Year 9 GCSE Business Studies Homework Booklet

Year 9
GCSE Business Studies
Homework Booklet
Information for students and parents:
Throughout the year your Business & Enterprise Teacher will set a number of pieces of
homework from this booklet.
If you lose this booklet then you can find a pdf version on the Business & Enterprise
Curriculum webpage at
A piece of Business & Enterprise homework will be set every other week and this should
take you 45 minutes to 1 hour to complete.
Once you have completed your homework you should check that you have included
everything from the right-hand column because these are the things that your
Geography Teacher will be looking for as they mark your work.
Business Teacher:______________
Acting on Feedback
For your work to be successful you must:
Read and act on the comments/feedback
written in your exercise book.
Read all of the comments written by your Teacher
in your exercise book. Tick each comment to show
that you have read it.
Wherever there is a question or feedback you
need to complete the activity set. You may be
asked to:
- Correct spellings – use a dictionary to find the
correct spelling, learn the spelling cover and
write again 3 times
- Answer specific questions
- Rewrite an answer
Write any improvements in RED pen
Ask a parent/guardian to sign your exercise book
to show that they have seen your work.
Autumn Term
Autumn Term
Produce a Poster to advertise your App
Topic: Starting a Business
For your work to be successful you must:
Write an example of the following types of
 Mass Market
 Product Niche
 Market Niche
Explain the reasons for your examples.
ASSIGNMENT : The Firm: Objectives
TASK: To research a company and to link
the following questions in the form of an
extended question:
- List 3 examples of objectives you have
researched. (3 marks)
- What factors determine the objectives
for this company? (4 marks)
Following on from lesson 2, you must use the ideas
you have produced in class to sell your App
through a Poster as part of an advertising
Presentation counts! Limit the words and ensure
you have used colour and images to maximise your
Alternatively produce pictures of products which
would show an understanding of Mass Market,
Product Niche and Market Niche
Answer the questions from the worksheet into
your book. Support: remember to use your
objectives table from the lesson to help.
 All students should use the exam technique:
- 2/3 marks:list or define and give an examples
- 4 marks: make a point & explain, point explain
- 6 marks: point, explain, impact – repeat
Students aiming for an A*, A or B grade should also:
Should ensure they relate all points to the business,
especially the IMPACT on the business, so all answers
- Under what circumstances might survival
be an important objective of the company?
(4 marks)
- What might the Business have to do to
survive in the future? (4 marks)
- What is the difference between short
term and long term profit maximisation to
this company? (6 marks)
- Why might the business pursue growth as
an objective? (4 marks)
are in context
Act on feedback to improve your answers to
the Snow Bound Case study looking at Sole
Partnership worksheet
1. Who owns a partnership? (2 marks)
2. Partners have unlimited liability. What
does this mean ? (2 marks)
3. What might be written in a deed of
partnership? (4 marks)
4. Explain the advantages partnerships share
with sole traders. (5 marks)
5. Why might a partnership be a better form
of organisation than a sole trader? (2
6. What are the disadvantages of a
partnership? (5 marks)
7. Why are disagreements between partners
a problem in a partnership? (4 marks)
Using your improved knowledge of the exam
technique, improve two answers to react to the
feedback and show progress in your answers. This
should be completed in RED pen.
Use the sentence starters and exam technique
writing frame to help you.
Students aiming for an A*, A or B grade should also:
Should ensure they relate all points to the business,
especially the IMPACT on the business, so all answers
are in context.
 Complete the worksheet
Complete the worksheet
Limited Liability worksheet
Complete the worksheet
Prepare a presentation
 You are a Sole Trader wanting to start
your own business. You are considering
buying a Franchise in a business.
 Create a presentation showing:
 What could be good about your
 What are the drawbacks?
 Compare these points with starting as a
sole trader with your own business idea
 How could your decisions be impacted in
the short term and long term?
 Identify 3 example franchises you would
like to set up.
 Recommend one of the franchises you
have researched and give reasons for
your recommendation.
Write a letter to Phat Pasty applying for a
Phat Pasty franchise.
Describe yourself and the skills you
have to offer.
Decide which area of the country
you would like to have a Phat Pasty
outlet in.
Support: Research information by watching
videos on the website and youtube. Use
information from their website
Explain why you would like to own a
Phat Pasty
Ownership summary sheets
Complete a summary sheet on the different types
of business ownership we have studied (sole
trader, partnership, franchise, private limited
Cover the points:
- Who owns it?
- Who controls it?
- Who stands for the losses?
- What happens to the profit?
- What are the main advantages?
- What are the main disadvantages?
- What are the aims and objectives?
- Where do the finances come from?
- Is it limited and unlimited liability?
- What are the legal documents?
Business Plans
Summarise your learning from the lesson by
completing these questions:
1) Explain what is meant by a Business Plan
(3 marks)
2) Why is it important a business has a
Business Plan? (4 marks)
3) List 5 items that will be in a business
plan (5 marks)
Complete the Starting a Business checklist
CAP Preparation
Revise for your CAP by completing a range
of revision activities
Business Investigation
All students should ensure they complete their
end of unit revision sheet and this is printed for
their books.
 Support: Write a glossary of the key words,
Write each definition three times, covering over
the previous attempt and trying to get the
sentence shorter so it only contains 3 or 4 key
 Read a page of your text book for 10/15 mins and
then ask your parents to test you for 5 minutes on
key terms and advantages/disadvantages of key
concepts from those pages.
Students aiming for an A*, A or B grade should also:
Look at example questions as part of their revision,
applying the exam technique.
 Collect research on your chosen business. This
could be:
- Print screens of their website
- Collecting student information packs
- Pictures of the business
- Interview questions/responses
Spring Term
Topic: Marketing
For your work to be successful you must:
p.25 – Burger Business Plan
* Wordsearch – In book, definitions
* Write up Market Research activities
from today
p.25 – Burger Business Plan
 Complete the word search and then define each of
the words you find.
 Write a summary of the activities from the lesson
Markets Introduction:
Complete the recap revision questions on
page 34
Activity’ on Make it in Films case on page
McCain Homework
Go to the website and read the case study
Brands Homework
McCain Homework 2
Read first 2 pages (intro and product)
Intro: write 5 facts in your book about McCain
Product: What are the 5 main McCain products?
What 2 changes to product range have they made
How do McCain protect their quality?
Summarise the Boston Matrix with an example for
each of the 4 options
Oven Chips – Where are they on Boston Matrix?
Visit a large supermarket. Visit the washing Powder
Isle. Notice who owns most of the brands.
Why do you think there are so many brands?
Students aiming for an A*, A or B grade should also:
Look and define the following terms: Monopoly, Duopoly
and Oligopoly. Can you think of industries and
businesses to explain these terms?
Homework 2 – Using the same web link, answer the
following questions:
1. Explain why McCain use pricing methods to help
with the promotion of existing products?
2. How does McCain promote their products in an
ethical manner?
3. Give two examples of how McCain uses
sponsorship as part of their promotional
4. Explain the term brand.
5. What are the two main types of promotion and
explain why:
6. Other than sponsorship, give two other
examples of promotion that McCain uses:
Hoover Homework Case Study
CAP Preparation
Revise for your CAP by completing a range
of revision activities
Marketing CAP
Spring Term
Students aiming for an A*, A or B grade should also:
Summarise the key points from the article
 Using the worksheet complete the questions based
on the business Hoover.
1. How did Hoover promote the sales of its products?
2. Why did customers find the deal so attractive?
3. Was the offer good public relations for Hoover?
4. Three top managers at Hoover were sacked once
complaints started to pour in. You have been
appointed to rectify the problem. What will you
do? Think about the costs and benefits to Hoover
of any solution you put forward.
All students should ensure they complete their end
of unit revision sheet and this is printed for their
 Support: Write a glossary of the key words, Write
each definition three times, covering over the
previous attempt and trying to get the sentence
shorter so it only contains 3 or 4 key words
 Read a page of your text book for 10/15 mins and
then ask your parents to test you for 5 minutes on
key terms and advantages/disadvantages of key
concepts from those pages.
Students aiming for an A*, A or B grade should also:
Look at example questions as part of their revision,
applying the exam technique.
Topic: Practice Controlled Assessment
For your work to be successful you must:
Primary research
Design and complete your questionnaire
Secondary research
You must aim to ask 20 people your questionnaire
Primary Research
Any other research
Collect research on your chosen business. This
could be:
- Print screens of their website
- Collecting student information packs
- Pictures of the business
Plan 4 questions to ask your chosen business.
Phone up and ask your questions
Write up any other research you feel necessary to
fulfil the brief.
Summer Term (3a)
Topic: Finance
For your work to be successful you must:
Sources of finance
Investigate at least one of the organisations below
and answer the following questions and activities.
 Who are they?
 What are their aims and objectives?
 What support do they give to new businesses?
 Try to find an example or case study of how they
have helped a small business. Write a summary
and outline how they organisation helped and the
benefits to the business.
Jim O’Halloran Case Study
Read the Case Study and answer the following
1. Why did Jim O’Halloran need an overdraft?
2. “Jim’s overdraft limit today is £60,000.”
Explain what this means.
3. Do you think Jim’s friend is giving good
advice? Justify your answer by considering
the advantages and disadvantages for Jim of
running an overdraft.
Finance Calculations
MK Dons Cash Flow worksheet
Write and learn the key finance calculations
- Revenue
- Costs
- Profits
Complete the worksheet to demonstrate and
practice the key calculations in a cash flow
You should be able to accurately calculate
Cash Inflows
Cash Outflows
Net Cash flow
Opening Bank balance
Closing Bank Balance
Hitch Sports Shop – Cash Flow forecasting
Complete the questions to create and answer cash
flow forecasts
Complete the Finance Checklist
Complete the Finance and Marketing Quiz
CAP Preparation
Revise for your CAP by completing a range
of revision activities
All students should ensure they complete their
end of unit revision sheet and this is printed for
their books.
Support: Write a glossary of the key words,
Write each definition three times, covering over
the previous attempt and trying to get the
sentence shorter so it only contains 3 or 4 key
 Read a page of your text book for 10/15 mins and
then ask your parents to test you for 5 minutes on
key terms and advantages/disadvantages of key
concepts from those pages.
Students aiming for an A*, A or B grade should also:
Look at example questions as part of their revision,
applying the exam technique.
Summer Term (3a)
Types of employment question
Types of employment grid
Miss Taylor’s Motivation Agency
Motivation Worksheet
Topic: People
For your work to be successful you must:
Discuss whether it would be more suitable for
a small business running as a gym to have a
gym instructor part time or full time?
Complete the grid to show your understanding of the
types of ownership.
Complete the motivation questions on Miss Taylor’s
Motivation Agency:
Catherine is a sales rep, for MAD Fashion and
needs encouragement to increase the company’s
sales. 4 marks
2. David has been working as a swimming instructor
in the leisure centre for several years. He feels
as if he is ‘stuck in a rut’ while many of his
friends have become leisure centre managers. 4
3. Joyce is a factory supervisor and is good at her
job. However she often feels de-motivated
because she works hard and thinks all her bosses
get all the rewards. 4 marks
4. Patrick is the financial director of the West
Wales branch of a multi-national organisation.
He feels that he is very well paid but needs some
further encouragement. 4 marks
5. George is bored because for years he has been
doing the same job on a production line in a toy
factory. 4marks
Complete research to fill in the correct words to the
Students aiming for an A*, A or B grade should also:
Explain for each term an advantage and disadvantage
of each of the term. This could be for the employee
or employer.
Motivation worksheet – summary and Argos
Case Study
Legal HR Complete the questions on Budget
Signs and Green Acres Ltd.
CAP Preparation
Revise for your CAP by completing a range
of revision activities
People CAP checklist worksheet
Use the information in worksheet and complete the
questions based on Argos.
Students aiming for an A*, A or B grade should also:
Complete the extension task
Complete the past paper questions on the two case
 All students should ensure they complete their
end of unit revision sheet and this is printed for
their books.
 Support: Write a glossary of the key words,
Write each definition three times, covering over
the previous attempt and trying to get the
sentence shorter so it only contains 3 or 4 key
 Read a page of your text book for 10/15 mins and
then ask your parents to test you for 5 minutes on
key terms and advantages/disadvantages of key
concepts from those pages.
Students aiming for an A*, A or B grade should also:
Look at example questions as part of their revision,
applying the exam technique.
Business in the news!
For your work to be successful you must:
Watch and record any interesting business
news stories
Write a summary of the news article
Print off the article and write a summary
Come in with a summary and questions for a class
Business Programmes
You may be asked to watch a TV programme. You
will be expected to watch it and write a summary
in your next lesson or answer questions based on
the programme.