Light Unit Outline

SPH4U Light Plans:
In the top right corner of each day’s lesson are the coded curriculum expectations and the
associated textbook sections.
In the top right corner of each day’s lesson are the coded curriculum expectations and the
associated textbook sections.
UNDERLINE AND BOLD indicates due date or summative (count for marks) evaluations.
Anything bolded should be completed for homework.
E2.1, E3.1
Text 10.1 & 10.2
Unit 4 Day 1: Introduction to Light
1. Note on Wave Theory and Concepts.
2. Gizmos Demonstration: Waves
3. Text p. 525 # 21, 23, 25, 27, 28
E2.2, E3.2, E3.3, E3.4
Text 10.3 & 10.4
Unit 4 Day 2: Electromagnetic Theory & Refraction
1. Take up homework.
2. Cornell Note on Electromagnetic Theory – Focus on formulas and spectrum (Do-It-Yourself
3. production of electromagnetic
radiation by an oscillating electric dipole (radio transmitter).
4. Review of Snell’s Law from Gr. 10 Optics
5. Gizmos Demonstration: Refraction & Prisms
7. Play with spectrometers (natural vs. artificial light sources).
8. Read 10.4 & make any additional notes.
9. Text p. 526 – 527 # 34af, 35ab, 36, 41, 46, 47, 48a.
E2.3, E3.2
Unit 4 Day 3: Exploration Activity
1. Take up homework.
2. Exploration Activity DUE by the end of class.
E2.3, E3.2
Text 10.5
Unit 4 Day 4: Polarization
3. Take up homework.
4. Note on Polarization.
5. Play with polarizer.
6. Sample calculations for intensity calculations and Brewster’s angle.
7. Text p. 527 # 51, 52, 53, 61.
E1.1, E1.2
Text 10.6 & 10.7
Unit 4 Day 5: Polarization Applications & Scattering
1. Take up homework.
2. Read 10.6 & 10.7 and answer the following questions:
a. How are polarizing filters used in photography?
b. How are 3-D movies produced?
c. Why do we wear 3-D glasses to watch these movies?
d. How are polarizing filters used in LCD displays?
e. What is birefringence and how is it used by engineers?
f. What is scattering?
g. Why is the sky blue? What does this have to do with resonance?
h. Why is the sky a different colour at sunset?
3. Finish questions above.
E2.3, E2.4, E3.2
Text 11.1 – 11.3
Unit 4 Day 6: Interference of Light
1. Take up homework.
2. Note on Interference.
3. Pass around interference simulator – or post on corkboard?
6. Text p. 579 # 23 – 25
E2.3, E2.4, E3.2
Text 11.4
Unit 4 Day 7: Young’s Double Slit Experiment
1. Take up homework.
2. Note on Young’s Double Slit Experiment.
4. Text p. 579 # 26, 29, 31, 32
E2.3, E2.4, E3.2
Unit 4 Day 8: Diffraction Grating Lab
1. Class period to work on the Diffraction Grating Lab.
2. Work on Lab
E2.3, E2.4, E3.2
Unit 4 Day 9: Diffraction Grating Lab
Computer Lab
1. Class period to work on the Diffraction Grating Lab.
2. Work on Lab
Unit 4 Day 10: Catch-up/Review
1. Class period to catch-up on any missed work and review.
E2.4, E3.2
Text 11.5
Unit 4 Day 11: Interferometers
1. Take up homework.
2. Note on Interferometers (just λ measurements, not thickness).
3. Text p. 580 # 34.
E2.4, E3.2, E3.3
Text 11.6
Unit 4 Day 12: Thin-Film Interference
1. Take up homework.
2. Note on Thin Film Interference.
3. Read “Air Wedges” and “Non-reflective Coatings” on p. 552 – 553.
4. Text p. 581 # 39, 41a, 42.
Text 11.7 & 11.8
Unit 4 Day 13: Single Slit Diffraction
1. Take up homework.
2. Note on Single Slit Diffraction.
3. Example p. 563 # 1 – 3.
4. Read through Sections 11.7 & 11.8 for reinforcement.
5. Text p. 478 # 47 – 49.
Unit 4 Day 14: In Class Open Book Essay
1. In class, open book science essay: 15 marks total (5 TIPS, 5 MC, 5 Comm).
2. Catch-up on missed work, organize binder and notes for evaluation during test.
Unit 4 Day 15: Review
1. Diffraction Lab Due
2. General information about the test.
3. Review activities: Key terms list, key diagrams, key formulas, major & minor concepts.
4. Study for test & prepare binders for submission.
Unit 4 Day 16: Test
1. Full period unit test.
2. Submit binders for evaluation of organization and homework completion.