J. Soc.Cosmet. Chem.,29, 537-544 (September1978) Useof microspectrophotometry in dermatological investigations GARY L. GROVE, ROBERT M. LAVKER and ALBERT M. KLIGMAN SimonGreenberg Foundation,3401 Market Street, Philadelphia,PA 19104. Received January25, 1978. Presented at AnnualScientific Meeting, Society of Cosmetic Chemists,December 1977, New York, New York. Synopsis Quantitativeestimationof dimensionsof structureand amountsof material in skin at the light microscope level has,until now, required time-consumingand tediousmethodsthat are often subjectto observererror. We have overcometheseproblemsby usinga Vickers M86 scanning-integrating microspectrophotometer. This analyticallight microscopedetectsthe amount of light which can passthrough a specimenand then electronicallyconvertsthisvalueinto unitsof absorbance andprojectedarea.This approachis very versatile and is in fact applicableto anybiologicalstructurewhichcanbe identifiedat the light microscopelevel andin which an appropriatechangein color intensitycan be realized.The fundamentalprinciplesof visible light MICROSPECTROPHOTOMETRY and its application to DERMATOLOGICAL STUDIES that objectively evaluatethe pathophysiologicalstatusof skin are described. INTRODUCTION For many years,light microscopists have been obliged to rely on "eyeballing"to assess suchitems as acanthosisor atrophy of the epidermis,enlargementor shrinkageof sebaceousglands,and the amountof dermalgroundsubstance in histochemicallystained sections.Awarenessof the crudeness of suchestimatesled to the developmentof more objectivemethodssuchasplanimetryand stereographic grid analysis.Althoughthese methodsare certainlyimprovements,they alsotend to be tedious,time-consumingand prone to humanerror. These problemsled us to considermicrospectrophotometryas an alternativemethod for analyzingdimensionsof structureand amountsof material in the samples. Until recently, this technique was considered to be of such an advancednature that only specializedexpertscould dream of usingit. The advent of commerciallyavailable instrumentsand improved histochemicalmethods have changedall this. Microspectrophotometryis currently at the heart of severalexcitingbiomedicalresearchprojects and no doubt the next few yearswill see an increasednumber of instrumentsof this type beingusedin the routine situationfor screening,diagnosisand other investigatory purposes. 537 538 JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS 24020 . Figure 1. The Vickers M-85 scanning-integrating microspectrophotometer, courtesyof Mr. Robert Osgood, Vickers Instruments,Inc., Woburn, Massachusetts With this in mind, we would like to describethe fundamentalprinciplesofmicrospectrophotometryand illustratehow a variety of parameters,whichare usefulin assessing the pathophysiological statusof humanskin, canthusbe easilyand rapidlymeasured. Specialemphasiswill be given to the Vickers M-85 scanning-integrating microspectrophotometer(Figure 1) that we routinely employ for our studies. INSTRUMENTAL DESIGN The principles of microspectrophotometryare similar to those of conventional spectrophotometry(Figure2). Both instrumentsare comprisedof three main units,viz., 1) DERMATOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS MACROSPECTROPHOTOM liable monochromator cuvette light • Iolutlon 539 ETRY photo detection lyltem & readout MICROSPECTROPHOTOMETRY • liable monochromator light microscope • o o photodetection Syllem & readout illde Figure 2. Comparison of microspectrophotometry with macrospectrophotometry, adaptedfrom Chayen andBitensky(3) a stablesourceof monochromatic light, 2) a sampleholderand 3) a photodetection system.The Beer-LambertLaw,whichdescribesthe exponentialrelationshipbetween absorptionof monochromatic light and the amountof absorbingmaterialthe light traverses, is the basisfor the measurement in both. The differences arise from the na- ture of the materialbeingmeasured.In conventional spectrophotometry, e.g.,Lowry proteindeterminations, onemeasures howmuchlightof a specificwavelengthcanpass through a cuvette containinga colored solution. In microspectrophotometry, the sampleholder is replacedby the opticaltrain of a microscope allowingmeasurements to be madeon biologicalspecimens. In contrastto the homogeneity of a coloredsolution, the majority of biologicalspecimensare quite heterogeneousand subjectto markeddistributional errors.This basicproblemcanbe illustratedby considering a squarespecimen(Figure 3) composedof four equal segmentseachof which hasa dif- ferenttransmittance--an expression of howmuchlightcanpassthroughthe specimen. The relative amount of absorbingmaterial in the specimencan be calculatedas the productof absorbance andarea.Note thatby determininganaveragetransmittance for the entire specimen,an error of.054 units of 15% has been made. This is the "distribu- tionalerror" andoccurswhenevera singledirect measurementof intensityismadeon objectswith regionsof diversetransmittance. On the otherhand,by calculating independentlyfor eachregionandsummingthe results,one takesinto accountspecimen heterogeneityand thusavoidsthe problem of distributionalerrors. The technicalaspectsof the Vickers M-85 scanningand integratingmicrospectrophotometer have been describedin detail elsewhere (2). In this instrument (Figure4), the specimenis viewedby a conventional light microscope systemandan adjustablephotoelectricgratingsystemis used to define the field to be measured. During operationthis field is scannedin a rasterfashionby a flyingspotlightprobe consisting of a smallbeamof lightfor whichthe materialexhibitsmaximalabsorption. 540 JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS DISTRIBUTIONAL ERROR Equations: m where = AB m,, ma•s of absorbing material in specimen A. absorbance (--log T) 80% B. area of photometeric field T = transmittance HETEROGENEOUS OBJECT MEAN T A .301 INTEGRATED X X B I = = M .301 units T A X B = M !4•.698 x,25 • .175 .398 .222 x x .25 .25 .097 x .25 = : • .100 .056 .024 .355 units Figure 3. Distributional error in a model system The specimenis divided into four equal areasof varyingchromophoreconcentrations.The mean valuewasdeterminedby measuringthe transmittanceof all areassimultaneously and the integratedvalueby measuring the transmittance of each area separately. The distributional error increasesas specimen heterogeneity increases. At each measuring point the light intensity of the object is transformed into absorbance by a specially designed analog convertor which makes use of the logarithmicallydecayingvoltage of a dischargingcondensorto transform the signals from the photomultiplier into a train of 10 kHz pulses.Since this circuitry simulates the Beer-Lambert Law, the duration of each of these pulses is proportional to the absorbance at the point. The digitized value of each sample point within the electronicallygatedmeasuringfield is storedin a computer.At the end of a scanning raster involving over 120,000 measurementsof samplearea, eachsmallenoughto be relatively free of distributional error, these signalsare integrated to give a value proportional to the amount of absorbingmaterial. Simultaneouslya seconddigitalmeter gives a reading which is proportional to the area of the specimen which has an absorbancegreater than any arbitrary chosenthreshold value. By usingstandardsof reference, the absorbance and area meters can be calibrated in absolute units of picogramsand squaremicrons,respectively. APPLICATION USING ABSORBANCE MEASUREMENTS Microspectrophotometrywas originally designedto estimate the DNA content of an individualcell by measuringthe absorbanceof Feulgen-stainednuclei.This methodhas DERMATOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS 541 INTEGRATED DENSITY & PROJECTED AREA MEASUREMENTS with ¾1CKERS M85 MICROSPECTROPHOTOMETER monochromltor h] flying-- spot lister • scIn sc.nner m.sk photomultip SPECIMEN VIEWING MASKING SYSTEM SYSTEM specimen photomultiplier -- ,Integr.ted Density signal cted Aree Figure4. Schematic drawing showing relationship ofthecomponents ofVickers M-85scanning-integrating microspectrophometer beenextremely fruitfulinstudies ofthecellcycle(2).Cellsin G• haveadiploid or2C DNA contents, cellsin G2,a 4C content, whilecellsin S haveintermediate values. Thusthepercentage ofcellswithDNA contents exceeding thediploid modecanbe usedto evaluate the degreeof proliferative activitysinceit is thesecellsthatare synthesizing DNAandpreparing todivide. Psoriasis, ahyperproliferative skindisease (4-6),hasbeenstudied inthismanner. Asexpected, therewasamarked increase inthe number ofhyperdiploid nucleiin thelesional skin;ofperhaps greater interest wasthe finding thatproliferative activity wasalsoelevated in theclinically normal-appearing skinaswell.Weareencouraged thatthisapproach, whichobviates theneedforradioisotopes, mayprovide information thatcanbeofdiagnostic orprognostic value. The Feulgen-DNA contentdistributions of tumortissues oftenreveals subtle anomalieswhich aid in the detectionof cancer.Recentlytwo groups(78) have presented evidence whichsuggests thatmicrospectrophotometry isuseful in thecytodiagnosis of mycosisfungoides, a malignantskin reticulosis. Microspectrophotometric measurements wereobtained inthese studies fromimprint specimens prepared bytouching freshbiopsy material to a glass slide.Patients withclinically definite mycosis fungoides hadabnormal Feulgen-DNA distributions withaneuploid andpolyploid values. Moreimportantly, eventhosepatients in thepremycotic stage wholaterwentontodevelop thisdisease couldbeprospectively identified onthebasis of subtlebutnonetheless realdifferences in theirFeulgen-DNAcontentdistributions. Thefinalimpact ofbeing abletoscreen formycosis fungoides intheearlystages could beconsiderable andwearecurrently tryingto furtherdevelopthiscytodiagnostic tool. 542 JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS Table I ProceduresAmenableto MicrospectrophotometricMeasurements 1) Histochemical & Cytochemical Staining Reactions: DNA (Feulgen,Gallocyanin-chromalium,methyl green) RNA (Azure B, Pyronin Y) Histones(Alkaline FastGreen, Eosin-FastGreen) Proteins(Naphthol Yellow S, Millon, Sakaguchi) Carbohydrates(PAS) Mucopolysaccharides(Alcian Blue, Mucicarmine, Colloidal iron) 2) EnzymaticHistochemistry: Lysosomal--BitenskyFragilityTest Mitochondrial--monoamine oxidase PentoseShunt--glucose-6phosphatedehydrogenase 3) Redox State: Prussianblue of Chevremont-Frederic 4) Natural Pigments: Cytochrome P~450 Hemoglobin 5) QuantitativeAutoradiography. Although most absorbanceapplications have centered on Feulgen-DNA measurements, the current surge of interest in microspectrophotometric analysisprobably stemsfrom recent developmentin other histochemicalmethods.Although the details of these proceduresare beyond the scopeof this overview, a few examplesthat are amenableto microspectrophotometricmeasurementsare listed in Table I. In general, these methods enable the detection of tissue chemical changes in the picogram (10-12g) rangewith a routineaccuracyof _+2%. The use of microspectrophotometryin conjunction with reliable histochemical methodsoffers severaladvantagesover the conventionalform of biochemicalanalyses ("grind and find"). First, it can be used to make many measurementson minimal amountsof sampletissue.Moreover, multiparameter analysescan often be achievedin the same specimen by using a combination of methods either simultaneouslyor sequentially.The most important advantageoffered by this approachis that it allows the investigatorto simply relate observedbiochemicalchangesto the structureof the biologicalspecimenbeing examined.Thus it is quite possibleto measuresuchthingsas amount of mucopolysaccharides in the dermis, keratohylin content in the granular layer, the sudanophiliaof lipids in sebaceous glands,lysosomalenzymeactivityof the basallayeror sulfhydrylor disulfidegroupsof keratin in situ. With the availabilityof suchinstrumentationone no longer needsto be contentwith making subjective appraisalsof staining intensities. Instead it is now quite easy to quantify the precise amounts of specificmaterial of a variety of dermatological specimensfrom normalor diseasedskin. APPLICATIONS USING The Vickers M-85 AREA MEASUREMENTS scanning-integrating microspectrophotometer allows one to measurethe projected area of the specimen.We have found this facility to be extremelyusefulin histogeometricanalyses.For example,the needfrequentlyarisesto measurethe mean epidermalthickness,a parameterwhich is markedlyinfluencedby disease and experimental manipulations. In the conventional approach, the value DERMATOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS 543 representsthe averageof 25 to 100 readingsat random spotsusingeyepiecegraticule (10). This is not only time consumingand tedious but is subjectto considerableerrors in specimenswith prominent fete-ridge patterns.We are not the first to recognizethis problem, as a method basedon the Quantiment microdensitometerhas been previously reported (11). The key word here is "microdensitometer,"becausethis approach monitors only differencesin grey levels--not color intensities.This presents problemswhen two or more colorsare present in the samephotometricfield and requires that the sectionsbe overstainedwith hematoxylen,which producesa dark blue color, enabling the Quantiment to detect these regions from fainter pink dermal components.With the Vickers M-86 microspectrophotometer thesecolorscanbe resolvedand projected area measurementsobtainedfor each colored component.Thus, by measuringthe areaoccupiedby the epidermisin a standardsizefield, one canobtain a global assessment of the dimensionsof the viable epidermal compartmentwith little difficulty. Muchof ourcurrentresearch ac.tivity isconcerned withdeveloping noninvasive testing proceduresfor monitoringthe physiologicalstatusof skin. One extremelypromising area is exfoliative cytology,which analyzescells shed from the body surfaces.Ken McGinley, in our laboratory,hasdeviseda simpledetergent-scrubmethod for quantitative samplingand cytomorphologicalvisualizationof the cellsmakingup the desquamatingportion of the horny layer (12). This approachhasproved to be very valuablein our studiesof psoriasis(13, 14), aging(15), dandruff (16, 17), contactdermatitis(18) and steriodatrophy(19). Many of thesestudiesindicatethat changesin corneocytesize permit a sensitiveevaluation of altered skin physiology,especiallyepidermpoieses. Unfortunately,sincethesecellstend to be quite irregularin shapethe techniquesthat have been employed to date to measurethis parameter (axial filar micrometry and polar planimetry) are subject to considerableerror. We can, however, rapidly and preciselymeasurechangesin corneocytesize by using the projected area feature of Vickers microspectrophotometry. CONCLUSION The range of applicationsfor both absorbanceand projected area measurements coveredby this brief surveyhopefully has provided some idea of how valuablethe microspectrophotometric approachcan be. By measuringlight absorbancecharacteristics we can analyze dimensionsof structure and amounts of material in any biological structurethat can be identified at the visiblelight microscopiclevel and in which an appropriate changein color intensitycan be realized. The powerful combinationof fast and accuarategeometricand absorbancemeasurementsgreatly expandsthe amountof information which can be obtained from dermatological specimens,viz., scrubs, biopsies,tissueslices,cultures,etc. In fact, the large number of measurementsavailable and the rapidity with which they can be performed meansthat restraintmust be exercisedto avoid the unfortunatecircumstanceof being surroundedby reamsof data which have little relevance to the question at hand. REFERENCES (1) R. BarerandF. 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