ILLINOIS DELEGATE SELECTION PLAN FOR THE 2016 DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL CONVENTION ISSUED BY THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY OF ILLINOIS APRIL, 2015 The Illinois Delegate Selection Plan For the 2016 Democratic National Convention Table of Contents I. Introduction & Description of Delegate Selection Process................................................................................ 1 A. Introduction ................................................................................................................................................ 1 B. Description of Delegate Selection Process .............................................................................................. 1 II. Presidential Candidates ......................................................................................................................................... 4 III. Selection of Delegates and Alternates .................................................................................................................. 4 A. District-Level Delegates ............................................................................................................................ 4 B. Unpledged Delegates ................................................................................................................................ 9 C. Pledged Party Leader and Elected Official (PLEO) Delegates .......................................................... 10 D. At-Large Delegates and Alternates ....................................................................................................... 12 E. Replacement of Delegates and Alternates ............................................................................................ 14 IV. Convention Standing Committee Members...................................................................................................... 16 A. Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 16 B. Standing Committee Members .............................................................................................................. 17 V. The Delegation....................................................................................................................................................... 19 VI. General Provisions and Procedural Guarantees............................................................................................... 20 VII. Affirmative Action, Outreach and Inclusion Plan............................................................................................ 22 A. Statement of Purpose and Organization............................................................................................... 22 B. Efforts to Educate on the Delegate Selection Process ......................................................................... 24 C. Efforts to Publicize the Delegate Selection Process ............................................................................. 25 D. Representation Goals ............................................................................................................................... 26 E. Obligations of Presidential Candidates to Maximize Participation.................................................. 28 F. Inclusion Programs .................................................................................................................................. 29 VIII. Challenges .............................................................................................................................................................. 29 A. Jurisdiction and Standing ....................................................................................................................... 29 B. Challenges to the Status of the State Party and Challenges to the Plan ........................................... 30 C. Challenges to Implementation ............................................................................................................... 30 IX. Summary of Plan ................................................................................................................................................... 31 A. Selection of Delegates and Alternates ................................................................................................... 31 B. Selection of Standing Committee Members ......................................................................................... 32 C. Selection of Delegation Chair and Convention Pages ........................................................................ 32 D. Presidential Candidate Filing Deadline ................................................................................................ 32 E. Timetable ................................................................................................................................................... 33 Exhibits to the Affirmative Action Plan .......................................................................................................................... 34 Attachments to the Delegate Selection Plan ................................................................................................................... 67 Illinois 2016 Delegate Selection Plan for the Democratic National Convention Section 1 Introduction & Description of Delegate Selection Process A. Introduction 1. Illinois has a total of 181 delegates and 13 alternates. (Call, I. & Appendix B.) 2. The delegate selection process is governed by the Charter and Bylaws of the Democratic Party of the United States, the Delegate Selection Rules for the 2016 Democratic National Convention (“Rules”), the Call for the 2016 Democratic National Convention (“Call”), the Regulations of the Rules and Bylaws Committee for the 2016 Democratic National Convention (“Regs.”), the rules of the Democratic Party of Illinois, the Illinois Election Code, and this Delegate Selection Plan. (Call, II.A.) 3. Following the adoption of this Delegate Selection Plan by the Democratic State Central Committee, it shall be submitted for review and approval by the DNC Rules and Bylaws Committee (“RBC”). The State Party Chair shall be empowered to make any technical revisions to this document as required by the RBC to correct any omissions and/or deficiencies as found by the RBC to ensure its full compliance with Party Rules. Such corrections shall be made by the State Party Chair and the Plan resubmitted to the RBC within 30 days of receipt of notice of the RBC’s findings. (Regs. 2.5, 2.6 & 2.7) 4. B. Once this Plan has been found in Compliance by the RBC, any amendment to the Plan by the Democratic Party of Illinois will be submitted to and approved by the RBC before it becomes effective. (Reg. 2.9) Description of Delegate Selection Process 1. Illinois will use a proportional representation system based on the results of the Primary Election for apportioning delegates to the 2016 Democratic National Convention. 2. The “first determining step” of Illinois’ delegate selection process will occur on March 15, 2016, with a Primary Election. 3. Voter Participation in Process a. Participation in Illinois’ delegate selection process is open to all voters who wish to participate as Democrats. Pursuant to the Illinois Election Code, voters may register to vote up to 30 days preceding the Primary Election, and declare their affiliation by signing an application for ballot and requesting a Democratic Primary Election ballot when voting in the Primary Election. Ballot applications reflecting a voter’s party preference are publicly available and made part of a voter’s publicly available voter history. Illinois does not require prior 1|Page Illinois 2016 Delegate Selection Plan for the Democratic National Convention declarations of party affiliation as a pre-requisite to participating in the Primary Election. (Rules 2.A. & 2.C. & Reg. 4.3.) 4. b. At no stage of Illinois’ delegate selection process shall any person be required, directly or indirectly, to pay a cost or fee as a condition for participating. Voluntary contributions to the Party may be made, but under no circumstances shall a contribution be mandatory for participation. (Rule 2.D. & Reg. 4.4.) c. No person shall participate or vote in the nominating process for the Democratic presidential candidate who also participates in the nominating process of any other party for the corresponding elections. (Rule 2.E.) d. No person shall vote in more than one meeting which is the first meeting in the delegate selection process. (Rule 3.E. & Reg. 4.6.) Illinois is participating in the state government-run presidential preference primary that will utilize government-run voting systems. The Democratic Party supported legislation to: a. Promote the acquisition, maintenance and regular replacement of accessible precinct based optical scan systems, which are used throughout Illinois election jurisdictions. (Rule 2.H.(1)) b. Ensure that direct recording electronic systems include a voter verified paper trail, which are required by Illinois law. (Rule 2.H.(2)) c. Ensure that both optical scan and direct recording electronic systems include recognized security measures. These measures include automatic routine manual audits comparing paper records to electronic records following every election and prior to certification or results where possible; parallel testing on election day; physical and electronic security for equipment; banning use of wireless components and connections except where required to provide a voter with disability a secure and approved means to access voting materials and exercise the right to vote; public disclosure of software design; use of transparent and random selection for all auditing procedures; and effective procedures for addressing evidence of fraud or error. (Rule 2.H.(3)) d. The Democratic Party of Illinois supported an amendment to the Illinois Constitution specifying that the right to register to vote or cast a ballot shall not be denied based on race, color, ethnicity, status as a member of a language minority, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, religion, or income. The Amendment was approved by the voters in the November, 2014 General Election. The Democratic Party of Illinois also supported several pieces of legislation that were enacted into law that have the effect of making it easier to vote: 2|Page Illinois 2016 Delegate Selection Plan for the Democratic National Convention Public Act 97-0081 Requires election authorities to have a sufficient number of ballots available for military personnel at least 46 days prior to any election at which federal officers are elected. Public Act 97-0766 Provides that a voter can cast a provisional ballot if the voter received an absentee ballot but did not return it to the election authority. Requires early voting and grace period registration locations at all State universities. Permits early voting and grace period voting until the Saturday prior to Election Day. Public Act 98-051 HB226 17 year-olds to vote in a primary election if such individuals will be 18 years old on the date of the following general election. Public Act 98-115 Permit online voter registration through the State Board of Elections beginning June, 2014. Allows voters to request an absentee ballot via the internet. Public Act 98-0691 2014 Voter Pilot Program: Expand early voting: (1) early voting would be extended through the Sunday before the election; (2) election authorities would be required to remain open until 7pm Mon.-Fri. the week before the election and 10am-4pm on the first and second Sunday before the election (currently 12-3). Voters would continue to have the option of voting in-person at the election authority on the Monday before the election; Extend grace period voting: (1) grace period voting would be mandated in any permanent voting location through the Monday prior to Election Day; and (2) on Election Day, election authorities would be required to permit voter registration in voting centers or the central location; Require universal voting centers on State university campuses on Election Day and require in-person absentee ballots to be cast at universal voting centers. The site would be set up for the precincts in or bordering the university; Allow vote-by-mail applications beginning the 90th day before an election (currently 40 days); Remove requirement to show photo ID when early voting. Public Act 98-1171 Extends grace period registration through Election Day; If a voter attempts to register to vote on Election Day but lacks the necessary documentation, the voter may vote provisionally and submit the necessary documentation to the election authority within 7 days; Extend early voting through the Monday prior to an election. Vote By Mail Ballots must be postmarked no later than Election Day, rather than day before, and ballots can be delivered by any carrier (i.e. Fed Ex, UPS). C. Scheduling of Delegate Selection Meetings The dates, times and places for all official Party meetings and events related to the state’s delegate selection process have been scheduled to encourage the participation of all 3|Page Illinois 2016 Delegate Selection Plan for the Democratic National Convention Democrats. Such meetings will begin and end at reasonable hours. (Rule 3.A & Reg. 4.5) Section II Presidential Candidates A. Ballot Access A presidential candidate gains access to the Illinois presidential preference primary ballot by filing nominating petitions signed by not less than 3,000, but no more than 5,000, registered Illinois voters, which are the same signature minimum and maximum that were in place on January 2, 1994. The filing period for Presidential candidate nominating petitions will be between January 4, 2016 and January 6, 2016. Pursuant to Section 7-10 of the Illinois Election Code, candidates may circulate petitions and gather signatures for a 90 period preceding the last day for filing petitions. Petitions must be filed in the principal office of the Illinois State Board of Elections, 2329 S. MacArthur Blvd, Springfield, Illinois, 62704. Presidential candidates are not required to file any fee to participate in the Primary Election. Write-in Presidential Candidates are allowed. The Presidential preference “un-committed” will not automatically appear on the ballot. (Rules 11.B., 14.A., 14.B., 14.D., 14.E., & 14.H.) B. OTHER REQUIREMENTS 1. Each presidential candidate shall certify in writing to the State Democratic Chair, the name(s) of his or her authorized representative(s) by January 4, 2016. (Rule 12.D.(1)) 2. Each presidential candidate (including uncommitted status) shall use his or her best efforts to ensure that his or her respective delegation within the state delegation achieves the affirmative action goals established by this Plan and is equally divided between men and women. (Rule 6.I.) Section III Selection of Delegates and Alternates A. District-Level Delegates and Alternates 1. Illinois is allocated 102 district-level delegates and 0 district-level alternates. (Rule 8.C., Call, I.B., I.I. & Appendix B. & Reg. 4.31) 4|Page Illinois 2016 Delegate Selection Plan for the Democratic National Convention 2. District-level delegates shall be elected by a two-part primarya presidential preference primary that includes the election of delegates on the ballot from each of Illinois’ 18 Congressional Districts in effect at the time the Plan was adopted. District level delegates will be selected at the March 15, 2016 Primary Election. Candidates for District Level delegates must file nominating petitions, a Statement of Candidacy, and a Presidential Preference form with Illinois State Board of Elections between January 4, 2016 and January 6, 2016. Delegate candidates are not required to pay any fee to participate in the Primary election. District Level Delegates will be elected based upon a proportional representation system reflecting the results of the Presidential preference primary election (including uncommitted) within each Congressional District. 3. Apportionment of District-Level Delegates a. Illinois’ district-level delegates are apportioned among the districts based on a formula giving one-third (1/3) weight to each of the formulas in the following items 1, 2, and 3: (Rule 8.A.; Regs. 4.10., 4.11 & Appendix A) (1) Equal weight to total population and to the average vote for the Democratic candidates in the 2008 and 2012 presidential elections. (2) Equal weight to the vote for the Democratic candidates in the 2012 presidential and the most recent gubernatorial elections. (3) Equal weight to the average of the vote for the Democratic candidates in the 2008 and 2012 presidential elections and to Democratic Party registration or enrollment as of January 1, 2016. This formula is the same formula that the Democratic Party of Illinois has used since at least 1992 and has always produced the most inclusive Democratic representation because it includes two presidential elections, both of which resulted in record Democratic participation in all regions of the state. b. Illinois’ total number of district-level delegates will be equally divided between men and women. Because Illinois is allocated 102 District Level Delegates, the maximum gender variation will be zero. (Rule 6.C.(1) & Reg. 4.8.). The male and female delegate candidates receiving the highest number of votes for each presidential preference (including uncommitted) will be elected from each Congressional District until all such delegate positions earned by the preference have been filled. 5|Page Illinois 2016 Delegate Selection Plan for the Democratic National Convention c. The district-level delegates are apportioned to districts as indicated in the following chart: Delegates District 4. Males Females Total #1 4 5 9 #2 4 4 8 #3 2 3 5 #4 3 2 5 #5 3 3 6 #6 2 3 5 #7 5 4 9 #8 2 2 4 #9 3 4 7 #10 3 2 5 #11 2 3 5 #12 3 3 6 #13 3 2 5 #14 2 2 4 #15 2 2 4 #16 3 2 5 #17 3 3 6 #18 2 2 4 Total 51 51 102 District-Level Delegate Filing Requirements a. A district-level delegate candidate may run for election only within the district in which he or she is registered to vote. (Rule 12.H.) b. An individual can qualify as a candidate for district-level delegate to the 2016 Democratic National Convention by filing a statement of candidacy designating his or her singular presidential or uncommitted preference and a signed pledge of support for the presidential candidate (including uncommitted status) with the Illinois State Board of Elections. Candidates must also file a nominating petition with the Illinois State Board of Elections containing not less than the lesser of .5% of Qualified Primary Electors of their respective Congressional 6|Page Illinois 2016 Delegate Selection Plan for the Democratic National Convention Districts or 500, which is a lower minimum number than was in place on January 1, 1994. This minimum number is established by operation of Section 1A-14 of the Illinois Election Code (10 ILCS 5/1A-14) in order to comply with Rule 14.B of the Democratic National Committee’s Delegate Selection Rules. The filing period will be begin on Monday, January 4 and end Wednesday, January 6, 2016. The filings are made at the principal office of the Illinois State Board of Elections at 2329 S. MacArthur Blvd, Springfield, Illinois. (Rules 12.B. & 14.F.). District level delegate candidates must file copies of their Statement of Candidacy and their signed Pledge of Support with the State Democratic Party at 1201 Veterans Parkway, Springfield, Illinois. (Reg. 4.21.) 5. Presidential Candidate Right of Review for District-Level Delegates a. The State Democratic Chair shall convey to the presidential candidate, or that candidate’s authorized representative(s), not later than January 11, 2016 a list of all persons who have filed for delegate pledged to that presidential candidate. (Rule 12.D. & Rule 12.F.) b. Each presidential candidate, or that candidate’s authorized representative(s), must then file with the State Democratic Chair by January 15, 2016, which is prior to date the Illinois State Board of Elections will certify the Primary Election ballot, a list of all such candidates he or she has approved, provided that approval be given to a number of delegate candidates equal to or greater than the number of delegates or alternates allocated to the district. (Rule 12.E.(1) & Reg. 4.24) c. Failure to respond will be deemed approval of all delegate candidates submitted to the presidential candidate unless the presidential candidate, or the authorized representative(s), signifies otherwise in writing to the State Democratic Chair not later than January 15, 2016 at 5:00 p.m. d. National convention delegate candidates removed from the list of bona fide supporters by a presidential candidate, or that candidate’s authorized representative(s), may not be elected as a delegate or alternate at that level pledged to that presidential candidate (including uncommitted status). (Rule 12.E. & Reg. 4.24.) e. 6. The State Democratic Chair shall certify in writing to the Co-Chairs of the DNC Rules and Bylaws Committee whether each presidential candidate (including uncommitted status) has used their best efforts to ensure that their respective district-level delegate candidates meet the affirmative action and inclusion considerations and goals detailed in the Affirmative Action section of this Plan within three (3) business days of returning the list of approved district-level delegate candidates and district-level alternate candidates as indicated in section III.A.5.b of this Plan. Fair Reflection of Presidential Preference 7|Page Illinois 2016 Delegate Selection Plan for the Democratic National Convention a. Presidential Primary - Proportional Representation Plan (Rule 13.A., 13.B. & Rule 13.D.) The Illinois presidential primary election is a “binding” primary. Accordingly, delegate positions shall be allocated so as to fairly reflect the expressed presidential (or uncommitted) preference of the primary voters in each district. The National Convention delegates selected at the district level shall be allocated in proportion to the percentage of the primary vote won in that district by each preference, except that preferences falling below a 15% threshold shall not be awarded any delegates or alternates. b. Within a district, if no presidential preference reaches a 15% threshold, the threshold shall be the percentage of the vote received in that district by the frontrunner minus 10%. (Rule 13.F.) c. If a presidential candidate (including uncommitted status) qualifies to receive delegates but fails to slate a sufficient number of delegate candidates, the vacancies in those positions will be filled in a post-primary procedure. The post-primary selection meeting will be convened by the State Central Committeeman and Committeewoman of the Congressional District within 30 days of the Primary Election. The meeting must occur within the Congressional District and be preceded by adequate public notice. (ii) In Cook County, each Democratic Ward and Township Committeeman in the Congressional District will be entitled to cast a weighted vote based upon the total Democratic ballots cast at the Primary Election at which the Committeemen were elected. In the remainder of the State, each precinct committeeman in the Congressional District will be entitled to one vote to fill the vacancy. (iii) Candidates must file a Statement of Candidacy and a signed Pledge of Support with the State Party no later than 10 days before the meeting, and each presidential candidate affected must file their approval no less than 5 days before the meeting. (iv) Each presidential candidate must approve at least one candidate for each vacancy; provided that a presidential candidate may not remove any names unless at least three names remain for every position available. (Rule 13.C.) (v) At such meeting the candidate receiving the highest number of votes will be elected provided that a candidate must receive at last 50% + 1 of the total votes cast to be elected. If no candidate receives 50%+ 1, then all but the top two vote getting candidates will be eliminated and another round of voting will occur. (vi) The State Party Chair will certify in writing to the Secretary of the Democratic National Committee the election of unfilled delegates (i) 8|Page Illinois 2016 Delegate Selection Plan for the Democratic National Convention within 10 days of the date the positions were filled, but in no event later than May 1, 2016. 7. 8. B. Equal Division of District-Level Delegates a. In order to ensure the district-level delegates are equally divided between men and women, delegate positions within each district will be designated by presidential preference beginning with the highest vote-getting presidential preference. This assignment of delegate positions, alternating by sex as mathematically practicable, will continue with the next highest vote-getting preferences in descending order until the gender of each position has been assigned. (Rule 6.C.(1) & Reg. 4.8.) b. In districts with an odd number of delegates, the first delegate selected for the winning presidential preference must be of the same sex as the advantaged gender in that district. Following that determination, the allocation would continue alternating by gender for the winning presidential preference and any subsequent preferences. In districts with an even number of delegates, the highest-vote getting delegate candidate for the district’s winning presidential preference will be the first delegate assigned. Following that determination, the state will then designate the remaining positions for that presidential preference and any subsequent preferences alternating by gender, as mathematically practicable. The State Democratic Chair shall certify in writing to the Secretary of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) the election of the state’s district-level delegates to the Democratic National Convention within three days after their the certification of the election results by the Illinois State Board of Elections, which must occur no later than 30 days after the Primary Election. ((Rule 8.C. & Call, IV.A.) & Reg. 5.4.B & Reg. 5.4.C)) Unpledged Delegates 1. Unpledged Party Leaders and Elected Officials a. The following categories shall constitute the Unpledged Party Leaders and Elected Official delegate positions: (1) Members of the Democratic National Committee who legally reside in the state; (Rule 9.A.(1), Call, I.F., Call I.J., & Reg. 4.13.) (2) The President; (Rule 9.A.2., & Call I.G.) (3) Illinois’ Democratic Members of the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate; (Rule 9.A.(3), Call I.H. & Call I.J.) 9|Page Illinois 2016 Delegate Selection Plan for the Democratic National Convention (4) “Distinguished Party Leader” delegates who legally reside in the state; Persons who qualify as “Distinguished Party Leader” delegates are: all former Democratic Presidents or Vice Presidents, all former Democratic Leaders of the U.S. Senate, all former Democratic Speakers of the U.S. House of Representatives and Democratic Minority Leaders, as applicable, and all former Chairs of the Democratic National Committee. (Rule 9.A.(5), Call I.G., & Reg. 4.13.) b. C. The certification process for the Unpledged Party Leader and Elected Official delegates is as follows: (1) Not later than March 1, 2016, the Secretary of the Democratic National Committee shall officially confirm to the State Democratic Chair the names of the unpledged delegates who legally reside in Illinois. (Rule 9.A.) (2) Official confirmation by the Secretary shall constitute verification of the unpledged delegates from the categories indicated above. (Call, IV.B.1.) (3) The State Democratic Chair shall certify in writing to the Secretary of the DNC the presidential preference of state‘s unpledged delegates 10 days after the completion of the State’s Delegate Selection Process. (Call, IV.C) (4) For purposes of achieving equal division between delegate men and delegate women within the states’ entire convention delegation, the entire delegation includes all pledged and unpledged delegates. (Rule 6.C) Pledged Party Leader and Elected Official (PLEO) Delegates 1. Illinois is allotted 20 pledged Party Leader and Elected Official (PLEO) delegates. (Call, I.D., E. & Appendix B) 2. Pledged PLEO Delegate Filing Requirements a. Individuals shall be eligible for the pledged Party Leader and Elected Official delegate positions according to the following priority: big city mayors and statewide elected officials (to be given equal consideration); state legislative leaders, state legislators, and other state, county and local elected officials and party leaders. (Rule 9.B.(1) & Reg. 4.15.) b. An individual can qualify as a candidate for a position as a pledged PLEO delegate by filing a Statement of Candidacy and signed Pledge of Support form, indicating support for a single Presidential Candidate, with the State Party Committee no later than 5:00 p.m. on April 11, 2016 at its office located at 1201 S. Veterans Parkway, Springfield, Illinois. A candidate may change his or her Presidential preference up until the candidate filing deadline. (Rule 9.B.(3), & Rule 14.G., Reg. 4.16. & Reg. 4.21) 10 | P a g e Illinois 2016 Delegate Selection Plan for the Democratic National Convention 3. 4. Presidential Candidate Right of Review a. The State Democratic Chair shall convey to the presidential candidate, or that candidate’s authorized representative(s), not later than April 14, 2016 at 5:00 p.m., a list of all persons who have filed for a party and elected official delegate pledged to that presidential candidate. (Rule 9.B.(3) & Rule 12.D.) b. Each presidential candidate, or that candidate’s authorized representative(s), must file with the State Democratic Chair, at the Democratic Party of Illinois office located at 1201 S. Veterans Parkway, Springfield, Illinois 62706, by April 15, 2016 at 5:00 p.m., a list of all such candidates he or she has approved, as long as approval is given to at least one name for every position to which the presidential candidate is entitled. (Rule 12.E.(2) & Reg. 4.24.) c. Failure to respond will be deemed approval of all delegate candidates submitted to the presidential candidate unless the presidential candidate or the authorized representative(s) signifies otherwise in writing to the State Democratic Chair not later than April 15, 2016 at 5:00 p.m. d. The State Democratic Chair shall certify in writing to the Co-Chairs of the DNC Rules and Bylaws Committee whether each presidential candidate (including uncommitted status) has used their best efforts to ensure that their respective pledged PLEO delegate candidates meet the affirmative action and inclusion considerations and goals detailed in the Affirmative Action section of this Plan within three (3) business days of returning the list of approved pledged PLEO candidates as indicated in section III.C.3.b of this Plan. Selection of Pledged Party Leader and Elected Official Delegates a. The pledged PLEO slots shall be allocated among presidential preferences on the same basis as the at-large delegates. (Rule 9.B.(2), 10.C., Rule 13.E. & Rule F.) b. Selection of the pledged PLEO delegates will occur at 12:00 on May 9, 2016 at State Party Headquarters, 1201 S. Veterans Parkway, Springfield, IL, which is after the election of district-level delegates and alternates and prior to the selection of at-large delegates and alternates. (Rule 9.B.) c. These delegates will be selected by a committee consisting of a quorum of the district-level delegates. (Rule 9.C.) Any committee member may move the election of a candidate or candidates. Any motion requires a second. The candidates receiving the highest number of votes will be elected until all available at large delegate and alternate delegate spots are filled. 11 | P a g e Illinois 2016 Delegate Selection Plan for the Democratic National Convention Alternates are not selected at the pledged Party Leader and Elected Official level. These alternates are combined with the at-large alternates and selected as one unit. (Reg. 4.31.) 5. D. The State Democratic Chair shall certify in writing to the Secretary of the Democratic National Committee the election of the state’s pledged Party Leader and Elected Official delegates to the Democratic National Convention within ten (10) days after their election. (Rule 8.D. & Call, IV.A.) At-Large Delegates And Alternates 1. Illinois is allotted 34 at-large delegates and 13 at-large alternates. (Rule 8.C., Call, I.B., II. & Appendix B & Reg. 4.31) 2. 3. At-Large Delegate and Alternate Filing Requirements. a. Persons desiring to seek at-large delegate or alternate positions may file a Statement of Candidacy designating their singular presidential or uncommitted preference and signed Pledge of Support for the presidential candidates (including uncommitted status) form with the State Party Committee no later than 5:00 p.m. on April 11, 2016 at its office located at 1201 S. Veterans Parkway, Springfield, Illinois. A delegate or alternate candidate may modify his or her singular presidential preference by submitting an updated pledge of support no later than the filing deadline. (Rules 12.B. & 14.G.; Regs. 4.22, Reg. 4.28 & Reg. 4.31) b. The statement of candidacy for at-large delegates and for at-large alternates will be the same. After the at-large delegates are elected by a committee consisting of a quorum of the district-level delegates, those persons not chosen will then be considered candidates for at-large alternate positions unless they specify otherwise when filing. (Rule 18.A.) Presidential Candidate Right of Review a. The State Democratic Chair shall convey to the presidential candidate, or that candidate’s authorized representative(s), not later than April 14, 2016 by 5:00 p.m., a list of all persons who have filed for delegate or alternate pledged to that presidential candidate. (Rule 12.D.) (Reg. 4.23. & 4.28.) b. Each presidential candidate, or that candidate’s authorized representative(s), must then file with the State Democratic Chair, at the Democratic Party of Illinois address at 1201 S. Veterans Parkway, Springfield, Illinois 62704, by 1:00 p.m. on May 9, 2016, a list of all such candidates he or she has approved, provided that, at a minimum, one (1) name remains for every national convention delegate or alternate position to which the presidential candidate is entitled. (Rule 12.D.4, Rule 12.E.(2) & Reg. 4.24.) 12 | P a g e Illinois 2016 Delegate Selection Plan for the Democratic National Convention 4. c. Failure to respond will be deemed approval of all delegate candidates submitted to the presidential candidate unless the presidential candidate or the authorized representative(s) signifies otherwise in writing to the State Democratic Chair not later than 1:00 p.m. on May 9, 2016. d. The State Democratic Chair shall certify in writing to the Co-Chairs of the DNC Rules and Bylaws Committee whether each presidential candidate (including uncommitted status) has used their best efforts to ensure that their respective atlarge delegate candidates and at-large alternate candidates meet the affirmative action and inclusion considerations and goals detailed in the Affirmative Action section of this Plan within three (3) business days of returning the list of approved at-large delegate candidates and at-large alternate candidates as indicated in section III.D.3.b of this Plan. Fair Reflection of Presidential Preference a. At-large delegate and alternate positions shall be allocated among presidential preferences according to the state-wide primary vote. (Rule 10.C.) b. Preferences which have not attained a 15% threshold on a state-wide basis shall not be entitled to any at-large delegates. (Rule 13.E.) If no presidential preference reaches a 15% threshold, the threshold shall be the percentage of the statewide vote received by the front-runner, minus 10%. (Rule 13.F.) 5. c. If a presidential candidate is no longer a candidate at the time of selection of the at-large delegates, then those at-large slots that would have been allocated to the candidate will be proportionally divided among the remaining preferences entitled to an allocation. (Rule 10.C.) d. If a given presidential preference is entitled to one or more delegate positions but would not otherwise be entitled to an alternate position, that preference shall be allotted one at-large alternate position. (Rule 18.B., Call, I.I. & Reg. 4.31.& Reg. 4.34.) Selection of At-Large Delegates and Alternates a. The selection of the at-large delegates and alternates will occur at 2:00 p.m. on May 9, 2016 on at State Party headquarters at 1201 S. Veterans Parkway, Springfield, Illinois, which is after all pledged Party Leader and Elected Official delegates have been selected. b. These delegates and alternates will be selected by a committee consisting of a quorum of the district-level delegates. Any committee member may move the election of a candidate or candidates. Any motion requires a second. The 13 | P a g e Illinois 2016 Delegate Selection Plan for the Democratic National Convention candidates receiving the highest number of votes will be elected until all available at large delegate and alternate delegate spots are filled. c. 6. Priority of Consideration (1) In the selection of the at-large delegation priority of consideration shall be given to African Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders and women. (Rule 6.A.) (2) In order to continue the Democratic Party’s ongoing efforts to include groups historically under-represented in the Democratic Party’s affairs and to assist in the achievement of full participation by these groups, priority of consideration shall be given other groups by virtue of race/ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, gender identity or disability. (Rule 5.C., Rule 6.A.(3), & Reg. 4.7.) (3) The election of at-large delegates and alternates shall be used, if necessary, to achieve the equal division of positions between men and women, and may be used to achieve the representation goals established in the Affirmative Action section of this Plan. (Rule 6.A. & Rule 6.C.) (4) Delegates and alternates are to be considered separate groups for this purpose. (Rules 6.A.(3), 10.A. & Regs. 4.8 & 4.19.) The State Democratic Chair shall certify in writing to the Secretary of the Democratic National Committee the election of the state’s at-large delegates and alternates to the Democratic National Convention within ten (10) days after their election. (Rule 8.C. & Call, IV.A.) E. Replacement of Delegates and Alternates 1. A pledged delegate or alternate may be replaced according to the following guidelines: a. Permanent Replacement of a Delegate: (Rule 18.D.3) (1) A permanent replacement occurs when a delegate resigns or dies prior to or during the national convention and the alternate replaces the delegate for the remainder of the National Convention. (2) Any alternate permanently replacing a delegate shall be of the same presidential preference (including uncommitted status) and sex of the delegate he/she replaces, and to the extent possible shall be from the same political subdivision within the state as the delegate. (a) In the case where the presidential candidate has only one alternate, that alternate shall become the certified delegate. 14 | P a g e Illinois 2016 Delegate Selection Plan for the Democratic National Convention b. (b) If a presidential candidate has only one alternate, and that alternate permanently replaces a delegate of the opposite sex, thereby causing the delegation to no longer be equally divided, the delegation shall not be considered in violation of Rule 6.C. In such a case, notwithstanding Rule 18.D.(2), the State Party Committee shall, at the time of a subsequent permanent replacement, replace a delegate with a person of the opposite sex, in order to return the delegation to equal division of men and women. (Reg. 4.33.) (c) If a delegate or alternate candidate who has been elected but not certified to the DNC Secretary resigns, dies or is no longer eligible to serve, he or she shall be replaced, after consultation with the State Party, by the authorized representative of the presidential candidate to whom he or she is pledged. (Rule 18.D.2) Temporary Replacement of a Delegate: (Rule 18.D.3) (1) A temporary replacement occurs when a delegate is to be absent for a limited period of time during the convention and an alternate temporarily acts in the delegate’s place. (2) Any alternate who temporarily replaces a delegate must be of the same presidential preference (including uncommitted status) as the delegate he/she replaces, and to the extent possible shall be of the same sex and from the same political subdivision within the state as the delegate. c. The following system will be used to select permanent and temporary replacements of delegates: the delegation chooses the alternate. d. Certification of Replacements (1) Any alternate who permanently replaces a delegate shall be certified in writing to the Secretary of the DNC by the State Democratic Chair. (Rule 18.D.3) (2) Permanent replacement of a delegate (as specified above) by an alternate and replacement of a vacant alternate position shall be certified in writing by Illinois’ Democratic Chair to the Secretary of the Democratic National Committee within three (3) days after the replacement is selected. (Call, IV.D.1.) (3) Certification of permanent replacements will be accepted by the Secretary up to 72 hours before the first official session of the Convention is scheduled to convene. (Call, IV.D.1. & Reg. 4.31.) (4) In the case where a pledged delegate is permanently replaced after 72 hours before the time the first session is scheduled to convene or, in the case 15 | P a g e Illinois 2016 Delegate Selection Plan for the Democratic National Convention where a pledged delegate is not on the floor of the Convention Hall at the time a roll call vote is taken, an alternate may be designated (as specified above) to cast the delegate’s vote. In such case, the Delegation Chair shall indicate the name of the alternate casting the respective delegate’s vote on the delegation tally sheet (Call, VIII.F.3.d., Call VIII.F.3.b. & Reg. 5.6.) (5) 2. A vacant alternate position shall be filled by the delegation. The replacement shall be of the same presidential preference (or uncommitted status), of the same sex and, to the extent possible, from the same political subdivision as the alternate being replaced. (Rule 18.E.) Unpledged delegates shall not be entitled to a replacement, nor shall the state be entitled to a replacement, except under the following circumstances: (Rule 18.E. & Reg. 4.33.) a. Members of Congress shall not be entitled to name a replacement. In the event of changes or vacancies in the state’s Congressional Delegation, following the official confirmation and prior to the commencement of the National Convention, the DNC Secretary shall recognize only such changes as have been officially recognized by the Democratic Caucus of the U.S. House of Representatives or the Democratic Conference of the U.S. Senate. In the event of a change or vacancy in the state’s office of Governor, the DNC shall recognize only such changes as have been officially recognized by the Democratic Governors’ Association. (Call, IV.D.2.a.) b. Members of the Democratic National Committee shall not be entitled to a replacement, nor shall the state be entitled to a replacement, except in the case of death of such delegates. In the case where the state’s DNC membership changes following the DNC Secretary’s official confirmation, but prior to the commencement of the 2016 Democratic National Convention, acknowledgment by the Secretary of the new DNC member certification shall constitute verification of the corresponding change of unpledged delegates. (Call, IV.D.2.b.) c. Unpledged distinguished Party Leader delegates allocated to the state pursuant to Rule 9.A.(5), shall not be entitled to name a replacement, nor shall the state be entitled to name a replacement. (Call, IV.d.2.c.) d. In no case may an alternate cast a vote for an unpledged delegate. (Call, VIII.F.3.d.) Section IV Convention Standing Committee Members A. Introduction 1. Illinois has been allocated 7 member(s) on each of the three standing committees for the 2016 Democratic National Convention (Credentials, Platform and Rules), for a total of 21 members. (Call, VII.A. & Appendix D.) 16 | P a g e Illinois 2016 Delegate Selection Plan for the Democratic National Convention 2. Members of the Convention Standing Committees need not be delegates or alternates to the 2016 Democratic National Convention. (Call, VII.A.3.) 3. These members will be selected in accordance with the procedures indicated below. (Rule 1.G.) B. Standing Committee Members 1. 2. Selection Meeting a. The members of the standing committees shall be elected by a quorum of Illinois’ National Convention delegates, at a meeting to be held on May 9, 2016 at 3:00 p.m. (Call, VII.B.1.) b. All members of the delegation shall receive adequate notice of the time, date and place of the meeting to select the standing committee members. (Call, VII.B.1.) Allocation of Members a. The members of the standing committees allocated to Illinois shall proportionately represent the presidential preference of all candidates (including uncommitted status) receiving the threshold percentage used in the state’s delegation to calculate the at-large apportionment pursuant to Rule 13.E. of the Delegate Selection Rules. (Call, VII.C.1. & Reg. 5.8.) b. The presidential preference of each candidate receiving the applicable percentage or more within the delegation shall be multiplied by the total number of standing committee positions allocated to Illinois. If the result of such multiplication does not equal 0.455 or above, the presidential preference in question is not entitled to representation on the standing committee. If the result of such multiplication is 0.455 but less than 1.455, the presidential preference is entitled to one (1) position. Those preferences securing more than 1.455 but less than 2.455 are entitled to two (2) positions, etc. (Call, VII.C.2.) c. Where the application of this formula results in the total allocation exceeding the total number of committee positions, the presidential candidate whose original figure of representation is farthest from its eventual rounded-off total shall be denied that one (1) additional position. Where the application of this formula results in the total allocation falling short of the total number of committee positions, the presidential candidate whose original figure of representation is closest to the next rounding level shall be allotted an additional committee position. (Call, VII.C.3.) d. Standing committee positions allocated to a presidential candidate shall be proportionately allocated, to the extent practicable, to each of the three standing 17 | P a g e Illinois 2016 Delegate Selection Plan for the Democratic National Convention committees. When such allocation results in an unequal distribution of standing committee positions by candidate preference, a drawing shall be conducted to distribute the additional positions. (Call, VII.C.4.) 3. 4. Presidential Candidate Right of Review a. Each presidential candidate, or that candidate’s authorized representative(s), shall be given adequate notice of the date, time and location of the meeting of the state’s delegation standing committee members. (Call, VII.D.1.) b. Each presidential candidate, or that candidate’s authorized representative(s), must submit to the State Democratic Chair, at the Democratic Party of Illinois office at 1201 S. Veterans Parkway, Springfield, Illinois 62706, by 5:00 p.m. on May 6, 2016, a minimum of one (1) name for each slot awarded to that candidate for members of each committee. The delegation shall select the standing committee members from among names submitted by the presidential candidates (including uncommitted status). Presidential candidates shall not be required to submit the name of more than one person for each slot awarded to such candidate for members of standing committees. (Call, VII.D.2.) Selection Procedure to Achieve Equal Division a. Presidential candidates (including uncommitted status) shall use their best efforts to ensure that their respective delegation of standing committee members shall achieve Illinois’ affirmative action goals and that their respective members are equally divided between men and women. (Rule 6.I. & Reg. 4.9.) b. Each position on each standing committee shall be assigned by gender. For example, the first position on the Credentials Committee of the presidential candidate with the most standing committee positions shall be designated for a male, the second position for a female, and the remaining positions shall be designated in like fashion, alternating between males and females. Positions for presidential candidates on each committee shall be ranked according to the total number of standing positions allocated to each such candidate. After positions on the Credentials Committee are designated by sex, the designation shall continue with the Platform Committee, then the Rules Committee. (1) A separate election shall be conducted for membership on each standing committee. (2) The membership of the standing committees shall be as equally divided as possible under the state allocation; if the number is even, the membership shall be equally divided between men and women; if the number is odd, the variance between men and women may not exceed one (1), and the advantaged gender must not remain constant for the three standing committees. (Call, VII.E.1.) 18 | P a g e Illinois 2016 Delegate Selection Plan for the Democratic National Convention (3) 5. The positions allocated to each presidential candidate on each committee shall be voted on separately, and the winners shall be the highest votegetter(s) of the appropriate sex. Certification and Substitution a. The State Democratic Chair shall certify the standing committee members in writing to the Secretary of the Democratic National Committee within three (3) days after their selection. (Call, VII.B.3.) b. No substitutions will be permitted in the case of standing committee members, except in the case of resignation or death. Substitutions must be made in accordance with the rules and the election procedures specified in this section, and must be certified in writing to the Secretary of the Democratic National Committee within three (3) days after the substitute member is selected but not later than 48 hours before the respective standing committee meets. (Call, VII.B.4.) Section V The Delegation A. ILLINOIS will select one (1) person to serve as Delegation Chair and 5 people to serve as Convention Pages. (Call, IV.E.,Call IV.F.1. & Appendix C.) B. Delegation Chair 1. Selection Meeting a. The Delegation Chair shall be selected by a quorum of Illinois’ National Convention Delegates, at a meeting to be held on May 9, 2016 at 3:30 p.m. (Call, IV.E.) b. 2. C. All members of the delegation shall receive timely notice of the time, date and place of the meeting to select the Delegation Chair. (Rule 3.C.) The State Democratic Chair shall certify the Delegation Chair in writing to the Secretary of the Democratic National Committee within three (3) days after his or her selection. (Call, IV.E.) Convention Pages 1. Five individuals will be selected to serve as Illinois’ Convention Pages by the State Democratic Chair in consultation with the members of the Democratic National Committee from the state. This selection will take place May 9, 2016. (Call, IV.F.3., Appendix C & Reg. 5.7.) 19 | P a g e Illinois 2016 Delegate Selection Plan for the Democratic National Convention 2. The Convention Pages shall be as evenly divided between men and women as possible under the state allocation and shall reflect as much as possible, the Affirmative Action guidelines in the Affirmative Action Plan. (Reg. 5.7.A.) 3. The State Democratic Chair shall certify the individuals to serve as Illinois’ Convention Pages in writing to the Secretary of the Democratic National Committee within three (3) days after the selection, at the same time that standing committee members are certified to the Secretary. (Call, IV.F.3. & Reg. 5.7.B.) Section VI General Provisions and Procedural Guarantees A. The Democratic Party of Illinois reaffirms its commitment to an open party by incorporating the ‘six basic elements’ as listed below. These provisions demonstrate the intention of the Democratic Party to ensure a full opportunity for all minority group members to participate in the delegate selection process. (Rules 4.A. & C.) 1. All public meetings at all levels of the Democratic Party of Illinois are open to all members of the Democratic Party regardless of race, sex, age, color, creed, national origin, religion, ethnic identity, sexual orientation, gender identity, economic status or physical disability (hereinafter collectively referred to as “status”). (Rule 4.B.(1)) 2. No test for membership in, nor any oaths of loyalty to the Democratic Party in Illinois are required or used which has the effect of requiring prospective or current members of the Democratic Party to acquiesce in, condone or support discrimination based on “status.” (Rule 4.B.(2)) 3. The time and place for all public meetings of the Democratic Party in Illinois on all levels are publicized fully and in such manner as to assure timely notice to all interested persons. Such meetings are held in places accessible to all Party members and large enough to accommodate all interested persons. (Rule 4.B.(3)) 4. The Democratic Party of Illinois, on all levels, should support the broadest possible registration without discrimination based on “status.” (Rule 4.B.(4)) 5. The Democratic Party of Illinois publicizes fully and in such a manner as to assure notice to all interested parties a full description of the legal and practical procedures for selection of Democratic Party officers and representatives on all levels. Publication of these procedures is done in such fashion that all prospective and current members of each State Democratic Party will be fully and adequately informed of the pertinent procedures in time to participate in each selection procedure at all levels of the Democratic Party organization. (Rule 4.B.(5)) 20 | P a g e Illinois 2016 Delegate Selection Plan for the Democratic National Convention 6. B. The Democratic Party of Illinois publicizes fully and in such a manner as to assure notice to all interested parties, a complete description of the legal and practical qualifications of all positions as officers and representatives of the Democratic Party of Illinois. Such publication is done in timely fashion so that all prospective candidates or applicants for any elected or appointed position within each State Democratic Party will have full and adequate opportunity to compete for office. (Rule 4.B.(6)) Discrimination on the basis of ‘status’ in the conduct of Democratic Party affairs is prohibited. (Rule 5.B.) C. ILLINOIS’ delegation shall be equally divided between delegate men and delegate women, and alternate men and alternate women. Such goal applies to the entire delegation, which includes all pledged delegates and alternates and all unpledged delegates. Delegates and alternates shall be considered separate groups for purposes of achieving equal division. (Rule 6.C.) D. All delegate and alternate candidates must be identified as to presidential preference or uncommitted status at all levels which determine presidential preference. (Rule 12.A.) E. No delegate at any level of the delegate selection process shall be mandated by law or Party rules to vote contrary to that person’s presidential choice as expressed at the time the delegate is elected. (Rule 12.I.) F. Delegates elected to the national convention pledged to a presidential candidate shall in all good conscience reflect the sentiments of those who elected them. (Rule 12.J.) G. All delegates, alternates and standing committee members must be bona fide Democrats who have the interests, welfare and success of the Democratic Party of the United States at heart, who subscribe to the substance, intent and principles of the Charter and Bylaws of the Democratic Party of the United States, and who will participate in the Convention in good faith. (Rule 12.H. & Reg. 4.25.) H. Fifty percent of the members of any Party body above the first level of the delegate selection process shall constitute a quorum for any business pertaining to the selection of National Convention delegates, alternates, standing committee members, and other official Convention participants. (Rule 15) I. An accredited participant in a caucus, convention or committee meeting, after having appeared at such meeting and having established credentials, may register a non-transferable proxy with another duly accredited participant at that meeting (except where an accredited alternate is present and eligible to serve as a replacement), provided that no individual may hold more than three (3) proxies at one time. (Rule 16 & Reg. 4.29.) J. The unit rule, or any rule or practice whereby all members of a Party unit or delegation may be required to cast their votes in accordance with the will of a majority of the body, shall not be used at any stage of the delegate selection process. (Rule 17.A.) 21 | P a g e Illinois 2016 Delegate Selection Plan for the Democratic National Convention K. Any individual or group of Democrats may sponsor or endorse a slate of candidates for convention delegates. But no slate may, by virtue of such endorsement, receive a preferential place on a delegate selection ballot or be publicly identified on the ballot as the official Democratic Party organization slate, and all slates must meet identical qualifying requirements for appearing on a ballot at all levels of the delegate selection process. (Rule 17.B.) L. All steps in the delegate selection process, including the filing of presidential candidates, must take place within the calendar year of the Democratic National Convention, except with respect to the implementation of the Affirmative Action Plan. (Rule 1.F. & Rule 11.B.) M. In electing and certifying delegates and alternates to the 2016 Democratic National Convention, Illinois thereby undertakes to assure all Democratic voters in the state full, timely and equal opportunity to participate in the delegate selection process and in all Party affairs and to implement affirmative action programs toward that end, and that the delegates and alternates to the Convention shall be selected in accordance with the Delegate Selection Rules for the 2016 Democratic National Convention: and that the delegates certified will not publicly support or campaign for any candidate for President or Vice President other than the nominees of the Democratic National Convention. Furthermore, voters in the state will have the opportunity to cast their election ballots for the Presidential and Vice Presidential nominees selected by said Convention, and for electors pledged formally and in good conscience to the election of these Presidential and Vice Presidential nominees, under the label and designation of the Democratic Party of the United States. (Call, II.B.) Section VII Affirmative Action, Outreach and Inclusion Plan A. Statement of Purpose and Organization 1. Purpose and Objectives a. In order that the Democratic Party at all levels be an open party which includes rather than excludes people from participation, a program of effective affirmative action is hereby adopted by Illinois. (Rule 5.A.) b. Discrimination on the basis of “status” in the conduct of Democratic Party affairs is prohibited. (Rule 5.B.) c. All public meetings at all levels of the Democratic Party in Illinois should be open to all members of the Democratic Party regardless of race, sex, age, color, creed, national origin, religion, ethnic identity, sexual orientation, gender identity, economic status or physical disability (hereinafter collectively referred to as “status”). (Rule 4.B.(1)) 22 | P a g e Illinois 2016 Delegate Selection Plan for the Democratic National Convention d. Consistent with the Democratic Party’s commitment to including groups historically under-represented in the Democratic Party’s affairs, by virtue of race/ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, gender identity or disability, Illinois has developed Party outreach programs. Such programs include recruitment, education and training in order to achieve full participation for such groups and diversity in the delegate selection process and at all levels of Party affairs for 2016. (Rule 5.C & Reg. 4.7.) e. In order to encourage full participation by all Democrats in the delegate selection process and in all Party affairs, the Democratic Party of Illinois has adopted and will implement programs with specific goals and timetables for African Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders and women. To further encourage full participation in the process, the Democratic Party of Illinois has established goals and timetables for other underrepresented groups, including LGBT Americans, people with disability and youth. (Rule 6.A.& Rule &) (1) (2) (3) (4) 2. The goal of the programs shall be to encourage participation in the delegate selection process and in Party organizations at all levels by the aforementioned groups as indicated by their presence in the Democratic electorate. (Rule 6.A.(1)) For the delegate selection process, “Youth” is defined as any participant 36 years old and younger. For the delegate selection process, individuals identifying as Native Americans should provide their tribal affiliation and indicate if they are enrolled in a tribe. These goals shall not be accomplished either directly or indirectly by the Party’s imposition of mandatory quotas at any level of the delegate selection process or in any other Party affairs. (Rule 6.A.(2)) Organizational Structure a. An Affirmative Action Committee shall be appointed by the State Democratic Chair on March 1, 2015. (Rule 6.F.) b. The State Democratic Chair shall certify in writing to the Rules and Bylaws Committee of the Democratic National Committee the compliance of the State’s Affirmative Action Committee with Rules 5.C, 6.A and 7, and submit the names, demographic data and contact information no later than 15 days after their appointment. (Reg. 2.2.K) c. The Committee shall consist of members from each delegate district representing the Democratic constituency groups set forth in the Introduction to the Affirmative Action Plan. Attached as “Exhibit #1” is a list of the members of the Affirmative Action Committee. 23 | P a g e Illinois 2016 Delegate Selection Plan for the Democratic National Convention d. The Affirmative Action Committee shall be responsible for: (1) Reviewing the proposed Delegate Selection and Affirmative Action Plans and making recommendations to the State Democratic Chair. (2) Reviewing the proposed Inclusion Programs and making recommendations to the State Democratic Chair. (3) Directing the implementation of all requirements of the Affirmative Action section of this Plan. (4) Implementing a financial assistance program for delegates and alternates. (Rule 6.G.) (5) e. 3. B. Ensuring, on behalf of the State Party Committee, that district lines used in the delegate selection process are not gerrymandered to discriminate against African Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders and women. (Rule 6.E.) Financial and staff support for the Affirmative Action Committee shall be provided by the State Party Committee to the greatest extent feasible, including, but not limited to, making available on a priority basis, the State Party staff and volunteers and covering all reasonable costs incurred in carrying out this Plan. Implementation of the Affirmative Action Plan shall begin on September 14, 2015, with the distribution of the press kits, and will continue through the end of the delegate selection process. (Rule 1.F.) Efforts to Educate on the Delegate Selection Process 1. Well-publicized educational workshops will be conducted in each of the delegate districts beginning in September, 2015. These workshops will be designed to encourage participation in the delegate selection process, including apprising potential delegate candidates of the availability of financial assistance. These workshops will be held in places that are easily accessible to persons with physical disabilities. The times, dates, places and rules for the conduct of all education workshops, meetings and other events involved in the delegate selection process shall be effectively publicized, multilingually where necessary, by the party organization and include mailings to various organizations representative of the Democratic voting populace. (Rule 3.A., Rule 3.C. & Rule 3.D.) 2. A speakers bureau of volunteers from the Affirmative Action Committee comprised of individuals who are fully familiar with the process, will be organized to appear before groups, as needed, to provide information concerning the process. 24 | P a g e Illinois 2016 Delegate Selection Plan for the Democratic National Convention C. 3. The State Party’s education efforts will include outreach to community leaders within the Democratic Party’s constituencies and making sure that information about the delegate selection process is available to Democratic clubs and Party caucuses representing specific constituencies. 4. The State Party will publish and make available at no cost: a clear and concise explanation of how Democratic voters can participate in the delegate selection process; an explanation of how, where and when persons can register to vote; and delegate district maps. As well, the State Party shall also make available copies of the State Party Rules, the Delegate Selection Plan (and its attachments), the Affirmative Action Plan, and relevant state statutes at no cost. Copies of documents related to the state’s delegate selection process will be prepared and the Affirmative Action Committee will distribute them in the various delegate districts not later than October 1, 2015. (Rule 1.H.) 5. The State Party shall take all feasible steps to encourage persons to register and to vote as Democrats and will seek to ensure simple and easy registration procedures. (Rule 2.C.) Efforts to Publicize the Delegate Selection Process 1. Special attention shall be directed at publicizing the delegate selection process in the state. Such publicity shall include information on eligibility to vote and how to become a candidate for delegate, the time and location of each stage of the delegate selection process and where to get additional information. The foregoing information will also be published in the State Party communications and on the State Party’s website. The Party organization, official, candidate, or member calling a meeting or scheduling an event, shall effectively publicize the role that such meeting or event plays in the selection of delegates and alternates to the Democratic National Convention. (Rule 3.C. and Rule 3.D.) 2. Newspapers, radio and television will be utilized to inform the general public how, when and where to participate in the delegate selection process. Specifically, this information should provide details as to how to qualify to run as a delegate candidate. Special effort shall be directed to the major daily newspapers, radio and television stations by the State Democratic Chair, Affirmative Action Committee members and staff. Regular releases during the delegate selection process to all other media sources, weekly newspapers, and wire services should complete timely coverage. Attached as “Exhibit #2”is a listing of the media outlets to receive this information. (Rule 4.B.(3) & Rule 6.D.) 3. A priority effort shall be directed at publicity among the Democratic Party’s constituencies. a. Information about the delegate selection process will be provided to minority newspapers and radio stations, ethnic press, Native American, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, Spanish-speaking and other non-English press, radio 25 | P a g e Illinois 2016 Delegate Selection Plan for the Democratic National Convention stations and publications, and women’s organizations, student newspapers, LGBT press, disability press, and any other specialty media in the state that is likely to reach the Democratic constituency groups set forth in the Introduction of this Affirmative Action Plan. b. 4. D. The State Party shall be responsible for the implementation of this publicity effort. Attached as Part B of Exhibit 2 is the list of “Constituency and Specialty Media Outlets and Targeted Groups.” For purposes of providing adequate notice of the delegate selection process, the times, dates, places and rules for the conduct of meetings of the Democratic State Central Committee and meetings of the Illinois Delegation shall be effectively publicized, multilingually where necessary, to encourage the participation of minority groups. (Rule 6.D.) Not later than October 1, 2015, a press kit shall be made and provided to each daily and weekly newspaper as well as to the electronic media. The press kit will include: a. a summary of all pertinent rules related to the state’s delegate selection process; b. a map of delegate districts and how many delegates will be elected within each district; c. a summary explaining the operation and importance of the 2016 Convention; and d. materials designed to encourage participation by prospective delegate candidates. Representation Goals 1. The State Party has determined the demographic composition of African Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans, and Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in the state’s Democratic electorate. These constituency percentages shall be established as goals for representation in the state’s convention delegation. (Rule 6.A.) 2. The State Party has determined the demographic composition of members of the LGBT community, people with disabilities, and youth in the state’s Democratic electorate and furthermore, the State Party has chosen to establish these percentages as goals for representation in the state’s convention delegation. In determining the percentage of each group, the total statewide population has been increased by a factor of 1.40 to give effect to the impact of each voting group in Democratic Primary elections. The Democratic Party of Illinois has used this formula for every Democratic National Convention since at least 1992 because it has the effect of maximizing minority participation. To verify that the historic formula continues to maximize minority participation opportunities, the Democratic Party of Illinois conducted an in-depth analysis of 26 | P a g e Illinois 2016 Delegate Selection Plan for the Democratic National Convention Democratic voting behavior by each ethnic group over the past decade. In measuring ethnic participation in Illinois Democratic elections, the Democratic Party of Illinois identified the 2012 Presidential Primary Election as the appropriate measure of Democratic voting strength because it was the election with by far the largest participation, not only statewide but also in every region of the State. For example, in 2012 there were 703,219 Democratic Ballots cast in the primary election, while there were only 500,164 Democratic Ballots Cast in the 2014 primary election. Following is an ethnic breakdown of 2012 Democratic primary voters matched with available ethnicity data: Ethnicity AfricanAmerican Caucasian Hispanic Asian Native American Ethnicity Unknown Unmatched Records Total Democratic Primary Voters Voters Percent of Total 167,296 23.79% 408,049 47,524 10,003 58.03% 6.77% 1.42% 17 0.00% 10,303 1.47% 59,983 4.31% 703,219 100.00% A full Illinois State Board of Elections’ based voter file was appended with available ethnicity data and cross referenced with a voter’s full name and address, as well as date of birth and sex where available, to ensure an accurate match. The breakdown includes 643,236 of the 703,219 Democratic primary voters available through a source file provided by the Illinois State Board of Elections in 2012. Due to a lack of information available from local election authorities and the state, the ethnicity of 10,313 voters was unknown, and the State Party was unable to identify and match the ethnicity of the remaining 59,983 voters with certainty. In calculating the applicable percentages of each ethnicity in the Democratic electorate, the State Party subtracted the both 10,313 of unknown ethnicity and 59,983 unmatched records from the total of 703,219 for a remainder of 632,923. As a result of this calculation, the African American percentage of the Illinois Democratic Electorate is 26.43%, the Hispanic percentage is 7.52%, the combined Asian percentage is 1.58% and the Native American percentage is 0.00%. Applying these percentages to the Illinois Delegation, the result would produce 46 African American delegates, 13 Hispanic delegates, 3 Asian American delegates and zero Native American delegates. Due to the dramatic reductions in three out of four ethnic categories 27 | P a g e Illinois 2016 Delegate Selection Plan for the Democratic National Convention contemplated by this Plan caused by this alternative calculation, the Democratic Party of Illinois decided to continue the use of its long established formula for calculating minority participation goals. Accordingly, the application of the Party’s historic formula for establishing minority participation goals results in the following constituency percentage goals for representation in the state’s convention delegation. African Americans Hispanics Native Americans Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders LGBT Americans People with Disabilities Youth % in Democratic Electorate 33.3 9.4 0 5.0 5.4 3.1 15.0 Numeric Goals for Delegation 60 17 1 9 10 6 27 E. 3. When selecting the at-large portion of the delegation, the demographic composition of the other delegates (district-level, pledged PLEO, and unpledged) shall be compared with the State Party’s goals in order to achieve an at-large selection process that helps to bring about a representative balance. 4. Use of the at-large delegation to achieve the affirmative action goals established by this Plan does not obviate the need for the State Party to conduct outreach activities such as recruitment, education and training. (Rule 6.A.(3)) Obligations of Presidential Candidates to Maximize Participation 1. Presidential candidates shall assist the Illinois Democratic Party in meeting the demographic representation goals reflected in the Affirmative Action Plan. (Rule 6.H.) 2. Each presidential candidate must submit a written statement to the State Democratic Chair by October 1, 2015 which indicates the specific steps he or she will take to encourage full participation in Illinois’ delegate selection process, including, but not limited to, procedures by which persons may file as candidates for delegate or alternate. (Rule 6.H.(1)) Any presidential candidate who becomes a candidate for president after October 1, 2015 shall submit the written statement required by this subsection within 21 days of becoming a candidate. 3. Each presidential candidate must submit demographic information with respect to all candidates for delegate and alternate pledged to them. Such information shall be submitted in conjunction with the list of names approved for consideration as delegate and alternate candidates pledged to the presidential candidate. (Rule 6.H.(2)) 4. Presidential candidates (including uncommitted status) shall use their best effort to ensure that their respective delegations within the state’s delegate, alternate and standing committee delegations shall achieve the affirmative action goals reflected in the Affirmative Action Plan and that the respective delegations of each presidential 28 | P a g e Illinois 2016 Delegate Selection Plan for the Democratic National Convention candidate shall be equally divided between men and women. Furthermore, presidential candidates shall use their best efforts at the district level, in consultation with the district's State Central Committee people, to approve delegate and alternate candidates who meet applicable equal division and affirmative action considerations in order to achieve the affirmative action goals and equal division for their respective delegations. (Rule 6.I. & Reg. 4.9.) F. Inclusion Programs 1. In order to achieve full participation of other groups that may be under-represented in Party affairs, including members of the LGBT community, people with disabilities and youth, the Democratic Party of Illinois has adopted and will implement Inclusion Programs. 2. The State Party has taken reasonable steps to determine the composition of members of the LGBT community, people with disabilities, and youth in the state’s Democratic electorate, including a review of the most recent census data, and a review of election returns in recent elections, both preceding and following the most recent census. 3. In securing this level of full participation, the State Party will conduct the education and publicity outreach efforts outlined in Sections B and C of this Section respectively. 4. The State Party will make accommodations to facilitate greater participation by people with disabilities. These accommodations will include notices and outreach in the LGBT, disabled and youth communities working through university and young Democrat organizations and encouraging each presidential candidate to approve delegate candidates from the affected groups. In addition, the Democratic Party of Illinois will conduct participation seminars targeting the LBGT, disabled and youth communities as part of its outreach program. Section VIII Challenges A. Jurisdiction & Standing 1. Challenges related to the delegate selection process are governed by the Regulations of the DNC Rules and Bylaws Committee for the 2016 Democratic National Convention (Reg., Sec. 3.), and the “Rules of Procedure of the Credentials Committee of the 2012 Democratic National Convention.” (Call, Appendix A.) 2. Under Rule 20.B. of the 2016 Delegate Selection Rules, the DNC Rules and Bylaws Committee has jurisdiction over challenges pertaining to the submission, nonimplementation and violation of state Delegate Selection and Affirmative Action Plans. (Rule 20.B. & Call Appendix A.) 29 | P a g e Illinois 2016 Delegate Selection Plan for the Democratic National Convention B. 3. The Rules and Bylaws Committee has jurisdiction to hear and decide any challenge provided it is initiated before the 56th day preceding the date of the commencement of the 2016 Democratic National Convention. (Call, Appendix A. & Reg., 3.1.) 4. Challenges to the credentials of delegates and alternates to the 2016 Democratic National Convention initiated on or after the 56th day preceding the date of commencement of the Democratic National Convention shall be processed in accordance with the “Rules of Procedure of the Credentials Committee of the 2016 Democratic National Convention.” (Call, Appendix A) 5. Any challenge to the credentials of a standing committee member shall be considered and resolved by the affected standing committee in accordance with Appendix A of the Call for the 2016 Democratic National Convention. The Rules and Bylaws Committee shall have jurisdiction over challenges brought before the 56th day preceding the date of the commencement of the Democratic National Convention. (Call, VII.B.5.) 6. Copies of the Regulations of the Rules and Bylaws Committee and/or the Call for the 2016 Democratic National Convention, including the Rules of Procedure of the Credentials Committee (Appendix A), shall be made available by the State Party upon reasonable request. 7. Any group of 15 Democrats with standing to challenge as defined in Reg. 3.2 or the Call (Appendix A, Sec. 2.A.), may bring a challenge to this Plan or to the implementation of this Plan, including its Affirmative Action provisions. Challenges to the Status of the State Party and Challenges to the Plan 1. A challenge to the status of the State Party Committee as the body entitled to sponsor a delegation from that state shall be filed with the Rules and Bylaws Committee not later than thirty (30) calendar days prior to the initiation of the state’s delegate selection process. (Rule 20.A. & Reg. 3.4.A.) 2. A challenge to the state’s Delegate Selection Plan shall be filed with the Chair of the Democratic Party of Illinois and the Co-Chairs of the Rules and Bylaws Committee within fifteen (15) calendar days after the adoption of the Plan by the State Party. (Reg. 3.4.B.) 3. C. A challenge to a Plan must be brought in conformity with the Rules and the Regs., which should be consulted for a detailed explanation of challenge procedures. Challenges to Implementation 1. A challenge may be brought alleging that a specific requirement of an approved Plan has not been properly implemented. Jurisdiction over all challenges initiated in a timely fashion shall reside with either the Rules and Bylaws Committee or the Credentials Committee of the National Convention (See Section VII.A. above). However, the Rules and Bylaws Committee may provide advice, assistance or 30 | P a g e Illinois 2016 Delegate Selection Plan for the Democratic National Convention interpretations of the Delegate Selection Rules at any stage of the delegate selection process. (Reg. 3.1.C.) 2. An implementation challenge brought before the Rules and Bylaws Committee is initiated by filing a written challenge with the State Party Committee and with the Rules and Bylaws Committee not later than fifteen (15) days after the alleged violation occurred. The State Party has twenty-one (21) days to render a decision. Within ten (10) days of the decision, any party to the challenge may appeal it to the Rules and Bylaws Committee. If in fact, the State Party renders no decision, any party to the challenge may request the Rules and Bylaws Committee to process it. The request must be made within ten (10) days after expiration of the above twenty-one (21) day period. (Reg. 3.4.C., Reg. E., & Reg. H.) 3. Performance under an approved Affirmative Action Plan and composition of the convention delegation shall be considered relevant evidence in the challenge to any state delegation. If a State Party has adopted and implemented an approved affirmative action program, the State Party shall not be subject to challenge based solely on delegation composition or primary results. (Rule 6.B.) The procedures are the same for challenges alleging failure to properly implement the Affirmative Action section of a Plan, except that such challenges must be filed not later than thirty (30) days prior to the initiation of the state’s delegate selection process. (Reg. 3.4.C.) 4. Depending on the appropriate jurisdiction (see Section VIII.A. above), implementation challenges must be brought in conformity with the Regulations of the Rules and Bylaws Committee or the Rules of Procedure of the Credentials Committee, which should be consulted for a detailed explanation of challenge procedures. Section IX Summary of Plan A. Selection of Delegates and Alternates Illinois will use a proportional representation system based on the results of the March 15, 2016 Primary Election apportioning its delegates to the 2016 Democratic National Convention. The “first determining step” of Illinois’ delegate selection process will occur on March 15, 2016, with a Two-part Primary election. Delegates and alternates will be selected as summarized on the following chart: Type Delegates Alternates Date of Selection Selecting Body Filing Requirements and Deadlines District-Level Delegates District-Level Alternates 102 0 03/15/16 Selecting Body: Elected at Presidential Preference Primary 31 | P a g e Illinois 2016 Delegate Selection Plan for the Democratic National Convention Type Delegates Alternates Date of Selection Selecting Body Filing Requirements and Deadlines File nominating petitions, Statement of Candidacy and Pledge of Support between January 4 and January 6, 2016. Unpledged Party Leader and Elected Official Delegates* 25 n/a n/a Pledged Party Leaders and Elected Officials (PLEOs) 20 ** 05/09/16 Automatic by virtue of respective public or Party office as provided in Rule 8.A. of the 2012 Delegate Selection Rules. Selecting Body: State Delegation File Statement of Candidacy and Pledge of Support with State Party by April 11, 2016. At-Large Delegates 34 13 05/09/16 File Statement of Candidacy and Pledge of Support with State Party by April 13, 2016. At-Large Alternates TOTAL Delegates and Alternates B. Selecting Body: State Delegation 181 13 * Unpledged Party Leader and Elected Official (PLEO) delegates includes the following categories, if applicable, who legally reside in the state: the Democratic National Committee Members, the Democratic President, the Democratic Vice President, all Democratic Members of the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate, the Democratic Governor, and any other Distinguished Party Leader as specified in Rule 9.A. of the 2016 Delegate Selection Rules. The exact number of Unpledged PLEO Delegates is subject to change due to possible deaths, resignations, elections or special elections. ** Pledged Party Leader and Elected Official (PLEO) alternates are selected with the At-Large alternates. Selection of Standing Committee Members (For the Credentials, Platform and Rules Committees) Standing committee members will be selected by the state’s National Convention delegates as summarized below: C. Members Per Committee Total Members Selection Date 7 21 05/09/16 Filing Requirements and Deadlines Nominated by Presidential candidates by May 6, 2016 Selection of Delegation Chair and Convention Pages The Delegation Chair will be selected by the National Convention Delegates on May 9, 2016. Five (5) Convention Pages will be selected by the State Democratic Chair on May 9, 2016. D. Presidential Candidate Filing Deadline 32 | P a g e Illinois 2016 Delegate Selection Plan for the Democratic National Convention Presidential candidates must file their nominating petitions and Statement of Candidacy with the Illinois State Board of Elections between January 4 and January 6, 2016. (Rule 11.B. & 14.E.) Presidential candidates must certify the name of their authorized representative(s) to the State Democratic Chair by January 4, 2016. E. Timetable Date Activity 2015 March 1 Delegate Selection Affirmative Action Committee members are appointed by the State Chair. March & April Affirmative Action Committee meets to draft proposed Delegate Selection and Affirmative Action Plans. March 15 Delegate Selection Affirmative Action Committee members must be submitted to the Rules and Bylaws Committee including names, contact information and demographic data. April 15 Proposed Delegate Selection and Affirmative Action Plans are tentatively approved for public comment by State Party Committee. April 15 Public comments are solicited on the proposed Delegate Selection and Affirmative Action Plans. Press releases are mailed announcing the public comment period. May 15 Period for public comment on state Plan is concluded. Responses are compiled for review by the State Party Committee. May 20 State Party Committee reviews public comments and adopts revised Delegate Selection and Affirmative Action Plans for submission to DNC Rules and Bylaws Committee. Press releases are mailed announcing the approval of the Plan. May 30 Delegate Selection and Affirmative Action Plans are forwarded to the DNC Rules and Bylaws Committee. September 14 State Party begins implementation of the Affirmative Action Plan. Press kits, as described in the Affirmative Action Plan, are sent to all state media. October 1 Deadline for each announced presidential candidate to submit a statement specifying steps the candidate will take to encourage full participation in the delegate selection process. (Individuals who announce their candidacy after this date must provide this full participation statement to the State Party not later than 21 days after their announcement.) October 1 Presidential candidate petition forms are available from the State Party Committee Headquarters. 2016 January 4 Delegate and alternate candidates may obtain the statement of candidacy and pledge of support forms and filing instructions from State Party Committee Headquarters, in person, by mail, or from State Party’s web site at First day for presidential candidates and district level delegate candidates to file nominating petitions with the Illinois State Board of Elections. January 4 Presidential candidate deadline for certifying the name(s) of their authorized representative(s) to the State Party. January 6 District-level delegate and alternate deadline for filing the statement of candidacy and pledge of support forms with State Party. January 6 Presidential and delegate candidate deadline for filing the petition of candidacy with the State Board of Elections and a copy to the State Party. January 11 State Party provides list of district-level delegate and alternate candidates to the respective Presidential candidates. January 15 Presidential candidates provide list of approved district-level delegate and alternate candidates to State Party. March 15 Presidential preference primary. April 5 State Board of Elections certifies results of primary; pre-slated district-level delegates and alternates are allocated according to presidential preference. 33 | P a g e Illinois 2016 Delegate Selection Plan for the Democratic National Convention Date April 15 Activity State Party certifies elected district-level delegates and alternates to the Secretary of the Democratic National Committee. April 11 Pledged PLEO and at-large delegate or alternate candidate deadline for filing the statement of candidacy and pledge of support forms with State Party. April 14 State Party provides list of PLEO and at-large delegate and alternate candidates to the respective Presidential candidates. April 15 Presidential candidates provide approved list of pledged PLEO delegate candidates to State Party. Presidential candidates submit lists of candidates for standing committee members to State Party. May 9 National Convention delegation meeting. Pledged PLEO delegates selected. Following selection of PLEO delegates, presidential candidates provide approved list of at-large delegate and alternate candidates to State Party. State Convention selects at-large delegates and alternates. Delegates select National Convention Standing Committee Members and Delegation Chair. State Chair names convention pages. May 11 State Chair certifies in writing to the Secretary of the DNC the State’s Delegation Chair, Convention Pages and Standing Committee Members. State Chair certifies in writing to the Secretary of the DNC the State’s Delegation Chair, Convention Pages and Standing Committee Members. State Party certifies in writing to the Secretary of the DNC the presidential preference (including uncommitted) of the state’s Unpledged Delegates. May 11 State Chair certifies in writing to the Secretary of the DNC the PLEO delegates and At-Large Delegates and Alternates, and the presidential preference (including uncommitted) of Illinois’ Unpledged Delegates. Exhibits to the Affirmative Action Plan A. Members of the Affirmative Action Committee Alderman Carrie M. Austin The Honorable Barb Brown The Honorable Christine Cegelis Congressman Danny Davis The Honorable Lynn Foster The Honorable Lauren Beth Gash The Honorable Mark Guethle State Representative Gregory Harris Alderman Michelle Harris Congressman Robin Kelly The Honorable Don Johnston The Honorable Julia Kennedy Beckman Speaker Michael J. Madigan State Senator Iris Y. Martinez The Honorable Jayne Mazzotti State Representative Litesia Wallace State Representative Kelly Cassidy Alderman Ricardo Munoz State Representative Al Riley Congressman Bobby L. Rush The Honorable Cynthia M. Santos The Honorable Nancy Shepherdson The Honorable Jerry Costello State Representative Karen Yarbrough 34 | P a g e Illinois 2016 Delegate Selection Plan for the Democratic National Convention B. Media Outlets to be Contacted Regarding the Delegate Selection Process See below. 35 | P a g e Illinois 2016 Delegate Selection Plan for the Democratic National Convention County Adams Name of Media Outlet Camp Point Journal KHQA/Ch. 7 Liberty Bee-Times Quincy HeraldWhig Alexander Phone Fax Email Address Website 217.593.6515 217.593.7720 217.222.6200 217.222.5078; 217.645.3033 217.645.3083 217.223.5100 217.221.3395, WGCA/FM 88.5 535 Maine Street # 10 Quincy, IL 62301 217.224.9422 217.228.0504 WGEM TV/Ch. 10 513 Hampshire Quincy, IL 62301 217.228.6600 217.228.5786, WQCY/FM 103.9 329 Maine Street Quincy, IL 62301 217.228.4102 217.228.1031 WQUB/FM 90.3 1800 College Avenue Quincy, IL 62301 217.228.5410 217.228.5616 WTAD/AM 930 329 Maine Street Quincy, IL 62301 217.228.2844 217.228.1031 618.734.4242 618.734.4244 618.734.1490 618.734.0884 Cairo Citizen WKRO/AM 1490 Bond Address 202 State Street, P.O. Box 200 Camp Point, IL 62320 301 S. 36th St. Quincy, IL 62301 19 East Hannibal St., P.O. Box 198 Liberty, IL 62347 130 S. Fifth, P.O. Box 909 Quincy, IL 62306 231 16th Street, P.O. Box 33 Cairo, IL 62914 Highway 37 N Cairo, IL 62914 Greenville Advocate P.O. Box 9 Greenville, IL 62246 618.664.3144 618.664.1613 WGEL/FM 101.7 309 W. Main Avenue Greenville, IL 62246 618.664.3300 618.664.3318 815.547.0084 815.547.3045 815.544.4430 815.544.4330 Boone County Journal 130 S. State St,. Ste. 101 Belvidere, IL 61008 419 South State Street Belvidere, IL 61008 Brown Mt Sterling Brown County Democrat Message 123 W. Main Street, P.O. Box 71 Mount Sterling, IL 62353 217.773.3371 217.773.3369 Bureau Bureau County Republican 800 Ace Road Princeton, IL 61356 815.875.4461 815.875.1235 Boone Belvidere Daily Republican 36 | P a g e Illinois 2016 Delegate Selection Plan for the Democratic National Convention Bureau Valley Chief Walnut Leader WZOE AM 1490 & FM 98.1/WVRY 100.3 Carroll 815.646.4376 815.379.9290 815.379.2649 815.875.8014 815.872.0308 815.259.2131 815.259.3226 815.244.2411 815.244.2965 815.493.2560 C:815.275.3025 618.493.2561, 815.273.2277 815.273.2715 815.273.7757 815.273.2760, Cass County Star Gazette 1210 Wall St. Beardstown, IL 62618 217.323.1010 217.323.1644 WRMS.FM 94.3 108 E. Main Street Beardstown, IL 62618 217.323.1790 217.323.1705 Champaign News Gazette 15 East Main Street Champaign, IL 61820 217.351.5252 217.351.5374, 217.337.8300 217.337.8328 217.586.2512 217.586.4821 217.469.0045 217-4690089. 217.892.9613 217.892.9451 217.351.5678 217.373.7459 217.359.1580 217.359.1583 WBCPRADIO@GMAIL.COM Prairie Advocate News Savanna TimesJournal WCCI/FM 100.3 Champaign 815.646.4731 809 Main St., P.O. Box 369 Thomson, IL 61285 308 N. Main Street, P.O. Box 191 Mount Carroll, IL 61053 104 N. Broad St Larnark, IL 61046 315 Main St., P.O. Box 218 Savanna, IL 61074 316 Main Street, P.O. Box 310 Savanna, IL 61074 Carroll County Review Mirror Democrat Cass 108 West Main Street, P.O. Box 476 Tiskilwa, IL 61368 110 Jackson Street, P.O. Box 280 Walnut, IL 61376 2209 S. Main Street, P.O. Box 69 Princeton, IL 61356 Daily Illini Fisher Reporter Mahomet Citizen Ogden Leader Rantoul Press Tolono County Star WBCP/AM 1580 512 E. Green St. Champaign, IL 61820 114 S. Third, P.O. Box 400 Fisher, IL 61843 P.O. Box 919 Mahomet, IL 61853 429 E. Warren Street St. Joseph, IL 61859 1332 E. Harmon, P.O. Box 5110 Rantoul, IL 61866 P.O. Box 677 Champaign, IL 61824 904 N. 4th Street, Unit D Champaign, IL 61820 (217) 897-1525 37 | P a g e Illinois 2016 Delegate Selection Plan for the Democratic National Convention WBGL/FM 91.7 WCFF/FM 92.5 "The Chief" 217.359.8232 217.359.7374 217.352.4141 217.352.1256, WCIA & WCFN Ch. 3 509 S. Neil St. Champaign, IL 61824 217.356.8333 217.373.3663,,;;;; WDWS/AM 1400 & WHMS/FM 97.5 P.O. Box 3939 Champaign, IL 61826 217.351.5300 217.351.5385 WEFT/FM 90.1 P.O. Box 1223 Champaign, IL 61824 217.359.9338, WILL TV Ch. 12/AM 580 & FM 90.9 300 N. Goodwin Urbana, IL 61801 217.333.7300 217.333.7151 217.352.4141 217.352.1256, or 217.351.2450 217.351.2581 WLRW/FM 94.5 & WIXY/FM 100.3 WPCD/FM 88.7 WPGU/FM 107.1 "The Planet" WYXY/FM 99.1 WCCU TV - Fox 27 Christian 4101 Fieldstone Road Champaign, IL 61822 2603 W. Bradley Avenue Champaign, IL 61821 Edinburg HeraldStar Morrisonville Times Pana NewsPalladium Taylorville BreezeCourier WRAN FM 98.3/ WTIM & WMKR 2603 W. Bradley Avenue Champaign, IL 61821 2400 West Bradley Ave, X137 Champaign, IL 61821 512 E. Green St. Champaign, IL 61820 2603 West Bradley Ave Champaign, IL 61821 250 S Country Fair Drive Champaign, IL 61821 103 S. Eaton, P.O. Box 442 Edinburg, IL 62531 509 Carlin Street, P.O. Box 16 Morrisonville, IL 62546 205 Locust St Pana, IL 62557 212 S. Main, P.O. Box 440 Taylorville, IL 62568 918 E. Park St., P.O. Box 169 Taylorville, IL 62568 217.337.1071 217.352.4141 217.352.1256 217.351.8500 217.403.1007 217.623.5523 217.623.5523 217.526.3323 217.526.3323 217.562.2111 217.562.3729 217.824.2233 217.824.2026 217.824.3395 217.824.3301, 38 | P a g e Illinois 2016 Delegate Selection Plan for the Democratic National Convention Golden Prairie News Clark Lincoln Trail Publishing WKZI.AM 800 Clay Daily Clay County Louisville Clay County Republican WNOI FM 103.9 Clinton Breese Journal Carlyle Union Banner Trenton Sun WCXO/FM 96.7 Coles Greenup Press Journal Gazette & Times Courier WEIU TV Ch. 51/FM 88.9 WLBH/AM 1170 & WLBH/FM 96.9 WLKL/FM 89.9 WMCI FM 101.3 Cook Beverly Review 301 S. Chestnut Assumption, IL 62510 216 S. Central, P.O. Box 158 Marshall, IL 62441 18889 N. 2350th Street Dennison, IL 62423 105 West North Avenue Flora, IL 62839 126 S. Church Street, P.O. Box B Louisville, IL 62585 P.0. Box 368 Flora, IL 62839 8060 Old U.S. HY 50, P.O. Box 405 Breese, IL 62230 671 Tenth St. Carlyle , IL 62231 19 West Broadway, P.O. Box 118 Trenton, IL 62293 1611 County Farm Road Carlyle , IL 62231 104 E. Cumberland, P.O. Box 127 Greenup , IL 62428 700 Broadway Ave. East, Suite 9A Mattoon, IL 61938 1521 Buzzard Hall Charleston, IL 61920 P.O. Box 1848 Mattoon, IL 61938 5001 Lakeland Boulevard Mattoon, IL 61938 209 Lakeland Blvd. Mattoon, IL 61938 10546 S. Western Ave. Chicago, IL 217.226.3721 217.226.3579 217.826.2102 217.932.5214, 217.826.9673; 618.662.2108, 618.665.3135 618.665.3135 618.662.8331 618.526.7211 618.526.2590, 618.594.3131 618.594.3115 618.224.9422 618.224.2646 618.594.2490 618.594.2826 217.923.3704 217.923.3704 217.235.5656 217.238.6886 217.581.5956 217.581.6650 217.234.5506 217-234-6464 217.234.5253 217.235.5624 773.238.3366 773.238.1492 39 | P a g e Illinois 2016 Delegate Selection Plan for the Democratic National Convention 60643 Arlington Heights Trib Local Barrington Courier Review Batavia, Geneva, St.Charles Trib Beacon - News Bolingbrook, Plainfield Local Buffalo Grove, Local Burr Ridge - Local Clarendon Hills Local Bridgeport News Brighton Park McKinley Park Life Chicago Access Network Television (CAN TV) Chicago Daily Law Bulletin Chicago Defender Chicago News Cooperative Chicago Sun-Times 435 N. Michigan Avenue Chicago, IL 60611 435 N. Michigan Avenue Chicago, IL 60611 435 N. Michigan Avenue Chicago, IL 60611 435 N. Michigan Avenue Chicago, IL 60611 435 N. Michigan Avenue Chicago, IL 60611 435 N. Michigan Avenue Chicago, IL 60611 435 N. Michigan Avenue Chicago, IL 60611 435 N. Michigan Avenue Chicago, IL 60611 3506 South Halsted Street Chicago, IL 60609 2949 W. Pope John Paul II Drive Chicago, IL 60632 322 S. Green St., Ste 100 Chicago, IL 60607 415 N State Street Chicago, IL 60654 4445 S. King Dr. Chicago, IL 60653 70 East Lake Street, #810, Chicago, IL 60601 350 N. Orleans St., 10th Floor Chicago, IL 60654 312.222.3540 312.222.4674 312.222.3540 312.222.4674 312.222.3540 312.222.4674 312.222.3540 312.222.4674 312.222.3540 312.222.4674 312.222.3540 312.222.4674 312.222.3540 312.222.4674 312.222.3540 312.222.4674 773.927.0025 773.337.6995 773.523.3663 773.523.3983 312.738.1400 312.738.2519 312.644-.800 312.644.4255 312.225.2400 312.225.9231;, 312.523.0249 312.321.3000 312.321.3084 40 | P a g e Illinois 2016 Delegate Selection Plan for the Democratic National Convention Chicago Tribune Chicago Tribune Red Eye Edition CLTV 435 N. Michigan Avenue Chicago, IL 60611 435 N. Michigan Avenue Chicago, IL 60611 2501 West Bradley Place Chicago, IL 60523 Courier - News Daily Herald 155 E. Algonquin Rd. P.O. Box 280 Arlington Heights, IL 60006 Daily Southtown Des Plaines Valley News Evanston Review Evanston Round Table Forest Park Review Frankfort Station Homer Horizon Hyde Park Herald Inside Publications Naperville Sun 630.368.4468 630-978-8141 847.427.4300 847.427.1301,, 312.222.3540 312.222.4674 312.222.4970 630.398.4444 708-342-5646 7676 W 63rd Place Summit, IL 60501 1010 W. Lake St. Oak Park, IL 60301 1124 Florence Avenue, Suite 3 Evanston, IL 60202 141 S. Oak Park Avenue Oak Park, IL 60302 11516 W. 183rd Street, Unit SW, Office Condo #3 Orland Park, IL 60467 11516 W. 183rd Street, Unit SW, Office Condo #3 Orland Park, IL 60467 1435 E. Hyde Park Boulevard Chicago, IL 60615 6221 N. Clark St. Chicago, IL 60660 Lake County News Sun Nadig Newspapers;;;;;;; 4937 N. Milwaukee Avenue Chicago, IL 60630 708.594.9340 708.594.9494 847.486.6850 847.486.7453 847.864.7741 847.864.7749 708.366.0600 708.524.0447 708.326.9170 708.326.9179 708.326.9170 708.326.9179 773.643.8533 773.643.8542 773.465.9700 773.313.2006 312-222-2350 773.286.6100, 630-978-8147 41 | P a g e Illinois 2016 Delegate Selection Plan for the Democratic National Convention New City Orland Park Prairie Pioneer Press Glenview Sounds South Holland Shopper Southtown Star Southwest Messenger Press Southwest NewsHerald-Oak Lawn Suburban Life The Gazette The Reader WARG/FM 88.9 WBBM-TV Ch. 2 CBS WBEZ/FM 91.5 Chicago Public Radio WBGX/AM 1570 WCEV/AM 1450 WCIU-TV & WWME-TV WCKG/AM 1530 WCPT/AM 820 770 N. Halsted Street, Suite 306 Chicago, IL 60642 11516 W. 183rd Street Office Condo #3 Unit SW Orland Park, IL 60467 3701 W. Lake Avenue Glenview, IL 60025 6030 N. Hiawatha Chicago, IL 60646 924 E. 162nd St. South Holland, IL 60473 18312 S W Creek Dr Tinley Park, IL 60477 3840 W. 147th, P.O. Box 548 Midlothian, IL 60445 7676 W 63rd Place Summit, IL 60501 1101 W. 31st. St. Downers Grove, IL 60515 1335 W. Harrison Street Chicago, IL 60607 350 North Orleans Street Chicago, IL 60654 7329 W. 63rd St. Summit, IL 60501 22 West Washington St. Chicago, IL 60602 848 East Grand, Navy Pier Chicago, IL 60611 5956 S. Michigan Ave. Chicago, IL 60637 5356 W. Belmont Avenue Chicago, IL 60641 26 N. Halsted St. Chicago, IL 60661 P.O. Box 3162 Oak Brook, IL 60522 5475 N. Milwaukee Ave. Chicago, IL 60630 312.243.8786 312.243.8802 708.326.9170 708.326.9179 847.486.9200 847.486.7451 773.777.3337 708.333.5901 708.333.9630 708.633.4800 708.633.5999; 708.388.2425 708.385.7811 708-496-0265 773.476.7811 630.368.8914, 312.243.4288 312.243.4270, 312-222-6920 312-321-9613 708-467-5587 708.728.3155 312.899.2222 312.849.7454; 312.948.4600 (773) 2826700 773.752.2242 773)282.6700 773.828.0123 312.705.2600 312-380-1530 630-206-1065 773.792.0400 773.767.1100 42 | P a g e Illinois 2016 Delegate Selection Plan for the Democratic National Convention WCPX TV Ch. 38 WCRX/FM 88.1 WDRV/FM "The Drive" 97.1 Wednesday Journal WFLD TV "Fox 32" WFMT/FM 98.7 WGCI/AM 1390& WGCI/FM 107.5 WGN TV WGN/AM 720 WHPK/FM 88.5 WSHE 100.3 LOVE FM WIND/AM 560 WJMK/FM 104.3 Jack - FM WKKC/FM 89.3 WKSC/FM 103.5 "Kiss FM" WLIT/FM 93.9 "Lite FM" WLS/AM 890 WLS-TV ABC Ch. 7 333 S. Des Plaines St., Suite 110 Chicago, IL 60661 33 East Congress Pkwy Chicago, IL 60605 875 N. Michigan, Ste. 1510 Chicago, IL 60611 141 S. Oak Park Oak Park, IL 60302 205 N. Michigan Ave. Chicago, IL 60601 5400 N. St. Louis Ave. Chicago, IL 60625 233 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 2700 Chicago, IL 60601 2501 W. Bradley Pl. Chicago, IL 60618 435 N. Michigan Avenue Chicago, IL 60611 5706 S. University Avenue Chicago, IL 60637 130 E. Randolph St., Suite 2780 Chicago, IL 60601 25 NW Point Blvd., Suite 400 Elk Grove Village, IL 60007 180 N. Stetson, #900 Chicago, IL 60601 Kennedy-King College 6800 S. Wentworth Chicago, IL 60621 233 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 2800 Chicago, IL 60601 233 N. Michigan, Suite 2800 Chicago, IL 60601 190 N. State St., 9th Floor Chicago, IL 60601 190 N. State St. Chicago, IL 60601 312.376.8520 312.575.8735 (312) 369 8155 312.663.5204, 312.274.9710 312.274.1304 708.524.8300 708.524.0447 312.565.5533 312.819.1332 773.279.2000 Submit via website 312.540.2000; 773.528.2311 773.528.6050 312-222-3879 773.702.8289 773.702.7718, 312.297.5100 312.297.5155 847.437.5200 847.956.5040 312.870.6400 312.855.1043 773.602.5313 312.540.2000 312.938.0712 312.540.2000 312-984-0890 312-984-5305 312.750.7175 312.899.8019,, 43 | P a g e Illinois 2016 Delegate Selection Plan for the Democratic National Convention WLTL/FM 88.1 Lyons Township HS 100 S. Brainard La Grange, IL 60525 WLUW/FM 88.7 "Independent Radio" 222 Merchandise Mart Plaza, Suite 230 Chicago, IL 60654 820 N. Michigan Ave. Chicago, IL 60611 WMAQ-TV Ch. 5 NBC 454 N. Columbus Dr. Chicago, IL 60611 WMBI/AM 1110 & WMBI/FM 90.1 820 N. LaSalle Blvd. Chicago, IL 60610 190 N. State, 7th Floor Chicago, IL 60601 5625 N. Milwaukee Avenue Chicago, IL 60646 385 Winnetka Ave. Winnetka, IL 60093 233 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 2800 Chicago, IL 60601 1877 Campus Drive Evanston, IL 60208 625 N. Michigan Avenue Suite 300 Chicago, IL 60611 408 S. Oak Park Ave. Oak Park, IL 60302 205 N. Michigan Ave., Ground Fl. Chicago, IL 60601 c/o Midway Broadcasting 1000 East 87th Street Chicago, IL 60619 WLUP/FM 97.9 "The Loop" WMVP/AM "ESPN Radio" 1000 WNDZ/AM 750 WNTH/FM 88.1 WNUA/FM 95.5 WNUR/FM 89.3 WOJO/FM 105.1 "Radio La Que Buena" WPNA/AM 1490 WPWR "My 50" WRLL 1450 AM WRRG/FM 88.9 WSBC/AM 1240 & WCFJ/AM 1470 WSCR/AM 670 "The Score" WSNS "Telemundo" 2000 5th Ave. River Grove, IL 60171 5625 N. Milwaukee Chicago, IL 60646 180 N. Stetson Avenue, Suite 1250 Chicago, IL 60601 454 N. Columbus Chicago, IL 60611 708.482.9585 312.245.1200 312.527.3620 312.915.8807 312.836.5555 312.527.4238 (312) 329-4300 (312) 3294468 312.980.1000 773.767.1000 773.767.1100 847.784.2322 312.540.2000 312.938.0111 847.491.7102 847.467.2058 (312) 642-1051 708.848.8980 708.848.9220 312.565.5532 312.819.1332 312-247-6200 708.456.0300 708.583.3120 773.792.1121 773.792.2904 312.729.3967 (312) 836-3110 44 | P a g e Illinois 2016 Delegate Selection Plan for the Democratic National Convention WTMX/FM "The Mix" 101.9 WTTW-TV WUSN/FM 99.5 "US-99" WVON/AM 1450 "Voice of a Nation" WXRT/FM 93.1 WYCC PBS Chicago WZRD/FM 88.3 Bugle Publications Crawford Oblong Gem Robinson Daily News 130 E. Randolph St., Suite 2700 Chicago, IL 60601 5400 N. St. Louis Ave. Chicago, IL 60625 180 N Stetson Ave, Suite #1000 Chicago, IL 60601 1000 E. 87th St Chicago, IL 60619 180 North Stetson – 10th Floor Chicago, IL 60601 6258 S Union Avenue Chicago, IL 60621 NIU 5500 N. St. Louis Avenue Chicago, IL 60625 23856 Andrew Road Plainfield, IL 60585 120 W. North Street PO Box 42 Peotone, IL 60401 P.O. Box 639 Robinson, IL 62454 312.946.1019 773.946.4747 773.583.5000 773.509.5329 312.649.0099 773.247.6200 773.247.5336 312.649.0099 312.240.7973 773-487-3757 773.442.4586 773.442.4665 815-436-2431 815-436-2592; (708) 258-3473 618.544.2101 618.544.9533 WTYE/FM 101.7 P.O. Box 242 Robinson, IL 62454 618.544.2191 618.544.3621 Cumberland Toledo Democrat 116 Courthouse Square, P.O. Box 7 Toledo, IL 62468 217.849.2000 217.849.3237 DeKalb DeKalb Daily Chronicle 815.756.4841 815.758.5059 815-756-4841 815-758-5059 815.753.0101 815.753.0708 815.758.0950 815.758.6226 815.748.1000 815.787.9300; 815.753.9000 815.753.9938; DeKalb Midweek Northern Illinois Star WDKB - FM 94.9 WLBK/AM 1360 WNIJ/FM 89.5 & WNIU/FM 1586 Barber Greene Road DeKalb, IL 60115 1586 Barber Greene Road DeKalb, IL 60178 Campus Life Building, Suite 130 DeKalb, IL 60115 2201 N. 1st Street DeKalb, IL 60115 2410 Sycamore Rd. Suite C DeKalb, IL 60115 801. N. First Street DeKalb, IL 60115 45 | P a g e Illinois 2016 Delegate Selection Plan for the Democratic National Convention 90.5/105.7 DeWitt Clinton Daily Journal WWHP/FM 98.3 Douglas Arcola RecordHerald Newman Independent Tuscola Journal Villa Grove News Arthur GraphicClarion Dupage 118 E. Main, P.O. Box 217 Arcola, IL 61910 501 N. Broadway Newman, IL 61942 115 W. Sale Tuscola, IL 61953 5-7 S. Main Villa Grove, IL 61956 113 E. Illinois, P.O. Box 19 Arthur , IL 61911 Examiner Publications 4300 W. Commerce Ct. Lisle, IL 60532 4N7 81 Gerber Road Bartlett , IL 60103 Fox Valley Labor News P.O. Box 4155 Aurora, IL 60507 Daily Herald Lombardian WDCB/FM 90.9 West Suburban Living Magazine WETN/FM 88.1 WONC/FM 89.1 WRSE/FM 88.7 Edgar 111 South Monroe Clinton, IL 61727 407 N. Main, P.O. Box 10 Farmer City, IL 61842 Paris Beacon-News 116 S. Main St. Lombard, IL 60148 College of DuPage 425 Fawell Blvd. Glen Ellyn, IL 60137 0N836 E Curtis Sq Geneva, IL 60134 501 E. College Ave. Wheaton, IL 60187 North Central College 30 N. Brainard Naperville, IL 60566 Elmhurst College 190 Prospect Avenue Elmhurst, IL 60126 218 N. Main, P.O. Box 100 Paris, IL 61944 217.935.3171 217.935.6086; 309.928.9876 309.928.3708 217.268.4950 217.268.4938 217.837.2414 217.253.5086 217.253.5460 217.832.4201 217.832.4001; 217.543.2151 217.543.2152;; 630.955.3500 630.955.0895; 630.830.4145 630.897.4022 630.892.3873 630.627.7010 630.627.7027 630.942.3700 630.942.2788 (630) 845-8933 630.752.5074 630.752.7063 630.637.5960 630.637.5900; 630.617.3729 217.465.6424 217.466.5078 46 | P a g e Illinois 2016 Delegate Selection Plan for the Democratic National Convention Edwards Effingham Albion Prairie Post/Navigator Journal-Register 19 W. Main Albion, IL 62806 618.445.2355 618.445.3459 Edwards County Times Advocate 111 West North Street West Salem, IL 62476 618.456.8808 618.456.8809 618.487.5634 618.487.5180 217.347.7151 217.342.9315 217.857.3116 217.857.3623 217.342.4141 217.341.4143 Beecher City Journal Effingham Daily News Teutopolis Press WCRA/AM 1090, WCRC/FM 95.7, WCBH/FM 104.3 Fayette 107 E Main St Teutopolis, IL 62467 405 S. Banker, Suite 201 Effingham, IL 62401 WXEF/FM 97.9 & WKJT/FM 102.3 206 S. Willow, P.O. Box 988 Effingham, IL 62401 217.347.5518 217.347.5519 Altamont News/St. Elmo Banner P.O. Box 315 Altamont, IL 62411 618.483.6176 618.483.5177 618.245.6216 618.245.6216 618.283.3374 618.283.0977 618.423.2082 618.423.2394 WJLY/FM 88.3 & WTRH/FM 93.3 109 N. Walnut, P.O. Box 245 Farina, IL 62838 229 S. Fifth, P.O. Box 315 Vandalia, IL 62471 RR 2 Box 51A Ramsey, IL 62080 WPMB/AM 1500 & WKRV/FM 107.7 232 S. Fourth Vandalia, IL 62471 618.283.2325 618.283.1503 Gibson City Courier 310 N. Sangamon Ave, P.O. Box 549 Gibson City, IL 60936 217.784.4244 217.784.4246 Paxton Daily Record 208 N. Market Paxton, IL 60957 217.379.2356 217.379.3104 217.784.8861 217.784.8677 Farina News Vandalia LeaderUnion Ford 104 S Charles St Beecher City, IL 62414 201 N. Banker St. Effingham, IL 62401 WGCY/FM 106.3 WPXN/FM 104.9 607 S. Sangamon Avenue Gibson City, IL 60936 361 N. Railroad Avenue Paxton, IL 60957 217.379.9796 47 | P a g e Illinois 2016 Delegate Selection Plan for the Democratic National Convention Franklin Benton Evening News West Frankfort Daily American WQRL/FM 106.3 Fulton Astoria South Fulton Argus Canton Daily Ledger 618.932.2146 618.937.6006 618.435.8100 618.435.8102 309.329.2151 309.329.2344 309.647.5100 309.647.4665 309-647-9501 309-647-9511 WBYS.AM 1560 & WCDO/FM 107.9 1000 East Linn Street Canton, IL 61520 309.647.1560 309.647.1563 618.269.3147 618.269.3147 Greene Greene Prairie Press Grundy Morris Daily Herald WCSJ/FM 103.1 & WJDK 95.7 McLeansboro Times Leader WMCL/AM 1060 Hancock County Journal-Pilot WCAZ/AM 990 Hardin 618.435.2413 31 South Main Street Canton, IL 61520 Real GC News Hancock P.O. Box 590 Astoria, IL 61501 53 W. Elm St. P.O. Box 540 Canton, IL 61520 618.438.5611 Lewistown Fulton County Democrat Gallatin Hamilton 111 E. Church, P.O. Box 877 Benton, IL 62812 111 South Emma West Frankfort, IL 62896 303 North Main Street P.O. Box 818 Benton, IL 62812 Calhoun NewsHerald 516 N Main St. Carrollton, IL 62016 1804 N. Division Street Morris, IL 60450 219 W. Washington St. Morris, IL 60450 200 S. Washington St. McLeansboro, IL 62859 Route 1, Box 46A McLeansboro, IL 62859 31 N. Washington Carthage, IL 62321 84 S. Madison, P.O. Box 498 Carthage, IL 62321 310 S. County Road, P.O. Box 367 Hardin, IL 62047 217.942.9100 815.942.3221 815.942.0988 815.941.1000 815.941.9000 618.643.2387 618.435.4346 217.357.2149 217.357.2177 217.357.3128 217.357.2014 618.576.2345 48 | P a g e Illinois 2016 Delegate Selection Plan for the Democratic National Convention Hardin County Independent Henderson Hancock-Henderson County Quill Oquawka Current Henry Cambridge Chronicle Galva News Geneseo Republic Henry NewsRepublican Kewanee StarCourier Orion Gazette Iroquois P.O. Box 1490 Stronghurst, IL 61480 Schuyler Street, P.O. Box 606 Oquawka, IL 61469 119 W. Exchange, P.O. Box 132 Cambridge, IL 61238 348 Front Street Galva, IL 61434 108 W. First Geneseo, IL 61254 709 Third Street, P.O. Box 190 Henry, IL 61537 105 E. Central Boulevard Kewanee, IL 61443 1018 Fourth Street Orion, IL 61273 WKEI/AM 1450 & WJRE/FM 102.5 133 E. Division St. Kewanee, IL 61443 [Watseka] TimesRepublic 1492 E. Walnut St. Watseka, IL 60970 330 N. Fourth Street, P.O. Box 548 Clifton, IL 60927 1381 S Crescent St Gilman, IL 60938 203 N. Central, P.O. Box 7 Gilman, IL 60938 Clifton Advocate Ford-Iroquois Farm Bureau Gilman Star Jackson P.O. Box 328 25-27 West 1st Street Elizabethtown, IL 62931 618.287.2361 309.924.1871 309.924.1212 309.867.2515 309.867.6215 309.937.3303 309.932.2103 309.932.3282 309.944.2119 309.944.6161 309.364.3250 309.364.3858 309.852.2181 309.852.0010 309.526.8085 309.526.3065 309.853.4471 309.853.4474 815.432.5227 815.432.5159 815.694.2122 815.694.2649 815.265.4712 815.265.4274 815.265.7332 815.265.7880 WGFA/AM 1360 "Inspire 1360" & WGFA/FM 94.1 "The Best Mix 94" 1973 E. 1950 North Road Watseka, IL 60970 815.432.4955 815.432.4957 Daily Egyptian Comm Building, Rm. 1259, MC 6887 Carbondale, IL 62901 618.536.3311 x 225 618.453.3248 49 | P a g e Illinois 2016 Delegate Selection Plan for the Democratic National Convention Murphysboro American 1400 Walnut St. Murphysboro, IL 62966 618.684.5833 618.684.5080 Southern Illinoisan 710 N. Illinois Avenue; P.O. Box 2108 Carbondale, IL 62901 618.529.5454 618.529.3774 WDBX/FM 91.1 224 N. Washington Street Carbondale, IL 62901 618.529.5900 618-684-4561 WINI/AM 1420 WSIU/FM 91.9 WXAN/FM 103.9 Jasper Newton PressMentor WIKK/FM 103.5 Jefferson Mount Vernon Register-News WMIX/AM 940 & WMIX/FM 94.1 Jersey Jersey County Journal WJBM/AM 1480 Jo Daviess Galena Gazette Village Voices Johnson Goreville Gazette Vienna Times 10519 Highway 149, Suite A Murphysboro, IL 62966 1100 Lincoln Dr - Ste 1003 SIU Mail code 6602 Carbondale, IL 62901 P.O. Box 220 Ava, IL 62907 700 W Washington St Newton, IL 62448 4667 East Radio Tower Lane Olney, IL 62450 911 Broadway, P.O. Box 489 Mount Vernon, IL 62864 3501 Broadway Mount Vernon, IL 62864 832 S. State Street Jerseyville, IL 62052 1010 Shipman Road Jerseyville, IL 62052 716 S. Bench St. Galena, IL 61036 PO Box 474 Lena, IL 61048 P.O. Box 70 Goreville, IL 62939 305 E. Main St. Vienna, IL 62995 618.453.4343 618.453.6246;; 618.426.3308 618.426.3310 618.783.2324 618.783.2325 618.393.2156 618.242.0113 618.242.2797; 618.242.3500 618.242.2490 618-498-1234 618.498.8255 618.498.8265; 815.777.0019 815.777.3809 815.369.9992 618.995.9445 618.995.9445 618.658.4321 618.658.4322 50 | P a g e Illinois 2016 Delegate Selection Plan for the Democratic National Convention Kane [Aurora] BeaconNews Daily Herald Elburn Herald Elgin Courier-News Huntley Farmside/Marengo Press Kane County Chronicle WBIG/AM 1280 WERV/FM 95.9 WRMN/AM 1410 & WJKL/FM 94.3 Kankakee Kankakee Daily Journal 100 S. Main, P.O. Box 709 Herscher , IL 60941 8 Dearborn Square Kankakee, IL 60901 Momence ProgressReporter 110 W. River St. Momence, IL 60954 Herscher Pilot St. Anne Record WKAN/AM 1320 Bourbonnais Herald/County Market WONU/FM 89.7 "SHINE FM" Kendall Knox 495 N. Commons Drive, Suite 200 Aurora, IL 60504 385 Airport Rd., Ste. A Elgin, IL 60123 525 N Main Street, Ste. 2 Elburn, IL 60119 495 Commons Drive Aurora, IL 60504 1101 W. 31st. St., Ste 100 Downers Grove, IL 60515 333 N. Randall Road, Suite 2 St. Charles, IL 60174 620 N. Eola Road Aurora, IL 60502 1884 Plain Avenue, Box C # 1730 Aurora, IL 60505 14 Douglas Avenue Elgin, IL 60120 6980 S. Route 1 St. Anne, IL 60964 70 Meadowview Center Suite 400 Kankakee, IL 60901 500 Brown Boulevard Bourbonnais, IL 60914 One University Avenue Bourbonnais, IL 60914 Yorkville Kendall County Record One Broadcast Center Plano, IL 60545 222 Bridge, PO Box J Yorkville, IL 60560 Abington Argus- 507 N Monroe St # 3 WSPY/FM 107.1 630.978.8880 630.978.8509 847.608.2700 847.608.0849; 630.365.6446 630.365.2251 630.978.8880 630.368.1100 630.969.0228 630.232.9222 630.444.1641; (630) 585-1280 630.898.1580 630.898.2463 847.741.7700 847.888.4227; 815.426.2132 815.426.2132 815.937.3322 815.937.3301 815.472.2000 815.472.3877 815.427.6734 815.427.6751 815.935.9555 815.935.9593 815.933.1131 815.933.3785 815.939.5330 815.939.5087 630.552.1000 630.552.9000 630.553.7034 630.553.7085 (309) 462-3189 51 | P a g e Illinois 2016 Delegate Selection Plan for the Democratic National Convention Sentinel Abingdon, IL 61410 Galesburg RegisterMail WGIL/AM 1400, WAAG/FM 94.9, WLSR/FM 92.7 & WKAY/FM 105.3 140 S. Prairie St. Galesburg, IL 61401 309.343.7181 309.343.2382 154 E. Simmons Street Galesburg, IL 61401 309.342.5131 309.342.0840 2 East South St., Knox College Galesburg, IL 61401 309.341.7266 309.341.7090 847.680.5800 847.680.0189 WVKC/FM 90.7 Lake 1795 N. Butterfield Road, Suite 100 Libertyville, IL 60048 1225 Tri-State Parkway, Suite 570 Gurnee, IL 60031 3250 Belvidere Rd. Waukegan, IL 60085 312-222-2350 WRLR/FM 98.3 PO Box 98 Round Lake, IL 60073 224.338.9757 Zion-Benton News 2719 Elisha Avenue Zion, IL 60099 847.746.9000 Daily Herald The News Sun WKRS/AM 1220 & WXLC/FM 102.3 LaSalle Granville Putnam County Record LaSalle NewsTribune Mendota Reporter Ottawa Daily Times Tonica News 325 S McCoy St Granville, IL 61326 426 Second St. LaSalle, IL 61301 703 Illinois Avenue, P.O. Box 300 Mendota, IL 61342 100 W. Jefferson St. Ottawa, IL 61350 800 Ace Road P.O. Box 340 Princeton, IL 61356 847.336.7900 847.336.1523 847.746.9150 815.339.2321 815.339.6727 815.223.3200 815.224.6443 815.539.9396 815.539.7862 815.433.2000 618.433.1639; 815-875-4461 WCMY/AM 1430 & WRKX/FM 95.3 "The River" 216 W. Lafayette Ottawa, IL 61350 815.434.6050 815.434.5311 WGLC/FM 100.1 3905 Progress Blvd Peru, IL 61342 815.539.6751 815.539.5956 FM 96.5 "The Wolf" 1 Broadcast Ln. Oglesby, IL 61348 815.223.3100 815.223.3095; WLPO/AM 1220 & WAJK/FM 99.3 1 Broadcast Ln. Oglesby, IL 61348 815.223.3100 815.223.3095; 52 | P a g e Illinois 2016 Delegate Selection Plan for the Democratic National Convention Lawrence Lawrenceville Daily Record Sumner Press WAKO/AM 910 & WAKO/FM 103.1 Lee Amboy News Ashton Gazette Dixon Telegraph WIXN/AM 1460 & WIXN/FM 101.7 Livingston [Dwight] The Paper Pontiac Daily Leader / Flanagan Home Times WLDC/FM 98.9 & WJEZ/FM 93.7 Logan Illiopolis Sentinel Lincoln Courier Mount Pulaski Times Macon Blue Mound Leader Decatur Herald & Review Decatur Tribune Mount Zion Region News P.O. Box 559 Lawrenceville, IL 62439 P.O. Box 126 Sumner, IL 62466 P.O. Box 210 Lawrenceville, IL 62439 219 E. Main, P.O. Box 162 Amboy, IL 61310 813 Main St., P.O. Box 287 Ashton, IL 61006 113 S. Peoria Ave. Dixon, IL 61024 1460 S. College Avenue Dixon, IL 61021 204 E. Chippewa St. Dwight, IL 60420 318 N. Main, P.O. Box 170 Pontiac, IL 61764 315 N. Mill Street Pontiac, IL 61764 P.O. Box 300 Illiopolis, IL 62539 206 S. Chicago Street, P.O. Box 740 Lincoln, IL 62656 P.O. Box 114 Mount Pulaski, IL 62548 205 W Niles St Blue Mound, IL 62513 601 E. William P.O. Box 311 Decatur, IL 62525 132 S. Water St., Ste 424 Decatur, IL 62525 P.O. Box 79 Mount Zion, IL 62549 618.943.2331 618.943.3976 618.936.2212 618.936.2858 618.943.3354 618.943.4173 815.857.2311 815.857.2517 815.453.2551 815.453.2422 815.284.2224 815.625.9390 815.288.3341 815.284.1017 815.584.1901 815.584.2196 815.842.1153 815.842.4388 815.844.6101 217.486.6496 217.732.2101 217.732.7039; 217.792.5557 217.792.5482 217.692.2323 217.692.2323 217.429.5151 217.421.6913, 217.422.9702 217.422.7320 217.864.4212 217.864.4711 53 | P a g e Illinois 2016 Delegate Selection Plan for the Democratic National Convention Macoupin WAND Ch. 17 904 Southside Dr. Decatur, IL 62521 217.424.2500 217.422.2583 WBUI "The CW" 101 S. Main Street Decatur, IL 62526 217.428.2323 217.423.4022 WDZQ/AM 1050, WDZQ/FM 95.1, WSOY/AM 1340 & WSOY/FM 102.9 250 N. Water St., Ste 100 Decatur, IL 62523 217).429.9744 217.423.9764 WEJT/FM 105.1 410 N. Water Street, Suite B Decatur, IL 61914 217.428.4487 217.428.4501 WJMU/FM 89.5 1184 W. Main Street Millikin University Decatur, IL 62522 217.424.6377 217.424.3993 BenGil Post 103 North Jersey Gillespie, IL 62033 Brighton Southwestern Journal 117 N. Main Street, P.O. Box 606 Brighton, IL 62012 618.372.8451 618.372.4925 Bunker Hill Gazette News Carlinville Macoupin County Enquirer Democrat 150 N. Washington Bunker Hill, IL 62014 618.585.4411 618.585.3354 125 E. Main Carlinville, IL 62626 217.854.2534 217.854.2535 108 W. Main, P.O. Box 180 Staunton, IL 62088 618.635.2000 618.635.5281 217.965.3355 217.965.4512 Staunton Star-Times Virden Recorder Carlinbille WBGL/FM 91.1 WLLM-WTSG Mount Olive Herald Madison [Alton] Telegraph Edwardsville Intelligencer Highland News Leader 169 W. Jackson, P.O. Box 440 Virden, IL 62690 4101 Fieldstone Road Champaign, IL 61822 800 S. Postville Drive Lincoln, IL 62656 102 E. Main, P.O. Box 300 Mount Olive, IL 62069 111 E. Broadway Alton, IL 62002 117 N. Second Street Edwardsville, IL 62025 PO Box 427 Belleville, IL 62222 217.839.2484 217.359.8232 855-732-9556 217-735-9736 217.999.3941 217.999.5105; 618.463.2500 618.463.2578; 618.656.4700 618.656.7618 618.654.2366 618.654.1181 54 | P a g e Illinois 2016 Delegate Selection Plan for the Democratic National Convention Suburban Journals of Greater St. Louis Troy Times Tribune WBGZ/AM 1570 WLCA/FM 89.9 Marion 618.667.3111 618.667.3128; 618.465.3535 618.465.3546 618.468.4940 618.466.7458; 618.459.3655 WSIE/FM 88.7 SIUE Campus Box 1773 Edwardsville, IL 62026 618.650.2941 618.650.2233 618.532.5601 618.532.1212 618.548.3330 618.548.3593 618.533.5700 618.533.5737 618.548.2000 618.548.2079; 309.246.2865 309.246.3214 217.826.2102 217.826.3700, 309.543.3311 309.543.6844; 309.968.6705 309.968.7486 618.524.2141 618.524.4727 618.524.4400 618.524.3133 309.772.2129 309.772.3994 Centralia Morning Sentinel Lacon Home Journal Marshall Independent Choice Havana Mason County Democrat Manito Review Metropolis Planet WMOK/AM 920 & WREZ/FM 105.5 McDonough 618.459.3655 WJBD/AM 1350 & WJBD/FM 100.1 Massac 618.344.3831 125 E Wall St Apt 9 Worden, IL 62097 WILY/AM 1210 & WRXX/FM 95.3 Mason 618.344.0264 Worden Madison County Chronicle Salem TimesCommoner Marshall 2 Eastport Executive Drive Collinsville, IL 62234 201 E. Market, P.O. Box 68 Troy, IL 62294 P.O. Box 615 Alton, IL 62002 Lewis & Clark Community College 5800 Godfrey Road Godfrey, IL 62035 Bushnell McDonough Democrat 232 E Broadway Centralia, IL 62801 120 S. Broadway, P.O. Box 548 Salem, IL 62881 302 S. Popular, P.O. Box 528 Centralia, IL 62801 P.O. Box 70 Salem, IL 62881 204 S. Washington Lacon, IL 61540 P.O. Box 433, 610 Archer Ave Marshall, IL 62441 219 W. Market Havana, IL 62644 114 N. Broadway Manito, IL 61546 111 E 5th St Metropolis, IL 62960 339 Fairgrounds Road, P.O. Box 720 Metropolis, IL 62960 358 E. Main St. Bushnell, IL 61422 55 | P a g e Illinois 2016 Delegate Selection Plan for the Democratic National Convention McDonough County Voice Western Courier WIUM/FM 91.3 & WIUW/FM 89.5 WIUS/FM 88.3 "The Dog" WJEQ/FM 102.7 & WMQZ/FM 104.1 McHenry Northwest Herald [Crystal Lake] Woodstock Independent WZSR/FM "Star 105.5" McLean Bloomington Pantagraph El Paso Journal Normal Normalite WGLT/FM 89.1 WIHN/FM 96.7 & WSNI/FM 92.9 WJBC/AM 1230, WBNQ/FM 101.5 & WBWN/FM 104.1 203 N. Randolph Macomb, IL 61455 WIU, 1 University Circle Macomb, IL 61455 WIU 1 University Circle Macomb, IL 61455 326 Sallee, 1 University Circle Macomb, IL 61455 1034 West Jackson Macomb, IL 61455 7717 South Route 31 Crystal Lake, IL 60014 671 E. Calhoun St. Woodstock, IL 60098 8800 US Highway 14 Crystal Lake, IL 60012 301 W. Washington PO Box 2907 Bloomington, IL 61702 51 W. Front Street El Paso, IL 61738 1702 W. College Avenue, Suite G Normal, IL 61761 8910 Illinois State University Normal, IL 61790 520 North Center Bloomington, IL 61701 236 Greenwood Avenue Bloomington, IL 61704 (309) 833-2114 ext. 253 309.298.1876 309-298-2309 309.298.1873 309.298.2133; 309.298.3218 309.298.2829 309.833.2121 309.836.3291 815.459.4040 815.459.4960; 815.338.8040 815.338.8177; 815.459.7000 815.444.6025; 309.829.9000 309.829.7000, 309.527.8595 309.527.8850 309.454.5476 309.454.5476 309.438.2255 309.438.7870 309.834.1100 309.834.4390 309.829.1221 309.827.8071 Menard Petersburg Observer 235 E Sangamon Ave. Petersburg, IL 62675 217.632.2236 217.632.2237 Mercer Aledo Times Record 219 S. College Avenue Aledo, IL 61231 309.582.5112 309.582.5319 56 | P a g e Illinois 2016 Delegate Selection Plan for the Democratic National Convention Monroe Montgomery Morgan WRMJ/FM 102.3 2104 S.E. Third Street, P.O. Box 187 Aledo, IL 61231 309.582.5666 309.582.5667 Monroe County Independent P.O. Box 407 120 N. Main Street Columbia, IL 62236 618-281-8000 618-281-7969 Waterloo RepublicTimes 205 W. Mill St. Waterloo, IL 62298 618.939.3814 618.939.3815 (Hillsboro) The Journal News 431 S. Main P.O. Box 100 Hillsboro, IL 62049 217.532.3933 217.532.3632 Litchfield NewsHerald 112 E. Ryder, P.O. Box 160 Litchfield , IL 62056 217.324.2121 217.324.2122 Nokomis Free Press Progress 112 W. State, P.O. Box 130 Nokomis, IL 62075 217.563.2115 217.563.7464 WSMI/AM 1540, WSMI/FM 106.1 & WAOX/FM 105.3 P.O. Box 10 Litchfield , IL 62056 217.324.5921 217.532.2431;; 217.675.2461 217.675.2470 217.245.6121 217.245.1226; 217.245.5119 217.245.1596 217.245.7171 217.245.6711 217.728.7381 217.728.2020 815.732.6166 815.732.4238 815.562.4171 815.562.2161 Franklin Times Jacksonville Journal-Courier Waverly Journal WJIL/AM 1550 & WJVO/FM 105.5 WLDS/AM 1180 & WEAI/FM 107.1 Moultrie Sullivan News Progress Ogle Ogle County News Rochelle News Leader 208 Main St. Franklin, IL 62638 235 W. State, P.O. Box 1048 Jacksonville, IL 62651 130 S. Pearl, P.O. Box 78 Waverly, IL 62692 1251 E. Morton Rd. P.O. Box 1055 Jacksonville, IL 62651 2161 Old State Road, P.O. Box 1180 Jacksonville, IL 62651 100 W. Monroe Street, P.O. Box 290 Sullivan, IL 61951 121A S. Fourth Street Oregon, IL 61061 211 E. Highway 38 Rochelle, IL 61068 217.435.9221 57 | P a g e Illinois 2016 Delegate Selection Plan for the Democratic National Convention WRHL/AM 1060 & WRHL/FM 102.3 Peoria Community Word Glasford Gazette P.O. Box 177 Rochelle, IL 61068 7049 Fox Point Peoria, IL 61614 202 E. Main St Glasford, IL 61533 815.562.7001 815.562.7002 309.692.0644 309.389.2811 309.389.4949 Morton Times-News P.O. Box 9426 Peoria, IL 61612 309.692.6600 309.686.3101 Peoria Journal-Star One News Plaza Peoria, IL 61643 309.686.3000 309.686.3296; East Peoria Times Courier The Labor Paper P.O. Box 9426 Peoria, IL 61612 400 NE Jefferson, Suite 400 Peoria, IL 61603 (309) 692-6600 309.674.3148 309.674.9714 WCBU/FM 89.9/Bradley University 1501 W. Bradley Ave Peoria, IL 61625 309.677.3690 309.677.3462 WCIC/FM 91.5 3902 W. Baring Trace Peoria, IL 61615 309.692.9242 309.692.9241 309.688.3131 309.686.8658; 309.685.1470 309.686.8659;;;; WMBD Ch. 31 WMBD/AM 1470, WPBG/FM 93.3 & WSWT/FM 106.9 3131 N. University Peoria, IL 61604 331 Fulton Street, Suite 1200 Peoria, IL 61602 WPEO/AM 1020 P.O. Box 1 Peoria, IL 61650 309.698.9736 309.698.9740 WTVP PBS P.O. Box 1347 Peoria, IL 61654 309.677.4747 309.677.4730 WVEL/AM 1140 & FM 101.1, WGLO/FM 95.5 120 Eaton St. Peoria, IL 61603 (309) 673-1140; WDQN/AM 1580 & WDQN/FM 95.9 9 N. Division, P.O. Box 184 DuQuoin, IL 62832 2337 Us Route 51 DuQuoin, IL 62832 Piatt Piatt County Journal-Republican 118 E. Washington Monticello, IL 61856 217.762.2511 217.762.8591 Pike Pittsfield Pike Press 115 W. Jefferson Pittsfield, IL 62363 217.285.2345 217.285.5222; Perry Du Quoin Evening Call 618.542.2133 618.542.2726; 618.542.3894 618.542.4514 58 | P a g e Illinois 2016 Delegate Selection Plan for the Democratic National Convention The Paper 725 Bainbridge St. Barry, IL 62312 217.335.2112 217.335.2112 WBBA/FM 97.5 P.O. Box 312 Pittsfield, IL 62363 217.285.5975 217.285.5977 Pope Golconda HeraldEnterprise 211 E Main St Golconda, IL 62938 618.683.3531 618.683.3831 Randolph Chester Randolph County Herald Tribune P.O. Box 269 Chester, IL 62233 618.826.2385 618.826.5181 618.497.8272 618.497.2607 618.443.2121 618.443.2280 618.392.2953; County Journal WHCO/AM 1230 Richland Noble County Commoner Olney Daily Mail WIKK/FM 103.5 "The Eagle" Rock Island P.O. Box 369 Percy, IL 62272 1230 Broadway, P.O. Box 255 Sparta, IL 62286 108 W. North Avenue Noble, IL 62868 206 Whittle Avenue, P.O. Box 340 Olney, IL 62450 304 South Museum Drive Newton, IL 62450 618.723.2866 618.393.2931 618.783.800 WSEI/WVLNFM 92.9 4667 Radio Tower Lane Olney, IL 62450 618.393.2156 618.392.4536; / Moline Daily Dispatch/Rock Island Argus 1720 Fifth Avenue Moline, IL 61265 309.764.4344 309.786.7639 WDLM/AM 960 & WDLM/FM 89.3 P.O. Box 149 East Moline , IL 61244 309.234.5111 309.234.5114 WHBF Ch. 4 231 18th St. Rock Island, IL 61201 309.786.5315 309.788.3642; 309-736-3300 309.764.7181; 309.764.2400 309.764.2410 309.794.7500 309.794.1236 WQAD Ch. 8 WQPT PBS WVIK/FM 90.3 Augustana College 3003 Park 16th St. Moline, IL 61265 3800 Avenue of the Cities, Suite 101 Moline, IL 61265 639-38th Street Rock Island, IL 61201 59 | P a g e Illinois 2016 Delegate Selection Plan for the Democratic National Convention Saline Sangamon El Dorado Daily Journal/Harrisburg Daily Register 35 South Vine Street Harrisburg, IL 62946 (618) 253-7146 618.252.0863 Galatia Money Stretcher P.O. Box 99 Galatia, IL 62935 618.268.6291 618.268.4325; WEBQ/FM 102.3 701 S. Commercial Street Harrisburg, IL 62946 618.253.7812 618.252.2366 Capitol Fax Illinois Issues - UIS Illinois Times New Berlin County Tribune 312.540.3916 One University Plaza, MS HRB 10 Springfield, IL 62703 1320 S. State Street, P.O. Box 5256 Springfield, IL 62705 217.206.6084 217.206.7257; 217.753.2226 217.753.2281,; P.O. Box 409 New Berlin, IL 62670 217.488.3005 217.488.2412 P.O. Box 254 Chatham, IL 62629 217.483.2614 217.483.3988 South County Publications Chatham Clarion South County Publications Riverton Register Springfield JournalRegister 715 N. 7th Street Riverton, IL 62561 217.629.9221 217.629.9223 P.O. Box 219 Springfield, IL 62705 217.788.1513 217.788.1551;; WFMB/FM 104.5 & WCVS/FM 96.7 3055 S. 4th Street Springfield, IL 62703 217.528.3033 217.528.5348 WLUJ/FM 89.7 600 W. Mason Street Springfield, IL 62702 217.528.2300 217.528.2400 WMAY/AM 970, WNNS/FM 98.7 & WQLZ/FM 92.7 P.O. Box 460 Springfield, IL 62705 217.629.7077 217.629.7952;;; WTAX 1240 AM, 107.5 FM 3501 East Sangamon Ave., Springfield,IL 62707 217-753-5400 217-753-7902 WUIS/FM 91.9 University of Springfield University Plaza Springfield, IL 62783 217.206.9847 217.206.6527;;;;; 60 | P a g e Illinois 2016 Delegate Selection Plan for the Democratic National Convention,;;; WICS Ch. 20 2680 E. Cook Springfield, IL 62703 217.753.5656 Schuyler Rushville Times P.O. Box 226 Rushville, IL 62681 217.322.3321 Scott [Winchester] Scott County Times P.O. Box 138 Winchester, IL 62694 217.742.3313 Shelbyville Daily Union Shelby County News 100 W. Main Shelbyville, IL 62565 322 N Cedar St Shelbyville, IL 62565 Belleville NewsDemocrat 120 S. Illinois Belleville, IL 62220 618.234.1000 East St. Louis Monitor 1501 State Street East St. Louis, IL 62205 (618) 271-1581 618.271.8443 Freeburg Tribune 820 S. State Street Freeburg, IL 62243 618.539.3320 618.539.3346 Lebanon Advertiser PO Box 126 Lebanon, IL 62254 618.713.4230 Herald Publications/ Mascoutah Herald Clinton County News Scott Flier Fairview Heights Tribune 314 E. Church, P.O. Box C Mascoutah, IL 62258 618.566.8282 618.566.8283;;; O'Fallon Progress 612 E. State, P.O. Box 970 O'Fallon, IL 62269 618.632.3643 618.632.6438 815.232.0166 815.232.0105 815.369.2811 815.369.2816, Shelby St. Clair Stephenson Freeport JournalStandard Northwestern Illinois Farmer Tazewell Delavan Times 50 West Douglas Street #900 Freeport, IL 61032 P.O. Box 536 Lena, IL 61048 314 Locust, P.O. Box 199 Delavan, IL 61734 217.322.2770 217.774.2161 217.774.5732 217.774.1001 866.265.2958,, 309.244.7111 61 | P a g e Illinois 2016 Delegate Selection Plan for the Democratic National Convention Minier Olympia Review Morton Courier/Washington Courier Union 102 S. Main, P.O. Box 710 Minier, IL 61759 309.392.2414 780 W. Jefferson Morton, IL 61550 309.444.3139 Pekin Daily Times 306 Court Street Pekin, IL 61554 309.346.1111 WEEK Ch. 25 2907 Springfield Rd. East Peoria, IL 61611 309.698.2525; Anna GazetteDemocrat WIBH/AM 1440 Vermilion Danville Commercial News P.O. Box 475 Sidell, IL 61876 17 W. North Danville, IL 61832 The Independent News Hoopeston Chronicle FM D102.1/ FM K94.9 / WDAN AM 1490 Sidell Reporter WITY/AM 980 Wabash Mount Carmel Daily Republican-Register WVJC/FM 89.1 Wabash Valley College WYNG/FM 94.9 Warren Roseville Independent WAIK/AM 1590 Washington 112 Lafayette St. P.O. Box 529 Anna, IL 62906 330 S. Main Street Anna, IL 62906 Nashville News 309.392.2169 618.833.2158 618.833.5813; 618.833.9424 618.833.9091; 217.288.9365 217.446.1000 217.446.6648; 137 N Walnut St Danville, IL 61832 217.443.8484 217.443.8490 308 E. Main St. Hoopeston, IL 60942 217.283.5111 217.283.5846 1501 N. Washington Danville, IL 61832 217.442.1700 217.431.1489 P.O. Box 142 Danville, IL 61834 217.446.1312 217.446.1314 618.262.5144 618.263.4437 618.262.8641 ext 3575 618.262.7317 618.263.3500 618.263.3520; 115 East Fourth, P.O. Box 550 Mount Carmel, IL 62863 2200 College Drive Mount Carmel, IL 62863 127 West 3rd Street Mount Carmel, IL 62863 507 N Monroe Suite 3 Roseville , IL 61418 55 Public Square Monmouth, IL 61462 211 W St. Louis (309) 462-5758 309.342.3161 309.734.3276 618.327.3411 618.327.3299 62 | P a g e Illinois 2016 Delegate Selection Plan for the Democratic National Convention Nashville, IL 62263 Wayne White Okawville Times P.O. Box 68 Okawville, IL 62271 618.243.5563, 618 - 973 7277 Wayne County Press 213 E. Main Fairfield, IL 62837 618.842.2662 WFIW/AM 1390, WFIW/FM 104.9 & WOKZ/FM 105.9 P.O. Box 310 Fairfield, IL 62837 Carmi Times WROY/AM 1460 & WRUL/FM 97.3 Whiteside Erie Review Fulton Journal Prophetstown Echo Sauk Valley Newspapers Whiteside News Sentinel WSDR AM 1240 / WSSQ AM 94.3 Will Farmers Weekly Review 22nd Century Media/Chicago Southwest The Frankfort Station Homer Horizon Lockport Legend Mokena Messager New Lenox Patriot Tinley Junction 323 E. Main St. P.O. Box 190 Carmi, IL 62821 P.O. Box 400 Carmi, IL 62821 P.O. Box 357 Erie, IL 61250 1009 4th Street Fulton, IL 61252 342 Washington, P.O. Box 7 Prophetstown, IL 61277 3200 E. Lincolnway, P.O. Box 498 Sterling, IL 61081 100 E. Main; P.O. Box 31 Morrison, IL 61270 430 West Erie Street Suite 505 Chicago, IL 61081 100 Manhattan Road Joliet, IL 60433 11516 W. 183rd St. Unit SW, Office Condo #3 Orland Park, IL 60467 618.842.7912; 618.842.2159 618.847.5907 618.382.4176 618.384.2163 618.382.4161 618.382.4162 309.659.2761 309.659.7751 815.589.2424 815.589.2714 815.537.5107 815.537.2658 815.625.3600 815.625.9390 815.772.7244 815.772.4105 312-943-6363 312-9435109, 815.727.4811 815.727.5570,,,,,, (708) 326-9170 63 | P a g e Illinois 2016 Delegate Selection Plan for the Democratic National Convention Free Press Newspapers 111 S. Water Street Wilmington, IL 60481 815.476.7966 815.476.7002, Joliet Herald-News 2175 Oneida Street Joliet, IL 60435 815.439.5304 815-729-2019 Joliet Times Weekly 254 Cass St. Joliet, IL 60432 815.723.0325 815.723.0326 Manteno News/Peotone Vedette PO Box 429 Peotone, IL 60468 708.258.3473 708.258.6295 815.436.2431 815.436.2592 815.740.3217 815.740.4285 Plainfield Enterprise WCSF/FM 88.7 "The Edge" Williamson Winnebago P.O. Box 892 Plainfield, IL 60544 University of St. Francis 500 N. Wilcox Street Joliet, IL 60435 WJOL/AM 1340, WSSR-FM 96.7, WRXQ/100.7 & WCCQ/FM 98.3 2410-B Canton Farm Rd. Crest Hill, IL 60435 815-556-0116 815.577.9231,, Marion Daily Republican 502 West Jackson Marion, IL 62959 618.993.2626 618. 993. 8326,, WGGH/AM 1150 "The Choice" P.O. Box 340 Marion, IL 62959 618.993.8102 618.997.2305 WSIL-TV 1416 Country Air Dr. Carterville, IL 62918 618.985.2333 618.985.6482 [Rockford] Rock River Times 128 North Church Street Rockford, IL 61101 815.964.9767 815.964.9825 Rock Valley Publishing Multiple local papers 11512 N. Second Machesney Park, IL 61115 815.877.4044 815.654.4857;;, Rockford RegisterStar 99 E. State Rockford, IL 61104 815-987-1350 815.987.1365, 64 | P a g e Illinois 2016 Delegate Selection Plan for the Democratic National Convention WIFR Ch. 23 2523 N. Meridian Rd. Rockford, IL 61101 815-987-5330 815.987.5333 WQRF Ch 39 /WTVO Ch 17 P.O. Box 470 Rockford, IL 61105 815.963.2773 815.963.0029, WREX Ch. 13 P.O. Box 530 Rockford, IL 61105 815.335.2710 815.335.2297 WROK/AM 1440, WZOK/FM 97.5, WXXQ/FM 98.5 WKGL/FM 96.7 3901 Brendenwood Road Rockford, IL 61107 815.399.2233 815.484.2432, Woodford Woodford County JournalEureka/Minonk & Roanoke P.O. Box 36 Eureka, IL 61530 309.467.3314 309.467.4563, OTHER WEHT Local, Local 7 WTVW 800 Marywood Drive Henderson, KY 42420 (812) 424-7777 (270) 8270561, KBUR/AM 1490 & KGRS/FM 107.3 1411 N. Roosevelt Ave., P.O Box 70 Burlington, IA 52601 319.752.2701 319 752 5287 319.754.6698 319.754.8899 314.444.6333 314.621.4775 314.436.2424 314.436.2434; KCPS/AM 1150 KMOV Ch. 4 KNLC Ch. 24 610 North 4th Street, Suite 310 Burlington, IA 52655 One Memorial Dr. St. Louis, MO 63102 P.O. Box 924 St. Louis, MO 63188 (262) 248-8096 262.248.4476 Newton County Enterprise 2250 Ball Drive St. Louis, MO 63146 315 Broad Street, P.O. Box 937 Lake Geneva, WI 53147 305 E. Graham Street Kentland, IN 47951 219.474.5532 219.474.5354 Racine Journal Times 212 4th Street Racine, WI 53403 262.634.3322 262.631.1780 River Cities Reader 532 West Third Street Davenport, IA 52801 563.324.0049 563.323.3101, St. Louis Metro Evening Whirl P.O. Box 8055 St. Louis, MO 63156 678.778.2616 St. Louis PostDispatch 900 N. Tucker Blvd. St. Louis, MO 63101 314.340.8000 314.340.3050,, Telegraph Herald 801 Bluff Street Dubuque, IA 52004 563.588.5611 563.588.5745 KTVI Ch. 2 Lake Geneva Regional News 314.213.7831 65 | P a g e Illinois 2016 Delegate Selection Plan for the Democratic National Convention WCYA/FM 102.3, WSRB/WYRB 106.3 6336 Calumet Ave. Hammond, IN 46324 773.734.4455 WJOB/AM 1230 7150 Indianapolis Blvd Hammond, IN 46324 219.844.1230 WDWQ/ Q102.7 FM 824 South 3rd Street Terre Haute, IN 47807 WMGI/ 100.7 FM, 219.989– 8505 812.232.4161 812.234.9999 824 South 3rd Street Terre Haute, IN 47807 812.232.4161 812.234.9999 WBOW/ 98.5 FM 824 South 3rd Street Terre Haute, IN 47807 812.232.4161 812.234.9999 WIBQ/AM 1440 Paris, IL WIBQ AM 1440 Terra Haute 824 South 3rd Street Terre Haute, IN 47807 812.232.4161 812.234.9999 WPSD TV Ch. 6 100 Television Lane Paducah, KY 42003 270.415.1900 270.415.1981 WTWO-TV Ch. 2 P.O. Box 9268 Terre Haute, IN 47808 812.696.2121 812.696.2000 66 | P a g e Illinois 2016 Delegate Selection Plan for the Democratic National Convention ATTACHMENTS TO THE DELEGATE SELECTION PLAN 1. A summary of the process for selecting delegates, alternates, standing committee members, the delegation chair and convention pages, along with related deadlines. (Reg. 2.2.A.) 2. A timetable reflecting all significant dates in the state’s delegate selection process. (Reg. 2.2.B.) 3. A statement from the State Democratic Chair certifying the Plan as submitted to the RBC was approved by the State Party Committee. (Reg. 2.2.C.) 4. A copy of the press release distributed by the State Party Committee announcing its adoption of the Plan and summarizing the major components of the Plan. (Reg. 2.2.D.) 5. A statement from the State Democratic Chair certifying that the proposed Plan, including all attachments and appendices, was placed on the State Party website during the 30-day public comment period. (Reg. 2.2.E.) 6. A statement from the State Democratic Chair certifying compliance with Rule 1.C. which requires a 30 day public comment period prior to the adoption of the Plan by the State Party Committee, provided that the State Party has published specific guidance for the submission of public comments. (Reg. 2.2.F.) 7. A copy of all written public and online comments submitted through the process provided above on the Plan. [Include information identifying each person and/or organization making the comment and where appropriate, a description of the person or group so represented, if such information has been provided or is available to the State Party.] (Reg. 2.2.G.) 8. A blank copy of forms to be filed with the state and the State Party by delegate, alternative, and standing committee candidates. (Rule 1.A.7, Rule 1.A.8 & Reg. 2.2.H.) 9. A statement from the Chair of the Affirmative Action Committee certifying compliance with Rule 6.F., which requires that the Affirmative Action Committee has reviewed the proposed Affirmative Action outreach plan, including any numerical goals established. (Reg. 2.2.I.) 10. A statement from State Democratic Chair outlining the reliable data and sources used for numerical goals established under Rules 5.C., 6.A., and 7. (Reg. 2.2.J.) 11. A statement from the State Democratic Chair certifying that the State Affirmative Action Committee composition complies with Rules 5.C, 6.A., and 7 67 | P a g e Illinois 2016 Delegate Selection Plan for the Democratic National Convention and that the names, demographic data and contact information of members was submitted to the RBC 15 days after their appointment. (Reg. 2.2.K.) 12. Copies of all state statutes and other relevant legal authority reasonably related to the Delegate Selection Process [For example, include any and all state statutory requirements related to: ballot access for presidential candidates; filing requirements for delegate and alternate candidates; timing of the presidential primary, caucuses, and/or the state convention; participation in the state’s presidential primary or caucuses, including Party registration or enrollment provisions; and any other stipulations made by the state regarding the selection process or the role of National Convention delegates.] (Reg. 2.2.L.) 13. A copy of all qualifying forms to be filed with the state and the State Party by presidential candidates. (Reg. 2.2.M.) 68 | P a g e APPENDIX A CHAIR CERTIFICATIONS APPENDIX B PRESS RELEASES FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE FOR MORE INFORMATION Steve Brown 217-546-7404 847-922-5361 Illinois Democratic Party Adopts 2016 Delegate Selection Plan SPRINGFIELD: The Central Committee of the Democratic Party of Illinois unanimously adopted a new delegate selection plan in advance of the 2016 Presidential election cycle. “This plan puts Illinois Democrats in full compliance with the Democratic National Committee requirements,” said Chairman Michael J. Madigan. “All Illinoisans can now begin the process of launching their campaigns to win election as a delegate to the 2016 Democratic National Convention.” The 2016 convention will be held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania the week of July 25, 2016. District-level delegates will be elected during the March 15, 2016 primary. Nominating petitions and statement of candidacy forms must be filed with the Illinois State Board of Elections between January 4 and January 6, 2016. Copies of the statement of candidacy and pledges of support must be filed with the state party during that same period. Party leaders, at-large delegates and at-large alternates will be selected by the state delegation at the May 9, 2016 meeting. Statements of candidacy and pledges of support must be filed with the state party by April 15, 2016. Standing committee members, the delegation chair and convention pages will also be selected during the May meeting. The full text of the delegate selection plan and required filing documents are available at or by calling the Springfield headquarters at 217-546-7404. # # # FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE FOR MORE INFORMATION Steve Brown: 217-546-7404 847-922-5361 Illinois Democrats Release 2016 Delegate Selection Plan for Review Springfield: The Central Committee of the Democratic Party of Illinois released the proposed delegate section plan for the 2016 Presidential Election cycle. “Once again, this plan puts Illinois Democrats in full compliance with the Democratic National Committee requirements. It will allow all Illinoisans to begin the process of launching their campaigns to win election as delegate to the 2016 Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in July of 2016,” said Chairman Michael J. Madigan. The full text of the delegate selection plan will be available for public review on the Democratic Party of Illinois’ website,, or by calling the Springfield headquarters at 217-546-7404. Comments can be emailed to # # # APPENDIX C AFFIRMATIVE ACTION COMMITTEE CERTIFICATION APPENDIX D PUBLIC COMMENTS From: Stonewall Democrats <> Sent: Monday, June 15, 2015 3:07 PM To: Cc: Nelson, Sarah; Mapes, Tim Subject: Public Comment - Illinois Delegate Selection Plan Michael J. Madigan, chair Illinois Democratic Party 1201 South Veterans Parkway Springfield, IL 62704 Chair Madigan: On behalf of Stonewall Democrats nationwide, thank you for accepting our Delegate Selection Plan public comment. This is an exciting time and we're honored to be part of efforts to ensure 2016's delegation is the most diverse ever. To that end, Stonewall Democrats US is writing to offer technical assistance. In 2008, the RBC and the DNC established an Inclusion Rule (Rule 7) to further open our party to groups who have been historically underrepresented in the delegate selection process and were not addressed in the Affirmative Action Rule (Rule 6). For 2016, the rules further urge State Parties to provide goals for each of these groups as indicated by their presence in the Democratic electorate. Below we've provided two figures and a framework suitable for inclusion in your plan. Together they provide a calculation of 10.6% to satisfy Rule 7. Please consider the following LGBTQ studies that are new to the 2016 cycle. To determine the population of gender and sexual minorities across America, Gallup conducted 206,186 interviews between June 1 and Dec. 30, 2012. This is the largest single study of the distribution of the LGBTQ population on record, and the first time a study has had large enough sample sizes to provide estimates of the LGBTQ population by state. Within Illinois 7,038 people were interviewed and the study found 92% of residents identify straight and 8.0% do not. A second figure to consider is the tendency of LGBTQ to vote for Democratic candidates. To identify this percentage consider the National Election Poll (NEP) conducted by Edison Research in 2012 for ABC, CBS, CNN, Fox, NBC and the Associated Press. The NEP was a massive effort on November 6th, 2012 that collected, though in-person and telephone interactions, nearly 120,000 interviews within the span of 16 hours. The poll found 76% of LGBTQ voted for Barack Obama in the 2012 General Election. To calculate the percentage of LGBTQ in the Democratic electorate, simply take Illinois's 2012 turnout (5,242,014) and reduce it by the LGBTQ population (8.0%), multiply by the percentage of LGBTQ likely to vote Democratic (76%) and then divide everything by the number of Obama voters (3,019,512). This yields a LGBTQ presence of 10.6% in the Democratic electorate. 5,242,014 turnout * 8% population * 76% democratic performance = 10.6% 3,019,512 Democratic votes For your consideration we request a participating delegate goal of 10.6% LGBTQ and further request that goals be set for alternates, pages, and standing committee members in the same proportion. By setting representative goals in concert with the democratic electorate, together we can build the most inclusive convention ever. We appreciate your consideration and welcome your feedback and questions. Ralph Young National Delegation Coordinator Stonewall Democrats US APPENDIX E ILLINOIS STATUTES APPENDIX F DELEGATE FILING FORMS APPENDIX G PRESIDENTIAL FILINGS FORMS