Control and Programming - Fen Ditton Primary School

Computing Lesson Plan
Using Mission Simulation Resource – Control and Programming
(Year 4-5) – Falcons 2013-14
The Mission Control Simulation is a classroom resource designed to introduce and develop essential
knowledge and skills required for understanding the concepts and use of Control Technology.
Mission Control presents a series of carefully structured activities for pupils to explore using on-screen
simulations. No additional control equipment is required, however much of the work can be easily adapted
to standard control equipment such as the NXT Robot.
Assessment of ICT Capability for Control/Programming
Predict, estimate and create a set of
instructions to control devices and
achieve specific outcomes using an on
screen turtle.
E.g. Control a floor robot, or software to
move between two or more fixed points
involving distance and turn.
Predict and test short sequences of
linked instructions to achieve an
intended outcome.
Use an on screen turtle to explore and
understand the impact of changing
E.g. Use a floor robot, or software to
navigate a map or create a drawn shape.
Create, predict and test short sequences
of linked instructions to achieve an
intended outcome. Use an on screen
turtle to explore and understand the
impact of changing variables.
E.g. Children use logo or a robot to
create a pattern using a range of same
sized squares or other shapes.
KS2 New Program of Study:
Pupils should be taught to:
 Design and write programs that accomplish specific goals, including controlling or simulating physical
systems; solve problems by decomposing them into smaller parts.
 Use sequence, selection, and repetition in programs; work with variables and various forms of input and
output; generate appropriate inputs and predicted outputs to test programs.
 Use logical reasoning to explain how a simple algorithm works and to detect and correct errors in algorithms
and programs.
 Understand computer networks including the internet; how they can provide multiple services, such as the
World-Wide-Web; and the opportunities they offer for communication and collaboration.
Describe how internet search engines find and store data; use search engines effectively; be discerning in
evaluating digital content; respect individuals and intellectual property; use technology responsibly, securely
and safely.
Select, use and combine a variety of software (including internet services) on a range of digital devices to
accomplish given goals, including collecting, analysing, evaluating and presenting data and information.
Some children will not have made as much
Most children have met the expectation
through the following experiences
(Level Score 2-3)
Some children will exceed the expectation
(Level Score 3-5 depending on extension work)
(Level Score 1-2)
Capability Statement:
Control and Sensing: Explore and understand the impact of changing variables. Refine instructions to improve the efficiency
(procedure) of the instructions they have created. Be able to control simple input and output devices.
Modelling & Simulations: Use ICT based models to explore variables to solve problems. Recognise and discover patterns and
relationships. Hypothesise “what would happen if…?”
Control concepts
Output; sequence of
instructions; on/off
The Juicy Drinks Machine:
In this challenge, pupils have to use Professor Roberts’ drinks machine to fill
a cup of juice and put the lid on.
The machine is broken, and to fix it the wires have to be connected to the
outputs. It is vital that the different stages of the task are done in the correct
order and that the switches are turned off at the correct times!
(One level on this activity)
Control concepts
Computer controlled
outputs to control a
Control concepts
Lifting the Heavy Box:
In this challenge, pupils have to use the lifting machine to load Dr Esme’s
box into the back of the hoverheli. After connecting the wires, an on-screen
computer is used to control the machine. It is important that the outputs are
turned on and off in the correct order.
At level 2, the tower starts to the right and the lift starts in the up position,
so these must be moved before pupils will be able to load the box.
South Temple Maze:
Dr Esme’s machine, Rover, needs to be programmed so that it can find its
way through the South Temple Maze. A control panel enables pupils to give
commands to Rover. A map of the maze helps with plotting the correct
The complexity of the maze and the route through the maze relate to the
level of difficulty at which the pupil is working.
Control concepts
Time delay; creating
and running a
control program;
Control concepts
creating, inputting
and testing control
Control concepts
More complex
reinforcement of
the control program
Control concepts
Motor outputs;
The Chemical Store:
In this task, pupils need to make sure that the poison trucks are moved
safely to the recycling tank without polluting the river. In part one, the
mouse is used to carry out one instruction at a time. In part two, pupils need
to write a program for the computer to control all the lifts and doors in the
correct order.
At level 2, there are different, more complex screens.
The North Temple Maze:
Pupils need to plot Rover’s route again, but this time through the North
Temple Maze. A program needs to be devised and entered into Rover’s
control panel and then tested.
At level 2, the route through the maze, and therefore the control program
required, is more complex than level 1.
Switching the Robots Off:
In this challenge, pupils are under attack from a robot. A set of coloured
lights can be used to deactivate the robot. Pupils need to devise a control
program to ensure the lights are switched on and off in the correct order
and for the correct duration.
At level 1, there are two lights in the sequence, whereas in level 2 there are
Building the Bridge:
This task involves controlling Gomez’s machine to build a bridge to the
island. The machine, which is controlled by the user’s computer program,
builds the bridge by dropping stones one-by-one onto the supports. It is
important that the delays are set carefully, so that the stones are not placed
on top of each other or too far apart.
Level 2 involves moving the machine backwards.
Control concepts
“What if” concept;
feedback from and
response to sensors.
Bubble and Steam Sensors:
In part one of this challenge, pupils must find out how the chemical
packaging machine works, then change the program to add crystals which
will make the chemicals safe. The machine works by using two sensors which
detect steam and bubbles. In part two, Gomez’s programs have to be
changed so that the machine will add forest crystals to the chemicals.
At level 2, there are more lids to put on the jars.
Control concepts
Reinforcement of
“What if” concept;
“Repeat Forever”
Heat Sensor:
In this challenge, pupils have to use a heat sensor and some coloured lights
to check which of the pipes leading to the control room are too hot, and
which one is safe to go down. A control program needs to be devised to turn
a red light on if heat is detected, and off if the heat source is removed. It is
also important to make sure everything is done in the correct order and that
the program is being repeated enough times.
At level 1, one bulb is to be turned on when there is heat, and off when
there is no heat. Whilst difficult, there is plenty of help available at this level.
Level 2 is much more difficult as two bulbs are used. One bulb has to be
turned on if there is heat and off when there is no heat. The other has to be
turned off if there is heat and on if there is no heat. At this level, there is
much less help available.
Pupils attempt level 1 first for this activity.
Mission Control
General Objectives: The Mission Control Simulation is a classroom resource designed to introduce and develop essential
knowledge and skills required for understanding the concepts and use of Control Technology.
Mission Control presents a series of carefully structured activities for pupils to explore using on-screen simulations. No
additional control equipment is required, however much of the work can be easily adapted to standard control equipment such
as the NXT Robot.
Summary of the Adventure: The land of Azon, on the planet Oglo, is in deep trouble. The wicked scientist Gomez has escaped
from prison and, with the aid of his evil robots, is causing extreme environmental damage. The dangerous chemicals they
produce are polluting the rivers and killing the wildlife. He must be stopped before the last remaining rainforest on Oglo is
Before the children can embark on the mission to thwart Gomez, they are called to an important meeting with Professor
Roberts. But they first have to work out how to fix the Professor’s broken drinks machine and dispense themselves a drink
before the meeting starts. This task will introduce the importance of giving instructions in the correct order, which will prove
crucial to the later stages of the adventure.
At the meeting with Professor Roberts, the children will learn that Dr Esme, a scientist on Echo Island, has reported that Gomez
is responsible for the production of the dangerous chemicals that are threatening the planet’s fragile ecosystem. The challenge
for the children is to find out more about what is going on and do what they can to bring Gomez to justice.
With Professor Roberts they travel to Echo Island to find Dr Esme, but after a few exciting incidents Professor Roberts goes
missing and it is up to the children, with Dr Esme, to save the land of Oglo. The immediate task before them is to load up the
hoverheli using a lifting machine so that they can explore the island.
Once in the hoverheli, the players explore the island in search of a temple used by Gomez to store his dangerous chemicals. Dr
Esme’s robot, Rover, needs to be guided through the Temple Maze, and when the chemical store has been located, a computer
must be programmed to control the disposal operation. The journey continues with many further tasks and adventures until
finally the rainforest police round up Gomez so that the island can be returned to its peaceful state.
Logo and Problem Solving
Logo is a simple computing language that was originally designed for the teaching of mathematical ideas to children through
computer programming. However, its flexible nature allows Logo to be used creatively and imaginatively as a teaching and
learning resource across many different subject areas. It lends itself especially to problem solving.
The use of Logo in the classroom usually begins with concrete representations (floor turtles or robots) and progresses to words
and more abstract concepts (screen turtles, simple command line programming, repeating routines, etc). It is intended to be
easy to learn, read, and use, but also powerful and able to cope with complex problems.
The learning of Logo can be useful in helping to develop thinking skills that can be transferred to other contexts. Logo can also
be an effective vehicle for the development and use of problem solving strategies, particularly in a collaborative or supportive
The Mission Control V2 introduces and extends the use of Logo and encourages the development of the skills required for
effective problem solving.
Using Mission Control V2 to Develop Problem Solving Skills
The Mission Control V2 provides a solid focus for problem solving in Mathematics and ICT at Key Stage 2. The activities and
challenges are closely linked to the guidelines set out in the National Curriculum and aim to develop the skills needed for
efficient and effective problem solving.
The format of The Mission Control V2 lends itself well to group work, encouraging children to collaborate and discuss their ideas
and methods of solving the problems they encounter in the program.
There is an emphasis on ‘What if…?’ which allows children to explore and test possible solutions, encouraging them to follow a
logical cognitive process until the problem has been solved. As well as planning the order in which the instructions need to be
Estimation is a key factor in The Mission Control V2. The National Curriculum for England requires children to be able to use
mental estimation in problem solving situations. In many of the activities, the program encourages users to estimate distances
and angles, as well as predict outcomes.
When using Logo commands, there is often the option to reset or restart. Pupils should be encouraged to approach the
challenges with flexibility – all activities can easily be repeated until the correct solution is found. This format encourages
children to explore and test multiple methods of solving a problem. This helps them to extend their recognition and general
skills of deciding what will and won’t work when faced with other problem solving situations. The program also encourages
children to consider the functions of repetition and rotation when applied to a shape.
Progression in ICT Capability Year 4
Be able to create simple procedures and use these to create
rotational and linear patterns.
Explore and understand the impact of changing variables.
Refinei nstructions to improve the efficiency (procedure) of
the instructions they have created.
Key Objectives/ideas:
That the screen turtle can be moved on screen
That the screen turtle obeys the same language commands as
the floor turtle
That the screen turtle can be given commands to produce a
specific shape on screen
That instructions can be repeated
That groups of instructions can be named
That procedures can use other procedures
Key Targest/skills:
By the end of these lessons most children will be able to:
Create a “flower” using one shape and rotating it
Use the repeat instruction to duplicate the shape
Change the angle of turn
Pen up
Pen down
Softease turtle
Worksheets of sequences
Using the resources which will be saved into their ICT folder,
children will learn about how to use the Softease Turtle to control
a “Virtual” robot. They will learn that the screen robot works in
the same way as the beebot and roamer robots we have
previously used in school. They will learn the terminology for the
commands needed to control the turtle. They will link this to
everyday objects that involve using instructions such as traffic
lights, washing machines, robots that build things (cars etc).
Success criteria
Most children will be able to predict and test short sequences of
linked instructions to achieve an intended outcome and to use the
on screen turtle to explore and understand the impact of
changing variables and create some crystal flowers using the
shapes they have create.
Some children will require support in order to predict, estimate
and create a set of instructions to control devices and achieve
specific outcomes.
Some children will progress further and not only be able to
predict and test short sequences of linked instructions to achieve
an intended outcome and use the on screen turtle to explore and
understand the impact of changing variables but be able to refine
their instructions to improve the efficiency of the instructions
they have created. Some children will be able to create more
elaborate crystal flowers and combine more than one
shape in their work.
(Shapes Worksheet)
Talk about how we have used the floor turtle in the past, what experiences they can remember.
 Introduce the screen turtle. Talk about the
direction the turtle is facing and how it moves. Type in
some instructions to show the turtle moving. Discuss spaces
between command and number and the use of the return
key. Introduce the clear screen command. Type in the
instructions for drawing a square but use forward 50
instead of 4. Discuss the different step size that a screen
turtle uses. Discuss the differences between using a floor
turtle and a screen turtle. Remind children that instructions
are relative. Explain that they are going to make the screen
turtle follow a number of instructions.
 SQUARE - After explaining the “individual” instructions that can be given (see left).
Give children Shapes worksheet and ask them to complete the shapes using the “repeat” function explaining that this
saves them a lot of time and effort as the commands are much shorter and more efficient. Show how the square can be
created using the command shown (left). Explain that they need to know how many sides the shape has in order to
decide how many times the command needs to repeat.
EQUILATERAL TRIANGLE - Repeat 3 [forward 50, right 120] ask the children why we
need to repeat 3 ensure they understand this is the number of sides the shape has.
 REGULAR PENTAGON – Repeat 5 [forward 50,
right 72] again ask about the number of sides.
 Enter the command REPEAT 4 [FORWARD 20,
RIGHT 90, FORWARD 20, LEFT 90] before pressing enter and so creating the shape ask the children what shape they
think these commands will make. Did anyone accurately predict these commands would make some STAIRS? ENSURE
For the SEN children they can use the keypad on yellow initially using the arrows and then see if they
can use the keypad on green which has the commands already typed up so they just need to click the
one required and change the number in the degrees of turn area. The green option could also be used
by the lower core the children, although I would expect all core and extension children to be able to enter the commands
Task 1 Give the children LogoWorksheet 1 ask them to predict the shape that will appear on the screen when these
instructions are entered by drawing their prediction on their sheets. Ask them to input the instructions to see if they were
Do the prediction parts of this activity as a Q and A task using the IWB; the children
at the same time either agreeing or disagreeing with the classes ideas.
can fill in their sheets
Task 2 Show two examples of letters (e.g. E or M) that can be drawn with the
only 45 or 90 degrees; draw these letters on the IWB. Demonstrate how to write
produce the letters on screen.
screen turtle using
instructions to
Using LogoWorksheet 2 ask the children to draw the first letter of their name on the
grid and then get
them to try to write the instructions for the screen turtle. If using the green keypad show children how to use pen up and pen
down to move the turtle. If the children are able to create sequences to write their initials these must be saved and could be
Task 3 On screen demonstrate these simple repeat
sequences i.e.
Repeat 4 [forward 10, left 90]
Repeat 3 [forward 15, right 120]
Repeat 6 [forward 20, right 60]
Repeat 360 [forward 1, right 1]
Repeat 10 [forward 25, right 36]
Discuss what we have learned so far regarding repeated sequences and demonstrate repeat 10 [forward 40, right 108] ask the
children how many sides they think the shape will have. Show on the IWB what happens.
Using Logo Worksheet 3 ask the children to predict what will appear on screen when the instructions are entered and then try
out the instructions to see if they are correct.
Logo Worksheet 4 – Writing Procedures– write the following procedures into the computer and save them: square, equilateral
triangle, staircase, and pentagon.
Show the children the screen turtle drawing a square, without using the written procedure. Move the turtle using pen up and
pen down if appropriate and repeat the square. Explain how it would make things easier if the turtle could learn a word to draw
a square. Tell the children I have taught the turtle four new words and demonstrate the one that draws the square. Show them
how they could change the numbers in the procedure to make a bigger square. Let the class test all four procedures. Ask them
to try changing the size of the sides and the steps.
Using the same principle above create the other shapes, i.e. HEXAGON = REPEAT 6, FORWARD 20, RIGHT 60, END, SAVE etc.
Now to start creating “Logo Flowers”. Logo Worksheet 5
After creating your procedure for Square, type anywhere on the page
repeat 6 [square rt 60] and click on the “run procedure icon”
the picture on the right is what should be produced.
Try the Hexagon input repeat
12 [hexagon rt 30] and see
what happens this time…
How about the Square input
repeat 120 [square rt 3]
Be patient the turtle has to work hard to create these patterns but you can get some
really amazing effects. Children get a chance to create their own and save them. ALSO
It is important to keep the multiplications of numbers equal to 360.
Those more capable can have a go at changing the fill colour. Using the details button to open window (on left) turtle trails can
be filled in with a different colour.
Pen down – if the pen is down and the turtle moves a trail is left. Click on the trail button to change the colour.
Fill Trail colour - (Tick square next to fill trail and then click on the fill rectangle).
Trail effects – lets you set the line style and line thickness for the trail.
What do you have to remember when programming the computer? (i.e. the computer is only a dumb machine – it
needs to know everything and instructions have to be clear and accurate)
What examples can you give, other than a computer of objects that are programmed? i.e. washing machine, remote
controlled toys, mobile phones, sat navs, game consoles, weapons etc.)
How can you find out more about programming to take the next step in your learning?
What programming activity would you like to do next?