Bible Skill Activities - Journey Kids

Bible Skill Activities
Looking for additional activities to add to your sessions? Try some of the following Bible skill games.
1. “In the Beginning”
Pull It Together
Pencils, paper
• Explain: “I will read aloud a statement. Write down your answer and then we will locate the verses to see if
we are correct.”
• What was the first thing created by God? (the heavens and earth, Genesis 1:1)
• Who was the first gardener? (Adam, Genesis 2:15)
• Who performed the first surgery? (God removed Adam’s rib, Genesis 2:21)
• What was the first sin? (disobeying God by eating the fruit, Genesis 3:6)
• Who was the first mother? (Eve, Genesis 4:1)
• Who was the first baby? (Cain, Genesis 4:1)
• Who was the first shepherd? (Abel, Genesis 4:2)
• Who was the first murderer? (Cain, Genesis 4:8)
• What was the first animal sent out of the ark? (a raven, Genesis 8:7)
• Who was the first child named before his birth? (Ishmael, Genesis 16:11)
• Who was the first mother to have twins? (Rebekah, Genesis 25:21-24)
• When was the first rain? (at the flood, Genesis 7:4)
• What was the first temptation of Jesus? (turn stones to bread, Matthew 4:3)
• Who was the first king of Israel? (Saul, 1 Samuel 9:17)
• Who were the first people to visit baby Jesus? (shepherds, Luke 2:15-16)
• Who were the first disciples? (Peter and Andrew, Matthew 4:18-20)
• What is the first of the Ten Commandments? (have no other gods, Exodus 20:3)
• What was the first miracle Jesus performed? (turned water to wine, John 2:1-11)
• Where were the disciples first called Christians? (Antioch, Acts 11:26)
• What is the first animals mentioned in the Bible? (fish and birds, Genesis 1:20)
2. Bible Book Scrapbook
Pull It Together
Scrapbook, scrapbook paper, markers, scissors, stickers, Bible dictionaries and commentaries
• Guide the children to create a scrapbook of the books of the Bible.
• Create a page for each of the books of the Bible. Include information about each book.
• Who wrote the book?
• Major themes of the book
• Major people of the book (facts about the people)
• Number of chapters
• Longest chapter
• Shortest chapter
• To whom was the book written?
• What can we learn from this book?
Bible Skills
Worship KidStyle Children’s Edition, Winter 2009-2010
©2009 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA.
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3. Books of the Bible Scavenger Hunt
Pull It Together
“Bible Flashcards” (CD), tape
• Display the flashcards in random order around the room.
Teacher Tips
• Post the flashcards in a large room or hallway in order to allow the kids additional space to move around.
• Inform the team members they must all stay together by linking arms as they search for the correct cards.
• Guide the children to form teams of three to four players.
• Call attention to the flashcards.
• Say: “I will call out two books of the Bible. Your task is to locate the book of the Bible that comes between
the two I call. For example, if I say ‘Matthew and Luke,’ you need to find the book of Mark. The first team to
correctly locate and bring the flashcard to me gains a point.”
• Call out various books of the Bible.
• Congratulate the kids on their efforts.
4. “Guess the Name”
Pull It Together
“Bible Flashcards” (CD), tape, small manila envelop, scissors
• Cut the flaps off of the envelope, making it open on both ends.
• Say: “Let’s see if you can guess the name of the Bible book as I reveal the letters.”
• Place a flashcard inside the envelope.
• Slowly reveal the first letter of the book name.
• Invite the children to guess the book name.
• Reveal letters until the children guess the Bible book name.
• Direct the children to locate the book in their Bibles.
5. “Out to Dry”
Pull It Together
“Clothesline Flashcards” (CD), scissors, clothespins, clothes drying rack
• Cut apart flashcards
• Say: “Before people had clothes dryers they dried their clothes by hanging them on clotheslines or clothes
racks. Let’s pretend we are drying clothes with the books of the Bible on them.”
Game One:
• Attach all the flashcards on the drying rack in random order.
• Guide the children to form teams.
• Say: “I will tell you ‘Old Testament’ or ‘New Testament.’ One person from your team will run to the
drying rack and bring me one of the books in that testament.”
• Call out “Old Testament” or “New Testament.” Encourage the children to retrieve correct flashcards.
• Continue as time permits. Game Two:
• Toss the flashcards on the floor (provide one set for each team).
• Encourage the children to place the cards in their correct order on the drying rack.
• Time the children and encourage them to beat their previous time.
Bible Skills
Worship KidStyle Children’s Edition, Winter 2009-2010
©2009 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA.
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6. Mix and Match
Pull It Together
“Mixed Up Flashcards” (CD), scissors
• Cut apart flashcards as directed.
• Place the flashcards on the table.
• Guide the children to put the pieces together to reveal the Bible book names.
• Suggest the children locate the books in their Bibles.
Bible Skills
Worship KidStyle Children’s Edition, Winter 2009-2010
©2009 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA.
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