Common Dataset Survey Instructions 1. Introduction This document details the Shallow Survey 2015 Common Dataset (CDS) Survey areas and criteria. The aim of the common dataset activity is to provide the international hydrographic community with a range of datasets, collected using the latest shallow water survey techniques, so that comparisons can be made and the merits of the different approaches judged. To this end, areas have been chosen that offer a good variety of depth, bottom type and sub-sea structures. In addition, a new target detection test has been devised to ensure that fair comparisons can be made between the object detection capabilities of the systems. The areas have been split up into Survey Tasks, which are specific to the type of equipment being used. For example, those who are taking part in the Multibeam data collection have three survey tasks (Target Detection, Survey Area 1 and Survey Area 2), whilst remote sensing techniques (including LiDAR) have their own separate area. The specifics of these tasks are detailed in the following section. 2. Survey Tasks 2.1. MBES 2.1.1. Target Detection Task The target detection task is designed to ensure that data that is collected over known features, in such a way that allows direct comparisons to be made between the capabilities of each system. In order to do this, set line plans have been produced, and participants are asked to adhere to a set speed and swath angle. These parameters are detailed in table 1. Table 1. Target Detection Task Parameters Parameter Swath Angle Speed Over Ground Value 70° either side of Nadir 6 Knts All of the targets are located in the Barn Pool area of Plymouth Sound, and are with the first priority Survey Area 1 limits (Figure 1). The line plans consist of three parallel lines. All lines are to be run in the north to south orientation. The maximum off-line tolerance is 5m. Participants are requested to collect bathymetry and water column data (if capable) for the entirety of each line. ESRI Shapefiles in WGS84 Geographic Coordinates are available at Annex A. Figure 1 Target detection line plans 2.1.2. Survey area 1 Survey Area 1 (Figure 2) is approximately 2km2 in size and covers Barn Pool in the west through to the Northern entrance to Drake Channel in the East. It has a depth range of 0 – approx 35metres. At peak Flood and Ebb, significant tidal currents are experienced making surveying challenging, especially at the entrance to The Narrows opposite Devils Point. The area also includes the narrow passage through The Bridge to the east Drakes Island. An ESRI shapefile of the survey area can be found at Annex A. Participants are asked to survey the entire area as completely as they can, heading inshore to the 5m contour, or as near to this as is safe and practical to go. There are no restrictions on survey speed or sonar settings, but participants should aim to deliver a dataset that meets S-44 Order 1a. As a guide, the object detection and data density requirements for S-44 Order 1a are described below: Object Detection - For all parts of the survey area, the minimum size of object detected shall be: - Cube with sides of 2m in depths < 40m - Cube with sides of 10% of depth in depths >40m Sounding Density - Each object (see above) is to be detected by at least 3 valid data points in the along-track direction and 3 valid data points in the acrosstrack direction, forming a minimum 3x3 grid of 9 data points. To monitor compliance with the Target Detection requirements for a given area, a minimum sounding density of 9 accepted soundings will be achieved in the following bin sizes: - Bin with sides of 2m in depths < 40m - Bin with sides of 10% of depth in depths >40m Figure 2 Overview of Survey Area 1 2.1.3. Survey area 2 Survey Area 2 (Figure 3) is the second priority area. Ideally, this area is only to be surveyed once Survey Area 1 is complete. Survey Area 2 is split into two further priority areas; Block A (priority 1) is approximately 2km2 and covers the entrance to Wembury Bay and Block B (priority 2) is approximately 1km2 and covers part of the inner Wembury Bay. The areas have a depth range of approximately 0 – 35m. An ESRI shapefile of the survey area can be found at Annex A. Block A should be completed before surveying Block B. Participants are asked to survey as much of the area as completely as they can, heading inshore to the 5m contour, or as near this as is safe and practical to go. There are no restrictions on survey speed or sonar settings, but participants should aim to deliver a dataset that meets S-44 Order 1a. As a guide, the object detection and data density requirements for S-44 Order 1a are described below: Object Detection - For all parts of the survey area, the minimum size of object detected shall be: - Cube with sides of 2m in depths < 40m - Cube with sides of 10% of depth in depths >40m Sounding Density - Each object (see above) is to be detected by at least 3 valid data points in the along-track direction and 3 valid data points in the acrosstrack direction, forming a minimum 3x3 grid of 9 data points. To monitor compliance with the Target Detection requirements for a given area, a minimum sounding density of 9 accepted soundings will be achieved in the following bin sizes: - Bin with sides of 2m in depths < 40m - Bin with sides of 10% of depth in depths >40m Figure 3 Overview of Survey Area 2 – Blocks A and B 2.2. Remote Sensing The Remote Sensing Area (Figure 4) is approximately 20km2 a cross section of Plymouth sound, starting ant Wembury Bay in the South East and extending to Fort Picklecombe in the North West. It has been designed to incorporate MBES Survey Area 2 as well as interesting topographical features such as the Mew Stone and Breakwater. It is indented that the resulting data can be compared with an independent S-44 Order 1A standard reference dataset which will be supplied alongside the common datasets. Participants using remote sensing techniques such as Satellite Derived Bathymetry (SDB) or Airborne acquisition methods such as LiDAR, are asked to survey as much of the area as possible, to the highest standard achievable. Please note that the reference dataset will only be provided once the CDS team have received all of the final processed datasets from participants. An ESRI shapefile of the survey area can be found at Annex A. Figure 4 Overview of Remote Sensing Area 3. Tidal Data Tidal data will be collected throughout the survey period at two locations: - Tide station 1 – Millbay Dock - Tide station 2 – Fort Bovisand Pier Predicted tides will be supplied to participants at the start of their allotted period, with real tides supplied at the end of each period. Tides will be referenced to Admiralty Chart Datum. 4. Deliverables and Data Processing Participants are requested to supply the following data as a minimum: - All Raw data in proprietary format (e.g. .all, .xtf etc.) and any ancillary information, such as vessel configuration files, needed to process the data. This data should organised into a file structure that indicates which Survey area and task it relates to. - All sound velocity profiles collected in ascii format - A short report detailing the system(s) used, personnel involved, daily activities, prevailing weather conditions, contact details and any issues that arose. Participants are encouraged to supply: - A fully cleaned data set as either a Caris HIPS and SIPS project or in .GSF format 5. Data Delivery Data should be sent on removable media to the following address to arrive no later than 1st November 2014. Shallow Survey 2015 CDS C/O Mr Andy Talbot D3010 United Kingdom Hydrographic Office Admiralty Way Taunton Somerset United Kingdom TA1 2DN Annexure A. Survey area Coordinates B. Line Plan and Survey Area shapefiles Annex A - Survey area Coordinates (All coordinates are given in WGS 84 Geographic Decimal Degrees) Survey Area 1 Point 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Longitude -4.171770 -4.167444 -4.165852 -4.164200 -4.163599 -4.163239 -4.162458 -4.161046 -4.158343 -4.157291 -4.156570 -4.156540 -4.156030 -4.152785 -4.150622 -4.148670 -4.151524 -4.152336 -4.159934 -4.156811 -4.157352 -4.160685 -4.166962 -4.167473 -4.167112 -4.168134 -4.171228 -4.173301 -4.172040 -4.171649 -4.171770 Latitude 50.358849 50.359867 50.359618 50.358984 50.359541 50.360214 50.361078 50.361424 50.361309 50.361175 50.361655 50.362174 50.362424 50.362539 50.363000 50.362346 50.355313 50.354506 50.351605 50.348703 50.348492 50.351451 50.349164 50.349433 50.351297 50.351969 50.353968 50.355601 50.357849 50.358003 50.358849 Survey Area 2 – Block A (Priority 1) Point 0 1 2 3 4 Longitude -4.097518 -4.080508 -4.090206 -4.107077 -4.097518 Latitude 50.308121 50.299336 50.291571 50.300562 50.308121 Survey Area 2 – Block B (Priority 2) Point 0 1 2 3 4 Longitude -4.097440 -4.089410 -4.078547 -4.086461 -4.097440 Latitude 50.308081 50.314201 50.308683 50.302411 50.308081 Survey Area Remote Sensing Point 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Longitude -4.069102 -4.071259 -4.074076 -4.080571 -4.090206 -4.107077 -4.107073 -4.187311 -4.174082 -4.169412 -4.167078 -4.166926 -4.151945 -4.127135 -4.126437 -4.122421 -4.119098 -4.118504 -4.121181 -4.118326 -4.112374 -4.111038 -4.105363 Latitude 50.308397 50.308173 50.304446 50.299285 50.291571 50.300562 50.300565 50.342541 50.344370 50.345201 50.348189 50.349234 50.354999 50.342672 50.336643 50.336997 50.336050 50.328840 50.328132 50.320213 50.319708 50.316487 50.315687 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 -4.101485 -4.088749 -4.085352 -4.076057 -4.070591 -4.068954 -4.069102 50.317635 50.317185 50.318268 50.316301 50.314826 50.312934 50.308397