. 146 18. Demonstration of convection currents: p. 148 Chapter 10 – Waves 19. Transverse waves: p. 156 20. Longitudinal waves: p. 156 21. Electromagnetic waves: p. 157 index.html 22. Reflection, refraction and diffraction: p. 160 23. Explanation of phase: p. 161 24. Polarisation: p. 163 25. Doppler Effect: p. 163 Chapter 11 – Vibrations and Sound 26. Demonstrating the wave nature of sound: p. 171 27. Resonance: p. 173 12 I N V E S T I G AT I N G P H YS I C S 28. Production of stationary waves: p. 175 29. Harmonics in strings: p. 176 StandingWaves1.html 30. Stationary waves in pipes: p. 177 31. Notes from different instruments: p. 180 32. Addition of waves: p. 180 33. Vernier callipers: p. 180 Chapter 12 – Reflection of Light 34. Applet 12.1 illustrating reflection in a plane mirror: p. 197 35. Ray diagrams for mirrors: p. 199 Chapter 13 – Refraction of Light 36. Snell’s law: p. 210 Refraction.html 37. Total internal reflection and critical angle: p. 217 (attached to Demonstration 13.1) 38. Ray-tracing: p. 221 39. The functioning eye: p. 229 Chapter 14 – Wave Nature of Light 40. Young’s Double Slit Experiment: p. 236 41. Illustration of path difference: p. 238 42. Measurement of wavelength of light: p. 240 43. Factors affecting distance between fringes: p. 242 LINKS 13 44. Addition of colours of light: p. 247 45. Colours in soap bubbles: p. 252 Chapter 15 – Static Electricity 46. Illustrating electric field: p. 271 47. Illustrating electric field lines: p. 271 htm Chapter 16 – Voltage and Capacitance 48. Factors affecting the capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor: p. 284 49. Charging a capacitor: p. 286 Chapter 17 – Current Electricity 50. Heating effect of an electric current: p. 294 Chapter 18 – Resistance 51. Colour Coded Resistance Calculator: p. 305 52. Rheostat as a variable resistor: p. 305 53. Ohm’s law: p. 306 54. Building a circuit with resistors in series and parallel: p. 308 55. Potentiometer: p. 312 56. Resistivity: p. 313 57. Micrometer: p. 314 MicSimulation.html 58. Metre bridge: p. 325 14 I N V E S T I G AT I N G P H YS I C S Chapter 19 – Semiconductors 59. Semiconductor diode: p. 335 Chapter 20 – Electromagnetism 60. Magnetic fields around a bar magnet: p. 347 61. Magnetic fields due to a straight wire, loop and solenoid: p. 349 62. Force on a current-carrying conductor in a magnetic field: p. 352 63. d.c. motor: p. 354 64. Force between currents: p. 356 ParallelWires/Parallel_Wires_640.mpg 65. Faraday’s Electromagnetic Lab: p. 357 66. Faraday’s law: p. 358 67. Lenz’s law: p. 359 68. a.c. generators: p. 363 69. Building a circuit: p. 364 ACDC 70. Transformers: p. 367 71. Inductance: p. 369 Chapter 21 – The Electron 72. Crookes’Tube: p. 381 73. Deflection of a charged particle in a magnetic field: p. 382 MovChgMagApplet.html 74. Photoelectric effect: p. 389 LINKS 15 Chapter 22 – The Nucleus 75. Rutherford’s Gold Foil Experiment: p. 394 76. Emission line spectra: p. 395 77. Bohr model and the production of emission line spectra: p. 396 78. Ionisation by an alpha particle: p. 400 79. G-M tube: p. 403 geiger-counter-sim.htm 80. Solid state detector: p. 404 81. Half-life graph: p. 406 82. Decay chains: p. 407 83. Fission reactions: p. 410 Chapter 23 – Particle Physics (Option 1) 84. (Cockroft and Walton Experiment: p. 428 attached to heading ‘Cockroft and Walton Experiment’) cockcroftwalton11_1.htm 85. (Quark Model: p. 441 Attached to Table 23.4) 86. (The Particle Adventure: p. 443 attached to STS Box ‘We’re all just empty space’) 87. (Building atoms: p. 443 attached to Table 23.5) 88. (Building hadrons: p. 443 attached to Table 23.5) Chapter 24 – Applied Electricity (Option 2) 89. Force on a current-carrying conductor in a magnetic field: p. 448 90. d.c. motor: p. 449 16 I N V E S T I G AT I N G P H YS I C S 91. a.c. generators: p. 454 92. Transformers: p. 455 Links to Websites with Applets (Interactive Animations) Relevant to the Leaving Cert. Syllabus You should note that many of these sites provide far more information than is required at Leaving Cert. level.They can be a useful support to textbook and classroom learning, but should not be viewed as a means to learning the definitive answers for the Leaving Cert. examination. These sites do provide an opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of various topics and can aid a teacher’s classroom teaching. The list of sites below relates to interesting areas of physics. The material on the sites does not relate to the syllabus, but may be of interest to physics students. LINKS 17