Local Coast Guard official assists in Valdez cleanup By John MlIlnls eel of the DetrOIt Coast Guard'.., Marine Safety Ofliee at the foot J;;, 'Oil I'> dOllll-: ,III l'xelllpll1ry of Mount EllIott, returned from loh III III! (Il.lllllp 01 the IllO,>t Alu..,ka la..,t week after <;pcndlng ([1'\",>1,1111'" ,11111 ('X)>Pll<"'\P 011 lour week... u'> u!>sl!>tant Icuel al '>pill III II '-, COOl umator of the cleanup Ii I '>, 0' i, .II Evans, 39, a Gro!>se POinte (or dlll~ to (!Ill' Park reSident and 14 year vet. lo( rJ (' 0.1 '> t el an With the Coa!>t Guard, had (:lIl1d l'11\1 nothing but prUise fOl how the IOlllllf'III" l" maJor oil company has Iesponded Ii I' I t \1 Ii (I to the March 24 spill of 11 mil "pl'llt 111111 ,II lIOn gallons of crude 011 from the IIIIIIU WII Exxon Valdez tanker that ran 11.1111 '-iolilld af..,'1ound on a reef well outside LI (111111 the bhlppmg lanes In the sound ( '1.1 \ I', \ .III'> He said Exxon has already ,,,",llll 1If11 Evans ,>pent $13 billion on the cleanup 1\'>~I')tdlll LdlllJI and has fielded 11,000 workers along the 1,300 miles 01 allected shoreline Together With the Exxon cleanup worker!>, there have been 240 Coast Guard per sonnel and some 500 repw!>enta tlve!> from an alphabet !>Oupof vanous governmental agencwb Dunng hi!> foUl weeks III Alaska, Evans coordinated cleanup efforts, wlote Ieport<; to the Coast Guard wmmandant m Washmgton, DC, and briefed varlOu<; governmental oflielu!'>, both bureaucrat<; and member" of Congre!>b Though Evan!> ha" worked on Illany 011 !>pllls, hi!>lil!>t bemR In Puerto HltO, he was unprepared for what he wa!> to see In Ala"ka IIe »ald the teenagers' phwbe "totally awm,ome" be!>t de'>u lilt'» Ala!>ka lie descflbed the me"" he found along Pflnce Wllham Sound ab "an environ mental ONJ"tel of natIOnal pro pOitlOl1'>" De"plte the enormity of the Ol"a'itel, Evan" came home opl1 mlbtlc thdt Amenta'., "Jast fron tWI" will Iewvel, that It hab not been II I eVeJ"lilly de<;troyed "I've got a Jot of re"pect for natllll ano It,> ability to take lell"e of It"elf," .':>UldEvans, who ha" a ma"tl'!"" del,'ree 111 envIron. mental management from the UllIver<;lty of Michigan "It WIll come back I don't want to dim mlsh that It was an envlronmen tal tragedy, but there are "Ibm" It's bouncmg back" Of the 1,300 miles of oil.con tam mated !>horelme, 900 have been cleaned, Evan!> said But wmter IS commg fast along the I"olated coast, which mean.', cleanup effort'> will come to a standstill soon - Sept 15, In fact Amid speculatIOn and pubht out! age that Exxon Will abandon the cleanup III September, Evan!> "Uld contmumg cleanup effort" wil I be reqUired thloughout thl' wmter, wenther perrmttmg, and m the c,prlng Evan., b"lwve" Exxon WJll he then' In thp '>prmg to finJ'>h thl' Job Exxon helc, fil'ldf'u "IX ta"k 100ce", or tedm", to handle the t1eanup Tho'>e who worked on the attllal '>hon'lme well' !>OI dler" on the "battldieJd," ~;van" "alo Many tethrlJljllec, were used to Iemove OJI Ir om the UJa"tlme, "orne Wf're tr mhtlOnal method", while other'> '1'.\')(' developPd to meet th(' "pelldl Ala"kan thai lenge,> See VALDEZ, page 4A Grosse Pointe News 1)0, No. 34 56 pages ,~: ,.I , Advanced EMS proposed 3A New questions about primary 6A Llbrary deczsion postponed again ...... 8A Recyclmg program at mld-point ,9A ACLU delays camera challenge llA Obltuanes 18A Women's Equallty Day Aug. 25 19A Fox, Penn good in war film 20A Freddy's back 21A The (advertising) Team Works 22A Exhibitors Fair and your home ......23A Hzllparkmg recommendations .,24A G.P. artUit set for fall fair lB Seniors gettmg younger, not older....2B Up-and-coming specalator sport.. .....3B Montagne back at zt lC DRYA sailors finish year 2C National champs 3C Classified ads ..4C By Richard A Wright SpeCial Wnter It "at 11l 1111' <h 1\ ('\\ ay behind Wl1111111 L,lIlge '> home In the I'dl k, ,I lll.lgndicpnt rehc of an pm 111'1.Igl'. ,\ pllcele'i'i \VOl k of 1)1 111 [pI II, ,I 1),,1,,\11 low'" f1nn n nd" In Lnngl"" III mg loom 1<;the '>,her tlOp}1\ nwmded hmI by 11ll' i\ nt IfJue Car Cillb of Anl('r Ila at ,I II'll lit "}1(l\\ and compe Dr. William Lange 35c Thursday, August 24, 1989 Farms woman hit, killed by semi-truck in Mack-Moross lot '" By John Minnis t Asslstanl j l !. Pholo h, Ronald ,J l'oe.....", Music in the woods These benches in Ihe bowl at Interlochen Music Camp are empty now. but last Sunday they were filled with lovers of the arts as the campers presented their traditional summer-ending show "Les Preludes:' More than 1.000 people watched the event which included nearly all the students at the camp. For the story and more photos. see page 12A. Early deadlines The Grosse Po1Ote New5 of fices will be closed Labor Day, Monday, Sept 4 Early deadlines WIll be 10 effect for the Sept 7 Issue • Commumty and sports news (sectIOns B and C) - Thursday, Aug 31,3 pm • Letters to the edItor and PlJ~~t'~ Dr. William Lange 1I ndel 'it Since 1940 Grosse Pointe, Michigan speCial ads - FrIday, Sept news Items - Fnday, Sept 1, 3 pm • DIsplay advertlsmg for com mumty and SPOltS sectIOns FrIday, Sept 1, noon; for the news sectIOn, Tuesday, Aug 5, 10.30 am • ClaSSified advel11smg - bor. del' ads, cancellatIOns OJ other 1, 4 pm The normal deadhne of noon on Tuesday for regular claSSIfied ads remams 10 effect, however, It IS stlongly suggested that ads be placed Fnday to aVOId poSSible delays due to the volume of last. mmute callers Edllor A 78 year.old Grosse Pomte Farms woman dIed Aug 18 after bemg hIt by a semi-traIler truck and dragged nearly 58 feet m the parkmg lot at Mack and Mo. ross. BngIda Catalano of Moran Road dIed at 3.16 pm. In the emergency room at St John Hos. pltal from massive Internal inJUrIes and an open-skull fracture as a result of the aCCIdent that occurred at about 2 41 p.m Accordmg to pohce reports, the truck's driver, Joel GarCIa, 31, of DetrOIt, had Just fimshed drop. pmg off merchandIse at the A L Pnce loadmg docks at the rear of the store facmg the parkmg lot when he pulled forward out of the load 109 area and struck the woman GarCIa told polIce he "felt a dragging sensatIOn" and thought one of hiS brakes was stlckmg He pushed a brake button, but the draggIng persIsted He then heard a horn blOWing He looked around and didn't see anyone at first, and then he notIced a man m an armored car ahead of hIm and to hiS left motIOn 109 fOl hIm to stop Garcia then got out of the truck and looked In front and found the woman One WItness said the woman had Just walked 10 front of the truck when Gar. cia began movmg forward The woman was struck, knocked down and dI agged 57 feet, 11 mches, accord 109 to police measurements In order to check the driver's vlslblhty from the truck, a police officer sat behmd the steenng wheel while another officer walked 10 front of the truck The officer behmd the wheel could barely see the top of the 6 foot officer's head when he wa'i 10 front of the truck When polIce al n \ ed the woman was laying on hel back m front of the it uck Farms emergency medIcal techniCians began admInisterIng cardIOpulmonary re'iUScltatlOn and the woman ""as rushed to St John HospItal The VIctim's wooden cane was found on the pavement behmd the huck Accordmg to police, Gal Cia has a clean record and he did not appear to have consumed any al cohol before the aCCident ocCUlled No charges have been filed against the truck dnvel A MIchigan State PolIce accIdent reconstructlOmst IS mvestl gat:ng the mCldent Followmg the aCCIdent, polIce notified the woman's son, Jasper Catalano A WIdow at the time of her death, the VIctim had been man led to Gaspar Cata lano She was born In Italy Funeral seI'Vlces \\ el e held Tuesday at St Philomena Catho IIc Church m DetrOit Interment was at Mount Olivet Cemetery 10 DetrOIt • money for Jerry's kids Park's kids raIse By Ronald J Bernas Staff Wrller tltIOn in Moline, III The work of art IS a 1911 Ford Model T and the trophy sIgmfies a jUnIor natIOnal champIOn and qualIfies Lange and hIS model T for the senior championship competitIOn m October in HeNhey, Pa And he will be there with hiS Model T, no doubt about that "I've owned the car since 1926," Lange said. "I bought It from the ongmal owner" So hIS love for thiS car IS not new, but hiS paSSIon to have a perfect example of thiS remarka. ble automobile is relatively new For most of hiS life, whIle he was acquiring hIS education at the UniverSIty of IllinOIS and at the UniverSity of Minnesota, the car sat in storage Lange pursued his career as a plastiC surgeon, one of the ear. her practitioners of this spe. clalty Dunng that career, he served 10 the Army, conducted a busy practice in DetrOIt and duro mg the '60s and early '70s played an Important role in the valuable auto crash research conducted at Wayne State Uni. versity He retired two years ago at the age of 78 "I had moved my office out to Troy, back before Troy became as highly developed See POINTER, page 14A :t'fr411.,~'" ~. itil1~Ij,"!)\l'~~,(~ When a gI"OUPof Grosse POinte Park kids got bored With summer a few weeks ago, they decided to have a garage sale They presented the Idea to the1l. mom'> who thought Good Idea, but let's gIve the money to a chanty And "'hat ~tter chanty If' gIve money to at the end of summer than the Muscular Dystrophy ASSOCIatIOn, WhICh IS geanng up for Its annual Labor Day telethon "We all have our pet char. Itles and MDA IS ours," said Robm MIssant, who along With her frIends volunteers each year to answer tele phones "The kIds watch the telethon every year and they love Jerry LeWIS,too " The k;ds, AI, Jame'> and Charles Mlssant, Denny Ig nagm and Anne Johnson scoured theIr toy boxes, base. ments and garages TheIr parents spent hours pncmg the Items (some of which were donated by Pal mer Video 10 Grosse Pomte City) Then the mght before, they popped and bagged eight pounds of popcorn so that they were ready for cus. tomers "They were real good about it" Missant said '~!<iR.,! ~"" $200 goal the MDA had set for them, and they even passed the $500 goal they had set for themselves When all the receIpts were counted, the kIds had col lected $63958 for Jerry's kids "They dIdn't Just pick Items they dIdn't like, they picked toys they stili play With, and neighbOl s dropped off baby clothes Everybody has been 'iOllIce " At the end of the two day<;, they had surpassed the "We're Just thlllled," Ml" sant Said Her son, AI, spoke fOI the rest of the kIds "It's nice to help MDA We want to gl\e because we have a lot We're luck} " And "0 81 e Jel ry" kid.., - 1 j, Iiiliiia!I ",,' 1iiiiI:•.1'1 Photo b, Ronnld ,I IX rn, .. These five kids donated their toys. comic books and stuffed animals. among other things to raise money for the Muscular Dystrophy Auociatlon. Their garage sol. last week brought In more than S6OO.They ar •• from I.ft. Jam .. Miuant. Al Mlaant. Denny Ignagnl. Anne Johnson and CharI .. Miuant. ~ it'~ ,~ ~~ lIltll~" ~A"."""~)' • • August 24, 1989 Grosse Pointe News NtMl4 2A State Police continue to investigate ballots By Dan Jarvis StaH Wnter Resultb from the Aug 8 Farmb mUnicipal judge prunary electIOn remam m questIOn as Michigan State Police contmue to 111\ estlgate several absentee ballots As reported last \\ eek, a press conference was called by Wayne Count) Clerk James Killeen the da) before the electIOn Killeen said the wue of candidate Paul Gracey had Improperly handled absente.: ballots by Illegally ob tammg them from City Hall, de livenng them to voters and drop pmg them back at CIty Hall State law prohIbits a candl date 01' famdy member from tak nlg absentee ballots to voters, usmg the ballots to soliCit votes or dellvermg them to a polhng place Mrs Gracey was glVen the ballots by a cIty employee KIlleen, a supporter of one of the other candIdates, WIll not comment on why the press con ference was called the day before the ptlmary or who made the ongmal complamt State Police Inspector Gerald Johnson saId mtel views are See related editorial on bemg conducted With some of page 6A. the ab:.entee vote Is to determme how the ballots were handled Of the total 1,789 votes cast, artIcles from The DetrOit News, 115 are abbentee ballots lncum DetrOIt Free Press and Grosse bent MUniCipal Judge Matthew Pomte News along With the origRumOl a led the field WIth 1,034 mal press release alertmg local voteb, \\ Ith GIacey comIng m media to the allegatIOns about second \\ Ith 308 Mrs Gracey If the absentee ballotf> are dls Johnson, overseemg detectives counted, candidate Eugene Cas III the mvestlgatlOn, said last dua would edge over Gracey by \\ eek that \\ hen pollce complete 10 votes and jam Rumora on the their mvestlgatlOn, the final reNovembel ballot port WIll be turned over to the Casazza, a ne},.tdoor nelghbOl Wayne County pror,ecutor, who and conh Ibutor to Killeen's last WIll decide if charges Will be bid for county clerk, al"o would brought agamst Mrs Gracey not comment on allegdtlOns that As of Monday, Aug 21. both the press conference was called agencies were waitmg for the fito discredit Gracey's candIdacy nal report to be completed before for mUniCipal judge commenting No time frame or The Grosse POinte News filed schedule for completmg the ma Freedom of InformatIOn re- vestigatlOn was given quest Aug 9 With Killeen's ofRichard Solak, Farms cIty fice, askmg for all documents re clerk, said the city's board of latIng to the primary electIon electIOn canvassers were sched. Killeen responded by sendmg uled to meet Tuesday, Aug 22 to mmatlOn 111 an electIOn laced with Impropriety llnd allegation He said a local board of canvassers would determme whether the votes were tallied correctly or If the votmg machmes worked properly Whltlman saId the board of canvasser's findmgs have httle to do WIth pollce 111' vestlgations where legahty of votes are 111 questIOn perform an audit of the vote count He said asIde from the po8Slblllty of an Illegal vote, the number of votes match with city talhes and electIOn results are ready to be certified. Solak said board members are unsure whether to certuy the election results until the State Police have completed theIr mvestlgation The deadhne to certify the results was Aug 22 Solak said the board is bemg careful not to second. guess the State Pohee, but they must meet their duty of deciding whether the numbers can be certified If the State Pollee recommend that charges be brought, then the election results would rest in the hands of the prosecutor If no charges are t{) be brought, Johnson said, Killeen would have final authOrity to determme whe. ther absentee votes WIll be counted Bradley Whlttman, of the MIChIgan ElectIOns Bureau, said the law IS not clear on who or what body makes the final deter. llWMU!iiili W ll_' The luw stales that If the local board of canvassers does not eel' tlfy the electIOn by the deadline date, the Issue If>bounced up to the county's board of canvassers, Whlttman Said Only a COUlt order could stnke down the recommendatIOn of the local board In thlf> case, a recount electIOn may have to be held before November, he said ... ~~\~~~"A~. >~ '0'MW<4~f-:'IDik I LAST SEVEN DAYS CUSTOM SHIRT SPECIAL ~ 10% DISCOUNT ON SIX SHIRT ORDER PLUS MANY FABRICS I WITH REDUCED PRICESI ~ Park police assist Detroit in drug bust I Park pohce captured a suspected crack dealer after he fled on foot from DetroIt poltce at about 855 p.m. Aug. 17. When Detroit officers interrupted a drug deal on Marlborough, the suspected pusher dropped 30 rocks of suspected crack and fled on foot through back yards Park patrol umts watched Alter Road and when the suspect appeared, the Park officers made the arrest after a short foot chase. The suspect was turned over to DetrOIt officers. Enjoy the fit and comfort of custom s'urts and sauJ 10% dunng August Have shlrts wlth the body fullness, cuff and collar style, body and sleeve length and shoulder wldth you deSIre. But remember, you must arder by August 31 for th,s 10'* d,scou nt. SINCE 1900 KERCHEV AL AT ST CLAIR • GROSSE POINTE MONDAY - FRIDAY 10 to 6 • SATURDAY 10 to 5'30 OPEN THURSDAY EVENING TILL 9 882-8970 Visa Pholo bv John Mmms Mastercard !I I SIJi\'liliII!III!filllii~lMljljll~'llIl11'ID!!olilllJllli1iIli;lIm$i\\,ftl!lllJ&l!iMI'<J~ \'t'.~ .'Ajfu¥*~}ll1 Woods work begins Work on the Grosse Pointe Woods' $100,000landscaping improvements along five blocks 01 Mack Avenue was well under way last week. Plans call for new shrubs. trees and paving in front of business on five blocks. including the Kenmore-Oxford block above. The promIsed almost-centenmal party sponsored by Glosf>e Pomte City Councilwoman Myrna Smith wlll be at Neff Park at 6 pm Sunday Smith had been plannmg a centennial party for Aug 26, 1989, but when her fellow City Council membel s made 1993 the centennial year, the 100th birth day celebratIOn was postponed for four years, but not the prom lsed party I Party at Neff Park on Sunday Sponsored by the Friends of the City of Grosse Pomte, the party WIll begm WIth cake and Ice cream Followmg the treats at 7 pm, A European FestIval Brass band Will present "A MusIcal Tour of Europe," followed by the Just Fnends barbershop quartet The party IS open to City resIdents only and admiSSIOn IS by park pass MADE MEASU • TO RE Pre sellson slll/ings are yours on taIlored to.measure clothmg for men (~orn(~ and Visit the ~~a~~~::2:< Newesl Shonpin'rl r'~~";<,~,, < M Come 111 now to I select the fall and wmter SUitS,sport coats, and pants m the stylll1gs and fabrics you want. All wool or wool blends SUItS,from $473 Sport coats, from $337 Trousers.from $134 Event ends S,pr,mb" r~r_.~,EA s-r 2 RRO{~~VI: ('(1d~.~ lJ J\,ff.: .... _" \;.)!,\. 9 Mile & Gratiot t I Here's a list of just some of our businesses ready to serve you: • MAMMOTH VIDEO • FIRST ST ATE BANK • TCBY Yogurt no 1 store In the stat!'! • SUBWAY • GRONDIN'S HAIR CARE • HARMONY HOUSE RECORDS & TAPES • FLOWERS BY MARLENE • EAST BROOKE JEWELRY EXCHANGE • SALVATORE SCALLOPINI • ~~~~~DY • H & R BLOCK • AMELIA'S FASHIONS ..------------ --------_ (Italian Rest coming soon) • PERRY DRUGS , • MILLE SKIDS (ChIldren's Clothing) Jacobson's Women's Wear ........ _-~- -- -- -...~--.... -.. ...... Well-lit parking • Just minutes from Grosse Pointe & -- ..,,.,.-' We welcome Jacobson's Charge, MasterCarlP. VISA! and American Express' ShOp until 9 pm on Thursday and Fnday. Until 6 pm on Monday, Tuesday Wednesday arld Saturday t I f~ II Ii 5 " I • ~1<&" ' y I August 24, 1989 .G.'.o.s.s.e.p.O.i.n.te_N.e.W_S __ ..... Jl'~~~~ LY vtl'Z 3.A_ Cottage doctor proposes advanced EMS for Pointes By John Minnis Assistant Editor The head of Cottage Hospital's emergency 1'00m has proposed an advanced emergency medical system to serve all five Grosse Pomtes. Dr MIchael McMllhn vo. callzed his plans before the Grosse Pointe Farms City Council Aug 14 whlle presentmg the McMlUin city with an automatic defibrillator, which was donated by Cottage Hospital. The automatic defibl'lllator IS used by emergency medical technicians to get a cardiac arrest patient's heatt beatmg regularly McMl1hn has two plans through which an advanced car. dIal !tfe support emergency medIcal system can be provided throughout the Pomtes Cur rently, only Grosse Pomte Woods offers the advanced EMS One plan calls for the eXIstmg advanced life support system to serve the Woods and the Shores, with a second advanced EMS rig staffed at the Grosse Pomte City fire hall to serve the Farms, CIty and Park All the existmg baSIC hfe sup. port rigs would be mamtamed at the Park, Farms and Shores for qUick mitlal response and excluSively for calls that clearly do not require advanced EMTs, who are properly called paramedics. Both the advanced and baSIC ambulances would be able to transport patients to whIchever of the POlUtes' three hospitals IS closest or deSIred by the patient McMlIhn's second ALS plan calls for an advanced rig and paramedICS based at Cottage HospItal McMIlhn calls this sec. ond plan the hospItal-based sys. tern because Cottage would purchase the ALS ambulance and hire the paramedics When not on runs, the Cottage paramedIcs would work IU the hospital's emergency room The cltles usmg the mill property tax for Farms, CIty and Park would ralbe the $200,000 for advanced EMS and would cost the taxpayer of a $200,000 home $25 a year Of course, the $200.000 annual ad. Proposed paramedic system for the Pointes county vanced EMS budget does not m. elude annual btart-up COStb,buch as a new ambulance and equIp ment If the Wood" and Shore" were to share the eXisting advanced EMS 10 the Woodb, then It would cost the taxpayers III those two CitieS a little more per person than the Farmb City-Park sybtem The hlghel cost per per. bon lb becau'>e the $200,000 opel' atlng cost of a paramediC sybwm beIng bp!tt over a smaller tax ba!>e Wood" taxpayerb, however, are already paymg a speCial 112 mill tax Just for advanced EMS If Shores taxpayers were to share the cost, then the EMS tax could be reduced to about 1/3 mill, thus savmg Woods reSident» a I" Ittlle 10 taxes and makmg par. amedlcb available m the Shores. If each of the Cities wanted to fund Its own paramediC service, then It would cost the owner of a $200,000 home In the Farms $53 a year and In the Park and City, $45 The Park prOVides EMS for the City as well The Shores See EMS, page 8A Grosse Pointe Woods ...., ~ Advanced Cardiac Life Support Units (ACLS) Existlng Basic Life Support Units (BLS) Grosse Pointe Cottage Hospital officials donated an automatic defibrillator to the city of GrOSH Pointe Farms last week. Taking part in the presentation outside the emergency entrance of the hospital are. from left. Ann Burns. administrator of diagnostic and outpatient services; Farms Public Safety Director Robert Ferber; Dr. Michael McMillin. emergency room director; Farms Mayor Joseph Fromm: and Gregory Vasse. Cottage chief executive officer. Farms o couaee Hospital Cottage Hospital donates defibrillator The Park purchased two of the The defibnllator, which costs 1000s and has alabout $6,000, not mcludmg ac- Heartstart cessones, was donated to the ready had to use them Grosse Farms as a commumty service, POinte Shores IS also lookmg accordmg to Gregory Vasse, Cot. mto gettmg a defibrillator. Accordmg to Farms Public tage's chIef executIve officer Vasse said the hospItal IS an Safety Director Robert Ferber, about a dozen EMTs will be advocate of advanced hfe support for the Grosse POlUteS He said trained In October to use the au. After the the hospital's donatIOn of the au. tomatlc defibnllator tomatic defibrillator to the EMTs have receIved the SIX hours of tramlng, they wIn be Farms IS part of the Cottage's and the CIty'S ongoing efforts to able to put the defibrillator m servIce Improve emergency medical ser The EMTs will be trained by vIce The Farms, Park and Shores McMIllm, who IS serving the tlOn. medlcal director 'The The Heartstart 1000 IS com. have baSIC lIfe support The addi. Farms' EMTs also have to take repletely automatic All the spe- tlOn of an automatic defibrillator traimng every three to baSIC EMS mcreases the level fresher CIally tramed baSiC emergency medIcal techmclan has to do IS of care the EMTs can prOVIde months - John Mmms heart attack VIctIms apply the patches and stand back By gettmg the heart beat. 109 regularly, the defibnllator 18450 MACK. 881.3062 can Increase a cardIac arrest paHours 4 p m - 2 a m tient's chances of surVival up to five times Pdul' Fmest Quality at the Most Deslfoble Prices \7 S LOBSTER PARTY ""_.",--J _rrj WHOLE MAINE LOBSTER DINNER ---=--FRIDAY & SATURDAY only $12.95 Cottage Hospital donated an automatIc defibrillator to the Pubhc Safety Department of Grosse Pomte Farms last week. The presentatIOn was made at the Farms City CounCil meetmg Aug 14 by Dr Michael Mc Mllhn. who IS head of Cottage's emergency room The defibnllator, a Heartstart 1000, IS designed to read a heart attack VIctIm's Vital SIgnS and, If necessary, prOVide the patient WIth an electnc shock to get the heart out bf ventncular fibnHa. hospltal based system - most hkely the Farms, CIty and Park - would pay a fee to Cottage HospItal for provldmg the advanced servIce, mcludmg eqUIpment and paramediCS The cities would can. tinue to malntam their own ba. SICEMS If an advanced rig was placed at the City's fire honse, then the longest poSSIble run would be to the Farms' northern tiP on Mack, about a 2-112 mlle nln, which could be made m about five mmutes Of course the Farms' baSIC ambulance would also respond much qUicker for Imtial CPR, oxygen and defibril. latlOn If paramedics are stationed at Cottage Hospital, the farthest run would be to Windmill POinte, the Park's southern-most ttp That run would be about 2-3/ 4 miles and could be made m a htUe over five mmutes. Agam, the Park's baSIC EMTs, who are also eqUIpped with an automatic defibrillator, would be at the scene until the paramedIcs ar. nved If the Woods were to provide advanced EMS for the Shores, the farthest run would be about 2.1/4 miles to the Pomte News has made rough calculatIOns of what It would cost taxpayers in each of the cities to support advanced ambul. ance service A special assessment of a 1/4- ... \ \ ,,"\ f, \ (Zit ALL DECKED-OUT FOR SUMMER! t £) Mon. Tues &. Wed ZaPauls Famous Corned Beef & Cabbage Plate $7 50 Thursday Fresh Turkey Dinner Stuffing. Mashed Potalo & Gravy $695 PIANO BAR: Thurs., Fri., Sat., • Banquet Facilities Available - Decks, a rather simple addition to your home that will add h?urs and hours of enjoyment and relaxation. Give us a call for a FREE estimate. End of Summer Special 17 -10 Strand Cultured Freshwater Pearl Necklace WIth 14K Gold Clasp and Caps Reg. '14<)00 Now Only $99.00 hne at Lake S1. Clair. Under both of McMillin's plans, Grosse Pointe Shores would get advanced EMS from Grosse Pomte Woods while maintaining its current basic EMS The Woods may benefit by having Shores taxpayers share in the more than $200,000 it pays annually to maintain an advanced life support system. The costs for advanced EMS would most likely have to be borne by property owners through a special millage assessment Based on the Woods' roughly $200,000 a year to support its advanced EMS, McMillin estimates It will cost about $6.50 per person per year to provide paramedic service in the Farms, City and Park. "You can't even go out to dinner for what It would cost for paramedics," McMillin said. "A paramedic system is what's really needed for the Grosse Pointes. It really provides the best level of service, and if we can share the cost it can be fi. nancially viable." Based on state equalized eval. uation figures of the the various Grosse Pomtes, the Grosse .~ After the job's done, you'l ever lived without 20445 Mack it. G.P.W. 886-2050 .~ • ADDITIONS • DORMERS • KITCHENS • BATHROOMS. WINDOWS. GARAGES • RECREATION ROOMS • ALL TYPES OF EXTERIOR SIDING ~A MOTOR 777.4160 ( 1..r-:I "( ......{ '. ,,_I - ii <.\ ~ . ~.~. L.' ~ i " ~ .~ ~I I ~, References Available j Organized League Play We do all scheduling t at scoring \~), • Permanent Court Time ",';r.,-:&~ for Racquetball, ;~~~' Tennis or squash t:r~ /\~{' I--~~ Grosse Pointe's Home Modemization Specialists! 21612 Harper Ave. St. Clair Shores, MI ~.~,;! ~. CITY , (,i,yU MODERNIZATION -J IMBLEDON OFFERS YOU FOR FALL •• f· ~ CJ \-,~ r .,~ I '. 9 Indoor TenniS Courts • Lounges & Free Children's Supervised Play Area • Practice Area Hitting Lane • Locker Rooms. Whirl ools & Saunas Call Debby for Details 774.1300 '.(11 ~ -'" 20250 E 9 Mile • Sf ClaIr Shores I AUQust 24, 1989 lirosse Pomte News 4A Valdez ",~_,~~~~",,~~~<lt'~~, From page 1 A traditIOnal method of 011 cle,lIlup IS uSing high pi essure hot watel through fire hoses to \\ a"h 011 off rocks and sudaCl's tal PlotccllOn Agl'1ll \ l'll\ I "lOned, and t11l'IC \\,1" \ 1.,\l.tI 1m plO\cmcnt 111 till' ll'llllllpt! meab \\ Ithll1 1\\0 \H'pk ... t'llOlI'" E\ <In., "<!H! Ih.lt most en IlIonlllPnt.11 ('ont<lIHIl1<ltlOll Ib 1lll'.I"'lllpd III 1ll1pal mlics of ...hOll'lllll', but ,dong Pi lI1ec Wli Cleanup crews used hot water under pressure to rinse Sound. p.,pelldllv along Like SUPPI 101 , "lIllllm to PllIKP Wilh,lIl1 Sound The cnvlronment,l! co.,t would be tl emendou., Since 25 pCleent of Amellld'., dome:;,tlc 011 come:;, flOm t1w 4 loot dldmetel Ald:;,k,m pipelllw oil will contll1ue to be tl JIl., ported lhlOugh Plll1Ce Wdlldlll Sound Llke\\ Ise. chenllcals will contll1 ue to be tran:;,polled through the GI eat Lakes E\ all" :;,ald lIlCIeased Vigilance to 011 spill pi eventlOn IS the onlv pi ,Il tlcdl way to stop spill:;, Before the Aldskan tl aged) , people \\ el e pi ctty much dpd thetlc about oil tl anspOitatlOn on the high seas, but now theY'1 e dware of the costs of negligence E\ <Ins hopes people \\ III contll1ue to e"pl e:;,s a heightened envlI on I" , " Beautiful Valdez harbor in Prince William Sound became a household word after the North America's largest oil spill in March. The 011 was rinsed ofT rocky shores and into the sound To prevent the 011 from drifting away from shore, booms were set parallel to shore Evans said the water was not hot enough, how. ever, to destroy the "mter.tldal commumtIes" along the shore Another washmg techmque used along the coast was a del. uge system, which consisted of a 6 Inch diameter hose with holes along It The hose was laid along a shorehne ridge, allowmg water to wash down to the waterline and take Oil with It Agam, the oJ1.\~ateI' runoff was contamed by booms and then siphoned off the sUlface Usmg the two nnslng tech. mques, enough water was used each day to service a city of 1 million people, and the length of the contamment booms used could wrap around Manhattan Island three times, Evans said New to the OII.cleanup busl ness was a hydraulically oper ated scrub brush on a 100-foot arm deSigned by Exxon The scrubber was converted from a slngle.arm concrete loader. With an 8.foot scrub pad that was fed With pumped water, similar to an attachment on the end of a garden hose for washmg the family car, the "Omm boom" could scrub chfT faces and rock shores Exxon SCientists even tned to come up With a bIOlOgically safe "degreaser" for the shoreline One technique, "bIOlOgical reme. dlatlOn," was developed to enlist nature's own microscopiC 011 eat. ers The shorehne was "fertl hzed" With nutnents that stlmu. lated the reproduction of the 011eatmg microbes and sped up na. ture's 011 cleanup efforts some 30 to 100 times. Evans said the oil-eonsuming mlcro-orgamsms were far more successful than the Envlronmen- The blgge:;,t natuldl L!eanup I~ yet to occw, Evans "aid WI1l'n wmter storms I m age the coast line, a natw'al "clubbmg \1111 take place, takmg much of the 011 out to sea ham Sound, not only did miles of cOJ.,thne ha\ e to be conSidered, but dbo the type of shol'ehne, the dmount of oil and depth of 011 pendl dtlOn and the UI gencv ot 'lf1eLled \llIdhfe All theM' fdC off the coastline In Prince William Paralegal 1<; , 011 Open Houses Aug. 21 thru Sept. 7 . Comprehensive 1 yr Evenmg Program . Taught by Exp'd Attorneys . Fmanclal Aid Available If Qualified' Classes held locally Grosse Pointe North High School Co Spqnsored by Grosse PIe PubliC Schools Deot of Community Educabon Call: 559-8040 For Times Reservations or Free Brochure American Institute for Paralegal Studies, Inc. 17515 W 9 Mile Pod, #225 Southfield, MI 48075 Summer Clearance on SEIKO Watches A new techniq\.i.e. "biological remediation:' was used by spraymg the shore with nutrients to stimulate the natural breakdown of oil by microscopic organisms. Evans has WOIked on large and small 011 spills, Includll1g the one here 111 the Milk Rlvel, but he had never seen anythll1g on the magnitude of the Ala"kan cleanup He said all the U S armed forces were Involved as well as Exxon's people He said barges were used to hou.,e many of the workers \\ ho \\ el e fat from cIvilized comfOlt<; Nd\) ships were used to tl an"pOlt pel sonnel and eqUipment The complexity of Ala<;kd's coasthne also hampered cleanup tOl" detel'mmed whIch areas wele to receJve cleanup effOlt:;, befO! e othel;, FOI e ...ample, one Island Ie celved Immediate attentIOn be cause It wa:;, a "puppmg 6'10unds" fOl seals The Island bllthmg area was cleaned on tune and a new generatIOn of '>edls \\('1 e bO!n, Evan'i said DUllI1g hiS stay m Alaska, E\ dn'i kept thmkmg about what \\ould happen If a major oJ! spill occun ed on the Great Lakes Much of l'vhchlgan's coasthne, ~\IJJ~N mental aWaJ eness Aheady, Michigan I~ takmg steps at spill pi eventlOn Evans IS paJt of a task fO!ce CI edted h) Guv .James Blanchal d to de velop spill pi eparednebs Evans I;' puttll1g togethel a \VOl"t Cdbe 'icenm 10 of a spill on \\ atel s be tween POlt HUlon and Mom oe and how to react to It Evans Said that If anythmg 1<; learned by the Valdez dl'iaster It'S that manne tJan"pOltatlOn cannot be taken for gJ anted and always has be be done With care. 500/0 OFF Select Seifur~ Styles Large selectIOn choo'>e from to GEORGE KOUEITER & SONS JEWELERS 21023 Mack Grosse Pointe Woods - 882-1110 VISA Ma'te<Ccfd ~ EI)~I()l\TIS ~ Thl' World\ Fl1le~t Sh()('~ ~ 'l CHESTER ~ ,~ }~ " '" SIZES AAA, Some Sizes, a 110\\ 72 hours fOI specIal ordl'l dehver) B n3nt furnate~ and all' tOn<!ltIOI1l'1' arc de~lgncd and lc~tt'd to tll~UfC IHa'\JnlllIH IXflormantc \nd \\ hell thC\ \\or\.. togtthlr Jl ~ till PlrlClIlOmh1l1.1110n 10 prm ldt, ma'.ImUn1 lOIHfoft ,11111.1'\1IHUlll dllllU1\.\ "'-"lll ,I mod< I ~l)H g,l' Itl rn,lll ,l11d 1 modll ')<) I ,llf l ond I llOllef .11ld \OUl.11l pllrl11.l~l ,111 l1«lrollll .\11' pllfllll'r fllr '" "", ,v ,Y AA 814 A 8.14 ' B 71j~16 C, D 6 16 E, EE, EEE I on" 5 13 FREE PICK. UP SERVICE 4 >{ rt , , i r" 1900 tl 778-8711 KERCHEVAL AT ST CLAm • GROSSE POINTE MONDAY - FRIDAY 10 to 6 • SATURDAY 10 to 5 30 OPEN THURSDAY EVENING TILL 9 882.3670 ,Visa •• HlLUiIIli' UfI~, (,III 'OUf I(l( ,1111Jnll IlIfll.lll lor dtl.\ll~ I he I-Iaml' \\ .1franh ExqUISite detazl/llg ho.~ made thl<; INflg lip bal oxford a long-time favorzte Come's u'lth full leather lznrngs,:' single oak Icatha sole' and (us!om hee'l : Black or burgundy $1.95 ~ 21424 Groesbeck Highway Warren .1\.lIl.lhlt • Wc h,ll~ LICrI Imll.llt '\ COMPLETE LINE OF AUTO ACCESORIES S 100 Im,lllling WRITE OR PHONE FOR FREE CATAL()(, 'x~ ~0 t. ,,;j;, / ;,. Mastercard ffj ~%j »fPJ4iI<~"4&0J \\C 'lll 1\ 1111 I ) \eM trLl 1'111, .1I1t! !;Jhor \\ .lrr.1l1l\ • Wc h.ll~ C\CrI ~94 ,m lOlldillOller 1\1111.1 -ELECTRONIC \\llh pllrch,,\, IS' ... ANNIVERSARY ~ ~C,lr Irce p.lrh ,lilt! 111.11')~ ~,I' IlIrn,lll' I\l ..cll 1,lbor II Irr.HIII AIR PURIFIER ONLY $100- ormocl! I 'l'l8 I'll' rmn lrc nnd model "'11 ,l1r rondllHllWI ~(]mrnl] OfTl'r l'l1d, 1\lIgll~l11 brqont I=URNACE COMPANY ';"r\ mil 111(' Gro~,,, 1'0101"" ,me" 1'l4'J Octroi! Warren Troy Lhonia 527-1700 574-1070 524-1700 427-1700 1'lR'1 ______ ---_-.-,,~,-.--, .~,---..,..,..,,.,.... --:--, --..,... ~ .. ~,.-,~\ -... - ..... -.-,-.- .. -"C; \ ~--------- 5A August 24, 1989 Grosse Pointe News 18328 Mack Avenue - fi.ne r. ill WInes . liquor USDA In The Farms PRICES IN EFFECT AUGUST 24, 25 & 26 DAILY: 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Wednesday and Saturday 8 a.m •• 6 p.m. CHOICE FRESH COFFEES WHOLE -NEW YORK CU~~T~:~~S $3 ... 25, ONE PACKAGE PLEASE Freshly Roasted and Custom Ground to Your Needsl $38! $419 FRESH LB HALIBUT STEAKS I CADILLAC ESTATE DECAFFEINATED BREADED - Sprite Reg., Squirt, Fresca, / Minute Maid Orange, Dr. Pepper Reg. & Diet, Cake Classic, Diet Coke, Caffeine Free DIet Coke, Coke, Cherry Coke Reg. & Diet, Tab, Caffeine Free Coke RANCH STYLE I_II BACON EGG FOR OR 50~ each PEPPERONI STICKS + PLAIN OR GARLIC LB ~ $2 9 OLIVE LOAF or PICKLE LOAF . ~ 3 WINTERS VEGETABLES l ,1. ~\) ~j. . " OATMEAL BREAD -=-==- 3 LB BAG • 88 p. BERS OR · · · · .•· CANTALOUPES •••••• l"- ~ .... " NAVALLE SELECTIONS -- NABISCO ........:;. ~~CHUNKY CHOCOLATE CHIP CHOCOLATE CHOCOLATE CHIP 180Z $.1.39 PKG • • 78~ EACH -'I: CAMPBELLS I~ -~ · TOMATO JUICE 3202 I WHITE ZINFANDEL SAUVIGNON BLANC CABERNET SAUVIGNON SAVE '~.OO 750 ML 1 5 LITER LETTUCE ••• 68~ HEAD 14 SIZE BROCCOLI ••••••••••• 68~ , WHILE ALL QUANTITIES LAST ERNEST AND JULIO GALLO VARIETAL WINES BLUSH. CHABLIS, FRENCH COLOMBARD. CHENIN BLANC 1.5 LITER SAVE'2.20 ~ $349 ERNEST AND JUliO GALLO NEW! WHITE 750 ML ZINFANDEL SAVE'1.50 SUTTER HOME WHITE _ $293 ZINFANDEL 750 ML SAVE'3.40 99~ -- 15 BOTTLES PER CASE 4~>f' VINO CASATA BOTTLE BROWNIE MIX BLUSH,~H~':L~:'WINETAP$509 RHINE, BURGUNDY " 99, BETTY CROCKER JOHAN KLAUSS $279 PIESPORTLERSMAICVHEE~:BOEORG 750 M ... $259 MARCUS JAMES WHITEZIHJ:ON:~L CHEESECAKE FROM THE CHEESECAKE SHOPPE AVAILABLE $819 $349 SAVE '2.80 SAUVIGNON BLANC 21.50Z ROMAINE $399 CHARDONNAY MER LOT $229 16 -' - '2 30 • REISLING • CHARDONNAY WHITE ZINFANDEL 8ge BERNEA SOUR CozREAM SAVE DOMAINE ST. GEORGE 00' ,..... ... ;;,"'".;. CALIFORNIA LARGE ------- ~ "jr ~~. CUCUM 4FOR$. GREEN PEPPERS LARGE ~l #1.... MIX OR MATCH RASPBERRIES ••••••• BURGUNDY LOAF 12 PACK FREE 369 VIM ROSE, BLUSH $159 1 LB LIFE SAVER CALIFORNIA $ WHITE BARBERA CHABLIS, RHINE FRENCH COLoMBARD CHENIN BLANC DEP___ 99 99~ FLAVOR POPS SUGAR FRESH 12< ~ PINT YOUR CHOICE INGLENOOK DEP ~. ONIONS ••••••••••• '.~t>cI9.n..t)clS! ~llt;" .,': ~.I'"f. ..... QIi'" \'~~'I! J:b' "ll_tl~ ....... 't':'1~1\ _ ~ REGULAR OR LIGHT 1 LB 1/4'5 YOUR CHOICE $169 REGULAR OR SPECIAL ADDITIONS ,•~ WHITE ~ ~ibt-~ FH" QUARTS HAAGEN.DAZS ."*' FLEISCHMANN'S ~zFli;~PT;,n~s~ MARGARINE LB MIDS ~) Y:..:-_ -t~"t;~'oO'i( .'. AUNT FOR 6 PACK ''"'' .~.ft _ \ 2 99, $719.~. $179 EVERYDAY LO~ PRICE + MILK NAVALLE 1.5 LITER 1• 24 PACK CANS 240Z SEALTEST ALL TYPES INCLUDING 7 UP D_RY $129 CHOCOLATE 89 . ~~--.-~-=.=-~ COTTONELLE h BATH TISSUE RING BOLOGNA -V. CANADADRY67, BUSCH $1 +DEP 1 LITER PLASTIC !CAD I LB WINTERS ~_'15l _1,- ~ $398 WHOLE 0_ $139 Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, Mountain Dew, Pepsi Free, Diet pepsi Free, Slice, Diet Slice, Orange Slice, Diet Orange Slice, Vernors, Diet Vernors. A & W, Diet A & W ~ -; 2 99 ROLLS H EAT .N.SERVE FARM F RESH CURD PEPSI 6 PACK CANS SLICED FRUIT L SMti LARGE + DEP $2~!p 12 PACKS J) SEALTEST OTTAGE CHEESE =--= 7 UP DIET AND REGULAR AND REG. CHERRY 7 UP LAMB PATTIES G FROZEN SALMON STEAKS LB $139 PATTIES "" FRESH COKE 6 PACK CANS VEAL = FROZEN IN OUR DAIRY CASE SAVE'1.40 CARLO ROSSI I 1 -"", ~~ I1 ,-~~. 4 LITERS $ 18LUSH. RHINE, 509 CHABLIS.! BURGUNDY, VIN ROS~, PAISANO -- _.,2.-=--. AND PINK CHABLIS SAVE '2.90 2-cent plan "Will prOVide an averagtJ ouethll'd reductIOn in homeowner school taxes." It adds that the plan IS not perfect but IS "the only proposal that Will put a permanent cap on school operating tax rates and reduce school taxes in almost all cities and villages." Rep. Wilham R Bryant Jr. of Grosse Pomte, who serves on the TaxatIOn Committee of the House, opposes both proposals on the grounds they would limit the local district's abihty to run its own schools and to provide the local financing required On the basis of all this testimony, both pmposals face an uphill fight for approval. Taxpayers have tw"ned down many other tax hike proposals in recent years and while Proposal B also calls for an offsetting property tax cut, It does not appear to be winnmg as much support as Proposal A_ A State Chamber of Commerce poll last spring showed 65 percent of the respondents opposed the tax SWitch the proposal would require. The Grosse Pointe News currently tends to oppose both proposals on the grounds Rep. Bryant cites. We might be persuaded, however, to support one of the two plans If It could be proved to our satisfaction that one of them would actually close the gap m per pupil spending between the poorer and wealthier distncts around the state without penahzing districts like Grosse Pomte. Battle opens over 2 votes on school aid attIc hnes alrl'cld) .il e fmllllng to WlIl support fO! 01 defedt the t\\ () school reform referenda t1Mt \\ 111 be on the statewide ballot m November At Issue arc two referenda Proposal A calls for a half cent lI1crease 111 the ~tate sales tax with the procepds, dn estllnated $400 million, to boost state ,lid, and Pro. posal B proposes a 2 cent sdles ta \. lIlCl'ea~l' to add an estimated $350 nlllhon to $-100 mllhon to state aid and, at the 8,1I11e tune, provide an estlmated 17 percent cut 1Il property taxe~ for most busllle~se~ and homeowners The eal'lv lIstmg of orgal1\zatlOns takmg sides emphaSizes the extent ot the divIsIOn over the two proposals The DetrOit Free Press edltonally prefers Proposal B but backs both and The DetrOIt News appar ently opposes both The Promote Michigan Edm.atlOn Comnllttee backs Proposal A and oppose~ PIOposal B, while the Michigan MUl1lcipal League and the Michigan ASSOCiatIOnat School Boards endorse Proposal B but do B plans, accreditation and an annual report by each school board to the local communIty Beyond those matters, however, the two proposals diverge_ Proposal A supporters claim then' plan also specifies the use of the new state funds for pre-school support, computers m the classrooms, drug-free schools, drop-out prevention, educational extension service, a student improvement fund, professional development and an improved science, math and technology curl'lculum_ They also warn of what they regard as disadvantages of Proposal B such as a 14mill statewide property tax on businesses and a 9-mill stateWide property tax on resIdential property. They also contend that some homeowners would get as much as a 25 percent property tax cut while others might not get any, dependmg on current spending levels of the local school district. Yet the Michigan Municipal League, which backs Proposal B, estimates that the not oppose Proposal A. The Mlchlgan Education A8~OClatlOnhas endorsed Proposal A The Michigan State Chamber of Commerce opposes both, wlule the Greater DetrOit Chamber Will Withhold support from both until legIslators IeqllJre reforms for all school dlstncts. Gov James Blanchard favors Proposal B \\ lull' Ius expected Repubhcan opponent m 1990, Gap Senate Majonty Leader John Engler, now opposes both. Engler once voted for puttmg the 2-cent sales tax hike on the ballot but now claIms credit for a compromise that boosted K-12 budget spendlllg that he feels satisfies the demand for higher school ard But Englel hasn't convinced all of hiS Senate colleagues he's on the nght track Ten Gap senators last week announced theJl support for Proposal B which Engler once supported Each of the pi oposals also reqUires a core cUl'l'lculum, school Improvement , '. 111I11l~1 \1 Poll Robert G. Edgar Publlshel Grosse Pointe News Vol. 50, No, 34, August 24, 1989, Page 6A Robert B Edgar Founder .lnd Pubh.,her JulioI' H Ju"nar Pl~oM.~~~ (II hl J III u Rub .. 1101 Spoth lJ11 I ~ Ibur th,loo E J I,Hl.Ll {on\ull .. nl A~;II1d J BrIIU;\ ~HH ~ rltel 'luglt 1194019791 ()ul,tl 'III.L~ Rtll"""1l1Ib " hnl\ '.Inn PUlIlrnlH "'~\ ~I.ant lC'alUI( ~ I>IIPI ~,,.,~~ " , \hllk,.1 ~h. J A'I\I\!Jnl \1J BcIlJ.a.mI. (,l!lUfe Prlrf '1...nJ~(, J \, ~\ Jl~ J~ \hr\ \I..I.J (lwd. Olin" (,0'\\ 'I' \ all Bflt'r fIll \rllrdo ( I I'~ 'oJ "'If If buck. \IJ[ugcr \ '~.IIC "'~~Isu.nl\1.uIJg.er \1, ... BI .. Rfltt Crobtrl lhbtJ l.fll\KLI 'hUlf liall 10lu '<-blptlill ~.Ilr ~iIIh" 1«. Blrbtf ("mDtIIJ' I\lm ~~ Jlo .. ,," hllloaK~iI \II1l1t~ \\ .... ~ I III .A'lelllu.n pubh,ll<r and (Li\~lhc~ \1JfiJ!CI 'nlH .It I IA J cr ~ J.tl "" BlIlur "'''\I;.lanlllJ PillrlCU \Jdrll II ~ T10' OtborJoh Pllid,t ( '~UIJI n \'~nJ~,r ( .rl' ( rl)~\ (I~( Pubh!lhed Weekly by Anteebo Pubhshers 96 KERCHEVAL AVE. Gro!lse Pomte Farms, MI 48236 New questions about primary ore questIOns appeal to have been ralsed than answered by the re sponse of the Wayne County clerk's office to a Freedom of InfOimation mqUlry lodged by the Glosse Pomte News m an effort to obtam more tacts about the controversIal pnmmy electIOn 111 the Farms on Aug 8 The response compnsed of copies ot news stones from The DetrOIt News, the DetrOIt 'Free Press and the Grosse POInte News about the controversy over the absentee ballots Circulated for the primary, plus d press release Issued by Wayne County Clerk James Kllleen the day befOie the electIOn explammg that he had called for an mvestlgatlOn by the State Police aftel receiving a complamt allE'glllg "IrregulantIes" m the pnmary. The complamt to Kllleen apparently alleged that the Wife of one of the mumclpal judge candidates, Paul C Gracey, Improperly acqUIred absentee ballots, took them With her while seekmg votes and promised to return them to the cIty clerk's office Mrs. Gracey sald she had been offered the absentee ballots by employees of the Farms after she had picked up several ap phcatwns from her neighbors and delivered them to CIty Hall_ She said she was glVen absentee ballots for people she didn't know and returned them to the office She also said she didn't know she was breaklllg the law. The letter from Steven T Kelley, deputy county clerk, in response to the News' Freedom of InformatIOn mqUlry, marked the first time the Grosse Pointe News had received the clerk's press release and, mdeed, the first response thiS newspaper had received from hiS office despite numerous telephone calls seekmg more InformatIOn about the inqUIry. But the informatIOn stdl did not cover the source of the complaint, which should h~ve been included under Freedom of InformatIOn regulatIOns If It was a formal, recorded complamt that prompted the mvestigatlOn If the complaint was made verbally and no Wl'ltten record made of It, then the State Police seems to be making an mvestlgatwn WIthout a written com- M plamt That, too, would appear to be unusual The press release IS Itself unclear about whether the clerk received one or more complaInts In the first sentence, he refers to hiS receipt of "a complamt allegIng iI'legulantles" m the Farms primary but later he says "the complaInts made to me" Was there more than one? We don't know F 1 ~_ ........ ",,,,... Since nb record was provi.ded to us of any wntten complamt or complaints, nor any written record of a request by the clerk's office for an investigatIOn by the State Pollce, nor any written commUlllcatlon with the CIty of Grosse Pomte Farms about these matters, the investIgation so far seems to be proceeding on the baS1S of oral diSCUSSIOns,presumably telephone conVeri:>atlOns, between the clerk and the State Pohce and between the clerk and the Farms office staff It all appears to be a strange way to run what PUl"ports to be a senous investigation mto Irregulantles mto the Farms jUdlCIal pnmary_ In view of Mrs Gracey's admissions, there IS httle doubt she did dlstnbute both applicatIOns and absentee ballots, but apparently did so Without knowing she was vwlatmg the law Ignorance of the law never IS an excuse, of course, but our concern IS that the mvestigatlOn be fall' to all pmtles concerned To make that determination, we reqUire more mformation than we have been able to obtain to date Meanwhile, the results of the State Pollce mvestIgatwn and the outcome of the pnmary electIOn are still unknown The l'esults of the electIOn may not be certified until after the State Pohce makes its rePOlt on the mvestlgation The complamt about the handhng of the absentee ballots IS Important because the unofficlal results, lOcludmg the contested absentee ballots, gave the incumbent, Judge Matthew Rumora, the tup pu::.itlUll m the election, with Gracey second, Eugene Casazza third and Richard Roosen fourth Without the absentee ballots, Casazza would become the second nominee and run agamst Rumora m November_ Press freedom flickers out reedom of the press, which seemed to be permitted m Chma within stnct limIts for several months earlier thIS year, now has apparently flickered out The People's Dally, the Commulllst Party newspaper, last week reminded Chinese news orgamzatlOns of thell' responsibilIty to concentrate on MarXist Ideas, not on confusing readers with diSCUSSIons about press freedom The Commumst dally warned that dur mg the student protests In May and June the Ideal of press freedom had been used to "cook up rumors and instigate attacks on the party and the people" It remmded the news orgalllzatwns that "freedom of the press, like other forms of democracy and liberties, is relative and not absolute." For the Chinese students and some of the Chinese news people who had been reaching out for freedom, It IS clear that , the current government leadE'rship has reverted to Communist practice not only to propagate Marxism but to tell Its big lies about what happened durmg the student upnslOg So even though many Chinese citizens, mcludmg many Chinese newsmen, saw what happened durmg the demonstrations, they are now told by their government that the People's Liberation Army never fired on the students, only a few "thugs" and "hooligans" were involved and those responsible were "counter-revolutionaries" backed by foreign mterests, including some from the Ulllted States_ It may take some time but we think there still is hope that the voice of freedom once more will be heard in China and the students' aim to liberalize and democratize theil' government will be achieved. Home-school issue To the Editor: 1 Amwriting, bv the inSistance of more than JUst a few people, to respond to the woman who suggested that "anyone" could home school their chIldren, including drug addicts imposing theIr views on theIr children and to the extent of calling this "child abuse." While I am sure there are children being taught by less than "qualified" parents, we must remember that thl9 country was founded on the prmciple of freedom. There is, in existence, at least one publication that I am aware of, that provides, m catalog form, resources available to home learners, "The Big Book of Home Learning," (Crossway Books, Westchester, m, 60153) and there are most likely other publications similar to this one in circulation. There is also a great deal of curricu. lum available from very reputable learning institutions; the scope and sequence of which exceed that of the pubhc schools by at least a year. In addItion to these, there are professional organizations that prOVIde guidance, admmistratIVe and Iegdl (1~~i:;tauce to hon16 schoolers. Besides the fact of the obvious inadequacies found in today's public school system, research proves that children can learn far better outside the peer pressure, drug .abuse and hostile environments found in most schools today. When tested, these home-schooled children have shown gemus level results in specIfic areas of study, time and time again When examining the home school issue it would probably be more objective to look at the track record rather than concentrating on the isolated instances of misuse, misunderstanding, or exploitation of our constItutIonally guaranteed right of freedom as it applies to educating our children. Thank you for printing the other side of the home school Issue Richard Kroll Jr. Groue Pointe Woods Drunk driving rules a joke To the Editor: It is no wonder that the l..~t~ns in the trl-county area think our drunk driving rules and drug related offenses are a Joke. We have recently had three cases that have been very prominent m the media both local and out of state and conSidered very, very serious offenses of the drunk driving laws of our state and our community. I am refemng to Mr. Dutko, Mr_Probert and Mr_ Klima. Students Agamst Driving Drunk and Mothers Against Drunk Driving must feel very frustrated How can you expect students, athletes or the youth of our communities to pay any attention to your laws or the threat of punishment. You have Mr, Dutko with his drunk drivmg record, He IS finally caught, he finds religion (so to speak), and is remorseful untJl he realized he was not going to get his !If'ntence changed or lessened. He, therefore, has reneged on his promises. Mr_ Klima and See LEITERS, page SA I The more things change The ~ong "Is a Puulement" li'om the classIc Rugel.., ano Hammel stem show "The Kmg and I" begll1s with the lollowmg hnes, spoken hy the I mmoltdl Yul "Just Don't Smoke BIYIl ner, When / W(l,~ a boy World W(l,~ bettn I>Jlol What wal> 1>0, !('a,~ ~o What wa,~ /lol, wal> 1/01 Now J am a //Iall Thmgs have dWflMl'cI (l ttJI Some th/llg.~ flew Some thlllgl> !leal b ~o I) 1101 The kmg laments the I adH.dl change~ the world was gomg through m the nlJo 18601> More than 120 year~ latel, the "ong sll II I mg~ true I ~pent d I eccnt weekend learnmg how much thmgs have dldllgt'd, havl'IJ'( alld how I 1'1<1 y .. r1 ndlltlY t" 111\ 1\\" lwphewh - one Ile,ll ty 2, alld olle 4 Ilwnth.., - whdt' thell p,ll ent.., went awolY IO! the weekend I tlunk I've IeCOVl'll'O ..,ulJit ll'lltly to wntl' about my !'xpl'rwnw It ..,tarted Wit h d nemly 10 pal{e 1I1~t1 lletlon fIlallual WIIUt'lI hy my 1>1..,tel,I'" to fl..edllll{ hdblh, p~I!.;onulltte.., 'llId lun thing'" (0 do With my Wdld.., Thele ~u.., no I{IO""'ollY 01 Index, hOI\ evel Bu( the la..,t pdl{e, Illmh ..,tal ted "To whom Jt m,l\ L1lllll.'ln, l{ondld ,1 Bel na... IHI1> allJ pt'l ml..,..,101l (0 ...eek medical help 101 OUI dliid len," and Wol..,..,ll-;nt'd by my '>1'" tel and h!'l hU...b.llld I{dve ml .. ..,tUlt So they ll'ft me With t~ 0 kid" a battery J)f phone nUJlIbCl" "!II Ul'>l' 01 any 4ue~tlOll", 01 If you lu~t need to talk to ,mothel adult," and a nelVOU-. ",tornaeh So I fed the klo., 'Ilid put tht'm to bed Ed"" While they \\ele .. .,Ieep I IP,ld III thl nCII '>p.lJX'1 ,1bout the nl'\\ pO'>'>lhilltJe1> fOl fl e{,1111{the ho" '"lox t..lu/{ht the Knox, I had trouhie "dymg It out loud The audl' [ ]l':.ll rlpd H Il'w tiling" that 1'11"" Wtl"n't dl'rnanrhng, hilt J weekend Not the lea<;t Impor wanted to get It right for him And when I shushed the chIldtant wa'> that even II' you left the I en so I could hear about the lat. belby powder In the other room, e"t allegatIOns at the Depart. don't leave an undlapered baby ment of Housmg and Urban to go and get It E,>peclally don't Development on the news and leave one 01 tho!>e bablC" that they shouted even louder, de. Iw'> one of tho!>e httle gun~ mandlllK my attentIOn When I albo leal ned that even a 4 month old who spend~ most 01 the 2 year old turned off the tele. VISIOn, probably because he just hi'> wakmg hourb stanng off IIlto learned how, not because he '>pale need'> attentIOn, and can didn't want to see the state of I e,>pond to mU"lc and to laugh the world, and we went outside tel dnd the older child pointed out I I e learned a few th mg'l, too thlllgb he knew - a tree, a ham. Band Aid'> stIli '>mell good, but mock, a garage, a bird - and I the httle stnngs that al e <;up pO'>eo to ht'lp you open them ,>tlll III tU11l ~howed them to the bmall bundle III my arms, Ire . don't work Graham crackers learned that a bird, and a ham'>tlll leave tho'>C httle mu,>hy de mock, and even a garage, are po'>It" III the corner" 01 your new and exutlllg to a child and mouth and a kl"'> on a banged knee lan ~top a pout 111 It,> that even the fat I eachlng effects 01' world events can't - thank tl aek1> goodne1>'> - touch thiS chIld's ex. "The Cat 111 the Hat' and "Sam I Am" are "tlll fun to lltement And I I e learned that eXCIte. I cad, and cilthough I had onLe memOlll.l'd the entlrp tweeth. Ilwnt I" tOntaglou'> beetle bdttle thmg the Fox 111 And IlIte 1I':! JJlg to makl Why do we "top) /l1lH-h tlll'l Ronald J. Bernas t,II{Cb elnd dOOUt ,I Judl{e who wa" e1etubed 01 taklng bllbt." and of a pohle oflieel who wa., ktlll'd at a "ll.,pt'lted U elck hou...e And I bhook my IlPad elt the Idiot ... who J un the wOlld becau...e III tlMt loom welt- two tiny UHlig., "leepmg like II1nOLent,> ([ knl'\\ they wel e <;teepll1g becau~ I I{ot up evel y 10 mmute'> to makl' .,UIe they WCl e hi eathmg ) And they would have to deell \\ Ith thll1l{'> like thl'> thell \\ hole II\e ... Theil the\ got up And needed dl',1l1 dlUpt-j., And w<lllted atten tlOn And \1 ..llltl'd molt lood And Ildntl.d to pla~ And the oldel one 1\ ,mted to help feed the youngel ())!C And he ldughed healtJly when the ht tIe one bUl ped So I put a<;lde the papel cind Idld down on the 110m and to'>'>eo the oldel one up dnd down, and he laughed ano 'lmlled and called for more The "mailer one, heannl{ the laughtel, '>mlled and cooed So did I There wa,> a small I'eehng of JOY when the three of u~ were IdUghlllg, and time went IIlto ...Iow motIOn, ju,>t for a moment Have you ever noticed hO\\ much effort peoplt' go to to makt d bab) '>mlle? When do WE' ,>toj) 11\opll' ,mdl' Grosse Pointe News August 24, 1989, Page 7A MargIe Reins Smith Rh(itz) positive FOI those who want to gIVe blood 111 style The RItz Carlton, Dearborn IS offermg more than fresh orange JUIce for yow' donatIOn To help the American Red Cross meet ItS Critical need for more than 1,000 PlOts of blood dally, the RItz Cal'lton IS spon sonng a blood drive III ItS ball. room Saturday, Sept 2 As an added incentIve - all blood donors may reserve a room at the Rltz.Carlton for $40, a 50 percent dIscount off the hotel's usual weekend rate The deal IS based on smgle or double occu pancy and IS good on Saturda~, Sept 2 only The hotel features deluxe accomm,odatlOns, a fitness center, mdoor heated sWlmrmng pool, two restaurants and an ell' gant afternoon tea and claSSIC Sunday brunch The American Red Cross wdl be set up III the RItz' ballroom flOm 10 a m to 4 p m Sept 2 FOI donating blood, appomt ment,> are suggested Call 274 5450 For hotel 441.2000 reservatIOns, call tertalnment "I felt foolish calling the Au. dubon society, but I'm glad to hear there are, at minimum, four crazy people III Grosse Pomte " Anyone else? Does it have pink wings? The check is in the mail . Inga and George C. Vincent of Grosse Pomte Farms watch bll ds 10 the mormng Two mornmgs m a row they SIghted an unusual finch.lIke bIrd WIth a kelly green tall They called the Audubon Socl. ety and learned that three other callers from Grosse Pomte had reported slghtmg a smlllar bIrd "We always watch the bIrds III the mOl mng and we don't have cocktails while we're watchmg," Inga Vmcent said It's cheap en- Sure It IS A Mount Clemens reSident ~ ho subscnbes to the Grosse Pomte News AND the Macomb Dally thmks she paId her bInS plomptly If anyone asks, she'n pi obably say, "The checks are m the mall" She mailed us a check made out to the Macomb Dally, Betcha they got one made out to the Grosse POinte News The mls<l!rected payment will be returned All lS forwven grosse pte. artists assoc . . July 24,1958- The New YOlk Times leported that Premier Nlklta Kruschev accepted Western proposals for a summit meetmg on the MIddle East wlthm the framework of the U N Secunty Council He said he was prepared to go to New York to begin negotIations No date for the talks were set The Bntlsh \"ere pleased With hIS acceptance and the French, hostIle to the Idea, were rethmk. mg their vIews Secretary-General Dag Ham merskJold drew up tentative plans under which the proposed summIt meetmg would be held behmd closed doors The thIrd All' Force miSSIle to carry a mouse mto space thun dered from Its pad The tmy pas senger was m an aJl'-condltJOned room Leaflets With a photo of Pres I dent EIsenhower were dropped m Beirut, Lebanon by U S. airplanes The text, m ArabIC, ex. plamed why American troops had been sent to the Middle Eastern country It also asserted they would leave as soon as the U,N took measures a"surmg the mdependence of Lebanon Contralto Marian Anderson was named by PreSident Elsen howeI' as one of seven new members of the U S. delegatIOn to the 13th session of the UN General Assembly In Jordan, young Kmg Hus. sein declared that the Iraqi gov. ernment "must be punished" for act::- dUllng the re\olutlOn that overthlew and killed hl~ cousm, Kmg Falsal The Shah of II an told mem bel s of the Pm hament 111 Teh eran that hiS pohcy of 'POSlt1\ e natlOnahsm" had achle"ed COI d181 relatIOns WIth the SO\ let U mon and Western PO\\ el" The U S controllel general sharply cl'ltlclzed the army fOl havmg bought $20 ml1hon wOIth of faulty goods that \\ ere bell1g dlstllbuted The AI my sUld It bought the anll.tank grenades on a rush baSI" flom a farm m BelgIUm durmg the Korean Wal and had not had a chetllce to hst them adequately pOl ted Juh 21. A 1 yeal old Farms boy \\ as dlah'1l0s~d \\ Ith mfantde pal al) SIS The Coa"t GUal d I ('';Cued SIX GI o>.~e Pomte tpenagel ~ \\ hose boat <;ank m Lake St Clan abollt a mile off Lakeland The boy,> \\'ele In the watel fOl 90 mmutes beime they wete pulled out 1'.\ 0 Pelt k iii em en and a po IJceman a~slsted m the bIrth of a plematUle baby boy on Not tmgham Road \\ ho \\ elghed m at 3 pound" Mother and baby \\ ere taken to Bon Secour" HospItal and the pohce officel \\a,> gIven member<;hlp 1ll the Stm h Club b\ 1m, wlleah'1.lC'''' m the dep8lt ml'lll In Grosse Pointe, till' Gro"se Pomte City CounCil up proved a propo<;al to comel1 Clt) owned parkmg lots m th(' VII lage shoppmg aJ ea to attendant parkmg The Woods counCIl approved the purchac;e of a I adar umt to be used in traffic control, "ul'Vey" and other PUrp05C" The umt cost $1,907 The Farms councIl tahl('d a propo...ed garhage dl"po-.al 01 dl nance for further ~tlldy Thr Clt) manager Said the cIty was "eek mg a means of ehmmatmg gar bage plck.ups and an ordmance compelhng the m"tallatlon of a grmder or IllcmeratOl umt could solve the problem The first poho case of the sea son m Groc;se Pomte was re A !iH'lOom dpmtmellt on Bea con"lield Il('al .Jeffer<;on was I ('nt IIlg fOJ $80 a month, Illclud mg heat and a gal age An eight1 nom, tll level hou5C m Gros5C POinte ShOles near the lake \\3<; <;<>Ilmgfor $61,000 t\ seven 100m colomal III the Farms \\as hsted at $42,500 Penny Weadock \\as featured a., POinter of Inter,'st An aI chaeologl'it, "he spent SIX months on 3 chggmg expechtlOn III Iraq The Pat k pohce chief ordered officer" (0 CIack down on mll1or~ operatmg mlllJature autos on Clty <;Ide\\ alks and str('ets He \\arned that par('nt'l would have to go to COlllt With th('lr ch' In. r('n Th(' \ ('hleles, run \\ Ith gasa lm{' 01 el<'Ctnc power, are re qUlI ed to have a MichIgan hcense and the operator must have a driver's hcense, he said S~T. SEP1.Q 10 A.M. • 5 P.M. Grosse Pointe War Memorial 32 LAKESHORE ROAD -grosse pointe- I 1 SA August 24, 1989 Grosse Pointe News NtMI-1 EM S School board postpones library decision again c,:... ",,\~v,~,,,%~,~. lllg Ill' W"lIt~ From pagt' :JA ollid h.1\1' to .I;,;,P"~ 110.,1,,\.P,l\ l'h 1 1 I l1u1I~ to! 110., 0\1 n $~tl() tWO p,l1 dl11l'lhc sv~tl'lll, \I 11H'h 1l1l'al1, .In l'"II,1 $12:i ,I \ 1',1l 101 t hI' 0\1 Ill'l 01 d $200,000 \I ,I hond 11!lllh Ilould go 1ll'IOIl' tl1l' \Otl'I" AlUHdlllg to Will 11111'1. till' The Grosse POlllh' BtMI d 01 ploJed ,"""UI1ll''' t1lll'e IIbl,lI\ hOllll Education put ofT m,li'lllg .1 dl'CI Edlh 01 tlll' lItu.'~ \\ould ,I!"O 1\ hll h 1llt',Ill" ,I lH \I. sian Aug 1-1 on 1\ hew, 1\ 11l'11 hulllhng" pi ob,\bl\ nOI1 litH ,U \ 11"1' n1l1"t h,l\ (' to IHI\ It, 0\\ n ,Hh .1III I'd and ho" to build ,I Ill'\I lom ,ullbll1.ll1ll ,md l l(llIpl1Wnt hl' fOUl1d 101 thl HII'Ul'l Bmldlllg mumty hbral1 Ullt II mOIl' IIllOl 1\ hI< h 11011 hOlN" ('l'llll ,d I I l\h,\IJlIIIl I" ,I Illl'mhl'l of till' mat !On could lx, g\\ ell to l',ld1 hi II \ ,II It) hl,lt hl'l ,d Dl'tlOlt Kht l\lL'dll,I! C0l11101 board member \\ IIhUllt III III h I,dh till bo,1I d '\1l11l01111 till' ,lgl'l1l\ \\hlch On Aug 7 the bo,lId dl"lll"".d .llll'd on bo II d llll mhl'l C.ul I) 0\ l'l 'I'P' l',I,,(P\ II \Vd\ nl' Count v a request flom tl1l' Llbl ,II \ \ llet, 1 "on, mot 1011 to t,lbll' I hI' PI111'I~l'Ill\ melhl,I! "l'I\lle ... He Bulldmg and FlI1dlll'l' Conllmt tee to raise the $6 ImlllOll ldp Oil 1l1.1tl'l ,wd "1'1 d "!lL'l'I,ll 111l'l'tlll~ 1.1\PI" h,l\ 111~ lull tlllll' pUl"lmpd IC" II Illl do 110t ha\<' to ,pht theu' t U dblU'" It library e"panSlOn, bl'l,IU"l' "tud llUll dOIng pollel' ,1I1d fil dighl ,lOll (, IIHII'IOI pll'''ldl'llt ".\Ill II'S have shown tlhlt COll"tlUl't lOll !Jo,ud 1I0uid Ill' lllg dlllll'" of anI''' lIbl'ell) ,1I1d I t'no\ ,It lOll Ill' h,lll l10pulllw ,lbll' 10 lOllll' to ,I etl'l blOll "0011, CUlll'nth lilt' pubhc ~dlt't\ of the branche~ 111 GIO""l' POlntl' ,md lH,t .1..,1.. to! ,111\ mOll .,t ud dep,lI tnll'llh III the POInte.:; tWill Park and Gros~ POll1tt' \\'ood" poll" till pt'. ""nl1l.1 to bL E~rr, H. could not be 1lIIllpll'll'd fill 11'" \\ I' h l\t. L'llllUgh l '\PI'I t .,tud 01 III tlw Wood", p,uamcdlc" than that figUle 11l' ",lid SOlllet 11111''' p,1I al1ll'dll~ In the At Monday's meetmg tl1l' II" to ,11\1.. d b,llt h'"lup But ,1I10thll bll,U d 11ll'mbl' I \\oOlI.., ,Ill' t\,lIl1l'd to a]"o be po board dlscus~'d ,1 plllpo,.d h\ ,1,111<':\'Uttl'l. IIL'lconwd till' dl' lice OIliLl'h and filt'Jightel ~ Supermtendent John W}lIltlWI :-'1<:-'1111111"'ald he enV\SlOn ... that the board I alSl' the cap on 1.1\ "d\ mg till' bO'lld h.h IHO\l'd hlll1lg .Ill l'dd\ tl,llned p,ll amed the library to $8 nlllhon, and 111 tOll l',hlll 011 tb, $G mllhon l,lp, l'"pl'll,lI11 \d1l'1l 11 \\,h "0 tide I It>- II ho"e 0111~ I hponslbllit V 1\ III elude In that figUle ,Ill fin,Hlung be to pI 0\ \(11' till' bl'st I'mel genc\ ll111ll'd to 'till.. to th,ll liglllL' and site Improvement.:; I /t'pl Ill' Ie bL'lllg p\hlwd to l,lIl' p(h~lble The motion also askt'd 101 ll1,lkl' ,I qulth dl'lblOn "Ill' ...,ud 'Tlth 1'" not meant to be a Cllt • the LIbrary BUIlding ,wd 11l'1ll oj El\IS pel SO1111('I," ~uld Imllldl'd 111 Whlllnl'l " IL'l'Olll Fmance CommIttee to bllllg Ih :-'k:-'ll1lm, ,lddll1g that he's SUi e recommendatIOn fOl tl1l' Sill' oj l11l'nd,ltloll \I ,I" ,l tellt,ltl\ l' tlllll' the new hbrary bj tht' encl 01 1mI' \I 11ILh t.dled 101 ,I "tud\ 10 ,1ll 11ll' (JtIe~' EMTs WOlk \ery puhhl' "up h,1I d 10 PIO\ Hit> the best buslc September so the board lOulcl Ill' dOlW to ddl'llllll1e pOI I to! ,I J1l'\\ hhl ,II \ ,md ho\\ El\IS pO'''lbll' take actIOn m em Iy Octobel h om ,I I thlllh thl') do ,1 good Job, • Brownell to ;tll! be lOl1S1d mUl'h LOllld )](' e'\pelll'd IlIndl,II"I11~ dll\l but ,I' tl'chllolol,'" change ..., \11' ered an optIOn a, a "Itl' tOl the Thdt tlnwlJlll' tent,\tl\eh h,l\l' 10 lh,lI1ge \\Ith It" new bUlldmg, l.llled 101 ,I bond I ,,-tW \ oil' m l\1t :o.!Jlhn ;,dld he hds tdlked to • the board to de\elop al10tlwl Febl U,ll \ 1B91 TIll' all10unt of pubh, ",Ifet \ ofiiclals from all committee chaIred b\ board till' bond II ou Id be detL'Ill1ll1l'd ti\(, Lrll>'>"e Pomtes He Said that member Vmce LoCicero to rec III hOIl lHuch could hI' I dl"l'd pi 1 \\ hill' nothmg has been deCided, ommend futUl e use of Centl,Ll .II led~t people have begun talk \ atl'I\ LIbrary, and Thl' boal d \\ III "l'! ,I 1\ 01 hmg Illg ubout advanced hfe support • pnvate funm alsmg to bt'glll 1H1'etmg \\ Ithm t \I 0 \\ eek, and 101 all the POll1te~ to cover a mmUHum of $2 nul 'W Ith any plan ) au dl aw up hon of the pi oJect The I e,t ot tahe ,II t IO!' pel hap" at It" Sept 5 ll1eetll1~ theil' ,ue gomg to be ob"tdcle"," the project would bl' paid fm b\ hl' ~,lld You Just have to Ol'el Lome the ob"tdcle!> I thmk If all the Cille., WOIk togl'thel \ Oil can get the mo"t lO...t eflectl\ I' ;,\ "tem " By Ronald J, Bemas Staff Wnter till' best emeq.;l'ncv sel vice ,l\ ml<lble "We 11\<.' III one of the 1I10 ...t we<llt hy COllllllunlt Il'S III the COUlltl\ ," McMI11m sUld "Hew III GIO""t' POlllte we Ildve till' I I' "OU\ll'~ ,lIld ,I POpuldtlO1l c!ellsltI III ,I \\'<.'11ddillt'd geOh'1dphlC aJ ea to 1ll,1kt' ,I p,lrllmedll "y"tplll WOlk '1'111 ollgh ,I ~y,tl'lll 11\ 1'" Cdn bp ".wed " He smd hi'" conll'rll ,md Cut t.tge HO"PILll' ... conce) n I~ flll till' lOIll II1Ul1lt\ EVl'n If Cott.tg<.' \\ I'll' to bt' u...ed undel the ho"p\ td I b,\;;ed p,lI amedlc pl'lI1, Ml 1\1dim ";,lId I lit' ho;,plt,11 would be domg It as a communlt v !>en IC(' 'With any plan you draw up, there are going to be obstacles. You just have to overcome the obstacles.' l ..... Brownell keeps counselors; Parcells gets a part-timer An admmlstl atl 1'1' plOpo;,al to share counselors bet \\ een HI 0\1 nell and Parcells mIddle school., that met WIth palent outcr) has been reversed Supermtendent John Wrllitner saId that Brownell \\ III I etdlll It!, two counselors and ,d half-tune ~ounselor wIlT be ~dOed to the Parcells staff. The proposal called 101 the sharmg of one counselor bet\\een the two schools to make the 'itu dent.to-counselor ratlO~ more III hne WIth each other Parcells, With two coun~elOl s. has a 317 to 1 ratIO, and Blo\\ nell, WIth two coun"elors, has a 185 to 1 ratIO ApprOXImately 75 ang1 \ pal ents showed up at the Juh school board meetmg to protest the actIOn Brownell IS one of the school" partlclpatmg 111 thf sIte budgetmg test program Its budget was completed with the two counse lars, and It was felt that the pro posal to take a .....ay a counselOl undermIned the sIte budg-etlllg tit' to do \\ It h till' deCISIOn,' Whl \tm'l s~lld I h,we he,ll d \\ hdt that communlt\ \\ a.:; ;'.1\ mg \\'hlltnel Sdlc! he a!,'1eed \\ lth the p,llen\::. \\ hen they felt the lIltegJ It \ of the "Ill' budgetIng PllXC"s, was 'damag!W. ;o:y" th'e "\ \. ""v • I <". ~ He also SaId enrollment at the elementdry level I~ comIng 111 les" than \\ hat WdS antIcipated, which nW..lns mone) ,11I0c,lted 101 ..In extl a teacher can be u ...ed to pay [01 the e>..tla counselOl In d lettel to the hom d, Joan Co)le pll ....,dent of the Blo\\ne1l PTO, thanked Whntne! for hIS deCISIOn dnd "aId, 'We me confident that tim, mutual lOopera tl\ e effort \\ tll contlllue to pi 0 I'lde the excellence' 111educdtlOn that the Gros ...e POll1te commun \ty consl"tcntly stines for' Covle saId the PTO boal d Will attempt to 131...e ~3,200 thl~ yedl through funm alsers, and come up \\ \th $1.000 mOl e flom the budget to pelY It" sh,u I' of the counselOl -Ro//uld J process Parents saId they felt "hOlt changed by the declslOn, because they had recently voted fOI the mIllage mcrease under the Inl pressIOn that they would feel no loss of programmmg In the new proposal, Blownell must gIVe a httle more than $4,000 back to the school dl'itllCt to help pay the salary of the part-time counselor "The parent protest had a ht [4' 1110\ l' :'vIcMJ1hn a Shm 1''' H'''ldent, 6'11'\\ up \ll Grosse Pomte Clt) DUllllg the pd"t ...even yem!> he ha" \\ 01 hl'd 111 the emel genc) looms ,It ':it John, Bon SecoUls elnd Cottage hospital.:; 'I ha\ I' ,een people come m md) have been saved If mOl e advanced technIques had Iwen u ...ed." he 'oald ;" a hfelong POllltes I e"ldent, \\ ho IJke thl' Dr Mtchael McMtllm Cottage Hospital Emergency room dtrector Cottage Hospital Chief E>..ecu tlve Office!' GJegon Vasse sard the hospital IS an advocate of adv,mced hfe support for the GI osse POlllte~ He SaId the hos pltal's donatIOn of the automatic defibl'lllatOI to the Farms IS part of Cottage's dnd the cIty's on go IIlg effort!> to lmplOve emel genc\' medical "erVlce "The bottom lIne," McMIllin "ald, "IS If you're III your dmlllg room and someone falls down WIth a hemt attack, who do you W<lnt commg through the doms respondmg? You would I\ant people WIth the best level of tl a1l111lg and techno 109) al'all able," It 15 estImated that III the Umted States thele IS one C<ll dial' an'est a year for eVI'l y 1,000 people The combll1ed populatIOn of the Shores, Farms, CIty and Pal k IS neaI ly 34,000, whIch medns there are some 34 healt attacks a year that me cunently not gettmg advanced cardIac life ;'llppOlt, whIch only paramedICS can prOVIde Our Pharmacy F"om page 6A MI PlObl'lt h,IV(' hed l'on,l, telll II' dhollt t hl'lI lemOl ...P E.ll'l{ t line till \ .II t' I-(I\<']) ,\I10thl'l lh.IIHl' bl OUI t" tll'mt'h hbl'I.l1 Iudge... \\ ho do Bot lI,we tIll' 10Il"lghl 01 gUb to ...ellh'nw dtCOIdlllg to II h<lt tllt'"e ...PllOll" ollt'lI"p" npte;,,,ll.ltl' WI1<'ll It lOme, to dlllllh dllVlI1~, OUI entul' !lIl!lu,d "\ ...tem dUel I.lw'o <lll ,l Jokl' 110\1 do \ ou l"pl'tl ,It hide, to bt' told not to do ,ll'\ Old... diUI-(" O! ,dlohol b('td\hl' II VOUdo \ OU \1 lit be !ll'n'lh/ed EVl'l \ oppmtulllt\ the I{l'd Wml-(" had the\ took K11I1l,1 ,lilt! PlObl'!t b,lt I,. to! tIll' "ake 01 1\ 111 II lIlg It'...\ pr) ...,Id ,1I1U !lU ...tl .It ''''''M,~~Mll'll!ljRll''~'lili YOU'I (' \I IIt'Il WOl klllg \lllh OUI youth 01 even "dul1o., 111 tlymg to IllIpH'''''' th,11 II Ill'n vou do t!J Ug-b It'" b,ld lor you A, Eo KerJll'l1 Kelllwth Keego Hm'bOl' House burglarized A home 111 the 1100 block of l\1.llvland \1,1....blOken mto some t 1111<'bpt \I l'pn 12 30 and 830 ,\11\ AliI-: 1~, <1lCOlt!Jng to Park !lohu' Elllrv \I'd;' l-(ulIlt'd till oug-h a Il'.l r \\ II1do\l III <1 TV loom Tht' [hid got a p,lll !10m the back 1,\1d to put undel tht' wlIldow I\'h Ill' hI' I t'moved the ;,CIl'l'll ]',lkl'l1 h om the lOom \\ mea N llIll'lldo g,lllll' and eight tape ... PRIME BEEF Poultry Pork Veal & Lamb HOMEMADE STUFFED Chicken Breast Pork Chops, Veal Breast Try our own Baked Hams and Roast Beef HICKORY SMOKED CHICKEN Be RIBS TRY OUR NEW HICKORY SMOKED CHICKEN AND RIBS. , . THEY TASTE GREAT! READY TO HEAT Be SERVE CALL AHEAD FOR QUICK PICK.UP EASY ACCESS OFF 1-94, CADIEUX EXIT !p[h)~~$b-\[N]1J' a~ [M@'»lJ IAWlAn~@}l!.~ [P~@lMl ~~~JJ~r}J CG@[)JJ~lITtt1 Beef, Chicken, Eggs, Butter Cheese & More • Pies and Muffins • Produce • Groceries • Party Trays Imported and Dom~stlc ~eer ~ Wln~ _ J4' Stays Open for you Until Midnight 365 Days a Year. ST. CLAIR PHARMACY (I HI 1 rol" Ion II 1;1I1101111l Ilnol I t It I ~~I I \1 I " I, ,01 'I (" knoeli.ng at your door, just leave a message at their door. (313) 343-3776 IIi" Il \1 Il I!\ lid ..... 11 I Ilol I hill 1 I I 0 111\ I I 1\ ~IIlJ l nll j\ III 1111 I I I, ,01 'Illlo!" 'Il ~ Oil Iqn I II 0111" ST.(LAIR AnER.HOURS PHARMACY Belna,~ I h11 II" 1'1\ tI It 1 ~ III llll1l11111l \,111" 'li I, Iii I III 1, II '"nl I You can prevent mental retardation 111111 nIl \ I 1I (313) 343-4720 l Conlacl Ihe ASSOClallon for Retarded Cllizens for free Informallon ill r .. I" ~ \ I' 1111 I It l "Iliidl Saint lohn Hmplt,ll &1 cclill '1",," I), 1"'11 HelP bUIld the arc Assoaatlon for Retarded C1tlzens \\1 1\",,1 llic ,I • •• VINYL SIDING 120 YEAR WARRAN_TY\ White & Colors 0/4-0/5 No.1 COIL STOCK •• •• •• = I $419& I White 24"x50 Imperial Brown ft ~. ~ShingIeS= cat~1a~Ob~rry DetrOit, Pontiac $1795 I. per sq and Inkster Only Custom Trim Available I = Bring In your measurements and we Will custom fIt your trim • ANY COLOR-ANY SHAPE • Complete I -P-O..... NT--IA-C-:... .~ Slack 01 AcceSSOries CUO .; Introducing CASHOFFers™Direct Mail. CASH OFFers™ is a highly targeted mailing of moneysaving coupons, flyers or your own preprinted advertising, that reaches customers right in their homes. The suburban Detroit market is divided into 63 zones that let you target the mailings to the customers you want. Response is concentrated and reaction is immediate. Targeted direct mail advertising is so easy! let our efficient turnkey operation handle everything from design to distribution. To find out more, call your Ameritech Publishing Account Executive at 313/252-9200 and put the expertise of Ameritech Publishing behind your business. N AitiEiiiTECH iiiiiiii flU8LlSIlING I "'_."' August 24, 1989 Grosse Pointe News __ ,_ 4_ 4 , ~ 4 '<~ .. ~ -'4( ~. -. ~--- Nt-WIJ 9A More than half participating in curbside recycling program By Ronald J. Bernas Staff Wnter REACT, GIOS~ POinte Cltl zen'i fOl Recychng''i pilot CUIb sIde I ecychng pI OI,'lam, I'> mOl e than halfway completed. and the project WOI dlndtOl I" <'dlhng It a ">UCCl''''> - ';0 far "We believe It\ gOll1g Vel Y well," plOject COOldmator Shedd Osann Sdld "AILel five week,,>, we have 58 pel cent partlclpd tlOn" REACT, whIch stand'> 1'01 Re cychng Educdtwn dnd CUI b"lde Test, begdn July 10 dnd Wd'> made possIble by a $10,000 b'ldnt flOm the Galden Club of Mlclllgan',> Fund of the Com mumt) Founddtwn fm South eastern MIchigan "We'le shootll1g fm some whele alOund 40 pelcent PaltlU patwn, I eallstlcdlly," O'idnn Said "But m Oul hearts \\ e'l e shootmg fOl much hlghel than that" A survey wa'> gIven to the l>tudy pmtlclpant!:> pllOl to the program's beg-mnmg, and the same 'iUl vey WIll be gIVen aILel the plOb'ldm end!:> on Sept 1, to see If anyone's Idea'i about ICcy clmg have changed Although thel e al en't any numbel s I elatmg to tonnage col lected, 87 percent of those who put out then bm!:> al e fillmg them With newspapel s, and 70 percent are recychng glass, met als and plastiCS on a I egulal ba. , ' ' , JI I Frank Polizzi. in the front. of Waste Management North America collects the recyc:lables after David Sultzman. who works for Grosse Pointe Citizens for Recyc:ling. records who put out their recycling bin and what they put in it. ",,, Flg-wes wele not available 1'01 those who have put thell bin'> out at ledst once The program WOlks hke thIS One hundl cd houses m each of the Pomtes and Harpel' Wood!:> the ,>IX commumtle!:> 111 Grosse Pomte CItIzens I'm Recyclmg \\ele chosen I'm the plOgJam Edch I eWlved a led bm dnd In !:>IIucllon!:> on how to I ecycle The filled bms are put out Nearly half of the 4()~houses on Nottingham between Charle- voix and Vernor looked like this last week. The red bin on the left is filled with recyclables. How to recycle Metals: All metal can" and jal hds, 11I1sed and flat tened Convemence food trays and clean aluminum fOIl are also accepted Plastic: All hIgh denSIty opaque plastICS such as de. THE NELSON ENGRAVERS edch week on gdrbage day The matellals aJ e collected by Wa!:>te Management of NOIth Amenca, sOlted and I eWI ded by a college "tudent who then put"> the mfOl mat IOn mto a computel AccOl dmg to Ron Caramagno, general managel at Waste Man agement MIchIgan North, the Ie cyclabler., are dehvered to then center on Mack m DetrOIt, then "tored In containers and weIghed They are then sold to an "end usel" who does the actual lecy. chng The matellals are sold to the company that gives the best pI Ice The money IS gIven to Clt I.l:cn" fOl Recycling But al> Important as getlmg the pubhc to I e<.yele, the othel leg of the plogram IS educatIOn of the pub he Osann said the part1<.lpant!:> WIll receive one more educatIOnal piece prIOr to the pIOi,Tram's end That pamphlet Will descnbe u"e" fOl the I ecycled matel lUIs, and will abo descnbe the need 1'01 CIeatmg a market for Items mdde flom I ecycled matellals For example, papel for copIers, computel s, newspnnt, cOlrugated papel and boxes are all made Engravers and Embossers of Cranes Stalionery Social, Professional and Business LOW RATES IN THE VILLAGE 16820 KeRCtiEVAl 3401 Ash 01 23rd Del,01148232 leI gent and laundJ) bottles, and milk jugs Don't include: Clear pld»tIC, plastiC b,lg.", \ ogul t or cottage cheese caltonr., or stylofoam I Those Items mdY be tdken to Alts and Su aps m the ba"ement of the First Lu lhel an ChUl ch at CadIeux and \Va\ en) m DetlOlt on Satlllday" flOm 10 a m to 1 p m Schoob and scout !,'loup., ur.,e these Items for CIaft pI oJecb ) Newspapel's: Bundled by stl1l1g 01 10 bl'o\\ n paper bags Don't include: maga ZlI1e-" newspapers m plastIC bag-s cdldboard OrgalllL.el» of the Com mumty N e\\ spdpel Rec) chng Centel, located 111 the Ulll \ el SIt) Liggett School pal k II1g lot on Cook Road at Chalfonte 111 Glos!:>e Pomte \Vood'>, dsk" lecye!els to lea\ e then non ne\\ spapel Itemr., dt home Partlclpanb are welcome to blll1g ne\\ spapers tIed \\ Ith stnng or bundled III papeL bags, but aJ ell' mll1ded that the Commumty Newspapel Recyclmg Centel \\ III not accept magazInes ne\\ spa pel S bundled m pia!:> tIC bags, or an) other I ecye! able matellals such as plas tiCS, gla"s 01' alummum 0l"e\\ spapers are to be put 1I1slde the bm. not on the SIde The Communlt.~ ~ e\\!:> papel Recychng Centel b open :-'londa) thlough Fli day flOm 8 a m to 6 p m and Sattlldu)s flOm 10 am to 6 p m Take the othel Items to the Glos!:>e Pomte CItizen" fm Recvclmg dlop ofT at GlOsse Pomte South HIgh School at FIshel' and Grosse Pomte Bouleval d on the first Saturday of e\ ery month flOm 10 a m to 1 p '11 \\'hlle Glosse POInte Cltl 7ens 1'01 Recyclmg apple IINlERIOR! LATEX FLAT WHITE AND STANDARD COLORS SALE KITCHENS $1199 gal. I EX1CRIOR! Glidden's BEST Exterior Latex, For the BEST Results! cldte'i t he part IClpatlOn the) ha \ e I ecel ved so faJ, they d'>k people to come dUl 109 the "peufied haUl s They sa\ too many people are commg ldtel dnd mtell upt1l1g the clean up ploce"" The\ accept gla!:>s, metdls, opdque plastIC'> (r1l1i:>Cthem, plear.,e I and ne\\ !:>paper!:> FOI 0101 e lI1fOl matlOn about Glos"e Pomte CItIzen!:> for Recydmg, call 881-9588 01 '3717'366 Also, the DetlO1t East Al ea Re;,ldents ASSOCIatIOn !D EAR) has fOlmed a lecy cling dlop off centel 1'01' clear gla"". metals and hIgh den "lty plastiC,) They cannot ac. cept ne\\ spa pel s dt thIS tIme, but ,>ugge!:>t vou blll1g them to the St :-'ldtthe\\ ChUI ch pal kll1g lot <1t Hal pel and \\ hlttlel The ne\\ spa pel dlOp ofT thel e IS ah\ a\ s open The D EAR centel IS 10 cated at the Cdnnon Reclea tlOn Cel1tel palk111g lot at Blue HilI and Warren, just cast of Cadleu\, Recyclable Item" may be dropped ofT on the la.,t Saturday of each month - bebTJ.nnmg Sept 30 - flOm 10 a m to 2 p m FOI mfOl matlOn on D EAR 's collectIOn centel. call Jackie Rvbm.,kl at 885 1470 $1499 gal. • Resasts cracking, peemg • Durable llat finish • Hunclrecls of lasting colors • Oulck-drymg, easy to use SAVE $5.00 Get Durable GLOSS Beauty, 'The latex-Easy Way! $1699 gal. Non-chaldng !alex gtJss • CoIots stay freStHooIcing I I SAVE Qulck-dl)'ing, easy to use $5.00 • Clean tools with soapy water WHITE AND STANDARD COLORS ONLY TINTED COLORS SUGHTt Y HIGHER SALE ENDS SEPT 9th ALSO ~ommended foralunw1um SIChng POINTE PAINTl & DECORATING CENTER 19655 MACK AVENUE 884.7711 OPEN MONDAY-5A11JRDAY 8-6 it, KITCHENS, SAlHS, DORMERS, ROOM ADDlll0NS, FLORIDA ROOMS ~.O __Box 32126 131316940400 PAINT SALE And a few notes ... Photo b) Ronald J Berna' Glass: All cleal glas", con tamers, nnsed Labels are OK Don't include: LIght bulbs mll1 01 s or eel amlcs At the most recent Grosse Pomte Cltlzens for Recycling CollectIOn Day at Grosse POinte South High School, 950 cars collectively dropped off 4,200 pounds of metal, 4,248 pounds of plastIC, and 9 39 tons of glass, along WIth approximately 18 tons of newspaper The next collectIOn day IS Sept 2 from 10 a m to 1 p.m. at South HIgh School RENT A CAR 313-884-RENT I aren't these have these collect them" RENTHRIDE '1 diP" Keep one contamel undel yom smk When thiS con tamer filb, 501t the rec\ cl,l bles mto thl ee 01 fmn bo\,e., kept on vour back pm ch 111 the gal age or m the bar.,e ment the recyclmg IS that there enough markets for thmgs," Osann said. "We to learn how to reuse things We can't Just from recycled paper So IS poster. board and drywall, as IS tOIlet paper, napkms and brown paper bags But It I;' WIth plastICS that the mo'>t creatIve thmgs are being done, O"ann saJd Research IS bemg conducted to see what else can be done WIth recycled plas. tICr." but currently everythmg from pKI1IC tables, playground matenab, pamtbru"h handles and bnstles, fake down filhngs for <.oat", clear plastiC egg con talner!:>, highway pylons and the hke are bemg made from plas lie!:> "One of the problems 10 domg I I Kast lets yoU ha\l~ It · . and get away from eveJYlhin9 you want a I 111 Amenca t#JeS you _.~ products, quaitY ""'" nd lmg contractor ... 1,1........ '1_ fj-Ie you heatmg a COO ua\ity serv'ce But now. we II ADDITIONS ~~t SeTVICe II\Stal\atlOll and q somethlllS extra AOftl\tl.--tary _ \ Vaca:boO GetaWaY , . ~~.. .a:.- rQII, tiS 19 eenttill- " ~--: 11you jnyeSt 11'1 a ~ __ ...I;.....nlary cWuxe. ~ v -t will- you a CUlI"-:~~ florida. Thill d/IfI ~ :r~~ Hotd1l'l VPG" ...... , vacaDon for four at a tNton 1989 but you may take yt:# expires August ~, 1990 C........ DIlft' ..... t't U!PS ' •• •~"". 'tIS 19 centra\ air cgnditioneT The~ efficlef\t (SEER up to 12.1) • QUiet, durable ~~ to protect compressor any ttme belore GARAGES • Brown out con r ty on comPl'essor • to-year \united warran and \abOI' • 2 year warranty on parts . Now" the bdt ~ we're c\eaf1n9 out out $2887 rwentOfY tor the tal. We t the rl!jlt pra. 1~" a....,~ : ,... ClIWII.,.. , A/c~emtrcm and a vaeatlOfl. Cat \II tolIIlJ 20'l[ 20' Excluding Concrete WE RAISE & RECONDITION OLD GARAGES LUNAR GARAGE & MODERNIZATION 13491 EI 8 Mile 779-4700 \ GrO'te point' Wooch _ -886-5060 ~IO~ 542.3850 • to tal KI!!: ~ ".stem toe' you a With one caI yOU ~ at __ haVe the: l .. AUQust 24, 1989 Grosse Pointe News 10A Through Saturday at Farmer Jack and AlP Triple Coupon I) WITH ADDITIONAL PURCHASE OF 110,00 OR MORE AND COUPON AT RIGHT ---r~~"" "-~... '~IIrC7WmMti1&~'~ .. c:===*~'l)4\,'it,~ '" 1@lillk"0c"'~'~~ ~4~~~ v-\)~. Our salads are prepared dally uslrlg only the freshest and most nutrItious Ingredients Old Fashioned Chicken Salad rm4 .. , JZ5 Regular Selling Price ••••• •••••• 249 For assistance in orderina OLD FASHION NATURAl. CASING Extra Lean Boiled Ham Frankfurters or Knackwurst La ", FRESH TO ORDER IMPOmo Large Eye Swiss Cheese 5UCfO OR IN THE PIECE @ 60 LB C 8 .lB 1' GREAT ON THE GRillI fiNEST QUAliTY FINEST OuAliTY FUll ", POUND Deli Smokehouse Bacon Extra Lean Corned Beef To order calf 774-4577 GENUINE NEW ZEALAND Bread Canadian Whitefish 1?a~ TRY 'EM WITH CREAM CHEESE 00 Bagels 20' EACH ~ • vO 5 1 Muffins @ @ JET FRESH Florida Shark Fillets Sleal( Boneless Beef Rotisserie Roast 75 6 1 FOR 4.0Z .65 n.e"M pardlIIt nKeDIIYo TIlt'" pfIct of IdIIIIsllOIl Wr1g1 Nectarines w,.68 CALIFORNIA LARGE 12 SIZE Cantaloupes NEW CROP MICHIGAN Paula Red Apples This ad effective through Sat., August 26, 1989 only at 9 Mile near Mack Open 24 Hours ON FARMER JACK.A&P DAY WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 30, 1989 1115001clllldrtnundtr' '~I!\I"tMrftJIO 11OOofflu20" w,J4' • US D.A CHOICE BEEF liP 0 l T Off Admission .. frIt~youunget.,nyFarmerJUlccrA&P LB.Z'5 Sirloin [lliJ LBZ" to the Michigan State Fair _ 1'9 U S.D,A. CHOICE BEEF LOIN GREAT BACK TO SCHOOL LUNCH BOX TREATSI FOR LB To order call ahead 774-9081 SWEET DOUGH LACED WITH CINNAMON AND WHITE ICING .40 LBZ FRESHLY DRESSED. HAND CUT AT NO EXTRA CHARGE Shrimp n' Krab Salad @ ,to~.79 Cinnamon Rolls 6'. 69 Boneless Hoki Fillets "/TO" RED JIM Wheat LB. 100% For special orders call 774-4613 OUR WHOLESOME LBZ'. lOng Salmon Fillets OUR fABULOUS STORE MADE NAJlJW,ly HARDWOOD SMOKED AND TliICK SUCED fOR UNMATCHED fLIIVORI ~-------------------------~ FRESH PACIFIC party trays call 774-4577 COUNTRY STYlE ~" With thIs coupon through Saturday. Aug, 26, 1989. exceed product'sretall prIce, Only4manufac. turers' coupons may be redeemed, AnythIng over four may be redeemed according to our regular double coupon policy LImited one TrIple Coupon. Ocean Whitefish Fillets Fresh ground sirlOin, diced carrots, onion, and celery. simmered In a rich red wine tomato sauce, Baked in puff pastry With grated parmesan cheese on top. Fresh Vegetable Salad ';' La 1_ U S D C FEDERALLYINSPECTED GRADE A FRESH Free! Italian Meat Pies ~~ sucro To order call 774-3541 Buy two•••Get one N ~~/l ''--~ II I II 1._____ Z._____ J._____ 4._____ I II \, =-.J notto VtnIIa. II ON 4 MANUFACTURERS' CENTS-OFF COUPONS VALUED UP TO SSc WITH ADDITIONAL StO.OO PURCHASE •••••••• iItu ~ ';' La I I ON 4 MANUFACTURERS' CENTS.OFF COUPONS VALUED UP TO J5C One Supermarket Is Better Than The Rest ~ r-------------------------~ I TRIPLE COUPON I SUPERMARKETS from 7 a m Monday through 10 p.m. Saturday Sunday 8 a m to 7 p m ",.9S 29 1 3.LB. BAG I ...- August 24, 1989 Grosse Pointe News ,- ' 4 ""4- _ 4_4 _ •..:,- NtW4 -- 11A ACLU's busy agenda delays Woods park camera challenge By Dan Jarvis Siaff Writer The Amencan CIVJl Liberties Union has been delayed m ItS constitutlOnal challenge of pubhc surveJllance cameras m GhesqUH~rePark Howal d Simon, executive dIrector of the ACLU, said that due to a packed agenda, the allattorney volunteer commIttee has not yet reached a deCision on whether to challenge the use of pubhc surve lIance camel as in the Wood", adjacent to the mu. nlclpal complex Earher thiS year the ACLU's DetroIt branch PJesldent Leon ard Grossman Said the ACLU Will undertake a constitutIOnal challenge based on the fact that the cameras Will not only surveil people undertaking crImmal ac tlvlties, but will place the gen e•.al public under surveillance a<; we]) ThIS practice, Grossman "aid, IS a violatIOn of constitutIOnal Adult skinny dippers reported at Hunt Club VIOlatIOns and one charged With destroymg public property. The youths were later released to the custody of their parents. Petersen said the police were able to zoom in on the youth carving mltlals in the gazebo and because of the surveillance mOllltors, polIce were able to spot the vandalIsm and make the arrests SImon said the ACLU's state commIttee WI]) take up the mat. ter In early September SEMI-ANN UAL STOREWIDE EVERYTHING IN STOCK PWS SPECIAL ORDERS 25%TO 50% OFF HARDEN 8-Piece Solid Cherry Dining Room 3 men allegedly beat fourth man with baseball bats - John Mmms thebe mCldences that happen," Rice saId "If the cameras could !>topthese <;ltuatlOn" or lead to a conVICtIOn,then the cameras are warranted lt I!> a very popular playground, there are lots of children there," "he said. Chester Pel.crben, city admm I.,trator/clerk, said on Aug 14, three youths were arrested after one wa., seen on the police momtor carvmg mltlaL<, In the gazebo at about 1115 pm All thl ee wel e CIted for curfew • ,,-ape,s • Thl ee men III tlUH! 308 dnd two 18 year old women, all of Grosse Pomte Woods, were re ported to police last week for skmny dlppmg m the pool at the Grosse Pointe Hunt Club last week The five adults were what was left of a party earher m the evening Aug 17 at the pnvate club on Cook Road In the Woods Accordmg to police reports, the group approached the dlmng room manager at the club at about 12 30 a.m and asked to use the pool. The manager said the pool could not be used because there wasn't a hfeguard on duty and because of the nOise The adults disagreed and took ofl their clothes and Jumped mto the pool, accordmg to the dmmg room manager, who then called the secunty guard When the guard ordered the skmny dippers out of the pool, one of the men yelled a popular curse and told the guard to come m and get them The men Wel e 33, 37 and 38 years old The secw lty guard then called Woods police When officers ar lived all the sWimmers were out of the pool and clothed Three of the party-goers wele m the club house and two were near the pool lookmg for one of the men's contact lenses When the dmmg room manager's supervisor was contacted and It was deCIded that no charges would be pro~.9Y the club, the five adults lett~ Without further mCldent - John MlTlnlS Three young males allegedly beat an unsuspectmg vIctIm WIth baseball bats on Mack m Grosse Pomte Woods last week The attack, however, IS bemg questIOned by pohce because the Victim appeared not to be Injured and walked out of the hospital Without notifymg police or fihng a complamt The 37-year-old male vIctim was allegedly attacked by the three men at Mack and Roslyn at about 5.50 pm Aug 14. A witness who stopped to help the victim said three young men Jumped out of a red and whIte Chevrolet Blazer and beat the other man with bats. At one pomt the victim staggered into a drug store for help, according to pohce reports A Woods patrol car was flagged down by the witness who was helpmg the victim The witness, a Woods man, was travelmg southbound on Mack when he saw what he thought was an attack on another man. He was concerned about the victim's wel. fare and stopped to help. Woods officers instructed the witness to drIve the victim to the Woods pohce station for immedi ate medical assistance. The victim IS a Puerto Rican black man who IS believed to be a vagrant He spoke poor, broken Enghsh. The only identificatIon on the man was a Social Se. curity card, but pohce do not know if the card is in fact hIS. His alleged attackers were descnbed as white males in theIr late teens or early 20s. The victim complained of a hurt leg and asked to be taken to the hospital. He was taken to Cottage Hospital and later walked out of the hospital without notlfymg officials, police said. The Victim could not give pohce mformation concernmg hIS a lleged attackers, and police know of no motIve. eLJou..ed a" a boXing nng where kid" have been roughed up "That If>not acceptable behav 101 The gazebo IS for everyone'!> u.,e" Rice Said that a Citizen once wnh onted a man !>Ittmg In hI" WI m the parkmg lot adjacent to the park The woman told RIce that the man looked SU"PICIOU" dnd was m the lot watchmg chIldren When confronted, the man left "We all lead about a lot of law and !>hould be fOI bidden m one of the country'" "ufe"t CltlC., Jean Rice, Woods councll woman, said the camera., hav(' been m<,talled not to mfl mge on people's rIghts, but to protect children and pi operty III Ghe., qUlere Park "We regret the vandah.,m we have had In the palk 'fhe gaL ebo has been carved up and pieces have been !>tolen," .,he said Rice 'laid "he hd., '>Centhe gal Reg 57060 ~$4999 ~)u('ell \nlle lahll' 2 ,llllllh.lll SIMMONS C/3fl/i/7f11ll! $895 R('~ 'I ill 03" dre ...'wr. film or CIH....I <11J(! h('<I<llxl,lH! I\nob Creek. 60" LO\eseat !?f'M 5980 Harden Glass and Brass Li\ ing Room Tables \lattres~l's and Foundations 50Qb OFF Free !x'd frallle \\ Ilh "n\ "'1'1 eOlbole (,1Il1 ('oc\..tall (hal or ...qll,Jre 82" Leather Sofa \ fa"hlonah1l' group of ('\lraoI'(1I1J.J['\ qUelll1 \ 69" Sofa R('{.I s 12.1.i $795 \l11lclling Chair Rt'~ '(iWI Complete Stock of Ratt (Ill I pholst ercd 25(Y(l ( u...IOTl1 1,l1loJ'('(j from IWlfl'( 11\ mol\( Ill'tilopgl<llll l 0\\ hll1c 1'1.1\1 1t....... I' ...1\ led $479 FUl'Ilillln' $799 H('.Jullful!\ ...1\ leel ('\1)('1'11\ (Jdfte<! \\llh {.lll'ful "l!('nliOIl 10<lel<lll .... I ... Ide (11<111 .... <l11l! (hlll.l (,lhllll'1 4-pc. Contempor(l[~ Bedroom ~ Reg 5/080 to 40(V!) OFF Complete Sind, of Trop,tOlw Palio Furniture Final Salt' :)0 11 1\ I Rt'{! S3375 $1995 1,('atlwrcraft 'lhpgrain Rcc1irwr I.{'ather Chair Pieces $529 ('a Rt'~ S20l,i $1095 Compfete Stock of Topgraln LEATHER SOFAS, CHAIRS and SECTIONALS 40% 600/0 OFF OFF 10 FINE FURNITURE ~ ea \ill OPENMON At Draper's you neter COMBINING pl1f extra for delIVery.quality or seNice QUALITY, PRICE, AND PERSONAL SERVICE FOR A QUARTER OF A CENTURY ~. August 24, 1989 Grosse Pointe News 12A ~ ;.~ -.,.. \ ;.. .. loot " , , ~l ,. ";~~ ..-~, ,." An unidentified camper at Interlochen fills the woods with strains of violin music. • • combination between the lakes a WInnIng Music and kids Spamsh author MIguel de Cervantes saId, "Where there IS mUSIC,there can be no evIl " If that IS not the motto of the Interlochen MusIc Camp, maybe It should be Nestled between Lake Wahbekaness and Lake Wahbekanetta ale 1,200 acres of for ests, beaches and blue skIes And, of course, the mUSIC The symphomes, played by hundreds of the most talented student mUSICianS from acl'O~s the country and the world, can be heard on the beach and deep m the qUle test corners of the woods The horns playmg lOO.year old musIc beneath 100.year old Northem pmes create a majesty. The vIOlms that nse on a bleeze and hover Just out of heanng range, to be heard again a few bars later on a frebh breath, bnng magIc with theIr melodies Although Interlochen Center fOI the AI tb IS best known for ItS mUSIC,thousands of actors, dancers, artIsts and WrIters from thIS country and others are gIven the op. portumty to surround themselves with encouragement from professIOnals and the competItIOn and SUppOltof peers Founded III 1928, the summer camp has become a haven for young artIsts who hone their talents and get a chance to learn from masters ThIS summer alone The CanadIan Brass, PhI IIp Glass and the PhIlip Glass Ensemble and Itzhak Perlman performed for, and m the case of Perlman, WIth the students Alumm include actors Tom Hulce and Meredith Baxter Birney, newsmen Bruce Morton and Mike Wallace, and cartOOnIst Cathy GmsewIte among myrIad others The DetrOIt Symphony Orchestra has 18 Interlochen alums III ItS ranks The elght.week program concluded Aug 20 WIth the tradItional playmg of Les Prel. udes, a pelf 01 mance m whIch every musl. Clan and every dancer partICIpates It IS a gI aduatlOn, of sorts, for many of the students who may not come back the next After breakfast thel e's orchestl a Ie hearsal for the Smiths for 2.112 hours, then lunch and more classes, then more I'e hem'sal, a pnvate lesson one day a week, and m the afternoon an hour of "forced fun" Forced fun IS time evelY day set abide for non-mts related actiVities, usually vol leyball or soccer or SWlmmmg Sometimes year the cabIns - It IS an emotIOnal performance for all mvolved So what IS It lIke, each summer, between the lakes? Four Grosse Pomte students spent the last two lllOnths studymg then arts. Cmdy, Edward and Charles SmIth all of the Woods studIed mUSIC,and Carolme DeFauw of Grosse Pomte Park studied vOIce and actmg ThiS summer was the third time the Smith chIldren attended Interlochen. Cyn tllla, who WIll enter Cornell UnIVersIty to ~tudy EnglIsh and pre med, and Ed who Will be a semor at Grosse Pomte North High School, have played the vIOhn for five years, and Charles, who Will be a JunIOr at NOlth, has played the cello as long "I love It here," they all said at the same tIme. "It's great" Carolme, who WIll be a senior at Grosse Pomte South High School thIS year, echoes theIr sentiments. "It's a really dIfferent \\lorld," she saId. "There is mUSIC every. where We smg m the cafetena, there's always someone playmg m the woods. I love It here." Theu' days begm at 6.30 a.m. WIth reveille and exercises. The boys live on one SIde and the girls hve across the street. some dIstance from the boys. Text and photos by Ronald J. Bernas Below are the stone practice cabins for the campers. At right are four Grosse Pointers who attended the camp this summer, They are from left. Caroline DeFauw, and Ed. Charles and Cynthia Smith . ..... whIch house anywhere from 12 to 16 students - compete agamst each other fOl'br"aggmg lIghts DeFauw's schedule IS much the same, but mstead of Iehearsmg for the orchestra, she rehearses for the plays and chou's she IS pmtIclpatmg m. In the evemng, If you're not pelforming, there IS always something to attend There IS a chance to explore other art dlscIplmes For example, Cmdy studIed fig ure drawmg along WIth her musIc Every Sunddj the World Youth Sym phony Orchestra performs. so each week the students who are part of that group have three or four pieces to learn On top of expandmg their repertOIre and Improv mg then' skill, they learn the value of dIS cIplme and dIlIgence "At the end of the eight weeks, you've Improved hke 200 percent," Charles said Students learn a lot about other thmgs, too, they said "You learn a lot about other people," SaId Ed "In my cabm, there's someone from South Afnca, someone from Ireland and someone from Venezuela." "You get to make a lot of frIends, here," Charles said, "because you lIve WIth the people and have so much m common With them .. Carol me lem ned a lesson she says she Cdn take With her 1'01 the I"e~t of her life "A lot of what happens hel e depends on what you do" She explamed that you can't get mto the PI'OductlOnb and special gI oups unless you tryout, and that the more you partiCipate, the more you get out of It And what I!> It hke to see a master lIke Itzhak Perlman play? "We played With him," the SmIths chimed He played a Mendelssohn concerto WIth the World Symphony Orchestra playmg behmd him Simultaneously they expressed theu' admiration "Only he could play somethmg like that so well," SaId one "He IS my hero," smd another one, and the t'Jlrd saId "He's a god ,. There Ib, of courbe, somethmg the students don't lIke at the camp the food. "They even mess up the coffee here," Cmdy said. "We eat what they serve us Just to stay ahve, not because it's good" Of the SmIths, only Charles thinks there mIght be a pOSSIbilIty for a professional mUSical career, and Caroline DeFauw IS not saymg what she wants to do with her talents All thIS expellence does not corne cheap. ThIS summer, eIght weeks at Interlochen cost $2,650, but there are many scholar. ~hIps aVaIlable through the camp and 10' cally thlough mUSICorganIZatIOns. But the students say the oppOltumtIes they have, every day, to learn about them. selves and theu' art forms cannot be mea. sured in dollars 4-"."-;-.-...'-4-.......-......... .---- .,••••- ••-,-, ••- ..."-4-".. •• i August 24, 1989 13A Grosse Pointe News Park concert September trips The Wm Memonal'f> day tl'lP Lowl recordmg star MIchael calendar 101 Septembm leatUlef> a lel!>urely nlld day CIUll>eabom u QlIatlo With ConnlC COtquyt and DeDt' all' the featulCd perform. the luxury yacht Infimty el b dt the 9th annudl Conceit m Rescl vatlOns fOl the Tue'>day, the Purk at 7 pm on Sunday, Sept 19 excur!>lon should be Aug 27 Tlw event IS at Patter made Immediately to avoId dl" hOIl P,lI k m GlO'>'>('Pomte Park appomtment The day mcludeb a The conceIt If> '>ponhOled by four.hour Cl'UIMl, plcmc lunch the Globbe P01l1le Pal k Recrea and plenty 01 tIme to enJoy the tlOn CommlbSJOn and the GIOSbe scenelY ab the Inlimty crUlbeb Pomte Pal k CIty Counul ab a flom Its home at JelTC!son Beach ,>elVIle to lotal Ie..,luentb mdlll1d, down fiver pa,>t the QUdtIO, 01 Glo!>se Pomte, ha'> Ambassador Bndge befO!ell' been d pelf 01 mel all hlb hfe and tUl nmg home along the Cana hab recol cled ..,even album" dlan shO! elme whlth have Cost IS $45 pC! pel f>Onand 111 "old 25 mll cludes lunch and CIUlSC PaltlCI hon COPICS He pants UI e to meet at the manna Ib a compOber TranspoltatlOn to mal ma If> not and al ranger provIded db well db a The War Memonal WIll al"o kc} bO.l1 dl!>t sponsor a day tnp to Ford Audl and "lIlgCI to!lUm, Fnday, Sept 29 101 d Cocquyt, mormng pelformance of the De. \\ho I" Qua tlOlt Symphony Orchestl d tro'" WIfe, Gunther HerbIg wlIl conduct the took hel" so full symphony as It pelfOl m'> d Qualro pI ano vOice to two hoUl conceIt of works by the 1987 MIS" l\lIchlgan pageant MozUlt and Shostakovlch Flutlbt and was one of the top 10 talent James Galway IS featm ed finahbb that yea! She ha" al&o Upon UlTlval at the audlto been dcllve 111 local theatel flum, paltlclpants will enJoy cof DeDe wa'> fm melly With soul fee and doughnuts m 01 chestra Lounge Lunch wlll follow the artIst Amta Bakel" QuatlO and Cocquyt have been concert at the exclusive RenUls, performing togethel smce 1987 sance Club Cost IS $47 pel' pel" son The September day tilP ealen dar also mcludes a Thursday, Sept. 14 tnp to the charmmg Ontano pOlt town of Bayfield The day feature!> lunch at the The LYllt Chambel Ensemble Red Pump RestaUl ant pnOi to will kick ofT ltb 10th anm Vel sar} the Blyth Fesllval Theall e's season at the Edf>el & Eleanor pedOl mance of "The Mall 01 del FOI d House on Sept 24 Bnde" There \\ 111 also be lime The concert, featunng George to explOie hlstonc 19th centmy ShIrley, Metlopohtdn Opera vlllage and shop for leather and tenm SOlOIst, Em nebtll1e Nlm woolens before headmg home mons, SOplana, and FedOl a Ho Cost IS $49 per person 10WltZ, plano, perf 01 mlng Schub T1'avelers WIll also have an oppOltllmty to spend a lelsUl ely el t and M07U1 t "AI t Song Cycles' will open the 14 concel1 day explOring MIchIgan's at 01 Thumb, Monday, Sept 18 01 ,>edson of performance" che;,t1 a Hall and the Ed"el & take m a TIger game, Tuesday, Eleanor FOl d Hoube Sept 5 or 22 GUIded tom of the Eight Sunday concerts \\ III be Thumb area IS $42 pel pelson plesented dt the Ford House and mcludes tl ansp0l1atlOn and \\ Ith all perf 01 manceb begll1nll1g lunch Tlgel tIckets Ul e $10 50 at 3 30 p III smgle game admISSIOn Thel e UI e blX bene" "UbSCllpFor addItIOnal mfOi matlOn, t IOns a\ mlable fOl these concerts call the Wdl Memonal, 881 flam a pille as low as $20 up to • IS Sunday Connie Cocquyt and have enteltamed dt the MIchIgan State FUlr, the Top Hat Supper Club In Windsor, GII10'S Surf Lounge and at Maym Young's annual IirewOlk" p,uty $160 Smgle tIcket pl"lces range at 01 chestl a Hall flam $20 for a box seat, $15 fOl main floor (AI dnd $12 for mam 11001'(Bl $14 IS the mdlvldual tIcket pnce at the FOl d House There 1S a dIscount of $2 fOl students and semor Cltl lens Dlbcount" are also avail able fOl glOUpS over 10 To lecelve a blOchUle and 11101e lI1fUl matlOn, call 357 1111 282 Consecutive Weeks INSTANT LIQUIDITY INTEREST RATES ~ OF: 8-16-89 MONEY MARKETRATES' FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS \\',th the opporluml' to b<'COmea 'Ilehlgan Lolle!) M,lhoMlle oa:urrmll m e'en t"'ceweekll Super Lotto dr." mg readlrs asked for more mformatlOn on \\mmng Q liD" many pn:re& of $1 mllhon or more ha,e bet-n "on m M.chlgan? A Through the end of,Junothls ,ear lhere had betn 352 wah 19 of Ihe .. pmes ""arded 10 loller> clubs Q Ho" many of these were Jackpot .. m. ners m a Lotto game? A There have been 36.'iLollo Jackpot wmners at th.... ll\-I reamed pmes ran~ng from $1 m,lI,on up to $17 milhon Q Ho" man) ha' e been won thIS ) ear? 7.45 Franklin Savings A Through the June 28 dra" mg 28 pr"'" 'l''OTth$J malhonor more'A"Cre "Onthl'" \ear ()r Tnl" I~ ..,llght), 720 an a\'t'Tagl of about onE"a v.'eek Manufacturers 675 ah,'ad of the 19M pact' "hen ';1 "erl a,,-,rd,-d during Ihe full 'lar Standard 675 National Bank of Detroll Federal Comenca 670 Michigan 670 NatIOnal of Detroil First Federal of Michigan 650 First Federal savings Bank & Trust 650 on 510 COO Q Ho" man) 1.otto Jackpot prll'" h.,.., bet-n "orth more than $10 million? A A.ofth" "rItmgthere have been 10 ",th 45 olhe,.., In the $5 millIOn to $10 mlillOn range The lalj( .. t number of winners 126 "'On pm.M worth $2 to $5 lOllhon Anather 103 lurk\ pla)ers "on bet"Pl>n $1 mllhnn and $2 mIllion Q What determmes 575 First of America depotl! Some minimum d~lt requirements m.a, be IO'lll"tt Hllher nrft mly l-c IVlII.ble fot' I'fler dtpOllU Annual PeKentage Rate Effective Annual Y'eld check may be ISsued or remvested to another Franklin Savings Account Vanable Rile CtrtlfiClfC adjusted quarTerlv al the 90 d,'l Tb111 pluJ 1\ a.tance o(.s~ or more Additional dtposns to (he account .lIo .. 't<f I' .n.,.. tIme Limned lime offer Early wlthdrawIls'UbJ«:1 TO pen.lt, Monthly CALL ABOUT OUR NO COST HOME EQUITI LOAN dnd Pontldt Some Ie"'eJ vdtHm'> "tl)) are alldh]u 1'01 Bluewatel MIChl On Tom Edl<;on'<, TldJI" will gan Chapter's other fall excur be poweled by GI<1nd Trunk .,lOn.., the "Wine Fe'>tlval Ex Wt ..,tel n dw..,el elettnt lowmo pI e""," a one day round triP from t1\e.., dnd \.\JIl wn,>l"t 01 wdthe", nil nllngham and Pontiac to the 01 ,>ndtkJ"ou\enll tdr dnd a Wine and Hdl ve"t Fe"tlval" 111 PI emJllln Sel \ Ill' ..,('tllOn Adult K.Il<1m<ll.olJ and Paw Paw on lO'lth foile I..,$50 dnd the laIC 101 ">tpt 9, and, the "Matkll1dc Llm thddl en, age.., ;) IfJ, I.., $40 He Ited,' a tillee day extlavaganza ..,el\ed luntheon dt the 'Ihoma., Iflt!Udlllg hotel and meal" on Edl..,on Inn 1'- ';1) And the ~ldtkll1dt l"ldnd OJ hotel 111 1'1t'1ll11l1l1~el VIti' fdle J.., "'110 ,\1c1tkmH\\ elt} Sept 15 17 pel pl! ..,on lilt! udll1g 1 e..,el\ ed Ad\ dntt' I e...el vdtlOn<, aI e Ie tOdth "'l,lllllg, dttt.,,, to thl' ddJd {fUlled 101 <Ill thlee of the..,e Idll l'\tUl .,JOn;" and capacltlb aI e tt lit pi 1\ dtl' lounge tell, hOl" d Ol'U\ Ie", tolfl'e ,1I1d ..,oft dJ IIlk., IlInlted InfOJmatlOnal flyerb and lec,eJ \ at 1011" may be obtamed by ,md 01 ..,peual lunchuJll 111 tht t,dlmg '3997903 01 2725848 be Abbev Room of the ThonHI., Edl t\\etn 9 am dnd 9 pm dally .,on Inn II. n Ot tohel wlOl extUI..,lOn loopmg ,>outhe<1..,teln Michigan by lad will have an lmportdnt hl"tOl Jt<1Jpel "pecllve d<,well Adv.lJ1ce I e"eJ vat Ion'> are ~WJHg Laken now 101 a fdmlly 01 wnted n lIle houl tilP begm nmg dnd endmg III Blrnungharn 'lI1d Pontl<1t "On Tom I~dl"on"" TI.lll," will ledtUl e <1thlee haUl" 11intheonJtouI ..,topoVl I dlong"'lde POIt HUlOn'., ne\\ Thomd" Edl "ClJI Inn Blue ....alel Mlthlgdn Chaph'J of the ~dtJl)lldl Railway HI.,tOllcal ~ouety \\ III plC...ent thJ'" y('dl '" lindl outmg of Jt" )'1',,' Ml(hJgdn Trdll1 on SatUJ 01\ The tI Ip \\ III UUl v excur"lon I'>t<, till ough Holly, DUI dnd, FllJ1t, Ll\wel ,1I1d Iml<1j Clt\ to POlt HlJlon, \\hele It WJIl tld\ l:'J.,(' 01 .,,, Ildllllg III<lnth UI'l:'1 d dlawhndge on the Blatk RI\el OlltO the land..,taped f.,TJ ound.., of the Thomd" Edl..,on Inn Pd..,..,engel.., mdY Iesel Ve lunch eon ,It the mn 01 \\dlk 01 u..,e bll.,e" lo othel IC"UUldnt<, 111 tl1(' died The\ ,d.,o roll\ \I"lt the Ie tentl\ Il"tOI ed FOIt GJ at lOt De pot nedl hy 111 thl' .,hadc)\\ 01 the Blue Wdtej Blldge It \\d'- hell' that Tholl1d" A Edl"on leal ned LelehTJdpln The tl dill then will hedd "outh on the loute \oung Tom Edl.,on tl d\ eled d" d ne\\ "papel 'butthel" It \\III pa".., .,tatlOn .,Ite" \\ hel(~ he Idtel ....01 ked d'> a tele!,TJaphel, IIlcludlllg SmIth '> Cleek dnd the hhtOllc 'Edl"on Depot" III Mount Clemen" no\\ the l\hchlgan Tl'3n"lt Mu"eum \\ hel e he ba\ ed the btatlOnma" ter's chlld h 0111 belllg ,>tlutk b\ a movlllg freIght cal The CIrcle \\ III be completed a'lhe tl am pa<;"e" through FlU~el Ho..,e\'llle, \\' dll en dnd DetlOlt, to l\lll\\aukee JunctIOn fOl the I un back nOlth\\ ('<;t to BII I11mgham "IF YOU'RE ADVERTISeMENT 7511 The HIGHEST Money Market Rate Among Major Fmanclal Institutions In the DetrOIt Metropolitan Area for Train trip to follow Tom Edison's trail d'l) , OtL ~1 Lyric Chamber Ensemble announces 10th season .Bastd • the .. '" of the Jackpot for each dra".ng? A The top pTize " based on Ihe number or plays m the game sm"" the Jackpot ""', last won When a rollo,..,roa:ul'" Lotte!) offiCIals estabhsh a n"" I(llaranteed mm,mum ba"'-'<l on Ihe amounl alread, In the Jackpot plu, anllClpated ... 1.. for the nexi game Q How man) pia.?'" doe •• t take to add another $1 mllhon A About 2 2m,Ihon From each dollar m Lotto !tame ""I ... 26 rents" placed m Ihe Ja<:kpot pnze pool for' n,... tmenl to JlII' a prIze ",er 20 veaN But beenu,," wmner; 00\10<1 th,s mane, plu<allthe Inler...t It earn' overlhal20-vear perIod $1 mllhon can be """,rdOO ""Ih onlv about $550 000 m l11epmR pool Q Are my odds of ..,nOlng the Jackpot better .. hen It goes abmT 8 $15 mIllion mlnlmum? A. Vourood, ofhlltmg lhe Jacllpol remam the '\amc about one In seven million no maU<"r howlalJ(Pl11e)8Ckpotl< But a,lalj(erj8Ckpol, aUrael more playe .... IherP" a greater rhance l11althe lop pnze w,ll be .hared bv two or more wmnef"5 Q How many tuneo have the'" bfotonmult,. ple JackpoC .. ,nnen' A ThrouKh l11eend of June l11eSuper Lotio j8Ckpot has been ""n 107 t\lneo wllh mull1ple wmners.n 37 dr"",n!tS Q SInce the '!tart of 1.otll> play ,n 1984, how many oC!M'rpn_ have been won In these g8_? A. As of the end of June 1 561 450 wh.ch Include' more Ihan 1\0000 plave .... ho makhOO fi,'C numbel"l for awaro., worth up 10 $4 767 WmllCl"lmatchmg four numbers ha, .. "-Ived pnzes of up 10$144 Q What ,. the total won In Lotto !lames ,n MK'h,gan? A ('<Junlmg tbe full value of j8Ckpot pm .... th" lolal "n(IW pallt SI 3l! bllhon ~'or .uhrmltmg the firllt qu...tlon leadlnl! 10 th" column Suresh J Patel or Tavlor ""II r<WI\'!' 'j() 'Faml &t fbrtune" heket' Nole When dophrate questton. ano r«e1\'l:'<I that v>,th the earh",t date !Jlamp upon aTnval at LotWrv ('Rnlral WlM In ca'" of • tIe the "Inner" ...,ll'CtOObyrandom dr .... 'ng If you haw a quI!lIIlon not ~I rovrre<t In 0lMe monthly oolumns oend.t to 'Wmnen; Circle M,rhlgan LoUery PO Box 38077 Lan-llll!, MI4l\909 WANTED: HOST FAMILIES NOW PEACE-USA, a non-profit student exchange organization needs host families for high school boys and girls from Japan, Thailand, Hong Kong, Spain and Germany for the upcoming school year These kids have already saCrificed their school year at home and prepared for months, to come to America and fulfill their dream They must have host families or they cannot come All of the students come With their own spending money and medical insurance, they all speak english and they're anXiously awalt,mg families If you have room In your heart and your home that s all you need Help us make thiS dream come true for these kids and receive a tax deduction too We need your help, please contact ANNE MELISE 1-800-84-PEACE "HI I'm Mary Quarnstrom, DOelor of ChlropraellC Did you know that to become certified as a chiropractor requires a minimum of SIX)ears ot college trallllllgi In addition, I have completed courc,e, III orthopediCS. Impal rment ralll1gs and ergonomic,; (man's relatIonship to hiS work) Even now I attend nationWide ,semmars to stay current on the advances 111 thiS rapIdly changing held. If you have heSitated VISlllllg a chiropractor, perhaps you didn't know they go to such great length, to proVide you With the latest advances and the most qualrtled servIce Chrropratlrc has brought reI let to millions at people suffermg from IN PAIN, I CAN HELP!" Back Pain Neck Pain Numbness Headaches Arthritis Bursitis Shoulder Pain Arm/Leg Pain Hip Pain Painful Joints Stiffness Cold Hands/Feet CALL 774-9440 TODAY DR. MARY M. QUARNSTROM, CH IROPRACTOR 21507 Harper Ave (near 8 Mile) 5t Clair Shores, MI 48080 Hours 900 a m -6 00 pm Monday-Fnday In case 01 aCCIdenl or per,onal IIlJUI}' atter hours call 774-9440 /", 355 FISHER RD. U.~.S,~\CK.U~O~lY 882.510 DAilY, Wed tll Noon - Closed Sunday OPEN 8 to 530 pm , WE DELIVER -f- CPARMS e5YA AUGUST 24t!1, OOt26tll GROSSE POINTES LARGES~THOME DELIVERY SERVICE ~.b WINTERS WITH CASING HOT DOGS $229 :!'lI..'ESJ{ SQ'U(E:EZ'E'lJ LEMONADE 45 GROUNDBEEF MADE FROM RIBS CHUCK. $229 $189 $119 '4Q?V f~l:~Org:,~ r:.~~~ ~~ J • ~ \J " m; $179 =ti179 LB LB LB- BRIll... MIX CARRS BITE SIZE 2I$149TABLEWATjR GREEN BISQUETS CUT ~ 112CALLON CHEESE SMART CHEDDAR NO FAT NO CHOLESTEROL $235 ~ !I~ , QT - . $149- BEANS TOILET 160ZCAN r~ I -. Z ICE CREAM BAR VANILLA ICE CREAM BARS $27~ACK PEACHES Sm'!ffi'* LEAN CUISINE SALE CIICIlEII ctIOW 1IE111.CHEESE C~ IIlLLOII, 1UIIA USADIIE, IPAIlHUT1 '1.89..ZUCCHlIl LAIADNA, RJDlTOflIIAKE, WDETAIL£ 'UTA 1I0AIIA' '1.99,.. .JUMBO ARTICHOKES I - ~ 4 PACK PKG 'I 01'B/f£IIIIl 'WEf£~ $ 1491r1f6ile (10 - \\" "oCl TISSUE~ + DEP 6 PAK CANS 80Z MICHIGAN RED HAVEN C~NTE":;u7 PORK CHOPS LB $2 B.B.Q SPARE ~ -' CONCHA.Y.TORO CABERNETSAUYlGNOII, $459 SAUVIGNON BLANC 1.5UnIl CALIF RED SEEDLESS RASPBERRIES GRAPE~ .'ffi $149 8~W~ a TRAY OMEGROWN BOSTON LETTUCE 49 1I\4,))49!. 49 HD LI c-~ August 24, 1989 Grosse Pointe News 14A Pointer From pllgf.' oped, Clu ysler Corp bupplted us With some for research o Ill' thmg we wanted to know was what would happen to a pl1ssen gel's ears when the bag exploded 111 a closed sedan "We set one off With a cat In the car A cat's ear IS remarka. bly Similar to the human ear The cat suffered no damage, but again, we could not be SUIe that the human ear would leact In the same way You can't ask 1'01 a human volunteel So Prof Larry Pat lick , who headed the pi oJect, underwent the same ex pe1'1ment He came out OK, but It took cowage to do that We Ieally dIdn't know what would happen" Lanl{e believes that au' bags 1 as It IS nO\I," LlIlgt' ",\1d But the I ural pf.',\Cf.'01 Big Bl',\\('1 Road IS now d dl"t,lIlt ml'lllOl\ "I decldf.'d I had hdd t'\\ough," Ill' Sdld, "and called dl1 ,1""(X'I,ltt.'10 see If he would t.1ht.' 0\ el 111\ practice I wdlked ,1\1,1\ " Wa~ It difficult. "nt'l ,Ill dllN' ,eHls? "No,' he ~,lld . 8111c('letlnng, L\IIge h,I'" h,ll! the tune to plunge mlo tl1l' .\1 Cdnt' \\ olld ot antlql\l' 'lIld ll.h'll c,\r competitIOn ,\lid l,\hil\l\ lOn "An antlqu(' 1,\\ I" 0111'built bl fore 1925," he l'\pl.\1l1ed el.h SICS \\elt' budt lJOI11 1~)2() through tlw JO~ Ldngl' ",ud 111'found hi' :\lo(!L1 T In d ~L.lblt ...u..tthl1~~ ~l chicken coop \Ilth IUlln1l1g \\,1 tel''' - III Lake elt\, :\lInn hi' bllthplace Ht' a"hed ,u oUl1d to see \\ ho 0\1ned thl' obI lOu...l\ abandoned Cdl and \Id" dnl'lll,d to a mdn \1 ho had mOll't1 to ~t Paul "I hltchhlkl'd to St P,1Il1 found the OWI1e1and .hkl,d l\lm If he would sell It to me I 11,1'" still too young fOl a heen ...l' but I \\ anted that em Well. till' m,m Said It wasn't hIS l,\\ Then he thought about It a IIhill' and said yes It \\ dS hi" he h,ld tOl gotten all about It "He saId I could have It, but he didn't hme the title to! It am more I saId 1 \\ ould gl\ I' h 11\\ $3 so 1 could have a bIll of ...ale and regIster It " Lange regIstel I'd It. e\ entu,lll\ got hiS d1'1\'el's "eense and \\ hel1 he left for the U mvel Slh of llh nOlS, he left It In hIS 1110thel" garage It stayed thel e untIl 13 years ago, \1hen hl' had It shIpped to hiS home m Glo ...... e POinte Pm k on a haula\I'1\ A restOl er In YOIkto\1 n, Ind Joe Batthauel, cal efull) IestIll eel It to a magnificence It had nel t'l had before Its slate blue lil11~h IS flawless, the bra,,~ Iadl.ltOl lamps and trim IS pelfecl I It takes days to pohsh It belml' .l competItIOn") and, yes It I un'" How careful and detailed 1\ .1'" the restoratIOn? "It hdd been Ie stored by a talented amatelll earlIer," Lange sald "but Joe did everythmg to pelfectlOn HI! pomted to the tl an~vel be leal spring which made up the front suspensIOn (same 111 the Iem ) "Joe didn't Just pamt the leaf Will be H pObltlve advance In aulo safely. but stressed that they musl be used In conjunction With the three.pomt seat beltb which at e now III cm s. Because the au bag deflates almost 1m. mediately after inflatiOn, It IS of no use 111 a second colhsiOn And, of course, It does no good m a Side Impact, rear Impact 01 1'01 lovel Whatevel the effect of all bagb, we have come a long way to the model n car from that 1911 Model T And Lange has helped In that progress There IS no questIOn that hlb Model T IS a champIOn. So IS Lange, SCIentist, plastic bUlgeon, car enthus18St and gentleman STAMPS STAMPS 215 trays of U.S., Foreign, 25 - 50' ea, 2 U, S, collections 7 Foreign albums Album covers, hinges guages, Bonus Issues. Dr. William Lange from the Antique shows hiS 1911 Ford Model T for which 1\ 11<'n I ItI'I \1 1~l' (lll dl II l' till' It I! 1011 L.lI1ge ~h(l\\\(1 ft ,ItIlIl'''' of t IH' :\Iodel 'I I('ngll1<' '\0 ')")151 m,lde 111 Hlghl,llId f'.u l,.I thI' 111 lent I\ ('nl'"," ,lJ1d '1IIIphu\\ 01 \1hllh L1edl11 dell1(lll~tlated till' genlU'" 01 Helll I FOId - ~lmple dlll'll '-O]lItIOJ]' to tlH' plnh]em ... of gl't t 11Ig ...lIlh d lOlllpll',\ ma lhme ,I'" .In .lutolllohill' to Iun ,1IId be depl'nddh](' ,\11dto Ill' hl't tPI Ih,UI ,\ hOI"I' Blit 1J10,tof ,Ill tlH' l,lI I' bl'<lll tlflll 111 Ih "'llllpltlll\ l'lohmg n,,...t.llgl,l III tho ...\' tell old l'llough tll I(lTll'lIIbl'l t 1H' I 01 d :'Ilodl'l"I \\ hllh \\ I'llt (JlIt 01 pi 0 duct IOn 111 Hl27 ,lftl'l mOIl' thdll 1;) milllOll \11'1t' lmllt 111 HI \p,u'" ()nll tl1(' \'olh"'\\,ll;On Bl'e tIe h.l ...toppt'd that IceO!d "PeoplL' .l~k me \1hdt the C"I I" \\OIth. he ~alll What c,m 1 ",1\ ) I" [t 1" t $680 \1hen new But cars m conclJtlOn of thIS one me so Ial e that no value can be estab It...hed It IS \\01th what someone \\ ill pay and what Lange \1III t,lhe S111CPIt IS not fOl o:;ale,It IS pi J(:ele,,~ Lange IS a medIcal man He li ,1Il~felled flOm the Umvel ~Ity ol IllinOIS to the Um\'elslty of i\1111ne~ota, whel e he lecelved hIS undel!,TJaduate and medIcal deg! ept; - B A B S , M B (Bach elm of Medlcme) and M D Dr L.lIlge explall1ed that at the Um\ 1.'1''It\' of Mmnesota, the student IPcel\ ed an M B upon eomple tlOn of medlcdl ':>chool,then got ,Ill i\1 D dftel eompletlOl1 of m tPI n tUllmng He c,une to DetJ Olt and spe u.Jhzed 111 the Ielatlveh ne\1 <11 ea of pln~tl(. SUIgery, b~th cos metlc and reconstl uctlve Iepall of aCCIdent vIctIms Because of hi" "pecmlty, he became Involved \\ lth traffic aCCIdent research at Wayne State Umverslty "Maybe you remembel those ..,tDlIt'~ of droPPlllg cadavels dO\In elevatOl shafts," he saId Well, I \1a~ shocked to see a lO ... t IH' Je,ll... I lib .lg,lIn,\ l'.,Lh ot IH'I ,1IId ltttl(' tlaLl'~ 01 IU...t bl'(011lP \ 1"lblp Th.lt ((h!'" \ Illl pomh III UlIl1PPt received a silver For mfo or appointment: J Walsh, 881-6135 trophy Car Club of America. ..,pllllg... IH' tool,. t 1ll'1II ,Ip II t 'lIId palllteel l'.llh Il'.d ~ep,lI,Itl'h Ot he recently plllelP,," 1h1" 1" ltll'I,llh tllll' Th\' <',11 cI HlIlldb(lul Ho,H!,lel. \1hl<.h story about ow' work m a tablOId ne\\spapel m New York The pless had some fun WIth thIS stol)', but It Wc\S senous and valuable Iesem ch .. One of the IesuIts of thIS pI oneenng \vOl k and of later Ie "em ch \llth a CIash sled by WSU's Department of EngIneer mg Mechamcs was development of all bags, or all' cushIOn pas SlVI.' rest! amt sy"tems The 311' bag IS a deVice whIch IS actuated by sudden deceleratIOn - as occurs when you hit somethll1g WIth yow' CUI - and fills a bag usmg an e"\ploslve de\ Ice, so that the drIver and pas ~engell:>al I.' thro\1 n mto the bag 1l1stead of the steelmg column, dJshboaJ d 01 wmdshleld These dl\ Ices \\ III be phased mto all new cars 0\ er the next thlee jears "\"''hen we started our I'e search, we used pigS, whIch are physlOIogJcally slm1lar to humans But we had to go to cadavels because we had to know how humans would react m cldsh SItuatIOn," Dr Lange said "Aftel the all' bag was devel TAG ALONG \VlTH "Children Are Special At Faircourt Dental" US AND SAVE. • Watch a cartoon VIdeo a<;Dr St01ll'.,c!Jclean'> \our teeth • Take your \ Ideo home comphment'i ot r ,1IfLOUrl Denta I Save on any speCially tagged Item In our stores durrng our August Clearance Sale Including the area's largest selectIon of CasaBlanca fans, kItchen and bathroom fixtures, chandeliers, track lightIng and more Sale ends September 2nd. Faircourt Dental 20040 Mack 882-2000 OUR 6th ANNUAL TENT SALE! WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY Be SATURDAY • Tiffany-style lights - up to 50% off .Track lighting - lip to 50% off .CasaBlanca@ ceilIng fans - up to 50% off .Beverly Hills ceIling fans - up to 50% off .Crystal chandelIers - up to 50% off • Frednck Ramond~ fixtures - up to 50% off .Outdoor lighting - up to 50% off -Ouoizellamps and lIghting - up to 50% off • Bath strip lights - up to 50% off • St,ffell!Jlamps - up to 60% off • Pharmacy and plano lamps - up to 40% off .Willlamsburg chandeliers - up to 50% off .landscape righting - up to 20% off sale pnces apply to specially tagged merchandise only limited quantities on some Items AUGUST 23, 24, 25 Be 26 (Starts Each Day at 10 A.M.) SPECTACULAR, ONCE A YEAR, SAVINGS ON A WIDE VARIETY OF MERCHANDISE: CENTERS Watches (50'/0 011 and more), Sterling Silver (99C per gram), 14 Karat Gold Chain ($995 per gram). Glflware, Seasonal MerchandIse. Electronics, Housewares, Small Apphances and Much More! so YEARS AND STILl GLOW/NO TROY' 585 1400 YOU'LL SAVE ON: • CLOSEOUTS. ONE OF A KINDS. OISPlA Y MODelS • DISCONTINUED ITEMS • SPECIAL PURCHASES. ~~\,ttiM~~1MER~~~~~~ !i:l00J {MALDDF} • - - - ~--~-~------~-~--------------- - -~ ROSEVILLE. 77' 221 I Grdllot Ave N of II Mile STERLING HEIGHTS. :,oDED .~ SALES Be MANUFACTURING JEWELERS 28525 HARPER (at 11V~MIle) S.C.S. 774-2100 - - '4 Mile Rcl E of Oilklanc1 Mall H<lll ReI (M-591 Mon & Fn 930900 Tur, w 7399100 or L<lkr,lcJe Milll ThWI 9 30 S ,0 5,11 1000 500 ""4-4...-- ..'''''.- .......- .....-.- '0-.---.....---- ... 4-4 ...- ... '''... I August 24, 1989 15A Grosse Pointe News Community ed. sets fall schedule I" I, J 'III Whelhel you w,ml to le<lln to 111clkea bOdt 111 a boUIC', leal n lo play the 01~,1I1 01 to 1I ndCl ~t.ll1d what "'Chllophlellia I"', the f<lll pI ogl.un of the Depdl tment 01 CommunIty EducatIOn 01 the Glo ...... e POlllle Public SL!wIJI Sy ... tel11 can hl'lp you dchll'l l' your gOd I... 'I'll(' 10lloWIng alphdbutll,d II...t Il1g of the 76 IW\\ fOl fdll COlli IIlUnl!) l'd L!d...... (.... I'" ,1\dil<lblL 111 nllll Sl'ptl'mbu Nt'll thl ... ) e<ll <II(' Arlv'l/lwd 1{e.HIlJ1gSkill ... ~f'ml/l,Il' 'Algi hI <l A He Intl(Jdul twn' 'A Igf hlcl E\el ythlllg You AI\I,I\ ~ W,lI1tc'd to KlHJ\\ hut Wel L Ah,1ll1 tc, A ...k 'An Englhh ('Ill J ... tmd ...." "nd tllleL olll! IIlg., , III ,\,11 nnnm) '\ ,,' Illnnm\ COTS helped HI) , Cleatulec, UndLl the BLd," 'lild OptIC'" " "Beut tlw HonwwOI k BlUl'''' COTS, the Coalition on Temporary Shelter In Detroit. has benefited from months of fundrais,Ind "Boat 111 the Bottll An In ing by the sophomore class at UniversIty Ligget! School. The class of 1991. assIsted by its troductlOn" all' al~o ,1l11Ong the dean Jeff Healy, carned out several fundrmsers. mcluding a wreath sale last Christmas. Class ne\\ oflel'lng" members purchased a new teleVISIOn and VCR, which were presented to COTS ear her this Chant) Suu:ek \I III lepeat summer. COTS Executive Director Peggy Posa told the students that the video equipment will ...OIlW 01 hel populal clJOk1l1g be used for educational VIdeotapes to help homeless mothers with parenting skills, good nutn. cl" ...... e... <lnd \I III, m <lddltlOn, of lion and self-esteem. lei 'Ct epe., KondltOl el Spe From left are class ofhcers All Frederick and Gunther Lie presenting the televiSIOn and VCR L1dltlC... 'LedIn to he a CleatJle to Posa. Chef," TI ddltHJI1dl Au"tlldn Chll ...tmd~ D1I1nei dlld Wmc" Fondue" and Chee ...p ... Othel COll1ll1Unltl ulULatIOn Lla"'>e,, fOl fdll dll' "Calm and ChIldlen 111 the School age lmagc AnaIY~l",' Coim dnd It" \" h1nl1lng \Vedne ...ddY, Sept G The Glo~"e POlllt, l'u!>l, ChIld Cal e PI06'1'am partlclpatc Elfect on You," "Copmg \\ lth Iliition J" ::;223 pel hoUl, or an, School Sy"telll I'> Clil llllt" Il 111 ennchment actiVities, art'-> Holiday Blues," "Cosmetolol,Jv ceptlllg legt"t I.lt 101l~ Illi l ill pdl t 01 ,Ill hour, ,md a $15 non and el arts, and phYSical actlvl Exploring Careel Option.'>," and Il'fundahle ... u ppl) lee I'" chm gcd 198990 School <I~l' ('lllid ( lI' t1€'''' Time IS also aVailable fO! 'Counted CIO...'3StItch Chnstll1d" 1Ill1U,11 h pel child The progl am PrOl,'Tam The pi ow ,IIII pI (1\ ilk" 'lIpl 1 ,d"o opel dte" on the half day ... "tud) and 111fOlmal mtel actIOn 01 ndment " \llth othel chlldren For add I Added to the fall plOgrdm aI e Vised dcll 1 Itle" hl'loll' <llld <lit, I \\ lll'll pal c:nt tcachcI confel ence" tlOnal mformatlOn on the pro "Dance the Hu"tle," "Dlvel slfy ,Ill' :"lhedulcd The fee fOi thl'3 ...chool fm publ1c ~dl(I()1 "tUdlll!' gl<lm, call Ethel Toepel, Chelyl fm Safety,' "DI eam.'>," dnd 'Du In kll1del g,lI \('11 thlough gl <ld. "]ll'l1dl ...elVlce I'" $10 plus the Dorman Ol Judy Mathe\\s, plO lab Ie PO\\ el of AttOl ney , fhe P,1l1l1h Cdll legl ...tel Lhild leb'1.I1,lr homly late fO! the addl b'1 am com dmators, at 3432319 MOle cla'3se" all' "Egyptology t 1011<11 ,dtel ...chool hOlll <., I en at <lnv of the "choo] ..., ,tl'm " - Advanced," 'Evemng m Col mne eleml'n\[l1 1 "chool" P,\lent" lecllble... Lll111IPd EdItIOn '\1 t \1 ho \\ dnt Ieg'htl dtlOn fOIm" Faux flLllhhng. Fl' mh 1 " mailed to them "hould ldll 11) atllle,' dnd "Glo",,(' POint, ,\ Wednesday, Aug, 30 2319 St udenb \\ ho wIll be attend N'elghbOl hood Comn'\oI1 t\ The pi 01,'1 dm Opt'l dtl" 110m 10th grade A G flOm 830 to 10 11lL, (.Io<.,,,e POll1te ~olth High Still mOIL' f ,dl ut1 .. 1 Ing IIO!l1 7 30 to 8.'30 <l III .Inti ! l,j to a m H N fl om 10 to 11 30 a 111 ~t hool 111 Scptembel al e urged ed ale Hedlt 6 15 pm on Ieg\lldl' "( hool d,l\" and 0 Z flOm 11 30 a m to 1 communlt, \0 Il'pOI t 10 "chool pI 101 to the of Healthy Caokll1g WIth Hel bs, . pm lill,d iiI q dd) \\ hllh 1'3Wednes "Herbdl V megell '" Buttcl s, and fllake up and practlcmg ath. lid \ Sept 6, to Obtdln the II ne\\ Blends," "Hollda) Festl\e letlc teams flom 1 to 1 30 p m dd"~ "chedule and hd\e then Touches, 'Homemade Gifts to "chool PlltUl e taken Shale," 'How to Rcpan Wooden Thursday, Aug. 31 Thl' "L!lC'dlile 1<, a ...folloll'" The Gelman Langudge School Oblects," "Ho\\ to Select and 9th glade A D from 830 to 930 of Wan en wIll oilci c].l,>...e" fOl Manage a Stock Portfoho," and a III , E I f!'Om 940 to 10 40 am, children, grades 1 5, ,on. S~tUl J 0 flom 11 a m to 12 pm, P Z "Humpty Dumpt) Doll .. Tuesday, Aug. 29 days, 9 to 11 20 d m begmnll1~ Othel ofTellngs al e "Innel flOm 12 15 to 1 15 P 111 12th 6TJdde A.G from 830 to Sept 9 Rel,TJ...tldtlon is Wednp,> All gl ades mdke.up flom 1 15 Heahng," "Insurance - Leal n to 9 30 d m, H N fl om 9 30 !0 day, Sept 6 flOm lOa 111 to noon Undel '3tdnd Yom OptIOns," "Ja to 145 pm lO 30 el m ,1l1d 0 Z fl om 10 30 to and 6 to 8 pm pan - Its CultUle and Ways of Students should report du eetly 11 30 d m All cla""e<; <11 e held dt St Pe Thll1kmg," , Japanese for 1'1aye) to the Iibral y 11th 1,'1dde A G flOm 1230 to ter's Luthewn ChUl ch, 11423 els," 'KItchen Deslt,'11," dnd Counseims will be on duty ChIcago Road, \V,1I1 ell FOI mOl e ) 30 pm, H N flom 1 30 to 3 each day to take Cal e of any el "La\\ n Cal e The Health" N'atu pm ,Ind 0 Z fl 0111 3 to 4 p m mformatlOn, call 9i938'50 01 lell Way" 101 S 111 scheduhng that ma) 2938652 Also scheduled al e "Llle'it\ Ie ha ve OCCUlTed NutlltlOn, E,el Clse New students who hd\'e not Changes and Wellness Support,' • LI\e ,ot lO(nctol c.orl rn~\l chll do so by 1\lu"lc - A Gel shwl11 Get To gethel," "Live MUSIC - The Pop ular 1'Iend," "Low Impact \VOl' ment Seventeen Glo""e POIntl' "t II \. ,111E.'\,md the Flench Rlvlel a kout," and "Mamc.DeplesslOn dents of Fl€'nch Il'ct'nth lL' The\ "I,n ed \llth FI ench faml and Major Depl eSSlOn An Ovel turned flOm ,l 26 d<l\ "Iuc!\ )Jl(J 1,1'''' In :--J'ICCfm t\IO \Ieek" and I ccel\ Ld 1,lllh'1.lage 1I1<;tl uctlOn dt gram of FI dnce ,md It.lh <1 locdl "chool The !,TJOup II a" 01g,mlled b, Tho"e pal tlclpatlng \\el e FranCIS GI angel te,1( hCI of TO!1\<l CIa\\ "on Kathryn Foley, French at GIO">-C POIlltL South (,elll' G,ll gdl 0, S,ll ah Haggalty HIgh School, ,lnd Fl,1I1l0hC \Lll \1.1lll' I-."a, Aye"ha Khan, LIsa eus, Fl ench tedchel at Un 1\ el h Ul1l.1l. L, n :\Ju"azl, Rob Petz, slty LIggett School In lOopel,l SI ecdhal tlon WIth Educ<ltlOn,11 Tom", fOl ,Jenl1lfel Schallpelel. Love S,II11Udlala. BI ad Stedem, Joyce Everyone of Clm btol1 CHRISTOPHER Stlldkc\, El'lka Teltge, COllltney The student <., VI'-lt cd Homl and Whltdw,ld, Eh7abeth Wlsgerhof Vencle, Pan... \'('1 ",II 1Ie" SUSAN Chartres. chatE.'au'\ of tl1(' LOIlE.' ,me! K,llhl'llllC Zachal V Latchkey accepting applications vie", And "Mlclo~oft WOlk ..... "Money M(\nagement Thl ABC..., 01 HdndlIng Mone),' "OhIO Stal - F d,>t Pdtch or Col legl' Bound QUIlt," "01 gan I..e... ...on... 101 Beginner ...," "Onental ('ookll1g," dnd two (.Ia...... c... by lOoklllg expC'1t P"t Pompl, "MI L10WdVC' Chicken" and "MIllO \\.1V(' Fl ...h ,Ind Shlfood " Al"o "PlI1e Cone 01 ndmLn\ ' PI,lllllll1g 101 Medll<lld," "Pldn nlllg, (~IcJwmg ,me! B,II \e ...tll1g !lc I b (;,11 dl n" Otlwl L!d"'<'L~,ilL Pit: f{utIJC l1lent Planmng,' Schl/ophlLnld An Ol'elllev.,' ScldP Qullt~ 'X \ en Wonder~ of the WOIld, ",Impll H<lg Doll," "StIL ...... I Jlll1ld"kllll! the Silent Thiel' 'LikIng Cdl L of YOUI Cdl ll1 thL !:lO...,' '1dX StJ dtegw",' "Tax Adv,mtdged Inve ...tmenh," 'The Dd\ln of A'3tronomy," dnd "Un del ...tdndmg Llle's Lo...... e" " StIli mOle new Lld'>',C'"ale' VI olill Sli/ukl fm dll Age"," dnd thl ee 111 W(,<lI,lhle .lIt "POlllhet tld Sdk Flov.el T Shirt,' 'Sponge 1'<llIlllllg," ,1l1d "T Shl! t DeLol atlng" Othel clcl......e" are 'Wellne ...~ WIldt I... It'),' 'Who dun It'), ' and "Wfll kIng \VCnTIdll'... Holldcl\ Menu Ic\( ,1"> ' Full dct,JlI" on the f,Ill PH) h'1 dm of c1d"~c'" ,llld actl\ It Ie' planncd b) thL [)f p,lltmcllt 01 ('ommuJ1lt) Education 1'.111 hI found III the blOthuJl' '" hlLh \\ Ii I be m,lJled to dll Ibldl'nte ... III lh' ~ch(joJ dl"tnct the end of Augu",t In dddlt IOn to the 76 nC'I' d,l"'~f"', the Ichtel Include ... hun dl cd" of otht'l tIled ,ll1d true of fel lng, III clqUdtl(" art" ancl 1I .lft, cal eel" and \ cx.atlOn. com PUtI'I " U!ohlllg, lin.lnw, fOlelgll ldngu<lge ...e\\ In!-i and quJltmg, ~peudl II1t! Ie...t, pl! ...011<11enllLh mcnt and )outh el1llthment Fm fUlthel II1fOln1<itlon call '}.~ J 2718 ------COU~ON.--- I NOTRE DAME ! AET HIGH SCHOOL 2nd Annual Fellowship Dinner -, Why Pay More! ONLY I TESTING I I $600 i I . 7 Days a Week Thursday October 5, 1989 Gros<,e POinte Yacht Club ',& : HARPER & CADIEUX I SHELL I I 17017 Harper I For Ticket> Call I 881-4886 Cornl!' 01 C"d'l!u r L'~o~~ __ .!!'.:!'!~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• I •••• • Motonzed standard & telephoto lens selection • Precise mfrared autofocusmg • Sub{ed-pnonty automaf7c North High School schedule exposure • Automatic {,fmhandlmg I German for kids 17 students study French, Italian cultures a=~~~I~[ GRUr VAlUE $ 13SSS Complete WltiJ Mmolta 5 one year USA. Ilmded wormnty rI SINCE 1919 Ai -- Jewe/tp Photo 27887 HARPER S.C.S. •••••••••••••••••• I •• I-I ••••• 25th ANNIVERSARY MOM AND DAD DRY CREEK • RAVENSWOOD • HACIENDA • KENWOOD • MOUTON CADET = ~-:;::;:t:f"~--~~-:~~' MULIER'S ~ ( =e • - ~.'--l CUBE STEAK SWISS STEAK OR BEEF STEW HI-DRY PAPER 2 FOR , : ~ - FRtst~ttit&. & This Weeks Special WRIDIiE. LB ~Jegetab~s 'I1<1I1G'S 79~.. ,n'I ImUSSEL SPROUTS, , , ,., , . . 89 ~ La HO~H ROCK MELO~S.... , <'DF""T COLOMBIAN SUPREMO =I. QI fROMCHOICE$1 ROUND FRESH COFFEE BEANS 161 99 TOWELS .-" $299• WHITE 99 ~ !:-... '" .= ': STEAKS AVAILABLE FRESH'" 79~ " ~. - ~WLU, TUNA AND SALMON FRYERS -- "822 7Z86 ~mm~ A 5 ~.... 8-6 FAMILYSTEAK OR GRADE • :; Open Monday-8aturday LB • If c:I offoods in a relatively small place the heart of Grosse Pointe Park. $129 AMISH a 5 In ,~~-~ PRICES IN EFFECT AUGUST 24, 25 & 26 iiien CHICKENS z. : I ~, ;.;, t; ,, "An ImpressilJeSelection ,5,,!>~~"'" L JL __ MARKET ~ !; 15215 KERCHEVAL 7", LO< 1'<'EW \11 CI1I (,A 'I $389 POTATOES................. LB ~~~21~..... ............. SIMI • -ESTANCIA .-ROUND HILL. 19~ La 59~ La = : en • n :-: ~ ~ PERCH LB ~ FILLETS ~ 69 :III SHRIMP$7 ~ SHELL ON 26.30 COUNT LB :l~~~'lt ~ $2 CASING HOT DOGS FAYGO i 49 i La. 2 LITER PLASTIC VARIOUS FLAVORS ~9~ ~p" ~ ~ _ !:JIII ... = & BRICOUT • MUMMS • KORBEL • Thc POinte PI.17<l"hoppll1g center ,1Ild olllce comple\ \\ III he a major Improvement !O Ihe 1'v1.ld, A \ enUl' ,lIld Moro"" MC" \\ hcn cOlllpkled In the me,lnlmK'. \\C ,1151 John HO"pll,t1 ,1Ild l\kdIC,11 ('enler .Ire domg our he"l to make p.lrkmg more lorn ('menl lor ;.-OU11;.• Reducing parkl11g tee to .I 1l.11:-,I I ('gal dk ..." of linH' i" Ihe ea"'! 101and \w 1 p,1I klllg deck (Fn'l' pdrklllL; ,lVa11abk behllld ho ...\lIlal ) • Oflcring free vakl "erVICl' "'I'W" day.....I \\('('k Mam ho ...pilaJ ('''11 ,mn q a III q P III PIO!t'........ IOll,tl Building -; ,I III 7 p III (S I parking fel' appll('''' ) • ~JlIfling ~Ollll' l'lllpJo~c(' IMrking 10 an d1t('l1td\(' <"11(' Illa"k YO\l for \ 0111' palwnu we work to IlIrn ...hoJ11('nll b('r)('fih a"d \ 0,,1 lilliI'd 111101l\'('n)('I1('(''' "\lp]1(111 ,I" long !CIIIl ml0 For 1ll0lt' lIlfOrnl,I!lon <lboll! IMrhlnL; OpII01\"', \ <l1111H '-,1 .John Phy"'ICl,lIl Referral ,1Ild Inlolnl,lllo" '-,1'I"\ICl ,II I.f!()O-237-')()lf), \1011 . 1"11, W{O am SPill St.[,] HO"'pII.II,lI111 \ledlCdl John c.. t'nlt'l VJ~ 777-8570 HAPPY a: • I I No Appointment NeCeSSary: I J August 24, 1989 NtM/4 16A Grosse Pointe News Lucille Wertz dies after donating $3 million to aid cancer patients Three days after Grosse Pomte Farms resident Lucille Wertz pledged $:-3 milhon to Harper Hospital for the fight agamst cancer, the dIsease claImed her !lfe Mrs Wertz died Monday, Aug 21 at Harper Hospital 10 Detrmt A memonal service for Mrs Wertz WIll be held today, Thurs day, Aug 24, at 8t Pa~l Cathahc Chmch, Grosse Pomte Farms BurIal Will be In Holy Sepulchre Cemetery, Southfield Memonul contributIOns may be made to the Boys and GIrls Clubs of Southeaste;n Michigan Mrs Wertz's generous gtft to Harper HospItal befO!e her death \\ as made m her name and 10 that of her late husband, VIC Wertz, toward efforts to advance the chnlcal care achvitles of Harpel HospItal 10 The Detrmt Medical Center In recogmtlOn of her gtft, plans call for the reahgnment of certam aspects of the hospital's cancer programs to be relocated to an eXlstmg faclhty wlthm the hospital complex. It Will be known as the Lucille and Vic Wertz Clmical Cancer Care Center Her gtft Will help to reorganize the hospital's resoW'Ces, enabling many more patients to be see on an outpatient basis and allOWing greater access to cancer treatment Mrs Wertz was preSident of the VIC Wertz Distribution founded by her husband and her m 1955 She succeeded her husband, the former Detroit TIgers outfielder, up death m 1983 Long active In CIVICand charitable causes, both Lucille and VIC Wertz had been honored many times for their volunteer leadership positions. The annual VIC Wertz Memorial Golf Outmg, which began in 1980 and of both VIC and me We alwayb \\ anted to gt ve back to the peo pIe of thiS community who con tnbuted to our hvelihood and made ow' hves speCial FIghtmg cancer a ulllvelsal dl&Case IS one of the ways I've cho&Cnto do &0 I hope that thiS gtft Will make a real difference III peo ple'& hves" Cancel' speCialist Dr Vamutlb K ValtkeviclUs, who SCIyes a& chief of the Depmtment of Medl cllle at Harper Grace HospItal!:> and phySICian m chtef of the De tlO1t Medical Center, Said, "It touches me deeply that MI S Weltl made thiS outstandmg gift Her generosity will be mva luable III our efforts to CI adlcate cancel which Mrs Weltz was chair, raised more than $1 4 1l1llhon over the last ten yell! s for the Boys and Girls Clubs of South eastern Michigan Among her other CIVICcommit ments, Mrs Wertz wa& a boald member of Michigan Opel a The atre, the Detroit HlstOilcal SOCIety, the NatIOnal conference of Christians and Jews, and the Michigan Cancer FoundatIOn She also chaired the Fanllly Art Game annual magazine pi 0motIOn for the DetrOIt In~tltute of Arts for fom years One of the many IecogllltlOns she received was Gov James Blanch81 d's Cltmg her, m 1987, as one of the top 50 women bUSiness ownel s for Out "Ide BU"lne"" A,chlPvP ment Honors When she made hel gift to Harper Hospital, she had saId "The metropolitan Detl'Olt community has meant much to STUDENT SPECIAL Lucille -PACKAGE Wertz INCLUDES- HARDWOOD FRAME, 6" COTION FUTON, WASHABLE COVER Farms buys new firefighting clothing GREAT FOR By Dan Jarvis SIaN Wnter The Grosse Pomte Farms council approved the pmchase of new firefighting clothing Aug 14 Lt Arthm Turner said the city has ordered newly styled bunker coats and helmets, not only to meet new reqUirements of the US Department of Labor, but to protect firefighters A 10\\ bid of $3,710 for 11 coats, 11 helmets and one pair of bunker boots by the Apollo Fire EqUipment Co was accepted by the council. Turner saId the current over. coats are made of an oil-derivative plastic matenal WhiCh, when exposed to high heat, can transmIt heat and cause burns. The new coats, made of cotton and coated With a fire-retardant material, are much the same as War Memorial announces annual summer closing The War MemOrial Will be of the War MemOrial's Septem closed to the public Sunday, berlOctober calendar of events Aug 27 through Monday, Sept Regtstratlons and tIcket sales 4, for refurblshlllg The faclhty dUring clOSing Will be handled will reopen at 9 am, Tuesday, by mall Sept 5, With a new calendar of The War MemOrial IS located classes, workshops, lectures, at 32 Lakeshore Road, Grosse triPS and speCIal events Pomte Farms The center, which The War MemOrial staff uses IS housed m the former home of the annual c10smg to make nec. the Russell A Alger Jr famdy, essar)' repairs and for a thor- has served the civic, cultural and ough top-ta-bottom cleamng of educatlOnal needs of the Grosse the hlstonc Alger House and Pomte community since 1949 in lrie~1 lllk ~..... ~ ;;;. _ h.onor o~ those Grosse Pomters \........n g ...ell lib~ '191\9. .BUlI~~ 'tha::._.oount.~ m-holds ~ 9ro. Porp.te schoOf~dr1d War'n, Korea and VietdIatri~r~' Be trecelving copies'" nam G Lloyd A Semple, thall 111<111 01 Hal PCI GI dW l!o",plt,d.., bom u of tlubtee.':>,"did, "[t h I ,It e mdeed that \\e me pllvllegl'd 10 Wltlle.':>" &uch J &elfle..,'"<It'l11on..,t I dtlOll of an mdlvluual'.., (()11111111I11ent to her COllll11l1l11ty, alld 10 human kllld LlIcJllp Wl'lt/'" plJlI'1ll thropy ,md VI ...IOII Illlllg ,I j.{lcat deal 01 hop<' to 111,1t1\ pl'tlple" The pi ebldelll 01 Tht' Detlolt Medlc,1! ('enll'l, J(N'ph L Hud &on Jl , ,Id<led . Lu'.., genelO-"lty IS an (':>.tlt'lltely "lglllfildllt l<lta lYbt to OUI ('110l h to move the Det! OIt Medll.1l Celltl'I'& ldnCl'1 ad IVIlie... to a ..,lJlI higher pld teau Words l<lll (111) beglll to expleb;, OUI ,lppleLl<ltlOlI but the unpatt of hel gilt wlll be felt by mdn~ (01 y('dl'" lu lOI11(' " ~L the ones \\101'0 by race cal dJ IV ers, Turner said Even III a flame-flash SituatIOn, the &U1ts are deSigned to resIst heat and ofrer a greater level of safety fOl firefighters The helmets used now by fil e fighters have alummum blackets and metal rivets whIch can transmit heat III flashover sltua tlOns The new helmets have no metal rivets or brackets and hke the coats, prOVIde greatel safety for firefighters Flashovers, Tumer saId, often occur when an unventilated room IS opened and the rush of oxygen entering the room causes the fire to flash The flames htel ally Implodes, then explodes out ward - shooting a wall of flame out the opening TUIner bald oyel the year" ,>cyeral Ji1l'fightcl b ha I'e been burncd h om flc1bhovelb, ,;onw Ie eel \'mg bUined edl S ..md e:>.t!eml tlC~ He s,lld the new eqUIpment \\ ill not only help to aVOIdburns, It will save 11\e.':> One manufactUlll1g changc af fectmg fil efightel" o\'el the past fe\\ decade" IS mCIed.':>edu"e of &ynthetlc matellal 111 carpets, dl ape.':>and flll'nltme When Ig Illted, many synthetICS emit tOXICfumes and can cause severe lung damage or even death Last yem, the cIty bought several self contamed breathmg Ulllts to guard agamst mhaled to:>'IC pOisonmg TUIner added that the Clt" will bu'v mOle breathlllg m,l"k.., 111 the lutllle as the need al Iseb COLLEGE ROOMS Twin . .. $249 Full . .. $299 Queen ... $339 OTHER IN.STORE HURRY, SALE ENUS LABOR DAY WEEKEND! SPECIALS The futon fl ame that goes to Sthool DU1Il1!( the d,n d seal It's tOI ~t lid \ "'e~"'lOn~, leal nmg At l1lghl It LOI1\ el h d 101I lh~h flom The Convertible, II Ith Its multIple Ih(" .Il1d ,( IIIdy IS the perfect 311;'11 el for dOl III 100111' 01 ,1lI.11I of hIgher chall to bed canst! uctJon, F;;1!#i;fF+ nif 306 S. MAIN • ROYAL OAK • 548-4422 OPEN & lues Man 106 Wed & Fn 10-9 Sat 106 Sun 1 5 HURRY •••ONLY 4 DAYS LEFT! -EVERYTHING ON SALE •• 12Gf,tO 50% OFF! i BECKWITH EVANS 180 DAY QftftI-/OCEATIFICATE ANNUAL • MINIMUM DEPOSIT $10,000 • RATES OFFERED FOR A LIMITED TIME • 1/4% bonus rate available with an additional account REPUBLIC SANK •.E• 3 ~ ..III•••••••••••••••• -- MEMBER FDIC FARMS BLOOMFIELD HILLS 18720 MACK AVENUE 1700 N. WOODWARD 882.6400 258.5300 GROSSE POINTE PJJgust has traditIonally been a slow month for carpet sales. But since Beckwith Evans Introduced AUGUST OPPORTUNITY DAYS, the opposite is true. That's because smart carpet shoppers have had the opportunity to save on some great bargains. YOUR opportunity had finally arnved but it all ends Saturday, August 26th at 6 pm. SO HURRY! Free Bank Parking off of Kerby Road Certain restncllons apply - Substantial penalty for early withdrawal SAVE 30%' LEES STUNNING SAVE 33%1 BIGELOW'S 'TRACKLESS' SAXONY TAILORED PWSH ~'s~:.~I~~~~~ a C.. I,hedn S" carpel 30 om"l.. suoerb cdoors V rtUiI ~ shONS 00 Ioo!onnts Of trat1lC marks ReO S2999rSI DISCOVER BELLINI $2099 II add' up to gre31 ~a ue..ln lO~S~~~~s ",0 l'U~ Beg :>,,J.::l':::l )l ''Q 'fll Ins'l RICH $1599 •• yd III" SAVE 31"101 KARASTAN SAVE 29%1 CABIN CRAFTS SAVE32%1 CORO~ET'S STYLISH GLAMOROUS PWSH HEAVY CUT '1' LOOP WXURY PWSH ,neSoi:ulpluredcaTtltI01 Mo"Mltl\\\'.> IJdte<l "J'<>I w'f1 Locl;t!1 ~rlsta." prell!< tU'i\JfiN<;, $11" ""COOocto'18"""'w n; ~ 5,199 ns1 $1499... ~ IOil\o~ \VD ,~ lr)" 1'0 Iflsl s' r, ?" Ka P f !~It'l iI p .. r ~" l.v '> C(t'~" "" ..,( DEEP $18~,~ SAVE 28%1 LEES OUTSTANDI~G TEXTURED PWSH $22U fII!IINANT CLEARANCE c.r ._ c.... and ....... owertoIIC:*l wllh '**' E.cll1llCl.-y ~ ,... Original P'lCIt Now reduced eYen further WIll EECTION OFNO WAXVINYL _ .. Wlln TUSATSPlClALSALEPRlCESI carpel rem. SIve 12%10 504Ml on our en1lre hilt IJP Irom Armstrong Manr\lllgton, Congo!eum, Tarl<fll1, Narco Kenhle and morp ahedy reducad by 20"101040% by lS% 20%. Bellini offers European crafted baby and children's furniture unique bedding and accessorres, and prOVides outstanding quality and deSign MIl ~ MOIl .. - OBECkwiylt -...._- .... " ..... ........ IIf!C.,.-l .. "",,-0,., lor ,..., ... "rflll'HM II'4 ... 1875 S. Wood~ard. Birmingham. 1 block nonh of 14 Mile saw now 8IIaw 0eaIef Costl _EVANS fru _ ~lIIice-C.n Collect (J' J) 585 7000 • • • • • • • • TRor 1IAR[nOUS[ PIT ASAI'lT IUII<;[ CllI'lTO!'! T01lI'lSn,r R[OTORD Dr ARBOR!'! "[lGnTS lIVO~IA TAnOR ~I U AIR ~nORr~ FORCOMMERCIALlNSTUlAr'ON9 STOR[ lOURS: on Instan8tlOl\. 190 r I'ldplr ll<l 24141 '8~ 1000 H11100 191 1110 H8 J9S0 1141990 U16800 18118~O WOO<lw"d H910G"llol 11001 il 8 '1,1< Rd 14410 rord Rd l~liS Plymoulh Rd lI011 [ureM ll<l nOlo ~d' ~ ~" CALL OURCONTR~C"I I'tONOAYTRIOAY 10 am 10 9 pm tool 1188fiRb OEPr 51~ 7000 .,ATUROAY 10 am to 6 pm "~NOAY Noon 10 5 pm _______ 4_.""._."'"....._."'"4_0 4 ... •• """ .... ","4-4_4","4 0 ... 4-_ ..... _4_ ....... _._ ..__ ._ .......... ---.-_"--' -.- ... ~ .. -..~-~ .. - ..~. -.~. ~.~. ----- .................. -..- ..--~ ...- ... - ... ~ ...- ... - .. ~ .. August 24, 1989 17A Grosse Pointe News Dog training classes to begin ---The St ClaIr Shores Recreahon Department Will begin dog trulmng classes Wednesday, Aug 30 at the St Clau Shores CIVIC Arena, 20000 Stephens, J94 and 9 Mile Clabses are eight weeks, one how' per week, for $45. Pre-regIbtratlOn IS preferred, but regis tratlOn Will be held the day of the class Beginners Obedience IS for any breed of dog at least 4 monthb or older With parvo and distemper shots If the dog IS more than 6 months old, proof of rabieS vaccmatlOn WIll be re- Cameras lead to detaining of three teens-----\ qUlred. There will be twu c1Ui'>l>Ch The i'>urvelIJance tamera!> III 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. Ghesqulre Park led to the arn."t Intermediate Advanced 01 three teenagers Aug 14, with Obedience will be at 8 p m. for pohblble charges of malldous de dogs with at least eight weeks of htructlOn of property and posse!> begmners tralOmg !>lOnof mdllJuana pendmg Conformation Show HandThe mCldent occuned at 11 10 ling IS for AKC purebled dogs p m when the dispatcher at the only, at least 8 weeks or older Woods pohte 8t..ltIOn adJawnt tv Class will be otTered at 6 30 p m the park !>potted four youths m only in Mount Clemenh at Rag- the gazebo One of the youth,>, d gedy Anne's. female, was been tarvmg !>Orne For more mformatlOn, call thmg mto the gazebo 445-5340 or JIl!>tructor Anne An mvesltgatlng olIicer found Dunn at 463-6100 the youth,;, thl ee 15 year.old." and a Hi year old, at the gazebo dJ1d !>aw a girl carvmg some. thmg mto d raJlmg on the gaz ebo Clo'>el exammatlOn "hawed the girl hud carved her lmtlUls mto the wood The gill "aid "he ubed a btone to Cdrve her mltlal!>, but .,he told pohce !>he didn't thmk bhe wal. dOlllg anythmg' wrong smce the gatebo I allmg WdS already pi pUy well defacf'd A 16 year old boy wa" told to go on hiS way and the remammg ~'1rl and two boys were taken to the police statIOn Once at the station, all three were Cited for VIOlating the curfew The gIrl, a Woods reSIdent, wab told a detective WIll get in touch WIth her concernmg a pasSIble charge of malicIOUS destructlOn of property. One of the boys, a Harper Woods reSIdent, was searched prior to being detained In a conference room, and was found m of less than 1/2 ounce of suspected marijuana. He also had a hashish pipe, accordmg to pohce reports. He was told detectives will be calling concernmg a charge of violating controlled substances laws. The other boy was from St. Clarr Shores The three youths were turned over to their parents. posBe88lOn Polish artists sought The Flwnds of Pohsh Art In conjunction With the Orchard Lake Schools Galena, IS sponsor109 the fourth annual RIchard Kubmskl Alt CompetitIon to be held m October. Altl!>ts of Poh"h descent who were bol n m MIchigan or are CUrtent IeSldents of the state are eligible Only work ongmal m concept and executIOn will be ac cepted Adult pJOfesslOnal or amateur artist entl)' fee IS $10 Make check payable to Fnends of Pol ish Art There IS no fee for stu dent artists Works will be accepted Satur day, Sept 23, from 10 a m to 3 p m at the school, 3535 Indian Trail, Olchard Lake Awards are $500 for profesSIOnal, amateur $250; and student $100 There wl1l be three honorable mentIOns m each category FOI mformatlOn, call Manan Owczarski at 683.0425 or 6830345 after 6 p m Save 38% and more on all Thomasville floor samples! " t Farms woman's purse snatched A 71 year old Grosse POinte Farms woman's purse was snatched from a shoppmg cart m the parkmg lot at Mack and Mo- ross last week ~ -The woman was loadmg grocenes mto the trunk of her car from a shoppmg cart when she was approached by a stranger. As she went to grab her purse out of the cart, the man saId, "No, you don't" and pushed the woman to the ground The man fled east through the alley and was last seen at Manor Avenue Farms man, 18, faces felonious assault charge An 18-year-old Grosse Pomte Farms man was arraigned on a felomous assault charge last week after he allegedly pulled a SWItch-blade kmfe on a 10-yearold MUniCipal Judge Matthew Rumora entered an mnocent plea on behalf of Stephen Enghsh Gove of Cloverly Road Aug. 17 on a charge of felomous assault According to pohce reports, two Farms boys, ages 10 and 11, were ndmg theIr bIkes north on Belanger near WIlliams at about 7 pm Aug 16 when they heard a car acceleratmg behmd them The boys turned around and saw the car apparently trying to hIt the ll.year-old and almost succeeded The 10-year-old told pohce that as the car raced by, the man m the passenger seat, Gove, stuck hIS arm out the window of the car and waved a switch-blade type kmfe If the lO-year-old hadn't have leaned away from the knife, he would have been cut, the boy told police. As the boys were relating the mCldent to police, the suspects' car went by and the boys pointed out the vehicle to the officers. The maroon statIon wagon was stopped and the driver and passenger were ordered to get out. One officer saw a switchblade knife under the pas.'lenger seat near the door. Both men were placed under arrest. The dnver of the car was released while Gove was charged with felonious assault. Gove was released after paying 10 percent of the $10,000 bond. A preliminary exam is scheduled for Aug. 23 before Rumora. - John Mlnnls -.-.-.--- OUR THOMASVILLE GALLERY IS MOVING from our Grosse Pointe Farms store to our new location in Grosse Pointe Woods, and every floor sample must be sold. Floor samples are reduced at least 38~ You']] find bedroom and dining room groups from all collections including Fisher Park, Collector's Cherry and American Oak. And our complete selection of Thomasville upholstered pieces are also reduced. Get there early for best selection! ONLY AT OUR GROSSE POINTE FARMS LOCATION! 18850 Mack Avenue • 886 ..5200 Open dally 9 30.5 30 • Mon Thurs Fn til 9pm • Closed Sunday • Use your VIsa Mastercard DIscover Card or SCott s Charge - John Mmnr.s o 18A lillie Vhay Munsch F\1ll<'I,11 "l.'1\ Il'('o., Ill! LIIII(' \'h,1\ l\hlll"l'h l'lH fOlIlWlly 01 l;lo-."l.' POllitt' \\ ('!t' 1ll'ld MOll d \\ Au~ 14 ,It till' (;t'1Hklllalik ,md St'bold F\1IWI,11I {Ollll' 'll'\\ HaltllI101(', \\\th tl1l' Hl'\ D,\le H ))(',UI1-. Ol1ill.lI\Il~ I\h -. I\lul1-'l h dll'd Fl \(1.1\, .\u~ 11 19P,~1.1\ t Ill' Bon St.' COUI' NlIl-'ll1~ C,Il(, ('t'nll'I, Sl l '1.1\I Shol ('-. SIll' \\.1-' ,I !-.'l.HI\1,lII' of \\",\\ ll(, 8t,ll(, l'nl\'l'I-.I!\ ,\Ild .1 1lll'IllhPI (,I t lw \ \ph.1 ))l'It.1 h..\PfJ.1 '\'u -'0 Halma La~k(}\\skl, and thlee !-(llIllllthlldll'n SIll' w.u; predeceased by her hu"u,llId, 01111 Hamhn, and blOthel:>, HedwlK and Zlgmund l'll'matlOn wa" III FOiest I ,1\\ n Cenwtel y Dell OIt AII.Ul!-(ellll'nt" \\ el e made b) the Chao., \'ellll'yden Funeral HO\lll" GIO:...o.,('POII\ll' 1\11 k ;\1t'lIllltIllI uJntnout IOn.; llIay Ilt.' m.ldl' to the Capuchin Monas tl'n, 1740 Mount Elliot. DetrOit, \lldl Florence Marie King I 01 It \ She \1,1-' .1 tP,ll hl'l III till' I{Il-'P \ 11k Communlt \ "d\(~,J 1>1-.1lIt! Il'l II 1II~ In Illl;;, \11-. ~1l!1l-.(h \' 'lIl\I\I'd b\ .J (LHlghtl'l Fdn I \ 1'1 hkout !\10 C:I.1I1ddli1dl,'n ,llld t Ill! I ~11',l1 t..:"1 ,1I1ddllldlI'll ::--Ill \\ .1' pI l 1)\ .\ d,dl 'ht,'l \ \ l .I-'lll (It'" hu-.h.lI\d Loul' Il\ bl'l 141i1 and \Lu \ 1'1.11 hl\\ III I I lntllllwllt \\.1' l' ('t'nll'l"1 \ III l'lllltlln \Ioullt Cll' (,Illl 1111'11' \!t'nlllll.t1 lontllbutlOlh m.IY luthel\m B,JltIIllOIl' Ill' III Hit' III ';1 John Chllllh '\1'\\ J, Mildred August 24, 1969 Grosse Pointe News McPharlin FUlll'1dl ,*'1 \ Ice" 101 FIOIenee :\LIIIl' KlIIg 93, OfGlos~ Pomte \\00..1-., \\ell' held Wednesday, \llg Hi <It the Chas Vel heyden Flllll'l,\I Home Grosse Pomte P.I! h. \!J-. h.lllg dIed Sunday, Aug I l I ~t'~ m Hm pel \\ ood;, She \\ ,1' bOi n III Det! OIt SIll' \\ a" a homemaker SUI\ 1\ 01::. Include daughtel;', ;\1,I! g,\! et M Klll'se and Mary Ann Condlllo, a ;,on, Edw.u d D ,h, 14 gJandehJldt en, and 10 gl eat grandchildren I\lrs Kmg was pledeceased by hel hu;,band, Dr Edward D, and a son, John Gi'l ard Interment was m Mount Olivet Cemetely, DetrOIt rUIll'I.11 o.,PI \ Ill" fOi 1\111dl ('d J :\lcPh,1I11l1 H3 of GlU-..:;ePOll1te \\ ood-., \\ I'll' held 1\ll'''da\ <\ug Dorothy M. Hollidge 22 .\t Ow LHh Stal of the Sea A memorial 8e1vIce fm Doro C.lt holtL (,hm ch Gro-..:;e Pomte tIn ;\1 Sn) del Hohdge, 74, fOl Wood-. lI1elh of GlOo.,sePomte, was held :\11-. :\!cPh<ll!In (!led Saturda\', Tuesdu), Aug 14 at Grosse Aug 19 1989 at St John Hospl Pomte U IlIted Methodl;,t Church Idl DpIIOIt She lid;' bOlI1 111 De 1\11.. Hoilldge died Fnday, tl011 AlIg 11 1989 at St John Hospl She \\ ,\'; a homemakel SUI\ 1\ 01;' mdude hel h\l:> tal 111 DetlOlt She "ttended AlbIOn College band Leo J ,I daughh'I, ChI I!> .md Wayne State Umvelslty and IlIW RanclllO blOthel-., Malcolm belonged to the Kappa Delt.I so and Thoma-. .Jnd t\\O gtandchIl 1001t) She w"s also a membel of dJen the Umted Methodist Women's She \Ia-. pledecea~d b\ hel SOClet\ and the Salvation Al'my hi othelo., In m dnd Russell BUlldl \Hl;" In Mount Oh\ et A U ....I 11al\ 1\11 s HollJdge IS SUIvlved by Cemetel1, Detwlt her husband, Kenneth B Sr, a A.lTangement-. made by the daughtel, Cat all' Sussex, sons, Chas Verheyden Funel al Home, Kenneth B JI, CI alg E and Grosse Pomt-e Pm h. Gal' A, a sl;,tel, Mal gal et May nmd, 13 gJandchlldten, and two Jennie Pesick gJ eat gra ndch 11dlen Entombment \\ as 111 'Wl1lte A memOl wi "l'1\ Ice for Jenl1le WUJuk Peslck, 76, of GIO%e Chapel Cemetery , 1\'oy All angement~ made by the Pomte Park, was held Monday, Cha~ Velheyden Funel"al Home, Aug 21 at St Clare of Monte Gl o!>~ePointe Park falco Catho1lc ChUl ch, Glosse MemOl!al conti IbutlOns may Pomte Palk Mrs Peslck dIed Thw ;,da) , be made to the Grosse Pomte UIlIted Methodl~t Chm ch at the Aug 17, 1989 at the Cottage Amellcan C.Incer SocIety Belmont Nursmg Home, Hal pel Woods She was bOln m Poland She attended the UI1IVel"lt) of Howard A. Easterman Mlthlgan, DearbOln campu;" Funeral services for Howard whel e she studied bU~lIIl:'sS 76, of Grosse ~h;, Pe"llk \1 ...0., <III e.... ecutl\ e A Easterman, secl etal') fOl the AC Delco DIVl Pomte Pal k, were held Satur day, Aug 19 at the Chas. Vel' slOn of G€nel al MotOl.., heyden Funel al Home, Grosse She \Vas pa"t pI eSldent of the NatIOnal Seu et,lI \es As,;oc13tlOn Pomte Park MI' Easterman dIed Wednes and the (;('nel,,1 Motol" Wom day, Aug 16, 1989 at Bon Se. en's Club and \\ 1-' an e'{ecutl\e "eCIet<ln \\ Ith lhl' PolISh AId cour!> Ho~pltal, Grosse Pomte CIty He wa;, born m Detroit Socletv He wa" a graduate of South. Sill 1'1\ 01 0., lIltlllde her daugh edstel n HIgh School tel C'hll..,tle \\'11'1k" ,I ..Istel, B He \\ as ~If employed aftI'I forrmng IllS 0\\ n wurehou;,lIlg uusllless MI Enstel man was a membel 01 the Grosse Pomte CIISIS Club, the Elks and the Amellcan WUlehousmg ASSOCIation He IS sm \'Ived by hIS Wife of 51 ) eat s, Beatnce M , daughters, .JudIth Jones and Janet Nunk, and fiw gJ'undclllldl en Entombment was 1ll WhIte Chapel Cemetely, Troy MemOl1l11 contnbutlOns may bt' made to the Amellcan Cancer MemOl1ll1 contnbutlOns may be made to the Evans Scholar shIp Fund do the L C Flledel' Ichs and Son FunelUl Home, 214 11umbull 8t, St Clmr, Mlch 48079 Barbara J. Wellman A memonul sel vIce for Bar bala J Wellman, 71, of Grosse Pomte Farms, wus held Wednes day, Aug. 16 at the GlO;,se Pomte MemOrial Church, GlOSse Pomte Farms SocJet\ MIS Wellman died Sunday, Aug 13, 1989 at Bon SecOUIS Hospital m Grosse Pomte City Jesse P. Bernard She was born in DebOlt Ml S Wellman was a teacher A memOrial service for Jesse m the DetrOit Public Schools P Bernard, 87, of Grosse Pomte She IS survIVed by hel hus Pal k, was held Tuesday, Aug 22 band, George S, three sons, at Glosse Pomte MemOrial (;('orge R , James and Thomas; a C'hUll'h, (;ro".:;e Pomte Farms Illece, and four grandchildren MI;, Belndld dIed Saturday, CrematIOn was III Forest Aug 19, 1989 m Grosse Pomte Lawn Cemetery, Detlolt Park She as born m Lambton An angements wel I' made by County, OntarIO She wa:> a graduate of the the Chas Verheyden Funelul Ul1lverslty of Toronto and the Home, Grosse Pomte Park MemOrial contllbutlOns may School of NUlsmg at Harper be made to the MIchigan Cancer Hospital She was the admllustl ator of Foundation Cottage HospItal m Grosse Pomte Fal ms from 1925 until 1945 Richard P, Connolly She was a board member of the MIchigan Hospital Assocla tlon, a member of the Grosse Sel'Vlces Well' held Wednes Pomte MemOrial Church Worn. day, Aug 23 at St Paul Church en's AssociatIOn, the American for RIchard P Connolly, 36, for. Cancer SocIety, the MIchigan merly of Grosse Pomte CIty Cancer FoundatIOn and the Cot. Connolly dIed Aug 19, 1989 at tage Ho;,pltal HospIce Program Detroit OsteopathIc Hospital in She was also a membel of the HIghland Park He was born m PhI Beta PhI sorority, the GlOsse DetrOit Pomte G3I den Club, preSident of He graduated from Grosse the Colony Town Club and a Pomte South Hlgh School, member of the Cancer Loan earned a bachelor of arts degree Closet Club from Georgetown Umvelslty, a Mrs Bernard was honored m JurlS doctorate from the Umver. 1986 by the MichIgan Cancer slty of DetrOIt Law School and a FoundatIOn WIth the estabhsh. master's degree m labor law ment of the Jesse P Bern31 d from Georgetown Law Center Restricted Fund to benefit needy He was a trial attorney for the cancer patients NatIOnal Labor RelatIOns Board She IS survIVed by her hus. He IS survIved by hIS father, band, Dr Walter G Bernard, a Walter Connolly Sr, a Sister, daughter, Susan A Bernard, and Geraldine Conway, three broth. granddaughters, Vlkl and LIsa ers, Walter Jr, Wilham and Mt. Interment was m the Grosse chael, and his maternal grand. Pomte MemOrial Church Colum mother, Mrs WIlham RIOrdan barium He was predeceased by hIS Arrangements were made by mother, Anne R Connolly the Chas Verheyden Funeral Arrangements were made by Home. _, . the Chas Verheyden Funeral MemOrial contributIOns may Home of Grosse Pomte Park be made to the Jesse P. Bernard The body was cremated Rest Fund do the MIchIgan L Memonal contributions can be Cancer FoundatIOn made to Holy Trimty Church or Duns Scotus Picnic for lifesavers From left are Carol Karlsted. Don Emery and Grosse Pointe Park resident Dr, Lyle Sensenbrenner. director of the bone marrow transplant program at Harper Hospital. Re. cently a number of marrow donors and recipients were treated to a picnic at Harper Hospital. Carol donated bone marrow to her brother Don during hls bout with leukemia. 1#8;g Value 1# Motor Oil All NtttJOOat Brands 30w Non lHttergent .79 plus tax H.G. "Buss" Smith H.G "Buss" SmIth, 71, of St ClaIr, formerly of Grosse Pointe Shores, died Saturday, Aug 20, 1989 m RIver District Hospital, St ClaIr Mr SmIth owned the Kmg. SmIth Company of DetrOIt He was a hfehme member of the Lochmoor Country Club SurvIVors mclude hIS Wife, A Jean, sons, Fred, James and Kenneth, a SIster, and two grandsons The body was cremated TDTALF Cigarette 3 Packs perquMf SURGEON GENERAL S WARNING £lulling SmoIrmg Now C",_fty RtIduc.$ $ertOWs",s~s to YOtl HdltJrh This number could save your life. plus t.x Explrf's 82989 Exp"es Coke 12 Pack 12 oz. Cans 1-800-4-CANCER The Cancer In/omlallon Service '~.59 ./ plu:> depOSIt GMAT/LSAT prep courses EXPfres 8-29.8! PepsiS Pack Hostess Twinkies ~ Liter Bottles Individually Wrapped • reasonable tUition GMAT $150 LSAT $165 4 For a\l matenals Included free retake policy convenient class schedule well-qualified faculty 18 hrs classroom instruction math refresher course - GMAT only (optional) $45 DIVISIOn or Contlnumg ProfeSSIOnal EduacatlOnal BACK to SCHOOL SAVINGS! call 927.1026 Inli? _ 01 A BEANER 100/0 OFF . Cuslomcrall has 33 years experience as remodeling expel1SIn thiS area We plan your remodeling Job so It s deSign and cost Will be la110led to your IndiVidual needs We submll an exact quote wllh detailed wllnen speCifications, based on a custom and functIOnal deSign that WIllblend Wllh youl eXISllngarchitecture Cuslomcratt uses only lap grade malenals and the hIghest skIlled lradesmen all eyperts In the'f particular trade We supply you With customer references and ulge you to Inspect one of our completed lobs In your alea Our prolects have been fealUred In Better Homes & Gardens and ProfeSSional BUildel magazines • FAMILY ROOMS • DORMERS • ATTICS FINISHED • REC ROOMS • BAlliRooMS • KITCHENS • CUSTOM GARAGES AND DOORS ORIGINAL & Girls velcro DOCKSIDERS SAVE 10% OFF Navy & Brown DOCKStDERS BOYS' Be GIRLS' SAVE 10% BrOMl, Tan, VERFAILLES COSSE1TES SHOES 23515 _ -"" ..-t:. ........ •• ~:IC DISCOUNT TICKETS! Save $3.00 each on Adult Tickets "Where Fit is Our Concern" ~~!~~~!.FI+881.1024 Offers Available Throughout Detroit At Participating Locations - .. Exp,res 9-2.89 8 29 89 SAVE 100/0 OFF I Boys Exp"es Boys & Gills Penny & Tassel Boys & GIrts Campsldes DON'T TAKE A CHANCE. CALL A PROFESSIONAL Your Remodeling Planned by Experts VISIT OUR SHOWROOM 100 plus depOSIt REmODEL Thinking etH:h 8 2989 Expires • • • • • • 8 29.89 NINE MACK DR •• s.e.s. ~!u!~;.~ri~~~l ES ~5 n- k r'/C UP wour U l-'- J Jb.~,c/7 Bumper Sticker and g-J ,0 _ 0._"C,'7 Usten ~ To Win Great Prizes! 4A" , You get more when you make it to Total , August 24, 1989 19A Grosse Pointe News Women gather to honor Women's Equality Day " Women from all over the De. trOit area will gather on Aug. 25 26 to celebrate Women's Equality Day, an annual com. memoratIOn of the anmversary of women gaining the nght to vote The two day event Will be at the downtown campus of the Wayne County CommunIty College. The theme IS "Women. Workmg for Justice and Freedom For All " The event IS sponsored by the city of Detroit Human Rlghtb Department and Human RIKhts CommiSSIOn Maureen ReIlly, MIchigan Court of Appeals Judge, IS the keynote speaker for the leader This daguerrotype from 1839 is the first photograph ever to show a human being. Look closely and you'll see a man getting a shoe shine in the lower left corner of the picture. All other activity on this busy Paris street was moving far too quickly for the camera's very long exposure to depict. lSOth anniversary of photography In my column today, I'd like to provide some "food for thought" about the 150th anniversary of photography and what photogra phy means to us today. Let's be gm by steppmg backwards through time When we remember the VIet. nam War, photographIc Images Immediately form m our mmds ... perhaps the little gul fleeIng from the destructIon of napalm bombs or the hauntmg executIOn of the Vlet Cong guerilla We remember pictures of EIsenhower vIsiting our troops In Korea and, of course, we all re call the mspiring flag raising over Iwo Jima towards the end of World War II. ThInk back to World War I and what usually comes to mInd are soldIers m odd-shaped helmets huddlIng In hastIly dug trenches And who can reflect on the CIvil War Without recallmg the many dead sprawled over the now lovely hills of our eastern states? But think of the War-of 1812 or the RevolutIOnary War and what comes to mInd? PaIntings and drawings We can't relate as ~ell to these occasIOns because, of course, photography didn't then exist. Our backward Journey through time usmg Amenca's Involvement m wal as a yardstrck IS a good way to Illustrate the slgmfi cance of the photographic Image as thiS year we observe the 150th anniversary of photogl a phy For the pabt 150 years, photo gl'aphs have been used to m. form, inspu e, entertam or bhock us m ways that no other me drum could evel or ever Will be thlb mIlestone year for photogl aphy and Imagme how difficult and unsettlmg life would be Without photographs What else m the world today can evoke the emotiOns that a photograph can wlthout_ the use of a smgle word? J Monte able to do With photographs, we can travel to distant lands we can otherWIse only dream about Scenes can be etched m our mmds we would never have known about If It weren't for photography We are able to share speCIal moments With celebntles and athletes we can otherwise onlY' dr earn of meeting And we have mtlmately endured the sorrows of people Just lIke us who have lost ones m a plane crash or other disaster And all of thiS thlough the wonder of photogl'a phy Thmk for a moment dmmg Whether It's the well-known 1m age of John John salutmg a farewell at PreSident Kennedy's funel al 01 an old, tattered PICtUle of a favorite relative that has meanmg only to a few, photo l:,JTaphstouch us ways no other medIUm can And we as photographers can touch peopl.e"',ltoo We have theablhtv to make vlSlble what other~ can only sense We can move people and stu emotIOns m a way that IS truly umque Take a moment and appre elate how very fortunate we are to have photography play such a Vital !"OleIn our daIly lives - John MmnlS Volunteers from Wayne, Oakland, Macomb, Monroe, and Washtenaw counties are needed to answer phones and to take pledges for the Jerry LeWIS La bor Day Telethon Sunday, Sept 3 through Monday, Sept 4 More than 2,000 volunteers are needed to work five-hour shifts at 12 pledge centers throughout the metropolItan DetrOIt area Interested volunteers who are 18 years or older can reglster for a shIft at one of the followmg centers: Mount Clemens VFW, Mount Clemens, Guest Quarters SUIte Hotel, Troy; Eastland Mall, Harper Woods, WestIn Hotel, RenaIssance Center, DetrOIt, Alfred Shendan Commumty Center, Taylor, Marriott Hotel, Ann Arbor, Hyatt Regency Dearborn, Falrlane Town Center, Dearborn, Fnendly Ford, Mon. roe, HolIday Inn, Southfield; MerrIll Lynch Offices, Bloomfield HIlls, YpSIlanti Moose Lodge, YpsilantI, and the Sheraton Oaks, NOVI,by callIng 476.2920 The 24th annual Jerry LeWIS Labor Day Telethon for MD WIll be aired lIve for 22 hours on WJBK TV2 begmmng Sunday, at 8:30 p m and contInuing until 6 30 P m Monday Last year's Telethon raIsed $2,007,926 from the DetrOIt metropolitan area Telethon funds were used to support research proJects, chmes, summer camps and medIcal care for muscular dystl ophy patients m southeastel n Michigan Rock Event organIZers say that Women's Equahty Day IS essential m helpmg women to focus on their accomplIshments and to contmue the fight for equality "If It were not for the hard work of women, we would not be able to enJoy the freedoms we have today," saId Ruby Butts, event ch81rperson "However It scon B. Tisdale IS pleased to announce Ib essential that we contmue the fight" Butts added, "Women'b Equal Ity Day not only grves women an opportunity to refle<.t on the pa"t but motivates women to think about the future .. Other Women's Equality Day events Include a benes of work shops on vanous topIC" The top ICS are health concerns, welfare nghts Issues, women and labOl, CIVIl nghts Issue" and famIly support m the 1990s The cost of the luncheon IS $10 Workshops are $7 For both the cost IS $15 ChIld care facllttles are avail able A lImited number of scholarships also are avaIlable through the Human Rights Department For more mformatlOn, call the Human Rights Department at 224-4965. D.D.S. hiS association With Donald J. Fitzgibbon D.D.S. tor the practice of general dentistry 20254 Mack Avenue Grosse POinte Woods. Michigan Office Hours By AppOintment City 48236 Telephone (313) 882 1651 of<&rnsst tttnintt J1arkMiChigan ADVERTISEMENT FOR RE-ROOFING, ROOF REPAIRS SHEET METAL WORK AND CARPENTRY ON GROSSE POINTE PARK MUNICIPAL BUILDING Sealed bIds for the complete removal and replacement of the eXist mg LudOWICICeladon Spamsh Roof Tiles, roof repairs. sheet metal work and carpentry Will be receIved by the CIty of Grosse Pomte Park, MIchIgan at the office of the CIty Clerk m the MUniCIpal BUlldmg, 15115 East Jefferson Avenue up to and mcludmg August 31, 1989 at 1000 a m EST Bids Will be publicly opened dlld read aloud at that time SpeclficatlOns and bid proposals are available for qualIfied contI ac tors at the Department of Public SerVice, 15115 East Jeffel son A\ e nue, Grosse Pomte Park G P N 8/17/89 8/24/89 WHY MOVE IMPROVE! Call Leto Building Compan) Adult partiers flout police A group of adult partlers at a Grosse Pomte Woods home became uncontrollable after the homeowner apparently passed out Woods polIce responded to half a dozen loud party complaInts agaInst a home In the 1900 block of Roslyn Aug. 12. The officers first went to the home at 11.22 p.m and told the homeowner that there were complamts and that he would have to qUiet the party down, which he did. At 2'56 a m officers agam checked the address and thmgs were still qUIet At 3.29 a m., however, police respondmg to lenewed COniplamts found the mUSIC at the home was so loud It could be heard on Mack Avenue When the officers arrived, a man and woman were playmg basketball and there was loud sInging and dancmg gOIng on mside the home As the officers approached, the adults went Into the home and shut the doors A man came out on the front porch when the officers asked to speak to the homeowner The unknown guest told polIce, "He <the homeowner) IS sleepmg and I'm not going to wake him up." The guest refused to show police any indentIficatlOn and went mto the house and locked the door. He then yelled out a wmdow, "If you have a problem and want to talk to the homeowner, you can SIt out there all night and walt for him to wake up " Those in the house then turned off all the music and the lights. The matter has been turned over to the city attorney for pos. sible action. Nagh.'r MD telethon needs volunteers 'lhlp and awards breakfast on Friday, Aug 25, at 7'45 b.d) Durmg the breakfast, awards will be presented to several women for outstanding achIevements In theIr profeSSIOn and for their commumty servIce. The cost of the breakfast is $15. The conference contmues on Saturday, Aug. 26 from 9 a m to 2 p.m Luncheon speaker IS Lottie Shackelford, former mayor of Little Rock, Arkansas and pres ently a city director for Little What's so the Grosse POllltes for o,'er 30 yellrs 5er;.lfllg 882.3222 You deal directly With the owner Free DeSign service ADDITIONS • DORMERS • FAMILY ROOMS • KITCHENS • ROOFING AND SIDING .. -. .-£eto J . r"""1 special about our diabetes specialists? BUILDING CO. Sill( e 1911 Are you getting the diabetes care you really need? At the Henry Ford Medical CenterGrosse POinte Farms, we know that the nght speCIalist can make the difference between liVing With diabetes-and being limited by it Cultural Center School of Dance Division of Our Center for Diabetes Care offers a team of speCialists, headed by an endocrinologist, prOViding total care of diabetes mellitus These speCialists Will meet With you indiVidually to teach you how to control olaoetes through diet exercise and medication Rochester School of Ballet CorJ'lelia Sampson, Fall Registration Dates Fri., Sept. 15th, 5-9 p.m. Sat., Sept. 16th, 10-4 p.m. Director All Beginning thru Advanced Classes 1 to 11/2 hours long A team approach IndiVidual education Personalized care That's what makes our speCialists so speCial For more information on the Center for Diabetes Care, or for a list of our other speCialty serVIces call 882.7900 Ball.t • POInt •• Ion 8eglnnlnR • lntnmrdlo1tf Ad .. nced l.v.l_ • Adull. '" Ch,ld,.n Pre Ballet and C, .. llv, Mo,\"mfnl 4 6 Y~iUi of .1St" n. !fom. of Oakland r._ll»1 8aU., Comp.tny Annual Th. Rod'lNtil'f Medical Center Pf'rform.a.ncf'S mcludr full productIon of Nutcrack.r Ball.t P,erson Clime 131 Kercheval Ave Grosse POinte Farms, MI 48236 c;(~ool of 8.ll1lf'1 ~tudfnr~ ~.nf hot1-n ~lf(ltd IhH"U~h nallon...-.df al.ld"WM 10 aUtnd rr"!I~l"U' Cflm pan.,.. ~~(l(lls. .and s.ummf'r rr('l~r.lm\ Th~ h,1vt l"dudf'd ac(tpl.tnc~ .and Kh('lJar~hl'p\ 1('1 Tht ~tW YMk Cily 8.l11lf'1 ((I S 5<"'(,01 ~ Amtflc.an B.lllfl B('I!l-IOn Ro1llt' ~~()\ll 8 ...I1tl \\If'''' Tnf Ro~ .. l fhnJ,h R.. lltl And ,tit <.t'!lU!tO CltyO"lItt 882.7900 Diabetes Screening The Pierson CliniC IS offering diabetes screening Tuesdays and Fndays from 8 a m to noon through October 31 Screening Includes blood glucose and random cholesterol testing The cost IS $7 No aPPOintment IS needed The Italian Cultural Center 28111 Imperial • Warren • 48093 For Registration - Information, Call 751.2855 or 652.3117 • I .•-----August 24, 1989 Grosse Pointe News 20A 2 Surprise: Fox, Penn are great in 'Casualties of War' By Michael Chapp Special Writer There are t\\ 0 ,1~umpt IOn~ that "Casualtlt'~ of W.il" ,ld dresses and prO\'Cb fal'>(' 1\lthll1 mmutes of Its opemng CIl'dlb The tirst IS thdt thele I" !loth mg VIe\\ crs would le"b I ,1thl'l ..el' than yet another \\ ,II Illl)\ Il' about VIetnam Thl' "t'eond \" that MIchael J Fo\. l,lllilot Ill' behevable III smh d lilm Those are cert<11111t led"llll,lble assumptlOllb In the pd ...t !l'11 \ e,II'" \\ (' I l hl'(''' ...11h Il'l ted to Apoc,1l11 P"l ~O\\ 'PI,ltoon' ,lIld 1I,lI1lbuI gl'l Ihll Full :\ll,t.lI ,l.llh.el ,1I1d' <. ;,ll dl'lI" 01 ~tOlll' !'hough l',ll h Ii \!II 1001,. ,I "hghlll lhlll'll'lIt IpplO,ll h ,III l\l'll' ...l'l III tIll' IUlI",ll'" ot ~oulh l',bt '\'\'\ .lI1d ,III \\('Il' billt.llh \ IOIl'1I1,llld 1l,,1I1,lll \' I,ll .I' till' lOllll'lll" ,1t)Ollt Fo'\, 01111 III 1,1'1 \ l,II'" Blight Ln.:hr-.. IlII.., (It\ did Ii,' d,'nlllll ...O,ltl' Ihd\ II<' (.lll h,lIldll' .1 dl,l 11I,llll Il.ll' 0\ ,111\ 1,.1i '\lI"I,lIHI Indl'ed, It'" h,1I d to Plcttll ellis ch,u <I{.tel, AIl''\ [\l',lton ot tl'll'\ 1"lOn'" "F,IIU1ly II,' llg,lll'ttl' 1Il holJld "plttlllg 1lJl)"1 1,1Il101I" one who I'efuses to partICipate 111 her brutal attack HIS enemy III the battle I'> Ill'> sel geant, played - not SUI pIll, mgly - by Sean Penn HIS psy ChOtIC, power hunb'ry, devlllll<1Y Colie dttltude IS III du eel contlU,>t to Fox, who beheveb th"t l'\ en 1I1 the mOl al abyss of wal, <1 :.enbe of ethiCS IS essential The pIcture demon"tl dtl" JUbt how tough It Ib lo light lhl' "'yb tern, espeCially when the bybtem IS the govelllmenl dW'l1lg \I'm time It documents Fox'., light agamst Ius apathellc supellOr" With a steady and even haud But even bettel I.'> the W<1) belllOu.'> 16 yedr old gill COtl11l1g viewers are lorced to feel and of age 111 PObt W mId W,II II pi 0\ undelsland Fox's dIlemmd It's mcwl FI ance, "Ld'.., Gl't Lo..,t," hard enough to sldnd up fOl photob'1 aphel Brllce Weber's Os what you believe when you're III Coli nonnnated pol trellt of the tOI a .'>eCUle environment In the tll! ed, blllhdllt tl umpeter and middle of a wal, when the people vocdhsl (,het Bolker, and a sll1glt' ,;(reenmg of "T1lbute to JO;,l' phme Bakel," the St LoUl" bm n superstdl of thl' cabal et CllCUlt AuditIOns fOl the Attll Thed 111 France 111 the 1920;, tre's fourth show 01 the 198990 Mo\ Ie Pdt I on" Will get to see beason, Bal bara Lebow'b "A tWIce as many lilmb thiS season Shayna MUldel," will be held III Mdny of the film<; al I' classlcb mid-September and 'ne\\ I ell'dses thdt have had Roles needed IIlclude a leadmg hull' 01 no exposUl e to Dett OIt older man, 60 75, dappel and audiences On a nllmber of Sun phySically tnm, a matel nal, dayb, as well a~ many SalUl' warm woman III hel mid to Idle days, moviegoers 1\III enJoy a re 30b, and a \\ omdn III hel nud to tI ospectlve of "Scope" lihnb, pi esented III thell tl ue \\ Ide SCIeell format WIthout electl 1 'llil tmkellllg 01 Inlclge CIOPPll1g With the exceptIOn of "Se'\ Lie" and Videotape," tlck!'t'- m l $3 DlsColmt coupon boob 01 10 hckets fOl $20 al e aVUlldble ThiS ofTI'Ib mo\ Ie patrons a sav II1gs of 33 percent Tickets can be pm chased m advance or at the doO! FOI mOl e mfOl matlOn 01 to re quest a free copy of the DetrOIt FIlm Theatre schedule, call the DIA tlcket office 9 30 a m to 5 15 P m datly at 832.2730 obscell1t1es as he prepares to shoot an army of enemy soldIers But the film works Based 011 a true story about an Amellciln platoon that kidnapped, gang raped and murdered a VIetnam. ese gill, the PICtUl e Ib lIctudlly about a moral wal belllg waged on a Il1lhtary battlewound As one might expect, Fox playb the good gll) boldler He's the one \\ ho doesn't understand why Ills fellow soldwrb hdve kid napped the gul And he's the DIA's Detroit Film Theatre opens 32nd season The DetrOIt Film Tlw.ltlt' 01 the DetIOIt lnbtltutl' of Alt ... opened Itb 32nd sedson All~ 1'-l \\ Ith "Sex, Llt'b and \'ll1<'ot,lpe The ne\\ AmellCdll lilm \1,1" till' Grand Pllze \\ mncI .-l t t h)-, yeal b ('anne~ Fllm Fe~tl\ ,II ThIS contemporan COIlll'(!\ bl' gms WIth a fanlllidl SltU,ltlOn a young \llfe IS tl apPl'd 111 .1n unhappy mal nage WIth hel un faIthful, ambItIOUS la\\\ el hll'" band But when hel hlhb,md" former "mystenous" 100mmate enters her hfe, all bets at e ofT The film's director, 26 ve,il old Steven Soderbergh, abo I\on thf: prestigiOUS ClltlC'S Pnze fm Be"t Film at Cannes and co Stoll' ~p,llh'l I I'u'l\ 1 d t)lt' III 'I \\\lId \HI'I till' til,t "'IIt'l'n1l1l-1\ th, \q"q l ..., I II III Fl'..,tll.1I \ \l h.Lt, 1111 thl lI'lIllill Ill:': ,ho\\' hl'( 111\' '0 'l II" 'h It lbl'\ I\ll' ,(,lip, d Bl'1 Ill" I lit 1IIIll\p Itl'd I lip lltlllt\ ,I"', ,nd \ ,\ll " t.lpl' till I I' II il, ,!lOll II I "l'eond \\ lph.l Illi ~)ll'" I ,Illl' II till DI \' 1 1,\ • II (,<I 1011l1l1l \llC,lted ,I' ,I \ I I' 111I "\IOIth "II II' ,I I III FI\ dol\ .\ug !IIII ,hOI\ II!IIp", \11e. _I It I dlld l,ll1Il'" \lIPI 930 pili "lI'llll,11 '1111\\ t .\ll 1 .I i -; 111<1 9 P 111 1111,.1'\-...\1I $3 Olhel '1.1'011 11I12;hh:.:hh 11\ Ansel Adams photograhy Durmg hiS hfetlme, Anst>l Ad arns (1902.1984) took more than 40,000 photographs Before he dIed, he selected Just 76 subject-, to represent the range of hl~ lIfe's work dnd de.'>lgnated thl" group 'The Museum Set" pi mb A Museum Set owned by Pa ciflc TeleSIS Group IS nOlI ' toUl mg the country as "Ansel Ad arns ClaSSIC Images" and '1'111be on display at the DetrOIt Instl tute of Arts through Sunda\ IH" Od 29 1'hl' '\lU'I'ltlli Sll ,)1 'lJJ!.'\\' "elected ,md f.I111lted Il\ Llil ," l I"t dl'-pl,I\~ the Inl',ldth of 'lih Jett, and 1(){.ltlOn... photOgl,lpllt'Ll b\ Ad,lnl'" - h om O\J,hh.,1 to t hI Appdl,lchl,m.." fWIII till' l\l.l\l1P coabt to Yo'c'mlte \Vhtle kno\\ 11 pI I III ,II Ih 101 h1' expansl\ e and helOll \\ 11<ll'111l'''''' landscape" Ad.lm, ,11<;0I' It'l ('g" 1l17ed 101 hi' POItl,llt, ,ull lilt ,md alc1lll"1 tm 11 ,tud " 111<1 III Grosse Pomte Park reSIdent Tom Saunders and hIS SurfSide SIX Will perfoml Fnday, Sept 1 from noon to 130 pm at the amphItheatre In Halt Plaza Featured performel" at the festIval WIll mclude Max Roach and hiS Double Quartet, Sonny Rolhns, Cassandra Wilson, MI chael Brecker, DIane Schuw and the World Saxophone Qualtet There will be late mght Jam sessions, club concerts and Jazl clImes to round out the actlvl bes The festIval Will be broad cast hve by WDET.FM III Detroit and over NatIOnal Public RadIO ~aturday through MonddY mght Smce Its debut III 1980, the Monti eu\. DetlOlt ],iZZ Festl\ al ha ... gJ 0\\ n mto ,I III ll.'>ll'aI cell' bldtlOn that 1<;nOli a DetlOlt tld dltlOn It\ fa<;hlOned dfter the pi ebtlgJoub r-.lontl elL'.. Intel na tlOnal Jd/1 Fe"III.i1 m SWlt7et land MOlt' th,m ,I ~1cllf m111lOn pl'(l pIe comL to till' I('..,tlv,d IdllCh emplo)" 1 000 pt ofe ""HHl,lI 1I111<;\ lIdn, and lfiD techlllt,d \\OIkl'j-., FOI mOIl' llItOl IndtiOIl, Lolli 2595400 The Hunganan Aml'llCan Cui tural Center WIll hObt Ib annlldl pIg roast SatUl day, Aug 26. from 1 to 10 p m and Sund,j\. Aug 27, flOm noon to 10 pm J.t 26257 Goddal d Roao m T d) 1m Homemade Hungdlldn fooo.., and pastnes will be dVaJlable ,h well a'l Imported \\ me ,md "Ill I Its There Will be enteltamment by Hungarian folk dancel.., and lIve dance mu"lc Aoml;,..,lOn IS $1 FOI mformatlOn ldll 'Wi 77;)0 or 946 6261 For a new mUSical productIOn "The WIzard of Oz," the De troit InstItute of Art.,,' DetroIt Youtheatre's Prince Street Play ers WIll hold open audItIOns for the 1989.90 tourmg c;eawn Actorslactres.c;es who smg ano dance, and one perCU'lSlOll1'lt WIll be audItIoned by appol1ltment only, Tuesday, Sept 5 through Thursday. Sept 7 The season prOVIdes full tIme employment from Sept 1989 through May 1990 Rehearsal begins Sept 8 Call 833.7940 weekdays durmg husmess hours for more InformatIOn of tllJldte glJlllp~e;, of lldtwe The "hilt ogJ dph~ 1\el I' choben not lIIlII to leplebent the high qu.d Il\ 01 JlIS dltl,>tlt dU Ile\ emenl, but dbo to giVe a complete and lonllthlve plctUle of hIS wOlk Adams had an uncanny ability to 1Idn..,IOIm landscapes mto lIIl'tdphOl'" fcn eplC themes HIS photogl aph... Idealized natlll e 111.1 hc\ghlpned vIewers' apple, 1 )1 It e"peuall) 111 the .\"Ill !L,1II Wt'"t A promment ~!>uh, '111"ll fUI tIll' COllselvatlOn Ilil" \.111< "l Ad,uJl~ ,\,h dn dlttVe lIIl11lbe, ()f the ::'Il 11,1 Club fOl TII, O!>' IL \n"d to the publIc dunng reg"I,,1 mUbeum how;, ~ JU am to [) JU P m 'I'uesda) tll! ough Sunday, c10bed Mondays and hol IddYb The exhIbItIOn IS accompamed [>I d fully tlhtstlated haldcover book Lontamlllg all 75 Images III the Museum Set and an exten "'IVE:'blOhfJdphlcal es.'>ay by James '\lllldl'l fOImI'l dn ectm of the Fllend.., 01 Photogi apny, an 01 ~a1ll7dtlOn founded by Adams 111 1q67 I:j;29 Y"l dt the DlA Mu ..,eul11Shopl SAME MANAGEMENT .~ • SAME QUALITY FOOD AND SERVICE :JJ)_ • CATERING FOR ALL OCCASIONS AUGUST SPECIAL FROG LEGS $5.95 , TUESDAY • WEDNESDAY • THURSDAY • FRIDAY. SATURDAY • SUNDAY Private Banquet Facilities Available Let u...Help You With Your Party 30750 Little Mack • Roseville (I O"'~D DanCl'1", ~ nterlslnmen' fn • 293-1412 & Sal 'ljlght • 1\I0"lltI \ ~------- &;Ar.V~ "'~I~ on.:: BAR (_~,&Rlb1J " m ,.. 960 -.. (:.':L~ MON,.FRI. 11 a.m. 10 5 p.m, SORRY-NO CARRY OUT PERCH DINNER ~- • 95 STEAKSANOWICH *3 95 Np\\ .... ... "H2 02~-i C\wc;"llled Grosse Pointe limousine H82Iil.JO(1 Ad \ elll" IIlg 886.8850 8823500 "Harry Truman called him the best damned }?ainterin America." He inspired a generation of artists, Yet he thrived at the center of controversy, How did one artist make so many enemies? See for yourself. THOMAS HART BENTON An American Original August 6 - October 15, 1989 The ('\hlb1t1011]', open 10 t lll' pubh( II A \1.:; PM, E E T OLD FASHION BAR BURGER IN TOWN MADE FROM FRESH GROUND ROUND 1/3 LB .. - Lt. Governor Martha Griffiths il!~IRISH~ f:'nl7l7lfJ:f late 20.., of "light butld All Jf the actOl s must speak \llth Poltbh Ylddlbh accents Send I e<;ume and photo to Dlrec tOl Sam Pollak, The AttIC Theatre, 2990 W Grand Blvd, Suite 308, DetrOIt, Mlch 48202 All dudltHlhS by appollltment only The play wdl run Jan 31 till ollgh Feb 25 Call us Addm" eAhlbltlOlI IS I, ee • SAME OWNER • Polish- Yiddish accents sought }hU\ bU ..I,\j'" SPIRITS & EATERY 293-1412 I\~~~~\' Prince Street Players sets audition dates \1,0 ,,1111\\ mg \\ III be The LIt t Jl' Th leI, bol"t'd 011 the late 1"1 IIll'O)-' 1'llIl1aut .... final sCleen pl,n \1hlch gl\t'S an lI11l1mthmg I l't lomJjdb"lOndtt' I W\I' 01 a Ie Formerly Puzzles • Hungarians to roast pig I ~L,'i\ at Montre~x-Detroit_ J~zz fe~t Sept 4 t'l exhibit now open Local resident to periornl The Montreux-DetrOlt Jazz FestIval features tive days of nearly 90 free concerts by local, regional and mternatlOnal alt urts The festIval runs from Thursday, Aug 31 to Labor Day, ( IlIde d h III up of IIt'II film" bllCh ,h Llltll' \,pI,I," ,\ umtlovclsl.ll 1110\ lp \1 hllh look.;; ,It the ble,!I, lIlIlht\ of hll' ,IIlIOEg Oldll181v "Olll't pl'oplL 1 hl rtlm'~ ,toll', \,tl"II,1 l\pgoda, \Iho pObed 101 l'ld\ho\ l Ilhl'l till'" \l'dl, give" d hllill.lnt pl'l 1001IIdlll'l ,1<; Vl'lol I h ,I I \' Pelting delve.'> mto till' ,II b)l'ct 01 tpl'lI,lge pabSlOn 111 ,!l,' lY')lh dl\d Illdudl~ It/otolge II 'Ill ~omt' 01 the mo~t outl a l"O\l' l dUt.ttlOl1,J!' lilm" tit the yOll have to take a stand against <11 e the same ones you're dependIIlg on to "aye your hfe on the bdttlelipld, the dIlemma IS a <;lloug one IIldeed "(',I..,ualtwb of Wal" works I)('"t becdllsc of the pelf 01 mances b~ I'ellll dnd Fox Given their J ~<I1111e... ltuatlOnb, they are both IIIlillltel) bellevdble III theIr wle" Fox'" Wide eyed mnocence "el \ eo., hun well here, as does Pl'I1I1'.., un~tabll' l'nergy Like mObt of the films of the gl'llI e, "Ca,>udltws" IS Violent m pl,ltl'';, and more b'1aphlc than II1< III v Vll'Wl'l" 11'111 be comfort. dbll' II IllJ Sldl, It!> powerful theme I'> mOle than enough to IIIdke It 11'01thwlule It's leason. able to a..,;,uIllP the picture WIll bl' lemembeled positIvely among the ..,Ie\\ of Il'wnt wdl"tlme mol'Il'b EST .- T\I('~dol~-Sllnd<1~ Regular tl1lN'Um hour~ olrc C\(N!d Mondav'l, holldol\" $1 General Adml""loll Chlldl'l'lI under 12 olnd Found('r~ meml')('r" "dmllted fret' Advance ltcket<; nol fC'l]lllfed q 10 A\1-1) 30 PM TIIC"d"v ')und"y The Detroit Institute of Arts 'i200Woodllard A\el1u(' Dclrml \11' hlg"n 4H202 (,cl1er"lll1torm"llol1 (111) H11.;'LJIXl lilkd OflICt' (11) H12.2710 ThC"t ,t1.blllon wdc;.o~6m7t'\i O\, Ihl 'l'I"ll..H1. Alkm ...\Iu'('um t)t Ar1 and I'" m ld ... ~""''''Ibh f1\ 1 ~(nt Tllll'" ,"-rlnl tnmll nllt'\t "," ..oun ~lnk of Kan ....' (,tv n a aM Ihe Fmd .nti Ln"b, K, mprr ~o\lndal,on /\dd,I,on.1 '''rl'''rt " ,.. ~'n,,,d,,l bl Ih, \'"IIl'n ,II ndo" ml nllor Ihe Arl' an1lhe "',<,",un Art, (oun<11 Prt'«'nl.lIon In IMrml "<I'rportrd bv Ihe ,Ialcol 'vI"hlj\,m Ihcllt\ "fill Innl and Ihe I "Imd, I'> 'iol1l1y ..4_ ._ August 24, 1989 Grosse Pointe News qq. q q - • I (517) 6526106 19 Gaylord-Oktoberfest, Oct 14 (517) 7324000 20 Hanover-Fall Hentage Festival Conklin Museum, Oct 1 (517) 563.2833 21 Harbert-Oktoberfest Bemen Vintners Winery, Oct 7 (616) 469 5666 22 Homer-Blair Fall Farm Fe"t, Sept 23, (517) 568 4646 23 Ionia-Ionia County Fall Fest, Sept 17 (616) 527.2560 24 Jackson-Family Farm. fest, Sept 23, (517) 7884292 Fall Festival, Dahlem Center Sept 24, (517) 7823453 Fall Harvest Day and Art Fair. Ella Sharp Museum grounds, Oct 1, (517) 787 2320 ~ ~ • • • q , • 4 • 4 q Q q 4 q • qq. • 4 q c q 4 Q q q 4 21A ,., ". ,:' ::: ,::,::,::.,:~:..;<.:-::::..:.::.:.;: . " .. ., " .. " ... '. " '. 25 Kalamazoo.Paw PawMichigan Wine & Harvest Festival Bronson Park, Sept 7 10, (616) 381 4003 26 Lanslng-Applebulter Fest, Oct 21 22, (517) 4834224 27 Ludington-White Pine Village Autumn Fest, Oct 7.8, (616) 8450324 28 Manlstique- Schoolcraft County Fair, Sept 810, (906) 341 6342 29 Marquette- Marquette County Fair, lakeView Arena, Sept 8.10, (906) 942.7344 30 Mason-Down Home Days, Sept 16, (517) 676.1046 31 Mt. Morris-Wolcott Orchards Apple Festival, Sept 23.24 (313) 789.9561 32 Niles-Four Flags Area Apple Festival, Sept 22 24, (616) 683 8870 33 Paw Paw-"Best of Michigan" Meet the Wlnemakers Wine Tasting, Oct 27, (616) 657.5568 34 Port Huron-Oktoberfest McMorran Place, Oct 67, (313) 9856166 35 Posen-Potato Festival, Sept 8.10, (517) 766.8204 36 Rochester-Arts N Apples Sept 9.10, (313) 651 4110 37 Rockford-Harvest Festival, Sept 29.0ct 1,68, 1315, (616) 866 2000 38 Romeo-Michigan Peach Festival. Aug 31.Sept 4 (313) 752.4436 39 St Louis-Harvest Festival, Oct 7, (517) 681.5043 40 ScottvIlle-Harvest Festival, Sept 14.16, (616) 757.4751 41 South Haven-Oktober fest, Oct 6.8, (616) 637.5171 42 South Lyon-Pumpkin fest. Oct 68, (313) 437.3257 43 West Branch-October Fest and QUilt Walk, Oct 69, (517} 345 2821 44 Whltehall- Octoberlest, Oct 5.7, (616) 893 4585 45 Zeeland-Pumpklnfest, Oct 1214, (616) 772-1000 1989 Map by Freddy is back for the fifth time Bv Marian Trainor Special Writer Freddy Krueger, America's most beloved miscreant IS back, for the fifth tIme, hauntmg the dreams of hIS victIms and turn ing those dreams mto terrIfying nightmares HIS loyal followers - and there are many - will flock to see what their antl.hero With the scarred face, razor blade gloves and battered fedora is up to In thiS latest offering. For those who have never seen the "Elm Street" happenmgs, Freddy (Robert Englund) was a hIgh school Jamtor and chJ1d killer who was captured by a posse of small town parents and tossed mto a fire He comes back to revenge not only the VlgI lantes, but their sons and ddugh ters. Freddy came mto being when his mother, Amanda Krueger, a nursing nun, was trapped In a ward for Criminally insane men for an entire weekend There, she was raped and conceived a child. Freddy is the genetIC result of the mamac who passed on hIS murderous genes. In thiS film we get to see that father m a camera closeup It IS Robert En. Audition for vocal program Derek Anthony, dIrector of the new vocal dIVISIOnm the Wayne State UniverSIty Department of Music, has scheduled Aug 30 for student auditIOns The new program for vocal solo performers has been devel. oped to prOVIde an opportumty for students WIth an mterest m claSSIcal traimng. For more mformatIOn, call the WSU Department of MUSIC at 577-1795 Jazz at Somerset Chet Bogan's Wolverme Jazz Band WIth Duoebelle WIll play a concert at &lmerset Mall m Troy from 2 to 4 p.m. Sunday, Aug 27, The concert IS m the center court and is open to the pubhc at no charge Seatmg IS prOVIded. AAA MlCh'9lIn ~ RESTAURANT 885.1902 17410 MACK AT ST CLAIR CAlL Y DINNER 11 a m SPECIALS. to 11 p m Queen's Curio Shoppe THE GOLDEN DAYS OF SUMMER SAL 3 0 0/ SELECTED /OOFF WEIGHT WATCHERS Frosted Treat & Desserts Lo Gal Menu William T. Johnstone Pari< behind Eastland Center Harper Woods Located In VictOria Place House of Shops t.V~A t PLACE HOUSE OF SHOPS '~ 26717 Little Mack,~)~ St. Clair Shores'S' Just N of 10 1/2 Mile Call for more information 772.0780 t?:J\o Semor Citizen Age 65 Discount 10°'0 M mm,m Older S2 5C ~~- LUNCH SERVEDFROM 10 to 3 DINNER ::VED FROM 4 to Close I ,. ~ ~ NOW AVAILABLE Blue Pointe ReSI.urant Cad,eu. Cafe Callaghans ,n the Park EastSide Charley s Irish CoMee Bar & Grill Jay S Paper Slallon Mahoney s Bar & Gnll Mama Pasta • Food. Food - Food • Fun - Fun - Fun • Raffles Proceeds from the sare of food & raffle tickets Willbe donated to the Capuchm CommUnily"Soup Kitchen" One 23 P,nkey s Boulevard The Roosterta ,I S ,erra Station S,ndbed s Spar1<y Herbert s Tom S Oys1er Bal Wooly Bullys FOR INFORMAllON CALL 371-7444 Club 1If.. lb. whole Maine live lobster with corn on the cob, fresh Iinguini pasta and bread and butter. Tuesday & Wednesday evenings. SPORTS FAN SPECIAL Sundays and Mondays starting Sept. 10th. Your choice of Bar B Q Spare Ribs or Shish Kabob Dinners after 5 p.m. And Only An Hour Away! I main tamed exteriors and grounds (ree you for favonte pastImes ... boating, golfing, sWimming or SImply rela,(lng bn't thIS the lifestyle you've drcJ.med ofJ beautiful Atlantic style mannu condomimum village Nestled along wmdlng canals. enjoy a wonderful array of luxunes and amemtles crafted around each spacIOus slnglefloor deSIgn. With your boat moored In the ' d VI11age s protecte cove, you can be enjoymg the clear blue waters of Lake Huron or the St. ClaIr River m mmutes*. ,\ Pnonty RegIstratIOns on our newest phase. Phase V,are now being accepted Only by actmg NOW can vou be sure of best chOice In deSign, vIew and pnce. Call today and find out why owning a condominIUm at Manner Village IS exactly what ~~ you are looking (or vacatIOn home ... ~ ThiS vacatIOn home makes no demands! ProfeSSIOnally 'H"t,l, rl" n,1 .. SUNDAY BRUNCH In a ......,... "- . 1C ' .............. ..-Ra: '1"""" (OI'IrdnmmlumJ "~""N"I' F"or morc mformatlon 011 Manncr Vllla!le, plca~e fill Oltt thl~ coupon and ~end II to \ d: H'n 1'17W Manner VIllage, 1510 Venetian Blvd, Pt Edward,Onl or call collcct (51'1' :m.H50 per p.rson ; A Vacation Dream Home On The Water nCanada, at the end of the majestic Bluewater Bndge, where Lake Huron flows mto the St. Clair RIver. SItSManner VIllage. a $129~ch We carry fowl, seafood, beef, veal, pastas, sauces, & chicken ~ ~ ~. Eli ~ SUMMER Ii ~ LOBSTER ~ (J.,~ FEST ~ $895 What's new at the Horn? (;rolssanls, Sllr Frys, Fresh Veg cooked to order, Chicken Breasts, Chicken or Tuna Salad, Veg , Ham & Cheddar, Shrimp Stir Fry, Super Submanne SandWiches ~-D~-l ..=/~.~v,~.~-~~,;,:~<, I , LU~U ~i <' spECiAL$:":~:~~ '" _, _ ._, -.<1-,};, ~ ropez C AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION MENU Food from these eastsIde restaurants Will be served MERCHANDISE GREETING CARDS & COLLECTABLES Wed. - Sat. 10-9 only HOMEMADE SOUP DAILY WE ARE FAMOUS for OUR DESSERTS' Taste POlntes East Barber Shop Singers Cloggers Clowns Classic Car Show Pony Rides Face Painters Disc Jockey of hIS birth Freddy has a demOllic dl<;posltlOn and an ugly hau'het face that even mcmera. twn doesn't quell He IS born mad at the world and death unly add:, to hl~delcr. mmatlOn to get even But how? He has learned hiS lesson that you pay for cnme commItted In hfe, so he cleverly preys on hIS ViCtIms In theIr dreams, leadmg them on to theIr own destructIOn by preYing on theIr vamtles It IS a deVIce that at once makes Freddy a fearsome creature but also an endearing one He prOVIdes hIS audienee With the vicanous thrIll of a bad dream and the comforting knowledge that none of It IS true Horror fans love It Not smce Bons Karloff's "Frankenstem" and Bela LugosI's "Dracula" has an actor been so firmly entranced as Robert Englund and RESERVATIONS Come in and enjoy RECOMMENDED a relaxing, comfortable 772.8383 air conditioned atmosphere M on., Tues. 10 -6 for lunch or dinner. RAM'S HORN • • • • • • • • hIe; grotesque-faced, razor-fin. gered Freddy. In "Dream Child" Freddy returns to haunt the dreams of AI. lee (LIsa Wilcox) back from "Nightmare 4" TIus time, by vlltue of a clever gimmick, he millct.,> bram torture even when she IS awake, a pnenomenon that IS explamed by her preg. nancy Freddy IS entenng the dreams of her chIld trymg to be reborn as a new soul. Since the mghtmare movies have been around five years and have drawn record audIences, It'S a little late to protest the hard core VIOlence What bets Freddy apart from Michael Meyer of the Halloween film St:lles and Jab<)fi VoorhIes of "Fnday the 13th" epICS 18 that he IS the subject of nightmares and the sleeper awakes without bemg harmed It's easy to be mtrigued by Freddy. He Isn't real You're not likely to encounter him except m mghtmares Because they mvolve the un. limited potential of dreams, the "Nightmare" films are creative and represent the best of the horror genre of films. Add to this Freddy's sardOnIC humor "Don't drInk and dnve" he char. tles as he steers a car over a pre. Cipice The specIal effects are macabre and scary and It relies on psycholOgical horror rather than blood glund, Freddy WIthout hi~ horror makeup, which m a gruesome way gIVP'l credence to the saymg, "Like father, Like son " And mdeed, from the moment 26717 Little Mack Sf. ClaIr Shores 778-3243 September is Spanish music month at DIA All three September concerts of the Art Institute's popular m formal Sunday morning "Brunch WIth Bach" WIll feature Spanish music. Two pelformances WIll be offered each Sunday at 10 and 11:30 am, in the DetrOIt InstI. tute of Arts indoor garden cafe, Kresge Court Guests may select from two menus - a hot main course, fruit, bread, and beverage ($11), and a contmental brunch at $9.50 for frUIt, cottage cheese, bread and beverage. Advance reservations are necessary and can be made until noon the day before a desired concert For mformatIOn, reservatIOns and a detaIled 'schedule of "Brunch WIth Bach" concerts, call the museum ticket office, 832-2730, during regular bUSI. ness hours September's calendar wIll include: • Sept. 3 - No concert - Labor Day weekend • Sept 10 - MIchael Stockdale, guitar and The Bowling Green Strmg Quartet pelformmg guitar qumtets of LUIgi Boccerini • Sept. 17 - Susan EytonJones, soprano, and Eugene PIa. wutsky, plano pelforming the Song Cycle of Granados • Sept 24 - Zamar Guitar Duo, featurmg Mary Dlsler and MIchael Bryce It IS suggested that chIldren under 5 are too young to attend. c 6 TAKE YOUR PICK OF HARVEST FESTS 1 Adrlan-lenawee County Hentage Fest, Sept 1617, (517) 2655141 2 Alpena-Fall Harvest Day, Jesse Besser Museum, Oct 7, (517) 3562202 3 Armada-Applefest, Oct 1415, (31317848520 4 Bangor-Apple Festival, Oct 716, (616) 427 7535 5 Beldlng-Applefest '89 Oct 1,(616}8977818 6 Benton Harbor- October fest, Oct 7, 14,21 & 28, (616) 926 6652 7 Bessemer- Pumpkin Fes tlval, Oct 1314 (906} 663 4985 8 Bloomtleld HllIsAutumnfest Cranbrook, Sept 30 Oct 1 78 (3131 645 3200 9 Caro- Tuscola County Pumpkin Festival Oct 58, (517)6732511 10 Cassopolls-Octoberfest, Oct 67, (616) 4452891 11 Charlevoix-Apple Festival, Oct 1415 (616) 547 2101 12 Coldwater-Apple Fest '89, Sept 23 (517) 278.8324 13 Copper Harbor-October fest, Sept 9 10, (906) 2894637 14 Dearborn-Farm Harvest Days Greenfield Village, Sept 29 Oct 1, (313) 271.1620 15 Dowagiac-Clderfest Oct 1415 (616) 7827306 16 East Jordan-Johnny Appleseed Festival, Sept 23 (616) 5367486 17 Flint-Fall Harvest Jubilee Crossroads Village, Oct 68, 14 15, (313) 7367100 18 Frankenmuth-Antlquel Harvest Festival, Sept 1617, ~ N7T 7\','4 Seatings at Noon, 1 and 2 p.m. call for reservations "still the best brunch in Southeastern Michigan" $12'5 p.r 15117 Kercheval person 822-0266 ( h 'I~t I, GPH p August 24, 1989 22A Grosse Pointe News Advertising veterans discover The Tearn Works By John Minnis AssistantEditor 1\vo adveltlsIng veterans wIth a combmed century m the busl ness have started theIr firm in DetroIt and are lookmg for a couple of hundred top-notch professIOnals Grosse POInte Woods resIdent John Bracken and longtIme asso clate John McAlpIne have com bmed theIr talents and expen ence to st8lt theIr own agency m Ross Ro)'s former headquarters on East Jefferson near down to\\ n TheIr company's name IS The Team Works and IS assocIated wIth a New York company headed by Joe Bracken, who IS John Bracken's brother The Team Works IS not a tra dltlOnal advertlsmg agency The Team Works m Itself does not have large advertlsmg accounts Instead, The Team WOIks IS a talent agency for the best free lance advertIsIng profeSSIOnals m the country In Ne\\ York 2-1/2 ye8l-s ago, an out-of work adveltlsmg man, AI Blanco. dIscovered that It was very difficult as a free-lancer to get work and, on the other hand, It was difficult for those needing advertiSing free-lancers to re cruit talent without spendmg hours and days mtervlewlng candidates The Team Works was created to brIng the best advertlsmg flee lancers togethel wIth tho:"e seekmg top notch talent fOl d day. week, month 01 proJe( t WIth Blanco as pI eSldent anti advertiSIng executIve Joe Bracken as chall'meln. The ream WOIks New YOlk today hc\s a stable of 1.200 free lance advel tlSIng people on a computel data base for prospective chents The Team Works MichIgan, \\ hlch opened fOl busme~" thl' fil st of August, ha" acces" to New York's Itst of free lancel." and John Bracken and I\kAlpllle 81 e begInmng to 1I1ter\'LE~W hx,11 free lancers Tht' Tt'am Work", h0\\ eWI, I'" only lookmg fOl the best, expel I eTlced talent Flee lancers ha\l' to be able to do the Job well every tInW With a IllInllllum amount of superVISIOn, If an) "You're gomg out With om endorsement," McAlpme 1,md of hiS free lancel" "This tlllle \ om Ieferences wIll be checked" In fact, With McAlpll1€ and Bracken's combmed 99 yea!1, 1I1 the busmess, they can weed out the true profeSSIOnals from those who Just talk a good game Bracken. who has 42 yeal s In advertlsmg, has seen the same pIece of work bemg passed off as the angInal work of several Job applIcants McAlpme started m the business 57 years ago work mg for Bracken's father and knows virtually everyone In the advertlsmg commumty Ronald J. 01111 ,lhoUI 10 (l<'Hl'nt ot tlll' 100hlllg to JOlll TIll' Tt'dlll \\\11 k" ,Ill' dl'ludllv HC ll'plt'd untll'l lontl ad tOl illtllll' fH'p 1,\llll'l" 1101 h I II(' I'l',ull \VOl h" <It h .I" d flu.jam'l'l'" ,1~Pllt TIll' !Jel' LlIllP lOpl II Ilt('l, 101 e"ample. aglt'p" to be IPplt'''(,lltl'd b) The TPdlll \\'cllk" If the \\llt(,1 geh 11(lIh thlollgh '1'11('T('dlll Wmk", thell I'h(. 1(',UlI \\'OIh" get-. 10 pt'IU'llt of tll(' 1\IHel'" (>.1\ Thl' lll'p !.lllll'] tt'll" TIlt' Team \\ 01 \,., II holt Iw 01 ...Ill' de"lIp", :)t I hOUI d,1\ (II pi oJect Theil' ,ll (' 110 'l.t I <ltl'... (01 <Ill ('OPI 1\lit eh . -... .f. .- 101 ,\,11111'1,. tlwl(' h ,I I"u...t tl111eonl) It'l' 01 ';.1',0 Ih,1l 111(' Te.lm \\'01 h... t,lht' ... Ollt of d h ee Ian (l'l ... lil ...t ,h"'lg-nJllent 'I'll(' extId tt'l' I...fOI Ihl' wlIlpanv's expen'>e 1II put I 1Il~ tOgethl'1 11 portfolIO of tht' ill'l' ldnll'l ... I\Olk ,md fm ,ldnllnhll,ltl\l' co...t", ,>ULl! as 1110lilltdlillng ,I d,lt,lb,I"P, billIng \1'0 "" , ,\lid pal lUll 1'1 t'l' 1I... ,U(' p<lld b) The h" lII"tead of by the t!l('lIb to] II horn the advertIsl1lg ...PI \ Ill.... ,II (' hell1g pel fmmed TIll' I (',Ill! \VOlk... III turn bill" tht dlt'nh, IlIdhlllg dllothel pel ({'lit dgt 101 11'- rllldelle man "el 1(',1111 1,IIH \\ 01 \ Ill" I'Iw '!'Pdm W01 k" h<tndles fl ee (,!lI(l'I... III PI ell field COH'Ieel b) John Bracken of Grosse Pointe Woods. left. and John McAlpine have merged their 99 years in the advertising business to start their own firm. called The Team Works. a talent agency for freelance advertising professionals. the traditIOnal, full-serVice advel tlSl1lg agency Some of the fields of expeltlse represented by the free lance talent I1lclude mar- Bernas Albert D Thomas rnc, genez al contI actOl S of Grosse Pomte smce 1949, has appomted Gregory Plouff to presIdent of the company Plouff has be~n employed for 18 years by AlbeIt D Thomas Inc and has been mvolved m all phases of Lorn pany operatlOns He IS a Journeyman carpentel WIth trammg m estlmatmg, project management. reSIdentIal and commercIal bUlldmg and remodel mg Plouff Gary W. Haberkorn of Grosse Pomte Park has Jomed Roney & Co as an account executive Haberkorn wIll assume responSibilIty for the development of mdlvldual mvestment accounts Formerly, Haberkorn was an account executive at Thompson McKmnon Secmltles, Inc Haberkorn earned a bachelor's degree from MIchIgan State UnIversIty m 1971 Ronald J. Hoffman, who for four years was dIrector of marketmg for 19 Chuck Muel restaurants m five states. has resigned to establIsh R J Hoffman & ASSOCiates,Inc, a full servIce marketmg, advertiSIng and pubhc relations firm specIal lzmg m hospltallty related accounts Hoffman has received numerous awards for hiS work mcludmg the prestIgIOus "Marketmg Excellence Award" gIVen annually by Seafood Busmess Magazme He lIves m Grosse Pomte Park Hoffman Gerald E. Buldak, manager of publIc affairs fOl the DetrOit Edl son Co, was elected to serve on the Adult Well-Bemg Sel vIces Baal d of Consultants recently, Buldak has extensive backglOund 111 corp a rate publIc relatIOns and commUlllcatlOns He has served on the Umted FoundatIOn Commumcatlons CommIttee smce 1984 and the NatIOnal Investor RelatIOns Instltute SInce 1980 He lives m GIOSse Pomte Park Also. Charles Wright III of Grosse POinte. was elected to serve a three-year term on the AWBS board of dIrectors WrIght retired from and IS counsel to the law firm of Clark, Klem & Beau mont He IS a graduate of Yale Umversity and the UnIversIty of Michigan Law School He IS an elder, a deacon and cUlTently serves on the Chnstlan EducatIOn CounCIl at hiS church, Grosse Pomte MemOrIal Roma Hess. left. helped raise some $2.020 at her TCBYin support of programs for people with cerebral palsy as part 01 the corporations's involvement with the United Cerebral Palsy Association. Nationally. TCBY has generated more than $200.000 per year toward UCPA programs for the past several years. Locally. Umted Cerebral Palsy of Metropolitan Detroit provides training. education and advocacy for people With cerebral palsy and related disabilities. Hess is the franchisee of the TCBYs on Kercheval in Grosse Pointe City and 10 Grosse Pointe Woods on Mack. She is shown here with Bill Axtell of the United Cerebral Palsy Association of Metropolitan Detroit. ketJng, reseal ch, creatIve devel opment, media, pi omotlOn and pubhc relatIOns The medIa repl esented 1l1clude prmt. teleVIsion, radIO and audIO Visual presentatlOns ProspectIve clIents of The Team Works are advertlsmg agencies 01 the adveltlsers themselves An adveltlser, for example, may know what type of commel clal It IS lookIng for but doesn't have the m-house creative and techmcal people to do the Job One call to The Team Works and the adveltlser Cdn get all the people needed to do the pi a Ject The advertIser doesn't have to hll e the adveltlsmg expeJis 01 pay benefits The advertlsmg agencies that use The Team WOIks can benefit by havmg a ready SOUlce of pi ofebblOnals. from marketmg Kenyon and Eckhardt on LmcolnlMelcury, Young and Rubl cam on Chryslel'/Plymouth and on the Gulf 011 account 111 Houston McAlpme IS also a metlo DetlOit native who came out of re tuement from Young & Rublcam to head The Team Works MichIgan He started m adveltlsmg WIth N W Ayel & SoIl on the Ford Motor Co account He later held pOSitIOns With J Walter Thompson and Young & Rublcam In additIon to FUld, hiS ac counts have lllcluded Packard, Exxon, 3M, Chrysiel/Plymouth and LmcolnlMel cm y WhIle McAlplIle as chull man WI]] prOVIde the admllllstl ative and finanCIal management expeltlse for the ne\\ c.ompany, BI acken's aII-aJ ound advertlsmg expenence mcludmg account and and advertlsmg dIrectors to copy l?rpJe.st_managernent wtib~1s;-pbotograpners and earn el amen, on call The advertlsmg agency can have a large pool of human resources available WIth out havmg to carry hefty payrolls III between major projects. Bracken said the DetrOIt adveltlsmg commumty, whIch represents every major agency m the country, has been very recep tIVe to The Team Works concept "The receptlOn has been 'Gee, we really need someth1Og hke this,' " he sald Most recently. Bracken was vice preSident-dIrector of clIent sel"Vlces at CTS ASSOCiates In DetrOIt He began hiS advert ISmg career m DetrOIt With Brooke, SmIth. French and Dorrance and moved next to Campbell Ewald on the Chevlolet ac count After that wel e stmts at Medlventures Inc , a medical research and phar maceutlcal company, has recently named Desmond Davies, Ph.D, preSIdent and chIef execu tlve officer DaVIes, a Grosse Pomte reSident. was previously vice preSident of sclentllic affaIrs and commercial development for R P Scherer Corp Before that, he worked for Abbott Laboratones III Chicago and Great Britain Davies Kathleen P. Wambley of Harper Woods, formerly of Grosse Pomte, has been appomted dIrector of development for Madonna College m LIVoma She has a master of arts m commUllIcatlOns and a bachelor of arts m EnglIsh from Wayne State UniverSity. Wambley has been WIth Madonna, m the Public RelatIOns Department slllce December 1988 Grosse POInte resident Kip Edwards has been elected preSident of the MIchigan Concierge ASSOCiatIOn Edwards, chef concierge of the Ritz-Carlton m Dearborn, also served as founder of the new orgamzation dedIcated to providmg the highest level of servIce and comfort to guests m MIchigan's finest hotels. He WI]] serve a oneyear term Grosse Pomte Farms reSIdent Donald SneU was recently elected to serve on the Govermng CouncIl of the AmerIcan HospItal Assocla tlOn's SectIOn for Maternal Child Health, Snell, vIce preSIdent and chief operatmg officer at Hutzel Hospital, WIll serve a three-year term begmnmg In January 1990 David Powell was among 63 drivers m the state who achieved the 5.000 hour safe drIvmg level with Domino's PIZza and was rewarded for hIS efforts with $500 worth of free pizza He IS from the Grosse Pointe store - - - ------_.~._----~-----------~.-......- ....... Will come In handy as preSIdent and dealmg With clients and fl ee lancel s on the day-to-day baSIS Bracken. 62. has hved m the Grosse Pomtes for vntually all hIS hfe He moved hele from PhIladelphIa With hIS famIly when he was a boy m the 1930s He graduated "from Grosse Pomte High School and Ialsed hIS own famIly here Except for a shOlt tIme in Houston and seven years In Petoskey I unnmg a radIO statIOn and a restaurant, he has always lived m the Pomtes After two hfetImes 111 the bUSI ness, Bracken and McAlpme look fOl"\vard to the success of their newest venture. and WIth a century of expellence between them, they should succeed on sheer know how alone August 24, 1989 23A Grosse Pointe News 'You and Your Home' featured at annual Exhibitors Fair Do you need a fresh decoratmg Idea? Wondermg about financing? The Grosse Pomte Board of Realtors will provide answers to these questIOns as Its annual ExhIbitors Fair. The "You and Your Home" event IS scheduled for Tuesday, Sept. 19, from 2 to 7 p.m at the Grosse Pointe War Memonal, 32 Lakeshore Road. Lalla Abud, chairperson of the ExhibItors FaIr, stated, "We're offermg to everyone a umque opportumty to come and get a first-hand look at the latest m products and serviceS for home Improvements. The exhibItors wIll feature dIsplays on mtenor desIgn, lancbcapmg, secunty systems, remodeling and more ProfeSblOnals will be avaIlable to answer questIOns and demon strate products .. "You and Your Home" IS the thIrd annual ExhIbitors Fair sponsored by the Grosse Pomte Board of Realtors offered to the general publIc There IS no ad. mission charge For more mformatlOn call Lalla Abud, ExhIbIt <.halrperson, at 8864200 Other board members workmg on the faIr are Kay Agney, Michael BOJalad, NICkle Courey, Mary Daas, MldgIe Fan Reduced rates available MIchigan Bell wants to reach up to 600,000 MIchIgan hou&eholds that may quahfy for ItS Lifeline Telephone Service plan, approved m November 1988 by the MichIgan PublIc Service CommlbslOn to help defray a por tlOn of the cost of phone &ervlce for low-mcome reSidents meetIng eligIbility gUIdelInes Of the 600,000 households that may be elgIble for the pro gram, about 400,000 are DSS clients, 70,000 are low.mcome senIOr CitIZen households not reo CU\Jng DSS help, and the bal ance are low mcome household!> not recelvmg formal public assls. tance The LIfelIne Service plan has two major features' • A $4 monthly credIt against the cost of basIC telephone ser Vice, and, • A 50 percent dIscount of the telephone lIne connectIOn charge (I e., Llfehne customers would pay $21 of MIchigan Bell's $42 charge to establish phone ser. Inventors group to meet ~' _ i: \ b Chopsticks In Red That's the title of this photograph taken by Walter Lubzik. owner of Wally Lubzik Photography in Grosse Pointe. It was recently shown in the 98th International Exposition of Professional Photography in New Orleans. La. Some 2.500 other photographic works were selected from more than 6.000 entries submitted to Professional Photographers of America Inc. for critique and showing. Each year the annual expo is the world's largest exhibit of professional photography under one roof. The latest InnovatIOn for peO pie Interested In wood care or furniture repair involves more microchips than wood chIps The Formby Wood Care Center IS an m store display umt contammg a computer capable of answering questIOns on almost 200 different furniture care, re paIr and refimshing projects The projects the system can assist With 1 ange from repamng minor damage like whIte rmgs, and cleanmg wood, to applying new fimshes The Inventors ASSOCiatIOnof MetropolItan DetlOlt will meet Thurl>day, Sept. 14 m Room 312 at Grosse Pomte North High School, 707 Vermer, from 730 to 930pm Speaker will be Richard Allen, ombudsman for Michigan He will dls. Allen cuss the serVlces offered by his office for the mventor and the small bus mess Mall Boxes Etc USA Will get your things there safer, faster and all In one piece we even pack your boxes for YOul Mich. Bell creates scholarship fund Ship It. ---=~ Michigan Bell wIll set the cn tena for scholarshIp WInners and admmlster the program Each commumty college will select Its reCIpient To be ehglble for the scholarshIp. a student must be a MIChlgan reSident studymg bUSIness, engIneermg or communicatIOns full tIme at a commumty college Applicants must have a 30 or better grade pomt average In high school ReCIpients must maintam that average to renew the scholarshIp TOM'S FENCE CO. uOlvcl!J!lJl10tO ALL TYPES OF PRIVACY & SECURITt FENCES 27887 HARPER S.C S '}M 777.8570 V)NYJ,(XM1tI) OOIl'lIJllll mIDIS • nJU.l' GlJUAlmJJl • 1fSIIDT14L " aJIOIIIQAL CALL FOR fREE E.lITIIYJATE Grosse Pointe News 774-2045 (USPS 230-400) Published every Thursday B, Anteebo Publishe' ... 96 Kercheval Avenue Grosse Pointe, MI 48236 -I=it Whether heading for college or home for vacation vIce) In adoptmg the measure last year, the MPSC saId It believes the plan removes the two major barner" to phone sefVJce for lowIncome people Currently,94 percent of MIchigan households have telephone service ReCIpients of abslstance from the DSS are consIdered automatIcally elIgIble for LifelIne Ser. vice ApplicatIOns for households not receiving publIc assistance are available from such agencies as Red ClOSS, Salvation Army, the MIchigan Employment Secunty CommiSSIOn, the Social Secunty AdImmstratlOn, area agmg agencies, commumty actIOn agencies, Hlspamc and Arabic SOCialagencies and many other orgamzatIons To be eligIble for the program, candidate households must be at or below 130 percent of the fed. eral poverty level Currently, a famIly of four earning $15,730 a year would be elIgible for Life. lIne assistance. ADD CHARM TO OUTDOOR LIVING AREAS CAMCORDER RENTALS! oes The Northwestern UmversIty parents, and current as well as Club of DetrOIt wIll hold a new new students are welcome student welcome party for all 10- There WIll be snacks and bever. cal students planmng to attend ages the school thIS fall on Sunday, For mformatlOn, call Judy Aug 27, from 2 to 4 P m Mlch at 668.6491 Local alums, past and current "I love the Oregon passed the first state legIslatIOn marking Labor Day as a hohday in February 1987, accordIng to the U S Labor Department In 1984, Congress passed Without diSCUSSionan act marking the first Monday In September as Labor Day If It t The Formby Wood Care Cen tel m Grosse Pomte IS at the Damman's Haldware at 17101 Kercheval. Views on the Waterfront. Labor Day fact Highland Park High School classes of 1939-40 are plannmg a golden years reumon at Grand 11 averse Resort m Traverse City Oct 2022. Other class members are wel come For more ll1fOrmatlOn, call Janet Fox at 356 7755 or Gladys Jackson at 837.5640 Northwestern to welcome new students Michigan Bell has created a stateWIde scholarship program for community college students The company IS committIng more than $200,000 over the next four years for the program, whIch begIns thiS fall Michigan Bell Will award a $1,000 scholar. ship to each of MIchIgan's 29 community colleges. Next year, and each year thereafter, the company wlll award a second $1,000 scholal shIp and renew the first at each school. operator In the state No regIstratIOn IS necessary Meeting;, UI e free tu the pubill. After two meetmgs, however, participants are asked to JOIn the group for $25 a year For more mformatlOn, call 772.7888 Highland Park High plans 50th non, Barbara Flood, Audrey Games, Beverly Glendening, John Shook and Manlyn Stan. Itzke BEAUTIFUL SECURITY Glass Block Basement Windows Phone 882-6900 The best window for I.ss S~cO'O C ,IS Poslage pa 0 al Della I Mc~ ga' Subscrp o,Rales 117periear>ama 1190' ,,,Ada'~ss all Ma ISubse' p o~, Change 01Add'.,' I' "" 3,-' 1095 K~r.h~,al Grasse Po 'I~ Farms fI " ~8235 Tn~o~adl ne lor n~.s caP\ s 1I0~da\ noon '0 r". "e 0A I adie~ s ng cop, mu'l oe n he Ad'er s ng J'p, ~., '. " , m TUfsaa, CORRECTIONS A~D ADJUSWEI, IS Respa '0 ,0 J' pla,.,ociassl'caa,ensngerror slmled oe'f "a-,e', I 01 Ollh~ Charge 10'0' are u, 0' ,~ pan on ,n. "', 0" musl De 9 ,e' - "1.10 co"ec' on , he Ie ".; 5 ., \\~ aSSJ"" no'espc's 0 '; '0 In. 5al1e,' erlht' 5 'I. "f G 5S' Po 'I' '1-.5 r~Sf'\eS 'f r,gr' no "-, c::hl: ,e I:. 0 cer GtO~St Po n'€ ~~el'ls a~ler1 S"~ reprec.e'" ~ ie' o fr_ •• t'met •• 0 f1nenclng Safe • Secure • Energy Efficient GLASS BLOCK BASEMENT ..:&:..... WINDOWS ~~ .\- ...... 24500 nllE '0 au,Mr \ 'J: '0 In 5 ~e*spape' a,o onll P,~ -, CC"'S 'Jl.:l' I"al crcC"~ ar'l~.. c' "r; 754-0510 0'L .. 1 ar, ~~Ie" s.. - ..... -'''a ad~e" se (0 ~t' Forterra Dnve. W;If1-en 1-800-544-7095 tl=lt=(::::.;;~fttt:::;;.':;it;:;:ttj;';;n;;:;::c:m:;;;;;J 'VIAlL BOXr:S ETC USA m..:;::::::l -- -- ..... '8530 MACK AVE GROSSE PTE FARMS MI 48236 313-884-8440 FAX 313 884 8442 cCoc:"'l"'9r, 196" Ik. &..1e1 us,.. ;:: a~se~Qe!"rJO", ea!Ooe-raec c:" (It) and I love the twter. SAY YES TO HarbortDt<!T1~ves me both." MICHIGAN NEW People who hve downtown always have plenty to look forward to. Nora Momssy IS a court reporter who works m downtown Dettolt, and she hves at Harbortown "I used to hve m the suburbs LIVlng on the waterfront IS such a change - I can walk to work, [ watch the boats from my balcony, and I really enJOYthe cultured cllVer5ltyof urban hVlng~' Apartment leaszng at $700-$1250, includmg heat and azr condItIO/WIg MACINTOSH APPLES CENTER CUT 39~LB PORK LOIN CHOPS $2.29 MICHIGAN LB PORK LOIN ROAST LI ROAST.$1 29 . LB COUNTRY MICHIGAN . END BLUE BERRIES I '1'". STYLE 99~ PT RIBS FRESH BAGELS FROM THE NEW YORK BAGEL FACTORY EVERY WEEKEND .... HARBORTOWN A PAR T MEN / .. \ ~ $2. 79LB PEACHES49~~ BONELESS PORK lOIN RED HAVEN T S [.<xarC'J I mIl" ,'a<t of th" Ren~I,"'I1<" Cent"r on E",,( J"ff"r«m _~a_ 1I $5 99 .. ~_~ 24CANS TAB. SQUIRT. DRo PEPPER MIX OR MATCH ALL COKE BRANDS • CHURCHES, SCHOOL GROUps, COMMEACIALOADERS + D::,ELCOME NO LIMITS CASE August 24, 1989 Grosse Pointe News 24A Farms parking committee to make recommendations to City Council lot, will llJo:.t lIk('\\ hd\'(' pmk Il1g "et dt 25 cenh tOl tIll' lil:.t A meetmg of an ad hoc com hOll!, <111 additIOnal 25 cent:. tor tIll' :'l'LOnd a nd an ddd It 1011<1 I 25 nuttee studymg the 0\'1'1 all p,lI" mg sltuatlOn 111 the l-hll ll!ed Cl'nb 101 till' thnd The fOUlth hoUl \Iould ('o"t ,\11 ,Hhht 1011<11 Tue~day H'"ulted m "eveldl $150, ,1Iln the all d't\ I,lte 111 thl' Items to be recommended to till' GIO"se Pomte Farms elt\ Coun lot b lwmg H'eomll1l'mll'n <It $5 SoLlk 1l'ltL'! dted that tll{' Cot cll for :lPPlo\'al tage HO~Plt,ll pm"lIIg dl'ck I" A., seel etary to the non votlllg, opl'n 101 eu"toml'I", dlld he Il'L ad\ lSOI, committee, elt\' elel" omnwnnl'n t h,ll bU"II1l'"'' 0\\ 1ll'1" Rlchm Solak .lsked for COOpt'l<I IIlfOl III L'lhtonwl" Ih,lt tIll' nl'('" t IOn flOm <III pdl'lleS 111\'011pd I" ,1\ ,ul<lble One Lonce I n hammell'd out 111 He ,lnnl'n tlMt Cottagl' Hospl t 111' l',nl:. 11101 n1l1g meetmg \I,J-. (,11'" Riot, l<.x,ltl'd bl'tl\een till' tlw tlmp ,1Ild cost to be a""Il;ned p.ll "lllg ~tl ud llll' ,lIld Rldgl' to pal kll1g metel s m the I et.lll R0cld \" fl\'f\llahle f(11 1<mg II'I In Hll'd lea~lllg I'OJ HilI emploYL'L'" dt <1 The conUl1lttee Will I ecom I dte of $20 Pl'1 ll10llth n1Pnd the follo\\ IIlg Sola" .lbo "aid nI'l' ~1J{l1C; II ill • Meters m front of I et,,11 bl' msta!len to Iwlp eu"tomel" shop" on the Hili remdll1 one lind p,l! kll1g ~pael''' \lllIle thl' hOlll. pnmanly fOI customel" mumcIpdl lot I" bell1g I ewO! ked, • Metel s on both Sides of Kel but he ~tl egsed th,lt educdt Ion cheval bel\\een McKmley and dlld WOld ot mouth I" thL' bl'~t McMillan be set at two how" way to InfOI m uI"tomel" • Metel" 111the lot behmd the A COllceln of ~evel <II IlWI Punch and Jud\ office bUlldmg chants I'; the \Ildth of the pm k set at one hour lllg ~paceg III the mUI1IClpal lot • Metel s 111 the Richard school As recommended by NatlOn<ll lot set at one hoW' Garagec; lnc , the film that mall Solak sll!d the metel s along dges the pal kll1g struct III I' and Kel cheval Wll! be set at 50 cent" one hkely to bl' opel atmg the at per hour They no,", cost 20 cents tended lot, spaces should be 8 per how feet 6 mche;:; Wide Meters 111 the Richard lot will Some mel chant~ felt the be set at 25 cents per hoW' space~ \Iould not be \1 Ide Solak saId the thmkmg of the enough, leadmg to difficulty commIttee was to keep the ShOli \1 hen e\.ltlllg vehicles and result term, convenience shoppers park mg banged Cdl s Dthel s felt that mg on Kercheval, while keepmg wldemng the ~pdce" would cut longer term shoppers m the do\\ n the capacity of the lot Rlchmd lot Solak said If the space" \\ 1'1 I' set at 9 feet \\ Ide, the capaclt) of The mumcIpal lot behind the the lot \Iotrld drop flOm 195 to HIll shops, now bemg convelted from a metered to an attended about 188 By Dan Jarvis Staff Writer d III the l'lId, the commltwe dh'1eed to I ecommend the 8 foot 6 \1 Jdth, but With double hnes to help people Cl'llter theIr cal s to ,\Iold dallldge to othel veluele" Ll'<lsed par k mg rn dledS olhel th,1ll tllt' Cottdge B lot was an othl'l Itl'1Il of conceln 1'01' 1110st oj t Ill' people pH",ent SlJIce mI'l chant" dl (' dIVided on 1111l't111'1 till' LIt) should ol1el !L',I"l'd "paces, Solak Will recom lIlL'ntl that the cll) offer no Il',I:.ed "pdce~ Howevel, becam,e lIl,un on the Hill want leased "pdL'l'-. the Item could be tdken tip .lt d latel nll'etlllg Ill' '1llJeu llidt If the Lit) dele I I11l11e" that leased spdces me needed, he Will bl mg the Itell1 back befO! e the parkmg commIt tee fOl I econ~ldel dtlOn Solak told the committee thdt the gdte hou"e for the attended lot hai:> been 01 dered and should an 1\ e In the weeks follOWing the LabOl Day Weekend NatIOnal Gm ages has sevelll! I ecommendatlOns for the city on ho\\ to best handle the interim pellod between the lot opening and the gate house al'llval and 11111 meet With Solak and pie >;ent i:>OllltlOns At the close of the meetmg, l11elchants noted that Solak has worked hm d to coordrnate sev em I Items of concern and has offered several solutIOns that sat Isf) the maJonty of people nil ectly affected by the HilI's parkmg capaCIty All recommendatIOns by the .ld hoc parkmg committee ~'Ill go befole the City CounCil at ItS Sept 11 meetmg Lawnmowers, grass whips can kill young trees + The bark on the trunk of young trees, up to 3 and 4 years old IS especially thm and can be easily damaged bv lawnmower bumps and scrapes and by the cuttmg actIOn of g1 ass \\ hips, dC COJ dmg to J K Abbs, of the Glosse Pomte Park BeclutIfica tlOn Commission Even small nicks can mterfere With the flow of water and nu tllents UPWal d to the tree's e lDnbfd Inc- U s.... leal e~ b\ wa, of the mnel b,Il" camblLll1l, \\ Ith 1,'1o\lth "L' \erell leLuded and tlIP dedth of the tree lesultll1g ollce the tl unk ha~ been gll died Rlchald W H,IlII~, plofe""01 of landscape hOltlcllltUle, bd\", '11 ees real!) m need of a fl lend me young IlUl.,eIY hee" lecentl) planted In an establIshed lawn All but the most \'lgOl ous tl ee" 11111 !.,'10\\ ,,10\\ II and be d dl sap OJ pOll1tment If the b'1 a"" I~ too cloc;e to the tr link Grass near the tllll1k IIwlteb debal kmg by the 1,1I1111110\1el " Keep g1 ass at lea"t 16 mches II om the 11 unks of ) oung II ee~. Belli IS ddds Regul81 deep watelll1g and cultIVatIOn of the sol! UI ound the tJ unk, 01 the use of a mulch, "uch a" wood chips 01 buckwheat hull Ii:>also lecommended Seagull Beach That's the name of tbe strip of land off Lakeshore near Moross. according to 5-year-old Aaron Kessler Wagner. The .trip attract. numerous seagullB. and Aaron. who drives past the area with his family almost daily. decided it was an appropriate. if unofficiaL name. Now his parents. Tami and Jerry Wagner. and younger brother and sister all refer to the spot as Seagull Beach. The family lives in Grosse Pointe Woods. Excalibur Bar to put up two satellite dishes The owner of the Excahbur Bar on CharleVOIx In Grosse Pomte Park plans on mstalhng two satelhte dishes in the near future ExcahbW' owner Bnan MacLean sought permiSSion from the Plannrng CommissIOn Aug 15 to put the two 10 foot dishes on the 100f of the bar, but the planners thought the dishes on the roof would be obtrUSive and unSightly. Planner Robert Klacza took exceptIOn to Maclean's plans. He said he felt it was bad enough for the bar to want one satelhte dish on Its roof, let alone two MacLean said the two dIshes Hammond Chevrolet agrees to keep vehicles off the grass Mel a round of good, oldfashIOned horse trading with the GIOSse Pointe Park City Council Aug 11, the owner of Hammond Chevrolet promised to keep cars off the grass III front of hiS dealershIp on Jefferson lberville Hammond came before the counCIl to get permission to put up a GEO sign and a used car Sign at the dealership. which is next to City Hall Durlt1~ the diSCUSSIOn, several council mem- bers pointed out that they did not like Hammond parking cars for sale on the grass In front of the showroom. Hammond promised to only put cars In front on special occasslOns and with written approval from the city. In return, the counctl gave Hammond permissIOn to hang the new signs The following day there were no ears on the grass in front of Hammond Chevrolet -John Mmms were necessary so that patlons of the sports bar could watch mOl e than one sportmg event at a time A compromise was reached In whIch the bar was gIVen pel nus slOn to mstall the satelhte dIshes on the gl ound behllld the bar where they would not be seen by the pubhc Suspected armed robber runs away A man entered a the 15000 block of P m Aug 16, held bag and threatened an apparent armed tempt When the clerk fled mto a back room, the would-be al med robber also fled SIX how slater the clerk made a report The suspect IS beheved to carry a nfle wrapped In a btue and whIte towel _ J ,(, r ," 1 " l("'PO~\ ~1l'l<PO!<' """,pol'\ .......-- '. ! I i ;~~ ~. ~:~ ~~~ II"PaRr ."Pa~''--."'PaRr _____ ~ ,, ---- - , ~~I~ I' 1OO's: 11 mg...... , 0 9 mg lllCObn8 lit per ClgIIQ IIr FTC MeItIIlI. .J , I' .': ~ :.t,.... r 'I> ,. ~~:" SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Emphysema, And May Complicate Smoking Disease, Pregnancy, I CODE 830412 .. I . "..,J~kJ J -," :j,{ t. ,', 4i , -~~ ... fJ-. t.:i:" '" . "I , bUSiness m Mack 1 45 up a paper the elel k 111 robbery at " , ,t , " ~ ~l. " ? Churches Seniors Grosse Pointe Board of Realtors Carl HedeenMargie Reins Smith Feature Editor f, { J ) , .J . Grosse POInte Shoreb artIst Carl Hedeen started paIntmg seven years ago He was 69 years old SInce then he estunates he's completed about 150 paIntmgs "At my age," he said, "I've got to paInt hke hell .. Hedeen IS a member of the Grosse Pointe Artists ASSOCIatiOnHe will be the featured artIst at the ASSOCIatIOn's30th annual Fall Art }<'estlVulSaturday, Sept 9 at the Grosse POInte War Memonal. The outdoor fall' WIll Include a selectiOn of 150 artlsts and craftspeople who WIll dIsplay and sell theIl' work on the grounds of the Grosse POInte War Memonal, a co.sponsor of the festival PartIcipating artIsts WIll show watercolors, oils, wood, Jewelry, leather, staIned glass, sculpture, pottery, fiber alts, pen and ink draWIngs and more. Most of the art work WIll be for sale In addItion, the festival WIll Include demo onstrations, a drawing for ongInal works of art, musIc by Carl Fernstrum at the porta. ble keyboard, by the Ban-Joes and by BIll Phol<J6 b} Margie Rem. Carl Hedeen i:>m,lh Section B August 24, 1989 48 28 7.138 Grosse Pointe News Featured artist at Grosse Pointe Artists Association's Fall Art Fair Sept, 9 De Turk on the Carillon of Grosse POInte MemOrIal Church, food and free helium bal. loons for kids. No admISSiOn. Free parkIng. Carl Hedeen will display a selectIOn of his work Inside the Fries Audltonum, and WIll be avaIlable to talk about hIS paInting, about the Grosse Pointe Artists ASSOCIatIOn, and . about hfe. He's enthUSIastic about all of these Upbeat, WIth an engaging smile, a droll sense of humor and a vast knowledge of automobIle design, Hedeen is usually wearing a snappy bnmmed hat, and - WIth a httle Imagination - could be be called a JImmy Dumnte look.alike HIS trainIng and background are In deSIgn Senous paInting, however, is his second career. "My granddaughter was workmg on a school project when she was about 9 or 10 years old," he said "It was about Egypt She asked for my help. I dId a painting for the front of her folder. That's when I got mterested In pamtmg." Hedeen had been general dIrector of engIneenng at FIsher Body dIviSIOn of General Motol's Corp for 16 years when he retired 12 years ago Before that, he spent 30 years at G M involved in the deSIgn, engineering, testIng and manufacturmg of automobIles He was responsIble for more than several dozen automotIve safety developments engineenng and deSIgn features that most of us take for granted, such as the air cushIOn restramt system, reduced penetration wmdshield glass, restraInt belt systems, the side door guard beam, unitized body construction, the starter interlock system, and more He was also mvolved in the development of computer graphics to aid in the design and stress analysis of automobile bodies. The admmistrator of the U S. Department of TransportatIOn at one time credited Hedeen WIth saving thousands of lIves as a result of hIS leadership in automotive safety "I have no college degI-ee," he saId Nevertheless, at bmes, Hedeen had up to Some samples of Carl Hedeen's work ... the IndustrIal Arts department at the Center for Creative Studies, for art lessons. "I had trammg in art, color, deSIgn," he said, referring to his career as an automotIve deSIgner "I had to have an apprecla. bon of a hne for deSIgn Jobs. For art. work, I 7,000 people working for-him, many with want beauty of form, a mce hue -, master's degrees and doctorates Hedeen said that, once he decIded to pursue pamting, he went to Bill House, head of About three years ago, House was looking for a group of mterior deSIgners to accomSee ARTIST, page 14B .j; !.,. c ~c.N 3-:t!,.. ~~If I A+ Back-to-School Physicals For -4 lit- v. •• Call Louise at I ~ f ~ , Cottage Physician 881-1800 Referral Service, ji l i . t Make an appointment with a Cottage Hospital Physician in time for the school bell. For back-to-school physicals, or whenever you need a physician, call Louise at 881-1800. 1.1~;,~?~~~~~o~ 159 Kercheval Avenue Grosse Pomte Farms 884-8600 S~M 28 August 24, 1989 Grosse Pointe News New 'young-old' can shake stereoty NOI\ that oldel IS younger, tho"e \\ho leach the age of 65 Iul' e ,I \\ hole ne\\ :>et of optIOns to con:>ldel 1':ot too long ago, age 65 and I elll ement well;> "ynonv mous One day you \\ el e al~ act;ve and \ ahwd membel of an 01gal1l.l<l t Ion 1\\ enty four haUl.., Idlel ,ou \1l'l'e out the door Nevel nllnd tlMt vou didn't feel .111\ dlfl'eH'nt ph) sicall) OJ mentally You \\ l're 65 and, ou \\ el e old To add lIl:>ult to lIlJUlv, \ ou \\ele stl'leotyped ,I.., old b) VOUI fa 1mI) <\.., \1 ell You felt .I" though \ Oll had been pldced m custodial Cdle Tho:>l' <llound \ ou began to 1Il gl' \ ou to take 'llfe ea"y Tht') pLumed .}Qlll d'l) They decided \1 hdt 'ou ..,Iwuld eat and \\ Iwn Some I etnee.., IIelcomed till' release flom \\ ork and l'e"pOn,,1 blht)' The, \\ere glad to ..,It bach. and let the world 1011 b\ Othet" fl etted dnd fumed They mls"ed the paltelned da, of gomg to \\OIk III the mOll1lng and IetUl nmg home at I1Ight TI1l'n there were those who filled thell' tlllll' \\ Ith hobbieS cult I \ dtl'd ovel .I lifetime Ho\\ the tIme table ha" ch,lIlged Sl'\ty-fi\ e IS no longel Il'g,1Idccl a.., old m the sense It oncl' \\ .I.., \Ve hm e added a nl'\\ dll1ll'n"lOn lo life's spdn Wh,ll \\ ,I'" old, I" now nuddle aged 50 to ()O Whdt \\.1:>elderh, I" nOlI old 75 ,lIld 0\ l'I ' Age 75 to 90 IS t'ldelly Thl" phenomenon of till' glll\l th of the older populatIOn IS llIll' of the mo..,t :>11:,'111 fica III tll'l1(b 01 tlw 20th and 21"t cl'n t\lIll'.., In Ju-.t 20 yem" the 65 ph... dge j.,'10UP !,'1ell t\\ Ice ,It!,ht ,1:>the Ie:>tof the populatIOn B, 2010 oncthlrd WIll be o\el >5 The fa"te,>t 6'10wlng segmenl of the populatIOn IS 75 plu:> FOUl genel.:ltlOn.., of famllle'> are III CIe,\'>lIlgl) common TIm lenj.,rthened life span has ,I -.1l,'11Ilic,lllceto all segments of -.ouet, IIh Ich proVide sel vices :\CllcltISCI<; ale begulI1l11g to Ie .Jll,e th,lt 0\('1 65" IS a bIg mm hl't 101 plOduch Unhke the teen By Marian Trainor SCIeemngs, from 1 to 3 p m on Aug 30 "EvelY Woman's Concern Cancer m Females" IS the sub. Ject of Robelt M O'Bryan, 1\1D's lecture on Sept 26, 3 30 to 5 p m Mammograms are of feled on Sept 19, 20, 21, 26 and 27, at a speCial reduced rate of $50 Cottage Hospital also w111offel ItS popular "Memory Impwve ment WOlkshops" on three consecutive Wednesdays, begInning Oct 4 01 Jan 24, 10 30 to 12 30 p m ThIS Six-how' workshop will focus on how memory works, how memory changes, campen satmg fm change, techmques 101 Improvmg memory, and the InI portance of exel Clse, nutntlOn and stre,,:> mandgement A WOIk book IS lI1cluded In the $20 fee FOI furthel mformatlOn or to IegJstel for thIS WOlkshop. call m<11 ket that Ilounshed m the 6'10UP about ~omputel"" They 'SOs, the\ hdve mone) to spend found that oldf'J' dduJt~ wel e We hedl d f,,'1edt deal of com 1ll01e mtelested 111 lem mng plO ment" about Ietllees who have gl <lmlllll1g, 11'01d ploce"slllg and llttlt, .;,pendable IIlcome Thl:, I:> budgetmg tlllt' of tho;,e who live on Sochtl Theu II1telCst 111 the cduca Secunl\ We 31 e told also thdt tlOn.ll Jspects of the computel" mo"t 'young old' aJ e on a pal' Ii lit'> WIth the nat!Ondl trend A n<1nclall) With thell youngel .}eUl dgO, 90 percent 01 all soft compatllOb becau:>e they have wal e was aUlled at cnteltam Incomes flOm pilI' ate pensIOns ment, now 50 pel cent IS educa and lI1vestments tlOn or home ploductlvlty Pohtlclans should be partlcu OI'lented 1mIy aware of the power of thIS In Menlo Pm k, Cahf, more II1CIeasmgl.} Important St'gment than 100 membels of the "LIttle of votel:> SI:>.tyfive pel cent of all House Senior Adults Commul1lty persons age 55 to 74 vote, com Centel" take computel classes pared to 52 pel cent 01 the 35 to They use computel s to pUISlle 44 age b'1-0UP theIr mtel ests 111 graphiCS, fi Charitable lIl:>tltUtlOl1S owe nance", stock!>and Ieal estate per:>on::.dge 65 and oldel a vote PlOneenng IS not easy and of thanh ThlltY-SIX pel cent 1!1 that IS e'\actly what thiS newly thl.., age 6'1'OUPdevote time to CIedted young old gJ oup must do charitable and \ oluntary 01 gam An OppOltumty to paltake of life on an active baSIS IS a \\elcome zatlOn" Educators need to recogmze gIft It IS also a challenge The thell Importance They are eagel Idea of older people movlllg mto and wl1ll11gto leal n new skills <IIeas formerly conSidered to be Wltne"s the sutcess of Eldel- open only to younger gJ oup" hostel, an OIgamzatlOn that has takes some gettmg used to. But :>et up a senes of educatIOnal It I::'happenmg pi 06'1ams on campuSt's aCloss Almost dady, a newspapel or the country and abload to PIO- mdgazme carnes a stm y about Vide semols With an oppOltumty the achievements of oldel pel to tlavel and to have an educd sons who have dlstmgUlshed tlOnal expel wnce themselve" m competitive sPOltS Nm does thl.;, age f,,'1'OUpshy 01 have made It a:> entl epl ea way from \\ hat mIght be neurs What It takes I:> confithought of as prlmanly of mter dence, enthUSIasm and dedlcaest to thoSt' who wel e bm n mto t!On It - computers Ordmal dy the over.50 gl oup Oldel adults ale entenng the would not be mtel ested 111 a <.omputel market In then book, book tItled "Go For It," by IIene . Computels for Kid" Over C Kassorla, a psychologIst and SI'\ty,' duthOl" Gleg Kealsley famdy thel aplst who was voted and ~lal'> FUllong wnte "Teach- one of the \\OIld'" 10 most mOumg "enlOls to be computer hter ate \\ as not Significantly dlffel 8841177 ent than teachmg any othel age Cottage Silver Program is designed for seniors Semor cItizens al e inVited to dlscovel a vanety of health and good-hvll1g tips through the Cot tage SlIvel pi Oglam at Cottage HospItal of GI osse POinte A senes of talks and health screenmgs, customized for per sons 55 yeal sand o....el, has Just been announced, along With a SlIver SymposIUm scheduled I'm Saturday, Oct 14, featuring Martha W Gllffiths, Lieutenant Governor, as keynote ~peakel All lectw'es and screemngs are held at Cottage Hospital All Cottage Sliver talks are fl ee, but since St'atmg IS Imuted, reserva tlOns are requested Appomt ments HI e IequJl ed for most of the health SCIeemngs The Cottage Sl1vel pI 01:,'1 am.;, kick off on Aug 31 when Rich ard J Shawn, M D present::. "Down With High Blood Pres ,sUle," at 7 pm The talk IS ac : compamed by flec blood pressure pursue new goals FAREWELL TO ANTIQUED PINE entlal women by the Umverslty of Cuhformu Panhellemc CounCIl The tItle suggests that hel e I" a book of pnmary mterest to leaders startmg out on theil' caleelS Not so In hel' book, Kassorla dls cusses problem" and SituatIOns th<it could occur at any age She doe:>so III a warm, fnendly man nel' that mspll e1> confidence Each chapter ends With two sueclllctly capsuhzed columns that tell!> the 1eader what makes u 10"cl vel SUl>what make~ 11 wmner Iromcally, one of the biggest ploblems the young old face IS one shared by people of all ages lack of l:onfidence Kassorla ha:> thiS adVIce' "You have come to a crossload. You can choose between two equally compelhng dIrectIOns, You can choose the fanllliar, comfoltable road 01' the unfamiliar whIch IS more productive and challenging, Along the way, you Will develop new mtel' e'lts that WIll make life more lewarding" "I believe," she wrItes, "the healthy way to get your I'evenge With death IS to truly liVe every moment of your bfe now" You have the tIme Have the courage to do all the thmgs you have been afraid to try You may not be one WIth the PepsI genelat IOn, but your inductIOn mto the Gentol group has been postponed School Band and Orchestra Instrument Rentals • Fine Violins & Accessories • Lessons • Professional Horns ON PREMISE REPAIRS MON.THUR. FRI.-SAT. 10-8 10-6 776-5569 27111 Gratiot Ave. Roseville (I block N. of II Mile) Escape from the everyday. Every day. ~ere's nothing ordinary or everyday about LAKEPOINTE ToWERS. It's notJust a residence, it's a lifestyle, Everything you want is right here. '!ennis, a beautiful spa and pool and a challenging public golf club at the door. ..L ~~ building itself is the only mid.rtse condominium tower Shores, an architect's masterpiece, with it's soaring glass atrium, balconies and much, much more. Inside, all your whims have been anticipated. rooms offer unparalled space for entertaining. ..L in St. Clair ~-oJ-the-ltne design and accouterments are standard, as is the ultimate in service, security and amenities that only LAKE POINTE TOWERS has to offer. Now you won't have to escape to get away from the everyday. For you'll be liVing at LAKEPOINTE TOWERS - the brand new residence in. the finest community in St. Clair Shores. ..L LAKEftllClNTE Buy now while inventory lasts. In order to make room for exciting new furniture deSigns we Will no longer be making our Antiqued Pine collection ThiS allows us to oHer extraordinary values on our remaining Antiqued Pine Inventory for the next full year It's a perlecttlme to complete your decorating plans or to buy speCial accent pieces like those shown here A. Sugar Bin End Table Reg $299 75 Sale $229.75. B. Storage Ottoman Reg $129 75 Sale $69.75. C. TV Stand Reg $199 75 Sale $149.75. D. Dry Sink Reg $59975 Sale $499.75. E. Lamp Table Reg $29975 Sale $229.75. Ethan Allen I ,. MILE TO\VElIG' 3000 Country Club Drive St. Clair Shores, Michigan For information call: * 293-1643 * * Floor plans available from 1100 to over 2200 square feet. TIvo or three bedrooms and 2 or 21/2 baths. Spectacular 7th floor penthouse residences available. Showroom and models "Open" everyday (except Thursday) appointment. Represented by: We care about your home. Pay as you go' Ask about our fInance plan "Remember Only Ethan Allen GallelJes Sell Ethan Allen FUl'l1ItUle" Man, Thurs ,Fn 10 9 • Tue" , Wl'd ,Sat 10 5-:30 • Sun 1 5 00 LIVONIA 15700 MIDDlEBEL T (between 5 & 6 Mile) UTICA 50170 VAN DYKE (between 22 & 23 Mile) 254.5260 261.7780 f or by PRICES STARTING AT $105,000 The Prudentl8l • Grosse Pointe Real Estate Co. 882-0017 'tbu know us. we know real estate: August 24, 1989 Grosse Pointe News F~i ~ 3B Polo will benefit Junior League of Detroit's Sibley House DIvot btampmg Is It the newest dance step? Nope It'b bOlllethmg bvedatOlt>al'e allowed even lm",ouraged - to do at d polo IIIdll-h Polo Ib apparelltly one of the laste"t grOWIng, least understood, spectalOl SPOltSIn the last few yealb Actually, polo'b OrIgInb can be lldled back to abuut 400 B C., so the game Itbelf Ib nothll1g Hew Ab a lundJ all>el, howevel, It'S new The JUIIlOl LtMgue of Detroit's LeXUbGold Cup Polo Mdtch IS ;;et lor Sunddy, Sept 10 at the DetlOll Polo Club III Mllfol d, frolll 1130 d m untIl 5 pm FOI many who dre plannmg to attend, It WIll bt: theIr first polo mdt",h "We'le Llymg to get some m101mat 1011 about the game of polo oul to (Jeople ahead of tIme," bald Mal y Lampartel-, chaIr llIal. 01 the fundi al~1 She bald there Will be more than polo dur109 the day - plenty to keep people entertamed and occupIed - mcludmg a lIve and sIlent auctIOn under tents around the polo Held, brunth 01 taIlgate PICIIICS,a dressage ehhlbltlOn, the polo match Itself, and awald" afterward "We hope to cleate an atmo sphel e, mOle than a party," LampUlter bald "All ",ho al e mvolved are extlted about thlb "We hope It WIll be a yeally event .. Mary Benfer, preSIdent of the JunlOl League of DetrOIt, ISJUbt as eXCited about the fuudJ albel , whlCh bhe bald "Just kmd of fell mto OUI laps Polo IS an upcom mg sport of great mterest to the Det! OIt ",ommumty " Othel s 011 the wmnllttee Shannon Agan, Cheryl Brennan, Judy Burke--Brooks, Jane Burton, Christi Cl'acchiolo, Terry Dietrich, Alexis GlendennJng, Georgiann Henritzy, Susan Howbert, Sheila Ingwersen, Barbara Kennedy, Jan Kirk, Beth Klein, Deborah Leslie, Carrie Maliszewski, Barbara Prues, Grace Rashid, Christina Roehl, Laurie Strachan dlld Mal'y Vasse Honorary chairmen are Lynn and Paul Alandt. Tickets are $75 pel person fOl the VIP Brunch, Polo Match and AuctIOn For a tailgate plcmc, polo match and auctIOn, tickets al e $15 fm adults, $7 per child For mOle Information, call the JUlllor League office at 881 0040 AllOthel' benefit: Thb one Ib for ChlldJ-en's HosPlta.1 of Michigan Saks Fifth Avenue-Fall-lane zme Smce last Chnstmas. the magazme's readerb have contnb uted $1 million Call 8852000 for more InformatIon No aprons needed: Muklng plan!> lor the Junior League of Detroit's Lexus Gold Cup Polo Match, a fundrulser for the League's Sibley House, are, trom left. Lynn Alandt. honorary co-chairman; Mary Benfer. JLD president: Paul Alandt. honorary co-chairman; and Mary Lamparter, general chairman, Will plebellt the MdnIWoman Show and Benefit on Sept 10 at 6 30 P m at the Falrlane Town Center It's a fabhlOn and hie style event featm mg fall and wmter styles for the contempo lalY male - and female - WIth product sampling and demon StlatlOlls Pat! ons Will have the opportu I1Ity to make selectIOns and pw chases ImmedIately aileI' the l>how SUIpl"ll>ecelebnty guests Will be announced. PrIce IS $50 and mcludes com plImentary refreshments, hors d'oeuvles, enteltamment and af terglow cash bar FOI 0101 e miolllldtlOn, call 336 3070, ext 217 Help the homeless: Want to tidy up your home and, at the same time, help homeless familIes and the Grosse Pomte FoundatIOn for ExceptIOnal ChildJ'en? How ahout contnbutmg some unwanted or httle used household Items to the Great Amen can Yard Sale? Items needed al e large and small applIances, rugs, furmtule, clothmg, toys, kitchen utenSils, hnens, etc All clean, '" orkable Ubedble "tuft, pleab€ ~pollboled by Schwelt.l€1 .t{edl Esta.te, 1m: / Bettel Homes alld Gardens, the sale Will take place m the cafeteria at Grosse P..,mte North High School from 10 a m untIl 4 p m_ on Sept 16 Small donated Items may be dropped off anytime at the Fal ms office of Schweitzer Real Estate Inc , 18780 Mack Ave Larger Items may be taken to Globse Pomte Nmth High School on drop off day, Fnday, Sept 15, from 4 to 9 p m Or, brmg Items on the day of the sale startmg at 8 am Fifty per<.ent of the ploceedl> II om the sale Will go to the Bet tel' Homes FoundatIOn, an organIZatIOn dedIcated to helpmg homeless famllle" The othel 50 pelcent of the proceeds Will go to the Founda tlOn fOi ExceptIOnal Children m Glubse POInte "We hope many Will partiCIpate," said Paul R. Schweitzer of GIOSse Pomte Woods, presIdent of Schwclt.ler Real Estate, Inc !Better Homes and Gardens. "The Great Amencan Yard Sale will be takmg place at the same time m mOlethan 135 Cities and towns across the country We're sponsm mg the sale because we beheve every Amencan family l>hould have a home. "Homeless families have more than 500,000 children - more than half of them under age 5 It's a ternble SituatIOn and we know that people here- 111 the DetrOIt area would hke to help these unfortunate kids This IS a great way to do It " The Better Homes FoundatIOn prOVides services to homeless famlhes through local communIty orgamzatlOns and servIce prOViders Rather than simply prOViding emel gency shelter or food, the FoundatIOn's miSSIOnIS to address long term problems of homelebs famlhes to help get them back 011 their feet and on thell' own agaIn. The FoundatIOn also supports pre-school programs, medical, dental, VISIOnand hearIng services for children, recreational and tutonng services for children, and Job traInmg, counselmg and parentmg WOIkshops It wab foundt;d m 1988 by Better Homes and Gardens maga- ToU! some of Grosse POInte'b mOi>t beautifully decorated kitchens Cottage Hospital Auxillary'b 1989 KIt.ehen Tour Will feature !>even kitchens deSigned to com plelllent the al chltectw e of the homes and the IIfestyleb 01 the lanlllJei> who hve In th~J11 I'he tour Ib bet fOl Thw"day, Sept 14 Tltket>. are $8 pel per ;"On,$6 per pel bon for a gl Ol<V01 1501 more They're available at Cottage HospItal's Gift Shop, Village Record<; and Tape ...and at the door on the day 01 the tour Tickets may be ordel ed m ad vance by mail Make checks pay able to Cottage Hospital Auxll lal)' Kitchen Tour, POBox 36363, Groi>!>ePomte, 48236 III elude a sell addressed stamped envelope Chairmen of the evellt, which wIll raIse money for Cottage HospItal's cardIaC momtonng bystems , are Nanette Quinoneb and Mary Nolan, Kitchens are by Mutchler, Cox & Baker BUIlders, Pomte Kitch ens and Customcraft A representative sample of the Grosse Pointe Gators. wearing appropriate T-shirts. are, from left. Joe Gualtieri. Randy Agley. Ron Lamparter and Morrey Taylor, Grosse Pointe Baptist Community Nursery School Ages 30 months to live yeclls REGISTRATION NOW OPEN FOR FALL th day sessions 8:45-11:15 a,m. 21336 Mack Avenue at Old Eight Mile and Mack Grosse POinte Woods, MI 48236 East vs. West: A group 01 Grosse POlllte couples, who call themselves the East Side Gators, traveled to Milfoid on Aug 6 to compete agaInst a slmllal group, the Milford Panthers, In the Lake Sherwood East Meets West OlympiCS. The tongue-in-cheek stuff got out of hand, accordIng to Donald E SIegel, of MIlford The Gators team mcluded Judy and Randy Agley, Mona and Joe Gualtieri. Mary and Ron Lamparter, Carolyn and Paul Sadows, Darlene and Tony Soave and Michelle and Morrey Taylor. The Panthers (named after the elUSive, so-called real panther who has been playIng hlde-andseek with MIlford residents for several years) mcluded Jan and Phone 881-1210 for information clnd registration ?eac?.5 1i'et .:JJlte flOtS -< J Ke1'cpevaL Yunc~ wid Jud!J ~ftlg8811- 7004 .,lifo, - Tti JO -5 ..5a1 1_0- 4 I I I I I • ~J; II [ #, Bill Guran., Marj and Ron Kir- chner, Susan and Jim O'Neill, Pat and Don Siegel, Sharon and Bud Stefako and Sherri and John Weber, CompetitIOn mcluded the Be Kmd to Your Webbed footed Fnends Race (jogging while wearing sWim fins), the Greater Gater Derby (a water relay on all1gator shaped rafts), the Splash and Dash (a massive water balloon fight), and La Cage Aux Foiles Clalmmg Race (men raced, weanng women's clothIng) - Margze ReinS SmIth .20~ cjf a[[ Wal!J)QjJe~ a"td Lab t--t'cs OROUM STYLISH NURSING HOME 8045 EAST JEFFERSON DETROIT, MICH 821.3525 Q[ Alfry NURSING CARE Manfn HfndoM 11IE WINDOW Of CHOICE Casemaster \Ve1re doing our best to improve parking The Pointe Plaza shoppmg center and offIce complex will be a major improvement to the Mack Avenue and Moross area when completed_ In the meantime. we at 51. John HO.,pllal dlld Medical Center are domg our be.,t to make parkmg morc convenient for you by: • Reducing parking fees to a flat $1 regardless of time in the east lot and west parking deck (Free parking available behind hospital.) • Offering free valet service seven days a week. Main hospital entrance' 9 a.m, . 9 p.m_ Protes!>JOllalHuildillJ,! 7 a m 7 p_m ($1 parkirlg let clpvlI' :» • Shifting ~ume employeE: iJarking to an alternate site. The casement Window With • Glazing opllons 10match your cllmale • Bare wooo or pnmed Intenor or polyc on exlerlor finish • ExIra Nloe Jc1lnbsoptlon,,1 • Fmger touch AOlo Gear operalor And or course every MarVin Case master IrIs perfectly because tIs made to order Thank you for your patience and continued support as we work to turn short.tenn inconveniences into long-tenn benefits, Our aquamarine and dIamond pendant can be worn on a silk cord, chain or pearls. edmund t. AHEE jewelers 20139 Mack Avenue • Grosse Pointe Woods 886-4600 ~DOORS.~ --------, -, 15135 CharleVOIX Grosse POinte Park, MI (313) 331.{)6()() For more infonnation about parking options, call the 51.John Physician Referral and Infonnation Service at 1-800-237-5646. Mon. Fri, 8:30 a.m, .5 p.rn. St.M John Hospital and Medical Center, August 24, 1989 Grosse Pointe News 48 Colonial Church may be clock, calendar or compass ByJoy Aschenbach National Geographic Turning times By the Rev Harry S BenJamin Associate Pastor St Paul Catholll C!1lHrll I cOIl",dl'l !1l\ "'l It Illlht 1(11t UIl,ltl' TIll' dl''''[" In Ill\ ::-tud\ look.., out dlll'cth (1111(1 I "I-.I' ~t CI,ul SlIlCt.' I .1111\ I,d It ~t I>'llll", P,ul ..h 10 ll11llltlh ,lgO, I h<l\l' bpl'n ,Iblp to oh"'l" \ l Illl 111,111\Illood .. ,llld dldllgp" \I hlch thl" bod\ III \\ ,ltl'1 llJ ..pLI\ '" FIO!1l till' dUtU1l11l thlOUgh tIll' \I lIltei mto "'pi jll~ ,lllti ..,UIlIllll'j I \\ ,Itdll'd till' CUIIOU" IllU tcltlOlh 111 till' \\,llt'l <lllllill till ..,[,,\ ,llld I .. <1\ 01I'd tIll' hcluntlng IIUl" 01 ..Ull ,uHI 1ll00tl '1'111' tllllllllg t IIllP'" oj 1I,ltUIl' find tlwlI countpi pMh 1Il the e\ ent~ ,md 1ll0\ PIllC'llt '" III OUI 0\\ n iJ\'e,s FOI tho"p \\ho \(IPlltl/\ tlll'U l1\p>- \\Ith God, till' tUlnmg tlllll'>- of OUI 11\1'" ,ill' .11,," till' tlllllllll.( tUlle::- 01 God'" hfp and clctl\'I!\ It I'" Ilot IU..t \\1 \\ho P.lttP11I OUI Il\p" on Hh 01 dllect OUI 11\('''' to ll'\ol\l' ,uOUl1d HIIll WIthin tlw ,]Udl'O ChI ,,,tldll tl,I(l1tlOll It h OUI bphl'! th,lt God d!:"O dCC0Jl1JllO(],11I'" Ih ,'Ild ,lllapto- to OUI \\m'~ Ht> ,11 way!> ha!> W\' hop\' ,Illd bl'lll'\ I' th,lt \I Itlun HI!> IlIllIb HI' al ways \\ 111 Turnlllg t 11111''''arp \\ ol1der!ul t Imp" The\ Cdn a Iso be pamful tlllle~ 811 th ... .lll' l'\.hl1,u,,1tll1g dpdth::- al e mournful Between birth dntl dP,lth f,dl ,dl tlw up::-\\ mgs ,1Ild do\\ n turns of !tfe OUl tlllll' .. ,md OUI ",p,I'ion" bpcome God\' lImp::. and God's :"t>,hon .. HI-. tUllllllg tlllll'" belollw Olll'!> There \\ t> meet :\lol111'l1t Il\ 1ll0lllellt d,l\ 1)\ dd\ t>\'t>nt b\' p\'l'nt God ,md \\l' hUIll,IIl" touch .md lIlnU~ncl' ectlh oth~r WIth tht> pI edlct,1bliJt\ .1" \\plI ,1'i \\ Ith ,d] tht> unpredlcta bIllt)' of Lakp St Cl,ul OUI tlll Illllg tIl11l:'>-\\ Ith God IllHrk 01l1'11\'\:'" Fll>qUl'nth thPll' I'" Iw,wt\' often thl'l'e I~ tLl! mot! But the con..,l ..tPI1C\ of ,I I,,[,,\:' ,md the :,hlml11el'lng of Its \\atel 111some \\,\\ Il'tleL! .. IIp\\al'c1 to d1'<:1\\our attentlOlls to the constdlll'\, tilt> Jidl'llt\ ,md the pab"lOll oj a God who IS Jealou::,l~ In 10\ e \\ Itll HI" CIt>atlOn and HIS creature::, What a JO\ to p\.pelWllce - \\ hpllC\'el and ho\\ ever these tLll'l11ng tlllle .. II Ith God In OLII hws FLEe volunteer opportunities The GIO""l' POInil' H,lljll'1 louth Volunteel cOlln"elOl S HI e Woods Youth ,\ ....I..t.1ll(l' PIO ,I"ked to! a commitment of one gram and Centl'l Pomt CII"h to t\\ 0 hour" a \\ eek and ::,hould Cent 1.'1 <III.' both pl.\l1l1llH; to !la\ e a mmlmLlIll 01 a bachelor" tl am \ olunteel wun ..eICll" bet::l11 deh'l ee m.1 hum.1n ,el \ ICl:'lield nmg 111 Septembl'l Call Mm 1.1 Ruhdna 01 Pam \'olllnteeh ,\1 l' nel'dcd to \\(11 k 0'-\\ did at the FLEC office tOi With tlOubll'd ,lnd dl'!JnqllPnt ,iffiOUI'lllIOlIHdtlOn 8853510 In londy lll<lJe ...ty neal .1 Che::, .lp,'.I)..l' B<1~ \'Ill,lgl', ha:- IlI::,tOlll l'llll..,t ('Inll eh kept <1 <,t.'ll et to! nlOll' th,m 250 ye,u ~' I.. It mOle thdn d hou::,e 01 \\ 01 ..hip' Doe .. It ldl>t "h,ldo\\s that ld I II I1W dnd LOunt the d,\\'» II om, "'pllllg tu Idll) DOl'::' It Cdp till l' "ullbl',uu .. b, dl'''lgll) 1::, It ,I dod.. L,ilPlld,1I ,llld COl\lpd.....,.) b It-. ..t,lIk. ..llIlphl'lty dl'teptl\ to) IlIdhpllt,lbh, ('llll"t Chullh 1<; .m ,lIchlllltlll ,il gem - tlw be::,t pll''''l'l I ed wlonld I dUll ch III V II pili,) :\ legl ...tell'd n<1tlOlldl hi" ldlldlll'lIh., hlilL It I" ,Ill lI11pO..l1lg, lII,llholeUlII like blilh. ..tl m t Ull' buIlt ,II ound 1732 111 the 10Il1l 01 the GIl'ek CIO;,:, UIIqlll'..,t IOlIdbh It \\ J.'> de ..lgllPd 1)\ dll <I" Illtl'll of sophl" tll\ltlOn but Ill" ,line ,lIld thl' lnllldlllg ...pl,m .. h" l' lIe\ el beell lound SOllie ..L1IOIIl.. )1l'lreve It lOllld be ,I dt ,I~' " tJIl' b'1l:'dt ElIglt"h <IIelllted ~II l'11I1..,toplll'1 Wlen Chll::,t Chllllh le::,emble::, F'lIle\ Chlll eh, d Idte 17th len t Ul\ . countl \ IhlllCh Il1 WJI t,h Il e \\ h Ilh ::,ol1le ,lilt hOlltll'S h'lI I' dttllbuted tu IVIen ChllSt Chul ch was pllvdtely bu ilt b) one 01 COIOllldl V II gliB d.. \\ edlthll'..,t pl,lIltel ", Rubert )( Il1g C,lItel, \1 hose holdmg" LOveled ...01111':300,000 aCll':, dnd \1 hose promll1ent descendant" lllLlude Vll'gll11U govelnOl;, sign 1.'1" 01 the Declcu dt IOn of Illde pendenee, dnd U S pi e"ldenb The church S locatIOn, \\'IOtl:' <In edllv de;,cenddl1t, \\a... 'a I<lthel I~nely one, Illth woods olll dlound, fell 01 no house" nem, dnd no good loadl> .' W dS It pI eelsely ahh'lled on thl" "Ite to tell time? \Vele Ib dlinenSlOl1s l>peuficallv edlcu lated to tell tIme? It " a tune machIne, no que". tJOn about It,' said H Stephen Ste\\ art, a longtime "tudent of hm OIOh')', till' science 01 tIme llIl'dSllIelllcnt, \\ ho has observed the lhull'h nedlly every day "Ince 1.1»t M,lllh 30 'The \\ hole buJldmg Il> d bllildlllg 01 numbel s It'b mUll d,lll'd \1 It h cdlendllc, ;,oldr dnd IUlhll numbell>," he told Na lIoll<ll lieOh'l dphlC Thel e at e, fm e\.alllp)e, 188 bllek dentJls 01'1'1 tllP L1llllch'" lIldlll doOl, and 188 lI<lI' Ii Olll thl:' Iii 5t day 01 ::'P1'1l1g tu the Iii "t o( lall Ste\\ dl't ..,lid he hds uncovel ed nUllIelOU::, cILle;, to Chi 1st <. hUlch\ ::,elletb An 01'.1) sunbl',lm ::,hme<; on the dltdl 011 the IllL'dll ddtl' to! E.1"tel - 14 ddY~ ,Int'l the I el nolI eqUInox - and a~dll1 14 ddyS befO!e the autum 11,11eqUlllox The beam I;' cap t 1Il ed t hlOligh an ovdl wmdo\\ ,Ibo\'l' tllP nM1l1 entl olnce, which (,Ill'''' <Ilmobt due Wl:'bt A ::'lmJldl "pl.1bh 01 ltght fdlls Oll d tomb 111 the l'Xolet cell tel' 01 the chlll ch on the day halfway bet 1\ een the vernal eqUInOX and the ,>ummel solstice A ;,hadO\\ Cd"t flom a cormce, Ste\\ alt said, counts the days h om ~Plll1g to fall as It moves up 01 dOh n the outSide \Iest wall - one 10\\ of bllCk5 d day Thel e dIe 94 days between ::'PllJ1g and "ummel, 94 between summel .md tdll, and 94 lOWS 01 bllcks bl,t 1\ een the bUIldmg's \\ ateI' ta ble and COllllce I \\as countll1g the caUl ses of biICh. When I I eolched 83, tedl S ldllle tu Ill) e) e!>, I hdd to "top," he "dId '1 thought, my God, It'S A sunbeam captured through the oval window above Christ d calendml" Church's main entrance lights up the altar. For eIght haUlS edch day, Was this colonial church near Irvington. Va" designed so that Ste\\ dl t SdY;" the chU! eh also IS the beam would fall on its altar on the mean date for Easter. ol "undlal, Cd"tlllg a shadow on which is 14 days after the spring equinox. and again. as photothe north la\\ n graphed, 14 days before the first of fall? "No \\ olVon ealth can all thIS be hdppenstance," he sdld AI and SUI ve) 01 Coln't thIS be by ctccldent? though thel e'l> no proof, he IS "Wren dId thIS With d twmkle "How could that many things convmced that the chlllch was In 111'; e) e,' Stewalt !'>ald "He's happen In one bmldmg and be deSIgned by Wren, who also \\as not le\'l'aling hi;' secl'eb You've an ash onomel mathematician got to find the tl'lck " See CHURCH, page 5B WORSHIP SERVICES " EXPERT CARE IS A CALL AWAY Iii HI \ I OIUROI ~talfont'" lOlhrop 8843075 Hoh t llLh,lllq and ""-,lllon ( hllll h School r:-\lll'u \ -\\,lIlal1l, \I,d \\ I ,).. ~~1Il1t,1lhi I) 10 .. III TU1 ,c! 1\ 1 h(' Rp\ R"hl'rl t' "1'11\ r hl' RI" ~u,.lIl Ii BOL k hi Luke 13' 22 30 Hebrews 12 1829 CHRIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH 1+++++ \++ ++ \/ OR ROY R ,"UTCHEON PASTOR REV DAVID A KAISER CROSS ASSOC ~'r.1 1~ .. ~ ~l .c. I I al Ihe r0gular FREE :H"HSUPREHES~) I ; ", I "" I FREE ( ~J ~ 11,1'1 C r,(' I 0 mOl" or I I $2.50 OFF any 1/2 Ham. $5,00 OFF any whole Ham. I I IL I ~H"M SVPRUIE~) r , r I",,.. "0 ( .., )m(1f U I ~ ~.f l1 '1/ I' rI (" '10'1<; II ChurCh Morass & Vernier, "Opening The Right Doors" Dr. Jack Ziegler, preaching Children's Education 9 00 and 11 00 a m 7 30 p III Thul :.da) \\'01 "hip P,nd F Kl'pplpl P<I,lol Walter A, Schmidt, Pastor S1. James Lutheran Church "on the Hill" 884-0511 Summer Schedule 930 am Summer Schedule 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship Sunday WorshIp PI eschool call 884 5090 Joseph P, Fabl'y, Pastol' Randy S. Boelter, Pa!>tol' McMillan at Kercheval PJlStor Robert A. Rimbo THE SUBJECT FOR THIS SUNDAY IS: Grosse Pointe UNITED METHODIST CHURCH "Christ Jesus" A lo'nendly Church for All Ages First Church of Christ, . Scientist Grosse Pointe Farms 282 Chalfonte Ave, "Light Shine" 211 Moross Rd., 886.2363 4 blocks West 01 Moros" Rev Jack E GIguere, preachlllg 9:30 a.m, Worship Nursery through 3rd Grade 10 30 AM Sunday School 10 30 A M Wednesday 8 00 PM ALL ARE WELCOME Catchthe~t C ntE lINIT1i:D lIlETHOOIST CHURCH GROSSE POINTE MEMORIAL CHURCH EST "BUSHED 1865 886.4300 Sunday, August 27, 8:30 & 10:00 Worship ST. CLARE OF MONTEFALCO ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH Intersection of Mack-Whittier-E.Outer Drive \I.l"e .. 00 pm Sunda\ 700 S"IUI dd\ -I Pa ..IOI ~ 900, 1030 He\ FI en Noon Weekday" 830 a m 'I aggm t 0 S A .I m FAMILIES IN CRISIS CHRIST IN FAMILIES! "Often Imitated But Never Duplicated" Come Join our family at: GROSSE POINTE BAPTIST CHURCH Family School of the Bible - 9:30 a.m, Morning WorshIp - 11:00 a.m. Evening Praise - 6:30 p.m. Call Ahead lor Fasl & Easy Carry Out 774.2820 881.3343 21336 Mack Ave., GPW (corner of old 8 Mile) , I 8:30-9:00 Lakeside Service (FamIly ServIce/Casual Dress) 10:00-11 :00 Sanctuary Service 885-4960 THE SOLUTION? 21611 Harper • St. Clair Shores, MI (between 8 and 9 Mile) Vel nlel Rd at Wedgel\ood 01 Gt 0 ....'. POinte \'lood, HH-l,)O.W 9 30 a m Sunday \VOI ship PRESBYTERIAN 61 Grosse Pointe Blvd. 885-4841 I.-----------------------1 I I' WOODS PRESBYTERIAN First English Ev. Lutheran Church M<1ck <1tLoehmoOl 88-1 5090 Sunday 10.15 am Holy EucharIst price and receive a W~ _-=- me Sunday Worship 9 00 and 11 00 a m ~I~~:~~~~:~~:~~~~~~;:=~-'I ad macaron, or coleslaw second sand .....lch free l.JrO~5e.-'0 19950 Mack (between Summer Schedule I Saturday 5:30 p.m Holy Eucharist Sunday 8:00 a 111, Holy Eucharist LABOR DAY SPECIAL 10 00 A M SERVICE CRIB ROOM & KDGN AVAILABLE Jt,. WOl ::,lllp ('om mUllion Lutheran Church "The Last Laugh" P,II!.. Gro~,e Pomte \\ oods, 884-1820 WOl ..hlp 7 DO P m :\!ond.l\ Christ the King 240 l04i5 ~unlllngdale ti 881-6670 375 Lothrop at Chalfont. 10 00 a III Sund.l\ \1 IIh a caring church ST. MICHAEL'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Tll H, h POINTE UNITED 1030 a m Worship 9 1!l a m Church School '1 00 ,\ II \l \ GROSSE Harper Woods 8842035 III 1O .l rn (,hm ,II bleh.1I I! St. Paul Ev. Lutheran Jl Church <:;~~F:> 822 3823 Redeemer United Method,,,t Church 20571 Vernier Just W 011-9<1 .:< dt LlkepoInle SlInday School and Wor::,hlp 1030 am N III "el y IS pi oVlded 882-8770 ~ I HAM SUPREME SHOPS Kel chev,d PRAYER Harper Woods 343-4357 Troy 641-0646 Dearborn 441-1502 Mt Clemens 263-1090 Algonac 794-0700 St. Clair ProfeSSional Medical Services \ lit ,'/h (.I" P",ln, r "I ~I lol1n lI'hlll/<11 equal oppt y employer GRACE UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST DIAL A Call us today for your home or hospital needs, Our profeSSionals proVide care 24-hours a day, 7 days a week • RN's/LPN's • HOME HEALTH AIDES • L1VE-IN'S • HOMEMAKERS • CHILD CARE Choose our location that's most convenient for you. ~ummel' SerIes Entitled "SUMMERING WITH ST. LUKE & HIS GOSPEL The Rev. Anne E. FuhrmClster, n preachIng 10:00 Church School CrIb/Four Yr Old Care 16 Lakeshore Drive. Grosse Pointe Farms. 882-5330 DIAL-A-PRAYER 882-8770 ---~~. August 24, 1989 Grosse Pointe News 5B ----------------------------------------Preparing for travel Church------ Journal from Oxford: JObeph Sa11lulowlCZ, an 18-year vetel an audit superVI.,or {iJr Blue ClObS und B"~e Shield of Michigan, took advantage of the wmpuri) '., eur ly retu ement plan last AliguM HI, optIOns another full-time job, a part-tIme job, volunteer work, pursuIt of a hobby or travel "/ linally had the opportumty to do Mm/(' of the thlllgs I wanted to do," he bUld "One of thol>e "avel " SamUIOWI(Z 1>lgned up for a b1X /('eek Mud)' tour to Oxford Unlllerl>lty near London, England He '(hobe to Mudy the evolutIOn of arts in England and Bn. tlbh arc/llteeture Sa11lUlnWI(l was bOl nand rQI.,ed In DetrOIt He jomed the US Navy afler high 'ichool and wai> btatumed m Sail Diego where he became actwe III the Old Globe Theatre and wrote for the US Navy News He graduated from the UlllverSIt)' of DetrOIt With a major 1/1 fiIWlne and he took joumahsm and creatwe wntl!lg classes at Wayne State Unwerslty He has all>o studied pauitl!lg and IS a(twe In Grab1,e POinte Theatre Samulowlcz hUb prepared a se 1/('1,of per1,ollal articles about hiS travel and 1,tudy at O:t{ord The firM "Jall/nal From Or:ford" fallowl> When the company I worked fm offered an early out, I ran for It The speCial offer consisted of a two-month wmdow m which I had to make up my mmd to accept 01 reject the offer I dIdn't have to thmk I filled out the fO!ms, got them notarIZed and submitted them in record time, on the second day I finally had the opportumty to do some of the thmgs I wanted to do One of them was travehng Not Just any travel Traveling With a tow group and seemg 10 different countnes m three weeks Just didn't appeal to me I have to travel With a purpose and have an opportulllty to m. ten'elate WIth people, not Just my travehng cohorts. I chanced upon an artIcle m thiS newspaper about a local um. versity offermg study tours. After some mvestlgatlOn, I found Just what I had m mmd a sIx-week study tour to Oxford Umverslty near London, Eng land I chose to study the evolu. tlOn of arts in England and Bntlsh architecture. After my deciSIOn was made, I started to tell my frIends of my plans, and anybody else that would listen. Spreading the word turned out to be a good Idea People gave me contacts of fnends or acquamtances to look up, special places to see and mterestmg restaurants and pubs to go to durmg my stay Shortly after I divulged my plans to a particular fnend, I was told that the famous chOIr of ChrIst Church, Oxford, was currently on ItS 1989 Amencan tour and would be makmg a one-day stop In Detroit at St John's Episcopal Church I've seen the church hundreds of times, but have never been mSlde When I arrived at the church, It seemed I was magically transported to England. The church's gothic architecture was everything I Imagined the churches of England to be The choir consisted of 15 young boys, all sopranos, between the ages of 7 and 12, and 12 men ranging m ages from early 20s to 40s. The chOir loft in the back of the church was the settmg for the first half of the concert The selectIOns were sung a cappella If you've ever wondered what a choir of angels sounded like, you would have to Imagine no fur ther Also, the acoustics were tre mendous After mtermlsslOn, the chOIr was poSItioned m front of the mam altar Several of their second.half selectIOns included spirituals written by an EnglIsh composer, MIchael Tippett around 1905 It was fascmatmg to hear spirituals sung WIth a Bntish accent 50.4 This verse from Isaiah ex. presses m a nutshell what Life Ime IS all about, accordmg to the Rev Mervm D Pastonus, execu. tlve director LIfeline IS a Chnstlan phone counseling mimstry With a staff of 60 counselors who meet the needs of nearly 700 callers each month, he said Intimacy In other countnes, It's Llfehne IS a personahzed, non their skills either as a phone Just the nOlm The lesson learned. observe profit, confidential telephone cn counselor or as an understanding people m the country you're VIS' SIScounseling service designed to hstener m their dally bves Itmg, and adapt their mannerhsten, counsel, or, when neces. Among those who have taken Isms sary, refer to professional agenthe course are pastors, youth Jet lag We've all heard about CIes those gomg through any of mmlsters, profeSSIOnal and para It and most of us have been afthe stressful expenences of hfe profeSSIOnal counselors, Sunday fected by It "Overcommg Jet Smce ItS mceptlOn in February school teachel s and lay pel sons, Lag" by Dr Charles Ehret and 1978, counselors have handled accordmg to Pastonu:, Lynne Scanlon, IS a three. step 63,515 calls, Pastonus said Classes aI e m conjunctIOn prog1'am to be started three days Lifeline Counsehng Center IS With William Tyndale College before depal-tUl e It IS pnmanly agam presentmg Its 15-week CrIand are held at Ebenezer Baptist SIS counseling course, a senes Church, 21001 Moros,>, near 194, useful If you're crossmg several time zones The diet plan condesigned for those wishing to bel:;.nnmg Tuesday, Sept 5 SIsted of high-protem breakfasts more effectively commumcate Classes meet every Tuesday, and lunches and hlgh-carbohy from 7 to 9 pm, through Dec drate suppers, alternatmg WIth 12 generous servmgs and hmlted Reg1stratIOn wlll be Sept 5, portIOns on certam days from 6 to 7 pm Chmc w111diSCUSSa new drug to If coffee IS to be consumed, It InstructIOn Will focus on an treat schlZOphrema and will talk I::' to be taken only between 3 swers to problems arlsmg from about research in schizophrema. and 4 30 pm abuse, child and Relatives and frIends of the substance However, on the day of deparspouse abuse, self-Image, youth mentally III are inVited to at tme, I was supposed to drmk counselIng, rape, emotIOnal diS tend two or three cups of black coffee turbances, grIef and bereave after 6 p m - somethmg to do For more mforrnatlOn, call ment, SUICide preventIOn, mar With trIckmg your clock nage counselmg, blbhcal coun 839.9826 or 884-9005. StatIstiCS show that It nor sehng and more mally takes about nme days to Classes are conducted by spe clahsts such as psychI8tn<;t><, recuperate from Jet lag With thiS progJ am, the Jet lag symp the Thomas Edison Restaurant psychologIsts, certified socia I toms ale supposed to be el'mi. for lunch. workers, pastors and expenenced nated or Ieduced to one day profeSSIOnal counselOl s New preSident for 1989-1990 IS For more mformatlon, call TIll lint l1Istallment Will apMrs. FrancIs Crowley 882.LIFE Jlear Sept 7 Alliance for Mentally III The Alhance for the Mentally III - Eastside, a support group for families With a mentally III member, IS holdmg an educatlOnal meetmg on Monday, Aug 28 at 7'30 pm at Cottage-Belmont Nursmg Center, 19840 Harper m Harper Woods John Grabowski of Lafayette Joseph Samulowicz u::.,1&not necessarIly theIrs Body lanb'Uage and vOice m. fle<..tlOns are extl emely Important m commUnIcatIOn With peo. pie of other countrIes We were told to always be aware, and not take It for granted that our ways would be acceptable to those of other lands. We saw a Video demonstratmg how our voice m. flectlOns sometimes can ad. versely affect others For exam. pIe, anythmg we say has a ceJ1am smg.song fashIOn No one ever speaks m a complete monotone "Come in," can either turn someone on or off. If the "m" of "Come m" has a downward note, you're tellmg the other person you aI e not pleased. If the "m" ends on an upward note, you're ImplyIng that you're very pleased With the person's arrIval. In addItIOn, he said Americans The J{roup was a mce mixture have an mVlslble bubble around of ages, anywhere from early 20::. themselves that means "don't through somewhere m the 60s mvade my pnvacy " There was a high deCibel level When we converse With peoas everybody was trymg to get ple, we do so WIth a certam acquamted at the same tIme dmount of distance between us One of the first thmgs we In other countnes, It'S often the custom to stand closer to the perwere told, was to remember that we would be the foreignel S III son you're talkmg to In the VIdeo demonstratIOn, the Amen. the country we were vlsltmg can kept steppmg back a foot, Customs and traditIons dlffel What IS conSidered as a norm for and the person from the other country kept commg forward In our eyes, commg close signifies Lifeline Counseling Center to offer course "The LOI d God has g1ven me HIS words of WIsdom so that I may know what I should say to all these weary ones" Isaiah From palfe 4B All too soon the concert was over and an announcement was made that there would 00 a re ceptlOn for all m the lower level of the ch urch The younger chOir members raced madly for the food table and weren't about to soclalil.e With anyone, but a more ca&ual approach was taken by the older chOIr members. ObVIOusly, they were exhibitIng proper English reserve I approached &everal chOir members about their 1m. presslOns of America. They thoroughly enjoyed the people here and thought that Amencans were much more open than their own people Soon the chOir dIrector Jomed us. I told him that I would bE.'gomg to Oxford Umversity for a summer study program We talked about the hIstory of Oxford University, "Look", he saId, "I tell you what - when you get to Oxford, look me up and tell me mOle of the history of Oxford and, m return, I'll take you to some pubs that are not touristy." "A deal", I said We then exchanged names and he gave me hiS phone num. ber I had another Item on my agenda for when I got to Oxford I hoped I would have tIme to go to classes The two professors leadmg our summer study program called an orientatIOn meetmg so that we could all get acquamted The program was limited to 50 peo. pIe About half were from the DetrOIt area, the other half wel e from out of state: FlOrida, Ne'" York, Connecticut, Kansas CIty, etc Eastside chance?" saId P L. Anderson, a DanVIlle, Va , bullder of colonial. sty Ie structures. "The strongest arguments are your eyes. The first time I saw the church I was struck by Its exraordinary height The architect had to have a great famlhanty with astronomy and tngonometry to fig. ure out these dlmensions." Planetarium specialist Henry H. Mitchell and astronomer Rickey Parker agreed that the deSIgn does not appear accidental. They used computers to check the church's astronomical alignment "We are in a wait-and-8.---e stance," said the Rev. Thorn W. BlaIr Jr., rector of Grace Episcopal Church In nearby Kllmarnock, whIch has junsdictlOn over Chnst Church "This IS not any. thmg anybody has thought about before We need solid docu. mentation" "I'm very skeptical," sald Kerry Downes of the University of Reading in England, who IS a Wren scholar He explained that no Wren structures 1ll England are known to act as clocks or cal. endars. "There's no evidence 1ll any of Wren's survIving manuscnpts that he was interested m calendric deVIces or such puzzles," said another Wren scholar, James A. Bennett, curator of the Whipple Museum of the HIStory of Science in Cambridge, England. There's also no eVidence that any other Amencan colonial church or structure acts as a clock or calendar, said Dell Upton of the Umverslty of Califorma, Berkeley, who IS an authOlIty on coloma I arc hltect ure. "What you have," he said, "IS a lot of would haves, could haves and might haves" Stewart, undeterred, IS confident he can contmue to discover mystenes m Chnst Church 19798 Mack. Grosse Poinle Woods • 881.2620 Ida's Salon PERMANENT is pleased to offer . Focus SPECIAL $4500 Reg. $7000 Offer IUlllted to new chents only on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. SPECIALIZING IN Permanents, Coloring Bleach & Frosting Cultivate nails and manicures H~R&Sl:IN oal1'KOOU<11 Coupon must be presented In the past 6 months HAVE YOU MOVED? BECOME ENGAGED? In 3 months HADAIAIY? the past We have lots of local i1Ionnation and over 50 gifts • No stringsl GROSSE POINTE Phone - 885.6103 '\W@m~~1l even if you onty inoved next door! AUGUST FUR SALE THE REASON SOME PEOPLE VISIT CANADA Al?in's 1'" Collection of faWcMIs ......... fun lI'eattr recIuctd. No ... TII No Duty • on Amerkln ,... C.... n Fur IptciIIttl For GYM &0 ,..,. F""...... Pear Tree Questers will meet Sept. 6 Pear Tree chapter of Questers wlll meet Sept 6 at 10 45 a m. at the home of Mrs A.J Chnstle for a shore business meetmg. The group Will then carpool to PHILIP GAVAN LEASING, INC. LET US SHIP YOU OFF TO COLLEGE " 10 to 1.000 pounds, " Insured, custom packing Including furniture Lease Designed for Your Individual Needs 3x5 $300 $400 ea. 4x6 $400 $500 ea. 5x7 $500 $700 ea. 8x10 - $700 and up 9x12 - $1,000 and up Oversize - $1,000 and up Order your 1990 Model NOW For Delivery in September Complete Antique Service CALL 886.2217 CAWNG HOUSE ANllQUES 17624 Mack 882.1652 evenings 574-2232 We Lease Any Make Any Model ...._•• ~'" Boxes lor sale '" UPS, Consolidated Freight. others 8lDle.. Grosse Pointe Woods 20083 Mack Ave. 886-1888 Mon ..Fr!. 9.6 Sa!. 10.2 Z. 16700 Harper DetrOit, MI 48224 Philip Gavan -- WE NEED ORIENTAL RUGS $$$$$$$$ Paying $$$$$$$$ ~--~--~--- Thomas Walter W~ _68 August 24, 1989 Grosse Pointe News ('.Ih In COI1L'gL'&'mnMly Chapel TIll' Hl'\ Thollla~ Jonker, the blldp'" unLit', ol1iClllted at the 1 ,10 P 111 Ll'!l'l1lOIlY, \\ hlch wa~ tollO\\ I'd In ,I I eceptlOll o1t till' 11.11Ip\ HotL'1 oj Grolnd Hapld~ 11lL' blHje" gO'I n II a~ 1\ Illte Il'.1 Il'ng1h Illth tillee gu~:>ets 01 1,IL1' ,md -"ltl11 She C,IlIJed ,I bOllljlll't 01 II hlte calla IIhes, flee "1,1,IIHlllhl''' Sll",lI\ I \'1 L'11I0"of AIII11I-.'10n lIl'lghh lll, L'OU"1llof till' bllde, "PI \ L'd ,I'> m,lt! 011 of honO! Shell Splon"l'n LL'PPlI\h of PI O~PL'ct Height-- III lI,b blldt':>m,ud TIll' ,ltlL'nd,lnh lIme ,ltjUd ted ll'nh'l h gOIl n, ,lIld L',lliled 1"1IIa IIilL'''' SIt'\ l'n \',mHee;. 01 ChlLago \1,1" bl'..,t m,m Todd LillI.' 01 !\Ill ..,hl"~,ln II ,1" u..,hel 1"11"tll1d Jonhl'l, IOUo.;l11 of the b. Id, p! 1\ L'd .1 h.lI p "OlD ,it the Il'lL'lIIom J,m JonhL'1 ,1lll1t 01 till' blldl' pi 0\ ;ded 01g,m aClllll1 p,llllllJent J'hl.' IllHIL' 1" dttendll1g Cal\'1l1 Colb;L' 'I Ill' !-;rool11 gladudtL'd fl 0111 Mr, and Mrs, Mark Robert ZUidema Aarde111aZuide111a Julie Beth A.al dl'Ill,1 d,lllghtl'1 of Coil 1 ,md :\1.11 \ A,ll dpm,l 01 Gro""p POll1te P,ll k Ill,lll It'd :\lalk Hobt'lt luult'l11ol "Oil 01 Herman ,md B"lt \ Illldt'lllol of Norton ShOlL'" ,Jllh 1 1989 ,II ( ,lh \l1 CollegL' The couple tlll\ell.'d to Gldnd '1'1,1\'l'1se Ba\' Ht';,ol t TIH.'\ II III lI\'e In KCllt\~'ood, 1\1IL'h Mr. and Mrs. Douglas S. Mervis Hudson-Mervis Kllnbel h Ann Hudo;on of 1\11.1\ lield Helghh, OhIO, ddughter of :\11 ,md 1\11" Emmett Flcd Hud- "on of GIO.,se POll1te Poll k, mar ned Douglas Samuel MCI\'I!> ot 1\I.lvlield, son of DI' and MIS Lawl(.'nce J MI'l \'IS of Spnng lielll, OhIO 011 July I, 1989, o1t GI O~~l' POlllte Memol'Jal ChUi ch The Hev Bluce Rigdon ollicl,Itet! <II the celemony, which Wo1~ followed by 01 luncheon I eceptlOll at tht' GI o::.~e Pomte Wal Memo 11011The I-,'loom's p,lIents hosted a dlllJ1el I eceptlOll III Spllngfield ,It the Splll1brfield AI t Centel 011 Juh 22,1989 The bl Ide's dl e~s I~<I~ ol pi III ce~~ ,>t) Ie \\ Ith a dlopped w ,1I;,t, lull "lIk ,>hantung skll'l ,md bt!cldl'd J.1Cl' appliques wIth a bOIl efl('L t III bdeh. ,md 01 cat he dldl lenl-,rth tram The bodice W,I;, m<lde 01 Vemce lace dnd seed peal J" II Ith a sweethealt neck )IIW and shOl t puffed capped ,,1('('\'1''' She \\'01 e d pe:lIl neck Idce given to hel by the gloom'b poll ellts Hel matclung headpiece II 01" of shantung silk 110wel sand Ilbbons II Ith a foUl tiered cathe dro1llength illUSIOn veil He! bouquet was a cascade of ste phanotls, white l'O~es, freeSia ,md tl,lIlll1g IVy The maid 01' honor \I ,IS C,II 01 Wolski of (;lOo;"e POllltl' P,II k Bl'ldebllUlld., Well.' Julie! Mel \'1" or Spl'lIll-,riiL'ld, till' gloom'" ~1"Il'1, Kilty Eckt'l 01 (;Iob"e POln!P Poll k, MOIllUi Itlgllli of F,lIll1lllg tOll Ihlls, ,111<1 Jl',l11 BIt'lIl1,ll1 01 West BloomliL'ld Attend,mh II Oil' ll'd !t'lI,.;t h dle;,:>c;, 01 plJlk Ldll'tol wlI h "wecthedl t nelkllllL'~ lilt out tll<' bdLk, peplum "kll t" and "hm! pufTed ~11'1'\'L''' ,ldlll Ill'd II lth bO\l ~ The\ Lolli led hOllqlll'l" 01 hot plllk ;,t,1I golll'l Itllt'" plllk swedthem t 10;'1''' 'lI1d II \ GeOff1'1\ l'OChl,1I1 01 SpllIIg field W,b the be'>l llhlll Gloom" men well' Tllll HUlhon oj GIO"'>(, POIllte P,ll k. the blldL"" I.ll othel Pdt ClockL'1 01 ]ClI,lIl1d/OO, JanlL'~ Hol,lI1d ,lI1d D,l v Id ::'uthel I.Jnd, both or GI O~"l' P01J1!l' The mothI.'I oj the blHle \\ 01 t' a pale dqua .,lIlt \\ Ith 11'1\eled .,houldel;' ,me! ,I II I l.,t LOI"'lgl' 01 Idute 10"1''' TIlt' tIIoUlt'r of the gJ oom wore d VL'llo\\' Mill With Jeweled but 1011"'Illd 01 WII"t cm sage 01 wlute Ilhl''' 01 gdlll"t dt the weddmg was Bill [)l' TUI k Bill Beger pldyed till' tIUIllPl't ,md Ann We;,t Wdo; 10t,i1I,,1 'I'hl" IHld!' ha" a bachelor of "11L'1lll' dl.'gl ee III "tatl~tlc~ and Ih\Lholo~\ !tom the Umvelblty 01 1\1ldllg,1l1 SIll' I'> employed as 01 111 II ket dll,d""t at Automated P,ll kdglllg Sy,>tetllb InL III Cleve l.md II h de "lit' e,lIn'> hel masIt'l .., 01 bU"lI1e;," old1II11l I"tI dtlOn dl'gll"l' ,II Cd"!' Vole"tl'l n Hesel VI.' Wt'.llhl'1 ht',ld ,,1'1100101 manage lIIl'llt rhL' I;loom h"" d bdlhelOl of ,11 t" dl'gll'l' 1Il l'IOnOIlHC'>dlld po lit II ,d '1Il'1ll1' h om the UIlI vel "It\ oj Mllhlg,lII He I" complet mg 111" 101"( VPoll dt ('a ...e WP"tl'lll He"PI \'e bchool of I'l\v Thl' wuple tJ aveled to Cape Cod TIll')' II ill h\'L' III Mayfield, HL'lght" OhIO dmr Financial Services, Inc. For Your Mortgage Needs CALL to JellY S Gon deh ,on of 1\11 dnd.:\l1 ~ Leon ,lid S Gondek of W,men An OltobC'1 \\L'ddll1g I;' planned Lodel I" 01 1983 gl'aduate of GIO"..,e POll1te NOIth High School ,md a 1987 gJ dduate of Michigan Stolte Um\,cl:>lty With a bachelor of 011 ts deb'1e~ 111 commumca tlOn" She IS d member of PI Bl'td Phi She's clllrentl) em. plol ed as a pubhc I elatlOns repIe~entdtll e fOl EDS 111 Troy Gondek IS a 1982 bTJaduate of \\' dll en COUS1l10 HIgh School dnd a 1986 h'1adudte of Michigan State Uml'elo;lt\ IIlth a bachelOl 01 1II to; degl ee III adveltlsmg He I~ an Evans Scholar He IS em plo\ ed as an account COOldll1atOl for BBD&O Ad\t>l tlSlI1g 111 Southfield Jerry S. Gondek and Karen E, Lofer Lafer-Gondek Mann-Gradwohl :\lrs Robert L G,lI barll10 of St Clan' ShO! es, fm mel h of GI o~"e POInte, and 1\111Jalll~s A Lafel Jr of Clm hston, 1'01 mel h of Glo""e Pomte announce the engagement of then daughtel, L Boras and Manon D Mann of Utica, 1'01 melly of Grosse POInte Woods, announce the en. gdgement of their daughtel, LIsa " :ltic 9:=e======"" III HAVE A PLEASANT TRY AT PERFECTION BRIDGE BY WOODY BOYD THE PASTEBOARD PASTIME Few of the gl eat playel'> of the early era placed a great deal of lmpOl tance upon blldge pal tnel ~llIps untt! the III us. tnous Howard Schenken put a plemlum upon Its \101 th 1'01 a wlllnmg gdme I'm not SUI e that he Sail, ''The most ImpOl tant person at the table I~ yoU! pal tnel," but It'S eashy at tllbutable to d Master of lll~ magmtude I don't thll1k a bl'ldge plaver has I eally mdtured until he's come to gJ'IP~ With the value of a pal tnel lelatlOnshlp at the table Once accomphshed, thel e's no telhng to what heIghts ones ablht) can carry hIm ThIS IS one of the pnnclpal leason~ I try to play With many different pal tner~ !t's a \\ ondel ful challenge to work With your partner to achieve the best result The conSiderate c'\pelt takes gleat pi Ide 111 thIS accomplishment for he knows It'S good I'OJ blldge OUI own Russell Rossen once tiled to expJam thiS to me, but at that time, some years back, hiS words \~ere \\ ao;ted as I couldn't b'l'a!>p the slgmfi. cance of hiS WIsdom Toda) the o;mgle conditIOn I ask of that matchup I!>a ~Il1Cel'C effOl I to develop as we pleasure at play On occaO;I011 these pa~t fe\\ yea I <;, I've been fortunate enough to dral\ Ma'>tel s of I-,TJ eat acclaim, but usually they UI e evel )'day pia) 1'1" \\ ho enJoy bndge tl emendously and I'm rewarded when the) peJfOl m like a pi 0 DI Md \ Pal kCI lb one of those evel yday playel s who really worb hard .It Impro\'ll1g hiS game Not so long ago, we agreed to spend an afternoon at one of Oakland's duplicate tables and the occasIOn was most enjoyable for me Max sat North and 1'01 two and a half hours he played admirable Ao; 10; the case so often, an excellent lesson hand wa" the la~t ol1e and vou \\ III enJoy It •• ...• •• ...• J 8 7 6 K J 3 2 K 106 87 A 10 9 A 10 8 5 4 54 962 w[t] ••...• N S ••• ... K E Q 532 9 7 6 Q Q J 3 2 J4 4 A 9 8 7 A K Q fO 5 3 The bidding "t mo"t tolbl!" got i':OI thlSouth to thrce notrump, makmg elt'~en tllck" t'f!<;I!\ Not "0 at 0111'" Ao:; VOU Coill "1'1' flom lookmg at fifty two card ..., the Chlh "Inm 1<' unhl'oltahle ,lOd we found It all be cau<;e Dr Pal kl') 1,1Il'hilil de"l'llbed hI'> hand ('ffechvc!\, With th t I't. l>\(('pt 101M III I'll\( 1)1(1" IH"I } \....... '1,011111 P\....,' -'01 TIf ~. I ...,..... J( I \" I \~, I' \..,,, I' \..,,, III I I"~ I \,," hI ]( Aftt'l \'v"", :"lpadl' Opl III I Ipt fit' warn you agam"t mg mOIL' th,1ll ont' tllllnp hl 101!' atl,lckmg DIamond" you've aVOided tholt tldll lOll (,m't 11110;"twelve tllck., J __ ~ ~ ~~ draw Once I enth' emploved David A. Vicari as a I eglstelCd 939.6330 I1UI~e Lugo I~ a gJ dduate of Glosse Pomte 1\00th High School and the Ul1lvelslty of Michigan He abo did two vedl s of post gl'adu ate \\ OJ k at Wayne State U 111 \'el ~lt\' ,md IS cun ently mto hI;' foUl th \'edl .It the U nlvel slty of T1hnOl'l college of medlcllle OUR CORPORATION IS BACKED BY A STRONG TRADITION OF EXPERIENCE AND FINANCIAL STRENGTH ~ Lr/T@I '1~ ~ I ~~: A FullServiceMortgageBanker@ ~ t;erv r1g Hvmeo ... nerc; S f1L,P '946 _ 3120' Chicago Rd SUlle 8201 Warren MI48093 ,,,," """_ ~ LENUEll LAKEFRONT LIVING LIFESTYLES Custom Built Luxury Townhomes on Lake St. Clair LAKEVIEW CLUB- Right on the lake all Witha fabulous million dollar view for one quarter the prlcel Three story 2 500 square foot Inclu ding 500 square foot bonus room Attached two car garage two bedrooms two and one half baths see through fireplace diViding master bedroom from luxuriOusbath room area Custom finished to your deSire Total security With no maintenance and mobility to leave FinanCial appreclatron See our new Ultra Deluxe Model open Daily & Sundays 1 5 p m Lisa L. Mann and Steven E. Gradwohl L Mann, to Stel'en E GI adwohl, son of DolVld M and Hanna R Gradwohl of Ames, Iowa An Octobel weddmg IS planned Mann gJaduated flOm the Um vel Sit)' of J\ihchlgan 1\lth a bach clor or sCience degJ ee III nUl slllg In 1980 and flOm the Umvelslty of Washll1b'ton \\ lth a master of sCience deb'1ee m 1987 She IS a pediatriC nurse pI aclltlOnel at San Fl ancisco Genel al HOSPltdl Gl adwohI glolduated flom Cal lton College III Iowa III 1983 and flOm the Unl\clslty of Chi cago's school of medlcme In 1987 He IS a sel1lOl lesldent III mtel nal medlcme at Letterman HO'>Pltoll Il1 San FI anCISLO LAKEVIEW CLUB - Jefferson at 11V2 Mile Rd. 51. Clair Shores, MI Piku Management Co. (313) 774-6363 Lynne A. Keyes and Stephen D. Lugo Model Phone: (313) 293-1180 Harbor Springs Wequetonsing Condominiums OFFEREDB} Colonial Inn OF Harbor Springs FROM $159,000 CALL Kerstin A. Coyle and Dr. John W. Maroney Jr. (616) 526-2111 Coyle-Maroney MI and Mrs Robelt C Coyle of Glosse Pomte Pal k announce the engagement of then daugh tel Kelo:;tln A Coyle, to John W Maroney JI • son of Dr and Mr" .John W Maroney of Wllmll1g ton Del A FebIUal}, 1990 wl'd ding IS planned Coyle IS a bTJ'aduate of the Um vel "Ity of North Carolina With a bachelor of a1t" degree m Jour nall"m She 1<; employed by LeI' net PublicatIOns Co m Mmneap oil" and IS a freelance wntCl for I olllOU,>pubhcatlOn" Marone)' 1,'1aduated flom Col umbm UllIver"lty 111 New YOI k Clt)' and .Jeffer"on Medical Col lege 111 Phlladelphm he com pll'tl'd hi" famJl) pi dellce re"1 denc\dt tlw Unl\l'I"lt, of Mmne'>ota HO"pll,11 ,111<1 l IImc, whel e he lb cUllenth .. gl'na Hurry, August Sale Ends Soon! tIle" fello\~ Keyes-Lugo Mr and Mrs Gene R Keyes of Pl'kln. III announce the en golgemcnt of then daughtel, Lynne A Keyes, to Stephen D Lugo, <;(In of Elame Lugo of Grosse Pomte Wood" and the late DaVid Lugo A May 1990 wedding I" planned Keyes IS a graduate of Tremont High School and St Fran1'1" School of Nursmg She IS cur Save Now on Flexsteel Quality Sofas. 16421 Harper Fournier's R " Detroit (near Whittier) 27113 Harper 81. Clair Shores (btw 10 & 11 Mile) n6-89OO 0,. tWl" , a.-I lht.lM;tt .. 78 August 24, 1989 Grosse Pointe News Grosse Pointe Board of REALTORS' REALTOR' EQUAL HOUSING OPPOQTUNITY THE PROPERTIES LISTED ON THESE PAGES ARE OFFERED EXCLUSIVELY BY MEMBERS OF THE GROSSE POINTE BOARD OF REALlORS Gros,e POlllle Real Estate e,) HigbIe :vlaxon Inc Re..lltorb .Johnstone & ,Johnstone Inl Lochmoor Real Estdte ,John E PIerce & ASbOCIaW;, 1m ChampIon & Baer, lnc Damman, Palms. Queen Realtors R G Edgar & ASSOCiates ,James R Flkany Real Estate Co Adlhoch & A"Olldtt:' lnl AldrIdge & A~"OClJ.te;, Bolton John;,ton Absouateb Century 21 Ed~t 10 the Vl11al::e C'harnberlJ.1O Realtor, I{ed ( arpet Kelm Shore ....ood Heal Estate Inc Jim ':laros Agenc~ Inl ')Lh ....ellzer Real Estate Inl Sine Real Estate Co Tappan & ASSOCIates of ERA WIlcox Realtors Youngblood & Fmn, Inc Jim Saros Agency, Inc. 17108 Mack) Grosse Pointe, MI 886-9030 Chdlmlllg four bedroom bllck lOntempOl al y In Grosse POinte Woods. beautIfully decorated' IncludIng a dl olmatlc l,'Teat loom \\ Ith 10\ ely fl ench doors, cathe dl al leillngs and ImpreSSI\ e 11001 to cellmg \\ Indows and fil epldll' Blick patIO at flont of Ihe hoU'.,e and ~haded mornIng loom \\ Ith shdlllg glass door!> at Lhe bdlk Kltlhen mcludes a built III double oven, dish \\ ashel I dnge top Fourth bed IOO!1l lUll ently being used ab a den "'" Ind pll\,lte ,<Itlllg "I II [IJld thl" l'lJJtl\,ltlll~ Vil " ,,' 'l he II1tlllOi h" been , ,>'1"1 ,'d to Ih 01 I~I ndl h. ,IUt \ :-'.lIUI,11 \\OO<!\HlIh, In,hfit II n~' ,\Ill! oak II ,,<!c.d \I ILIdo\\" Ihl )U~hoUI ~ I. ~ "II I," m Ii d10 111~ '0011\ 111'\\ :.IUI-(hll'l hltdlCn mulllpl,'!l1 epl,llL~, e\ u,llt'nt h"th" leHlI "1),lUOlh bt:d loom, UlI1\ pnll'nt ,plond flOOl I.l\lI1dl \ .1I1d ~o mUlh 11101 GREAT LOCATION 1018 BEDFORD e' EXCELLENT BUILDABLE LOT ,-,' - , OPEN SUNDAY 2-4 ONL Y THE BEST 840 LAKEPOINTE OPEN SUNDAY 2-4 CLASSIC CONTEMPORARY 880 CRESCENT LANE OPEN SU NDA Y 2-4 BEAUTIFUL DECOR 59 LAKESHORE I Step mto a huge foyel \\ Ith gm geoub open stallldse m thIS m,'g IlIticent English TudOl HIgh "ght~ mclude a ,unken f,II11lh loum \\ Ith plush cm pelmg Up ddted kItchen \\ Ith bUilt 111 npplJ dille, ,lnd bl ea"fa..,t 100m lo/ \ natwal IirepldLe m the 11\Il1g loom and large ma<;tel bUite \\ Ith natuldl fireplace Beautlful hm d wood flool s, centl aJ all dnd ne\\ loof Perfect conditIOn 1- _ Om 01 the 1110,1 be,llIuful home, III (,10"1' POIntp offel" a ,Iun lllIlg In 1Il~ loom \\ Ith mal ble ,1Ild 11.1tlll.1I \\ ood\\ 01 k fil epldce lo\('h f,lnllh loom natuldl \\ ond l uphoJ.1 d.., 10 the h Itchen Opl'n ,tdilla..,e ledd" 10 thlee hell! oom.., ,lI1d pllvJ.te mn,lel bdlh Up"'!.III' Knolt\ p1l1e \\,1\1s In fim,fwd IM,ement ndtul al fil cplalc .1I1d h.lI 1\1.1I hIe \\ III dOlI 'III.., centl al .lll and 1)0\ 159 hul1d,lhl<' lot lIlclllded In ~.dl' pI1«,' Unhl'lIl'\1l1gh gOlgCoth thll'C hl'lh oom 1\\ 0 .1Tlr!on<' half hal h. lu..,tom blllk 1.lnch Fealll1l11g ,I C07\ n.ltlll.l1 lllppl,lu' In huge fnmlh 100111 ~nI.1I 100111 \\lth (')('ll I Il ~h;llll'" ,lIlll cel amlc 11001 1'11\0111' hdth 111 ma~tel b('r!IOOlll ",tclll'n \\Ilh bU1\tlll r!ouhll' 0\ pn lll1Cl 0\\ a\ (', ]('fllg <'I,ltOI .111<1 <I I..,h\\ ."h(,1 Tot .. 1 h fim,hpd h.I..,('menl \\ Ith fllll hnlh .1I1d kllchen ('nIl ill all Too m,lI1\ fl"t(lle~ 10 mentIOn A plp,hUll' III ,h()\\' ...... • " Elegant Engh"h TudOl Ju;,t 011 PUlnll DII\e Features bl I'lulul model n kitchen. up d,ltl'll bdlhf,lnta"tlc hald\\ood '01)1 "d<1111 \\ mdo\\!' through ,ut r "III j IdlU! al fireplalcb one 111 11\ IlIh Iwm ramlh loom mol" I b, dl (lorn '1nd b,hel Jlent FOUl l.J1 .,tl.Jlhed gal olge Call1age hou;,e 0\ el garage With two bed looms modern kitchen and bath Shal pi) fimshed basement Won't la~t' \\"m<1uull EXleptiOnal comfol t and qualIty al e found III thiS beautIful three bedloom bllCk ranch, Features Include hvmg 100m WIth natu I al fireplace. famIly room, Up dated kItchen WIth eating area, cenlral all half bath 111 semI finIshed ba"l'ment, profes<;lonal I,lnd'laplllg You must see to appI eCldtl' thl" telllfic home. make all dPPOlllt ment t Jda\ I FAMILY SIZED 1006 THREE MILE EXCELLENT FOR ENTERT A1NlNG 702 MIDDLESEX b(1\ " OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE 630 WOODWARD :\Idgnlflcent contemporalY In pllme Gros~e Pomte Pal k loca lIOn HIghlights Include an 1m ple~"IH cdlhedlal ceIling and 100el) filepldlL m 11\ Illg loom, o\elsl/ed fdmll) loom \\lth \\ Dad bUl 11 mg stove. formal dm mg 100m (h,ee bedroom", t\\O full bJ.th" Il'CI eatlOn 100m \\lth bal III bdsement, newel carpet lng, cllculm dllve\\a). attached gat age \\ lth doOi openel. ne\\ er I oof and much, much more OPEN SUNDAY 2-4 JUST FOR YOU' 1033 CADIEUX One of the nIle ,I IllI ee bedloom bllck Colollldl.., vou II e\ el find' Offclmg n,ltulal \\oud HIm .lnd dool~ thlOughout :.1albel m 1.1\ fll eplace In <;paclou~ IIvmg loom Dmmg loom and kItchen \\ lth \\ al" m pantl), one dnd one half bath", fimshed ba"e ment. centl al all, bpllnklel S) s tern and mOl e All the comfm t<; of a b" eat home' 630 WOODWARD Beautl full) renovated bUlldmg two blocks from Jefferson Ydth sUItes and offices aval1able to be custom fil1lshed Fme locatIOn \\ Ith pI 1mI' re~taurant on the mam nOO1 and fOUl story atllUm Pelfect for attolnev or accountant Contact Jim Kou klO<; 01 John Co<;ta OPPORTUNITY ABOUNDS 1374 MARYLAND LET'S MAKE A DEAL 1262 BERKSHIRE ---I .~...-.-..... ' _ .. - ~_-..1. ....... 911 OPEN SUNDAY 2-4 ONE OF THE BEST 23130 N ROSEDALE CT SPI ,1\\ hng fOUl bedloom Lake ~hOl e DII\ e hom<: featul es lal ge loom" throughout' BeautIful 11\ Illg I Dam \\ lth pi u~h ldl petll " modelll kltlhl.>n \\lIh .J<:nn \, and man\ othl.>1 lu,tom I" t Ull'~ ;1.1.1,11'1 hed "f1l \I Ith ' I plll,lIe b"lh I,,, ,[, I Or' I f100l - pl'lleCI Ie I, la\\ 'Ulle 0\ el <;lzed f,\nul \ loom. thl ee full ,llld L\\o h.Jll bdlhb, fimshed b,\~l.>ml'nl nolt UI ,11 fll epldle, d('n t 1\ () and onl half Cdl ga 1.lgl Fle\lble 11001 pldn Supel ' / , 1257 AUDUBON -----------I , ABSOLUTELY STUNNING 1795 NEWCASTLE. 1---- OPEN SUNDAY 2-4 HOME SWEET HOME 1241 GAA YTON r NEW ON THE MARKET GORGEOUS TUDOR IN THE PARK 699 BALFOUR UNBEATABLe VN-JE ONLY $3/5 vUU 937 LAKE::,l-tuRE ~~~~ ~~*~~ "> The peIfell bllck I anch I' \\ alt I11g fOi \OU Tnclur!mg a large "lld1l n 11\ 11114loom and dmlng 1 oom ~ OU1 ",P,lCIOUS bedrooms, fOlll t h bedloom currently bemg u~ed ,IS a den Two full baths. F1011da loom, two fireplaces. I eCI eatlon room m basement, t \\ 0 cm attached garage Ter. lific open f100r plan ....."'!:!. ll.' $- m:.~ ... '~ - Ideal home for alaI ge famll)' HIghlights mclude the bedloom<:. two and one half baths. spaclou, famIly loom, natlll al fireplacl" lovely oak floors, and huge ma, tel' bedroom' !ml"lIl1cnl oPPOltllI1lt) to bu\ thl' ('\Cellenl foUl Unit bll(" IIll0me ....11 lilliI'> have ,l I,ll gl' 11\ 1J1g-loom dlll1l1g loom kItchen ,1nd t\\O hedloom~ ~epa I atp fUi nac, ~ ,1l1d eleltllt Real pOl che~ 0\ 1'1100" ,I huge ~al d Ba..,emenl pllme gl 0\\ Ih ,II ea TRULY SPECIAL 666 UNIVERSITY r SUPER INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY 1369-71 BEACONSFIELD E"celJent family home III beau tlful locatIOn offenng three bed rooms. one full baths and lava. tal) on malll noor Two bedrooms, famIly room WIth file place and full bath In fil1lshed basement Beautiful hVlng room \\ Ith natural fireplace, sharp Flollda loom and attached two cal garage Clean manageable home \\ Itn plenty uf ~plt~e, $179,900' OPEN SUNDAY 2-4 CAREFREE LIVING 1750 VERNIER NO.4 PrestlglOu~ "Berkshlres" condo featUring spacIOus rooms throughout Updated kItchen With bUIlt 1Jl dl<;hwasher and I ,lOge, one bedroom WIth walk In c1o<;l't an full private bath Onp anel one half baths total, cm porl, budt 1Jl pool and prIvate ,tOl age ~pace 10 basement A 1.1I e opport1l1l1ty OPEN SUNDAY 2-4 HAVE yOU SCEN THIS ONE??? 654 HAMPTON '>1I p(' I IMMACULATE RANCH 1046 HAMPTON BeautIful brick ranch featm p~ many IlIce amemLlCs Begmnmg WIth an enchantmg hvmg 100m and formal d10mg loom Ne\\ famIly room and kllchen \\ Ith bUIlt In apphances Three bed rooms, two full and one hdlf baths, central aIr. cozy natullll fireplace, plu<;h carpetmg and profeSSIOnal landscapmg Thl.., enchantlllg Italian \'Illa lel1ech clas~lc beaut\ and ele gance e"traOl dmal e' Beg III 111 ng \\ lth a btunnlng entrance fo) el and absolutely gorgeous formal dl11lng loom Other hlghhght" mclude a popular Mutschler kllchen \\ Ith bUIlt m~, conserva tOI) \\ Ith fountain. mastel bed room \\lth adjOIning nUrbery. fi\e bed lOoms In all and foUl full and 1\\0 half bolth" Fill lshed ba<;ement with \\ et bal o1nd coz) natu! al fireplace base ment \\ Ith \\ et bm and cozy nat ul.d fil eplace. healed attached gal age and spnnkler system You mu"t see to believe" ThIS outstandmg five bedroom ColOnIal has all the best amenlt. Itle~ Hlghlrghts Include three natural fireplaces. convelllent built III applJances In an up dated kitchen. Ilchly paneled Ir bl dl\ and familv 100m Two full and two half baths. finIshed b,ht:ment covel cd slate patIo. "pI In"lel S) stern and huge lot 150 " 250' Don't mls~ thl" ~I "dt oppollunlty' OUht ,lndll1g (;'O"P romte Pal k f1al compl('IPI\ II nOI .llpr! flom top to hollom :-'('\\ 100f ,lnd \ 1 11\ I 'ld1l1g. ne\\ kltchpn' bath, plumhl1lg and electric Both unit .. hllH' thIel' ~PllClOU' bed I onm~ anr! ~ep,1I ,It I' \\ .ltel heat PI ~ ,lI1r! (,I<'rlllc mptel ~ Redel\ .Ind \\.l1ll11g 0JlPOIII11111\' Jim Saros Agency, Inc. 17108 Mack, Grosse Pointe, MI 886.9030 Fabulous English wdor In thp Pal k features a ne\\ custom kllchen WIth hand made ce lamK tile f100r and built m, g01 geoub natul al wood\\ ork I hI oughout beautIful le,lded gl,l" dool ~ leadlllg to formal d II1lng loom large 11\ mg loom den \\ Ith bUIlt In b(lokca"p~ Illed balh m basement. fOIll hed loom". one and one half hill h' 11,11111 .11 firepl,lce T\\o ~I 01\ Cll~ 1011\ \. nod <ifck 'Illd mOl < P('I fl'c, .1 I,ll gl f.101l1\ OPEN SUNDAY 3-5 IDEAL HOME! 2263 STANHOPE rm GREAT INVESTMENT 4850-52 GRAYTON Bl',lIlllflil hnck IIlCOnH' I~ .1 gll.ll oPPOltlll11h' ti.i l1"tlll.1I III ('pLlu', ne\\ h r!<lO1 ,lll'd Lu ~( I non' .... g-al (lg'(~ pllnlP ,11 (1.1 r Impeccable three bedroom ranch on qUIet street In Gros'le Pomte Wood~ Modern kitchen WIth eat11lg ~pace den With doorwall to patio nal urlll fireplace m the 11\ In~ loom Ilnd fil1l~hed ba~e IIIl nl \\Ith 1.l\alO1 \ Ilnd t\\O car .111<lclH'd gAl age Cf'ntral aIr. alllrm '\ ,tern. lIttll f,lll g,l' .. bar bpque ~torage ,hed. more Ma11ltenance free exterIor 10 cat('d on a double lot \\ Ilh park. hke privacy $129.900 August 24, 1989 Grosse Pointe News 88 lBGl Grosse Pointe Board of REALTORS~ REAlTOR@ EQUAL HOUSING OPPOIlTUNIIY THE PROPERTIES LISTED ON THESE PAGES ARE OFFERED EXCLUSIVELYBY MEMBERS OF THE GROSSE POINTE BOARD OF REALlORS ChampIon & Baer, Inc Damman, Palms, ~ueen Realtors R G Edgar & ASSOCiates James R Flkany Real Estate Co Adlhoch & ASSOCiates, Inc AldrIdge & ASSOCIates Bolton-Johnston AsSOCIates Century 21-East m the VIllage Chamberlam Realtors Grosse Pomle Real Estate Co HigbIe Maxon [nc Realtors Johnstone & Johnstone Inc Lochmoor Real Estate John E PIerce & ASSOCIates, Inc ~J. I- WE'RE HERE TO HELP YOU! CALL TAPPAN TODAY Sme Real Estate Co Tappan & ASSOCiates of ERA Wilcox Realtors Youngblood & Finn, [nc Red Carpet KeIrn Shorewood Real Estate, Inc Jim Saros Agency [nc SchweItzer Real Estate Inc 20439 Mack Ave., Grosse Pointe I ReD CARPET KEirn 886.8710 ~jGuanl.antbl.e SHOREWOOD I Wa,raJlly , , REAL ESTATE, INC. n".locatlou SenllCl''i A'Vlllabl, Formerly - Shorewood E.R, Brown Realty OPEN SUNDAY 1-4 >« o HARBOR THREE MILE Stately centel entrance Colomal \\ Ith over 4200 square feet of hl'lng area mcludes mac;ter bedroom sUlte With full bath, foUl addl tlOnal bedrooms, 32x18 foot fdmll) room, lal ge country kItchen, formal dmmg room z ::> ISLAND CJ) HARBOR ISLAND Dramatic watel'fl'Ont home 10 cdted on Harbor Island 214 feet of steel seawall, foUl bedlooms, updated kItchen, a ballioom, natu I al woodwol k throughout and a t\\O loom loft ovel <It\\ 0 cal gdl dge z UJ a.. o OPEN SUNDAY 1-4 OPEN SUNDAY 1-4 OPEN SUNDAY 1-4 45 HAMPTON - GROSSE POINTE SHORES - PRICE .ruST REDUCED - Just a bhOl t \1 dlk to Lakeshore Dl'lve Large two bedroom ranch WIth combinatIOn Itvlngroom and dlnlOg 100m Large Flonda 100m, two full baths, first floor laundry, central air, spnnkler system, attdched garage C Z ~ BRAND NEW CONDOMINIUMS - 35040 HIDDEN COVE - Located In Hamson TownshIp on the \\ater (near Shook Road off Jefferson on Jeffers Court) Panoramic Vle\\ of the Lake St Clan Two bedrooms, two baths, first floor laundry, full basement, attached garage Boat well mcluded In pnce GROSSE I ated baths, I age OPEN SUNDAY 1-4 OPEN SUNDAY 1-4 z en 581 HAWTHORNE - GROSSE POINTE WOODS - Large pme reductIOn Recently decorated In good taste FeatUles Include Three bedrooms, two full baths, den plus heated bun porch fOl yeal lound enjoyment TJled basement WIth lavatorY Central all' Alarm system, patio, bpnnklel system Two car detached garage Guardian Home Warranty OPEN SUNDAY 1-4 ~ m ~ ~ OPEN SUNDAY 1-4 POINTE WOODS - Nice family home Three bedroom story and one half Beautiful!) deco bllck With aluminum tnm FlorIda room, natural fireplace In hvmg room, one and one half updated kItchen Paneled recreation room With wet bar and lavatOl y T\\ 0 cm attached gd Guardian Home Wan anty VACANT LOT - Located m GlOsse POinte Woods on Vermer and Mornmgslde ContI act terms avaIlable Lots measures approxImately 45 86 x 273 65 Zoned lesldentlal L<lndl FIRST OFFERING - ST CLAIR SHORES NEAR GROSSE POINTE Showcase Home - Absolutely spotless Three bedloom ranch With one and one half baths, Flonda room 19x15 6 plus famll) loom, 14 8x14 7 \\ Ith naturdl fireplace ProfeSSIonally decorated, newer kItchen, all nell hght fixtul es, spllnklel bystem, updated baths A must see house .. . FIRST OFFERING - ST CLAIR SHORES - A knock out house WIth everythmg done to It FantastIc three bedroom Colomal With new addItion only two years old Features Include Formal dlnlOg loom, famIly loom \\ Ith fireplace, large new study With beautIful bay wmdo\l, two and one hdlf GROSSE POINTE FARMS CADIEUX Umque Colomal near the VIllage Five bedrooms - three and one half baths Ne\\ kitchen and famIly room The first floOl wing can be used as an apartment, bedroom or office sUIte Absolutely charmmg! MEADOW LANE Charmmg Cape Cod home m plebtlgous 10catlOn near the lake Ne\\l) decol ated - fil st floOl bedroom WIth bath, famdy loom pan eled IIbl alY, centrdl all' plus second 1100l \\Jth tllO bedlooms and d bath 19614 SHADY LANE REDUCED Deblldble lanch m St Clall ShOles Thlee bedloom<;, <I family room, new carpel and paint, a t\\O cm gar age 1\ Ith openel, finished b,I',emenl \\ Ilh la\ dlOi y ONLY $77,500 6317 FARMBROOK REDUCED AttJactIVely decOlated home In the MOIos<;/Chestel alea three bedrooms, famIly room, recreatIOn room, finished basement $34900 NOITINGHAM Immaculate two bedroom duple) Fabulous, new carpeted famIly room m basement plus new full bath WIth stall shower Garage beautiful landscaping MCKINNEY English style - Income propelty Denhy HIgh location LIVing' room, dmlng room kItchen, two bedrooms and bath 10 each Unit ALTER REDUCED Two famIly Income near the lake New apphances, separate eleclnc, gac; hot water Good room SIzes, famIly room In lo\\er Unit NEFF Ime<;tment opportunlt\ 10 a gl eat locatIOn close to thl' Glos<;e POinte VIllage drea Call fOi detall<; and \\ I' can arrange to show thIS MultI Family t\\ 0 umt home SHOREPOINTE Lo\ely Grosse PolOte Woods condo Illth 1\\0 bedrooms, slttlOg room, dlOlng loom and kItchen With eatlOg <;pace BeautIfully ldndscaped, pnvate patlO GREEN STREET Vacant plOpel ty - ChOIce com merclal fJ ontage on main road 111 rapIdly develop Ing Nel\ BaltlmOie adjacent foUl acres aVailable TI\O parcels combine fOJ ovel 600 foot frontage GREAT OAKS CIRCLE Three bedloom, one and one half bath co op townhouse 10 Clmton Town <;hlp Great locatIOn In ChIppewa Valley School DIC;lllct Unbelievable prICe wllh $1,000 calpet aiiO\\dJU.C Call a Tappan Associate today for more information on ERA's outstanding services. TAPPAN AND ASSOCIATES 884-6200 In Each Red Carpel 1973 Entire house has been redecorated all', all aluminum O"lce IS mder<l'ndenlty II & REAL ESTATE tnm owned In pel fect move In In the last five condltwn Don t and operated Put Number 1 to work for you. @ We Have The Pointes Covered! GROSSE POINTE PARK REDUCED - Ponkey deblgned Cola nidi m pllme Park locale Quahty thloughout SpacIous floor plan from the terazzo foyer to the meticulously kept glounds ThiS home has It all add a Cllculal dllVe, large famIly room, thl ee fileplaces, beautIfully finished bd<;ement With full kItchen Four bed looms, t\\O and one haf baths, newer fUlnace, central all', a muc;t see home Call fOI details on thIS executive mnnOl GROSSE POINTE PARK ::~ , . ~ .-' 'J," i- • COURVILLE Perfectly mamtamed home Three bedrooms, one and one half baths, den and natural fil eplace ... Exclusive service through our office. Find our how it could sell you home!!! 90 KERCHEVAL GROSSE PTE FARMS, MI 48236 House bUIlt Now that rates are down - it's time to buy. BY APPOINTMENT WA YBURN _Investment property Vel) attrac tlve Close to St Ambrose park, schools and trans portahon Two bedrooms each, separate basements and utlhtles plus a garage upP.at~d kltchell yedl b Wet plastel, alarm system, central mlSb out on thiS one featUles 23324 MIDDLESEX OPEN SUNDA Y 2 4 Custom brICk ranch WIth three bedrooms, bath and one half, re<:reatlOn room, two and one half car attached gal age WIth electllc doOi openel <lnd more An out standmg buy' PEAR TREE LANE GracIOus Home' Wonderful locatIOn' Llvmg room WIth hghted alcoves, wet b81 and bay Window, large dining room, Mutschler kItchen <dlnmg area), hbrary three bedrooms, three full baths, central all', spnnkler sy<;tem, large cedar deck decorated beautIfully baths, 22604 MACK AVE ST CLAIR SHORES, MI 48080 Be ..utlful SpJa\\ IIng I <Inch \\ Ith 1mge lot, centl al all, newel cal pet 109, lovely decOJ, attached gm age, full basement BeautIful settmg Call fOJ mOl I' mfor matlon GROSSE POINTE WOODS ThiS prestigIOus three four bedroom Colonial In choice Woods locale offers quahty throughout Neat and cleJ.n, generous room Sizes, all thIS and much more on a qUIet cui de sac Call for de talls GROSSE POINTE Walk to the pal'k or lake Freshly palOted and decorated thIS one of a kmd French bungalow features a ne\\ el <;tate of the art kitchen With neutl al decO! Meticulously mamtamed home oITel<;all the amemtles Call for det81l<; GROSSE POINTE PARK Land contract terms avaIlable on thiS lovely two family Income south of Jefferson ThIs all brIck home featUl es three bedrooms. In each uml, dll1mg room, hVlng room, lead gla<;<;Windows In large lower hVlng lOOm A true money maker Owner motivated, WIll look at all offers 775-6200 ThIS one of a kmd three four bedroom home features a beautiful remodeled kItchen, lovely famIly room, extra large hvmg room WIth fireplace, formal dminK room, all large room slzec; Super floor plan all thIS and much more make thiS a must see home EAST IN THE VILLAGE 16824 Kercheval Ave., G.P. ==~_Jlf21 ~ J GROSSE POINTE WOODS 881.7100 OPEN DAILY 9 to 9 WEEKENDS 9:30 to 5 ._"_ . __ .~~-----~----~-~-------------_. .•.•---------------~~~~---~------ - - I 98 August 24, 1989 Grosse Pointe News Damman -Palms-Queen 17646 Mack 886-4444 r~tAL TORS \' OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 OPEN SUNDAY 2.5 R09 BLAIRMOOR - Thl~ five bedroom Colonall 10tdted 111 a pl'lme area of Gro<;se Pomte Woodb v.lth lake Side park otTers you central all', neutral decor throughout, profes'lOnally landscaped, a tIl cular dnveway and attached two cal gdragelll rhl~ four bedloom Colonial In Grosse POinte Farms offel b three and one half baths, family 100m, master bedroom With natural fireplace, ,md a Mutbchler kitchen All of this IS bltuated on a large lot With a CII cular dllve and a pnvate yard Call for an appomtment Stephen Roney CALL FOR MORE INFORMATION E Jeffel son, 23016 Gary Lane 886.5800 ON THESE CONDOMINIUMS RHIClTIlI SElVlCU ..... ~ - - J ... ;1 .. - /. 17646 Mack Avenue Grosse POinte, MI 48224 313-886-4444 Members of Grosse POinte Board of Realtors & Michigan Mulh.llst BY APPOINTMENT OPEN SUNDAY 2-4 BY APPOINTMENT L:;. ' .. 'Sl "' ..,r.r J;. ~4' ,...-_..... ~~~'1 ..~ "' -J 1 CERTIFIED FEE APPRAISERS ON STAFF 2 HOME WARRANTY AVAILABLE 3 INTERNATIONAL RELOCATION EXCHANGE 1 INTEREST RATES ARE DOWN' 2 EXCELLENT TIME TO BUY AND SELL' ~I~L~ -- - 223 RIViera, 231 RIVIera, 17111 AITENTION INVESTORS'tI - Apartment BUlldmg. eleven umts, overlookmg freeway, otT street park. mg laundry loom With com operated washer and dryer, plus storage bIOS Good rental mcomelll Ichwe!!~"Jitfl9.fu~~. 'FIRST OFFERING' 44 WESTWIND LANE - Popular location m the Farmslll SpacIOus brick ranch With three large bedrooms, two full baths, beautiful pnvate back yard for your summer barbeques Call for the mdny amemtles of hvmg m Grosse Pomte Farms Immediate Occupancy'tl oJ \.t;'" '!:z ~~k' ':A ~4:jhr,...... 1.. ~ t~ e~ -q'i!iJ4" ...~~HI ~~~..~~~~ii2~jJ ~ 5~ ~,. ~ '-<?""" ~'~I~~ ~~~;.~ ~ 1(10 -~I.'... ! ~ '"'-;. , ~.~- _~~ -~~'-:?-- ~::'.:-~~-,~=:5:~~ t.\Pll\'\1ING BEACON HILL COLONIAL \\111 .lppcal to the ) oung at heal t v. Ith It.;, wonderful goul met kitchen ma~LeJ'-,.hedroom ,1I11tlL .ueSbU1!!' dnd pll \ ate bath bl'ated gal den room and IOOlll ldIllllllg \<lld booth and hbral') With fireplace 10\1er level 1\Ith buana, fileplace Wonderful pnvate "r. "- NEAR KERBY _. SCHOOL would be an Ideal hbmelfu\'"'the SPARKLING SEMI RANCH ghl",mg fdmlly Ne\\ Iy de cO!ated \\ Ith spacIOus looms thiS mcely mamtamed bllck I eSldence has four bed looms, two bath;" and screened porch MOTIVATED SELLERS have reduced the pTlce on 16615 E Jeffelbon - MOVE RIGHT IN ang enJoy thiS architecturally di~tinct.ii.Je"" ab"'a'-w~llrp.aln \ the f~eshty decQrat,~d l,nte)"l~(v.;ttp new cflr~er-m~, ,.- taified home on Washlngttlh) Fa1tlUY'Tl1om-'v»th 'Iefim;,hea hard\\ooa noor~ and renovated kitchen fireplace, sun room and upstairs den or sewmg FoUl bedlooms 1\10 and one half baths and an out. room are all part of the gracIOus floor plan standlllg famll} I Dam overlookmg the private )ald :J,425,OOO BY APPOINTMENT OPEN SUNDAY 2-4 "FIRST OFFERING- 'FIRST OFFERING" -'. -.... '7,...),.,,'"1 ~.. . ...... ""l .. ;. COI\'DO WITH POOL IS otTered for the smgle life ;,tvle Located 111 chOIce Rl'.Iel a Terrace !ocatlOn, thiS tidy one bedlOom unit 111 the middle level of the bulldlllg IS pel fect for startlllg to bUIld eqUlt\ hOi> LAKEPOINTE - ENJOY THIS FOUR BED ROO:'.I F AI\IIL Y HO:'.1E Just a block away from Llh St Clan Outstandmg kitchen and famll} loom and, fOI yOUI summel enjoyment, an m gl Oll nd ~olm heated pool A wandel ful horne OPEN SUNDAY 2.4 I:'.lPOSI;.IG ENGLISH MANSE "lth uncoupled quallt) of con"tl uctlOn, stunnlllg 1I1tenor decor, modeI'm zed mechamcal systems, palatial room sizes and magmficent lot otTers a rare oportumty to the dl~cnmlllatlllg bUjer --~-:----~ ---- -- YOUR RENT DOLLARS will buy thiS horne One of the best bUj s m Grosse Pomte Woods on a lovely :,treet The horne otTers three bedlooms, bath and a mcely landscaped yard Call for the re allstlc pi Ice $82,000 IRRESISTIBLE MASTER SUITE WIth pnvate bath has been 10vlIlgl) remodeled to SUIt young tastes ThIS Grosse Pomte City horne offers a very model n kItchen, paneled hbral y and oversized two tiel deck I A must see for $159,900 IMPRESSIVE ENGLISH features the best of Albert Kahn architecture Intenor appomtments are hIghlighted by the Mutschler kItchen nchly pan eled, master sUite With fireplace, and pretty sun room Garage apartment, too BY APPOINTMENT "FIRST OFFERING' CAPE COD ON LAKELAND has been newlv rede corated and provides a lovely kitchen, p'aneled family room, three bedrooms, mcludmg fil st floOi bed 100m , two full baths, central all', and sprmklel system $214,900 :\'EW E:\'GLAND CHARM abounds III the delight ful Gros~e PO!'1te Sl].ores Colomal Dram:'ltlcllllv I edeslgned and redecorated bj D,J Kennedy th;s In;,plTlng home has a Mutschler kitchen, first floor bedroom 01 Ilbrary, paneled family room, superb ma~tel bedlOom \\Ith luxullous bath $415,000 "FIRST OFFERING" I:-'I:-'lACULATE CO~DOMINIU:'.1 features t\\ 0 bedrooms and two baths m popular RIViera Tel' race locatIOn Amemtles mclude the new kitchen and baths, clubhouse pl'lvlleges, and 10\\ mamte nance fees $79,900 DELIGHTFUL Puwt" Schuub pel fect fm the !ill an tl\O car BRICK BUNGALOW With Grosse 11<1»been \~ell mdlllldined dllli I» }oung family Three bedrooms, cen garage and priced at $78,900 OPEN SUNDAY 2-4 OPEN SUNDAY 2-4 !'EW ENGLAND CIIAR~t 111 thIS three bedroom one and one half bath Cape Cod Refinished hard wood floors, dlllll1g room With bay, and beaUtiful natural wood accents BY APPOINTMENT WHAT A BUY' Cute St Clall Shores Colomal of fel s the fil st time buyer a fantastIc opportullIty to purchase at belov. market! Three bedrooms, one and one half baths and t",o car garage Only $55,900 EXCEPTION AL TWO F AMIL Y FLAT m the Park has been completely renovated Ne\1 kitchens, ne\\ baths, new roof, sldmg completely redecorated and recarpeted $95,000 lOb :-'lOHOS~ - SWEEPING VISTAS of the Coun t1\ Club 01 DetlOlt plovlde an Idylhc settmg for lhl~ Waltt,1' Ma<;t bUIlt Coloma I ThiS nicely pro pOll \OIWrl home otTel~ three bedrooms '" lth addl t \011 a I ~llldlO 100m With private acces'l Pnce re ellIcl'd' NATURAL WOODWORK hlghhghts thiS hand ~ome Colomal on Gra) ton Thl'l center hall brick house ha~ been exceptionally cared for and otTers a nC\\ kitchen With eatmg area, master bedroom II Ith 'llttmg loom and Immediate occupancy MEMBER ~ EMPLOYEE REL.OCATlON COUNCIl. 1239 SUNj\;I;.IGDALE THE PERFECT COLO NIAL de~lgned b\ RIchard Kimbrough features four bedlooms, three and one half baths, large Imck 11001 ed family room With fireplace, first floor laundry and cxccptlOnal lot CHM'lPION~ BAER REAI~TORS 1I1~ h,l'l\ h \,11 \\( (II, \",~'lhlT1t" 884.5700 1'.11111~.\ 11l:{~l() LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION In the heart of the Farms, thiS three bedroom, one and one half bath Colomal has a great family room, ne\\ furnace and 10\\ pTlce $139,000 August 24, 1989 108 Grosse Pointe News SEVERAL FIRST OFFERINGS Ichweitzer .~Bettsfnes I WH Reo I E/tate,lnc. I and Gardens' FIRST OFFERING - MelTlweather Road between Kercheval and Grosse Pomte Boulevard Four bedJoom Coloma I With two full baths and two lavatones l3x16 plus hbrary New kitchen m 1987 Central aIr, attached garaue, securIty sys tem, lew deck, two unfimshed rooms over ga rage FIRST OFFERING - Wmdmlll Pomte area on Pemberton Beautiful Enghsh tudor on 75x150 lot Lal ge foyel, natural woodwork and newer kitchen With breakfast l'Oom, five bedrooms, three and one half baths, famIly room, three car gal age H 0 ~1E HEART bOlhood can skip $278,500 ELEGANT ENGLISH lesldeme located on Ilonderful pnvate ~ll eet 1Il GI os~e Pomte Farms ~hdtlpll' III eplace" $475,000 ill JOBE\' I ~85 2000 ADD A TOUCH OF ;\fATURc \\ It h dlllple 0\ l'l ~I/t'd II II1rlO\\" ,Ind lI111que "paclOU" open nOOI plan ()\ elloohlnt-: ht'dutdlll glounds Sii5,000 1(,bIL-\KI 8864200 W IT HAW A R ~1 Ideal 10latlOn of neIgh pi Ide, \I hel e httle one" to "chool I11 mll1ute~ IG 57BLA) 886 4200 FIRST OFFERING - SpacIous & attrachve center entrance Colomal on Three Mile Drive Five bedrooms, mahogany paneled hbrary, screened terrace and beautIful yard Roof, driveway and IUInace retently I epldted "UPER 1IX \ 1'10:-- '10 H-\ISE \ I- \~II J' (I(hl tll ~l hooh ,HId ::,hol ( ~ I" Ill,! Ul' ,.HI lh'llIllJll!HHlll 111 h ~l'LolJd nODI -,lllll(l ".22;) IHIO (F WEAL FA MIL Y HOME ha" "lll\lhml-( 101 lhl' modeln fam I lllLiud\ng dmll1g loom _\ulh I,Ill II h lOum Illth "late 110m' :1>175000 lH71OXFl885 b,}HA \\ I bbb ,)8110 ':1100 E. \CEPTIOl'.\L lmet' bedlo,oIn CulOnJd! III lIle F'll m~ Beautl fulh mdllltdined \lith CU'LOm (edlul e" ,iIld -I unnll1g decol $189,000 11-1 bi:'llORJ 885 2000 \\ HAT A WAY TO ~lt7lLng heat' Cenlral 1I01l1n~ gleamlllg /lUOI;', ..Iud ndtul al '\I~19 900 IH 30WHIl CADIEUX ROAD - Near Village shops and Bon Secours Hospital English style condonllmum Completely I enovated mcludlllg a Baker COli cept kitchen Three bedrooms and two bath~ on second, bedroom, slttmg loom and bath on thIrd Garage BISHOP ROAD - Wmdlng stleet Ju~t 011 Jeffel son Quality COl1~tructlOn and newly I enovated throughout Center hall bnck Colomal Thl ee bedrooms, three baths on <;econd, foUl th bed loom or dormitory on thIrd, Llblllry, fountam 100m, powder loom, e"ceptlOnal I eCIeatlOn I uom, servIce staIrs Lot 100x230 \llth "pllll kler system Carnage house HUNT CLUB - Sharp three bedroom, one and one half bath Colomal FamIly room, central all', fin Ished ba!>ement, lawn sprlllkler system, two car gal age ONE OF THE FEW contempo rary ColonJab In the Park \llth all sleel beam constl uctlOn and \el) open 11001 plan $169,900 iF 05PEMl 886 5800 WINDMILL POINTE DRIVE - Beautiful contem porary With 135 feet of lake f!Dntage III the Park Perfect flool plan for gracIOus entel tamlllU Five bedrooms, four baths $850,000 CANTERBURY - ExceptIOnal fOUl bedroom Colo mal 1II the Woods Completely updated m pa~t few years Newer custom kItchen, splmklel system, central air, aluminum tl Inl, ba;ement !lIed, paneled and dlVlded Cedar deck ... I FANTASrIC' \'el I <lltll'll'1l1 1,llge Idl1lbhng I,lluh All dl' g<inl open 10\ el to fOII11,ll11\lIlg 100111 TEEN QU AR rEH~ $J09,~00 IF 59RE!\ I 88G 3800 FIRST OFFERING - New construction on Lake shore Road III Grosse Pomte Farms Free ;,tandmg two story condommlum m prestigIOus al ea overlookmg Lake Three bedrooms, two and one half baths Library .~ BEAr the all condl h,lI d\\ ood IIoodwOl k 8852000 CONDOMINIUM on Martlll III St ClaIr ShOl es Two bedroom second 1100r umt Basement StOi age CarpOl t Neal 11 Mile and Little Mack $46,000 WAVERL Y LANE - SpacIOus Colomal m pnme Farms locatIOn FIve bedrooms, four baths, two lavatories 18x27 foot family room With fire place 15x21 foot hbrary With fireplace Beautl ful private yard WIth heated pool Secunty sys tem, sprmkler system, cent! al aIr, thlee coo attached garage E EQUISITE three f100r to\1 n house l'e\\ roof III 1989 \\ Ith 20 ~ear guarantee, basement I' alerpI oofed III 1989 Apph ances mcluded $174,500 IH 31MAU, 8852000 EXCEPrIONAL CE~n"R l: "\ TRA"CE I- 01001.11 r"III\l«'leh updatld lIL 1.-\ thll I, Jh l Ih ne\\ kltlhen Hl II I ~I '1001 lallndl\ $165.000 f ihL!)I{i \ I H~;... D E:'-IGLlSH TUDOR I fll;, i- acelul bllck tudor, 10 dtul (J "nt ot the Pal k s lovelL e~t 'l1eeh Len Ilic noOl' plan ~no000 H 68BUC I 885 2000 I 8865800 YORKTOWN - Five bedroom Colomal bUIlt by Bldlgare Hardwood 1100rs, lal ge bedrooms and many closets Paneled family room WIth fireplace, I ecreatlOn room, attached garage Inground pool $227,500 JEFFERSON APARTMENTS - Deluxe second floor condommlUm m the Jefferson Apart ments on Jefferson & Neff Den, two large bedrooms two and one half baths, central air, basement area Elevator Many EMORY CT - Custom bUIlt two bedloom lanch 20 foot famlly loom Newel roof, coppel gutters Natural fireplace m hvmg loom Two car attached garage AUDUBON - Near Jefferson on nice Slze lot Fl\e bedroom three and a half bath Coloma 1 LI brary Pool, patIO and outdoor kitchen for great summer entertalnmg Newer furnace and roof Two car attached garage HILLCREST - Charmmg three bedroom, one and a half bath Enghsh tudor In the Farm;, Heated Flonda room, updated kItchen, attl ac tlvely decorated, secluded backyard LAKESHORE amenities mal bUilt $325,000 LOVELY LARGE Colomal fea tUI e" lOuntl} kitchen Ilith blt'akfast nuok, newel kItchen floor, ne\1 cal petmg, vel tltals $145,900 (G 72BISI 886 4200 1 \\ 0 FAMIL Y m heal t of l,lo.,,,e Pomte CIty Two bed loon);, dO\1n and one bedroom up Great Investment opportu lilt) '5149900 I H 18NEFJ 885 .WOO LAKESHORE ROAD - Excltlllg Contemporary Custom bUIlt In 1984 SpacIous rooms, IIvmg room has two story cellmg height Large II bralY, four or five bedrooms, three baths and two lavatolles mcludmg first 1100r master bed. loom sUIte Basement recreatIOn room With fireplace Amenetles mclude, central air, alarm system, spllllkler system, three car at tached gal'age and ternfic landseapmg HOLIDA Y - Four bedroom, two bath semi ranch, two bedrooms on first floor FInished basement With \Iet bar, heated Flonda room, two car garage 65x120 lot $149,900 ATIRACTIVE, three bedroom Cape Cod featules t\\O full baths, \\ el plastel, hm dll ood floOl sand neller fUi ndce $139,900 IG 74COLI 886 4200 AWARD WINNING landscapmg enhances thiS English Coloma I near Trombley Elementary fea tUTlng three bedrooms, two eal garage $86,900 IH OSBEA) 885 2000 NEAT BRICK four bedloom bungaloll uflel;, I em ode led kitchen and bath Nlcelv Idnd "ldped Illth lot<; of tre'e, and "hl uh~ $70500 IF 79LAN) 886 5800 WONDERFULL Y ROOMY four bedroom Cape Cod offers up dated kitchen With cablllets ga lore Dishwasher, range refng el alOl mcluded $99,900 IF 36HUNI 8865800 HOME IS WHERE THE HEART IS' ThiS chm nllng Park Colomal I~ perfect for a growing (dmdy Stunmng kltlhen and hi eakfu<;t nook $149,500 lH 27BUC18852000 BEAUTIFUL FOUR BED ROOM CAPE COD features four bedrooms, screened porch, ~tove, I efllgerator, GROSSE POINTE SCHOOLS $69,900 (G 07LAN I 886 4200 OPEN SUNDAY 2.5 PM 705 PEMBERTON, GROSSE POINTE PARK - Large dre~~mg room off master bedroom $169,900 1168 BUCKINGHAM GROSSE POINTE PARK - 1'\\0 Pellablc tde fireplaces, updated kitchen $270,000 1427 BUCKINGHAM, GROSSE POINTE PARK - Screened sunporch and lots at storage $149,500 818 NEFF, GROSSE POINTE CITY - 1'\\0 family m heart of the City $149,900 776 LORAINE, GROSSE POINTE CITY - Potential for studIO m walk up attic $165,000 387 MORAN, GROSSE POINTE FARMS - Stunnmg decor mcludmg outc;tandmg fimshed basement $189,000 771 N OXFORD, GROSSE POINTE WOODS - Formal Iivmg loom, dllllllg room, study, famIly room $375,000 959 N RENAUD, GROSSE POINTE WOODS - :\!u<;t ~ce the' Teen Qual ters " Large rambhng ranch $309,900 30 S EDGEWOOD, GROSSE POINTE SHORES - Extlemelv well mamtamed, spacIOus ranch $240,000 885 LAKESHORE, GROSSE POINTE SHORES - Beautiful landscapmg and terrace $359000 83 HAWTHORNE, GROSSE POINTE SHORES - Umquc Ilnd charmmg Close to schools and Shores park $225,000 20492 WASHTENAW, HARPER WOODS - Recently pamted, ncwel carpet, apphances $48,900 18736 HUNTINGTON, HARPER WOODS - Huge lot \\ lth numerous f10wermg plants and shrubs $99,900 32662 HARPER, 8T CLAIR SHORES - Blight and cheel ful end umt condo Carport $54,500 Grosse Pointe Woods 21300 Mack Avenue III,t nOlth of \'1') nI('1 886-4200 20 OFIICE'I Kercheval on the Hill 74 Kercheval Avenue 885 2000 •• 'II R\ J\(, O\'E~ 85 SI III RH \' Grosse Pointe Io'arms 18780 Ma('k Avenue lu~t ~outh of :'v!OI'O'~ 886-5800 CO\1'~'l 'rTlJ:S styled Colo 1987 Marble foyer, step down hv mg room WIth fireplace Central all' Master bedroom has a JacuzzI and adJOImng spaclOu;, sitting room Great house for famdy dnd frIends LAKEPOINTE - Looge family reSidence m Wmdmill Pomte area of the Park Four bedrooms and two baths plus bonus room on second 20 foot family room, first floor lavatory, recreatIOn room \llth fireplace 1\1'0 car garage BRIGHT CLEAN, lOntempu I ar) decOl E ....ten;,I\.e quaht\ I eno\ alion;, T\\o ba} \\lndo\\ s t\\ 0 full baths, \llth lighted tub~ $130,000 IG 9 ..ST-\1 886 4200 ROAD - TradItionally In GROSSE POINTE FARMS - Three bedroom, one and one half bath ranch III great Farms loca tlOn 24 foot screened porch, two car garage 60 x 142 lot PrICed at $139,500 -- RIDGEMONT - Three bedroom ranch on qUiet street near Kercheval and Farms Pier Den, newer carpetmg and drapes RecreatIOn room, office and full bath m basement Walk up stalrs to attic Two car garage GROSSE POINTE VILLAGE CONDONIMIUM Off whIte walls With newer cmnamon carpet mg Central air One mce bedroom Includes kItchen apphances and basement stOl age $48,000 ELMSLEIGH LANE - South of Jefferson near the lake Five bedroom Colomal Two and a half baths Family room Extras mclude central air, alarm system, lawn sprmkler system and two car attached garage NIcely decorated RIV ARD - Enghsh Tudor styled condomllllUm End umt With good Window space Four bed rooms, two and a half baths Den, large kItchen, dmlllg room has a greenhouse Will avw COUNTRY CLUB III the Woods Colomal With family room or bedroom and full bath on first floor Three bedrooms and bath on second Recrea. tlOn room and lavatory m basement $132,900 RANCH STYLE CONDOMINIUM near Jefferson and Nme Mile Shoppmg center and very close to transportatIOn Easy ground floor hvmg Two bedrooms, hVlllg room With skyhght, din. mg room, laundry, covered terrace Neutral carpetmg and appliances new m past two years Burglar and fire alarm Large room for storage Entertamment faclhtles $73,500 Rt:...... ~lltJUn .I OOill LAKESHORE ROAD - Grosse POInte Shores Over 200 feet of frontage With an excellent vIew of passmg shIps The reSidence lends It self beautifully to both famlly hvmg and grand entertaming m the 32x32 foot great room and heated mdoor sWlmmmg pool Four bedrooms, four full baths, powder room, first floor utlhty room Three car heated garage Much more GARY LANE - Lakeshore VIllage Two bedroom townhouse. Nicely decorated Central air newer kItchen apphances, Complex offers clUb' house, tenms, pool and tot-lot OPEN SUNDAY 2.5 1875 Hunt Club - Three bedroom, one and one half bath Colomal 23011 Colony, St Clair Shores - Ranch condomtmum $132,500 $73,500 886.3400 JIIDBIE MAXON REALTORS@ 83 kercheval avenue • grosse pOinte farms • michIgan 415236 <C:::=> HOMEQlITY., RROCATION CENTER Affiliate of SOTHEBY'S I'l/T':RNA TlONAL QI=IlL TY ---------~~~~-----~--~~--------~-----~-----~---------~-~ -----,. August 24, 1989 11 B Grosse Pointe News In.A l' J /FllI L Y Idl1d~( "ped Engl hh FOUl !J( dJ()Olll ('oIOllJ.d In .I I{ll'dt locdllon 1110 ,1I\d Olll h<llf hdllh, Ihll'e L,lI gdlagl' much 111011' rfi7HALI klldllil OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 (II :l.'iH CIIALFONTE' I ,lIgL' IHltk HANCII1IIlI1l' FAHMI-> u\ellook Illg the L'lel'enlh gll'('n of the Dellolt ('OUlltl \' (,lub goll LOUI~(' IIlghllghll'd ft'.lturt'~ lilt! tide the fOUl bedl OUIll~, 10\ t'ly lanul) loom wllh 11oltlll.lllllepl,lle, 1I1~t nom 1.l\lmhy loom gle.lt hn 1~Ill'd l>.l~L'rn('lIl ,lIId ,Il t<lt hed g<ll <lgt' I->Iop III Sund'i \ d nd ~l'L' IO! ) OIU~ell I '-,'1A\IJI.,\(, III (, I' I' uk HI Fl'HlIl'-,HI.D h,dl h,lIh.., I ,""1' Oil thl..,l.Jlge El1glJ~h Tudol \\Jlh !:xulll nl IC)OIll ~l/('''' Il1tludlng Iii" ,1I I Englhh Colonl,d 1I\ GIl)''''' POUlt! Ildllll <II II/HJd lOllJI.., Hl'tent!l pdlntld 111 '-JlI \1l1 J IllfJ I"dll",m 1.01. eI'I"J Illt 11IeI,ng" (,HI 76:3 NOTHE DAME •• A tClIlIlL bu) dWdlb lOll J:vtMEDJA'JE OCCUPANCY 1.lllllh loom, den ,md letenl fUln,lle Mdll1lt' lI.lllll' Ilet' W~lk lo ~Lhool.., dnd ~hopplllg OWNI;H WILL LI'-, 'J EN ro ALL OFFEH~ \ I\' J Ill< \11'1. II III I ~I' olllh" (ox & Boikel built ,t It'ldtllill of 1111'F'1l tlh ~J'i I BEHKl:::>IIIHE 'I)I lighllul P,II k ('IJI0111dI hl)'l~h of tltH'e ht'd IOOIll~, m<l..,ll I b<lth plll~ ..,eLOlld bdth, t\'O lldtlll.d IIILpl,lte~ 1,111111\loom ,lIld lilllaly AI..,o ft'dtlued I~ the Il'lll<lllOlI loom 1,1\,It 01 \ In b,h('ll1l'lIl CENTHAL Am, An AeIlE]) GAHA(.F ,lIld \\ ood d('Lk V PI \ \\l It Ill,llnl d Ill.'d 1..11 gl lot 'I OHHJ~ Y HOA D 1\, 0 btdllJolll bill k hOllll 111 gle,lt WOODS JOL<lllUn oJ!el.., n,llul,d In t'pld(l', I.unlh IOOlll, 100m.d dlnll1g loom (' ENTHAI AIR t dl petlllg dlld I1Illt h IllOI t E'l.!e 1101 II I III <lnt! g,n <IgL' Ill'" I) pd lilted \'1'1 I "[{Ol ddblt 706 LAKEPOII'\'I ~ Allldtll\'e live bedl uorn COIOllldl III 101'1'1\ Wlndnllll POlJ1te Subdl\' 1~lOn ollel.., cn Lul,JI ..,l,lII L,,~e, t \\ 0 1l,llll I <II lilepldLe.." 1.1I111ly I uom I eCI edtlOn loom ,lilt! "ltdt hed g<l IUgl' OIIIWI an\lOU.., IO! Offl'l Must ..,ee lo dppi ('Ll"tl' JAMES R. FIKANY REAL ESTATE Lo\ ph lhl ee bed I oom I anch on LUI de ,ac be<lutlfull) I,md,caped, 131gel lol ne\1 0.11,. kltLhen PLlla \\ Illdu\\ ~ lilll..,hed bolsemenl \\ Ith half bath and ~hu\\ PI GI u..,-e POlnlL 5Lhool\\ on t ld"t' leatme<; 1'\ BEAUFAIT - Thlee bc'h~ll.1n ,RnL~".\\\ ..h ,Mwtl,).I')'lI 19.VLl\ u.p ddled kitchen OffiLl: 01 10Ul th bed 100m JI1 IIIll,hed bd~ell1ent md"lel bl'dloom \\lth hdll \),llh, bl'dUuful GIO"t P,llllk Schools FOR RENT ;"L\CK at MORAN \ OUI Lholle 01 oflice .Ilea one \\ Ith 1000 "'qUdl e feet one \\ llh 800 ,qUaI e feet "epal.lle utllitle' pilldte entl \ SINE REALTY Lr\){G[R :'\E\\ E'\GLA:\'D (OLO i\'Ir\L In n ple..,llglOlh POlllte locatIOn FOUl "'PdUOU.., bl'dl (lorn.., Llbl .II \ large kitchen dltdLhed gdl <lge and Iii ~t floOi l,lUnch I GI pal flfJOI pl'ltl mtllldlnB" IdlJ;e entl IIltl lo\el \\ nh dl<lm"tlt ",tall Cd~1 I'\t.\\ t 1 dl (01 ,md l..ll pel plu'l.ll'-l'd [l,II1e! docH ~ SPAUOUf:, E,\(,L1..,1I \\ <Ilk to lht; Vlll"ge flom till E.ngll,h '-l\lL home I h ,It h \\ dltlllg 101 \ OUI dLlOI ,l\ I III, louch Thl' hUllll' b()d~h ,\ Ith \ 1'1I 1.11 ge loom.., benutlful pI.1olel dLtdl! ledded gla~.., \\ lIldO\I.., and pIn .Ltl' \ al t! Fnl h(<!IOO'lI'- .1I1d lhH'l' h.lth", ,Ill on !l,lt .. ",olld 11pH! Yo))L. >.<..11 L.llHl (',!Ill 11.ld pfJ"lhfc :i>209900 WOODS te"tUl mg FI\' E BEDROO:\IS, t \\ 0 ,md onl' h.df b"tho, dtt"Lhl'd gal dgt> ,ltld f,lm Ih 100m on POpuldl BLAIR~IOOR nedl WEDGE WOOD PI Iced to nl1o\\ fOl nece",s,ll \ Upd,lt lI1g UNIT COI':DOMINIU~1 - Thl" altl act 11 e foUl bedloom. 1\\ 0 and one half bath I e~ldenLe I'" clo~e to "hoppmg III the \ dlage and has all the featull'~ )OUle lookmg fOJ QUdlil\ pln..,te, 1I00k hald \\ood nom, l',cellt'nt c,upetll1g and decm Well pi Iced dl $179000 CAPE COD STYLI:-1G - Thl'" chm mmg I e..,ldencl' I" bl ,lI1d 1l('11 ,md fedtul e" a fil ~t fluul lI1a~tel belh OUIll "lJlt' and d 11001 pldn ldt ally sUlted to amuent profes<;lOndls lhdt entel tam nnd ~l'eh the elegant famIly ,ettlllg FInal decOl atIng ..,elelllOn", m,lI 1)( made b~ the p1ll cha<;el ~o call no\\ fOl additIOnal det.lIl~ OVERLOOKING LAKE ST CLAIR - Thl.., \acdl1l lol I~ tht' Idpal OppOi tUl1lt I to buIld \ 0111 dl edm honl(' ,md 1'1110\ mag11l IIcl'nl lake .ICtl\ Itle~ le,n lOund C,llI fOl de!.I\I, READ' FOR OCCUP.\NC' - Thl'" hpdUllflll EI1g1hh I e~ldencI' hd<; been compl(,tf'h ledom In t hI' pd~l II \\ \ e,lh fhghlJght<; Include.l l1e\lel ).,ltlhel1 holh ,I f,HllIh loom and a den. ht'alltl ful h<ll d\l oDd 1100l' .lI1d cu..,tom \\ II1do\\ II l',llnll'nh You ,\ on t find a ne"tel honu EXCEPTIONAL UPPER FL.\T RE:'\TAL - Locntpd on Wmdmlll POIl1t! Drl\l' thl~ 1ROO "'qU,II(' foot ap,lllm('nt \1111 d('hghl ,1111 ont' lh.ll dp"'11'('<; qu,llIt\ hou"'lng fOl ,I t\,O \('.11 !p,hp GI\P \I~ il cilll OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 St Clmr OPEN SUNDA Y 2 :5 14 lO Kcn<;lnglon GPP • Three Bedrooms Shores SPECIAL RA:'\CH - Deoll able alea of Sl Gla\l Shm eo Thl ee bed I oom I anch, hath and a half, fannly loom \\ llh nat III,il fi'l'pl,lle" Idl ge kltdlen \\ lth ne\\ ElIl opedn "I III Idbl net <; 1011,1I il\ lng loom tenlldl all at lached gal age HARPER \\ OOD~ GRO~~t. P01:'\TE ~CHOOI -, \\ Ith thlee bed 1oom~ Lenll al all kitchen IIIdudlng dpplwl1Ll" dnd t \\ /J 1<11 I{dl age EASTWOOD - Lo\elv ranch on large lot \\ Itb 0\ 1'1"ILed and updated b.ltchell IIILludlllg ,Ill dpplI"IlLeo dlong \\ Ith a I,ll gl' eatlllg al I'd lead1l1g to ne\l 1'1 d ...tk Roof, fUl IldLe and hot watel he<ltel dilleplaced lecently OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 • 268 ~10l .Ill 8189000 $109,900 $124900 $225,000 $129500 2~.t01 :-101CIl''-I 20245 Fleel \\ ood 16840 Sl Paul 1581 Holl\ \\ ood ADULT CO~n1U:'\ITY \\ OOD BRIDGE pi obalb) the most populal umh all the East SIde FeatUl es III elude pool dnd commu/Ilt) house gate attendant and the mo~t pOPUldl town hou,e Ul1lt BALFOL'R RO.\[) - SPILlOlh fOlil bl'd loom lhll'l' ,md one h.llf bath home Lh,1l h.I' bl'l'n CO\IPU.fELY RE:'\O \'\IFI) \11 till' ch,ulll oj an ol<lel hOI1H \\ II h I 11l'~l ImpI 0\ emenh I1t'\\ "ltLhtn \\Ith .lppll,lIlCt" nl'\\ loof cen tl,1I all all IH\\ lIl-ul<lted \\lI1do\l~ III \\ I,ll [ll llllg .1I1ei dum S2.JQ 000 (;RE \T r.\\I1I'" 1I0~IF \ltl,ICIII( C,IIW Cod PlOfl''''~lOn.llh lolnd-c.lpl'd ,lllei \\ell dpC01,lll'd :'\1'\\0'1 fllln.IC(' \\ Ith cl'nll,1I ,III loof ,111<1 tlwllllOIJ.lnl' \\ IIIdo\\ ~ llt.,\ III 19,',1'0 10'1\ t' hedllJom'" t\IO ,md Oil( h,11f h.1lh~ 1,1l111h 100lll \\ Ilh \\ood ptggt'd tlOOl _ .lI1d 1l.ltUI,1I IlIl'pl,lle .Itl,\t!H'd g,1I ,lgt ( IlHI"In:\E CLAIR SHORES RA:'\CH - '30100 :'\l.lI1h,ltl,1I1 112 :\,"(' ,md Hm PU <II e,,) - Thl<; fnhlllou<; t hi ee he(h oom IlOnlt' featul ('~ ,I f,lI1l1h loom filll..,hed hn<;('ment m,I'te! hedloom II II h h.ll h .md .In entll1g mea In kitchen A Honlt' W,1IIal1l\ PI.1ll .,,~o 111 eluded Well pllCL'd at 'SH7 ~OO \Vp I\ould IIk(' \OU 10 ~('l' thl<; home 30100 Mllnhattnn Imrn,.Ku WI' UI' CONDOMINIUMS RARE OPPORTUNITY - ST CLAIR SHORES LAKE FRO'\'T RESIDENCE - UllIque I anch home offel.., both Like St Clall fUJlltage and -10 fool cdnal \\ Ilh CO\ PI ed <\lid hghted bo,lt slIp \\ lth I\IOTORI7ED HOIST (1I1s1de Dm1en~lOn 16,39 feeLl Thh boa tel sand \\ aIel 10\ 1'1.., dl eam 1<; lIke nett m<;lde dnd out Thlee'bedloom" thlee and one half bath~ lmgl' plllate hot lubl,pd dech \\ Ith cu,tom cedal PII\ .lei enclo,e locdted off ma", tel dl1d gue..,l bedloom all'a \ and RANCH HOMES • • • • MULTILIST SERVICE FARMS OFFICE 18412 MACK 884-7000 l one FIRST OFFERING RF,\'AlJD HA:'\CH neal :'\IOllllllgolde Lal gl \\1'11 I11dlllldll1ed home III gleat lut<ltlOn SPdCJlJU~ kItchen and bl eak 1""'1 roum l.llge ,lttJactl\'l' fanl1l) loom \11th lilepldLe ;..,e\\el IUlndce dnd cen tl al dll, altaLhed gdl <lge all the ament tie'" one expech III d IlIIe home OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 20111 CHURCH COURT HARPER WOODS ST and l'\O blllllH'llI'" .IIlU llbldl) 01 hedloom, one and one h"lfhrlth ('pl.lll lll.llhed g,1I ,Ige ,1I1d mULh mOle 140LEXI LO'IHROP H-\ \CH \EAR KER CHEVAL III gledt FAHM':i 10LdllOn Idl gt. L1l11lh I (lOIlI 'lIld libl ..II) II Ith mdhogan) pdllLllng "'PdUOUo kitchen \\lth bUllllll .IpplIanLL, Be..lutlfull) 1,llId"'lJ.ped \ <II d nJoillltllldnte h 1'1' ex tl'! 101 nl'\C 1001 dlldthed gdldgl' PRICE REDUCED on thIS excellent Colomal ....Ith numerous amen!tles, five bedrooms, four walk-m closets, large famIly room plus (den, office or SIxth bedroom) kItchen pantry, first floor laundry, glassed-m terrace, recreatIOn room WIth bar, newer furnace and central alT Impeccable conditIOn' E;\,D t",o the ~h()lepolnte C()mpl~x muth mOle 1:37SHOI CONSIDERING A PRESTIGIOUS & REWARDING CAREER IN REAL ESTATE? Four-Six Bedrooms GROSSE POINTE WOODS 542 BRIARCLIFF OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 .. III bedroom" There is a reason why sellers chose Adlhoch & Associates Realtors to represent them in marketing their home. Call one of our Professionals today and set up an appointment to discuss our ideas further. IT'S WORTH YOUR TIME TO CALL SINE n13nl kltLhen, Ille 139BAL, FIRST OFFERINGS SINE REALTY galdge Upddled 1"11 REAL ESTATE 714 Notre Dame 886-5051 Vacant t\IO bedroom home ea~\ tel m", Poll k IOUI hu!Jcjflln"',ll'.o J.nd one h,dflldth~ I"Ldttd 00 III J1nl~hed b"..,emenl I:IOKE!\'I I'dl k Newel "nd ueuHdled (()flit' l.l,l~ of till' r IOIIU,1 I 1\\0 .JIld Oil' h,dl bdLh lIJlldClllllnllllll IH'''~ltdllll\ flll"llI d b'hl 1Il( lit ,1Ild mmh IB LOCHMOOR SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT WA5HTENA\\' cellent ,lallel DRIVE - ,lu~t on 1..1"1 ~hOl' .II tlH' lOp of ('.lI1lU I I .III(' In IIH' F.1I 'n~ "'1J.lCIOLh -lOOO ~qU,1I1 fpt'l Colo 111.11 \1\lh pl11ll,d Ilh!.II\ ,llld f'lllUh loom \\\th li!ppli(1 gtl,ll l1l.l~t() ..,lIltl' \llth 1,11117/1h.lth ,1Ild ~J1llllg !OOlll fOUl olh(l f.l1lllh h,dl(,,}m~ ~p.I(l/lll~ kll( 111'11IIllTlII dl.lt! o(lIpallt\ (t'<"TO\! BlII I (' \I'E (O~, on pll \.111 lo.ld 1'iO loot hom 1111 I,lk(' \lIth W\lE!l tHTF ........!-OUI lll'dloom_ I h I( (' h,III1'" 1\1,I 11/1/111,111ndl\ modl'lll "11(h, n IIJ!h Illi IU ht noo" c('ntl.11 "Il "loll III d g,\I ,lgl \\ II h .Idclll !On,d 11,111,I hO.l1 ~1.lh 1\\0 IWlld \\ood dick CO'\DO WITH LAKE VIEW - :'\1'\\1'1 to\\ nhou~e condo landscaped yal d pI I \ .Ite pdllO, t \I 0 cal attached gal age and 10\1 monthh mdllltenance fee~ Cathe (h al lei IIni; 11\lIIg 100m \\ Ith natUl al filcpllce t\\O full bath", fil-t t1Wll laundl) <,econd 11001 f<lmllv 100m loft CU..,tOIll II lIIdo\\ bllnd<; IL\RPER WOODS CO:'\DO - Onl' hed (~upen of Peace ,1nd St John HO'pltdl (,I t' It tOl \ oung pi olt'''lOn.11 01 I etllPe ( ,111 tod,l\ fOI \ OUI nppullltml'l1t '\E,\R VILL.\(,~~ CO:'\DO Lmge I'nd UllIt 111 I\ondel ful locatIOn Re lI'llt h d('I01.lted fOlIl bpdl00m thl ee h.lt h 1\ 11h .. 1ll'1I ted,u dec" 0\ erlook IIII' 1ll'<Jutlfllll\ l.md~c"pl'd glolll1d.., '\('111'1 "Itchen nallll,11 fileplnce, lin I,lli'd h,lI d\\ ood 11001'" FIRST OFFERING ~ \::, r Ol fER DRIVE - One 01 Detl"Olt <; I" _I ",till'!'" I~ tl1l' 101,ltlOn of thh fOil I bed loom Enf..dl~h <;tlle 1101111'II hlch ha~ the be~t of hoth \\OIld.., 01 I gll1 " I qll,llIt~ ~uch ll~ :'\ \TL"RAI. WOODWORK ,lI1d STt\lNED (,LASS nnel mode111 fe,ltult.~ ~uch a~ a nL'1I FA:\lIL Y ROOM off of thl' kllchen nnd a lJJ(,lJ TECH SECURITY SYSTEM ;\1EHRIWEATHER HOAD Larger 12000 squal I' feet) all brick Colomal on F ARMS most popular Stl eet FamIly loom and Llbrar~, kitchen \\ Ith break Idot loom, centLal all tllO Ldl garage dnd Immedldte occupanc) HARD TO FIND - Wondelful Glosse POll1te Fal ms Colomal Three bed looms, t\\ 0 dnd one half bdth, lovely blIght family loom open to ne\\ kItchen \\ Ith bullt Ln appllances, spacIOus looms, high celhngs, beautIful details E\ erythmg a family could \1 ant Ln a horne BREATHTAKING throughout WIth features that mdude and open two ;,tory foyer WIth a large, spectacular kitchen which tleo III mceIy to the large family room along WIth views of the Japanese Garden NEARLY NEW HOME only now a\allable through an Executll e Tranofer Priced \\ell below \\ hat) ou \\ auld expect to pay FAMIL Y HOME located 111 Grosse Pomte Woods off Marter Road \\ Ithm \\alkmg distance to all ~chool levels Thl<; home features three bedrooms, a lal ge famIly room With a natural fire place, den and a ne", kItchen All pI Iced fOl FIRST TIME BUYERS Great value fO! your money ~EAR THE LAKE - Center entrance Colomal Thl eef lal ge bedrooms, two and one half baths, famIly room and den. natlll al iiI eplace m 1)\, mg room E,tenor recently pamted Close to ~chools" tl anspol tatlOn and recreatIOnal faclhtles MOVE IN CONDITION and reasonably pnced under $130,000 AttractIve brick Colomal \\ Ith1/l II alk1/lg dIstance to thl"ee schools Three bedrooms, one and one half baths. fanllly room, updated eat 1/1 k Itchen, fll1l~hed I eCI eatlOn McKINLEY 1/1 the FARMS, Just last week thl s home was vacated and completely re-pamted WIth neutral colors inSIde. We inVIte you to come thIS Sun. day and see for yourself that $132,000 can buy a great looJung home WIth spa. ClOUS rooms, large closets, INCOME HARCOURT INCOME - Once In a Itfetlme opporturnty' LIVe In 8 SpaCIOUS and elegant four bedroom horne and let your tenants make your payments, This Enghsh tudor 1/Icome In a fine Park locatlon offers a brand new kitchen, newer roof and many other wonderful features Call today! YOUNGBLOOD & FINN, INC. R 20087 Mack Avenue Grosse POinte Woods • 1 I l " A - T o f~ (313) 886-1000 19515 MACK at SEVERN 882.5200 ..... I August 24, 1989 128 Grosse Pointe News FOUR FIRST OFFERINGS Celebrating Our 70th Year FIH,S I' O~ ~ I HI \(, 1'lll"I' P'lIllt, r lilli"11<1\(11 I- l'llWld d"11 ,I h.llh Ill.! , h, Illld-1 Ip,d \ .lId HILI I I\.'II-h 101"IlI,tI III c1w\(, 11'1 \ 1\.\1 IllIOlll III -1\1, Ii >II" \lllh II,"' huho"llII h Lid" ,d II, ,- Ill.! 1\\111 t \ 11.1- 1\, ,\"11 I II-t I"I\~ 1111"'1 III ~H{\\(, 1'''>lIl- Illd Ill" "'tll"lng \11l1"lil.1 llld"l "IIIIIlJl \\Ith FI\\' JOHNSTONE & JOHNSTONE ~P.tllOlh Ill'(!10011h pili- """ \ .I..- 11111 I illi II \ .1I1d ~IOlld,1 lO"1lI \ \ \ 11,'okltl, I. ,I. '. LI,I< 1,- "l 'I' III hlll 1'l'\lIH I{ 1 ()\ "'1It1.! \\ Lilt!, Ii, (" (llit ,tli flit • 'II h' I-!HI.) 1 OFFFHI \ l, (,bO 1'1 \IlH H J 0\ \\ tli hi Oppn ::'u ud.1\ 101 \ "III \ Il'\' 11\" \ II' \1'1 ( 0101\I tI It h t!{hl' 10 11ll' Id"Lllol\l PilI.. Ih'll' I- d 1\10 "tol I entl.lnl!' p,IIll'lu! 1.111111,'1I01l, \I Ith \It I h 1\ I,uge kll<lll'n fil,t flOlll 1.1l"ldl\ loUI blll!"1l11l,lIld Illllih 1110" dlill/-." Ilh (1,.\ • 01 lIld Uilil tI /-11l"1 tll t-II{I\(, (h 1I1l11ll/-( EIl/-(lhh hOllle \\ IIh iii tl< ,d"OI ,- \\111 .1, 11l'\\I'1 klll.hen 'Illd 1>,\11,- Alol _ "l!1i 1"," Itp(liOOllh .1Illl thlee bolth.., \Oll 1\ ill '" !hl ['('\1 (,ll'I'l1holhe j,lInl!v loom "lIlld 1\ It Illl \1011 \:\' I{O.Il! It-,.I ~pelldl tH>,11 ....1) dOll t 1111""""till Illltl\ t. \.11 d ....llldudlJlh NEW ON THE l\'lARKET! IN !'HE FARMS! LlVI<: LIFE TO ITb tuLL. EST 111 ,1 vel I "pecldl Wd} BETTEH THAN NEW! Supe! 101 qu,d Ity con"l! ulllOn II II h "'pl Cldl dtlentlOn to fine det,ul - IInpO! ted tde. mdl bII ,I.lllla,p, ~ohd bl d"S fhtules, e,lellSlve U~~ oj Od" - ,dl 111 a dlSt1l11tlv designed' Villa" Illtli Wid l Idld entrdnce fO! a velY specI.J1 bUlel who h 1.1) t 1\ dIed b~ the ulllque' 884-0600 I'HEHE'!'l ~O PLAt J<: LIKE HOME'! Qu.Illl\ bllilt I-AkM:' COLO.'HAL In e'lepuondl wndl lh,1l \\ I(h It l'"h l h,1I llullg delol' Llbl,ll) ,md t,lm II< IlH)ln IUllI IIll'pldle., MUbl.hlel hltl.hen CEN. I RA I AI R. I1Ill Sized balk ym d dnd \ Oll Cdn , dh lu Pll'l f' "" STUNNJNG' 884.0600 (\ "")tllllhl' III 1l'lIl<.HIUt\ UE:,IGNJ.<:R'S OWN HUME I~ eX'llll'lte' All conditIOned thlee bedloolll ,,'lidll 10(i., o\elloohlllg \Iolllielfid L'lla "lie hdldlned ~Ite "1l0,,~ hom golf lOUise complelp \11111"dul1.1 .llld lIle bdth .llId MORE! 881.6JOO CLASSlt WILLIAMSBURG tl dl dll ,lIld l1ll.el} lalld",1pl d HANl'H til1l~h(d COLONIAL ufll'll:> rOll I bedlOum". t\\O dnd 0111.'h,d! bdth., d \\It h pdllO un gellel ou~ 60 'I. 155 toot ~Ite 884-{)600. JI'.ltUILba,ell1ent hblaJ\ cen \.11 ELlUL 1<:'1 PRlt ..:D Hdl pel Wuud" hal:> thl 1.'1'bedlOum~. \\Jlh blel'll'\\al ull OVERSIZED LOT! 881-4200. lle\\ 1'1 Cdl petlng and t\\O ldl dtldched g,u dge OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 1635 ANITA - GREA T SECOND FLOOR expan slOn In meticulously mamtamed three bedroom one and one half bath bungalow! 881-6300 OPE, Oppn SLT:\'D.\\ - 5~j B-\HHI\C1U\ Suud.1\ Llll.,lul IIIIl him" 11,.111 \llll I ,"e Cl,llI thl- I-.tq.Jl-h 'ud", h, 1I.lilul 'ld"l I- 'Ih le.llull', ~lo11g \l11i1 Iou '"ell'H"Ilone h.ll! 11olth.., Ihpil I, ,\ dill "In! Illom \lllh lill'pl.lll ,1I\d ,\ I II I- \/{\1 CO! 0:\'1'\1. \\ Ith loh 01 dl.1I111 III the CII} heclioollh lh\, .. l>.Ilh~ ,me! f.lJml\ tUUIll lead lll~ 10 dell, IIld hlll!-- 1>.1110 11"01 ,'111'\ .le [h It~ 111111 h \.11 gll I holn II .tppedl.,' \Id.,\L\ bld. oom hd~ loll)llch.d ,,'11111/-(,\lid 'W'lI,d bdlh lenll,d all tool Iw ':ll rOlIl lIld l'\ll ,lIId .1 Illlp"lllln 25 S. EDGEWOOD - TERRIFIC large rooms, specIal farmly room, foyer and much more' 881~300 1404 YOltKiSHlRE PARK THIS SPECIAL has It all I FOUl bedllloms "\llh o!lIepdldlltln dl,d dll1l1lg loum" done plus GROSSE POIN fE FAMJLY t-OLONIAL '111e ,ll1d olle hdlr bdth~ fOl ~nd oal.h'), lr\e.Jt EXTRAS! Id'~" ll\ll\g RANCH offers beautlful marble 20020 HUNT CLUB QUIET LOCA J ION' Thlee bedloom bllck bungalo\\ has gl eat countl I' klt~hen pi us fll11shed basement \\Ith roul th bed 10011. 01 "tud~ GROSSE POINTE SCHOOLS' 8!H-4200 881-4200 21119 KENMORE - GREAT STARTER has large fanuly Iatchen llnd firushed basement GROSSE POINTE $74,900 884.0000. SCHOOLS! Three bedroom bungalow 715 PEAR TREE - WONDERFUL FOUR BEDROOM combines tradition Wlth contempol ary eleganl.et Family room w1th beamed celhng, first floor laundry, two and one half baths, two fireplaces, central ror' 881. 6300. 622 N. RENAUD -NEW DESIGNER DECOR In this three bedroom, two bath larger RANCH Wlth spa ClOUSfarmly room, central ror and I11cely gardened SIte 881-6300. E\(EP110:-lALL\ \\'EII :'I1\1:\1'\I:'-IEW I.llllh \\Ilh thll'e hedloolll'" dnd ,I f.Jmlh loom :\1.111\ 1" 1I a.., IIld udlllg 11111'1' H'.ll old lenll.l\ ,Ill ,tI,ll111 ,,\.,lelll Upd.lI,d "11,hlll 111I1,h,d bl-,'1lI'1I1 \lllh IX'dlOo1\1 ,111<1b.1Ih 1\\ 0 111I \1I.d IiI I pl.lll - .11)(\ .I t\\O tdl gdl t1hl ~ll It ])0\\ (,HOS~I-. 1'1 ll' I I- \\ OOD':l .,1.11 III 01 I etn ement hOllll Fll',h II p.lIllt, d bung.do\l \1 It h ne\\ 1.'1 lal ]lpt 111 h\1I1~ .. tHI dlll'll>! loom, Kllchen .lnd bath h 1\( helll l'IILI '(I d \rill m.bl,1 hllho"111 ledlul e" a l.u,.!1 'dh I' ,IIN I I 11101 ,ou\ 1111\,111'..,ho\\ II1g I 783 RIVARD I"hed bd,emenl AND OFFERS - GREAT With extla INVITED!! SPACE! GREAT PRICE! Four bedlOoms t\\O bdths. den, "Itllng loom. fin I.l\atOl~ and bldnd NEW GARAGE! Occupancy m tIme fOi school $134,900 884-0600. 21560 V AN K - OWl'.'ER HAS 1WO HOUSES tl •. ee bedroom homp m fine Woods area has fanllly gas 1;(1111. 881-4200. and offers SPECIAL PRICE to hasten snle' Quality room Wlth fireplace, new hardwood floors and patIo "'1th 1399 WHfITIER -FOUR BEDROOM, two and one half bath COLONIAL has new large carpeting, refirushed floors and great gamge to accommodate your boat or RV' 88«>600. kItchen, ne\\ SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT PRIME SHORES LOCATION 101 thiS ,tdlel) W .lltel MdSt Colol11al \\ Ith light and all) floO! pldll thdt \\ di dddpt pelfeltl) to \OUI entel tdlnlng need,,1 SpeCial features mclude beautiful ash paneled family 100ill \\Ith pegged \\ooden floOi and bUIlt 111 h,ll. new Andel~on dOOlwalls to metlculou,l) land~cdped glOunds dnd dlatllatlc mathle foyel PLUS .Ill the amenltle" vou would e"ppcl 111 an otT"nng of thh cahbel 884-0600. EXTRA SIZE LOT III a pop,d,\! Fm nh ,ll ea' ThIel bedlOom 1\\ 0 .Jnd one halr h,llh COLO. NIAL offel~ a \el} 10\1 ma1l1tel.dnce l''l.tellOI Up d,lted kitchen, t\IO iiI eplale~ al1d .111 upd.lled kitchen mahe thiS dn e\en mOl e ~peClal bu) I 884- Y nb hI- ,WOOD ( Oll{ I I- ,Ill aUI."II\( (olnlll.d In ]lllllll F.IIIll,l<l<11101l (hpi 2800 _qU.11l tiel d 11\Illg "'p.lll olill - tOlil hul loom.., 1.11 gt FIIIlllll IO{.1lI hlt',I"r .. -t 1''''111 Ind 11'1 le,lllOn IlIOIl .lil -It II ,I. d ,".1 I,ll ~l' 101 Hlll'l1th r edl'IO! dIed "0 OPE:\, ,,\ ,Il:\ \\ III \1 \1\ 1 \1:--1 !I JIll 0\\11l'1 W"or!.., lamh 11h -ll Il Imh lIl<l .1 r \ fl"OI 01.111 I hILl' bedloom" ltHI t \I h.lth~ \I II II lOllllO1 Llhle dell .lnd 10\ ely 1.1'''ld Illd -""lIld pOllh FIl-hh palllted. Up <111ft! ,.j((tllt I III \11 1001.111<1 .1 HOmeO\IIll'l'> \I ° \\ 1111111\ 1'1.\1 OPEN SUNDA V 2 - 5 l'l'l'IIJ \\ (I \11(\ I~ \\ ;~ \ Ii Ii{Hi\I, hhll i IJ\ I'~ \!Ill HI 0:-- , I II [{ i hi " \\ III II' I'~ \lIl1 Hlt)\ ~7'1 hid JJlI \jUt{ \., BOLT()N-JOHNSTON 0" I j.,lll '/'1' 'I', (,I .!o(,.- r HO,H! \, If/I I /I '1.1l h. \H nUt I I, \ I I 884-6400 886-3800 "","1>( , "/ (hI n""d I ..."d .., ", THIS DELIGHTFUL FAMILY COLONIAL HAS A BONUS of an extra bUIldable lot' FOUl bedloom" t\\O and one half bath", bIg fanll1) loom, den finished basement. updated decOi and line land,l. .. p1l1g' 881-4200. QUALI1 Y THROUGOUT lMlh Enl!h"h WIth famlh loom SPACE GALORE! thl" fOlll bedloom t\\O loom clpn and Flollda 881-4200, MAJOR PRICE ADJUSTMENT on lhl" TOWNHOUSE 111 exclUSive Woodbndge SPECTACU. LAR DECOR. central all. enclosed patIO. pool and clubhouse pn\ I1ege" plus secUllty' VERY AFFORDABLY PRICED! 884.0600. 270 MERRIWEATHER AN ENDURJNG V~ry <p"("AI rOT ONTAJ \\IIh I'pnlral dll d II genelou.,ly Sized rooms. wet pla"ter, hdl d \\ ood floors SIX paneled doors, recreatIOn loom \\ 11h fi I eplace, walk up attic, delightful bl eakfast loom and much more - all m a favonte Farms "tleet' Comfort at a comfortable pnce' Call toda~ fOl a per<onah7ed "howmg' 884.0600. CL<\SS!C' NEW DESIGNER DECOR mdkes fOi thIS ~h,lI P mtellOI 111 lhls three bedroom. tlOned ofTelmg on lovely LOCHMOOR! Large FIOllda room. ne\\el kItchen and 6300, .\ ....of:iah: .. (.ro £ I.oi ... ~. U£alto .... \,)'j 0600. 1<, ,( Ii I I al,ull ........ RELO t\\0 great bath air updatmg' condl 881- WONDERFUL WINDMILL POINTE LOCATION and a I ecent pl1ce adjustment make thl" thl Le Ilut loom. t\\O and one half bath COLONIAL an OtTCI1I1g not to nms' THE ACCENT IS ON QUALITY! 884-0600. GROSSE POINTE SHORES Semi lanch nas OUTSTANDING DECOR! Hand) fu.,t 1100l h~dloom plus thlee additIOnal bedroom" on "econd. fmnth loom. library. handy filst 11001 laundl) and MORE! 881.6300. NOTHING TO DO BUT MOVE IN thIS .,peclal COLONIAL offenng fiH! lalge bedrooms three .ll1d ()lIe hdlf bdths. library. two fll epldces. gl eat updatmg and many tellllic amemtles 881-6300. JUST OFF LAKESHORE IN THE Illdude thl ee bedrooms, three bath'l, wntl al illl and MORE AT 881-6300! SHORES! wonderful A specldl "tep down Idnch great - a speCial locatIOn' AccommoddllOn.., room, gourmet kitchen \\lth skylight :\IO\'I:\'G OU r OF TOW:\,? WE CA;\;, REFER YOC TO THE BEST REAL ESTATE BROKERS ACROSS THE C()U~TRY OR THE WORLD - ~ RELD REA (.HOSc.;E(>ol:,\n: F.\J{\h H<! K PI d1P\.1I RH 1 ()(iO!) L TOR (;)WSSE PO[XTE ~ARK J()() 10 :\Ll( k I'll'll .W)() S CHARTER MEMBI-:RS SINCE 19601 GROSSE POl:\'TE \\ (01)" 19790 :\I.ld, HHI G'IOO 138 August 24, 1989 Grosse Pointe News 885 Lakeshore Drive Grosse Pointe Shores FIRST OFFERING ST, CLAIR SHORES ROBERT JOHN - Four bedroom, two and one half bath Colonial oIT Mornmgslde Family room, finished basement, with wet bar, lirst 11001'laundl y room, central all' GROSSE POINTE SHORES WOODLAND SHORES - Contemporary four bedloom~, thlee dnd one half baths, family 100m y,lth wet bar, fir~t 110m laundlY Fabulou~ liOl~hed basement, alarm .,ystem Cdll fOI dll the dmenltles PI Ice Reduced FIRST OFFERING ST CLAIR SHORES LAKESHORE ROAD - Two bedroom tllll nhllu'>e m pllme dfea of Lake~hOJe VIllage All apphdnce'> mduded $64,900 Lu ...tom bUIlt bnck tn-level Thl ('(' bedrooms - two and one half bath!> SpaclOu~ paneled famIly loorn \\ Ith fireplace Mut ...chlel' kitchen with Jenn.Alre gl'ill and Sub.Zero l'efl'ig('r.1tor • Fil ..,t floor laundl'y, oak flOOl';', central air, sprinkler • HI'lck-walled "Iut(. knucl' • Price Reduced WILEOH • • • • Open Sunday REALTORS 884-3550 !>y!>tem 2.5 p.rn Call Sully Coe 885.2000 for an appOIntment Grosse Pointe Real Estate Co. 74 Kerct>o,al "On the HIli" A NEW OFFERING ele I., the hom,e \\Ith evel) thll1g yoU! 100kll1g fOl plu" a ~e\\ ext! as The fll st 11001' has two bedlOoms, a full bath, hvmg 100m Illth wved tellmgs und a natural fll eplace accented With II ood and black mal ble Thel e IS natural wood II 01 k thlough out the house The second floOl IS one large loom With all L" cove, all done In knotty pme \\ Ith a half bath C,ill us today ,111OUt all out Detlolt propel tie;, L OPEN SUNDA YII 810 BEDFORD, GROSSE POINTE PARK: Beautifully decorpted five bedroom English country home. Family room, Florida room, two level deck and more. Stop by Sunday. 747 BALLANTYNE, GROSSE f.OlNTE ~HORES: Idear famdy home In the Shores featur. ing four bedrooms, family room plus library. $299,500. 16840 WINDMILL POINTE, (JROSSE POINJ.'E PAJlK; An Ideal opportumty to-bve in a unique neighborhood and have a tenant help play the cost! $265,000. OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 \el\tlllng old I'> IWW dgam' La ldted III the Wood,. thl~ 1950 ~ ~ orne olTel' the at chHecluI .II detail lIlg lh,lt I'> so populdl dgam It al'>o fedlul e" lentl al all londltlOnlng, 11\'..... mg loom fil epl.1ce fO!mal dmmg .11ed. kitchen l'dtlllg "pdte, fil1lshed ba~ement .1nd attathed gal age A ne\\ 1'1 1001, double dll\ 1', \\ alk. ga Idge nOOl dnd flOnt pOlch plus a l1e\\ 1I p,lll1ted II1tellOl and e\.tellOl medn 1ll0\ C 111 lilne IS hel e 1741 BRYS GROSSE POINTE WOODS' Your family would have plenty of space in this three bearooril, one and one-h-arf bath Colonial with a large family room in popular Woods neighborhood. $112.000.. --- - - - 1035 CADIEUX, three baths GROSSE POINTE P~RK: that has been profeSSIonally Spacious semi.ranch featuring three landscaped. A real surprise package! 48 HAWTHORNE GROSSE POINTE SHOR~: Handsome .European bedrooms ana three -tun baths. Master sUIte and that all Important 22861 ~KESHORE thIS two bedroom 631 PEACH rooms. people \,,\ho lO\ e tl adltlOnal homes \llth a 1\\ 1St ThIS out .,tdndmg Colonial, locdted III Gros ...e POInte Farms has an e\. teptlOndl ne\1 Mut,chler kItchen WIth adJolllmg great room with fileplnce A ye<Jl lound gal den room, beautifully bUIlt around a \\ ailed g,lI den patIo area adds a \ el.Y pnvate southel n feel to thIS home It al~o featUl es fOUl famIly bedrooms, three maids rooms. fI\ I' fu II baths and t 1\0 half baths, \\ et bar, cal peted basement recre atlOn loom and so much more F ST. CLAIR Lakesliore bedrooms $198,500. style family family room. and home. Four $288,000. SHORES: If you are starting out or sizing down, you'll Village condominium. Appliances included. $65,900. love TREE, GROSSE POINTE WOODS: Super .condition and super location! Spacious three bedrooms, two and- one halr, liuge family room, two fireplaces. $219.900. 01 \Ihen the \\atel level I~ down and \\atch ~ou! IlI\estment .Ippl eCldte a~ the \\ <ltel Ilse~ In YOUI t\\ ent~ five foot boat \1 ell loc,lled nC<Jl \ OUI condo bv the lake ThiS t\\O bedloom, t\IO bath. ,mgle fam]lv ~ondo IS ape; fect dehght Some of ItS featul es mclude ,I pi 1\ ale patIO, and fll st floOl Idundl V The second flom StOlage ,II 1',1 I~ H'ad\ to be fil11shed fOl n th1l d bedloom Located III St (1.111 ShOle" thl'> bettel than nell condo IS \\altlllg for you 22M6 VAN COURT ST ~LAIR SHORES: Gorgeous in an exclusive '12 u'mt comprex. Next best thing decor in this three bedroom condominium to single family home! $220,000 BY APPOINTMENT COVENTRY LANE. GROSSE POINTE WOODS: Be sure to see this striking family home. Custom Kitclien,-talllily room and first floor master suite. teet of luxury! new custom built Enjoy 3700 square l1\ B E. KING~ COUlJl', GROSSE POINTE WOODS: Immaculate sac Just waltmg Tor you to move mto!-Prime Grosse t II III be ~o nlle 10 tOllle home to thh ,.,'"I,l(lCH!- hou'>e Sltudted on on( of Ill(' l11cp,1 ,tlcpl In the Clt). \ ou 11h( pi oud to cnll thh foUl bed loom foUl ,lIld 011<' half bath Colo 111,11 homc You II enJO) the extla lal gP fa III I h loom \\ Ith It~ sk) I1ght ,llld open feehng The ,>paClOUhhv mg IOOIll ,md dllllllg .!,' I~ pel fect rm pntelldl ntng~ pOlch n IJlg \:}11 'lirUITIl'l \ ou II 10\ (' "lit mg 111 IOOhll1gthl' g,llden E JEFFERSON • lieautiftildoOr ST CLAIR SHORES' Fabulous end unit condominium on the courtyard with walfTealIing to SWImming pool. Two bedrooms, covered carport. $56,000 FARMS; atfached Unique garage Europe~n and maIds sytle villa. Four firequarters. $275,000 HARCOURT GROSSE POINTE PARIS.: Enjoy condominium living in this popular area south of -~efferson In ffie Park. L.Ovelyuvmg room, bright eat-in-kitchen, three bedrooms and sun room in each unit. Two units available. $135,000 and $128,000. KINGSVILLE, HARPER WOODS: .R~ady for you to move right one l)elIroom en(l unit conlIo-mmlum. $45,000 into! Attractive freshly painted L~NnR R'1' CLAIR C\ l \ ranch on quiet cul-dearea close to schools. $134,900 GROSSE POIN'I,'E BLVD., GROSSE POINTE places, spacIous rooms, -firsCfloor launaf)', I t~o bedroom POinte Woods aeck.Large Olll SHORES: Cha~ming ~toJY ~~d. a hal.~,on ~0u.ble lot.~~h",;'pacious master bedroom Wltn new oatn, K.1tCnen Wit .. ., ... 111,1; tI • ., ... ;POOO,<7VV NEFF GROSSE POINTE CITY' o( [900 square Teet eacnpru's (1\('1 Impressive English tudor income in great finished third floor apartment. $295,000. location. wood Two units RA VEN EAST DETROIT' A doll house that has been meticulously main~ained. Three roorns ana upClated kitchen in this ranch which has central air conditioning. $55,900. T hiS GI'O~~(,POlntc CIty two fam II) oITel~ the bCht of both \\01 do; - tl:l<htlOn:l1 and contempomly \1 It h the look of :l slOgle family re~1 dellce The lo\\el flat ha. d tradl tlOnill l:l}out - 11\mg room, dllllllg room. kItchen and l\\O bl'drooms Thl' lippeI' IS contempol III\ In Its dc...Ign Il oITers a "p:lelOlI~ gl eat loom, dllllllg area and adJOlIll ng bed 100m "lllle Each ullll ha" a fireplace and ]('<11 pOI eh Pel fect for 1'\ 1'1yonI' SHOREPOINTE, ST. CLAIR gourmellUfclien, custom SHORES' Completely remodeled. Stunning two story baths ana attached two car garage. $173,900. SHOREPQNTE, ST. CLAJR SHORES: Dramatic livin, ter sUlfe.-Formal dinIng room. Largest floor plan SPRENGER. EAST DETROIT' -like seftfng-."'I'Jiree-oearooms, Pride or ownership updated kitchen room cathedral ceiling. the complex. $187,500. bed- living room, magnificent ma. In is evident in this impeccable and bath. Natural fireplace. W. KIRKWOOD CUNTON TOWNSHIP: Absolutely gorgeous custo~ built woOCI ViIJ8ge. --,'hiee- bedrooms, tliree full baths and large kitchen $172,500. home in a park. $73,000 . e~d unit .in KnollWIth eatmg area. WESTBUJlY ST CLAIR SHOJlES. Fantastic three bedroom ranch with large family room openlng'onfo Da-ckyara patlo-:-Large kitchen with eating space. Many amenities. $129,900 Networlc@Q)' lnll'toallOllill An 114 Kercheval .I" WILLIAMSBURG COURT. HARPER WOODS: Two ~edroo.m condominium in popular Harper 1VooCfsl'eatunnglarge updated TUtchen WIth eating space. $82.500 Rl'll'rral 'i!'TIII( I' llN!r ul """H1III_nr h ~f'.") 886-6010 The Prudential. \bu know us. we know 882-0087 of real ~ An 'n<IePlI",,-n,1y Own.., and Ope'.'ed ~ The Pruden,~p Rea' f:st.te A.1M,.tes In<: 19615 Mlck Ave., Grosse Pointe Woods area 01 11.A~1 l,;~ 148 • A.U.9U.S.l2.4., 1.9_89 Grosse Pointe News ---------------Artist From page 18 pany him on a trip to Chma and he asked Hedeen If he was mterested. "InterIOr designers?" Hedeen said. "You couldn't find a better one than me. I Just bought new carpetmg." He worked up a resume and was selected for the tnp. He did several pamtings as a result of that tnp Durmg the summer, Hedeen pamts on a sunny back porch that has been enclosed and turned mto an art studlO. Bnght and busy, It'S full of finished works, works-m-progress, colorful pamts and brushes, sketches and photos. In the wmter, he pamts m hiS basement HIS house IS filled with hiS own paintmgs, photographs and artwork by fnends A large pamting by Joseph Maniscalco hangs over hiS fireplace He calls himself a reahst and he pamts almost exclUSively m 011sand acryhcs. He's tned hiS hand at abstracts "I don't have any long range plans. I Just want to be mvolved m artwork as much as I can. It's not an obsesslOn." Hedeen has sold a few - per. haps 10 pamtmgs He gIVes away much of hiS work "I thmk art IS a marvelous way of expressmg yoU!self If you can Sit down and do a pamt iug that gwes you a good feelmg - that's worth a mllhon dollars "If you're lucky enough, your peers and artist fnends like what you do and that's an additional reward" He's wOlkmg on a pdmtmg of the Grosse Pomte Yacht Club a velw from Lakeshore With some children Slttlllg on shore He's not satisfied With It yet He stood back and appraised the work.m progt ess what you see. It's not funcy No hidden theorellcal talent IS m. "I want some dark stormy wa. tel und sky m the backb'lOund, behmd the towel''' He swept a hand ovel the foreground "I want to extend thiS tree" Three chlldten 111 colorful Jackets are sketched m. gazmg out over the \\ atel s of Lake St Clair Mum's the word IS &hool will operate mum-mobile wagons to dehver plants to purchasers' cars Members of Cub Scout Pack 147 from Defer &hool will help unload plants in the mornmg JoAnn Kelly and Fran Hig. ble are co-chairmen of the sale. Others on the committee are Ehnor Giblin, Peg Hodak, Nola Bell and Kay Kirby. In conJuncllon With the Grosse Pomte ArtiSts Associa. llon's 16th annual art fair Saturday, Sept. 9, the League of Women Voters of Grosse Pointe wl1l hold Its thml annual Mum Sale. Mums will sell for $5 a plant and w111be aval1able in a vanety of colors that can be used mdoors or outdoors. Girl &outs from MaIre "[ found out early in this game," he Said, "that I didn't want to get mto a rut The baSICS(of ,lit) aI en't that complex. All you've got to do IS pamt what you see I do a flower Just the way It looks - different shades. dlffel ent tones "Art volved I just keep practicing un. til I get It right." JlI"t apprecIatIOn of --.- Points ~ Scott Matusik is now at Rosewood of Grosse Pointe. The latest in new wave perms, cuts, color and dos. He'll send you back to school with the today look. Appomtments Tuesday-Saturday, 19565 Mack Ave., 884-6072. * * * Knows and understands how wonderful everyone feels when wearmg gold Feel free to stop by and see our fine new selectIOn of gold bracelets and neck chams lfl 14 or 18 carat gold at 91 Kercheval, 881-6400 S M .. 3 10 I) II \8 " 25 I 5 12 19 26 W 6 13 20 27 T 7 I.. 21 28 F S 1 8 2 9 Enhance your Fall wardrobe WIth Pearls. edmund t. AHEE Jewelry co. has an excellent selectIOn of cultured and fresh water pearls. We can deSIgn your necklace to whatever length you choose. Also there IS a large selection of pearl bracelets, earrings and nngs. How elegant one can feel wearmg Pearls. Come In and see us at 20139 Mack Ave. at Ox. ford Open Monday - Saturday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., FrIday untLl 8 p.m., 886-4600. * ,,(p.~~ * * and Medzcal Supplzes has a complete lme of prescnption and home health care needs. . And now mtlk specials. 1 gal $1.89 - 1/2 gal $1.19 16361 Mack Ave, 882-1040 * * * * edmund t. AHEE jewelry co. * * Our back to school sale at THE SCHOOL BELL continues at 17904 Mack Ave. Jacobsons August 24 25 & * ~~ ~~Informal modeling of ready 29 30 to wear fall mer chandise. * A ~ * August 26J-Board Informal modeling of back to !lchool fash. IOnSfrom 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. (the pointe) BAKE SHOPPE * * (iJt You'll love the new as. sortment of paper macne ~ clowns They come in all SIzes. Some sittmg some standing. Stop by Apothecary at TRAIL APOTHEShop CARY, 121 Kercheval on-the-HIll, 881. 5688 '" 'S * * Back to school days are here. Come and see our t great selection of cardlgan and crew neck sweat~ ers m solids and patterns. Now avazlable for coordinatmg wlth skirts and slacks Stop in at 17140 Kercheval in-the-Vlliage, 882-8970 e, * * * Something Country ANTIQUES CIRCA 1820.1920 '" t::' ~ * e" , One of a kind pieces specially chosen for just the rtght accent, Four rooms filled with antiques. Open Tuesday thru Saturday, Noon until 6 1875 ROSLYN, EAST OF MACK IN The Woods of GrosBe Pointe. * is saying - "YES" - c;;..M"",O"UJt\, We have solid oak parquet floors suitable Harper, 822-2645. '" for kitchens. '" 14410 ~'JV_ '" * '" IS THERE A SERVICE SALON IN TOWN? Has the Answerl • Arching. Man. icures • Pedicures • Acrylics • Massage Therapist • Paraffin Wax Treatment, 20947 Mack Ave. 882-4085 * '" Come take advantage of the Back To School sale at KNOWLEDGE NOOK August 24-26. A uery large selectwn of store ltems WIll be 20% - 50% off Hurry whzle supplws last. See you Mack Ave., 777-3535. * Y?~II1/ '" q]j(}t(t(4 * • * * Are you ilwzklng of remodelrng? Have your remodeltng planned by experts Custom craft has 33 years experzence as remodeltng experts Ul thzs area. We plan your remodehng Job so Its deSIgn and cost wzll be tallO/ed to your lfldwzdual needs. We submit an exact quote wlth detazls wntten speczfications, based on a cllstom and functzonal deszgn that Will blend with enstmg archztecture Customcraft uses only top grade materzals and the hlghest skIlled tradesmen, all e-rperts 1lI thelr partzcular trade We supply you WIth customer references and urge you to Inspect one of our completed jobs In your area Our projects have been featured III Better Homes & Gardens and Profes. sLOllal Buddel' magazInes. Call 881.1024 today for a free consultatzon, or VISZt our showroom at 18332 Mach Avenue, between Moran and McKill ley, III Grosse Pointe Farms ... = A Stylists _~ ~ d.,.,()U have a word for limp, baby fine hail' that doesn't hold a curl. Now there's a permanent wave formulated to sue. cessfully address this problem - Redken's Frog-Fur So advanced, it's the first and only per specially formulated for beautiful results on fine-limp hair and children's hair. During the month of August we are offering FREE 9 oz. Amino Pon concentrate shampoo for fine. limp hair with a Frog-Fur perm, 21028 Mack Ave., Grosse Pointe Woods, ~330. '" * Lookmg for a special gift for a speCIal someone Or maybe _ .. just want to pickup a gift to say Hello or thank you. Stop by the NOTRE DAME PHARMACY, m the VIllage and see our fine selection of gIftS, 8852154 '" Classes ... Cl!:lsses Classes! If you want to learn beginning, intermediate, or advanced KNITTING, Afghan sampler knitting, two.color knitting, beginning CROCHET, or 4-Way Bargello; plus sev. eral other kinds of NEEDLEPOINTE spaces are still available. Stop by for class descriptions 397 Fisher, 882.9110. '" * * CPo'nte C'iog~'on ZllVltes l V( l 'g come and you to see our excellent selection of velour walkmg suzts Slzes vary from small to ultra large. All m a uanety of beautlful fall colors at 23022 Mack Ave., south of 9 Mlie Road, 774.1850 * * cO::le~~7n~o~~.~!,~'S . ~~.~I back to school outfitters for children. Special. ists in school uniforms for boys and girls. Free alterations on boy's pants. It's worth the drive to Mack Avenue one block south of 9 Mile Road, 777-8020. IUINTE PATIS8IERE In addztlOn to our tortes and pastrzes, we now have fresh pastas, sc.uces, and entress at 18441 Mack Ave, Grosse POinte, 882-3079, Tuesday - Friday 10 a m - 6 pm. Saturday untLi 4 p. m. * * * You are invited to see why 12 Grosse Pointers have joined LAKEVIEW CLUB. Conceived and designed with the Grosse Pointe community in mind, these townhouses offer you care free living with a million dollar view of the lake for 1/4 the price. Once inside, you'll be amazed at the large room sizes for a total of 2,600 squarE' feet of living space. Don't wait! LivE' on LakE' St. Clair right on the lake, five minutes from a brand new 228 boat marina and 'lwim dub that will be open next year. If • you're rf'lldy for maintenance free living, arrange for your private showing of LAKEVIEW CLUB townhouses. Our model is also open 1-6 daily including Sunday, Jefferson Avenue, north of 11 1/2 Mile Road, St. Clair Shores, 774.6363 or 293-1180. There are five homes left to custom finish to your taste. * * * Christmas in August Sale continues ... 15% ~~~~ OFF all Christmas items through August 31. We will vali . date your Cottage Hospital parking structure tickets 85 Kercheval on the Hill 884-4422. Open Monday - Saturday, 10 a.m .. 5 p.m., Thursday until 7 p.m. ~,,\\\lNCS/>~ O~;,<1.Mr;'Q" * * shops of Vicanti knit two. -n. piece dresses. in r~gu. Wk v Il", ""~ lar and petite SlZes makes the transition to Fall an easy one. They are washable and make a perfect travel dress. Priced from $144 to $178 6 P • 14 P and 6-18. ta1ot1l1t"'n. Ar" * * * Back to SChOOI_ with class. New clients only will re- Iii__ -ceive $15 OFF any INTERNATIONAL HAIR DESIGN perm, or haircuts for $10 with Nick or Judy at LaModa, 20091 Mack, 886-1650, Monday - Saturday. '" * SpeCIal thts week - * SDmething NEW at JOSEF'S. Dellcwus "Cmnamon Bread". Stop by 21150 Mack Avenue, 881-5710. * * * * • * Let us orchestrate your next moue, local, long dzstance worldwzde, small and partzal shzpments welcome. Jilt * IS offenng a 2 day service on monogramming for all your BACK TO COLLEGE items and all your PERSONAL NEEDS at 18747 Mack Ave., 882-3580. GROSSE POINTE MOVING & STORAGE CO. * * at 21423 * if * '" Stainmaster carpets on ~ sale now! 21435 Mack Ave., 776-5510. Ed~_~ '" ~ HI!(Ji Jeffrey Bruce from Channel 7 WIll be coming m September to m tervlew you personally Call for more details 884.8858, 19643 Mack Ave * Kathleen Stevenson 822-4400 _ $3.80,882-7000, ext. 107. * has a great selection of moderately priced separates Also dresses, petIte 6-16 and regular 6.20 at 20148 Mack Ave Ample free parking. * By .. 1sabelZes' * Located in the lower level of Jacobson's ...Special! Fruit Pies and Cream Pies ,- .. It's here! Our new Fal~ merchandise has _~ arnved. Come and see " our large Fall fashion selection at MARIA DINON, 16839 Kercheval in the Village, 882-5550. lHa.\14 n. II"" * * * Special Accents Come VlSlt the umque Zzttle Shoppe in the Woods speczaZzzing in wreaths, arrangements, centerpleces, and bouquets m silk or everlastwgs. Also aVallable - crafts and gifts. 886-0044 20963 Mack Ave. (3rd shop on Hampton) Grosse Pointe Woods * * * ctJom~t'!gy() '-/r I 1'-' ~L.. It's not to late to buy a great pair of sunglasses at Normandy Optical. 30'.1> off all sunglasses in stock, including Ray Ban, Vuamet and Porscbe Carrerta. In Eastbrooke Commons, 22561 Gratiot at 9 Mile 775-6733. Good through September 9th. * * * (l~I"'I3()W IiIt I.. DELECTABLE EDIBLES 885-2288 Deli trays, giant salads and custom desserts available for home entertaining. Made to order. 75 KERCHEVAL GROSSE POINTE FARMS Formerly Over The Rainbow * '" * Jj,,,,,,,,, r:.,' rBt""~.o Interior Design We are redecorating our showroom and offering 30% to 50% off many items • includmg upholstery and case goods from the finest American and European manu. ~~~~;;O.Come see us at 15118 Kercheval, '" * * To advertise in this column, call Kathleen Stevenson 882.3500 Section C August 24, 1989 Grosse Pointe News 4C '88 eye injury can 't keeJ:2.him out '- Montagne optimistic about 1989 season ~ t''& Under pressure Although the regular season doesn't begin for eight more days, football players at North, South and ULS a! e already feeling the effects of the new season When the pigskin flies on Sept 1, the 18 day preseason will end and the nme game reg ular sea!>on will commence All the qUirks are supposed to be WOlked out of the offense, defense and speCial teams, but for many teams those loose ends won't be tied until round two 01 three QUalterbacks are the players stuck 10 the hmelight the most We, as fans, look to them as re sponslble field generals who must direct their teams IOta the end zone Pomts win games, not statistics In the North football camp WIde receIver CharlIe Stumb and quarterback Scott Bernhardt are two of the main cogs that spm Coach Frank Sumbera's team Bemhardt returns as the metro area's top passer With 1,626 yards Stumb, a 6foot 6-mch senIOr, returns as one of the midwest',> top college prospects As a tandem a year ago, Stumb and Bernhardt connected on five touchdown pas !>es,tWIce set a smgle-game receptIOn IecOid WIth eight catches, and finIshed theil' junIOr yea! s as the top throwmg and recelvmg connectIOn 10 Norsemen history Presswe to Iepeat those feats At South, BrIan Letscher step!> under centel for the second straight year and It's time fOi Imll to tUi n a few college , ~ 'i f ... ( .. - $lI".. Spans Editor A" a JunIOr fullback In hiS first varsity football "eac,on, South',; MIke Montagne wa" bpglnnlng to make a name for hlm,,('If All that ended, however, on Oct 8, 1988 tll n'" pI t\ IOU., games, Montagne lUshed 101 378 ym ds, scored five touchdowns and a vel aged "IX yard" a canoy On a sunc,oaked Saturday at Mount Clemens, how . ever, Montagne's jUl1lor season came to a "creechll1g halt when he was tossed to the tuIf Montagne, who at the tIme led the team 111 offen1,e, wab rolling WIth quarterback Bilan Letscher on an optIOn play. Mon tagne, who IS now batthng back a1, a sen 101 fO! Coach Jon Rice, recalls only two thmg1, "There was one guy for Mount Clemens that was gomg to get eIther me or BrIan," Montagne saId "Bnan pitched the ball to me and all I could remember was wakmg up, openmg my eyes and saymg, 'Everytlung 1<; so bnght' 1 couldn't understand why" The answer was SImple The tackler wrapped up Montagne and made a legItImate tackle When tossed to the ground, Montagne's arms were not many posltlOn to brace hiS fall, subsequently hIS head hIt first After bemg escorted off the field under his own power, Montagne receIved vanous checkups and just walted for the word to go back In Everythmg was bnght to hIm, but he also struggled to see past a cloudy spot m hIS left eye After several attempts to clear the spot, Montagne reahzed that It wasn't gomg to clear The Blue DeVils went on to beat Mount Clemens, 136, With Montagne on the bench "It was not much fun," Montagne saId. "I \\ as gomg to go to the hospItal, but I deCIded that I wanted to be wlth the team for the second half It was Important to me to stick around and at least be with them." j, ;'7+ , ~, " By Rob Fulton " I! J", L / ,.,,, .. " t' ,~ .. 9~ '! t{ ~ J '4.4"'i i';l ~ II if " \ y. , i !f~ ~ ,I., ~"",* ;f~~ , " .~ / , ~~4j<./"" scouts' heads, too Letscher ended his JUnIor yea! WIthout thlowmg a touchdown pass In fact, the Blue Devils scored all 15 touchdowns on the ground It's tIme for Letscher to show hIS expenence and expertise In 1988, he completed 24 of 65 passes for 376 yards. Not bad. Now, however, he's seasoned and ready to play In camp, hIS passes are cnsp, hIS confidence IS up and he's m the right fl ame of mmd I know he's capable of avel agmg another 15 5 yards a toss, but more Important, he's capable of spearhead mg South's dllve to an EM L tItle RookIe FI esh Green around the collal Those are Just a few of the words that deSCribe ULS quarterback Kevm WhItfield WhItfield, perhaps more than the other Pomte quarterbacks, has more pressure to perform He's also got more adJustmg to do As a sophomore, WhItfield was only a backup quarterback. He played lInebacker full time TIll:' year, however, he gives that up to take control of the offense WhItfield WIll be Coach Bob Newvme's startmg quarterback on Sept. 1 at home against Harper Woods. Because of his speed - and yOl.ll1g al m - .t looks hke Whitfield Will perform better from the quarterback optIOn than he will from the straight pass Whitfield is only a Junior, but his athletIC ability makes him look like a senior. However, havmg to erase the skeptICism will be tough for a player who has yet to play one full game as a startmg quarterback. Pressure at thIS level IS great, only because the competItIOn IS great South will reo mam m the E.M L. one final year before moving into the Macomb Area Conference in 1990, and there would be no better way to leave than with a champIOnshIp If that happens, It would be Jon RIce's second in three years. North, a team which won four straIght to close the season 5-4, will have ItS hand., full as well, but should contend for the White DIVISion hardware ULS IS coming ofTits best limsh (4-5) in four years, and many of the players are predict. ing at least a 9.0 finish. Pressure Montagne knew he was out for that game and pOSSibly the follOWing week agamst Anchor Bay, but doctors advised hIm to SIt out the remamder of the season . At the tIme the mjury ended his season, Montagne had been on a record pace. He had racked up 30 pomts (the team's third hIghest total on the season), rushed 61' times and tied Josh WinqUIst for the longest run from scrimmage, 49 yards. Numbers some ache to earn over nme games. "I wanted to play, but the doctors assured me that I was better ofT not playing," Montagne saId "1 had accepted the fact that the blur was there, but I had a dIfficult time deahng With not being able to do anythmg " HIS dIagnOSIS The retma, which is the sensory tissue that lines the mside of the eye, was bl.ulsed. "RIght after It happened I had to take it easy," Montagne said, "because the eye was very dehcate. I couldn't run, or lift weIghts, or basically do anything." It was an adjustment for a rather active Montagne, but the rIsk of losing the eye was mcentive enough to follow orders. Montagne remams confident that his permanent conditIon may some day be erased, but IS often hassled by its constant reminder "It's always there," he saId of the blur. "Sometlmes It bothers me, but it's not inhibltmg. It's Just a nUlsance. "ObvlOusly, I'd hke to get nd of it, but I don't know If that'll happen," he continued. "It can always go away, but chances are better that It'll contmue to be permanent." A team player, Montagne dIdn't worry much about hIS condltlOn. He tned to mamtam an ordmary schedule, but that only frustrated h1m. "Not bemg able to play was frustrating," he said "I felt very helpless. I was at practice everyday and at the games, but I espeCIally felt bad because I couldn't help the See MONTAGNE, page 2C HARPER SPORT SHOP Announces The GRAND OPENING (Ii of their new addition with a... South's Mike Montagne doesn't want to look back on what happened in 1988:he's just happy to be back for the 1989 football season. re~ NATURAL 4 DAY SALE GAS GRILL Wed., Aug. 23rd thru Sat., Aug. 26 Great savings on everything in our store! MODEL <1245 -TWIN BURNER • VIEWING WINDOW - 40.000 B T U • Back to school • Summer clearance • Shoes. clothing - HEAT INDICATOR ONLY • Equipment 517800 9 a.m .. 6 p.m. Thurs., 9 a.m •• 8 p.m. patiO base 11 ()OO extra o-c-=>tn~P'~>-" A .... -=-"A DELUXE FOUR BURNER _ t -- - t"II; 'lJ,?I,?q,.) ~ WAGON - 600 sq In cook mg area - 68.000 B T U - 4 Heat Controls t:_-- FREE COVER ' ""'JV { I \\10DlI 1 \\' (\00 (14000 value) \~ LIST PRICE C'lI~, ...... SALE s728°O FRU- 549900 SUM~::cT~rE.UPIVIHP rJi~i~~~~vK Modern Home Products FREE RAFFLE 530 at your home ~~, 515 if you bring it in. People ThaI Pioneered Gu BBa Grills - parts extra MON.-FRI. 10.7, SA r. 10.6 23400 Mack Ave. St. Clair Shores d85-4670 773-0570 - ~- - - 17157 HARPER AT CADIEUX ~---~----------t.. , 885.5390 _2C S~~ __ August 24, 1989 Grosse Pointe News " ",,,,, ,_, "l ~~",~.~",.,,~ ,~llll.l!1Il UiliiiIlllJlii'IllPlIIIlllllIi1Iiillillll.11III188l1U1I1.IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII_lIiIIlllIiIIllliliiIU.I.llMi 6'UYS I didn't feel a part of the team. It wus tough I'm me to see the guys getting pumped up, knowing I wasn't gomg to pl.l)' that day" lIillUillll.III.IIIII111II11I111:JiiMililiMIIIl1ll11il1ill1ll1lll •• 1J14_----- niliIllI1l18iliiliil_.II. __ After struggling aimlessly for a couple months, Montagne's outlook improved. The eye got stronger and after a few months, he began IIfhng weights agam Last ~pnng, he even ran track. you can't help but think about it sometimes." The blur doesn't affect Montagne's perception of light and dark, nor colors. But, he occasionally has difficulty reading. "Except for a word or two at times (they blend together) I don't have a problem readmg," he said. "When I can't make out the words, I just adjust my head until my eyes can figure it out." "I 6'1.1(.>::'S you could call it a comeback," Montagne said "I Just think of it as resummg my normal life" Not one to discuss tagne is not skittish strap and reacquaint his condition, Monto buckle the chin himself with the sport. Smce Aug 9, Montagne was back m the saddle on the South practice field. Understandably hiS mmd wanders back to hiS aCCident on Oct 8. For the most part, however, he concentrates on the '89 campaign When asked If thiS would be his comeback, Montagne responded, "I don't think of It hke that. I'm trying to forget It because thiS is a new season." It's easier said than done. Mike Montagne Photo hI Roh ~ulton "Every so often I begin to think about what happened," sUld Montagne, who is a potential 1,000 yard rusher thiS season. "When I begm to do that, I have to try and pick myself up and get on With thmgs. I'm not apprehensive to hit someone, but "People may think I may not be able to take a hit, but I can take a hit," he said. "I can give 'em, too." Through Coach Rice's philosophy, Montagne Will not play defense, but from his fullback spot he'll do plenty of hitting. "When I'm h1ttmg, I don't think about anything else," Montagne said. "You've got to pretty much play reckless. If you can't go full tilt, you should be on the bench." A place Montagne hopes to aVOid thiS season. "I'm not here to worry about me," said Montagne. "I'm here to help the team do as well as It can." Welcome back, No. 44. Smith runs away with records Sandy Smith, the daughter of Grosse Pomte News Featw'e Edl tor Mat gw Smith, competed m the 1989 Metro Beach BIathlon and came away WIth several re. cords Smith, who I~ currently attendmg the Umver~lty of Michigan, fimshed 22nd ovel all, but was the fil st female to finish With a time of 33 mmutes 28 seconds With hel time, Snuth became the new record holder fO! the course as well as hel age group (women age 18 24) The old course Iecord (36'30) and the age gIoup record (3929) were set In 1988 SmIth WIll be competIng m the Metro Beach TJ'lathlon on Aug. 19 Jim Boutrous, also of Glosse Pomte, fim~hed mnth overall and fifth m In the men's 1824 diVISIOnWIth a tlO1l' of 30 31 DRYA sailors collect hardware at ceremony The chma>. of an excltmg and busy eight weeks of I egattds be t\\een the seven DetlOlt Rl\er Ydchtmg ASSOCiatIOn (DRY A) clubs \\ Ith JUlUOI SaIlmg pIa 6'1am::, \\ as the pi e~ntatlOn of a\1dl ds on Aug 10 at the Grosse Pomte Club DHYA Redl Commodore Ben GI ,1\ el ,U1d DRYA JunlOl SaIl1Ilg" Chdll man John (;,111 pi e- ::,ented more than three dozen trophies, medals and awards to the area's top young sailors Both the quartelfinals and ~elHlfinals of the Sears (sailed m Flymg Scots), BemIS (sailed m Flymg JUl1lors) and Smythe (Lasers) were held on Lake St ClaIr, as were the River Championships The rIver champIOnShIpS consIsted of Laser, Optimists and Flymg Junior starts SIX mter-club regattas, WIth two dIVISIOnswere also saIled on the waters of St ClaIr Dean Balcirak, from Bayview Yacht Club, won three of the top awards BalcLrak won' The MarIne and RecreatlOn News Trophy for skIpper of the year In FJs; the River ChampIOnship, and the quarterfinals of the BemIS ChampIOnshIp. He also won the Ertman Trophy as the regatta champIOn, and the Commodore Bruce Tappen Trophy for the Boys' RIver ChampIOnshIp Sarah Deeds, from Crescent SaIl Yacht Club, won the Maggie Wake trophy for the best gtrl skipper at the mter-club regat- Photo hI Dean BalcLrak Many sailors banquet. took home awards at the DetrOit River Yachting Association's annual awards tas, and also won the Lynn Stedman Trophy for'the Girls' River ChampIOnship. The team of John Morreale, Gunther LIe and Adam Lowry (CSYC) won the Commodore Paul Adams Trophy for first place m the Sears quarterfinals, the Com. Davenport Trophy (Sears quarterfinals Shipshape), and the Shipshape Award at the Sears semIfinals Rem MillIgan (BYC) won the Laser Regatta ChampIOnship and the Laser Rlvel Champlon- shIp Mike Uzms (BYC) won DIVISIOnII Skipper of the Year and the OptimIst RIVer ChampIonshIp As a club, BayVIew won the FJ Jumor Club ChampIOnshIp Ttophy Other award wmners were. Best crew, Div I, Alex Byron (BYC), DIY IT, Andy Forester (BYC), Sportsmanship, Dlv I, Gunther Lie (CSYC), Div. II, Bndget Murray (GPYC); Laser, Justm Hynous (GPC), Shipshape, Dlv I, Mark Pmney (BYC), DIV II, Bndget Murray (GPYC) In the OptImIst Class of the River ChampIOnshIps, MIke Uzms took the top spot, while MIke Blanco (BYC) and Tom Shumaker (BYC) took second and third, respectively. Rem MillIgan took the top trophy m the Laser Class, and 8tu Gooden (BYC) Sandy Smith Caprara, Rivard win Julia Caprara and Jean RIvard of Grosse POInte, I'epresented Wllnbledon Racquet Club m the 1989 InternatIOnal SpaIdmg Cup SectiOnal Tournament at Fall'lane Racquet Club Aug. and Jim Murray rounded out the ,4.6. '. top three fimshers. 'The Girls' F J Competmg m the women's 4 0 Class top award was won by skIpper Sarah Deeds and crew doubles dIVISIOn, Caprara and RIval d competed agamst clubs Paul Deeds Gretchen Uzms from Indiana, Ilhnols and MIchi(skIpper) and Carey Neesley gan In the finals, the Grosse (crew) took second, whIle Joanne DaVies (skIpper) and Beth Dav- Pomte tandem pounded the team from Huron Valley, 6-1, 6.1, to enport (crew) took thIrd for the take the top pnze GPC. Dean Balclrak and Mark Caprara and Rivard Will now Pmney took the F J Class, and John Morreale (skipper) and Su- play m the internatIOnal finals competitIOn of the Spaldmg Cup san Llewellyn (crew) took second to be held Sept 21 24 m PmeGunther LIe (skIpper) and Josh hurst, N C Buckler (CSYC) took third. Woods team wins lakefront championship Earmng a total of 372 pomts, the Grosse Pomte Woods sWIm team captured the Lakefront SWImming AssociatIOn league champIOnshIp on July 26 Commg m second was the Fal ms WIth 243 pomts, followed by the Park (219), CIty (167) and Shores (87) ThIs yem's meet had the added Importance of bemg the tIe breaker for the dual meet champIOnshIp de; the Woods, Farms and Pal k had IdentIcal 3 1 records By wmnmg the league champIOnship, the Woods clatmed the dual-meet champIOnshIp as \1ell In additIOn to the titles, the Woods won trophle~ rot the mo~t pomts m the 10 and-undel, 12 and-under, and 17 and under age groups, ae; \\ ell a~ the trophy for relay~ The Farms captured the 8 and undel and 14 and under age groups HIghlIghts Included three league records' In the guls' 17and-under backstroke, HeidI Madel' set a new mark WIth a tIme of 3352, m the girls' 12and-under 50 breaststroke, Chnstme Jamenno dId the same WIth a tIme of 3645; and Karen Dundon broke the girls' 17 andunder 50 breaststroke record with a time of 36 66 The Pointe Plaza shopping center and office complex will be a major improvement to the Mack Avenue and Moross area when completed. In the meantime we at St. John Hospital and Medical Center are dOl~g our best to make parkmg more convenient for you by: • Reducing parking fees to a flat $1 regardless of time in the east lot and west parking deck. (Free parking available behind hospital.) • Offering free valet service seven days a week. Main hospital entrance: 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. Professional Building: 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. ($1 parking fee applies.) • Shifting some employee parking to an alternate site. Thank you for your patience and continued support as we work to turn short-tenn inconveniences into long-term benefits. ,. t, ~ .. The Dodgers beat the Tigers to capture the Woods-Shores Uttle League Championship last week. Fronl row. Billy Clark. Joe Ellis. John Seltzer. Mike Spath. We. DeGuvera and Bobby Gales. Middle row. Kevin Collins, Steve Champine. Jonathan Opdyke. Kevin HaUchl. John Spath and Emmett DeGuvera. Back row. Coach Jim Champine. Coach John Spath. Manager Bob Rlnl and Coach Dennis Gates. Coach Don Otteavere is nol pictured. For more infonnation about parking options, call the St. John Physician Referral and Infonnation Service at 1-800-237-5646,Mon - Fri, 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. St. IIHospital John , I and Medical Center August 24, 1989 3C Grosse Pointe News Pointe foursome joins forces Locals win national baseball championship ~~~~bE~~~t~n Alt b t d th emg baseball reunl e fieldIS sum. meloner the Dan' ClInllH, Sean Bruce Malc~s Wy. sockl and Ddve F~y!> may not wdnt to !>epalate Thlough the yeUl!>, the foUl athletes have combmed Wits fm many team!> all of them !>ucte!>s ful The Buff Whelan team, undel the du'ecllOn of Dr JO!>eph Ar ends of Bloomfield Hills, gamed The Gros!>e Pomte four!>ome a belth m the natIOnal champi ~~ve~~d mo~e of thell'.talents m onshlps by wmnmg the RegIOn e atlOna Amateul Baseball al!>m LIVOnia the week befOle FCehdelatlOn (NABF) Ba!>eball In ordel to get to Dayton, the amplOns hIpS m Dayton, OhiO, Aug 11-12, by playmg on the BufT Whelan team survIved a natIOnal champlOnshlp team thteeL game, Th12-hour matathon te k h from the Adray Appltance 10 Ivoma e dm too t e Leal,rue, Buff \Vhelan field at noon AUI{ 5, and didn't Clmll1l, Bruce, Wysocki and leave until It collected the hard Feys, all of whom played Little ware thlee games later a10und League, Babe Ruth and hIgh 1230 a m Aug 6 school ball at South together "That was our test," said Ar!>uppOlted a stlOng ButT Whela~ end~ "We knew that If we could team that went on to wm the SUIvlve three games and 12 natIOnal title btl alght hours of baseball, that we would sw'vlve 111 Dayton" The team's mettle_ wa!> better tested m the NABF hnals The Buff Whelan team was !>IX out'> horn ehmmatlOn In game two, but scored nine runs m the bottom of the eIghth mning to beat Dayton, 106 In that game, Clmml led the team With three hIt,>, Bruce had a pair of smgles and Fey,> knocked m the go. ahead lun WIth a triple " I can ,temembel standll1g 111 the h coach!>d box at thud d base 10 t at !>Ccon game an worryIng about checkmg out of the hotel, gettmg the kIds sor,t:ethmg to eat ~nd headmg home, said Arend!> But It turned ~~t to be a Holly wood comeback With all the glitz 01 Tmsel Town, the Buff Whelan team, which finished the season 29 17, fOIgot about a 17 10 loss to MI ami, Ohio, m the opener, and concentrated on Improvmg Its 1 1 recor d St III l'lacmg e I"Imma t'IOn with one more loss, Buff Whelan took on New York City In game three In that game Wysocki !>macked three hlt~ Fey!> two and Bruce two, but the big play of the game came when the fleet footed Cimini ran down a ball m the gap m the nmth mnl ng With two outs and the Whelan team up 136, New York City cut the gap to 139 and loaded the ba!>es The next New York batter made a bid to tie the game, but Clmml dashed to the ball at the 395 mark and hauled It m on a dlvmg catch to end the game "My bel~ef was that If Dan Clmllli can t get to the ball, no body can," !:>ald Arend!> "He'" The only story 10 game five the faste!>t playel I've ever the final" was the sterling coac hed He',! got tlCmendou" perlOl mance - by Whelan left,>peed" hander Kevm Knoche Knoche, After that, the team called It- who wa" later named the tourna!>elf the Catdlat Kid!> Flttmg, ment Mo!>t Valuable Player, too, that Atend!> IS an M D to'>'>edthe only shutout of the seIn game fOUl, It wa!>Wy'>ockl, lie:" 40, over MIami a 1988 South l,'Iaduate that Knoche retired 17 of the first made the hou!>e<.all 18 battels he faced, and tossed a nohlttel through 52/3 mmngs Wy!>ockl gave up thl ee eal ned "I don't thmk the whole thmg run!:>m eight mnmg:, pItched to ha<; even <>ettled 10 yet," said earn the 94 wm over Miami, the Alends "W e were SIXou t s away !>ame team Buff Whelan lo<;t to flam bemg elImmated and evenm the tourney openel tually won It all " Helpmg hiS own cau!>Cm the Arends' son, Dave, who at'>emlfinal game, Wysocki had tend<; Hillsdale, finished as the two RBI on a tllple and sll1gle tourney'!> top hitter WIth a 429 BI uce, who completed the toUI average Over the final three ney by batt 109 400 (8 for 201, games, BI uce was SIXof 11. W had three hits, II1cludmg a tllple, sockl batted 316 and Clmml fi~and Clmll1l, who \\ tll play ball I!>hedWIth a 33.3 ch to 0 WIth at U of D thl!> year, had one hit SIXstolen ba<;es p g Country Club swimmers finish strong season The Country Club of DetrOIt !>wlm team finished another outstandmg season by wll1nmg all of ItS SIXdual meets, and claim mg the WhIte Dn. ISlon trophy of the MichIgan Intel Club SWll11 ASSOCiatIOn IndIVidual pelformances hIgh hghted the season, but so did the team's Sixth place tolal of 3845 pomts III the M I C S A Champi onshlps held at the Lochmool Club on July 2930 Beth Weyhmg highlighted the champIOnshIp meet for CCD With a fil st place m the 13-14 yeal-old 50 fleestyle Weyhmg took the medal m a tIme of 29 47 Andy Shelden, Powell Peabody, K C Cleat')' and Rory Cleat) won the 8 and undel mn"ed fleestyle, and set a M I C S A recOld WIth a tIme of 11254 In the 8 and under diVISion, the mIxed medley relay team of Tmcy Gehlert, Bracken ZImmer man, Nicholas Clark and Char he Stan took eighth place Rush Zlmmel man placed 11th 111 the guls' 25 yard bl eastst! oke, and Sarah Gehl ek finished SIxth III the gills' 25 backstloke '11 acy Gehlelt was 10th III the 25 back, and Powell Peabody was Sixth 10 the 25 free and seventh 10 the 25 butterfly FOI the 8 and under boys, Andy Shelden fimshed second 111 both the 25 back and 25 fly, and Rory Clear took two fOUlth-place medals m the 25 breaststroke and 25 free NIcholas Clark was seventh In the breaststroke and I1Inth 10 the fly Leadmg the strong contmgent of 9-1O-year-old girls was Enn Coyle Coyle finished second 111 the 50 backstroke and 50 ft ee Libby FItzSImons placed second m the 50 breaststroke, and team mate Dan Howbeit took fifth Anne Magreta came in Sixth III the 50 fl ee and seventh m the 25 fly Ann Clark was 12th m both the 50 breaststroke and the Pointe team takes The 18 members of the Grosse Pomte Babe Ruth All-Star base ball team went to Cmcmnatl lookmg to wm the fil st-place trophy, but mstead was content to pick up the next best thmg The team, conslstmg of 14 yeat old All Stal s from the Fal ms-Clty-Park Babe Ruth League, and the Woods Shores league, compIled a 5 3 second place recOld 10 the AAU 1989 NatIOnal Ba::.eball Championships Twenty of the finest teams from around the natIon competed 10 the eight-day tournament, which vetelan observers descnbed as one of the most competItIve tourneys m memory Most of the teams mvited to play had won a state, regional or dlstnct tItle The Grosse Pomte team, coached by Paul DILaura and Bob Johnston, and managed 25 fly Ellie FItzSImons lounded out the sconng for the 910 year old dIVISIOnWith an 11th place m the 25 fly In the 11 12 age gI'oup, Betsy Belenky took a fOUith 10 the 50 fly and filth m the 50 back ~t! oke Anne Petz was seventh III the 50 bl eaststroke and 12th m the 50 ft ee Elizabeth Bourke came III eighth m the 50 fly For the boys, J B Peabody fin I "hed second 111 the 50 fly and Sixth 111 the 50 free JefT Shelden had a fine day With a seventh 111 the 50 fly and an 11th place m the 50 breaststroke Ryan Mllh gan placed eighth 111 the 50 fly and 11th 111 the backstroke To. pher Olhson pIcked up poInts \\ Ith a 10th place In the 50 back shoke In additIOn to her wm m the 1314 50 flee, Beth Weyhmg took a second 111 the 50 fly Fltz Ollison scored for hIS 10th-place filllshed 10 the 50 free and John Turnbull came In 11th 111 the 50 back In the 15 16 age group, Susan QUIlter took a fifth 111 the 50 breaststroke, and Neil Weyhmg came 10 ninth m the 50 free and 10th m the 50 backstroke Jason Power pelformed well WIth a 10th 111 the 50 fly and 12th In the 50 breaststroke Bo OllIson fil1lshed Sixth m the 50 breast. stroke and 10th In the 50 free The medley relay team of Erin Coyle, Betsy Belenky, Beth Weyhmg and Susan Quilter took second, and the freestyle Ielay team of Anne Magi-eta, Anne Petz, Carolyn Begg and QUilter finished SIxth The boys' medley team of Jor dan Damm, J B Peabody, John Turnbull and Bo Olhson, and the freestyle relay team of Jordan Damm, Jeff Shelden, Fltz Olhson and Nell Weyhmg both placed eIghth KatIe Young and StephanIe Beckenhauer aSSisted coach TIm Kennary thIS season. The record-setting 8-and-under relay team from tbe Country Club of D~troll consisted of Powell Peabody. Rory Cleary. Andy Shelden and K.C. Cleary_ runner:'up trophy by Joe Spada, was mVlted o~ the baSIS of recognitIOn earned by the 1988 Woods-Shores 13-yearold Babe Ruth state champs Grosse Pomte's three losses wele to the natIOnal champIOn and host team, Cmcmnatl Nuck ols The MichIgan team beat teams from Arkansas, Pennsylvama, WISCOnSIn,Iowa and Flor Ida, to gam a belth m the cham plOnshlps In additIOn to the honors earned by the team, thu-d base man/pItcher MIke Haskell, outfielder/pitcher Jason JaworskI, and shortstop Calm Moore were selected to the 15-membel AAU All-Amencan team The team members were selected by oppos Ing managers The tourney, whIch was organIzed In OlympiC format, had five pools of four teams each, WIth the top two filllshers movlllg to the champIOnship round Grosse POinte fimshed second behmd Nuckols m Its pool and In the champIOnship round An outstandmg comeback m the bottom of the seventh pushed Grosse POll1te past the Flonda Gold Coast team and into the champIOnship game Trallmg 52, the MIchigan team put togethel smgles by Tom RaJt and Enc LIndsay, followed by Aaron l'vhchael's trIple to nght center Moore followed WIth a smgle to score MIchael, stole second and scored the game-wmnll1g run on Kevm Brennan's smgle. Fifth mnIng smgles by Scott Spada, LlI1dsay, MIchael and Moore accounted for the other three runs Commg ofT a seven mnmg pelformance on Just two days rest, JaworskI pItched 6 2/3 mnmgs, allOWing Just SIX hits t '; I ! Tom KoloJeskl came m with runners on and two outs to finIsh the game The champIOnshIp game 1mmediately followed the FlOrIda victory, and the Grosse Pointe team got pounded, 15-3, by Nuckols. Grosse Pomte played well, but could not overcome the Nuckols' relentless hlttmg Grosse Pomte scored 10 the fifth when Danny Devlm smgled, MIke Klobuchar walked, Adam Hogan took filst on a fielder's chOIce, Moore SIngled, Mark Dakmak walked and Tony Romolino doubled to right The Grosse Pomte team was well-rounded, WIth several players movmg mto a vanety of POSItlOns and role players Kevm Magee and Kurt Barr plOch hittmg and filhng m at thIrd and outfield, respectively Tony DILaura started seven games at catcher and threw out SIXwould-be base runners In the first game of pool play, the combmed pltchmg efforts of Fritz Coyro and Jaworski, backed by a seven-hIt performance, gave the Pomters a 4 3 wm over Arkansas Scott Spada led the way With two extra base hits, and Bren___ H(1JJ Jason Jaworski. Mike Haskell and Colm Moore. were selected to the AU-American team for their outstanding performance at the AAU National Baseball Championships in Cincinnati. Moore scooted home WIth the game wmner Haskell tossed 4 2/3 mnmgs, allowmg five hIts and five runs Coyro pItched 2 1/3 mmngs of rehef, Yleldmg Just one hit J 0 k t k te t d aw rs 1 00 asp owar All-AmerIcan honors With a fourhIt shutout agamst the Iowa Hustlers m the first game of the champIOnshIp round. The game was scoreless untIl the SIxth, when Moore and Haskell had consecutIVe smgles, and JawOl skI rapped a sacnfice fly Bren nan and Coyto followed WIth sm. gles The fourth run m the 4 0 wm came when Haskell drove home Romoltno, who smgled and moved to second on a Wild pItch A 8 n -5 VictOry agamst the defendmg natIOnal champs from Wlsconsm, moved the Grosse Pomte team one step closer to the final round Coyro started d t a? pI ched th~ee scoreless 10nm~s bef?re gIVmg up three straight hits and a walk KoloJeskl followed .m rehef over the final four mnmgs, stnkmg out five and yleldll1g only one hIt. Tom RaJt doubled and scored on Michael's sacrifice fly, shortly aftel JaworskI, Brennan and CoyI'D walked Moore knocked a run home on a sacrIfice ..... _ ......... 1.,.,...3 ...... _: .....1 ... n.cu 0. !oil .. t.l&~ \,..1 C:".. A sIx-run first 1I11l1ng by Nuckols proved too much for Grosse Pointe, as It suffered an 11-1 drubbing in the second game of pool play Aaron Michael and KoloJeskl pItched well 111 rehef Spada contributed a hIt and scored the only Michigan run Haskell and DILaura also hIt safely In the final game of the prehmmary round, Grosse Pointe Jumped out to a 3-0 lead over Pennsylvallla and held on for a 6-5wm The second-place team in the 14-year-old AAU baseball tournament at Cincinnati. included. John DiLaura. Mike Haskell. JalOn Jaworski. Colm Moore. Adam Hogan. Mark Dakmak. Derek Ottaevere. Scott Spada. Aaron Michael. Tom Kolojeski. Tom Ralt. Kevin Magee. Coach Bob Johnston. Coach Paul DiLaura. Tony Dilaura. Eric Lindsay. Dan Devlin. Tony Romolino. Kurt Barr. Kevin Brennan. Mike Klobuchar and Manager Joe Spada. The Michigan team. consisting of all arone Pointe ball players. exchanged hats with the naIional-championship team. Nuckols. Photo by Rob Fulton WIth the aid of a Moore single, two walks and a couple errors, MichIgan took the lead Pennsylvania tIed the game with three hits and a walk in the second, but Grosse Pointe regamed the lead on two walks and a wtld pitch In the third mning, Jaworski and Brennan laced back-to-back doubles In the sixth, with the score deadlocked at 5-5, Moore hopped aboard on an error, stole second and moved to thIrd on Haskell's bunt. Haskell put hImself in an mtentional rundown between first and second, and AMERICA'S #1 GRID WEEKLY FOOTBALL NEWS. •. Now "Home Delivered" Over 1,000 sportswriters and broadcasters read Football News every week and If you love the game .. so should you! NOW we'll deliver your copy TO YOUR HOME each TUESDAY You don't waft for second class mall you don't pay for first-class . . and you save $25 TWENTY big Issues, including the PREVIEW, BOWL GAME AND SUPER BOWL Issues, all for lust $30. Not sure? Then call us and we'll send you a FREE SAMPLE COPY OF FOOTBALL NEWS To subscnbe, or get your FREE ISSUE, call 881-9554, TODAYl o o Yes, send my FREE sample copy of Football News Yes. send my fJrsl copy FREE and Sign me up for Home Delivery for only $30 I save $25 Check enclosed NAME _ ADDRESS _ CITY. STATE FOOTBALL NEWS 17820 E Warren, DetrOI!, MI. 48224 ZIP _ Credit card holders - charge your order - call 881.9554 I August 24, 1989 Grosse Pointe News 4C • Monday 4 pm-ALL BORDER type (special and MEASURED bold caps etc) must be In our of f,ce by ""onday 4 p m CANCELS • Monday 4 pm-All or CHANGES must be In our office by Monday 4 p m • 12 Noon Tuesday-Regular liner can measured ads No borders cels or changes on Tuesday 204 205 206 207 208 SITUA TION WANTED 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 504 505 506 507 508 100 100 PlRSONAIS "\ATERIAI,. and trim to mak.e puppets at Bon Secours Hospital WIll pick-up 884..(J5()8 i)eedea BUYER BEWAREI Before you buy tha, DREAM HOUSE, let me take a at the roofl look LOW COST roof consultatIOns Call Dave 822-5589 now' SMALL Dog Sittingnot over 14 pounds, 24 hour care Only 1 or 2 dogs Excellent references Please call before 630 cali PM 885-3039 IS ready the It is Sure to Lasll INCLUDES;Games, Candy, Clowns, Matching Cups, Plates & Table Cloth - AND ALL YOU NEED FOR A PARTY TO LASTI RESTAURANT OWNERS For More Information We Fab & Pamt all types of Indoor & outdoor signs Including Menu & 'Special" CALL STEPHANIE 979-0741 PROFESSIONAL by-design massage for women House calls opllOl18l, 10 years expert- 771-1928 ence Judy,882-3856 R.C. Photographic Services Special Events Commercial, Portraits 824.2614 I,.. 11 -:- 713 714 715 716 718 719 701 703 704 705 706 Apls/Flatsl Duplex- Grosse POlllle/ Harper Woods Apts/Flats/ DuplexDetrOit/Balance Wayne County Apls/Flats/ DuplexSt Cia" Shores/ Macomb County Apts/Flats/ DuplexWanted to Rent Halls for Rent HousesGrosse POinte/ Harper Woods HousesDetrolliBalance Wayne County a JACKIE'S PET & PAL SERVICES Mini-van airport shultle (Metro & City) House sitting LOVing animal care (exercIsIng & feeding) 884-1516 RENT my beautiful Silk Flowers to decorate weddings. showers, parties 881-1071 WINSTED'S custom fram. 109 Framing, matting and quality work Reasonable rates Margaret, 3312378 101 Pill Y£RS THANK you St Jude for prayer answered C B PRAYER T9 THE HOLY SPIRIT . Holy Splnt, you who make me see ev8fYthlng and who shows me the way to reach my Ideal You who give me the DIVine Gift to forgive and forget the wrong that IS done to me and you who are In all Instances of my life With me I, In thiS short dialogue want to thank you for everything and confirm once more that I never want to be separated from you no matter how great the matenal deslfes may be I want to be With you and my loved ones In your perpetual glory Amen Thank you for your love tcr wards me and my loved ones Pray thiS prayer three consecutive days Without asking your WIsh, after third day you Wish Will be granted, no matter how difficult It may be Then promise to publISh thiS prayer as soon as you favor has been granted Thank you for favors receIVed L Y WANT ADS Call In Early 882-6900 YOUR HOME OF! PET I I A WORK OF ART PenCil, Ink, Watercolor BUSiness or 80at By Carol A Sinclair 886-8468 .nolecards and nnts. RELAX FOR LABOR DAY! ANn-CRUELTY ASSOCIATION 13569 JOMJ)h Campau. Detroit, MI4!212 FEATURING: • Animal adoptIOns into loving homes • HU'Tlane education • Rescues and shehenng wrth T.LC. • Legislative acllOn - local, state, federal • Re.untttng lost pets with their family • Cruehy investigations AdoptIOn hours: 10:30 am. to 3 Monday.Salurday (313) 891-7188 p.m. 720 721 722 723 724 725 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 9t2 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 Houses lor Sale CommerCial BUildings CommerCial Property Condos/Apts/FlaIS Counlry Homes Farms Flollda Property Inveslment Property Lake/River Homes Lake/River Lois Lake/Alver Resorts Lots lor Sale Mortgages/Land Contracts Northern Michigan Homes Northern Michigan Lois Out 01 State Property Real Estate Exchange Real Estate Wanted Sale or Lease Cemetary Lots Busmess Opportunilies 800 801 B02 B03 804 805 806 807 80B 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 101 101 "RAnRS 886-9349 PLANNED PARTY BARBe 1~1Bi II 700 MASSAGE, nurture yourself massage HouseM.Y.M E.D. Love, MIChi- ~ wrth calls and gift certificates gan available Betsy Breckels. POWER MarketIng busi. AMTA Certified 884ness pnnllng at reduced 1670 cost. Save lime and RETIRED bonded governmoney, let me come to ment employees available you BUSiness cards, letfor 24 hour on premise tert1ead, envelopes, anprotection of your estate, nouncements, inVitatIOns, home or busmess Call spectalty products, much 563-7949 for rates and more Free pICkup and references delivery. n:H845. GREAT gift Idea- ProfesUNORGANIZED PARTY? Sional Ink cancature done A Thing of the Pastfrom photos $35 Greg B.B. The Chevy 712 A"planes BoalS and Molors Boal Insurance 80al Parts and Service Baal Storage/ Dockage Campers Motorbikes Motorcycles Motor Homes Snowmobiles Trarlers 100 PERSONALS PERSONALS 711 REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Adopt A Pet Bllds lor Sale Horses lor Sales Household Pets for Sale Humane SOCieties Lost and Found Pel Breeding Pel Equlpmenl Pet Grooming 500 501 502 503 7'0 GUIDE TO SERVICES Houses Wanted 10 Rent Townhouses/ Condos lor Renl Townhouses/ Cond." Vanted Garagt' 'M,nl Stora9~ for Rent Garages/MIni Storage Wanled Industrralf Warehouse Rental liVing Quaners to Share Molor Homes lor Renl Offices/ CommerCial lor Renl Offices/Commercial Wanted Property Management Renl With Oplion fo Buy Rooms lor Rent Vacation RenlalFlollda Vacation RenlalOut ot Slale VacatiOn RenlalNorthern Michigan Vacation RenlalResort Rentals/LeaslngOut Stale Michigan REAL EST ATE FOR SALE ANIMALS Answellng Services Camps Catellng Olive Your Car Entertainment Heallh and Nulfilion Hobby Instruction MUSICEducation Party Planners/ Helpers SChools TransportallonlTravel TutOring/Education Secretallal Services close 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 702 SERVICES AMC Chrysler Ford General Motors Antique/ClassIc Foreign Jeeps/4 Wheel Junkers PartsfTlles/Alarms RenlalsfLeaslng Sports Cars Trucks Vans Wanted To Bu) Aula Insurance RECREA T10NAL Anllques Appliances Auctions Bicycles Garage/Yard/ Basemenl Sales Estate Sales Fllewood Flea Markel Household Sales Miscellaneous Articles MUSical InSlruments Off,ce/BUSiness EqUipment Wanted 10 Buy 400 401 402 403 708 709 717 MERCHANDISE Personals Prayers Lost and Found Legal Not,ces Obiluarles 105 106 107 108 t09 t10 111 112 113 114 1t5 116 117 Babysltters Clellcal Convalescent Care Day Care General House Cleaning House SIlllng Nurses Aides Oillce Cleaning Sales Secrelarral Services 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 ANNOUNCEMENTS SPECIAL 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 General Help Wanted BabySitter Help Wanled Clerocal Help Wanted Dental/ Medical Help Wanted Domestic Help Wanted Legal Help Wanted Part Time Help Wanted Sales Employment Agenry 200 201 202 203 96 Kercheval, Grosse Pointe Farms, MI48236 REAL EST A TE FOR RENT AUTOMOTIVE HELP WANTED 10 words $4 00 CASH RATES each addlliOnal word 40e $100 tee for Dilling ads Measured RATES: QPEN $948 per Inch Border ads $1050 charges for per Inch AddlllOnal photos art work. etc CENSOR. AND CLASSIFYING SHIP. We reserve the nghtto classlfy each ad under Its appropnate reserves The publisher heading the right to edit or relect copy sub milled for publication ADJUST. AND CORRECTIONS MENTS: ResponSibility for display and claSSified advertiSing error is limited to either a cancellallOn of the charge or' a re-run of the portlon In error Notlf,callOn must be given In time for correC!lon In the follOWing Issue We assume no responslbillty for the same after the fllst Insertion 100 101 102 t03 104 INDEX 882.6900 DEADLINES 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 THANKSGIVING NOVENA TO ST JUDE Holy SI Jude apostle and martyr, great In virtue and nch In miracles, near kinsman of Jesus Christ, fatlhful Intercessor of all who Invoke your special patronage m time of need To you I have recourse from the depth of my heart and humbly beg to whom God has given such great power to come to my assistance Help me In my present and urgent position In return I promise to make your name known and cause you to be Invoked Say three Our Fathers, three Hall Mary's and Glonas Publication must be promised St Jude pray for US and all who Invoke your aid Amen o CC ThiS Novena has never been known 10 fall I have had my request granted, publication promised XXX NOVENA TO ST. JUDE May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glonfled, loved and preserved throughout the world now and fOfever Oh, Sacred Heart of Jesus. pray for us Workers of miracles, pray fOf us St Jude helper of the hopeless pray for us Say thiS prayer 9 times a day By the 8th day your prayer WIll be answered II has never been known to fall, never. PublicatIOn must be promised_ Thanks St Jude for prayer answered Special thanks to our MoIher of Perpetual Help L A R CLASSICAL musIc for any occa&Ion. SOlo, duo, tno, qUintet, gUitar, Winds, vOice 354-{l276 112 MUSIC 1 O~ ENTERTAINMHIT We will be closed Monday, September 4. To avoid the Tuesday Noon deadline rush, we suggest classifIed ads be placed by 5 p.m. Friday, September 1st. Measured and bordered ads must be placed by Friday, September 1st. at 4 p.m. 882.6900 .- A CLOWN COMPANY The Finest Professlon8l Entertainment servICe SIOnS Sound OJ's for all occa • call TUTO~ING 943 950 951 952 940 946 953 954 954 925 956 953 917 957 958 959 903 912 960 96t 962 963 964 965 966 967 950 943 962 968 969 970 971 972 973 943 913 938 974 975 976 954 977 903 907 978 979 980 981 982 Insulallon Janilonal Service Jewelry/Clock Service Landscaping/Snow Removal Lawn Maintenance Lawn Mower/Snow Blower Repall Linoleum Locksmith Mirror Service Movlng/Slorage MUSICInstrument Repair PalntlngiDecoraltng Paper Hanging Pallos/Decks Pest Conlrol P,ano TUning/Reparr Plastellng Plumbing/Healing Pool Service Pllnllng/Engravtng Retllgerator Service Remodeling Roofing Service SCissor/Saw Sharpentng Screen Repair Septic Tank Reparr Sewer Cleaning Service Sewing Machtne Repair Slipcovers Solar Energy Snow Blower Aeparr Snow Removal Storms and SCreens Stucco SWimming Pool Service T V /Radlo/CB RadiO Telephone Repair TenniS Court Tile Work Tree Ser'Vlce TypeWllter Service Upholslery VCR Repall Vacuum Sales/Service Ventllahon Service Wallpapellng Wall Washtng washer/D~er Waterproo Ing Water Softening Welding Window Repall Window Washing Woodburner Service EOUCA liON LETTER TUTQRIt-4G ALL Sl:JBJECTS GRADES 1 THRU 12 . PROFESSIONAL I \ FACULTY WE CAN HELP GROSSE POINTE LEARNING CENTER 131 Kercheval on the HIli 343-0836 343-0836 PIANO Instructions. 18 years experience, certified All levels, Kindergarten offered 839-3057 PRESCHOOL GYMNASTICS Our faCIlity \S specially designed to develop prePROFESSIONAL mUSICian school locomotIVe. SOCial With teaching degree and phYSical skills Preavailable for lessons In school ages, 3-5 Other your home Plano or vcr classes available, ages 3 cal 824-7182 through adult Artistic Gymastics PIANO teacher With degree n6-6678. has opening for beginning or advanced stuMARCO POLO dents Experienced In PRE.SCHOOL claSSical, pop, raglime, 19925 VERNIER and Jazz 343-9314 HARPER WOODS Now Enroillngi 114 SCHOOLS AMIPM or FULL DAY For more InformatIOn call Call GROSSE POINTE Jeanlne at 886-3248 PRE.KINDERGARTEN about fall A M or P M CERTIAED Teacher tutors space at one of our 3 all levels Math 882-6237 Grosse POinte locations Planned program for 2 1/ 117 SECRET UIAl snVICES 2 to 6 year old children Young Fives classes WORD PROCESSINGlfAX Barbara Lawrence, Resumes, Letters, Owner, 886-4747 Theses, Term Papers, General, Notary CLASSIFIED ADS MacRae secretarial CALL 882-6900 11 7 SEC~H ARIAl SE~VICES 117 SlCRlT ARIAl SERVICES FOR LETTER FAX \ ", Word Processing Resume PreparatIOn General-Personal Typing Medical, Legal, BUSiness Cassette transcription Harper-Vernier ;~-=-,_ 774-5444 THE LAST WORD Word Processing service Resumes, Repe'lllve Letters Labels, Charts, Stalistlcs Mailing List, Manuscrlp's Speeches, Leiters Legal-Businesa-Pel"llOllIIl GIVE US A CALL ANYTIME 774-5673 BUSINESS AND TECHNICAL SERVICES Laser Prillter IBM Orm{l rrw SIlT'PC1Tf Business' Techmcal AcademiC Mt!d.lcal • DenIal. Legal tellers' Reports. Memos Spreadsheets • lnvolang Forms Processlnf5 Cassette Transcnption Personalized Rep~tltive Lellers Envelope'! • Labels Mailing list Maintenance Theses • DIssertations Term Pa~rs • ManuscnplS Foreign Lan~ge WorK Equallons ' Craplucs Statistics' Tables. Charts R~Cs • Cover tellers Application Forms 822-4800 521-3300 117 SECRETARIAL SERVICES 117 S£CR(lARllll SIRVI({S COLLE GEIBA CK. TO.SCHOOL SPECIALI 1------------------I I I I Dorm Acessories & School Supplies 15% OFF SPECIAL WIth thiS coupon. Exp. 9.15.89 (excludes office machines) ~------------------ 886-5520 FAIRY Godmother available for entertaining a' children's partIeS 331.n05 Ask for Chantelle PROFESSIONAL lOUCATlON SUZUKI Violin lessons, all ages Certified Lisa Salgh,886-1743 I Let the Grosse Pointe News Classifieds work for you! 116 109 ENHRlAINMENT PRAYERS 948 949 921 943 Atr CondillOnlng Alarm Inslallallon/ Repatr Aluminum Siding Appliance Repa"s Asphalt Paving Repatr AulofTruck Repair Asbestos Service Basemenl Waterproollng Balh Tub Refinishing Bicycle Repa" Boat Repatrsl Malnlenance BrrckiBlock Work BUilding/Block Work BUSiness Machine Repall Carpentry Carpet Cleaning Carpet Inslallallon Ceiling Repall Cemenl Work Chimney Cleaning Chimney Reparr Clock Repa" Compuler Repall Conslructlon Serv,ce Decorallng Service Decks/Pallos Doors Drapenes Dressmakl ngfT allon ng Drywall Electrrcal Service Energy Saving Service Engravlng/Prrntlng Excavating Fences Frreplaces Floor Sanding/ Refinishing Furnace Reparr/ Inslallallon Furniture Reflnlshlngl Repalls Glass Automotive Glass Resldenlial Glass RepallsStained/ Beveled Garages Snow Removal! Landscaping GullerS Handyman Hauling Heating and Cooling Dan, 882. 6904 SOUND SYSTEMS o J 5erYlcl-Any OCCaIon PROf~ONA~EXP~ENCED Qr.. ' Music S.I.cflon Very Competitive 881.1817 881.1817 Cavanaugh's Office Supplies, Inc. 16837 Kercheval • In The Village 884.6880 • Assorted Desk Lamps • Creat-A-File • Binders & Notebooks • Desk Accessories • Artist Supplies • Stacking Trays • Portfolios & Briefcases • Computer Supplies • Typewriter Ribbons & Supplies I I I I I I I 5C August 24, 1989 Grosse Pointe News , III )!CRI1ARIAl )!RVICI) 200 PlAIN JANE WOfd Processll'l9 Resumes BuSIness Personal Correspondence Mailing Lists 884-2332 WRITE IMAGE SECRETARIAL SERVICES Bookkeepll19 WOfd Processing COfnjlOslbOn& Edlbng DataBase Management (Labels, MaIlings, etc ) Resume Consullabonl and Preparation Cassette Transcnpbon .BUSINESS • PERSONAL • ACADEMIC 882.8300 HOME OFFICE SUPPORT HElP WANHO GINERAl STOCK Person and other mlsc duties Must have car $5 an hour 9614777 APARTMENT ManagerIIve'ln couple for small apartment complex In St Clair Shores Salary Must be handy Send reo sume to Apartments, POBox 80701, St Clair Shores, MI 48080 APPLICATIONS accepted for Fall and WlOter Butcher, stock clerk Yorkshire Food Market 16711 Mack NEEDEDMature person expenenced wllh children to work In after school program, 3 to 6 pm Call GIVing Tree MonteSSOri 445-3765 DELI. Person, part.lIme Must be 18 Apply Within Alger Dell & Liquor 17320 Mack Specialist In understanding the needs of the indNidual or small business • AFTER CARE ASSISTANT Needed In private, elemen. tary school Hours 3-6 pm, M-F Experience necessary Send resume to MISS Camille DeMariO Pnnclpal • Early School, The Grosse Pomte Acad. emy, 171 Lake Shore Road, Grosse POinte, MI - Word Processing - Mailing & Database Mgl - Presentation Graphi:s - Statistics - Cassette Trans- criJXion 48236 State of the art laser productIOn plus fax and telecommuni- cation suppon. 8AM-8PM, Mon-sat Home Office Div. Event Productions 882-7700 HAIRDRESSER Harper Woods, busy salon, 30 years same location Group IOsurance With dental and prescnptlons available 371-6645, 465. 0352 RADIO Ad Sales Clear speaking VOice, no experIence necessary 885. 3311 ARBOR DRUGS I 200 HHP WANTED GlNERAl CASHIERS HELPER If you have knowledge or experIence In plaster repair, drywall or painting and are dependable, call 7713767 '" STOCK Wanted FOR all the mothers WIth children going back to school! How would you like a part.tlme Job wrthln those school hours and have benefits also? Please call Judy at Young Clothes 881.7227 Full and part time opportunities for cashier and stock help at our Kercheval location Arbor offers employee discount, fleXible hours, paid benefits, and a clean, pleasant atmosphere Cashiers must be at leat 18 years of age Apply In person at Arbor Drugs Grosse Pointe 17120 Kercheval -'d\'St Clair . -tU:r.e: - , 200 H!lP WANTiD GENERAL CASHIERS' Allendants/fu\1I part-time for parking systems No expenence necessary Call for interView, 882-6060 AUTOMOTIVE DRIVER Needed lor large volume dealer Good pay and benellts Apply 10 person to Bob Strick root at Ray Laethrem Pontiac 17677 Mack FEMALE and Male Bartenders, Cooks, Waitresses Immediate hiring Call 7738940 NATIONAL orgaOlzatlon has temporary full time and part time hours available for articulate indiViduals to do phone work Positive atlitude and empathy mosl Important Full tralOing prOVided Call Mr MldlnsklY, 8822287, 10 AM to 3 PM MATURE SINCERE DEPENDABLE Persons sought to do order desk phone follow up on customers generated by our sales of lice. ThiS opportunity IS Ideal for a retired person, houseWives looking to supplement family Income or just good pari time afternoon workers until 930 pm ReqUirements are maturity, "phone pOise and a good "gift of gab along With Willingness to learn and dependability We are an established - family type "east area firm" Full train 109, good hourly base, commiSSion and bonus to those who qualify Please leave message for Mr. Bryant 886.1763 BROILER and Prep COOk, experienced With refer. ences Near Ren-Cen Call between 9 and 3, 259-3273 FULL full time driver for a company servicing the Tool and Ole Industry Must have chauffeurs license Barn to 4 p m Please caH 568-1640' between 9 and 4 p m .q ..... r HUDSON'S Eastland We're looking for friendly TAKING a break from colWANTED all around handy and outgotng people for lege thiS fall? We have 3 person, for open poSition part time saJes posrtlOOS weeks work at Boat Show In mall department. Job In our Marketplace Food USA at Metro Beach reqUIres heavy lifting, run. area and Yogurt Express starting September 11 nlng errands, general ofNo sales expenence necCaIl~7887 fice maintenance Nonessary. We also need a only smoker preferred Full. full time Market Place COOKS- Expenenced need apply Experienced time $4 50 plus benefits Foods cook Previous expart.tlme waitress, 2 to 9 Ask for Helena 885 penence IS a must If you shift Harry's of Grosse are commlned to cus. 1232 POinte 885-1481 tomer servICe we would Yacht maintenance comlike to talk to you. We of. GROSSE POlOte Insurance pany in need of boat fer benefits. a fun and agency seekmg a client washtng personnel, full fnefldly work enVifonment service rep Send resume time poSitIons. No ex. and Hudson's Customer to Box - C15O, Grosse penence neccessary. SefVlCe challenge Inter. POinte News, 96 KerCall 824-4111. ested candidates can apcheval, Grosse POlOte EXPERIENCED short order ply to personnel Monday Farms. Ml 48236 cook, full or part.tlme through Thursday 10 AM Apply Your Place t04 PM EO.E Lounge 17326 E WarSTOCK girl wanted- Ideal ren !Of energetIC, artsy hlQhs, COOK, hostess, cashier. chool student With good wBitress Apply Within math abtlitleS Call Judy POinte Barbeque, 17410 at Young Clothes 881. East Warren, DetrOit 7227 For a mature IndiVidual des\flng ASSISTANT teacher for COLLEGE Students Small great supplemental preschool In the Park, Grosse POinte landscape cash or a super A M only Oonna, 881company needs help afternoon position tll 3011 through fall, full or part 9'30 P m. Hourly, t!fne, good wages 885commiSSion With cash BUSPERSONS full and part Incentives and a 1987 time, must be 16 years of bonus If you have a INVENTORY Controlerage 884-2500 knack for sales and pleaSant atmosphere, no are dependable Call PIZZA makers needed. ex. evenings, some lifting reMr. Williams - Leave perlence preferred but qUIred Apply In person message any time of not necessary Apply 10 calICO Corners, 21431 day Eastside person after 4 pm. Mack 15134 Mack Avenue GOOD JOB -_. _ ..._.._-Il:YDIl:DII:Nrs:n needed ,..._ !Of friendly, SCIentiouS ..,._.- .....,...t".o painting con- 3314306 PART Time restaurant help needed. Call Golden Coffee Pot 8829555 between 2 and 4. STOCK Boy. must be 18 Apply WTttun Alger Party Store, 17320 Maclt MR. C's DELI Aexlble work schedule. Starting pay based on experience Will train for cashier, dell clerk, cooks and stock positIOns Must be 16. Apply at any Mr C's Dell HIGH SChool or coItege stu. dent to manage 886.1763 firm. child- ren's schedules between 3'30 and 600 PM 3 weekdays. Must have car. Call eYenlflgS for InteMew 824-1211 MAIR Stylists Rosewood of Grosse POinte now has opeOing More for your rent dollar. or top com. mlSSIOll For appointment. 884-6072 ACCEPTING applications for experienced waitresses, cooks and dishwashers St Nicks Hangar, Detroit City Airport 52 H3900 200 HElP WANTiD GENERAL HARBOR Boys for pnvate yacht club. full.tlme after school and weekends Start at once 884-2500 ext 161 Mr Hudson KITCHEN Help, dlshwash. ers Will train, no experience necessary Apply (back door), between 2 pm and 5 pm, Tuesday through Saturday Anto0I0'S Reslaurant 20311 Mack, Grosse POinte Woods 884-0253 SEEKING hardworkmg Indl' Vidual to be an apprentice In ceramic tile trade 773-9648 WAITRESSES needed for downtown Detroit restaurant BUSiness luncheons and cocktails Ask for manager, 963-9191 after 2PM SECRETARYI ReceptloOlst, part time, lor construction management firm Duties Include answering phone typing and filing, 45 to 50 wpm At least one year experience reqUired Will train on computer software OHlce located on Wayne State campus, excellent opportuOlly for student Call 832.Q430 or 351-4500, ask for Personnel TEACHERS and aSSistants, part or full time, needed for area nursery school 7724477 WANTED: ADVERTISING JOAN.OF-ARC Full service advertlslOg agency seeks IndiVidual • With Insplnng commuOicaliOn skills and upllfltlng personality • FleXible enough to handle host of office dUties, I e telephones and typing • Who can support troops gOing to and from banle Without genlng burned Interested parties phone 259-0830 IndiViduals With low tolerance for pain need not respond CASHIER and stock help wanted Apply In person Jerry's Party Store. 383 Kercheval LAWNCUTTERS to mow lawl\S 'lOr ol<Ier persons liVing In -l1le Mack! Moross area FleXible hours, own transportation reqUired Use our eqUIpment EOE, Calvary cen. ter, 881-3374 ACCOUNTING ASSistant, part time, fleXible hours Computer experience helpful Send resume to D W, 718 Notre Dame, Grosse POinte, 48230 GROSSE POinte Laundry needs 2 shirt pressers, full time or part-time Apply Within 21138 Mack Grosse POinte Woods HORTICUL TURAL SERVICES specialiZing In landscape contracting and estate maintenance Has posl' lIOns available Full and part-time 759-6433. SWEENEY'S Flowers of Grosse POinte lookmg for an experienced floral designer, part lime Must have references Call 881-8300 for interview CLUB TabOO IS now acceptIng applications for the follOWing posillons Walt staff, bartender, porters EveOings only Apply between 8 pm - 10 pm 1940 Woodbndge LUNCH WaItress for small Grosse POinte restaurant Monday thru Saturday 12 to 3 $3 35 per hour Good summer Job 886- 9625 LOOKING for lawn maintenance and landscape people Expenenced preferred Dubays LandscapIng Service 885-3024 NEED Mature person to work 6 am- to am. Monday- Fnday m EastSide JOAN and DaVId at Ann area group home With Taylor seekIng part time RETAIL SALES developmentally disabled employees, t 5 to 20 COFFEE BEANERY adults DulleS mclude suhours per week, some pervlson of clients. hou. Eastland Mall, part or full eveOings, and Saturdays, lime, please call 839secleanmg, transporting retail experrence deSir7071, or apply 10 person chents etc Must have able For further Inform adrivers license and good MANICURIST wanted, high too, call Stacey at 882. drMng record Call Ms percentage, experience 7371 WaSil 965-1145. 9- 5 pm reqUired, acrylIC, extenMALE or female college SionS 771-9797 student Parts plCk- up, HELP wanted expenenced cooks, walt persons. bus- PHONE girls, $4 PIzza sanding, painting, cleanboys Apply at ZaPaul's, makers. $4 50 Delivery Ing, doing work Hard18450 Mack Avenue, boys Ex.OomlOo's emworktng, non-smoker Grosse POinte Farms ployees welcome Linle Must have car 882.0364 881.3062 Italy Plzzena 526-0300 DRIVER wanted for local LATCHKEY supervisor, Iravel agency . must have ADULTS substitute poSItIOns avail. reltable car and some RETIREES able at elementary knowledge of the metroSTUDENTS schools Must work effecpolitan Detrort freeway With car, to delIVer morntIVely With chIldren ages In9 Free Press routes in system 15 hours per 5- 11 300 to 615 pm, Grosse Pomte, Harper week guaranteed. prefer $6 72 per hour Apply at Woods, and East Side of 1 pm to 4 pm. Monday the Grosse POinte Public Detroit area thru Friday. Please call Call 882-0045. SChool system, 389 St 884-3172 for an InteMBW ClaIr 200 HHP WANHO ATTENTION (,(NfRAl ... 200 HflP WANHO LANDSCAPE needed Not 757.5360 GINERAl laborers under 18 Chrfstma. ArOYnd the Workl Now hlrfng Demonstrators STOCKMAN47 hour New SUPER PARTY PLAN, week Apply Farms Mar. uOlque 2,500 Item line. ket 355 Fisher, Grosse somethmg to please POinte everyone Christmas, la. shop needs availdies' fashions, home de- THRln able, versatile person for cor, and toys Work your part time, on call employown hoursl No delivering I ment Hours may fall anyNo collecting I Paper sup. time between 8 30. 4 00 plies provldedl FREE Applications at Neighbor$300 Kit & weekly payhood Club, 17150 Water. checks 100, Grosse POinte Call 774.6186. BE ON TV' Many needed for commercials Now hlr Ing all ages For casting Information call (615)-779. 7111, ExtenSion T-430 Fee PART-TIME football, basketball. volleyball and soccer offiCials, SUpervl. sors and class Instruc. tors Applications avail. able at The Neighborhood Club, 17150 Waterloo. 885- 4600 LAWN Cunmg personnel for Warren based company Full lime poSlllOn With salary plus bonus No expenence necessary 885.8754, leave meso sage WANTED, experienced Nail TechOiclan for Nail ExpressIons 22315 Greater Mack Call between 9 and 9 Monday thru Friday 773-0250 AIR Brush artist wanted for tee shirt bUSiness Male or Female, experienced reqUired, 501 50 commls. slon piece work FleXible hours 7784123 HOUSEMAN, full and part time for Grosse POinte War Memorial Benelits Ask for Mrs Lough. 8817511 BOOKKEEPER! Secretary, full lime wanted for busy Grosse POinte Company Typing computer and bookkeeping skills needed Call Sandy Kempa at ~9030 INSURANCE Office- manage computer system and operation funclions Send resume to Insurance, POBox 36626, Harper Woods, MI 48236 RESTAURANT statl wanted waltstaff, cooks needed, futl and part time positions available Expenence preferred, enthuSHAMPOO girl needed, siasm reqUired We're part time Tuesday thru growing, new location Friday Please contact opening soon Apply In Cheryl or Heidi, 882. person. between 2 and 8 6240 p m Monday through ACCOUNTANT, tax return Friday, Plzzapapalls Tav. preparer, part time, fleXIerna, 553 Monroe Street, ble hours Knowledge of DetrOit 961-8020 Forms 1065 and 1120 APARTMENT ManagershelpfUl Send resume to experience a must for a D W. 718 Notre Dame, 140 Units and up B55Grosse POinte 48230 2070,468-7013 DISHWASHERS, full lime EXPERIENCED waltstaff 881-8540 Union Street Restaurant, WAITRESS wanted Apply 4145 Woodward 831. at Cadieux Cafe, 4300 2121, after 200 Cadieux, after 4 PM 882- 200 HElP WANHO GENERAL PHONE girls wanted, full or part time positions available Apply In person af ter 4 pm, t5134 Mack LABORERS needed for digging, hard work water. proofing basements Experience preferred but not necessary If you can handle the work No wimps $5/ hour to start With rapid Increases ,I you work good 526-9288, leave message NEED mature person to work part.llme mldOights In EastSide area group home With developmentally disabled adults Duties Include houseclean. 109 cooking etc Must have good driVing record Call Ms Wasil 965-1145, 9.5 pm SHORT order cook 40 hours, days $5 00 hourly to start Must be organ IZed, neat and responsIble 886-9625 ATTENTION ACCOUNTING PROFESSIONAL A Grosse POinte Farms CPA firm We are cur. rently 10 need of appli. cants With expertise and tax andl or audit We Will consider any level Full or part time that Will fill our current areas of need If you have an aptitude for figures or have a proven skill, please call Jan at 882-9153 We may be able to utilize your abilities In thiS rapidly expandIng, fast paced, hlQhly progressive firm Salary commensurate With ability and experience COOKS, dishwashers and bus help Days and nights Transportation necessary Apply In person 25419 Jefferson. St Clair Shores Ask for Ed CASHIER, full time position needed for car wash 10 Grosse POinte aTea Ref. erences 362-2290 101 HIlP 1'I~"'f~ BABY\II HR RESPONSIBLE Mature per. son needed for 1 yew «*2 In my home 3 days pel' week approxlfnately 25 hours beginning In ~ tember, own transportation and references necessary, Grosse POinte area 823-1717. PART Time- Expenenced, lOVing babysitter, beglnning August 28th for our precious 15 month «*2 daughter Two Of three days! week, 8 to 5 10 our Grosse POlOte Farms home References, n0nsmoker reqUired 8855594 after 6 PM MATURE non-smoker to babYSit 3 month old In Grosse Pomte Park home Monday thru Fnday LIght housekeepmg optional Call after 7 p m 331-0334 LOOKING for Nanny-type to care for toddler and 2 school aged children 5 days. 7 30- 5 00 Must have reliable car, love pets, references Begm September 5th. Salary negotiable 884-2067. BABYSlTTERI CompaNOll, prefer young adult to pICk up t 1 year old from Brownell school and stay till 630 Call 357~711. TfiCla MATURE babysitter needed full time, one 8 month old, one 5 year old, 111 my home 10 the Park. References reqUired 3316126 RELAIBLE Woman to care for 3 children, ages 5, 2 and 8 months. In my home. 2 afternoons per week, 2 to 5.30 p m Good pay for qualified indiVidual Non-smoker. 331-$35 L1VE- IN Nanny to superVIse well behaved 11 year old girl, due to lather's Irregular working hours as a doctor Nanny expected to run household Wtl have large pnvate room and bath seekIng bright, caring mature IndIVIdual. References a must! Il85- EARN Money typing at home $30.000/ year In' 8560 come potential Details SECRETARY Fee (1) 805.687-6000 Long established Grosse EAST Side TenOis Club 8847 Ext 6-1626 POinte bUilder seeks ex. Work behind desk. greet RELIABLE babysrtter WIth perlenced, dependable. members, 18 or older 4 HANDYMANI PreventIVe pwh transpotal'lOn, five tak.ei<harge ~@lA~cfQr p m to B p m Monday ~flt.nant1!~ _"e'pal!s~ ~tt$"W'e'ek, 7:30; 1:00. onegirl offICe ReqUires thru f'rltlay $4 00 per light machining. Small In8824527. profeSSional telephone hour 886-2944 dustnal firm Full trme vOICe and manner, excel. NANNY Needed- after Benefrts Call 885-3495. DRIVERS NEEDED I lent tyPing Skills, and abll. school for 2 boys (ages Good dnvlOg record Will CHURCH CustodIan, 40 Ity to set up and malOtaln 12 and 10) ApproXItrain Excellent money hours per week, Sundays file system Minor book. mately 4 days per weef<, making potential Apply In Included Maintenance keeping (check balance, 3 to 6 PM, school pid<person expenence reqUired lopayroll, quarterly tax ups required SnT!Ple din15501 Mack Ave cated In Grosse POinte forms, accounts payable ner preperation and apFarms Resume reqUired DELIVERY Person needed and receivable. etc) espomtments as required. Call 884-3075, 9 to 4 PM at A J Meyer Pharmacy sential Word processor State LICense and reterMust have own car and computer experience ences requIred. 77~1415 WAITRESSES, full and part Please catl 882-1040 (or Willingness to learn) after 6 PM time Expenenced prepreferred Call 881.1028 DIETARY AIDES ferred 881-8540 CHILDCARE for 5 year old between B 30 AM and DIETARY PORTERS ACCOUNTING girl In my Grosse Pomte 530 PM, Monday through Part time Please apply In SUPERVISOR Park home Monday and Fnday, to schedule Interperson. at St John Bon Award WInOing school dlsWednesday, 7.30 to view Secours senior Commun. tnct seeks supervisor of 12 30 885-1727 full and part Ity. 18300 East Warren, WAITSTAFF, accounting WIth responsISITTERS needed Monday, time Apply 10 person to DetrOlt Located 1 block bility for supervIsing am, 915 to 11'15, beLochmoor Club, 1018 from Grosse POinte. NO school budget accounts 91nnlng September 11. SunnlOgdale, Grosse PHONE CALLS, and payroll personnel. Share responSIbility for POinte Woods 48236 PLEASE and coordinating these 12 children, $15 per LOOKING for responsible, responslbilihes With all RECEPTIONIST Part time. week 882-6237. retired person to valet other departments Bach. afternoons or evenings. park cars, Friday & Saturelor's Degree 10 Account. IN. Home, long term, partpoSSible mornings, must day at busy Grosse time babysrtter. Prefer ,ng or bUSiness related be reliable and fleXible POlOte Beauty Salon older woman 2 chtldren. field required Expenence Apply In person Monday Please call 882.2828 Own transportatoo 884In accounting, including through Friday. 12 noon 5261 general ledger and flnan. until 5 PM, 21520 Harper, INTERIOR Decorating, are 4' you stili dreaming about a career In decorating? We can help' Complete trainIng and several levels of opportuOity from apprentIce through pOSSible busmess ownershIp These are local posillons St Clair Shores ARE YOU SERIOUS ABOUT SELLING REAL ESTATE? We're SERIOUS about YOUR SUCCESS' Extensive training, Including Pre-license and Market. 855-8640 Ing In Grosse POinte, please call George Smale RESPONSIBLE, dog lOVIng at 886-4200 Other loca. indiVidual to care for 3 lrCrIiS, can Llo,d Ednards adoiable, sweet SCCtt:cs at our home at Intermitat 268-1000 SCHWEITZER tent penods Call 881. REAL ESTATE 8929, evenings and BETTER HOMES weekends AND GARDENS Grosse Pointe 20 Offices INSURANCE OFFICE Claims, office management, GRILL. Prep person, 20513 some tyPlOg • Telephone Mack, apply wlth,n, 11 skills Important We WIll a m to 12 noon train Full time Call beHOUSEKEEPER to do light tween 9 AM and 5 PM cleamng for older aclults 882-9308 In area FleXible hours need reliable car, refer. BARTENDERS ences 4950 Gateshead. Needed for weekend work. Mack! MOTOSSarea EOE, perlect for college stuCalvary Center. 881. dents $6 TO $10 AN HOUR Roosterta,1 Caterers 100 Marquene 822.1234 Nail Technician Must be eXllenenced Guaranteed Salary with IncentIVes. Many' addl. tional benefits, Lamia Salon 884-1739 3374 clal statements preferred Must have good communications skills, ability to work well with people and expenence WIth comput. ers and data processing seMceS CompetitIVe sal. ary and excellent fnnge benefits Send resume by September 8. 1989 to Ronald Tonks, Director of Personnel The Grosse POinte PublIC School System. 389 St Clair, Grosse POinte MI 48230 We are an Equal OpportuOity Employer BROADCASTING WILL TRAIN I TV COMMERCIALS Real people needed for commerCials, aU ageslall types For IOformatlOn, call Col, 548-8100. extensIOn 0074 AGGRESSIVE Real estate Broker needs hardwork. Ing sales agent With the nght anrtude to eam and learn I also offer benefits, Including future part. nershlps ThIs IS a speCial opportunrty call for InterYlew. ask for Helen 264-1 tOO 101 HFlP WANTfO 8UHITHR MATURE, canng woman needed to care for 5 month old 10 the Woods, light housekeeping, 8 to 3, fOT teacher Non. smoker, own transportatIOn, references 881. 2510 ! J PROFESSIONAL couple needs non-smoklng babysitter, full time In our home f1ear VIllage fOf pleasant 2 year old. To start October 1st Refer. ences 884-8124 EXPERIENCED, nonsmoker, With references needed Tuesday and Thursday mornings and some weeKerlO evenIngs In my Hamson Townshlp home to care for newborn begmnlng September 5 POSSible Increased hours In November Please eel 468-7501 between 9 am. and noon, Monday- Friday Long term re4atlOOshIp desired. PERMANENT babYSitter needed for 2 year ok! and Infant My home. Approximately 3 days per week Non- smoker, refer. ences 884-3955 IN my home, startlng September 5th Non-smoker, own transportation, refer- ences 882.5427 LOVE WORKING WITH CHILDREN? Be a nanny. Full timeI' time Good salary pen- and beflefifS Gal The Nanny Network ~IDS SOUTH HlQh semor to babySIt Mondays & Wednesdays, 2:30pm to 4 30pm I 'or 2 112 ye« old and Infant. Own tTanIportatlon, references reqUIred 884-4703. 1 August 24, 1989 5C Grosse Pointe News 101 HH~ WANTlD eAnSllTlR 202 HUP WANTID ClERICAL HOUSEKEEPERI babYSitter needed by Grosse POinte working mother and second grader for flexible aft ternoon hours 882-2625 ADMINISTRATIVE Aide Organizational and super. VISOry ability, typing 70 wpm, shorthand 85 wpm legall computer back ground helpful Some TEMPORARY full time, night meetings. equal October, 1989 thru opportunity employer March, 1990 for two $20,000 to $22,260 Call children, 3 1/2 and 18 City of Grosse POinte months LlQht housekeepWoods at 343 2445 Ing Own transportallon Call 885-8473 between 7 MADISON Heights CPA PM and 10 PM firm seeks dependable, BABYSITTER needed 2-3 well organized IndiVidual days per week for 2 childto IiII full time secretanal! ren In my home Grosse bookkeeper positIOn POinte area Great oppor. Computer experience tunlty for College student, necessary Send resume fleXible hours, excellent and salary reqUirements pay Need references, to Box K309. Grosse own transportation, 884POinte News 96 Ker 8759 cheval, Grosse POinte Farms. 48236 LOOKING for Mom to drive my 6th grade son home from Brownell after school In September 886-4383 MATURE caring woman needed to care for child and keep house Please call 884-1047 202 HElP WANTED CLERICAL LARGE Grosse Pointe Insurance agency looking for responsible adult to do filing, light typing, and answer phones Part time 882-2750 SECRETARYI TYPIST CPA OFFICE Penobscot BUilding Experience preferred, full or part tune 961-Q155 a.ERK TYPist, general office Skills, entry level 1243 First NatIOnal BUildIng, Detrott 48226 ACCOUNTING OFFICE Small East Side office- Duties to include: answering phones, greeting clients and comp4Jter imputlICCOUnting and Income tu: helpful- no smoking environment. Send reetlme to: PO Box 5553, Detroit, 48205. PLEASE NOTE: P.O. Box number has been corrected I PERSON FRIDAY PrestlQe Design Firm needs ~PC computer SKIlls, strong customer service onentatJOO, and Independent seIf.startlng personality fleXible yet detailed approach a mustl Troy 649-4144 St. Clair Shores n4-Q730 HARRIET SORGE PERSONNEL REAL Estate developer seekS receptionist Excellent phone Skills, light typing, light accounting reqUired send resume to Rob R MacGregor, The Blake Company, 724 Notre Dame, Grosse POinte, MI 48230 troit office. 35 wpm, excellent phone skills and personal Integnty a must Some legal knowledge helpful 961.1209 SECRETARY Long establiShed Grosse POinte builder seeks experienced, dependable, take-charge secretary for one- girl offk:e ReqUires profeSSional telephone VOICe and manner, excel. lent typing SKills, and abilIty to set up and maintain file system Minor bOOkkeeping (check balance, payroll, quarterly tax forms, accounts payable and receIVable, etc) es. sentlal WOfd processor and computer expenence (Of Willingness to learn) preferred Call 881-1028 between 8'30 AM and 530 PM, Monday through Fnday, to schedule InterVtfm. EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Needed at catenng facility, word processing skIlls a Send FULL time posItion With local Bookkeeplng- Income Tax Office Knowledge of computers and bOOkkeepIng helpful Call 881-7858 for appointment SECRETARIES Learn Legal to 18K secretary to VP to 20K secretary wlsht to 19K Word Processor to 20K Fee Paid 965-3230 Or Resumes to CAREER CONNECTION 1870 Penobscot Bldg DetrOit 48226 TYPISTenergetic person for an up and coming marketing bUSiness In secure bUlldrng near Downtown Clencal work and general office procedures part of poSition Computer skills deSired Parking and benefits Call for appointment 259 9132 FULL Time poSition dunng school year In pnvate club Monday through Fn. day 8 to 4 p m ReceptIOnist, some bOOkkeepIng 884-9090 LEGAL Secretar)' Experl. enced, mature, With good skll\s, fO!" SI C1au ShOl"es law firm on East Jefferson near 9 Mile Full or part Irme Word process. Ing experience deSirable Call 777-2400 SECRETARYI Receptionist for DetrOit construction Company Typing! Word Processing a must Please call 579-1234 SEEKING IndiVidual to work With accounts receivable and miscellaneous office dutieS Full time, knowledge of computers, ex. perienceO Call n8-2109 ask for Lmda 203 SECRETARY needed fOf fast paced De- must START SEPTEMBER 1st! Detail onented person for part or poSSible full time real estate posilion TypIng filing, phones, etc Call RICK LANDUYT at 881-4200 Johnstone 8< Johnstone resumes to The Roostertall Caterers, PO Box -14190, DetrOl1, MI 48214 ATTENTION NEEDED AT ONCE: Excellent clencal post Ions available Some are long or short HUP' WANTED DENTAL/ MEDICAL RECEPTIONIST WantedFull time for periodontal practice, secretarial Skills, bUSiness or associate degree preferred, Grosse Pomte locallOn 882-5600 PARTtime OrthodontiC Dental ASSistant Will train Afternoons, 886 3390 • Data Entry Operators • TypIStsI 55 wpm • AecepttonIStl 45 wpm RUTH PARADISE tM-064O \ TEMPS 203 HElP WANTED DENTAL 'MEDICAL DENTAL Hygienist wanted 2 days per week for modPART-TIME ern prevention Oriented Medical Personnel Pool, a general dentistry office, national leader In home tocated In DetrOIt's new health care and suppleHarborlown complex mental staffing, IS cur. FleXible schedule availrently seeking a career able 259.2410 oriented, dynamiC indlvld. ual for our staffing coordl' WANTED Optical dispenser nallon area, in SI Clair for oplomotry office at 7 Shores ResponSibilities and Mack Excellent pay Involve hiring personnel and beneflls Experience and prOViding excellent reqUired 881.2450 client service Must have good telephone and REGISTERED communication skills and enJoy challenges Medical NURSE background helpful Excellent compensallon II Our EastSide Pediatric CliniC you meet these requireIS a pediatric ambulalory ments and are Interested emergency care seltlng In thiS fast paced poSition for after hours weekends Send resume to and holidays We curBRANCH MANAGER rently have a part time MEDICAL PERSONNEL poSition available on the POOL afternoon shift 1940 S TELEGRAPH BLOOMFIELD HILLS Qualified candidates must have current Michigan MI 48013 R N licensure and preEO E. VIOUS pediatric or emerNURSES Aide day and gency room experience night shifts available Leave 6766 message, 885- DENTAL office seeks full time employee to tram as a dental assistant and some office duties Send resume to EastSide Dental ASSOCiates 11532 Morang, DetrOit Michigan 48224 EXPERIENCED Insurance biller for ophthalmology practice Must be familiar With ICD-9, Medicare BCSS Send resume 10 Box G50, Grosse POinte News, Grosse POinte Farms. 48236 PART time aide for outpatient surgery center Experience In nurse aide and! or central supply activities preferred Average 24 30 hours per week Starting salary $5 001 hour Send leiter of Introduction including work history to POBox 26010. Fraser, Michigan 48026 DIAGNOSTIC Services Assistant Weekend relief Current opening for weekend relief poSItIOn In the Diagnostic services departlT\ent for hhng, transport, scheduling of appointments, film processing and other general office procedures Hours are Saturday 8 a m to 1230 pm and Sunday 3 30 P m to 1030 pm rolatlng With 8 a m to 330 pm High school graduate or the eqUIValent With prior office experience and computer literacy Medical assistant experience a plus Apply In person Human Resources, Cot tage Hospital of Grosse POinte Affiliated With Henry Ford Health Care Corporation 159 Ker. cheval Avenue, Grosse POinte Farms, MI 48236 Equal OpportUnity Em. ployer EXPERIENCED medical asSistant, EKG, Vital signs. hlstones Busy Downtown oracllce 259-1575, Monday- Friday, 8- 4, Ms Price NURSE! R N wanted for oncology doctors office Must be caring, senSitive and hard workmg IV therapy and oncology experience deslreable 5 days Excellent salary and benefits 884-5522 CYTOTECHNOLOGIST ASCP Full or part time PrIVate lab 20485 Mack Avenue, Grosse POinte Woods 886-0201 DENT AL ReceptiOnist! Otflce Manager, full time Good hours good pay, EastSide Call 563-1182 after 8 pm GROSSE DENTAL Hygienist, part time POSition, fleXible hours pleasant atmosphere 884-2700 n5- POINTE NEWS 882.6900 FOR PRIVATE DUTY • We handle Macomb & C,3kland Counties • Must have 1 year experience, or be certified • Day, afternoon and midnight shifts available ~725.2616 PERSONAL HEALTH CARE of MICHIGAN HElP' WANTED DINT AI. MIOl(AL COORDINATOR FULL time Monday, Tues day, Wednesday, Saturday Doctors office Experienced working With patients, peg board knowledge and tyPing 1620 term • secretanesl Legall Exec • Wrxd Processors 203 RN CENTER FOR REPRODUCTIVE MEDICINE Oakwood Hospital's Center for ReproductIVe MediCine has a part-time, primarily weekend poSI' tlon available for a RN Candidates must have current MI licensure, OB/GYN experience is preferred Qualified can. dldates may send resume to OAKWOOD HOSPITAL CORPORATION Altn Human Resources 18101 Oakwood Blvd, Box 2500 Dearborn, MI48123-2500 Equal Opportunity Employer Please send your resume to the Human Resources Department St. John Hospital and Medical Center 22101 Moross Rd Detroit, MI 48236 (313)343.3939 Equal Opportunity Employer CHAIRSIDE Dental ASSIStant Are you mature, ex. perlenced and looking for a change We offer good salary, great benefits With a quality Dental group In Warren Call Joyce at 979-2882 $$ HOME HEALTH AIDES $$ Immediate openings In your area We offer • Fully paid BCIBS Health! Life Insurance • Bonus hour program • Instant pay • FleXible hours • ChOice AsSignments Expenence or certification reqUired CALL TODAY 343-4357 HARPER WOODS ST JOHN PROFESSIONAL MEDICAL SERVICES equal opportunity employer EXPERIENCED Medical Receptionist for buc;y ophthalmology practice Secretarial skills and phone etiquette reqUired Send resume to Box G45, Grosse POinte News, Grosse POinte Farms 48236 DENTAL AsSistant, full or part time for periodontal practice Experience or dental training necessar)' Grosse POinte area 8825600 MEDICAL ASSistant- part time, With knowledge of venipuncture, EKG,S, etc, Monday through Friday mornings 751-8844 MEDICAL ASSistant, 25 hours per week, experience preferred Send reo sume to Dr Starzlnskl, 20867 Mack Avenue, SUite 7, Grosse POinte Woods, 48236 DENTAL Receptionist, full or part time Experienced preferred, Will train nght ppr<;on Send rp<;ump to Box K.178, Grosse POinte News, 96 Kercheval, Grosse POinte Farms 48236 RECEPTIONISTI Biller wanted full time for Ophthamology office Computer experience preferred, knowledge of Insurance billing neces. sary Excellent benelils Send resume to Joe PelaVin, M 0, Attention Judy, 29750 Harper, St Clair Shores, 48082 ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF NURSING 153 bed skilled faCIlity reqUires A N SUperviSOry and documenting skills needed, long term care experience preferred Call 881-9556 or send resume to Cottage-Belmont NursIng Center, 19840 Harper, Harper Woods 48225 204 HHI' WANTED DOMESTIC FULL lime mol hers helper for mom of 3 year old and expecting twinS Non smoker. AssiSt In child care and housekeeping 881-8065 204 HElP WANTED DOMESTIC LIVE-IN couple needed for domestic duties and outdoor maintenance of graCIOUS lakefront home located In Grosse POinte Park Large prlvale air conditIOned apartment 2 bedroom&, 2 baths, hVlng room <lnd kitchen, available 111 exchange for ser. vices Call 824 1277 NURSE'S Aide needed for elderly lady References 772-4276 after 1 p m 201 HElP WANHO SALIS NICE! APEX, a CinCinnati Bell ~ffillate, seeks quail. Ired telemarketers Telemarketing! InSide sales experience a plus Apply In person to Nlcel Apex, 22777 Kelly, East DEetrOlt Michigan 48021 EXPERIENCED Sales woman needed, creative abilities a plus, permanent POSition Contact Mrs Reid 962-9588 GROSSE POINTE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 885-4576 REAL ESTATE SALES Tappan & AssoclatesJERA has openings for people who want to achieve success In thler lives we 50 years reliable service would like to show you Needs expenenced Cooks, how to do thiS 10 real esNannies, Maids, Housetate sales We offer Iree keepers Gardeners, Buttraining aod classes to Ie's Couples Nurse s qualified applicants Call Aides Companions and us today for a pnvate 10Day Workers for private lervlew, ask for John homes Moss 18514 Mack Avenue 884.6200 Grosse POinte Farms EARN $100- $200 per day PROFESSIONAL COUPLE Unique product everyone seeking responSible perneeds 881-4011 son for full time houseOPENINGS ARE keeplngl child care One NOW AVAILABLE school age child and 1 for a few experienced pre- schooler Must have SALES ASSOCIATES carl references Please to JOIOour aggressive call 882-7376 and knowledgeable sales slaffl 20S HEl~ WANTID LEGAL We offer a comprehenSive advertiSing program LAW StUdent, clerk In and generous floor Grosse Pomte office time plus valuable Hours are negotiable onentatlon sessions MInimum 6 hours per CALL NOW FOR week 18580 Mack, for YOUR INTERVIEW application APPOINTMENT LEGAL ASSISTANT, PARIS DiSANTO at Corporate and Real Estate, 884-0600 Downtown DetrOil law Johnstone 8< Johnslone Irrm Excellent oral communlcallon and written 300 SITUATION WANTED skills organized degree IAIYSITTEIlS preferred, 1-2 years exCHilD CARE GIVER perience Send resume AVAILABLE SEPT. 11 to Grosse POinte News, Mature, expenenced child Box A19, 96 Kercheval, care giver, current Grosse Grosse POinte Farms, POinte references, seeks Michigan, 48236 full time poSition With area family or bUSiness, any LEGAL number of children SECRETARY 822-8828 to 11 p m Grosse POinte firm seeks 824-4717 to 9 pm part-time Secretary With MOTHER of two Will babySit expenence and good typfull time In licensed Ing home, reliable With fleXI884.6600 ble hours 8 Mllel Mile 206 HEL~ WANTED Harper area 884-6968 ~AIIT TIME EXPERIENCED mother ot WANTED part time driver two available for babYSitfor Company LimOUSine ting Excellent Grosse Clean record 885-3311 POinte references 8854025 PART- Time sWim Instructors wanted for Fall proPART time babyslnlng, In. gram Must have current fants or toddlers, lOVing CPR card and advance licare 331-7951 fesaVing or lifeguard EXPERIENCED nanny training Call 778-5811 available days, evenings. DRIVER wanted for Swee weekend, babySitting ney's Flowers, part- time also Excellent refer881-8300 ences 526-9351 EVENINGSparttime, NEED a guardian for after YMCA desk clerk Typing school, until you arrive? reqUired Call n8-5811 Mother for 28 years, Trombley area 822-7095 207 HEll' WANTED SALIS 302 SITUATION WANT£D SALES 8< STOCK CONVALESCENT CAllE POSITION EXPERIENCED caregiver In quality retail store near Honest, dependable W S U Full or part. time Meals, cleaning, errands FleXible hours Jim, beReferences 343-0076 tween 10- 6,831-7200 GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY! COMPETENT Put Number 1 to work for IN-HOME CARE SERVICE you I Looking for full-time. TLC elderly, children seasoned sales agents Hourly, overnight rates looking 10 advance their available Experienced In careers New CENTURY the Grosse POinte area 21 EAST, IN THE VIL PreVIOusly Hammond LAGE OFFICE IS expandAgency, 30 years liIng staff Excellent pay censed and bonded plans available, beautiful Sally, n2-{)035 working enVIronment For EXPERIENCED caregiver confidential interview, Honest, dependable contact Michael BOJalad, Meals, cleaning, errands century 21 East, In the References 343-0076 Village, Grosse POinte -3ta-~ 881-7100 DAY CARE A BETTER HOMES WARM, reliable mom has AND GARDENS OFFICE openings In her licensed PrOVides the best opportudaycare 885-2432 nity for SUCCESS In seilIng REAL ESTATE' Inter. The Nanny Network, Inc ested In extensive Quality profeSSional child training, Including Pre-licare In your home Call cense and Marketing? In us NOW lor Informallon Grosse POinte, call Mark 939-KIDS Monaghan at 886-5800 304 SITUATION WANTED Other locations, call Lloyd GINEllAl Edwards at 268-1000 RETIRED gardener, 35 SCHWEITZER years experience Would REAL ESTATE like part time gardening, BETTER HOMES shrub trimming sprinkler AND GARDENS repair 371-2331 20 Offices 206 HH~ WANTED ~UT TlMI 206 HH~ WANTED PAllT TlMI Psychologist With office In the Village IS looking for a secretary/administrative assistant Parttime, Monday through Friday, 20 hours per week Duties Include Billing, correspondence & coordinating semmars Typing and telephone skills essential Computer knowledge deSirable Please send resume and cover letter to Dr. Mary Loomis, 17150 Kerchevel, PoInte, MI 48230 Grosse 304 SITUATION WANTID GINERAl HOME and yard maintenance Call Janet and DWight at 891-6065 30S SITUATION WANTED HOUSI ClIANING HOUSEKEEPING! I(OIOlng 4 years expenence Grosse POinte (efer. ences 822-2740 after 6 FOR YOUR BUSY SCHEDULE Laundry and ironing done by profeSSionals In your reSidence Pickup and delivery available Call 884-0721 EXPERIENCED Cleanmg lady With Grosse Pomte references I am depend. able and very thorough Friday morrlng open $12001 hour Mana 882- LOVING care for mce senIor Good references Experienced n6-1454 HOUSE Cleanlngexpenence, reliable, weekly or bl.weekly Call 445-6747 3837 MINOR sewing repairs by M,ldred Grosse POinte VAN'S ProfeSSional House & Office Cleaning Ser. Park 331-3989 vice FleXible hours, COUPLE seeking home, reasonable rates, profeswoman offers general Sional crew references housework, man offers 371-4285 or 7n-1509 yard work, exchange for room and board 886CLEAN. Rite profeSSional 0325 cleaning, low rates 843NEED SOMETHING 1125 MOVED? 306 SITUATION WANTED Two POinte reSidents Will HOUSE SITTING move or remove large or small quantities of furniHOUSESITTING person ture, appliances, pianos available for your winter or what have you Call for and summer vacations Short or long term Referfree estimate ences available 563. 8224400 7949 30S SITUATION WANTlD 307 SITUATION WANTED HOUSI CUANING NURSES AIDES CARMEN'S CLEANING SERVICE No time for housecleaning? Let our team come and do It for youl • Reasonable • References • Experienced 584-7718 NURSES aide, experienced, full or part-time, days or nights Good references, transportation 836-3684 NURSE Aide cook, light or hourly references or companion, duties, live- In Grosse POinte 882-2535 EXPERIENCED Nurse's aides available Reasonable rates Fraser Agency, state licensed and bonded 293-1717 DEPENDABLE and expertenced two sister team available for home, of. flces, etc MOVing? Call GROSSE Pomte reSident us to cleanl 882-9624 avallaable for 12- hour HOUSE Cleaning by Michnight shift 824-6876 elle Reliable and 301 SITUA nON WANTED Reasonable 771-0972 OFFICE CLEANING HOUSE cleamng ReferE.D.P. Inc offers you a vaences My work IS SPIC riety of profeSSional office and span Call Fran, n2cleaning For more de7117, 824-6876 tails, call 884-0721 LADY DeSires cleaning In ---------Grosse POinte area own 400 MEIlCHANDISE transportation and referANTIQUES ences 527-3383 TWO Polish women Will clean your homes Reliable, dependable, expenenced, ready to start our work now1 Fof' your' 0051 satISfaction Good references Marzanna and LIdia 865-4413 QUALITY and profeSSional. Ism are Importantl Relief and Peace of Mmd are essential Get " FIRST MAID" personal maid service 228-9262 ST Clair Shores houseWife Wishes to clean your home Mature accurate and ready to work References, low rates Call Greta at 293-4364 KENNARY KAGE ANTIQUES Open Wednesday, Thursday Friday, Sunday, 12-4p m Saturday, 9a m to 4p m WE BUY AND SELL Cadieux at East Warren 882-4396 ADRIAN ANTIQUE MARKET Sunday, August 27th, 1989, 8-4 PM Lenawee County Fairgrounds, Adrian, MI Available spaces for 150 dealers With quality antiques and collectibles Ram or shine AdmiSSion $200 - (517) 263-3115 DENLEY'S ANTIQUES RELIABLE Polish woman IS Willing to clean your resI- 19th & Early 20th century Am':lncana carefully sedence Dependable, lected furniture, clocks, pleasant thorough and decoys toys, quilts, acexperienced Grosse cessories and Folk Art POinte area references Summer hours thru 9-30, upon your request 884Monday - Fnday, 9- 5 0721, 892-0722 Closed Saturday & SunMAID TO ORDER day 27112 Harper, south HOUSECLEANING of 11 Mile Road SERVICE n2-9385 Reliable, experienced team WE BUY AND SELL cleaning Free estimates WARDROBE, $1,100 Reasonable rates George III bookcase, (6' n8-7429 long by 4 1/2' tall by 16" AIM To Please Cleaning deep). $1,600 Oak platService. We do quality form rocker, $300 Ger. cleaning for your home man Walther PP WIth Call Diane, 779-2875 markings, $300 2French engravings With HANDYMAN, experienced remarques, $250 5~ and reliable Houseclean6751 Ing and palOtlng, Indoors ann out MalOtpnl'lnce ANTIQUE Gah roll-top desk and repair In Grosse POinte area Leave meso Recently refinished $800 sage, Richard, 771-7092 RELIABLE Finnish lady desires cleaning or laundry Good With elderly References n9-1038 THE HOUSE-KE.TEERS CLEANING SERVICE Professional, Bonded and Insured teams ready to clean your home or buslness Gift certifICates Available 10% Off With ThiS Ad First Time Callers Onlyl 582-4445 ~""""",.....______ HANDYMAN, expenenced and relIable HousecleanIng and pamtlng, Indoors and out Maintenance and repair In Grosse Pomte area Leave message, RIChard, m.7092 --------EXCELLENT houseclean. lng, reasonable rates n9-6283 RELIABLE, dependable, experienced, cleanmg done to your satiSfactIOn References ThUrsdays & Fridays available m. 7092 885-38n ---------ROUND oak pedestal table, four press back chairs, $950 Three door oak leebox, $485 Excellent condltlon n8-lOn OVAL antique marble table 35 x 26 $225 0084 top 527. GROSSE POINTE NEWS 882-6900 ---------FIREPLACE mantle, pme, English, CIrca 18b5 Opening 371/2" by 37 51 8" $575 881-9752 M anchester Antique Mell Turn-of-the-century Partners Desk In TIger Oak 116 East Main Manchester Open 7 days, 1().S 428-9357 --------FURNITURE refinished reo paired, striPped any 'type of caning Free estl' mates, 345-6258, 661. 5520 AVE completely restored full sIze wooden carousel horses frOim the tum-of. the.century IndiVidually Priced 751-8078 7C August 24, 1989 Grosse Pointe News 400 MEIlCHANDISE 40 I APPlIANC£S ANTIQUES ANTIQUE oak roll-top desk Recently refinished $800 HOTPOINT washer and gas dryer, 5 months old, dryer never used $495 881.9752 885-38n 1920. carved sofa chair Needs work for pair 885-2598 and $50 FREEZER. 5 cubiC foot Excellent condition SUItable for apartment or kitchen $50 885-1491 THE COLONIAL SHOP 25701 JEFFERSON NEAR 10 MILE Antiques, furniture, china, buy and sell Hlghesl pnces paid Monday Saturday, 11-6 PORTABLE G E dish. washer, very good condition Reasonable See at garage sale 910 Lakepointe Friday, Saturday, 10- 4 772-0430 TAPPAN gas stove, deluxe model, convection ovenself.cleanlng, excellent condition $150 331. DAVISBURG, MI Antiques Sunday, Mart August 7447 27 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. 7:00 a.m. - EARL YBIRD SHOPPERS WELCOMEf Free admission Inside Spnngfleld Oaks Center, 12451 AndersonVille Road, Davisburg, Mlch M&B, 548-7207. 403 TWO men's 10 speeds 1 ladles 3 speed, cheap 882-0306 SCHWINN adult 3 wheet, has large basket In back 882-8353 ANN ARBOR Antiques Market- The Brusher Show, Sunday, September 17, opening 21 st season 5055 Ann Arbor Saline Road, EXit 175 off 1-94 Over 350 dealers In qualIty antiques and select collectibles, all Items guaranteed as represented, and under cover, 5 A M - 4 P M AdmiSSion $3 Third Sundays The Ongtnalll CENTURIAN Ironman 12 speed, Peugot 12 speed, both excellent condition 886-9454 404 GARAGE I YARD BASEMENT SAlES GARAGE Sale, 44 Lakecrest Lane, Farms off Lakeshore Bikes, Nln. tendo games lamps, fur. nlture, etc Friday August 25th 9 to 1. GOT A BUSY SIGNAL? GARAGE sale 19656 Dam. man, August 25th, 26th, 27th 9 to 5 Furniture, collectibles, jewelry, Christmas and camping Everything must go RELAX! USE OUR FAX GROSSE POINTE NEWS 882-6900 ORIENTAL RUG KASHAN 10' X 14'4", hand knotted, 100% wool pyle Onental carpet Allover Curvilinear deSign In a beige field With a center medallion and an IVOry and blue primary border With blue and green accent colors Orlgm Persia Quality and conditIOn mint Only seriOUS Inqulnes please 886-4848 ROUND antique oak pedestal table, 4 pressback chairs $750 824-5228 401 APPLIANCES TWO Year old excellent condlllon white Whirlpool 1 unit apartment size washer and dryer, $375 After 6, 882.0091 4059 MULTI- Family sale Satur. day. August 26, B- 4 Moped, tandem bike, tires and rims for PonliaC 6000 or Fiero, mlsc household Items 1654 Bournemouth (lirst block behind St John Hospital) GAS stove, double oven, excellent condition, $85 881-4683 G.E Gas dryer, $100, good conditIOn 882-8036 GARAGE Sale, 461 UniverSlty, Grosse POinte Boys clothing, toys, baby Items, household articles Saturday, 10-4 G.E. refrigerator, bottom freezer, good condition, $125 886-4835 DELUXE 36" gas stove, top ovens, excellent conditIOn, $85 839-76n GARAGE Sale, Fnday 10-5 Children's, miscellaneous and household Items 488 laBelle, Grosse POinte Farms. across from Woods Theatre KENMORE sell-cleaning, 30" harvest gold nB3826 FRIDGIDAIRE Frostproof, 20 3 cubiC foot Side by Side refrigerator $275 331-2317 AMANA refrigerator/ freezer, Side by Side, 25 cubiC feet, water and Ice In door 5 years old $500 884-5024 G.E. Harvest Gold Side by Side With Ice maker, $225 G.E Harvest Gold electriC self cleaning range, $75 Fisher 40" rear projectlOn teleVISion, In cabinet With doors, remote control, stereo, cable ready, $1,600 882. 5997 after 6 p m women's, girlS, boys Fnday, Saturday, 12 noon6 August 25, 26 5290 Nonmgham Low prices No decals 400 MERCHANDISE ANTIOUES CASH NOW Fine Oriental Rugs, Furniture, including Paintings, Porcelains, Dolls, BIKES, books, mlsc house. hold Items, 1976 Chevy Blazer truck Friday 12 to 4, Saturday 9 to 4 1993 Hawthorne (2 blocks north of Vernier of Mack) HOUSEHOLD Sale! Thursday, August 24th, 10 to 4 Bedroom set, dining room set, refrigerator, dehumidifier, many household Items 22801 Lakeshore !=load, St Clair Shores THREE family garage sale, Friday Augusl 25th 9 to 4 2212 Allard Furniture, clothing, dishes, carpel, mise 21712 Fresard, SI Clair Shores August 24th thru 27th, 9 to 5 Baby clothes, toys, pool lable, miscellaneous AUGUST 26, 10-3, August 27, 11-3 Between 8 and 9 Mile, off Beaconsfield, entire subdiVISion on Chalon participating I GARAGE Salel Fnday, Saturday, 9 to 4 20206 Ed munton. St Clair Shores Featunng Amish qUilts GARAGE sale- Corner of Beaconsfield & Charle. VOIX, Friday, Saturday Sunday, August 25th28th MOVING Sale August 25 and 26, 9 to 3 Miscellaneous household appliances, tools, books, photographiC equipment 21402 Prestwlck, Harper Woods, off Mack SATURDAY, August 26 22978 Clalrwood, St Clair Shores Between Greater Mack- Jefferson, south of 9 Mile Road Everything fram furniture to toys GARAGE Sale, 4400 Bedford Fnday, Saturday, 26th, 27th 10 to 4 Furniture, children's clothes much more FRIDA Y, Saturday, 8- 4, mulli family yard sale 753 Rivard Commodore computer With extras $40, Wicker Bentwood rocker, needs work, $35, exercise bike, $30, household Items, linens, spreads, rugs, loads of deSigner quality teen clothes TWO family garage sale, 429 Moran, August 25, 10-4 Household articles, old linens, old costume jewelry. sewing notions, chlldrens clothing, toys, MOVING Sale, Friday, Satchlldrens bicycles, books, urday, August 25. 26, 9pictures, speakers, porta5 440 Moran Road. blC' dryer. Onental rugs and more Everything NEEDED! Usable housemust go, bargain prices hold Items, clothing, furm. ture, small appliances No presales and toys for worthy GIANT garage sale, one cause Lighthouse Catheday only Everything must dral Youth OrganizatlOn go, bool-s, bpddmg uonatlons lax C1ecJuCliOle games, treasures, tires, Call 872-4792 for more clothing No reasonable information offer refused Saturday, 8/26189, 9-6 1170 HarGARAGE Sale, T- shirts, all vard, Grosse POinte Park SIZes, all colors Men's, MERCHANDISE ANTIOUES For your 104 GAIIAGE YARD IIASEMENT SA~l~ MOVING Salel DIning Table (2 leaves) and pads, 4 chairs. Queen Anne style, cherrywood Earthtone stripe !oveseat (loose cushion) Cherrywood single headboard TradlIiOnal camelback 76" sofa, earth tones, wood botlom Rattan pole (glass top) 44" diameter party table With 4 loose cushion chairs on rollers natural finish, papnka color Klngslze Henredon Island bed, nutmeg, With Simmons mattress set Kmgslze Hemedon storage headboard, electrical hookup - Nutmeg Mlsc household Items Call 884-5292 YARD Sale, 20001 KingsVille, Harper Woods August 25, 26, 27, 9-4 GARAGE sale, Thursday and Fnday, Saturday 10 to 7 kids clothes, toys. maternity clothes, furniture 11908 Roxbury HUGE Garage Sale- 30 year accumulatlonfurniture, collectibles, bikes, stove, clothing, books, glassware, dishes, toys, games, 1,000 plus Items, too numerous to mention August 25, 26 B- 3 712 Pemberton, Grosse POinte Park, cancel If rain YARD Sale- bikes, luggage carner, dorm fridge, ladies small size clothes, much more Friday, AuGARAGE Sale! Friday, SatSale- baby and gust 25th, 12- 8 Satur- MOVING urday & Sunday, August children's clothes, car day, August 26th, 10- 6 25th, 26th & 27th, 8 to 3 seats, toys, etc, house20428 Beaufal!, west of 19250 Boleyn, DetrOit hold Items 21682 Van 94 (North of 1.94, west of Kay North of Vernier, FURNITURE, clothing, toys, Cadieux, off Ford service MorningSide to Briarcliff books, decorative objects, drive) to Van Kay August 25th, etc Sunday, 10. 5 569 26th, 930- 3 MOVING SALE boys clothLakepolnte, Grosse Ing, adult clolhlng, mls. RUMMAGE sale, moving, 9 POinte Park cellaneous Items, 1610 am to 4 pm, Friday and GARAGE Sale- Antiques, FORD CT, Saturday, Saturday. August 25, 26 household Items, biCYNoon to 3 00 P m August Toys. pictures, knick cles, clothing, miscella26th I knacks, Christmas ornaneous 1812 Broadstone, ments and tree, furniture. HUGH Salel comblmng 2 Saturday, 830-2 books, etc 23815 Tephouseholds, we have lots pert, East DetrOl1 beSALE 2048 Norwood, of duplicates that are not !'Neen Kelty and GratIOt, Grosse Pomte Woods needed, tools, many betw~I1 9 MIle and SteThursday, Friday 10 to 4 bikes, riding toys, mlsc Toys, bikes, clothing, pbl'lns, , ~ _ lays. appliances, clothing household Items, air con- HUGE 3 family garage sale and mlsc household Satditioner urday August 26th, 9 to yard goods. household 3 1119 Beaconsfield Items, toys, miscellaYARD Salel Saturday & (Park) Ater 2 p m ever. neous Thursday, Frrday, Sunday, August 26th & Saturday, 9-7 2155 East thing 1/2 price 27th, 9 to 5 3975 Three 8 Mile Road Mile, between Mack & BOOK donations needed Warren Furniture, cloth- FIVE family garage sale for St Clare used book Ing. homemade baked antique collectibles, flgulrsale Hard cover, paper goods and morel back 882-2663 or 884Ines, Jewelry. linens, Call and InqUire about our FAX MACHINE. When time Is short and our lines are bUSy, you can simply FAX the copy along with billing and category information. 400 BICYCLIS 404 GAUGE I YUD IIA~EMENT SALIS Royal Jewelry glassware, pictures, lamps, Silverware, clothIng, other household miscellaneous New and old August 24 25, 26, 27 87 13204 East Outer Drive MOVING saleFurmture. tools, toys, clothes, householdeverything must go 6190 Lodewyck (between Chandler Park Dr & Chester), Saturday, Sunday. 9- 3 GARAGE sale August 24, 25, 26, 9 am until 20445 Hollywood (on the west Side of 1-94 directly off the surface drive be!'Neen Old 8 Mile & Vermer) 884-9492 ete Phone 96.1.6469f'or a FREE verbal appraisal. Since 1927 409 E. Jefferson CERTIFIED AUCTIONEERS & ESTATE APPRAISERS 404 GAI!.l~E YAIlO I.lSll"ENT SAlES 1129 YORKSHIRE Garage Salel New Sierra fitness exerCiser, Christmas Items, back-to-school Items, handyman gadg. ets, linens, bedding, toys, games Wicker love seat, brass candlesticks, vases, Silverware, boat compass, three brass propellers, baskets, stationery and much morel Frtday & Saturday, Au. gust 25th & 26th, 10 to 4 FRIDAY, Saturday, 627 Washington 9. 2 MOVING: final yard sale, 12267 Landsdowne, between Morang and Morass August 24. 25, 9-6 MOVING Sale, everything goes Make me any offel, Fnday 10-2, Saturday, 92 911 South Oxford GIANT MOVing Sale Saturday, 25th, 730-4, Sunday, 26th. 9-2 5725 Marseilles, DetrOit YARD Sale, baby furniture, clothing, Women's clothIng Lot's of mlsc Fnday, Saturday 10 to 7 11383 Klinger GARAGE Sale, Fnday, Saturday, Sunday, 372 Hillcrest Childrens fall clothIng, toys, miscellaneous household Items and furniture 9 a m to 5 p m YARD Salel Ping Pong table, curtains, drapes, sewing machine green wool area rug, king size headboard, chairs, desk, and morel Saturday, 9 to 12 170 Morass, Farms AUGUST 24th, 25th, 26th. 93 No presales Clothes, books, miscellaneous Items 2222 Ridgemont, between MackJ Harper MOVING SALE Furniture, household Items, radiOS, stereo, bookcases, brassware, linens, glass. ware, pictures, India tea set, china, lamps, luggage, clothing. Ice skates and hundreds more 1445 DEVONSHIRE CORNER MACK FRIDAY & SATURDAY 9TO 5. GARAGE Sale, Thursday, Friday, August 24,25 104 11129 Roxbury between Morang and Whittier GARAGE sale- 1827 Newcastle, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, 9- 4 GirlS clothIn9 Everything must go GARAGE Sale 10 AM to 6 PM, Friday and Saturday, August 25th, 26th 4424 KenSington GARAGE saleSaturday, Sunday, 26, 27, 9- 4, 1174 Anita 2 family pluschlldrens clothing, adult clothing, toys, household miscellaneous MOVING Salel Saturday, 10 to 6 4869 Devonshire, DetrOIt Brass bed, secretary, 10 speed bike, furniture, dehumidifier CUMPULSIVE savers unlode, hoards of household goods, tons of toys Multi-family yard sale EducallOnal toy samples, 1335 KenSington Fnday August 25th 9 a m 10 4 pm LARGE Garage Salel Friday and Saturday 830 to 5 957 Fisher Rd Baby bed, play pen, baSSinet, Infant seat, baby, toddler, maternity clothes, snowSUitS. toys, ping pong taYARD sale- Friday, Saturble, carpets, mlsc furniday, AM, 4355 Kenslngture and household Ion Many mISCelic1r1tNu:. Items MOVing" Price 10 Items sell and In great shape II EXCELLENT 2 5 refngerator, ladles bike, dehumidifler, Flexsteel sofa, chairs. poker table. more 30 Hampton, Friday, Saturday, 9-4 YARD Sale, Fnday and Saturday, 930 to 530 10526 Roxbury MOVING SALE August 24th and 25th, 9 30 am to 4 pm, Roscommon, ESTATE/YARD SALE! August 25th, 26th, 27th 9 AM to 5 PM ONLY! 15571 Deerfield, East Detroit (5 blocks north of 9 Mile, west of Gratiot) Antiques, qU'~lng matertals, dishes, canning supplies, miscellaneous Items, Franklin sewing machine, toys, boy's clothln~, baby furnFture Christmas Ftems, Jewelry, furnFture, trunks, old Avon bottles & decanters, too many Ftems to IIstl NO PRE-SALESI ALL SALES FINAL! Collectibles Doultons, 404 18n9 Harper Woods GARAGE SALE August 26, 27, 9-5 19437 Kenosha, Harper Woods Boys clothing, girls clothIng, excellent condlllOn Furniture. household Items, baby Ftems, mlscel. laneous All proceeds to benefit fund for medical expenses Incurred by a 4 year old glrf who reqUires a bone marrow transolant "HUGE SALE" BE WISE ADVERTISE CALL GROSSE POINTE NEWS 882-6900 Combining 2 households. We have rots of dupll. cates that are no longer needed. Tools, many bikes. riding toys, mlsc toys, appliances. clothing and mlsc household Saturday, August 26th 9 to 3 1119 Beaconsfield (Park) Everything "Half Price" alter 2 D.m. 404 GARAGI YAIID BASEMENT SAlES DESK, executIVe 5 drawer Furniture, dryer, sewing machine, pots, diShes, fans, tools, lawn, sport eqUipment Books, curtains, various 1030 Audubon Friday and Saturday 9 to 5 GARAGE Sale 2 boys bikes, household goodIes Saturday 9 to 2 only 1569 Brys Dnve GAUGE YAIlD U~EMENT SAtfS GARAGE Sale- 19212 Berden. Harper Woods, between freeway and Mack. one block off Moross Fri' day, Saturday, 10- 5 No early sales Tools, fishing equipment, household Ilems, air conditioner, freezer, lots of miscellaneous GARAGE sale, 25th, 26th 18567 WoodSide, Harper Woods near Kelly 9 to 5 Clothes, furniture, mlsc Garage sale- 3531 Bluehlll, FndaySunday, 9- 5 Everything must gol KIDS sale- Friday, 9- 3 Girls & boys clothes, preteen & teen, Guess & Polo Bike, skateboards, roller blades, Star Wars, GI Joe, Bamles, games, books, and much more 275 Mernweather 10S (HAHSAIf\ ESTATE Sale' AntIQues, IIgUlfines, clocks, glassware, miscellaneous 11052 McKinney. Friday, Saturday, 9-2 ESTATE SALEI Friday .. saturday AUgUR 25 & 26 9 AM to 4 PM 35172 Weideman Mount Clemens (off 15, west of GratIOt) Old furniture, lamps, and glassware, miscellaneous Items GARAGE sale August 26th. Saturday 10 to 4 MOVING SALE, lots of chi 1p m Antiques, toys, drens clothing, baby bed bikes, Oa.k desk, bunk and dresser, older G E bed bedroom set, furnistove, some furniture, lots ture 1898 coffee mill. of odds and ends Thursprinting press (1878) No day thru Saturday, 10-5 pre-sales 811 St Clair 18784 Washtenaw Grosse POinte City YARD Sale- Saturday, SunGIAGANTIC Garage Salel day, 9- 4 20716 Gaukler, Friday 8 thru 5, Saturday St Clair Shores 8 to 1 934 Westchester BIG MOVing Sale Chairs, Tons of chtldrens clothing lamps, tables, pictures, both boys and girls, sizes trunk. lots of mlsc SaturInfant thru 8 Toys, furniday only 9 to 1 5296 ture, screened house, Harvard pedestal Sinks GARAGE Sale, 20499 GARAGE sale- Friday, SatWoodland. Harper urday, August 25, 26, Woods Saturday, Sun830- 5, 20505 Van Antday, 1-5 werp, Harper Woods GARAGE Sale- some an. Household appliances, tlques, ceramic kiln. furnl' women and mens cloth. ture and other Items lng, jewelry, baby clothes 27307 Pnnceton, St Clair fu rnlture and toys Shores, Thursday, Friday, GARAGE Salel Saturday Saturday 26th, 930 to 1 30, 747 GARAGE sale- 24932 CubRivard, Grosse POinte berness (near 10, beBoys clothes, matemlty tween 1-94 & Little Mack), clothas, furniture and St Clair Shores, Saturm\sc household Items day, Sunday, 10- 5 Many Items 405 ESTATE SALES FUN Sale- Lots of clothes, toys and winter coats for the whole family 9 to 3 Saturday 155 LeWiston Lets make a deall GROSSE POINTE NEWS WANT ADS Call Early I WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, 8 to 5 8 to 6 8 to 5 SATURDAY, 10 to 1 MONDAY, 8 to 6 882.6900 WE BUY BOOKS IN YOUR HOME Free Offers No Obligation Appraisals Furnished Entire Estates also DeSired JOHN KING 961..Q622 Michigan's Largest Book Store • Clip and Save thiS Ad • 40S ESTATE SAlES HOUSEHOLD GARAGE Sale, vacuums, chairs and lot's lot's morel Thursday 10 to 4 Fnday 9 to 3 1002 Harvard MOVING out of Stalel 274 Alter. Saturday 10 to 5 (Rain Date Sunday) Furniture, antiques, lots of clothing, ladles to 10, t>oys up to e, 10YS, mlsc, 4 x 4 club or dog house, sWing sel 824-1353 and ESTATE SALES APPRAISALS ANTIQUES PURCHASED 771-1170 l KATHERINE ARNOLD. ANTIQUES e QUALITY Home Furnishings & Clothing Sale' Includes Henre<lon, Polo Only a few distinct Items for a few hours' 9 AM to 2 PM, saturday, August 26th 411 Moran Road, Grosse POinte Farms GARAGE Salel 11 Wellington Place, Saturday 26th, 10104 Household Items, furniture and ladles clothIng THIS IS It' The haVing a babyl back to school! first apartmenV finishing up the house sale Three famll,es Furniture, appll. ances. lots of kitchen supplies, full set of china for 12, baby things, electnc keyboard, antIque sewing machine, and lots more Fnday and Saturday, 10-5, 19216 LinVille, Grosse POinte Woods Next to St John Hospital GARAGE Sale. 15704 Couzens, (9 Mllel Gratiot) Friday, Saturday, 9 to 6 Also 1979 Lincoln MULTI Family garage Sale Lots of good stuff, August 25th, 9 to 5 August 26th, 9 to 12 1066 Anita Woods No Pre-salesll _._.,.,~ ,..._,_ ",n""'J Ull \,I"n",'U~ ~C:IU:::" uo, I II'" crest Baby things, clothIng, and much mlsc Fri' day, Saturday, 9 am- 2 pm MOVING Sale 823 Crescent Lane, Grosse POinte Woods MICrowave, bed. spreads, ping pong table. bench, lamps, household Items Lots of great buys In mint condlllOnl Fnday August 25, 10- 4 Satur. day August 26, 10- 2 PM BRING thiS ad, get 2QOAloff any rtem' Assorted treas. ures, dIShes, toys, skiS Fnday. Saturday, 10- 4 910 Lakepomte HOUSEHOLD SALE FRIDAY - SATURDAY AUGUST 25th.26th 10.4 p.m. 586 NEFF furniture, bikes, golf clubs, clothing, dishes, Silver, drapes, artwork Mahogany dining fable, T V's, lamps, stereo, ap. pllances, collectibles, tools. ti8rtz~ SUSAN HARTZ GROSSE POINTE CITY 886-8982 HARTZ HOUSEHOLD SALES, INC. Trust your sale to us knOWing that we are the most experienced moving and estate sale company In the Grosse POinte area. For the past 10 years we have prOVided first quality service to over 500 satisfied chents CALL THE 24 HOUR HOTLINE - 885.1410 FOR UPCOMING SALE INFORMATION Grosse Pointe Estate Sales, Inc. Estate - Household MARY ANN BOLL 882-1498 MOVing PATRICIA KOLOJESKI 885.6604 RAINBO W EST ATE SALE 276 FISHER ROAD GROSSE POINTE FARMS FRIDAY, AUG. 25TH (9 -3) SATURDAY, AUG. 26TH (10. 4) THIS IS A WONDERFUL WHOLE HOUSE ESTATE SALE WITH A DELIGHTFUL MIX OF CLASSIC TRADITIONAL FURNISHINGS AND ACCESSORIES. t:urnJturc ~~ahogany small dlnlf'\~ room SAt. Hendredon light green Ioveseat; many mahogany end and occaSional tables, what-not shelves; mahogany lady's desk; painted whFte country kitchen table and chairs, 6 piece bamboo set with green floral cushions; green velvet wing. back chair, floral channel-back chair; beautiful mahogany dreSSing table wIth bench and mirror; Kling cherry bedroom set with dresser, mirror, red art-deco desk; walnut shaVing mirror; ladles boudOir chair; walnut double bedroom set (Berkey and Gay), sewing stand and much, much more. Antiques and collectibles New Haven mantle clock; figUrines galore, china cups and saucers, Sterling and Silver plate, 4 x 7 orlenfal; Wyandotte toy shooting gallery; wonderful linens, flower basket qUI~ (unfinished), glassware; and much more. MISC. Magn~lcent Chickering upright plano in mint condFtlon, floor lamps, like new Kenmore washer and gas dryer, loads of kitchen Items; old Maytag wringer machine, large Window alrcondl110ner; Wedgewood style lamps, G.E. refrigerator and electrIC stove, humld~rer, pots and pans, pICtures and frames, books; drafting table, four drawer file; Jewelry; large trunk; gas lawnmower; Sheffield carving set plants, older chest freezer, x.mas Items, hooked rugs, older mounted globe; and more We also have a 1985 Trans Am, black and gold (56,000 miles) and a 1976 Grenada with 38,000 miles. THIS SALE IS LOADED WITH QUALITY MERCHANDISE SO PLAN ON STOPPING AND SHOPPING NUMBERS 7 30 A M FRIDAY ONLY LOOK FOR THE RAINBOW! ! ! I August 24, 1989 8e Grosse Pointe News ~Oq MISCIllANEOUS uTlCUS ~Oq MISCHlANIOUS uTlCllS WANTED 2716 day bed, 884- 16 well dip cabinet, Taylor soft Ice Cfeam twist machine, Welch slush ma. chine, two display count. ers, 12 card racks 5261411 weekdays, 882-3043 weekends WHIRPOOL microwave, $200 Trestle table with 2 benches, 2 chairs, $500 884-7312 EIGHT foot thermal doorwall, frame screen 881-1679 pane and FRENCH Provincial style bedroom sUIte, Includes head and foot boards, Steams and Foster box spring and mattress, (double bed size), chest of drawers, 2 nIght stands, vanltyl dressing table and stool Excellent condition $650 call Ms LeWIS at 965-9600 days, 343-9132 evenings SOFA stnped, bluel green, 2 green chairs 881-4373 CANOPY bed- twin Attrac. tlve medium brown wood, mattressJ boxspnng included, 2 years old, excellent COndrtlon Grosse POinte Park, 331.9005 af. ter 6 pm 40S mAll GENERAL Electnc air con. dltlOner, 110 volt, blows cold air, excellent condl' tlon, $150 or oHer 3717772 BAR stools, bath cabinet, maple table, ottoman, pallo set 469-0362 LIVING room, dining room, family room, two bed. room sets for sale 885- 7564 MOVING. 1930's walnut dining room set, buHet, china cabinet, lable, 4 chairs liVing room furnl' ture, appliances, other household 371.4821 Harper Woods AIR conditIOner, used 1 summer, 1988 Alrtemp, 17,500 BTU Mounting brackets Included Must sell, $300 or best oHer 881.7404 WHEELCHAIR, excellent condition, $350 value, $100 882.9725 G.E. portable dishwasher, metal porch sWing, maple furnilure 881.2861 FURNITURE; 2 bedroom outfits, double beds, 2 IIv. Ing room chairs, 2 tables, dining room table and 4 chairs 371-7160 ~OS ESTAT( SAm SAm I ~ CRaitlbow 8state gaQeg ESTATE AND HOUSEHOLD LIOUIDATIONS Excellent R ef erences Complete Glen and Sharon Service Burkett 885'()826 MONA LISA ESTATE SALES Household Estate Sales & LiqUIdations Cash or Consignment PHONE 24 HOURS 772.3556 772.6407 HARTZ HOUSEHOLD SALES, INC. FOUR SALE WEEKEND AUGUST 25 • 26 FRIDAY & SATURDAY 10:00 A.M.• 4:00 P.M. 55 LEWISTON GROSSE POINTE FARMS CORNER OF GROSSE POINTE BLVD. ThiS whole house sale features traditional mahogany furniture and antique for all rooms of lhe house including a mahogany tWin bedroom set with block frMt chest & dresser, antique compalgn chest, antique mahogany dreSSing table & stool, glOriOUS early 18th Century grandfather clock, antique English cellaret, maple bedroom set, floral love seat, wrought Iron porch furniture, Martha Washington sewing stand, spool Crib, Bentwood rocker, drop front secretary, lighted globe and much more We also have dozens of figUrines Including Royal Copenhagen, Spade, Royal Worcester, Hummel plates, barware, loads of framed prints, 011 paintings by Elmer Nelson and Hugle Lee Smith, both well known Detrort artists, decorative accessones, small antique rtems and more Also available are chlldrens rtems including a large rocking horse, table & chairs, toys. games, ping pong table, etc ThiS IS a most Interesting collectIOn of antiques, furnrture and collectibles much of which IS 40.50 years old 51 WILLISON GROSSE POINTE SHORES OFF LAKESHORE JUST SOUTH OF SMILE ThiS whole house sale features a frultwood dining set with large lighted china, several pieces of leather lop mahogany including a nest of tables, drum table, etc . a bamboo lounge chair, ottoman and Side chair, a frurtwood bedroom set, assorted upholstered pieces In fine conditIOn, a formlca & wood dinette set and much more We have many pieces of lovely Silver plate including a collee serviCe, a pair ot GlOlsonne vases, Fostona, antique barber bottle, loads of barware, kllchen Items, a basement full of assorted goodies, books, 2 color T.V.'s, washer & dryer and much much more 258 MCKINLEY GROSSE POINTE FARMS BETWEEN CHARLEVOIX & BEAUPRE ThiS lovely sale fealures charming mahogany & antiques for all rooms of the house including a dining lable & 6 Shendan chairS, a antique Lincoln rocker, VlCtonan chest of drawers, mahogany lable wrth fluted legs, brown cherry table, maple nesl of tables, and much more. We also have wt glass, antiques bndes bowl, pair of crystal vases, antique brass mantel candelabra's, thumb print 011 lamps, Bavarian chma, assorted old glassware & dishes. We also have a washer & dryer, freezer, canning eqUIpment, new glass & Iron porch table & chairs All items In fine condihon. 741 HAWTHORNE GROSSE POINTE WOODS BETWEEN 8 & 9 MILE ThiS charming cape cod house features colonial furnrture including a maple bedroom set, two Ioveseats, a porch full of wrought iron furniture, etc. We also have a sel of Francescan pottery, aJt ~Iass, artist drawmg board, humld~ler, air conditIOner, electriC hedge chppers, electriC blower & garden supplies. NUMBERS AVAILABLE FROM 9:00-10:00 A.M. FRIDAY. FOR MORE INFORMATION, DIRECTIONS OR DETAILS CALL THE 24-HOUR HOlUNE AT 885-1410. L ~ ~ ~oq MISCEllANEOUS 40' ARTIClES COMPUTER. At clone (355% faster Ihan PC), 30 M dISk, 2 floppies, mono, LQ pnnter, DOS many extras, call for des. cnptlns, $1,990 Mlscella. nelous softwarel hard. ware, call for complete list 882.1664 evenings ANTIQUE brass bed, twin Size, party dress, aqua 881-8476 EARLY 20th Century "Ja. cobean style" walnut dinIng set. Circa 1920's, applied carving, turned legs, buffet. glass front hutch, table With 6 chairs, good condltlon, $700 seV best offer 331.0335 TREE bench, white wrought Iron, Circular, excellent condltlon 881.5070 LARGE metal office desk and chair, $150 Utility chair, golf cart, lighting fixtures, 779-9106 GIRL'S casual and dressy clothes, ages 10 to 14 Girl'S medium curly lamb Jacket, ages 7 to 10 Thursday and Friday, 10 to 3 1002 Harvard, Grosse POinte Park 886- WOOD desk, 32x50" , 6 drawers With ftle 886- 9454 7488 COUCH, 2 piece sectional With queen size hldeabed, nalural color, $450! best 886-1038 ETHAN Allen dark pine ::iOfa, club chair, ottoman, stereo cabinet Best offer 823-5762 THREE air conditioners, Window size Stili under warranty $175 each 824-5228 FRENCH ProVinCial desk, Mediterranean coffee ta. ble, leather Jacket, fox Jacket, miscellaneous quality GirlS clothing size 5/7, tires, antique dresser, 886-5270 9X12' Oriental rug, excellent condition, $600 Two oak schoolroom desks, front and end Units, $50 886-6828 QUEEN size capn wat. erOOd, heater, hose and headboard, one year old, $225 824-2475 GENDRON wheelchair only $100, bargain Adjustable folding hand walker, only $35, bargain Air condl' tloner, 11,000 btu, 3 speed, 115 alc, only $225, bargain A few other bargain Itemsl 331- MOVING sale- G E refnger. alar and stove, sofa and loveseat, kitchen set 884-4916 WEBBER gnll, 19' TV With stand, ladles SchWinn 5 speed bike, white refngeralar, Maytag washer, an. tlque mirrors Appoint. ment only Call after 6 pm 885-1911 4402 CEMENT mixer, electnc, $75 Potters wheel, electric! manual, $200 8828167 CHERRY wood dining table With pad, 6 padded chairs, Side buffet and china hutch, $850 823- BAUER roller blades, mens size 7, excellent condition 886-4036 3842 BRASS and glass dinette $150 White contemporary couch $75 ColOnial rocker $75 792.9798 CHERRY mahogany corner cabinet, $125 Medium upright freezer, $60 8828075 COMMODORE 64, color monitor, keyboard, diSC drive, JOY sticks, many games and software $295 Call John, 881- TWO high back pale muted green stripe fireSide occa. Slonal chairs $160 each, excellent 777-6559 0740 TRAILER, 16' tires $125 Call after 4 30, 882.3434 SOFA- two piece sectional, beige and blue, somewhat worn, $100 824- CROSSBOW, Barnett Wildcat like new, $150 Call 882-3434 after 4 30 PM 9657 COMPLETE set of ground school booKS for pnvate pilot certlfrcallon $75 881-4741 JAMES A. MONNIG BOOKSELLER 15133 KERCHEVAL 331.2238 Selected books bought and sold Vintage Video Rentals TWO large weather vanes, one horse, one sailboat $69 882-6283 DELUXE self-clean electriC range, food dehydrator, 8 tray, new Hoover floor polisher! rug shampooer Stainless double Sink Ping pong table 775. 0264 TWO Green liVing room chairs, good condition, $40 each Full size bed, complete, $35 331-0335 OAK bed frame With 6 bUiltIn drawers Can bed used as water bed or With California King mattress (In. cluded) 886-4036 QUEEN size mattress $125 775-5789 TWO matching medium beige barrel back chairs, $200 Call 884-7950 Fn day set, BENTWOOD 881-6264 ORIENTAL RUGS Don't sell yours see usl We pay for your Oriental gardless of size tlon For a free call rocker $45 WATERSKI H 0, turbo competlllOn O'Netil shortie wet SUit 885-4355 until yOL top dolla rugs, re or condl appraisal, WINTER pool cover. 18x34', used one season, on 16x32' pool $50 88'1533 649-6445 The Missing 409 MISCElLANEOUS ARTICLES llNCiiJ Linking individuals to Needs in the Communrty 15 a non-profit organizallOn whose purpose IS to coordinate needs With resources, ThiS IS accomplished by placln\} goods no longer needed by indIVIduals and bUSinesses Into the hands of Metropolitan Detroll chantable agencies Operating since 1971, L1NC IS proud of lhe accomplishments It has made and strives to :................""",....... ;..- "1,,,,...,,,,,"',",0 h .......~ If vn'l h!n1A r~("I~ble ;;;-~gs:~~o"To'nYg;rYOf-use-to you~ Operation L1NC knows who can and Will use lhem Please call L1NC al 882-6100 With your donation KEEP IT MOVING I Summer is coming and so IS the heat! FANS AND AIR CONDITIONERS r,:, ••" been requested by lhe following organlzatlons: Judson Center, Grateful Home, Operation Help, Youth LIVing Centers, and Friends of Aurora. YWCA CAMP COVELL, CHILDRENS HOME OF DETROIT, AND FRIENDS OF AURORA have requested camping equipment, espeCially SLEEPING BAGS Escort service and home delIVered meals are lust two of the many services of SOC, SERVICES FOR OLDER CITIZENS. ThiS group is In need of an ANSWERING MACHINE. It's spring cleaning llmel PAINT has been requested by, Children's Center, Flec, Care City, Neigh. borhood CatholiC Youth OrganizallOn and th Teen. age Parent Program VACUUM CLEANERS and MOPS are needed for c1ean.up althe PhoeniX Job Development, Detrort Urban Lutheran School and the Young Mens Christian ASSOCiatIOn of Metro Detrort HELP THESE GROUPS CLEAN UP FOR SPRINGII Help them enloy summer Chlldrens Home of Detrort and Northville Regional PsychiatriC Hospital have a need for patio furniture. As the summer nears L1NC always has requests for sj)orts eqUipment (SOFTBALLS, WATER TOYS, CROQUET SETS, BASEBALL GLOVES) and :or BOARD GAMES AND CRAFT supplies. TICK TOCK' TICK TOCKI Childrens Home of DetrOit and House of Love need WALL CLOCKS. CONTACT LlNC 882-6100 SCHEDULE DROP OFF MICS 9375-1289 i MISCllIANEOUS AUIClES 409 FOR Sale Air-Dyne Excellent Reader's best offer Antique and Fine Furnltu re Shops 16135 Mack Avenue Baby Grand plano (mahogany, 5 foot) Mahogany breakfront, 6 1/2 feet x 5 1!2 feet, With Secretary drawer Dining room sets (mahogany) by Mt Airy, Robert Irwin, Bernhardt, Drexel, Morganton, and More Mahogany cedar chest Chippendale and Queen Anne highboys Bedroom sets and extra bedroom pieces Wingback chairs (Chippendale, Queen Anne, French and Regency) Chippendale and Duncan Phyle sofas Mahogany china cabinets, buffets, dropleaf and upnght dining room tables and sets of mahogany dining room chairs Area size Onental rugs Ma. hogany secretary and flat top desk French Bombe and small chest Cuno cabinets 882-5622 1987 SchWinn exercise bike condition stand $600 or 771-5568 6448 HUMMEL new "Ride Into Christmas", speCial price After 6, Eileen 778-5318 MOVING: Will sell large china cabinet, 60" Wide, 77" high, dark walnut Blond lamp table, $25 42x30" perlect plate mirror, $49, hang 9Ilher way DIning chairs, perfect condillon, $55 each Gold framed oil painting, 30x42" Record! cassette player! recorder, $75 ReA console 25" televl' Sian, $350 12 Mrle, 2961186 ARC Welder, heavy duty Craftsman, 35- 230 ac amp output, excellent condition, $200 5269288, leave message WANTED. fireplace mantles and used kitchen cabinets 882-2625 POLO dress and sports $700 885-2345 ShirtS, sizes 14- 18, LeVI'S BED, full Size, extra long, 505's, sizes 28- 30, Navy With mattress. springs blazer, wool, size 16 All and light wood foot and In excellent condition head board Excellent 886-1571 $195 777-6559 BIG box of boys clothing, CHERRYWOOD cocktail excellent condition, sizes and end table, $200, like 4 to 5 $25 ExerCise new 881-8674 bike, excellent condition REMINGTON 12 guage, $40 886-7903 double barrel, $299! best CASH for acoustic and oHer 822-7786 between electriC gUitars Check 8-6pm your AttICI 886-1075 DINING room set, octagonal table, 6 cane chairs ORIENTAL RUGS and china, perfect for 29"x10'11" llLIAHAN smaller din mg room, 40" x 58" HAMAOAN $400 886-2143 or 881 34" x 66' SHIRAZ 7454 38" x 19'2" HAMADAN GIRLS clothing 7-14, Teeils 26- x 50" SAROUK 32" x 12'2" 5-11, books, mlsc Fnday HAMADAN 1"'\" ~ U"'"I"r\At..1 37" x ~~Ig". 11,,, .. ,,",,,,..\1. '::J ..;)U IV"'t c.J:1 IYIUl U~ KERMAN 8'9" x 11'9" CALL 881-2642 '" I 4 BROTHERS TypeWriter (4 colors) Does calculating, can be used as a computer pnnter, does pi charts, graphs, plotting, bar graphs, different font Sizes, some desk top capabilities, only used once (new machine) 2 1/2 Ibs, very lightweight $400 or best offer 680-3480 SOFTWARE package copIes that we have In the office at $25 a copy 68D-3480 XEROX 620 memory writer valued at $1,600 Five pages of memory, can double as a printer Very durable machine $700 or best offer 68D-3480 CANNON copier Can produce 700 copies per month, good condition $420 or best oHer 68D- 3480 TYPEWRITER, Brother's 25 lb model that can dou. ble as a pnnter With a computer hook up Very lightweight (also runs on battenes) Has 16 character memory, easy to use and very convenlenl $300 or best offer (only been used 5 times) 68D3480 BURROUGHS, two office writers complete (processor keyboard and printer) Word processing machines valued at $1,500 each One man. ochrome orange and the other green Completely refurbished $700 each or best offer 680-3480 MUSICAL INSTItUMENTS USED PIANOS CLASSIFIEDS 882.6900 882-7143 OLD toys, trains, furmlure, glassware, sports Items, etc CASH 832.1058 WANTED to buy old COSo tume and Rhinestone jewelry brass lamps, ceilIng fixtures, wall sconces 882-0396 evenings PAYING cash for diamonds, gold, Silver, platl' num, pocket watches, dental gold, World War 11 relics, COins, scrap gold, The Gold Shop, 22121 Gratiot, East DetrOit, n40966, 10a m - 6p m , Monday. Friday, 10a m 5p m , Saturday SHOTGUNS, rifles and handguns wanted Par. ker, BroWning, Winchester, Colt, others Private collector 478-5315 500 ANIMALS ADOPT A I'ET FREE to good home, adult parakeet 886-4383 LOVEABLE dogs and cats need good homes For adopt ran information call Northern Suburbs Anrmal Welfare League Volunteer at 773-D954 or 4639708 LOVEABLE dogs and cats need good homes For adoption Infonmatlon call Northern Suburbs Animal Welfare League Volunteer at 773-0954 (for dogs), or 463-9708 (for cats) Weekdays only for both numbers GROSSE POinte Animal CliniC (on Kercheval) has 2 wonderful young pets available thiS week for adopllOn We have an adorable little 1 year old female beagle and a beautiful 4 month old grey and white male kllten For more Information Please call us at 822-5707 412 WANTED TO GEORGE Steck spinet plano and bench $500 824-5228 CONN clarinet and case, good conditIOn, $150 Call 882-0164 after 5 Memorabilia Wanted by Collector Programs, Bunons, Pit Passes Uniforms, ete ,-.nc,-. UllL-U I I~'I\I ('07111/ u, ¥¥r\L.\JLr\r, UNLIMITEDS DETROIT (313) 268.6850 AFTER 7 P M BOOKS/USED AND RARE purchased for cash or appraised estates also deslredlln home.consultatlons JOHN KING 961-0622 Michigan's Largest Book Store • Cfip and Save this Ad • WANTED TO BUY 1920's, 1930's & 1950's Modern & Art Deco Furniture Prefer SIgned onglnals: Herman Miller Co,; Charles Eames, George Nelson, Isamu Noguchi, Interested In ""Knock-ofts" (copies) also. Chairs, lamps, sofas, lables, dlnln~ sets, ete Must be In good condition WIth no ITIlsslng pieces Please send all replies to U~~:~n~Tr:;I~~s~~hcU~~~ day, Friday 885.1342 ter 6 pm Box C - 1950 af. VIOLA, full size VIolin, clarl' net, reasonably pnced 881.3585 euy UNLIMITED HYDROPLANES TOP CASH PAID Grosse Pointe News GRUB STREET BOOKERY BUYing Fine Books 17194 East Warren WANTED~ THREE quarter Violin outfit, German made, $2501 best offer 882.3054 CLARINET, excellent condl. tIOn, SUitable for student Best offer 884-8785 or 822.Q, 16 after 6 881.8082 OLD Fountain pens wanted Any type, any condition 882-8985 412 WANTED TO IUY PIANOS WANTED IN THE CASH FOR KIDS CLOTHES '2460 EL CAMINO STERLING HEIGHTS MICHIGAN 48077 AT BARGAIN PRICES Used Spinets-Consoles Upnghts & Grands ABBEY PIANO CO ROYAL OAK 541-6116 GET MORE MILEAGE FOR YOUR DOLLAR desk. Call WANT ADS 882-6900 call i 410 CASH paid for stamps. COinS and baseball card collections 469-0906 LEE'S RESALE IBM term mal Can be used to link up With main terminals, main frames $200 or best offer 6803480 ...... LIGHT oak buffet, $75 881-7649 after 3 PM Used records, aland 45's 543- 20331 Mack 30 x 60 clentelephone syscopier $750 OFFICE furniture, chairs, bookcase 881-2642 2848 BUYINGbums 8954 EXCELLENT CONDITION CURRENT STYLES VERY CLEAN, BETTER BRANDS, INFANT THRU 14 MUST BE ON HANGERS Bring in Monday, Tuesday or Thursday, 10-4pm. OFFICE/IlUSIN£SS £QUII'MENT STEELCASE cal table, tem and 882-0600 WHITE baby Crib and mattress like new, $100 Double stroller, $25 822- ....... 3/4 Size, 884-4916 dark wood spinet good condItion 548-2200 411 FORD Lawn tractor, 10 h P THOMPSON Center Arms With 48" snow blade, muzzle loading nfle, 54 $850 5 various quality calb $150 Call after file cabinets 2 electriC 4 30 882.3434 typewriters- 1 small manual New Presrdenllal Ex. COUCH, chair, black/ greyl eculive desk, 84X42" chrome, three chrome Executive judge scharr, tables, two lamps, $450 SWIVel chair, couch, 2 all Ping Pong table, $70 end tables, lamp table- all Kitchen table, 4 chairs, In new condillon Iron rite $85 All excellent condl and chair Pallo glass top lIOn 774-0251 table 4 chairs Hoover COUNTRY couch and upright vacuum G E chair, $3501 best offer tank type cleaner 885526-3658, after 7 p m 6527 885-3900 HIDE.A.BED Brownl white, LAWN Tractor, 36" cut 8 good condition $300 6 h P plus snow thrower, to 9 p m 886-9803 electriC start Like new HAMADAN 50" x 80". KERMANSHAW 51" x 66" HAMADAN 37" x 9'3" HAMADAN 40" x , 2'6" 0356 ALTO saxophone, gold, like new With nice case $450 296-5974 PIANO, Very $700 euy PHONOGRAPH player that plays 78 records, good working conditIOn 774- KIMBALL VIOLIN, LeWIS good conditIOn WANllD TO BOOK donatIOns needed for St Clare used book sale Hard cover, paper back 884-4059, 886- Upright Piano Rarely used, like new, beautiful solid walnut wood cabinet, well maintained Needs tuning because It has not been played In over a year, keys In perfecI conditIOn $1,400 or best offer Call 886-0187 after 6 PM or weekends FOUR lawn mowers (1) Taro 21" cut, self propelled, $150, (1) Toro 21 cut, self propelled, reconditioned. like new, $200! offer, (1) Jacobson push mower, rebUilt motor, $125, all are rear baggers all In excellent condition (1) Yardman trac. tor, 8 tIp Briggs and Stratton engine With hy drostatlc drive, 36" cut, motor and transmiSSion very good condition, missing parts, $2001 offer 371-7772 TEAK dining room table and 6 chairs, brand new $100 885-8084 411 INSfRUMENTS UPRIGHT plano, luned and reconditioned 8 years ago $125 884-2067 BEAUTIFUL full length pastel mink coat, size 12 to 14 petite $600 7928579 JET SKI, 1987 Kawasaki, custom paint Job Hand cart for Jet ski trailer thilt attaches to car Must sell Call Tony at 548-4299 MUSICAl CHICKERING upright plano, mint See Rainbow Estate Sale ad under Estate Sales 885-0826 SCUBA Gear, complete set, new equipment Best of fer Call KeVin B86-7323 HEALTH Insurance for Indl vlduals offering comprehenSive coverage excel lent rates, Dental opllOnal Bonlor Insurance Agency, Inc 774 2140 MAHOGANY INTERIORS 410 DOUBLE Dresser With mirror, lamps, 2 brown SWivel chairs. metal bed frame, end tables, dishes, etc 778-2878 DRAPES 3 Widths each Side, Will cover picture Window or glass doorwall, IVOry shade With sun protected backing, while bath and hand towels, bath mats, like new golf balls by lhe dozen, check writer and office postal scale, childs bike seat, stain glass Window, 25' x35" heavy duty ex ercycle 521-4l:l89 STEREO console that can be made Into an enter. talnment center, large mirror 40"x84" 8B2 4474 MISCElLANEOUS AItTlCUS , Grosse Polnle News 96 Kercheval Grosse Pointe Farms 48236 AI' \,)1 -... ..~.-.~ ..~.~ ..-.~.~ ....... -. ~ -....- ...-- 9C August 24, 1989 Grosse Pointe News 100 ANIMAlS ADOPT IOS LOH AND fOUND A PET ANIMAL hospital has playful Beagle mixed dogs looking for a loVing home These dogs are very friendly and sweet call 882-3026 SO 2 HORSES fOR SAU ANGLO- Arab mare, 13 years old 15.1 hands Must sell m-«>oo HOUSEHOLD PETS fOR SAlI S03 TEDOY needs a new home He can't cope with the three women In his life, and needs to be an only cat He IS a purebred Somali, healthy, beautiful, fnendly, and very outgomg He could never be an outdoor cat, as he IS too distinctive looking, and would be stolen Immediately He IS so curious he would disappear also He IS four, neutered, FLV-, and stili thinks he's a kitten, full of oatsI Price IS negollable If you are interested In a wonderful, unique cat, please wnte to Grosse POinte News, Box -H154, 96 Kercheval, Grosse POinte Farms, Michigan, 48236 LHASA Apso puppies, AKC Craig weekends or Mondayl Fnday after 5, n5-7197 COCKER Spaniel pups, AKC, buffl blonde, adorable, $2751 negoMble n5-3908 KITTEN. male, Free to good home 881-7184 After 5 I 505 lOST AND FOUND LHASA Apsa, male, 3 years old. Free to good home 881-7184 LOST cat- Just moved, cat confused Black and white Lakeland- UniverSity area 885-2n3 LOST. male tiger cat, dark stnpes, white chest and stomach Bright orange collar 8 Mile- Woodward area Large reward 3451974 LOST Yorkshire Terner Warren! Mack area on August 5th Rewardllt 885-7471 AUTOMOTIVI CHRYSLER CALICO , spayed, de. 86 HORIZON, AM/FM, automatIC power steenng! clawed, white kittens, brakes. Excellent COndiother colors 923-0548 tion $3,500 or best n94371 IF you have lost a pet anywhere In the Grosse 1985 CHRYSLER Fifth AvePOinte area, please call nue, fully loaded, excelus the Grosse POinte Anilent conditIOn, leather Inmal cliniC ThiS week we tenor, wire wheels, have an older female 100,000 hlQhway miles black Lab found on Ed. $4,500 886-9542 mundton In Grosse POinte Woods A female 1984 SHELBY Charger, automatiC, 22 engine, lemon and cream beagle stereo, warranty Must With a brown leather colsee, $3,300 372-5062 lar found at Mack and Moross In Grosse POinte 1979 CORDOBA, 45,000 Farms A 4 month old miles, full power, excelmale kitten, grey WIth lent condition Orgmat white paws and chest owner $2,000 463-4971 found on Hampton In or 823-2045 Grosse POinte Woods A 1987 COLT Vista wagon, 5 female grey and white speed, low miles Exlong hair cat found on AItended warranty, like lor in Grosse POinte new $8 500 n1-3499 Woods For more inforAlter 6 matlomn Call us at 8225707 1981 Reliant, light blue, auto, air, n,ooo miles, FOUND reddish-brown male $1,600 294-6015 alter 5 dog With white paws, has DODGE Anes 1982, autoorange collar Shephard matiC, am! fm, $975 miX pOSSible VICinity Good condilion 343Cadleux/Mack area, 0811 found on 8/16/89 8826853 1987 Plymouth Sundance, turbo, air, automatic sun 506 .REEDING roof, full power, mint conditIOn, low mileage, STUD SERVICE- for York$7,250 or best oHer 268shire and poodle 2968947 1292 1985 Chrysler New Yorker Turbo, loaded, mint, S08 PET GIIOOMING $4,500 882-4693 ,n DOG and cat grooming 8 1983 FIFTH Avenue New Yorker, low mileage Mile and Mack 885-3238, Good condition $4,000 carol B85-2n1 600 AUTOMOTIVE AMC 1978 Chrysler New Yorker, 4 door, dark green, 440 1983 ALLIANCE, automatic, engine, all power one good condition, 44,000 owner Call 881-46n miles, AM/FM, $2,000 1984 TUrismo, Silver, 886-()723 32,000 miles, great 1985 Renault Alliance, exshape, $3,0001 best 882cellent appearancel con6560 alter 6 30 dition, sun roof, AM/FM cassette, $2,300 822- 1986 NEW YORKER, 6007 Turbo, 75,000 miles, loaded, excellent condi1985 Encore, 5-speed, tion $4,950 824-1191 power steenng, brakes, air, AMIFm cassette, ex- 1987 PLYMOUTH Honzon, cellent contltlon, $2,650 Single owner, excellent 821-$61 condition, power steerlngl brakes, amlfm cassette, 5 87 JEEPComanche pick-up speed $3,995 885-2607 6 cylinder, automatic, air, tilt wheel, AM/FM stereo, 602 AUTOMOTIVE low mileage, excellent fORD condition, $8,000 1987 FORD Escort GL, 4 9793063 speed, 28,000 miles $3,300 892-8832, 9 to 5 601 AUTOMOTIVE CHIlYSlEIl n4-5267 FOUND- Long haired female Calico, approxImately 8 months to a LASER 1986, air, auto, year old Free to a good good condition $3,300 or home 882-6425 best Must sell 881-6906 LOST cockatiel, while With 1985 Lebaron GTS Turbo, yellowl orange markings leather, loaded $4,900 Reward 331-0187 884-6253 500 601 500 ANIMALS ADOI'T A PET ANIMALS ADO'T l'" LINCOLN Towne car, 19n also, 1981 Le car, as IS Prlcel terms negotiable 882-8268 1988 Town Car Cartier, loaded, JBL premium sound system With diSC player, moonroof, excellent condition 886-6521 1982 FORD LTD, no rust, V-6 $1,200 Call 8819797 BANDIT THUNDERBIRD, 1983 Excellent condlllOn, well mamtalned Auto OD, full power, luxury mtenor, many other features A very good car $3,500 or best offer call 824-0063, ask for Bruce 1985 1/2 Ford Escort, mechanically sound, minor body damage, $2,500 call after 5 pm, 8224758 BANDIT Is hoping to steal your heart. He is a mixed spaniel about 6 weeks of age and will be a medium size dog. You can visit Bandit at the Michigan Humane Society, central Shelter, 7401 Chrysler Dr., Detroit 48211 or ca!! 872-3400. Adopt!on hours are 10 a.m. • 4:30 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday. MUSTANG, 1987 LX convertible, all white, all ex tras, excellent conditIOn, only 30,000 miles $10,600 886-7851 TOWNCAR 1982, tnple blue plus clear coat Executive dnven, 90% highw;:tv mllpc; aaraae keDt Looks almost new 6462853 after 6 1988 COUGAR, fully eqUiPped, low mileage, warranty, excellent condition call after 7 p m n2-7150 1986 Escort L, aIr, 4 speed, AMfFM cassette stereo, new tires, power steenngl brakes $2,800. 885-2522 ~cIECI 1979 FORD LTD, transportation as IS Pncel terms negotiable call for details 882-8268 The MlCh'9an Humane Society IS dedicated to protecting and working fOf the rights of animals. We offer the following services: • Adoption • Animal Rescue • Cruelty Investlgallon • Education • Pet Therapy • Vetermary Services • Wildlife Rehabilitation • LeglslaMn and Shelters and cares for over 40 000 dogs cats and Wild animals annually 77,/ 11//(, I II /1/" 111(/1/ 11(/11 /'" (till/liit/If/IIII/ff'lll '/11JII i //011 II "/"'11 "II, /I 1/1YJ,111 ,'li"f) ) 7401 Chrysler Dr Detrol! Michigan (313) 8723400 1989 TAURAS SHO, loaded, 3,000 miles $19,900 I Best 781-3230 1987 EXP sport coupe, all options, excellent conditIOn, garaged $5,900 I best 886-7173 602 603 AUTOMOTIVE fOITO AUTOMOTIVE GENERAl MOTORS 603 AUTOMOTIVE (,ENUIAl MDTDIt~ 603 AUTOMOTIVE GENEUL MOTORS "O~ AUTOMOTIVI F~R!IGN 1978 BMW, sliver, sunroof, 1986 Escort L, automatiC, 4 1976 seville- 35,000 miles '80 CITATION, power steergood transportation Absolutely Immaculate- 19" TRANS AM, 'Special door, 34,000 miles, ongl109! brakes $350 882. Edition', 6 6 liter, black, t. $1,5001 best offer 885stored $8,000 881.1071 nal owner, power steer6521 tops, cassette With 4 7627 Ingl brakes, excellent CENTURY 86 LTD, air, speakers, loaded, good 1968 Camaro, $1,500 firm conditIOn, must see Will 84 NISSAN Sport truck, Sllpower steenng, stereo, condition $3,500 882m-5708 saCrifice, $3,250 521ver, 1 owner, super conclean $6,200 881-8796 3717 n54 84 OLDSMOBILE dillon, sunroof, custom PONTIAC 6000 standard, 4 CAN you buy Jeeps, cars, Brougham LS series, 4 bed Imer, rustproofed, THUNDERBIRD, 1983 Excylinder, 4 door, air, 4 x 4's seized In drug door, excellent condition palnl sealant, more Well cellent condition, well crUise, 41,000 miles, raids for under $1oo? n9-7657 maintained Asking maintained Auto OD, full must sell $5,000 892. Call for facts today 805$4,000 n4-6481, 8V&o power, luxury Intenor, SHARP '85 CIMMARRON 3842 644-9533 Dept 233 nlngs many other features A Leather Intenor $5,700 very good car $3,500 or 1979 PONTIAC Grand PriX Call 884..(}840 WANT 1988 TOYOTA MR2, white loaded, runs groat After best offer call 824-0063, Withsun roof, loaded, fuel SEVILLE '82 EleganteADS 5296-1203 ask for Bruce InJection,excellent condIBlack and Silver twoCall In 1978 Nova, automatic tion Best offer over MUSTANG convertible, tone, With matching gray transmiSSion, 78,000 Early $10,000 882-9606 1984 Red With white top, leather Intenor and all miles, good conditIOn, 4 automatic, $5,000 882WEDNESDAY, 8.5 lUXUryoptions ThiS beau- 1989 BMW 525-IA, Delphm door, $750 886-5004 af5011 tiful auto has been well Grey, 2,900 miles. THURSDAY, 8-6 ter 6 PM maintained and IS In ex$33,900 882-0154 TEMPO 1985 GL, 5 speed, FRIDAY, 8.5 cellent condition Withonly highway miles, like new SEDAN DE VILLE, 86, alMONDAY, 8.6 50K miles Some collec- VOLVO 1987 740 GLE mond With malchlng 822-8186 wagon, loaded, 27,000 GROSSE POINTE NEWS tors believe thiS model to leather, Bose, doubte miles, extended warranty 1987 THUNDERBIRD be an excellent Investala r m, rustproofed, 882.6900 Mint, $17,500 338-2484 Turbo coupe 5 speed, ment that Will actually mloaded, Looks, dnves like 1983 Pontiac 6000 LE, 6 air, ami fm cassene, noncrease In value $5,000 1986 BMW 325ES New new No aCCidents Comcylinder, power steering! smokers car Excellent or best oHer 886-9575 or tires, loaded (leather, plete service record since brakes! locks! Windows, condition $9,500 n6alarm, ABS, crUise, sun588-8720 new $10,900 885-1220 air, AMIFM cassette With 8739 roof, etc) Well maIndays 881-1927 eeenings equalizer, sunroof, alumi- '86 PONTIAC 6000 STE, tained 885-38n. 1978 LINCOLN Continental 1983 Capnce ClassiC, no num wheels, luxury trim, Immaculate, loaded, Mark V, excellent condi1973 Volkswagen Super alarm, very good condirust, excellent condition, 48,000 miles $8,2001 tion $3,2001 best 884Beetle, 10 great shape, new tires! brakes, 64,000 tIOn $2,5001 best oHer best oHer Must see to 7162 very reliable transportamiles, $3,950 n9-3378 331-5736 after 6 pm appreciate 881.7093 tion $1,600 or best offer 1986 MERCURY Sable LS CADILLAC Cimarron 1985- 1986 GRAND Prix 82 OLDS Cutlass, air, 884-9212 wagon, leather, all power, Brougham, auto, air, Ivory With tan interior, Full crUise, good.runnlng, air, stereo cassette, third power V-6, 48,000 mites, power steering! brakes, body $2,400 886-9803 83 VOLK.SWAGON GTI, 5 seat, keyless entry, power Windows, locks, Original owner $5,650 6t09pm speed, air, stereo cas59,000 miles, $6,100 trunk, antenna, crUise, 886-5509 sette, excellent COndltlOl'1, 1985 PONTIAC 6000 LE, 4 881-5610 tilt, rear Windowdefroster, $2,800 885-9265 1984 BUICK Skyhawk door, automallc, air, delay Wipers, wire TOWNCAR 1984 Signature, wagon, automatic, air stereo, power locks, tilt 1986 VOLVO 740 GLEwheels, am!fm slereo leather, carnage roof, Sharp car 57,000 miles wheel, excellent condimoon roof, leather mtecassette, excellent condisunroof Mmt $8,550 $4,250 792-2790 tion $4,200 n2-7043 nor, air New brakes Extion $5,800 296-3938 af886-0662 cellent conditIon, 1986 Camaro, excellent ter 6 1984 Olds Cutlass Clera 1988 Ford Taurus, 4 door, $12,000 ~1212 condition, automatic, air, LS, air, AMIFM stereo, '89 PONTIAC Sunblrd LE, power Windows, AM/FM tilt, cruise Must sell1 wire wheels, luggage 1972 Mercedes 280 SE 4 5 automatic, GM exec car, stereo, air, low mileage $5,9951 Best 884-4914 rack, 1 owner, 83,000 4 door, gas V-8, leather sunroof, luggage rack, Willing to take a lossor 882-7802 miles $2,800 823-6961 Intenor, air, stereo casmany extras $9,200 gOing back to college sene, alloy wheels, me1984 Pontiac Fiero SE, 886-9445 882-8268,837-2671 604 AUTOMOTIVE chanically excellent, looks original owner, very ANTIOUE, CLASSIC 1984 Cutlass Clerra 4 door and runs beautifully 1982 Ford Escort, good clean, air, crUise, AMIFM, Brougham, excellent con. 1988 PONTIAC Mera, Fern condition, new tires, $5,500 881-0997 days: etc 884-9508, 1-683dltlon, wire wheels, luglook- a- like, 17,00 mites, 884-5674 evenings 55,000 miles $1,200 Call 1781 gage rack, alarm, $4,000 V6, loaded 892-8832 (9 882-2082 after 5 PM 1982 MERCEDES 3OOD19n cadillac, needs work, 881-3817 to 5) n4-5267 Thursday, or leave mesConsumer Report's per$950 886-4700 sage 1984 Pontiac STE, grey, 1965 Mustang convertible, ennial favonte new and 1982 BUick Regal Landau, sunroof, luggage rack, restored, red, wIre used car Safe, reliable 1987 Mustang, loaded, low air, extras, very good well maintained 881wheels, $9,500 885and elegant, 25-30 mpg miles, excellent condition, condition, $2,800 8824856 0509, leave message 882-4908 $10,500 black Call after 6, 2n. 7548 1988 2-24, loaded 5 1965 PLYMOUTH Belvi- 1976 convertible Volkwa6591 1982 Skylark, 4 door, 6 cylspeed, alarm, 20,000 gon, semi custom, very dere ClaSSIC Needs 1966 MUSTANG, autoInder, power Windows! miles, $10,000 n3-2690 good COndltlOl'1,$3,700, matiC, white With red Intesome body work Runs locks, crUise, asking 1970 Volkswagon, semi TORONADO '86- Beautiful nor, excellent conditIOn well 881-5360 $1,900 294-3861 automatIC, good condI$2,9991 best n5-3241 black With red leather In60S AUTOMOTIVE tion. $650. 824-9110, 1980 Chevene, hatchback, lerror Immaculate and ESCORT '82 stalionwagon, FOIlEIGN 372-2e56 manual, radlol cassette, loaded With eqUipment, power steerlngl brakes, one owner, regular including astro-rool, Bose 1'79 733\ BMW,. cherry HONDA Prelude S, 1988, air, new head, brakes, scheduled cleaIef maintestereo system With tape condition, $12,000 822loaded, must sell, tires No rust, excellent nance, excellent transpor. deck, dual 6-way seats 8972 $11,900 885-Q717 condition $1,250 n5tatlon $900 823-4659 WIth power recliners and 6613 lumbar supports, crUise, 1985 BMW 3181, air, sun. 1982 Volvo DL, power 1984 CHEVROLET caprice roof, clean Excellent consteenng! brakes, rear de1985 Thunderbird, Fila, tilt & telescope leather Estate station wagon, dItion, $10,500/ best offrost, 4 speed overdnve, every available option, steering wheel, etc Less must see, $4,950 886fer 256-5547,9-5 $1,800 469-1875 after 6 $6,150 885-8735 for dethan 50K miles Always 0662 tails kept In heated garage 1971 Mercedes 220, runs 1987 HONDA Accord LXI 2 1987 CHEVY Eurosport, 4 $9,000 or best offer 886well $2,5001 best oHer door hatchback, 5 speed '85 ESCORT, 2 door, 4 door, V6, automatic, new 9575 or 588-8720 884-4315 Great shape $8,950. speed, air, stereo castires, brakes Mint condi1986 BMW 325ES New Please caJl881-5936. sette cloth Intenor, exceltion $6,450 1 best Must 1984 Grand PriX LE, exceltires, loaded (leather. --------lent condition, 46,000 lent condition, $4,500 606 AUTOMOTIVE see 881-9048 miles $2,400 884-5827 alarm, ABS, crUise, sun885-7258 JlEPS 4 WHEEl 1989 CORSICA, 790 miles, roof, etc) Well mainFORD 1980 LTD, good con1987 SOMMERSET, air, 1983 JEEP CJ7 4x4, 3 digit code alarm tained 885-38n dition, after 4 p m 882amI fm stereo, power 22,000 miles, 4 speed, $11,600 342-3119 0855 steenng, brakes, win- 1985 BMW 3181, 35,000 hard top! soft top, heavy 1981 OLDS Cutlass miles, Silver grey With dows, 8,000 miles excepduty supenslon and 19n FORD Granada, $825 Brougham Diesel, white dark blue interior, mint tIOnal condllion $7,899 I shocks, ami 1m stereo, 6 or best, runs great New In good condition, new condition, All options Best n5-3241 ft Western plow With paint, high mileage, no engine at 70,000, $11,000 757-4000 or lights, excellent conditIOn rust, clean, sharp looking 1985 OLDS Toronado Cal(134,000 miles) $990 881-5823 Ask for MI$6,500 823-2045 463885-0034 lenta 44,000 miles, mint 885-7387 chael 4971 condition, fully loaded, TEMPO LX, 88, white, 4 1979 Ice blue Cadillac Se1984 AUDI 5000 S, grey, Champaign color 1989 Jeep Wrangler hard door, automatic, air, Ville, Fionda car, 56,000 sunroof, new tires, bat5938 top, black, automatIC, 6 stereol cassene Loaded, miles $5,900 or best tery, exhaust Excellent cylinder, air, extras, 6,000 18,000 miles 886-9066 1979 Flreblrd, power steer886-5994 condition and maintemiles, (new) $12,300. ingl brakes, clean excel1985 CROWN VictOria, two 1978 CAMARO, nance, $5,200 885-4442 needs 286-0962 lent conditIOn, $2,800 door, 65,000 miles, clean, some work, $1,000 or 'n DATSUN 2802, motor 1986 JEEP Cherokee, 4 791-0135 air, crUise, cassette, punbest 882-7548 and body excellent condidoor, V6, auto, excellent ture proof tires, all power 1986 Chevrolet Nova, four tion $2,850 884-7410 condition, loaded 824$5,500 349 Belanger, 1985 BUick Skylark 4 door, door, five speed, air, AMI air, stereo, alarm, 40,000 1431. Grosse POinteFarms FM, rear defrost, 39 mpg, 1974 MERCEDES 450 SL, miles $4,000 756-8065 redl new leather, 2 tops, 1978 CJ-7 Jeep, excellent Immaculate, $4,900 or 603 AUTOMOTIVE low miles Beautifully best 884-7866 condition, 4 wheel dove, DON'T WAIT GINEllAl MOTORS maintained 823-6673 hard top, red 881-6251 Until Tuesday morning to 1985 ClaSSIC Caprice, 4 1987 Grand Am LE, AMfFM REPEAT your classified door, one owner, 47,000 1985 Mazda RX7, GSL, stereo cassette, air, ad'!! call our classified red, sunroof, excellent 1986 Grand Wagoneer, miles, fully loaded, asking crUise, tilt, alarm, excelblack, onglnal owner, advertiSing department condition, 5 speed, $6,995 886-2227, before lent conditIOn 286-0394, new Michelin tires, Wednesdays, Thursdays, $6,995 n1-7942 or 8866 n1-1604 after 6 Monday- Fnday after 6 30 47,000 miles Days 445Fndays, Mondays 0368 pm, weekends CLASSIC '69 CHEVELLE 2300 evenlnQS881-3100 e82~9OCI 1973 MERCEDES 450 SL, One owner Grosse POinte 1986 Flreblrd, 25,000 miles, 1985 1987 Jeep Cherol<ee Lm1OLDS Regancy excellent condition, car $1,250 loaded, must see, $7,300 Ited, loaded, 39,000 Brougham, low mllhage, $14,500 892-8832 (9 to call 499-1694. or best offer n2-1123, miles $14,900/ no wholeNon- smoker car, fully 5), n4-5267 1984 Chevy $-10 Pick Up, leave message salel 882-0600 eqUiPped Must sell 885extended cab, Jump 1982 Nlssan Stanza, runs 1801 CAVALIER 2-24, 1988, exseats, SIr, Cruise, AMI FM good, good condition, 1986 CJ 7, 33,000 miles, tra clean, sharp, low 1987 Pontiac 6000, 4 door, hard top, stereo, radl8ls, cassene, excellent condihigh mIleage $1,200 miles $9,750 468-1268 excellent conditIon automatic, air, crUise, tion, $3,495 884-9784 882-8167 $7,000 or best offer 884stereo! cassette, ex1982 CADILLAC Sedan de 3041 tended warranty, $7,200 GOVERNMENT SeiZed Ve- 1980 VOLVO wagon, power Ville, loaded, excellent steermg, brakes, new hicles from $100 FOfds 881-4517 condition Must sell 885601 AUTOMOTIVF tires, brakes, and crutch Mercedes Corvettes 'UTS TlRIS AlARMS On1 CAPRICE ClaSSIC, 4 Excellent fOf It'S age Chevys SurplUS Buyers door, air, $700 n3-7456 1978 CADILLAC Coupe de $2,800 526-6751 DUNLOP, one parr 1851 GUide (1) 805-687-6000 Ville, 83,000 miles, great 19n Chevy Malibu Wagon, 6OHR14 tIres Low miles, Ext S-1626 (fee re- 1986 VOLKSWAGON shape, $1,600 465-6478 best offer qUIred) 65,000, $800, best offer, Gena, 4 door, automatiC, RIChard,m-7092 1981 BUICK Diesel Park air, stereo cassette, etc. 610 AUTOMOTIVE 1984 Camaro Berllnetta, Avenue, excellent cond,- SKYLARK 1980, 62,000 SPORTS CARS 45,000 miles Excellent red, loaded, 37,000 miles, tlOn 882-1309 8 to 11 condition, $5,850 882miles, all power, air, autoexcellent condition 1979 M G B, new tires! a m or after 7 p m 2355 matiC, 4 door, $1,200/ $5,000 331-6114 evebrakes! clutch, 65,000 best oHer 886-9558 1985 98 REGENCY, 1983 RENAULT LeCar, red, nings miles, luggage rack, c0nloaded, high mileage, 1986 BUick Park Avenue, 5 door, 80,000 miles, no vertible, white WIth black 1985 Olds 88 Broughm LS, engine rebUilt $5,000 rust Great transportatIOn, top, very good condltlOl'l, dark blue, loaded, Imfull power, 36,800, excel. 881-6111 $1,000 886-3961 appraised at $3,500, maculate condition, under lent conditIOn 881-2702 make offer 294-3555 40,000 miles, $8,850 1983 Toyota Tercel 4 door 886-8364 after 6 p m or 1986 Century Limited, Hatchback, automatiC, '78 MGB Convertible, loaded, 42,000 miles, facweekends automatIC sunroof, AMI showroom conditIon tory warranty through 121 FM stereo, excellent con1981 98 Olds Regency Must see $5,0001 best 89 Best oHer, call now dltlon, economIcal Good conditIOn, $1,800 725-2574 882-0175 $2,300 886-6892 885-5873 CHEVY Spectrum hatchMG MIDGET, 1975 convert1988 CHEVY $-10 pICk-Up back 1986, automatiC, MAZDA '85 626 LX. 4 door, Ible, runs good, looks 5 speed, air, amlfm cas37,000 miles, excellent With bedhner "Red" good $1,850 1-987-6406 sette, low miles, excellent 23,000 mdes, like new condition $3,7001 best (Port t~uron) conditIOn 886-3652 $5,800 228-2194 37' 3125 More Auto SPECIALS on the back page of this section na- n -----------------------------------------------_ ~n ...... -------------------------------- August 24, 1989 Grosse Pointe News 10C 6 I 0 AUTOMOTIVE SPORTS CARS 'II CORVElTE ConvertIble, white, Z51, every optlOO $27,500 881-4199 1980 CORVETIE, loaded, automatic, 45K miles $10,000 n2-3899 611 AUTOMOTlVf TllUCKS 1988 CHEVY 12' Stake, 10,000 GVW, automatic showroom condition Only 3,000 miles $12,500 or best offer Monday thru Fnday 9 to 5 978-2722 1988 Bronco II XLT, excel lent condition low miles $12,500 n4-4561 b 12 AUTOMOTIVE VANS bS I lOllS AND MOIORS 700 AI'IS IflATS' DUI'LEX I'o,"'es/ Harper Woods GROSSE POinte City, Neff 1975 CHRISCRAFT near Mack Newer unll, 2 2S'x10', fiberglass, 195 bedroom upper, natural h P Inboard, hard top, lIreplace, kitchen bUilt radiO, compass, $10 500 ms large bedrroms, full 886-3461 wall closets, central air, BOSTON Whaler 1983 17 seperate basements utilifoot Montauk, Shorelanlies, 2 car garage, lawn der trailer 70 hp Mercare and snow removal cury, new canvas and $700 EastSide Manageaccessones, Immaculate ment Co Ask for Phil condllion $11,000 882372-2222 9836 GROSSE Pomte Park 2 9.8 H P Mercury, long bedroom flal, appliances, shaft, electriC slart, wllh heat Included No pets gas tank and remote con Prefer working profes trois $1 200 886-7222 slonals No lease $400, security refrences re 15' REINELL fish and ski qUired 886-5004 after 6 boat, 85 hp MercrUiser With trailer, needs work PM $850 882-4461 SOMERSET - SIX room ---------- lower Unit available im. SEARAY '81- 25' 5' Am. mediately $550 monthly beqack, 10' beam plus secUritydeposit Ref profeSSionallymainta,ned stored InSide. beautiful erences reqUired '-334teak, loran MinI' 6118 $23750 791-4170 263- BEACONSFIELD 5 room 1986 Ford E-350 cargo van, 3854 76,000 miles, new upper flat Appliances, brakes, shocks and water HOVER Craft, fiberglass, 2 carpeted laundry, $440 pump Good condilion plus utilities 82~62 seater With trailer, speed $6,800 884-9794 up 10 60 mph $5,500 TWO bedroom lower flat Days 771 7671, evenings 1989 DODGE Caravan SEWayburn $425 monthly 884-8694 6 cylinder, air, tinted winplus utilities 882-6636 dows, 5 seater, rust- FIBERGLASS 14' tnhull BEAUTIFUL, large 2 bed. prooted, running boards Bnght orange Trailer room upper flat RemodcrUise, lilt wheel, 11,300 Like new Extras $2,300 eled bathroom and miles $12,500 Extended 881-8424 kitchen Stove and refngwarranty available 468erator All natural wood, CENTURY Buccaneer 24 1761. hardwood floors, French foot, 9 foot beam straight b 13 AUTOMOTIVE beveled glass doors In Ilv, Inboard, Chrysler 330 hp. WANTED TO BUY Ing rooml dining room all fiberglass, rebUilt en No pets $400 plus secuWANTED good used cars gme, new Interior, new rI ty and UtiIIties 1226 and trucks, also wrecked canvas, looks and runs Wayburn 422-3365 or repalrables, n1-8953 like new $9,600 773PROFESSIONALLY 7454 want your beat up car, palnled throughout 2 bedJim 372-9884 Days BOSTON Whaler, 17 Monroom lower flat All new tauk, 90 hp Johnson TOP $$ PAID stove refrigerator, many options, custom fllFor Junk, wrecked and unkitchen floor Hardwood ted, $12,700 n5-2429 wanted cars and trucks floors No pets ImmediBULL AUTO PARTS ate occupancy $400, FOUR WINNS 261 Libera 894-4488 plus secUrity and utilities tor, 1987, tWin 454 817 Beaconsfield 422Mercs, loaded, low hours, bS 1 1l0ATS AND MOTOllS 3365 stored inSide, warranty $34,600 791.0928 or BEACONSFIELD, two bedSAILBOAT motor, 5 hp, 881.3469 rooms, freshly painted long shaft, used 10 1987 GMC Safan Mini-Van With Starcralt conversion Completely loaded $11,500 885-7048 700 100 APTS nus OUPllX Po,nl.s Ho. p," Woods AI'T5 'FLAlS DUPliX POlntes HDlper Woods I 36' yacht, sleeps 8, $115,000 Call for details 525-9446 1972 SEARAY 20 foot, 188 merc, newer lower Unit, white wrth tandam trailer and equipment $4,300 881-7038 SPORT Yak wrth ores 881. 1679. 1178 SAILBOAT, 22' Crysler, trallerable, Honda 9 9, many extras 2960246 1.. 1 5eaRay 210 Cuddy cabln, shll> to- shore, depth Indteator, compass, pump out head, 2 covers Had TLC, must be seenl Miller Marina Dryland 884-2411 1916 Invader 17 foot Sown. der, 1987 75 hp Mercury Manner, dnve on trailer, like new, never been In water $5,000 574-1446 I 6bO TUILERS TRAVEL Trailer. 1985 16 foot Sunllne, self contained, mint condlllOn, $5,100 884-5518 700 AI'TS' FLllS DUl'lfX PO'"t~s i H.rprr Woods WAYBURN 3 bedroom ul> per, freshly painted Immediate occupancy Siove, refrigerator, 1/2 basement $450 per month Open Sunday 12- 2 343-0909 time Is short and OLlrlines are busy, you can simply FAX the copy along with billing and category . Information. 'GRO~SE POINTE N~WS 882-6900 BEAUTIFUL 2,500 square foot 3 bedroom, 2 bath flat Fireplace, appliances, balcony, basement, garage, many amenities $1,200 plus secunty 689-3940 week. days or 824-7526 TWO bedroom upper on Lakepolnte, garbage dls, posal, dishwasher, stove, refrigerator, and water included Use of washerl dryer Very nice $500 per month plus utilities, 823-3842 GROSSE POinte Park, Not. tlngham S of Jefferson 3 bedroom lower, screened In porch, apphances, garage $500 plus utilities No pets 824-1674 TROMBLEY, spaCIOUSupper two bedroom, two bath, sun room, library, new carpeting/ decorat. lng/ levelor blinds, appliances, large kitchen, ga. rage Adults preferred $900 823-1652 CADtEUXJ Harper area, 1 bedroom apartment, $325, refrigerator, stove, carpet, Includes heat 884-0080 lOVELY, modern, one bed. room apartment Carpeted, air, parking Whittier near Kelly Road $330 month Includes heat 839-8453 or 8813542 UNIVERSITY near Mack One bedroom upper flat $300 plus secunty, utlllhes 884-n63 SMALL Two bedroom upper flat at 1-94 and Morang Heat, appliances, water Included $290 a month First and last months rent and secUrity depoSit required 8822838 INDIAN Village- 2 bedroom carnage house $500 a month plus utilities. 9221885, call after 5 SHARP redecorated 2 bed. room duplex, excellent DetrOit location near Grosse POinte and expressways Between Mack and Warren off Cadieux Appliances, $400. 882-1486, 2639380. SOMEPLACE special, two bedroom upper, balcony overlooks park and canal $400 plus utilities Secunty deposit, lease 8233471 GRAYTON apartment Four rooms, $280 month Heated, perfect for workIng Single No pets Secunty deposit 882-1044 ST Johns area- 2 bedroom duplex, stove and refrigerator Included, garage $375 monthly 527-2582 Call Sunday 9 to 5 onlyl! DEVONSHIREI Warren, nice 2 bedroom lower, appliances, $335 monthly References, seCUrity 881.3536 EIGHTI SCHOENHERR, very clean upper flat, one bedroom. Prefer Single workmg person $250 month plus secUrity. Call 839-0717, Sharon CAMDENI off Conner near City Airport. newly decorated, partially furnished, 5 room lower $300 LaVon's Property Management, n3-2035 MORANG Clean, qUiet 1 bedroom, appliances and heat Included $350 8856863 WHInIER! Harper area, 1 bedroom apartment $3101 month Heat In. cluded 526-3864 4658 Balfour, south of East Warren, upper 2 bedroom flat, available september 1 $300 monthly plus secUrity, share ullllties References Call for appointment, 851-2738 NEAR Grosse POinte on Chatsworth Nice 2 bed. room upper, appliances $300 plus utilities 3430255 UPPER Flat, DevonshlreJ Warren Five rooms, appliances Rent $300 plus utilities SecUrity deposit $400 No pets Call 371. 4387 after 5 weekdays, all day weekends COZY 2 bedroom upper flat, 1-941 Whittier area Available Immediately $320 per month plus utilities 791.1352 MACK! Three Mile Drive Above store, 2 bedroom, $350 Includes heat 8850031. 4207 HAVERHILL Lower 2 bedroom, stove and refrigerator Adults preferred No pets, secunty depoSit required Open Saturdayl Sunday 10 am t02pm KENSINGTON, 3 bedroom lower, quality home, ga. rage, garden Single occupancy deSired $4001 month, secUrity deposit 885-4988 6009 Yorkshire, 2 bedroom upper, garage, basement, water Included $325 Close to transportation, shops 886-3267 GUILFORDI Mack attractive flat, air, heat, garage Reasonable rent 8827065 TWO bedroom upper on -, Grayton near Harper, $350 886-8766, Steve, after 5 IMMEDIATE occupancyl CADIEUXJ Warren area, One bedroom, large and near hospital and exclean, laundry faCIlities, pressway Three bedIdeal for bachelor or room Duplex on qUiet bachelorette $350 plus street, all appliances utilities 885-4689 $425 plus secUrity Prefer responSible adults, no LOVELY modem 1 bedpets Immediate occuroom apartment- car. pancy 882-1985 or n3peted, air conditIOned, 3805, Jeff parkmg E Outer Dnve near Van Dyke $3301 monthl Including heat 892-8370 or 881.3542 ONE Bedroom apartment, stove, refngerator, clean, new carpet, decorated 882-1821 LUNARAMA. live In Luna World USA, an east Side enclave exciting 1 and 2 bedroom units In Fox Creek SubdMslOn $350$425 A unique place to live In DetrOIt Call Gem at Skip and Luna, 822. 6718 MORANG one bedroom, applIances, air, heat, saIIlUflUlly Delloll 'Woy"e County DEVONSHIRE, unique one bedroom studIO upper Carpeted, appliances, heat Included $285 month 881.1126 701 APH flUS DUPLEX Delro,t Woyn. County cur_~L' b~~~~~~" ; 70 101 APTS FLATS DUPlEX 0.'1'0,1 l'Iovne CountV $345 101 APTS FLATS DUPLEX 5 C S Mocomb County 702 APlS/FlAlS/DUPlEX S.C.5/M.comb County LAKESHORE Village, 2 bedrooms, second bath, allappliances By appointment only 445-9484 TWELVE Mile, 16250 48 new one bedroom apartments central air, balconys, $410 and up Immediate occupancy 885. 4364 NORTHSHORE APARTMENTS Jefferson! 91/2 Mile One and two bedroom luxury apartments With private basement, from $565 to $670 Carports available. INDIAN VILLAGE SpacIous one bedroom carnage house, kitchen appliancesIncluded,secure off-streetparking One year lease $355 plus utllllles, one month 5eClJrlty dePOSit reqUIred Q?':t_~7~n ...,~~ ~ ...,.. , 'l1li' .... 702 ",PH FLATS DUI'LEX S C S Mocomb County LI'W'ewhere S'earJtround ~e8orf ~"i"9 CLASSIC Motorcycle 1975 Honda Super Sport 400 four, 10,700 miles, $950 882-6554 BUY Factory direct and savel Lightweight, super Insulated, Scamp fiberglass travel trailers, 13', 16' and 19' 5th wheels Call toll free 1-600-3464962 for free brochure APT5 flATS DUPLEX Pomtes Ho,pl" Woods RIVARD WAYBURN, Grosse POinte PARK, Nottingham Three bedrooms, dining room, GROSSE POINTE CITY Park, 4 room upper, 4 full bath, liVing room With Townhouse, two bedrooms, unit bUilding, new refngnatural fireplace Clean, fireplace, basement, car erator, stove, carpeting all utliitles, all appliances, port Newly updated and insulatIOn No pets, $700 plus utllftl8S Avail. garage parking $715 $325 monthly plus ullll823-6386 alter 6 able October 15t ties Secunty depOSit 882.5892, leave mes- CUTE upper on MarylandHENDRICKS And Asaocla'n, 1m:, sage 5 rooms and sunporch, BE KINO TO ANIMALSI PARK- One bedroom, appll. newly decorated, garage NEFFlower flat near Vilances, parking, $450 inSUitable for 1 or 2 pe0lage, available end Auple $450 plus utilities cludes heaV water 885gust, 2 bedroom, sun0031 468-4259 alter 5 30 room, fireplace, garage, BEACONSFIELD Below EXECUTIVE LIVING ftnlshed basement, all Jefferson 5 rooms, $425 SUITES appliances, 1 1/2 baths, plus secunty, Includes no pets, Ideal for couple heat. appliances, Ideal for MONTHL V LEASES or profeSSional person adults, Immediate occu- Furnished Apartments, Utili. $9751 month 882-7905 pancy 823-1652 ties Included, Complete References With Housewares, Linens, NEWLY decorated, spaColor T V And More Call PRIME Location Large upCIOUS, one bedroom per, newly painted, 3 For Appointment apartment, liVing room, large bedrooms 2 baths, 474-9nO dining room, walk-out terliVing room, dining room, race, kitchen With appli- VILLAGE less than one kitchen, new appliances, ances, garage and block to fully furnished basement. garage 824shared use of basement luxury condo Short term 6442 $350 per month Includes lease, minimum eight heat No pets Please call weeks Rent Includes util- SPACIOUS one bedroom 757-7465, between 5 and ItieS, phone, cable TV upper flat near Village, 9 pm Please call Mrs Jeffries all appliances Included 882~99 Newly carpeted through299 RIVARD, Immaculate out, garage $675 upper 2 bedroom, all apll- HARCOURT Road attracmonthly Available Immeances, carpeting, Window tive 2 bedroom, 1 bath diately 824-4490 treatment and garage upper, all kitchen appliSpacIous 3rd floor storances, $650 per month LAKEPOINTE. Upper flat, 2 age $800 month mDays, 223-3547, evebedrooms, liVing room, eludes heat Available nings, 886-3173 dining room, kitchen September 1st 25~900 $425 monthly plus utiliNEFF upper flat, near VilAlter 6 p m 882-5001 lies 1st month's rent and lage, now available, 2 secunty depoSit required THREE bedroom upper flat bedroom, sunroom, fire884-1390, call dally beGrosse POinte area 331place, garage, basement, fore 5 pm all appliances, 1 1/2 8880 baths, no pets, Ideal for LAKE POINTE two bedroom 1021 WAYBURN couple or profeSSional upper, appliances, heat Lower 2 bedroom, new carperson $9001 month and water. $420 monthly pet, new kitchen With 882-7905 References 822-Q483 dishwasher, stove, refngerator. Newly decorated PARK, beautifully restored GROSSE POinte area- 1 throughout Garage $500 2 bedroom lower flat bedroom apartment, utiliper month plus utilities Hardwood floors, fenced ties, HBO, full bath $3501 Days 962-4790, evemngs back yard, garage 885month 885-6648 886-1353 6252 LOVELY basement apart. GROSSE POinte- one bed- GROSSE POINTE NEWS ment In Grosse POinte room upper, $350 per $300 Call 882-8516 882.6900 monlh Heal Included, GOT A BUSY SIGNAL? furnished. Secunty re- PARK, Beaconsfield, lower flat, liVing room, 17x12', qUired Ideal for mature dining room, 14x14', RELAX! adult 824-3228 kitchen, 13x10', 2 bedUSE OUR FAX UPPER 2 bedroom, 1 1/2 rooms, appliances, gabaths, available Septemrage, nonsmoker, $495 call and inquire about our ber 1st 33Hl799 , 822plus utilities 822-5941 FAX MACHINE. When Hardwood floors, appliDOWN EASTER 32 foot ances, garage 824-3849 ClaSSICdeSign Excellent condition, diesel, cutter WELL Maintained apartrig, many exlras 268ment on Harcourt Avail7414 able October 15th 824SEA King, 15' 10" fiber1208 8562 after 6 PM 342 RIVARD- near Jefferglass, 35 hp Johnsonl WINDSURFER 1986 MISGROSSE Pomte- 1 bedson Clean one bedroom electnc start! trallerl new TRAL Competition TCS, FISHEA at Kercheval Two room Duplex Includes With updated kitchen, bedroom, one bath, battery Oars, fire extinboard, boom, footstraps, garage space, lawn and new appliances and carkitchen With appliances, gUisher, etc 294-8290 daggerboard and skeg, snow maintenance $575 peting Ideal for Singles fireplace Flonda room 2 12' 2", excellent condlCARVER 87 5antego, 27 monthly Grosse Pomte WIth no ~ '0 $450 plus car garage No pets lion $350 824-9115 foot, f\YlOg bndge, excelWoods, , bedroom apartutilities PhOne886-~96 Available October 1 $850 lent condition, $42 000 EVENRUDE, long shalt 6 ment, Includes heat and per month Secunty de28&0462 central air $575 monthly NICE 2 bedroom lower, hp, $500 882-8872 POSit,references Call af1456 Wayburn, offstreet Call 882.9729 or 885CATALINA, 22 foot sWing ter 6 pm 881-2505 bS4 BOAT STOilAGEI parking, $415 monthly 1373 keel, stored Indoors Win' DOCKAGE 881-5878 PARK, Beaconsfield, lower ters, sleeps 4, many exflat, IIvmg room, 17x12', GROSSE POinte Woods, SECURE Covered boatwell, tras, ready to sail $5,600 two bedrooms, liVing TWO bedroom apartment, 35 feel, electnc hOiSt, dining room, 14x14', or best 372-7164 room With natural fireMack! Lakepolnte area, kllchen, 13xl0', 2 bednear the mouth of Lake place Dmmg el, kitchen Grosse POinte Park 881'84 IMPERIAL VC200, 5t Clair Also 20 fOOl rooms, appliances, gaWith appliances Newly 4052 19'6", MercrUiser 110, rage nonsmoker, $495 dockage space 822decorated and extra With trailer $8,500 822plus utilities 822-5941 728 Trombley Two bed2571 clean Includes garage '253 room upper With fire$665 piuS secunty Call BOAT WELLS FOR SALE GROSSE POinte Park- St place Appliances, gaSEARAY 1972, 22 foot, Paul near Wayburn, 2 886-6400 Clay Township Each dockrage, landscaping, snow Cutty Cabin, 165 Merc bedroom Townhouse, livomlnlum With hOist 35 removal $800 month THREE rooms, one bed. CrUiser 1/0, camper top, Ing room, dining room, feet 10 60 feel Reserva882-4875 or 885-5122 afroom, refngerator, stove, ship to shore, depth appliances, full baselions being taken now ter 3 PM ulilities Included Mature sounder, AMIFM casment Off street parking Contact Susan Hinsby person 885-9373 sette, pump-out head, $400 EastSide Manage875 Neff, duplex 2 bed343.5290 Pamco Tandem trailer menl Co 372-2222 rooms, 1 1/2 baths, air BEACONSFIELD, south of SCHWEITZER All equipment- SkIlS, etc conditIOned, 2 car gaTWO bedroom flat, fireJefferson Nice 2 bedREAL ESTATE Many extras Completely rage, stove, refrigerator place wllh leaded glass room upper. Refinished BEnER HOMES eqUiPped, excellent con$700 per month plus sebookcases, hardwood hardwood floors, appliAND GARDENS dition, like new. $7,500 or cunty 881-5951 floors, garage, clean ances $455 343-0255 best offer Immaculate Available 9/1 $465 1bSS CAMI'EllS GROSSE Pomte City- Neff Call 798-a345 498-2183 near Mack- newer unit, GROSSE POINTE 1978 25 foot Wellcraft JAYCO crank.up camper, completely redecorated 2 NEFF near Maumee EleMOVING AND Nova, twin 198 hp, full stove, Ice box, Sink, bedroom upper, modern gant English 4 bedroom STORAGE COMPANY canvas, ami fm stereo sleeps 8 $450 88~3674 bath and kitchen With upper, 2 1/2 bathrooms, With or Without trailer Reasonable Rates bUilt- lOS, large liVing appliances, $1,150 884Loaded $13,900 882Reliable ServICe room, formal dining room, bSb MOTOllllKfS 2444 4693 Local & long Distance sunporch, separate utiliCRIS CRAFT, 1954 18 foot HONDA Four Trax 250R 4 CLEAN two bedroom lower ties, 2 car garage $650 822-4400 flat Appliances, garage "Utility" Show quality, wheeler ATV, less than 1 EastSide management Rent plus secUrity Alter completely restored With year old $2,2501 offer Co Ask for Phil 372Free Estimates 3 p m 882-2579 tandem trailer Mint Ask823-6673, ask for Paula 2222 109$10,500 882-5502 MARYLAND lower 5, carbS7 MOTOilCYClI5 PRIVATE party Will sell peted, appliances, clean, 1980 l00hp Evmrude out~ plus utlflttes, 8811985 KAWASAKI GPZ 550 board ComolE'tP With ..J'I .. ;:' Black, 3,200 miles, excontrols $1,995 771tras, $2,000 firm 882n13. 701 APTS flATS DUPlEX 5266 5 C S Mocomb County CATALINA 27' sailboat, 'n, loaded, In water at 91 80 HONDA, CB 750 F, Ghost Fernng, KG rack Jefferson Asking and adjustable back rest $12,000, pnce negotiable $900, 526-6751 n~2723 hours 296-5465 '89 SEARAY, 26', 330 hp, 20 hours, With extras $33,500 4a3-n45 700 771.3124 702 AI'HI flATS' DUI'LEX 5 C 5 Macomb County the fun II lour sealons long' Select your home Irom our e•• cuIlY' one~ and two bedroom fanch apartment home. or our spacioul two.bedroom loll apa,lme"l. Pamper you .. elt wllh IndIvidual cllma'e can'rol all G E kitchen wall to.wall plu.h carpell"g sound co"d'ltonlng and your own LAKf'lIEW PATIO OR BALCONY E"loy your PRIVATE LAKEFRONT CLUB HOUSE, BOAT HAReOR a"d BOATING ASSOCIATION CLUe eOATS on.all .pM. La ke SI CIII, Re.artllvlng ., your doolltepl POINTE GARDEN HARPER WOODS ONE AND TWO BEDROOM APTS. • Newly Decorated • Senior Citizen Discount • Two Year Lease Available • Close to Shopping and Bus • Well Maintained &: Secure Buildin,s Other apartments available in St, Clair Shores FOR YOUR APPOINTMENT CALL 881.6100 --~ ~.l HARBOR CWB APARTMENTS AND YACHT HARBOR 36000 EASTJEFFERSON ON LAKEST CLAIR Resident Manager 791.1441 , August 24, 1989 11C Grosse Pointe News 701 APTS flATI DUPllX 'OS HOUIEI I ( I Mo<umb (uun'l ROSEVILLE. one bedroom, air conditioned apartment, liVing room, dlOing L, kl1chen WIth applI- J-!(hfltt GROSSE EAST DETROIT cavalier Manor on Kelly Roael. Attractive 1 and 2 bedrooms Many features IOcludlng secunty system, ceiling fan, central 8Jr, covered parking 773-3444 55.7220 DECORATOR furOished, one bedroom apartment PresttglOUs locatIOn, available November 1st thru May 30th Reasonable Leave message at n66372. SIXTEEN Mile and Harper SpacIOUS 1 and 2 bedroom apartments, newly decorated, starllng at $405 791-2600 !'Jo HOUSEl '~()od,:> PoInte Dt excellent location. $700 month plus secunty AvailaOle Immediately. 885-8111 or n6- 8892 GROSSE POInte Woods Large 5 bedroom. Short lease $2,500 886-4340 5234 HeretOI'd, 2 bedroom bnck home, liVing room, dIning room, kitchen, full basement, 1 1/2 car ga. rage, newly painted throoghout, new kitchen tIoor Includes stove, refngerator, water, sewage Only $435 Available September 1 885-0172 PRIME location In Grosse POinte Farms, 1,400 square feet, bfand new kitchen, completely redecorated. $900 885-a851 , 886-6864 after 5 GROSSE POlOte Woods, 3 bedroom newly decorated bock ranch Large remodeled kitchen with new appIl8OCes, full finished basement, washer and dryer, central 8Jr, gas heat, 2 car garage, no pets, $875/ month plus utilities Immediate occu- pancy 882-2286 CHARMING Four bedroom home Large rooms, lovely patIO and yard All appliances stay Tenants responSible for all utilities No pets $1,280 per month. 885-2000 SCHWEITZER LAKEBREEZE apartment, REAL ESTATE Shook off Jefferson, large BETTER HOMES one bedroom, walk- In AND GARDENS closet, new carpet, all appliances Heat, water EXECUTIVE Horne, pnme Included $400/ month location, walk to (North 465-3386. and Star). 4 bedrooms, 2 1f2 baths, fOl'mal dining ST. CLAIR SHORES/ room, FIortda room, ree Marter Road. Beautiful 2 room, 2 car attached, Bedroom Duplex $525 central air, alarm, 2 year 559-2982. lease, $1,500 a month UPPER flat, 2 bedroom september 1st 792-&lO4 $535, all utilitIeS Included days No pets. 773-4851, 884- WOODS three bedroom 9690 ranch, fireplace, family room, 2 car garage, 70S HOU5E5 FOR RENT month to month or long Po;n' .. Harp .. Woods GROSSE Pointe spaClooS ranch, Woods, 2 bed- rooms, dIning room, FIor. Ida room, 2 car garage, basement, appliances, air, near Lakeshore $1,200/ month, references cau after 5 p m 885-9031 HOUSE In Harper Woods, 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, 2 car garage, finished basement, appliances In' cluded, clean $650 monthly. Leave message at 882-<l517 WOODS, three bedroom 2 bath ranch, large master bedroom SUite, newly decorated, modern kl1chen, rent Of rent WIth optIOn to buy, $950 885-2937 MARYLAND, Grosse POInte school system, 3 bed. rooms nat, separate utilIt!8S, $500 monthly Month to month 01' lease ~ 3957, after 6 CADIEUX, south of Kercheval Beautiful two bedroom Ranch, central air, carpeted throughout $1,000 monthly. 8851719. CLEAN 3 bedroom Co!<> nlal, Grosse POinte Woods Fireplace, IMng room, dlOing room, family ............ "" '10.0:11111' .............. ..... "" .... '""" .... _\lUlll, ..,anncu, , , new carpeting, finished basement, appliances included. $1,000 monthly. 886-1200. GROSSE POINTE WOODS 2057 Norwood Three bedroom Colonial, huge family room, IMng room with fireplace, kitchen 1 112 baths, natural '" t~~~"ji~,. _885__ 29_3 I);>, 706 HOU5EI FOR RENT Delroll Wovn~ Counly ONE bedroom house Ideal for the professional. Parklike senlng on water With Lake St aalr access Wall to wall, air condition. lng, appliances, lawn and snow service, secUrity system $470 per month l.Jve In Luna World USAI call Gem at SkIp and Luna, 822~718 THREE bedroom home In good Detroit neighborhood Fireplace, 3 car ga. rage, WIth heat Included Family preferred. $370 per month 573-3619 MOROSSI Beaconsfield area, 2 bedroom bnck ranch, basement, new stove, nicely decorated, garage and large yard 879-2308 SMALL And cozy house near Grosse Pomte, stove, refngerator, blinds, $330 per month plus securrty deposit, references, no pets 886-9226 HAVERHrLU Mack Three bedroom bock Tudor, 2 baths, 2 car garage, fireplace, sunroom, breakfast nook References re- FAIRCAEST off Hayes and 7 Mile, 3 bedroom, basement, garage, $4001 or will sell, call laVon, Property Cod, three bedroom. 1 112 bath, living room, CAPE dining room. Garage. Full basement. Very clean. Friday per month and 26th, 5- 25th, 884-6139. Open Saturday, 7 p.m. can contract. 773-2035 SChoenhen' area' 2 bed- blSement with half recre8llOn room, central air, 2 car garage. Immediate occupenc:y. $895. .1.7757 or 114-4987 $8501 month. 884-6456. land BUCKINGHAM off Warren: three bedroom, base. ment, garage, $500 Also Pelkey off 8 Mllef room, $875 _ FARMS- lovely three bedroom ranch, own utilitIeS No pets References, securrty. $990. 886-2044. with bulffins, 1111 Hollywood Three bedroom bungalow, two car garage, appliances fOR Wo,nl RENt ""<, I:)f,"HOUlfl (ONOO\ Qalr Shores Two bedrooms, filllShed basement, 1 112 baths, garage, apphances, $500. laVon's Management, 773-2035. 70Q TOWNHOUSES fO~ ~E"T HOUSII fOR RINT I C I Mmomb CO""'I ST. ClaIr Shores. 2 bedroom bungalow, 1 112 car garage, no appliances, large yard. Prefer workIng coople, $5751 month plus security AV8J1aOIe September 1st. 885-1043 af. ter 5pm TWO BedroomsPOSSible 3, sun porch, carpeted hVlng room, country kitchen, basement, 2 car garage RoseVIlle 8821821 TWO bedroom ranch, 11f Jeffersoo $525 No pets security deposit, references Evenings, 884- 8683 ST. CLAIR SHORES, across Ford Estate, lease Immediate occupancy, Three bedrooms, two baths, liVing room, dining room, fireplace, kitchen, modern appli. ances, deck, garage, Ingroond SWimming pool $1,150 plus one month's security deposit. No pets 884-7171, 341-8703, 656- 3579 SUPER CLEAN South St Calf Shores Three bedroom ranch With partially finished b8semet'lt Fully carpeted and draped, central SIr, fenced lot, appliances Illcluded NO PETS $730 a month plus utilities, 1 year minimum lease AVSllable now' 885-0588 EAST Detroit, 3 bedroom bnck ranch, 2 car garage, central air, fi nishad basement, applIances, $700 per month 881-4006. 708 HOUSES WANTI D TO RENT YOUNG family seeklflQ first home but needs rent WI1tI optIOn to buy with payments of $600- $625. Great references. InTOWNHOUSES FOR !lENT CONDOS bedrooms, three baths, appliances Available september 1st $1,200 a month Days 259-4800, evenings 884-9349 CONDO for Winter season, 2 bedroom, 2 1f2 bath, fully carpeted, air condItioned, 2 fireplaces, m0dem unit, fully furnished, diShes, linens, 8 1f2 MIle! Mack $830. 773-7454 LAKESHORE Village condomlOlum for lease 2 bedroom townhouse, end unit on Lakeshore Dnve, updated and redecorated, parking, clubhouse and sWimming privileges AvaIlable September 15th $685. 772-1J730. LAKESHORE Village, 2 bedroom Townhouse, newly decorated, no pets, available September 15th, $650/ month 881- 8283 NEWLY decorated, Grosse Pointe City, 2 bedroom, 1 bath, carport, central alf, available OCtober 1st $925 per month Evenings, 885-7404 CLINTON TWP. Adult setting, 1,600 sq, ft Townhouse, 2 bedrooms, 2 112 baths, attached garage, povate patIO, more. $950 month 979-8610 LAKEPOINTE TO'Nel'S- Luxury liVing, St Clair Shores golf course Brand new customized 2 bedroom, 2 bath, 1,120 square feet Condo In mid-rise building includes pool, tennis court, J099ing track, garage parking, eIevatOl' seMce, appliances and carpeting Starting at $9501 month. Ready to move rnll MIChigan Condomlnrum 296-7602. THREE bedroom condo, 1 1/2 bath, immediate 00cupancy $1,0001 month plus utilities. Call Schweitzer AeeI Estate Better Homes and Gar. dens. 88&5800. (ON DOS 70'1 TDW"'HOU~I\ FOR ~I"'T 1/2 monthly plus secu. rity, references 77&0508 689-3940 TWO bedroom Townhoose, central air, full basement Rent $550 per month No pets. 222-5870 RIVARD GROSSE POINTE CITY Townhouse, two bedrooms, fireplace, basement, car port. NeWly updated $700 plus utilitIeS Available October 1st HENDRICKS And Aaoc:Iat .. , Inc. BE KJND TO ANIMALSl RIVIERA Terrace, 9/ Jeffersoo, 2 bedroom, 2 bath upper, lakevIeW, all appliances, pool, clubhouse Immediate occupancy 881-0912, 778-4475. 710 TOWNHOUSES WANTED HARBOR Town luxury apartment Prime river View, 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, like Units renting, $1,200 plus Sublet Immediately for $915 IncludIng utilities Eleven month WINDWOOD POINTE Champion & Baer, Inc. GROSSE POINTE WOODS Impressive 1,500 square foot protesslOOal office WI1tI krtchenette and many other extras 294-9500 ONE large or two small of. fices, approximately 352 sq. ft, $3751 month Includes ut~ltl8S n4-8180. lARGE sUite - Woods - air, parking, waiting room $275 month 882.7300 Grosse PoIn1e Farma All utilitIeS and parking furnished by landlord Approximately 1,350 square feet available at $15 00 per foot R.G. Edgar" EXECUTIVE suite, 1600 sq It Negotiable lease Corner of Vernlerf 1.94 884- FEMALE roommate wanted to share Lakeshore Village condominium WIth Female healthcare professIOnal. $250 per month plus 1/2 utilitIeS. 644-2870 ROOM Mate wanted. 5540 Yorkshire, between Warren and Chandler Park $200 per month Call between 7 and 9 PM. 881- 6088 FEMALE roommate needed, house In The Woods $3251 moottl plus utilities. september 1st. 3050. EAST DetrOIt- up to 10,000 square feet of executive office space for lease BUI" to suit 10 Mile and Kelly. J E De WaJd & Associates n4-4666 HARPER NEAR ALLARD GPW, five IndIVidual OffICeS, $3OO-$45Of HARPER Pnme, class Ing, pnvate sq. ft Ideal TWENTY five year old male seeks roommate for Grayton house. $250 plus 112 utilities Call Bob 885- SEEKING sleepmg room With krtchen pnVlIeges, 64 years young man. East Warren! Grosse PolOte area 886-9491. young re- sponSIble men to share 4 bedroom house WIth 2 dental stUdents. Rent $200 and $250 per month. Share utilitIeS, no pets. 886-4049, 748-3090 HAMPTON, Grosse POlOte Woods, housemate wanted, fireplace, laundry faCilitIes, garage, utlll1les Included In rent, except phone No-smoker. 884- 9247. FEMALE roomate, $250 month Includes all utili. ties. After 5:30, 884-4624 71 6 OffiCES COMMERCIAL fOR RlNT MACK AVENUE NEAR Broadstone Office, studIO or 1; 1,400 ft MACKNERNIER ADAPTABLE three units one or all Vacant Good VISIblllty MACK AVENUE MEDfCAL TEN ROOM surte Just redone Bnck fireplace, secUrity system, much more. 93 KERCHEVAL FRONT three rooms NBD Pnvate lav over FISHER ROAD FISHER MEWS three rooms WIth lav, coffee bar, single office, CORNER OF MAUMEE - very pnvate small sul1e, lav, stOl'age KELL YIEIGHT MILE 3,000 feet aboYe lnacomp Six large offices, two laYS Stgn nghts. 1-941 ALLARD HARPER WOODS easy ac. cess small suite, private lav, own address, own air system. Great parking AT BRYS A, free standparking, 1,600 X.way access - Co Rick R~~~ I mmercla a Estate Group 886-8000 LUXURY 2 plus bedroom condo, attached garage, exclUSive complex $850 per month Power Brokers lIml1ed 264-1100 _________ fiCe. as part of larger suite. Ideal for represent. atlves, accountants, IegaJ ROOMS fOR Il£NT LARGE SleeplOg room In Woods $200 a month 882-7300 OVER 40 years old Must be clean, neat and qUiet. $4750 weekly No priVIleges Call 885-3039 before 6 PM PARK, Beaconsfield, room, kitchen priVileges, nonsmoker, $200 plus 1f2 UtilitIes 822-5941 FINISHED basement for WOrking man over 50, or senlOl' crtzen No smok109 References. 7739015 Of 527~9. NEAR Village, non-smoklng Female preferred, kitchen and laundry priVileges $70 per week call 8852672 721 VACATION RENTAL FlO!lIDA --------- MARCO Island, Beach front condo 2 bedroom, 2 bath, 10th floor, weeklymonthly rentals, 881- 4199 711 VACATlO~ flORIDA RENTAl 600 home or condo 01' Del Ray area September, October, November mlOlmum Furnished 882-6678 WANTED Boca EXCHANGE 2 bedroom, 2 bath luxury condo 10 Tar. pon Springs, Flenda On the water with tennIS, pool, sauna, tor small house or 2 bedroom condo In the POIntes 01' St Clair Shores December 1. June 1 (813)9371224 or wnte 138 MarIner Dr , 34689 722 VACATION !llNTAl OUT Of STAn IIA(ATION NOUH£RN IENll\ MICHIGAN HOMESTEAD South Beach on Lake MlchlQan 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, 8528443 MACKINAC Island, one, two and three bedroom Condos, available year round Taking Fall and Christmas reservations now Call (906)847-3260 724 VACATION RENTAL RISORTS GRAND Old Lake MlChlQ8ll conege, exclusive Maca- tawa (Holland) Spectacu- lar YteW, beach Sleeps 8 to 23, $750 to $1,250 AvaJiable August 26, September 2, Call 616- 452084 SCHUSS Mountain! Shanty Creek Chalet In the Woods Sleeps 8, 54 holes of golf, Including The Legend TenniS, pool 293-7070 BOO HOUSlS fOR SALE GROSSE Pomte Farms. Three bedroom Colonial, 2 car garage, 1 1/2 car baths, possessIOn to be Immediate $144,900. Ask for Art Tuner, century 21 AAA n1-7771 GROSSE Pomte Park, SIllgle family 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath 2 garages, fillIShed basement, newty decorated, must sell $79,900 331.Q206 lOR 'All 1St SI. Clair. ImmacutIde 4 bedroom, 2 bath, ~ eled kitchen. Flrepl8ce, natural woodwork, stalned gIasa. Two Iewt deck, beautifully 1andscaped yards. 2 112 C8I' garge- AbeoIutety move in conditIOn$198,000. 881-1071 OUTER Dnve and Somer. set- beautiful 3 bedroom bungalow. 2 baths, 2 fir&. places, big back porch, 2 car garage, clo$e to schools 881-4436. HARPER HIL TONHEAD Island, 2 bedroom, 2 bath ocean Villa $560 weekly 8825997 123 HOUSfl stone, ranch, Woods on Briar. 3 bedroom brick fireplace, ~, finished basement. I~ dlate Dart possesSIOI'I. Real Estate n1.fl666. ST. aalr Shores pnme k> catIOn. By Owner Custom large Ranch. Price reduced Immaculate conditIOn, newty dec0rated, fl8ld stone exterior .. 21501 Palhster, COI'I'Ier Ecf!unton. n3-3495 BY Owner, classIC Grosse POInte Park, 2 family in- come, 1134 Beaconsfield. Excellent conditIOn, as owner occupies one unit .. Updated and newly dec0rated, hardwood floors, fireplace, 2 car ~age, electnc opener and much more. Must seel Call 822- 2391, leave message. ST. ClaIr Shores. 3 room custom ranch, IShed bedfill- basement, 2 1/2 car garage, 1 112 baths, fireplace $81,900 2949537. COX and Baker home, approximately 2000 sq. ft., located In prime DetroIt community. 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, lIVing room With fireplace, dining room, eat-in kitchen, 25x12' family room tral 8Jr condl1lOnlng, refillished oak floors, fully 81> phanced 881-9401 cen- ASSUME thiS beautiful F"teldstone three bedroonl bungalow on the COl'Tlef of Sanilac and Kenosha. Stove and retngeratOl', WIndow treatments, re- mode4ed bath, garage. ONE large or two small of- CLEARWATER FI dvery, very clean. CaR fices, approximately 352 on a Century 21 McKenzie, sq $3751 month IllLuxury, completely fur779-75CO, ask for Tnn , nrshed condo 2 bedST. CLAIR Brown. eludes utilitIeS n4-8180 rooms, 2 baths, all SHORES GROSSE POlOte Plaza ofamenities, pool, JacUZZI, LOVEL Y Home, lovely flce space avaIlable tennis Near golf, shop- 3 bed,OOW brick with 2 car verw, very pnvate 3 bedgarage. $69,900 22725 Mack Ave beping areas and 15 mlnrooms, 1 1/2 baths, den, tween 8- 9 Mile Ad 1,225 utes to beach (313) 261. 3 bedroom colooral, farnlly air conditioner. Walk to room and 2 1/2 car. square foot surte for 0306 schools $127,000. 8844 Qedroom WIth family room $1,400 per month IOclud- -S-A-N-M-a-rco--V-I-lIas--Y-o-u-'1I 1884 and 2 car. Ing all utilities and malnlove thiS one Decorator 2 bedroom. Good starter, DON'T WAlT tenance 3 times per f rn shed tw bed k C II M' h u I , 0 room, $53,900 Until Tuesday morning to wee a IC Igan 2 1/2 bath townhouse REPEAT your classified WARREN Realty Co 296-7602 Extra clean EverythlOg ad!!! Call our classified 3 bedroom WIth family room MEDICAL upgradedcarpet, 11nadvertlsmg department and 2 car. $98,900 BUILDING OR SUITES ens, furniture, matresses Wednesdays, Thursdays, 4 bedroom wrth farmly room Harper & 8 Mile Rd Pool and sauna faCIlitIeS Fndays, Mondays and 2 car. $82,900 STIEBER REAL TY specially cared for No 2 bedroom 10 super area 882-6900 n5-49OO pets Ideal for non-smok$44,900 GROSSE Pomte Woods. _________ 109 couple Pnvate beach Bncl< ranch 1163 Anita. EAST DETROIT 17888 MACK- 5200 sq n prlvelage at resIdents' Excellent conditIOn. Two to lease In Grosse POlOte park Minimum lease 3 3 bedroom bock ranch WIth bedrooms, fireplace, 2 car $58,000 Crty Free standing buildconsecutive months hardwood floors, deck. 109 Great park 109 AvaIlable November 2nd, ROSEVILLE No bfokers. Open SunOwner Will build InterIOr 1989 thru Apnl 29th, 2 family Income Excellent day 2 to 5, 884-1868 to suit. $12 per sq ft 1990 $2,000 per month location Immedl8te pesCHARMING Bungalow, toCall for det8Jls, Jim Saros plus all utilities and SElSSlOI'l Agency 886-9030 phone Secu rrty deposl1, tally remodeled mside DETROIT and out, excellent c0ndi'S $500 Full amount due In 3 bedroom doll house, 1 1/2 ONE MONTH advance (313)779-4941 tIOn Ki ngSYlIle, bordEn car garage. $27,000 Harper Woods. Must selIl RENT FREEl or (313)884-6358 3 bedroom Cape Cod, dill526-4104 GROSSE POINTE WOODS Ing room, 2 car, $36,000 1 800 square foot bUIlding SANIBEL Island, Gulf of 1560 Oxford- Lovely Tudor Beautiful 3 bedroom WIth , on Mack 10 excellent retail MexICO. 500 feet from family home features 4 finIShed basement, Includ01' offICe area Parking for ocean, 2 bedrooms, 2 bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, Ing kitchen and 112 bath 25 cars In rear Immedlbaths, IMng room, dlformaJ dining room, living $38,000 ate occupancy $1,200 nelle, large screened room With fireplace, 3 bedroom bock, diOing month Call Pele Schumporch Also an open bfeakfast room, updated room and more SImple mer at 881-4200 porch for sun bathing kitchen, spacious family assumption $27,000. Johnstone & Johnstone Large lot WIth beautiful room, hardwood floors, 3 bedroom WIth updated --------palm trees New furniture central air and new 2 1/2 krtchen Great Iocatlon. ~ POinte. Woods, throughout house Availcar garage upen Sunoay $26,900. ~,0UlI square reet on able Immediately. 8232 to 5 or by appointment Mack Avenue, next to the 5971 CENTURY 21 AVID, 882-9217 new POlOte Plaza, now --------INC. under development. 885- FLORIDA furnished lUXUry GROSSE POinte Shores n8-81 00. 6876 condomlOlum, sleeps prime localton, 2000 COLONIAL EASTINORTH lour Pool, whirlpOOl, WHITTIER! Outer Dove square feet, 3 bedroom, St. Clair Shores, 9 Mile and many amenit!8S Including Onglnal two bedroom ex. family room, finished Harper, 600- 1,000' First bOats Bonita Beach near pansion. $22,000/ offer basement Gorgeous. floor, partltlOOed, fully carFort Myers One week, 884-0763, leave mes$285,000. No brokers OCtober 21-28, $250 peted , WIndowed 0,ttices 968-3653 please 882.2506. sage n some WI1tI pnvate en- trances and baths Near expressway. UtilitIeS and Janitor Included $600- 72. VACATION RfNTAl RESO_TS 7H VICJTION RlSORTS RENTAL 724 VACATION RENTAL RISORTI $975 a month 778-0120 or 881~ 11 ~ RENT OPTION TO BUY RENT WIth option 7425 2,800 square feet of office Of retail, midblock, easy parking. call' R.G. Edger" AaocI81 .. 720 3694 OFFICE space on Mack 10 the Woods Ideal for small busmess Many services available 8821470 private 1 person of- Approximately ROSESVILLE 3 bedroom bflCk ranch In move-IO condItIOn, With Immediate occupancy Basement and garage. Assumable mortgage Power Brokers 264-1 iOO directly on the gulf Avallable alter September 1st $430/ week (614)436- 886-6010 S Jeffries 882-0899 OPTION TO BUY SANIBEL Island- one bedroom penthouse condo to buy. 4411 KenSington. All brick single family home. 1,700 square feet, foor bedrooms, two baths, hardwood floors, natural fireplace, 2 car garage, all appliances $600 a month plus utilities 885- Virginia Realtor SMALL month gross EXECUTIVE OFFICES Punch & Judy BIdg ~. two Associates 886-6010 71 ~ LIVING QUARTERS TO IHARE RINf OFFICE space to share DETROIT 8 Mile and HooWith another small bUSIver area, 2 bedroom aluness 1,700 square feet minum, central 8Jr and of space SerIOus minded garage Immediate occuoffers only. 68(}.3480 pany Rent $400 FHAf VA Power Brokers 264OFFICE Space IndiVidual 1100 offices or sUite up to HARPER Woodsnewly 1,570 square feet, newly decorated 3 bedroom, decorated, conference Immediate occupancy room, telephone system Grosse POinte schools available, Grosse Pomte Rent $570 FHA! VA Farms Occupancy after Power Brokers Limited October 1st Rent negotI264-1100 able 886-2666 lease 885-2414 NEEDED, 719 BRAND NEW OFFICE BUILDING CONDOS LOCATED ON THE HILL (MtrlO~ Newer, luxury first floor two bedroom, two bath condo. Window treatments, carpet, all appliances including washer/dryer. Finished basement with full bath. Attached garage Available August 2. '1300 per month. 884.5700 1 0536,824-6200. 7438. 709 Condo baths, bB8ement, carport, $510 COM""ER(IAl FOR II(NI ST. 707 71" Offl(l~ fOR ~!NI (ovnl, GROSSE Pointe CIty. Four qUired 288-0478. SMALL 1 bedroom home. I.Mng room, den, kl1chen, utility room 1 floor, no basement. Fenced yard, Grosse Pointe schools $4751 month, lease, first, last, secunty. 228-1333 qUit Woods. modeled, 2807 n8-72fi() t ~,~~,~y~-~--'------or decorated, easy access to express way, $4501 month plus secunty n9- ST. aalr Shores Large one bedroom, newly decorated, air conditioned, fUlly carpeted wl1h appliances Near Shopping, publIC transpor1atlOn and expressway Security locked. 884-3360 and Horp, 1961 Anita, three bed- ST. John's Ho8pItal area, 2 room bfIct( &ingalow, 1 bedroom home, $5001 1/2 baths, secunty sysmonth plus utilities. 885- ances, new carpet, newty ST. CLAIR SHORES, 9/ Mack area, one bedroom, qUiet surroondlngs, great for senlOl's. Carpeting, appliances, heat and water Included $4501 monthly, $450 secUrity Lower units now available Chapoton Apart. ments, 777-7840 rOR RENT ~ EAST Detroit 4 bedroom. 2 bath, anached garage Immediate occupancy Of executive Non smoklog only. 21719 Harper, at Shady Lane, C8Il 77f#. Assumable 4941, 264-1100 morgage or FHA! VA. Rent $600. POW8f Brokers LlTTllted Summer weather, fall rates at t e Edgewater Inn resort Now IS Ihe bllsllrme for a summer vacalron ", northern MICh,gan Beautiful WH1Mr in a refaxm9 almosphere ai/OW (aff rales ($6301 wulr. Sol 10 Sal reservations, some fllll/11 reMnIQlrons & Augl/~ dales slrll ar'allable J 2 bedroom luxury condos on 'he hart10r A/C, cable. Irrlchen fireplace, ",door/ouldoor poof, sauno, whrrlpoof, beoch, & goff JIlJI U block 10downlourn Charlel'olx FISh (rom prer or lxxiI, docb IYlIila.ble w/ advtlTK:, notk,. One condo IS non.smoki!lf. Can (313) 995.4884 for reservations & broChure. August 24, 1989 12C Grosse Pointe News ~OO HOU\I\ 'OR \/ll! HOO HOU\l\ lOR \All ijOO HOUSI\ lOR Sill Grosse Pointe Schools FOR the growing family, ST, Clair Shores 23341 Large tacebrlck bungalow, 2 lovely 7 bedroom, 2 1/2 North ColOnial Court 692 HMrthorne bedrooms, JUnior dining bath bnck colOnial FeaFour bedroom Colonial 2 OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY room, liVing room wllh tunng 2 fireplaces, family 112 balhs family room 1PMt05PM nalural fireplace finished 2000 square feel, atroom With wood bumer Three bedrroms tandem basement, 2 car garage, Eat.1n kitchen WIth appll. tached garage One block study, 1 112 baths, large vacant Will conSider land from Grosse POlnle ances, secunty system family room, 2 1/2 car ga. contract OPEN SUN. partially finished baseShores Open House rage, many I'Il8jOr renovaDAY Sunday 12-4 885 2912 ment, heated, wired gatlOllS $197.500 No br~ St. Clair Shores rage QUiet street near kers 881-4343 New 3 bedroom colonial St Isaac Jagues POSSI. ST. John's area grandma HARPER Woods 4 bedclean must sell her piC landscaped Pick your ble mother-In. law apartroom ranch, fireplace, ture pertect home 1 112 carpeting 1 1/2 baths lull ment, extra insulation, screened porch, 2 1/2 garage 1 1/2 bath sec basement, $87500 water punfylng system, baths, finished basement, ond kitchen In finished attic and ceiling fan, Kelly Building Co. first floor, laundry, 1/2 basement most appli$109 900 (M20860) Call 882-3463. acre lot, attached garage ances stay $23 500 Call 751.2200 Chamebertaln WARREN- SChoenherr 8 1/ 839-6552 Dianne, Real Estate One Realtors 2 40'x134' $3,995 Van 296-0010 A Renovated 3 bedroom Dyke 9, 40' x116 THREE family Income, St colonial, Grosse POinte GROSSE POinte Woods $2995 351-4456 Clan Shores, excellent schools, 1 112 baths, 1st 834 Hollywood Four bedInvestment, all OCCUPied floor laundry, bUlh-ln apAMAZING!! room BungalolV formal $1,200 monthly Income pliances $67,500 20487 5 Mm. from new Marlnal dlnlnQ room liVing room $8O's C,entury 21 East Hollywood Ailid 881Million dollar View for 114 With - fireplace family 881-2540, ask for Bill 8373 Ihe pncel Live right on room, finished basement BEST Buy In Detroit I East Lake St Clair LAKE 2 car attached garage WANT of Cadieux, three bedVIEW CLUB TOWN patiO, beautiful landscaproom brick Colonial, ADS HOMES 2,500 square Ing Price reduced for a $205 Century 21 East feel, 2 1/2 baths, 2 car Call In sale' 886-5495 881-2540, ask for 8111 garage, plus morel VISit Early 1079 ANITA our special models and BEST buy In Grosse Grossse POinte Woods2 WEDNESDA Y, 8-5 savel Jefferson at 11 1/2 POinte, UniVersity, 3 bedbedroom ranch 1988 THURSDAY, 8-6 Mile OPEN DAILY 1 5, rooms, 2 full baths natuMutschler kitchen, liVing INCLUDING SUNDAYI FRIDAY, 8-5 ral fireplace $90 s cenroom, formal dining room, 774-6363 tury 21 East 881-2540, MONDAY, 8-6 family room, screened In ask for Bill GROSSE POINTE NEWS porch, 2 car attached ga- IMMACULATE, nicely deeo rage, refinished hardwood GROSSE POinte Woods, 882-6900 rated, three bedroom floors, central air, great clean plus Three bedbrick Colomal on Haver GROSSE POinte Woods IIoor plan Must see room all bnck ranch With hili DetrOit Low $30's 1585 Brys Two bedOpen Sunday, August aluminum trim, has FlorSchweitzer Real Estate rooms, appliances, ga27th, 2-5, or by Ida off formal dining room Better Homes and Garrage, under 1,000 square appointment and natural fireplace In dens Ask for linda 886 feet $69,500 No Br~ No Brokers Pleasel liVing room Full finished 5800 kers 296-6203 886-2728 basement WIth lavatory LAKEFRONT 3 story conand shower Two car gaGROSSE POINTE WOODS BUYING OR SELLING temporary, panoramic rage Call for more infor1160 PAGET COURT A HOME View, Hamson Township, mation, lee Realty Su~ I Will prepare all legal docu. Custom bUilt One owner urban, ask for 4,600 square feet ments, $200 complete home on qUiet court True $4SO,OOO 792.7900, 792Josephine, nl-3953 Also Wills, probate, and 4 bedroom, formal dining 6333 room, den, added Insulaincorporations Thomas P MAGNIFICIENT home on tion, roof In '71, 2 full Wolverton, Attorney, 28511 UNITS- Mack at Three Lincoln In Grosse Pomtebaths. finished basement, 6507 Mile across from Grosse 5 bedrooms, 3 1/2 baths, 2 car garage POinte Park, excellent 3 natural fireplaces, 7- MACK area, 2 bedroom, Call Don HO cash flow, all units occubrand new Mutschler frame, block garage REO CARPET KEIM pied land contract kitchen, panneled library $21 ,500 296-0246 526-0268 or 884-7649 terms, 200lil down With fireplace Many more $259,000 or best offer Improvements $330.000 GROSSE POINTE WOODS century 21 East 881Century 21 East 881Beaultful newer custom built 4 bedroom, 3 1/2 bath 2540, ask for Bill 2540, asj( for Bill home Open family room, large dining room, library, master bath has a sunken tub, walk In closets, re cessed lighting, 1st floor laundry, and much more Owner anxIous ANDARY 886-5670 lovely quad level home, hVlng room, dining room, GROSSE POtNTE WOODS 100 Houm lOR \Al! GOVERNMENT HOMES trom $1 00 (U-repalr) F~ recloseures, Repos, tax Delinquent properlles Now seiling Call 315736-7375 Exl H-MI-G4 For information 24 hours Fee reqUired FIRST OFFERING GROSSE POINTE WOODS Absolutely gorgeous bnck C8pe Cod Close to lochmoor Country Club ThiS SpaCIOUS home features four bedrooms, two full baths, finished basement, new furnace With central air Large, beautifully landscaped lot Many more custom features ST. CLAIR SHORES Meticulously restored three bedroom bnck coIomal Features Include two full baths, hardwood floors, family room, first floor laundry, fireplace and all appliances ThiS IS truly one of a kind GROSSE POINTE WOODS Beautiful brick Colomal In great family neighbor hood ThiS home features 3 bedrooms, family room, natural fireplace. recrea. tlon room With wet bar, 2 car garage on large lot Just reduced and very affordablel DETROIT'S BEST BUY Super clean two family Income In nice eastSide neighborhood Good cash flow Occupy or Invesl Asking $29,500 With zero downl CLINTON TOWNSHIP BETIER FAMILY LIVING Is offered In thiS Inviting 4 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath CoI~ n,al on a 310 ft deep landscaped lot Formal dining room 1st floor laundry FlOrida room, Ii brary/ den corner fireplace, central air, altached 2 car garage wllh opener & much, much more Asking $164,900 Call to see 739-8800 Jerry Manzo Real Estate, Inc GROSSE POinte Woods, Newcastle Three bedroom Ranch, poSSible 4, finished basement, fireplace, new drive/ furnace/ central air/ underground sprinkler $105,000 8844256 945 Trombley GROSSE POINTE PARK Open Sunday, 2 to 5 PM Four bedroom, 3 1/2 updated baths, all new custom bUill kitchen With ceramic tile hickory cabinets, all new appliances (Sub-zero & Thermador), finished basement With wet bar, all new carpet and paint throughout, profeSSionally landscaped Located In lovely Windmill POinte SUbdIVISion $298,500 822-8606 BY OWNE~ 586 SUNNINGDALE GROSSE POINTE WOODS DrIVe) ThiS lovely brick Colonial features three bedrooms, two baths up, master bedroom and bath down. A paneled library, fireplaces In the lIVing room and finished basement and central air assure gracIous lIVing BUill by Cox & Baker, thiS one.m.a.mlilion home IS shown by appointment onlyl $315,000 CALL 758-1800 OR 756-5100 between 9 a m. & 6 P m. for appointment FOR SALE BY OWNER 1017 BUCKINGHAM Three bedrooms, one and one half remodeled Ofi'la.(, profeSSionally decorated with custom kitchen, deck with JaCUZZI,finished basement and much more $260,000 baths 'T~p\ete\y OFFICE Custom bUilt center entrance Colonial features large family room wllh natural flfeplace, library/den, modern krtchen wrth large family dining area, four bedrooms, two and one half baths ThiS newer home In presti. glous VYlnamlll POinte area has central air, TlrSl Hoor laundry room, separate storage/play house In large backyard Pnce includes new carpeting allowance for 1st floor, stairs and 2nd floor hall, plus installation $284,000 823-2498 Evenings and Weekends BY APPOINTMENT FOR SALE BY OWNER ONLY $345,000 704 NEFF Open Friday, saturday, Sunday 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. SHOWCASE KITCHEN, 12' x 21', featuring all Jenn.Aire appliances, Including grille, mullioned glass cupboards, cove ceiling, French Windows, brass counter rails, 10.foot bui~-In china cabinet, completed 6189 MUST SEEl Four bedrooms, 3-plus baths, 2 fireplaces, wet bar, sI'rlnkler system, central air, security system. Elegant 12' x 21' master suite overlooks formal garden & patIO, prof ... lonarty designed by Eleanor Roche, Grosse '3,000 square feet I 882-8772 • HOME POINTE NEWS 882-6900 Ichweltzer -.,Bettgfnes I W 884-2694 I Hand Garden,@ Kercheval on the Hill 74 Kercheval Avenue 885-2000 FOR SALE BY OWNER 1033 WHITTIER ThiS DePaepe bUlh center entrance ColOnial features four bedrooms, two and one half updated baths, remodeled kitchen With eating area, sunny spacIous family room, formal dining room. refinished hardwood floors, new carpeting, central air, Inground spTlnklers, secunty system, nicely landscaped fenced yard With large covered patio and two car garage ThiS home has been renovated by Yorkshire BUilding and Renovation Company and IS In move-In condition Reduced to $259.500 881-3386 1145 Bedford, Grosse Pointe Park Grosse Pointe Park Three bedroom, 2 112 baths on 2500 sq ft brick Colonial, custom kitchen With parquet floor by Customcraft, 25 x 15 family room; glass wall opening cnto backyard brick patiO, natural lIVing room fireplace & gas fireplace In carpeted paneled basement, central air. automatic sprrnkling system, ADT secunty system ProfeSSionally decorated and landscaped , 886-0644 ~\I -, ~"nnintml>nt nnl\1 _ ~,..,..-"....._••• -."1 1"'.----. ~n RrnkPorc: nl",,,c:,,,1 ._- _. _.._.- 881-1036 1410 BEDFORD WELL MAINTAINED BRICK COLONIAL lovely 1900 sq. ft. ColOnial featuring three bedrooms, liVing room With natural fireplace, den, formal dining room, iarge kitchen wrth ealing area, recreation room With fireplace, two and one half car garage and much, much more '137,500, ask for Bob Lottie M. Schmidt, Inc. 949.7200 I 538 LOCHMOOR Between Lakeshore and Morningside BY OWNER A "'EMBER OF mE SEARS FINANCIAL NETWORK 515 CLINTON AVE. ~ST. CLAIR, M148079 JOACHIM REALITY, INC. BUS. 329-9036 ESTATE - 3 bedroom, 2 bath complewly remodeled farmhouse on 5 acres. Spaclous famIly room Wlth fireplace, doorwall to deck overlookmg pond Central an and alarm sy'ltem 30' x 64' horse barn. Must see to appreclnte Just 5 minutes to 1.94. Asking '159,000 J-536 FOR SALE BY OWNER 1269,000 GROSSE 2,000 Square ft, free standIng corner office building In Grosse POinte, With exIra lot approximately 8OXl50' on Mack Asking $285,000 Active 8825444 COUNTRY 961-Q975 POinte Garden Tour. ~proximately • ABSOLUTELY MINT CONDITION Call and InqUire about our FAX MACHINE. When time Is short and our lines are bUSy, you can simply FAX the copy atong with billing and ca1egory Information, ST. CLAIR AREA BROKERS PROTECTED 882-0845 I 773-9300 ~ FIVe bedroom. three and one half bath Colonial Newly decorated, top to bottom! New kitchen, panelled library, new family room. RELAX! USE OUR FAX llecl EIlClle Inc Deduct $10,000 of Commission OPEN SUNDAY 2-6 885-7636 Open Sunday 2.5 GOT A BUSY SIGNAL? EAST DETROIT For Salel lease 2,850 or 1,425 square feet, 6 overhead doors, excellent I~ cation, 3 year old bUlld109. $2001000. 573-4944 COMMERCIAL BUilding for sale or lease St Clair Shores Beautiful corner, 9 Mile at Industnal Dnve, one block east of 1-94 6,900 square foot office, shop and storage 25,000 square foot land and parking Call owner, 8861669 '189,000 Elegant ColOnial Two story foyer With marble floor and dramatic Circular stairs Four spacIous bedrooms, hardwood floors. king Sized closets, two and one half baths Formal dining and liVing rooms, sunny kitchen, eating area With large Window overlooking beautiful pnvate bacl<yard Family room With fireplace Glass doors to lighted bnck walled patio Carpeted and paneled basement Central air New roof and hot waler heater Two car garage Over 2,800 sq feet Asking $278,000 FOR SALE BY OWNER 726 MIDDLESEX & SON 821-6500 BUILDINGS Exceptional three bedroom colonial In prime Farms location. Stunning decor Custom features throughout I F;Qj:(tl.a~~Vll:jg room and dining room Eat.,n country Kitchen wltli chestnut cabinets Outstanding finished basement with mirrored walls and natural fireplace Flonda room PrIVacy fence Sprinkler system ProfesSionally landscaped. Must see I 692 CANTERBURY GROSSE POINTE WOODS BY OWNER (corner of Morningside 885-5244 CROWN REALTY TOM McDONALD .0 I COMMERCIAL OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 884.3781 GROSSE POINTE SHORES RANCH BY OWNER For Appointment heal, Side dnve and garage Pnced to sell at $57,900 Cash to a new mortgage. 273 Mt Vernon Three bedrooms, two balhs, formal dining room, natural fireplace, large two story family room, new kitchen, many amemtles Call weekdays, 963-3095 --------OXFORD, 1813, bungalow, 3 bedrooms, new upstairs, new kitchen, fireplace, 2 car garage, $106,000 884-6456 after _6_p_m _ 387 MORAN, GROSSE POINTE WOODS 467 LAKESHORE ROAD Built in 1980 by David Willison • Four bedrooms each with bathroom • Masler bedroom ground floor. Library and formal living room. 4,500 square feel. Lol size 120 x 230 • All luxury features ment, Side drive, two car garage, deep lot, sharp $74,9OO/terms GROSSE POINTE Five-five two family, Side dnve, two car garage, two furnaces, gas heat, both units rented Only $67.900 Cash to a new mortgage GROSSE POINTE New listing I Five room Bungalow wllh expansion at. tiC, full basement, gas ST. John's Hospital area , bedroom ranch, hardwood floors, 5298 Marseilles, $29,000 8824693 $255,000 GROSSE POIN'l'E FARMS EXECUTIVE HOME 775-4900 SUPER ranch In St Clair Shoresmove-In condition SpacIous famllyroom With fireplace. central air $80's Century 21 East 881-2540, ask for Bill FOUR family Income, Grosse POinte Park, GROSSE POINTE South 01 Jefferson ExcelThree bedroom bnck Col~ lent renlal area, separate utilities century 21 East d mal. family room, one an 881-2540 ask for Bill half baths, finished base' _ Builtin 1965, thiS five bedroom Colonial prOVides hardwood Oak floors throughout, wet plaster, ceramic tiled 21/2baths, new furnace, central air Easy walKing to elementray, middle and high school Finished basement Many extras Owner transle rred enclosed 884-2414 Stieber Realty TODAY'S BEST BUYS! FOR SALE BY OWNER GROSSE POINTE WOODS OPEN SATURDAY 1 PM to 5 PM GROSSE POINTE WOODS family room. three bedrooms, two baths, terrace, central air, sprinkler system 100 HOUSES fOR SAl! ijOO HouSfS FOR SAll 100 HOUSES FOil SAlI 100 HOUSES fOR SIU Near 1.94 St CIM eXit PrIVate 5 acres With pond, 2800 square foot tudor Great room With fireplace and wet bar, library 10ft, formal dining room. large kitchen Three bedrooms, master With fireplace and JacuzzI Three and one half baths. lirst floor laundry, oltlce, three walk 10 closets. three car garage, full basement Many extras. $295,000 367.3032 ST. CLAIR RIVER - 4 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 story home WIth panoramIc VIew of the rivers activttles, CllthPdrnl celhng In kltchen~mmg area. 4 doorwl1ll'l lel1dmg to covered patio overlooking nVf>r 4 car Rttnched garage plus 20' x 40' garage. Steel seawall and boat hOlst on thiS 75' x 400' lot. A.,kmg 1225,000 J-55b Ch~nnl(lQ semi-ranch. Newly decorated throughout. LIVing room With fireplace, formal dining room with French doors. Mutschler deSigned Includes Sub Zero refrtgerator. All above w~h be aulifu I hardwood floors ApprOXimately 3,000 square feet Great room with fireplace and atnum doors opening to large deck. Four bedrooms and three full baths. First lloor laundry computer/sewing room. Basement with fireplace and wet bar New furnace/central air and water heater All thiS wonderful lIVing space on a prIVate 100 by 170 foot lot. ST. CLAm RIVER - 2 bedroom, 1 story home. Fireplace m hVlng room. Hardwood floors. Large E'nclo'lcd porch overlookmg river. 1 car garage. The 66' x 710' lot features steel seawall and 100' dock Askmg 1185,000 J .556 NO BROKERS PLEASE! 886-5135 882-8990 '369,000 OPEN SUNDAY, 2-5 AI1lnlll!*ldenlly 0wMcI and Oper~lId MembW 01CclIIwllll BaU AIIlilInI. MIIIII,Inll call today for appointment! -- ___________________ ._. """'4._"."'"'_' __ " -•...- "-._ _._ __.•.---.- -- --- 13C August 24, 1989 Grosse Pointe News d?,I BU;I"If)\ ~o I COMMIRCIAl ~o I BUllDl"IG; GROSSE POINTE FARMS CONDO; APT; to HilT, 1300 EAST JEFFERSON PrestigIOUs Kercheval Iocatoo, 1,980 square leet, basement, tenant occupled, good cash flow $250,000, terms CASA BALCONA CO-OP Sharp 5th floor comer unrt Wltt1 2 balconIeS, de6lreabIe downtown Iocatoo, ST. CLAIR SHORES quite secure bUilding 4,000 square 'eet, Harper $222 Maintenance fee frontage, pMlnty of pari<. Includes heat, water, Ing Sale Of lease taxes and Insurance, cen8 MILflKELLY tral air, oak parquet 1,000 square feet, Ideal for floors. doctor/pmf8SSlOl1al offICe Call Don Ho Full basement, great poRed Carpet Kelm. tenlial Metro. 526-0268 8847649 886-5670 ANDARY REAL ESTATE 802 (OMM(R(IAL PROPERTY FOR Sale, 3,000 square feet, 9 Mllel Harper Off street parl<lng Priced to sell Terms Anton, Zom & Assoc 4S9-M88 LAKESHORE VIllage, 2 bedroom Condo, newer carpet 109, parnt and kitchen. Window treatment throughout, very clean 773-2033 WANT ADS 882-6900 I' (DIjOO> ~Oj APT I FlA II LAKESHORE Village22943 Lee Court Must be sold this week $62,9001 Olfer. Call Dlana Century 21 Kee 751-«)26 ST. ClaJr Shores, WindPOinte Newer 2 bedroom. 2 bath, den, same floor laundry, sundeck, garage, central air, approximately 2,000 square feet with upgrades North of 9 Mile, on the Lake side of Jefferson n1-9306, n1- wood Stieber Realty n5-4900 BUY NOW AND settle In Before Winter 1st floor and 2nd floor unrts In St Clair Shores $49,900 Close to every. thing Put the snow blower and shovel In the Garage sale ThiS second floor Condo with 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, washer and dryer Wlthll'l the unrt IS Ideally situated In the beautiful DUPLEX 2 bedrooms each, 2 car garage each, pnme area 01 St Clal r Shores, $140,000 CENTURY 21 AVID, INC. nance IS taken care of for you There IS a clubhouse with pool and entrance gate man. You've paid your 'Dues'- Now rt's time to enpy and relax Let me show you- Today Palazzo & Associates. Call in Thursdays and Fridays 882-6900 ... 800 avo HOUSES FOR SAlE SHOREPOtNTE CONDO Beautiful, garden level Two bedrooms, hVlng room, dining room, first floor laundry All appliances, Window treatments slay Motivated seller, Will save you $1,OOO's $124,900 885-1944. .. , nW100. ST.area. Clair 11/ Shores Excellent Jefferson, one Prost Real Estate 7n-4900 bedroom, new carpeting, $90 maintenance fee Includes heat and water Window In every room HOUSES FOR SALE DELUXE Condo 1050 Woodbrrdge End unrt, 2 large bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, famIly room, new kitchen, finished basement, 2 car attached garage, extras, pool and community house Open Sunday 1 to 4 n4-6580 $45.900 nS-2894 DUPLEX. 15830- 32 Wind. mill Pomte (corner Lake Court), Grosse Pomte Pari< SpaCIOUS 2 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath, living room with fireplace, dinIng room and den FinIShed basement with separate laundry room Three car garage excellent condItion ProfesSionally landscaped Many extras $260,000 For appointment call 331. ~8s2-9142\ Complete Home Inspections Inc. Our pre-purchase home inspection may save you a Illetlme of problems and expense Inspectlons performed m accordance With American Society of Home Inspectors gUidelines Immediate wrillen report Call today for a free brochure or to schedule Inspection 5338 GROSSE POINTE FARMS 261 McKINLEY 3 bedrooms, 1 112 baths, liVing room with natural fireplace, formal dining room, paneled door, 18 x 10 oak kitchen With bUlh-lns Finished ree room Approx 1900 sq. ft Walk to elementary, middle & high schools. ~~ "143,500 882-9294 804 ALWAYS WANTED HORSES? Here place for home and a place for horses tool Newer chalet home WIth three bedrooms, 1 11 2 baths, garage, utility, fireplace, satellite system plus well Insulated horse barn, 16' x 20', and a tack bUilding 24' x 30', all on 5 acres In Port Sani- Beautllfully decorated 2 bedroom, 2 1/2 car garage, finrshed basement, enclosed courtyard, extras. Make offer ~ 9004 Village. ,bedroom ,condo, extras, 2 many $72,900 773- 808 lac $82,500 TOWN & COUNTRY REALTY 1-622-8100 1-622-8325 evenings 9248 20854 Van Antwerp IS JUst the you - a beautiful or 822-5982. LAKESHORE COUNTRY HOMIS 803 LAKI RIVER HOMES LAKE RIVER HOMIS PRICE REDUCED FOR QUICK SALEI 'lORIDA 4883 Harper Schools. Woods convenience (east In prime of 1-94) with Grosae are. of Pointe Now s69J900. A beautiful fireplace acx:ents a 23 foot hVlng room With plush carpeting Quality IS evident In the wet plaster, hardwood floors, ceramIC tile and oak vanity. Entertainment IS easy In the finished basement wrth bar and half bath You can move In at clOSing In thiS rare value. Call Greg Ruper Century 21 KEE 751.2290 GROSSE POINTE WOODS RANCH ALGONAC RIVERFRONT ESTATE deSigned by the late State Laureate Architect, Alden Dow, borders the St Clair River Minutes from either Lake St Clair or Lake Huron, thiS exceptional property IS located less than a one hour commute from DetrOit The contemporary. architecture of the reSidence lends Itself to busy family Iivrng, quiet week-end retreats for the executive, or active entertainment Three bedrooms With built-inS, three car attached garage, outbUildings that Include another 2 1/2 car garage and boat house, guest wells and full sun exposurel Please call for an appointment. .01 INVESlMINl 885-6863 '0' LAKI RIVER HOMES ST. CLAIR SHORES LUXURIOUS lakefront home, 10 rooms, 5 bedrooms, 4 1/2 baths, quarters for live-in Nannyl Maid By appointment only MILLION dollar VIeW 3 bedrooms, den, family room, Florida room, formal dinIng and much more Catl for detatls THREE bedroom canal home with family room Under $115,000 HARRISON TWP. METICULOUS custom c0lonial features dining room, family room, summer room, 3 large bedrooms, 1 full and 2 (112) baths Much more Call for details CENTURY 21 AVID, INC. 778-8100. PORT SANILAC AREA Beautiful two bedroom home has It all ... large lot overlooking Lakeshore Road, south of Port Samlac, large liVing room W1th fireplace, formal dlOing room, 1 1/2 ceramic baths, attached garage, partial basement, plus 30 feet on Lake Huron wrth driveway and garage Pnced at only $89,900 TOWN & COUNTRY 30Q LAKI RIVER LOlS aLACK River. Owner needs cash 2 waterfront wooded parcels Prefer to sell together for $35,000, but Will consider seiling IndiVIdually On the main branch of The Black River 5 mIles Irom Lake Huron, 1 hour from Detroit (70 miles). Excellent fish and game area. New survey, maintained county road, electriC, phone, title Insurance Included Call owner. 881- LAKE RIVIR RESORlS BOATERS. Investors3 plus acres on Russell Isfand In St Clair Rrver. Over 1,100 feet of water frontage 2 buildings Call Jim or Joan Brown Century 21 Market Tech, 9498300 or 794-7130 JEDDO AREA Between Port Huron and LeXington - vacant 30 acres of farmable land. 990 x 1,320 TOWN " COUNTRY REALTY 1-359-7353 1.359-8503 evenings ao& lAMI RIVER HOMES For Sale by Owner CROSS POINTE AND MARINA DOWNTOWN PORT HURON Call 886-9746 Luxury living at the river's edge. Just mmutes from Lake Huron 1,660 sq. ft. With spaCLOUSrooms. 2 large bedrooms. fireplace, decks, basement, and 2 caTattached garage. Located m downtown Port Huron $138,500. 30' boatwells available, $29.500. ~ljIl(I4lA~n4~~~ • _ : . •• come. FOR HOMES STIEBER REAL TV 775-4900 LOOKJNG tor WOODLAWN cemetary, 8 space 101, section 38, lot gan, DeSirable IocatlOn Sold all or separately $500 each 8214206 ANDARY REAL ESTATE OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS MICHIGAN LOTS UPPER Peninsula120 acres near LrttIe Bay DeNoc area Excellent for hunting and fishing Must sell $22,000 791~3 FOUR lots, 100'x268' In Forest Parks -1 Subdlvlson, near Lewiston MIChi- gan.881-5441. Thinking of Investing m a new busmess? ConsiderIng a franchise? We have the IocatlOO for you the all new 61,215 square foot East Brooke C0mmons, Grallotl 9 Mile REAL l~lA TE WANTED Salon, 7 Mite and area VfKY busy salon, 10 stations, 6 fuN time people. Inventory Mack and equipment rnctuded. Jim Kouloos at Jln Saro8 Agency 886-9030. ENTREPRENEUR SEEKING MENTOR 790-0937 358-9844 DESIRE Home In Grosse POinte below $90,000 No Agents n1-1866 7313 BUSINESS IookJng for ~ Itad partner Of U'lY8StOI'. Company has been in business SIOC8 August, 882-6900 1985 $20,000 LAKRITZ LookIng Grosse Pointe News want Ads Get Results 882.6900 - WEBER & CO. RELAX FOR LABOR DAY! ; . ..:.:let the Grosse Pointe News Classifieds work for you' We Win be closed Monday, September 4. To avoid the Tuesday Noon deadline rush, we suggest classified ads be placed by 5 p.m. Friday, September 1s1. Measured and bordered ads must be placed by Friday, September 1st. at 4 p.m. 882.6900 JOACHIM REALTY INC (313) 329-9036 lOCATED CORNER OF LAPEER & SEVENTII STREn OPEN SATURDAY & SUNDAY 1... P.M. COMPUTER HOURS TO OUR CUSTOMERS: Our computer hours are as follows: MONDAy TUESDAy WEDNESDAY THURSDAy FRIDAY SATURDAY for II'lvestment. Call 964-0747 for more infor. mation. Ask for Reginald. TALK WITH US. 353-9494. GROSSE POINTE NEWS BILl YOGURT Franchise for sale, high volume, fuMy eqUipped, no percentage of gross, must sac:nfice. Catl 88&M03 Of n1. and Subway have already chosen East Brooke, other retailers Include, Harmony House and Perry Drugs We are seeking card, pIZZa, bakery, pnntlng, patnt and wallpaper shops WANTED to buy, vacant storage lot, prefer fenced County, BEAUTY Franchrses such as TCBY 817 Wayne SMART, Federal Gowlmment, and the MMBCD. If there IS any Interest, please call 680-3480. 72 822-4400 NORTHIRN large ~ to do bu8lne88 wilh • mlnority certified buaineea which has been In bl» ness since 1986. e.tIft. cations Include Qty of Detrott, Stale of ~ too LOll ! 20 8U~INES~ SHANTY Creek Condo, OPPORJUNIllES MIChigan Beautiful, three AUTO REPAIRISALES bedroom, three full baths, GratIOt frontage - 6 bay, 3 condo on Legend Golf bay and 2 bay HOIsts Course Great lake vtew, and ptts High traffic area fully furnished Wltt1 all For sale or lease appliances Prof9SSlOnally FLOWER SHOPS decorated, use of all sea. PrestigIOUs Grosse POinte son resorts faCIlities. locatlonl~ Established Good for resort rental clientele High gross, program Call Joan at 1easy terms 800.482-5676, Monday 886-5670 thru Friday, 830- 500 814 I"IlN- eIty shop, Groeee Pointe Village. 881-2221. '1 1 lOTS FOR SALI 882-1969 Immaculate Bungalow in Qreat Farms location. Three bedrooms, two baths, family room and full basement. Third bedroom, bath and sitting room are upstairs. Also included are 2 1/2 car garage, central air conditIOning. BrICk patio and gnll and a well landscaped yard. GROSSE Pomte MOVing Company Regular tnps north Partial loads wel- 1\ LONG eatIbII8f lid r;;tIJ Serving Area Since 1938 ~ I ~ (EMllARr MICHIGAN r OPeI)kfU" REALTY Shown By Appointment Only! 483 Chalfonte NORTHIRN HOMIS WANlID 1-359-7353 1-359-8503 evenings. 884.5700 CONDOMINIUMS fect for off1ce bu Ildlng, re- PROPERlY ST. Clair Shores, 4 UOit condominium bUilding With garages, basement $265,000 C W Babcock, CHAMPION & BAER, INC. A InJly speCial, Immaculate home on a quiet court. Three bedrooms, two and a half baths. nlltural fireplace enhances both liVIng room and family room Central air conditIOning. hardwood floors. skylight In master bath, newer roof and storms, filuhed basement, pleasUlg landscaptng. per- tail etc PrICe to sell at $99,000 II Calf Jim Saros at Jim Saros Aqency 81) 810 IUXUTy and 110', Great Iocatoo, RIAL ISIAT! CASH EIGHT Mile Ad- Vacant lot zoned Commencal, 80' x 886-9030 0925 Enloy ~ II PROPIRIY JUPITER. Condominium Two bedroom, 2 bathroom, 1,600 square feet Next to Burt Reynolds Thealre Walk to ocean, shopping Adult Community $95,000 775- NEWLY decorated 2 bedroom In Warren, $49,000 5806 serene, Dont wait for Tuesday to call in your ad. »06 flAB ClASSIC BROWNSTONE Beautrlul Townhouse Condo within walking dIstance to The Village ThiS spaCIOUShome leatures three bedrooms, three baths, third floor In-law apartment, central 8lr, garage, beautllul prIvate patIO and much more! Immediate occupancy ONner needs a qUICk salel Woodbridge Complex, Where all outside mainte- LOOK AHEAD CONDO~ API; 8 a.m.-6 8 a.m.-12 11 a.m.-5 8 a.m.-6 8 a.m.-5 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Noon p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. If you are unable to come in, call 882-6900 during these hours. During the computer "down time" we are unable to use our terminals to input Classified Advertising or to look up accounts. If you have any questions regarding your classified advertising account we suggest that you call on Wednesdays (after 9 a.m.) or on Thursdays and Fridays. Be advised that Mondays and Tuesdays are very busy with taking Classified Advertising. On Tuesdays we must follow the 12 noon deadline so that we do not cause costly production printing delays. August 24, 1989 Grosse Pointe News 14C .. of Services Director 'HO 900 Allt CONDITIONING AIR CONDITIONING end 90S AUTO TRUCK RIPAIR RAY'S FOREIGN CAR GARAGE We service any and all forelQn cars specialIZing In Mercedes, Volvo, VW. English and Japanese vehICles 42 years expen. ence, free pICk-up and delivery, ~ p m M0nday-Friday, 8-noon Saturday, 884-8874, 15040 East Warren HEATING • Sales • ServICe • InstallatIOn R£SIDEHTlALJCOMMERCIAL FREE ESTIMATES SEN!OR DISCOUNTS 779-8620 \\"NI LEONARD'S SIDING CAll IN EARLY THURSDAY FRIDAY MONOAY 8826900 907 llA51MENT WAHIt'IOOfING BASEMENT WATERPROOFING WALLS STRAIGHTENED AND REPLACED DONE RIGHT 10 YEAR GUARANTEE LICENSED INSURED TONY 885.Q612 AQUA-STOP, INC. Aluminum and vmyl Siding Basements Repaired Complete custom tnm, No OutSide Dlggmg soffet areas, gutters and LIfetIme Warranty replacement windows LIFree Estimates censed and Insured Free nW363 estimates THOMAS KLEINER 884-5416. BASEMENT ALUMINUMJ vmyl Siding. WATERPROOFING seamless gutters! down• Dl99l11gMethod spouts, replacement wm• Peastone Backfill dows/ doors, storm Win• Spotless Cleanup dows/ doors Ron • Walls StralQhtened, Vercruysse Company, Braced or Replaced n4-3542 • Bnck and Coocrete Wor1t ALUMINUM and Vinyl std- • 10 Year Guarantee Licensed & Insured Ing. custom tnm, storm A1 WORK Windows and doors, replacement Windows, gut296-3882 ters and roofing Free estimates Joe 886-2186 903 A"llAN{E SERVI{E CALL GEORGE NUTTO APPLIANCE • Washer - Dryer Service • Vacuum Service and Sales • Used Stoves-Refngerators WE SELL REBUILT WASHERS AND DRYERS 445.0776 ALL WEATHER REFRIGERATION REPAIRED & INSTALLED Commercial-Residential ALL MAKES & MODELS CALL MIKE882-tl747 PARQUETTE'S Washer & Dryer Service Specializing In Whirlpool, Kenmore, General Electnc and Hot POinte R.L. STREMERSCH BASEMENT WATERPROOFING Walls Repaired Straightened ReplaCed ALL WORK GUARANTEED LICENSED 884-7139 AMERICAN BASEMENT WATERPROOFING Low Pnces 10 Year Guarantee LICENSED #084515 FULLY INSURED Senior Citizen Discount 526-9288 PROMPT SERVICE 774-7054 DOC'S A DCI I A ....t""C ,." • ...". '1"'~ SERVICE Fast courteous. profeSSional service • Washers • Dryers • DIShwashers • Relngerators • Ranges • Garbage DI$-posals • Microwaves • More 296-5005 904 AS'HAtr I"'AIIS 247-4454 'AVING DECK SEALING 773.1879 ~ 11 • • • • • UICII Ill0CK CONSTRUCTION STOP THOSE -l.EAKS Guaranteed euemem Waterproofing 884.6500 CODDENS ROBERT CODDENS II Porches, New or Repair Chimney Repair Glass Block Windows Cement walks, Dnveways Chimney scrt\Elns Installed CALL WITH NEEDS 682-7837 BRICK, stone, block, concrete, bnck patiOS, chimneys, fireplaces New and repairs De8ender 8221201, n().{)183 ANDY'S MASONRY AND CHIMNEY REPAIR All masonry, bnck, waterproofing repairs SpecialIZing In tuck POinting and small jObs licensed, Insured Reasonable Free estimates 681~, 8823006 MASONRY REPAIR PORCHES & CHIMNEYS REPAIRED It REBUILT EASTVIEW ALUMINUM, INC. ALCOA PRODUCTS Awnings- Sidings CombinatIOn Storms Screens-oaors-Rooflng Seamless Guners B.F. Goodrich VlnylA Products 17301 MACK AVE NEAR CADIEUX DETROIT, MI 48224 CORNERSTONE CONST. CO. Kitchens-Custom DesIgn Family Rooms Wmdow Replacements Commercial Remodeling Intenor/Extenor AdditIOns Custom and Quality Always LICENSED AND INSURED JIM LAETHEM 882-9310 881-1060 BRICK WORK- small jObs Reasonable 886-5565 • • • • • ADVANCED MAINTENANCE 17319 EAST WARREN 884-9512 882-6900 COSENTINO CONSTRUCTION New Constructlon and Repairs AddltlOOS, Krtchens, Bathrooms, Porches, Decks, Doors, Windows 15 YEARS EXPERIENCE FREE ESTIMATES • AdditIOns • Porches FREE ESTIMATES Licensed and Insured 885-4609 822-5666 Leave Message THOMAS KLEINER Improvements • Dormers • Additions • Renovations • Decks • Fences • Painting 771-1928 Specializing In quality custom work at affordable pr/cft ADD ITIONS-KITCH ENS-BATH ROOMS ~ R.D. Priest BUILDERS, Inc. CODDENS J FAMILY BUSINESS • Porches, Chimneys • Brickwalks, PatIOS • VIOlatIOns Repaired • Mortar Color Matching 886-5565 ASPHALT Sealcoallng Desender Call 822-1201 or n().{)l83 15 Year Guarantee James M. C & J ASPHALT 886-5565 Kleiner AlL COMCR£TEJ8JIICK WORK 652-2255 Grosse Pointe lJCENSED • INS1lRXD .!lASmR REMODF.LI!JlS 881-8019 BASEMENT WATERPROOFING 10 YEAR GUARANTEE FREE ESTIMATES HONEST QUALITY WORKMANSHIP n3.7295 & Quality Remodeling Since 1949 Resideniiai it Commerciai - 882-0628 .Stat. Lice(Md REPAIR SPECIALISTS 885-2 7 BUILDING RIMDOEliNG 8UllQING REMODELING ERllTO CONSTRUCTION DAVID BROWN (AssocIated Renovatlons) HOME IMPROVEMENTS For All Your Remodeling, home Improvements and decorating needs. CALL 885-4867 FREE ESTIMATES I~I DOUGLAS SHAW HOME RENOVATIONS Remodeling or Repairs of all Interror and Exterior needs From new to old, speCialiZing In Finish Carpentry, Custom Ceiling Mouldings, Kitchens, Recreational Rooms, Llbranes, Finish Allics and Basements Small lobs welcome Serving the Grosse POinte area since 1975 WHERE QUALITY IS FIRST! • All Types 01 Cement Work • Basement Wa\erprooling • Add,llons QUALITY WORK REASONABLE PRICES FREE ESTIMATES 884-6500 COMPLETE BUILDING AND REMODELING SERVICE AdditIOns/Dormers KhchensJBaths Rec Rooms/Anics Porch Enclosures Replacement Windows Aluminum SidlngITrim Gutters/Downspouts Storm Windows/Doors Roofing/Shingles One Ply Rubber Roofing WOOd Decksrrrim Licensed and Insured 566-07n CARPET LAYING NEW AND OLD Repairs 01 All Types ALSO CARPETING,VINYL HARDWOOD Samples Shown In Your Home BOB TRUDEL n4-7590 Days CARPET INSTALLATION Sales and servICe No jOb too smaln 17 years expenence. 527.9084 917 PlA\T£R ClilINC, SPECIALIZING In repairsclean, prompt servICe. Grosse Pom1e references Free estimates Call Lou, 882-2294 PLASTERING, Drywall, Taping & Spray TexturIng New & Repair Free Estimates 25 years ex. penence Jim Upton 77'J.. 4316 or 524-9214 PLASTERING, drywall and ceramIC tile 30 years expenence Absolutely guaranteed Call Valentino, afternoons 372-3462. • Complete Quality Renovation and Remodeling • A ResponsIve, servIce-Oriented Company • Caring and ProfessIonal Tradesmen • Fair and Reasonable Prices I $99°0 KEVIN F. TOMAN BUILDER Licensed - Insured Since 1979 ALL HOME IMPROVEMENTS NEW HOMES - 10% + cost Financing Arranged • • • • Drywall Mud & Tape Textured Ceilings Painting BILL 343-5085 The Cleanest Ope",tlon In Town • Guaranteed Plllter Repair of Cracks INNOVATIVE BUILDING COMPANY WINDOWS FIVE STAR PLASTERING 886-0520 881-9385 EACH WE CARE! FREE and Water Dlrna;. • Prolesalonal Painting The Finest New Drywall Instillation! Call Today 882-7754 91' CEM£NT WOll~ DO An steps, window sills, door sills, small cement worf<. Sma" bock worf< and tuck POinting Free estimates Don, 7779057. INSTALf.AtION CAPIZZO CONST. FREE QUALITY WORK ALL TYPES OF 1SY1MA1I FREE S1OIMDOOI CEMENT, BRICK AND LOCK WORK Garages ralS8d and set down on new ratwall and floor. Waterproofing LICENSED & INSURED TONY 885-0612 CONCRETE work, rep8lrs, sidewalks, porches, chimneys, bnck repairs. Seaver's, 882-0000 R.L. STREMERSCH CEMENT CONTRACTOR Cement Driveways Patios Brickwork Basement waterproofing Steps Slate .Tudlpointlng & Patching .PorcMs, Chimneys .WaIke, DrlvtwlYl •Pat los, Steps • Asphalt patching & sealing 9'1 FLOORING SALES Truck MOtlnt Extraction Residential/Commercial Upholstery, Drapery, Vertical Blind Cleaning DAVE TEOLIS 779-0411 Master ChargelVlSA Accepted Family Owned-Qperated INSURED FREE ESTIMATES 911 UCENSED & INSURED 777-1852 .Flagston. CLASSIFIED ADS CALL 882-6900 IN\IAlIAIiON CarpelS, Linoleum, Tlte, Hardwood Floonng, and Padding We also prOVIde InstallatlOl1s, re-stretchlllQ, cleaning, and any type 01 repair work. Open 7 Days EXPERT CARPET CLEANING, INC. AdditIons, KItchens, Baths, Decks, Garages, Basements and SpecIalty Services .Wllerprooflng POINTE CONSTRUCTION ALL types carpenh). Doors, locks, code repairs LIcensed, Insured Reasonable 881-6474 882-0688 CARPET CLEANING $11 50 PER AVER SIZE RM INC Pre-spot, scrubbl ng-steam/extractlon sola-$2750, chair w/sofa $10 Other cleaning services-wails, WindOWS,gutters, siding, cars, free es. tlmates 372-$66 Call 885=6361 for FREE ESTIMATES! FAMILY BUSINESS "No Job To Small" Rochester MASTER REMOOELERS • RESIDENTIAL. COMMERCIAL J.W. KLEINER R.R. PROFESSIONAL Carpentry- fl nlshed, roug h Decks and drywall Free estimates 776-3347, leave message • New homes • Home A1 WORK 296-3882 MASON CONTRACTOR Bnck, Block & Stone work. and all types of repalrs Bock & Flagstone PatIOS & Walks Porches, Chimneys, Tuck POlnllng, Patching and also V1OIatlOOS corrected SpecIalIZ. Ing In Small JObs FREE ESTIMATES LICENSED 882-0717. CARPENTRY- Call Paul For It All Commercial and Residential Rough and finish Free esllmates References 372.3726 _b.~deslgn MASON CONTRACTOR • BRICK, CONCRETE • BASEMENT WATERPROOFING Porches, Chimneys, Tuckpomtlng, Dnveways, PatiOS, Walks, Steps, New Wor1t & Repairs, Glass Block, Brick, Stone & THe Pa110S Licensed, Insured BRICK, Block and Stooe. Porch & Chimney Repair 36-Years Expenence 521-3259, ask for Russ n3-0798 CARPET SPECIALISTS CARPEr J&F CONTRACTORS . Serving Grosse Pomte area 35 years Roofing repairs, eaves troughs, back-boards, masonry tuck polntlng chimneys, porches, flat roofs-- new and repairs, hot tar 3312057 ALAN CONSTRUCTION Complete Remodeling Service. Krtchens Baths Replacement Windows Porch Enclosures 881-1655 BRICK and cement repairs Porches, chimneys, tuck pOinting Expenenced Reasonable Neat work Insured Seaver's 6820000 CUSTOM home repairs, rotten Window cords, porches, Windows Bill, 91b WANING K.CARPET CLEANING COMPANY 2795 CALL P.J. DITTA CONSTRUCTION • • • • CARPENTER work, panelIng, partitions, doors cut, repairs, small Jobs 882- BE WISE ADVERTISE CARPENTER work, panel. lng, partltlOllS, doors cut, repairs, small jObs 6822795 BRICK WORK TUCKPOINTING PORCHES CHIMNEYS REBUILT AND REPAIRED CAULKING 91 S (ARPII (ARPINT~V 527-5616 26 Years Exp L1C & Insured SEE SHOWROOM • AnlCS All Types Basement Waterproofing Walls Repaired and StralQhlened • BARKER CONTRACTORS ModernlzatlOIl. AlteratIOns. Ad dltlOns.Famlly Rooms.Kltchens & RecreatIOn Areas JAMES BARKER 886-5044 914 R£MOOlllNG MODERNIZATION SPECIALISTS PERSONALLY DESIGNED Kitchens- Bathrooms AddI1l00s- Family rooms Basements- Decks Residential! Commercial Licensed and Insured. 882-6842. • Bathrooms • Kitchens • Basements 885.4810 QUILDING M. T. CHARGOT BUILDING INC. BRYSON SUnON 1324 Bedford 884-2942 882-2436 FREE ESTIMATES "Since 1924" CALL ANYTIME 773-8087 AnlCS Porch Enclosures AddltlOIls & Kitchens Commercial BUlldmgs SUnON CONSTRUCTION CALL DAN APACHE Asphalt seal coatIng Also, sealers for bnck and cement WOf1< 886-5565 Improve the value of your home WI1h a professIOnal jOb Over 20 years selVlC' 109 Grosse POinte In dnveways and sealing Parkmg lots repaired Free estimates 0Nner/ supervrsor References Included Insurance • • • • WORK "Since 1924" R.R. 911 ~, 2 BUILDING RIMODIlING ADS CAPIZZO CONST. 902 ALUMINUM SIDING ~OA' R£PAIR MAINT!NANCI < KELLY BUILDING • • • • Quality Remodehng Custom Kitchens, Baths Additions 01 all Types ~stom Wood Decks 882-3463 LICENSED. INSURED Tuck POinting No jOb too small Free Estimates SPECIALIZING IN DRIVEWAYS AND BASEMENT WATERPROOFING LICENseD 884-7139 August 24, 1989 Grosse Pointe News 15C .. ... , ,, ,' of Services Director 9 1 ~ OMINT WORK J&J CONSTRUCTION CHIMNEY SYSTEMS dnve, lIoofs, patios • Old garages raised and renewed • New garage doors and reframlng • New garages built Family operated Since 1962 l.Jcensed and Insured n4-3020 CAPITAL CONCRETE CONTRACTORS, INC. MICHIGAN LICENSE 5125 920 CHIMNEY RIPAIRS PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE DENNIS JEROME 773-3544 776-2411. DENNIS JEROME R.R. CODDENS FREE ESTIMATES 773-3544 ~l~ CHIMNEY CllANING Wallpaper, Bedspreads Compare our prices With department store 'sales' before you BUY. FREE ESTIMATES DRAPERIES BY PAT 772-5440 771-7S78 Concrete cutting, Dnveways, Footlllgs. Garages, Light Masonry, Porches, PItS, Floors, Backhoe work, Hauling RESIDENTIAU COMMERCIAL CHIMNEYS, PORCHES, STEPS, TUCKPOINTING, MORTAR, COLOR TINTING CHIMNEY SCREENS GLASS BLOCK BASEMENT WINDOWS VIOLATION WORK Made sllpoovet'S STEVE'S Fence has and drapenes Guaranmerged With Modern teed workmanshiP Ex. Fence. Now complete perlenced Call nowprofesslOflal InstallatIOn, BernICe 521-5255 or matenals only for the Do-lt.Yourselfer 29180 CUSTOM DRAPERIES GratIOt, RoseVille 882. Balloons, Mini Blinds, 3650 Of n6-54a2. VertICals, Carpeting, Chimneys repaired, rebUilt, re-llned. Gas flues re-llned Gleanings certified, Insured 772-1771 CO. 9 2 ~ DRESSMAKING TAILORING AAA Chimneys rebuilt, repaired or tuckpomted Flues and caps repaired 886-5565 SAFE Flue Chimney and Home Repair Service. 882-5169 JEWElRY ClOCK REPAIR FREE estImates Plck-up and Delivery. 22 years expenence. Grandfather, and any clock made. 8863046 Certified & Insured $10.00 Save on Labor cost per clock FLUE • Chimney Clean~lng • Caps and Screens Installed • Mortar and Damper Repair • Animal Removal Certllied Masler Sweep TOMTREFZER 882-5169 no! DECORI\TlNG SERVICE GRAfTOP 15011 KERCHEVAL CHIMNEYt-8/l4 SCREENS'Y Only $25 ea. mstalled clSB O~EjII ROOFING-ALUMINUM GEORGE VAN 776-3126 918 CEMENT WORK ~30 EaSl of Aller In Ihe Park 1U 5«lOO Closed Mondavs 92S 294-0024 or KELM 792-1048. q 18 C!MENT GAROlNERS J' ELlCTRICAL SERVICE SERVING THE GROSSE POINTE SINCE 1965 LANDSCAPING, gardemng, trimming, clean ups, planting, patios and walk ways. sodding. patching Personalized service Free estimates 725-5636 MAC'S TREE AND SHRUB TRIMMING COMPLETE WORK Reasonable rates, quality SElfVIC8 Call Tom n6~l'-L ELECTRIC INC FAMILY OWNED AND OPERERATED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS No JOb too large Of small VIOlatIOnS Corrected Master LICensed & Insured • ResKlentlai - Commercial • Fast Emergency ServIce SENIOR CITIZENS DISCOUNT ask for • Landscape InstallatIOn • Lawn/Garden Maintenance 885-03024 HARD Working young Spnng! fall clean weekly lawn cutting CialiZing 10 flower and shrubbery Call 822-9033 manup, Spebeds Mike WANT ADS IF BUSY, CALL 881-4664 15215 MACK COLVILLE ELECTRIC CO. sam. DUBAY'S LANDSCAPING SERVICES, INC. 886-4448 RETIRED Master ElectnCI8J1, small jObs Reasonable l.Jcensed. 882.9616 i .... GARDNING, cleanup, odds- &. ends, bush wor1< and plantIng 824-1897 CUSWORTH call In Earty WEDNESDAY, 8-5 THURSDAY, 8-6 FRIDAY, 8-5 MONDAY, 8-6 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Ranges, Dryers, 5eIVlCeS, 882-6900 Doorbells VIOLATIONS FAST EMERGENCY SERVICE LAWN CuttIng SeMCe- expenenced U of M student. Mark 884-7893 WORW n4-9110 POINTE CONSTRUCTION q~ 3 LANDSCAPERS -: S & J ELECTRIC R8SldentlaJ.Commerclal ........... "fitl:l~"S'nIIIt--. 885-2930 DICKS PATIOS CAUMAZZO BROS. CEMENT COMPANY Custom Patios our Speciality. New or Replacement We do all cement work Free Estimates 15 years expenence Call 739-2837 If no answer ......... ELECTRICAL wmng and repair. washers, dryers, doorbells, also telephone jacks lJcensed Linck & Miller 839-0975. WINDOW SHADES PAINT, SHUTTERS, BLINDS KAUFMANN STORM DOORS AND WINDOWS ... .. • 2-6900 JOANNA WESTERN SALES AND SERVICE Keep birds and squirrels out ...~ ~... :::...:::...l''' REPAIR (see our ad under dodl repair CHIMNEY SWEE:P Call 5634281 '?,sROSSS :: POINTE NEWS , CLOCK 886.3046 SAFE Cial Floor laYing, sanding, refinIShing Expert In slain Old lIoofs a specialty. We ALTERATIONSFor your also refintsh banISters new or old garments 535-7256 Also custom deslgns from PROFESSIONAL floor your Ideas, photos, draw. sanding and finishing Ings R L Spina, 527Free estimates W Abra6646 ham 754-8999 ALTERATIONS: new dressmaking, repairs, I do ~H FURNITURE REFINISHING REPAIRS everything. Cathy, 8841923, after 400. FURNITURE refimshed, repaired, stnpped, any type of caning Free estr. mates 345-0258, 661. JUsrCALLUS 5520 Coupon Inslalled HERITAGE Floors- Hardwood floors Installed, Sanded and Stained Residential and commer- ,? CHIMNEY SWEEP CO. Ammal R~moval Slate LICensed 5154 flOOR SANDING RIfINISHING 93b WOMENS alteratIOns, custom designed apparel, Including wedding parttes. Hard to fit? Call for appointment today, linda, DetrOl1, 882-2761. COACHUGHT CHIMNEY CLEANING Caps-S<:,eens FENCES- Steel, wood and privacy Wood decks Free estimates Repair or new work. G & J Inc 30 years experience. LIcensed and Insured Please call George 8855097; Joe 9n-5864 Prof8SSlOOal Dressmaking, hemming, speCialIZIng In W8lQhtloss alteratIOns Jeanette, 8827982. CHIMNEY AND PORCH REPAIRS FREE ESTIMATES 921 9~ 3 lANI)SCAPIRS GARDINEItS HNC!S I)~ CUSTOM GRAZIO • cement ~1I DRAPIRIIS q I Y (HIMNE I CHANING CEMENT & MASONRY DRI~.,!!ALK!J.PORCHES BASEMCN I WA ItRPOOflNG HOlIEST QlJAUlY WORKMANSHIP SAtlSFACTlOMGUARAHmD YARD work- gardemng, we edf'f1g Reasonable rates 885-7627 ask for David TRIMMING removal, spray109, feeding and stump removal Free estimates Complete tree service Call Fleming Tree SerVice, n4-6460 MAC'S SPRING CLEAN-UP Complete yard work, lawn, shrub and tree tnmmmg, etc Reasonable rates quality servICe Call Tom 776.4429 St Clair Shores ~H HANDYMAN ALL types repairs Carpentry, siding repairs No job too blQ or small licensed and Insured 881-6474 SEAVER'S Home Mamtenance Gutters replaced, repaIred, cleaned, roof repairs. 882-<>000 MISTER MAINTENANCE Guner cleaning, aluminum washed Call The Best at 521-3837 THE HIRED MAN Home & Small Buslness Maintenance & Repair Odd Jobs & Code Violations LICENSED- INSURED VISAIMC 294-3480 HANDYMAN, speclahzlng In carpentry, drywall, plaster, painting No job too small 8824827 RETIRED Handyman- Minor repairs, carpentry, electrical, plumbing, broken windows and sash cord replaced, etc Reasonable References 8826759 THE Handyman Inc Top quality wor\<manshlp for carpentry, remodeling plumbing, electrical, painting, wallpaper We ~~:-caIIr'lt C.J. Lawn ServIce' cutting, tnmming, edging, leaf raking, snowbIow1ng Free eshmat8S. 372.1566. 773-729S RemovallTnmmlnglPruning 12 YEARS EXPERIENCE DIPAOLA & HEIF CONSTRUCTION, INC. (12 Y•• r. with resolln Brothers) ConscJentioul-Free EstkNItea Wartlng to Serve Your Firewood InqUirteS Specializing in ali Residemial Concrete Applications Footings, Garage Aaisings, Porches EASTPOINTE MOVING AND STORAGE CO. 884-8380 790-0937 MARTINREIF 77$.4261 UcenHd &- Insured GARYDIPAOLA 77200033 James M. Kleiner ALL CONCRETE/BRICK WORK -Waterproofing -Flagstone & Slate .Tud<poinling & Patching .Porches, Chimneys .Asphalt patching & sealing .Walks, Driveways .Patios, Steps 'State LICensed Q 11 CONSTIlUCTlON S£IlVICE q]1 CONSTRU(T10" LICENSED & INSURED LOCAL & MICHIGAN SMALL & LARGE & MATERIALS ANTIQUES & PIANOS ESTIMATES Bob Breilenbecher Owner '. SERVICE S.R. FERRERI COMPLETE plano service Tuning, rebUilding, refinIshing Member Plano TechniCians GUild, SiglSmund Bossner 731-n07 PIANO servicesTUning and repair 12 years expenence FleXible hours Reasonable rates 8818276 L21290 ••• 943 " ~/ .', ~ f", "' ... 882-6900 946 MOVEltS HAULEItS GROSSE POINTE LICENSED & INSURED 885.2097 774-3020 LICensed and In- sured 882-9234 • Interior/Exterior • Wallpapering • Plaster/Drywall Repairs • Staining & Varnishing • Texturing & Stucco References • Quality Guaranteed • Free Estimates 881-5149 • Intenor/Extenor NEIGHBORHOOD PAINTING COMPANY INTER lOR/EXTERIOR Over 500 salisfled clients Ask about our Guarantee MOVING & 822.4400 • • Staining Work Flag Poles Wallpapering/Removal Commerclal/Resldenllal • Power Washing • Texture ceilings • References DAVID SUPAL 445-6948 MARCO PAINTERS INTERIOR EXTERIOR TEXTURED CE'_ '--oS WALL PAPERING STAINI~~G WALL V,ASf1 '.~--; ...... _-GHE-Cjo;-OlJ~._. FREE ESllMATES .'--S~;-:;: :; 939-7955 FREE ESTIMATES • Large and Small Jobs • Pianos (our specialty) • Appliances • Saturday, Sunday Se~lce • Semor DIScounts John Steininger Harry Kurtz 11850 E Jefferson MPSC-L 19675 LICensed - Insured LANDSCAPERS GAROlN£RS 943 lANDS(APlItS GARDENfR~ eVNSerRU€GJ"ION. IHe. REPAIR SPECIALISTS Painting - interior .. x. tedor, paperhang109 and paneling. Free estimates cheerfully given. 881.4855 fiR~IO RESIDENTIAL. COMMERCIAL DRIVEWAYS. FLOORS. PORCHES GARAGES RAISED & RENEWED NEW GARAGE DOORS & REFRAMING NEW GARAGES BUILT CUSTOM PAINTING BE WISE ADVERTISE LOCAL & LONG DISTANCE AGENT FOR GLOBAl VAN LINES -t"ER'5ONll.tl2'£rJ - 953 MUSIC INSrlWMENT REPAIIt STORAGE Welcomel BASEMENT WATERPROOFINGS DECORATING 774.4002 Grosse Pointe News M.p.se PAINTING PAINTING CALL FREE 954 BEST SPEEDY HAULING Rapld removal of debns, brush, concrete, appliances, almost anything Basement, attIC, and garage c1eanouts With care Also removal of construction debns Free estImates and low rates Call 843-3597 Now And BE HAPPY I TREE SERVICE OICORATlNG INTERIORlEXTERIOR WILL haul anything, demo- PAINTING- Intenor Plaster and drywall repair Tex- PAINTING AND REPAIRS lish and remove garages, Wallpaper Removal tured ceilings All prepare break and remove conReferences wor\< done Neat and rell. Reasonable, crefe Senior Citizen diSavailable Semor discount able Call 773-7845 count B C Cartage Co Free estimates 598-0090, 463-{)376 WALLPAPERING TOM 521-8192 AND PAINTING HAULING Garage tear SPECIALISTS downs, constructIOn deWOOD Painting and briS, concrete, dirt, ga- Affordable REFINISHING Wallpapering, 20 years rage and basement junk, STRIP STAIN VARNISH Free Estimates Refer- DuplIcate EXisting FInish or brush Can remove or ences 3-R Company move almost anything Colors to Match 776-3424 Dan Kitchen cabinets, staircase Phil Wassenaar 823-1207 handrails, vanities, panelGEORGE'S Painting InteIng, doors, trim and m0ldnor/ extenor, wall paperMOVING-HAULI NG Ings Ing, patching! plastering, DEPENDABLE Licensed Insured Window putty, caulking EXPERIENCED References Free Estimates Senior Cilizen discount LOW RATES PRESTIGE PAINTING CO George 891.Q254 INSURED DAVID ROLEWICZ 526-7284 BRUSH STROKE 296-2249 n8-5025 THE COMPLETE 947 HIA riNG AND COOLING GROSSE POINTE PAINTING SERVICE FREE ESTIMATES CONTRACTORS ALL WEATHER 822-3322 EXPERT WALLPAPERING HEATING COOLING INSTALLATION OF ALL INTERIORS REFRIGERATION TYPES OF BY DON & LYNN Furnaces, Boilers WALLCOVERING • Husband-Wife Team Repaired & Installed • Wallpapering 885-8155 All Makes&- Models FREE ESTIMATES CALL MIKE 882-0747 • Painting INSURED 885-2633 CUSWORTH Michael Satmary Jr PAINTING- Intenor, Extenor HEATING AND plus aluminum Siding BALKAN EAGLE COOLING 372-2760 PAINTING Serving The Grosse INTERIOR and exterior ResldentlaVCommercial POintes painting and paperhangSPECIALIZING IN: Family owned & operated Ing Reasonable rates, 30 • Extenornntet1Or LICENSED years experience Ray Repainting Service & Installation Barnowsky, 372.2392 afCommercial-Residential • Stucco Ceilings ter 6p m • Roof Repairs 881-4664 Insured Free estimates RETIRED Healing! Cooling! JOHN'S PAINTING 10% senior Discount Refngeratlon Serviceman Intenor-Exterlor SpecialiZing 873-2763 licensed, reasonable In repairing damaged plaster, drywall and 882-9616 cracks, peeling paint, win • dow puttying and caulkKEATING Ing, wailpapenng Also, IS back In the paint old aluminum Sid. HEATING neighborhood. ing All work and material THE AIR OF QUAL1TY • Window SpsC1allsts guaranteed Reasonable Furnace Replacement Grosse POinte references • Pittsburg Paints Used New Installations Free estimates • 1O-Year Guarantee Custom Duct Work 882-5038 • BEST Pnces Air Conditioning "When you hire the BEST You don't need the restl" 15133 KERCHEVAL (AT REAR) GROSSE POINT~ ,PARK • ~4 b MOVERS HAULERS PACKH~G PAINTING 00 HANDYMAN Call Bud for reasonable pnces and prompt ser. Vice Home Repairs. Maintenance House painting, garage and fence painting, kitchens Masonary repairs ViolatlOl1Scorrected 882-5886 lawn ~S4 HAUlERS ""'331-3520'"'1 SlfPEFf'Handyman, large or small jObs, general repairs, carpentry, electrical, plumbing, plastenng, parnting Sentor discount Free estimates Rob, 7778633. GREEN Thumb landscaping. Sod and top SOIl Ask for RICk, 839-7033. ELECTRICAL WoO<- VIOlashrubs, hedges tlOl'lS COITected Permits, TREES, and stumps removed repairs Ret1red Master F~ ~tlm!lt~ Insured Eitn.iril.oicill. Call 884. 778-4459 7776 ~4 0 MOVIItS Specializing in creative landscape design, and planting of quality shade trees, shrubs, evergreens and large specimen trees. 823-6662 COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL ARRO PAINTING INTERIOR - EXTERIOR QUALITY WORK. REASONABLE RATES FREE EST1IIA TES Art Keyes 884-2882 August 18C ... ........... " II .., PAINIINC ..... Director ......... ... '10" ....... 9H PAINTING OECORATING Home ImprovementsPamtlllg, In or out SKIing and tnm Gutters 521. 2El98 PROFESSIONAL Painting, wallpapering, staIning, wallpaper removed Since 1960. GIOVanni Sacco 247-0722 .. .......... PAINTING BRIAN'S PAINTING ProfessIOnal painting. Int~ nor and extenor SpecialIZing In all types of paintIng Caulking, Window glazing and plaster repair All work guaranteed For free estimates and reasonable rates, call 872.2046 • • • • • Wallpapenng tntenor Painting Reasonable Pnces Good Work Call-No Job Too Small 774-0414 Interior-Exterlor Aluminum Siding Painting PAINTING BY Pat~ng, Platerlng Stucco, Varnishing Window GIazIng-Caulking Wallpapering Sale In Home Free Estimates Rell8Of1lble Price References, Good Work • • • • • • • Intenor-Extenor Wallpapenng StainIng AII1ess Spraying Plaster Repair Quality Craftmanshlp Grosse POinte References PAINTER wanted Expenence preferred, WIll tram person with potential 884-2882 QUALITY Master Pallltll'lg- mtenorl extenor special. IstS Repair work guaranteed References Free estimates Insured John n1-1412 GREAT WESTERN PAINTING We spElC18IlZeIn Intenorl Extenor painting We offer the best In preparatIOn befofe pamtlng and use only the finest matenals to gIVe long lasting r~ suits For the ultimate In resldentlal painting, Great Westem people are qualIty minded and courteous Reaonable Rates Free Estimates 886-7602 MATT FLETCHER 4151 Buckingham 886-6102. INTERIOR painting and wallpapering Quality work done the nght way Very affordable rates Grosse POinte References Free Estimates Ray, 882-0011 WANT ADS Call In Early ~ DOCTOR PAINT Specializing in • Interior & ExterlOf Painting • StalllIng & Refllllshing • Plaster & Drywall AllWOIk I'Id r.IabnIs GUIIIIU8d CaI Now !or FI88 EitlIl1II8I 822.7661 FATHER & SON DECORATING Resklential/COnmerClal lmenor. Exterior Custom painting and wood lInt::h!ng O1Ier 30 )'6S'"' experience. Grosse PoInlll References $ItIIfaCtIOn Guaranteed 544-2495 398-1246 FOREST PAINTING I CONST. CO. • Cwpenlly , Rough- FItlish • Remodtling Kitchens, Rec Rooms, Basements • Painllng-lntenorlExtenor •NIt Plastenng Repairs LIcensed and Insured 882-2118 RJEPAINnNG COMPANY CUSTOM Interior. Exterior Wallpapering Licensed. Insured Free Estimates Within 24 Hours lob EPlin 727.268t , .... LMve M.... ge 882.0029 BOB DUBE PLUMBING and HEATING Licensed-Master Plumber SEWER CLEANING SPRINKLER REPAIR, ETC Grosse POinte Woods 886-3897 PLUMBING- Major or minor repairs, qUick response, low rates References Gall Paul, 372-3726 POSITIVE PLUMBING AND HEATING Plumbing and heating r~ pairs 881-4988 FRANK R. WEIR PLUMBING, HEATING SEWER AND DRAINS BOILER SPECIALISTS SPRINKLER REPAIRS 885.7711 381 KERCHEVAL, FARMS 882-6900 Painting SerIntenorl exterior G C Merte Painting 8818351 after 6 p m R&D .Commerclal .Industrlal .Flat Roof .Rerooflng .Recoatlng .Slngle Ply • Tear Offs • Hot Tar Shingles .Slate .Tile .Decks .Copper Metal 'FREE ESTIMATES .Ice dam .Shlelds • Heater Tapes Installed .Gutters Installed, cleaned, repaired .L1CENSED-IN. SURED TOTAL ROOFING SIDING SERVICES ReSidential/Commercial Shmgles, Single Ply, Rubber Roofs, Tear Offs, Repairs, Ice Backup VINYL AND ALUMINUM SIDING Seamless GutterslTnm Replacement Windows/ Doors Storm Windows/Doors LICENSED INSURED RON VERCRUYSSE COMPANVn4-3542 FLAT Roof Problems? New rubber roofs Installed on flat roofs Stops all leaks Guaranteed 552-6116 DAVE PAVAL EXPERT ROOF CONSULTING CO "I can save you a lot of money, time and gnef!' , Inspections, analYSiS,education 822.5589 ALL roofing and repairs Flat roofs, gutters, carpentry Licensed Free estimates ResldentlalCommercial C E G Roofing, 757.7232 ROOFING Repairs, chimney, screens, basement leaks, plaster repairs Handyman work Insured Seaver's, 882-0000 TONY The Master Plumber INTERIORlEXTERIOR (Son of Emil) QUALITY WORKMANSHIP No Job too small, new and REASONABLE RATES repairs, Violations 293-3181 COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL NORM'S DUANE n3-0754 PLUMBING ROB 445-0718 AND EXTERIOR Painting Average house, $599 Alumi- SEWER CLEANING num Siding cleaned and My pnces won't take you down the drain painted Local references Licensed Local Lake521.8349. shore references 757COMPLETE 7232 INTERIOR Painting, Plaster repairs Water damage code Violations repaired Expenenced, references Weather sealing, insulatIOns, leaks found Seaver's Home Maintenance 882-0000 JARVIS Painting Intenorl Exterior Resldentlall Commercial Low pnces Work fully guaranteed Insuredl Licensed ~ 1704 BETTER Home Decoratlngplaster repair, painting. 18 years expenence Paul n3-3799 MIKE'S PROFESSIONAL PAINTING & WALLPAPERING INTERIOR.EXTERIOR Includes rep8lnng damaged plaster, cracks, peehng paint, Window glazing, caulkUlg, paUlting aluminum siding Top quality matenal Reasonable pnces All work guaranteed Grosse POUlte Ref. erences. Call Mike any- time. PLUMBING SERVICE MARTIN VERTREGT Licensed Master Plumber PROFESSIONAL PAINTING INTERIOR & EXTERIOR Damaged plaster and point peeling, cracks, WIndow puttying & caulking, painting alumUlum SIding Quality work and reas0nable pnces Semor citIzen 10% dISCOUnt. FREE ESTIMATES 776-7854 E.D. FOLE~ COMPANY Roofing Since 1936 Licensed - Insured 521-2075 GENTILE ROOFING • Re-Rooflng • Small Jobs • Flat Decks • Gutter Cleaning • Gutters • Repairs Licensed - Guaranteed 774.9651 886-2521 , .60 ROOFING ROOFING SERVICE ALL PRO COMPLETE ROOFING SERVICE COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL Professional roofs, gutters, Npw ann rApalrPC1 Reasonable, rehable 16 years expenence Licensed and Insured John Williams TEAR-OFF RESHINGLE 885.5813 LEONARD'S ROOFING Shingles, flat roofs, complete tear ofts, bullt-up roofing, gutters and all kinds of repairs Work guaranteed Free estimates LICensed and insured Member of the Better BUSiness Bureau CERTIFIED APPLICA ilONS OF: MODIFIED SHINGLE PLY, RUBBER ROOFING STSTEMS VENTS GUTTERS REPAIRS LICENSED - INSURED 886.0520 884-5416 IHATING 9S7 PlUMRI~G E.L. CALCATERRA H!ATI~(, INC. Emil L. Calcaterra. Founder Plumbing' Heating' Cooling Residential, Commercial' Industrial SelVlng Grosse POinte Area Since 1958 Andrew Emil Calcaterra Mechanical Englne.r ~'~""'i"""':-'" Mister Plumber • "::0,'" erVlces "'" • ;:.. -.. ..........v ............. Yo.... ..... 91>0 ROOFING SERVICE PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE CO. NEW ROOFS ROOF REPAIRS NEW GUlTERS GUlTER CLEANING FREE ESTIMATES DENNIS JEROME ATIEN110N - IMPORTANT NOllCE CLASSIFIED ADVERllSING RATES AS OF FEBRUARY 1,1989 CASH RATE: First 10 words .... $4.00 .40 cents each additional word BILLED RATE: A $1.00 fee will be charged for billing OPEN RATE: Measured ads $9.50 per inch Bordered ads $10.50 per inch SPECIAL RATE: Measured ads $7.50 per inch Bordered ads $8.50 per Inch 773-3544 G.P. AND S.C.S. Q6S SEWING MACHINE SERVICI CLEAN, Oil, adjust tenslOllS$8 95 All makes and models repaired All work completed In your home. Call Joe Kaufman at home anytime na-5403 973 TILl WORK • Deadline for new want ad copy is 12 noon on Tuesday CERAMIC wall. floor tile, mosaic. ProfeSSionaL Reasonable Free estimate Call Ray 884-3119 (subject to change on holiday issues) • Extra charges for dam borders, stars, dots, logos, AMERICAN TILE WORKS reverses or photos. • All measured or bordered ads must be in our office by CeramiC, Marble, Vmyl Stone, Bnck INSTALLATION SPECIALS Free Estimates Licensed Insured Monday, 4 p.m. • All Real Estate, Service ads and Special ads must be in our office by Monday, 4 p,m. 822.5666 Leave Me ... CERAMIC tile- residential jobs and repairs. 15 years expenence n64097, n6-7113.Andy EXPERT Mud RepairS. Journeyman Tile Mason. All ceramIC, marble, etc. 822-7137,824-1326. 977 WALL WASHING WASH walls or vinyl awnIngs (Armor-AU applied) Reasonable and dependable Gall Larry, 7493763 P & M Window and Wall Cleaning (Formerly Grosse POinte Fireman Ad) Excellent care for your- nome: Free- 8611mates- References 8212984 MISTER MAINTENANCE Wall washing done by hand Carpet cleaning also Call The Best at 521-3837 K.MAINTENANCE CO. Wall Washing, floor cleamng and Waxing Free estImates 882-0688 WALL Washing by hand Neat and reliable Call n3-7845 980 WINDOW REPAIRS RELAX FOR LABOR DAY! • Let the --Grosse Poinfe-News Classifieds work for you! We will be closed Monday, September 4. To avoid the Tuesday Noon deadline rush, we suggest classified ads be placed by 5 p.m. Friday, September 1st. Measured and bordered ads must be placed by Friday, September 1st. at 4 p.m. GLASS RepaIr ThermoWindows and doorwall repairs, putty sash and screens n1-OO14 981 tNCORPORATED Siding J. SASH CORD REPAIR Reasonable Fees, Free Estimates! TOM 791.9049 New work, repairs, renovationS, waterheaters, sewer cleaning, code VIolations All work guaranteed QS7 PLUM~ING M &J ...... :-......-:-"::: ADVANCE MAINTENANCE STONE ROOFING 884-9512ReSidential ALL WEATHER HEATING & COOLING BOilERS BOILER PIPING HOT WATER TANKS REPAIRED & INSTALLED CALL MIKE 882-0747 PAINTING COMPANY of 960 ROOFING SERVICI Since 1925 Keith Danielson Licensed Master Plumber GROSSE POINTE NEWS VIces- CALL DAVID BROWN 885-4867 FOR A FREE ESTIMATE SPECIALIZING IN • Kitchens • Bathrooms • Laundry room and Violations • Old and new work Free Esllmales Bill, Master Plumber (Son of Emil) NICK Karoutsos, Contractor ProfeSSIOnal Painter Intenor & Extenor Free estimates 30 years experience 885-3594 Please call anytime. QUALITY Plus DeSign Consulting Color Coord mating, etc EMIL THE PLUMBER All repairs before painting and MASTER ENGUSH PAINTER & SEWER CLEANING Reasonable Rates For All Mike Potter - Licensed 882-1558 In your neighborhood. EXTERIOR PAINTING BY , QUALITY PAINTING SERVICE INTERIOR. EXTERIOR 25 years of professional exper1ence 882-0926 INTERIOR f 881.1057 HEATING PLUMBING REPAIRS KEENA 759.5099 SMALL palntmg jObs, p1asteong Intenor/ extenor Quality work, references 882~. 9 S 1 PLUMIING DECORATING WHITEY'S MILAN'S " N.. - ................ ... '.' ............. .. .. ... -:........... "" 24, 1989 Grosse Pointe News WINDOW WASHING COLLEGE Window c1eaners Free estImates, area references available Buslness882-9509, hom~ 331-6106 or 331- 882-6900 Why wait to see what will happen? 0593 GEORGE OLMIN WINDOW CLEANING SERVICE 35 YEARS IN THE POINTES 372-3022 P & M Window and Wall CleaOlng. (Formerly Grosse POinte Fireman Ad) Excellent care for your home. Free estimates- References. 821. 29B4 A-OKWINDOW CLEANERS seMce on Storms and Screens Free Estimates n5-1690 D.BARR CLEANING SERVICES SECOND GENERATION WINDOW AND GUTTER CLEANING DALE m-8497 K.WINDOW CLEANING COMPANY 24 Hour Answering SelVa Storms, screens, gutt8l'S, aluminum cleaned. In- 839-4242 882-0688 sured. Free estImates. JOin Our Advertisers Join the smart advertisers who have always used the Grosse Pointe News Classifieds.lnexpensive, effective and funl Don't walt until it's too late with the other one, or two, or one ... Call 882-6900 ....------. ..-----_._ , _,""',_ _~ ""' ~ ~ ----__ 444 oec .- . 44°-;;-. 17C August 24, 1989 Grosse Pointe News ~O 0'U1( 1(f£!JLfJYE1{S!J{IP OJ' Oo/£,1( 50,000 HAVE THE GROSSE POINTE NEWS MAILED."TO YOUR HOME EVERY THURSDAY MAIL YOUR CHECK TO: c GROSSE POINTE NEWS 96 KERCHEVAL AVE. GROSSE POINTE. MI 48236 1 YEAR $17 2 YEARS $29 3 YEARS $42 Out of Slate: $19.$35.$53 I NAME -----------STREET CITY STATE ----------Phone ----- ZIP ~~, ) 18C ... ., .. August 24, 1989 Grosse Pointe News VJIII'J ---------- ...;..;;;.;;...---------------------------------•, Buhl surges into SAAB racing lead TlNN(( t HAMFI{INC,HIFS SITV LIGGETT ..fq~" ~ S-II': f.: ~f, 1l~8 i " . 19 5' 1~1~ 0 ft,.\(~ 1937 I ' {7 In II I ( , • , '" " .,. ' 't ... ," ( I(~'L J~~g pole pObltlOn, Buhl was a half second faster than the Iest of the field Howe vel , he lost the lead to UI ch l'lval Bell III the difficult 90 degree iiI st turn, eventually f<llllng to 10Ul th By Iup four, Buhl had WOl ked hiS way back 'XIS. WIth the Win, Buhl, a GlOsse to second place, wmtll1g fm hiS POll1tl.' nallve, has live VICtOlleb chance to pass . Passmg wus made easier when III mne I aces, and a commandlllg Bell's cal was grounded WIth a lead III pomts (l50) and emn II1gS,$56,000, With tlu ee races to blOken drive shuft on lap 11 Buhl then I aced out to a 20 sec. g"O Buhl 11> now the odds on favor- ond lead before he suJfered cal Ite to Will the season sel Ie;' of 12 ploblems "With till ee laps to go, I I<lces The season'b chdmplOn, determmed by each dll\ el's 10 "t,uted to I un out of ga"," said Buhl, 25 "80 I started shifting be;,t rdces, wms a $100,000 ca ,It 4500 rpms II1stead of 6000 reel enhancement award Buhl's and I zig .lagged on the ;,tl !lIght nearest competltOi IS England's aways to slosh fuel mto the left .Justm Bell, who has 117 POllltS ~Ide Intake POit I was able to Wlnnll1g IllS thu d consecutive Aflel eUIning hiS third consecutive pole position, Robbie Buhl ran away with hiS fourth consec utlVe race Cllr Will In the Barbel' SAAB Pro Sel'les. This tIme It came at Heartland Park III Kan. 19~1f'~~L; rq.r.,t- 1955 fC;S, 19~7'95 r, 1' I l 'I \, ~} 1 19~<{1959 ... ....... -. A ~ ~ .. /(' r" ~£1NIS ULS ~:J Tfj\h~). ..... 2J ! ~ ., [L5 , i~NNlS conserve my fuel and I only lost 10 second;, 01 the lead 111 the plO cess Iromcally, Buhl be'iwd hiS quallfymg speed by alma;,! a full second on lap 14 when he toU!ed the 2 5 mile tJ ack m 84 985 mph With a 33-polllt lead over Bell, Buhl remaills confident he can take the $100,000 pUi se "There are three Iaces left and allythlllg can happen," sUld Buhl "These al e expert drivel;' m thiS senes, and you have to remembel that they get to dlop theIr two worst races III deter mmmg the final pomts " The Bal bel 8AAB bel Ie::. 1e convenes on Sept 10 at Sears POint, Cahf All-State Four members of the Class CoD state champion University Liggett School tennis team have been named to the Class CoD All.State tennis team by the Michigan High School Tennis Coaches Association. Earning first-team honors are Anthony Abiragi '90, Sean Byrne '90, Mike Niccolini '89 and Doug Wood '90. Niccolini and Wood won the No.1 doubles title al the state championships in June. Byrne and Abiragi were runners-up at Ihe slates in No. I and No.2 singles, respectively. For Wood, the All-Stale tennis honor marks the third time in the 1988-89he has achieved first team All-State slat us. Wood was also named to All-State teams in soccer and ice hockey. Sorenson offering aerobic class on Sept. 11 An aerobic course, choreographed for the non-dancer, IS bemg sponsored by Jacki Sorenson AerobIC begmmng Sept. II. The classes are medIcally approved and last 12 weeks PartIc, Ipants Will work on firming the body and strengthemng the cal" dlOvascular system Classes are self-paced. WIth pel sons mom to!mg their own heart rates and calOries burned Classes are bemg held at Barnes School on Mondays and Wednesdays flam 9 to 10 am. and at Parcells on Mondays and Wednesdays flOm 7 to 8 p m To reb'1ster, call 8815183 State champs! Pointe Aquatics head coach Mike O'Connor celebrates on poolside with his 11-12 year-old girls' state champion 200-meter medley relay team. Champions are, front. Christine Jamerino and Suzette Atrasz. Back. Betsy Belenky and Suzanne Toledo. The girls also placed third in the 200 free relay at the state championships. Also. the Pointe Aquatics team will be holding its Open House on Saturday. Sept. 9 from 10 a.m. to noon at the Grosse Pointe Norlh Pool. O'Connor will be on hand to make necessary group assignments. New swimmers should bring a suit and towel and must be able to swim at least one full lenglh of the pool. Everyone interested is invited, and this is the final registration for the fall season. which runs from Sept. 11 to Nov. 22. For more information. call Debbie Dumler at 881-9182. Macho Duck takes PHRF B Macho Duck, skippered by DaVId L Klaasen, took the top spot m PHRF B dunng the Aug 8 regatta m the Grosse Pomte SaIl Club Sundown Senes Listed by place, boat name and skipper, the following IS a hst of the top three fimshers m each of the diVISIOns lOR A: I, Soma 3, Damel Hazebrook; 2, Shp Stream, Dave B. Smith; 3, Boomerang, Ed Jacoby PHRF A: 1, EpiC, Ray Adams, 2, Burden IV, H Burton Jones; 3, Phoemx, John C Bayer PHRF B: I, Macho Duck, DavId L Klaasen; 2, Punk Dolphm, RIchard GIlbert; 3, Wmdemon, John J Blanco PHRF C: 1, Rugger, Charles H. Horner Jr; 2, Goldlgger, Robert K Roadstrum, 3, Allegro, Ken Snodgrass. CRES: I, Echpse, Phlhp Edwards; 2, Banshee, James Kneger; 3, Still Crazy, Ralph A Richards ETCH: 1, Quetico, Harper and Zemmm, 2, Coyote, Peter Griffin; 3, PDQ, Kay Diederich MORGAN: I, LIttle Feat, Lindsa Horvat; 2, Old Soma, Paul Kvale; 3, Magic, Thomas A Podgorski. PHRF D: 1, Fiddler's Green, Don Ragan; 2, Steppenwolf n, Clifford N. Papm; 3, Sasha, Henry Chamberlin. CAL 25: 1, Jealous Mistress, i Jon Shefferly, 2, Clouseau, Todd P Hughes, 3, Warpath. Sca varda and Wyborskl ENSIGN: I, Go Pher.It, Rick Schrage, 2, Wmnelgreen, Jim TIuem, 3, Fern IriS Porter JAM A: 1, Yankee, Paul J Knetsch, 2, Kalzen, Edward L Beida, 3, Datura, Stephen D Winter JAM B: 1, Wildfire, Jerry Roth, 2, Time Out, Frank Stel 1mgv"elf, 3, Rambow, John T Wilting I M.S.R.P.. .. .SAVE. . . . ~90 80- $19,346 $3400 ~~~ $15,946 F~U&'~;es ~70 60-50 '0-30 20-10 Easy ride This 3.S Volvo Tennis team won its division. district and then went on to win the slate championship. Players include. Jan Rudzinski. Cindy Wheeler (captain). Vinnie Kloosler. Sue Seiter. Martha Richardson. Polly Pattee. Barb Rittner. Mary Krueger. Vida Keyes and Nancy Kujawski (co-captain). Ken Angyal was the coach. Nol pictured are Annie Villaruel. Ginger Smith and Paul Elrod. III -----B STYLE " • BRAND NEW 1989 CENlURY CUSTOM 4 DR. _J~~ ~- - p Air, aulo, till, crUise, pwr locks. seal Dk recliners, dr edga guards. delay wipers. rr defogger. 55/45 sphl bench amlfm 51 cass & much more b olhers Was.......... $14,859°0 al Ed Rinke DISCOUNT.. $2,47977 Cash Rebate..... 75()oo • Jusl add 4ott> tax & license plates BRAND NEW 1989 4 DR. LE SABRE CUSTOM ~ ") I~ser.vICc 'oadsidc Ir;9l' ( !?l1ifl"flI 758-1800 1-696 at Van Dyke :::= --.::.~= $11 ,62923 * ~ NOW.. .. . .. Stock no 9285 . ~~d~a; . Air, aUIO. 1111. cruise. 6-way pwr seal, man I Sl bk recliners. pwr Windows. pwr dr locks. floor mals. Wide body Side mldgs. delay Wipers, rr wdw defogger. wls IIres. amllm sl cass. pwr anlenna. rr bpr guards & much more Was. . ... .. . ... . ... . $17,95500 Ed Rinke Discount. . $2,21821 cash $1,00000 reb8le.......... $14,73671• J:s • usl add 40,b lax & license lales NOW. . . . . . . . . . ..