MARCH/APRIL 2015 * ADAR/NISSAN/IYAR 5775 BAGHDAD TO BZBI—25 YEARS OF TORAH CONCERT & TRIBUTE DINNER CELEBRATION HONORING RABBI EZEKIEL N. MUSLEAH SUNDAY, MAY 17, 2015 4:00 PM Concert with The Epichorus in BZBI’s Goldberg Sanctuary 6:00 Tribute Dinner at the Sonesta Hotel, 1800 Market Street Rabbi Ezekiel Nissim Musleah was born in Calcutta, India, into a family that emigrated there from Baghdad in 1820. After he graduated from the University of Calcutta with a degree in philosophy, he traveled to America to study at the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York. He was ordained as a rabbi in 1952 and immediately returned to India where he served as religious leader of his native community for twelve years. Rabbi Musleah served the Jewish community with excellence, but the community was dwindling as Jews left Calcutta to emigrate to other parts of the world. He decided to pursue a more vibrant Jewish life in the United States and emigrated with his family in 1964. He has served as rabbi of Congregation Mikveh Israel, the second oldest functioning Jewish congregation in the United States and later became chairman of the Bet Din, or Jewish religious court, based in Philadelphia. Rabbi Musleah has written many books on the Jewish community of Calcutta. Married to Margaret Musleah (of Baghdadi rabbinic background), they have 3 daughters, eight grandchildren and one great-grandson. We are proud to honor Rabbi Musleah for 25 years of service to the Beth Zion-Beth Israel community as Shabbat Torah Reader. The Epichorus performs music of the Middle Eastern Jews - including music from Iraq and Syria - bringing those traditions to life for a contemporary audience. The Epichorus will perform with a leading Indian vocalist, Priya Darshini, creating a unique fusion that is an ideal fit for celebrating Rabbi Musleah’s role in our community Ticket Information Keter Torah Sponsors: $1,000/2 tickets to the tribute dinner & 2 reserved tickets to the concert, prominent listing in invitation & program Rimonnim Sponsors: $540/2 tickets to the tribute dinner & 2 reserved tickets to the concert, listing in the invitation & program Tribute dinner tickets: $180 per person, includes 1 ticket, general seating at the concert Concert tickets: $18 each or $10 for seniors and students (with ID), general seating at concert Dietary laws observed. Invitation open to friends, family & neighbors CELEBRATE PURIM AT BZBI WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4, 7 PM LIVING WITH WHAT OUR CHILDREN ARE LEARNING WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18, 5:15 PM Join Rabbi Yosef Goldman and Neziner Hebrew School Principal, Cindy Kushner, as they explore ways to enrich your home with Jewish values that your child is learning in Hebrew School. Early Childhood parents are also welcome. HELP STAMP OUT HAMAN’S NAME!! JOIN US TO HEAR OUR HILARIOUS READING OF MEGILLAT ESTHER Instead of groggers, bring a box of breakfast cereal to the Megillah Reading JOIN RABBI GOLDMAN’S HEALING CIRCLE THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 6:30 PM Use the cereal to drown out Haman’s name! The Healing Circle welcomes all who are in need of healing—body, mind or spirit—caregivers and those with loved ones in need of healing. If you would like to participate in this service, please contact Rabbi Goldman at Following the service, we will collect the boxes which will be donated to Mercy Hospice— a 48 bed residence on 13th Street for single women and mothers with young children TIKKUN OLAM SUNDAY, MARCH 29TH, 6:00 PM AT MERCY HOSPICE, 334 S. 13TH ST. PHILA. Join BZBI members who will make bag lunches for distribution to day-services guests of Mercy Hospice. BZBI has been affiliated with Mercy Hospice for some time now and we are proud to be able to help homeless, or near homeless women find shelter, receive three meals a day, clothing, life skills classes, parenting education and goal driven case management. SIGN UP FOR GUESS WHO’S COMING TO SHABBAS FRIDAY, MARCH 13 Residents also receive housing opportunities, emotional support and compassion. TO HOST A DINNER OR BE A GUEST CONTACT CARA LEVINSON AT 2 The Shofar . March/April 2015 SICHA (CONVERSATION) SUNDAY, MARCH 15, 7:00PM SICHA (CONVERSATION) SUNDAY, APRIL 12, 7:00 pm “BUSTED: A Tale of Corruption and Betrayal In the City of Brotherly Love” By Wendy Ruderman & Barbara Laker with BZBI member, Steven Fried “Becoming Un-Orthodox: Stories of Ex-Hasidic Jews” By Lynn Davidson Leaving a religion is not merely a matter of losing or rejecting faith. For many, it involves dramatic life changes. Davidson bases her book on in-depth conversations with 40 ex-Hasidic individuals. Two working mothers describe how they unveiled one of the biggest corruption scandals in Philadelphia’s history. Before joining the Philadelphia Daily News, Wendy Ruderman worked in several media outlets including the Philadelphia Inquirer, WHYYTV and the Associated Press. Barbara Laker has worked for several newspapers including The Atlanta Journal-Constitution and The Seattle Post-Intelligencer. She joined the Philadelphia Daily News in 1993. Lynn Davidson is the Beren Distinguished Professor of Modern Jewish Studies and Professor of Sociology at the University of Kansas. Cost: BZBI members $18, non-members $20, students with valid ID $5. Register at BZBI member, Steven Fried is an award-winning investigative journalist and essayist and an adjunct professor at Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism. Cost: $20, BZBI members $18, students with valid ID $5 Register for all Sichot at KABBALAT SHABBAT WITH RABBI YOSEF GOLDMAN’S MAROM BAND AND CANTOR SHARON GRAINER FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 6:00 PM BZBI SHABBAT EXPERIENCE KABBALAT SHABBAT SERVICE 6:00 PM WITH DINNER TO FOLLOW FRIDAY, MARCH 20 Enjoy the spirit of Shabbat with a musical Friday night followed by a special oneg of wine and hors d’oeuvres. Meet upstairs in the Kahaner Auditorium with soulful singing and percussion. Add your voice to those of Rabbi Goldman and Cantor Grainer. Join our BZBI community as we continue the BZBI Shabbat Experience with a lively Kabbalat Shabbat service followed by a delicious Shabbat dinner prepared in the BZBI kitchen. Enjoy great food, social time with friends, old and new, z’mirot and ruach, and a short program. SUNDAY, APRIL 19, 9 AM CELEBRATE THE NEW MONTH WITH SONG & BRUNCH Cost: $18 per adult $12 per child, $40 immediate family maximum RSVP is required for dinner! Log on to or contact Adam Engle at, 215-735-5148 ראש חודש אייר ROSH HODESH IYAR BZBI CONTINUES TO CELEBRATE OUR AUTHORS, SUNDAY, MARCH 22, 10 AM Join us in prayer, dance, song and celebration in honor of the new month, Rosh Hodesh Iyar. Cantor Sharon Grainer with Rabbi Yosef Goldman and the Marom Band will offer a festive musical Hallel experience in the Kahaner Auditorum. The service will be followed by a communal brunch. All are welcome including children. There is no charge for this program. Registration is not necessary. Join BZBI’s own, Rabbi Sue Levy Elwell, author of Chapters of the Heart: Jewish Women Sharing the Torah of Their Lives. Rabbi Elwell, along with other local contributors, will discuss this unique collection of personal essays by leading feminists from across the spectrum of Jewish life. Come join this interactive panel discussion and book-signing. There is no charge for this program. 3 The Shofar . March/April 2015 ADULT EDUCATION AT BZBI RABBI STONE’S CLASS THE TALMUD AS LITERATURE JEWISH THOUGHT & PSYCHOANALYSIS SUNDAY, APRIL 26, 4:00 PM FORGIVENESS IN JUDAISM AND PSYCHOANALYSIS Six Thursday nights beginning April 23rd, 7-8:30pm What exactly is the Talmud? Is it a code of laws? A commentary on the Mishnah? Can we approach it as literature? What is the author’s or editor’s intent? Join Rabbi Stone and explore with him this unusual approach to the Talmud. Cost: $50, BZBI members: $25 Registration at Are there those you feel unworthy of your forgiveness? Do you want to be forgiven? Join us for a discussion of forgiveness. Explore how our childhood hurts and resentment remain a part of who we are and have an impact on our efforts to both forgive and be forgiven. Join Professor Stephen Frosh from the University of London on Forgiveness in Judaism and Psychoanalysis as part of the Jewish Thought and Psychoanalysis Lecture Series. RABBI GOLDMAN’S CLASS THE SHABBAT SPIRIT Wednesdays, April 15 and May 13 7-8:30 pm Explore the mystical writings of Hasidic masters on the meaning of Shabbat and its rituals. Join Rabbi Goldman for one session or both. There is no charge but please register at For information, to register, and to see an interview with Professor Frosh, visit Cost: $15, students with valid ID $5 NUREMBERG: REFLECTION & RESONANCE SUNDAY, APRIL 19, 4:00 PM BZBI member, Sheri Rosenberg, presents the award-winning documentary, Nuremberg: Reflection & Resonance. This film features first-hand recollections by prosecutors, translators and investigators at Nuremberg. Contemporary prosecutors and jurists reflect on Nuremberg’s legacy and influence on the modern international tribunals currently investigating grave atrocity crimes such as those in Rawanda and Darfur. Sheri is the director of the Human Rights and Genocide Clinic and the Program in Holocaust and Human Rights Studies at Cardozo School of Law. She has worked in the area of civil rights and international human rights with a specific focus on issues of discrimination, equality and genocide. Remember! We will be joined by TV Anchor, Roland Smith, who has more than 50 years of broadcast experience as an anchor, reporter, documentary producer and writer. Discussion will focus on the international community’s successes and failures in the continuing fight against genocide and other atrocity crimes, as well as its efforts to bring perpetrators to justice. Please join us for this critically acclaimed documentary. There is no charge. All are welcome. 4 The Shofar . March/April 2015 PARENTS: WOULD YOU LIKE TO LEARN HOW TO MAKE A KVETCH-FREE PESACH? PASSOVER HAGGADAH SONGS MAKING A CHILD-FRIENDLY SEDER SUNDAY, MARCH 15TH, 9:30 AM Cantor Sharon Grainer The 62 tracks on this CD are a collection of songs from around the world to sing with your family and friends at your Passover Seder Table! An opportunity for families to learn about celebrating Pesach with their children. Learn how to create projects and ask questions. We will have a guest educator who will present a model seder. Parents with their children are welcome. Cost: $10 per family/register at In addition to the CD you will receive: Transliterated song sheets A synopsis of the structure and liturgy of The Haggadah; the book containing the passages dealing with the theme of the Exodus recited at the Passover seder. Cantor Grainer’s PASSOVER HAGGADAH SONGS CD is FREE and available in the Sisterhood Gift Shop along with her CDs for Zemirot (including Birkat Hamazon/The Blessings After a Meal) and for BZBI Songs for Friday Night and Saturday Morning Services. You can also contact Cantor Grainer directly to order your CDs, Donations to the BZBI Music Fund to cover costs of CDs and supplies are always appreciated. SISTERHOOD GIFT SHOP IS READY FOR PESACH First Seder is Friday, April 3rd Shop early for the best selection! Seder plates & matza plates Elijah & Miriam cups, Kiddush cups Matza & afikomen covers, kipot Candles & candlesticks, yahrzeit candles Charming books & games for children Kosher for Pesach wine & wine stoppers SEFIRAT HA-OMER THE COUNTING OF THE OMER This year we will be selling both a wide assortment of wine and candy kosher for Passover that may be purchased at the Gift Shop—no pre-ordering of wine or candy is necessary. Special orders welcome. Gift shop hours will be posted outside the Temple office. Your purchase benefits the students of the Neziner Hebrew School. The Torah tells us that we are obligated to count the days from Passover to Shavuot. This period is known as the Counting of the Omer (a unit of measure). In Temple times, on the second day of Passover, an omer of barley was cut down and brought to the Temple as an offering. This grain offering was referred to as the Omer. Every night, from the second night of Passover to the night before Shavuot, we recite a blessing and state the count of the omer in both weeks and days. This counting is intended to remind us of the link between Passover, which commemorates the Exodus, and Shavuot, which commemorates the giving of the Torah. In other words, our redemption from slavery was not complete until we received the Torah! 5 The Shofar . March/April 2015 SIYYUM BEKHORIM FAST OF THE FIRSTBORN SCHEDULE OF SERVICES FOR PASSOVER 2015—5775 “Ta’anit Bekhorim” Friday, April 3 Siyyum Bekhorim 7:30 a.m. Special service for the firstborn (see article opposite) Erev Pesach: 1st Seder at home, no evening service Saturday, April 4 Services 9:30 am Passover 1st day, 2nd Seder, at home, no evening service Sunday, April 5 Services 9:00 am Passover 2nd day, no evening service וםינותב תינעת Traditionally the first born son of every Jewish family is required to fast on the day before Pesach as a remembrance of God’s mercy in sparing them from the final terrible plague which killed the first born Egyptian sons. However, early in Jewish history the custom developed for those required to fast to be absolved of this obligation by attending a celebration following a unit of some Jewish study (siyyum). Rabbi Stone will lead this service on Friday, April 3rd. Services are at 7:30 a.m. followed by a light breakfast. Chol Hamoed Pesach (intermediary days) Monday, April 6: 7:30 am & 5:30 pm Tuesday, April 7: 7:30 am & 5:30 pm Wednesday, April 8: 7:30 am & 5:30 pm Thursday, April 9: 7:30 am & 5:30 pm “Remember this day on which you went out of Egypt” A Happy, Kosher & Sweet Pesach to our entire BZBI Family Concluding Days of Festival SPECIAL NOTE There will be no evening service, Fri. April 3 or Sat. April 4 as these are Seder nights. No evening service on Sat. April 11, the concluding day of the festival. For a complete schedule of services during Passover, please see column at right Friday, April 10 7th day of Pesach: 9:30 am & 6:00 pm (Yizkor memorial at 7 pm service) Saturday, April 11 8th Day of Passover: 9:30 a.m. Yizkor Memorial Service (no evening service) SELLING OF HAMETZ It is a requirement of Jewish law that in order for a home to be considered kosher for Pesach, all hametz must be removed, including utensils that have contained hametz. Pots, pans, dishes, silverware, etc., should be put in a closet clearly marked and either locked or taped closed. You may also put aside until after Pesach, bulk quantities of hametz foodstuffs which it is economically unfeasible to dispose of. In order to comply with the requirement of Jewish law, these items must be sold—for a Jew may not even open them during Pesach. To facilitate this and to see that it is done according to Jewish law, fill out the coupon below and return it to the Temple office. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------I, ______________________________________, hereby authorize Rabbi Ira F. Stone to act as my agent to sell any hametz that may be in my possession, wherever it may be—at home, place of business or elsewhere—in accordance with the requirements and provisions of Jewish law. A donation in any amount is required to make this a valid transaction. (Note): It is customary to make a donation to the Passover League in exchange for selling your hametz. This can be done through the Temple office. Simply include your check to the Passover League when you mail this form to the Temple office. The Passover League distributes grants throughout the Philadelphia region to groups that provide Seders to individuals who would otherwise not have the resources or ability to attend. The League also provides Passover food for Jewish shut-ins and distributes boxes of Passover food to hospitalized Jewish veterans. 6 The Shofar . March/April 2015 SCHEDULE OF ACTIVITIES FOR MARCH/APRIL 2015 Note: Please check our Shabbat Bulletins and E-Congregation for weekly announcements and calendar updates March Sun. Mar. 1: Purim Carnival 10 am Mon. Mar. 2: School Committee 6 pm. Sisterhood Board 6 pm Tue. Mar. 3: Mussar with Rabbi Stone 7 pm Wed. Mar. 4: Purim Megillah Reading 7 pm Fri. Mar. 6: Kabbalat Shabbat with Marom Band 6 pm Sat. Mar. 7: Goldman babynaming. Neziner Family Shabbat Sun. Mar. 8: Daylight Savings Time Begins Tue. Mar. 10: Mussar with Rabbi Stone 7 pm Wed. Mar. 11: Communications Committee 6 pm Thur. Mar. 12: Board of Trustees meeting 7 pm Fri. Mar. 13: Kabbalat Shabbat services begin at 7 pm. Guess Who’s Coming to Shabbas in host homes Sat. Mar. 14: Bat Mitzvah Margo Freedman 9:30 am Sun. Mar. 15: Pesach Education for Families 9:30 am. Sicha Author’s program “Busted” 7 pm Tue. Mar. 17: Mussar with Rabbi Stone 7 pm Wed. Mar. 18: Neziner Conversation with Rabbi Yosef Goldman 5:15 pm Fri. Mar. 20: BZBI Shabbat Experience Continued, 6 pm Sat. Mar. 21: Bat Mitzvah Zoe Bailkin 9:30 am Sun. Mar. 22: 10 am Book/Author event with Rabbi Sue Levy Elwell Tue. Mar. 24: Mussar with Rabbi Stone 7 pm Wed. Mar. 25: Early Childhood Program 9 am. Amerita Concert 8 pm Thur. Mar. 26: Healing Circle with Rabbi Goldman 6:30 pm Sat. Mar. 28: Israel Advocacy & Hot Lunch Kiddush 9:30 am Sun. Mar. 29: 6 pm Tikkun Olam at Mercy Hospice Tue. Mar. 31: Mussar with Rabbi Stone 7 pm April Mon. Apr. 13: All school programs resume Tue. Apr. 14: Mussar with Rabbi Stone 7 pm Wed. Apr. 15: The Shabbat Spirit with Rabbi Goldman 7 pm Thur. Apr. 16: Board of Trustees meeting 7 pm Fri. Apr. 17: Kabbalat Shabbat with Marom Band 7 pm Sat. Apr. 18: Neziner Hebrew School Confirmation Sun. Apr. 19: Musical Rosh Hodesh celebration 9 am. Yom Hashoah program 4 pm Tue. Apr. 21: Mussar with Rabbi Stone 7 pm Thur. Apr. 23: Talmud as Literature with Rabbi Stone 7 pm Sat. Apr. 25: Bar Mitzvah Jerry Kalins 9:30 am. Sun. Apr. 26: Jewish Thought & Psychoanalysis 4 pm Tue. Apr. 28: Mussar with Rabbi Stone 7 pm. Book Club, “An Officer and a Spy” TBA Wed. Apr. 29: Amerita Concert 8 pm Thur. Apr. 30: Talmud as Literature with Rabbi Stone 7 pm IMPORTANT NOTICE BZBI BOARD OF TRUSTEES A number of positions on the BZBI Board of Trustees will be available in June 2015. In anticipation of the Annual Meeting, a Nominating Committee is being formed to nominate trustees of the congregation. If you wish to recommend someone for the Committee’s consideration, or if you yourself are interested in serving the congregation in a position of leadership, please feel free to contact me, Josh Levy, chair of the Nominating Committee, at, or write to me in care of the Temple office, April Wed. Apr. 1: Neziner Hebrew School spring break begins. Early Childhood Pesach celebration 10:15 am. Building Committee 6:30 pm Thur. Apr. 2: All schools closed for spring break Fri. Apr. 3: Erev Presach. Please refer to Schedule of Services for Passover for complete information on service times during the holiday Sun. Apr. 12: Sicha Author’s program “Becoming UnOrthodox” 7 pm You may also contact Gregg Kanter, Chairman of the Governance Committee at 7 The Shofar . March/April 2015 Shalom Friends, Early Childhood Dates to Remember: Purim Carnival - Sun. March 1, 10:00 to 12 noon Purim Megillah Reading- March 4, 7 pm, Goldberg Sanctuary Pesach Family Model Seder - Sun. March 15, 10:00am Pesach Children's Seder and Celebration - Wed. April 1 The world is full of wondrous things, to illuminate, instruct and inspire in each of us the awareness and appreciation of life and of God. Here at Temple Beth Zion-Beth Israel's Early Childhood Program there is a shared effort to not only support a child's growth and development intellectually, physically, socially, and emotionally, but also to build the children's connection to Jewish values, traditions, spirituality and sense of justice. Jewish life is happening here! It is expressed, explored and discovered in our classrooms and throughout our Temple. Enriched experiences and exposure to the wheel of ideas and concepts during these early years have a powerful and at times profound influence on the children's ways of seeing and being, their attitudes and the beliefs they construct. Acceptance, kindness, and responsiveness coming from parents and significant others are also important ingredients in the teacher-child relationship. We know that the love we give our children now during this crucial period of time will reach across the arc of their development, contributing greatly to their impressions and interpretations of a multitude of things, secular, psychological, philosophical, and ultimately religious. NEWS FROM JEVS (JEWISH EMPLOYMENT & VOCATIONAL SERVICE) The LASKO COLLEGE PREP PRPGRAM for Jewish high school juniors offers Paid summer internships FREE SAT class College guidance Financial aid & scholarship counseling, college visits Mitzvah project & other social activities Support navigating the college process during the senior year For eligibility requirements and information, call 215854-1834 or email As we continue to reflect about children we tend to think of them first as physical beings. At our school we implement the "Learning Through Play" philosophy, a sensory model used to educate young children during their early childhood years, because it is well-suited to meet their individual needs and authentic interests. When you visit our classrooms you indeed observe the wonderful busyness of purposeful play; however, you also might sense the ebb and flow of the energy and notice that there is a natural rhythm beyond the schedule. Pauses in the flurry of a child's energy can come from contemplating how to arrange the puzzle piece so as to fit it in the space only meant for that shape, or when finding the exact point in which the block tilts precisely so as to not fall, each outcome resulting from a complex process of exploration and discovery. These moments of success are both breath-holding and exhilarating for the child, resulting in a sweet moment that builds confidence and competence. Missteps are of course as important to the learning process as are the successes, and often provide deeper understandings and insight. The wise teacher knows when to step into a child's world and scaffold at the moment of readiness in all of the developmental domains. Helping children make and celebrate the meaningful connections in their lives and in the astonishing world around them is the purpose of Jewish education. B' Shalom, Cynthia Dubin Director, Early Childhood Education JEVS is also offering Jewish college students A paid summer internship An opportunity to build your career aspirations How to cultivate a professional network Connection to Jewish nonprofit agencies How to improve leadership skills by mentoring high school students Group activities including a mitzvah project To apply for this program contact Peggy Truitt at the above phone number or email. Application deadline: April 27, 2015 Time Frame: June 19 through August 7, 2015 Qualifications: Jewish undergraduate college students who will be a junior or senior in the Fall of 2015 and expect to reside in the Greater Philadelphia region during summer 2015. We thank everyone for their donations to our Temple Funds Donations in this newsletter were received by February 5th Donations received after that date will appear in the next issue of The Shofar 8 The Shofar . March/April 2015 NEZINER HEBREW SCHOOL MARGO ISABELLA FREEDMAN BAT MITZVAH MARCH 14, 2015 PARASHAT VAYEKHEL/PEKUDEI Margo Isabella Freedman, daughter of Neal and Lindy Sue Freedman and granddaughter of Herbert Freedman, will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on Saturday, March 14th. Margo is in the 7th grade at GAMP (Girard Academic Music Program). She enjoys music, computers and baking, and is active in sports. Margo has been distributing boxes of food for the Jewish Relief Agency and even went out during a snowstorm to make sure those who are dependent on these boxes received them. Mazel Tov to our Gimel class students and their parents on the occasion of their Consecration. Consecration by definition is to make something holy. We have updated the name of the Consecration day to Chanukat Chinuch: Dedication to Education. This wonderful milestone took place on Shabbat morning, February 21st. The Neizner Hebrew School is helping our children to feel comfortable being in the synagogue and, eventually, reaching a high level of competence in the liturgy. This is the “official” beginning of the journey that will lead to Bar/Bat Mitzvah and hopefully confirmation later on. ZOE RISA BAILKIN BAT MITZVAH MARCH 21, 2015 PARASHAT VAYIKRA Zoe is a 7th grader at the J.R. Masterman Middle School. She is the daughter of Marc and Alyssa Bailkin and sister to Jordan. Zoe has been a part of the BZBI community since she was an infant. She loves softball, basketball, musical theater and takes guitar lessons. Zoe enjoys reading, spending time with friends and family and going to Rehoboth Beach every summer. She is wonderful with young children and hopes to be a pediatric physical therapist in the future. Her family and friends look forward to celebrating this wonderful milestone in Zoe’s life. Azaria Levites-Cohen (Arielle Levites & Craig Cohen) Jacob Helderman (Carrie Rosen & Alexander Helderman) Rachel Katz (Sharyn & Jonathan Katz) Halle Levinson (Cara Levinson) Simone Levy (Jennifer & Kenneth Levy) Sidney Mandel (Laura Weinbaum & Brett Mandel) Livia Smollen, Benjamin Smollen (Leah Kaplan & Jonathan Smollen) Dora Ward (Hara Jacobs & Clifford Ward) We will also celebrate our Confirmation class in April. Congratulations to: JERRY BENJAMIN KALINS BAR MITZVAH APRIL 25, 2015 PARASHAT TAZRIA/METZORA Jerry was formerly a student at B’nai Abraham, the Perelman Jewish Day School and is now a 7th grader at Girard Academic Music Program where he is involved in student council, a cast member in Fiddler on the Roof and is helping build the set for Shrek The Musical. Jerry also has perfect attendance throughout his school life to date. When not in school he is playing baseball or basketball for Fairmount Sports Association. Jerry spends his summers at Ramah in the Poconos where he has made many close friends. For his mitzvah project Jerry helps out at the Von Collin Field where he is learning the importance of teamwork and being fair to one another. Jerry’s mother, Dana Kalins, and Bubbi Marcia Abrams are so very proud of him. Molly Flanagan (Deena & Michael Flanagan) Diana Myers (Suzanne Litke & Lisa Myers) Tav Ohayon (Isaac & Naomi Alter Ohayon) I am bursting with pride in the accomplishments of our wonderful students and their families. Mazel Tov! Cindy Kushner, Principal, Neziner Hebrew School 9 The Shofar . March/April 2015 MEMORIAL FUND TEMPLE FUND RABBI’S FUND IN MEMORY OF LOIS SILVERMAN, MOTHER OF BEN SILVERMAN...Debbie & Harris Devor, Marcy & Jeffrey Mandell, Terri & Matt Whitehorn HONORS & APPRECIATION BIRTH OF ZOHAR LIEBA TO RABBI YOSEF GOLDMAN & RABBI ANNIE LEWIS...Donna & Michael Rosenthal, Phyllis Kramer, Bev Cohen & Family, Arlene Fickler, Laurie Wagman, The BZBI Mincha Maariv Minyan, Yudit & Julian Alkon, Estelle Fleischer, Barbara Spector, Sara & Adam Laver & Family, Zelda Litt, Wendy Weiss & Greg Rowe DR. ELIOT NIERMAN, RECIPIENT OF THE SYLVAN EISMAN OUTSTANDING PRIMARY CARE PHYSICIAN AWARD...Karen & Tom Waldstein HONORS & APPRECIATION APPRECIATION TO RABBI STONE...Judith Shadden Torrance HONOR OF EVIE ROSENZWEIG...Michael Danziger GET WELL TO SPEEDY RECOVERY TO RABBI STONE...Heidi George, Rosalie Kurz & Joseph P. Klein, Marris & Harold Kobb, Bev Cohen, Fruma Ludwig & Family, Yudit & Julian Alkon, The Sisterhood of BZBI, BZBI Mincha Maariv Minyan IN MEMORY OF LOIS SILVERMAN...The Fenyes Family HELEN OSOKOW...The Weiss, Osokow, Smith & Samuels Families DAVID EINSTEIN...Lois & Lee Schwartz PHILIP KENDALL...Carolyn Lindeheim, Suzanne BenMenachem & Family, Elaine & Martin Sussman, Toni Alperin Goldberg, Jill & Eric Sussman & Family ROBERT KAHN...Hope Comisky & Jeff Braff ISADORE FICKLER & GRANDPARENTS...Arlene Fickler THERESA ELFMAN, MORRIS GOLDSTEIN, BURTON HOREN, ISADORE HOREN...Betsy Horen ROSE P. BERNARD...Irene Katz LEO ROBERTS...Carol & Marty Rosenblum BERNICE & MILTON GARONZIK...Sara Garonzik ROSALYN KLAUS...Nancy Klaus IRVING WEINSTEIN...Anita Weinstein JOSEPH ASHNER...Beverly Miller DORIS COHEN...Carol Eicher JACK & DORIS HABER...Gary Shiftan JULIUS KAPLAN...Sharon, Alex & Max Kaplan MARY WEINER...Carmela Weiner PRISCILLA ROOT...Allen Root BRUCE ZAKHEIM...Deborah Zakheim RONALD KAPLAN...Carole Putter JACOB KOFSKY...Gussie Segal JULIUS MARKS...Suzanne Cohen TED WEITZ...Arleen Weitz MONROE AMPER...Debra & Jim Kahn ELEANOR SANDS...Judy & Bud Newman MARILYN BARG...Doug Barg ANNA PECK...Betty Pechenick SHIRLEY SAUL...Iris & Steven Berkowitz MITCHELL LITT...Zelda Litt MILTON & SYLVIA FEINSTEIN, SHEILA MORGAN, ADELINE WARNICK...Rosaline Feinstein MAURICE GOUTCHTAT...Nathalie Weinerman DAVID FINKELMAN...Jan Finkelman GERTRUDE HERMAN...Carole Putter LARRY CHATZKEL...Rhonda Chatzkel LILLIAN & BENJAMIN STILLMAN...Marcia Stillman EDWARD WEINER...Carmela Weiner CONDOLENCE TO MR. & MRS. LEE FEINSTEIN...Fannie Levine MAURICE CABASSO...Andree Broudo LOUIS KESSEL...Edward Kessel PRAYERBOOK & BIBLE FUND Books Dedicated SABBATH & FESTIVAL SIDDUR IN MEMORY OF MICKI STOLKER...Dr. Daniel & Beverly Goldberg BIRTH OF GRANDCHILDREN TO RABBI MORT & CARMIE LEVINE...Robin & Doug Barg, Selwyn & Judith Shadden Torrance BIRTHDAY OF RUTH SHRIER...Bev Cohen MARRIAGE OF JOHANNAH LEBOW...Rosalie Kurz & Joseph Klein, Yudit & Julian Alkon MARRIAGE OF SUZANNE LITKE & LISA MYERS...Rabbi Mort & Carmie Levine, Steve Rothman & Janice Fisher, Sara & Adam Laver, Art Fischman & Janet Margolies, BZBI Mincha Maariv Minyan BIRTH OF SOJI BROWN, GRANDAUGHTER OF SALLY & ROBERT BROWN...Julie & Matt Stanley BEST WISHES TO LIBBY SCHWARTZ & BZBI MINCHA MAARIV MINYAN...Toni Alperin Goldberg HONOR OF SELMA FORSTATER RECEIVING AN ALIYAH...BZBI Mincha Maariv Minyan HONOR OF ENGAGEMENT OF GRANDDAUGHTER OF SELMA FORSTATER...Yudit & Julian Alkon HONOR OF LIBBY SCHWARTZ & THE BZBI MINCHA MAARIV MINYAN...Zelda Litt IN HONOR OF H.P. BAKER, RACHEL GROSS & ELLE BAKER...Zelda Litt HONOR OF RABBI MORT LEVINE...Ruth Isaac Treatman & Jack Treatman BIRTH OF SON, ORI, TO JOSH KLEIN & LISA VAUPEL...Donna & Michael Rosenthal GET WELL TO SPEEDY RECOVERY TO RABBI STONE...Josh & Heidi Levy, Eileen Snyder, Arlene Fickler IN MEMORY OF ROBERT KAHN, FATHER OF JIM KAHN...Donna & Michael Rosenthal, Arlene Fickler, Terri & Matt Whitehorn ERNEST HANAU...Martha & Ron Kaplan, Rena & Stanley Field, Florence Gartner PHILIP KENDALL...BZBI Mincha Maariv Minyan, Arlene Fickler, Marc & Amy Brownstein, Carol & Marty Rosenblum, Paul & Susan Svigals, Nancy & Bobby Gilbert NAOMI KLEIN...Selwyn & Judith Shadden Torrance IRVIN BOROWSKY...Selwyn & Judith Shadden Torrance, Rosalie Kurz & Joseph Klein MICKI STOLKER...Laurie Wagman DR. ROBERT MORRISON...Susan G. Schwartz CANTOR’S FUND HONORS & APPRECIATION APPRECIATION TO CANTOR GRAINER...Debra & Jim Kahn, Judith Shadden Torrance MARRIAGE OF JOHANNAH LEBOW...Heidi George DONATION...Avery, Blake, Nicole & Drew Morris APPRECIATION TO CANTOR GRAINER FOR TU B’SHEVAT SEDER...BZBI Mincha Maariv Minyan NEZINER HEBREW SCHOOL The students of the Neziner Hebrew School gratefully acknowledge a gift of plants for Tu B’Shevat from Dr. Daniel & Beverly Goldberg in honor of Danny’s birthday HONORS & APPRECIATION BIRTH OF ZOHAR (ZOE) LIEBA TO RABBI YOSEF GOLDMAN & RABBI ANNIE LEWIS...The Sisterhood of BZBI, Deena & Michael Flanagan MARRIAGE OF SUZANNE LITKE & LISA MYERS...Deena & Michael Flanagan DONATION...Lala & Howard Stein IN MEMORY OF ALVIN PLUMER...Ruth Goldstein MARY PLUMER...Sheila Perilstein LINDA ROWE...Greg Rowe ERNEST HANAU...BZBI Sisterhood, Becca & Michael Danziger, Bev Cohen, Phyllis Kramer, Sue Roe EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION HONORS & APPRECIATION DONATION...Avery, Blake, Nicole & Drew Morris BIRTH OF DAUGHTER TO RABBI YOSEF GOLDMAN & RABBI ANNIE LEWIS...Alyssa & Marc Bailkin, Tracy Goodman, Cynthia Dubin TIKKUN OLAM HONORS & APPRECIATION DONATION...Nina & Jonathan Grossberg BIRTHDAY OF DAVID LERMAN...Martin Feigenbaum TORAH RESTORATION FUND HONORS & APPRECIATION MARRIAGE OF SUZANNE LITKE & LISA MYERS...Virginia Greene HONOR OF JOSH GOLDSTEIN OF GOLDSTEIN’S FUNERAL HOME ...Libby Schwartz HONOR OF RABBI ELLIOT PERELSTEIN. FOR KINDNESS TO OUR FAMILY...Libby Schwartz 10 The Shofar . March/April 2015 The Floral Fund is used to beautify the bimah in the Goldberg Sanctuary every Shabbat and holiday with fresh flowers. Become a Floral Fund Sponsor when you have an occasion to celebrate or a yahrzeit to commemorate. Please call the Temple office, 215 -735-5148, at least a week before the occasion. You may also pick up a Floral Fund Sponsor form in the flyer rack outside the Temple office. Jan. 10: Josh, Heidi, Wynne & Eli Levy in memory of Bert Rosen on her yahrzeit Maurice Mitts in memory of his father, Arthur R. Mitts Dr. Marianne Ruby Emmett in memory of Sonia Ruby and in honor of Gary Emmett’s birthday 24: Phyllis, Howard, Rebecca & Rachel Fischer in memory of Nan & Joe Sobo, beloved parents and grandparents Arleen Weitz in memory of her beloved father, Ted Weitz 31: The Sisterhood of Beth Zion-Beth Israel in honor of Sisterhood members past and present. Because We Care Mitzvah Pantry Basket by Hope Comisky & Jeff Braff & Family in memory of Goldye Comisky Feb. 7: Lin, Joseph & Jonathan Skale in memory of our beloved husband and father, Stephen H. Skale 14: Jan & Sam Weinstock cherishing memories of time with Harvey Lipschultz & Randy Weinstock 21: Laurie Wagman in memory of Louis Lyman. Renee Zuritsky in memory of Goldie Stern Mar. 7: The congregation of Beth ZionBeth Israel in honor of Neziner Family Shabbat and in honor of Rabbis Goldman & Lewis on the birth of their daughter, Zohar Lieba 14: Lindy Sue & Neal Freedman and Herbert Freedman in honor of the Bat Mitzvah of their daughter and granddaughter, Margo Freedman. 21: Alyssa & Marc Bailkin in honor of the Bat Mitzvah of their daughter, Zoe Bailkin Apr. 25: Dana Kalins & Marcia Abrams in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of their son and grandson, Jerry Kalins TOT SHABBAT HONORS & APPRECIATION DONATION...Avery, Blake, Nicole & Drew Morris The Temple Mourns the passing of BZBI members GAIL HARARY MOZES NEZINER HEBREW SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIP FUND HONORS & APPRECIATION DONATION...Avery, Blake, Nicole & Drew Morris Ernest Hanau Micki Stolker IN HONOR OF SUZY FELDMAN...Bonnie & Jay Eisner BIRTH OF ZOHAR LIEBA, DAUGHTER OF RABBIS GOLDMAN & LEWIS...Virginia Greene and extends condolence to their loved ones IN MEMORY OF ROBERT KAHN, FATHER OF JIM KAHN...Sandy & Clare Kahn Mozes OUR BZBI FAMILY CHESHBON V’TIKKUN LEADERSHIP FUND HONORS & APPRECIATION BIRTH OF DAUGHTER TO RABBI YOSEF GOLDMAN & RABBI ANNIE LEWIS...Lisa Heller & Harry Roth MARRIAGE OF SUZANNE LITKE & LISAY MYERS...Lisa Heller & Harry Roth Condolence To The Family of Micki Stolker Sima Hanau on the passing of her beloved husband, Ernest Jim Kahn on the passing of his father, Robert Kahn Donna Goldblum Haas (David) on the passing of her father, Dr. Aaron Goldblum IN MEMORY OF ROBERT KAHN, FATHER OF JIM KAHN...Lisa Heller & Harry Roth Beth Zion-Beth Israel acknowledges a generous contribution from Laurie Segal, Larry Copeland and Derek Copeland in appreciation to all those who helped with Derek’s project to interview veterans Adam Engle, Woody Goldberg, Denine Gorniak, Virginia Greene, Tanya Hess, Judy Kastenberg, Phyllis Kramer, Rabbi Mort & Carmie Levine, Barbara Presseisen, Colleen Puckett, Donna Rosenthal, Elkan Siegal, Rob Zuritsky Mazel Tov to Rabbi Yosef Goldman & Rabbi Annie Lewis on the birth of their daughter, Zohar Lieba (Zoe) Lewis Goldman Josh Klein & Lisa Vaupel on the birth of their son, Ori Yudit & Julian Alkon on the marriage of their daughter, Miriam Suzanne Litke & Lisa Myers on their marriage ZACHOR—REMEMBER! SUNDAY, APRIL 19, 2015 PHILADELPHIA’S ANNUAL CITY-WIDE OBSERVANCE OF YOM HASHOAH A leaf on the BZBI Tree of Life has been dedicated in honor of the marriage of Lisa Myers & Suzanne Litke by Kirsten & Jonathan Myers 1 TO 3 PM AT THE MONUMENT TO THE SIX MILLION JEWISH MARTYRS 16TH & BENJAMIN FRANKLIN PARKWAY 11 The Shofar . March/April 2015 Temple Beth Zion-Beth Israel 300 S. 18th Street Philadelphia, PA 19103 Ira F. Stone, Rabbi Yosef Goldman, Assistant Rabbi Sharon Grainer, Cantor Donna S. Rosenthal, Executive Director Cynthia Dubin, Early Childhood Director Cindy Kushner, Principal, Neziner Hebrew School Adam S. Engle, Dir. Member Services & Programming Arlene Fickler……….………………..….President Daniel Eisenstadt…...………………Vice President Colleen Puckett…..……...…………Vice President Lisa Myers……. ...…………….………...Treasurer David Miller………....…………….……...Secretary CONTACT US Synagogue Office………….……..….215-735-5148 Early Childhood Office……………..215-735-5142 Fax…………………………………..215-735-7838 E-mail……………….…… Website……………………………..WWW.BZBI.ORG SHOFAR EDITOR Phyllis Kramer Affiliated with United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism DAILY SERVICE TIMES MON-FRI: 7:45 A.M. & 5:30 P.M. (FRIDAY & SATURDAY EVENING SEE BELOW) Shabbat Morning 9:30 A.M—Sunday Morning 9:00 A.M. (No Sunday evening minyan) Fri. Candle Lighting Mar 6: 5:39 pm Mar 13: 6:47 Mar 20 : 6:54 Mar 27: 7:01 Apr 3: Apr 10: Apr 17: Apr 24: 7:09 7:16 7:23 7:30 Fri. Service Time 6 pm 6 pm 6 pm 6 pm No evening 6 pm (Yizkor) 6 pm 6 pm Shabbat Mincha Mar 7: 5:15 pm Mar 14: 6:30 Mar 21: 6:30 Mar 28: 6:45 Parashat Ki Tisa Vayekhel/Pekudei Vayikra Tzav (Shabbat Hagadol) Apr 4: Apr 11: Apr 18: Apr 25: Pesach 1st day Pesach 8th day Yizkor Shemini Tazriya/Metzora No evening No evening 7:00 7:15 SPECIAL NOTE: DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME BEINGS SUN. MAR. 8. TURN CLOCKS FORWARD ONE HOUR. FRIDAY EVENING SERVICE TIME WILL REMAIN AT 6 PM UNTIL THE FIRST WEEKEND IN JULY (JULY 3RD) AT WHICH TIME IT WILL CHANGE TO 7:00 PM. PLEASE SEE PAGE 6 FOR SERVICES DURING PASSOVER.