www.scta.gov.sa Z Company 4770033 BSP STUDY GUIDE 2006 International Air Transport Association Sydney – Australia © 2006 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved DISCLAIMER. The information contained in this publication is subject to constant review in the light of changing government requirements and regulations. No subscriber or other reader should act on the basis of any such information without referring to applicable laws and regulations and/or without taking appropriate professional advice. Although every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, the International Air Transport Association shall not be held responsible for loss or damage caused by errors, omissions, misprints or misinterpretation of the contents hereof. Furthermore, the International Air Transport Association expressly disclaims all and any liability to any person, in respect of anything done or omitted, and the consequences of anything done or omitted, by any such person in reliance on the contents of this publication. No part of the BSP Study Guide may be reproduced, recast, reformatted or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or any information storage and retrieval system, without the prior written permission from: Billing Settlement Plan Management International Air Transport Association GPO Box 3563 Sydney NSW 2001 Australia To the extent that there is any conflict and/or inconsistency in interpretation and meaning between the contents of this Study Guide and the contents of any relevant IATA Resolution, the contents of the IATA Resolutions will prevail and take priority over the contents of this Manual. © 2006 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved -4- CONTENTS: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • INTRODUCTION 7 IATA OFFICES AROUND THE WORLD 8 BSP OVERVIEW 9 BSP OPERATIONS – FLOW CHART 10 BSPLINK 11 DOWNLOAD FILES 12 STANDARD TRAFFIC DOCUMENTS 15 TICKET VALIDITY 15 DISTRIBUTION OF STANDARD TRAFFIC DOCUMENTS STANDARD TRAFFIC DOCUMENT REGISTER 16 TRAFFIC DOCUMENT INVENTORY REPORT (TDIR) BSP EQUIPMENT 20 SAFE CUSTODY OF STD’S AND CIP’S, 20 ACTION IN THE EVENT OF THEFT/LOSS OF STD’S BSPLINK TICKETING AUTHORITY QUERY 21 BSP ADMINISTRATIVE CHARGES 22 ELECTRONIC TICKETING (E-TICKETS) 23 BSP ET PROCESS 23 E-TICKET EXCHANGE 23 E-TICKET CANCELLATION 24 AUTOMATED STANDARD TRAFFIC DOCUMENT 24 REPORTING AUTOMATED TRANSACTIONS 25 CANCELLING AN OPTAT WITHIN 25 BSP INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING DOCUMENTS STD REMITTANCE AREA 28 ISSUING IN EXCHANGE 29 BSP REFUND PROCEDURES 30 AUTOMATED REFUNDS 31 AUTOMATED REFUNDS USING THE GDS/CRS 33 TYPES OF REFUNDS 33 PROCEDURE FOR A FULL REFUND 34 PARTIAL REFUND 34 MULTIPLE FORMS OF PAYMENT REFUND 35 REFUNDS USING BSPLINK 36 REFUND NOTICE ISSUED ON-LINE 38 REFUND NOTICE QUERY 39 REFUND APPLICATION ISSUE IN BSPLINK 40 TIPS FOR QUICK RETURN OF REFUNDS 46 COMPLETION OF REFUND APPLICATION 47 REFUND NOTICE - MANUAL 49 BSP REFUNDS CALCULATION SHEET 50 BASE COMMISSION FOR PUBLISHED FARES 52 © 2006 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved 16 17 21 26 -5- • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • TRAVEL AGENT SERVICE FEE 52 AGENCY SALES TRANSMITTAL (AST) 53 SEQUENCE ERROR 56 CREDIT CARD TRANSACTIONS 57 AUTOMATED CREDIT CARD SALES AND REPORTING 59 MANUALLY ISSUED CREDIT CARD CHARGE FORM 60 AGENCY DEBIT/CREDIT MEMO 62 ADM/ACM QUERY IN BSPLINK 63 ADM – CREATED IN AIRLINE’S OWN SYSTEM 67 BSP BILLING 68 RECONCILIATION OF THE BILLING 69 REMITTANCE/DIRECT DEBITING 70 OVERDUE OR DISHONOURED REMITTANCE 70 TICKETS ISSUED FOR NET REMIT FARES 70 COMMON ERRORS ON NET REMIT TICKETS 71 AIRLINES PARTICIPATING IN NET REMIT SCHEME 2006 72 OVERSEAS AUTOMATED TICKETING 73 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS 74 GLOSSARY OF TERMS 75 QUICK REFERENCE - BSP PROBLEMS 77 QUICK REFERENCE - BALANCING THE BILLING 78 QUICK REFERENCE – REFUNDS 79 QUICK REFERENCE - CREDIT CARD SALES 79 BSP/IATA USEFUL CONTACT DETAILS 80 ELECTRONIC CREDIT CARD BILLING 1 LIST OF BSP CARRIER CONTACTS AUSTRALIA 1 CONDITIONS OF CARRIAGE 2 © 2006 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved -6- INTRODUCTION WHAT IS I.A.TA? The International Air Transport Association (IATA) is the trade association of the world’s scheduled international airline industry. Originally founded in 1919, it now groups together over 270 airlines, from more than 140 nations, worldwide. IATA is a Trade Association, looking after the technical, legal, financial, traffic services, and agency matters; at the same time co-ordinating tariff: passenger fares, cargo rates, related conditions and charges. The commercial objective of IATA is to ensure that people, freight and mail can move around the global airline network as easily, as if they were on a single airline in a single country. The operational objective of IATA is to ensure that Member’s aircraft can operate safely, securely, efficiently and economically – under clearly defined and understood standards. IATA works towards these objectives through representation, standardisation and by marketing a range of products and services for the travel industry. • Representation IATA works with governments to secure more airways and airport capacity, fairer taxation policies and recognition of air transports regard for the environment – to name but three issues. • Standardisation Airlines, through IATA, designed the standard passenger ticket and cargo waybill. Also implemented were standards for accounting, data flow, automated ticketing, baggage checking/tracing and security. • Products/Services IATA provides high quality, value for money, industry products and services. IATA is the collective voice of the world’s fastest growing transport sector which in turn, is part of the worlds largest industry – travel and tourism. © 2006 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved -7- IATA OFFICES AROUND THE WORLD The first BSP operated by IATA was introduced in 1971 in Japan. Today BSP is a world-wide system covering over 140 countries. © 2006 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved -8- BILLING SETTLEMENT PLAN (BSP) The worldwide network of IATA Settlement Systems, spanning over 140 countries and territories, provide cost-effective settlement services to airline, agent and third-party customers. • • • • Standardised procedures and outputs Automated data flows and information exchange Reduced distribution and settlement costs System neutrality between airlines and agents BSP OVERVIEW • • • • Participation in the Billing Settlement Plan is open to all Airlines serving the country or area concerned, subject to the rules of the BSP. The BSP provides Agents with stocks of neutral Standard Traffic Documents (STDs) for use on behalf of all BSP Airlines. The STDs are validated upon issuance: automated tickets by the issuing machine by using a ticket printer that prints on the document the ticketing airline identification, the Agent code and the date of issue. Agents report their sales, exchanges, and refunds to the Processing Centre via a sales Transmittal, as per the Reporting Calendar. Electronic © 2006 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved -9- • • • RET (Reporting Tape) files are forwarded daily by the GDS (Global Distribution Service). The Data Processing Centre produces the Billing Statements, and delivers these to BSPlink for both agents and BSP Airlines. BSP automatically debits the amount due from the agent’s nominated Bank Account. BSP settles with the Airlines. All discrepancies are reported to the BSP Manager who, in accordance with the Sales Agency Rules, deals with Irregularity and Default procedures. BSP Airlines continue to monitor the Agents' ticket sales and take any corrective action. BSP OPERATIONS – FLOW CHART ADVANTAGES OF BSP TO AGENTS The simplified BSP system provides Agents with a cost-effective system for selling the products and services of those Airlines participating in the BSP. The Billing Settlement Plan enables Agents to save on administrative overheads, whilst streamlining their services to the customer. The BSP: • Simplifies and reduces the work load of Agents through the use of STD’s for automated and electronic ticket issuance on behalf of all BSP Airlines. • Provides one supply source of STD’s and automates replenishment of stock levels for each Agent. • Simplifies paperwork and reduces overhead costs by replacing multiple sales reports with a single Agent Sales Transmittal (AST), submitted to a central BSP. © 2006 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved - 10 - • • • • • Standard administrative forms have been replaced with a central facility BSPlink, used by all BSP Airlines and agents. Enhances security – a single stock of automated traffic documents, facilitates safekeeping for Agents, i.e. less space is needed for storage and inventory control becomes simpler and more secure. Establishes one central point (DPC) to which all sales records are sent. Simplifies remittance procedures by establishing one point for Agents’ payments, and a single billing statement. Enables the use of the most modern automated ticketing systems and electronic ticketing, thereby economising on time and money. BSPlink I.A.T.A. working alongside carriers and travel agents, has developed a global internet-based system named BSPlink. This system was created to increase automation and to provide cost effective paperless electronic reporting for Agents and Carriers. Utilising the Internet, BSPlink provides: • Easier and faster access to ticketing information that is available 24 hours a day. • Less filing, as information is electronically stored. • Reduced printing and mailing costs information is obtained over the Internet. • Less opportunity for errors as automated processes reduce manual errors. • Easy access to reference data through electronic document search. The main functions available to Agents are: • • • • • • • Download of files and reports from the BSP’s Data Processing Centre. The ability to issue and view electronic refund notices directly via the BSPlink browser. Improved communication with Airlines. Online query of ticketing authorities with Airlines. Agents are able to view any ADM/ACM that has been issued by an airline on BSPlink. The ability to issue electronic refund applications, which can then be viewed by the airline for approval. Ability to perform online enquiry of documents and tickets ADVANTAGES Speed up of the information flow Common work tool for Agents, Airlines and BSP On-line access to all local reports ADM/ACM issuance On-line query functions Minimise the need for extensive training © 2006 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved - 11 - BSPlink IMPACTS ON: Airlines -ADM/ACM direct entry to system -Review and approve refund applications online -Administer ticket authorities directly -Online 'ticket-image' enquiry Agents -Online viewing/querying of ADM/ACM -Direct entry of refund applications -Online 'ticket image' enquiry BSP -Fewer manual document types to administer -Improved communication to agents/airlines via BSPlink **To view demonstration site go to: www.bsplink.iata.org DOWNLOAD FILES File: File name Date: Date and time when the file has been loaded. File Type: Description of the file available. Size: File size. Sort the files, by clicking on the arrows in the headers, and sort them by File, Date, File Type and/or Size. icon, to download the file (further information below). 1. Click the 2. Tick the check box beside the Delete File text of those files to be deleted 3. Then, click the Delete Marked Files to remove the selected files above. Click the Eliminated Files to query the deleted **The files will be available in BSPlink (either in the download or the eliminated pages) for a period of three months from the load date onwards. © 2006 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved - 12 - IATA - DAPA BILLING AND SETTLEMENT PLAN 2006 CALENDAR REPORTING PERIOD January 26DEC to 01JAN 02JAN to 08JAN 09JAN to 15JAN 16JAN to 22JAN February 23JAN to 29 JAN 30JAN to 05FEB 06FEB to 12FEB 13FEB to 19FEB March 20FEB to 26 FEB 27 FEB to 05MAR 06MAR to 12MAR 13MAR to 19MAR 20MAR to 26MAR April 27MAR to 02APR 03APR to 09APR 10APR to 16APR 17APR to23 APR May 24APR to 30APR 01MAY to 07MAY 08MAY to 14MAY 15MAY to 21MAY June 22MAY to 28MAY 29MAY to 04JUN 05JUN to 11JUN 12JUN to 18JUN 19JUN to 25JUN DESPATCH SALES TRANSMITTAL AGENT BILLING DESPATCH CLOSE OF BUSINESS AGENT REITTANCE Tue Mon Mon 03 09 16 Jan Jan Jan Mon Mon Mon 09 16 23 Jan Jan Jan Mon Mon Mon 16 23 30 Jan Jan Jan Mon 23 Jan Mon 30 Jan Mon 06 Feb Mon Mon Mon 30 06 13 Jan Feb Feb Mon Mon Mon 06 13 20 Feb Feb Feb Mon Mon Mon 13 20 27 Feb Feb Feb Mon 20 Feb Mon 27 Feb Mon 06 Mar Mon Mon Mon Mon 27 06 13 20 Feb Mar Mar Mar Mon Mon Mon Mon 06 13 20 27 Mar Mar Mar Mar Mon Mon Mon Mon 13 20 27 03 Mar Mar Mar Apr Mon 27 Mar Mon 03 Apr Mon 10 Apr Mon Mon Tue 03 10 18 Apr Apr Apr Mon Mon Mon 10 17 24 Apr Apr Apr Tue 18 Apr Mon 24 Apr Mon 01 May Mon 24 Apr Mon 01 May Mon 08 May Mon Mon 01 08 May May Mon Mon 08 15 May May Mon Mon 15 22 May May Mon 15 May Mon 22 May Mon 29 May Mon 22 May Mon 29 May Mon 05 Jun Mon 29 May Mon 05 Jun Tue 13 Jun Mon 19 Jun Mon Mon Mon Mon 05 12 19 26 Jun Jun Jun Jun Mon 12 Jun Mon 19 Jun Mon 26 Jun Mon 03 Jul Mon Mon 03 Jul Mon 26 Jun 10 Jul The Calendar lists the dates on which action must be taken by the Agent The REPORTING week consists of the 7 day sales period (Monday-Sunday) Each MONDAY Agent sends sales transmittal to BSP. Each MONDAY Billing available on BSPlink to Agent. Each MONDAY BSP debits each Agent's bank account (Balance due). © 2006 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved - 13 - IATA - DAPA BILLING AND SETTLEMENT PLAN 2006 CALENDAR REPORTING PERIOD July 26JUN to 02 JUL 03JUL to 09JUL 10JUL to 16JUL 17JUL to 23 JUL August 24JUL to 30JUL 31JUL to 06AUG 07AUG to 13AUG 14AUG to 20AUG September 21AUG to 27AUG 28AUG to 03SEP 04SEP to 10SEP 11SEP to 17SEP 18SEP to 24SEP October 25SEP to 01OCT 02OCT to 08OCT 09OCT to 15OCT 16OCT to 22OCT November 23OCT to 29OCT 30OCT to 05NOV 06NOV to 12NOV 13NOV to 19NOV December 20NOV to 26NOV 27NOV to 03DEC 04DEC to 10DEC 11DEC to 17DEC 18DEC to 24DEC DESPATCH SALES TRANSMITTAL AGENT BILLING DESPATCH CLOSE OF BUSINESS AGENT REITTANCE Mon Mon Mon 03 10 17 Jul Jul Jul Mon Mon Mon 10 17 24 Jul Jul Jul Mon Mon Mon 17 24 31 Jul Jul Jul Mon 24 Jul Mon 31 Jul Mon 07 Aug Mon 31 Jul Mon 07 Aug Mon 14 Aug Mon Mon Mon 07 14 21 Aug Aug Aug Mon Mon Mon 14 21 28 Aug Aug Aug Mon 21 Aug Mon 28 Aug Mon 04 Sep Mon Mon Mon Mon 28 04 11 18 Aug Sep Sep Sep Mon Mon Mon Mon 04 11 18 25 Sep Sep Sep Sep Mon Mon Mon Mon 11 18 25 02 Sep Sep Sep Oct Mon 25 Sep Mon 02 Oct Mon 09 Oct Tue Mon Mon 03 09 16 Oct Oct Oct Mon Mon Mon 09 16 23 Oct Oct Oct Mon Mon Mon 16 23 30 Oct Oct Oct Mon 23 Oct Mon 30 Oct Mon 06 Nov Mon Mon 30 06 Oct Nov Mon Mon 06 13 Nov Nov Mon Mon 13 20 Nov Nov Mon 13 Nov Mon 20 Nov Mon 27 Nov Mon 20 Nov Mon 27 Nov Mon 04 Dec Mon Mon Mon Mon 27 04 11 18 Nov Dec Dec Dec Mon Mon Mon Wed 04 11 18 27 Dec Dec Dec Dec Mon Mon Wed Tue 11 18 27 02 Dec Dec Dec Jan Wed 27 Dec Tue 02 Jan Mon 08 Jan **Available from the IATA website: www.iata.org/worldwide/australia © 2006 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved - 14 - STANDARD TRAFFIC DOCUMENTS The introduction of the Multiple Purpose Document (MPD – one coupon) has coincided with the withdrawal of the MCO from circulation. Although agents currently hold a limited number of MCOs. BSP no longer supplies agents with MCO’s. MPD - Multiple Purpose Document (manual) OPTAT – 4 stage ticket (automated) TICKET VALIDITY Domestic tickets are valid 12 months from date of issue International Tickets are valid 12 months from date of departure **Not to be confused with fare rules validity © 2006 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved - 15 - DISTRIBUTION OF STANDARD TRAFFIC DOCUMENTS STD’s are supplied to Agents by IATA, who arranges delivery of STDs (not etickets) to Agents, and maintains accurate records of the documents supplied. Every 14 days the BSP checks its record of STD’s used by each location and creates an automatic replenishment based on average use. The automatic replenishment system cannot account for seasonal fluctuations in usage; if an Agent finds that its level of STD’s has fallen, he/she may obtain emergency supplies by contacting BSP Customer Service. Requests must be made in writing to: cssyd@iata.org When STD’s are received in the Agency the BSP Officer should check the contents and sign the attached Delivery Receipt. This should be faxed to the number on the receipt. The STD’s must be written into the Agency's document register before being locked in the Agency safe. ** Maintaining adequate levels of stock is the agent’s responsibility. STANDARD TRAFFIC DOCUMENT REGISTER Agents must keep accurate and up-to-date records of MPD’s held. A separate line for each document to record the issue date, passenger name and initials of the consultant responsible. Other details may be added if desired to facilitate the tracing of any “missing” document or for internal audit/accounting purposes. The register must be updated and verified daily to ensure that all documents issued have been accounted for and that issues have been made in the correct sequence. ** Accurate records will assist in compiling the sales transmittal and reduce the risk of documents being reported late. Example of STD register Serial No Doc Issue Passenger Consultant Booking Date Name No.Carrier Ref MPD 3064746340 2 Jan 06 1 Grant/CMr DE WT56HI 2 3 © 2006 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved - 16 - TRAFFIC DOCUMENT INVENTORY REPORT (TDIR) Additional check on stock held by each Agent, is the annual Traffic Document Inventory Report completed by agents; this is an Agent self-audit completed online. This Stocktake is a bi-annual inventory of stocks required by BSP. IATA travel agents and the warehouse participate in the stock-take by reporting the stock on hand in their office at the end of the business hours on the date of the stock-take. BSP checks all the reports sent by the agents. If a series is not reported it will create a discrepancy that BSP needs to investigate. It is a must to make sure that all series in the agent’s office are reported. A file containing the username and password, is delivered to BSPlink for each IATA agent. Eg. Phia0230000_20051108_LetterAgentStocktake Each agent is provided a unique login and password to the stock-take site: www.bspstocktake.com A timeframe is given to agents to input their series on the stock-take web page. If an agent misses the deadline, inform the BSP that stock-take has not been undertaken on the specified date. cssyd@iata.org How to Report Ranges • Upon log-on, this screen will be displayed (Ranges Menu) • Doc Type: Use the drop down menu to display the document types: Eg. A41 – Automated Tickets / MPD – Multi Purpose Document Initial Series/ Start:Input the 1st ticket (10 digits, plus check digit) Final Series/ End: Input the last ticket (10 digits plus check digit) Total: Input the total no of document Total = End Series – Start Series + 1 Rec. No. This refers to Record No. This is a system- generated number. • • • • © 2006 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved - 17 - How to Store Ranges in the Web Page • Press Enter or Click Insert for Update Range Button As soon as the series have been accepted it will appear under the Description part of the web page. 5. How to Back-up It is a must that agents create a back-up either as a soft copy or a print out for their office copy. For soft copy press Save a Copy or for hard copy press Print • To back-up Press the Menu “PDF File” © 2006 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved - 18 - 1. How to Log Off/ Close Capture Press the menu “Close Capture”. The ff screen will be displayed containing the summary of the total no. of tickets declared in the stock-take. © 2006 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved - 19 - BSP EQUIPMENT The MPD is required to be validated; and therefore the following equipment is needed. • Ticket imprinter, Agent Validator Plate, Carrier Identification Plates (CIP) VALIDATOR (TICKET IMPRINTER) The ticket imprinter is designated to meet the requirements of clear imprinting validation date accurately in the appropriate boxes of the ticket. As the dimensions of CIP’s are the same as those of most credit cards including the UATP card, the ticket imprinter may additionally be used to imprint and validate credit card forms including the CCCF. AGENT VALIDATOR PLATE This plate is provided to each accredited IATA agent, showing the name, address and IATA Numeric Code of the Agent Approved Location. CARRIER IDENTIFICATION PLATE (CIP) A CIP is used by the Agent in its ticket imprinter to validate MPDs with the name of that Airline. A BSP Airline may supply a CIP to an Agent, These plates remain at all times the property of the BSP Airlines. SAFE CUSTODY OF STD’s and CIP’s, Each agent entrusted with STD’s and CIP’s is responsible for their safe custody and care while they are in their possession. The agent must maintain a high degree of security at all times to protect the stocks STD’s/CIP’s held by the Agency. For example: • Hold only a minimum working supply of STDs on the premises. • Keep a working supply of STDs outside the safe, not in public view. • If a safe is installed on the premises manual Traffic Documents should be stored in the safe. If no safe is on the premises manual Traffic Documents should be stored in a lockable steel cabinet. (Refer Resolution 816 Section 11.2) • Ticket imprinter and CIP’s under lock and key when not in use. Maintain accurate and up-to date records of STD’s and CIP’s held. • Undertake frequent internal audits of STD’s and CIP’s. • The automated ticket printer and the ticket compartment doors should be closed and locked at all times. • The Agency CRS should be disconnected from the ticket printer when not in use and ticket stock should be removed from the printer and stored in the safe or locked cabinet. ACTION IN THE EVENT OF THEFT/LOSS OF STD’s or CIP’s Where it is discovered that any of the STD’s in an Agent's custody have disappeared and cannot be located, the Agent must advise the BSP Manager by completing a Missing Traffic Document Report (MTDR). In the event that burglary, theft or fraud is suspected, the Agent is to notify the local police department without delay. Should CIP’s be stolen or disappear from the Agency the Agent is to immediately advise in writing the BSP Manager and any Airline concerned. BSPlink TICKETING AUTHORITY QUERY Airlines may chose to advise ticketing authority through BSPlink. Each Airline enters the details of ticketing authorities for agents directly into BSPlink. An Agent can query the Ticketing Authority for all of the Airlines for which the agency has permission to issue tickets/documents, i.e. the Ticketing Authority. When the Agent clicks on Ticketing Authority Query the user immediately sees all Airlines for which he has the Ticketing Authority. The list contains the Airline code, name and the designator. The E-mail Alert option sends automatic messages whenever there is a change to the Ticketing Authority. Download the query results, by clicking the Download link at the bottom of the page. **If the information given is not correct please contact your local BSP. © 2006 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved - 21 - BSP ADMINISTRATIVE CHARGES LATE REPORTED DOCUMENTS Transactions must be reported in the correct billing week, e.g., tickets issued 10th January, reported on AST forwarded to BSP on Monday 16th January. (Refer calendar page 11). If transactions are reported in the following reporting week, they are deemed to be late. This refers to manual, electronic and automated sales. Reporting Tape Files (RETs) that are sent for processing late, attract Late Reporting fees. A financial penalty to 0.2% of the gross fare value (per transaction) for each billing period late will apply. The charge is a minimum AUD10.00, in addition an administrative fee of AUD 25.00 will apply to each location. These charges are subject to GST. (Refer Resolution 832 Section 1.7) OVERDUE OR DISHONOURED REMITTANCE If an Agent’s remittance dishonoured by its bankers, a charge of AUD112.20 (incl. GST) plus any bank charges incurred by the BSP will apply. Any BSP Airline may, at its discretion, raise an ADM for the loss of interest and any other charges incurred as a result of such overdue or dishonoured remittance. ‘EXCESS’ CANCELLED TICKETS (in excess of usual allowance) When an agent cancels in excess of 3% of the agency usage of tickets per quarter, a charge of AUD0.90 per cancelled document will apply, plus the addition of GST. If tickets are cancelled or destroyed by office printer (not Agent error) contact the CRS for a ’fault number’, this number can be quoted to the CRS for reimbursement of any charges incurred as a result of the error. AUTOMATED TICKETING SEQUENCE ERRORS Sequence errors occur, when the ticket numbers reported in an automated ticketing record (RET file), do not correspond to the physical ticket number. It is essential that the agent informs BSP Customer Service: cssyd@iata.org BSP will advise the carriers of any sequence errors within a reporting week. A sequence error form can be downloaded from: http://www.iata.org/worldwide/australia/bsp_australia.htm CREDIT CARD ERROR CORRECTION Where a manual Credit Card Charge Form (CCF) has been reported with an incorrect credit card number, a fee of AUD27.50 (incl. GST) will apply for each credit card number corrected. **This is for manual error only, Electronic Invoicing details cannot be changed CHARGES FOR NON-REPLY TO ENQUIRIES INTO UNREPORTED STDs An administration fee of AUD30.00 (incl. GST) plus AUD1 per ticket, will be charged to Agents who fail to respond within 30 days to BSP enquiries to unreported STDs. © 2006 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved - 22 - ELECTRONIC TICKETING (E-tickets) E-tickets are 'created' in London. A batch, example 400,000, are forwarded to BSP Sydney where they are allocated (example 100,000) to the ETSP (Galileo, Amadeus, Abacus and Sabre). It is the providers that allocate electronic ticket numbers to the agencies, not BSP. ** Specific instructions for completing ET transactions must be obtained from the Agency Ticketing System Provider. The provider will issue a handbook, which will be updated as required. BSP ET PROCESS Before an Agent can issue Electronic Tickets on behalf of a Carrier it must be authorised to do so by the Carrier. The carrier will input authority in BSPlink and an advice is forwarded to the agency System Provider. The System Provider will enable ET ticketing for the Agency and allocate a range of ET serial numbers. When the range has been utilised, a further allocation is automatically provided. 1. The System Provider will advise BSP of the ET serial numbers allocated to each Agent. 2. ET’s are reported daily to the DPC via the Agent TSP, and will appear on the next agent billing in the same way as OPTAT’s. E-TICKET EXCHANGE Even Exchange (equal value) or additional collection – E-ticket to E-ticket 1. Request authority from the issuing Carrier to exchange an ET. This can be done on-line through the TSP. 2. Follow your System Provider’s instructions in obtaining the authority from the issuing Carrier. 3. Print the exchange authorisation form and file with the Agent copy for the new E-ticket. E-TICKET REISSUE Reissue in exchange for another ET. An agent may obtain authorisation from issuing Carrier online through it's TSP. When granted, a copy of the exchange authorisation form should be generated and filed with the Agent's copy of the new ET. Reissue in exchange for OPTAT. An agent may obtain authorisation from issuing Carrier online through it's ETSP. One copy of the exchange authorisation should be attached to a photocopy (cut to size) of the OPTAT and enclosed with the next AST, the other copy is to be attached to the agent coupon of the OPTAT and held on file by the Agent. © 2006 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved - 23 - ** In each case, when issuing an e-ticket, an itinerary/receipt must be given to the passenger. In addition, the passenger should be given a copy of the Warsaw Convention. It is not always possible to hand this directly to the passenger, and it may be sent by mail, e-mail or fax, and should be as early as is practical prior to departure. **See attachments E-TICKET CANCELLATION ET’s may be cancelled only if permitted by the fare rules and if authorised by the issuing Carrier. Once authorisation is granted the following general guidelines will apply: On the day of issue Within the same BSP reporting period After the close of the BSP Reporting Period The ET will be reported by the Agents TSP to DPC and cancelled in the same way as an OPTAT. The TSP will issue a 'Cancellation with Reversal' order which will reverse the transaction during the period. The DPC will also reverse any amount previously billed to a credit card. All ET’s must be refunded in the manner referred to on the previous page, or as instructed by the Carrier. AUTOMATED STANDARD TRAFFIC DOCUMENT © 2006 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved - 24 - REPORTING Automated Transactions There are major advantages for both Agents and Carriers in the use of automated tickets to effect sales. The electronic record created by the Agent's CRS at the time automated tickets issue is transmitted to the DPC on a daily basis. There are certain procedures the Agent must follow to ensure that the data is reported correctly, including cancellation and refunds. Each CRS trains consultants in the correct method to issue automated tickets. The following information is specifically related to the Correct issue of OPTAT’s. It is vital that each day before issuing any automated tickets, or at any time when the system fails the serial number recorded in the CRS are checked with the next ticket to be issued, the next physical document in the printer and the next number issued in the CRS must be the same. The printer has no way of identifying and verifying that the serial numbers match. The responsibility for verification therefore rests with the Agent. **It is recommended that whenever a ticket is removed from the printer the Agent matches the ticket serial number on the passenger reservation with the ticket number printed on the ticket by the CRS. If they do not match STOP PRINTING until the error is fixed. Tickets issued out of sync should be cancelled. ** Failure to carry out this check may result in unmatched data reported to BSP. Incorrect information appearing on the physical ticket issued will cause serious problems for internal accounting records, for the Airline and potentially for the traveller. CORRECT REPORTING OF OPTAT’s At the end of each day, the Agent's CRS will automatically transmit an electronic data file to BSP. This file will contain a record of all tickets issued and cancellations effected during that day. BSP’s Data Processing Centre will accumulate that data until the end of the reporting period. CANCELLING AN OPTAT WITHIN THE REPORTING PERIOD: From opening on Monday, until close of business the following Sunday, it is possible to cancel a ticket issued within that period by using the functionality in the CRS to send a ‘cancelled’ record to BSP. Complete procedures and training for the Agent on how to effect a cancellation of an OPTAT are available from respective automated Ticketing Provider. © 2006 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved - 25 - CANCELLING AN OPTAT ISSUED AGAINST CASH: An automated ticket issued as a cash sale, and then cancelled by the Agent through the CRS in the same reporting period, will be forwarded as a ‘cancellation record’, and appear in the billing statement as cancelled. ** A ticket is cancelled on the day of issue requires the agent to retain all coupons. ** A ticket is cancelled on a different day during the reporting period, requires the agent to send all coupons with the AST. CANCELLING AN OPTAT ISSUED AGAINST A CREDIT CARD: An automated ticket issued as full/part credit sale subsequently cancelled through the CRS in the same reporting period, will be forwarded as a ‘cancellation record’, and appear in the billing statement as a sale and a refund transaction. The unused flight and passenger receipt coupons should be marked CANCELLED or VOID, stapled behind a photocopy (cut to size) of the pink Agent coupon (pink) and submitted with the Agency Sales Transmittal. CANCELLING AN OPTAT AFTER THE REPORTING PERIOD Normal refund procedures apply when an automated ticket is cancelled by the Agent outside the reporting period. The agent must follow their Ticketing Provider instructions. BSP INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING DOCUMENTS When issuing an MPD or Credit Card Charge Form document: 1. Write in UPPER CASE (capital letters) only. 2. $ signs or % signs are NOT to be used. 3. Pencil or red pen is NOT permitted 4. The date format is: dd/MMM/yy e.g., 06APR06. 5. Currency format is: the 3 letter code, e.g., AUD33.00, NUC456.80) 6. .00 or – after currency amount AUD300-- or AUD300.00 7. Comma’s AUD1,000.00 are not used: AUD1000.00 **The above ‘rules’ also apply to all passenger files in the Agency, notes/messages taken on behalf of colleagues, passenger itinerary, and all letters/emails issued by Agent. • Refund/Exchange or Cancelled Coupons Must Be Crossed Flight coupons enclosed in the transmittal or forwarded to a carrier by mail have value; and if lost or stolen, can be used for fraudulent purposes. Before placing flight coupons in the Transmittal or posting to Carrier the Travel Agent is required to write boldly across the front of the ticket 'REFUND', 'EXCHANGE' or 'CANCELLED/VOID'. © 2006 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved - 26 - © 2006 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved - 27 - STD REMITTANCE AREA The details shown in the STD remittance area must be accurate to enable the Processing Centre to capture the correct billing data. The billing information is taken from the remittance boxes found on the audit coupon of an MPD and agent coupon of the OPTAT. Therefore ANY mistakes will effect the Billing. MPD – Remittance Boxes Currency Cash Collection Credit balance Comm.Rate Tax Amount OPTAT – Replica of Printed Fields – refer GDS instruction for input ORIGINAL ISSUE REMITTANCE AREA I CASH I I CREDIT COMM. TAX I REMITTANCE AREA COMPLETION CURRENCY All Australian transactions are in Australian dollars. AUD or X or left blank is permitted. CASH COLLECTION Refers to amounts collected in Cash, by cheque, agent's own invoice, or travellers cheques. CREDIT BALANCE Refers to the amount paid by customer pays by credit card as full/part payment issued. COMMISSION RATE Commission taken on BSP tickets is advised by each carrier for example, 0% Domestic and 7% International. The amount in this box MUST reflect the total of all the taxes collected on the document. All taxes collected are to be clearly listed separately on the ticket in the appropriate area. TAX AMOUNT ** Check that you have input the correct remittance information before exiting the reservation, and before printing the ticket. ** If there are insufficient tax boxes use the code XT rule - $ or % signs are not to be used - blank boxes may left blank OR marked by a diagonal line © 2006 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved - 28 - MPD/MCO – one tax box only Multiple tax boxes do not appear on the Multiple Purpose Document (MPD), Important tax break-up data must be included on the document, the following tax rule applies. • Write taxes (tax code and amount) above the remittance area. UO 62.14 QR 18.00 QK 3.40 Form of Payment Currency AUD Cash Collection 600 Credit Balance 00 Comm rate 5 Tax Amount 83 54 Total Tax Amount UO Tax is calculated: fare + taxes = total / 10 600 + 18 + 3.40 = 621.40 / 10 = 62.14 UO = 62.14 TOTAL Tax = 62.14 + 18 + 3.40 = 83.54 CHECK THE ADDITIONS. Add up the three boxes: cash, credit and tax. This total must equal the total of the fare plus taxes as shown on the document. If not then there is an error which needs to be investigated. ** It is advisable to check the same on Automated tickets ISSUING IN EXCHANGE Exchange tickets must be issued by the agent who issued the original ticket. (Unless authorised by the Airline concerned). Care must be taken when completing the remittance box area of the new ticket. The original ticket will be used as full/part payment for the ‘new’ ticket. The principal is the same for automated tickets as for manual tickets (now obsolete). In the Ticketing system retrieve the original booking file, which can be stored in advance of the ticket issue. The re-issue may be: 1. An Even Exchange, the new ticket has the same value than the original ticket. 2. Additional Collection, the new ticket has a higher value than the original ticket. 3. If the ticket issued in exchange has a lower value than the original ticket, complete an MCO or MPD for that value and send with a refund for the difference in fare value. 1.In the case of a direct exchange with NO additional collection: © 2006 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved - 29 - EQUIV FARE PD. FARE 500.00 TOTAL NO ADC 2. CURRENCY TAX TAX PD 38.00 AU PD3.58 QK CASH COLLECTION AUD CREDIT BAL TAX COMM.RATE TAX AMOUNT EX Exchange, with additional collection, and additional tax: FARE 550.00 EQUIV FARE PD. CURRENCY TOTAL 66.70 AUD TAX TAX TAX PD50.34UO PD3.40 QK CASH COLLECTION CREDIT BAL COMM.RATE EX 50.00 7 16.70 SG TAX AMOUNT 16.70 The tax PD (pre-paid) code is used to advise the that include taxes have been paid on the original ticket. *Validate and issue new ticket using the same Carrier as the original ticket. *Write the word EXCHANGE boldly across the face of the original flight coupons. *For automated tickets - photocopy the new auto ticket, cut to size, and attach flight coupons from original ticket. (to be included in AST) BSP REFUND PROCEDURES Airline Responsibility for processing Refunds Airlines have agreed global standards for the processing of refunds. These are set down in Resolution 824r in the Travel Agent’s Handbook. In brief, the rule requires Airlines: Where totally unused STDs are submitted: • To authorise settlement no later than the following remittance date after receipt of the refund application from the Agent; Where partly used STDs are submitted: • To authorise settlement no later than 2 months after receipt of the refund application from the Agent. Should the Ticketing Airline be unable to process a partly used STD within 2 months, the reason/s must be advised to the Agent. There may be valid reasons why the Ticketing Airline cannot process a refund within the 2-month period. Where a response is not forthcoming in that time frame, the Agent should follow up directly with the Airline concerned. Should the Agent find the reason for the delay given by the Airline unsatisfactory, it should refer the matter with full details of the transaction to the BSP Manager. All Participating Airlines in BSP-Australia have agreed the BSP Manager may © 2006 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved - 30 - act in an Ombudsman role in these situations for the purpose of resolving these claims, taking into account all circumstances presented by the Agent and the Airline involved. The BSP Manager will report to the Executive Council – Australia, established under Resolution 816, on the number of refund cases brought to his attention during the preceding 3-month period. The report will list the Ticketing Airline involved and the status of each claim submitted. A copy of the report will also be forwarded to all members of the Executive Council. Refund claims against lost or stolen STDs require the Ticketing Airline to determine that the document has not been used. This could take considerable time to complete particularly where the lost or stolen STD was issued to include carriage on other Airlines. Immediate Refund Allowed - All Airlines Fully unused tickets or unused coupons, provided: 1. 2. 3. 4. They were issued by the Agent at its Approved Location They were issued for Cash, Cheque or against Agents own invoice The validity has not expired Fees and charges are to be recorded for Cancellation Penalties including GST and recorded on the Refund Notice ** When a ticket payment was part cash/part credit card, the Agent must complete BOTH Refund Application – Cash and Refund Application – Credit and forward these forms to the issuing Carrier. Immediate Refund NOT Allowed A refund Application must be used for the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. STDs issued in part or full against credit cards or government warrants STDs issued at another Agent’s location or at Airlines office STDs which have been altered or amended in any way after issue Time-expired documents Tickets issued at Groups or IT fares Documents which have been incorrectly overcharged but travel has already taken place 7. Involuntary re-routing 8. Changes of Class (International) 9. Any ticket issued as net fare transaction. Automated Refunds The Automated Refund procedure is available to Agents through their System Provider. When an Automated Refund has been processed through the Agent’s CRS/TSP and the applicable forms have been printed, then the following action is to be taken: © 2006 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved - 31 - I. Flight Coupons of Automated tickets are to be clearly marked “REFUNDED” and stapled behind the application form II. The refund Form with coupons are to be attached behind the AST and the number of Automated Refunds recorded in the appropriate box on the AST **No need to send in any documentation for Electronic Tickets. BSP expects that, where the facility is available, Agents will process refunds via their System Provider, thereby saving time. For detailed information please contact the Airline or refer “Automated Refunds (BSP procedures and Airline acceptance) “ which can be downloaded from the BSP Australia corporate website (www.iata.org/australia). Automated Refund Form as printed The Benefits of Automated Refunds in BSPlink or CRS • No manually completed forms • Reported overnight to BSP • Refunds are automatically on the next billing • Saves time General conditions are: • Automated refunds can only be processed by the original issuing office. • The unused flight coupons are to be forwarded to the designated airlines. • Tickets must have been issued at your location • Validity has not expired and issue date is within 13 months of refund • Refunds are for the same forms of payment as the original ticket i.e., cash or credit respectively. • Cancellation penalties apply as specified by the airline. © 2006 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved - 32 - Refer to www.iata.org/worldwide/australia/bsp_australia for a detailed list of airline refund requirements. Automated Refunds using the GDS/CRS In order to utilise the Automated Refunds system the agent must be linked to a CRS itinerary/invoice printer, and must hold the Carrier Ticketing Authority for the airline on which a refund is being issued. A Direct entry command can be used for the refund of completely unused Automated tickets, or alternatively a fill-in format screen can be completed for unused or partially used Automated, or Electronic tickets. The Automated Refund procedure will generate a printed Refund Notice and any refunded flight coupons should then be forwarded to the airline. Procedure 1 The CRS determines the original ticket value. Ticket data is obtained from the ticket image database for paper and electronic tickets, and the airline’s electronic ticket database for electronic tickets, or input manually. This data includes the original ticket price. 2. Compares the original ticket value to any applicable flown segment value and determines whether any money is due to the passenger. Cancellation penalty may be entered in this step. 3. The CRS processes the refund, issues applicable documentation and retains refund information. Types of Refunds There are five general types of refunds. Four of these may include a cancellation penalty. • Full refunds • Partial refunds • Multiple form of payment refunds • Net remit refunds • Tax only refunds (can not include a cancellation penalty) Once you initiate the refund, the mask process prompts you through a series of screens based upon the type of refund. Find the original ticket number by displaying the ticketing field. Full Refund with Cancellation Penalty Example In this example the passenger is cancelling the entire itinerary. The fare is fully refundable; the airline is charging a AUD275.00 cancellation penalty. © 2006 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved - 33 - Procedure for a full refund 1. Access the Mask 2. Determine the original ticket value. 3. Verify the refund amounts and add any penalty. 4. Add Refund Information. The Refund Information screen auto populates the necessary information. You may add the original invoice number and free text to appear at the end of the refund accounting line if necessary. **The form of payment will default to the original ticket and cannot be changed. **Do not include an agency service fee, only airline fees are included on refunds If you are not in a PNR when you process a refund transaction (full or partial), a reference PNR is created when you complete the transaction Partial Refund Partial refunds apply to a partially used ticket with a refund due. For example: when a passenger has used the outbound portion of the ticket and has cancelled the return. The fare used allows a refund for the return portion of the ticket. **Prior to beginning a partial refund you must determine the value of each used coupon or flown segment. You must verify this value with the airline. Procedure for a partial refund 1. Access the Mask 2. Determine the original ticket value. The Database Ticket screen displays when the ticket is found in the ticket image database. The system prepopulates the screen with the itinerary and price details of the original ticket. Indicate which segments are flown and which are to be refunded. 3. Enter the flown segment data. The Itinerary Calculation screen displays with some original ticket information pre-populated from the ticket image database. To have the system calculate the flown itinerary price, leave all itinerary fields blank. To manually price the flown segments, enter the fare basis, fare and any Q surcharge, including any applicable stopover (O) and connection (X) indicators for each segment. 4. Verify the refund amount and add any penalty. 5. Add Refund Information. The Refund Information screen auto populates the necessary information. You may add the original invoice number and free text to appear at the end of the refund accounting line if necessary. 6. The refund accounting line is added to your PNR. Partial Refund, without Active PNR When the original ticket is not found in the database, the ticket data is manually entered. This applies to both full and partial refunds. Be sure to have © 2006 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved - 34 - all of the original ticket’s itinerary and price information prior to beginning the partial refund. Example The passenger used the outbound flight segment 1 and cancelled the return flight segment 2. (Partial refund with no active PNR). Procedure 1. Access the Mask 2. Determine the original ticket value. Enter all the itinerary and price details of the original ticket. 3. Enter tax information. Enter the breakdown of the XT tax . 4. Enter the flown segment information. Enter the airline, booking class, departure date, city pair codes and connection indicator for each flown segment. 5. Enter the fare calculation data. Enter fare calculation data for flown coupons. Some of the data is prepopulated from the previous screens. Enter the fare basis code, base fare amount and any applicable Q surcharge for each coupon with a value. 6. Verify the refund amount and add any penalty. Add an applicable cancellation penalty if necessary. If a penalty fee is included it is deducted from the refund amount to produce the new total. Verify the total amount is correct. 7. Add Refund Information. The Refund Information screen auto populates the necessary information. Multiple Forms of Payment Refund Example The passenger is cancelling the entire itinerary. The ticketed fare allows a refund. Procedure 1. Access the Mask 2. Determine the original ticket value. The Database Ticket screen displays when the ticket is found in the ticket image database. The system prepopulates the screen with the itinerary and price details of the original ticket. 3. Verify the refund amounts and add any penalty. © 2006 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved - 35 - Refunds using BSPlink How to Issue a Refund Notice (Enhanced level) Go to: • • • Document Enquiry Fill in the ticket number without Airline code Click “Basic or Detailed Query” Click on “Issue Refund Notice” link from the bottom of the Document Enquiry. A Refund Notice form is automatically displayed with the ticket information. © 2006 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved - 36 - Taxes Select taxes from the pop-up screen displayed. Select Populate to copy the original document taxes to the new Refund Notice form. Select Clear to delete the copied taxes, and manually enter taxes. XT taxes will not be shown, and needs to be entered. Only 6 tax boxes will be filled, in the 7th an XT with the total amount of the rest of the taxes is used. The breakdown of the XT tax, can be displayed. Coupons By default, all the used coupons in the queried document will be marked in the new form. Conjunction Tickets Conjunction Tickets, all coupons will be displayed and marked, by default. The final step is to click the Accept button. The new issued Refund Notice can be now queried in the 'Refund Notice Query'. © 2006 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved - 37 - Refund Notice issued on-line If the document to be refunded is not in BSPlink mandatory, whereas the grey fields are optional. • • • the white fields are Fare: the total fare amount of the refund. Taxes: Enter the tax code and amount (7 taxes). XF Tax: in BSPlink forms: Specify the 3-character Airport location identifier to which the Airport or segment tax applies and the amount corresponding to such tax. Example: TAX TAX XFMIA1 XFBCN2 10 20 XT Tax: XT tax will be allowed when the other tax boxes have been filled. • • • • • • • • • • Gross Refund: Is the total of the ticket’s fare + tax amount - penalty charges. The system automatically calculates the amount to be refunded. Commission: A number between 0 and 100. By default, it is considered as percentage (%). If the value entered is an amount the (%) box should not be selected. Net Remit: This box will be ticked, if the refunded ticket is part of a netremit transaction. Passenger Name: This field is mandatory. Document Form and Serial Number refers to the ticket number Airline Code: The Numeric Airline code without the check digit. Number: A ten-digit ticket number. Coupons: Tick the corresponding coupons that should be refunded. Date of Issue Refunded Document is the date when the refunded document was issued. DD/MM/YYYY. Stat: ‘International’ or ‘Domestic’ or ‘I’ or ‘D’ defined as neutral, the user can select between ‘International’ or ‘Domestic’ values. Upon completion of the form, click the Accept button at the bottom of the screen. The system will not ask the user for confirmation. The issued Refund Notice can be now queried in the 'Refund Notice Query' © 2006 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved - 38 - Refund Notice Query Enhanced Agents are able to query all the direct refunds previously issued. Select Pending Supervision (Documents checked by a supervisor), By Period (Billing Period), Deleted or Refund by Number. For all options, click the Query Options Enter the searching criteria. Finally, click the Query button. © 2006 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved - 39 - REFUND APPLICATION ISSUE IN BSPlink Enhanced Agents will be able to issue Refund Application/Authority. 1. Enter all the fields required to correctly fill out the form. 2. Click on the Accept button. There are two ways to issue Indirect Refunds (Refund Applications) via BSPlink: 1. Refund Application/Authority issued via ‘Document Enquiry (TAIP) option Issue Refund Application/Authority via Document Enquiry option is the recommended and easiest way. Please find instructions below. 2. Refund Application/Authority issued on-line © 2006 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved - 40 - Refund Application/Authority issued via ‘Document Enquiry’ option The user chooses from the main menu: - Document Queries - Document Enquiry - Insert the Document number without Airline code - Click “Basic or Detailed Query” • Find “Issue Refund Application” link from the bottom of the Document Enquiry. The cursor will be place in the first field to be filled/modified by the Agent. Taxes When issuing Refunds from Document Enquiry a pop up, to select and deselect the tax fields to be ‘auto-populated’.. Show: A query about the original document taxes. In this screen, the ISO tax, the amount and the currency of the taxes are displayed. Populate: To copy the original document taxes to the new Refund Coupons: By default, all the used coupons in the queried document will be marked in the new form. However, the user is able to unmark those that are not going to be refunded. © 2006 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved - 41 - Conjunction Tickets: If the queried document has Conjunction Tickets, when copying the information from the queried document to the new Refund Application form, all the conjunction documents and the used coupons will be displayed and marked, by default. Unmark those coupons that are not going to be refunded. Extra Fields DIRD: Date of Issue Refunded Document APLC: Credit Card Approval Code EXDA: Credit Card Expiry Date CSTF: Customer File Reference Once the from is completed click the Accept button The issued Refund Application/Authority can be now queried in the 'Refund Application/Authority Query'. The white fields are compulsory, whereas the grey fields are optional. • • • 3-digit Airline code. Passenger Name (compulsory) Reasons for Refund (compulsory): • • • • Stat: The user can choose: ‘International’ or ‘Domestic’ or ‘I’ or ‘D’ Original Document .: A ten-digit ticket number Coupons: Tick the corresponding coupons that are to be refunded. Rep Period: The reporting period (YYYYMMP) when the ticket/document was reported. Issuing Agency’s IATA code & name Form of Payment Credit: If the form of payment is by credit, the corresponding fields should be entered at least with credit amount and entity information e.g. VISA = VI, Master Card = CA. The credit card expiry date (MMYY (12/05)format) field is optional. • • B. Refund Authority = Fare Calculation area (For Airline use) • • • • Currency: Click on the down arrow to select the currency. Fare: The total fare amount of the refund. Commission Amount: Agent commission amount Is Tax on Commission applicable? © 2006 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved - 42 - • • Tax: Standard Taxes: Two alphabetic characters, XF Tax: CP & MF Taxes: Any taxes corresponding to the MF (Handling Fees) and CP (Penalty Charge) • Refund To Passenger = fare + tax amount – handling/penalty charges. The system automatically calculates the total amount to be refunded to the passenger. Credit: If the form of payment is by credit, the corresponding fields should be entered at least with credit amount and entity (e.g. VISA = VI, Master Card = CA) information. The credit card expiry date (MMYY format) field is optional. Note! If no information is entered in the credit fields, the system will consider that ticket was paid by cash. Tour Code: Enter a valid tour code, if applicable. • • Once all the fields are correctly filled in, click the Accept button © 2006 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved - 43 - ** Enter only alpha/numeric characters in the following fields: Passenger Name, Taxes, Airline Code, Tour Code, Credit Card Number and Stat. **If the refunded document is paid by credit, the credit card should be the same as the one used to pay the associated ticket. Also the credit cards that can be used are those previously selected by the BSP. ** If the original ticket has both standard and supplementry commission, the new document show only the standard commission. ** If the queried document is a conjunction ticket, and the user wishes to issue a new document from it, the information that is copied in the form would be that from the original document. © 2006 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved - 44 - Refund Application/Authority Query To query the documents: • • • • • • By Status: The status of the document refers to the current situation of the refund: Authorized: when the Airline has accepted the indirect refund. Rejected: when the indirect refund has been rejected. Pending: when no decision has been taken yet. Refund by Number: The user will enter a document number in the Refund Number box, and click the Query button to execute the query. Please, note that deleted refunds may also be queried. Deleted: To query deleted refunds. © 2006 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved - 45 - These are the fields displayed in the query: • • • Code: Airline IATA code without the check digit. Name: Airline's name. Abbrev: Airline's abbreviation. TIPS FOR QUICK RETURN OF REFUNDS ALWAYS issue electronic ticket refunds in your CRS ALWAYS be sure you are the original issuing office. ALWAYS refund the same form of payment as the original ticket. ALWAYS check that the ticket validity has not expired and the issue date is within 13 months of refund. ALWAYS refer to the BSP billing to confirm refund amount. ALWAYS remember to add cancellation Penalty (Incl. of GST). ALWAYS forward unused flight coupons to the plated Airline. © 2006 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved - 46 - AIRLINE REFUND APPLICATION – The Airline Refund Application form is to be completed when an automated refund cannot be completed in the CRS or BSPlink. Issue a Refund Application when: 1. 2. 3. 4. Documents issued in part or full against a Credit Card. Documents issued by another Agent or by an Airline Office. Documents which have been altered or amended after issue. Time-expired documents. International ticket - valid for 1 year from date of departure. Domestic ticket - valid for one year from date of issue. Tickets issued for groups or IT fares. 5. There are two types of Refund Application forms available: Refund Application – Credit Card Sale (black print) To be used when credit card is the form of payment for ticket purchase. Refund Application – Cash Sale (red print) To be used when cash is the form of payment for ticket purchased. COMPLETION OF REFUND APPLICATION All sections of the form must be completed by Agent who retains the top copy, and forwards the other 3 copies 1. Issuing Agent Copy 2. Recall of Commission, 3. Airline File Copy, 4. Airline File Copy to the issuing airline's refund section. The forms must be accompanied by all flight coupons (clearly endorsed REFUND). When the Airline has calculated the refund amount due, it will forward the • • • Section 2 (top half)to the agent, advising them the amount of refund Section 2 (bottom half) to BSP Processing Centre . Section 3 & 4 remian with the Airline. Refund of documents purchased by credit card are refunded by the Airline direct with the clients credit card company. ** When a document has been issued by part cash/part credit then BOTH Refund Applications - Credit Card Sale and Refund Application - Cash Sales must be completed and forwarded to the Airline. © 2006 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved - 47 - Example – Refund Application-Credit Card Sale ** Many Carriers now charge fees (ADM) against an Agent who issues a Refund Application form when a Refund Notice or auto refund (agent CRS) could be issued. © 2006 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved - 48 - REFUND NOTICE - Manual The BSP Refund Notice form is to be completed when the Agent is sure of the fare amount to be refunded and consequently does not require airline approval/refund calculation. The coupons of the STD being submitted for refund are attached to the second coupon of the form and enclosed in the AST. ** BSP will process the refund notice on the next billing without question. Most common examples where Refund Notice may be used: 1. Fully unused STDs i.e., full refund (no calculation required) 2. STDs issued by your Agency 3. STDs issued for cash, cheque or against Agent’s own invoice 4. STDs whose validity has not expired 5. Fares with no cancellation fees i.e., economy, business and first class The Refund Notice form consists of 3 pages - a tear-off instruction sheet, Original Agent’s copy and a Duplicate copy. It is printed in red to draw the Processing Centre’s attention to the fact that debit action against an Airline is required. Example of completed Refund Notice ** In all cases where a cancellation penalty is charged for the refund, GST amount must be included. This applies to international and domestic tickets. ** All details on the form must be written in upper case only. ** No $ or % signs are to be used. REFUND EXAMPLE - 1 A ticket for international travel is submitted to the agency for refund. • The airfare is AUD1900.00 and is fully refundable. There is no cancellation penalty. • The taxes collected are AU38.00, QK3.58, FR20.00, IT13.30 and VT3.00. © 2006 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved - 49 - BSP Refunds calculation sheet TOTAL PAID TOTAL USED Paid GST Airfare 1900.00 TAX AU 38.00 3.58 TAX QK TAX FR 20.00 13.30 TAX IT 3.00 TAX VT TOTAL Airfare 1900.00 Taxes 77.88 USED TOTAL REFUND GST Fare & Taxes GST 1900.00 38.00 3.58 20.00 13.30 3.00 Airfare 1900.00 Taxes 77.88 Airfare NIL Taxes NIL Refund calculation transfer to a refund notice: REFUND NOTICE REFUND COMPUTATION Fare Tax FARE PAID AUD ORIGINAL – Agent’s Copy FARE USED AUD Date Of Issue 24MAY05 1900.00 NIL 77.88 NIL PASSENGER NAME SOMEWHERE TRAVEL ADAMS/CARROL Place Of Issue Agency Airline Authority (If Applicable) MRS. TICKET/MCO NUMBERS Total Fare To be refunded 1900.00 Tax (GST) UO Tax AU Tax QK Tax XT Cancellation Penalty (Inclusive of GST) CP A/L CODE No(s) FORM & SERIAL No(s) CPN 0 8 1 3 2 9 8 4 1 4 2 1 1 / / / 38.00 Refunded By 3.58 QANTAS AIRLINES 36.30 (Airline Code) NUMBER NIL Commission Rate % 081 7 REFUND NOTICE 517942 ** The figure in the right hand column should total to the same amount as the figure in the left hand column i.e. 1977.88 REFUND EXAMPLE - 2 A ticket for domestic travel is submitted to the agency for refund. • The airfare is AUD500 for a ticket BNE/SYD/BNE. • The taxes paid QR22.00, QK3.58 and UO52.54. • The client did not use the BNE/SYD sector/coupon. • Half of the QR tax was used. • AUD100.00 cancellation fee applies. © 2006 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved - 50 - BSP REFUNDS CALCULATION SHEET TOTAL PAID TOTAL USED Paid GST 500.00 50.00 Airfare 2.20 TAX QR 22.00 3.58 .35 TAX QK 52.55 TAX UO TAX TAX Airfare 500.00 TOTAL Taxes 78.13 USED 250.00 11.00 NIL FARE PAID AUD GST 25.00 1.10 NIL Fare & Taxes 250.00 11.00 3.58 26.45 Airfare 250.00 Taxes 37.10 Airfare $250.00 Taxes 41.03 ORIGINAL – Agent’s Copy FARE USED AUD Date Of Issue SOMEWHERE TRAVEL 24 MAY 05 Fare 500.00 250.00 Tax 78.13 37.10 PASSENGER NAME ADAMS/CARROL Place Of Issue Agency Airline Authority (If Applicable) MRS. TICKET/MCO NUMBERS Total Fare To be refunded A/L CODE No(s) 250.00 Tax (GST) UO Tax QR Tax QK 26.45 FORM & SERIAL No(s) CPN 0 8 1 3 2 9 8 4 1 4 2 1 1 / / / 11.00 Refunded By 3.58 QANTAS AIRLINES Tax Cancellation Penalty (Inclusive of GST) GST 25.00 1.10 .35 26.10 REFUND NOTICE REFUND COMPUTATION TOTAL REFUND CP 110.00 Commission Rate % 1 (Airline Code) NUMBER REFUND NOTICE 517942 ** The figure in the right hand should total to the same amount as the figure in the left hand column i.e. 578.13 © 2006 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved - 51 - BASE COMMISSION FOR PUBLISHED FARES Competition between Carriers in Australia has allowed travellers to enjoy very low pricing for domestic and international destinations while the Airline’s distribution costs remain high. This has resulted in a reduction in the commission rates to agents. As at the 1st April 2006, base commission rates on published fares for QANTAS and other Carriers have been reduced to: • Australian domestic base commissions have been reduced to 0% for all tickets. • Trans Tasman and New Zealand domestic base commissions have been will reduced to 0% • International destinations base commissions have been reduced to 5%. Travel Agent Service Fee IATA has introduced the TASF facility to IATA agents for handling credit card service fees transactions. The service supports agents in generating service fee revenue, while saving agent time and resources. • Follow the GDS instruction on how to create TASF transactions for delivery to IATA. • Transaction numbers are provided on application via the GDS. • Credit Card TASF Transactions can be created for all of the major credit card types – American Express – Diners Club – Visa – MasterCard – Bankcard. • IATA will pay you the value of all credit card service fee transactions in your normal BSP settlement. • TASF transactions will appear on cardholders statements described as “IATA Agent - Service Fee”. • Agents can associate TASF transactions with an airline ticket number associated with the service fee. • The full amount of all credit card TASF transactions will be credited in a BSP Billing Period on the Settlement Day for that period. IATA will report the following information for all TASF transactions you submit on your Agent Billing Analysis, under Airline Number 954 - IATA. • Issue date, • Transaction number – e.g., 9528 877 000 - the amount of the service fee – the amount that will be credited to you in the BSP settlement (= TASF Amount) • Credit Card Type and Number – in comments • Associated Ticket Number – in comments if provided. Fees and Charges IATA will charge, by ADM from Airline 954 (IATA) : • A processing fee to the Agent for every TASF transaction reported The fee is AUD0.20 plus GST plus a service charge for the credit card settlement - varying per Credit Card Company – between 1.9% and 3,25% of the gross TASF amount. • A monthly invoice detailing any GST applicable on fees and charges for TASF service that you have used, will be forwarded. **Please note that IATA does not control the TASF functionality of any GDS, all questions relating to GDS TASF functions should be directed to them. © 2006 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved - 52 - AGENCY SALES TRANSMITTAL (AST) The period of time covered by the Agency Sales Transmittal is called the Reporting Week (Refer BSP Calendar10). The AST serves three purposes: • To record and forward all coupons of MCO/MPD’s issued during the reporting period. • To record and forward all coupons required to support refunds, exchanges, and cancelled documents. (which are sorted and sent to the relevant carriers). This form is available for downloaded from the IATA Australia website: http://www.iata.org/worldwide/australia/bsp_australia.htm It can be completed and printed or printed and completed manually. A. B. C. D. These boxes record MPD’s issued during the period, listed by opening and closing serial number of each series. Do Not enter Electronic and Automated ticket numbers. In this box record how many automated exchange coupons are attached. • tickets issued in exchange require the flight coupons of the original ticket to be forwarded to the carrier to confirm payment. • issued in exchange – photocopy the new ticket and attach flight coupons of the original ticket. List the number of exchange documents in AST box. ** NO documentation is required for E-Tickets List the number of automated tickets cancelled during the period. Plated automated tickets which have been cancelled within the reporting period are to be enclosed in the AST (endorsed CANCELLED) **Tickets issued and cancelled same day are to be kept by the agency, not enclosed in the AST. List the number of automated refunds processed during the period. These require the flight coupons of the ticket to be forwarded to the carrier. A copy of the automated refund should be attached to the flight coupons. © 2006 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved - 53 - E. F. G. H. I. J & K. The relevant issue date is taken from the BSP Calendar (day:month:year) The relevant reporting period dates according to the BSP Calendar is recorded on the AST (day:month:year) Enter the agency IATA code (including check digit). Enter agency name and location. List the number of Refund Notice (print the BSPlink form) issued during the period. The Agency must enclose the RN and flight coupons in the Transmittal. Flight coupons (endorsed REFUND) are to be attached behind the Refund form. Enter name of agency contact name and telephone number. AGENCY SALES TRANSMITTAL CODES There are three AST codes to be used to assist the Data Processing Centre. 1. Print NILM (nil sales manual ticket) if the agency has not issued manual tickets in the period. 2. Print NILA if the agency has not issued automated tickets in the period. 3. Print NIL if the Agency has issued NO manual / NO automated tickets during period. Completed Agency Sales Transmittal Check list before Dispatch of the AST 1. Attach manual audit coupons and refund notices to a copy of AST. 2. Attach other documents eg automated refunds, cancelled automated tickets, automated/E-tickets where payment includes attachments/exchange to a copy of AST. 3. Retain a third copy of AST for office records. © 2006 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved - 54 - SENDING THE AGENT SALES TRANSMITTAL Always place the staple in the top left hand corner when attaching BSP coupons, e.g., ‘exchange’ flight coupons to ‘reissue’ audit coupon). Void Coupons: Prior to handing over the airline ticket to the customer all VOID coupons are removed. Manual MPD coupons must be attached behind the audit coupon and placed in the AST. **OPTAT (Automated ticket) void coupons are attached behind the agent coupon and kept for storage by the issuing Agent. If there are no attachments to be sent with the sales Transmittal for a reporting week, the AST should be filled in NILM (no manual tickets issued in the period). This can be e-mailed to BSP : cssyd@iata.org Send Sales Transmittal with attachments. Pre-paid DX/IATA satchels are provided for AST lodgements to: Recall 1A Queen Street Auburn NSW 2144 Send Sales Transmittal without attachments. Fax/e-mail ‘NIL SALES” AST to: (02) 9649 5986 cssyd@iata.org © 2006 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved - 55 - AFTER HOURS TICKETING FACILITY AUTOMATED TICKETING SYSTEMS Ticketing systems provide a facility to 'queue' non-urgent ticketing requests until the normal workload is completed. The Agent is able to specify a time when ticketing will commence and the ticketing system automatically disables the printer when ticketing is complete. The Agency CRS will explain relevant procedures. SEQUENCE ERROR A sequence error occurs when the computer generated serial number does not match the pre-printed serial number of the automated ticket issued. (Passenger reservation on CRS shows different ticket number to the ticket issued in Agency) See below SEQUENCE ERRORS CAN LEAD TO: • Incorrect data in the billing statement effecting both cash and credit sales which in turn may difficulties with reconciling agency billing. • Denied refunds from Airlines (amounts, airline codes and ticket numbers not matching the CRS reservation record. • Incorrect cancellation as the electronic record number and the physical ticket numbers do not match. • With increased security at airports there are potential problems for passengers at check-in as serial number of passenger ticket presented does not match ticket number in Airline reservations. Many Airlines choose to receive their data from BSP on a Daily Accountable Hand Off Tape (HOT). This electronic file includes data relating to BSP transactions from Agents captured on a daily basis. Once a transaction appears in the Daily Accountable HOT file, it cannot be changed. It is therefore important that all Agents ensure the serial numbers of BSP Automated Tickets entered into their ticketing facility are in strict accordance with the serial number sequence printed on the tickets. Daily routine checks by Agents of the sequence order should be continued to avoid sequence errors occurring. © 2006 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved - 56 - STEPS FOR CORRECTING SEQUENCE ERROR: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Immediately stop issuing automated tickets. Advise all staff of the sequence error and check all tickets issued that day. Align ticket printer and computer as per CRS instructions. Cancel all automated tickets issued with incorrect ticket number and reissue after system is aligned. Complete IATA Sequence Error Advice Form available on the IATA website: www.iata.org/worldwide/australia/bsp_australia.htm • • • Once completed email to Customer Service: cssyd@iata.org BSP will forward all recorded sequence errors to Airlines to assist in their reconciliation. ** CHECKING EACH AUTOMATED TICKET AGAINST THE PASSENGER RESERVATION RECORD WILL ENSURE THAT THE AGENCY DOES NOT SUFFER THE CONSEQUENCES OF A SEQUENCE ERROR. CREDIT CARD TRANSACTIONS Most Airlines participating in the BSP will accept credit cards as payment for air transportation and related services. The terms and conditions of credit card acceptance are governed by individual agreements between credit card companies and Airlines. TYPES OF CREDIT CARDS There are three major types of credit card likely to be presented to an Agent for the purchase of air travel and related services: ** If a credit card is presented for payment that the Agent is not familiar with then the Agent is responsible for contacting the Carrier to verify whether the card can be accepted. Bank Cards CA MasterCard VI Visa AB Australian Bankcard Travel and Entertainment Cards AX American Express CB Carte Blanche DC Diners Club Airline Issued Cards TP Universal Air Travel Plan - UATP Cards may be accepted by Agents for most Airlines however, each transaction should be referred to the issuing Airline for acceptance. ** Carriers generally require that at least 50 percent of carriage be ticketed on their services before a credit card may be accepted for payment. Please refer to the Credit card Acceptance list on the IATA website: http://www.iata.org/worldwide/australia/bsp_australia.htm © 2006 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved - 57 - CREDIT CARD AUTHORISATIONS To protect the Agent against fraud it is highly recommended that credit card authorisations for manual, and automated transactions are completed. As a general rule if the total value of the transaction involved exceeds the floor limits for the designated Carrier, (for details refer to Carrier) the Agent is required to obtain an authorisation approval code. However, some agents request authorisation on all credit card transactions. After obtaining the authorisation code, the Agent should enter such code in the appropriate box of the Credit Card Charge Form. The simplest and most efficient method for Agents in obtaining credit card authorisations is through the Agency system provider e.g., Amadeus, Galileo, Sabre and Abacus. Authorisations can be obtained for both automated tickets (OPTAT’s) and for manual tickets/MPD’s. For instructions on how to obtain credit card authorisations through the CRS the Agent should refer to the instruction manual from their provider. If authorisation for a particular card is not available via the Agent's CRS, then the appropriate credit card company should be contacted by phone for authorisation. The approval code is entered on the manual CCCF. ** Failure to follow a Carrier’s individual instructions for credit card acceptance may render it impossible for the Carrier to obtain payment; therefore, individual Carriers reserve the right to issue an Agency Debit Memo (ADM) to the Agent to recover the full amount of the sale. CREDIT CARD TRANSACTIONS - BSP When issuing a Standard Credit Card Charge Form (CCCF): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Use one CCCF for each passenger. Check the credit card against the relevant BLACK LIST. If this list is not available, check with the credit card company involved for an approval code and insert this number on the CCCF. When ticketing involves carriage on more than one Carrier, the Carrier to whom the ticket is validated i.e., the same carrier to whom the CCCF is made out, must be involved in at least 50% of the value of travel. Check that the issuing Carrier will accept the credit card and obtain an approval code through your CRS facility. Cash refunds will not be paid against a ticket that had been purchased by credit card. Where a Carrier allows automated credit refunds, they are to be processed via the Agent CRS. In all other cases a credit refund application must be completed and submitted to the relevant carrier for processing. © 2006 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved - 58 - 6. If the Agent issues two or more tickets in conjunction, audit coupons, followed by any void coupons should be stapled on top of the CCCF copies 1,2, 3. If the Agent issues tickets for two or more airlines, the Agent must issue separate CCCF’s. If the passenger is using two credit cards, then the Agent must issue a CCCF for each credit card, which is then stapled behind the audit/void coupons of the ticket. 7. 8. When processing a credit card sale the Agent should always check: • Is the credit card valid for use in my country? • Is the credit card being offered a valid card? • Has the credit card been altered in any way? • Does the signature on the CCCF match with that on the credit card? Should the credit authorisation be denied, the credit card company will give instruction on the action to be taken. SOME ACCEPTANCE GUIDELINES • • • • • • • Check ‘Black list’ (Issued by some Banks and Credit Card companies) Credit Card expiration dates Carrier Acceptance/credit limit/authorisation checks Verification of identity of the cardholder STD issues against Signature-on-File Ticketing on carriers based on telephone requests Maintaining Agent coupons and Charge form coupons (min 30 months) AUTOMATED CREDIT CARD SALES AND REPORTING Electronic Credit Card Invoicing (ECCI) is a program whereby automated and electronic credit card sales are transmitted electronically to credit card companies on a daily basis. At the end of each day ticketing data and cancellation records are transmitted by the Agent's CRS to the DPC who process that data and send a transmission of debits and credits to the credit card companies. ** Note: Manual CCCF’s must be issued for those carriers who do not participate in the BSP Electronic Credit Card Invoicing system. The “Electronic Credit Card Invoice” form lists Carriers who electronically invoice credit cards. An updated list is available on the IATA Australian website: http://www.iata.org/worldwide/australia/bsp_australia.htm CRS ELECTRONIC CANCELLATION AND REVERSAL PROCEDURES ** Electronic cancellation/reversal may only be used where the fare used on the ticket does not attract any cancellation penalties. © 2006 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved - 59 - On the Day of Issue: The Agent may cancel the ticket and the TSP will transmit to the DPC a cancelled ticket record with ticket appearing in the Agent's billing statement as a cancelled document. Next day cancellation/reversal and until the end of the BSP reporting period: The agent must refer to CRS specific instructions and procedures. CREDIT CARD BILLING PROBLEM? BSP's ECCI program has been designed to eliminate any problems with credit card transactions provided the electronic issuance, cancellation and reversal procedures are correctly followed. In the event a customer advises that he/she has been incorrectly charged, it is recommended that where appropriate the Agent: • Informs the customer that a “reversal” (credit) has been issued, and that it should appear on the customer’s next credit card statement. • If this does not resolve the situation, then the client should be advised to contact the credit card company to ensure that the reversal credit has been posted to his/her account. It is general practice that the customer is not obligated to pay the item in dispute pending investigation. MANUALLY ISSUED CREDIT CARD CHARGE FORM Issue a manual CCCF when a passenger offers a charge-card as payment for a ticket, • on a Carrier that is not a participant of the BSP Electronic Credit Billing 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Signature of cardholder or SOF (signature on file) Issue date, entered on validation. Airline designator code, e.g., 081 Agency name, address and IATA number. Entered on validation. Name of passenger if not cardholder. Relationship of passenger to cardholder eg spouse, daughter. © 2006 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved - 60 - 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Approval code from Credit Card company. Routing of journey eg SYD/BNE/CNS. Fare basis code of journey. Carrier Airline designator code. eg 081 Airline ticket number (10 digit). Credit card name AND two letter code. eg VISA/VI Cardholder name, card number, and expiry date. Entered on validation. (Note: If cardholder name on file then this area may be completed by hand) Fare, a) taxes not included, b) $ sign, AUD not required. Taxes collected. To be used only when fare is not in AUD, leave blank. Amount to be charged to customer credit card. Example of a manual CCCF CREDIT CARD CHARGE FORM (CCCF) The CCCF form contains six pages: Pages 1-3 Contractor Invoice copy (white) Contractor copy (green) Ticket issuer copy (pink) Page 4 Agent copy (yellow) Page 5 Page 6 Cardholder copy (blue) Processing Centre Copy (white) © 2006 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved Staple behind the audit coupon with any void coupons, and send with Sales Transmittal Retain by the Agent for at least 30 months. Hand to the cardholder. Not required by BSP, may be discarded. - 61 - AGENCY DEBIT/CREDIT MEMO AIRLINE ACCOUNTING MEMORANDA Should a Carrier disagree with an Agent's ticket value then the Carrier will use an Agency Debit Memo (ADM) or Agency Credit memo (ACM) to rectify the matter. The Carrier will forward the ADM/ACM direct to the Agent concerned. AGENCY DEBIT MEMO (ADM) The ADM issued by the airline, serves to notify an Agent; 1. 2. 3. An airline ticket showing an incorrect fare calculation has been issued and payment is due for the reasons indicated. Any STD that is unreported. An airline ticket showing incorrect taxes has been issued and payment is due for the reasons indicated AGENCY CREDIT MEMO (ACM) The ACM issued by an airline serves to notify the Agent: 1. 2. An airline ticket showing an incorrect fare calculation has been issued and refund is due for reasons indicated. An airline ticket showing incorrect taxes has been issued and refund is due for reasons indicated. Where an Airline determines that money is due to an Agent, an ACM is issued setting out the details of the amount to be settled by a credit to the Agent through the billing process. REPORTING OF ADM/ACM’s If the agent agrees with the Carrier then nothing needs to be actioned. A debit or credit adjustment to the Agents Billing will be passed by BSP in 14 days. Should the Agent disagree with the ADM/ACM, the Agent should immediately (within 14 days) take up the matter with the issuing Airline. If the issuing Airline accepts the Agent’s disputed item, the ADM/ACM is then cancelled. © 2006 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved - 62 - ADM/ACM Query in BSPlink An agent can ADM/ACMs by status, for 13 months in the system. ADM/ACM Pending Pending ADMs are pending in the system for the duration of disputing period. The BSP has configured the disputing period e.g. 14 days. ADM/ACM being Processed by DPC Documents that have been sent to DPC but have not yet been billed. ADM/ACM Billed Documents that already have been processed and billed, i.e. they appear in the corresponding HOT file. Not Billed as Reported These documents are not in the corresponding HOT, and may have been rejected by DPC. © 2006 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved - 63 - ADM/ACM Queries o o o o o o ADM/ACM by Number ADM/ACM to be Billed in the current period ADM/ACM Pending Settlement Deactivated ADM/ACM (Enhanced) ADM/ACM per Reporting Period (Enhanced) Deleted ADM/ACM Query (Enhanced) The agent can: • Enter a document number in the ADM/ACM Number box, and press the submit button to execute the query. This query will show the ADMs/ACMs that have been already sent in a RET to the DPC and that have been processed. • ADM/ACM to be Billed in the current period • • This query will show the ADMs/ACMs that are going to be billed in a current period. ADM/ACM Pending Settlement This query will show the active ADMs/ACMs that have not been billed yet. that have been rejected will also appear. Deactivated ADM/ACM (For Enhanced Users) This query will show all the deactivated ADMs/ACMs. The Airline is © 2006 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved - 64 - • able to deactivate an active ADM/ACM e.g. if the Airline needs to investigate the ADM/ACM further. ADM/ACM per Reporting Period (For Enhanced Users) This query will show the ADMs/ACMs that have been already sent in a RET to the DPC ** The maximum number of documents that are displayed in the same page is 50. ** It is possible to download the results of the query. There are two icons to download the results: ** To Save the file: click the right-hand mouse button, once the name of the file is displayed, select 'Save target as' to save the file. © 2006 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved - 65 - ADM/ACM ADM/ACM Query When the User clicks on the document number, a facsimile of the ADM/ACM is displayed with all the detailed information about the document, such as the related document number/s or the taxes breakdown. The facsimile shows all the fields and information entered in the document. In case the document has been issued via the Airline ADM/ACM Mass Loader version 1.01, and a file was attached to such document, the “Reason for Memo” field would show an Internet address allowing the User to query or download the attached document, by clicking on the link. ADM/ACM attachments Files attached to BSPlink ADM/ACMs stay in the system for two months. Agents must regularly download all their ADM/ACMs from the BSPlink, preferably once a week. © 2006 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved - 66 - ADM – CREATED IN AIRLINE’S OWN SYSTEM ** ADM/ACM’s created in the Airlines own systems such as PALMS, will load as attachments in BSPlink © 2006 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved - 67 - BSP BILLING The BSP Billing is prepared by the Data Processing Centre from Agency data transmitted electronically at close of business each night and by documents submitted by Agents in their AST. The BSP Billing is dispatched by DPC to BSPlink for later download by the BSP officer in the Travel Agency. In the eventuality of the Billing not being available on BSPlink the Agent is responsible for contacting BSP Customer Service for assistance The Billing is in two parts parts: The Billing Statement summarises the total of all STDs sold during the period by Carrier (cash issues, credit issues, commission, taxes). It also calculates the net amount due to BSP by the Agent for settlement and remittance date. The Billing Analysis contains detailed information of each STD transaction (including cancelled STD’s) covered by the billing statement. © 2006 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved - 68 - Billing Statement example RECONCILIATION OF THE BILLING It is essential that each Agent, immediately on receipt of it's Billing reconcile the statement with the agency’s own accounting records. Should a question arise over any item in the statement the Agent should immediately take up the matter either with the issuing Carrier or with BSP Customer Service. ERROR - UNDER $1000 Contact the Airline concerned, and request an ADM/ACM to correct the error. ERROR - OVER $1000 Contact BSP Customer Service. If BSP acknowledges a processing error an adjustment will be processed directly by BSP or by referring to the issuing Airline. If an Agent discovers a billing error after the remittance has taken place, the Agent shall approach the Airline concerned directly with an adjustment request. Correction of errors discovered by an Airline after the remittance date is actioned by the Airline raising the necessary ACM or ADM. ** It is the responsibility of the Agent to check serial numbers of ticket included in the billing analysis against the Agent's own records to advise BSP Customer Service immediately if a problem arises. Financial penalties apply. © 2006 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved - 69 - REMITTANCE/DIRECT DEBITING THE METHOD OF REMITTANCE IN AUSTRALIA IS DIRECT DEBITING Agents are required to settle their BSP billing statement by use of an authority to automatically debit a nominated Bank account. Each Agent provides to IATA an authorisation for the Clearing Bank to debit (or credit) the office bank account. The net total stated on the Agent billing is withdrawn from its account (or credited) on the remittance date for each reporting period, as set down in the BSP Calendar. ** Where an Agent has not received the billing by the remittance date, the Agent should immediately contact BSP Customer Service and obtain the net billing amount due.. OVERDUE OR DISHONOURED REMITTANCE The Clearing Bank is contractually bound to notify the BSP Manager of an Agent’s failure to remit on time or if a direct debit has been dishonoured. If payment is received on demand, the BSP Manager will either send the Agent a Notice of Irregularity that counts as two instances of irregularity. If settlement on demand is NOT met i.e. within 24 hours of the demand, the BSP Manager is obliged to initiate default action against the Agent in accordance with the provisions of the IATA Sales Agency rules. TICKETS ISSUED FOR NET REMIT FARES The Net Remit system is designed to simplify the ticketing, reporting and remittance of Airline tickets by Travel Agents, who have the ability of issuing ‘Net Fare’ tickets in their own office. Participating carriers input flight/fare information to the CRS that is used by the agent to print the necessary ticket. By completing the ticket correctly BSP will credit the agent (on the billing) by calculating the fare paid less standard plus supplementary commission amounts. 1. Airline approves agents who are eligible to participate in this system. 2. These can be issued as Electronic and Automated tickets. 3. The ticket is issued for the full-published fare plus applicable tax. 4. The Airline's Deal ID for the net remit fare is to be entered in the tour code box by the Agent. © 2006 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved - 70 - 5. The standard commission rate for the Airline is to be entered in the Commission rate box. 6. All tickets to be endorsed Non-end/reissue without referring to issuing airline instructions. 7. NR must appear in the currency box of the remittance area. 8. NR is available for cash and Credit Card transactions as per the Airline instructions. 9. Credit cards net remit is carrier and deal specific, the form of payment will be specified on the fare sheet. 10. Re-issues of net remit tickets are not permitted through BSP. Agent should contact the Carrier. 11. Daily Net error reports are available to agents on BSPlink, and should be actioned on a daily basis. 12. Tickets that remain with error are billed at the published fare less standard commission. 13. Refunds are to be submitted to the issuing Carrier's Net Remit Department. COMMON ERRORS ON NET REMIT TICKETS Invalid Deal ID for this agent code Date of Issue date not within sales dates for this agent No match found for fare basis on coupon x No match found for travel date on coupon x No match found for class on coupon x Invalid airport on coupon x HOW TO FIX COMMON ERRORS ON NET REMIT TICKETS For each of the errors listed above, an agent can cancel tickets within the reporting week and re-issue correctly. If the reporting week has closed, contact the airline who may be able to change certain deal parameters to remove errors on tickets. © 2006 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved - 71 - AIRLINES PARTICIPATING IN NET REMIT SCHEME 2006 Airline Alpha Code Airline Numeric Code SU 555 SB Airline Name Airline Airline Alpha Numeric Code Code Airline Name 063 AEROFLOT RUSSIAN AIRLINES AIR CALEDONIE HA 173 HAWAIIAN AIRLINES AC 014 AIR CANADA JL 131 JAPAN AIRLINES AF 057 AIR FRANCE KL 074 KLM NZ 086 AIR NEW ZEALAND KE 180 KOREAN AIRLINES PX 656 AIR NIUGINI LH 220 LUFTHANSA FJ 260 AIR PACIFIC MH 232 MALAYSIAN AIRLINES TN 244 OA 050 OLYMPIC AIRWAYS NF 218 AIR TAHITI NUI AIR VANUATU PK 214 PAKISTAN AIRLINES QQ 323 ALLIANCE AIRLINES PR 079 PHILIPPINE AIRLINES AA 001 AMERICAN AIRLINES PH 162 POLYNESIAN AIRLINES OZ 988 ASIANA AIRLINES QF 081 QANTAS OS 257 AUSTRIAN AIRLINES QR BA 125 BRITISH AIRWAYS ZL 157 899 REX BD 236 BRITISH MIDLANDS BI 672 ROYAL BRUNEI CX 160 CATHAY PACIFIC SK 117 SCANDINAVIAN AIRLINES CI 297 CHINA AIRLINES SQ 618 SINGAPORE AIRLINES MU 781 CHINA EASTERN AIRLINES SA 083 SOUTH AFRICAN AIRLINES CZ 784 CHINA SOUTHERN AIRLINES UL 603 SRI LANKAN AIRLINES LY 114 EL AL AIRLINES LX 724 SWISS EK 176 EMIRATES TG 217 THAI AIRWAYS BR 695 EVA AIR UA 016 UNITED AIRLINES 016 UNITED AIRLINES mel AY 105 FINNAIR UA GA 126 GARUDA VN 738 VIETNAM AIRLINES 932 VIRGIN ATLANTIC GF 072 GULF AIR VS © 2006 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved QATAR AIRLINES - 72 - Net Remit ticket showing mandatory areas. OVERSEAS AUTOMATED TICKETING CROSS BORDER TICKETING Agencies in Australia undertake reservations and initiate ticketing at overseas locations (i.e., not requiring carriers to issue tickets overseas on their behalf). It is this latter location that would report and remit that ticket to its local BSP. For example, an Agency in Australia handles reservations for its office in Malaysia (an Approved Location). The Australian Agency will ‘initiate’ ticketing by transmitting electronic instructions to its’ office in Malaysia. The tickets are issued and printed in Malaysia, reported and remitted to BSP in Malaysia, adhering to all of the ticketing and tariff rules that apply for that itinerary. The Australian Agency has no involvement other than electronically initiating the ticketing process. ESSENTIAL REQUIREMENTS • • All tickets issued under this procedure must be • Priced correctly • Printed correctly • Reported correctly No data is Reported under the Numeric Code of the ‘Initiating Office’, no funds are Remitted by the ‘Initiating Office’ and no Traffic Documents are printed in the ‘Initiating Office’, in regard to these transactions. © 2006 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved - 73 - ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ACM Agency Credit Memo ADM Agency Debit Memo AST Agency Sales Transmittal BSP Billing and Settlement Plan CCCF Credit Card Charge Form CIP Carrier Identification Plate CRS Computer Reservation System DPC Data Processing Centre ECCI Electronic Credit Card Invoicing TSP Ticketing System Provider GDS Global Distribution System IATA International Air Transport Association ISS IATA Settlement Systems/BSP Management MCO Miscellaneous Charges Order MPD Multiple Purpose Document MTDR Missing Traffic Document Report OPTAT Off-Premises Transitional Automated Tickets SAF Standard Administrative Form STD Standard Traffic Document TDIR Traffic Document Inventory Report UFTAA Universal Federation of Travel Agents Association © 2006 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved - 74 - GLOSSARY OF TERMS Billing Settlement PLAN BSP The method of supplying, issuing and accounting of STDs between IATA/BSP Airlines and Agents. Billing Date The date on which the DPC dispatches billing statements to Agents. Billing Period The time span for which a billing is rendered. Carrier Identification Plate (CIP) A plate supplied by an Airline to an Agent for use in the issue of STDs under the BSP. Clearing Bank/ Data Processing Centre The organisation appointed under the BSP to receive AST’s, extract and process data, to produce billings, to receive agent remittances. Computer Reservation System (CRS) A computerised system containing information regarding schedules, availability, fares and related services; through which reservations can be made and/or tickets issued. (e.g., Amadeus, Galileo, Sabre) Direct Debit A system of payment where Agents authorise the Clearing Bank to debit their bank accounts in settlement of their BSP Billing statements. Electronic Ticket An electronic record issued by an Agent for the issuance of the passenger ticket. Electronic Ticketing A method to document the sale of air transportation by electronic means i.e., not manual or OPTAT documents. IATA Settlement Systems Management IATA Department responsible for management and operation of BSP. ISS Manager The IATA official that manages BSP. Notice of Irregularity An advice sent to an Agent for failing to meet reporting or remittance obligations. Remittance The net figure for the reporting period calculated in the Billing. Remittance Date The date on which an Agent’s bank account is debited by BSP in settlement of its Billing Statement. © 2006 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved - 75 - Reporting Date The last day of the Reporting Period, the date when the Agency Sales Transmittal must be prepared. Reporting Period The time span (Monday-Sunday sales period) covered by an Agency Sales Transmittal. Standard Traffic Document (STD) Neutral traffic documents supplied by IATA to an Agent to issue will issue to customers on behalf of Airlines Such documents may be issued manually, or electronically for passenger transportation over the services of the Airline and for related services which the Airline has authorised. ** Note: They do not bear any Airline identification until after validation by the Agent with the Airlines CIP. © 2006 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved - 76 - QUICK REFERENCE - BSP PROBLEMS Agent coupon not removed from ticket. Complete a mock up coupon for Agency records Audit Coupon manual (MPD) missing cannot trace Use a photocopy of the Agents coupon for BSP tell carrier you have lost it, ask what to do Audit Coupon manual missing – now found Send to Airline - not to BSP Box/bundle of tickets out of order Go back to correct box/bundle & advise BSP in writing Cancelled MPD Must be reported. Attach all Service coupons. Cancelled Ticket Must be reported. Attach all Flight coupons. Cancel any flight booking made if applicable. Coupon(s) missing after issuance Contact airline for guidance. Date of Document incorrect Cancel and reissue - do not alter.. Declaring Ticket Lost - Validated Follow Airline's instructions Declaring Ticket Lost - Not Validated Report to BSP Office Flight Coupon missing - cannot trace Contact airline for their directions to re-issue or otherwise. Found missing MPD or ticket that was plated to an Airline Contact the airline, follow the Airline’s instructions. Reissue required - higher fare now Claim commission on difference Void Coupon missing – cannot trace No remedy. Airline may find at check in Void Coupon missing - now found Send to Airline - not to BSP © 2006 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved - 77 - QUICK REFERENCE - BALANCING THE BILLING Billing is not available on BSPlink Contact Customer Service on mailto:cssyd@iata.org Commission not credited for sales Was commission rate box completed in the Remittance area? If not, contact the Airline. Does the Airline allow the rate you claimed? ADM/ACM listed - no record in Agency Check with the Airline or in BSPlink Ticket error found settlement date passed Contact the Airline. BSP unable to help as all documents now with the Airline Error found - settlement date more than one day ahead If over $1000 - contact BSP as soon as possible. If under $1000 – contact Airline. Incorrect amount captured by DPC Are someone's figures hard to read? Were all remittance areas completed correctly? Is it over under $1000? – BSP see procedures. Refunds not listed on Billing Was the Date of Issue on the Refund Notices within the same billing period? If dates correct, contact Customer Service before Settlement Date, contact the Airline if on or after the Settlement Date. Contact Airline in writing, NOT BSP. Settlement Date passed & error found Tickets/MPDs given "nil" value © 2006 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved Were the remittance areas filled in? If not, contact the BSP, who will arrange for a billing adjustment. If they were, and the Settlement date has not yet arrived, contact the BSP in Sydney. If under $1000, contact Airline. - 78 - QUICK REFERENCE – REFUNDS Cash Ticket issued at your office Credit Card issue at your office Automated Refund in CRS/BSPlink, forward all coupons to Airline. Refund CC through CRS Forward all coupons to Airline MPD not used Apply to Airline on applicable Refund Application Form. Attach all coupons. Automated ticket for refund Processed through agent CRS Complete auto- refund via Agency CRS E-ticket for refund processed through agent CRS Complete auto refund via Agency CRS OPTAT to be issued - Credit card on carrier not participating in BSP Electronic Credit Card Invoicing system. Issue manual CCCF QUICK REFERENCE - CREDIT CARD SALES Credit Card Company refuses to give Agent approval code because Agent cannot supply Airline merchant code Airlines are registered as Merchants. Make sure you have the Airline merchant codes. Client returns document issued against Advise client that refund will be made direct to credit card account and follow Automated refund procedures on Agency CRS. Credit card presented for payment that agent is not familiar with. Contact Carrier to verify if card Accepted, obtain authorisation © 2006 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved - 79 - BSP/IATA USEFUL CONTACT DETAILS BSP/IATA office is open between 0830-1700 Monday to Friday Location: Level 4, 83 York Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 Mailing address: GPO Box 3563 SYDNEY NSW 2000 IATA telephone (02) 9249 6866 Section E-mail address Facsimile No. Agency BSP Training Cargo Customer Service ID Cards agencyservices-au@iata.org trainingsyd@iata.org cargoau@iata.org cssyd@iata.org idcsyd@iata.org 02 9299 6403 02 9299 6027 02 9299 6416 02 9299 6027 02 9299 6865 Telephone No. 02 9249 6888 02 9249 6885 02 9249 6800 02 9249 6877 02 9249 6811 BSP CUSTOMER SERVICE HELP DESK Any inquiries in relation to BSP procedures, late reporting, missing STDs, billings/billing adjustments should be directed to BSP Customer Service. When contacting BSP Customer Service please advise Agency IATA number. BSP TRAINING BSP one-day workshops (09:30 –14:00) for Agents are conducted in Sydney a number of days per month. Interstate one-day workshops are conducted throughout the year, contact BSP training for details. trainingsyd@iata.org BSP/IATA USEFUL WEBSITES Corporate site: www.iata.org Australia: http://www.iata.org/worldwide/australia/index Another useful website for Agents: www.iata.org/agenthome/index BSPlink www.bsplink.iata.org © 2006 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved - 80 - AIRLINE Aeroflot Aerolineas Aeromexico Air Caledonie Air Canada Air China Air France Air India Air Mauritius Air Nauru Air New Zealand Air Niugini Air Pacific Air Paradise Air Vanuatu Air Zimbabwe Alaska Airlines Alitalia Alliance Airlines Aloha Airlines America West American Airlines Asiana Airlines Austrian Airlines Bangkok Airways Bmi British Airways Cathay Pacific China Airlines China Eastern China Southern Continental Airlines Delta Air Lines DeutscheLufthansa Egypt Air El Al Israel Airlines Emirates SU AR AM SB AC CA AF AI MK ON NZ PX FJ AD NF UM AS AZ QQ AQ HP AA OZ OS PG BD BA CX CI MU CZ CO DL LH MS LY EK CODE 555 044 139 063 014 999 057 098 239 123 086 656 260 817 218 168 027 055 323 327 401 001 988 257 829 236 125 160 297 781 784 005 006 220 077 114 176 ECCI Y Y Y Y Y N Y N N N Y Y Y N Y N N N Y N Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y N N N Y Y Y N N Y CARDS NOTES CONTACT CARRIER CONTACT CARRIER AX,CA,DC,TP,VI DO NOT ACCEPT US AIRWAYS TP AB,AX,CA,DC,VI AX,CA,DC,TP,VI AX,CA,DC,VI AX,CA,DC,TP,VI MANUAL CCCF FOR CA,DC,VI DO NOT ACCEPT CREDIT CARDS AX,CA,DC,TP,VI CONTACT CARRIER CONTACT CARRIER AB,AX,CA,DC,VI MANUAL CCCF REQUIRED AX,CA,DC,TP,VI AB,AX,CA,DC,TP,VI AB,AX,CA,DC,VI CONTACT CARRIER AB,AX,CA,DC,TP,VI CONTACT CARRIER DO NOT ACCEPT CREDIT CARDS TP DO NOT ACCEPT CREDIT CARDS AB,AX,CA,DC,VI CONTACT CARRIER AX,CA,DC,TP,VI CONTACT CARRIER AX,CA,DC,TP,VI CONTACT CARRIER AX,CA,DC,TP,VI DO NOT ACCEPT CREDIT CARDS AX,CA,DC,TP,VI AX,CA,DC,TP,VI AX,CA,DC,TP,VI CONTACT CARRIER JC,TP MANUAL CCCF REQUIRED EXCEPT TP DO NOT ACCEPT CREDIT CARDS CONTACT CARRIER AX,CA,DC,TP,VI AX,CA,DC,TP,VI AB,AX,CA,DC,TP,VI AX,CA,DC,TP,VI AIRLINE Eva Air Finnair Garuda Indonesia Gulf Air Company Hahn Air Hawaiian Airlines HK Dragon Airlines Japan Airlines KLM Korean Air Lines Kuwait Airways Lan Chile Malaysian Airlines Merpati Nusantara Northwest Airlines Olympic Airways Pakistan Int’l Airlines Philippine Airlines Polynesian Airlines Qantas Airways REX Regional Exp Royal Brunei Royal Jordanian Scandinavian Singapore Airlines Skywest Airlinest Solomon Airlines South African Sri Lankan SWISS Thai International Turkish Airlines United Airlines US Airways Varig Vietnam Airlines Virgin Atlantic BR AY GA GF HR HA KA JL KL KE KU LA MH MZ NW OA PK PR PH QF ZL BI RJ SK SQ XR IE SA UL LX TG TK UA US RG VN VS CODE 695 105 126 072 169 173 043 131 074 180 229 045 232 621 012 050 214 079 162 081 899 672 512 117 618 608 193 083 603 724 217 235 016 037 042 738 932 -1- ECCI AB,AX,CA,DC,TP,VI AX,DC AB,AX,CA,DC,JC,TP,VI AB,AX,CA,DC,VI CA,DC,TP,VI TP AX,CA,DC,TP,VI AX,CA,DC,TP,VI AB,AX,CA,DC,VI AB,AX,CA,DC,TP,VI AX,CA,DC,TP,VI AB,AX,CA,DC,TP,VI AX,CA,DC,TP,VI AX,DC,TP TP AX,CA,DC,TP,VI AX,CA,DC,TP,VI AX,DC,TP TP AX,CA,DC,TP,VI CARDS AX,DC,CA,TP,VI AB,AX,CA,DC,TP,VI NOTES MANUAL CCCF REQUIRED EXCEPT TP CONTACT CARRIER CONTACT CARRIER MANUAL CCCF REQUIRED EXCEPT TP MANUAL CCCF REQUIRED EXCEPT TP MANUAL CCCF REQUIRED EXCEPT TP CONTACT CARRIER CONTACT CARRIER AX,DC,TP AB,AX,CA,DC,TP,VI MANUAL CCCF REQUIRED EXCEPT TP AB,AX,CA,DC,TP,VI AX,DC,TP MANUAL CCCF REQUIRED EXCEPT TP VI,TP AX,CA,DC,TP,VI CA,DC,VI AX,CA,DC,JC,TP,VI MANUAL CCCF REQUIRED FOR JC AX,CA,DC,TP,VI AX,CA,DC,TP,VI CONTACT CARRIER AB,AX,CA,DC,TP,VI MANUAL CCCF REQUIRED EXCEPT TP AB,AX,CA,DC,TP,VI CONTACT CARRIER Y N Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y N Y Y N Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y Y Y N N Y N Y Y N N Y ELECTRONIC CREDIT CARD BILLING UPDATED VERSION IS AVAILABLE ON : http://www.iata.org/worldwide/australia/index © 2006 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved LIST OF BSP CARRIER CONTACTS AUSTRALIA UPDATED VERSION IS AVAILABLE ON: http://www.iata.org/worldwide/australia/index © 2006 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved -1- CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT AND OTHER IMPORTANT NOTICES This Ticket is Not Valid and Will Not Be Accepted for Carriage Unless Purchased from Issuing Carrier or its Authorised CONDITIONS OF CARRIAGE • Agent Notice If the passenger’s journey involves an ultimate destination or stop in a country other than the country of departure the Warsaw Convention may be applicable and the Convention governs and in most cases limits the liability of carriers for death or personal injury and in respect of loss of or damage to baggage. See also notices headed “Advice to International Passengers on Limitation of Liability” and “Notice of Baggage Liability Limitations”. Conditions of contract 1 As used in this contract “ticket” means this passenger ticket and baggage check, or this itinerary/receipt if applicable, in the case of an electronic ticket, of which these conditions and the notices form part, “carriage” is equivalent to “transportation”, “carrier” means all air carriers that carry or undertake to carry the passenger or his baggage hereunder or perform any other service incidental to such air carriage, “electronic ticket” means the Itinerary/Receipt issued by or on behalf of Carrier, the Electronic Coupons and, if applicable, a boarding document. “Warsaw Convention” means the Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to International Carriage by Air signed at Warsaw, 12th October 1929, or that Convention as amended at the Hague, 28th September 1955, whichever may be applicable. 2 Carriage hereunder is subject to the rules and limitations relating to liability established by the Warsaw Convention unless such carriage is not “international carriage” as defined by that Convention. 3 To the extent not in conflict with the foregoing carriage and other services performed by each carrier are subject to: (i) provisions contained in the ticket; (ii) applicable tariffs; (iii)carrier’s conditions of carriage and related regulations which are made part hereof (and are available on application at the offices of carrier), except in transportation between a place in the United States or Canada and any place outside thereof to which tariffs in force in those countries apply. 4 Carrier’s name may be abbreviated in the ticket, the full name and its abbreviation being set forth in carrier’s tariffs, conditions of carriage, regulations or timetables; carrier's address shall be the airport of departure shown opposite the first abbreviation of carrier’s name in the ticket; the agreed stopping places are those places set forth in this ticket or as shown in carrier’s timetables as scheduled stopping places on the passenger’s route; carriage to be performed hereunder by several successive carriers is regarded as a single operation. 5 An air carrier issuing a ticket for carriage over the lines of another air carrier does so only as its Agent. 6 Any exclusion or limitation of liability of carrier shall apply to and be for the benefit of agents, servants and representatives of carrier and any person whose aircraft is used by carrier for carriage and its agents, servants and representatives. 7 Checked baggage will be delivered to bearer of the baggage check. In case of damage to baggage moving in international transportation complaint must be made in writing to carrier forthwith after discovery of damage and, at the latest, within seven days from receipt; in case of delay, complaint must be made within 21 days from date the baggage was delivered. See tariffs or conditions of carriage regarding non-international transportation. 8 This ticket is good for carriage for one year from date of issue, except as otherwise provided in this ticket, in carrier’s tariffs, conditions of carriage, or related regulations. The fare for carriage hereunder is subject to change prior to commencement of carriage. Carrier may refuse transportation if the applicable fare has not been paid. 9 Carrier undertakes to use its best efforts to carry the passenger and baggage with reasonable dispatch. Times shown in timetables or elsewhere are not guaranteed and form no part of this contract. Carrier may without notice substitute alternate carriers or aircraft, and may alter or omit stopping places shown on the ticket in case of necessity. Schedules are subject to change without notice. Carrier assumes no responsibility for making connections. 10 Passenger shall comply with Government travel requirements, present exit, entry and other required documents and arrive at airport by time fixed by carrier or, if no time is fixed, early enough to complete departure procedures. 11 No agent, servant or representative of carrier has authority to alter, modify or waive any provision of this contract. © 2006 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved -2- CARRIER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REFUSE CARRIAGE TO ANY PERSON WHO HAS ACQUIRED A TICKET IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAW OR CARRIER’S TARIFFS, RULES OR REGULATIONS. ADVICE TO INTERNATIONAL PASSENGERS ON LIMITATION OF LIABILITY Passengers on a journey involving an ultimate destination or a stop in a country other than the country of origin are advised that the provisions of a treaty known as the Warsaw Convention may be applicable to the entire journey, including any portion entirely within the country of origin or destination. For such passengers on a journey to, from or with an agreed stopping place in the United States of America, the Convention and special contracts of carriage embodied in applicable tariffs provide that the liability of certain carriers, parties to such special contracts, for death of or personal injury to passengers is limited in most cases to proven damages not to exceed US$75,000 per passenger, and that this liability up to such limit shall not depend on negligence on the part of the carrier. For such passengers travelling by carrier not a party to such special contracts or on a journey not to, from, or having an agreed stopping place in the United States of America, liability of the carrier for death or personal injury to passengers is limited in most cases to approximately US$10,000 or US$20,000. The names of carriers, parties to such special contract, are available at all ticket offices of such carriers and may be examined on request. Additional protection can usually be obtained by purchasing insurance from a private company. Such insurance is not affected by any limitation of the carrier’s liability under the Warsaw Convention or such special contracts of carriers. For further information please consult your airline or insurance company representative. Note: The limit of liability of US$75,000 above is inclusive of legal fees and costs except that in the case of a claim brought in a state where provision is made for separate award of legal fees and costs, the limit shall be the sum of US$58,000 exclusive of legal fees and costs. NOTICE OF BAGGAGE LIABILITY LIMITATIONS Liability for loss, delay, or damage to baggage is limited unless a higher value is declared in advance and additional charges are paid. For most international travel (including domestic portions of international journeys) the liability limit is approximately US$9.07 per pound (US$20.00 per kilo) for checked baggage and US$400.00 per passenger for unchecked baggage. For travel wholly between US points, Federal rules require any limit on an airline’s baggage liability to be at least US$2800.00 per passenger. Excess valuation may be declared on certain types of articles. Some carriers assume no liability for fragile, valuable or perishable articles. Further information may be obtained from the carrier. NOTICE OF GOVERNMENT IMPOSED TAXES, FEES AND CHARGES The price of this ticket may include taxes, fees and charges which are imposed on air transportation by government authorities. They may represent a significant portion of the cost of air travel and are either included in the fare, or shown separately in the “TAX/ FEE/CHARGE” box(es) of this ticket. You may also be required to pay taxes or fees or charges not already collected. The following notice does not apply to tickets sold in the United States for transportation originating in the United States. DENIED BOARDING BY OVERBOOKING. In those countries where Denied Boarding Compensation regulations are in force, carriers operate compensation plans for passengers with confirmed reservations who are denied boarding because of non-availability of seats caused by overbooking. Details of these plans are available at the airlines’ offices.Check-in Times The times shown on this ticket or itinerary/receipt if applicable are the departure times of the aircraft. Check-in times, as advised by your carrier, or in the airline’s timetable, are the latest times at which passengers can be accepted for travel, allowing the necessary time to complete all formalities. Flights cannot be held up for passengers arriving late, and no responsibility can be accepted in such cases. BAGGAGE: Checked Baggage: Passengers are usually permitted a free checked baggage allowance, the limit of which may differ by airline, class, and/or route. Extra charges may apply for checked baggage in excess of the permitted allowance. Cabin Baggage: Passengers are usually permitted a free cabin baggage allowance, the limit of which may differ by airline, class, route, and/or aircraft type. It is recommended that cabin baggage be kept to a minimum. Please ask your travel agent or airline for more specific information. Refer to http://www.iata.org/bags for information and links to airline websites. Dangerous Articles in Baggage For safety reasons, dangerous articles must not be packed in checked or carry-on baggage. Restricted articles include but are not limited to: compressed gases, corrosives, explosives, flammable liquids and solids, radioactive materials, oxidising materials, poisons, infectious substances, and briefcases with installed alarm devices. © 2006 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved -3-