Global Carbon Impacts of Energy Using Products Global Carbon Impacts of Energy Using Products Report for Defra / the Market Transformation Programme by Klinckenberg Consultants Prepared by: Bilyana Chobanova Michael McNeil Virginie Letschert Lloyd Harrington Frank Klinckenberg Meerssen, April 2009. Contents Summary Overview Domestic products overview Commercial products overview Global CO2 emissions and mitigation 1 5 12 19 Methodology 20 Product group information sheets Product group: Domestic cold Product group: Domestic wet Product group: Domestic lighting Product group: Televisions Product group: Domestic ICT Product group: Consumer electronics, excluding TV and ICT Product group: Domestic cooking – electric Product group: Domestic cooking – gas Product group: Domestic water heaters – gas & oil Product group: Domestic water heaters – electricity Product group: Domestic boilers – gas & oil Product group: Domestic boilers – electricity Product group: Domestic air-conditioning Product group: Commercial refrigeration Product group: Commercial lighting Product group: Street lighting Product group: Commercial ICT Product group: Motors – electric Product group: Commercial boilers – oil & gas Product group: Commercial boilers – electricity Product group: Commercial water heating – oil & gas Product group: Commercial water heating – electricity Product group: Commercial air-conditioning Product group: Heat pumps (heating and cooling) 24 25 28 32 37 39 41 43 45 46 48 50 53 54 58 60 64 66 68 71 72 73 74 75 79 Market Transformation Programme: Global Carbon Impacts of Energy Using Products Summary Overview Defra is interested to understand the global carbon impacts of energy-using products, and commissioned an analysis describing these impacts for a range of product sectors. This analysis should also cover the global market size and growth potential of the various sectors. In addition, Defra wants to be informed about the countries and programmes currently engaged in developing policies for a range of energy-using products, and those with specific expertise for some products. These questions were addressed through a quick review of available materials and to build on that, as needed and practicable, rather than to do a full bottom-up analysis of all product sectors. That approach is in line with our common approach for similar studies, as quite often the summary information needed is already available and needs only to be collated in an accessible format to support an analysis, or basic information (e.g. about sales and usage data in a country) is missing and can only be collected at disproportional costs. Further, some of the objectives of the works, especially those about countries involved in work on specific products, are essentially requests for opinions, which are often better provided in the form of a consensus view of qualified experts. In a first stage, information was collected about global trade volumes and (current and projected) carbon impacts of products. This is presented for 10 regions (defined in the table below) and globally. This was complemented with information about test and performance standards in use in all main economies. Overview have been prepared of the main issues per product group, related to product testing and product performance, based on our analysis of the data and expert opinion, and provide information about the countries active in and leading on specific product groups, alone or in international collaborations. All detailed information is presented in Product groups information sheets, while comparison of the market, energy demand and carbon impact data for the different product groups is given in this summary, as well as regional distribution for the top five impact product groups. Regions definitions Region Oceania North America Western Europe Central and Eastern Europe Former Soviet Union Latin America Sub-Saharan Africa North Africa/Middle East Centrally Planned Asia South Asia/Other Pacific Asia PAO NAM WEU EEU FSU LAM SSA MEA CPA SAS-PAS The determination of the Base Case End Use Energy Demand, Market Size and Carbon Emissions Mitigation has been made through a bottom-up model developed by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. This model, called the Bottom-Up Energy Analysis System (BUENAS) forecasts the uptake and consumption of individual technologies in the residential and commercial building sub-sectors. The model takes a modular approach, and builds up sub-sector energy one end-use at a time. In the first module, energy service demand (activity) is modelled according to trends in economic growth. In the residential sector, the ownership of each appliance is modelled econometrically according to projections of household income, urbanization, electrification, and heating and cooling degree days in the case of space heating and cooling. In the commercial sector, total commercial floor=space is forecast, and is coupled with end use per-area intensity as a function of economic development. This module results in a projection of total appliance stock, or per area penetration, from which turnover (sales) is determined from new installations and replacements. 1 Market Transformation Programme: Global Carbon Impacts of Energy Using Products Modular structure of the Bottom-Up Energy Analysis System (BUENAS) The second module determines end use energy intensity in the base case and in a high-efficiency (efficiency standards) scenario, resulting in energy savings and carbon mitigation. Baseline energy efficiency parameters are based on current technology mix and engineering data at the regional level – recent energy efficiency policies, such as those promoting a shift towards more efficient lighting technology, have not been taken into account in this scenario. Efficiency scenario targets are based on existing standards and labelling programs throughout the world, assuming achievement of cost-effective efficiency levels by 2020, and intermediate targets by 2010. A third module tracks the penetration of high efficiency equipment according to mean equipment lifetimes, and an assumption of minimum efficiency performance standards (MEPS) in 2010 and 2020. The modular structure of BUENAS is shown in the figure. The determination of energy demand, market size and carbon emissions mitigation are as follows: Base Case Energy Demand – Penetration of each end use technology in each region over the forecast period, multiplied by baseline energy consumption (electricity or fuel), and multiplied by number of households or commercial floor space. Energy related emissions result from the energy demand estimates, multiplied by a carbon factor in each year. Electricity carbon factors taken from IEA data are used, which is averaged over countries, yielding a carbon factor for each region. Fuel energy is converted using a single universal multiplier for natural gas. Market Size – Turnover rate of each product, as the sum of new installations (due to new floor space, population growth or increase in ownership rate) plus replacements (determined by retirement of equipment installed in previous years) Emissions Mitigation – Difference in energy savings in Base Case and Efficiency Case, multiplied by carbon factors (CO2 per unit of electricity or fuel), forecast at a regional level. The availability of data for the different products groups varies a lot, the table below shows what kind of data has been available for a different product groups, indicates where gaps in the information exist, as well as gives details on what products are covered with the data presented. In general data has been searched and analysed for 29 product groups, for 17 groups most of the information has been collected, for 19 some gaps exist and for three product groups no information is available on a global scale. 2 Market Transformation Programme: Global Carbon Impacts of Energy Using Products Product group 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Domestic cold2 Domestic wet3 Domestic lighting TVs Domestic ICT4 Consumer electronics5 Domestic cooking - el6 Domestic cooking - gas7 Domestic boilers - gas8 Domestic boilers - oil Domestic air - conditioning Commercial refrigeration Commercial lighting Street lighting Commercial ICT9 Servers Commercial cooking - el Commercial cooking - gas Motors electric10 Commercial boilers - gas11 Commercial boilers - oil Commercial air - conditioning Heat pumping UEC1 yes yes yes yes n.a yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes n.a yes n.a n.a n.a x yes yes yes n.a Market size yes yes yes yes n.a yes yes n.a yes yes yes yes yes n.a yes n.a n.a n.a n.a yes yes yes n.a Energy Energy related Demand emissio ns yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes n.a n.a yes yes yes yes n.a n.a yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes n.a n.a n.a n.a n.a n.a yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes n.a n.a 3 Emissio n mitigati on yes yes yes yes n.a yes yes n.a yes yes yes yes yes yes yes n.a n.a n.a yes yes yes yes n.a Policy overvie w yes yes yes yes n.a yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes n.a n.a n.a yes yes yes yes yes Additional product groups Product group 1 Domestic boilers electricity 2 Domestic water heating electricity 3 Domestic water heating fuel 1 UEC yes yes yes Market size yes yes yes El. Carbon Demand impact yes yes yes yes yes yes Policy Test overview methods n.a n.a yes yes yes yes Unit Energy Consumption Market size, energy demand, related emissions and emission mitigation potential data are only for refrigerators and combined refrigerators/freezers, market share and impact of stand alone freezers not significant on a global scale. 3 Market size, energy demand, related emissions and emission mitigation potential data are only for washing machines. Market share and impact of dishwashers are not significant on a global scale. 4 Market size, energy demand and emission mitigation potential data, based on Stand-by power for domestic ICT are included in Consumer electronic product group. 5 Energy demand, related emissions and carbon impact calculations are available for stand-by power only. The range of products under this category is too wide to be able to estimate actual demand and emission in working mode. 6 Market size, energy demand, related emissions and emission mitigation potential data are available for ovens only. 7 Market size, energy demand, related emissions and emission mitigation potential data are available for ovens only. 8 Market size, energy demand, related emissions and emission mitigation potential data are available for domestic water boilers using fuel in total (oil and gas). 9 Energy demand, related emissions and carbon impact calculations for commercial ICT are based on stand-by power only. 10 Energy demand, related emissions and carbon impact calculations are available for industrial motors only. 11 Market size, energy demand, related emissions and emission mitigation potential data are available for commercial water boilers using fuel in total (oil and gas). 2 Market Transformation Programme: Global Carbon Impacts of Energy Using Products 4 Commercial boilers electricity 5 Commercial water heating electricity 6 Commercial water heating fuel yes n.a yes yes yes yes yes yes yes 4 yes yes yes n.a n.a n.a n.a n.a n.a Market Transformation Programme: Global Carbon Impacts of Energy Using Products 5 Domestic products overview Global market estimates, thousand units12 Product group Electricity Domestic cold Domestic wet TVs Domestic lighting Consumer electronics Domestic cooking el Domestic boiler electricity Domestic water heating electricity Domestic air-conditioning Fuel Domestic boilers, fuel Domestic water heating, fuel 2005 2020 97 223 79 775 150 382 13 239 988 405 976 32 990 13 386 16 925 17 539 149 743 126 883 225 294 19 286 056 592 130 42 971 20 340 23 963 25 581 41 700 58 626 62 317 86 310 Source: M. McNeil, V. E. Letschert, Lawrence Berkeley National laboratory, Feb 2009 Global market estimates for domestic lighting, thousand units Thousand units 2005 2020 Incandescent lighting 12 592 146 18 313 301 Fluorescent lighting 295 383 439 694 Compact fluorescent lights 352 459 53 3061 Total 13 239 988 19 286 056 Relative share 2005 2020 95% 95% 2% 2% 3% 3% 4011 4041 Source: M. McNeil, V. E. Letschert, Lawrence Berkeley National laboratory, Feb 2009 Global market estimates, domestic products 700000 600000 thousand units 500000 400000 300000 200000 100000 0 Domestic cold Domestic wet TVs Consumer electronics Domestic cooking el 2005 12 Domestic water Domestic water boiler, electricity heating, electricity 2020 Figures on domestic lighting are given in a separate table Domestic airconditioning Domestic water boilers, fuel Domestic water heating, fuel Market Transformation Programme: Global Carbon Impacts of Energy Using Products 6 Market estimates by product groups and region 70000 thousand units 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 2005 2020 2005 Domestic cold PAO NAM 2020 2005 Domestic wet WEU EEU FSU LAM 2020 Television SSA MEA CPA SAS-PAS Domestic lighting market estimates, regional 6000000 thousand units 5000000 4000000 3000000 2000000 1000000 0 2005 PAO NAM WEU 2020 EEU FSU LAM SSA MEA CPA SAS-PAS Consumer electronics market estimates, regional 140000 120000 thousand units 100000 80000 60000 40000 20000 0 2005 PAO NAM WEU 2020 EEU FSU LAM SSA MEA CPA SAS-PAS Energy demand estimates, TWh Electricity Domestic cold Domestic wet TVs Domestic lighting Consumer electronics and ICT Domestic cooking Domestic boiler electricity Domestic water heating electricity Domestic air-conditioning Fuel Domestic boilers 2005 977,1 231,5 266,7 707,9 230,4 103,5 596,9 746,2 400,8 2005 5 982,7 2030 1 238,6 429,6 1 080,2 1 421,6 428,8 149,8 913,8 1 097,3 929,9 2030 9 295,7 Market Transformation Programme: Global Carbon Impacts of Energy Using Products Domestic water heating 1 734,7 2 723,8 Source: M. McNeil, V. E. Letschert, Lawrence Berkeley National laboratory, Feb 2009 Domestic products energy demand, electricity 1600 1400 1200 TWh 1000 800 600 400 200 0 Domestic cold Domestic wet TVs Domestic lighting Consumer electronics 2005 Domestic cooking el 2030 Domestic Domestic Domestic airwater boiler, water heating, conditioning electricity electricity Domestic products energy demand, fuel 10000 9000 8000 7000 TWh 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 Domestic water boilers, f uel Domestic water heating, f uel 2005 2030 Domestic appliances energy demand, regional 6 000 5 000 3 000 2 000 1 000 2030 CPA MEA SSA SAS-PAS 2005 LAM FSU EEU WEU NAM 0 PAO TWh 4 000 7 Market Transformation Programme: Global Carbon Impacts of Energy Using Products Domes tic Wa ter Hea ting, fuel Domes tic wa ter boi l er, fuel Domestic product groups energy demand, Regional 6 000 Domes tic Wa ter Hea ting, el Domes tic wa ter boi l er, el 5 000 Tel evi s i on TWh 4 000 Cons umer el ectroni cs Domes tic a i rcodi tioni ng Domes tic col d 3 000 2 000 Domes tic cooki ng, el ectri ci ty Domes tic wet 1 000 Domes tic Li ghting PAO NAM WEU EEU FSU LAM SSA MEA CPA 2030 2005 2030 2005 2030 2005 2030 2005 2030 2005 2030 2005 2030 2005 2030 2005 2030 2005 2030 2005 0 SASPAS Energy demand estimates by product groups and region TWh 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 2005 2030 2005 Domestic cold PAO NAM WEU EEU 2030 2005 Television FSU LAM SSA MEA 2030 Domestic lighting CPA SAS-PAS Energy demand estimates by product groups and region TWh 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 2005 2030 2005 Domestic water boiler electricity PAO NAM WEU EEU 2030 2005 Domestic water heating, electricity FSU LAM SSA MEA CPA 2030 Domestic air-conditioning SAS-PAS TWh Energy demand estimates by product groups and region 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 2005 2030 2005 Domestic water boiler fuel PAO NAM WEU EEU FSU LAM SSA 2030 Domestic water heating, fuel MEA CPA SAS-PAS 8 Market Transformation Programme: Global Carbon Impacts of Energy Using Products Energy related emissions, MtCO2 2005 443,5 137 209,9 493,7 159,6 55,9 377,4 501,8 258,6 998,3 289,5 Domestic cold Domestic wet TVs Domestic lighting Consumer electronics Domestic cooking el Domestic boiler electricity Domestic water heating electricity Domestic air-conditioning Domestic boilers, fuel Domestic water heating, fuel 2030 812,4 224,4 709,9 831,5 244,7 63,4 469,7 613,6 495,5 1551,1 454,5 Source: M. McNeil, V. E. Letschert, Lawrence Berkeley National laboratory, Feb 2009 Domestic products energy related emissions 1800 1600 1400 MtCO2 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 Domestic Domestic wet cold TVs Domestic Consumer Domestic lighting electronics cooking el 2005 2030 Domestic Domestic Domestic air- Domestic water boiler water heating conditioning water boilers, electricity electricity fuel Domestic water heating, fuel 2030 CPA MEA SSA SAS-PAS 2005 LAM FSU EEU WEU NAM 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 PAO MtCO2 Domestic products energy related emissions, regional 9 Market Transformation Programme: Global Carbon Impacts of Energy Using Products Energy Related Emissions by product groups and region 350 300 MtCO2 250 200 150 100 50 0 2005 2030 2005 Domestic cold PAO NAM 2030 2005 Television WEU EEU FSU 2030 Domestic lighting LAM SSA MEA CPA SAS-PAS Energy Related Emissions by product groups and region 600 MtCO2 500 400 300 200 100 0 2005 2030 Domestic water boiler electricity PAO NAM 2005 2030 Domestic water heating, electricity WEU EEU FSU 2005 2030 Domestic airconditioning LAM SSA MEA 2005 2030 Domestic water boiler fuel CPA SAS-PAS Emission mitigation potential, MtCO2 Domestic cold Domestic wet TVs Domestic lighting Consumer electronics Domestic cooking el Domestic boiler electricity Domestic water heating electricity Domestic air-conditioning Domestic boilers, fuel Domestic water heating, fuel 2020 128 32 134 125 79 15 53 12 11 43 7 2030 303 63 251 292 192 30 108 137 74 110 21 Source: M. McNeil, et al, “Global Potential of Energy Efficiency Standards and Labelling Programs”, Lawrence Berkeley National laboratory, Nov 2008; M. McNeil, V. E. Letschert, Lawrence Berkeley National laboratory, Feb 2009 10 Market Transformation Programme: Global Carbon Impacts of Energy Using Products Domestic products emissions mitigation potential 350 300 MtCO2 250 200 150 100 50 0 Domestic cold Domestic wet TVs Domestic lighting Consumer electronics Domestic cooking el 2020 Domestic water boiler electricity 2030 Domestic water heating electricity Domestic Domestic Domestic airwater water conditioning boilers, fuel heating, fuel Domestic products emissions mitigation potential, regional 400 MtCO2 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 Domestic product groups emissions mitigation potential 400 CPA Domestic Water Heating, fuel Domestic water boiler, fuel Domestic Water Heating, el 350 300 Domestic water boiler, el 250 200 Television Consumer electronics 150 100 Domestic air-comditioning 50 0 Domestic cold 2020 2030 2020 2030 2020 2030 2020 2030 2020 2030 2020 2030 2020 2030 2020 2030 2020 2030 2020 2030 Mt CO 2 MEA SSA 2030 SAS-PAS 2020 LAM FSU EEU WEU NAM PAO 0 PAONAMWEU EEU FSU LAM SSA MEA CPA SASPAS Domestic cooking, electricity Domestic wet Domestic Lighting 11 Market Transformation Programme: Global Carbon Impacts of Energy Using Products Commercial products overview Energy demand estimates, TWh Electricity Commercial refrigeration Commercial lighting Commercial ICT Motors, electric Commercial boiler Commercial water heating Commercial air-conditioning Fuel Domestic boiler Domestic water heating 2005 267,2 872,6 297,3 3892,7 283,3 351,7 556,5 2005 2247,6 796,1 2020 508,5 1647,5 565,8 7655,7 443 485,7 1197,7 2020 3328,8 1148,4 Source: M. McNeil, V. E. Letschert, Lawrence Berkeley National laboratory, Feb 2009 M. McNeil, et al, “Global Potential of Energy Efficiency Standards and Labelling Programs for Industrial motors”, Lawrence Berkeley National laboratory, April 2008 Commercial products energy demand, electricity 1800 1600 1400 TWh 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 Commercial refrigeration Commercial lighting Commercial ICT 2005 Commercial water Commercial water Commercial air- boiler heating conditioning 2030 Industrial motors electricity demand 9000 8000 7000 TWh 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 Motors, electric 2005 2030 12 Market Transformation Programme: Global Carbon Impacts of Energy Using Products Commercial products energy demand, fuel 3500 3000 TWh 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 Domestic water boiler 2005 Domestic water heating 2030 Commercial products energy demand, regional 3 500 3 000 TWh 2 500 2 000 1 500 1 000 500 CPA MEA SSA 2030 SAS-PAS 2005 LAM FSU EEU WEU NAM PAO 0 2030 CPA MEA SSA SAS-PAS 2005 LAM FSU EEU WEU NAM 2 000 1 800 1 600 1 400 1 200 1 000 800 600 400 200 0 PAO TWh Industrial motors electricity demand, regional 13 Market Transformation Programme: Global Carbon Impacts of Energy Using Products Commercial product groups energy demand, Regional Commerci a l Wa ter Hea ting, fuel 3 000 Commerci a l Wa ter boi l er, fuel 2 500 Commerci a l Wa ter Hea ting, el . TWh 2 000 Commerci a l Wa ter boi l er, el . 1 500 Commerci a l ICT 1 000 Commerci a l Refri gera tion 500 Commerci a l a i rcondi tioni ng PAO NAM WEU EEU FSU LAM SSA MEA CPA Commerci a l Li ghting 2030 2005 2030 2005 2030 2005 2030 2005 2030 2005 2030 2005 2030 2005 2030 2005 2030 2005 2030 2005 0 SASPAS TWh Energy demand estimates by product groups and region 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 2005 2030 2005 Commercial refrigeration PAO 2030 2005 Commercial lighting NAM WEU EEU FSU 2030 2005 Commercial ICT LAM SSA 2030 Commercial airconditioning MEA CPA SAS-PAS TWh Energy demand estimates by product groups and region 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 2005 2030 Motors PAO NAM WEU EEU FSU LAM SSA MEA CPA SAS-PAS 14 Market Transformation Programme: Global Carbon Impacts of Energy Using Products Energy demand estimates by product groups and region 1200 1000 TWh 800 600 400 200 0 2005 2030 2005 Commercial water boiler, fuel PAO NAM WEU EEU 2030 Commercial water heating, fuel FSU LAM SSA MEA CPA SAS-PAS Energy related emissions, MtCO2 2005 2030 165,3 275,2 578,2 937,5 183,9 306,2 2848,5 4 497,70 239,3 304,6 203,4 222,2 375 555,4 132,8 191,6 Commercial refrigeration Commercial lighting Commercial ICT Motors, electric Commercial boiler, electricity Commercial air-conditioning Commercial boiler, fuel Commercial water heating, fuel Source: M. McNeil, V. E. Letschert, Lawrence Berkeley National laboratory, Feb 2009; M. McNeil, et al, “Global Potential of Energy Efficiency Standards and Labelling Programs for Industrial motors”, Lawrence Berkeley National laboratory, April 2008 Commercial products energy related emissions 1000 900 800 MtCO2 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Commercial refrigeration Commercial lighting Commercial ICT 2005 Commercial water Commercial air- Commercial water Commercial water boiler, electricity conditioning boiler, fuel heating, fuel 2030 Commercial products energy related emissions 5000 4500 4000 MtCO2 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 2005 2030 Motors, electric 15 Market Transformation Programme: Global Carbon Impacts of Energy Using Products 16 Commercial products energy related emissions, regional 1400 1200 MtCO2 1000 800 600 400 200 CPA MEA 2030 SAS-PAS 2005 SSA LAM FSU EEU WEU NAM PAO 0 Commercial products energy related emissions, regional 1400 1200 MtCO2 1000 800 600 400 200 CPA MEA 2030 SAS-PAS 2005 SSA LAM FSU EEU WEU NAM PAO 0 MtCO2 EEnergy Related Emissions by product groups and region 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 2005 2030 2005 Commercial refrigeration PAO NAM 2030 2005 Commercial lighting WEU EEU FSU 2030 Commercial ICT LAM SSA MEA 2005 2030 Commercial water boiler, fuel CPA SAS-PAS Market Transformation Programme: Global Carbon Impacts of Energy Using Products MtCO2 Energy Related Emissions by product groups and region 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 2005 2030 Motors PAO NAM WEU EEU FSU LAM SSA MEA CPA SAS-PAS Emission mitigation potential, MtCO2 2020 54 62 4,5 48 3,6 58 9,5 5,5 Commercial refrigeration Commercial lighting Commercial ICT Motors, electric Commercial boiler, electricity Commercial air-conditioning Commercial boiler, fuel Commercial water heating, fuel 2030 94 203 15 150 7 214 32 11 Source: M. McNeil, et al, “Global Potential of Energy Efficiency Standards and Labelling Programs”, Lawrence Berkeley National laboratory, Nov 2008; M. McNeil, V. E. Letschert, Lawrence Berkeley National laboratory, Feb 2009; M. McNeil, et al, “Global Potential of Energy Efficiency Standards and Labelling Programs for Industrial motors”, Lawrence Berkeley National laboratory, April 2008 Commercial products emissions mitigation potential 250 MtCO2 200 150 100 50 0 Commercial Commercial refrigeration lighting Commercial ICT Motors, electric 2020 2030 Commercial Commercial air- Commercial Commercial water boiler, conditioning water boiler, fuel water heating, electricity fuel 17 Market Transformation Programme: Global Carbon Impacts of Energy Using Products Commercial products emissions mitigation potential, regional 250 MtCO2 200 150 100 50 CPA SAS-PAS SAS-PAS MEA SSA CPA 2020 LAM FSU EEU WEU NAM PAO 0 2030 Emissions Mitigation Potential, Industrial Motors 70 60 MtCO2 50 40 30 20 10 2020 MEA SSA LAM FSU EEU WEU NAM PAO 0 2030 Commercial product groups emissions mitigation potential 250 200 100 50 0 2020 2030 2020 2030 2020 2030 2020 2030 2020 2030 2020 2030 2020 2030 2020 2030 2020 2030 2020 2030 Mt CO 2 150 PAO NAM WEU EEU FSU LAM SSA MEA CPA SASPAS Commercial Water Heating, fuel Commercial Water boiler, fuel Commercial Water Heating, el. Commercial Water boiler, el. Commercial ICT Commercial Refrigeration Commercial airconditioning Commercial Lighting 18 Market Transformation Programme: Global Carbon Impacts of Energy Using Products Global CO2 emissions and mitigation13 13 Vattenfall’s global climate change abatement map. 2007, 19 Market Transformation Programme: Global Carbon Impacts of Energy Using Products Methodology Defra is interested to understand the global carbon impacts of energy-using products, and commissioned an analysis describing these impacts for a range of product sectors. This analysis should also cover the global market size and growth potential of the various sectors. In addition, Defra wants to be informed about the countries and programmes currently engaged in developing policies for a range of energy-using products, and those with specific expertise for some products. These questions were addressed through a quick review of available materials and to build on that, as needed and practicable, rather than to do a full bottom-up analysis of all product sectors. That approach is in line with our common approach for similar studies, as quite often the summary information needed is already available and needs only to be collated in an accessible format to support an analysis, or basic information (e.g. about sales and usage data in a country) is missing and can only be collected at disproportional costs. Further, some of the objectives of the works, especially those about countries involved in work on specific products, are essentially requests for opinions, which are often better provided in the form of a consensus view of qualified experts. The main objectives of the work were to determine: Global market size on a product sector basis Global carbon impact on a product sector basis Growth potential on a product sector basis What products have the main energy efficiency/policy issues? What countries are working on these internationally on behalf of policy makers? Are these countries working through collaborative activities e.g. IEA, APP, International MoU, Communities of Practice, other? What countries have particular product policy development expertise? The Study covers the following product sectors: Domestic cold Domestic wet Domestic lighting Televisions Domestic ICT Consumer electronics excluding TVs and domestic ICT Domestic cooking – electric Domestic cooking – gas Domestic boilers (space and water heating) – gas Domestic boilers (space and water heating) – oil Domestic boilers (space and water heating) - electricity Domestic air-conditioning Commercial refrigeration Commercial lighting Street lighting Commercial ICT Servers Commercial cooking – electric Commercial cooking – gas Motors- electric all that are not over lapping with other categories in this list Commercial boilers (space and water heating) – gas Commercial boilers (space and water heating) – oil Commercial boilers (space and water heating) – electricity Commercial air-conditioning Heat pumping (heating and cooling) 20 Market Transformation Programme: Global Carbon Impacts of Energy Using Products In a first stage, information was collected about global trade volumes and (current and projected) carbon impacts of products. This is presented for 10 regions (defined in the table below) and globally. This was complemented with information about test and performance standards in use in all main economies. Overview have been prepared of the main issues per product group, related to product testing and product performance, based on our analysis of the data and expert opinion, and provide information about the countries active in and leading on specific product groups, alone or in international collaborations. Region definitions Region Oceania North America Western Europe Central and Eastern Europe Former Soviet Union Latin America Sub-Saharan Africa North Africa/Middle East Centrally Planned Asia South Asia/Other Pacific Asia PAO NAM WEU EEU FSU LAM SSA MEA CPA SAS-PAS Data on global trade volumes and (current and projected) carbon impacts of products has been derived from recently published reports on Global product Impact by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. The Base Case End Use Energy Demand, Market Size and Carbon Emissions Mitigation were determined through a bottom-up model developed by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. This model, called the Bottom-Up Energy Analysis System (BUENAS) forecasts the uptake and consumption of individual technologies in the residential and commercial building sub-sectors. The model takes a modular approach, and builds up sub-sector energy one end-use at a time. In the first module, energy service demand (activity) is modelled according to trends in economic growth. In the residential sector, the ownership of each appliance is modelled econometrically according to projections of household income, urbanization, electrification, and heating and cooling degree days in the case of space heating and cooling. In the commercial sector, total commercial floor=space is forecast, and is coupled with end use per-area intensity as a function of economic development. This module results in a projection of total appliance stock, or per area penetration, from which turnover (sales) is determined from new installations and replacements. The second module determines end use energy intensity in the base case and in a high-efficiency (efficiency standards) scenario, resulting in energy savings and carbon mitigation. Baseline energy efficiency parameters are based on current technology mix and engineering data at the regional level. Efficiency scenario targets are based on existing standards and labelling programs throughout the world, assuming achievement of costeffective efficiency levels by 2020, and intermediate targets by 2010. A third module tracks the penetration of high efficiency equipment according to mean equipment lifetimes, and an assumption of minimum efficiency performance standards (MEPS) in 2010 and 2020. The modular structure of BUENAS is shown in the figure. 21 Market Transformation Programme: Global Carbon Impacts of Energy Using Products Modular structure of the Bottom-Up Energy Analysis System (BUENAS) The determination of energy demand, market size and carbon emissions mitigation were as follows: Base Case Energy Demand – Penetration of each end use technology in each region over the forecast period, multiplied by baseline energy consumption (electricity or fuel), and multiplied by number of households or commercial floor space. Energy related emissions result from the energy demand estimates, multiplied by a carbon factor in each year. Electricity carbon factors taken from IEA data are used, which is averaged over countries, yielding a carbon factor for each region. Fuel energy is converted using a single universal multiplier for natural gas. Market Size – Turnover rate of each product, as the sum of new installations (due to new floor space, population growth or increase in ownership rate) plus replacements (determined by retirement of equipment installed in previous years) Emissions Mitigation – Difference in energy savings in Base Case and Efficiency Case, multiplied by carbon factors (CO2 per unit of electricity or fuel), forecast at a regional level. In parallel data has been collected via various international sources and databases (and in particular the APECESIS / CLASP database) to complete the overview of existing product policies in major world economies. This is presented in a form of summary table showing the countries that have implemented test methods, performance standards or labels for a product group/product and countries that are internationally leading in energy efficiency policy for a product group. Different test methods used in countries are analysed and possible options discussed for global harmonisation of test methods per product. Finally, an assessment was made which 22 Market Transformation Programme: Global Carbon Impacts of Energy Using Products countries are internationally active on behalf of policy makers per product group, whether these collaborate in some formal or informal way, and which have particular expertise for a product group. 23 Market Transformation Programme: Global Carbon Impacts of Energy Using Products Product group information sheets Detailed information per product group is presented in information sheets, on the following pages, for: Domestic cold Domestic wet Domestic lighting Televisions Domestic ICT Consumer electronics excluding TVs and domestic ICT Domestic cooking – electric Domestic cooking – gas Domestic boilers (space and water heating) – gas Domestic boilers (space and water heating) – oil Domestic boilers (space and water heating) - electricity Domestic air-conditioning Commercial refrigeration Commercial lighting Street lighting Commercial ICT Servers Commercial cooking – electric Commercial cooking – gas Motors- electric all that are not over lapping with other categories in this list Commercial boilers (space and water heating) – gas Commercial boilers (space and water heating) – oil Commercial boilers (space and water heating) – electricity Commercial air-conditioning Heat pumping (heating and cooling) 24 Market Transformation Programme: Global Carbon Impacts of Energy Using Products 25 Product group: Domestic cold Assumptions for unit energy consumption and efficiency improvement (refrigerators and combined refrigerators/freezers only) kWh / year Region Base 2010 2020 Assumption PAO 537 476 318 Based on current programs in Japan, AUS/NZ and Korea. Assume Korean market reaches 'A' level by 2020, Top Runner achieves additional 10% improvement, and AUS/NZ standards harmonize with those in the U.S. Efficiency in all countries reaches EU A+ level by 2020. NAM WEU EEU 562 506 391 Additional improvement found cost effective in 2010 by (Rosenquist, McNeil et al. 2006). Efficiency reaches EU A+ level by 2020. 364 268 271 Average reaches A level by 2010, A+ level by 2020. 483 268 271 Meets current EU standards by 2010, synchronized with WEU by 2020. FSU 644 483 271 Match EU 1999 MEPS by 2010. Average meets current ‘A’ level by 2015. LAM 440 261 216 Based on current MEPS in Mexico and Brazilian labelling program. Assume 39% improvement in Brazil by 2010. Mexican standards harmonized with U.S. by 2010. Efficiency reaches EU A+ level by 2020. MEA+SSA 445 364 271 Currently at pre-standard European levels. Achieves current EU levels by 2010. Efficiency reaches EU A+ level by 2020. CPA 489 353 302 2010 Baseline according to 2007 MEPS. Average meets current A level by 2010. Efficiency reaches EU A+ level by 2020. Based on current Indian standards and assumes an aggressive update in 2010. 548 301 223 Efficiency reaches EU A+ level by 2020. Source: M. McNeil, et al, “Global Potential of Energy Efficiency Standards and Labelling Programs”, Lawrence Berkeley National laboratory, Nov 2008 SAS-PAS Global market size, electricity demand and expected carbon impact Region PAO NAM WEU EEU FSU LAM SSA MEA CPA SASPAS GLOBAL Global market estimates, thousand units 2005 5650 10537 12572 2338 6427 10637 3743 4566 25044 15708 97223 2020 6821 14166 16155 2798 8581 15328 10389 6943 41295 27265 149743 Energy demand estimates, TWh 2005 43,3 82,1 70,2 17,3 66,4 56,8 10,8 24,7 139,1 66,3 577,1 2030 57,9 124,8 91,6 21,2 92,7 113,7 88,5 60,9 333,4 253,9 1238,6 Energy related carbon emissions, MtCO2 2005 27,7 48,4 26,7 9,5 36,3 57,3 11,3 9,7 156,3 60,3 443,5 2030 28,8 57,2 27,1 9,0 39,5 89,2 72,1 18,6 291,3 179,5 812,4 Emission mitigation potential, MtCO2 2020 1,6 2,8 3,6 2,1 5,1 18,4 5,9 4,8 41,0 42,6 128 2030 7,2 11,5 6,4 3,6 15,5 39,0 Source: M. McNeil, V. E. Letschert, Lawrence Berkeley National laboratory, Feb 2009 23,5 9,2 94,5 93,0 303 Overview of international efficiency policy and collaboration process Voluntary standard Australia/New Zeeland1 Brazil2 China3 EU4 India5 Japan6 USA/Canada7 Mandatory standard Voluntary Label Mandatory label x x x AS/NZS 4474:2001 x x x x RESP/001-REF GB/T 8059.2-1995 EN153:2006 AS/NZS 4474:1997 JIS C9801-2006 DoE CFR Part 430 x x x x x x x x Test standard Market Transformation Programme: Global Carbon Impacts of Energy Using Products other countries More than 20 other countries are considering or implementing efficiency policy instruments for domestic refrigerators 1Energy labelling for domestic refrigerators was firstly introduced in Australia in 1986, followed by introduction of minimum energy efficiency requirements in 1999 and new categorical label in 2000. In 2005 more stringent efficiency requirement broadly harmonised with US 2001 requirements were adopted. New energy labelling star rating algorithm will be introduced in April 2010. Proposed policy also sets out plans to introduce Energy star as primary endorsement label. 2 Brazil has introduced mandatory labelling scheme, from 2006, grading appliances from A-G as the EU labelling scheme. Firstly introduced in 1999, the MEP requirements in China has been revised twice in 2003 and 2007. Mandatory labelling has been put in force from 2005 and is operating in parallel with voluntary endorsement scheme set to promote energy conservation technology ** (China have cloned ISO15502 recently – have a mandatory energy labelling scheme) 3 4Apart from the 27 EU member states, European energy efficiency policy instruments are introduced or currently under consideration in a number of countries including Turkey, Ukraine, Croatia, Switzerland, Norway, Macedonia, Albania, Russia. In 2002 a voluntary scheme for energy efficiency labelling for frost free refrigerators was developed in India. Australian test standard is used as a reference test standard. An existing rating system for direct cool products has been in place since 2004. 5 Japan does not have MEPS; instead it operates the Top Runner standards program. This program aims to dramatically improve energy efficiency of appliances by setting target values based on the current highest efficiency level of each type of product instead of the current average efficiency level. Manufacturers and importers have to ensure the average (sales weighted) efficiency of all shipped appliances meet this standard by a specified date (the target year). The program allows for improvement over time, making manufacturers constantly increase the efficiency of appliances. In addition a voluntary labelling scheme has been initiated in 2000 to indicate compliance with the set criteria. The Top Runner standards are voluntary as there is no minimum level, however the program itself is mandatory for all manufacturers and importers. The Japanese test standard is identical to ISO. In 2010 the scheme will be revised according already set specification. Test standards were changed in 1999, 2001 and 2006 initially to harmonise with ISO, then to implement a test procedure that reflected the range of actual use in Japan. Circumvention has been a problem (minimising energy only in the test procedure). 6 Minimum standards of energy efficiency for many major appliances were established by the U.S. Congress in the National Appliance Energy Conservation Act (NAECA) of 1987, and in the National Appliance Energy Conservation Amendments of 1988. The first MEPs for refrigerators were introduced in 1990 and revised in 1993 and 2001. Two labelling programs exists “Energy guide” and “Energy Star”. The US policy is adopted also in Canada and Mexico. Canada adopted mandatory labelling in 1978 and the USA in 1980. 7 Test methods Test and reference test standards per country and products. Australia/New Zeeland1 Brazil2 China Product Test standard Freezers AS/NZS 4474.1:2007 Refrigeratorfreezer AS/NZS 4474.1-2007 Freezers RESP/001-REF Refrigeratorfreezer RESP/001-REF Freezers Refrigerator Refrigeratorfreezer EU India Japan GB/T 8059.3-1995 GB/T 8059.4-1993 GB 12021.2-2003 GB/T 8059.1-1995 GB/T 8059.2-1995 GB/T 8059.4-1993 EN153:2006 AS/NZS 4474.1:1997 JIS C9801-2006 Ref. standard ISO 5155 US DOE (closer) ISO 8187 ISO 8561:1995/ Amd.1:1967 ISO5155 (some elements), US DOE AHAMA HRF-1 ((closer), has developed considerably in isolation since 1985 ISO 5155 ISO 8187 ISO 8561 ISO 5155 ISO 8187 ISO 8561 ISO 8561:1995 ISO 5155 ISO 8561 (more recent) ISO 7371:1995/Adm.1:1997 ISO 8187 ISO 8561:1995/ Amd.1:1967 Not legally in force yet Based on old JIS – no 26 Market Transformation Programme: Global Carbon Impacts of Energy Using Products Korea KS C9305 Canada CAN/CSA-C 300-00 10 CFR Part 430 Subpart B App B1 USA similarities to ISO Similar to old JIS without door openings Same as US ANSI / AHAM HRF 1-1978 (cited in US DOE CFR430) Note: all 4 ISO standards were republished in 2005 as ISO15502. This has now been withdrawn and republished as IEC62252 (identical). Revision of IEC in progress to make it more globally applicable. Sources: APEC-ESIS energy standards information system at;; The main differences in the major test procedures for refrigerators and freezers are for the choice of ambient temperature used for the steady state energy test, the interior design operating temperatures, the method of measuring the interior operating temperatures (average versus maximum in freezer), whether frozen food compartments are loaded or not and whether door openings are included or not. The current refrigerator and freezer test procedures have varying levels of reproducibility and repeatability but are not likely to be very accurate at reflecting actual average in-use performance, even within a single economy’s borders. ISO/IEC test procedure drives European designs to have very cold freezers and warm fresh food temperatures. The use of a maximum test pack temperature decouples the test condition from the average compartment temperature which is an important energy driver for refrigerators and results in poorer repeatability. Test packs can take weeks to stabilise to get one satisfactory result. A global test procedure would require a much more extensive characterisation of the refrigeration system under a broad range of operating conditions coupled with an algorithm that is primed using data of actual local usage practice and conditions. JIS is the only test procedures that attempts to assess the impact of ambient temperature and processing loads (door openings and warm food/drink). The two elements have the largest impact on energy consumption during normal use. While JIS does assess these elements to some extent, it has many drawbacks and is not suitable for global adoption. For refrigerators and freezers, the way forward, at least in the short term, is unclear and most likely difficult with respect to harmonisation. The differences in test procedures are so significant and the number of economies involved is so large and the existing energy regulations so extensive, that the prospects of alignment are small, at least in the short term. Furthermore, on a technical level all of the existing test procedures have many weak points and none is clearly superior to any other. There is also a huge amount of institutional (industry, government and regulator) inertia associated with existing test procedures for refrigerators in many economies (e.g. regulations for energy labelling and MEPS); this makes the prospects for changes somewhat remote in the short term until there is something available that is technically superior to the current offerings. Some work on a new global test procedure has been progressing slowly within IEC. The objective is to more fully assess the key energy characteristics of changes in ambient temperature and processing load, which can vary dramatically by region. However, the transfer of the standards committee from ISO to IEC has been slow and it has taken more than 2 years to form a formal sub-committee under IEC TC59 (occurred in early 2009). General lack of resources and strong resistance to change from some parties (especially within Europe) and overall lack of management has meant that progress to date has been very slow. Test method: All existing methods have major drawbacks, these do not reflect use or climate effects (JIS very complex) Efficiency metric: Typically adjusted volume per kWh, but meaningless as test method does not give a sensible measure of energy related to normal use (ambient temperature effect and processing loads) Regulatory regimes: Most regulated product type in the world for labelling and MEPS, many approaches deeply entrenched in regulations A global test method must be able to reflect normal use and climate. 27 Market Transformation Programme: Global Carbon Impacts of Energy Using Products 28 Product group: Domestic wet Assumptions for unit energy consumption and efficiency improvement (washing machines only) kWh Region Base Case 2010 Target 2020 Target Reference Assumption PAO 60 14 14 (Murakami, Levine et al. 2006) New High Efficiency washing machine (54Wh/cycle) becomes mandatory by 2010 (assumes 250 cycles per year) NAM 194 194 194 US Standard (2007) No further efficiency improvement after 2007 standard set at 775Wh/cycle (GfK 2005), (Bertoldi and Atanasiu 2006) The current labelling program pushes the whole market to the Level A by 2010 (80% is Level A or better in 2004), assumes 2.5kg/load and 250cycles/year WEU 126 119 119 The current labelling program pushes the whole market Level A by 2010 (67% is Level A or better in 2004), assumes 2.5kg/load and 250cycles/year Level C is reached by 2010, and level A becomes mandatory that year, assumes 2.5kg/load and 250cycles/year (GfK 2005), (Bertoldi and Atanasiu 2006) EER 128 119 119 FSU 169 119 119 LAM 191 149 108 (Lutz, McNeil et al. 2008), US Standard, European Label SSA 181 97 68 (Pretoria 2003), US Standard, European Label MEA 183 141 99 (Davoudpoura and Ahadib 2006), US Standard, European Label For horizontal axis machines, European Level C in 2010, Level A in 2020 (same usage as baseline, and baseline is level E), 2004 US standard adopted in 2010, 2007 US standard in 2020 for vertical axis machines (Lin and Iyer 2007) Based on 32Wh/kg/cycle for the baseline and 17Wh/kg/cycle for the efficiency scenario (current endorsement label), assumes 2.5 kg/cycle and 250 cycles/year (Letschert and McNeil 2007) Based on India Market consideration (semi automatic machines versus horizontal axis) CPA 12 6 6 SAS-PAS 190 102 102 Source: M. McNeil, et al, “Global Potential of Energy Efficiency Standards and Labelling Programs”, Lawrence Berkeley National laboratory, Nov 2008 Global market size, electricity demand and expected carbon impact (washing machines only) Region PAO NAM WEU EEU FSU LAM SSA MEA CPA SASPAS GLOBAL Global market estimates, thousand units 2005 4803 8800 10824 1969 5462 7889 1422 3766 20862 13979 79775 2020 5819 11648 13393 2384 6624 11389 6727 5675 35475 27749 126883 Energy demand estimates, TWh 2005 6,8 118,4 35,9 9,8 25,4 8,4 1,1 7,4 3,6 14,6 231,5 Energy related carbon emissions, MtCO2 2005 4,4 69,8 13,7 5,3 13,9 8,5 1,2 2,9 4,0 13,3 137,0 2030 4,3 79,8 13,6 5,1 14,8 14,5 19,2 5,6 6,2 61,2 224,4 Emission mitigation potential, MtCO2 2020 0 0 4,6 0,9 2,6 2,0 2,9 0,9 1,5 16,4 32 2030 0 0 8,4 2,1 6,1 5,2 9,2 2,5 2,7 27,3 63 2030 8,7 174,1 45,8 12,0 34,9 18,5 Source: M. McNeil, V. E. Letschert, Lawrence Berkeley National laboratory, Feb 2009 23,6 18,3 7,1 86,6 429,6 Market Transformation Programme: Global Carbon Impacts of Energy Using Products 29 Overview of international efficiency policy and collaboration process Voluntary standard Australia/New Zeeland1 Brazil2 China4 EU5 USA/Canada5 other countries Mandatory standard Voluntary Label Mandatory label Test standard AS/NZS2007.2:2005 (DW) AS/NZS 2040.2:2005 (WM) AS/NZS2442.2-2000 (Dryer) x x IEC 60456 GB/T 4288-1992 x x GB12021.4-2004 EN 60456:2005 x x x prEN 50242/2007 10 CFR Part 430 Subpart B App J1 x x x 10 CFR Part 430 Subpart B App C 23 other countries are considering or implementing efficiency policy for washing machines and/or dishwashers x x 1Although no MEPs exist for washing machines, clothes dryers and dishwashers in Australia, a number of requirements must be met by the products during the performance test, to be eligible for the mandatory energy rating label. Water efficiency labelling scheme existed as voluntary since 1988 and became mandatory in 2006 – currently applies to washing machines and dishwashers and a range of other products. A standby power strategy 2002-2012 contains wide range of possible policy measures to address excessive standby power for a range of appliances including washing machines and dishwashers. Standby included in the label energy consumption. Brazil has developed mandatory labelling scheme, from 2006, grading appliances from A-G as the EU one. The energy label is currently applied for washing machines only. The Brazilian government passed legislation allowing the imposition of MEPs for a wide range of products, specific requirements are currently under development. 2 3China’s standards are mostly harmonised with ISO/IEC procedures. In 2004 MEPs were developed for washing machines (effective from 2005), but still no efficiency requirements are set for dishwashers. The mandatory energy label still does not apply for domestic wet appliances. 4Apart from the 27 EU member states, European energy efficiency label is introduced or currently under consideration in a number of countries including Turkey, Ukraine, Croatia, Switzerland, Norway, Macedonia, Albania, Russia. Voluntary commitments were put in place by industry for washing machines in 1997 and for dishwashers in 1999. Separately from mandatory energy label, a number of eco-labelling schemes are implemented in different member states incl. EU Eco label, Nordic Swan, Blue Sanger, Etc. Minimum standards of energy efficiency for many major appliances were established by the U.S. Congress in the National Appliance Energy Conservation Act (NAECA) of 1987, and in the National Appliance Energy Conservation Amendments of 1988. Minimum efficiency requirements for washing machines were first introduced in 1994, followed by two revisions in 2004 and 2007. For dishwashers the efficiency requirements were revised in 2004. Two labelling programs exists “Energy guide” and “Energy Star”. The US policy is adopted also in Canada and Mexico. 5 Test methods Test and reference test standards per country and products Australia/New Zeeland1 Brazil2 China Product Test standard Washing machines AS/NZS 2040.1 Clothes dryers AS/NZS 2442.1 Dishwashers AS/NZS 2007.1 Washing machines Projeto de Norma ABNT 03:059.05-025 de 07/1999 RESP/005 Dishwashers Washing machines Dishwashers GB12021.4-2004 Ref. standard IEC 60456 (was originally close, but has evolved in parallel, some differences) ANSI/AHAM HLD-1 IEC 60436 (close, small differences) IEC 60456 Market Transformation Programme: Global Carbon Impacts of Energy Using Products EU Canada USA Washing machines Clothes dryers Dishwashers Washing machines Clothes dryers Dishwashers Washing machines Clothes dryers Dishwashers EN 60456 EN 61121 EN 50242 CAN/CSA-C 360-98 CAN/CSA-C 361-92 CAN/CSA-C 373-92 10 CFR Part 430 Subpart B App J1 10 CFR Part 430 Subpart B App D 10 CFR Part 430 Subpart B App C AHAM HWL-1 ANSI/AHAM HLD-1 ANSI/AHAM DW-1 Sources: M. Presutto “Preparatory studies for Eco-Design requirements of EuP, LOT 14: Domestic dishwashers and washing machines, Part I, Task 1, rev3”, ENEA, July 2007; APEC-ESIS energy standards information system at;; For washing machines currently a wide range of test procedures exist, some home grown and others derived from IEC. Historically, the IEC test procedure has been inadequate as it did not cover top loading (vertical axis) machines. Wide range of work is under way within IEC to address all aspects of the test, but it will be some time before all major issues have adequately progressed. IEC60456 Edition 5 (currently passed CDV stage) IEC is probably the best of the existing test methods but needs wider international input. Edition 6 (2012?) could address many of the key global concerns. However, the IEC method is a very complex, expensive and in general a high level test method that in many ways does not reflect normal use in some regions. It is highly unlikely to be adopted by developing countries. One problem is that there are many local and cultural factors which impact on the clothes washer performance and energy consumption: use of external hot water, water hardness, local detergent composition, program selection, wash temperature (possibly most important), typical load composition. While it is possible (even necessary) to specify all of these variables in an IEC or other international test procedure, this can move the test method away from “actual use”, particularly in developing countries. One issue of great importance is the prevalence of internal electric heaters for drum (front loading European style) machines. Many of these machines cannot import hot water and many have a minimum program temperature that is substantially above “cold”. So technology and design can have a strong influence on energy consumption, especially for electricity, which is a premium energy source. Currently there are several approaches to testing dishwashers –the AHAM method is used to assess performance (with a heavy soil load, now mandated for sensing controls, otherwise used for comparative performance testing in the USA) and the US DOE method specified in CFR430, which has no soil on the load for energy consumption testing (circumvention forced the introduction of the heavy soil load test). IEC60436 is used by most of the result of the world, with some variations. While IEC60436 is a complex and high level performance standard, dishwashers are really only used extensive in developed countries. An international round robin by IEC has proved reproducibility. The only contentious variants in IEC are oven drying of soil before washing (Europe) vs air drying (Australia and NZ). There are currently two major approaches used for clothes dryers: the AHAM style of approach and the IEC approach. In fact, the two test methods are not so different from each other and are certainly not irreconcilable. The major differences include different initial moisture contents, operation into the cool down period (or not), and some differences in test load composition. AHAM specifies the bone dry method for determining load mass, while IEC allow both the bone dry and conditioned mass methods. Both mass methods are perfectly comparable 30 Market Transformation Programme: Global Carbon Impacts of Energy Using Products and have been shown to be the same with extensive testing. However, all the energy test methods have the drawback of not estimating the energy consumption of the dryer under different load sizes or initial moisture contents (which is in turn affected by the spin performance of the washer). A revised IEC method is under development which will provide an accurate function to estimate energy consumption under any initial moisture content (and load). While this is welcome, there are still some minor technical points to resolve. Washing Machines Test method: Existing IEC very Euro-centric, barely applicable to top loading or impeller or cool washing, Edition 5 will be an improvement, Edition 6 should be more global with additional input. Efficiency metric: kg clean clothes, but also spin, gentleness and rinsing are important, water and detergent inputs complicate the equation Regulatory regimes: Regulated in many countries. Massive differences in regulatory approaches IEC Edition 5 is a big step forward (2009), but there are still issues, consumer habits and practices and variations in detergents and water hardness make defining a metric hard, big differences in regulation would suggest poor prospects for harmonisation. Makes international harmonisation problematic as energy service is somewhat subjective and can be highly qualified in some cases. Dishwashers Test method: IEC now used widely around the world, except in North America -arguments about type and amount of soil vs adhered soil, soil drying. Dishwashers fairly limited to developing countries. Efficiency metric: Clean and dry dishes. Little agreement of minimum levels that may be acceptable for “clean”, water and detergent inputs Regulatory regimes: Only regulated in a limited number of developed countries, but approaches entrenched in regulations (DOE vs EU vs AU) Some prospects for global metrics if test method and acceptable performance requirements agreed Clothes dryers Test method: IEC used in Europe and some other countries, some local procedures (US, AU) Efficiency metric: kg of dry clothes, some debate about “dry”, initial moisture content (washer spin performance) is biggest global variable Regulatory regimes: Regulated in some countries, usually at a specific initial moisture content that is locally relevant Good prospects -draft IEC method to test at 2 initial moisture contents which will provide a function of initial moisture content and/or load against energy consumption - no need to retest ever, some issues with washer-dryers, condensers, some technical issues to be resolved. 31 Market Transformation Programme: Global Carbon Impacts of Energy Using Products 32 Product group: Domestic lighting Lighting Type Assumptions Region Number PAO NAM WEU EEU FSU %IL LAM SSA MEA CPA SAS-PAS %FL %CFL 22% 91% 74% 73% 100% 57% 7% 15% 22% 0% 8% 2% 12% 4% 0% 68% 53% 100% 57% 12% 32% 0% 20% 20% 15% 0% 23% 59% 37% 4% Reference/Assumption (IEA 2006) (IEA 2006) (Bertoldi and Atanasiu 2006) (Bertoldi and Atanasiu 2006) (IEA 2006) (Figueroa and Sathaye 1993), (McNeil 2003), (Lutz, McNeil, Tanides et al. 2008), (IEA 2006), (Friedmann, DeBuen, Sathaye J. et al. 1995) (Constantine S. and Denver A. 1999) (IEA/OECD 2001) (IEA 2006) (CLASP 1997),(Kulkarni and Sant 1994),(Kumar, Jain and Bansal 2003) Source: M. McNeil, et al, “Global Potential of Energy Efficiency Standards and Labelling Programs”, Lawrence Berkeley National laboratory, Nov 2008 Lighting Usage Assumptions by Region Region Hrs per day Source/ Assumption PAO 1.0 Calibrated to IEA data (IEA 2007) NAM 2.5 Calibrated to IEA data (IEA 2003) WEU 1.0 Calibrated to IEA data (IEA 2007) EEU 2.5 (Bertoldi and Atanasiu 2006) FSU 4.7 Calculated from (IEA 2006) assumes all incandescent (60W) Other 2.3 Average of Multiple Sources – See Appendix 3.1 Source: M. McNeil, et al, “Global Potential of Energy Efficiency Standards and Labelling Programs”, Lawrence Berkeley National laboratory, Regions Nov 2008 Lighting consumption is determined by assuming certain wattage per lamp bulb. The most common wattage found in the surveys is 60W for incandescent bulb, 15W for CFLs and 36W for fluorescent tubes. Annual lighting consumption is then given by: UEC(kWh) Nb of Pts Hrs 365 (%IL 60 %FL (36 Eff Ballast) %CFL *15)/1000 Eff 0 The impact of CFL endorsement labelling programs is modelled by simply assuming that between 2010 and 2030, households will gradually replace half of their incandescent bulbs with CFLs. Assumptions for Linear Fluorescent UEC and Efficiency Improvement W (Tube 36W + Ballast) Region Base Case 2010 Target 2020 Target Source Assumption 36% savings by 2010, compared to 1997. 1997 baseline is assumed to be efficient electromagnetic ballasts. PAO 41.4 26.496 26.496 (IEA 2006), Japanese Luminaire Association, 2005 NAM 34.6 34.6 34.6 (IEA 2006) WEU 41.4 34.6 34.6 (IEA 2006) EEU+LAM+SSA +CPA 44 41.4 34.6 (IEA 2006) All ballasts are electronic ballasts by 2010, no further improvement Electronic Ballast become mandatory in 2010 Low-Loss electromagnetic ballasts mandatory in 2010, electronic ballast in 2020 Market Transformation Programme: Global Carbon Impacts of Energy Using Products 33 Low-Loss electromagnetic ballasts mandatory in 2010, electronic ballast in SAS-PAS 51.6 48.7 40.6 Voice magazine (Oct 2005) 2020 Source: M. McNeil, et al, “Global Potential of Energy Efficiency Standards and Labelling Programs”, Lawrence Berkeley National laboratory, Nov 2008 Global market size, electricity demand and expected carbon impact Region PAO NAM WEU EEU FSU LAM SSA MEA CPA SASPAS GLOBAL Global market estimates, 2005, mln units FL 90 23 44 6 - 13 13 - 42 64 295 IL 501 3998 2977 242 705 857 166 601 1562 984 12592 CFL 36 18 97 3 - 50 9 - 126 13 352 Global market estimates, 2020, mln units FL 109 31 59 8 - 22 31 - 74 104 440 IL 581 5304 3838 337 881 1446 500 1011 2474 1940 18313 Energy demand estimates, TWh 2005 Energy related carbon emissions, MtCO2 2005 22,9 135,3 33,8 8,8 40,0 49,5 12,8 11,9 112,1 66,7 493,7 2030 23,6 169,2 40,8 13,4 49,4 95,8 58,3 23,0 205,9 152,1 831,5 Emission mitigation potential, MtCO2 2020 3 31 7 2 10 14 6 4 29 19 125 2030 5 64 15 5 19 35 19 9 72 49 292 CFL 2030 42 23 124 4 - 85 28 - 200 26 533 35,9 229,6 88,7 16,1 73,1 49,0 12,2 30,2 99,8 73,3 707,9 47,5 369,1 137,6 31,6 116,0 122,1 71,6 75,3 235,7 215,1 1421,6 Source: M. McNeil, V. E. Letschert, Lawrence Berkeley National laboratory, Feb 2009 Overview of international efficiency policy and collaboration process Voluntary standard Australia California Canada China EU Japan Korea New Zeeland USA Mandatory standard Voluntary Label Mandatory label Test standard AS/NZS 4783.2:2002 AS/NZS 4782.2:2004 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 1Australia implemented MEPS for LFL ballasts in March 2003 and for LFLs in October 2004. The provisions for ballast MEPS are essentially harmonised with the European Union’s MEPS. The minimum efficacy requirements for LFLs are essentially harmonised with those applied in the United States and Canada but are adapted for Australian power supply and test conditions. They include requirements for a minimum colour rendering index. Performance requirements for linear fluorescent lamps include a limit on mercury content. Within the program Greenlight Australia a wide range of new policy measures are being developed or are under active consideration. MEPS for low-voltage halogen transformers, CFLs, Halogen and reflector lamps are being introduced progressive during 2009/2010 (including a ban on standard efficiency GLS incandescent lamps). MEPS for luminaries, HID lamps and ballasts are under development. 2California have implemented mandatory or voluntary efficiency standards for GLS incandescent lamps. These MEPS impose minimum efficacy levels as a function of the rated lamp power and seem to be roughly equivalent to Korea’s target value for incandescent lamps operated at 110 V. California’s torchiere MEPS, which came into effect in March 2003, prohibit the sale of torchières that consume more than 190 W and hence effectively outlaw all but the lowest-power halogen torchières. 3Canada now applies MEPS for fluorescent lamps, incandescent reflector lamps and ballasts. These MEPS are harmonised with the equivalent US regulations as are the associated lamp labelling regulations. In addition, both countries operate a voluntary performance requirement for CFLs and both apply the ENERGY STAR label in their territory. Canada also has an extra CFL endorsement label operated by Environment Canada. 4Lighting MEPS have been implemented in China since June 2003 for fluorescent lamps, high pressure sodium and metal halide lamps as well as for lamp ballasts. China operates an extensive endorsement labelling scheme, which sets performance criteria for efficient products, Market Transformation Programme: Global Carbon Impacts of Energy Using Products 34 including lighting, and certifies performance levels of eligible products via a third-party testing and certification process. Lighting products that are addressed include high-pressure sodium lamp ballasts, tubular fluorescent lamp ballasts, two-end fluorescent lamps and CFLs. In addition, certification labelling requirements are being developed for HID lamps and LEDs. 5The current EU policy instruments are adopted or under consideration in several non EU member states – Norway, Switzerland, Croatia, Turkey, Macedonia, Albania. The European Union, the United Kingdom and Denmark operate CFL-performance certification schemes to ensure that consumers are able to distinguish and attain high-quality CFLs. 6Japan first implemented efficiency standards for fluorescent lamps in 1993 in which the government called for an improvement in energy efficiency by 2000 of 3–7% compared to the level of 1992. In 1999 the Top Runner Program started, where average efficacy targets have been set for 12 individual fluorescent lamp technologies. This program aims to dramatically improve energy efficiency of appliances by setting target values based on the current highest efficiency level of each type of product instead of the current average efficiency level. Manufacturers and importers have to ensure the average (sales weighted) efficiency of all their appliances meet this standard by a specified date (the target year). The program allows for improvement over time, making manufacturers constantly increase the efficiency of appliances. In addition a voluntary labelling scheme has been initiated in 2000 to indicate compliance with the set criteria. The Top Runner standards are voluntary as there is no minimum level, however the program itself is mandatory for all manufacturers and importers. Fluorescent lamps also have mandatory energy label, such that when a product has met or exceeded the Top Runner threshold it is colourcoded green, but when it is of a lower efficiency -coded orange. The label also expresses the product’s efficiency as a percentage of the Top Runner target such that values above 100% have surpassed the target and values below are yet to attain it. In addition to the product label, Japan has begun to implement an innovative retailer- labelling scheme, where retailers who stock predominantly high efficiency equipment are eligible for an endorsement label that can be mounted as a plaque on the store entrance and used in promotional materials. 7Korea has one of the more established and comprehensive MEPS and labelling programmes addressing lighting equipment, with the first MEPS coming into effect in 1996 (incandescent lamps) and the most recent in 2000 (CFLs). In particular, Korea’s energy-labelling certification scheme has one of the broadest coverage of any such schemes and is alone in addressing light sensors, reflectors and metal halide lamps. The Korean energy efficiency standards and labelling programme, established in 1992 covers nine items, including incandescent bulbs (October 1992), fluorescent lamps (October 1992), ballasts for fluorescent lamps (July 1994) and self-ballasted lamps such as ballast-integrated CFLs (July 1999). To date, South Korea is the only national authority to have implemented MEPS for standard incandescent lamps (GLS incandescent lamps). These MEPS do not prohibit the sale of incandescent lamps but they do prevent the sale of the least efficient varieties. Mandatory energy labelling has also been introduced for all these products, using an efficiency grading scale operating from 1 (most efficient) to 5 (least efficient). In addition to the MEPS and mandatory labels implemented for the products mentioned above, a voluntary energy certification label exists known as the “Energy Boy”, which indicates that products carrying the label are energy efficient and their performance has been certified by KEMCO. 8New Zealand has MEPS for LFL ballasts and LFLs. The requirements for ballasts are harmonised with Australia’s, but those for LFLs are not. New Zealand introduced its LFL MEPS in July 2002, before Australia did, and although LFLs are tested to the same standard in both countries the New Zealand MEPS requirements are slightly more stringent than the Australian equivalents. The United States have the most established and comprehensive lighting MEPS programme in the OECD, with provisions now either covering or pending for all the main lamp types. In addition, labels are implemented for all products. The October 2005 Energy Policy Act prohibited the manufacture or import of mercury vapour ballasts from 1 January 2008. The 1992 EPAct called for a voluntary national testing and information programme for luminaries. A programme has been created jointly by a stakeholders’ working group called the National Lighting Collaborative. The working group introduced a new tool for comparing luminaries, the luminaries’ efficacy rating (LER), which is based on NEMA’s LE 5 standard for fluorescent luminaries. NEMA has since released several lighting performance testing standards relevant to luminaries. ENERGY STAR sets performance specifications for LFLs, fluorescent ballasts, industrial HID luminaries and fluorescent luminaries. 8 Test methods Overview of test standards per country and equipment type Australia/New Zeeland Product Test standard Ref. standard Electronic ballasts AS/NZS 4783.1:2001 (energy) AS/NZS 60921:2002 (performance) AS/NZS 60929:2000 (performance) EN 50294 (when combined with AS/NZS4783.2) IEC 60921 IEC 60929 Magnetic Ballasts AS/NZS 4783.1:2001 EN 50294 Performance of transformers and electronic step-down convertors for ELV lamps AS/NZS 4879 Incandescent lamps for AS/NZS 4934 Market Transformation Programme: Global Carbon Impacts of Energy Using Products 35 general lighting services Canada Self-ballasted lamps for general lighting AS/NZS 4847 Fluorescent lamps AS/NZS 4782.1:2004 AS/NZS 60901:2003 IEC 60081 IEC 60901 Electronic ballasts CAN/CSA-C 654-M 91 US DOE Magnetic Ballasts CAN/CSA-C 654-M 91 US DOE CFLs CAN/CSA-C 861-95 Fluorescent lamps CAN/CSA-C 819-95 Incandescent lamps CAN/CSA-C 862-01 Lighting systems CAN/CSA-C 239-94 CAN/CSA-C 653-94 Electronic ballast GB 19574-2003 GB/T 15042-1994 GB/T 15144-1994 GB/T 17262-2002 GB/T13434-1992CAN/CSA-C 654-M91 IEC 60901 IEC 60929 Magnetic ballast GB/T 14044-1993 CAN/CSA-C 654-M 91 IEC 60921 CFLs GB 19044-2003 GB/T 17263-2002 IEC 60969 Fluorescent lamps GB/T 10682-2002 IEC 60081 Magnetic ballasts EN50294 Fluorescent lamps EN60901 Fluorescent lamps JIS C 7601 Associated ballasts KS C 7621 Magnetic ballasts KS C 8102-99 JIS C 8108 Electronic ballasts KS C 8100-01 IEC 60929 CFLs KS C 7621-99 IEC 60969 JIS C 7601 JIS C 8108 Fluorescent lamps KS C 7601-01 JIS C 7601 Incandescent lamps KS C 7501-99 IEC 60064 JIS C 7501 Electronic ballasts 10 CFR Part 430 Subpart B App Q ANSI C 82.2 China IES LM 31-95 IES RP 8-00 EU Japan Korea USA IEC 60081 IEC 60901 Market Transformation Programme: Global Carbon Impacts of Energy Using Products 36 Magnetic ballasts 10 CFR Part 430 Subpart B App Q ANSI C 82.2 CFLs 10 CFR Part 430 Subpart B App R US Energy Star IES LM 66 Fluorescent lamps 10 CFR Part 430 Subpart B App R ANSI C 78.1 ANSI C 78.2 ANSI C 78.3 ANSI C 78.375 ANSI C 82.3 IESNA LM-58-94 IESNA LM-9-99 Incandescent lamps 10 CFR Part 430 Subpart B App R ANSI C 78.21 ANSI C 79.1 IESNA LM-20-94 IESNA LM-45-00 IESNA LM-58-94 Sources: Light’s Labour Lost-Policies for Energy Efficient Lighting”, OECD/IEA, 2006; APEC-ESIS energy standards information system at; IEC test procedures for lighting equipment are widely used but as yet there is no suitable IEC standard for the determination of ballast efficacy. There is a need to develop a new IEC ballast test procedure based on the superior methods now used in North America and Europe for determination of efficacy. An energy test for CFLs and some other lamps types is also needed. Test method: Wide use of IEC for lamps, mostly fine, but complex side issues, CFLs not covered yet Efficiency metric: Lumens output widely accepted. Issues regarding secondary requirements such as colour rendering and lighting quality (glare), mercury content of growing concern for some lamp types Regulatory regimes: Mandatory and voluntary programs in place around the world mostly using similar metrics but with variations Work on standardised metrics required Need to control other elements like quality and performance to complement, global initiatives Market Transformation Programme: Global Carbon Impacts of Energy Using Products 37 Product group: Televisions Assumption of Television market share and baseline power rating The television UEC forecast is made according to projections of TV size and type market share (Jones, Harrison and Fairhurst 2006). Power rating W 70 130 300 Technology: CRT LCD Plasma UEC (4 hrs per day) 102 190 438 Average UEC kWh 2000 100% 0% 0% 102.2 2010 43% 43% 14% 186.9 Market Share 2020 18% 55% 26% 238.8 2030 8% 61% 32% 261.1 Source: M. McNeil, et al, “Global Potential of Energy Efficiency Standards and Labelling Programs”, Lawrence Berkeley National laboratory, Nov 2008 A recent study (Armishaw and Harrison 2006) found that LCD consumption can be reduced by 34% by using “super bright LEDs” instead of CFL/discharge backlighting and that plasma TVs’ consumption can be reduced by 36% by incorporating an energy recovery circuitry and additional effects from large-scale integrated circuits (LSI). Assumption of Television Base Case UEC and Efficiency Improvement TVs, Efficiency Region All regions Base Case 2010 Target 2020 Target 100% 137% 148% Source Assumption (Armishaw and Harrison 2006) 34% improvement on LCD, 36% on Plasma TVs by 2010 Source: M. McNeil, et al, “Global Potential of Energy Efficiency Standards and Labelling Programs”, Lawrence Berkeley National laboratory, Nov 2008 Global market size, electricity demand and expected carbon impact Region PAO NAM WEU EEU FSU SSA MEA 5875 6807 37395 SASPAS 29930 15388 6,1 80,3 10041 10,6 52,2 60924 74,2 297,8 47023 35,9 229,0 6,4 4,2 83,3 32,6 209,9 65,4 15,9 260,2 161,9 709,9 LAM Global market 2005 8778 16464 18603 3378 9553 13600 estimates, 2020 thousand units 10653 22897 23513 4036 11459 19361 2005 Energy demand 18,3 32,2 39,6 7,5 19,8 22,5 estimates, TWh 2030 47,4 101,3 103,6 18,2 56,1 94,5 Energy related 2005 11,7 19,0 15,1 4,1 10,8 22,7 carbon emissions, 2030 23,6 46,4 30,7 7,7 23,9 74,2 MtCO2 Emission 2020 5,0 9,0 6,3 1,7 5,0 14,1 mitigation 2030 8,3 16,4 10,9 2,7 8,5 26,2 potential, MtCO2 Source: M. McNeil, V. E. Letschert, Lawrence Berkeley National laboratory, Feb 2009 CPA Australia/New Zeeland1 China2 EU3 Japan4 Republic of x x x Mandatory standard Under consideration (UC) x Voluntary Label x x x x x 225294 266,7 1080,2 2,9 49,0 30,9 134 23,1 5,6 92,1 57,3 251 Mandatory label UC 150382 10,3 Overview of international efficiency policy and collaboration process Voluntary standard GLOBAL Test standard AS/NZS62301 AS/NZS 62087 GB 12021.7-1989 EN50301 EN/IEC62301 JIS C 6101-1 US EPA Market Transformation Programme: Global Carbon Impacts of Energy Using Products 38 Korea5 USA/Canada6 x DOE CFR10, Part 430 subpart B, appendix A-VIII 1TVs are part of some of the sub-programmes of the Australian Equipment Energy Efficiency Programme, and will be regulated for MEPS and labelling in Oct 2009. A voluntary energy labelling program is in place as a transition program. A regulatory impact statement recommended setting up labelling scheme following already existing six star rating systems plus the introduction of MEPS. China applies standard GB 12021.7-1989 - The limited value and testing method of electrical energy consumption for broadcasting receiver of colour and monochromic televisions and a certification label that requires TVs to have stand-by loss under 3 Watts. 2 3In 2003, EICTA (the European Industry Association for Information Systems, Communication Technologies and Consumer Electronics) submitted to the European Commission a Self Commitment to improve energy performance of household consumer electronics sold in the European Union. The EICTA Self Commitment provides targets for maximum passive standby power consumption as well as an Energy Efficiency Index. A number of energy and eco labelling schemes exist in EU and in certain member countries including European Eco-Label, Nordic Swan, GEEA label, Blue Angel, etc. Japan does not have MEPS; instead it operates the Top Runner standards program. This program aims to dramatically improve energy efficiency of appliances by setting target values based on the current highest efficiency level of each type of product instead of the current average efficiency level. Manufacturers and importers have to ensure the average (sales weighted) efficiency of all their appliances meets this standard by a specified date (the target year). The program allows for improvement over time, making manufacturers constantly increase the efficiency of appliances. In addition a voluntary labelling scheme has been initiated in 2000 to indicate compliance with the set criteria. The Top Runner standards are voluntary as there is no minimum level, however the program itself is mandatory for all manufacturers and importers. TVs are part of the Japan’s Top Runner program. The voluntary labelling program was launched in August 2000, in April 2006, the revised Law Concerning the Rational Use of Energy that stipulates the obligation of retailers to provide information of products at their stores using “National standard Energy-saving Label” which includes information such as energy consumption and expected electricity cost. 4 Korean e-Standby Program is managed according to the long-term road map, “Standby Korea 2010,” which details the three stages of the “1W initiative,” that is designed to reduce standby power usage to below 1W by 2010. The Energy-Saving Label is proposed by the National Energy-Saving Promotion Committee on May 27, 1998, which is an endorsement label for office equipments and home electronics. The equipment eligibility requirements are mostly the same as the International Energy Star program. The nickname of the Energy Saving Label is called the 'Energy Boy' with which all of the people are familiar and can be aware of the necessity of the energy saving. 5 US Energy Star is jointly managed by the Environment Protection Agency (EPA) and the US Department of Energy (DOE) since 1992 as a voluntary, market-based partnership that seeks to reduce air pollution through increased energy efficiency. The program is originally covered only computers, monitors and printers, but has now been expanded to cover a wide variety of appliances, equipment, building products and homes and windows. US Energy Star specification for TVs stand-by requirements was first published in 1998 and revised in 2002, 2005 and 2006. The US EPA has started a process in 2005 to revise the current specifications for TV, which is linked to efforts made on IEC level to develop new standard power measurement method reflecting active mode power consumption 6 Sources: “Preparatory studies for Eco-Design requirements of EuP, LOT 5: Televisions, Task 1”, Fraunhofer IZM, August 2007; APEC-ESIS energy standards information system at; Test methods: Test method: Old IEC62087 method not applicable to flat screens, but strong global effort to develop new procedure within IEC nearing completion Efficiency metric: screen size, but picture can affect energy -standardised clips, some debate about features and screen settings/brightness. Issue of store settings (bright picture) versus settings for normal use. Regulatory regimes: Not regulated in many places at this stage -Top Runner in Japan and China has MEPS. Energy Star level. About to be regulated by AU, maybe EU and US soon Good prospects as not much existing regulation and good participation in new IEC method, perhaps not enough cooperation on metrics at this stage Market Transformation Programme: Global Carbon Impacts of Energy Using Products 39 Product group: Domestic ICT Assumptions for Domestic ICT Power UEC and Efficiency Improvement – n.a. Global market size, trends and expected carbon impact Global market estimates, thousand units 2005 2020 n.a n.a Electricity demand estimates, TWh 2005 2030 n.a n.a Emission mitigation potential. MtCO2 2020 n.a 2030 n.a Overview of international efficiency policy and collaboration process Voluntary standard Australia/New Zeeland1 Canada2 China3 EU4 Japan5 Republic of Korea6 USA7 California8 Mandatory standard x UC UC x x x UC x Voluntary Label x x x x x Mandatory label Test standard AS/NZS 4665.1 US EPA US EPA CCEC/T22-2003 x US EPA US EPA x US EPA 1Two voluntary labelling schemes apply for computers and monitors in Australia and New Zealand - the “Energy Star” Program and “Good environmental choice”. The Australian eco-label program was launched in 2002 by the Australian Environmental Labelling Association. Products have to meet environmental performance criteria including energy usage requirements. Minimum efficiency requirements for power supplies were introduced in December 2008 in Australia and April 2009 in New Zealand. Energy performance requirements include the average efficiency (measured at 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% of rated output power) and consumption at no load – test method developed with USA, China and Europe. Regulation of computers is under consideration. 2Apart from Energy Star program, the Environmental Choice Program (ECP) also known as EcoLogo is implemented in Canada. It allows companies to apply to have a product or service certified if it improves energy efficiency. Certification is indefinite providing licensed companies confirm annually their continued compliance. ECP also conducts random inspections or product testing to confirm continued compliance. Canadian Standards Association (CSA) is preparing a Canadian national requirement for a single output EPS regarding minimum efficiency and no-load performance. The mandatory compliance date is targeted for 2008. 3China is considering introduction of minimum efficiency requirements for computers and monitors. So far only the Energy conservation certification scheme is applied for these products. Based on the voluntary China Energy Conservation Project (CECP), China has set mandatory standards regarding the minimum allowable values of energy efficiency for single voltage external AC-DC and AC-AC power supplies (CSC/T30-2005). 4Apart from the EU EcoLabel and the Energy Star there are some national and international labelling schemes computers and monitors such as GEEA label (computers, battery chargers), TCO label (computers), Blue Angel, Nordic Swan. For power supplies EC has introduced a Code of Conduct, aiming at minimising energy consumption of EPS both under no-load and load conditions. In October 2008 EU Member States endorsed the European Commission's proposal for a regulation aimed at improving the energy performance of external power supplies. Japan does not have MEPS; instead it operates the Top Runner standards program. This program aims to dramatically improve energy efficiency of appliances by setting target values based on the current highest efficiency level of each type of product instead of the current average efficiency level. Manufacturers and importers have to ensure the average (sales weighted) efficiency of all their appliances meet this standard by a specified date (the target year). The Top Runner standards are voluntary as there is no minimum level, however the program itself is mandatory for all manufacturers and importers. Computers and hard disk drives are part of the Japan Top runners program. Computers are also covered by a mandatory retailer labelling programme that mandates retailers to provide information of products at their stores using “National standard Energy-saving Label” which includes information such as energy consumption and expected electricity cost. Energy Star and EcoMark program are also applied as voluntary labelling schemes. 5 6Computers, monitors and power supplies are covered by the Korean e-Standby Program that has been implemented since April 1, 1999. The e-Standby Program is managed according to the long-term road map, “Standby Korea 2010,” which details the three stages of the “1W initiative,” that is designed to reduce standby power usage to below 1W by 2010. The Energy-Saving Label is an endorsement label for office equipments and home electronics. The equipment eligibility requirements are mostly the same as the International Energy Star program. Market Transformation Programme: Global Carbon Impacts of Energy Using Products 7US Energy Star is jointly managed by the Environment Protection Agency (EPA) and the US Department of Energy (DOE) since 1992 as a voluntary, market-based partnership that seeks to reduce air pollution through increased energy efficiency. The program is originally covered only computers, monitors and printers, but has now been expanded to cover a wide variety of appliances, equipment, building products and homes and windows. Products that have earned the Energy Star designation prevent greenhouse gas emissions by meeting strict energy-efficiency specifications set by the government. Battery chargers and EPS are among the appliances scheduled by US DOE schedule for setting new mandatory federal appliance efficiency standards. DOE must issue standards for EPS by 2008, which are to be effective by August 2011. 8In 2004 the California Energy Commission (CEC) adopted mandatory efficiency requirements for external power supplies sold in California (amended in December 2006). The general definitions and the efficiency requirements for the Phase 1 are identical to those of the ENERGY STAR. Following the example of California, a number of other US States have recently developed appliance energy efficiency standards, including standards for ‘single-voltage external power supplies’. Sources: “Preparatory studies for Eco-Design requirements of EuP, LOT 3: Personal Computers (desktops and laptops) and Computer Monitors, Final report”, IVF, August 2007; “Preparatory studies for Eco-Design requirements of EuP, LOT 7: Battery Chargers and External Power Supplies, Final report”, Bio Intelligence service, January 2007; APEC-ESIS energy standards information system at Test methods Information technology (this relates to computers not EPS) Need to establish internationally developed test method for computers within the IEC. Test method: Existing Energy Star measures energy consumption by mode (many modes) Efficiency metric: energy service is very unclear, focusing on energy consumption rather than efficiency. Regulatory regimes: Mostly Energy Star, some country requirements, being considered in some countries Reasonable prospects for mode harmonisation, but energy management, especially in networks, is the missing link External power supplies - IEC 62301 and Energy Star test methodology Test method: Agreed international method, but not yet published by IEC Efficiency metric: Efficiency no load plus 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% rated output widely agreed (curve is ideal), range of efficiency levels now defined (I to V, VI in development) Regulatory regimes: Mandatory and voluntary programs in place China, USA, Australia and soon EU Korea Japan, all using same metrics Already achieved if others copy the approach 40 Market Transformation Programme: Global Carbon Impacts of Energy Using Products 41 Product group: Consumer electronics, excluding TV and ICT Assumptions for Domestic Consumer Electronics Unit Energy Consumption Domestic Consumer Electronics Unit Energy Consumption savings potential is estimated by considering standby power only (including television standby power). Uptake of products utilizing standby power is modelled according to household income (see McNeil et al., 2007). The model of standby power is in terms of total Watts per household, covering all products consuming standby (as many as 65 products including various video and hi0fi equipment, ICT, cooking appliances, telephony, and other consumer electronics). Data by country is taken from estimates from the IEA report “Things that go blip in the Night. A baseline standby power of 5W is assumed for all products, with efficiency targets of 3W in 2010 and 1W in 2020. Assumptions for Domestic Stand by Power UEC and Efficiency Improvement Region All regions Stand By, kWh 2010 Base Case Target 44 26 2020 Target 9 Assumption 3W in 2010, 1W in 2020 Source: M. McNeil, et al, “Global Potential of Energy Efficiency Standards and Labelling Programs”, Lawrence Berkeley National laboratory, Nov 2008 Global market size, electricity demand and expected carbon impact PAO NAM WEU EEU FSU LAM SSA MEA CPA SASPAS 45988 96180 82129 6384 12794 28866 18989 14608 54983 45054 405976 2020 55951 132456 112804 9984 16426 48013 Energy 2005 28,8 56,1 48,4 3,6 7,5 14,8 demand estimates, 2030 38,3 91,9 78,0 7,4 12,1 35,8 TWh Energy related 2005 18,4 33,1 18,4 2,0 4,1 15,0 carbon emissions, 2030 19,1 42,1 23,1 3,2 5,2 28,1 MtCO2 Emission 2020 6,5 14,9 8,3 1,0 1,8 8,5 mitigation potential, 2030 14,9 33,0 18,1 2,5 4,0 22,1 MtCO2 Source: M. McNeil, V. E. Letschert, Lawrence Berkeley National laboratory, Feb 2009 30868 23025 91410 71191 592130 9,6 7,3 29,7 24,6 230,4 23,8 17,5 70,5 53,3 428,7 10,0 2,9 33,3 22,4 159,6 19,4 5,3 61,6 37,7 244,7 5,9 1,7 18,5 11,7 79 15,2 4,2 48,4 29,7 192 Region Global market estimates, thousand units 2005 Overview of international efficiency policy and collaboration process Voluntary standard Australia/New Zeeland1 Canada2 EU3 Japan4 Republic of Korea5 USA6 Mandatory standard Voluntary Label Mandatory label x AS/NZS 62087 CSA C380-06 EN 62087 x x x Test standard x x x 1Minimum efficiency requirements for set-top boxes will be effective as of December 2008 in Australia and April 2009 in New Zeeland. Mandatory horizontal requirement for standby in 2012 will cover the majority of energy consumption for other products in this group. 2Energy star label is applicable to consumer electronic equipment in Canada GLOBAL Market Transformation Programme: Global Carbon Impacts of Energy Using Products 3The European Commission has pursued voluntary agreement with the European Association of Consumer Electronics Manufacturers (EACEM) to cut the power consumption of televisions, videocassette recorders and audio equipment when they are in standby mode. EC have proposed draft regulation setting eco design requirements for simple set- top boxes in September 2008. EU regulation on standby will cover the majority of energy consumption for other products in this group. Japan does not have MEPS; instead it operates the Top Runner standards program. This program aims to dramatically improve energy efficiency of appliances by setting target values based on the current highest efficiency level of each type of product instead of the current average efficiency level. Manufacturers and importers have to ensure the average (sales weighted) efficiency of all their appliances meet this standard by a specified date (the target year). The program allows for improvement over time, making manufacturers constantly increase the efficiency of appliances. The Top Runner standards are voluntary as there is no minimum level, however the program itself is mandatory for all manufacturers and importers. VCRs and DVD recorders are part of the Japan Top runners program, they are covered also by mandatory retailer labelling programme that mandates retailers to provide information of products at their stores using “National standard Energysaving Label”. 4 5DVDs,VCRs and set top boxes are covered by the Korean e-Standby Program that has been implemented since April 1, 1999. 6US Energy Star is jointly managed by the Environment Protection Agency (EPA) and the US Department of Energy (DOE) since 1992 as a voluntary, market-based partnership that seeks to reduce air pollution through increased energy efficiency. Energy star label is applicable to consumer electronic equipment in USA Sources: “Preparatory studies for Eco-Design requirements of EuP, LOT 18: Complex Set-Top boxes, Task 1 Interim report”, Bio Intelligence service, May 2008; APEC-ESIS energy standards information system at; Test methods Simple set top boxes (IEC62087, IEC 62301) Test method: Existing IEC probably OK, set top boxes are more complex – need to be treated as a separate product Efficiency metric: energy service is sometime a bit unclear, much energy used in non active modes, most power in active mode probably not essential Regulatory regimes: Regulated in a few countries, mostly non active mode limits as covered by standby and Energy Star Reasonable prospects on non-active mode requirements through standby regs, set top boxes should be OK, active mode for other HE unclear 42 Market Transformation Programme: Global Carbon Impacts of Energy Using Products 43 Product group: Domestic cooking – electric Regional Fuel Shares for Domestic Ovens – Industrialized and Transition Economies Only Fuel Share Region Elec PAO NAM WEU EEU 22% 61% 59% 59% Fuel 78% 39% 41% 41% Reference (EDMC) (USDOE 2007) IEA Same as WEU FSU 22% 78% DHS Surveys Source: M. McNeil, et al, “Global Potential of Energy Efficiency Standards and Labelling Programs”, Lawrence Berkeley National laboratory, Nov 2008 Assumptions for Electric Oven UEC and Efficiency Improvement (Industrialized and Transition Economies Only) Base Case Ovens. kWh Region Number kWh 2010 Target 2020 Target kWh Reference Assumption kWh PAO+WEU+EER+FS U 132 70 61 (Kasanen 2000) Economically acceptable target in 2010, maximum technical potential in 2020 NAM 167 88 77 (U.S. Department of Energy 1993) Same efficiency improvement as Europe, 110cycles/year Source: M. McNeil, et al, “Global Potential of Energy Efficiency Standards and Labelling Programs”, Lawrence Berkeley National laboratory, Nov 2008 Global market size, electricity demand and expected carbon impact (electric ovens) Region Global market estimates, thousand units PAO 2005 5175 NAM 9076 WEU EEU FSU 12096 2440 4203 LAM SSA MEA CPA SASPAS GLOBAL n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 32 990 2020 6215 11954 14721 2831 7250 n.a. Energy 2005 10,6 56,8 25,0 4,4 6,6 n.a. demand estimates, 2030 13,5 81,6 31,0 6,3 17,5 n.a. TWh Energy related 2005 6,8 33,5 9,5 2,4 3,6 n.a. carbon emissions, 2030 6,7 37,4 9,2 2,7 7,5 n.a. MtCO2 Emission 2020 1,6 8,7 2,2 0,7 1,9 n.a. mitigation potential, 2030 3,1 17,5 4,2 1,2 3,6 n.a. MtCO2 Source: M. McNeil, V. E. Letschert, Lawrence Berkeley National laboratory, Feb 2009 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 42 971 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 103,5 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 149,8 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 55,9 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 63,4 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 15 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 30 Overview of international efficiency policy and collaboration process Voluntary standard Canada1 China2 Mandatory standard x Voluntary Label x Mandatory label x x Test standard CAN/CSA-C 358-95 GB 4706.29-92 , GB 4706.22-2002 , QB/T 1236-91 Market Transformation Programme: Global Carbon Impacts of Energy Using Products EU3 Japan4 x x Korea5 USA6 44 v x x x x x JIS C 9250 JIC9212 KS C 9313-95 KS A 0801 , KS C 9310 , KS C 9312 10 CFR Part 430 Subpart B App I , IEC 60705 Canada has mandatory MEP applied to household ranges that are free-standing appliances or build in as well as mandatory label the annual energy consumption value. 1 China has introduced efficiency requirements for rice cookers in 1990, which are currently under revision, as September 2008 MEP specifies the minimum allowable values of energy efficiency, evaluation values of energy conservation, energy efficiency grades, test methods and inspection rules for household induction cookers with a rated power at 700-2800W per heating unit. 2 3Apart from the 27 EU member states, European energy label for electric ovens is introduced in a number of countries including Turkey, Croatia, Switzerland, Norway, Macedonia. Japan does not have MEPS; instead it operates the Top Runner standards program. This program aims to dramatically improve energy efficiency of appliances by setting target values based on the current highest efficiency level of each type of product instead of the current average efficiency level. Manufacturers and importers have to ensure the average (sales weighted) efficiency of all their appliances meet this standard by a specified date (the target year). The Top Runner standards are voluntary as there is no minimum level, however the program itself is mandatory for all manufacturers and importers. Japan’s Top runner programme covers microwave oven and rice cookers. In addition a mandatory retailer labelling scheme was introduced that mandates that retailers to provide information such as energy consumption and expected electricity cost. For cook tops and ranges also the voluntary energy conservation labelling program applies. 4 5Microwave ovens fall within the requirements of Korean e-Standby Program . For rice cookers mandatory efficiency requirements were set and a label introduced under the Korean Energy Efficiency Label and Standard Program USA Originally ovens, upright cookers, and microwave ovens were covered by the regulations but an investigation in 1999 decided that no substantial benefit was being derived form these laws. Green Seal is a voluntary labelling scheme. 6 Source: APEC-ESIS energy standards information system at Test methods There are some differences between the Canadian method (CAN/CSA-C358) and the IEC method (IEC60350). Some experts feel that the IEC standard as published has significant problems that need to be resolved before it could be recommended for alignment within APEC. Highly variable usage and habits make the development of a representative test method problematic. Market Transformation Programme: Global Carbon Impacts of Energy Using Products 45 Product group: Domestic cooking – gas Assumptions for Gas Oven UEC and Efficiency Improvement (Industrialized and Transition Economies Only) Base Case Ovens. kWh Region Number PAO+WEU+EER+FS U NAM 2010 Target 2020 Target kWh kWh kWh 167 89 77 (Kasanen 2000) 114 (U.S. Departme nt of Energy 1993) 248 131 Reference Assumption Economically acceptable target in 2010, maximum technical potential in 2020 Same efficiency improvement as Europe, 110cycles/year Source: M. McNeil, et al, “Global Potential of Energy Efficiency Standards and Labelling Programs”, Lawrence Berkeley National laboratory, Nov 2008 Global market size, electricity demand and expected carbon impact (gas ovens) Global market estimates, thousand units 2005 2020 n.a n.a Electricity demand estimates, TWh 2005 2030 n.a n.a Emission mitigation potential. MtCO2 2020 n.a 2030 n.a Overview of international efficiency policy and collaboration process Voluntary standard Brazil1 Japan2 1Minimum x Mandatory standard x Voluntary Label x x Mandatory label x x Test standard RESP/008-FOG requirements and labelling programme were set in Brazil for gas ovens 2Japan does not have MEPS; instead it operates the Top Runner standards program. This program aims to dramatically improve energy efficiency of appliances by setting target values based on the current highest efficiency level of each type of product instead of the current average efficiency level. Manufacturers and importers have to ensure the average (sales weighted) efficiency of all their appliances meet this standard by a specified date (the target year). The program allows for improvement over time, making manufacturers constantly increase the efficiency of appliances. Gas cooking appliances are part of TopRunner program, a label is applied that allows consumers to ascertain how an appliance fairs in relation to the Top Runner Standard. Firstly the labels are colour coded; yellow to indicate the models that are below (failed to meet) the efficiency target level and green for those above (i.e. better than) the efficiency target level. Secondly, the label displays the ratio percentage of the standard that the model has achieved, i.e. if it operates at the Top Runner standard level then the ratio is 100%. Thirdly the label displays the annual energy consumption of the appliance and also the year by which the target is to be attained. Source: APEC-ESIS energy standards information system at Test methods Highly variable usage and habits make the development of a representative test method problematic. Market Transformation Programme: Global Carbon Impacts of Energy Using Products 46 Product group: Domestic water heaters – gas & oil Assumptions for Domestic Water Heating Fuel Shares PAO NAM WEU EEU FSU LAM SSA MEA Useful Water Heater Energy kWh/Unit 2985 3994 2486 458 2075 955 414 414 CPA SAS-PAS 1062 225 Fuel Share Elec Fuel Other 43% 57% 0% 38% 62% 0% 34% 58% 8% 34% 58% 8% 13% 48% 38% 9% 54% 37% 1% 2% 97% 2% 73% 25% Time dependent - see McNeil et al. 2008 0% 13% 87% Source: M. McNeil, et al, “Global Potential of Energy Efficiency Standards and Labelling Programs”, Lawrence Berkeley National laboratory, Nov 2008 Assumptions for Gas Water Heater UEC and Efficiency Improvement Region Gas WH, Efficiency Source Assumption Base Case 2010 Target 2020 Target PAO 0.83 0.83 0.83 Top Runner Website NAM 0.59 0.62 0.62 WEU+EER+F SU+LAM+SSA +MEA+SASPAS 0.48 0.59 0.62 (U.S. Department of Energy-Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy 2000) CPA 0.86 0.88 0.96 (Lin J. 2006) Efficiency for both boiler and instantaneous already very high. No further improvement No further improvement after 2010 Base Case is the baseline from the last rulemaking (1998), current US standard adopted in 2010, and probable next US standard level by 2020 All gas heaters are instantaneous Source: M. McNeil, et al, “Global Potential of Energy Efficiency Standards and Labelling Programs”, Lawrence Berkeley National laboratory, Nov 2008 Global market size, energy demand and expected carbon impact Region Global market estimates, thousand units Energy demand estimates, TWh Energy related carbon emissions, MtCO2 Emission mitigation potential, MtCO2 PAO 2005 2913 NAM 5616 WEU EEU FSU LAM 6966 1522 3732 3473 SSA MEA CPA SASPAS GLOBAL 23 2728 13754 973 41700 62347 2020 3466 7396 8499 1711 4382 5235 63 3925 25703 1967 2005 195,8 540,5 543,5 22,4 233,0 77,6 0,1 26,5 92,1 3,1 1734,7 2030 248,2 776,6 674,1 25,1 307,0 176,2 1,1 60,4 439,6 15,5 2723,8 2005 32,7 90,2 90,7 3,7 38,9 12,9 0,0 4,4 15,4 0,5 289,5 2030 41,4 129,6 112,5 4,2 51,2 29,4 0,2 10,1 73,4 2,6 454,5 2020 0,0 1,0 2,7 0,1 1,3 0,7 0,0 0,2 0,5 0,1 7 2030 0,0 3,3 7,0 0,3 3,2 2,0 0,0 0,7 4,6 0,2 21 Market Transformation Programme: Global Carbon Impacts of Energy Using Products 47 Source: M. McNeil, V. E. Letschert, Lawrence Berkeley National laboratory, Feb 2009 Overview of international efficiency policy and collaboration process Voluntary standard Australia/New Zeeland1 Canada2 Japan3 USA4 Mandatory standard Voluntary Label X Mandatory label x x x x x x x x x Test standard AS4552 (gas WH) AS4553 (gas space) AS4556 (gas ducted) CAN/CGA P.3-04 10 CFR Part 430 Subpart B App E 1 An energy labelling scheme apply for central gas heaters, gas room heaters and gas water heaters has been in place in Australia since the late 1980’s. The scheme has been run by industry but is effectively mandatory (although not stringent). Government is in the processing of regulating these gas products, with water heaters scheduled for 2010 with more stringent MEPS levels. 2Canada has mandatory MEP applied to stationary gas-heated water containers with a capacity of not less than 76 litres (20 U.S. gallons) and not more than 380 litres (100 U.S. gallons) that use propane or natural gas and that have an input rating of not more than 21.97 kW (75 000 Btu/h). Canada's Environmental Choice Program provides consumers with a level of assurance that the product bearing the EcoLogo, ECP's symbol of environmental excellence, meets stringent environmental criteria. 3Japan does not have MEPS; instead it operates the Top Runner standards program. This program aims to dramatically improve energy efficiency of appliances by setting target values based on the current highest efficiency level of each type of product instead of the current average efficiency level. Manufacturers and importers have to ensure the average (sales weighted) efficiency of all their appliances meet this standard by a specified date (the target year). The program allows for improvement over time, making manufacturers constantly increase the efficiency of appliances. The original water heater efficiency standards took effect in 1990 and established minimum efficiency requirements as a function of fuel and capacity for an average size unit, the standard was 0.54 EF (Energy Factor) for gas water heaters and .86 EF for electric water heaters. In January 2001, DOE published revised water heater standards, effective January 2004.а for an average-sized unit, the required EF is .59 for gas and .90 for electricity. In November 2006, DOE began a rulemaking to revise the 2004 standard the rulemaking is scheduled to be completed in April 2010 and take effect three years later. 7 Source: APEC-ESIS energy standards information system at Test methods Test method: Some IEC and ISO methods but not used much, mostly local or home grown – mostly very poor in being able to reflect different ambient conditions and hot water usage patterns. Solar systems are very complex. Efficiency metric: Heating output. Energy in vs energy out, plus user+climate impact Regulatory regimes: Regulated in many countries, usually a specific set of conditions and specific usage patterns which are not at all global (local climate) with poor prospects for harmonisation. Poor prospects, multiple fuels creates many issues for a comparative system of metrics, many different regulatory approaches Best approach is to develop test procedures that measure key energy characteristics of each water heater type which will allow simulation under a range of different ambient conditions and a wide range of hot water usage patterns. This is the only feasible approach for solar systems. Market Transformation Programme: Global Carbon Impacts of Energy Using Products 48 Product group: Domestic water heaters – electricity Assumptions for Domestic Water Heating Fuel Shares PAO NAM WEU EEU FSU LAM SSA MEA Useful Water Heater Energy kWh/Unit 2985 3994 2486 458 2075 955 414 414 CPA SAS-PAS 1062 225 Fuel Share Elec Fuel Other 43% 57% 0% 38% 62% 0% 34% 58% 8% 34% 58% 8% 13% 48% 38% 9% 54% 37% 1% 2% 97% 2% 73% 25% Time dependent - see McNeil et al. 2008 0% 13% 87% Source: M. McNeil, et al, “Global Potential of Energy Efficiency Standards and Labelling Programs”, Lawrence Berkeley National laboratory, Nov 2008 Assumptions for Electric Water Heater UEC and Efficiency Improvement Region PAO Electric WH, Efficiency Base Case 2010 2020 Target Target 0.83 0.88 0.91 NAM 0.92 0.92 2.50 WEU 0.83 0.88 0.91 EER 0.79 0.83 0.88 LAM 0.79 0.88 0.91 FSU+SSA+ME A+CPA+SASPAS 0.76 0.83 0.88 Source Assumption (Saluki and Hollinger 2000) Level E to Level C in 2010, and Level A in 2020 Heat Pump Water Heaters become Mandatory in 2020 Level E to Level C in 2010, and Level A in 2020 Level E to Level C in 2010, and Level A in 2020 Level F to Level C in 2010, and Level A in 2020 Level G to Level E in 2010, and Level C in 2020 Source: M. McNeil, et al, “Global Potential of Energy Efficiency Standards and Labelling Programs”, Lawrence Berkeley National laboratory, Nov 2008 Global market size, energy demand and expected carbon impact Region Global market estimates, thousand units PAO 2005 2234 NAM 3456 WEU EEU FSU LAM 4067 889 1033 598 999 1213 902 SSA MEA 19 CPA 67 4539 SASPAS GLOBAL 23 16925 23963 2020 2658 4552 4963 51 97 8482 47 Energy demand estimates, TWh Energy related carbon emissions, MtCO2 2005 117,6 213,4 183,5 7,9 40,7 8,1 0,1 0,4 174,4 0,0 746,2 2030 149,0 306,6 227,6 8,9 53,7 18,4 0,6 0,9 331,3 0,2 1097,3 2005 75,2 125,7 69,9 4,3 22,3 8,2 0,1 0,2 195,9 0,0 501,8 2030 74,2 140,5 67,4 3,8 22,9 14,5 0,5 0,3 289,5 0,2 613,6 Emission 2020 1,6 0,0 1,4 0,1 0,6 0,5 0 0 7,8 0 12 Market Transformation Programme: Global Carbon Impacts of Energy Using Products mitigation potential, 2030 3,7 106,0 3,3 0,2 1,5 1,2 MtCO2 Source: M. McNeil, V. E. Letschert, Lawrence Berkeley National laboratory, Feb 2009 49 0 0 20,5 0 137 Overview of international efficiency policy and collaboration process Voluntary standard Australia/New Zeeland1 China2 USA Mandatory standard Voluntary Label Mandatory label Test standard x x AS/NZS4692 (electric WH) x x x x GB/T 20289-2006 Test Standard: 10 CFR Part 430 Subpart B App E , ANSI / ASHRAE 118.2-1993 , ASHRAE 41.1-1986 (RA 01) , ASTM-D-2156-94 (1999) Reference Test Standard: ANSI / ASHRAE 118.2-1993 , ASHRAE 41.1-1986 (RA 01) , ASTM-D-2156-94 (1999) 1Australia introduced MEPS for electric water heaters in 1999, with some additional products added and more stringent levels for smaller products in 2005. 2In 2008 China introduced minimum allowable values of energy efficiency, evaluation values of energy conservation, energy efficiency grades, test methods and inspection rules for electric storage water heaters accompanied by a 6 grade energy efficiency label. The original water heater efficiency standards took effect in 1990 and established minimum efficiency requirements as a function of fuel and capacity for an average size unit, the standard was 0.54 EF (Energy Factor) for gas water heaters and .86 EF for electric water heaters. In January 2001, DOE published revised water heater standards, effective January 2004.а for an average-sized unit, the required EF is .59 for gas and .90 for electricity. In November 2006, DOE began a rulemaking to revise the 2004 standard the rulemaking is scheduled to be completed in April 2010 and take effect three years later. 3 Source: APEC-ESIS energy standards information system at Market Transformation Programme: Global Carbon Impacts of Energy Using Products 50 Product group: Domestic boilers – gas & oil Assumptions for Domestic Space Heating Fuel Shares Region PAO NAM WEU EEU FSU Electricity Fuel 46% 54% 30% 70% 8% 92% 0% 100% 0% 100% Time Dependent- see McNeil et al. 2008 CPA Reference/Assumption IEA Energy Indicators (DOE/EIA 2001) (European Commission 2002) (Novikova A.) Assumed to be like region 4 (Zhou, McNeil et al. 2007) Source: M. McNeil, et al, “Global Potential of Energy Efficiency Standards and Labelling Programs”, Lawrence Berkeley National laboratory, Nov 2008 Assumptions for Fuel Space Heating Efficiency Improvements 14 Baseline Efficiency 0.71 0.77 0.77 0.71 0.70 Region PAO NAM WEU EEU CPA 2010 Target 0.77 0.88 0.88 0.77 0.78 2020 Target 0.77 0.88 0.88 0.77 0.83 Source: M. McNeil, et al, “Global Potential of Energy Efficiency Standards and Labelling Programs”, Lawrence Berkeley National laboratory, Nov 2008 Global market size, electricity demand and expected carbon impact (residential space heating – gas and oil) Region Global market estimates, thousand units PAO 2005 NAM 2795 WEU 6353 10275 EEU FSU 1559 LAM 2781 2020 3356 8368 12511 1740 3269 Energy 2005 331,5 1238,6 1668,6 542,5 1954,2 demand estimates, 2030 448,3 1916,7 2214,1 655,0 2929,1 TWh Energy related 2005 55,3 206,7 278,4 90,5 326,1 carbon emissions, 2030 74,8 319,8 369,4 109,3 488,8 MtCO2 Emission 2020 1,8 13,2 14,4 1,6 6,4 mitigation potential, 2030 3,8 28,2 31,0 4,3 24,9 MtCO2 Source: M. McNeil, V. E. Letschert, Lawrence Berkeley National laboratory, Feb 2009 SSA - MEA - CPA - 14777 25614 SASPAS GLOBAL - 38540 - 54858 - - - 0,0 0,0 0,0 247,3 0,0 5982,7 0,0 0,0 0,0 1132,5 0,0 9295,7 0,0 0,0 0,0 41,3 0,0 998,3 0,0 0,0 0,0 189,0 0,0 1,551,1 0,0 0,0 0,0 5,6 0,0 43 0,0 0,0 0,0 17,7 0,0 110 Overview of international efficiency policy and collaboration process (residential water boilers – oil) Voluntary standard Canada1 EU2 14 Mandatory standard Voluntary Label x x Mandatory label Test standard CAN/CSA-B 212-00 x Space Heating UEC climate dependency is estimated for each country EN 15034 EN 15035 Market Transformation Programme: Global Carbon Impacts of Energy Using Products Korea3 51 x USA4 x x x 10 CFR Part 430 Subpart B App N Ref: ANSI / ASHRAE 1031993 1Canada has mandatory MEP applied to oil-fired boilers that are intended for use in a low-pressure steam or hot water central heating system and have an input rate of less than or equal to 88 kilowatts (300 000 Btu/h). Oil-fired boilers (less than or equal to 88 kW (300 000 Btu/h). 2 The European Commission has issued a Council Directive 92/42/EEC of 21 May 1992 on efficiency requirements for new hot-water boilers fired with liquid or gaseous fuels put on the EU market. There is a preparatory study for gas-fired, oil-fired and electric central heating (combi-) boilers in the context of the EcoDesign directive. 3 According high energy efficiency appliance program for Oil Burning Water Boilers products with energy efficiency and quality test results above the standards set by the government are issued a high-efficiency appliance certificate. 4 The U.S. government established a mandatory compliance program in the 1970s requiring that certain types of new appliances bear a label to help consumers compare the energy efficiency among similar products. The efficiency of manufactured boilers is governed by the National Appliance Energy Conservation Act of 1987 and regulated by the U.S. Department of Energy. The minimum allowed annual fuel utilization efficiency (AFUE) rating for a noncondensing, fossil-fueled boiler is 80%; and the rating for a gas-fueled steam boiler is 75%. Boilers are also covered by the Energy Star labelling program. Energy Star is jointly managed by the Environment Protection Agency (EPA) and the US Department of Energy (DOE) since 1992 as a voluntary, market-based partnership that seeks to reduce air pollution through increased energy efficiency. Overview of international efficiency policy and collaboration process (residential water boilers – gas) Voluntary standard Australia/New Zeeland1 Mandatory standard Voluntary Label X x Canada2 EU3 x x x x Korea4 x x Mexico5 USA6 Mandatory label x Test standard AS/NZS4692 (electric WH) AS4552 (gas WH) AS4553 (gas space) AS4556 (gas ducted) CAN/CGA P.2-1991 EN 303-1 (general) NEW: prEN 15502-1 KS B 8101 KS B 8109 KS B 8127 x NOM-002-ENER-1995 x 10 CFR Part 430 Subpart B App N Ref: ANSI / ASHRAE 1031993 x x An energy labelling scheme apply for central gas heaters, gas room heaters and gas water heaters has been in place in Australia since the late 1980’s. The scheme has been run by industry but is effectively mandatory (although not stringent). Government is in the processing of regulating these gas products, with water heaters scheduled for 2010 with more stringent MEPS levels. 1 2Canada has mandatory MEP applied to self-contained gas-fired boilers that use propane or natural gas, are intended for use in low-pressure steam or hot water central heating system, and have an input rate of less than 88 kilowatts (300 000 Btu/h). Environment Canada's Environmental Choice Program provides consumers with a level of assurance that the product bearing the EcoLogo, ECP's symbol of environmental excellence, meets stringent environmental criteria. The European Commission has issued a Council Directive 92/42/EEC of 21 May 1992 on efficiency requirements for new hot-water boilers fired with liquid or gaseous fuels put on the EU market. There is a preparatory study for gas-fired, oil-fired and electric central heating (combi-) boilers in the context of the EcoDesign directive. In Addition some member states have voluntary labelling schemes Austria, Slovakia, Czech Republic, and UK. 3 4 Minimum efficiency requirements are applied for household gas boilers in Korea as of 2003 linked to mandatory labelling program. Under the program, manufacturers (importers) are mandated to produce and sell energy efficiency products from the outset. The Energy Efficiency Label and Standard Program enables consumers to identify high efficiency energy efficiency products easily by (1) mandatory indication of energy efficiency grade from 1st to 5th grade; A voluntary high efficient certification scheme is also active from 1997. Market Transformation Programme: Global Carbon Impacts of Energy Using Products Mexico has minimum energy efficiency standards for packaged boilers introduced in 1996. Mexico is working with Canada and the US on a program to harmonise energy labels and Standards. 6 The U.S. government established a mandatory compliance program in the 1970s requiring that certain types of new appliances bear a label to help consumers compare the energy efficiency among similar products. The efficiency of manufactured boilers is governed by the National Appliance Energy Conservation Act of 1987 and regulated by the U.S. Department of Energy. The minimum allowed annual fuel utilization efficiency (AFUE) rating for a noncondensing, fossil-fueled boiler is 80%; and the rating for a gas-fueled steam boiler is 75%. Energy Star is jointly managed by the Environment Protection Agency (EPA) and the US Department of Energy (DOE) since 1992 as a voluntary, marketbased partnership that seeks to reduce air pollution through increased energy efficiency The program is originally covered only computers, monitors and printers, but has now been expanded to cover a wide variety of appliances, equipment, building products and homes and windows. 7 Source: APEC-ESIS energy standards information system at Test methods Test method: Some IEC and ISO methods but not used much, mostly local or home grown – mostly very poor in being able to reflect different ambient conditions and hot water usage patterns. Solar systems are very complex. Efficiency metric: Heating output. Energy in vs energy out, plus user+climate impact Regulatory regimes: Regulated in many countries, usually a specific set of conditions and specific usage patterns which are not at all global (local climate) with poor prospects for harmonisation. Poor prospects, multiple fuels creates many issues for a comparative system of metrics, many different regulatory approaches Best approach is to develop test procedures that measure key energy characteristics of each water heater type, which will allow simulation under a range of different ambient conditions and a wide range of hot water usage patterns. This is the only feasible approach for solar systems. 52 Market Transformation Programme: Global Carbon Impacts of Energy Using Products 53 Product group: Domestic boilers – electricity Assumptions for Domestic Space Heating Fuel Shares Region PAO NAM WEU EEU FSU CPA Electricity Fuel 46% 54% 30% 70% 8% 92% 0% 100% 0% 100% Time Dependent- see McNeil et al. 2008 Reference/Assumption IEA Energy Indicators (DOE/EIA 2001) (European Commission 2002) (Novikova A.) Assumed to be like region 4 (Zhou, McNeil et al. 2007) Source: M. McNeil, et al, “Global Potential of Energy Efficiency Standards and Labelling Programs”, Lawrence Berkeley National laboratory, Nov 2008 Assumptions for Electric Space Heating UEC and Efficiency Improvement Region PAO NAM Other 2010 Target 2.0 2.0 1.0 Base Case 1.5 1.5 1.0 2020 Target 2.0 2.0 1.0 Assumption Heat Pump Efficiency Improvement weighted by Market Share Electric Resistance Heating Only Source: M. McNeil, et al, “Global Potential of Energy Efficiency Standards and Labelling Programs”, Lawrence Berkeley National laboratory, Nov 2008 Global market size, electricity demand and expected carbon impact (residential space heating – electricity) Region Global market estimates, thousand units PAO 2005 2381 NAM 2723 WEU 893 EEU FSU - LAM - 2020 2859 3586 1088 Energy 2005 133,7 272,5 111,7 0,0 0,0 demand estimates, 2030 180,8 421,7 148,2 0,0 0,0 TWh Energy related 2005 85,5 160,6 42,5 0,0 0,0 carbon emissions, 2030 90,0 193,3 43,9 0,0 0,0 MtCO2 Emission 2020 16,7 34,4 0,0 0,0 0,0 mitigation potential, 2030 30,6 66,4 0,0 0,0 0,0 MtCO2 Source: M. McNeil, V. E. Letschert, Lawrence Berkeley National laboratory, Feb 2009 SSA - MEA - CPA - 7389 SASPAS GLOBAL - 13386 - - - 12807 - 20340 0,0 0,0 0,0 79,1 0,0 596,9 0,0 0,0 0,0 163,2 0,0 913,8 0,0 0,0 0,0 88,8 0,0 377,4 0,0 0,0 0,0 142,6 0,0 469,7 0,0 0,0 0,0 2,0 0,0 53 0,0 0,0 0,0 11,4 0,0 108 Market Transformation Programme: Global Carbon Impacts of Energy Using Products 54 Product group: Domestic air-conditioning Assumptions for Domestic Air Conditioning Unit Energy Consumption EER (W/W) Region Base 2010 2020 Source PAO 3.85 4.81 5.81 Top Runner Website /top_runner/chapter7 _3_02.html, Korea Standards NAM 3.37 3.37 3.37 (Rosenquist, McNeil et al. 2006) WEU+ EEU+ FSU 2.80 3.20 4.00 (Bertoldi and Atanasiu 2006) LAM 2.64 2.96 4.00 (McNeil and Letschert 2007) CPA 2.60 3.20 4.00 SAS-PAS 2.55 3.20 4.00 Other Regions 2.40 2.60 3.20 (Lin J. 2006) (Danish Energy Management 2004), (McNeil and Iyer 2007) Assumption Top Runner heat pump standards are quite high already, and are set to increase in 2010. We take from (Murakami S., M.D., Yoshino et al. 2006) the scenario that average efficiency will improve from a EER of 4 to 6 by 2020. Levels in AUS/NZ and Korea are assumed to match the Japanese standards.15 U.S. Standard for Central Air Conditioners currently set at 13 SEER, which we estimate to be equivalent to COP of 3.37. Additional improvements were not found to be cost effective in the reference. Current 'A' level set at 3.2, but some products reported at 4 or 5. Assume that the EU program will aggressive, with the market average reaching the A level by 2010, and reaching 4 by 2020. Further Assume that market for this product in EEU and FSU is largely harmonized with WEU from 2010 on. Same as WEU, except baseline at 'E' level Baseline Corresponds to 2005 Standard (Split Systems). Reach Standard in 2009 is 3.2. Assume new standards at 4 by 2020 Weighted average based on Baseline efficiency in India, Malaysia and Thailand. Assumes Harmonization with Chinese standards by 2010 Estimate based on current lack of efficiency programs. Will reach China 2009 standard by 2020. Source: M. McNeil, et al, “Global Potential of Energy Efficiency Standards and Labelling Programs”, Lawrence Berkeley National laboratory, Nov 2008 Global market size, electricity demand and expected carbon impact Region Global market estimates, thousand units Energy demand estimates, TWh Energy related carbon emissions, PAO 2005 3280 2020 2005 NAM WEU 6712 2609 3972 8841 8,3 263,2 2030 12,2 2005 2030 EEU FSU LAM SSA MEA CPA SASPAS GLOBAL n.a. n.a. 1193 432 765 39549 1206 55748 3590 n.a. n.a. 2459 759 1174 64197 2319 87311 31,6 n.a. n.a. 24,8 9,6 13,4 2,1 47,8 400,8 478,5 90,9 n.a. n.a. 109,5 32,0 40,9 8,8 157,0 929,9 5,3 155,1 12,0 n.a. n.a. 25,0 10,1 5,2 2,4 43,4 6,1 219,3 26,9 n.a. n.a. 85,9 26,1 12,5 7,7 111,0 15 Cooling only systems are rare in Japan. Japan scenario is slightly more conservative than the citation, since efficiencies in that report relate to stock, while our assumed efficiencies refer to new products only. Updates to Top Runner standards which will come into effect in 2010 are somewhat difficult to interpret due to a change in the performance metric used by the program. Finally, comparison between Japanese COPs and those in other countries is difficult due to differences in test procedures. 258,6 495,5 Market Transformation Programme: Global Carbon Impacts of Energy Using Products MtCO2 Emission 2020 0,5 0,0 1,4 n.a. n.a. 3,7 mitigation potential, 2030 1,6 0,0 5,6 n.a. n.a. 22,1 MtCO2 Source: M. McNeil, V. E. Letschert, Lawrence Berkeley National laboratory, Feb 2009 55 0,9 0,4 0,5 3,4 11 7,2 3,3 2,2 31,8 74 Overview of international efficiency policy and collaboration process Voluntary standard Australia/New Zeeland1 Brazil2 Mandatory standard x Voluntary Label x Mandatory label x Test standard AS/NZS 3823 RESP/003-CAD x Canada3 China4 EU5 x x x x x x x x India6 x x Japan7 Mexico8 x x CAN/CSA-C 273.3-M91 CAN/CSA-C 656-M92 CAN/CSA-C 744-M93 CAN/CSA-C 368.1-M90 GB 12021.3-2000 GB/T 7725-1996 x EN14511 x IS 1391 (part I) IS 1391 (part II) JIS B 8616 JIS C 9612 JIS B 8615-2 JIS B 8615-1 NOM-011-ENER-2006 NOM-021-ENER/SCFI-2008 10 CFR Part 430Subpart B App M 10 CFR Part 430 Subpart B App F USA9 x x x x US Energy Star 1 Single phase non-ducted air conditioners for household use are regulated for energy labelling and MEPS in Australia. All three phases and single phase ducted air conditioners up to 65kW cooling capacity are regulated for MEPS. Manufacturers can choose to label three phase and x x x ducted air conditioners, but this is not mandatory. . New levels for all products in April 2010 including heating performance, power factor and inclusion of non operating power. 2 Brazil applies voluntary MEPs for split AC as well as a mandatory labelling program. 3Canada has mandatory MEP to factory-assembled single-phase and three-phase split-system central air conditioners, packaged terminal air conditioners and heat pumps intended for use in residential, commercial and industrial heating and cooling systems, single-phase electric room air conditioners that are not "packaged terminal air conditioners" and that do not exceed 10.55 kilowatts (36 000 Btu/h). Mandatory labelling is applied for RACs (split/window). 4 Mandatory efficiency requirements and a label are applied for Central AC (packaged terminal) in China. GB/T 7725-1996 is not equivalent to ISO 5151-1994, however the cooling capacity tests are conducted at the ISO 5151-1994 T1 test condition. 5 AC are covered currently by the EU labelling scheme, EuP study is ongoing under the Eco Design directive. 6Single phase split & unitary AC up to a rated cooling capacity of 11 kW fall under the voluntary minimum efficiency requirements in India. Japan does not have MEPS; instead it operates the Top Runner standards program. This program aims to dramatically improve energy efficiency of appliances by setting target values based on the current highest efficiency level of each type of product instead of the current average efficiency level. Manufacturers and importers have to ensure the average (sales weighted) efficiency of all their appliances meet this standard by a specified date (the target year). The program allows for improvement over time, making manufacturers constantly increase the efficiency of appliances. The Top Runner standards are voluntary as there is no minimum level, however the program itself is mandatory for all manufacturers and importers. Unitary air conditioners can be ducted or non-ducted and hence the provisions in this standard are simultaneously comparable to both ISO 5151-94(E) (non-ducted air conditioners) and ISO 13253-93 (ducted air conditioners). Mandatory retailer labelling scheme applies for split room AC, for the rest type a voluntary informative label is applied. 7 8MEP was introduced in Mexico to central, package and split type air conditioners, powered by electricity, with nominal cooling capacities of 8,800W to 19,050W, which operate by mechanical compression and which include an air-cooling evaporator coil, a compressor and either an Market Transformation Programme: Global Carbon Impacts of Energy Using Products 56 air- or water-cooled condensing coil. In addition both split and packaged electrical central air conditioners should have the official yellow energy label relative to the standard - NOM-011-ENER-2006. In 1998, the label design was similar to European design; currently applies design of the United States and Canada (Energy Guide) in 2002. 9EnergyGuide labels are applied to central AC, Split and window Racs. For The last two categories also MEPs were introduced in 1990 and updated in 1997. Energy star label is also applicable for AC in US. Source: APEC-ESIS energy standards information system at; Test methods Overview of test standards per country and equipment type Country Australia Equipment type Central AC(split type) National Test Standard AS/ NZS 3823 Central AC and Heat Pump AS/ NZS 3823 RACs (split/window) AS/ NZS 3823 Central AC(split type) RESP/003-CAD Reference Test Standard ISO 5151 ISO 13253 ISO 5151 ISO 13253 ISO 5151 ISO 13253 ISO 5151 RACs (window) RESP/003-CAD ISO 5151 Central AC(split type) CAN/CSA-C 273.3-M 91 Central AC and Heat Pump CAN/CSA C 656-M 92 RACs (Packaged Terminal) CAN/CSA-C 744-93 ARI 210/240-94 ASHRAE 37-1988 ARI 210/240-94 ASHRAE 37-1988 ARI 310/380-93 (CSA C744-93) China RACs (split/window) RACs (split/window) India RACs (split/window) EU Japan Central AC(split type) CAN/CSA-C 368.1-M90 GB 12021.3-2000 GB/T 7725-1996 IS 1391 (part I) IS 1391 (part II) EN14511 JIS B 8616 JIS C 9612 JIS B 8615-2 JIS B 8615-1 Brazil Canada Ducted AC and heat pumps Non-ducted AC and heat pumps RACs (Packaged Terminal) USA ISO 13253 ISO 5151 Central AC(split type) Central AC(Packaged Terminal) JIS B 8615-1 JIS B 8615-2 JIS B 8616 JIS C 9612 JIS B 8615-2 JIS C 9612 JIS B 8616 JIS B 8615-1 NOM-011-ENER-2006 NOM-011-ENER-2006 RACs (Packaged Terminal) NOM-021-ENER/SCFI-2008 ANSI / ASHRAE 16 (RA99) RACs (window) Central AC(split type) NOM-021-ENER/SCFI-2008 10 CFR Part 430 Subpart B App M US Energy Star ANSI / ASHRAE 16 (RA99) ANSI/ASHRAE 116-1995 ARI 210/240-94 ASHRAE / AMCA 51-1999 ASHRAE 23-1993 ASHRAE 37-1988 ASHRAE 41.1-1986 (RA 01) RACs (split/window) Mexico ASHRAE 90-1-1989 ISO 5151 JIS C 9612 JIS B 8616 JIS B 8616 ANSI / ASHRAE 37 ANSI / ASHRAE 37 Market Transformation Programme: Global Carbon Impacts of Energy Using Products RACs (split/window) US Energy Star 10 CFR Part 430 Subpart B App F APEC-ESIS energy standards information system at 57 ASHRAE 41.2-1987 (RA 92) ASHRAE 41.6-1994 (RA 01) ASHRAE 41.9-2000 ANS Z 234.1-1972 ANSI / ASHRAE 16 (RA99) Test method: ISO used widely around the world, except for central and mini-splits in USA. However, concern about variable output systems could create many approaches in the near future Efficiency metric: Cooling or heating power output. How this varies by climate and output (inverters) not yet quantified (issue) Regulatory regimes: Widely regulated mostly using EER at T1, US different (SEER), Japan looking for seasonal efficiency, inverters now common Good prospects if key test points plus simulation can cover all climates and usage patterns ISO test procedure is used widely but is currently inadequate for modelling actual use across a range of climatic conditions, seasonal performance or part load operation (especially inverter models). This is the major criticism of ISO AC test methods. In some areas major differences exist between the test procedures used in certain member economies, which is as much a result of differences in how identical products are classified, as it is through fundamental differences in the test conditions and testing practice. There appears to be a strong case for the complete alignment of product definitions used in test procedures and efficiency regulations, as the existing differences in definitions currently constitute arbitrary barriers to the free flow of goods that are not prerequisites of the energy performance policy objectives. Work is under way to establish a range of standardised test points and provide a method of calculation to estimate seasonal performance. This will allow harmonisation of testing with adaptation of results to reflect local climatic conditions. If successful, this will provide a sound basis for global alignment of both test methods and closer cooperation on efficiency levels. One issue of major concern for this product group is the rapid increase in penetration in many countries and the associated large peak loads on national electricity grid, which have the capacity to create large scale blackouts in extreme weather events. Countries like Australia are pursuing standardised demand response interfaces for air conditioners (and other products) which may become mandatory in due course. Market Transformation Programme: Global Carbon Impacts of Energy Using Products 58 Product group: Commercial refrigeration Assumptions for Commercial Refrigeration Efficiency Improvement Region 2010 All Regions 34% 2020 Source 34% (Rosenquist, McNeil et al. 2006) Assumption U.S. cost-effective efficiency improvement levels, weighted by market share (percent of electricity consumption) for each equipment type. Source: M. McNeil, et al, “Global Potential of Energy Efficiency Standards and Labelling Programs”, Lawrence Berkeley National laboratory, Nov 2008 Global market size, electricity demand and expected carbon impact Region Surface estimates, mln m2 PAO 2005 165,5 NAM WEU 612,2 366,4 EEU 11,4 FSU LAM 16,3 SSA MEA CPA SASPAS GLOBAL 81,3 6,6 34,4 192,2 71,7 1557,9 2020 224,1 904,0 614,8 45,3 32,0 183,7 Energy 2005 32,6 104,8 72,2 2,4 3,2 11,3 demand estimates, 2030 39,9 159,1 111,1 8,1 6,1 31,4 TWh Energy Related 2005 20,8 61,7 27,5 1,3 1,7 11,4 carbon emissions, 2030 19,8 72,9 32,9 3,4 2,6 24,6 MtCO2 Emission 2020 5 17 8 1 1 5 mitigation potential, 2030 7 25 11 1 1 8 MtCO2 Source: M. McNeil, V. E. Letschert, Lawrence Berkeley National laboratory, Feb 2009 32,6 80,4 523,5 232,0 2872,4 0,0 4,4 28,0 8,2 267,2 4,6 13,9 95,1 39,3 508,5 0 1,7 31,5 7,4 165,3 3,7 4,2 83,1 27,8 275,2 0 1 14 4 54 1 1 28 9 94 Overview of international efficiency policy and collaboration process Voluntary standard Australia/New Zeeland1 Canada2 Brazil3 EU4 Mandatory standard Voluntary Label Mandatory label x x x UC Mexico5 California6 x x USA7 UC- under consideration UC x x Test standard AS 1731.14-2003 CANC657-04; CAN/CSAC827-98 RESP/001-REF EN ISO23953 NOM-022ENER/SCFI/ECOL-2000 ANSI/ASHRAE 117-1992 ANSI/ASHRAE 72(1998) 117(2002) Australian MEPs for remote and self-contained refrigerated display-cabinets came into force in October 2004. The test methods used to determine compliance are based, but not equivalent on EN ISO 23953:2005. 1 2Voluntary standards are applied in Canada, containing minimum performance criteria for annual energy consumption that vary with the volume of the refrigerators or freezer, apply for food service refrigerators and freezers, display cabinets and merchandisers and vending machines. 3The Brazilian voluntary labelling program contains an efficiency rating along with energy consumption and freezer temperature information. The program is conducted by PROCEL, the national energy efficiency program and the government agency INMETRO (Instituto Nacional de Metrologia, Normalizacao e Qualidade Industrial (INMETRO - National Institute of Metrologia) is responsible for verifying the manufacturers data. Market Transformation Programme: Global Carbon Impacts of Energy Using Products 4The EU preparatory study for ecodesign requirements for Commercial refrigerators and freezers is ongoing as of November 2008 5Mexico’s standard NOM-022-ENER/SCFI/ECOL-2000 has adopted specifications and testing methods of energy efficiency values, as well as user safety and elimination of the use of chlor-fluoro-carbons for commercial-type refrigerators. Under the government MEPS scheme, it is required that commercial refrigerators have the official yellow energy label relative to the standard. California’s Minimum energy performance standards are applied as state low, no appliance may be sold or offered for sale unless it complies with the applicable standard. 6 7 The Energy Policy Act of 2005 prescribes new and amended energy conservation standards and test procedures to commercial refrigeration equipment. In this context US DOE published a notice of proposed MEPs that will apply on or after January 1st 2012. Sources: APEC-ESIS energy standards information system at; “Preparatory Studies for Eco- design Requirements of EuPs: Lot 12: Commercial refrigerators and freezers, Task 1, version 22nd”, March 2007, Bio Intelligence Service Test methods At this stage there is no international test method for the performance of commercial refrigeration. The relevant published ASHRAE, CAN/CSA and European standards should be used as the initial basis for such an international standard. 59 Market Transformation Programme: Global Carbon Impacts of Energy Using Products 60 Product group: Commercial lighting Assumptions for Aggregate Commercial Lighting Efficacy and Efficiency Improvement Commercial lighting is estimated in an aggregate way taking into consideration all fixture and lamp types. In the base year, differences in commercial lighting efficacy between regions are due to differences in lamp types in use and also due to lamp efficacy differences. Difference in lamp efficacy between regions are related mostly to T12 and T8 lamp types and represents the various penetration levels of magnetic and electronic ballasts. The energy efficiency target in 2010 includes the implementation of stringent lamp type efficacy for T12 and T8 of 3% for Pacific OECD and North American countries and 5% for Non OECD countries and OECD Europe. It also includes the replacement of half the stock of T12 with T8 for 80% of lamps, and T5 for 5%, in OECD countries and with T8 for 100% of lamps in non OECD countries as well as the replacement of 50% of incandescent lamps by CFL. The 2020 target includes the complete phase out of T12 replaced with T5 and the replacement of half the stock of T8 with T5 in OECD countries. In non OECD countries, the replacement with T5 target is less aggressive, T12 are replaced with T5 for 50% of lamps, the rest are replaced with T8. The resulting efficiency factors by region are shown in the Table below. Region PAO NAM WEU EEU FSU LAM MEA SSA CPA SAS-PAS Base 1,05 0,97 0,94 0,81 0,77 0,84 0,88 0,70 0,84 0,84 2010 Target 1,09 1,08 1,00 0,97 0,95 1,00 1,01 0,93 0,99 1,00 2020 Target 1,24 1,27 1,18 1,13 1,07 1,12 1,11 1,09 1,09 1,11 Source: M. McNeil, et al, “Global Potential of Energy Efficiency Standards and Labelling Programs”, Lawrence Berkeley National laboratory, Nov 2008 Global market size, electricity demand and expected carbon impact Region PAO NAM WEU EEU FSU LAM Surface 2005 142,5 524,7 321,1 11,0 18,8 76,3 estimates, mln 2020 193,2 767,1 531,8 40,7 31,4 173,7 m2 Energy 2005 85,4 295,3 214,2 9,7 15,4 44,5 demand estimates, 2030 103,6 440,4 323,5 29,0 25,6 115,9 TWh Energy Related 2005 54,6 174 81,6 5,3 8,5 44,9 carbon emissions, 2030 51,6 201,9 95,8 12,4 10,9 91 MtCO2 Emission 2020 1 12 4 1 1 8 mitigation potential, 2030 2 33 11 3 3 25 MtCO2 Source: M. McNeil, V. E. Letschert, Lawrence Berkeley National laboratory, Feb 2009 SSA MEA CPA Australia1 California2 Mandatory standard x x Voluntary Label GLOBAL 16,2 34,9 209,6 98,6 1453,8 50,9 77,1 496,1 246,6 2608,5 10,7 17,4 129,0 51,0 872,6 37,8 50,7 356,4 164,5 1647,5 11,2 6,8 144,9 46,3 578,2 30,8 15,5 311,4 116,3 937,5 4 1 22 9 63 13 4 78 31 203 Overview of international efficiency policy and collaboration process Voluntary standard SASPAS Mandatory label Test standard AS/NZS 4783.2:2002 AS/NZS 4782.2:2004 Market Transformation Programme: Global Carbon Impacts of Energy Using Products Canada3 China4 EU5 Japan6 Korea7 New Zealand8 USA9 x x x x x x x x x x x x X x x x x x x 1Australia implemented MEPS for LFL ballasts in March 2003 and for LFLs in October 2004. The provisions for ballast MEPS are essentially harmonised with the European Union’s MEPS. The minimum efficacy requirements for LFLs are essentially harmonised with those applied in the United States and Canada but are adapted for Australian power supply and test conditions. They include requirements for a minimum colour rendering index. Performance requirements for linear fluorescent lamps include a limit on mercury content. Within the program Greenlight Australia a wide range of new policy measures are being developed or are under active consideration. MEPS for low-voltage halogen transformers, CFLs, Halogen and reflector lamps are being introduced progressive during 2009/2010 (including a ban on standard efficiency GLS incandescent lamps). MEPS for luminaries, HID lamps and ballasts are under development. 2To date California is the only jurisdiction aside from Korea to have implemented mandatory or voluntary efficiency standards for GLS incandescent lamps. These MEPS impose minimum efficacy levels as a function of the rated lamp power and seem to be roughly equivalent to Korea’s target value for incandescent lamps operated at 110 V. California’s torchiere MEPS, which came into effect in March 2003, prohibit the sale of torchières that consume more than 190 W and hence effectively outlaw all but the lowest-power halogen torchières. 3Canada now applies MEPS for fluorescent lamps, incandescent reflector lamps and ballasts. These MEPS are harmonised with the equivalent US regulations as are the associated lamp labelling regulations. In addition, both countries operate a voluntary performance requirement for CFLs and both apply the ENERGY STAR label in their territory. Canada also has an extra CFL endorsement label operated by Environment Canada. 4Lighting MEPS have been implemented in China since June 2003 for fluorescent lamps, high pressure sodium and metal halide lamps as well as for lamp ballasts. China operates an extensive endorsement labelling scheme, which sets performance criteria for efficient products, including lighting, and certifies performance levels of eligible products via a third-party testing and certification process. Lighting products that are addressed include high-pressure sodium lamp ballasts, tubular fluorescent lamp ballasts, two-end fluorescent lamps and CFLs. In addition, certification labelling requirements are being developed for HID lamps and LEDs. 5So far the European Union has introduced two mandatory regulations addressing lighting equipment: MEPS for ballasts, and energy labelling for household lamps. The EU policy instruments are also adopted or under consideration in several non EU member states – Norway, Switzerland, Croatia, Turkey, Macedonia, Albania, Ukraine. The European Union, the United Kingdom and Denmark operate CFLperformance certification schemes to ensure that consumers are able to distinguish and attain high-quality CFLs. In addition the European Union’s voluntary eco-labelling scheme also specifies requirements for CFLs. 6Japan first implemented efficiency standards for fluorescent lamps in 1993 in which the government called for an improvement in energy efficiency by 2000 of 3–7% compared to the level of 1992. In 1999 the Top Runner Program started, where average efficacy targets have been set for 12 individual fluorescent lamp technologies). Japan does not have MEPS; instead it operates the Top Runner standards program. This program aims to dramatically improve energy efficiency of appliances by setting target values based on the current highest efficiency level of each type of product instead of the current average efficiency level. Manufacturers and importers have to ensure the average (sales weighted) efficiency of all their appliances meet this standard by a specified date (the target year). The program allows for improvement over time, making manufacturers constantly increase the efficiency of appliances. In addition a voluntary labelling scheme has been initiated in 2000 to indicate compliance with the set criteria. The Top Runner standards are voluntary as there is no minimum level, however the program itself is mandatory for all manufacturers and importers. Fluorescent lamps also have mandatory energy label, such that when a product has met or exceeded the Top Runner threshold it is colour-coded green, but when it is of a lower efficiency -coded orange. The label also expresses the product’s efficiency as a percentage of the Top Runner target such that values above 100% have surpassed the target and values below are yet to attain it. In addition to the product label, Japan has begun to implement an innovative retailer- labelling scheme, where retailers who stock predominantly high efficiency equipment are eligible for an endorsement label that can be mounted as a plaque on the store entrance and used in promotional materials. 7Korea has one of the more established and comprehensive MEPS and labelling programmes addressing lighting equipment in the OECD, with the first MEPS coming into effect in 1996 (incandescent lamps) and the most recent in 2000 (CFLs). In particular, Korea’s energy-labelling certification scheme has one of the broadest coverage of any such schemes and is alone in addressing light sensors, reflectors and metal halide lamps. The Korean energy efficiency standards and labelling programme, established in 1992 covers nine items, including incandescent bulbs (October 1992), fluorescent lamps (October 1992), ballasts for fluorescent lamps (July 1994) and self-ballasted lamps such as ballast-integrated CFLs (July 1999). To date, South Korea is the only national authority to have implemented MEPS for standard incandescent lamps (GLS incandescent lamps). These MEPS do not prohibit the sale of incandescent lamps but they do prevent the sale of the least efficient varieties. Mandatory energy labelling has also been introduced for all these products, using an efficiency grading scale operating from 1 (most efficient) to 5 (least efficient).In addition to the MEPS and mandatory labels implemented for the products mentioned above, a voluntary energy certification label exists known as the “Energy Boy”, which indicates that products carrying the label are energy efficient and their performance has been certified by KEMCO. 61 Market Transformation Programme: Global Carbon Impacts of Energy Using Products 62 8New Zealand has MEPS for LFL ballasts and LFLs. The requirements for ballasts are harmonised with Australia’s, but those for LFLs are not. New Zealand introduced its LFL MEPS in July 2002, before Australia did, and although LFLs are tested to the same standard in both countries the New Zealand MEPS requirements are slightly more stringent than the Australian equivalents. The United States have the most established and comprehensive lighting MEPS programme in the OECD, with provisions now either covering r pending for all the main lamp types. In addition, labels are implemented for all products. The October 2005 Energy Policy Act prohibited the manufacture or import of mercury vapour ballasts from 1 January 2008. The 1992 EPAct called for a voluntary national testing and information programme for luminaries. A programme has been created jointly by a stakeholders’ working group called the National Lighting Collaborative. The working group introduced a new tool for comparing luminaries, the luminaries’ efficacy rating (LER), which is based on NEMA’s LE 5 standard for fluorescent luminaries. NEMA has since released several lighting performance testing standards relevant to luminaries. ENERGY STAR sets performance specifications for LFLs, fluorescent ballasts, industrial HID luminaries and fluorescent luminaries. 8 Sources: Light’s Labour Lost-Policies for Energy Efficient Lighting”, OECD/IEA, 2006; APEC-ESIS energy standards information system at; Test methods overview Country Australia/New Zeeland Canada Equipment type National Test Standard Reference Test Standard Electronic ballasts AS/NZS 4783.1:2001 AS/NZS 60921:2002 AS/NZS 60929:2000 AS/NZS 4783.1:2001 AS/NZS 4782.1:2004 AS/NZS 60901:2003 CAN/CSA-C 654-M 91 CAN/CSA-C 654-M 91 CAN/CSA-C 861-95 CAN/CSA-C 819-95 CAN/CSA-C 862-01 CAN/CSA-C 239-94 CAN/CSA-C 653-94 GB 19574-2003 GB/T 15042-1994 GB/T 15144-1994 GB/T 17262-2002 GB/T13434-1992CAN/CSA-C 654-M91 IEC 60901 IEC 60929 GB/T 14044-1993 EN 50294 IEC 60921 IEC 60929 EN 50294 IEC 60081 IEC 60901 US DOE US DOE Magnetic Ballasts Fluorescent lamps Electronic ballasts Magnetic Ballasts CFLs Fluorescent lamps Incandescent lamps Lighting systems Electronic ballast China Magnetic ballast CFLs EU Japan Fluorescent lamps Magnetic ballasts Fluorescent lamps Fluorescent lamps GB 19044-2003 GB/T 17263-2002 GB/T 10682-2002 EN50294 EN60901 JIS C 7601 Associated ballasts Magnetic ballasts Electronic ballasts CFLs KS C 7621 KS C 8102-99 KS C 8100-01 KS C 7621-99 Fluorescent lamps Incandescent lamps KS C 7601-01 KS C 7501-99 Electronic ballasts 10 CFR Part 430 Subpart B App Q Korea USA IES LM 31-95 IES RP 8-00 CAN/CSA-C 654-M 91 IEC 60921 IEC 60969 IEC 60081 IEC 60081 IEC 60901 JIS C 8108 IEC 60929 IEC 60969 JIS C 7601 JIS C 8108 JIS C 7601 IEC 60064 JIS C 7501 ANSI C 82.2 Market Transformation Programme: Global Carbon Impacts of Energy Using Products Magnetic ballasts CFLs Fluorescent lamps Incandescent lamps 10 CFR Part 430 Subpart B App Q 10 CFR Part 430 Subpart B App R US Energy Star 10 CFR Part 430 Subpart B App R 10 CFR Part 430 Subpart B App R 63 ANSI C 82.2 IES LM 66 ANSI C 78.1 ANSI C 78.2 ANSI C 78.3 ANSI C 78.375 ANSI C 82.3 IESNA LM-58-94 IESNA LM-9-99 ANSI C 78.21 ANSI C 79.1 IESNA LM-20-94 IESNA LM-45-00 IESNA LM-58-94 Sources: Light’s Labour Lost-Policies for Energy Efficient Lighting”, OECD/IEA, 2006; APEC-ESIS energy standards information system at; Test methods Test method: Old IEC62087 method not applicable to flat screens, but strong global effort to develop new procedure within IEC nearing completion Efficiency metric: screen size, but picture can affect energy -standardised clips, some debate about features and screen settings/brightness. Issue of store settings (bright picture) versus settings for normal use. Regulatory regimes: Not regulated in many places at this stage -Top Runner in Japan and China has MEPS. Energy Star level. About to be regulated by AU, maybe EU and US soon Good prospects as not much existing regulation and good participation in new IEC method, perhaps not enough cooperation on metrics at this stage Market Transformation Programme: Global Carbon Impacts of Energy Using Products 64 Product group: Street lighting Global market size, trends and expected carbon impact Current market size, year n.a Baseline energy consumpti on Electricity demand 114 TWh Emission mitigation potential. MtCO2 Around 10 TWh annual saving by 2030 Light’s Labour Lost-Policies for Energy Efficient Lighting”, OECD/IEA, 2006 Overview of international efficiency policy and collaboration process Voluntary standard Australia/New Zeeland1 Brazil2 China3 EU4 Mexico5 Turkey6 USA Mandatory standard Under consideration Voluntary Label Mandatory label Test standard x x GB 19574-2003 GB 19573-2003 x x x Australia and New Zealand are preparing minimum energy performance standards for HID lamps and HID ballasts. A holistic energyperformance standard is being developed for lighting on main roads, taking into account the lamp, ballast, luminaries, control system and overall design of each installation. 1 2 INMETRO is a Brazilian Labelling Program for Public Lighting Fixtures: The Brazilian program is based on the bar style energy label. It contains an efficiency rating along with energy consumption. The program is conducted by PROCEL, the national energy efficiency program and the government agency INMETRO (Instituto Nacional de Metrologia, Normalizacao e Qualidade Industrial (INMETRO – National Institute of Metrologia) is responsible for verifying the manufacturers data. 3China has limited the lighting power density for roadways between 0.4 and 0.8 W/m² and also has adopted MEPs for high pressure sodium lamps and ballasts for HPS lamps. 4 EuP study for street lighting has been conducted. 5Mexico has lighting power density limitations for exterior lighting of pavements, bus stops, plazas and main squares. Lamps must have an efficacy of > 40lm/W. NOM-013-ENER-1996 (External Lighting Systems); NOM-013-ENER-1996 is used to set luminance levels and set efficacy levels (lumens per watt) for outdoor lighting on roadways and buildings. It is based on the IES LEM-6 but also sets values for car parks and areas illuminated by tower lights. 5In 2006 Turkey approved 2 directives on public lighting with date of obligation on new installations of public street lighting. The first obligation is to use tubular, clear high pressure sodium lamps (NaHP-TC) with enhanced lumen output. The second obligation is to use efficient luminaries with an IP-rating of at least IP 65. 6USA The October 2005 Energy Policy Act introduced MEPS for exit signs, traffic signals, torchières, pedestrian walkway modules and medium screw CFLs, effective from 1 January 2006. Sources: “Preparatory Studies for Eco-design Requirements of EuPs, Lot 9: Public street lighting, VITO, 2007]; Light’s Labour Lost-Policies for Energy Efficient Lighting”, OECD/IEA, 2006; APEC-ESIS energy standards information system at Market Transformation Programme: Global Carbon Impacts of Energy Using Products Test methods IEC60598-1 specifies general requirements for luminaries...and related tests Some potential for energy management 65 Market Transformation Programme: Global Carbon Impacts of Energy Using Products 66 Product group: Commercial ICT Assumptions for Office Equipment Standby Power UEC and Efficiency Improvement Kawamoto (2000) estimated that 8.6% of the electricity consumed by office equipment is used in ‘LowPower’ mode. We interpret this consumption as standby power losses. Accordingly, we construct an efficiency scenario based on the following assumptions: The average standby power of each piece of office equipment in 2010 is 5 W. A standby requirement of 3W is implemented internationally in 2010 (40% reduction in low-power consumption) A 1W standby requirement is in place in all countries by 2020 (80% reduction in low-power consumption). Source: M. McNeil, et al, “Global Potential of Energy Efficiency Standards and Labelling Programs”, Lawrence Berkeley National laboratory, Nov 2008 Global market size, electricity demand and expected carbon impact (stand by power only) Region Surface estimates, mln m2 PAO 2005 165,5 NAM WEU 612,2 366,4 EEU 11,4 FSU LAM 16,3 SSA MEA SASPAS CPA GLOBAL 81,3 6,6 34,4 192,2 71,7 1557,9 2020 224,1 904,0 614,8 45,3 32,0 183,7 Energy 2005 36,3 116,6 80,4 2,7 3,6 12,6 demand estimates, 2030 44,4 177,1 123,7 9,0 6,7 34,9 TWh Energy Related 2005 23,2 68,7 30,6 1,5 1,9 12,7 carbon emissions, 2030 22,1 81,2 36,6 3,8 2,9 27,4 MtCO2 Emission 2020 0 1 1 0 0 0 mitigation potential, 2030 1 4 2 0 0 1 MtCO2 Source: M. McNeil, V. E. Letschert, Lawrence Berkeley National laboratory, Feb 2009 32,6 80,4 523,5 232,0 2872,4 0,0 4,9 31,2 9,1 297,3 5,1 15,5 105,9 43,7 565,8 0 1,9 35,1 8,3 183,9 4,1 4,7 92,5 30,9 306,2 0 0 1 0 5 0 0 5 2 15 Overview of international efficiency policy and collaboration process Voluntary standard Australia/New Zeeland1 Canada2 China3 EU4 Japan5 Republic of Korea6 USA7 Mandatory standard UC x Voluntary Label x x x x x x Mandatory label Test standard CCEC/T22-2003 x US EPA x 1Two voluntary labelling schemes apply for office equipment (computers, monitors, imaging equipment) in Australia and New Zeeland - the “Energy Star” Program and “Good environmental choice”. The Australian eco-label program was launched in 2002 by the Australian Environmental Labelling Association. Products need to meet environmental performance criteria including energy usage requirements. Companies pay an annual fee to use the label. 2Apart from Energy Star program, the Environmental Choice Program (ECP) also known as EcoLogo is acting in Canada. It allows companies to apply to have a product or service certified if it improves energy efficiency. Certification is indefinite providing licensed companies to confirm annually their continued compliance. ECP also conducts random inspections or product testing to confirm continued compliance. 3China is considering introduction of minimum efficiency requirements for computers, monitors and other office equipment (copiers, printers). So far only the Energy conservation certification scheme is applied for these products. Market Transformation Programme: Global Carbon Impacts of Energy Using Products 4The EU EcoLabel and the Energy Star program are the main voluntary labels applied for office ICT in EU. There are also some national and international labelling schemes such as GEEA label, TCO label, Blue Angel, Nordic Swan, etc. Japan does not have MEPS; instead it operates the Top Runner standards program. This program aims to dramatically improve energy efficiency of appliances by setting target values based on the current highest efficiency level of each type of product instead of the current average efficiency level. Manufacturers and importers have to ensure the average (sales weighted) efficiency of all their appliances meet this standard by a specified date (the target year). The program allows for improvement over time, making manufacturers constantly increase the efficiency of appliances. The Top Runner standards are voluntary as there is no minimum level, however the program itself is mandatory for all manufacturers and importers. Computers, hard disk drives and copying machines are part of the Top runners program. Computers are also a mandatory retailer labelling programme. It mandates retailers to provide information of products at their stores using “National standard Energy-saving Label” which includes information such as energy consumption and expected electricity cost. Energy Star and EcoMark program are also applied as voluntary labelling schemes for office ICT products. 5 6Office equipment is widely covered by the Korean e-Standby Program that has been implemented since April 1, 1999. The e-Standby Program is managed according to the long-term road map, “Standby Korea 2010,” that is designed to reduce standby power usage to below 1W by 2010. The Energy-Saving Label is an endorsement label for office equipments and home electronics. The equipment eligibility requirements are mostly the same as the International Energy Star program. 7US Energy Star is jointly managed by the Environment Protection Agency (EPA) and the US Department of Energy (DOE) since 1992 as a voluntary, market-based partnership that seeks to reduce air pollution through increased energy efficiency. The program is originally covered only computers, monitors and printers, but has now been expanded to cover a wide variety of appliances, equipment, building products and homes and windows. Products that have earned the Energy Star designation prevent greenhouse gas emissions by meeting strict energy-efficiency specifications set by the government. Sources: “Preparatory studies for Eco-Design requirements of EuP, LOT 3: Personal Computers (desktops and laptops) and Computer Monitors, Final report”, IVF, August 2007; “Preparatory studies for Eco-Design requirements of EuP, LOT 4: Imaging equipment, Task 1”, Fraunhofer IZM, November 2007; APEC-ESIS energy standards information system at Test methods Information technology (this relates to computers not EPS) Reasonable prospects for mode harmonisation, but energy management, especially in networks, is the missing link Need to establish internationally developed test method for external power supplies within the IEC. Test method: Existing IEC measures energy consumption by mode (many modes) Efficiency metric: energy service is very unclear, large fixed energy requirement, incremental task energy small, most normal usage is very small Regulatory regimes: Mostly Energy Star, some country requirements, being considered in some countries External power supplies - IEC 62301 and Energy Star test methodology Test method: Agreed international method, but not yet published by IEC Efficiency metric: Efficiency no load plus 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% rated output widely agreed (curve is ideal), range of efficiency levels now defined (I to V, VI in development) Regulatory regimes: Mandatory and voluntary programs in place China, USA, Australia and soon EU Korea Japan, all using same metrics Already achieved if others copy the approach 67 Market Transformation Programme: Global Carbon Impacts of Energy Using Products 68 Product group: Motors – electric Assumptions for Efficiency Market Shares of Base Case and Efficiency Scenario for 3-Phase Industrial Motors 2010 Baseline Region PAO NAM WEU EEU FSU LAM SSA MEA CPA SAS-PAS NEMA Premium 0% 16% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% eff1/ EPACT 1% 84% 7% 0% 0% 100% 2% 2% 1% 2% 2010 Efficiency eff2 99% 0% 66% 73% 73% 0% 48% 48% 99% 48% eff3 0% 0% 28% 28% 28% 0% 50% 50% 0% 50% NEMA Premium 0% 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% eff1/ EPACT 100% 0% 100% 75% 50% 100% 25% 25% 100% 25% 2020 Efficiency eff2 0% 0% 0% 25% 50% 0% 75% 75% 0% 75% NEMA Premium 100% 100% 100% 100% 50% 100% 25% 25% 100% 25% eff1/ EPACT 0% 0% 0% 0% 50% 0% 75% 75% 0% 75% M. McNeil, et al, “Global Potential of Energy Efficiency Standards and Labelling Programs for Industrial motors”, Lawrence Berkeley National laboratory, April 2008 Global market size, electricity demand and expected carbon impact (industrial motors)) Region Surface estimates, mln m2 PAO 2005 NAM n.a WEU n.a n.a EEU FSU n.a LAM n.a n.a 2020 n.a n.a n.a n.a n.a n.a Energy 2005 415,4 714,7 739,9 64,3 304,3 255,8 demand estimates, 2030 606,9 1271,8 1212,0 195,3 707,6 485,1 TWh Energy Related 2005 265,8 421,2 281,7 35,2 166,6 258 carbon emissions, 2030 302 582,9 358,9 83,1 301,2 380,6 MtCO2 Emission 2020 5 5 6 1 3 0 mitigation potential, 2030 12 9 16 4 11 4 MtCO2 Source: M. McNeil, V. E. Letschert, Lawrence Berkeley National laboratory, Feb 2009 SSA MEA n.a CPA n.a n.a SASPAS n.a Australia1 Mandatory standard x Voluntary Label Brazil2 n.a n.a n.a n.a n.a 117,2 909,1 266,2 3892,7 232,8 226,0 1842,8 875,5 7655,7 110,7 46 1021,4 242 2848,5 189,6 69 1611,2 619 4497,7 2 1 22 4 48 6 2 65 20 150 Mandatory label x Canada3 x China4 x EU5 Korea6 x x x n.a 105,7 Overview of international efficiency policy and collaboration process Voluntary standard GLOBAL Test standard AS 1359.5:2006 NBR 7094 / 2000 NBR 5383-1 / 1999 CAN/CSA-C 390-98 , CAN/CSA C390 , CSA C 39093 GBT13007 –1991 GB12021 GB/T 1032-1985 , GB 7552000 KS C 9301 Market Transformation Programme: Global Carbon Impacts of Energy Using Products Mexico7 x Voluntary standard Mandatory standard USA8 x x Voluntary Label Mandatory label 69 KSC 4204 KS C IEC 61972 KSC 4201 KSC 4203 NOM14-ENER NOM-004-ENER-2008; NOM-006-ENER-1995; NOM-010-ENER-2004 Test standard 10 CFR Part 431 Subpart B App. A , ANSI/IEEE 1121984 (Method B) 1 Three phase electric motors manufactured or imported in Australia must comply with MEPS set in AS 1359.5:2000 (from October 2001) and these levels were upgraded in AS/NZS1359.5-2004 (from April 2006) which are more or less equivalent to US MEPS (1997) and EU Efficiency Level 1. MEPS does not apply to submersible motors, integral motor-gear systems, variable or multi-speed motors or those rated only for short duty cycles (IEC 60034-2 duty rating S2). Rewound motors are not required to comply with MEPS. 2INMETRO is the Brazilian Labelling Program for Electric Motors. A draft regulation has been proposed which lays down minimum levels of energy efficiency to be conformed by three-phase electric engines of induction. 3 MEPs apply for electric motors in Canada from 1999. 4China has published minimum efficiency standards for fans (electric fans; table fan, wall-mounted fan, floor table fan, floor standard fan and ceiling fan) as well as three phase motors. Chinese pump manufacturers apply a scheme that gives a graph of efficiency against specific flow for each of the types of pump included in the scheme. There is also a correction factor (or efficiency allowance) that is added to the actual pump efficiency, which takes account of the actual head and flow. 5In 1998 a voluntary agreement supported by European Committee of Manufacturers of Electrical Machines and Power Electronics (CEMEP) and the European Commission was established to promote more efficient AC 3-phase induction motors. The European Association of Pump Manufacturers (EUROPUMP) launched a Voluntary EU Energy Label scheme for comprised circulators in January 2005. Various voluntary schemes exist member countries in Germany (circulators), Denmark (fans), Sweden (ventilation system). Currently discussions are ongoing on possible ecodesign requirements proposed by EC for motors, fans, pumps and circulators. 6Korea has recently introduced minimum efficiency requirements for 3 phase electric motors as follows (37kW < Rated output power ; less than or equal to; 200kW : From 1st of July, 2008; 0.75kW < Rated output power; lest than or equal to; 37kW : From 1st of January, 2010). Also MEPs and the Energy Efficiency Rating Labelling Program apply for electric fans in Korea. For pumps efficiency a voluntary certification scheme was introduced with the objective of encouraging the development of new efficient pumps. The pumps targeted are centrifugal water supply pumps of the single stage and multistage types with discharge branches from 25 to 200mm bore, running at 2 pole and 4 pole speeds. 7In Mexico NOM-014-ENER is intended to establish the minimum efficiency ratings, the test method for evaluation, and specifications for marking the rated efficiency on the plates of motors. This standard applies to single-phase squirrel cage induction AC motors, for general use, with a rated output of 0.180 kW to 1.500 kW nominal rated power. MEPs were also introduced Clean-Water Pumps and Motor Pumps With a Power Rating of 0.187 kW to 0.746 kW, electromechanical pumping systems of vertical turbine pumps with external or submersible motor of 5.5 kW to 261 kW (7.5 to 350 hp) used in deep agricultural wells submersible clean water pumps Enforced in October 1997 the US Energy Policy Act (EPAct 1992) requires that motors manufactured or imported for sale in the USA (alone or as a component in another piece of equipment) meet minimum efficiency levels. EPAct motors now constitute 54% of the integral horsepower induction motor market share. Because many utilities and industry associations were promoting motors with a higher efficiency than EPAct mandatory levels, the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) felt a need to define a classification scheme for premium higher efficiency motors. In 2005 NEMA Premium motors constituted 16% of the market share in USA. Energy Star is jointly managed by the Environment Protection Agency (EPA) and the US Department of Energy (DOE) since 1992 as a voluntary, market-based partnership that seeks to reduce air pollution through increased energy efficiency. The program covers both ceiling fans and ventilating fans. 8 Sources: A. de Almeida, “Preparatory studies for Eco-Design requirements of EuP, LOT 11: Motors, Final report”, University of Coimbra, February 2008; .“Preparatory studies for Eco-Design requirements of EuP, LOT 11: Water Pumps (in commercial buildings, drinking water pumping, food industry, agriculture, Final report”, AEA Energy and Environment, April 2008 Market Transformation Programme: Global Carbon Impacts of Energy Using Products .“Preparatory studies for Eco-Design requirements of EuP, LOT 11: Circulators in buildings, Final report”, AEA Energy and Environment, April 2008; .“Preparatory studies for Eco-Design requirements of EuP, LOT 11: Fans for ventilation in non residential buildings, Final report”, Fraunhofer Institute Systems and Innovation research, April 2008; APEC-ESIS energy standards information system at Test methods IEC 60034-30- Specifies efficiency classes for single-speed, three-phase, 50 Hz and 60 Hz, cage-induction motors Test method: IEC and NEMA now aligned (direct measurement stray losses), but old IEC still widely used Efficiency metric: Efficiency vs shaft power over a wide output range widely agreed (curve) Regulatory regimes: Wide range of different mandatory and voluntary programs in place, range of test methods (old IEC, JIS, new IEC with various options) Reasonable prospects, work under way 70 Market Transformation Programme: Global Carbon Impacts of Energy Using Products 71 Product group: Commercial boilers – oil & gas Assumptions for Commercial Fuel Space Heating Efficiency Region Baseli ne 2010 2020 Reference Remark Cost Effective Efficiency Improvement for commercial gas and oil fired furnaces and boilers, weighted by shares of floor space Same efficiency levels as U.S. but assumes Boilers only NAM 0.76 0.79 0.85 (Rosenquist, McNeil et al. 2006) Other Regions 0.74 0.78 0.81 (Rosenquist, McNeil et al. 2006) Source: M. McNeil, et al, “Global Potential of Energy Efficiency Standards and Labelling Programs”, Lawrence Berkeley National laboratory, Nov 2008 Global market size, energy demand and expected carbon impact (commercial space heating – gas and oil) Region Surface estimates, mln m2 PAO 2005 NAM 104,3 359,3 WEU 257,3 EEU FSU 12,4 29,5 LAM SSA MEA CPA SASPAS GLOBAL 82,2 75,7 44,5 325,7 210,2 1501,1 2020 142,2 498,8 401,4 37,1 35,0 191,2 Energy 2005 119,3 587,6 726,1 52,1 142,6 0,0 demand estimates, 2030 137,5 817,7 988,1 118,6 175,0 0,0 TWh Energy Related 2005 19,9 98,1 121,2 8,7 23,8 0 carbon emissions, 2030 23 136,4 164,9 19,8 29,2 0 MtCO2 Emission 2020 0 2 3 0 0 0 mitigation potential, 2030 1 9 9 1 1 0 MtCO2 Source: M. McNeil, V. E. Letschert, Lawrence Berkeley National laboratory, Feb 2009 137,4 84,1 550,7 357,6 2435,4 0,0 0,0 619,9 0,0 2247,6 0,0 0,0 1092,0 0,0 3328,8 0 0 103,4 0 375 0 0 182,2 0 555,4 0 0 3 0 10 0 0 12 0 32 Overview of international efficiency policy and collaboration process Overview of international efficiency policy and collaboration process Voluntary standard Korea1 Mandatory standard Voluntary Label Mandatory label Test standard x According high energy efficiency appliance program for Industrial Oil Boilers products with energy efficiency and quality test results above the standards set by the government are issued a high-efficiency appliance certificate. 1 Source: APEC-ESIS energy standards information system at Test methods n.a. Market Transformation Programme: Global Carbon Impacts of Energy Using Products 72 Product group: Commercial boilers – electricity Assumptions for Commercial Electric Space Heating Efficiency 16 Region Baseli ne 2010 2020 PAO 247% 300% NAM 313% 358% Other Regions 100% 100% Remark 400% Reference Top Runner Website unner/chapter7_3_02.html 368% (Rosenquist, McNeil et al. 2006) Cost Effective Efficiency Improvement for commercial Heat Pumps Heat pumps assumed to have roughly the same heating as cooling efficiency Electric Space Heating small, or dominated by resistance Heating, with no significant efficiency improvement possible 100% Source: M. McNeil, et al, “Global Potential of Energy Efficiency Standards and Labelling Programs”, Lawrence Berkeley National laboratory, Nov 2008 Global market size, electricity demand and expected carbon impact (commercial space heating – electricity) Region Surface estimates, mln m2 PAO 6,7 39,9 WEU 13,5 EEU 0,4 FSU 3,3 LAM SSA MEA 0,0 2,8 2020 9,1 55,4 21,1 1,1 3,9 1,9 Energy 2005 24,0 61,1 46,7 0,0 0,0 0,0 demand estimates, 2030 27,7 85,1 63,6 0,0 0,0 0,0 TWh Energy Related 2005 15,4 36 17,8 0 0 0 carbon emissions, 2030 13,8 39 18,8 0 0 0 MtCO2 Emission 2020 1 2 0 0 0 0 mitigation potential, 2030 2 5 0 0 0 0 MtCO2 Source: M. McNeil, V. E. Letschert, Lawrence Berkeley National laboratory, Feb 2009 0,0 0,0 Space Heating UEC climate dependency is estimated for each country SASPAS CPA 0,8 16 2005 NAM GLOBAL 3,3 6,5 77,2 5,4 5,6 11,1 114,6 0,0 151,4 0,0 283,3 0,0 0,0 266,7 0,0 443,0 0 0 170,1 0 239,3 0 0 233 0 304,6 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 7 Market Transformation Programme: Global Carbon Impacts of Energy Using Products 73 Product group: Commercial water heating – oil & gas Assumptions for Commercial Water Heating Efficiency (Fuel Only) Region Baseli ne 2010 2020 Reference Remark PAO+NA M 0.78 0.81 0.82 (Rosenquist, McNeil et al. 2006) Cost Effective Efficiency Improvement for commercial gas and oil fired water heaters and boilers, including instantaneous water heaters Other Regions 0.74 0.78 0.81 (Rosenquist, McNeil et al. 2006) Same efficiency levels as U.S. but assumes boilers only Source: M. McNeil, et al, “Global Potential of Energy Efficiency Standards and Labelling Programs”, Lawrence Berkeley National laboratory, Nov 2008 Global market size, electricity demand and expected carbon impact (commercial water heating – gas and oil) Region Surface estimates, mln m2 PAO 2005 104,3 NAM 187,6 WEU 222,1 EEU 11,5 FSU 22,6 LAM SSA MEA CPA SASPAS GLOBAL 80,6 75,7 37,4 325,7 192,8 1260,4 2020 142,2 260,5 346,5 34,4 26,8 187,4 Energy 2005 102,5 334,8 214,7 9,8 12,7 25,7 demand estimates, 2030 119,4 457,0 298,7 22,0 16,0 56,9 TWh Energy Related 2005 17,1 55,9 35,8 1,6 2,1 4,3 carbon emissions, 2030 19,9 76,3 49,8 3,7 2,7 9,5 MtCO2 Emission 2020 0 1 2 0 0 0 mitigation potential, 2030 0 2 4 0 0 1 MtCO2 Source: M. McNeil, V. E. Letschert, Lawrence Berkeley National laboratory, Feb 2009 137,4 70,7 550,7 328,1 2084,6 0,3 8,3 85,0 2,4 796,1 0,7 19,6 153,4 4,6 1148,4 0,1 1,4 14,2 0,4 132,8 0,1 3,3 25,6 0,8 191,6 0 0 1 0 6 0 0 2 0 11 Market Transformation Programme: Global Carbon Impacts of Energy Using Products 74 Product group: Commercial water heating – electricity Global market size, electricity demand and expected carbon impact (commercial water heating – electricity) Region Surface estimates, mln m2 PAO 2005 6,7 NAM 211,6 WEU 48,7 EEU 1,3 FSU LAM 10,2 2020 9,1 293,7 76,1 3,8 12,0 Energy 2005 62,9 164,8 92,8 4,2 2,6 demand estimates, 2030 73,2 225,0 129,1 9,5 3,3 TWh Energy Related 2005 40,2 97,1 35,3 2,3 1,4 carbon emissions, 2030 36,4 103,1 38,2 4 1,4 MtCO2 Emission 2020 0 0 0 0 0 mitigation potential, 2030 0 0 0 0 0 MtCO2 Source: M. McNeil, V. E. Letschert, Lawrence Berkeley National laboratory, Feb 2009 SSA MEA SASPAS CPA 2,5 0,0 9,9 5,8 0,0 3,3 0,2 7,3 GLOBAL 3,3 23,8 318,0 18,8 5,6 40,6 465,4 0,2 20,8 0,0 351,7 0,4 0,4 37,5 0,1 485,7 3,3 0,2 0,1 23,3 0 203,4 5,7 0,3 0,1 32,7 0,1 222,2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Market Transformation Programme: Global Carbon Impacts of Energy Using Products 75 Product group: Commercial air-conditioning Assumptions for Commercial air-conditioning UEC Base Case EER 2010 Target 2020 Target PAO 2.47 3.00 4.00 Source Top Runner Website nner/chapter7_3_02.html NAM 8.49 9.01 9.01 (Rosenquist, McNeil et al. 2006) Region WEU 3.27 3.75 4.07 EER+FSU 3.14 3.75 4.07 Other Regions 3.14 3.75 4.07 ((SAHEB, Becirspahic and Simon) quoted in (Bertoldi and Atanasiu 2006)), (Adnot and Waide 2003) ((SAHEB, Becirspahic et al.) quoted in (Bertoldi and Atanasiu 2006)), (Adnot and Waide 2003) ((SAHEB, Becirspahic et al.) quoted in (Bertoldi and Atanasiu 2006)), (Adnot and Waide 2003) Assumption Multisplits dominate. Top Runner Target for multisplits raised to 3 by 2010 and 4 by 2020. Minimum LCC for Commercial AC+HP weighted by floor space share. No improvement for chillers Market average rating for chillers and package terminal units reaches 'B' level by 2010, 'A' level by 2020. RAC improvement same as residential. Same as WEU, except baseline at 'E' level Same as WEU, except baseline at 'E' level Source: M. McNeil, et al, “Global Potential of Energy Efficiency Standards and Labelling Programs”, Lawrence Berkeley National laboratory, Nov 2008 Global market size, electricity demand and expected carbon impact Region Surface estimates, mln m2 PAO 2005 165,5 NAM WEU 612,2 366,4 EEU 11,4 FSU LAM 16,3 SSA MEA CPA SASPAS GLOBAL 81,3 6,6 34,4 192,2 71,7 1557,9 2020 224,1 904,0 614,8 45,3 32,0 183,7 Energy 2005 69,6 220,2 94,6 3,1 4,3 35,5 demand 84,1 331,6 148,0 10,1 8,6 96,5 estimates, TWh 2030 Energy Related 2005 44,5 129,8 36 1,7 2,4 35,8 carbon emissions, 2030 41,8 152 43,8 4,3 3,7 75,7 MtCO2 Emission 2020 4 4 4 0 0 8 mitigation potential, 2030 11 7 10 1 1 28 MtCO2 Source: M. McNeil, V. E. Letschert, Lawrence Berkeley National laboratory, Feb 2009 32,6 80,4 523,5 232,0 2872,4 0,0 15,5 70,4 43,4 556,5 17,8 51,8 244,5 204,7 1197,7 0 6,1 79,1 39,4 374,8 14,5 15,8 213,7 144,7 710,1 1 1 23 12 58 6 7 85 59 214 Overview of international efficiency policy and collaboration process Voluntary standard Australia/New Zeeland1 Brazil2 Mandatory standard x x Voluntary Label Mandatory label Test standard x x AS/NZS 3823 (AC) AS/NZS 4965 (close control AC – computers) AS/NZS4776 (chillers) x x RESP/003-CAD Market Transformation Programme: Global Carbon Impacts of Energy Using Products Canada3 China4 x x x x x x EU5 Voluntary standard Mandatory standard Voluntary Label India6 x x Japan7 x x Mexico8 76 CAN/CSA-C 273.3-M91 CAN/CSA-C 656-M92 CAN/CSA-C 744-M93 CAN/CSA-C 368.1-M90 GB 12021.3-2000 GB/T 7725-1996 x Mandatory label x Test standard IS 1391 (part I) IS 1391 (part II) JIS B 8616 JIS C 9612 JIS B 8615-2 JIS B 8615-1 NOM-011-ENER-2006 NOM-021-ENER/SCFI-2008 10 CFR Part 430Subpart B App M 10 CFR Part 430 Subpart B App USA9 x x x x F US Energy Star 1 Single phase non-ducted air conditioners for household use are regulated for energy labelling and MEPS in Australia. All three phase and single phase ducted air conditioners up to 65kW cooling capacity are regulated for MEPS. Manufacturers can choose to label three phase and ducted air conditioners, but this is not mandatory. MEPS for close controlled air conditioners (computers rooms) and chillers (350-1500kW) commence in June 2009. 2 x x x Brazil applies voluntary MEPs for split AC as well as a mandatory labelling program. 3Canada has mandatory MEP to factory-assembled single-phase and three-phase split-system central air conditioners, packaged terminal air conditioners and heat pumps intended for use in residential, commercial and industrial heating and cooling systems, single-phase electric room air conditioners that are not "packaged terminal air conditioners" and that do not exceed 10.55 kilowatts (36 000 Btu/h). Mandatory labelling is applied for RACs(split/window). 4 Mandatory efficiency requirements and a label are applied for Central AC (packaged terminal) in China. GB/T 7725-1996 is not equivalent to ISO 5151-1994, however the cooling capacity tests are conducted at the ISO 5151-1994 T1 test condition. 5 AC are covered currently by the EU labelling scheme, EuP study is ongoing under the Eco Design directive. 6Single phase split & unitary AC up to a rated cooling capacity of 11 kW fall under the voluntary minimum efficiency requirements in India. 7Japan does not have MEPS; instead it operates the Top Runner standards program. This program aims to dramatically improve energy efficiency of appliances by setting target values based on the current highest efficiency level of each type of product instead of the current average efficiency level. Manufacturers and importers have to ensure the average (sales weighted) efficiency of all their appliances meet this standard by a specified date (the target year). The program allows for improvement over time, making manufacturers constantly increase the efficiency of appliances. The Top Runner standards are voluntary as there is no minimum level, however the program itself is mandatory for all manufacturers and importers. Unitary air conditioners can be ducted or non-ducted and hence the provisions in this standard are simultaneously comparable to both ISO 5151-94(E) (non-ducted air conditioners)and ISO 13253-93 (ducted air conditioners). Under the Japanese definition unitary air conditioners are packaged (in one assembly or are designed to be used in one assembly), can be singlepackaged or split packaged. Mandatory retailer labelling scheme applies for split room AC, for the rest type a voluntary informative label is applied. 8MEP was introduced in Mexico to central, package and split type air conditioners, powered by electricity, with nominal cooling capacities of 8,800W to 19,050W, which operate by mechanical compression and which include an air-cooling evaporator coil, a compressor and either an air- or water-cooled condensing coil. In addition both split and packaged electrical central air conditioners should have the official yellow energy label relative to the standard - NOM-011-ENER-2006. In 1998, the label design was similar to European design; currently applies design of the United States and Canada (Energy Guide) in 2002. 9EnergyGuide labels is applied to central AC, Split and window Racs. For The last two categories also MEPs were introduced in 1990 and updated in 1997. Energy star label is also applicable for AC in US. Source: APEC-ESIS energy standards information system at Test methods Country Equipment type National Test Standard Reference Test Standard Market Transformation Programme: Global Carbon Impacts of Energy Using Products Australia 77 Central AC(split type) AS/ NZS 3823 Central AC and Heat Pump AS/ NZS 3823 RACs (split/window) AS/ NZS 3823 Close controlled AC Chillers Central AC(split type) AS/NZS 4965 AS/NZS 4776.1.1 and AS?NZS4776.1.2 RESP/003-CAD RACs (window) RESP/003-CAD ISO 5151 Central AC(split type) CAN/CSA-C 273.3-M 91 Central AC and Heat Pump CAN/CSA C 656-M 92 RACs (Packaged Terminal) CAN/CSA-C 744-93 ARI 210/240-94 ASHRAE 37-1988 ARI 210/240-94 ASHRAE 37-1988 ARI 310/380-93 (CSA C744-93) China RACs (split/window) RACs (split/window) India RACs (split/window) CAN/CSA-C 368.1-M90 GB 12021.3-2000 GB/T 7725-1996 IS 1391 (part I) IS 1391 (part II) Japan Central AC(split type) Brazil Canada Ducted AC and heat pumps Non-ducted AC and heat pumps RACs (Packaged Terminal) USA ARI 550/590 ISO 5151 ASHRAE 90-1-1989 ISO 5151 ISO 13253 ISO 5151 Central AC(split type) Central AC(Packaged Terminal) JIS B 8615-1 JIS B 8615-2 JIS B 8616 JIS C 9612 JIS B 8615-2 JIS C 9612 JIS B 8616 JIS B 8615-1 NOM-011-ENER-2006 NOM-011-ENER-2006 RACs (Packaged Terminal) NOM-021-ENER/SCFI-2008 ANSI / ASHRAE 16 (RA99) RACs (window) Central AC(split type) NOM-021-ENER/SCFI-2008 10 CFR Part 430 Subpart B App M US Energy Star ANSI / ASHRAE 16 (RA99) ANSI/ASHRAE 116-1995 ARI 210/240-94 ASHRAE / AMCA 51-1999 ASHRAE 23-1993 ASHRAE 37-1988 ASHRAE 41.1-1986 (RA 01) ASHRAE 41.2-1987 (RA 92) ASHRAE 41.6-1994 (RA 01) ASHRAE 41.9-2000 ANS Z 234.1-1972 ANSI / ASHRAE 16 (RA99) RACs (split/window) Mexico JIS B 8616 JIS C 9612 JIS B 8615-2 JIS B 8615-1 ISO 5151 ISO 13253 ISO 5151 ISO 13253 ISO 5151 ISO 13253 ASHRAE 127 RACs (split/window) US Energy Star 10 CFR Part 430 Subpart B App F Source: APEC-ESIS energy standards information system at JIS C 9612 JIS B 8616 JIS B 8616 ANSI / ASHRAE 37 ANSI / ASHRAE 37 Test method: ISO used widely around the world, except for central and mini-splits in USA. However, concern about variable output systems could create many approaches in the near future Efficiency metric: Cooling or heating power output. How this varies by climate and output (inverters) not yet quantified (issue) Regulatory regimes: Widely regulated mostly using EER at T1, US different (SEER), Japan looking for seasonal efficiency, inverters now common Market Transformation Programme: Global Carbon Impacts of Energy Using Products Good prospects if key test points plus simulation can cover all climates and usage patterns 78 Market Transformation Programme: Global Carbon Impacts of Energy Using Products 79 Product group: Heat pumps (heating and cooling) Global market size, electricity demand and expected carbon impact Global market estimates, thousand units 2005 2020 n.a n.a Electricity demand estimates, TWh 2005 2030 n.a n.a Emission mitigation potential. MtCO2 2020 n.a 2030 n.a Overview of international efficiency policy and collaboration process Voluntary standard Canada1 Mandatory standard x Voluntary Label Mandatory label x Test standard CAN/CSA C273.5-1980 CAN/CSA C273.3-M1991 CAN/CSA-C 446-94 CAN/CSA-C 655-M91 , CAN/CSA-C13256-1-01 EU2 x USA3 x 1 Canada has mandatory MEP applied to ground-or water-source heat pumps. ENERGY STAR is applied to air-source heat pumps that are about 20% more efficient than standard models. The energy efficiency of this product is measured by a Heating Seasonal Performance Factor (HSPF), a Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) and an Energy Efficiency Ratio(EER). EU Eco-Labelling program is applicable to heat pumps. Apart from it the Nordic countries voluntary labelling schemes for small heat pumps - Nordic Swan Label. 2 Heat Pumps Group-sources are labelled according US compliance program. Federal efficiency standards require that conventional heat pumps have an HSPF rating of at least 6.8 and a seasonal energy efficiency ratio (SEER) rating of at least 10.0. 3 Source: APEC-ESIS energy standards information system at Test methods Water source heat pumps are covered by ISO13256, which is used in all countries. Ground source heat pumps are geographically limited (Canada is the most common). Market Transformation Programme: Global Carbon Impacts of Energy Using Products Contact: Market Transformation Programme AEA Group Harwell Didcot OX11 0QR MTP Helpline Tel: +44 (0)845 600 8951 Email: Report title: Global Carbon Impacts of Energy Using Products April 2009 80