! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! The Online Expert Blueprint ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! The Insider Secrets To Building Your Business Online By Craig Dewe! ! www.WebMarketingOutlaws.com
© 2014 www.WebMarketingOutlaws.com Removing The Hype From Internet Marketing ! There’s a ton of hype and unfulfilled promises when it comes to making money online. The fantasy of travelling the world or sitting on a tropical beach while money pours into your bank account on autopilot has been taken advantage of by marketers for a long time. ! ! However most people struggle to make money online. In this ebook you’re going to learn why this is so you can avoid the same fate. Then we’ll look at what creates a successful online business and the 4 Stages of Business Growth that are typical for an information publishing business.! ! Then we’ll look at how this works in the real world with a case study of a $10 million online business. This will show you how successful businesses use a sales system to set up the business to get all the paid traffic they want for free.! ! The Problem When Creating An Online Business ! The problem is that most of the training that people are selling you through ebooks, courses and seminars all focus on the latest internet marketing tricks and tactics. These tricks and tactics might even work but only if you already have your business up and selling effectively.! ! Very few people teach you how to build a real, sustainable online business because let’s face it… the bright shiny objects are much more exciting and easier to sell. ! ! You can really get people desperate to buy when you’re offering “secrets” and “Google hacks” that work for about 5 seconds and again… only if you have a business already in place to exploit them.! ! Why Tricks And Tactics Won’t Help You ! Even if you buy their amazing course and implement their “magic bullets” the likelihood of making money from it is slim to none. You might get lucky and earn a few bucks – enough to get you excited about buying the next product or feel like you’re getting somewhere – but it’s not building you a real online business.! © 2014 www.WebMarketingOutlaws.com ! So you end up spending tons of money, upsetting your family, friends and partner with this “crazy internet marketing thing” and wondering if you’re ever going to make it. ! ! And the truth is you won’t make it until you develop a sustainable business model.! ! What Level Of Internet Marketer Are You? ! If you’re new to making money online then you’ve stumbled across the right place.! ! A high end internet marketing training website did a survey a few years back and this is what they found…! ! “75% of people who consider themselves to be intermediate or advanced internet marketers still make less than $1,000 a month from their online business after 2 years”! ! Not very inspiring whether you’re a beginner, intermediate or advanced internet marketer.! ! Are You An Expert With Information To Share? ! We focus on helping people who’ve built an offline business and are looking to bring it online. Maybe you’re an author, speaker, trainer, coach, consultant or some other kind of expert.! ! So you’re making some money – although perhaps not as much as you’d like – and want to grow your business even further. What you’re about to read is going to explain how you can stop trading your time for money and build a leveraged income from your business.! ! Or you might just be interested in building an information publishing business so you can quit your job and live the internet lifestyle. That’s fine providing you’re ready to build a real online business. We don’t do magic push button systems around here.! ! © 2014 www.WebMarketingOutlaws.com The information marketing model is a low cost and highly profitable business to build when you do it right. All you need is information that people are willing to pay for in order to improve their lives.! ! In short this is written for anyone who wants to know the exact business model for getting their business started then growing it to 6 figures and beyond.! ! What Creates A Successful Online Business ! All successful online businesses have one thing in common… a business model that works.! ! They have a system for reaching interested people, turning them into customers and then encouraging them to buy again and again. It really is that simple… but that doesn’t mean it’s easy.! ! In a moment we’re going to look at a step-by-step blueprint for building your own profitable online business. Then we’ll look at a successful example and break down exactly how they make their money.! ! But first let’s look at the stages of business growth and where you are now.! ! The Two Types Of Businesses… ! There are two types of main business models you can start or a hybrid of both… products or services.! ! Services are when you or employees trade your time for money in order to fulfill your customers’ needs. For example accountants, graphic or web designers, coaches etc. ! ! The downside of a service business is it requires trading dollars for hours and is very hard to scale up. When you look at the top businesses in the world there aren’t a lot of service businesses up there for a reason.! ! A product based business is obviously where you sell products. The advantage is that you can sell as many products as you like providing © 2014 www.WebMarketingOutlaws.com you’re making money and they tend to give you a lot more leverage of time and money. When you think of highly profitable companies like Apple, Coca-Cola and McDonald’s you’ll notice they sell products.! ! The downside is that it takes longer for a product based company to get going. Since you’re only making a small amount per product you have to sell quite a few products to create an income for yourself and eventually profit. Changing from a paid job to earning based on the products you sell can be a huge shock to the system.! ! What Stage Is Your Business At Now? ! Most information marketing businesses online go through certain stages of growth. This obviously can change if you have a lot of funding but this should provide some guiding insights for you anyway.! ! Stage One – Time For Money ! This is where the entrepreneur is often providing a service for clients. Perhaps you want to start making an income online and find it’s easier (and more profitable) to sell Search Engine Optimization services than create a product teaching others how to do it themselves. ! ! You might be offering coaching, consulting, speaking, training or a service where you do work for clients. Basically you end up trading your time for dollars and this can be great as you’re earning an income online.! ! The downside is your income is limited by the number of clients you can service. You also spend a lot of your time providing the service rather than finding new customers. You might have managed to find employees to help you but this can often cause more headaches and take away the freedom you desire from building an online business.! ! If you work hard enough then you can reach the 6 figure mark with this model however it’s more common to sit in the $20,000 to $50,000 range when you’re charging an hourly rate. Even the highest paid consultants will find their income is capped at some point.! ! You’ll also notice this stage is just like having a job. It just means that © 2014 www.WebMarketingOutlaws.com instead of one boss you now have several bosses… your clients. In fact in many cases I believe you’re better off to keep your job and start a Stage Two business from the very beginning.! ! Stage Two – The Lead Product ! When you get sick of Stage One you decide to create your own product. If you’re really dedicated then you manage to balance all your client demands and actually get the product finished and out to the market. ! ! While you might have been excited about the initial sales you eventually realize you’re going to have to sell a ton of these to replace your income.! ! If anyone’s ever told you that you can get rich online selling ebooks or one product then they’re simply lying to you (or repeating what they’ve heard from other gurus). The reality is that this isn’t the way it works.! ! Your real goal with your lead product is to buy customers. What this means is that you work out how much it costs to produce your product and how much is left over to spend on marketing. You should have a figure for yourself of what you’re willing to “buy” a customer for.! ! For example if you have a $27 ebook you should be willing to spend about $27 to acquire a customer. The price of your lead product is in fact close to the price that you spend to get customers. You’ll see how this works fully when we get to the examples below and pull all this together.! ! This stage takes you past the $100,000 or $200,000 barrier that is often faced when delivering services. From here you can grow your business dramatically by having one highly successful product but that doesn’t mean you’re making a ton of money yet. ! ! It’s the next stage where you really get to turn on the tap and make most of your profit.! ! Stage Three – Backend Products ! Are you ready for the huge “secret” of successful online businesses? Most of them don’t make much profit on the first sale… they make it on © 2014 www.WebMarketingOutlaws.com the backend products. These are the additional products you buy once you become their customer.! ! You might have heard that it’s 8 times easier to sell to an existing customer than to acquire a new one. Well that’s why successful businesses focus on selling as much as they can to their existing customers. Once you become their customer then you instantly turn into a much more valuable person on their list.! ! You also might have also heard the saying “the money’s in the list”. You may have even heard people say “the money’s in the relationship with the list.” However what successful people know is that “the money’s in the relationship with the BUYERS list.”! ! Having a huge email list of people who have opted in to hear from you is great but it’s not really where the money is made. The job of your email list is to get people to purchase your lead product and those people become your buyers list. ! ! Your buyers list is so much more valuable because it consists of people who have proven they will spend money with you and are likely to do it again if they enjoyed the experience.! ! A Stage Three business with a range of profitable backend products is what most of us would consider successful. However no-one explains this to you when you start building your business.! ! Stage Four – Multiple Niches ! Once you’ve built up one business you fully understand all the stages above and might find you run out of products for your customers. That’s where you can repeat the formula in another niche… or even the same niche by becoming your own competitor. ! ! By understanding the formula above and having successfully implemented it you can then take your business building experience and apply it to the next niche. There are a lot of experts in various areas and all of these experts have the ability to reach their niche audience online. ! ! Being an expert yourself you’re probably well aware of that when you © 2014 www.WebMarketingOutlaws.com think about yourself and all your other friends and colleagues who are experts too. However what is really lacking are the skills to monetize your expertise. ! It’s a very valuable skill to be able to take your expertise and insert it into a profitable business model that works. The good news is… that’s what you’re going to learn here.! ! A Case Study Of A $10 Million+ Business ! To bring all these concepts home and give you a picture of what happens in real terms we’re going to breakdown the business model of one very successful online business in the dating niche. ! ! After this case study you should be able to look at any successful internet marketer’s website and reverse engineer their business model. Usually the backend products are hidden but you should be able to figure out how it works and that there are more backend products coming your way after the initial purchase.! ! Why this case study is so useful is because all the backend products are viewable on the programs page on their website as well. Plus they’re not my client so I don’t have to withhold any information from you.! ! A Look Inside Double Your Dating ! www.DoubleYourDating.com does over $10 million dollars in annual sales and is one of the businesses of super successful online marketer Eben Pagan. You can see him on the website under his pen name of David DeAngelo. This is what started him online when he decided to sell dating advice to men and was obviously very successful at it.! ! When you visit the website you can see they’re instantly encouraging you to sign up to their email list. His dating tips newsletter is really quite incredible and he gives a massive amounts of value to his subscribers for free as he earns their trust.! ! His Lead Product is the Double Your Dating ebook currently priced at $14.97 with a bunch of bonuses thrown in. This is where you’re led once you’ve subscribed (and even before) as it lays down his philosophy and as a side note is a really fascinating ebook.! © 2014 www.WebMarketingOutlaws.com ! From there he has a range of $200 products that are videos of his live seminars. Not only did he sell a live seminar to his existing customers but he also videoed it and turned it into a product he can sell forever.! ! He also has a $19.97 recurring membership product where he interviews dating gurus each month and sends his subscribers a CD. You get the first CD for free when you buy the ebook as well so he’s always moving people to join his membership product. There are A LOT of people paying $19.97 for this which provides a very stable recurring income.! ! This business is a great highlight for the power of understanding the lead product. Remember the Double Your Dating ebook that costs $14.97? Well if you’re an affiliate and sell this ebook then you get paid $40… that means Double Your Dating actually lose $25.03 per sale.! ! Why? Because they know that the large majority of their customers will purchase other programs or join the monthly membership. They know the number and they’re will to pay $40 (or $25.03) in order to acquire a customer. This is how Double Your Dating has grown into a multimillion dollar business and why the company operates the same model in other niches as well.! ! Do you need to lose money on your lead product? No. ! ! But it’s usually the person who’s willing (and able) to invest the most to acquire a customer that will build the biggest business in the shortest amount of time.! ! The Product Launch Model ! If you’ve been online for any period of time I would guess you’ve either seen or experienced a product launch. This model was created by Jeff Walker and you can find out more at Product Launch Formula with the free resources he offers. Note that I’m not saying you should buy it… it works but I believe there are more sustainable ways to do it.! ! The formula is basically to send out a lot of free content before the launch to build excitement and then sell a high priced product for a short period of time. The huge success of a product launch often comes from © 2014 www.WebMarketingOutlaws.com getting a lot of big affiliates promoting it which is why you’ll suddenly see everyone emailing you about this “amazing new product” (even though they probably haven’t actually seen the product at all).! ! However the underlying principle is the same… acquire as many customers as you can and continue to sell backend products to them. ! ! You may notice the big internet marketing gurus do roughly one product launch each year and spend the other 11 months promoting other people’s products as affiliates. This saves them from creating lots of products and continues to refresh their list of buyers each year.! ! Of course they’re doing other stuff as well but the Product Launch Formula is all about acquiring a list of buyers so you can then sell them more stuff.! ! Now For The Real “Magic” ! All the successful online businesses in the world have a version of what we’ve discussed above… a sales system that turns visitors into customers and then continues to sell products that their customers want.! ! You’ll notice that a lot of gurus are now selling their products at $197. If you did the same then this means you’re able to pay $197 (or $200 for simple math) for the first sale and then expect them to buy more backend products from you after they become a customer.! ! From your 5 step strategy you also know that for every 20 subscribers you get 1 sale… a 5% conversion rate of subscribers to sales once they’ve gone through your complete sales funnel including follow up.! ! That means you can invest $200 to get 20 subscribers or $10 for 1 subscriber. Therefore when it comes to any marketing you do you know you have to get subscribers for less than or equal to $10 each. ! ! Now your paid advertising, search engine optimization, social media marketing and anything you do to acquire visitors is measurable.! ! But please note that these numbers are just an example. Your conversion rates will vary dramatically based on the quality of your © 2014 www.WebMarketingOutlaws.com visitors, subscribers, products etc. For example you can trick a lot of people into opting in but if they don’t find value on the other side they’re unlikely to buy.! ! How To Use Paid Advertising To Get All The Traffic You Want For Free ! It’s pretty common for people to think that traffic is their problem when it comes to website sales. They believe if they just have more traffic then they’d get more sales and everything would be fine.! ! And so people spend countless hours optimizing for search engines, doing social media or writing articles in the hope that this “free” traffic will somehow save their business. The reality is that this traffic isn’t free… it’s costing you time which is the most valuable resource you have.! ! Remember that you started your online business to stop trading your time for money… not to give yourself a ton of extra work to do.! ! Do you think the top internet marketers in the world are doing any of this stuff? Nope… they have teams of people that do it for them because they understand the economics of their business model. They know exactly how much they can pay for a customer and what their return on investment needs to be for every marketing dollar spent.! ! Once you know this your whole business changes. Say you can spend $200 to get a customer then you simply run a pay-per-click campaign to get your traffic. At the start you might be spending $300 to get your customer so you go back and optimize your sales system again until you get the results you want and even drop it below the $200 mark.! ! Then you just increase your advertising budget. And with the extra income you have from sales then you can look at social media, search engine traffic or hire writers to do article marketing. Just remember that whatever you spend has to bring you in X number of customers.! ! So Now You Know How It Works… How Do You Do It For Yourself? ! © 2014 www.WebMarketingOutlaws.com When we’re creating websites for ourselves or clients we always use our 5 Step Sales System. This is a proven system that is similar to those used by all successful online businesses that sell information. ! ! You would have seen the formula in action, you’ve been through the formula as a customer and yet it still remains hidden to so many people. So I’m going to break it down for you in a second… but first a word of warning.! ! Why People Don’t Succeed Online ! The truth is that it’s never been easier to grow your business online. With the knowledge, tools and resources at your finger tips it’s a million times easier than when I started over 12 years ago. There were no fancy programs that would instantly build websites and no such thing as jumping on a website and outsourcing projects around the world.! ! However what most people still lack is a coherent and consistent strategy. They run off after the latest and greatest internet marketing tactic and forget all about the fundamentals of business. However when you combine a great strategy with the right tactics you get a dramatically different result.! ! Always Remember Your Online Objective ! Just like any business your objective is to sell your products and services for a profit… simple as that. However what most people lack is a consistent strategy to do that. If you look at any successful business you can see they follow a very simple formula of attracting people to look at their offer and converting them into repeat customers.! ! You need to create a website that’s an automatic sales system and turns website visitors into customers. When you have a website that does this on autopilot then all you have to do is keep bringing traffic to the website while keeping your current customers happy.! ! What Can You Use It To Sell? ! You can use your website to sell whatever you like. It works if you’re selling any kind of information product from a short report or ebook right © 2014 www.WebMarketingOutlaws.com through to courses for thousands of dollars.! ! You can also use it to sell any services you offer like coaching, training or consulting. Plus you can use it to sell out a live or online seminar you’re doing. ! ! The reason you can use it to sell anything you want is because we’re focusing on the strategy… not some gimmick. It’s designed so your target market will like and trust you and this makes them more receptive to your products and services.! ! And once you have the sales system in place life becomes a lot easier for any new product or service you bring to market.! ! Have You Heard Some Of This Before? ! If you’ve been around internet marketing for any length of time then you may have seen some of the ideas and strategies we discuss. However success doesn’t come from what you know… it comes from what you’ve implemented in your business. ! ! There may be “lots” of online businesses that try to do what we teach… but how many do it profitably? Success is in the details of the strategy and if your online business is struggling then you need to improve one of the areas (or more) that make up your online sales system and web marketing efforts.! ! It’s Time For Some Implementation ! We hope you’ve learned a lot from this ebook. Now you can understand why your website needs a profitable sales system and how a successful online business operates to get traffic and sales.! ! If you like what we have to say and want to start implementing our strategies in your business then check out the link below…! ! ! http://www.webmarketingoutlaws.com/one-simple-thing-revealed/ ! We look forward to hearing how our resources help you to grow your business online. © 2014 www.WebMarketingOutlaws.com