Be smart …
Quality literature from
Child Evangelism Fellowship®,
moulding children’s lives for Christ.
… Think small
Every day boys and girls see thousands
of images conveying hundreds of ideas.
What will they learn? What will they
remember? Why not impact children with
something that will bring meaning to
their lives?
Child Evangelism Fellowship® offers you a
wide selection of high quality visual aids on
paper and in electronic format. They give a
clear Biblical and evangelistic message and
are available in many European languages!
Please see the language availability list
inside the catalogue.
Be smart – make use of what already has
been prepared and is available to impact
the children around you!
We look forward to hearing from you soon.
For ordering information please check out
the back cover!
Bogdan Bassara
Director of Multimedia
CEF of Europe
Bible Flashcard Lessons 3
5 Great Questions
5 Kings of Judah
A Saviour for You
This series of lessons communicates
basic Bible doctrines to children
who know little or nothing of the
Word of God. The lessons deal with
truths which all children need to
learn: God’s revelation, justification,
assurance of salvation, God’s
purpose for our lives and the second
coming of Christ.
Re-live the successes and failures
as you teach the children about
Old Testament kings: Jehoshaphat,
Joash, Hezekiah, Manasseh and
Josiah. Applications for the saved
and unsaved children are woven
throughout the lessons.
With a simple and clear
presentation of the Gospel, these
full-colour lessons are intended for
children who know little or nothing
about God. The birth of Christ;
Jesus heals the paralysed man;
the trial and crucifixion of Christ;
the resurrection; ascension and
exaltation of Christ.
5 full-colour lessons;
35 pictures, spiral-bound
flashcard book; 30x41 cm.
Also available as PowerPoint.
5 full-colour lessons;
30 pictures, spiral-bound
flashcard book; 24x34 cm.
Also available as PowerPoint.
What is a quiet time? How, why,
where and when to have a quiet
time. Nine lessons which are short
enough to be used in addition to
the Bible lesson, but at a different
time of your children’s meeting.
9 full-colour lessons;
11 pictures, spiral-bound
flashcard book, 21x29.7 cm.
5 full-colour lessons;
40 pictures, spiral-bound
flashcard book; 24x34 cm.
Also available as PowerPoint.
Now inur!
God’s Wonderful
Great Truths in
the Book of Romans
The message of salvation presented
through John the Baptist,
Nicodemus, Zacchaeus, the prodigal
son and the Philippian jailer.
Teaching some of the great truths
found in the book of Romans. The
lessons are: “Guilty,” says the Judge;
the Judge declares you right with
the Law; the Holy Spirit; God’s
chosen people; spiritual gifts and
the body of Christ; and as Christians
we owe so much to God and others.
5 full-colour lessons;
40 pictures, spiral-bound
flashcard book; 24x34 cm.
A Quiet Time
6 full-colour lessons;
48 pictures, spiral-bound
flashcard book; 24x34 cm.
Meet the Author!
Teaching on the person and work of
the Holy Spirit, the third person of
the Godhead. Who is He and what is
He like? He gave us the Bible. He
gives us life. He is the believer’s
Companion. He gives strength to
God’s children. Those are the areas
covered with this series.
5 full-colour lessons;
35 pictures, spiral-bound
flashcard book; 24x34 cm.
God Cares when Children are Sad
These lessons teach children
about God’s love and care for
them as they face difficult
situations in their lives.
Lessons are: the outcast
accepted by God (Jephthah);
the stranger welcomed
(Ruth); clean in a dirty world
(Samuel); learning to forgive
others (Peter); despised by others, forgiven by God (Matthew).
5 full-colour lessons; 30 pictures, spiral-bound
flashcard book; 24x34 cm.
Also available as PowerPoint.
4 Bible Flashcard Lessons
The lessons take you through the
book of Nehemiah and the rebuilding
of the walls of Jerusalem. Themes
include: prayer; the Lord has a work
for Christians to do; facing difficulties
from others; God helps His children to
be wise; and letting the Lord have
control of your life.
5 full-colour lessons;
25 pictures, spiral-bound
flashcard book; 24x34 cm.
The Lord Jesus Christ
Each of these doctrine lessons
presents a different aspect of the
Person and work of Christ – as God
the Son, Man, Teacher, Priest and
King. Pictures in black and white,
but with a different coloured border
for each lesson.
5 black and white lessons;
40 pictures, spiral-bound
flashcard book; 24x34 cm.
Paul – Persecutor
and Preacher
Paul – Winner
and Witness
The conversion of Saul from
a persecutor to a follower of
Christ, starts this exciting series.
It also presents the first years of
the ministry of the apostle Paul
(Acts 14-17) as he preaches in many
locations, presenting the Gospel to
all kinds of people.
Re-live the missionary journeys of
the apostle Paul. Join Paul as he
visits various places and people.
The series will help you to teach
children that God wants every
Christian to be a witness and to
finish “the race” well. Applications
for unsaved children are also woven
throughout the lessons.
5 full-colour lessons;
30 pictures, spiral-bound
flashcard book; 24x34 cm.
What Every Child
Ought to Know
Teach us to Pray
The aim of this series is to teach
the children the importance of
prayer. The aspects dealt with are:
the privilege and joy of prayer; the
necessity of prayer; God’s joy in our
prayers; intercession; and rules for
more effective prayer.
5 full-colour lessons;
40 pictures, spiral-bound
flashcard book; 24x34 cm.
5 full-colour lessons;
40 pictures, spiral-bound
flashcard book; 24x34 cm.
An ever-popular series of basic
doctrinal lessons. Who is God? What
is sin? Who is Jesus Christ? What the
Lord Jesus did. What is the Bible?
5 full-colour lessons;
35 pictures, spiral-bound
flashcard book; 24x34 cm.
The Church, God’s Family
Not only do children need the church; the church needs children who
know the Lord. Through these lessons you can teach the importance of
attending Sunday school and church. There they can worship God, have
fellowship and learn to serve.
5 full-colour lessons; 40 pictures; spiral-bound flashcard book;
24x34 cm. Also available as PowerPoint.
All flashcard lessons
will soon be available
as PowerPoint
presentations on CD!
Order today! +41 62 387 30 10 • literature_orders@cefeurope.org
Missionary and Single Lessons 5
A New Life for Linda
Charles Studd
Corrie ten Boom
A story set in an Algerian immigrant
community in France, in a setting
with characters whose race and
religion could be shared by many
Muslim boys and girls. Linda
attends a Good News Club®, goes to
camp and learns about Jesus. Finally
she makes the most important
decision of her life.
Charles Studd was totally
surrendered to the Lord. He gave up
home, wealth, comfort and family
for Christ. This story encourages
Christian boys and girls to witness
and to seek God’s will about
becoming missionaries.
Corrie remained faithful and strong
in the Lord despite the terror of
World War II, the danger of hiding
Jews in her home and her resulting
imprisonment in a German
concentration camp. This true
story includes full-colour flashcard
visuals and a time line of Corrie’s
life. Corrie’s faith and courage will
inspire the children you teach.
5 full-colour lessons;
25 pictures, spiral-bound
flashcard book; 24x34 cm.
5 full-colour lessons;
30 pictures, spiral-bound
flashcard book; 24x34 cm.
5 full-colour lessons;
30 pictures, spiral-bound
flashcard book; 24x34 cm.
Ian and the Gigantic
Leafy Obstacle
Ian, a missionary in Thailand, is
facing a big problem. A gigantic tree
across the path prevents him from
travelling back down the valley.
Ian’s faith is tested when a native
bystander suggests he ask God to
remove the tree! The children will be
amazed at the miraculous way God
answers Ian’s prayer.
13 full-colour pictures ;
24 x 34 cm.
the Enemy
The devil wants to tempt us to do
wrong, but when you trust the Lord
Jesus to be your Saviour, He comes
to live with you and in you by the
Holy Spirit. This single lesson uses
illustrations about the pressures
children face, to help you teach
them how the Lord Jesus gives
strength to stand up to Satan.
8 full-colour pictures including
4 puzzle pieces; bound
flashcard book 24x34 cm.
More than Gold
Mrs White
Featuring five different Olympic
athletes: playing God’s way (Michael
Chang/tennis); going for the goal
(Dave Johnson/athletics); living
to please God (Jorginho, Jorge de
Amorim/football); runner for God’s
glory (Elana Meyer/athletics); a heart
for God (David Robinson/basketball).
An evangelistic lesson. Terry gives
his pet hen the name “Mrs White”.
Eventually she produces a brood of
chicks and Terry is so happy looking
after them all – until one day the
fire alarm sounds ….
6 full-colour pictures;
24x34 cm.
5 full-colour lessons;
20 pictures, bound flashcard
book; A4 (21x29.7 cm).
The Greatest Story
A full-colour Easter lesson suitable for large groups.
Includes review idea for your Easter Club programme.
Each puzzle piece tells a part of the crucifixion and
resurrection story. A self-adhesive sheet of flocking is
provided with this lesson, which can be cut into small
pieces to attach to the back of each picture for use with
10 full-colour pieces; 57x75 cm.
The life story of Patricia St. John,
missionary to the Moslem people of
Northern Africa. She is also known
for her books, including Tanglewoods
Secret, Treasures in the Snow.
5 full-colour lessons;
40 pictures, spiral-bound
flashcard book; 24x34 cm.
6 Missionary and Single Lessons
The Day Before
Christmas Eve
The Priceless Pearl
William Carey
Without God
in the World
While visiting his Uncle Baudewig
on Christmas Eve, Lars is left to
wait for him on a sandbank on the
mudflats. Suddenly the tide comes
in! As Lars looked at the light in a
window, he is helped to see his need
of Jesus, the Light of the world.
An evangelistic lesson. The old
Indian pearl diver Rambhau cannot
accept that salvation is a gift.
He wants to earn it for himself.
Finally the missionary helps him
to understand the message of
salvation, using the illustration of
a priceless pearl.
The story of the well-known
shoemaker who brought the Bible
to India. Five exciting lessons,
showing his first years, difficulties
faced on the mission field and
the work of God as a result of
obedience. Each lesson ends with
a “cliff hanger”.
6 full-colour pictures; bound
flashcard book; 24x34 cm.
9 full-colour pictures;
24x34 cm.
5 full-colour lessons;
40 pictures, spiral-bound
flashcard book; 24x34 cm.
The Call of Jeremiah
The Promised Saviour
The Bible hero. A story of a man who did not have an
easy life. God has a plan for each individual life, like
He had for Jeremiah. A lesson that can influence the
decisions a child has to make as he or she grows up.
Have you ever wondered whether children think about the
real meaning of Christmas? This is a presentation of Old
Testament prophecies and their fulfillment with the birth
of Jesus. The emphasis is on the real, great joy of Christmas.
A story from Slovakia about a boy
called Martinko. This example of
the Christian influence of a little boy
on the entire village can awaken in
Christian children a desire to have
a closer relationship with Christ
and to share the Gospel with other
children and adults.
8 full-colour pictures ;
24x34 cm.
Preschool Materials
Colour, Cut, Paste
& Create CD (Old
Colour, Cut, Paste
& Create CD (New
When we teach preschool children
a Bible lesson, it is good to reinforce
what was taught. That can be done
in different ways, one of them
through crafts. Old Testament
stories include Jacob, Joseph,
Moses, David, Elisha. Twenty-eight
worksheets can be printed for
your group of preschoolers. Highresolution black-and-white PDFs.
The worksheets are based on ten
New Testament lessons from the
Gospels and three from the book
of Acts. Several suggestions are
given for well-known lessons
like Zacchaeus and Bartimaeus.
Twenty‑four worksheets are
provided for printing for your group.
High-resolution black-and-white
Idea Infusion CD
The structure of a preschool Good
News Club is explained at the start
of this manual. Suggestions are
given on how to use interesting
methods to reinforce lessons you
have taught. Several of the ideas
can be used with many different
lessons, e.g. using a sandbox to
create a desert scene. Most of the
visuals in this pack are in full-colour.
High-resolution PDFs.
Little Kids Can
Know God series
First volumes available in 2009
The series features eight six-lesson
volumes, which may be taught
in any order. Scores of interactive
ideas to teach the little ones are
provided, which preschoolers will
love. There are 36 pictures in each
volume. Little Kids Can Know God
is designed to be used with 3-5
year olds in any preschool setting,
including Sunday school, day care,
children’s club and Bible clubs.
Order today! +41 62 387 30 10 • literature_orders@cefeurope.org
Youth Challenge Materials 7
Ten Studies on the
book of James
Already a CEF bestseller, these Bible
Studies are proving to be a great
resource for those who teach 1215 year olds. Topics include: trials
in the Christian life, temptation,
favouritism and much more. Visuals
and worksheets are provided, as
well as full-colour versions on CD
10 lessons; 62 pages;
A4 book (21x29.7 cm).
God Says
The Christian Soldier
God’s Way
Each lesson can easily be divided
to make 24 lessons in total. The
four main themes are: God says,
“This is my Word”; “These are my
standards”; “Christ is the answer”;
“What is your response?” Visuals
and worksheets are provided, as
well as full-colour versions on CD
Each lesson can easily be divided
to make 24 lessons in total. The
themes concern Satan, his tactics
and how we can be equipped to
stand against him. Visuals and
worksheets are provided, as well
as full-colour versions on CD
Each lesson can easily be divided
to make 24 lessons in total. Main
themes include: God’s way of
salvation; living God’s way; God’s
way with possessions; God’s
way with morality. Visuals and
worksheets are provided, as well
as full-colour versions on CD
12 lessons; 100 pages;
A4 book (21x29.7 cm).
Following Jesus
The World
Each lesson can easily be divided
to make 24 lessons in total. The
themes follow the lives of Peter,
John, Judas, Andrew and Mary,
and how they did or did not follow
Jesus. Visuals and worksheets are
provided, as well as full-colour
versions on CD (included).
Each lesson can easily be divided
to make 24 lessons in total. The
themes reflect the big questions
of life in this world: how did I
get here? Why am I here? Where
am I going? How can I live as a
Christian in this world? Visuals and
worksheets are provided, as well as
full-colour and PowerPoint versions
on CD (included).
12 lessons; 125 pages;
A4 book (21x29.7 cm).
12 lessons; 108 pages;
A4 book (21x29.7 cm).
12 lessons; 112 pages;
A4 book (21x29.7 cm).
12 lessons; 106 pages;
A4 book (21x29.7 cm).
National Offices 10
To order items in your language, contact these CEF National Offices.
For other European languages not listed below please contact BABassara@cefeurope.org
Czech Republic
The Netherlands
11 Wonder Products
The Wonder
Dr Warren Wiersbe describes the 365
devotionals in this first volume as “true
theology written for children”! The monthly
topics provide a panoramic view of the major
themes of the Bible. Thought-provoking
questions and activity sheets make this
devotional book relevant and fun!
The Wonder
Book 2
The Wonder Devotional Book 2: Walking
Daily with Jesus takes children on a journey
through the life, death and resurrection of
the Lord Jesus Christ. Also includes thoughtprovoking questions, prayer starters,
memory verses and a personal prayer
The Wonder Book™
Give children answers to questions about God and life with this
inspirational tool. Designed for multicultural use, this book has been
translated into more than 70 languages with more in process. The
64‑page book is beautifully illustrated in full colour and includes games,
review questions, Bible verses and doctrinally sound explanations.
The Wonder Book™ is available in many
European languages. Contact your CEF
National Office for further details.
Each Year-long or 60-Day Wonder
Devotional Book includes:
Bible reading /
memory verse
Prayer starter
Activity pages also included!
Year 1 – Our Awesome God
Year 2 – Walking daily with Jesus
Year 3 – Old Testament heroes
The 60-Day Wonder Devotional Book
The Wonder Devotional Book is being produced as a series of 18 bi-monthly booklets to help children to have a quiet time with God every day. The age range for
which they are prepared differs from country to country, but it is for children who can read. Check with your CEF National Office which volumes are ready for
distribution in your country.
Book 1 – What a God!
Book 2 – Let’s Talk
about God!
Book 3 – Strong
through God’s Spirit
Book 4 – Spend
Time with God!
Children will find out how to grow
in their relationship with God
through prayer and witnessing.
Children will learn how to have
strength on the inside to do
what is right.
Children will learn the importance
of having a regular devotional and
prayer life.
Book 5 – Choices that
Please God
Book 6 – Standing
for God!
Book 7 – Jesus,
God’s Son
Book 8 – Jesus
the Teacher
Children will learn to keep from
making wrong choices; what God
thinks about complaining, anger,
forgiveness and fear as well as how
to have “wise” lips.
Children will learn how to be bold
for God. He expects His children to
take a stand for what is right and
Children will learn to be like Jesus in
the things they do and say.
Children will learn why Jesus’
lessons were so important and how
they can put them into practice.
Book 9 – Jesus the
Mighty God
Book 10 – Jesus
the Friend
Book 11 – Jesus
the Servant
Book 12 – Jesus the
Risen Saviour
Children will learn what Jesus the
mighty God can do in their lives.
Children will learn that Jesus, who
created all things, wants to be their
very best friend.
Children will find out that being a
servant for God is the best way to
be like Jesus.
Children will learn why Jesus had to
die. Did He really rise from the dead?
Children will get to know who God
is, what He is like and how to know
Him personally.
Evangelistic and Teaching Tools 13
Good News for You
A full-colour fold-out tract for
boys and girls. A simple, clear
presentation of the Gospel
How to Get to
Heaven from …
The tract follows the theme of
going on a journey, leaving the
wrong way and finding the right
Jesus My Lord
and Saviour
This tract explains the message of
salvation, including extra teaching
for the child who receives Christ.
The Wordless Book
One of the most popular tools for
witnessing, the Wordless Book
presents the salvation message
using five coloured pages to
represent Heaven and God’s love,
the darkness of sin, the blood of
Christ, a clean heart and Christian
growth. Each book includes a free
instruction leaflet. With this simple
tool you can start leading children
to Christ! Available in different sizes!
the King!
An evangelistic book introducing
the birth, life, death and
resurrection of Jesus. Gives
a clear Gospel presentation.
The booklet gives a chance
to sign up for a free Bible
correspondence course!
18 full-colour A5 pages
(14.8x21 cm).
Find the Answer
A Night in Jail
A Gospel tract taking children
step-by-step through the Gospel
message. Recommended for use in
a group situation, where a teacher
can help the children find the
correct answers.
A tract for children giving the story
of the conversion of the Philippian
jailer, as if you were there. Children,
too, can have forgiveness for their
The Gospel
Review Games
Children will be fascinated as
you share the Gospel using this
innovative new tool! Flip the flaps
to reveal symbols and colours
representing Heaven and God’s
love, the darkness of sin, the blood
of Christ, a clean heart and Christian
growth. Keep one in your pocket
or purse to share the Gospel at a
moment’s notice!
The 60 review games listed in this
manual are intended to give you
ideas – adapt the games to suit
your situation. Several of the games
have been adapted for use with
preschoolers and are marked as
such in the margin. Materials not
14 Study Books and Notes
Biblical Basis of
Child Evangelism
An examination of the main Bible
passages concerning children. This
book answers some important
questions that children’s workers
have. All the given answers are based
on careful study of the Scripture.
A manual for those involved in the
evangelism of children, showing
clearly how to teach about God, sin,
the Person and work of Christ, and
the way of salvation.
Study notes.
Study notes.
Biblical Leadership
Whether in children’s ministry
or any other, we need Biblical
guidance if we are to be leaders.
This booklet talks about God’s plan,
principles, priorities for leaders. With
reference to Scripture, the reader
will find practical help in the areas
of delegating responsibilities and
keeping within the limits of their
Study notes.
Reaching Children
in Good News Clubs
A Good News Club is a Bible class for
children, usually lasting about an
hour and held weekly or bi-weekly.
This is an essential part of the Child
Evangelism Fellowship programme,
and is a most effective way to teach
truths from God’s Word.
40 pages.
Teaching a Bible
Lesson to Children
A “must” for every children’s teacher,
dealing thoroughly with how to
prepare and present a Bible lesson.
This book seeks to establish biblical
principles and to give practical
instructions to teachers.
101 pages.
Reaching the
Roman Catholic Child
A book giving practical points
on teaching Roman Catholic
children. This study will help you to
understand the basics of this system
of beliefs and to be more aware of the
needs of many children around you.
Study notes.
Influence on Children
The Church at each point in history
must carry out its responsibilities to
the next generation. In their mission
to children, workers must be in
touch with contemporary culture
and its forms. This book examines
the challenge of postmodernist
influences in child evangelism.
37 pages.
The Little Ones
A manual to assist those who work
with children of 4-5 years old,
particularly in Good News Clubs.
Study notes.
Follow-up Work
with Children
Basic principles are explained here,
as well as methods of carrying out
follow-up work.
Study notes.
Guidelines for the
Christian Family
Principles to help Christian parents
present the Gospel to their own
children, and to learn to worship God
together as a family. The greatest
Bible institute in the world is father
and mother reading the Bible to
their children.
91 pages.
Order today! +41 62 387 30 10 • literature_orders@cefeurope.org
Mailboxw w w.mailboxclub.com
Christ-centred materials
The Mailbox Club Bible correspondence courses
are Christ-centred, teaching children the great
truths of Scripture. This interactive learning
process connects the student with a godly
mentor who actively participates in their
Christian experience.
adapted as necessary, but without changing
the message of the Gospel. Many countries
in Europe have seen thousands of children
complete these Bible correspondence courses.
For some it may be their only means of
discovering the great truths found in God’s
Evangelism and discipleship
The Mailbox Club lessons present the Gospel
message to children in a way they can
understand. Each child is encouraged to come
to saving faith in Christ. Subsequent lessons
help disciple the child into deeper spiritual
maturity and possible involvement in a local
The Mailbox Club Bible correspondence course
lessons are available from early readers (age
4-7) right through to teens and adults. Apart
from the Bible teaching, a lesson may include
an activity page, memory verse and question
Culturally relevant
In order to find out more about how to obtain
lessons or participate in this vital ministry to
children, please get in touch with CEF in your
country using one of the email addresses given
in this catalogue.
In recent years there has been a phenomenal
growth in this ministry in Europe. Because
the truths of God’s Word are relevant to every
culture, The Mailbox Club lessons have been
N 00
How to order
God Cares
A new Bible correspondence course
that reaches hurting children for Jesus.
about You!
Each lesson in this ten-part series includes a Bible
lesson, an exciting biography, game time and
review questions. Contact your national office for
by CEF
Want to start a
Good News Club ?
There’s never been a better time than now!
With the Good News Club® Starter Kit, it’s
easier than ever! Each kit is packed full of
posters, invitations, lesson plans, games and
more! Contact the CEF® National office in
your country for availability.
Teach her to
Through Child Evangelism Fellowship’s® three-month long Children’s
Ministry Leadership Course, you will learn how to evangelise
children and help them grow in grace. You will also gain an
understanding of practical leadership skills.
To find out more, contact the CEF® European Headquarters.
CEF Centre, Kilchzimmer
4438 Langenbruck, Switzerland
+41 62 387 30 10
You know what’s in here.
But do you know what’s in here?
New languages added regularly!
CEF Press®
A ministry of Child Evangelism Fellowship®
CEF has many more products available for you! CEF Press in the United States provides teachers
worldwide with a lot of good materials. A number of languages in Europe use these lessons as a
five-year cycle for the Good News Club® meetings and for summer ministries (5 Day Club®, camps,
Holiday Bible Club). CEF Bible lesson series offer a systematic approach to Bible teaching!
Each series includes five or six lessons based on a theme, character or book of the Bible. A biblically
sound central truth, as well as applications for saved and unsaved children are built into each
lesson. You’ll love the full-colour flocked or flashcard visuals that help you show the story as you
tell it. Many teaching helps are included to make your teaching a success!
For a full selection please visit www.cefpress.com. Among others, you can find the following
lessons which have been adapted for use in Europe:
Old Testament:
Topical Lessons
• Beginnings
• Patriarchs
• Joseph
• Moses: Chosen Deliverer
• Moses: The Lawgiver
• Judges: Disobedience and Deliverance
• David: A Man After God’s Heart
• David’s Reign: Trials and Triumphs
• Elijah: Prophet of the Living God
• Elisha: Prophet of the Faithful God
• Esther
• Daniel: Strong in the Lord
Turned Around
Through Bible lessons on Zacchaeus,
Mephibosheth, Noah, the Ethiopian treasurer
and Saul, children can clearly see their need
for the Saviour and His love.
New Testament
• Life of Christ – 4 volumes, each with 6
lessons, giving a complete overview of life
and work of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Knowing Christ
Five of the “I ams” in the book of John are
taught through the corresponding Bible
Wordless Book Visualized
Each lesson focuses on one Wordless Book
colour – the gold page (God’s love and His
perfect heavenly home), the dark page (sin
and God’s punishment), the red page (God’s
one way of salvation through the blood of
Jesus Christ), the clean page (receiving God’s
gift of new life in Christ) and the green page
(growing as a believer in Christ).
More missionary stories and single seasonal lessons available too!
Please contact your CEF National Office (page 10) to get the full
list of items available in your language.
Child Evangelism Fellowship®
is an international and non-denominational organisation. Our aim is to
reach the unreached children with the Gospel; to teach the Word of God
to saved children that they might grow; and to guide the children into
local evangelical churches.
Child Evangelism Fellowship is active in over 150 countries around the
world. Our task is to help local churches and believers to teach the Word
of God to thousands of children each year.
Good News Clubs, 5-Day Clubs, Bible
correspondence courses, camps and
teacher training are just some of the
ministries in CEF®.
and Co-operation
Most of our materials are available in many European languages. We
are looking for churches, ministries and distributors all over Europe who
would like to use our materials in any of the 38 languages we produce.
Interested? Want to find out more about possible co-operation? Write to
Bogdan Bassara with your questions: BABassara@cefeurope.org. To order
literature in specific languages, please use the email addresses on page
10. Most CEF National Offices also have printed or online catalogues!
Order Information
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