2011 Continuity and Risk Management Plan Student Version Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions (RMUoHP) is accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (8060 165th Avenue NE Ste 100, Redmond, WA 98052-3981), an institutional accrediting body recognized by the Secretary of the US Department of Education. RMUoHP reserves the right to change, without notice, any statement in this publication concerning, but not limited to rules and policies. Preface Risk management, including continuity of operations and safety of students and personnel, is a major priority at RMUoHP. This manual is designed to identify and communicate information related to the operations of the University, particularly in terms of whom to contact, how to respond, and other vital information in case of emergency situations or other related standard procedures. Copies of this manual are located on the RMUoHP website at www.rmuohp.edu, at the reception/information desks in buildings 511 E. and 561 E., and in the Resource Center in building 561 E. General University/ Program Contact Information: Phone Number: (801) 375-5125 Toll free (866)-780-4107 Fax (801) 375-2125 Updated 6/22/2011 Table of Contents RMUoHP Continuity and Risk Management Plan ................................... 5 Purpose ................................................................................................................................................... 5 Risk Management Committee ............................................................................................................... 5 Purpose ................................................................................................................................................ 5 Organization ......................................................................................................................................... 5 Safety Officer ........................................................................................................................................ 5 Continuity of Operations ........................................................................... 5 University Organization ......................................................................................................................... 5 Emergency Backup ................................................................................................................................ 5 Policies and Procedures ........................................................................... 6 Responsibilities of Students ................................................................................................................. 6 General Safety Rules for Students ....................................................................................................... 6 Crime Prevention .................................................................................................................................... 6 Student Input and Feedback ................................................................................................................. 6 Physical Facilities and grounds ............................................................................................................ 6 Sexual Harassment and Assault ........................................................................................................... 7 Crime Awareness and Safety Report.................................................................................................... 7 Local Law Enforcement ......................................................................................................................... 8 Process of Filing a Report with the Provo City Police Department ...................................................... 8 Alcohol and Illegal Drugs....................................................................................................................... 8 Alcohol Policy ....................................................................................................................................... 8 Drug Abuse and Awareness Policy ...................................................................................................... 8 Gun Policy ............................................................................................................................................... 9 Violence, Threats, and Hostile Acts ......................................................... 9 Suspicious Objects ................................................................................................................................ 9 On-Site Threats of Violence or Life Threatening Situations .............................................................. 9 Random Shooting ................................................................................................................................... 9 Hostage Situations ................................................................................................................................. 9 Medical Emergencies, Accidents, and Injuries ..................................... 10 Minor Injury ........................................................................................................................................... 10 Serious Injury ........................................................................................................................................ 10 Cardiac Emergency .............................................................................................................................. 10 Reporting Health or Safety Hazards ................................................................................................... 11 3 Safety at off-Campus Locations and Clinical Sites ........................................................................... 11 Building Emergencies ............................................................................. 11 Emergency Supplies ............................................................................................................................ 11 Major Disaster Plan .............................................................................................................................. 11 Emergency Closure Plan ..................................................................................................................... 12 Evacuation ............................................................................................................................................. 12 Fire Safety ............................................................................................................................................. 12 Smoke and Fire Containment ............................................................................................................. 12 Earthquakes .......................................................................................................................................... 13 Shelter in Place ..................................................................................................................................... 13 Laboratory Safety and Emergency Procedures .................................... 14 Equipment ............................................................................................................................................. 14 Liquid Spill ............................................................................................................................................ 14 Needles (EMG and dry needling) ........................................................................................................ 14 Tissue Puncture Protocol: ................................................................................................................... 14 Infection Control Plan .......................................................................................................................... 15 Appendix A: Organizational Chart .......................................................... 16 Appendix B: Emergency Backup Personnel ......................................... 17 Appendix C: Emergency Teams ............................................................. 18 Appendix D: Student, Employee, Visitor Incident Report Form .......... 19 Appendix E: Student Exposure Report .................................................. 21 4 RMUoHP Continuity and Risk Management Plan Purpose The purpose of the Continuity and Risk Management Plan (CRMP) is to assure smooth and continued functioning of the University and to provide a contingency plan in case of emergencies or incidents that would otherwise alter normal operations. The University has policies and procedures aimed at protecting those associated with the University. The CRMP is administered under the direction of the RMUoHP Risk Management Committee with input from all administrative officers and academic program directors. The Committee assures that appropriate policies and procedures are in place, implemented, and communicated to all personnel. Risk Management Committee Purpose The purpose of the Risk Management Committee (RMC) is to: • Develop and monitor a comprehensive plan for assuring the continued University operations and safety of students and employees. • Ensure that policies and procedures are in place and communicated to all University personnel. Organization Members of the RMC are assigned by the Executive Vice President of Administration (EVPA). The RMC shall meet as necessary, but no less than every quarter. Safety Officer The Human Resource Manager (HR Manager) is the designated Safety Officer. Continuity of Operations University Organization With the exception of the Director of Institutional Effectiveness, the University is divided into the academic and administrative branches. Appendix A displays the University’s Organization. Emergency Backup All key personnel are assigned an emergency backup as noted in Appendix B. Backup personnel shall be trained in essential job functions. 5 Policies and Procedures Responsibilities of Students Students are expected to adhere to the CRMP and all related policies and procedures. Students are responsible for their personal safety and should take measures to prevent any unnecessary incidents. RMUoHP will not assume responsibility for any theft occurring on its premises. Students should immediately report any suspicious behavior and suspicious-looking individuals to the receptionist, faculty, or an employee. General Safety Rules for Students 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Observe all safety regulations. Report any unsafe conditions or defective equipment to the faculty or receptionist. Report all accidents immediately to the receptionist. Walk, don't run in hallways. Open doors slowly. Do not block doorways or exits. Do not lift or move heavy objects without assistance. Do not pick up broken glass. Handle electrical equipment with dry hands. Switch off equipment before unplugging. Do not cause trip hazards with extension cords, telephone lines, power cords, boxes, or trash cans. Transport equipment, books, and supplies using proper carriers. Know the location of all fire extinguishers and Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs). Know how to activate fire extinguishers (see page 13). Study the posted evacuation plans. Crime Prevention 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Never expose valuables or cash. Do not walk alone, especially at night. Park in a lighted, populous location. Lock all car doors when exiting. Do not accept unsolicited help from strangers. Report all concerns about campus safety to the receptionist or EVPA. Student Input and Feedback Students wishing to make a suggestion regarding campus safety may do so through either the receptionist or faculty. Physical Facilities and Grounds 6 Parking lot lights are on from dusk to twilight. Access to the building after normal business hours requires that an employee be present and responsible to ensure the safety of students. Snow removal including parking lots and sidewalks is performed by a contractor. In addition, the sidewalks and entrances are salted, as needed, by contract personnel. Sexual Harassment and Assault University policy (University Handbook) prohibits sexual harassment by staff, faculty, and students. Unwelcome sexual advancement, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when: 1. Submission to such conduct is made, explicitly or implicitly, a term of a student’s academic standing. 2. Submission to, or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as a basis for academic decisions affecting an individual. 3. Conduct that unreasonably interferes with an individual’s academic performance or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive academic environment. Any student who feels that he/she has a sexual harassment or assault complaint or matter to discuss may report the problem directly to the Program Director or faculty. If sexually assaulted, the student (victim) or bystander should immediately call 911 and seek medical attention (do not shower or bathe). 1. In the case of rape, the victim will be taken by a University employee to the Family Practice Center a part of Utah Valley Medical Center, where the victim will be examined and any evidence will be collected. 2. The victim will then be interviewed by an investigator who specializes in sexual assault. 3. A victim assistance specialist and other crisis intervention personnel will then be contacted to help with the situation. 4. All evidence gathered by the police department and the sexual assault investigator will be used in the court process if the victim wishes to press charges. Crime Awareness and Safety Report In compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security and Campus Crime Statistics Act, a federal law requiring that educational institutions disclose information about crime on and around their campuses, the EVPA gathers this information annually, prepares an annual crime report which is then posted in a quarterly RMUoHP newsletter, on bulletin boards in each building, and the RMUoHP website. Both the Student Right-to-Know/Campus Security Act of 1990 and the Campus Sexual Assault Victim’s Bill of Rights Amendment to the 1992 Higher Education 7 Reauthorization Act include protections that are intended to help survivors of sexual assault by requiring colleges to report accurate statistics about sexual assaults and rapes. Local Law Enforcement Given the nature of the institution and the size of its student body, RMUoHP depends on the assistance of the Provo City Police Department and 911 Services to effectively manage campus safety and emergency issues. Process of Filing a Report with the Provo City Police Department Provo City Police Department will gather evidence and investigate the crime if the person who was attacked requests their services. For evidence-gathering purposes, it is important that the police are contacted as soon as possible after the incident. The following are the procedures that an individual should follow and what will happen once the police are contacted: 1. Call 911 (preferably) or the Provo City Police Department non-emergency number: (801) 852-6210. 2. A police officer will contact the victim and take a report. Alcohol and Illegal Drugs Alcohol Policy Possession and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages on campus is strictly prohibited. Any person associated with or visiting the University and/or its premises is prohibited from distributing or consuming alcoholic beverages while on campus property. Any individual in violation of this policy is subject to disciplinary action which may include suspension or dismissal. Drug Abuse and Awareness Policy The Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989 (Public Law 101-226) requires institutions receiving federal financial assistance to implement and enforce drug abuse prevention policies and programs. RMUoHP prohibits the manufacture and unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs by students on its property and at any school activity. Any violation of this policy will result in appropriate disciplinary actions, up to and including student expulsion. Where it is apparent that a violation of the law has occurred, law enforcement authorities will be notified. In certain cases, students may be referred to counseling sources and/or substance abuse help centers. If such a referral is made, continued enrollment will be subject to successful completion of any prescribed counseling or treatment program. Students who believe they have a substance abuse problem and are seeking treatment may contact the Director of Student Services for referral assistance. All such matters will be handled confidentially. 8 Gun Policy In accordance with Utah State law, RMUoHP prohibits firearms within the buildings on campus except under special and specific conditions of a licensed firearm bearer. Special permission to possess a firearm on campus must be obtained from the EVPA and the HR Manager. Lawful possession of any firearm is restricted to the student’s locked vehicle in the parking lot. Law enforcement officers are not subject to the restriction of firearms on campus. Possession, use or sale of weapons, firearms or explosives on campus, is prohibited. This policy applies to all students, including but not limited to, those who have a valid permit to carry a firearm. Students who are aware of violations or threats of violations of this policy are required to report such violations or threats of violations to a receptionist or instructor immediately. Violence, Threats, and Hostile Acts The following guidelines should be followed in the event of a real or potential hostile act, threatening situation, or confrontation involving a student. Witnesses should call 911 and when possible notify the EVPA. Suspicious Objects Report any suspicious objects to the receptionist or faculty. On-Site Threats of Violence or Life Threatening Situations 1. Call 911. 2. The Safety Officer will file an Incident Report Form (Appendix D). Random Shooting If you hear shooting, go into the nearest office or room, lock the door, lie on the floor and hide under a piece of furniture. If there is access to a phone, call “911". Notify the receptionist or faculty if possible. Hostage Situations If a hostage situation occurs and you are not a hostage, move away from the scene quickly and warn others. Call 911 immediately and report the situation to the receptionist or a faculty member. If you become a hostage, remember: 1. Do not be a hero. The first 15 to 45 minutes are the most dangerous. 9 2. 3. 4. 5. Accept your situation and be prepared to wait; be patient. Follow the instructions of your captor. The longer you are together, the less likely the captor will hurt you. Do not speak unless spoken to and only if necessary. Try to be friendly if possible, but not phony. Do not be argumentative; try to put forth a cooperative attitude. 6. Try to get rest. Sit if you can. If the situation goes for a long period of time, try to sleep. 7. Do not make suggestions to the hostage taker. 8. Do not try to escape unless you are absolutely sure you can make it. 9. Be observant of everything you see and hear. Try to memorize the number of captors, their descriptions and conversations, weapons carried, etc. Try to be observant of physical characteristics of the captors: size, distinguishing features, accents, etc. 10. If you are permitted to speak on the phone be prepared to answer only "yes" or "no" to questions asked by police. 11. Do not turn your back on your captors unless directed to do so, but do not stare at them either. People are less likely to harm someone at whom they are looking. 12. If you believe a rescue is taking place or you hear a noise or shooting, lie on the floor and stay down. Keep your hands on your head. Do not make any sudden movements. Medical Emergencies, Accidents, and Injuries These procedures should be followed involving any medical emergency, accident, or injury occurring on University property, whether it involves a member of the University community or visitor. Minor Injury If a student is injured (small cut, abrasion, bruise, sprain, etc.), a member of the First Aid Team shall be contacted. See Appendix C. The Safety Officer or designee will request completion of an Incident Form within 24 hours. Serious Injury 1. Call "911”. 2. Do not move the person if there is a possibility of a fracture or if the individual is complaining of severe pain. 3. Administer CPR if appropriate. 4. Contact a faculty member or the receptionist. Cardiac Emergency 10 Follow basic CPR procedures if you are certified or notify or send someone to notify the receptionist or a faculty. Reporting Health or Safety Hazards Building problems are to be reported to the receptionist, faculty or designated student employee. Safety at off-Campus Locations and Clinical Sites Students are expected to abide by the safety policies and procedures established at the institution(s) to which they are assigned. Liability insurance will cover the student for accidents occurring while participating in school-related activities only as designated by specific programs. All students are responsible for their own health insurance for any injuries sustained in an assigned clinical facility/agency. The student should present his/her primary insurance ID card to the emergency room, clinic, or doctor's office when seeking treatment. During clinical rotations, students should check to see if security guards are available to serve as escorts if there are safety concerns. Building Emergencies Emergency Supplies First aid supplies are stored in containers in the office supply rooms (#201 & #104). Room 201 is located behind the reception desk in building 561 East and room 104 is located next to the reception desk in building 511 East. Both buildings are also equipped with an AED. Additional emergency supplies, including plastic sheeting, plastic bags, disposable gloves, duct tape, tools and pillows, are located in the storage room (#104) in building 511 East. Food and water are available in the lounges. Some water is stored in the storage room (#231) in building 561 East. Major Disaster Plan A major disaster is one that critically impacts the services of the University and local hospitals and requires assistance from University personnel. Some examples of a major disaster include chemical plant explosion, earthquake, severe storms, explosion, and acts of violence. 1. When appropriate, call 911 for life-threatening emergencies. 11 2. Students are encouraged to have personal emergency plans and maintain communication with significant family members. Guides to develop such plans may be found at the following links: • The American Red Cross website http://www.redcross.org/services/prepare/0,1082,0_77_,00.html • The Federal Emergency Management Agency website http://www.fema.gov/plan/index.shtm • The Department of Homeland Security website at www.ready.gov Emergency Closure Plan Students are not expected to endanger their safety to attend class. The University President or the appropriate administrative officer will determine whether the situation requires classes be canceled. If classes are cancelled, students will be notified by email and/or text by the IT Manager. If the closure is expected to last more than 48 hours, the University administration will make an effort to notify the public via notice though all local and regional media sources (University web page, University outgoing phone message, campus email, local television, radio, and newspaper) at the earliest time reasonably possible. Evacuation If necessary, the receptionist will send an evacuation order. Exit routes are posted in hallways and/or classrooms. Hallways must remain clear and unobstructed at all times. If an evacuation has been ordered, notify those in neighboring offices, conference rooms and classrooms. When exiting the building, make sure rooms are evacuated and assist persons with disabilities. After exiting the building, students and faculty shall report to the Attendance Team (Appendix C) near the entrance sign on 1860 South. Await clearance by the Command Team (Appendix C) before reentering any building. Fire Safety The fire extinguishers located in the University may be used on any fires. They are inspected monthly by the Office Manager and annually by a commercial safety company, Firetrol. Smoke and Fire Containment Fire burns because of three elements: Ignition, Fuel, and Oxygen. Take away any one of these elements and the fire may be extinguished. 12 The basic techniques are: 1. Attempt to extinguish or control the fire by using the nearest fire extinguisher. The extinguishers are in wall-mounted metal boxes with glass doors. The locations of the fire extinguishers are on maps posted around the building. 2. To use an extinguisher, hold it upright and do the following: • P—Pull the pin. • A—Aim the nozzle at the base of the fire. • S—Squeeze the trigger. • S—Sweep from side to side at the base of the fire. 3. If it is impossible to subdue the fire, doors should be closed to confine the fire to one area and the building evacuated. 4. If there is time, place wet linens or blankets at the base of the doors to help confine the smoke and fire. 5. If the smoke is too thick to see, crawl on hands and knees beneath the smoke to safety. 6. Never open a door that feels hot to the touch. Earthquakes In the event of an earthquake, the following procedures and guidelines should be practiced: 1. Keep calm. 2. Hide under a desk or in a doorway and cover your head. Stay away from windows. Most injuries or deaths are caused by falling or flying debris. 3. After shaking subsides, evacuate the building. 4. Do not run when evacuating the building. Walk at a steady, quick pace, ensuring that everyone stays together and reaches the designated gathering point. 5. Gather near the entrance sign on 1860 South and report to the Attendance Team (Appendix C). If the earthquake happens while outdoors, follow these procedures: 1. Move away from any building, trees, utility poles, masonry walls, overhead wires, and gas lines. 2. Drop to the ground. 3. After the shaking, proceed to the entrance sign on 1860 South and report to the Attendance Team (Appendix C). 4. Do not try to re-enter the building until so directed. Shelter in Place During certain emergency situations, particularly chemical, biological, or radioactive material releases, students may be advised to “Shelter in Place” rather than evacuate the building. The bathrooms, hallways (without windows and exterior doors), and classrooms 1 and 2 in 511 East; and the hallways (without windows or exit doors), the lounges and the bathrooms in building 561 East have been designated to serve as 13 shelters. Disaster supply kits (plastic sheeting, plastic bags, duct tape, water, pillows, sheets and blankets) which can be used during shelter in place situations are available in buildings 511 East and 561 East. The Shelter in Place Team (Appendix C) will seal doors and windows with duct tape and plastic sheeting, cover the cracks under doors with damp towels, and locate needed supplies, e.g., food, water, radio, and disaster supply kit. The Shelter in Place Team will monitor for additional information via radio or television for further instructions. Procedure for Shelter in Place: 1. Stay inside either building 511 East or 561 East. 2. If possible, go to a room or corridor where there are no windows. 3. Report to the Attendance Team (Appendix C). 4. Do not call 911 unless you are reporting a life-threatening situation. 5. When the “all clear” is announced, go outside. 6. Do not reenter the building until directed to do so. Laboratory Safety and Emergency Procedures Equipment If any piece of equipment fails or malfunctions, 1. Unplug it or turn it off immediately. 2. Inform the lab instructor or receptionist. Liquid Spill In the event of a liquid (water, soda, coffee, etc) spill: 1. Alert others in the immediate area. 2. Inform the instructor or receptionist. Needles (EMG and dry needling) 1. Used needles are to be discarded in a sharps container. 2. If blood contaminates the surfaces of table tops or floors during a procedure, it must be removed and then the surface disinfected with either alcohol wipes or a suitable germicide, such as 1:9 sodium hypochlorite solution (household bleach). Tissue Puncture Protocol: 1. If a student is accidently stuck with a contaminated needle or experiences a cut, the student should follow up with a physician. 2. Details of the incident need to be reported to the Safety Officer within 24 hours (See Appendix E, Exposure Report Form). 14 3. If a student is exposed to someone else’s blood, that person may be asked to consent to blood tests for infectious blood-borne pathogens (See Appendix E, Exposure Report Form). Infection Control Plan 1. The purpose of the Infection Control Plan is to protect the health and safety of the persons directly involved in handling the materials, students, and the general public by ensuring the safe handling, storage, use, processing, and disposal of infectious medical waste. This plan complies with OSHA requirement proposed for 29 CFR 1910.1030, Blood Borne Pathogens. 2. Universal precautions: Refers to a system of infectious disease control which assumes that every direct contact with body fluids is infectious and requires every employee exposed to be protected as though such body fluids were infected with blood borne pathogens. All infectious/medical material must be handled according to Universal Precautions (OSHA Instruction CPL 2-2.44A). 3. The following Universal Precautions must be taken. a. Gloves must be made of appropriate disposable material, usually intact latex or vinyl. They must be used when: i. An individual has cuts, abraded skin, chapped hands, dermatitis, or the like. ii. Examining abraded or non-intact skin of an individual with active bleeding. iii. Handling blood or blood products or other body secretions during routine procedures. b. Gowns, aprons, or lab coats must be worn when splashes of body fluid on skin or clothing are possible. c. Resuscitation equipment, pocket masks, resuscitation bags, or other ventilation equipment must be provided to eliminate the need for direct mouth-to-mouth contact. These items are attached to the AED units. 15 Appendix A: Organizational Chart Administrative Assistant (Barrett) Director of Institutional Effectiveness (Egbert) Administrative Assistant (TBD) Administrative Assistant (Cope) Director of Student Services (Egbert) Administrative Assistant (Scott) Vice President of Enrollment Management (2011) Registrar (Cosman) Assistant Registrar (Reese) Director of Admissions (Greenberg) Administrative Assistant (Scott) Faculty Liaison (Jenkins) Medical Librarian (Harriman) Library Assistant (TBD) Administrative Assistant (Robinson) Administrative Assistant (Barrett) Executive Vice President of Academic Affairs/Provost (Banks) Program Director, DPT (McWhorter) Academic Dean (Pennington) Board of Trustees Director of Clinical Education (Lau) Teaching Faculty President (Nielsen) Graduate Program Directors Teaching Faculty IRB Chair (Veloso) IRB Manager (Hammar) Administrative Assistant (Cope) Director of Online Learning (Banks) Director of Research (Rauh) Capstone Coordinator (Onieal) Online Learning Coordinator (Cope) Dissertation Faculty Capstone Faculty Director of Financial Services (TBD) Vice President of Finance (Bate) Accounting Specialist (Cox) Associate Vice President of Finance (TBD) Executive Vice President of Administration (Skurja) Vice President of Advancement (Smith) Human Resource Marketing and Community Relations Manager (Kewish) Website Administrator (Egbert) Manager (Goodale) Office Manager (Barrett) Receptionist (TBD) Information Techonology Manager (Egbert) 16 Appendix B: Emergency Backup Personnel Position Backup *President Executive Vice President of Academic Affairs/Provost (EVPAA/Provost) Academic Dean (AD) Vice President of Advancement (VPA) EVPA Accounting Specialist and Human Resource (HR) Manager Associate Dean for Faculty Development and Assessment AD DoSS DoA Senior DPT faculty Library Assistant Assistant Registrar Accounting Specialist HR Manager Administrative Assistant to the Executive Office HR Manager EVPAA/Provost Executive Vice President of Administration (EVPA) VPA Vice President of Finance (VPF) Academic Dean Director of Institutional Effectiveness (DIE) Director of Admissions (DoA) Director of Student Services (DoSS) Director eDPT Program Medical Librarian Registrar HR Manager Officer Manager Faculty Liaison Accounting Specialist *When the president cannot fulfill his/her duties the Vice President of Academic Affairs/Provost (EVPAA/Provost) will assume the position. 17 Appendix C: Emergency Teams CONTINUITY PLAN COMMAND POST Team Captains Appendix Team Members Les Smith Larry Banks, Jessica Egbert Building 511E - Mark Walker Building 561E - Aaron Vivian Building 511E - Wes McWhorter Building 511E - Terrie Cox, DeeJay Jenkins Building 511E - Mark Walker Building 561E - Aaron Vivian Building 511E - Wes McWhorter Building 511E - Terrie Cox, DeeJay Jenkins Employees - Heather Goodale Students - Rachel Robinson, Holly Scott Gretel Cosman First Aid Team - Administer first aid. Remove first aid kits from buildings. Remove AED from buildings. Deploy First Aid Teams as required to support Search and Rescue Teams. Report status, including number of patients by triage designation, to Command Post. Building 511 E - Kevin Helgeson Building 561 E - Rick Nielsen Building 511 E - Mark Walker Building 561 E - Julie Barrett, Mike Skurja Fire Suppression Team Manage any immediate threat caused by a fire. Report to Command Post the status of the buildings including infrastructure (gas, water, electricity, sewer, phone) 511 E - Jeff Lau 561 E - Bryce Greenberg 511 E - Student Volunteer 561 E - Jeff Bate COMMAND POST Set up command post near sign on 1860 South. Manage the overall incident. Coordinate all teams. Manage communications and call for assistance if needed. Search and Rescue Team Search the assigned building and ensure that everyone has escaped. If anyone is trapped, notify the Command Post. Shelter in Place Team If/when a dangerous environmental situation occurs near RMU and RMU staff is ordered by local authorities to shelter in place. Lock down facility, seal all entrances and exits, etc. Attendance Team - Take attendance. After incident and completion of triage, report to sign on 1860 S. Maintain access to daily knowledge of staff, students and visitors on campus. 18 Appendix D: Student, Employee, Visitor Incident Report Form INSTRUCTIONS: This form is to be completed for any injury, incident, or unusual occurrence involving a student, employee, or visitor on the University premises or on an assigned clinical rotation site. Time and Place of Occurrence Place: ______________________________________________________________________ Department: ______________________________________________________________________ Time: __________ Date: __________ Name of Student, Employee, Visitor Full Name: ______________________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________________ Attending Physician: ___________________________________________________________________ Witnesses IMPORTANT: Give the full name and address of every individual who witnessed incident. ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Description of Incident/Injury Describe the incident clearly and concisely, mentioning contributing factors. ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 19 First Aid and/or Medical Treatment Was first aid provided? Yes No Was student/employee/visitor seen by a physician? Yes No Was lab work required? Yes No Date of medical examination: _______________________________________ Is follow-up treatment required? Yes No If yes, describe: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Signature of Preparer: ______________________________________________________ Date: __________ Signature of Safety Officer: ______________________________________________________ Date: __________ 20 Appendix E: Student Exposure Report TO: ____________________________________________ Date ____________ FROM: Safety Officer SUBJ: Medical Consent for Blood-Borne Pathogens Testing A fellow student or University employee was exposed to your blood or other body fluids. Following the regulations of the U. S. Department of Labor - Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), we request that you submit to blood tests for infectious blood-borne pathogens (HIV, HAV and HBV). All information gathered will be kept confidential. Affidavit I ____ consent ____ do not consent to having blood sample(s) taken to test for infectious bloodborne pathogens (Human Immunodeficiency Virus, Hepatitis A Virus and Hepatitis B Virus). I understand that all tests and customary expenses will be paid by RMUoHP, that I will be informed of the test results and that I will be counseled regarding any further necessary evaluations and treatment if the results are "positive". _________________________ Signature ___________ Date _________________________ Witness Signature ___________ Date 21