Doping by Diffusion and Implantation Uma Parthavi M Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi. Tutor: Prof. N Dasgupta Contents Doping Two step doping process Diffusion equipment & sources Diffusion-Microscopic & Macroscopic point of view Fick‟s Laws – solutions Diffusivity Influence of Electric Field, Defects Oxidation Enhanced Diffusion Ion Implantation Implantation Basics Ion implanter Implantation profiles Channeling Damage annealing Comparison between diffusion and ion implantation References 2 Doping by Diffusion and Implantation Contents Doping Silicon Diffusion : The spread of particles through random motion from regions of higher concentration to regions of lower concentration Ion implantation Bombarding the substrate with ions accelerated to high velocities 3 Doping by Diffusion and Implantation Introduction Creating Doped regions Step1 : Pre-deposition Controllably introduce desired dopant atoms Methods: Solid phase diffusion from glass layers Gas phase diffusions Ion Implantation Step2 : Drive-in The introduced dopants are driven deeper into the wafer without further introduction of dopant atoms 4 Doping by Diffusion and Implantation Two step process for producing a junction Diffusion Diffusion sources 5 Doping by Diffusion and Implantation Diffusion Diffusion- Equipment Diffusion Equipment(showing predep. Of BSG)[2] 6 Doping by Diffusion and Implantation Diffusion Diffusion Microscopic Point of View : Considers the motion of dopant at atomic scale Computationally expensive and used in simulation tools More accurate Macroscopic Point of View : Considers overall motion of dopant profile Fick‟s Laws Considering the macroscopic point of view is important because it gives a sufficiently accurate first hand picture 7 Doping by Diffusion and Implantation Diffusion Microscopic Point of View Vacancy Assisted Diffusion Interstitial Assisted diffusion Impurity atom 8 Doping by Diffusion and Implantation Diffusion Fick’s First Law Diffusive flux has a magnitude proportional to spatial concentration gradient C F D x F is flux(atoms/cm2sec); D is the diffusivity(cm2sec-1); C is the concentration gradient. x Flow is opposite to the direction of concentration gradient F DC 9 Doping by Diffusion and Implantation Diffusion Fick’s Second Law Increase in the concentration in a cross section of unit area with time is simply the difference between the flux into the volume and the flux out of the volume. “what goes in and doesn’t go out stays there” C F Fin Fout t x x Flux in and out of a volume element If D is a constant, 10 Doping by Diffusion and Implantation C .F .( DC ) t Diffusion Solutions to Fick’s Equations Steady state – linear Limited source in infinite medium - Gaussian Limited source at surface - Gaussian Infinite source – Error function 11 Doping by Diffusion and Implantation Diffusion Steady state Steady state – dopant concentration in constant with time 2C D 2 0 x Solving for the above gives, C=a+bx 12 Doping by Diffusion and Implantation Diffusion Limited source in infinite medium Boundary conditions: C 0 C A constant dose of dopants introduced in an infinite medium as t 0 for x 0 as t 0 for x 0 C ( x, t )dx Q -ve Dopants Si Wafer +ve 13 Doping by Diffusion and Implantation Diffusion Consequences Solution has an evolving Time evolution of Gaussian profile[1] 14 Doping by Diffusion and Implantation Gaussian form Symmetric about the origin Peak concentration decreases by 1 / t and is given by C(0,t) Diffusion length = 2 Dt It is an approximate measure of how much the dopant has diffused Diffusion Limited source at the surface Virtual medium Virtual Dopants Real Dopants Si Wafer Dopants introduced at the surface Dopant dose Q introduced at the surface Can be treated as an effective dose of 2Q being introduced in a virtual infinite medium 15 Doping by Diffusion and Implantation Diffusion Infinite source Consider series of slices, each with thickness , x having a dose of C x. The solution for this case is simply the linear superposition of Gaussian Diffusion from an infinite source solutions for thin slices Boundary conditions: 0 ( x )2 C C=0 at t=0 for x>0 exp C ( x, t ) d 4 Dt 2 Dt C=C at t=0 for x<0 16 Doping by Diffusion and Implantation Diffusion Cs is the concentration at the surface and Cs=C/2 Surface conc. is constant Total Dose Q 0 2Cs x Cs [1 erf ( )]dx 2 Dt Dt Time evolution of erfc profile[1] 17 Doping by Diffusion and Implantation Diffusion Diffusivity For common impurities in silicon, EA D D exp( ) kT 0 k is the Boltzmann constant, EA is the activation energy in eV and T is the temperature in degrees Kelvin. Diffusivity for common dopants [3] 18 Doping by Diffusion and Implantation Diffusion Solid solubility Maximum Thermodynamic concentration of dopant that can be dissolved in silicon without forming a separate phase In reality, electrical solubility is less than the solid solubility because of formation of neutral clusters with vacancies Solid solubility plots for common dopants[1] 19 Doping by Diffusion and Implantation Diffusion Influence of Electric field Dominant when doping concentrations exceed intrinsic carrier concentrations. F hD h 1 C x C C 2 4ni 2 F is the flux as discussed earlier, C is the net doping concentration at x h is upper bounded by 2 20 Doping by Diffusion and Implantation Diffusion Effect of electric field on low concentration regions[1] 21 Doping by Diffusion and Implantation Diffusion Influence of defects DA is the effective diffusivity ,DA* is the normal equilibrium diffusivity under inert conditions, fI is the fraction of dopants diffusing with interstitial mechanism, fv is the fraction of dopants diffusing with vacancy-type mechanism, CI is the interstitial concentration, CV is the vacancy concentration, CI* is the interstitial concentration at equilibrium, CV* is the vacancy concentration at equilibrium 22 Doping by Diffusion and Implantation Diffusion Oxidation enhanced diffusion P,B diffusion – enhanced ; Sb – retarded Oxidation of Si to SiO2 causes volume to increase – induces stress which is relieved by the Si atoms moving to interstitial spaces Oxidation injects interstitials ; P,B prefer interstitial type diffusion Interstitials combine with vacancies – decrease in vacancies ; Sb prefers vacancy type diffusion 23 Doping by Diffusion and Implantation Plot showing effect of oxidation in diffusion of As and Sb implants[1] Diffusion Ion Implantation Basics Energetic and violent technique – Dominant doping 26 technique for past 20 yrs Direct bombardment of accelerated dopant ions onto the substrate Cascade of damages created in the perfect Si lattice – removed by annealing Precise control on the amount and distribution of the dose Energy of ions control the distribution Ion beam current controls the dose Doping by Diffusion and Implantation Implantation Ion Implanter Ion Implantation System[5] Ion Sources: Gas : Arsine, Phosphine, Boron difluoride in a zeolite matrix ; allow rapid beam tuning Solid : elemental sources of As, P ; vaporized 27 Doping by Diffusion and Implantation Implantation Ion Implanter Gas from the source is ionized by electrons from a filament/plasma discharge Ions are extracted by voltage and mass analyzed to select only one ion species B I K .E. qV 1 2 mv 2 mv 2 qvB r 2mV 1 r q I Beam of B11(top) and B10 separated Courtesy: Albion Systems B is the magnetic field , proportional to the current I, V is the external voltage applied, m is the mass of a ion, v is the velocity of an ion, q is the charge of an ion Different ions can be chosen by varying the external voltage and the current to the coils 28 Doping by Diffusion and Implantation Implantation Ion Implanter The radius of curvature is proportional to square root of the mass Ions are further accelerated depending on the requirements and incident on the target The implant dose is measured by locating the sample at the end of a „Faraday cup‟ 1 I Q dt A q I is the collected beam current, A is the implant area, t is the integration time and q is the charge on the ion 29 Doping by Diffusion and Implantation Range of Energy and Dose needed for different applications [6] Implantation Implantation profiles Range of an ion is the actual Implantation profiles of commonly used dopant atoms[6] 30 Doping by Diffusion and Implantation distance travelled by it before stopping Projected Range Rp is the average distance travelled normal to the surface ΔRp is the standard deviation of the projected range also called straggle Heavy ions – Smaller Rp and ΔRp Lighter ions – Greater Rp & ΔRp Implantation Implantation profiles[7] 31 Doping by Diffusion and Implantation Implantation Implantation profiles 0,6 Can be approximated to a ( x Rp ) 2 C ( x) Cp exp( ) 2Rp Range(um) Gaussian 0,5 0,4 0,3 As P 0,2 B Q 2 RpCp 0,1 C(x) is the concentration 0 Straggle(um) distribution, Rp is the range,ΔRp is the straggle, Cp is the peak concentration The 2D distribution is usually assumed to be a product of vertical and lateral distribution 0 50 100 150 200 250 Energy(KeV) 0,1 0,09 0,08 0,07 0,06 0,05 0,04 0,03 0,02 0,01 0 As P B 0 50 100 150 200 250 Energy(KeV) 32 Range and Straggle for As,P,B Data from BYU’s Range and Straggle calculator Doping by Diffusion and Implantation Implantation Pearson Model 33 Doping by Diffusion and Implantation Implantation Channeling Crystalline Si – planar and axial channels Once an ion enters a channel, it can be steered along the channel until it comes to rest either by drag or sharp collision High doses – less channeling 34 Doping by Diffusion and Implantation Implantation Impact of channeling on profiles Impact of channeling on B profile[8] 35 Doping by Diffusion and Implantation Implantation Avoiding channeling Channeling can be reduced by – Oxide screening Tilting the wafer (ideally 7degrees) Screening by amorphous Si 36 Doping by Diffusion and Implantation Implantation Avoiding channeling 37 From: Doping by Diffusion and Implantation Implantation Ion stopping mechanism Nuclear Stopping: Collision of ions with lattice atoms Depends on Ion energy Tends to dominate at the end of the stopping process when ions have lost much of their energy Produces damage Electronic Stopping: Nonlocal electronic Stopping Drag experienced by the ion in a dielectric medium; dissipative, does not alter the trajectory Directly proportional to the ion velocity Depends on ionization state of the ion Local electronic Stopping If the ion comes close enough to a lattice atom, momentum transfer due to e-transfer possible Subtly alters the trajectory – minor compared to nuclear stopping Depends on the ion velocity 38 Doping by Diffusion and Implantation Implantation Stopping power for common ions Total stopping power = electron stopping power+ nuclear stopping power Nuclear stopping dominates at low energies Electron stopping dominates at higher energies, for lighter atoms Stopping powers of dopants[1] 39 Doping by Diffusion and Implantation Implantation Stopping mechanisms 40 Doping by Diffusion and Implantation Implantation Damage During implantation Nuclear stopping – ions transfer energy to lattice atoms; crystalline structure damaged Energy required to displace a Si atom to create a Frenkel pair (I +V) is 15eV Damage to the crystal is in the following ways: Creation of interstitials and vacancies Creation of local zones of amorphous material High dose implants might turn crystal to amorphous state The above two types of damage are called Primary crystalline damage ; Repaired by thermal process known as annealing But subjecting wafer to thermal process for a long time might cause diffusion of dopants - undesirable 41 Doping by Diffusion and Implantation Implantation Annealing Primary damage anneals at 400oC Firstly I and V combine in the bulk ; this leaves only I‟s originating from introduction of extra atom Later vacancies and interstitials recombine at the surface Above 400oC extra I‟s condense into rod shaped defects – {311} planes Upon annealing after 900oC, they start disappearing Damage less than a critical value can be repaired. For damage above critical value, {311} defects form stable dislocation loops – secondary damage Steps in Annealing with time [1] {311} Ribbon Defects[1] 43 Doping by Diffusion and Implantation Implantation Annealing Largest concentration @ interface between crystalline and amorphous Si – EOR(End of Range) Defects These EOR loops are known to disappear in some instances after 60 sec anneal at 1100oC EOR loops detrimental if present at junctions Annealing cycles are chosen to cause enough dopant diffusion so that the loops are contained in highly doped regions and are shielded from any depletion regions 44 Doping by Diffusion and Implantation Implantation Dopant Activation Activation substitutional sites Broken bonds should be repaired to improve mobility Low primary Damage: all damage anneals out High primary Damage : Amorphization Solid Phase Epitaxy provides Fraction of atoms active Dopants should occupy nearly ideal soln Partial Damage: Formation of secondary damage 950 -1050oC required 45 Doping by Diffusion and Implantation Fraction of atoms activated for boron implant [9] Implantation Annealing Annealing can be done in two ways: Furnace Annealing Rapid Thermal Annealing 46 Doping by Diffusion and Implantation Implantation Furnace Annealing Inert ambient – Nitrogen or 47 Argon Oxide capping layer recommended to avoid evaporation of dopants Temperature range – 7501100oC Time >30 mins Problem of Diffusion of implanted dopants Transient enhanced Diffusion – not suited for shallow junctions Doping by Diffusion and Implantation Typical Furnace used for annealing Implantation Rapid Thermal Annealing Bank of lamps that rapidly heat a wafer Optical energy transfer Ramp rate of 100oC/s Wafer attains uniform temperature in few ms Annealing time: 1-100 s No diffusion during anneal RTA furnace Schematic 48 Doping by Diffusion and Implantation Implantation Comparison of Diffusion and Ion implantation 50 Diffusion Ion Implantation Advantages: No damage created Batch fabrication possible Advantages: Low temperature process Precise dose and junction depth Disadvantages: Limited to solid solubility Low dose predeps difficult High temperature process Shallow junctions difficult Disadvantages: Implant damage enhances Doping by Diffusion and Implantation control Implantations through thin layers of oxide/nitride possible Short process times diffusion Additional cost of annealing Dislocations may cause junction leakage Channeling Comparision References [1] J D Plummer, M D Deal and P B Griffin, “SiliconVLSI Technology: fundamentals, practice and modelling”,Pearson Edu. Inc.,2001 [2] John (2010, June 1), “Diffusion of impurities for IC fabrication” [online].Available: [3] H.Puchner , “Advanced Process Modelling forVLSI Technology,” Ph.D. dissertation, Dept. Elect. Eng., Technical Univ. of Vienna,Vienna,Austria, 1996 [4] National Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (NTRS); SIA: San Jose, 1997. [5] John (2010, June 2), “Ion Implantation” [online].Available: [6] L Rubin and J Poate(2010, Dec 2), “Ion Implantation in silicon technology” [online].Available: [7] (2010, Dec 2),”Ion Implantation Processes in Semiconductor Manufacturing” [online].Available: http://www.leb.e-technik.uni 51 Doping by Diffusion and Implantation References References [8] C Tian,S Gara,G Hobler and G Stingeder , “Boron Implantation in Si: Channeling Effects Studied by SIMS and Simulation ,” Mikrochim. Acta, ser. D, vol. 107, pp. 161-169, 1992 [9] B. L. Crowder and F. F. Morehead, Jr, “Annealing characteristics of n-type dopants in ion-implanted silicon,” Applied physics letters, ser. D, vol. 14, pp. 313-315, May 1969 52 Doping by Diffusion and Implantation References Thank You!!!!!