Liste erstellt von Frau Prof. Sherryl Berg

Liste erstellt von Frau Prof. Sherryl Berg-Ridenour von der California Baptist University in Riverside, USA
Besonders empfehlenswerte Bücher sind fett gedruckt
Supplemental Marketplace Annotated Bibliography Indexes
Master List of Marketplace Books
Abraham Kuyper: A Centennial Reader, ed. James D. Bratt
Abraham Lincoln: A Spiritual Biography, Elton Trueblood
Abraham Lincoln: The Man & His Faith, Frederick G. Owen
Absolute Ethics: A Proven System for True Profitability, Nimrod McNair
The Active Life: A Spirituality of Work, Creativity and Caring, Parker Palmer
Addicted to Mediocrity: 20th Century Christians and the Arts, Franky Schaeffer
An Adopted Son: The Story of My Life, Norman Anderson
After You’ve Dressed for Success, Luci Swindoll
The Agony of Affluence, William W. Wells
The Alchemy of the Heart: Life’s Refining Process to Free Us from Ourselves, Luci Swindoll
All in a Day’s Work, Norma J. Everist, Mary H. Whitten
All Men Are Brothers, Mahatma Gandhi, (comp. and ed. Krishna Kripalani)
All Mothers Are Working Mothers, Laura Sabin Riley
All of Life Redeemed: Biblical Insights for Daily Obedience, Bradshaw Frey et al.
All Our Works Begun: Reflections On Being a Working Parent, Sherwood Owens III
All That Glitters: A News-Person Explores the World of Television, Coleen Cook
All the Business of Life: Bringing Theology Down to Earth, Robert J. Banks
All the Women of the Bible, Dr. Herbert Lockyer
All the Women of the Bible, Edith Deen
All You Can Do Is All You Can Do: But All You Can Do Is Enough! A. L. Williams
All You Who Labor: Work and the sanctification of daily life, Stefan Cardinal Wyszynski
Also a Mother: Work and Family as Theological Dilemma, Bonnie J. Miller-McLemore
Am I My Sister’s Keeper? Rosemary C. Barciauskas and Debra B. Hull
America’s New Women Entrepreneurs, Patricia Harrison
America’s Trade Crisis: The Making of the U.S. Trade Deficit, Don Bonker
American by Choice: An Autobiography by Sam Moore, Sam Moore with Pete Gilchrist
Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business, Neil Postman
Angels in the Workplace, Melissa Giovagnoli
Anthony T. Rossi: Christian and Entrepreneur: The Story of the Founder of Tropicana,
Sanna Barlow Rossi
Are Women Human?, Dorothy L. Sayers
Art & the Bible, Francis A. Schaeffer
Art in Action: Toward a Christian Aesthetic, Nicholas Wolterstorff
Artful Work: Awakening Joy, Meaning, and Commitment in the Workplace, Dick Richards
Arts, Entertainment & Christian Values: Probing the Headlines that Impact your Family,
ed. Jerry Solomon
As Iron Sharpens Iron: Building Character in a Mentoring Relationship, Howard
Hendricks and William Hendricks
At the Cross: Meditations on People Who Were There, Richard Bauckman, Trevor Hart
At Work and Play: Biblical Insights for Daily Obedience, Bradshaw L. Frey et al.
The Autobiography of Martin Luther King, Jr., ed. Clayborne Carson
Avoiding the Retirement Trap, Virginia Robinson French
Balancing Act: How Women Can Lose Their Roles & Find Their Callings, Mary Ellen
Balancing Life’s Demands, J. Grant Howard
Basic Christian Ethics, Paul Ramsey
Be My Guest: The Inspiring Saga of the Man Behind One of America’s Great Success
Stories, Conrad Hilton
Bearing the Witness of the Spirit, George R. Hunsberger
Becoming a Contagious Christian, Bill Hybels, Mark Mittelberg
Becoming a Worker, ed. Kathryn Borman and Jane Reisman
Becoming Adult, BecomingChristian: Adult Development and Christian Faith, James W. Fowler
Behind the Scrim: Studies in Faith and work, Lee Taylor
Being a Christian in Science, Walter R. Hearn
Being Good and Doing Good, Martin E. Marty
Believers in Business, Laura L. Nash
Bent World: A Christian Response to the Environmental Crisis, Ron Elsdon
Best 75 Business Practices for Socially Responsible Companies, Alan Reder
Best Stores from Guideposts: Inspiring Accounts of God’s Miraculous Intervention in
People’s Lives, various authors
Between Women of God: The Gentle Art of Mentoring, Donna Otto
Beyond Bumper Sticker Ethics: An Introduction to Theories of Right & Wrong, Steve
Beyond Chaos: Stress Relief for the Working Woman, Sheila West
Beyond Duty: A Passion for Christ, a Heart for Mission, Tim Dearborn
Beyond Good Intentions: A Biblical View of Politics, Doug Bandow
Beyond the Balance Sheet: The Integration of Work, Personal and Family Life, ed.
Gregory F. Augustine Pierce
Beyond the Balance Sheet: The Integration of Work, Personal and Family Life, Business
Executives for Economic Justice
Beyond the Bottom Line: Where Faith and Business Meet, William D. Lawrence
Beyond the Curse: Women Called to Ministry, Aida Besançon Spencer
Beyond the Norm, Norm Miller and H. K. Hosier
The Bible in Business, comp. Ron Jenson
Bible Promises: Help and Hope for Your Finances, Dick Bruso
Bible Reading for Office Workers, Lou Ann Good
The Bible’s Legacy for Womanhood, Edith Deen
Biblical Christian Ethics, David Clyde Jones
The Biblical Doctrine of Work, Alan Richardson
Biblical Ethics and Social Change, Stephen Charles Mott
Biblical Principles & Business: The Foundations, vol. 2, ed. Richard C. Chewning
Biblical Principles & Business: The Practice, vol. 3, ed. Richard C. Chewning
Biblical Principles & Economics: The Foundations, vol. 1, ed. Richard C. Chewning
The Big Picture, Ben Carson and Gregg Lewis
Biology Through the Eyes of Faith, Richard T. Wright
The Blackboard Fumble, ed. Ken Sidey
Blaise Pascal: Reasons of the Heart, Marvin O’ Connell
Blue-Collar Ministry: Facing Economic And Social Realities of Working People, Tex
Body Life, Ray C. Stedman
Born-Again Politics: The New Christian Right in America, Robert Zwier
Boundaries, Henry Cloud and John Townsend
Brave New People: Ethical Issues at the Commencement of Life, D. Gareth Jones
Bringing in the Sheaves: Transforming Poverty into Productivity, George Grant
Brooks Hayes, James Baker
Bubble Gum & Chalk Dust: Prayers and Poems for Teachers, Mary Lou Carney
The Buck Stops Here: Perspectives on Christian Stewardship from Business and
Professional Managers, Gregory F. Augustine Pierce
The Buck Stops Here: Perspectives on Stewardship from Business and Professional
Managers, Business Executives for Economic Justice
Building Christian Communities, Stephen Clark
Burnout: Practical Help for Lives Out of Balance, Myron Rush
Business and Religion in the American 1920’s, Rolf Lunden
Business as a Calling: Work and the Examined Life, Michael Novak
Business Basics from the Bible: More Ancient Wisdom for Modern Business, Bob Briner
The Business Bible: Ten New Commandments for Creating an Ethical Workplace, Wayne Dosick
Business by the Book: The Complete Guide of Biblical Principles for Business Men and
Women, Larry Burkett
Business by the Book: The Complete Guide of Biblical Principles for the Workplace, Larry
Business Ethics: Profiles in Civic Virtue, James E. Liebig
Business in Christ: The Synthesis of the Christian Faith and Entrepreneurship, Vitali
Business People, William L. Droel and Patricia D. Berman
Business Power for God’s Purpose: Partnership with the Unreached, Hans Suter and Dr.
Marco Gmur
Business Through the Eyes of Faith, Richard C. Chewning, Shirley J. Roels and John W.
The Businessman’s Bible, Charles Stanley
Businessman’s Guide to Real Success, Daryl Kraft
The Businessman’s Topical Bible , M. Murdock
But Can She Type? Overcoming Stereotypes in the Workplace, Janet L. Kobobel
Caesar’s Coin Revisited: Christians and the Limits of Government, ed. Michael Cromartie
Call Me Blessed: The Emerging Christian Woman, Faith Martin
Call to Excellence, A, Gary Inrig
The Call to the Soul, Marjory Zoet Bankson
The Call, Os Guinness
Called and Committed: World Changing Discipleship, David Watson
Called or Collared? An Alternative Approach to Vocation, Francis Dewar
Called to Account, Richard Higginson
Called to Care: A Christian Theology of Nursing, Judith Allen Shelly and Arlene B. Miller
Called: New Thinking on Christian Vocation, M. Basil Pennington
Capital and the Kingdom: Theological Ethics and Economic Order, Timothy J. Gorringe
Capitalism and Progress: A Diagnosis of Western Society, Bob Goudzwaard
Career: Take This Job and Love It, Peter Menconi, Lyman Coleman and Richard Peace
Careers for Good Samaritans & Other Humanitarian Types, Marjorie Eberts and
Margaret Gisler
Caretakers of Creation: Farmers Reflect on Faith and Work, Patrick Slattery
Caring for Creation, Anne Rowthorn
Caring in Crisis: Bible Studies for Helping People, Judith Allen Shelly
The Case for Biblical Christianity , ed. E. J. Carnell and Ronald H. Nash
Case Histories of Tentmakers, ed. James L. Lowery
Celebration of Discipline: The Path to Spiritual Growth, Richard J. Foster
Censored on the Job: Your Religious Rights, John W. Whitehead
A Center of Quiet, David Runcorn
The Cereal Tycoon: Henry Parsons Crowell—Founder of Quaker Oats, Joe Musser
Chalkdust, Elspeth Campbell Murphy
The Change Agent, Lyle E. Schaller
Character Counts, ed. Os Guinness
Cheating: Maintaining Your Integrity in a Dishonest World, Barbara Mary Johnson
Chicago Studies: Religion in the Marketplace, ed. George J. Dyer
Choice Treasures: A Wilberforce Anthology, Kevin Belmonte
Choices of the Heart: Christian Ethics for Today, Douglas D. Webster
Choices: Making Right Decisions in a Complex World, Lewis B. Smedes
Choosing Your Career, Finding Your Vocation: A Step by Step Guide for Adults and
Counselors, Roy Lewis
Christ and Culture, H. Richard Niebuhr
Christ-Centered Leadership: Thriving in Business by Putting God in Charge, Perry
The Christian and Career Choice, Lee Hardy
The Christian and Politics, Daniel R. Grant
The Christian and the Arts, Derek Kidner
The Christian as a Consumer, Denise George
The Christian Citizen, H. F. R. Catherwood
The Christian Employee, Robert Mattox
The Christian Entrepreneur, Carl Kreider
Christian Faith & Public Policy: No Grounds for Divorce, Arthur Simon
Christian Faith, Health and Medical Practice, Hessel Bouma et al.
A Christian in Big Business, Richard Ellsworth Day
The Christian in Business, John E. Mitchell
The Christian in Contemporary Society (formerly titled The Christian in Industrial Society)
H. F. R. Catherwood
The Christian in Industrial Society , H. F. R. Catherwood
Christian in the Workplace Leader’s Guide, Roberta Bonnici
Christian Materialism: Inquiries into the Getting, Spending and Giving of Money, Francis
J. McConnell
The Christian Mind: How Should a Christian Think? Harry Blamires
The Christian Mindset in a Secular Society: Promoting Evangelical Renewal & National
Righteousness, Carl F. H. Henry
A Christian Perspective on the Foundations of Mathematics, R. L. Braabenac et al.
Christian View of Money, A: Celebrating God’s Generosity, Mark Vincent
The Christian View of Work: Quest for Reality: Christianity and the Counter Culture, John
Christian Women at Work, Patricia Ward, Martha Stout
The Christian Working Mother’s Handbook, Jayne Garrison
The Christian Working Woman, Mary Whelchel
The Christian’s Calling, Donald R. Heiges
The Christian’s Calling: Luther on Vocation, Gustaf Wingren
A Christian’s Guide to Daily Work, Randle Manwaring
Christianity and Entrepreneurship, Samuel Gregg, Gordon Preece
Christianity in the Workplace: Your Faith on the Job, Dean Coddington and Donald Orvis
Christianity: 9 to 5- Living Your Faith At Work, Dr. Michael A. Zigarelli
Christians & Sociology, David Lyon
Christians at Work: Not Business as Usual, Jan Wood
Christians in a Dot Com World: Getting Connected Without Being Consumed, Gene
Edward Veith Jr. Christians in the Marketplace, Bill Hybels
Christians in the Political Arena: Positive Strategies for Twentieth Century Patriots!, Vern
Christians in the Workplace, Roberta Bonnici
Christians with Secular Power, Mark Gibbs
Clarence Jordan, Turning Dreams into Deeds, Henlee H. Barnette
The Clashing Worlds of Economics and Faith, James Halteman
Clever as Serpents: Business Ethics and Office Politics, Jim Grote and John McGeeney
Coffee Break Meditations: 260 Devotions for the Workplace, Edward Grube
The Comfort Trap: Spiritual Dangers of the Convenience Culture, Tim Bascom
The Common Table: Reflections and Meditations on Community and Spirituality in the
Workplace, John Cowan
The Common Ventures of Life: Marriage, Birth, Work and Death, Elton Trueblood
Companies with a Conscience: Intimate Portraits of Twelve Firms That Make a
Difference, Mary Scott Howard Rothman
The Company of Strangers: Christians and the Renewal of America’s Public Life, Parker
J. Palmer
The Company of the Committed: A Bold and Imaginative Re-thinking of the Strategy of the
Church in Contemporary Life, Elton Trueblood
Compassionate Capitalism: People Helping People Help Themselves, Rich DeVos
The Complete Book of Everyday Christianity: An A-to-Z Guide to Following Christ in
Every Aspect of Life, Robert J. Banks and R. Paul Stevens
The Complete Christian Businessman, ed. Robert J. Tamasy
Completely Pro-Life, Ronald J. Sider
The Compulsion of the Spirit: A Roland Allen Reader, ed. David Paton and Charles H.
Concepts in Nursing: A Christian Perspective, ed. Ruth I. Stoll
A Confession of What I Believe, Leo Tolstoy ………
Conflict and Conscience, Mark O. Hatfield
Confronting Christ, Elton Trueblood
Connecting: The Mentoring Relationships You Need to Succeed in Life, Paul D. Stanley
and J. Robert Clinton
Constantine the Great: The Man and His Times, Michael Grant
The Consuming Passion: Christianity & the Consumer Culture, ed. Rodney Clapp
Contours of a World View, Arthur F. Holmes
Conversions, Hugh T. Kerr and John M. Mulder
Converting 9 to 5: A Spirituality of Daily Work, John C. Haughey
Corazon Aquino: The Story of a Revolution, Lucy Komisar
The Cornerstones for Life at Work, Thomas Addington and Stephen Graves
The Cornerstones for Life at Work: A Case for Calling, Thomas Addington and Stephen
The Cornerstones for Life at Work: A Case for Character, Thomas Addington and
Stephen Graves
The Cornerstones for Life at Work: A Case for Serving, Thomas Addington and Stephen
The Cornerstones for Life at Work: A Case for Skill, Thomas Addington and Stephen
Counseling and Self-Esteem, David E. Carlson
Cradled in Human Hands: A Textbook on Environmental Responsibility, Eileen P. Flynn
The Crazy-Making Workplace, Archibald D. Hart
Creating an Auckland Business Theology, Viv Grigg
Creating Common Wealth: Aspects of Public Theology in Economics, Ian Hore-Lacy
The Creation of Wealth, Brian Griffiths
Creed or Chaos? Dorothy L. Sayers
Crime and the Responsible Community, ed. John Stott and Nick Miller
Critical Ethics: Treatment Decisions in American Hospitals, David F. Kelly
Crossings: Daily Paths to Faith in the Marketplace, Thomas Cooper
Cry Justice: The Bible Speaks on Hunger & Poverty, Ronald J. Sider
Cup of Water, Bread of Life, Ronald J. Sider
The Curious Waltz of the Working Woman, Karen Scalf Linamen and Linda Holland
Daddy@Work, Robert Wolgemuth
Dag Hammarskjöld, Charlie May Simon
The Daily Dilemma of the Christian (Philemon’s Problem), James Tunstead Burtchaell
Daily Meditations (with Scripture) for Busy Dads, Patrick T. Reardon
Dangerous Diplomacy: The Story of Carl Lutz, Rescuer of 62,000 Hungarian Jews, Theo
Dare to be Different, Dare to be Christian: What It Means to be a Christian in God’s
Holy Nation, Charles Colson
Darkness in the Marketplace: The Christian at Prayer in the World, Thomas H. Green
Daughters of the Church: Women and Ministry from New Testament Times to the Present,
Ruth Tucker and Walter L. Liefeld
The Day America Told the Truth: What People Really Believe About Everything That
Really Matters, James Patterson, Peter Kim
Day by Day: The Story of Cecil B. Day & His Simple Formula for Success, Cecil Burke
Day Jr.
Dealing with People You Can’t Stand, Rick Brinkman and Rick Kirschner
The Death of Ethics in America, Cal Thomas
Defeating Darwinism by Opening Minds, Phillip E. Johnson
Defeating the Dragons of the World: Resisting the Seduction of False Values, Stephen D.
Desktop Devotions for Working Women, Elsa Houtz
Developing the Leaders Around You: How to Help Others Reach Their Full Potential,
John C. Maxwell
Devotions for Women in the Workplace, Miriam Neff
Dial 9 To Get Out! Commentaries on Business Life, David Graulich
A Dictionary of Women in Church History, Mary L. Hammack
Discipleship of the Mind, James W. Sire
Discovering Your Natural Talents: How to Love What You Do and Do What You Love at
Home, Work, Church, Play, John Bradley and Jay Carty
Dissenter in a Great Society, William Stringfellow
Distorted Truth: What Every Christian Needs to Know About the Battle for the Mind,
Richard J. Mouw
The Divine Conspiracy: Rediscovering Our Hidden Life in God, Dallas Willard
Do What You Love, Money Will Follow: Discovering Your Right Livelihood, Marsha
Doctor Woman of the Cumberlands: The Autobiography of May Cravath Wharton, M.D.,
May Cravath Wharton
Doggett of Springfield: A Biography of Laurence Locke Doggett, Ph.D., Lawrence K. Hall
Dorothy Carey - The Tragic and Untold Story of Mrs. William Carey, James R. Beck
Doubt, Os Guinness
Downsizing the U.S.A., Thomas H. Naylor and William Willimon
The Dream Betrayed: Religious Challenge of the Working Class, Karen L. Bloomquist
Dying for a Drink: What You Should Know About Alcoholism, Anderson Spickard and
Barbara Thompson
Earth Crammed with Heaven: A Spirituality of Everyday Life, Elizabeth A. Dreyer
An Earth-Careful Way of Life: Christian Stewardship and the Environmental Crisis,
Lionel Basney
Earthkeeping: Christian Stewardship of Natural Resources, Loren Wilkinson et al.
Earthwise, Calvin B. DeWitt
An Easy Burden, Andrew Young
Eckerd, Jack Eckerd with Charles Paul Conn
Economic Justice for All, National Conference of Catholic Bishops
Economics for Prophets: A Primer on Concepts, Realities and Values in Our Economic
System, Walter L. Owensby
Educating in Faith, Mary C. Boys
Eighth Day of Creation: Gifts and Creativity, Elizabeth O’Conner
Eighty Exemplary Ethics Statements, Patrick E. Murphy
Elton Trueblood: Believer, Teacher & Friend, James R. Newby
Eat Mor Chikin: Inspire More People (Hardcover)by S. Truett Cathy
Enough Is Enough, John V. Taylor
Enriching the Spirit: A New Approach to Caregiving, Norene Dann Martin
Entrepreneurs in the Faith Community: Profiles of Mennonites in Business, Calvin W.
Redekop and Benjamin W. Redekop
The Environment & the Christian: What Can We Learn from the New Testament?, Calvin
B. DeWitt
Equal to the Task: Men & Women in Partnership, Ruth Haley Barton
Escape from Management Hell: 12 Tales of Horror; Humor; and Heroism, Robert D.
The Essays, Robert K. Greenleaf [a series of books, essays and video tapes exploring the
role of leadership in our society and the paradox of the leader as servant]
Establishing Your Purpose: Ethical Guidelines for a Religious Institution
Confronted by a Union, Ed Marciniak
Ethel Waters: I Touched a Sparrow, Twila Knaack
An Ethic for Christians & Other Aliens in a Strange Land, William Stringfellow
Ethical Economics & The Faith Community, Stuart M. Speiser
The Ethical Executive: A Top CEO’s Program for Success with Integrity in the Corporate
World, Donald V. Seibert and William Proctor
Ethical Issues in Business: A Philosophical Approach, Thomas Donaldson and Patricia
Ethics and the Christian, R. C. Sproul
Ethics for the Professions, Darrell Reeck
Ethics in Business: Faith at Work, James M. Childs Jr.
The Ethics of Excellence, Price Pritchett
The Ethics of Freedom, Jacques Ellul
The Ethics of Martin Luther , Paul Althaus
Ethics, Business and Labor, J. Daniel Hess
Ethics: Approaching Moral Decisions, Arthur F. Holmes
The Eucharist and the World of Work, Fabio Tabori
Euthanasia: Spiritual, Medical & Legal Issues in Terminal Health Care, Beth Spring and
Ed Larson
Evangelism and Social Responsibility, Lausanne Committee
Evangelism for All God’s People: Approaches to Lay Ministries in the Marketplace,
Leonard Sanderson and Ron Johnson
Everyday Discipleship for Ordinary People, Stuart Briscoe
Everyday Evangelism, Tom L. Eisenman
Everyone a Minister, Oscar E. Feucht
Excellence in Leadership: Reaching Goals with Prayer, Courage and Determination, John
The Excitement Is Building, Millard and Linda Fuller
Executive Guide to Ethical Decision-Making, Nimrod McNair
The Experiment of Faith: A Handbook for Beginners, Sam Shoemaker
An Eye for an Eye, Christopher J. H. Wright
The Eye of the Needle, Roy McCloughry
The Fabric of Faithfulness: Weaving Together Belief & Behavior During the University
Years, Steven Garber
The Fabric of This World: Inquiries into Calling, Career Choice and the Design of
Human Work, Lee Hardy
Faith & Work: Do They Mix?, Os Hillman
Faith and Politics, C. Welton Gaddy
Faith and Savvy Too! The Christian Woman’s Guide to Money, Judith Briles
Faith and the Professions, Thomas L. Shaffer
Faith and Wealth, Justo L. González
Faith at State: A Handbook for Christians at Secular Universities, Rick Kennedy
Faith at the Top, Wesley Pippert
Faith at Work: A Celebration of All We Do, David Johnson Rowe
Faith Development and Pastoral Care, James W. Fowler
Faith Dilemmas for Marketplace Christians, Ben Sprunger, Wally Kroeker and Carol J.
Faith Goes to Work: Reflections from the Marketplace, Robert J. Banks
Faith in Leadership: How Leaders Live Out Their Faith in Their Work and Why It
Matters, ed. Robert J. Banks and Kimberly Powers
Faith in Words: Ten Writers Reflect on the Spirituality of Their Profession, Christopher
The Faith of the People of God, John Macquarrie
The Faith That Does Justice, ed. John Haughey with John Langan and William Walsh
Faith, Life and Witness: The Papers of the Study and Research Division of the Baptist
World Alliance-1986-1990, ed. William Brackney and Ruby J. Burke
Faithful Living in a Faithless World, Roy Clements
The Faith-Work Connection: A Practical Application of Christian Values in the
Marketplace, Graham Tucker
The Family Prayers of William Wilberforce, Kevin Belmonte
Family Values in the Marketplace, Christian Family Movement
Family Values in the Marketplace, ed. Pat Gracnik and Frank Gracnik
50 Ways You Can Feed a Hungry World, Tony Campolo and Gordon Aeschliman
The Fight: A Practical Handbook for Christian Living, John White
Final Roar, Bob Briner
Finding a Job You Can Love, Ralph Mattson and Arthur Miller
Finding and Using Your Spiritual Gifts, Tim Blanchard
Finding God at Harvard, ed. Kelly Monroe
Finding the Will of God: A Pagan Notion? Bruce Waltke
Finding Work: A Handbook, James Bramlett
Finding Work—Without—Losing Heart: Bouncing Back from Mid-Career Job Loss,
William J. Byron
The Fine Art of Mentoring: Passing on to Others What God Has Given to You, Ted W.
Fingerprints of God, O. A. Fish and Linda Tomblin
Fire in Coventry, Stephen Verney
First Thing Monday Morning: Keeping Your Appointment with God, Dianna Booher
First Things First, H. F. R. Catherwood
Fistful of Heroes: Great Reformers and Evangelists, John Pollock
Five Challenges for the Once and Future Church, Loren B. Mead
Five Fallacies of the Purposes of Money, Os Hillman
Following Christ in a Consumer Society (Still), John F. Kavanaugh
Following Jesus in the “Real World”: Discipleship for the Post-College Years, Richard
Following Jesus Without Embarrassing God, Tony Campolo
Foolishness to the Greeks: The Gospel and Western Culture, Lesslie Newbigin
For Men Only: The Dynamics of Being a Man and Succeeding at It, J. Allen Petersen
For Those Who Work: Stations of the Cross, Ordinary Mysteries of the Rosary, Stanley
Konieczny and Gregory F. Augustine Pierce
Forging a Real World Faith, Gordon MacDonald
45 Years with Philips: An Industrial’s Life, Frederik Philips
The Fourth Day: What the Bible and Heavens are Telling Us About Creation, Howard
Van Till
The Fourth Frontier, Stephen R. Graves and Thomas G. Addington
Francis Scott Key: God’s Courageous Composer, David Collins
Freedom from Tyranny of the Urgent, Charles E. Hummel
Freedom, Justice, and Hope: Toward a Strategy for the Poor and the Oppressed, Marvin
Olasky et al.
Friendship Evangelism, Jerry Root and Claudia Root
Fulfilling Work, R. Paul Stevens and Gerry Schoberg
Full Value: Cases in Christian Business Ethics, Oliver F. Williams and John W. Houck
Game Plan: Winning Strategies for the Second Half of Your Life, Bob Buford
Gandhi and Charlie: The Story of a Friendship, ed. David McI. Gracie
The Gathered and Scattered Church: Equipping Believers for the 21st Century, Edward H.
Gender and Grace, Mary Stewart Van Leeuwen
Gender Difference in Ancient Israel, ed. Peggy L. Day
The Generosity Factor by Truett Cathy
The General’s Lady, Charlene Curry and Irene Burk Harrell
Gennie the Huguenot Woman, Bette M. Ross
George Washington Carver: Man’s Slave, God’s Scientist, David R. Collins
Getting a Job: A Guide for Choosing a Career, Michael Pountney
Getting the Job Done Right, Robert J. Banks and Gordon Preece
The Gift of Time, William T. McConnell
The Gifts of Lay Ministry, Barbara Dent
Gifts That Differ: Lay Ministries Established and Unestablished, David N. Power
Gladys Aylward: The Little Woman, Gladys Aylward with Christine Hunter
Glen E. Van Andel
Global Dust Bowl: Can We Stop the Destruction of the Land Before It’s Too Late? C.
Dean Freudenberger
Go to Work and Take Your Faith Too!, Ross West
God Cares About Your Work, Doug Sherman and William Hendricks
God in My Class Room, Ralph Beikmann
God in Popular Culture, Andrew M. Greeley
God in the Pits: Confessions of a Commodities Trader , Mark A. Ritchie
God in Work, Christian Schumacher
God Loves Me: So What! Guy Rice Doud
The God of Ordinary People, Sean Caulfield
The God of Stones & Spiders: Letters to a Church in Exile, Charles Colson
God of Weakness: How God Works Through the Weak Things of the World, John
God on Monday, Simon Phipps
God on the Job: Finding GOD Who Waits at Work, Thomas Smith
God Owns My Business, Stanley Tam
God Owns My Business, Stanley Tam, as told to Ken Anderson
God the Economist: The Doctrine of God and the Political Economy, M. Douglas Meeks
God the Worker: Journeys into the Mind, Heart and Imagination of God, Robert J. Banks
God, Money and Me: A Study on Stewardship, Dale and Idella Varberg
God, Money and You: How to be Financially Free, Ron Bentz
God’s Fool: The Life and Times of Francis of Assisi, Julian Green
God’s Frozen People, Mark T. Gibbs and Ralph Morton
God’s Inner-City Address: Crossing the Boundaries, Mark E. Van Houten
God’s Lively People, Mark T. Gibbs and Ralph Morton
God’s Man in the Marketplace: The Story of Herbert J. Taylor, Paul H. Heidebrecht
God’s Partners: Lay Christians At Work, Stanley J. Menking and Barbara Wendland
God’s People in God’s World: Biblical motives for social involvement, John Gladwin
God’s People Marketplace Style, Sheila M. West
God’s Politician: William Wilberforce’s Struggle, Garth Lean
God’s Week Has Seven Days: Monday Musings for Marketplace Christians, Wally
God’s Woodshed: The Power of a Cleansed Life, Stanley Tam and Ken Anderson
God’s Work in Our Hands, Committee on Social Witness Policy (PCUSA)
Gods That Fail: Modern Idolatry & Christian Mission, Vinoth Ramachandra
Going Broke: Bankruptcy, Business Ethics and the Bible, John R. Sutherland
Golden Booklet of the True Christian Life, John Calvin
The Golden Cow: Materialism in the Twentieth-Century Church, John White
Golden Rule Supervision Step By Step: The Basic Manual for Supervisors, Joseph Petta
Good Intentions Aside: A Manager’s Guide to Resolving Ethical Problems, Laura L. Nash
Good News to the Poor: The Challenge of the Poor in the History of the Church, Julio De
Santa Ana
Good Work, E. F. Schumacher
Good Work: How to Live Your Values in the Workplace, Bruce Hiebert
Goodlife: Mastering the Art of Everyday Living, ed. Helen Cordes and Jay Walljasper
The Gospel according to the Harvard Business School , Peter Cohen
The Gospel According to Woman: Christianity’s Creation of the Sex War in the West,
Karen Armstrong
The Gospel and the American Dream, Bruce L. Shelley
The Gospel in a Pagan Society, Kenneth F. W. Prior
The Gospel of Work: Heirs to a Vision, Jeff Trautman
Grace—God’s Work Ethic: Making connections between the gospel and weekday work,
Paul G. Johnson
The Grand Essentials, Ben Patterson
Great Women in American History, Rebecca Price Janney
Great Women of the Christian Faith, Edith Deen
Growing Spiritual Redwoods, William M. Easum and Thomas G. Bandy
Guaranteed Steps to Managing Stress, ed. Arnold Burron and Jerry Crews
Habits of the Heart: Individualism and Commitment in American Life, Robert N. Bellah et
Habits of the Mind: Intellectual Life as a Christian Calling, James W. Sire
Half Time: Changing Your Game Plan From Success to Significance, Bob Buford
Hans Rookmaaker: A Biography, Linette Martin
He Touched Me, Irving Harris
Healing the Masculine Soul: An Affirming Message for Men and the Women Who Love
Them, Gordon Dalbey
Healing the Wounds, David Hilfiker
Health and Medicine in the Lutheran Tradition, Martin E. Marty
Health and Medicine in the Methodist Tradition, Brooks E. Holifield
Health and Medicine in the Reformed Tradition, Kenneth L. Vaux
The Health and Wealth Gospel: What’s Going on Today in a Movement That Has Shaped
The Faith of Millions? Bruce Barron
Health, Money and Love & Why We Don’t Enjoy Them, Robert Farrar Capon
The Heart and Soul of Effective Management, James F. Hind
Heart Business: Building a Kinder, Gentler Workplace, Dolores Lynn Torrell
The Heart of a Leader, Ken Blanchard
Hearts to God, Hands to Work: Connecting Spirituality and Work, Steve Jacobsen
Heigh-Ho! Heigh-Ho! Funny, Insightful, Encouraging and Sometimes Painful Quotes
About Work, Terry Sullivan and Al Gini
Heirs of the Same Promise, ed. Wesley D. Balda
Help! I’m a Baby Boomer. Battling for Christian Values Inside America’s Largest
Generation, Hans Finzel
Helping People Care on the Job, Parker Rossman and Gaylord Noyce
The Herbert J. Taylor Story, Herbert J. Taylor
Hildegard of Bingen: A Visionary Life, Sabina Flanagan
A History of Women in America, Carol Horowitz and Michelle Weissman
A History of Women in the West: From Ancient Goddesses to Christian Saints, ed. Pauline
A History of Women in the West: Silences of the Middle Ages, ed. Christiane KlapischZuber
History Through the Eyes of Faith, Ronald A. Wells
Holiness for Housewives (and Other Working Women), Dom Hubert Van Zeller
A Holy Tradition of Working, Eric Gill
The Holy Use of Money: Personal Finances in Light of Christian Faith, John C. Haughey
Honest Religion for Secular Man, Lesslie Newbigin
Honesty, Morality, and Conscience, Jerry White
Hope at the Bottom: Advice for Those Facing Financial Challenges, Van Thurston
Hot Tub Religion, J. I. Packer
How did you do it, Truett? By Truett Cathy
How Does God Guide? Derek Tidball
How Good People Make Tough Choices: Resolving the Dilemmas of Ethical Living,
Rushworth M. Kidder
How I Changed My Mind About the Church, Richard C. Halverson
How Much Is Enough? Eleven Sessions for Small Groups or Personal Study, James
Reapsome and Martha Reapsome
How Now Shall We Live?, Chuck Colson and Nancy Pearcey
How the Irish Saved Civilization, Thomas Cahill
How the News Makes Us Dumb: The Death of Wisdom in an Information Society, C. John
How to Balance Competing Time Demands, Doug Sherman and William Hendricks
How to Be a Smart Money Manager, Ethan Pope
How to Be Happier in the Job You sometimes Can’t Stand, Ross West
How to Get a Job, James D. Bramlett
How to Get Really Rich: A Sharp Look at the Religion of Greed, Brian Rosner
How to Give Away Your Money: What the Bible Says About Stewardship, Simon Webley
How to Keep God Alive from 9 to 5, John V. Chervokas
How to Love the Job You Hate, Jane Boucher
How to Really Love Your Job, Don Osgood
How to Succeed When It Really Counts, Doug Sherman and William Hendricks
How to Succeed Where It Really Counts, Doug Sherman and William Hendricks
How to Thrive From 9 to 5, Mary Whelchel
How to Thrive From 9 To 5, Mary Whelchel
How to Turn the Other Cheek and Still Survive in Today’s World, Suzette Haden Elgin
The Human Enterprise, Richard W. Gillett
The Hunger for More: Searching for Values in an Age of Greed, Laurence Shames
The Hunger for More: Searching for Values in an Age of Greed, Laurence Shames
The Hungry Spirit: Beyond Capitalism: A Quest for Purposes in the Modern World,
Charles Handy
I Believe in the Creator, James M. Houston
I Stand by the Door: The Life of Sam Shoemaker, Helen Smith Shoemaker
I’ll Quit Tomorrow, Vernon E. Johnson
I’m Tired of Waiting! Hope for Those Whose Lives Are on Hold, Elisa Morgan
If You Only Knew: Stories of Women Like You, Forever Changed by God’s Astonishing
Grace, Mary Whelchel
Images of Man: A Critique of the Contemporary Cinema, Donald J. Drew
Imagination: Embracing a Theology of Wonder, Cheryl Forbes
In and Around the Workplace: Christian Directions in the World of Work, Ed Vanderkloet
In His Image: Reflecting Christ in Everyday Life, Michael J. Wilkins
In Sam We Trust: The Untold Story of Sam Walton and How WalMart Is Devouring
America, Bob Ortega
In Search of Faithfulness: Lessons from the Christian Community, William E. Diehl
In the Name of Jesus: Reflections on Christian Leadership, Henri J. M. Nouwen
In Two Minds: The Dilemma of Doubt & How to Resolve It, Os Guinness
The Incendiary Fellowship, Elton Trueblood
The Information Society, David Lyon
Inn Keeper, William B. Walton with Mel Lorentzen
Insider’s Guide to Finding the Right Job, Diane Lewis and Joe Carroll
The Intellectuals Speak Out About God, Roy Abraham Varghese
Internet for Christians, Quentin J. Schultze
The Invasion of the Computer Culture, Allen Emerson and Cheryl Forbes
Involvement: Social and Sexual Relationships in the Modern World, John R. W. Stott
Is It Success or Is It Addiction?, Thomas Pike and William Proctor
Is It Success? Or Is It Addiction?, Thomas Pike William Proctor
Issues Facing Christians Today, John R. W. Stott
Issues in Science and Religion, Ian Barbour
It Ought to Be Joy: Renewal for Pastor and People, Ken Smith
It’s Easier to Succeed Than to Fail, Truett Cathey
It’s Still Lion Vs. Christian in the Corporate Arena, Wally Armbruster
The Jesus Family in Communist China, D. Vaughan and Dr. Rees
Jesus Nine to Five, Richard C. Tanner
Jesus Online: A Creative Look at a Most Creative Life, Charles O. Morgan Jr.
Jesus Works Here: Leading Christians in Business Talk About How You Can Walk with
Christ Through Stress, Change, and Other Challenges of the Workplace, ed.
Robert J. Tamasy
Jesus, CEO: Using Ancient Wisdom for Visionary Leadership, Laurie Beth Jones
The Job Hunter’s Handbook: A Christian Guide, Rodney S. Laughlin
The Job Hunter’s Spiritual Companion, William Carver
Job Search Strategies, Lee Ellis
Johann Sebastian Bach Had a Wife, William J. Petersen
John Calvin: The Man and His Ethics, Georgia Harkness
John Newton: Letters of a Slave Trader, ed. Dick Bohrer
John R. Mott: 1865-1955, C. Howard Hopkins
John Stott: A Comprehensive Bibliography, Timothy Dudley-Smith
John Wanamaker: King of Merchants, William Allen Zulker
Journey to the Center of the City: Making a Difference in an Urban Neighborhood, Randy
Journeymen for Jesus, William R. Sutton
The Joy of Disciplining; Friend with Friend, Heart with Heart, E. Stanley Ott
The Joy of Living, Willard Scott
The Joy of Working: The 30 Days System to Success, Wealth, & Happiness on the Job,
Denis Waitley and Reni L. Witt
Just Business: Christian Ethics for the Marketplace, Alexander Hill
Just the Job: Christians talk about work and vocation, David Field and Elspheth Stepheson
Justice and Mercy, Donald Smarto
Justice in the Marketplace, John T. Pawlikowski and David M. Byers
A Keeper of the World: Selected Writings of William Stringfellow, Bill Wylie Kellerman
Keeping Faith at Work: The Christian in the Workplace, David A. Krueger
Keeping Faith: Memoirs of a President, Jimmy Carter
Keeping Your Ethical Edge Sharp, Doug Sherman and William Hendricks
Keeping Your Head Up When Your Job’s Got You Down, Doug Sherman
Kindling the Spark: A Dialogue with Christian Teachers and Their Work, David Allen
Sorensen and Barbara Degrote-Sorensen
The Kingdom Come: In the Other Hundred Hours, Wyn Fountain
Know and Tell the Gospel, John C. Chapman
Koop: Memoirs of America’s Family Doctor, C. Everett Koop
The Kregal Guide to Everyday Life in the Bible Times, ed. Tim Dowley
Labor of Love: Essays on Work, Paul Marshall
The Ladies of Seneca Falls: The Birth of the Woman’s Rights Movement, Miriam Gurko
The Laity and the Religious: Toward the Church of the Future,
The Laity in Ministry: The Whole People of God for the Whole World, ed. George Peck
and John S. Hoffman
Laity Stirring the Church, Dolores R. Leckey
The Laity Today and Tomorrow, Edmund Flood
The Laity: A Bibliography, Leonard Doohan
Laity: American & Catholic Transforming the Church, William V. D’ Antonio et al.
Laity’s Mission in the Local Church, Leonard Doohan
The Land of Seven Tomorrows , Richard Nelson Bolles
The Land: Overtures to Biblical Theology, Walter Brueggemann
Laos: All the People of God, ed. Fisher Humphreys and Thomas A. Kinchen
The Law and the Gospel, Ernest C. Reisinger
Laws That Liberate: The Relevance of the Ten Commandments to Modern Living, Bill
The Lawyers Calling: Christian Faith and Legal Practice, Joseph G. Allegretti
The Leader, Michael Maccoby
Leaders, ed. Harold Myra
Leadership by the Book: Tools to Transform Your Workplace, Ken Blanchard with Phil
Hodges and Bill Hybels
Leadership Is an Art, Max De Pree
Leadership Jazz, Max De Pree
Leadership Prayers, Richard Kriegbaum
Leadership, Greatness and Servanthood, Philip Greenslade
Leading Without Power: Finding Hope in Serving Community, Max De Pree
Leading Your Church to Growth, C. Peter Wagner
Leap Over a Wall: Earthly Spirituality for Everyday Christians, Eugene Peterson
Learning to Lead: Bringing Out the Best in People, Fred Smith
The Leisure Crisis, John Oswalt
Leisure: A Spiritual Need, Leonard Doohan
Leisure: The Basis of Culture, Josef Pieper
Lessons from a Father to His Son, John Ashcroft
Lessons from the Pit, B. Joseph Leininger and Terry Whalin
Let My People Grow: Ministry and Leadership in the Church, Michael Harper
Let My People Live: Faith and Struggle in Central America, Gordon Spykman et. al.
Let Your Life Speak: Listening for the Voice of Vocation, Parker J. Palmer
Liberty and Justice for All, Lay Commission on Social Teaching
Liberty and Justice for All: Racial Reform & the Social Gospel, Ronald C. White Jr.
Life in the Slow Lane, S. D. Gaede
Life Together, Dietrich Bonhoeffer
A Life Well Spent, Russ Crosson
The Life You Always Wanted, John Ortberg
The Life@Work Book, editors of Life@Work Journal
Lifestyle Priorities, John White
LifeWork: Finding Your Purpose in Life, Rick Sarkisian
Life-Work: Meaningful Employment in an Age of Limits, William A. Charland Jr.
Light & Salt, A. N. Triton
The Lion’s Den: Facing Yours, Preston Parrish
Listening Hearts: Discerning Call in Community, Suzanne G. Farnham et al.
Literature Through the Eyes of Faith, Susan V. Gallagher and Roger Lundin
Live It Up: How to Create a Life You Can Love, Tom Sine
Living Biblically at Work, John Ting
Living in a World of Wealth and Poverty, Pete Hammond et al.
Living in the Image of Christ, Hans-Ruedi Weber
Living in the Lion’s Den Without Being Eaten, William Carr Peel
Living Like Jesus: Eleven Essentials for Growing a Genuine Faith, Ronald J. Sider
Living More Simply: Biblical Principles & Practical Models, ed. Ronald J. Sider
Living More with Less, Doris Janzen Longacre
Living Simply: An Examination of Christian Lifestyles, ed. David Crean Eric and Helen Ebbeson
The Long Loneliness: The Autobiography of Dorothy Day, Dorothy Day
The Lord Is My Counsel: A Businessman’s Personal Experiences with the Bible, Marion
E. Wade and Glenn D. Kittler
Lord of the Marketplace, Myron Rush
Lord, Where Are You? I’m Hip-Deep in Alligators, Merle G. Franke
Losing Your Job---Reclaiming Your Soul, Mary Lynn Pulley
Love Is the Measure: A Biography of Dorothy Day, Jim Forest
Love Your Work!, David McKenna
Love, Acceptance and Forgiveness, Jerry Cook and Stanley C. Baldwin
Loving and Working: Reweaving Women’s Public and Private Lives, Rosemary Curran
Barciauskas and Debra Hull
Loving Justice[ LifeGuide Bible Study], Bob and Carol Hunter
Loving Monday: Succeeding in Business Without Selling Your Soul, John D. Beckett
Loving Your Work Ever After: A Spiritual Guide to Career Choice and Change, Phyllis
M. Taufen and Marianne T. Wilkinson
Lydia, Lois T. Henderson
Made in the U.S.A.: The History of American Business, Thomas V. DiBacco
Make a Life, Not Just a Living: 10 Timeless Life Skills That Will Maximize Your Real Net
Worth, Ron Jenson
Maker & Craftsman: The Story of Dorothy L. Sayers, Alzina Stone Dale
Making All Things New: An Invitation to the Spiritual Life, Henri J. M. Nouwen
Making Choices: Finding Black and White in a World of Grays: Practical Wisdom for
Everyday Moral The Making of a Leader, J. Robert Clinton
Making Life Work: Putting God’s Wisdom into Action, Bill Hybels
Making Real Friends in a Phoney World, Jim Conway
Making the Church Work, Edward H. Hammett
Making the Grass Greener on Your Side: A CEO’s Journey to Leading by Serving, Ken
Making Your Life a Ministry, Jo Berry
The Man in the Mirror: Solving the 24 Problems Men Face, Patrick Morley
Man in White: A Novel [on the conversion of the apostle Paul], Johnny Cash
A Man’s Work Is Never Done, David Z. Nowell
Management by Proverbs, Michael A. Zigarelli
The Management Methods of Jesus: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Business, Bob Briner
Management Plus: How to Do a Better Job of Managing Your Own Life, Richard
Management: A Biblical Approach, Myron Rush
Managers Not Owners: A Biblical Understanding of Christian Stewardship, William B.
Managers with God: Continuing the Work Christ Began, Daniel Kauffman
Managing Our Work, John W. Alexander
Managing the Non-Profit Organization: Principles and Practices, Peter F. Drucker
Managing to Be the Best: A Personal Approach, Myron Rush
Margin: Restoring Emotional, Physical, Financial, and Time Reserves to Overloaded
Lives, Richard A. Swenson
Market Capitalism & Christianity, James Halteman
Marketplace Networks, Pete Hammond and Brian Rust
Marshall McLuhan: Escape into Understanding, Terrence W. Gordon
Mary Kay: The Success Story of America’s Most Dynamic Businesswoman, Mary Kay
Master Your Money, Ron Blue
Mastering Monday: A Guide to Integrating Faith And Work by John D. Beckett
Maximize Your Ministry: How You as a Lay Person Can Impact Your World for Jesus
Christ, Robert E. Slocum
Meditations for Women Who Do Too Much, Anne Wilson Schaef
Mega Values: 10 Global Principles for Business and Professional Success—Written in
Stone, Colonel Nimrod McNair
Mega-Truth: The Church in the Age of Information, David McKenna
Memo for 1976: Some Political Options, Wesley Pippert
Men at Leisure, Bruce Frederickson
Men at Work, John H. Auble
Men at Work: Life Beyond the office, James E. Dittes
Men Have Feelings Too! A Book for Men (and the Women That Love Them), Brain G.
Jones and Linda Phillip-Jones
Men in the Marketplace: Surviving in the Real World, Serendipity House
Mentoring and Achievement Motivation as Predictors of Career Success, Jerald Laurence
Mentoring: The Ministry of Spiritual Kinship, Edward C. Sellner
Mentoring: The Strategy of the Master, Ron Lee Davis
Merchants of Vision: People Bringing New Purpose and Values to Business, James E.
Mere Mortality: What God Expects from Ordinary People, Lewis B. Smedes
Metaphysics: Constructing a World View, William Hasker
The Mind of the Maker, Dorothy L. Sayers
Minding God’s Business, Ray S. Anderson
Minister/Mayor, William Hudnut III with Judy Keene
Ministering in the Secular University, Joseph McRae Mellichamp
Minor Lives, ed. Edward L. Hart
Miracle in the Marketplace: Healing and Loving in the Modern World, Henry Libersat
Mirrors of God, Joseph W. Goetz
Mission in the Marketplace: Perspectives for Life and Work, Jeffrey W. Comment
Missional Church, ed. Darrell L. Guder
The Missionary Congregation, Leadership & Liminality, Alan J. Roxburgh
Missionary Methods: St. Paul’s or Ours? Roland Allen
Modern Art and the Death of a Culture, H. R. Rookmaaker
Modern Viking: The Story of Abraham Vereide, Pioneer in Christian Leadership, Norman
Modern Work and Human Meaning, John C. Raines and Donna C. Day-Lower
Molder of Dreams, Guy Rice Doud
The Monday Connection: A Spirituality of Competence, Affirmation and Support in the
Workplace, William E. Diehl
Monday Morning Religion, Joe Thompson Luther
Monday’s Ministries, Nelvin Vos
Money and Class in America, Lewis H. Lapham
Money and Power, Jacques Ellul
The Money Diet: Biblical Prescriptions for Financial Success, Richard T. Case, Frank
Minirth and Paul Meier
Money Isn’t God, So Why Is the Church Worshiping It? John White
Money Sense: What Every Woman Must Know to Be Financially Confident, Judith Briles
Money Wise Meditations, John H. Rudy
Money, Philip Yancey
Money, Possessions and Eternity, Randy Alcorn
Money, Sex and Power (retitled The Challenge of the Disciplined Life), Richard J. Foster
Money: Handling the Bucks, Peter Menconi, Lyman Coleman and Richard Peace
The Moral Manager, Clarence C. Walton
The Moral Quest, Stanley J. Grenz
Morality and Ethics in Early Christianity, Jan L. Womer
Morality, Law and Grace and J. N. D. Anderson
More Leadership Lessons of Jesus, Bob Briner and Ray Pritchard
More Pages from God’s Case-book, John Hercus
More than Champions, various authors [reprinted from Guidepost]
More Than Conquerors: A History of the Officer’s Christian Fellowship of the U.S.A.:
1943-1983, Dr. Robert W. Spoede
More Than Conquerors: Portraits of Believers from All Walks of Life, John Woodbridge
More to Life Than Having It All: Living a Life You Won’t Regret, Bob Welch
Mother’s Choice: Day Care or Home Care? Paul Meier and Linda Burnett
My Life with Martin Luther King Jr., Coretta Scott King
The Naked Feet of Nicaragua, Nick Cole and Dennis Smith
The Navigator, Robert D. Foster
Neither Poverty nor Riches, Craig L. Blomberg
Never Forget, Kay Cole James with Jaqueline Cobb Fuller
The New Bottom Line, William B. Walton with Mel Lorentzen
The New Laity: Between Church and World, ed. Ralph D. Bucy
The New Leader: A Revolutionary Approach to Effective Leadership, Myron Rush
The New Leisure: The Christian Encounters, Rudolph F. Norden
A New Look at Vocation, Joseph C. McLelland
The New Man for Our Time, Elton Trueblood
The New Pilgrims, John McInnes
The New Quick Job-Hunting Map, Richard Nelson Bolles
The New Reformation: Returning the Ministry to the People of God, Greg Ogden
The New Reformation? ed. J. A. T. Robinson
New Traditions in Business: Spirit and Leadership in the 21st Century, ed. John Renesch
Newman: Pioneer for the Layman, Webster T. Patterson
The Next Context of World Mission, Bryant L. Myers
No Future Without Forgiveness, Desmond Mpilo Tutu
Not Just a Job: Serving Christ in Your Work, Judith Allen Shelly
Nuclear Holocaust & Christian Hope, Ronald J. Sider and Richard K. Taylor
O My People: God’s Call to Society, John Ferguson
Of Human Hands: A Reader in the Spirituality of Work, Gregory F. Augustine Pierce
Office Christianity: Living out your faith in your workplace, Perry E. White
On Being a Christian and a Lawyer, Thomas L. Shaffer
On Being a Christian Medical Student, Vincent Edmunds C. and Gordon Scorer
On Being Human: Essays in Theological Anthropology, Ray S. Anderson
On Call: Daily Devotional Readings for Nurses, Lois Rowe
On Human Work (Laborem Exercens), John Paul II
On Moral Business: Classical and Contemporary Resources for Ethics in Economic Life,
ed. Max L. Stackhouse et al.
On the Condition of Workers, Leo XIII
On the Crest of the Wave: Becoming a World Christian, C. Peter Wagner
On the Firing Line, Business Executives for Economic Justice
On the Job: Survival or Satisfaction, Jerry White and Mary White
On the Job: The Christian 9 to 5, H. F. R. Catherwood
On the Tail of a Comet: The Life of Frank Buchman, Garth Lean
One Body, Different Gifts, Many Roles: Reflections on the American Catholic Laity,
Secretariat, Bishop’s Committee on the Laity, National Conference of Catholic
101 Ways Your Church Can Change the World, Tony Campolo and Gordon Aeschliman
131 Christians Everyone Should Know, Christian History Magazine
One of the Richest Gifts: An Introductory Study of the Arts from a Christian Worldview,
John Wilson
One People, John Stott
One Step at a Time: The Remarkable True Story of Bob Wieland, Bob Wieland, as told to
Sarah Nichols
Open to the World: An Analysis of Lay Spirituality, Alfons Auer
Ordering Your Private World, Gordon MacDonald
Ordinary Christians in a High-Tech World, Robert E. Slocum
Ordinary Saints: An Introduction to the Christian Life, Robert Benne
Ordination: A Biblical-Historical View, Marjorie Warkentin
The Other Six Days: Vocation, Work and Ministry in Biblical Perspective, R. Paul Stevens
Out of the Salt Shaker and into the World: Evangelism as a way of Life, Rebecca M.
Pages from God’s Case-book, John Hercus
Parenting Before & After Work: Making the Most of Your Family’s Time Together, John
Dettoni and Carol Dettoni
Parting the Waters: How Vision and Faith Make Good Business, James Vincent
Partly Right, Anthony Campolo
Partners in Ministry: Laity and Pastors Working Together, James L. Garlow
Part-Time Jobs for Full-Time Mothers, Barbara Johnson Witcher
Pascal: The Emergence of Genius, Emile Calilliet
Patching Your Parachute, Dale and Sandy Larsen
The Path to Power: An Autobiography, Margaret Thatcher
The Path, Laurie Beth Jones
The People Parish: A Model of Church Where People Flourish, Gerald J. Kleba
People Raising: A Practical Guide to Raising Support, William P. Dillon
The People Skills of Jesus, William Beausay II
The People’s Church, George Goyder
Perils of Leadership, Kenneth Prior
Perils of Professionalism: Essays on Christian Faith and Professionalism, ed. Donald B.
Kraybill and Phyllis Pellman Good
Personal Integrity, Ted W. Engstrom and Robert C. Larson
Perspectives in Business Ethics, Laura Pincus Hartman
Philosophers Who Believe: The Spiritual Journeys of 11 Leading Thinkers, James Kelley
Philosophy of Science: The Natural Sciences in Christian Perspective, Del Ratzsch
A Piety of Possessions & Relationships: Reflections with a Rosary, Arthur Jones
Pilgrims in This World: A Lay Spirituality, Virginia Sullivan Finn
Pinstripe Parables: Searching Stories About Things That Matter Most to a Man, David
A Place to Stand, Elton Trueblood
Politics and the Biblical Drama, Richard J. Mouw
Politics for the People, Bruce Barron
The Politics of Spirituality, William Stringfellow
Politics: A Case for Christian Action, Robert D. Linder and Richard V. Pierard
Pollution and the Death of Man: The Christian View of Ecology, Francis A. Schaeffer
Poor Is No Excuse: The Story of Jun Vencer, Jun Vencer with Allan, John
The Popcorn Report: Faith Popcorn on the Future of Your Company, Your World, Your
Life, Faith Popcorn
Poverty and Wealth: Why Socialism Doesn’t Work, Ronald H. Nash
The Poverty of Affluence: A Psychological Portrait of the American Way of Life, Paul L.
The Power Delusion: A Serious Call to Consider Jesus’ Approach to Power, Anthony
Power Lines: Celtic Prayers About Work, David Adam
The Power of Prayer: The New York Revival of 1858, Samuel Prime
The Power of the Powerless, Jürgen Moltmann
Practical Spirituality for Lay People, Dolores R. Leckey
A Practical View of Christianity: Personal Faith as a Call to Political Responsibility,
William Wilberforce
Practicing Our Faith, ed. Dorothy C. Bass
Praying the Kingdom: Towards a Political Spirituality, Charles Elliott
The Preacher’s Portrait, John R. W. Stott
Precious Jewel Person: Reflections on the Spirituality of Everyday Life, Barbara Ritter
The Presence of the Kingdom, Jacques Ellul
Presenting Belief in an Age of Unbelief, Charles Colson
A Pretty Good Person: What It Takes to Live with Courage, Gratitude, & Integrity, Lewis
B. Smedes
Priesthood: A History of the Ordained Ministry in the Roman Catholic Church, Kenan B.
Priorities for Living Series: Making Your Work Count for God, Pete Hammond et al.
Prisoner for God, Dietrich Bonhoeffer
A Private and Public Faith, William Stringfellow
The Problem of Poverty: A Classic Statement by One of Modern Christianity’s Greatest
Political Reformers—Abraham Kuyper, James W. Skillen
The Problems of Wine Skins: Church Structure in a Technological Age, Howard A. Snyder
Prodigal Press: The Anti-Christian Bias of the American News Media, Marvin Olasky
Pro-Existence, Udo Middleman
Professional Ethics in Context: Institutions, Images and Empathy, Eric Mount, Jr.
Professional Ethics: Power and Paradox, Karen Lebacqz
The Professional Service Business and Why Servanthood Is Bad , John McKnight
The Professions in American History, ed. Nathan O. Hatch
Professors Who Believe: The Spiritual Journeys of Christian Faculty, ed. Paul M.
Profit for the Lord, William J. Danker
The Profit Motive
The Project on Moral Character and Development at Work, James D. Anderson with Elsa
A. Porter
Promise Keeper at Work, Bob Horner, David Sunde and Ron Ralston
Proper Confidence, Lesslie Newbigin
Prophets & Politics: Handbook on the Washington Offices of U.S. Churches, Roy Howard
Prospects for Growth: A Biblical View of Population, Resources, and the Future, E. Calvin
Prosperity and Poverty: The Compassionate Use of Resources in a World of Scarcity, E.
Calvin Beisner
The Prosperity Gospel, Charles E. Hummel
Proverbs for Busy Women, Mary C. Busha
Psalms for Troubled Times, Merrill Morse
Psychology, Medicine and Christian Healing, Morton Kelsey
The Puritan Dilemma: The Story of John Winthrop, Edmund S. Morgan
The Pursuit of Excellence, Ted W. Engstrom
Putting Our Lives on the Line: A Challenge Book for Men, Edward A. White
Quest for Reality: Christianity and the Counter Culture, Carl F. H. Henry
R. G. LeTourneau: Mover of Men and Mountains, R. G. LeTourneau
Racing Toward 2001: The Forces Shaping America’s Religious Future, Russell Chandler
Radical Christian and Exemplary Lawyer: Honoring William Stringfellow, ed. Andrew W.
McThenia Jr.
The Radical Tradition: Revolutionary Saints in the Battle for Justice and Human Rights,
ed. Gilbert Markus
The Radical Wesley & Patterns for Church Renewal, Howard A. Snyder
Rainbows for Teachers, Janet Colsher Teitsort
Rainbows for the Fallen World, Calvin G. Seerveld
Real Politics: At the Center of Everyday Life, Jean Bethke Elshtain
The Rebirth of the Laity, Howard Grimes
Recovering the Christian Mind: Meeting the Challenge of Secularism, Harry Blamires
Recovery At Work, Carol Cox Smith
Redeeming Creation: The Biblical Basis for Environmental Stewardship, Fred Van Dyke et
Redeeming the Routines: Bringing Theology to Life, Robert J. Banks
Redeeming the Time: A Christian Approach to Work and Leisure, Leland Ryken
Redeeming Time, Ted W. Engstrom and Robert C. Larson
Rediscovering American Values: The Foundations of Our Freedom for the 21st Century,
Dick DeVos
Rediscovering the Soul of Leadership: Inner Disciplines for the Effective Leader, Eugene
B. Habecker
The Re-Enchantment of Everyday Life, Thomas Moore Brand, David C. Maha and Joseph
K. Sheldon
Reflecting the Divine Image: Christian Ethics in Wesleyan Perspective, H. Ray Dunning
The Reflective Executive: A Spirituality of Business and Enterprise, Emilie Griffin
Reinventing Evangelism, Donald C. Posterski
The Reinventing of Work, Matthew Fox
Reinventing Your Career: Surviving a Layoff and Creating New Opportunities, Stephen P.
The Reinvention of Work; A New Vision of Livelihood for Our Time, Matthew Fox
Relevance: The Role of Christianity in the Twentieth Century, Richard C. Halverson
Religion and the Scientific Future: Reflections on Myths, Science, and Theology, Langdon
Religious Vocation: An Unnecessary Mystery, Richard Butler
Renewing America’s Compassion, Marvin Olasky
Renewing America’s Soul Small Group Study Guide, Steve Sheely
Renewing America’s Soul, Howard E. Butt Jr.
Renewing God’s People: A Personal Prayer, Devotional and Study Guide, Susan Gillies
and Ingrid Dvimak
Resident Aliens, Stanley Hauerwas and William H. Willimon
Responsible Technology, Stephen Monsma et al.
The Rest of Success: What the World Didn’t Tell You About Having It All, Denis Haack
Return Flight: Community Development Through Reneighboring Our Cities, Robert D.
Review of Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, Alistair Mackenzie, in Walter M. Abbott,
ed., The Documents of the Vatican II
Review of Gaudium et Spes Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World,
Alistair Mackenzie, in Walter M. Abbott, The Documents of the Vatican II
The Rich and the Poor, Carl Kreider
Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger, Ronald J. Sider
Right Vs. Wrong: Solutions to the American Nightmare, Harry Dent and Betty Dent
The Rise of Christian Conscience: The Emergence of a Dramatic Renewal Movement in
Today’s Church, ed. Jim Wallis
The Road Less Traveled: A New Psychology of Love, Traditional Values and Spiritual
Growth, M. Scott Peck
The Road Map of Life: Christ in the World of Trucking
Roaring Lambs: A Gentle Plan to Radically Change Our World, Bob Briner
Robert Laidlaw: Man for Our Time, Ian Hunter
The Rockefeller Century, John Ensor Harr and Peter J. Johnson
The Role of Business in Society, John Diebold
Roman Catholicism, Christianity and Anonymous Christianity: The Role of the Christian
Today, J. P. Kenny
The S. S. Kresge Story, Staley S. Kresge and Steve Spilos
Sacrifice, Howard Guinness
Saint Benedict for the Laity, Eric Dean
Salt and Light: Evangelical Political Thought in America, Augustus Cerillo Jr. and Murray
Salt for Society, W. Phillip Keller
The Samaritan Strategy: A New Agenda for Christian Activism, Colonel V. Doner
Satisfying Work, R. Paul Stevens and Gerry Schoberg
Saved From Bankruptcy: The Story of the Boat-building Meloons, David Enlow and
Dorothy Enlow
Saying Yes and Saying No On Rendering to God and Caesar, Robert McAfee Brown
The Scattered Voice: Christians at Odds in the Public Square, James W. Skillen
The Scientific Enterprise & Christian Faith, Malcolm A. Jeeves
The Scientist and Ethical Decision, ed. Charles Hatfield
Scientists of Faith: Forty-eight Biographies of Historic Scientists and Their Christian
Faith, Dan Graves
Scientists Who Believe, Eric C. Barrett and David Fisher
The Search for Christian America, Mark A. Noll, George M. Marsden and Nathan O.
The Second Coming of the Church, George Barna
Secrets of People Who Love Their Work, Janis Long Harris
The Secular Relevance of the Church, Gayraud S. Wilmore
The Secular Saint: The Role of the Christian in the Secular World, Robert E. Webber
The Secular Squeeze: Reclaiming Christian Depth in a Shallow World, John W. Alexander
Secular Work is Full Time Service, Larry Peabody
The Seductive Image: A Christian Critique of the World of Film, K. L. Billingsley
Seed Shall Serve, A: The story of the spiritual leader of Modern Japan--Toyohiko Kagawa,
Charlie May Simon
Selected Spiritual Writings of William Wilberforce, Kevin Belmonte
Separation Without Hope? Essays on the Relation Between the Church and the Poor
During the Industrial Revolution and the Western Colonial Expansion, various
The Servant as Leader, Robert K. Greenleaf
Servant Leadership, R. Paul Stevens and Gerry Schoberg
Servant Leadership: A Journey into the Nature of Legitimate Power and Greatness, Robert
K. Greenleaf
Servant: Retrospect & Prospect, Robert K. Greenleaf
Servants of the Lord: Bible Enrichment Guide for Women, ed. Thomas Doyle
1,700 Years Is Long Enough: A New Strategy to Finish the Reformation and Fulfill the
Great Commission, James H. Rutz
The Service of God: How Worship and Ethics Are Related, William H. Willimon
Serving God by What We Do, Ben Patterson
Serving God: The Grand Essentials of Work & Worship, Ben Patterson
Seven Days a Week: Faith in Action, Nelvin Vos
Shared Values for a Troubled World: Conversation with Men and Women of Conscience,
Rushworth M. Kidder
Shattered Vocations, Mark Jensen
A Short Primer for Unsettled Laymen, Hans Urs Von Balthasar
Should You Be the Working Mom?, Bee-Lan Wang and Richard J. Stellway
Show and Then Tell: Presenting the Gospel Through Daily Encounters, Kent Henphreys
and Davidene Humphreys
Show Me the Way: Readings for Each Day of Lent, Henri J. M. Nouwen
Signs of Hope in a Century of Despair, Elton Trueblood
The Silicon Society, David Lyon
Simple Wisdom for Rich Living, Oseola McCarty
Single Parenting, Robert G. Barnes Jr.
Sinner’s in the Hands of an Angry Church: Finding a Better Way to Influence Our
Culture, Dean Merrill
Sisters of the Heart, Miriam Neff
Small Is Beautiful, E. F. Schumacher
The Social Humanism of Calvin, Andre Bieler
Social Justice and the Christian Church, Ronald H. Nash
Social Science in Christian Perspective, ed. Paul Marshall and Robert VanderVennen
Social World of Ancient Israel: 1250-587 BC, Victor H. Matthews and Don C. Benjamin
The Social World of Occupations, Bernard J. Gallagher III and Charles S. Palazzolo
Society and Politics in the Acts of the Apostles, Richard J. Cassidy
Society and the Gospel, Henry Townsend
Sojourn into Glory: The Missionary Incarnation of the Church, Robert Thornton
Soul at Work: Reflections on a Spirituality of Working, Barbara Smith-Moran
The Soul of a Business: Managing Profit and the Common Good, Tom Chappell
The Soul of Politics, Jim Wallis
The Soul of the Firm, C. William Pollard
Soundings: Exploring the Depths of Your Life, Dale Stohre
Sources and Trajectories: Eight Early Articles by Jacques Ellul That Set the Stage, ed.
Marva J. Dawn
Sources of Strength: Meditations on Scripture for a Living Faith, Jimmy Carter
Space to Breathe, Room To Grow: The How’s and Why’s of loving, Intimate
Relationships, Jill Briscoe and Judy Golz
Spirit at Work, Jay A. Conger
The Spirit of the Disciplines, Dallas Willard
The Spirit, the Church, and the World, John R. W. Stott
A Spiritual Audit of Corporate America, Ian I. Mitroff and Elizabeth A. Denton
Spiritual Care: A Guide for Caregivers, Judith Allen Shelly
Spiritual Care: The Nurse’s Role, 3rd edition, Sharon Fish and Judith Ann Shelly
Spiritual Care: The Nurse’s Role, Judith Allen Shelly
The Spiritual Journey of Jimmy Carter, ed. Wesley G. Pippert
Spiritual Living in a Secular World: Applying the Book of Daniel Today, Ajith Fernando
Spirituality and Justice, Donal Dorr
Spirituality and Liberation: Overcoming the Great Fallacy, Robert McAffee Brown
Spirituality and the Workplace, Dennis L. O’Conner
Spirituality for Everyday Living: An Adaptation of the Rule of St. Benedict, Brian C. Taylor
The Spirituality of the Layman, R. L. Oechslin
The Spirituality of Work: Business People, William L. Droel
The Spirituality of Work: Homemakers, William L. Droel
The Spirituality of Work: Lawyers, William L. Droel
The Spirituality of Work: Military Personnel, Ginny Cunningham
The Spirituality of Work: Nurses, William Droel
The Spirituality of Work: Teachers, William L. Droel
The Spirituality of Work: Unemployed Worker, Joseph Gosse
The Spirituality of Work: Visual Arts, John Dylong
Spirituality@Work: 10 Ways to Balance Your Life On-the-Job, Gregory F. Augustine
The Spontaneous Expansion of the Church, Roland Allen
Squeeze Play: Practical Insights for Men Caught Between Work and Home, Bob Briner
The St. Andrews Seven: The Finest Flowering Missionary Zeal in Scottish History, Stuart
Piggin and John Roxborogh
Starting on Monday: Christian Living in the Workplace, William Mahedy and Christopher
The Steward: A Biblical Symbol Come of Age, Douglas John Hall
Stewards in the Kingdom, R. Scott Rodin
Stewardship: Choosing Service over Self-Interest, Pete Block
Strange Virtues: Ethics in a Multicultural World, Bernard T. Adeney
The Stress Myth, Richard E. Ecker
Stronger Than Steel: The Wayne Alderson Story, R. C. Sproul
The Subversion of Christianity, Jacques Ellul
Succeeding in Business Without Losing Your Faith, Edward R. Dayton
The Success Fantasy, Anthony Campolo
The Support-Raising Handbook, Brian Rust and Barry McLeish
Switching Tracks: Advancing Through Five Crucial Phases of Your Career, John Bradley
T. S. Eliot, Alzina Stone Dale
Take Five: Prayers for the Workplace, J. Thole Simeon
Take Five: Prayers for the Workplace, Simeon J. Thole
Take My Hands: The Remarkable Story of Dr. Mary Verghese, Dorothy Clarke Wilson
Take This Job and Love It, Stanley C. Baldwin
Take This Job and Love It: How to Change Your Work Without Changing Your Job,
Dennis T. Jaffe and Cynthia D. Scott
Taking Discipleship Seriously, Tom Sine
Taking Sides, David Field
The Taming of the Shrewd, Paul De Vries with Barry Gardner
Taste & See: Awakening Our Spiritual Senses, Tim Dearborn
Teacher as Servant, Robert K. Greenleaf
Team Spirit: A Management Handbook, David Cormack
Tell it to the Church: Reconciling Out of Court, Lynn R. Buzzard and Laurence Eck
The Templeton Plan: 21 Steps to Personal Success and Real Happiness, John Marks
Temptations Men Face: Straightforward talk on Power, Money, Affairs, Perfectionism,
Insensitivity, Tom L. Eisenman
The Ten Commandments of the Workplace and How to Break Them Every Day, Perry
Ten Fingers for God: The Life and Work of Dr. Paul Brand , Dorothy Clarke Wilson
Ten Great Freedoms, Ernst Lange
Ten Myths about Christianity, Michael Green and Gordon Carkner
Tending Creation, Dale Larsen and Sandy Larsen
Tending the Garden: Essays on the Gospel and the Earth, Wesley Granberg-Michaelson
The Tentmaker: A Christian Journey Through the Marketplace, Tan Tien Ser
Tentmakers Speak: Practical Advice From 400+ Missionaries, Don Hamilton
A Textbook of Christian Ethics, Robin Gill
TGIF: Today God Is First, Os Hillman
Thank God It’s Monday! A Tool Kit for Aligning Your Lifevision and Your Work, Tim
Thank God It’s Monday, Mark Greene
Thank God It’s Monday, William E. Diehl
Thank God It’s Monday: Making Business Your Ministry, Patrick Klingaman
That They Might Live: Power, Empowerment, and Leadership in the Church, Michael
That We May Be One: The Autobiography of Nigerian Ambassador, Jolly Yusuf and
Lillian V. Grissen
Theirs Is the Kingdom: Celebrating the Gospel in Urban America, Robert D. Lupton and
Barbara R. Thompson
A Theology As Big As the City, Ray Bakke
Theology in an Industrial Society, Margaret Kane
A Theology of Church Leadership, Lawrence O. Richards, Clyde Hoeldtke
The Theology of Ministry, Michael G. Lawler
A Theology of Personal Ministry: Spiritual Giftedness in the Local Church, Lawrence O.
Richards and Gib Martin
The Theology of Secularity, Gerald O’Collins
The Theology of the Hammer, Millard Fuller
A Theology of the Laity, Hendrik Kraemer
The Theology of the Priesthood, Paul Edwards
The Theology of Work in the Postwar Period, Graeme Smith
The Theology of Work, Gideon Goosen
Theology of Work: An Exploration, Chenu Lilian Soiron
Theology Of, By and For the People, Robert J. Banks
Theory “R” Management: How to Utilize Value of the Person Leadership Principles of
Love, Dignity and Respect, Wayne T. Alderson and Nancy Alderson-McDonnell
They Went That-A-Way: How the Famous, the Infamous, and the Great Died, Malcolm
They Were Women Like Me: Women of the New Testament in Devotions Today, Joy
Thine is the Kingdom: A Biblical Perspective on the Nature of Government and Politics
Today, Paul Marshall
The Things That Matter Most, Cal Thomas
Think Big: Unleashing Your Potential for Excellence, Ben Carson with Cecil Murphey
Those Controversial Gifts, George Mallone
The Thoughtful Christian’s Guide to Investing, Gary D. Moore
The Three Boxes of Life: An Introduction to Life/Work Planning, Richard Nelson Bolles
365 More Meditations for Women, Minverva Garza et al.
Three Men Came to Heidelberg and Glorious Heretic: The Story of Guido de Bres, Thea
B. Van Halsema
Three Realms of Ethics, John W. Glaser
Thriving as a Woman: How to Enjoy—Not Just Endure—Your Family, Job, Relationships
and Life, Gwen Ellis
Through the Eye of a Needle: Judeo-Christian Roots of Social Welfare, Emily Albu
Hanawalt and Carter Lindberg
A Time for Remembering: The Ruth Bell Graham Story, Patricia Daniels Cornwell
Time Management for Christian Women, Helen Young, Billie Silvey
A Timetable of Inventions and Discoveries: From Pre-History to the Present Day, Kevin
Tinker, Tailor, Missionary? Options in a Changing World, Michael Griffiths
Titan: The Life of John D. Rockefeller, Sr., Ron Chernov
To Build the Life You Want, Create the Work You Love: The Spiritual Dimension of
Entreprenuering, Marsha Sinetar
To Know As We Are Known: Education as a Spiritual Journey, Parker J. Palmer
To Serve and Protect: Law Enforcement Officers Reflect on Their Faith and Work, Judith
A. Kowalski and Dean J. Collins
To Work and to Love: A Theology of Creation, Dorothee Soelle
To Work and to Love: A Theology of Creation, Dorothee Soelle and Shirley A. Cloyes
Today’s Tentmakers, J. Christy Wilson Jr.
Too Busy for God? Think Again! Louise D’Angelo
Too Christian, Too Pagan: How to Love the World Without Falling for It, Dick Staub
Total Life Management, Bob Shank
Toward a Just and Caring Society: Christian Responses to Society, David P. Gushee
Toward a Perfect Love: The Spiritual Counsel of Walter Hilton, Walter Hilton
Toward a Theology of the Corporation, Michael Novak
Transform the World: Biblical Vision and Purpose for Business, Sharon Bentch Swarr and
Dwight Nordstrom
Transforming America from the Inside Out, Kay Cole James
Transforming Mission, David Bosch
The Transforming Vision: Shaping a Christian World View, Brian J. Walsh and J. Richard
Transforming Your Workplace for Christ, William Nix
And the Trees Clap Their Hands: Faith, Perception and the New Physics (retitled God
Spy: Faith Perception and the New Physics) Virginia Stem Owens
Triumph of the Laity: Scots-Irish Piety and the Great Awakening 1625-1760, Marilyn J.
Triumphs of the Imagination, Leland Ryken
The Truth About You, Arthur F. Miller and Ralph T. Mattson
Turn Aside and See: The Diary of a Company, David S. Simmonds
Turning Point: A Christian Worldview Declaration, Herbert Schlossberg and Marvin
Tutu: Voice of the Voiceless, Shirley Du Bouley
20 Hot Potatoes Christians Are Afraid to Touch, Tony Campolo
Twenty-two Who Changed the World, Harold Lentz and Eleanor Lentz
The 25 Most Common Problems in Business (and How Jesus Solved Them), Jim Zabloski
Twilight of a Great Civilization: Drift Toward Neo-Paganism, Carl F. H. Henry
Two Cities, Two Loves: Christian Responsibility in a Crumbling Culture, James
Montgomery Boice
Tyranny of the Bottom Line: Why Corporations Make Good People Do Bad Things, Ralph
The Tyranny of Time: When 24 Hours Is Not Enough, Robert J. Banks
Unchanging Faith in a Changing World, Kenneth D. Boa and Robert M. Bowman Jr.
Uncommon Decency, Richard J. Mouw
Under New Management, Sam Shoemaker
Unemployed, Unfulfilled: Down But Not Out, Serendipity House
Unfinished Agenda: An Autobiography, Lesslie Newbigin
Unit 6-George-90, Signal 44: Oh God, Please Tell Me Where You Are, Laurie BalbachTaylor
The Universe Next Door, James W. Sire
Unleashing Your Potential: Discovering Your God-Given Opportunities for Ministry,
Frank R. Tillapaugh
Unshakable Faith: Booker T. Washington & George Washington Carver, John Perry
Upon This Rock: The Church, Work, Money and You, Tim and Jean Unsworth
The Urban Christian, Ray Bakke and Jim Hart
The Urban Mission, ed. Craig W. Ellison
Us and Them: Building a Just Workplace Community, John R. Sutherland
Values in Conflict: Christian Nursing in a Changing Profession, Judith Allen Shelly and
Arlene B. Miller
Values in the Marketplace, Jay Lykins
Veiled and Silenced: How Culture Shaped Sexist Theology, Alvin John Schmidt
The Velvet Covered Brick: Christian Leadership in an Age of Rebellion, Howard Butt
The Vest-Pocket MBA, Jaek Shim, Joel Siegel and Abraham J. Simon
The Vibrant Church: A People-Building Plan for Congregational Health, E. Stanley Ott
Victory over Debt: Rediscovering Financial Freedom, Larry Burkett
The Virtues of Aging, Jimmy Carter
Vision-Driven Leadership, Merrill J. Oster
Visions of Grandeur: Leadership That Creates Positive Change, Ralph T. Mattson
Vital Signs: The Promise of Mainstream Protestantism, Milton J. Coalter, Louis B. Weeks
and John M. Mulder
The Vocation and the Mission of the Lay Faithful in the Church and in the World, John
Paul II
Vocation, Rowland Hogben
Waking From The American Dream: Growing Through Your Disappointments, Donald
W. McCullough
Walk with God Between Sundays, Richard C. Halverson
Walking With God in the Classroom, Harro Van Brummelen
The Way of Life, Gary D. Badcock
The Way of the Heart, Henri J. M. Nouwen
A Way of Working: The Spiritual Dimension of Craft, ed. D. M. Dooling
A Way Out of No Way: The Spiritual Memoirs of Andrew Young, Andrew Young
The Way We Work, Cynthia Tobias
We “Laity” Are Ministers: A Musical Presentation of the Garlow Concepts of Lay
Ministry Training, James L. Garlow and Myra Schubert
We Are the Beloved: A Spiritual Journey, Ken Blanchard
We Gave Away a Fortune, Christopher Mogil with Peter Woodrow and Anne Slepian
Wealth as Peril and Obligation: The New Testament on Possessions, Sondra Ely Wheeler
The Weightier Matters of the Law: Essays on Law and Religion, John Witte
Welfare in America: Christian Perspectives on a Policy in Crisis, ed. Stanley W. CarlsonThies and James W. Skillen
Well Done! The Common Guy’s Guide to Success, Dave Thomas and Ron Beyma
What Color Is Your Parachute? Richard Nelson Bolles
What Does the Lord Require? How American Christians Think About Economic Justice,
Stephen Hart
What Ever Happened to Commitment? Edward R. Dayton
What’s Right with Feminism, Elaine Storkey
When God Interrupts: Finding New Life Through Unwanted Change, Craig M. Barnes
When I Relax I Feel Guilty, Tim Hansel
When Men Think Private Thoughts: Exploring the Issues That Captivate the Minds of
Men, Gordon MacDonald
When Someone You Love Drinks Too Much, Christina B. Parker
When Work Goes Sour, James E. Dittes
Where Are We Now? ed. Ted Malloch and William A. Harper
Where Do I Go from Here with My Life? Richard Nelson Bolles and John C. Crystal
Where Do We Stand? An Examination of the Christian’s Position in the Modern World,
Harry Blamires
Where Garden Meets Wilderness: Evangelical Entry into the Environmental Debate, E.
Calvin Beisner
Where in the World Are You? Connecting Faith and Daily Life, Norma Cook Everist and
Nelvin Vos
While Men Slept: A Concerned Layman’s View of the Church Today, L. Nelson Bell
Who Am I? What Am I? Searching for Meaning in Your Work, Calvin Redekop and Urie
A. Bender
Who Is My Neighbor? Economics as if Values Matter
Who Speaks for God? Confronting the World with Real Christianity, Charles Colson
Who Switched the Price Tags? Anthony Campolo
Who We Could Be At Work, Margaret Lulic
Who You Are When No One’s Looking: Choosing Consistency, Resisting Compromise,
Bill Hybels
Whole Person Medicine: An International Symposium, ed. David E. Allen, Lewis P. Bird
and Robert Herrmann
Wholly Single, Julia Duin
Whose Job Is the Ministry? Vision Foundation
Why America Doesn’t Work, Charles Colson and Jack Eckerd
Why Go to Work? Vision Foundation
Why the Nations Rage: Killing in the Name of God, Christopher Catherwood
Why Work: Leading the New Generation, Michael Maccoby
Why Work? Careers and Employment in Biblical Perspective, John A. Bernbaum and
Simon M. Steer
Why You Can’t Be Anything You Want to Be, Arthur F. Miller and William Hendricks
Wide My World, Narrow My Bed: Living & Loving the Single Life, Luci Swindoll
William Carey: The Father of Modern Missions, Basil Miller
William M. Sullivan
The Willowbrook Report-Gospel and Culture, Lausanne Committee
Win/Win Solutions: Resolving Conflict on the Job, Thomas J. Stevenin
Winning at Work Without Losing at Love, Stephen Arterburn
Winning Back the Soul of American Business, Os Guinness
Winning the Rat Race Without Becoming a Rat, Dr. Kevin Leman
Wisdom and Innocence: The Life of G. K. Chesterton, Joseph Pearce
Wisdom at Work: A Biblical Approach to the Workplace, Kenneth Boa and Gail Burnett
With Heart, Mind & Strength: The Best of Crux—1979-1989, vol. 1
With Liberty and Justice for Whom? Craig M. Gay
With the Huckleberry Christ: A Spiritual Journey, Kristen Johnson Ingram
Woman of Influence: Ten Traits of Those Who Want to Make a Difference, Pam Farrel
The Woman’s Complete Guide to Personal Health Care, Debra Evans
Women and the Religious Life in Premodern Europe, Patricia Ranft
The Women Around Jesus, Elisabeth Moltmann-Wendel
Women in Church History: 20 Stories for 20 Centuries, Joanne Turpin
Women in the Church: A Biblical Theology of Women in Ministry, Stanley J. Grenz and
Denise Muir Kjesbo
Women in the Days of the Cathedrals, Regine Pernoud
Women Leaving the Workplace: How to Make the Transition From Work to Home, Larry
The Women of Genesis: From Sarah to Potiphar’s Wife, Sharon Pace Jeansonne
Women to Women: Perspectives of Fifteen African-American Christian Women, Norvella
Carter and Matthew Parker
Women Who Do Too Much: Stress and the Myth of the Superwoman, Patricia H. Sprinkle
Women Who Win, Mary C. Crowley
Women, Decision-Making, and the Future, Barbara Barksdale Clowse
Women, Men & the Bible, Virginia Ramey Mollenkott
Women’s Work: The First 20,000 Years, Elizabeth Wayland Barber
The Word In Life Study Bible, Pete Hammond
Work & Career: Manage Work Outside and Within the Home; Discover Your Work as
God’s Work, Nancy van Vurren
Work and Faith in Society, ed. Maurice L. Monette
Work and Integrity: The Crisis and Promise of Professionalism in America, Work, Play,
and Type: Achieving Balance in Your Life, Judith A. Provost
Work and Leisure in Christian Perspective, Leland Ryken
Work and Personality, Melvin L. Kohn and Carmi Schooler
Work and Vocation: A Christian Discussion, ed. John Oliver Nelson
Work in Modern Society, J. H. Oldham
Work in the Spirit: Toward a Theology of Work, Miroslav Volf
The Work Trap, Ted W. Engstrom and David J. Juroe
The Work Trap: Rediscovering Leisure, Rediscovering Work, Martin C. Helldorfer
Work, Ben Patterson
Work, Family, and Religion in Contemporary Society, ed. Nancy Tatom Ammerman and
Clark Roof Wade
Work: Christian Thought and Practice, ed. John Todd
Work: The Meaning of Your Life, Lester DeKoster
The Workaholic and His Family, Frank Minirth et al.
Workday Meditations: Finding God in the Midst of the Workplace, Mary Whelchel
Working As If Life Mattered, The Working Mother’s Guide to Sanity, Elsa Houtz
Working at Home, Lindsey O’ Conner
Working from the Heart, Jacqueline McMakin and Sonya Dyer
Working It Out: The Workaholics’ Survival Book, Working Ourselves To Death: The
High Cost of Workaholism & the Rewards of Recovery, Diane Fassel
The Working Woman’s Guide to Real Success, Elsa Houtz, Margaret A. Lulic and Victoria
Working, Studs Terkel
Working: Its Meaning and Its Limits, ed. Gilbert C. Meilaender
The Worklife Inspiration Bible, Ron C. Williams
The Workplace and Matters of the Heart, Michael Maccoby
The Workplace: Questions Women Ask, Judith Briles, Mary Whelchel and Luci Swindoll
A World of Difference: Following Christ Beyond Your Cultural Walls, Thom Hopler
The World of Work, ed. Howard F. Didsbury Jr.
A World Without Tyranny: Christian Faith and International Politics, Dean C. Curry
A Worldly Spirituality: The Call to Redeem Life on Earth, Wesley Granberg-Michaelson
Worship & Daily Life: A Resource for Worship Planners, Doris Rudy
Worship Is All of Life, Robert A. Morey
The Wounded Healer: Ministry in Contemporary Society, Henri J. M. Nouwen
Written on the Heart: The Case for Natural Law, J. Budziszewski
The Year 2000, ed. John R. W. Stott
A Year at the Catholic Worker, Marc Ellis
You and Your Network: Getting the Most Out of Life, Fred Smith
You Are Chosen: The Priesthood of All Believers, Herschel H. Hobbs
You Are More Than Your Job: Making a Living vs. Making a Life, Earl Harrison
You Can’t Manage Alone: Practical Prayers for Conscientious Managers, John S.
Morgan and J. R. Philp
You’re Hired! Insights for Christian Women Who Work Outside the Home, Millie Van
Your Career in Changing Times, Lee Ellis and Larry Burkett
Your Finances in Changing Times, Larry Burkett
Your God and Your Gold, Leslie B. Flynn
Your God Is Alive and Well and Appearing in Popular Culture, John W. Nelson
Your Mind Matters, John R. W. Stott
Your Money or Your Life: A New Look at Jesus’ View of Wealth and Power, John
Your Money: Frustration or Freedom?, Howard L. Dayton Jr.
Your Other Vocation, Elton Trueblood
Your Spiritual Gifts Can Help Your Church Grow, C. Peter Wagner
Your Work Matters to God, Doug Sherman and William Hendricks