WippleHill Teacher Training

Teacher Guide Template
Please use this guide (written and edited by Whipple Hill) as a general
overview of features of the Whipple Hill (Fay Website). Some
information may not be applicable, and not all questions will be answered
through with this document.
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Table of Contents
Academic Section Page Overview ............................................................................................... 2
Academic Group Channels ....................................................................................................................... 4
Accessing a Class Page .................................................................................................................. 5
Changing the Look and Feel of your Page ................................................................................... 5
Adding New Assignments ............................................................................................................. 7
Edit assignments ........................................................................................................................................ 9
Adding Existing Assignments ................................................................................................................. 10
Adding News Stories.................................................................................................................... 11
Adding Announcements .............................................................................................................. 12
Adding Links ................................................................................................................................. 13
Adding Downloads ....................................................................................................................... 14
Organizing Links/Downloads .................................................................................................................. 15
Utilizing the Roster ...................................................................................................................... 16
Adding RSS Feed .......................................................................................................................... 16
Adding Events ............................................................................................................................... 17
Adding Syllabus/Grading Rubric/Expectations .......................................................................... 18
Adding Photos .............................................................................................................................. 19
Using the Message Board ............................................................................................................ 19
Adding a Thumbnail..................................................................................................................... 20
Appendix A: Acceptable File Types ........................................................................................... 21
Appendix B: Embedded Teacher Reports (Located in the Reports Channel) ...................... 24
Academic Section Page Overview
Below is an example of a class page.
**You will want to change this so that it displays an actual group page with
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your site's style**
Students and parents of students enrolled in the class will see the page exactly as the teacher
does, with the exception of not being able to edit the page or access restricted channels (i.e.
reports, grading *, grade book*, and comments*).
Class pages have a variety of channels available so that you can customize your online space to
reflect your teaching style.
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As a teacher, you have the ability to decide which channels you want to display on the page.
Academic Group Channels
Below are the available channels and a brief discussion of what they do:
Announcements - create announcements to be displayed on the course page, on the
portal, or both. The announcements can have a set publish expiration dates, so you don't
need to worry about manually removing them after they've stopped being relevant
Assignments – post assignments for students that will appear on the portal, on the
assignments master page, or on the course page
Course Expectations – attach a course expectations as a downloadable file, or put
one directly on the course page using text
Downloads – upload files for your students or parents to download. These files can be
organized into sub-categories and reused in future years
Events – post events to share with students and their parents. These events can be
displayed on the course page or rolled up to an events channel on the portal
External Video – embed video or HTML-based widgets from other sites including
YouTube, Vimeo, and Twitter
Grading Rubric - attach a grading rubric as a downloadable file, or put one directly on
the course page using text
Links –link to external websites and provide a brief description of the file or website that
you're linking to
Message Board – organize and moderate an online conversation with your students
News – use this channel to keep your students up-to-date with current events, or use it
as a communication tool to let parents know what is going on in the classroom
Photos – share pictures with your students and their parents. Photos are uploaded to
Podium and displayed in a sideshow or gallery format.
Reports – use WhippleHill created reports to keep track of important information about
your students, such as their emergency contact information, enrollments, or assignments
in other sections.
Roster – quickly see the students enrolled in your class and go to their profile page by
clicking on their hyperlinked name. You can also email all students, all parents, or all
students and parents from the roster channel.
RSS Reader – this channel allows you to display an RSS feed from an external website.
You might use this to bring in current news stories from CNN.com or use it to feed in
new posts from your class blog.
Syllabus - attach a course syllabus as a downloadable file, or put one directly on the
course page using text
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Teacher Information – this channel allows students and parents to quickly find
information about the teacher, such as their name and email address, and when users click
on the hyper-linked teacher name, they go directly to the teacher's profile page.
Text – this channel can either display text or embedded HTML on your page.
<Additional channels for other SIS products>
Audio – upload audio files that students and their parents can play or download directly
from the page. Especially useful for language classes.
Comments – view existing and add new comments for students enrolled in the section.
Grade Book – view the grade book and record grades for assignments electronically.
Grading – record grades and comments for report cards electronically.
Schedule – view the meeting times of the course and take attendance, if applicable.
Video – upload video files that students and their parents can play or download directly
from the section page.
Accessing a Class Page
There are several different ways to access your page:
From the My Groups channel located on the portal
From the My Groups page located on the left-hand navigation
From your profile, in the My Groups channel
Once you get to one section page, you can navigate to other sections or other
school years by using the drop down menus located at the top of the section
Changing the Look and Feel of your Page
There are a few options for changing the look and feel of your section page.
To edit the page layout and channels on the page:
1. Click on the Customize hyperlink at the top of the
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To add content to your page, select the content type from the drop
down box at the top and then click on Add Content.
3. To arrange content on the page, click and drag the
channel to another spot on the page
4. To remove content channels that you no longer wish to
display, check the Remove check box and click Save. The
content channel can be added back at any time using the Add
Content feature.
5. To change the page layout, select the new layout from
the pre-made layouts at the bottom of the page. Once you’ve
picked one you want to use, click Change. Then you can
rearrange your content using the new page layout.
You can also change the
by editing the channel
look of an individual channel
1. Click on Options in any of the channels on your course page
2. In the Content tab, you can change options for a specific channel, such as the
number of items to be displayed.
3. In the Channel Appearance tab you can edit the channel style, title, whether
the channel expanded or collapsed by default, and the height of the channel. Once
you’ve made the changes, click Save & Exit. Changes will take effect immediately.
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Adding New Assignments
1. To add a new assignment, click on the Add
New link in the Assignment Channel
2. Chose the number of assignments
that you want to create using the drop down box located at
the top of the screen. When adding more than one assignment, you
will see an abridged version of the add assignments screen. You can
create up to 10 assignments at one time.
3. Select the sections that the assignment should be created for. Use the arrows to
move the sections from the available column to the selected column and click on Next
4. Enter the brief description of your assignment, this field is required. This
description is what will display on the student's assignment channel and the field is limited
to 255 characters. As you can see from the image below, this text box allows HTML and
text formatting. If you're copying from Microsoft Word, please remember to use the paste
from word icon to paste in your text, and if you're pasting from anywhere else, use the
paste from plain text icon. Using these tools will help prevent erroneous code from
distorting the text.
5. Select an assignment type that best describes the
assignment that you're giving. This is optional, but is useful for
teachers who will be using the assignment reports located on
the course page. If you don't see an assignment type listed and
you think it should be added, contact your school’s WhippleHill
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tech support team and ask them to add it in.
6. Enter the Assigned and Due dates of your assignment. If you're adding the
assignment to more than one section, you can either populate the default date, which will
apply the default date to both sections, or you can give each section its own assigned and
due date by filling in the boxes next to each section.
7. Choose the publish option for your assignment. If you do not select a publish
option, it will default to now.
If you're adding the assignment to multiple sections, you need to select the
preferred publish option for all section. When you select Publish Now, the
assignment will be published immediately, even if the assigned date is in the future.
Publishing on the Assigned Date will hide the assignment until the assigned
date, and choosing No will hide the assignment indefinitely.
8. If you have more information about the assignment that you want to
include but that didn't fit in the brief description field, you can enter it in the Detail field.
9. You can also include links to external sites that you want students to utilize while
completing their assignment. A maximum of 2 links can be entered per assignment, if you
have more than 2 links, you can include them in the detail section of the assignment.
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10. You can also include up to 2 downloadable files per assignment. A list of
acceptable file types is in Appendix A.
11. Once you’re done you can either click Save/Exit or Save/Add more.
Edit assignments
You can edit existing assignments using the Edit Assignments link in the assignments channel.
To edit information about a single assignment, click on Edit next to the assignment; this will bring
you to the same screen you saw when first creating the assignment.
assigned or due dates in bulk, click on the Manage button in the Edit
Assignments page and then click on Edit Dates
This is especially helpful if the school was closed due to inclement weather and you
need to push all assignments back one day.
From the Edit Dates screen, you can edit dates for previous, active, or future assignments.
Don’t forget about the shortcut keys, they’re very helpful in changing dates quickly! To see the
shortcut keys, hover over the assigned or due date text box.
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Adding Existing Assignments
If you want to add an assignment that you used previously, or an assignment that
another teacher has assigned, you can do so by adding an existing assignment.
1. Click on the Edit Assignments link in the assignments channel on the class page
2. Click on the Manage button and then click on Add Existing
3. Select the school year and/or teacher for the assignment you want to add,
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and then select the section or course that the assignment was
originally assigned in under content location. Selecting the course library
radio button will show all assignments for the course, and selecting a section within
that course will show assignments assigned in the section.
4. On the right-hand side of the screen, the assignments that meet the selected
criteria will appear. Choose the items that you want to publish again by
checking the checkbox and chose the sections you want to add the assignment to,
then click next.
5. In the next screen, enter the assigned and due date for each assignment and section
and choose whether you want to publish the assignment or not and then click
Save & Exit. Your existing assignment has now been added!
Adding News Stories
1. Click Edit News from the News channel.
2. From the edit screen, you will see a listing of all current news stories and the ability to
view expired and future stories. To add a new story, click Add New, to add an
existing story, click Add Existing.
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Author: Optional, you can
put your name in this field.
Headline: The headline of
your story.
Brief Description: The
teaser for your story.
Long Description: This is
the place for the body of
your story. Use the icons
above the text box to help
with underlining, bolding,
creating links, etc.
Publish to Locations:
You have the ability to
publish a story to more
than one place. Any story
you create can be “shared”
with all of your other
classes you teach. To do
this, choose the secondary
location from your dropdown menu. Then
remember to click Add
next to the box, otherwise
the location will not be saved. Choose publish dates for all locations.
Photos: You have the ability to add up to 5 photos to each news story.
Once you have included all your information, click Save & Exit or Save/Add Another
Adding Announcements
1. Click Edit from the Announcements Channel.
2. From the edit screen, you will see a listing of all current announcements and the ability to
view expired and future announcements. To add a new announcement, click Add
New, to add an existing announcement, click Add Existing. And to edit the
Publish/Expire dates, click on Edit Dates.
3. When adding a new announcement, the following fields are available, fields with an * are
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Headline*: The headline of your story.
Author: Optional, you
can put your name in this
Description: Use this to
enter the text for your
announcement. Use the
icons above the text box
to format the text.
Locations to Publish:
You can publish an
announcement to more
than one place. Any
announcement you create
can be “shared” with all
of your other classes you
teach. To do this, choose
the secondary location
from your drop-down
menu. Then click “Add” next to the box and choose publish dates and times for all locations.
Once you have included all your information, click Save & Exit or Save/Add Another
Adding Links
1. Click on the Edit
Links hyperlink at the top
of the Links Channel
2. Click on the Add
New button at the top of
the edit screen
3. Fill in the following
information, items with an *
are required
Short description*: what
will display in the links
URL*: the web address that
the link will go to
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Open in new window: whether the link will open in a new window
Description: information about the link
Photos: upload a photo if you want a photo to display with or as the link
Publish to Locations: choose multiple locations to post this link. In this example, the
teacher might want to publish the MLA citation guide to multiple sections of her classes
Publish/Expire dates: enter publish/expire dates for your link if you do not want them
to display indefinitely
4. Click on Save & Exit or Save/Add Another if you’re adding multiple links at once.
Adding Downloads
1. Click on the Edit Downloads link from the downloads channel
2. Click on Add New
3. Fill in the following information, items with a * are required
File: choose a file from your computer that you want to upload. A list of acceptable file types is
included in Appendix A
Description: a very brief description of what the file is
Long Description: detailed explanation of the download
Publish to Locations: choose other locations that you want to publish your download to
Publish/Expire Dates: enter dates to publish/expire your download if you don’t want the
download to display indefinitely
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Organizing Links/Downloads
1. When you’re in the edit screen for Links or Downloads, click on the Organize
button at the top of the page
2. Create subcategories by clicking Manage Sub-Categories
3. Once the subcategories have been created, attach each of the downloads to its
corresponding subcategory and click Save & Exit
4. In the channel options, you can now chose to organize items by subcategory, when you
choose this, downloads will be grouped by their subcategories.
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Utilizing the Roster
The Roster channel is very useful for communicating with
students outside of the classroom.
From this channel, you can click on a hyperlinked
student name and go directly to their directory
page. Depending on your school’s settings, you can view
their contact information as well as get to their parent’s
information. You can also e-mail the whole roster
by clicking on the e-mail roster link. Clicking on
that link will open up your default e-mail client (Mac Mail,
Outlook, etc.) and populate the students e-mail address into
the to: field. If you do not want to use your default e-mail
client, you can click on the blue button next to the email link
and copy the e-mail addresses for the students and paste it
into the to: field of your e-mail. You can do the same for
parents, and also e-mail both parents and students at the
same time by clicking e-mail all.
Tip: if you’re sending an e-mail to multiple users, it is
recommended that you put their e-mail addresses into the
bcc: field of the e-mail to lessen the chance of someone
stealing email addresses or the message landing in the spam
box of one of the users.
Adding RSS Feed
1. Click on the Options link inside the RSS Feed channel
2. Enter the feed URL for the RSS Feed, enter the number of entries you want
to display, and decide whether you want the links to open in a new
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Adding Events
1. Click on Edit Events from the Events Channel.
2. Click on Add Event, located at the top of the edit screen and fill in the following fields,
fields with an * are required.
Event Dates*: choose either a
single date and time, or choose to
have this event be a recurring one.
If it is recurring, click on the
Recurring Event radio button and
select the criteria for the recurring
Title*: title of the event
Short Description: will appear
directly under the event in the
event channel
Description: this is the longer
description of the event, such as
where it will be held, speaker bio, a
required fee, etc.
Contact Email: provide students
and parents with a contact email for
the event
Contact Name: provide students
and parents with the name of a
contact for the event
enter your own location
Location: choose an existing
building and room (if applicable) or
Registration: will only appear if your school has purchased Event Registration through
WhippleHill and there is an outstanding registration for the event.
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Locations to publish: choose other locations to publish your event.
Adding External Video
1. Click on the Options link located inside the External Video Channel
2. Copy and paste the video embed script from the external video website and click
Save & Exit.
Example of where to find embed code from YouTube.com
Adding Syllabus/Grading Rubric/Expectations
1. Click on Edit Syllabus/Grading/Expectations from within the applicable channel.
2. Choose either Add New to add a new item, or Add Existing to add an existing item
from a prior year or from another teacher.
3. Give the item a brief description.
4. Either enter in a long description or attach a file to elaborate on the
syllabus/grading rubric/expectations and click Save & Exit.
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Adding Photos
1. Click on Edit Photos from the channel and click on the Add New button at the top of
the page.
2. Give the album a title and decide if you want it to be a featured album and if you
want users to be able to download the images you upload.
3. If you’re uploading <5 photos, you can use the basic upload. Clicking on the
Choose File button will open up a dialog box and you can choose which pictures you want
to upload.
4. If you’re uploading >5 photos, you will want to use the bulk upload feature. Once you
click on Bulk Upload a popup window will appear; click on Choose Photos and navigate to
the photos that you want to upload. You can select more than one photo at a time using
either the shift or control keys on your keyboard. Once you’ve selected the photos you
want to upload, click on the upload button.
5. If you want to tag your photos or put in a caption, use the batch edit feature located
below the upload section.
6. Choose the locations you want to publish your photo to.
Using the Message Board
1. Click Start a New Topic from the Message Board channel.
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2. Enter the subject of the post and the message text, once posted, students will be
able to respond to your posting
Adding a Thumbnail
You can choose to add a thumbnail image which will appear next to the group name on the
Groups Page, My Groups Page, and My Child’s Groups Page. Click on the Upload Thumbnail
link at the top of the course page.
Browse for the image on your computer and then click Save & Exit. Please make sure
that your image is a jpg file and is sized at 72x96 pixels.
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Appendix A: Acceptable File Types
Alice Program (World) File
Open Document:
Illustrator Graphic (.ai)
Open Document:
AIFF Audio (.aif)
Open Document:
Drawing Template
Audacity Project (.aup)
Open Document:
Audio Video Interleave(.avi)
Open Document:
Formula Template
Before You Know It (.b4u)
Open Document:
Open Document:
iFlash flashcards
Open Document:
Logger Pro File (.cmbl)
Open Document:
Comma separated value
Open Document:
CWK (.cwk)
Open Document:
Word Document (.doc)
Open Document:
Text Template
Word 2007
Document:Macro Enabled
Ogg Vorbis Audio
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Word 2007 Document
OneNote (.one)
Microsoft Word Template
Pages Document
Datastudio (.ds)
Adobe Acrobat
DyKnow Notebook(.dyn)
Portable Network
Graphic (.png)
PowerPoint Show
Encapsulated PostScript
PowerPoint 2007
Enabled (.ppsm)
Open Publication Structure
PowerPoint 2007
Show (.ppsx)
Ink Flash Card (.ifc)
Presentation (.ppt)
KaleidaGraph - Macro file
PowerPoint 2007
Flash (.Fla)
PowerPoint 2007
Flipchart File (.flp)
Document (.psd)
Flash Video File (.flv)
Publisher File
Filemaker Pro file (.fmp)
KaleidaGraph Data file (.qda)
FormZ Project File (.fmz)
KaleidaGraph Plot file (.qpc)
Fathom Dynamic Statistics
Document (.ftm)
KaleidaGraph Layout file (.qpl)
FileMaker Pro 7+
KaleidaGraph Script file (.qsc)
Graphical Analysis (.ga3)
KaleidaGraph -
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Style file (.qst)
Genius File (.genius)
iQuiz File
Real Audio files
RealAudio Metafile
Geometer's Sketchpad File
REALbasic Project
HTML (.htm)
Rich Text Format
HTML (.html)
Scratch Finished
Product (.sb)
Outlook Calendar File (.ics)
Sibelius file (.sib)
InDesign Document (.indd)
StuffIt Archive (.sit)
Inspiration (.isf)
Sketchup file
JAR Archive (.jar)
Smart Music (.smp)
Java Source Code (.java)
Stella Models
Windows Journal File (.jnt)
Flash File (.swf)
JPG (.jpg)
Spreadsheet (.sxc)
Keynote Presentation (.key)
Star Office
Drawing (.sxd)
Presentation (.sxi)
Keyhole Markup Language Google Earth file
KML- Zipped (.kmz)
Teach2000 File
MPEG-4 Audio (.m4a)
Tagged Image
Format File (.tif)
MPEG-4 Video (.m4v)
TK3 eBook (.tk3)
Web Archive File (.mht)
True Type Font
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Musical Instrument Digital
Interface (.mid)
Text File (.txt)
Quicktime (.mov)
Electronic Business
card (vCard)
Mp3 File (.mp3)
Wave File (.wav)
Mp4 File (.mp4)
Windows Media
Audio file (.wma)
Movie File (mpg)
Windows Metafile
Finale file (.mus)
Windows Media
File (.wmv)
Maplesoft Math
MS Works (.wps)
Mathematica Notebook File
Smart Notebook
NBX (.nbx)
Excel (.xls)
NetLogo (.nlogo)
Excel 2007
Enabled (.xlsm)
SmartBoard (.notebook)
Excel 2007
Workbook (.xlsx)
Zip (.zip)
Appendix B: Embedded Teacher Reports (Located in the Reports Channel)
Please note that these report descriptions are for schools with Academic Groups only. If you
have grading, comments, grade book, or assignment drop box, you will need to append this list of
reports to include other teacher reports.
Course Roster
Description: This report displays contact information for students (and their parents) who are
enrolled in the section. It displays the term, course name, teacher, room number (if populated),
the student name and phone number, the advisor (if installed/populated), and the parents' name,
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phone number, and email address.
Export To: PDF, Word, Excel
Emergency Contacts
Description: This report displays all emergency contact information for students who are
enrolled in the section. It displays the student name and grad year, their phone/email contact
information including: name, phone number, contact type, relationship, and order
Export To: PDF, Word, Excel
Roster Assignments Due – By Section
Description: This report displays all assignments that are due in a particular week for students
who are enrolled in the section. It displays in a grid format with the X-axis as the days of the
week and the Y-axis as the student. At the cross-section, the course name and section identifier,
the assignment category, title, and assigned date are listed.
This report is a good way to see what your workload your students have during a particular week.
Filter Options: Assignments Due the Week of, Include Unpublished Assignments
Export To: PDF, Word, Excel
Roster Enrollments
Description: This report displays all courses that a student is enrolled in for the entire year. It
displays the student name, the group type that they have enrollments for, the block,
course/activity/advisory/residence name, head teacher or advisor, and the building and room that
the course meets in.
Export To: PDF
Roster Major Assignments – By Section
Description: This report displays all major assignments that are due in a particular week for
students who are enrolled in the section. It displays in a grid format with the X-axis as the days of
the week and the Y-axis as the student. At the cross-section, the course name and section
identifier, the assignment category, title, and assigned date are listed.
This report is a good way to see what your workload your students have during a particular week.
Filter Options: Assignments Due the Week of, Include Unpublished Assignments
Export To: PDF, Word, Excel
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