Ki Consulting IT Management Advisory Ki Consulting Risk-Based Privacy Maturity Model (RPM) Business Tools Risk Measurement & Control Implementation 0. Forms Documents and forms related to privacy 1. Procedures Some procedures and knowledge present throughout the organization 0. Feedback General feedback or complaints from public 1. Checklists Checklists developed to ensure that measures recommended by privacy commissioner are in place 2. Policy Several privacy documents which may not be consistent with each other Breach reporting and notification process Privacy FAQ 2. Issue Management System Tracking system for privacy incidents, complaints, and updates to personal information 3. Process A consistent, defined process to document, track, and report on incidents/breaches A knowledge base of privacy resources, laws, and standards 3. Mitigation Planning An action plan to mitigate issues identified in assessments or audits 0. Chaotic No process for implementing practices 1. Initial Responsibility for privacy is held by a staff member with minimal privacy training Some information on privacy practices is available to the public 2. Active There is a privacy officer Assessments are carried out but recommendations are not implemented Contracts with data recipients/service providers include privacy requirements Regular internal communications (e.g., privacy newsletters) Privacy policy available to the public 3. Performance management Privacy training used to improve performance Performance measurement related to data releases Follow-up and reporting on implementation of risk mitigation plans Executive reporting using privacy performance indicators 4. Governance A developed privacy program is appropriately staffed to create or deliver business tools, implement risk control and 4. Risk-based Objective risk metrics are used to quantify, evaluate and report on privacy risks All data use, retention, and disclosure is subject to risk Ki Consulting validation measurement, and follow up on implementation A privacy working group oversees privacy activities and ensures implementation across all lines of business