CAMPUS SOP-AXIS ACT) AN EFFECTIVE POWER FO Peace Rallies Students' 'Birthday Greetings' to Hitler By Celeste Strack NatioMl student secretary, Communi!t Lealjue young Today's student peace demonstrations throughout our nation will hand Hitler a significant "birthday present" in the shape of timely and overwhelming endorsement of President Roosevelt's call to Hitler and Mtt:lSolini to keep the peace for at least ten years-underlining this by support to the President's proposals to amend neutrality to distingnish between aggressors and their vic- tims, ---1--------- 1 Since thl! first student peace action in 1935, American students have come a long Wi\Y. The early actions, usually strikes, served to awaken and mobilize the students' abhorence of war, but were colored by the isolationist-pacifist outlook expressed in the now Wholly discredited Oxford Pledge. Last year, the tide had changed considerably and most demonstrations spoke up for lifting the embargo on Loyalist Spain. But by this Year, Munich .had taugnt, American students that peace can be saved only by collective resistance to aggres810n anywhere, with its backbone in collaboration between the great democracies of the United states and the Soviet Union. All types of student organizations are today swinging over to the viewpoint of the American Student Union, which was the first student organizatlon to take its stand for a peace bloc against. aggression. They include even groups previously inftuenCed by isolationism, such as the student Christian Movement and the National Student Federation of America. ISOLATE ISOLATIONISTS Thls shift, dictated by simply human morality and awareness of growing danger to our own land, is still inadequately CITY COLLEGE STUDENTS meeting today in Lewisohn Stadium will hear Fannie Hur~t, noted fiction writer, address the sixth student peace rally. Above C.O.N.Y. tudents are s,hown filling the stadium at last year's successful meeting. expressed in the United Student Peace Committee which should take national leadership in the student peace movement, The US PC is being hamstrung by the dilatory tactics of the isolationist "Youth Com mit tee Against War," controlled by the Young People's SOcialist League, and the paper organizations around it. On the campus, however, the 'Irotl;kyite-isolationl1:t bloc is being rapidly Isolated and defeated. TodaY's demonstration is note-j "..orthy, 0, for its emphasis on the o Hey. !he Inter-; Student's Business Is Peace Friends' d Democracy On ~ampus Usel Pea ;NaZI War Cry Morris U. Scha pes, Noted eac ers' Leader, Says Today's Demonstrations Show That 'Education Has Borne Fruit' By Morris . Schappes College students, it se s that the best way to J:\1il1dheir deciding what their buain ss is. have defined their busi ess as democracy. They are recognizing that the threat to this prime Interest of theirs comes externally from the Rome-Berlin-Tokio axis and its re- '/ to me, are rapidly learning own business is to begin by In increasing numbers they the business of peace and S-S-Stuttering Students 'Hail' .,. HItler s BIrthday cently added satellite, fascist Spain, "Birthdav zreettnzs" to Adolf' and internally from those Who take Hitler on his 50th birthday today their politics from Berlin. Among are being sent to Nazi consulates these latter are imperialists like by outstanding student leaders Hoover and those Wall Street interthis arternoon on behalf of variests for whom he speaks, as well as ous peace actions. such former progressives as Senator The "greetings" include: SupNye and Oharles A. Beard, and the oort of Pres. Roosevelt's peace Trotzkyite sects, pacifists and the plea and resolutions urging boyother unassorted elements in the tt f N' d d tl co 0 azi goo s an 0 rer fast diminishing camp of the isolachoice "gifts" to the Nazi dietionists. tator. FALLEN IDOLS Brooklyn College students are The intelligent student today, In sending a message punning: stressing the link between peace and "Dear Adolf stop Heard your democracy, rejects the dangerous latest demands stop Have you position of one of his former idols, heard ours stop stop stop." Bertrand Russell who now pub- -I licly admits that he wants peace even if he has to pay the price 01 I I I Mr. SchapPeB is a membtr Of the Executive Board of Local 537 (College Teachers UnioJlt) of the Aml!rican Feduation of Teacher!. Urge U. S. Joi IWith USSR t I Save i Peace iT r r e Splitters Combat Roosevelt's Peace Moves 0 1z k y it By Rut Watt New yor/c. state young StUdent sec: etary, Communist League If there's a Trotzkyite on your campus, you'll see an ally of Hitler .at work today. The Trotzkyites and their friends of the so-called "Youth Committee Against War" (YCAW) do not attack the Rome-BerlinTokio war-makers. They're gunning for the peace policy of President Roosevelt instead. The "Youth Committee" says it has a. program "to keep America out of war:' This turns out to .ie a demand in its national "call" for "compulsory and strengthened neutrality It'gisla~ion.'' Not a whit different from the impassioned defense of the "Neutrality Law" bj' Nazi Propaganda Minister Goebbels' Del' Angriff. 'I his "call" also brushes off the almost-forgctten Oxford Pledge "never to bear arms in defense of the country." And it also supports the Ludlow amendment of which President Roosevelt said: "It would encourage other nalions to believe that they could vio;ll.te American rights with :mpur:ity." Which is just what Hitler, Hoover, Hearst lind YCA W would like. lAME YCA W f,.,.,n. LEADERS demagogically hNUd"'lr .nlt sets nthpr I