AP Studio Art - 2D Design Portfolio

School District of New London
AP Studio Art – 2D Design Portfolio
14 Benchmarks
Standard 1: Understands and applies media, techniques, and processes related to the
visual arts
Applies media, techniques, and processes with sufficient skill, confidence, and
sensitivity that one’s intentions are carried out in artworks
• understands the term creates art with skill
• understands the term creates art with confidence
• understands the term creates art with sensitivity
• understands the term carries out one’s intentions
• applies media with sufficient skill, confidence, and sensitivity that
one’s intentions are carried out in artworks
• applies techniques with sufficient skill, confidence, and sensitivity that
one’s intentions are carried out in artworks
• applies processes with sufficient skill, confidence, and sensitivity that
one’s intentions are carried out in artworks
Understands how the communication of ideas relates to the media, techniques,
and processes one uses
• understands the term relationship between communication and art
• understands the term relationship between communication and art
• understands the term relationship between communication and art
September 1, 2012
understands how the communication of ideas relates to the media one
understands how the communication of ideas relates to the techniques
one uses
understands how the communication of ideas relates to the processes
one uses
School District of New London
Standard 2: Knows how to use structures (e.g., sensory qualities, organizational
principles, expressive features) and functions of art
Understands how the characteristics and structures of art are used to accomplish
commercial, personal, communal, or other artistic intentions
• understands the term accomplishing commercial intentions
• understands the term accomplishing personal intentions
• understands the term accomplishing communal intentions
• understands the term artistic intention
• understands how artistic intentions are accomplished through the
characteristics and structures of art
• understands how the characteristics and structures of art are used to
accomplish commercial intentions
• understands how the characteristics and structures of art are used to
accomplish personal intentions
• understands how the characteristics and structures of art are used to
accomplish communal intentions
Understands the effectiveness of various artworks in terms of organizational
structures and functions
• understands the term evaluating effectiveness of artworks
• understands the effectiveness of various artworks in terms of
organizational structures
• understands the effectiveness of various artworks in terms of function
Knows how organizational principles and functions can be used to solve
specific visual arts problems
• understands the term solving visual arts problem
• knows how organizational principles can be used to solve specific
visual arts problems
• knows how functions of art can be used to solve specific visual arts
Standard 3: Knows a range of subject matter, symbols, and potential ideas in the visual
Understands how visual, spatial, temporal, and functional values of artworks are
tempered by culture and history
• understands the effect of culture on visual values
• understands the effect of history on visual values
• understands the effect of culture on spatial values
• understands the effect of history on spatial values
• understands the effect of culture on temporal values
• understands the effect of history on temporal values
• understands the effect of culture on functional values
September 1, 2012
School District of New London
understands the effect of history on functional values
understands how the visual values of artwork are tempered by culture
and history
understands how the spatial values of artwork are tempered by culture
and history
understands how the temporal values of artwork are tempered by
culture and history
understands how the functional values of artwork are tempered by
culture and history
Applies various subjects, symbols, and ideas in one's artworks
• understands the term applying subjects in one’s art
• understands the term applying symbols in one’s art
• understands the term applying ideas in one’s art
• applies a variety of subjects one’s artworks
• applies a variety of symbols in one’s artworks
• applies a variety of ideas in one’s artworks
Standard 4: Understands the visual arts in relation to history and cultures.
Knows a variety of historical and cultural contexts regarding characteristics and
purposes of works of art
• understands the term historical context of artwork
• understands the term cultural context of artwork
• knows a variety of historical contexts regarding characteristics of
works of art
• knows a variety of historical contexts regarding purposes of works of
• knows a variety of cultural contexts regarding characteristics of works
of art
• knows a variety of cultural contexts regarding purposes of works of art
Knows the function and meaning of specific art objects within varied cultures,
times, and places
• understands the term function of specific art objects
• understands the term meaning of specific art objects
• knows the function and meaning of specific art objects within varied
• knows the function and meaning of specific art objects from varied
• knows the function and meaning of specific art objects from varied
September 1, 2012
School District of New London
Understands relationships among works of art in terms of history, aesthetics,
and culture
• understands the term relationships among works of art
• understands relationships among works of art in terms of history
• understands relationships among works of art in terms of aesthetics
• understands relationships among works of art in terms of culture
Standard 5: Understands the characteristics and merits of one’s own artwork and the
artwork of others.
Identifies intentions of those creating artworks
• understands the term artistic intention
• understands the concept of artistic intention
Understands some of the implications of intention and purpose in particular
works of art
• understands the term implications of artistic intentions
• understands the term implications of artistic purpose
• understands the implications of artistic intention in specific works of
• understands the implications of artistic purpose in specific works of art
Knows how specific works are created and relate to historical and cultural
• understands the term historical context of artwork
• understands the term cultural context of artwork
• knows how specific works of art are created
• knows how specific works of art relate to historical contexts
• knows how specific works of art relate to cultural contexts
Understands how various interpretations can be used to understand and evaluate
works of visual art
• understands the term understanding art through interpretations
• understands the term evaluating art through interpretations
• understands how various interpretations can be used to understand
works of visual art
• understands how various interpretations can be used to evaluate works
of visual art
September 1, 2012