Queens College INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT Location: Bilbao, Spain Contact email: ibon.zamanillo@ehu.es TEXT: International Management: Managing in a Diverse and Dynamic Global Environment (Arvind V Phatak, Dr. Rabi S Bhagat, Roger Kashlak) 2nd edition. Mac Graw Hill. ISBN 0073210579 / 9780073210575 COURSE OBJECTIVES: This course examines the challenges facing managers that are competing in a global economy. In particular, we will devote our attention to strategic management in a globally competitive environment and the role of culture in motivation, leadership, communication, negotiation, decision making, HRM practices, and the management of a multicultural workforce abroad or at home. We will cover the process of management based on both the macro (organizational) level of environment and strategy and the micro (interpersonal) level of culture and human resources. Some of the critical topics to be explored include: The international environment. Managing international strategic planning and implementation Managing people and processes across borders and cultures Ethical dilemmas in international management EXAMINATIONS AND GRADING: There will be 2 exams. Final examination: 20 points. Mid-term examination: 20 points There will be no makeup exams. Not taking an exam will result in a grade of zero. If you are going to be out of town, you must make arrangements with me prior to the test. Exams consist in essay questions and are based on lectures. Grading for the course will be based on the following: 2 on-campus exams Integrative Term project Case Presentation (1) Cases discussions (2) Sporadic Short (10’) quiz without warning The following breakdowns will be used for grades: A 93.0-100 B 82.0-87.99 C A90.0-92.99 B80.0-81.99 CB+ 88.0-89.99 C+ 77.5-79.99 D+ 71.0-77.49 69.0-70.99 66.0-68.99 50% 25% 10% 10% 5% D D- 60.0-65.99 55.0-59.9 OTHER COURSE REQUIREMENTS: The class will form into 3 groups for the term project and the cases presentations (1 per group in the term). My advice is that everyone in the group should try to do everything, and then combine these into one paper at the end. If people do not pull their weight, you can fire them up until the Part I Case Presentation day. You must let me know if you are going to do this and prove to me that you have given the person ample opportunity to contribute to the project. The formation of groups is intended to give students practice in working in a group setting--work groups tend to be very common in the business world. Take this opportunity to "tune-up" your group participation and leadership skills--they'll come in handy later. The Term Project: There will be one group integrative term project required during the semester, worth 25% of the semester grade. Grades will be based on grammar, spelling, content, research work and the amount of EXTRA EFFORT put into the project (ie, information from websites, industry literature, news articles, etc.). The case must be typed and double-spaced. No email cases! Hard-copies only! No binding! No notebooks/folders! Only a staple! On the first page, the group must identify the name of each person in the group, along with the case title. Projects turned in late will be Intl. Mgt. Syllabus Page 2 / 3 penalized 10%/day. SHOW ME WHAT YOU ARE DOING AS THE SEMESTER PROGRESSES AND I’LL HELP YOU. The group will create an imaginary company that, supposedly, has been operating in the domestic arena for some time. Your group represents top management, and you have decided it is time to go international. Describe your company and its operations, relative size and so forth. Give reasons for your decision to go international. Decide on an appropriate country in which to operate, and give your rationale for this choice. State your planned entry strategy, and give your reasons for this strategy Describe the environment in which you will operate and the critical operational factors that you must consider and how they will affect your company. Give a cultural profile of the local area in which you will be operating. What are the workers going to be like? What kind of reception do you anticipate from local governments, suppliers, distributors, and so on? Draw up an organization chart showing the company and its overseas operations, and describe why you have chosen this structure. Decide on the staffing policy you will use for the top level managers, and give your rationale for this policy. Describe the kinds of leadership and motivational systems you think would be most effective in this environment. Give your rationale. Discuss the kinds of communication problems your managers might face in the host country working environment. How should they prepare for and deal with them? Explain any special control issues that concern you for this overseas operation. How do you plan to deal with them? Identify the concerns of the host country and the local community regarding your operations there. What plans do you have to deal with their concerns and to ensure a long-term cooperative relationship? Also note: This course requires all students to familiarize themselves and to follow copyright and fair use requirements (i.e., do not plagiarize, and list all references). The case Presentations and discussions: There will be 1 case presentation throughout the term worth 10% of the term grade. At the end of every Part in the Text Book, you will find a Comprehensive Case. Your group will prepare a 20’- 25’ presentation when scheduled (find dates in the tentative schedule). No deliverable required. Grades will be based on the fluency of the presentation and the ability to transmit the key concepts underlying in the text connecting them with the topics seen in class. Your group will be assessed as well when other groups are presenting their own case. This evaluation will be based on the quality of the discussion generated by your questions. This implies that you will have to prepare all the three cases proposed for the term, either for presenting or to discuss about them. Your performance in this item will be valued up to a 10% of the final grade. Pop Quizzes: There will be 1 short (10’) quiz during the term. The quiz will take place at the end of the session and without previous warning. This quiz will consist in a bunch of multiple choice questions and/or short theoretical - practical questions (for example: provide a real life example of a Multinational Corporation that…) Intl. Mgt. Syllabus Page 3 / 3 THE COURSE OUTLINE. TENTATIVE SCHEDULE Session 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Topic Chapter Introduction to course and syllabus The global macroeconomic environment The political environment and political risk The international legal environment of business The cultural environment The cultural environment -------Ch 01 Ch 02 Ch 03 Ch 04 Ch 04 International Environment Case (Disneyland Hong Kong) Strategies for international competition Modes of entry into foreign markets Organizing and controlling international operations Managing technology and knowledge International Strategic Planning Case Review for Mid-term exam (Nora Sakari) Mid-term Exam 15 16 17 18 19 20 Mid term exam discussion Communicating across borders and cultures Negotiation and decision making across borders and cultures Motivating and leading across cultures and borders Catch up Session International human resources management 21 22 23 Managing people across borders Case Integrative Term Project Presenation Final Exam Ch 01-04 Ch 05 Ch 06 Ch 07 Ch 08 Ch 05-08 Ch 01-08 Ch 01-08 Ch 01-08 Ch 09 Ch 10 Ch 11 Ch 12 Ch 09-12 Ch 01 Ch 12-17 Ch16