EDCI 270 Spring 2010 EDCI 270: Introduction to Educational Technology and Computing COURSE CLASS TIMES Lecture: 129 EE ......... Mondays 4:30-5:20 Labs ............................. Wed & Fri (various times) Office hours: ............... Thurs 9:30 AM and by appointment INSTRUCTOR Tim Newby Office: BRNG 3138 Phone: 494-5672 E-mail: newby@purdue.edu I. COURSE MATERIALS/RESOURCES Textbooks: (NOTE: For the Spring 2010 semester, the following four items will be sold in a bundled package: Newby, T. J., Stepich, D. A., Lehman, J. D., & Russell, J. D. (2006). Educational Technology for Teaching and Learning (3rd ed.) Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill/Prentice-Hall. (Referred to as ETTL in the course schedule.) Newby, T. J. & Lewandowski, J. (2009). Teaching and Learning with MS Office 2007 and Expression Web. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill/Prentice-Hall. (Referred to as MSO-07 in the course schedule.). Leftwich, A. with York, C., Sadaf, A., & Newby, T. (2008). TaskStream: Advancing Educational Excellence (3rd ed.). Newby, T. J. (2009). Teaching and Learning with MS SharePoint Designer. Software: TaskStream software license. May be purchased at the Boiler Copy Maker (PMU 157; 496-3888). Course Resources Blackboard – a course on Blackboard/Vista 4.0 has been created to facilitate this course: (http://www.itap.purdue.edu/tlt/blackboard/ ). Course/Text Websites: http://prenhall.com/newby/ II. COURSE SPECIFIC INFORMATION AND POLICIES Course Description This course addresses the fundamentals of educational technology including the integration of instructional design, media, computers and related technologies within the classroom setting. Students will explore and evaluate how, when, and why technology should be infused into education. This course is taught concurrently with EDCI 271, an optional one-credit course that focuses on classroom applications. We recommend that you take both EDCI 270 and 271 to gain the best perspective on educational technology in the schools. Course Vision To provide the foundations for enhanced learning experiences through the meaningful integration of technology. Purpose of the Course This course emphasizes three main purposes. a. It has been designed to help you explore and experience the various tools of technology. You will identify and understand the technology available within classrooms and laboratories as well as what may be available in the future. You also will experience how different tools are used to create, manage, present, and evaluate instructional materials. b. This course is to help you understand how technology can influence learning. In particular, the impact of specific computer software will be reviewed and examined. One example is multimedia simulations that attempt to place students within contextually appropriate problem-solving situations. Additionally, communication technology, that allows immediate access to vast databases of information as well as content experts throughout the world, will also be explored. c. You will explore how computers, other forms of media (e.g., video), and instructional design techniques are integrated, utilized, and evaluated within the classroom. Obstacles to computer integration will be identified and discussed to better prepare you to understand the problems that may be encountered as they attempt to integrate technology within the normal classroom setting. -1- updated: 1/9/10 EDCI 270 Spring 2010 Learning Goals Through readings, discussions, and course projects you will: 1. Demonstrate the ability to use computer systems to run software; access, generate, and manipulate information; and to present and communicate results. You will also evaluate the performance of hardware and software components of computer systems. 2. Apply educational technology to enhance your own professional growth and productivity. You will use technology to communicate, collaborate, conduct research, and solve problems. In addition, you will plan and participate in activities that encourage lifelong learning and will promote equitable, ethical, and legal use of computer/technology resources, as well as other media formats. 3. Apply educational technology to support instruction in your selected developmental and content areas. You will plan and deliver small instructional lessons that integrate a variety of software, applications, and learning tools. These plans will reflect effective individualized strategies for diverse populations. 4. Identify, develop, and use various Web 2.0 technologies in order to increase your global perspective by working in communities of practice with individuals from around the world. Lecture/in-class participation Students are expected to attend and participate in both lecture and lab. Participation in the lecture is monitored through in-class assignments and discussions which are due at the end of most class lectures. No make-up of these assignments will be permitted. Purdue University policy states that all students are expected to be present for every meeting of classes in which they are enrolled. All matters relative to attendance, including the make-up of missed work, are to be arranged between you and the instructor. Only the instructor can excuse you from classes or course responsibilities. In the case of an illness, accident, or an emergency, you should make direct contact with your instructor as soon as possible, preferably before the class. If the instructor cannot be reached directly a message should be left in the instructor’s department mailbox or with the instructor’s secretary. If you will be absent for more than five days, have not been able to reach the instructor in person or by telephone or through leaving notification of your circumstances with the instructor's secretary, you or your representative should notify the Office of the Dean of Students (765-494-1254) as soon as possible after becoming aware that the absence is necessary. Be advised, you may be asked to provide documentation from an authorized professional or agency which supports an explanation for your absence. Test-out If a student feels he/she has already attained the knowledge and ability to complete the goals of EDCI 270 based on prior course work and completed assignments, it is possible to test out of this course. During the week prior to the beginning of classes each Fall and Spring semester, a test-out examination will be given. If it is passed at the required level, the student will be awarded course credit. Contact Professor Newby (newby@purdue.edu) for more details and information about this procedure. Late Policy Late projects and assignments will automatically be penalized 33% of the total possible points if submitted after the announced due date and time. Unless specified otherwise, assignments are due at beginning of lab/lecture on the established deadline. Incomplete Grades “I” grades are generally not given. Under very unusual circumstances an incomplete may be given; however, to be considered, a written request describing the circumstances must be submitted to the course instructor no later than the beginning of the 15th week of the semester. Adaptive Programs / Classroom Accommodations Students with disabilities must be registered with Adaptive Programs in the Office of the Dean of Students before classroom accommodations can be provided. If you are eligible for academic accommodations because you have a documented disability that will impact your work in this class, please schedule an appointment with me as soon as possible to discuss your needs. In case of an emergency In the event of a major campus emergency, course requirements, deadlines and grading percentages are subject to changes that may be necessitated by a revised calendar or other -2- updated: 1/9/10 EDCI 270 Spring 2010 circumstances. Information about changes in this course can be obtained via notifications on Blackboard, my email (newby@purdue.edu) or my office phone: 494-5672. Please note and do the following. Some of our labs for this course are taught in Beering Hall. Therefore, all students in EDCI 270 are required to visit http://www.education.purdue.edu/ODFD/resources.html and review the response procedures for emergencies in Beering Hall. It is necessary that you review these directions within the first week of your Beering classes. If you have any questions contact your Dr. Newby or your lab instructor.” Academic Integrity Purdue prohibits "dishonesty in connection with any University activity. Cheating, plagiarism, or knowingly furnishing false information to the University are examples of dishonesty." [Part 5, Section III-B-2-a, University Regulations] Furthermore, the University Senate has stipulated that "the commitment of acts of cheating, lying, and deceit in any of their diverse forms (such as the use of substitutes for taking examinations, the use of illegal cribs, plagiarism, and copying during examinations) is dishonest and must not be tolerated. Moreover, knowingly to aid and abet, directly or indirectly, other parties in committing dishonest acts is in itself dishonest." [University Senate Document 72-18, December 15, 1972] All students should aspire to high standards of academic honesty. This class encourages cooperation and the exchange of ideas. However, students are expected to do original work, to do their own work except for group projects, and to properly reference sources when using information from others. Any instance of academic dishonesty will result in failure of the assignment in question. More than one instance will result in failure of the course. Course Evaluation During the last two weeks of the semester, you will be provided with an opportunity to evaluate this course and your instructor(s). Purdue now uses an online course evaluation system. Near the end of classes, you will receive an official e-mail from evaluation administrators with a link to the online evaluation site. You will have up to two weeks to complete this evaluation. Your participation is an integral part of this course, and your feedback is vital to improving education at Purdue University. I strongly urge you to participate in the evaluation system. III. COURSE ASSIGNMENTS AND PROJECTS Lecture assignments: a. Lecture participation assignments For almost all lectures, short, reading and writing assignments will be given. These assignments must be completed prior to or during lecture. These assignments can only be turned in when they are requested during lecture – and you must be in attendance in order to submit your work. No late lecture participation assignments will be accepted for credit. b. On-line discussion/debate participation assignments During the course of the semester, there will be two asynchronous on-line discussions that will occur through a Blackboard/Vista 4.0 discussion board. Each discussion will approximately one week and all will take place between students within individual lab sections. c. Reading assignments Prior to each lecture, a reading assignment (see syllabus) will be given. Lab exercises and projects Themes At the beginning of the term, an opportunity will be given for students to select a semester “theme.” All workouts and the first major project completed by the student will be based upon his/her selected theme. Your instructor will provide some examples and suggestions for selecting a proper course theme. Although some leeway is given, all themes selected by the students MUST have some educational merit. Completion of projects/exercises outside the field of education without the prior approval of the instructor will not be permitted and will result in a failing grade for the project/exercise. Workout Exercises For each of the individual pieces of software that will be explored within the lab (Microsoft Word, Publisher, Excel, PowerPoint, Google Sites), there will be a specific workout exercise assigned. All exercises will be based on the “Workout explanation/grading sheets.” Course Projects Project I -3- updated: 1/9/10 EDCI 270 Spring 2010 You will develop an instructional program that teaches individual learners specific information, concepts, or rules. Within this project, you will demonstrate correct instructional planning techniques and production skills by using PowerPoint software in order to produce a self-instructional program that effectively presents information/instruction. NOTE: This project will be posted as an artifact with an accompanying narrative on the TaskStream Electronic Portfolio system. Project points will not be awarded until you complete the TaskStream uploading assignment. Project II This project will be a team project where Web 2.0 technologies will be used and explored. All teams will create a wiki chapter for a Web 2.0 wiki text. In addition, a final “Showcase” evening will be created where all teams will publically present their application and demonstrate how it can be used in the classroom. Project notes: o Each project will have an accompanying written narrative which describes the project, its purpose, scope and relationship to the Ed Tech standards. o A "Project Assessment Guide," outlining the specific requirements for completion, exists for each major course project. All guidelines can be found on the course Blackboard site. o It is the responsibility of the student to save all course projects, lab workout exercises, lecture assignments, returned exams, etc. If questions about grading occur, original documentation will need to be supplied by the student. IV. GRADING Your course grade will be determined by your performance in both the weekly discussion (lecture section) and the computer lab. Performance on the discussion portion will be measured by performances on on-line discussions, quizzes and the final exam. Required lab workouts and major projects will account for the remaining part of your grade. Lecture and on-line discussions: Lecture participation assignments (10 @ 2 pts. each)..20 pts. On-line discussion participation (2 @ 10 pts. each) ....20 pts. Quizzes (5 @ 10 pts. each) ..........................................50 pts. Final Exam ...................................................................40 pts. Total possible in-class points ..................................................... 130 pts. Lab workouts and projects: Workout projects (6 @ 10 pts. each) ...........................60 pts. Project I: ...........................................................70 pts. Project II: .....................................................................70 pts. Total possible lab points ............................................................ 200 pts. Total course points possible ................................................................. 330 pts. Grading scale 330 - 310 = A 309 - 297 = A296 - 287 = B+ 286 - 277 = B 276 - 264 = B263 - 254 = C+ 253 - 244 = C 243 - 231 = C230 - 221 = D+ 220 - 211 = D 210 - 198 = D197 or less = F -4- updated: 1/9/10 EDCI 270 Spring 2010 Important note about grading of workouts, projects, quizzes, and exams Grading of the on-line discussion participation, lab workouts, projects, quizzes, and final exam will be completed by the lab teaching assistants. If disagreements with the grading occur the following process will be used to resolve the disagreements: 1. The student should first bring all initial problems to the attention of the TA who has graded the project or exam. Together they should discuss the problem and work towards a solution. 2. If that discussion does not lead to a resolution, a meeting will be called with the student, the TA, and the course instructor. One possible outcome of the meeting will be for the course instructor to grade the project/exam. In such a case that score (which may be either the same, higher OR lower) will be the final score for the project/exam. Electronic grade records Results from all projects, quizzes, exams, and workout exercises will be posted on the Blackboard Vista grade book. Any questions or problems with the posted scores must be resolved within one week of the posting. To resolve a problem, contact your lab teaching assistant. 270 Grading and Assignment Sheet On the next sheet of this syllabus you will find a worksheet where you can keep tally of the grades you have received in this class. This is an easy way to compare what you have recorded with what appears on the Blackboard electronic grade book completed by your TA. -5- updated: 1/9/10 EDCI 270 Spring 2010 270 grading and assignment sheet In‐class points Lecture participation assignments (LPS) 1st /2 nd 2 /2 rd 3 /2 4th /2 th 5 /2 th 6 /2 th 7 /2 th 8 /2 9th /2 th 10 /2 Total /20 Online discussions (OD) 1st 2nd Total Final exam /10 /10 /20 /40 Quizzes Quiz1 Quiz2 Quiz3 Quiz4 Quiz5 Total Total in‐class points /10 /10 /10 /10 /10 /50 LPS OD Quizzes Final Exam Total /20 /20 /50 /40 /130 Lab workouts & projects points Workouts Workout 1 Workout 2 Workout 3 Workout 4 Workout 5 Workout 6 Total Total lab workouts & projects points Projects /10 /10 /10 /10 /10 /10 /60 Project1 /70 Project2 /70 Total /140 Workouts Projects Total /60 /140 /200 Total possible course points Total in‐class points Total Lab workouts & projects points Total /130 /200 /330 -6- updated: 1/9/10 EDCI 270 V. COURSE SCHEDULE Spring 2010 Key notation: ETTL = Educational Technology for Teaching and Learning (lecture textbook) MSO-07 = Teaching and Learning with MS Office 2007 and Expression Web – (lab textbook) Week of: 1/11/10 1 1/18/10 2 1/25/10 3 2/1/10 4 2/8/10 5 Topic Lec.: Course introduction -- What does Educational Technology have to offer? Lab.: Introduction to the lab, Blackboard System navigation Lec.: Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday – No lecture Lab.: Theme selection, Workout #1 (Word Processing); Online discussion orientation Lec.: Learning theories Online discussion 1: Millennials (Mon. 25th – Sun. 31st ) Lab: Workout #2 (Desktop Publishing) Lec: Design principles: Learners, Content, Environment, and Activities – (First Principles, Cyanide Fishing) Lab.: Workout #3 (Spreadsheets) and Workout #4 (Database) Lec.: Design principles: Instructional Activities Lab: Workout #5 (Presentation Software) Project I – Introduction to project, examples 2/15/10 6 Lec.: Design principles: Methods and media Online discussion 2: Issues of copyright (Mon. 15th –Sun 21st) Lab.: Project I – development of flowchart and planning cards 2/22/10 7 Lec.: Material development and issues of copyright Lab.: Project I 3/1/10 8 Lec.: Software and learning (e.g., SnagIt, Jing, Rosette Stone) Lab.: Project I Assignment Syllabus ETTL Preface & Chp 1 MSO-07 Introduction & Chp 1 MSO-07 Chp 2 ETTL Chp 2 MSO-07 Chp 6 Online Discussion #1 Quiz 1 (ETTL Chps. 1 & 2) Workout #1 due ETTL Chp 4 Workout #2 due ETTL Chp 5 MSO-07 Chp 4 Workout #3 & #4 due Quiz 2 (ETTL Chps. 4 & 5) ETTL Chp 6 & 7 Online discussion #2 Sign-up for planning card TA evaluation Workout #5 due ETTL Chp 8 Quiz 3 (ETTL Chps. 6, 7 & 8) Proj. I flowchart & planning cards due ETTL Chp 9 MSO-07 Chp 5 Proj. I peer evaluation due Project II team leader/proj. managers’ selection and notification 3/8/10 9 Lec: Teaching and learning from a distance Lab.: Intro to the electronic portfolio (TaskStream); Project I upload; Workout #6 (Web Editing) Project II Team Leader meeting 3/15/10 3/22/10 10 Spring Break – no lecture or labs this week Lec.: Read vs. Read/Write Internet (Web 2.0) Lab.: Web editing – Workout #6 (Web Editing); Project II – Intro Project II Team Leader meeting Lec.: Assistive Technology Lab.: Project II (team role assignments, research and initial drafts of wiki chapter) Project II Team Leader meeting Lec.: Adventures in Second Life Lab.: Project II (wiki chapter production, presentation and handout outlines and 1st draft productions) – Peer evaluations Project II Team Leader meeting 3/29/10 11 4/5/10 12 -7- ETTL Chp 11 TaskStream E-portfolio: Importance of Proj. I upload MSO-07 Chp 7 (extra chap) TaskStream booklet Proj. I due TaskStream: Upload Proj. I ETTL Chp 10 MSO-07 Chp 7 (extra chap) Workout #6 due ETTL Chp 3 & 13 Quiz 4 (ETTL Chps. 9, 10 & 11) ETTL Chp 13 Proj. II peer evaluation due updated: 1/9/10 EDCI 270 4/12/10 13 4/19/10 14 4/26/10 15 5/3/10 16 Spring 2010 Lec.: Project evaluation Lab.: Project II (wiki chapter, presentation, and handouts – next-tofinal drafts ) Showcase practice Project II Team Leader meeting Lec.: Showcase: April 19 (Monday) – 6:00-9:00 PM, STEW 218 Lab: Project II - Showcase Lec.: Trends and issues; Course review; Preparation for the final exam Lab.: Showcase evaluation, discussion Final Exam -- date, time, and place TBA -8- ETTL Chp 12 Quiz 5 (ETTL Chps. 12 & 13) April 19 (Monday) -- Showcase presentations Team Leader post eval. ETTL Chp 14 Project II narratives due Final Exam updated: 1/9/10