Cytology Cytology Anatomy and Physiology Text and Laboratory Workbook, Stephen G. Davenport, Copyright 2006, All Rights Reserved, no part of this publication can be used for any commercial purpose. Permission requests should be addressed to Stephen G. Davenport, Link Publishing, P.O. Box 15562, San Antonio, TX, 78212 Lab Activity 1 – Cell Model • Cytology is the study of the structure and function of cells. • Photomicrograph – Photograph taken by using a light microscope. An electron microscope produces an electron micrograph. • The cell is divided into three major parts: – plasma membrane - the semipermeable boundary of cell – cytoplasm - area between nucleus and plasma membrane which houses organelles and inclusions – nucleus -the specialized organelle that controls the cell Exfoliated Squamous Cells • The mouth is lined with a tissue covering called stratified squamous epithelium. Stratified squamous epithelium is described as multi-layered (stratified) flat (squamous) lining tissue (epithelium). • The squamous surface cells can be removed by scraping (exfoliation) and observed for cell structure. Fig 4.1 Lab Activity 2 – Exfoliated Squamous Cells • • • • • Plasma membrane forms the semipermeable boundary of the cell. Cytoplasm is the component of the cell between the plasma membrane and the nucleus. Its fluid is called cytosol and houses the cell’s organelles and inclusions. Organelles are “little organs” of the cell. These structures, such as the nucleus, are considered to be functional components. Inclusions are chemical or foreign bodies in the cell. A lipid droplet is a typical inclusion. Nucleus is an organelle that is the repository for the genetic material, the DNA of the cell. STRATIFIED SQUAMOUS EPITHELIUM • Stratified squamous epithelium is a protective lining commonly found forming the surface of areas that are subject to abrasion. • Prepared microscope slide of stratified squamous epithelium are from locations such as the inside lining of the mouth, the esophagus, and the vagina. Fig. 4.5 1 Lab Activity 4 – Stratified Squamous Cells • Stratified squamous epithelium is a protective surface lining. • Observe the specimen’s surfaces to locate the distinctive dark stained multicellular layer of tissue. Fig. 4.7 Fig. 4.8 ADIPOSE TISSUE • Adipose cells (adipocytes) are the cells organized to form adipose tissue. Adipocytes are specialized for the storage of fat (triglycerides) in the form of a lipid droplet. Fig. 4.9 Fig. 4.10 Lab Activity 5 – Adipose Tissue • Observe a prepared microscope slide of “Adipose tissue.” If a slide preparation is not available complete the study using the following illustrations and photographs. Fig. 4.11 2 Lab Activity 6 – Blood BLOOD CELLS • Red blood cells (erythrocytes) are highly specialized cells that contain hemoglobin (an inclusion) which mostly transports oxygen. – Circulating red blood cells do not have a nucleus (anucleate). • White blood cells (leukocytes) are of several different types, so there will be a variety of sizes and structural characteristics observed among the cells. – All have a single nucleus; however, the nuclear location and shape will vary depending upon the type of white blood cell. Fig. 4.13 • Fig. 4.12 Human blood smear. Erythrocytes are anucleate biconcave discs. The nuclei of leukocytes stains blue and exhibit several different shapes. HUMAN SPERM Sperm cells are highly specialized cells in structure and function. – Structurally, they have three distinctive regions: (1) a head - that contains the nucleus (genetic material), (2) a midpiece - that houses most of the cytoplasm, and (3) a flagellum (tail) - that provides locomotion. – The cellular features of streamlined shape and structural specialization allow the sperm to move through the female reproductive tract and fertilize the egg. Fig. 4.14 Lab Activity 7 – Sperm Fig. 4.15 Fig. 4.16 Sperm are small motile cells designed for movement and fertilization of an egg (oocyte). 3 Lab Activity 8 – Ciliated Columnar Epithelium COLUMNAR CILIATED CELLS and GOBLET (MUCOUS) CELLS • Columnar ciliated cells are tall columnar cells with cilia located on their exposed (free) surface. • They form epithelial linings that function in the movement of materials (mucus) over the surface of the cells (epithelium). • The respiratory airway, the trachea, is an ideal site for the study of columnar ciliated cells. The cells are arranged in a single layer, but some cells are taller than others Fig. 4.17 Fig. 4.18 • Observe a slide labeled "Pseudostratified Columnar Ciliated Epithelium - Trachea" or "Trachea." SMOOTH MUSCLE CELLS Fig. 4.19 Fig. 4.20 • Lab Activity 9 – Smooth Muscle Cells Smooth muscle cells are the constituents of smooth muscle tissue. The cells are called smooth because they lack the cross-bands called striations that characterize the two other types of muscle (skeletal and cardiac). Lab Activity 10 – Teased Smooth Muscle Cells Fig. 4.23 Fig. 4.21 Fig. 4.22 • Observe a slide labeled "Intestine - jejunum (or Intestine - duodenum, or Intestine - ileum)." • Observe a preparation labeled "Teased Smooth Muscle." If a slide preparation is not available complete the study using the following illustrations and photographs. 4 Work Sheet Fig. 4.11 Identify and give the function of the cells. What characteristics do the cells share? STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION OF A GENERALIZED CELL The following study of cell structures mostly relies upon Figure 4.1, a drawing of a generalized cell. The anatomy of the structures is mostly drawn from photographs from electron microscopes (electron photomicrographs). Generalized functions are given for each of the cell’s structures. 5 Plasma Membrane • The is the limiting membrane which forms the cell boundary. It separates the watery environments of the cytoplasm (intracellular fluid) and the external environment (extracellular fluid). • The plasma membrane is not a homogeneous structure with the same organization and chemical components over its entire surface. • The molecular structure of the plasma membrane determines its functions. Membrane functions include the – – – – Maintenance of Boundary • The plasma membrane is not a homogeneous structure with the same organization and chemical components over its entire surface. maintenance of a physical boundary, the transport of materials into and out of the cell, providing receptor sites, and cell identity markers. Boundary Functions • Columnar cells that forms the lining of the intestine have different boundary functions. The columnar cells of the intestinal epithelium function in protection, absorption, secretion of absorbed nutrients into the blood and lymphatics, anchorage to neighboring cells, prohibiting intercellular diffusion, etc. Fig. 4.24 Fig. 3A.6 • Molecular Structure • The molecular structure of the plasma membrane determines its functions. Membrane functions include the maintenance of a physical boundary, the transport of materials into and out of the cell, providing receptor sites, and cell identity markers. The plasma membrane consists of a phospholipid framework. Other lipid molecules of the plasma membrane include cholesterol and glycolipids. Proteins are found both embedded in the phospholipid framework or located on its surface. Fig. 4.25 6 Molecular Structure of Plasma Membrane Lipid Molecules The lipids include phospholipids, cholesterol, and glycolipids. The most abundant lipids are the phospholipids. Lipid Molecules • Phospholipids – The phospholipids are a group of lipids that have a polar (charged) "head" region that contains phosphorus attached to a nonpolar (uncharged) "tail" region that contains a pair of fatty acids. Fundamental membrane structure (framework) is produced by the phospholipids being arranged in two layers (bilayer). They are amphiphilic molecules, hydrophobic and hydrophlic. • Glycolipids – Glycolipids are lipid molecules with attached carbohydrates. Glycolipids are located in the outer phospholipid layer. • Cholesterol – Cholesterol is distributed in both layers of the phospholipid bilayer. Its hydrocarbon ring structure is hydrophilic and faces the watery environments, and the carbon chain is hydrophobic facing away from the watery environments (along with the hydrophobic tails of the phospholipids). Lipid Molecules - Functions • Phospholipids – Phospholipids produce the structural framework of the plasma membrane. Also, the phospholipids allow simple diffusion (movement from high to low concentrations), of substances that are small, nonpolar, and lipid soluble. Substances which are large, polar, and are not lipid soluble have limited ability to diffuse through the phospholipid bilayer. Figure 4.26 Lipids of the plasma membrane include phospholipids, glycolipids and cholesterol. Lipid Molecules - Functions Glycolipids – The glycolipids along with the glycoproteins function in producing the glycocalyx (sugar covering) of cells. The glycocalyx functions in cell-to-cell adhesion and cellular recognition. Some glycolipids function in the plasma membrane turn over and recycling mechanism. Fig. 4.28 Fig. 4.27 7 Lipid Molecules - Functions Cholesterol – Cholesterol is a lipid that belongs to the steroid group of lipids. Cholesterol functions in stabilization the plasma membrane, and if transported internally is used as a precursor in the manufacture of other steroids such as estrogen and testosterone. PROTEIN MOLECULES Fig. 4.29 Integral or peripheral according to their location. Protein Location • Integral proteins – Integral proteins are located within the phospholipid bilayer. They may be embedded in either the outer or inner phospholipid layer or, they may penetrate both layers as transmembrane proteins. • Peripheral proteins – are located at the phospholipid membrane surface either associated with integral proteins or lipids. – Glycoproteins are proteins with attached carbohydrate chains. The carbohydrate chains project away from the membrane into the extracellular environment. Protein Molecules – Functions Fig. 4.30 Protein Molecules – Functions • Channels – Transmembrane protein channels allow the specific passage either by passive or active transport (require ATP) of small molecules and ions. Fig. 4.31 • Carrier Molecules – Transmembrane protein carrier molecules allow a type of transport called facilitated diffusion. This type of transport is passive and uses carrier molecules with specific receptor sites to transport specific substances across the membrane. Fig. 4.32 8 Protein Molecules – Functions Protein Molecules – Functions • Peripheral proteins – Peripheral proteins may serve as structural proteins to produce cell structure, especially the cytoskeleton. Peripheral proteins also function as enzymes, which mediate chemical reactions by functioning as catalysts. • Glycoproteins – Glycoproteins have various functions such as cell identify markers and receptors. They are also the primary contributors in producing the cell’s glycocalyx (sugar covering), important in cell-to-cell adhesion. Fig. 4.33 Fig. 4.35 Fig. 4.34 Gap Junctions MEMBRANE JUNCTIONS A gap junction is a membrane junction formed by an interaction of adjacent cell membrane proteins which produces a channel between the two cells. The channel allows the passage of small molecules and ions from cell to cell. This type of membrane junction is found in tissues such as cardiac muscle that conduct electrical activity by the passage of charged atoms (ions). Membrane junctions are direct membrane to membrane interactions and include gap junctions, desmosomes, and tight junctions. Fig. 4.36 Desmosomes • A desmosome is a membrane junction formed by thin intercellular filament proteins that are associated with localized thickened membrane layers of adjacent cells. The thin intercellular protein filaments bridge the two separated membranes. This type of membrane junction produces great mechanical strength and is typically located in epithelial tissues such as the outer layer of the skin where strong cell adhesion is required Lab Activity 11 – Desmosomes • Obtain a prepared microscope slide labeled “Intercellular bridges.” Intercellular bridges (desmosomes) are observed in the epidermis of the skin. Intercellular bridges provide great mechanical strength to the tissue. Fig. 4.38 Fig. 4.37 9 Tight Junctions • A tight junction is a membrane junction formed by the connection of proteins of the plasma membranes of adjacent cells. The connection of the membranes prevents the diffusion of substances through the intercellular space. This type of junction is located in areas such as the lining of the urinary bladder where diffusion of water and ions across the lining membrane is restricted. MICROVILLI Fig. 4.39 • Microvilli – Microvilli are plasma membrane projections. A cell which functions in the absorption of materials often has its surface membrane modified into microvilli. Microvilli increase the plasma membrane surface area, which increases the capability of the cell to interact with its extracellular environment. Fig. 3A.6 Fig. 4.41 • Microvilli are extensions of the plasma membrane that increase surface area. The photograph on the left (Fig 4.41) is of microvilli (described as a brush border) of columnar cells lining the small intestine (1,000x). Microvilli should not be confused with motile surface organelles called cilia. The photograph on the right (Fig 4.41) is ciliated columnar cells from the trachea (430x). Fig. 4.40 Cytosol CYTOPLASM Cytoplasm is the region between the plasma membrane and the nucleus. • Cytosol is mostly water with a variety of dissolved inorganic and organic substances from ions to complex proteins. Suspended in the cytosol are organelles and inclusions. – Organelles are the "little organs" (functional components) of the cell and include the nucleus, mitochondria, ribosomes, etc. They may or may not be surrounded by a membrane. – Inclusions are chemical substances in the cytoplasm. They are not functional units but are used in the functioning of the cell. Inclusions include glycogen, lipid droplets, and hemoglobin. 10 ORGANELLES The organelles ("little organs") are a variety of structures that perform various cellular functions. Fig. 4.42 NUCLEUS • The nucleus is an organelle bounded by the nuclear envelope. – It contains a fluid called nucleoplasm, chromatin, and nucleoli. • The nucleus is the control center of the cell because it contains the genetic material, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), which directs cell activity through protein synthesis. Fig. 4.43 Nuclear Envelope • The nuclear envelope is composed of two layers, an inner and an outer phospholipid layer. Small openings, the nuclear pores, are distributed throughout the membrane. Nuclear pores make the membrane selectively permeable. • The large molecules, DNA, are restricted to the nucleus whereas small molecules such as nucleotides, small proteins, and ribonucleic acid (RNA) move freely across the membrane. Fig. 4.44 Chromatin • Chromatin is composed of DNA and associated proteins called histones and appears as threads distributed throughout the nucleus. Portions of the DNA and histones become arranged into organizational structures called nucleosomes. Inactivation of genes is partially controlled by the selective wrapping of portions of the DNA. • During cell division (mitosis and meiosis) the chromatin is further condensed into structures called chromosomes. This packaging of the DNA into chromosomes facilitates its distribution to daughter cells. Fig. 4.45 11 Chromatin & Chromosomes Fig. 4.46 Fig. 4.47 Photograph of a cell (of whitefish blastula, 1,000x) seen through a light microscope showing threads of chromatin. Photograph of a cell (of whitefish blastula, 1,000x) seen through a light microscope showing chromosomes of the mitotic phase, metaphase. NUCLEOLI • The nucleus may have a single nucleolus or many nucleoli. They appear as dark-stained nuclear regions and are associated with chromatin that is active in the synthesis of ribosomal RNA. • At the nucleolar regions the ribosomal RNA is combined with proteins to make the subunits of ribosomes. The ribosomal subunits leave the nucleus and enter the cytoplasm where they assemble into ribosomes. • Since ribosomes are the sites of protein synthesis, cells that are active in protein synthesis usually have several nucleoli. MITOCHONDRIA Mitochondria are cytoplasmic organelles that typically appear rod-shaped or filamentous. • The mitochondrion is bounded by a double membrane. – The outer membrane surrounds the mitochondrion forming its outermost boundary. – The inner membrane folds deeply into the mitochondrion's interior forming shelf-like partitions called cristae. – The substance within the interior of the mitochondrion is called the matrix. – Mitochondria have their own DNA. Fig. 4.49 Lab Activity 12 – Mitochondria • Obtain a prepared microscope slide labeled “Mitochondria (Amphiuma liver).” Mitochondria (1,000x) from the liver of Amphiuma (salamander). The mitochondria appear granular, rod-shaped, and filamentous. Fig. 4.51 Fig. 4.48 Cell Respiration • Mitochondria function as the "powerhouses of the cell," in that they produce most of the cell’s ATP. Aerobic respiration, which generates most of the cell's energy-rich molecules (ATP), occurs within the mitochondria. The two catabolic processes of mitochondrial metabolism are Kreb’s cycle and the electron transport system. In the catabolism of a molecule of glucose, 24 of the 36 energy rich ATPs produced are derived from Kreb’s cycle and the electron transport system of the mitochondrion. Fig. 4.50 RIBOSOMES • A ribosome is a very small organelle that consists of a large and a small subunit. The subunits are composed of a ribonucleic acid (RNA) called ribosomal ribonucleic acid (rRNA) and proteins. The rRNA originates by transcription from DNA in the nucleolus. It is then combined with proteins to form the subunits which leave the nucleus by way of the nuclear pores. • Ribosomes are found either attached to membrane channels called the endoplasmic reticulum or are free in the cytoplasm. Fig. 4.52 12 Ribosomes – Protein Synthesis • Ribosomes are described functionally as the sites of protein synthesis. They receive protein coding information transcribed from DNA in the form of another type of ribonucleic acid (RNA) called messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA). The coding information (mRNA) is then translated with the assembly of amino acids to form proteins. Ribosomes – Protein Synthesis • Free ribosomes produce proteins that become a part of the cytosol. • Attached ribosomes release their proteins into the endoplasmic reticulum. In the endoplasmic reticulum the proteins may be modified before they are packaged into small membranous sacs called vesicles. Fig. 4.53 Free Ribosome Fig. 4.55 Attached Ribosome Fig. 4.53 ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM (ER) • The endoplasmic reticulum is structured as a network of membranes which form fluid filled channels. The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is distributed throughout the cytoplasm and usually interconnects the nuclear and plasma membranes. • Two types of endoplasmic reticulum can be described depending upon the association with ribosomes. – Rough ER • If ribosomes are attached to the endoplasmic reticulum, rough (granular) endoplasmic reticulum (rough ER) is formed. – Smooth ER • If ribosomes are not attached, smooth (agranular) endoplasmic reticulum (smooth ER) is formed. Rough ER & Transport Vesicle • Polypeptides produced at the ribosomes on the rough ER membrane move into the endoplasmic reticulum’s cavity (cisterna). Once in the ER’s cisterna the polypeptides may be modified before being pinched off in a membranous sac called a transport vesicle. Transport vesicles mostly move the polypeptides to the Golgi apparatus for processing. Fig. 4.55 Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is structured as a network of membranes that form fluid filled channels. When ribosomes are attached, the endoplasmic reticulum is described as rough endoplasmic reticulum (rough ER). Otherwise the endoplasmic reticulum is described as smooth endoplasmic reticulum (smooth ER). Smooth ER • Endoplasmic reticulum without ribosomes is smooth ER and is often seen extending from the rough ER. • The membranes of smooth ER contain proteins that function as enzymes and mediate reactions that include the production and modification of lipid and carbohydrate molecules such as: phospholipids, glycolipids, steroids, lipoproteins, glycogen, and fatty acids. • In skeletal and cardiac muscle smooth ER, known as the sarcoplasmic reticulum, regulates the release of ionic calcium. Ionic calcium functions as the trigger for the interaction of contractile proteins that produce contraction. Fig. 4.55 13 Golgi Functions GOLGI APPARATUS • The Golgi apparatus is located near the nucleus and consists of several to many groups of flattened membranous sacs stacked one upon the other. • The Golgi apparatus functions in the modification, concentration, and packaging of various molecules (such as polypeptides) that are received from transport vesicles arriving from the rough ER. • Small membrane sacs called vesicles transfer materials to and from the Golgi apparatus. • Delivery of polypeptides to the Golgi apparatus is by transport vesicles that originated from the rough ER. • The polypeptides are processed and packaged into vesicles for three possible destinations: – Secretion – Membrane structure – Lysosomes Fig. 4.57 Fig. 4.56 Destinations of Transport Vesicles Destinations of Transport Vesicles • Secretory vesicles – Secretory vesicles transport proteins to the plasma membrane for exocytosis. • Membrane-bound vesicles – Membrane-bound vesicles deliver proteins to the plasma membrane for incorporation into the membrane • Lysosomes – Lysosomes (storage vesicles) contain proteins that participate in intracellular functions; lysosomes function in intracellular digestion. Fig. 4.58 CENTROSOME AND CENTRIOLES LYSOSOMES • Lysosomes are vesicles (storage vesicles) produced by the Golgi apparatus. They contain digestive (hydrolytic) enzymes which function in the digestion of a variety of materials such as worn-out organelles, inclusions such as glycogen, and particles engulfed by phagocytosis. • When particles are engulfed they are surrounded by a portion of the plasma membrane and form a structure called a phagosome. • Lysosomes fuse with the phagosome and release their digestive enzymes which digest the phagosome’s contents. • Located near the nucleus, the centrosome is an area of cytoplasm which contains a pair of cylindrical structures called centrioles. The centrosome functions as an organizing center in the nondividing cell. • The paired centrioles of the centrosome are positioned at right angles to each other and each is composed of a group of small tubules called microtubules arranged in nine triplets. Fig. 4.59 14 CILIA AND FLAGELLA CENTROSOME AND CENTRIOLES • In the dividing cell, the centrioles function by acting as the centers from which microtubules (spindle fibers) originate. Microtubules (spindle fibers) function in the organization and movement of the chromosomes during cell division. Cells, such as nerve cells, which lack centrioles cannot divide. Centrioles are also located at the bases of cilia and flagella and form their basal bodies. • Cilia and flagella are cellular projections composed of microtubules and surrounded by the plasma membrane. Their micotubule pattern consists of nine outer pairs and one central pair. Fig. 4.60 Fig. 4.61 Fig. 4.62 Cilia • Cilia are observed as short numerous extensions from the exposed surface of ciliated cells. • Cilia function in the movement of materials (such as mucus) over the surface of the cells. The airways of the respiratory tract are lined with ciliated cells (pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium) which move mucus away from the lungs. Fig. 4.63 Flagella • A flagellum has the same microtubule structure and basal body association as a cilium. A flagellum differs from a cilium in that a flagellum is much longer and exists singly on the only flagellated cell of the human, the sperm cell. Fig. 4.64 INCLUSIONS • Cell inclusions include a wide variety of chemical substances and/or foreign bodies within the cell. • Inclusions are usually either membrane bound in vacuoles or exist as undissolved substance in the cytoplasm. Some common inclusions are lipid droplets (stored lipid), glycogen granules (stored glucose), and melanin granules (dark brown or black pigment). Fig. 4.65 Fig. 9.15 15