Does the nitrogen balance cover the various components of human protein needs? By Daniel Tomé, AgroParisTech, Paris (Translated and adapted from a Cholé-Doc nr. 121 September-October 2010, kindly provided by the French Dairy Board (CNIEL) Introduction ..................................................................................... 1 Nitrogen balance and safe levels of protein intake ................................. 1 Protein requirements and protein metabolism....................................... 2 Muscle… .......................................................................................... 3 Bone… ............................................................................................. 3 Sarcopenia and osteoporosis .............................................................. 4 Protein quality .................................................................................. 4 Conclusion ....................................................................................... 5 Introduction Proteins are an indispensable component of food, ensuring intake of nitrogen and the amino acids used for synthesis and maintenance of a wide number of proteins in the body. They are also used as precursors of other non-protein nitrogen molecules, including, hormones, neuro-peptides, the nucleic acids, glutathione, or creatine. After deamination, the carbon skeleton of an amino acid also follows the energy metabolism pathway, in particular through the gluconeogenesis metabolic pathway where certain amino acids act as predominant precursors. It can be seen that protein intake affects a great number of body functions. However, it remains difficult to define which functions are good markers for measuring protein needs. Nitrogen balance and safe levels of protein intake Despite certain limitations, the nitrogen balance – the difference between the dietary intake of nitrogen (mainly protein) and its excretion via urine, hair, skin, or perspiration - remains the main reference method for determining protein needs. Nitrogen is considered as a good marker as 95 percent of bodily and dietary nitrogen can be linked to proteins. Healthy adults excrete the same amount as is ingested when their protein need is fulfilled and so the nitrogen balance is in equilibrium (zero). The balance becomes negative when protein intake is inadequate (i.e. energy output exceeds energy intake). In practice, the amount of protein required by a healthy adult with an energy balance has been defined as the minimum protein intake required enabling achievement of a nitrogen balance (FAO/WHO/UNU, 2007). Based on this, the average nitrogen requirement for an adult male is estimated at 105 milligrams (mg) N/kg/d (i.e. 0.66 g/kg/d of protein using the conversion coefficient for nitrogen in protein at N x 6.25) and the 97.5th percentile at 133 mg N/kg/d (i.e. 0.83 g/kg/d of protein). Copyright © IDF 2011. All rights reserved. 1/7 However, due to the lack of statistical force of available data on the nitrogen balance in humans, it is not possible to establish differences in needs according to age, sex or diet types (Rand et al, 2003). Under these conditions, an intake of 0.83 g/kg/d of good quality protein is considered sufficient to cover the needs of a healthy adult. This value is being progressively used as the recommended intake value by various national and international bodies. According to the current hypotheses on amino acids and protein metabolism, a tendency exists to consider the nitrogen balance as providing a “safe” minimum intake value, i.e. ensuring nitrogen homeostasis in the body. However, it has yet to be demonstrated that the nitrogen balance is sufficiently comprehensive and omnipresent and that all of the physiological and metabolic functions depending directly on protein intake are optimised concomitantly when the nitrogen balance is zero. In order to address this issue, discoveries of additional sensitive markers for protein intake are required. Different markers associated with protein intake can be considered as complementary criteria for protein requirements and some of these markers could indicate a higher requirement than that derived from the nitrogen balance. This question can be illustrated through analyses of the relationships between protein intake and protein renewal, muscle metabolism and bone metabolism. Protein requirements and protein metabolism Protein metabolism represents a specific and major pathway of amino acid metabolism. In a man weighing 70 kilograms (kg), proteins account for 10-12 kg, of which approximately 40 percent are located in the skeletal muscle, 15 percent in the skin, 15 percent in the blood and 10 percent in the visceral zone. When the number of proteins found in the body is high (25,000), four proteins (collagen, myosin, actin and haemoglobin) represent half of these and collagen alone represents 25 percent. Proteins are in constant renewal through protein synthesis and proteolysis. In an adult male weighing 70 kg, this happens at a rate of 250-300 g/d of proteins which exchange with free amino acids in the human body (about 100g). It should be noted that daily body protein renewal represents 2-3 times the usual food protein intake (80-100 g/d). According to available data, the effect of an increase in protein intake on protein renewal is complex and does not allow a conclusion to be reached regarding its use as a protein requirement marker. An increase in protein intake above the recommended safe level alters protein renewal and increases oxidation of amino acids. Compared to the protein renewal observed at the safe level of protein intake, an increase in protein intake is associated with stimulation of proteolysis during fasting, and with a strong inhibition when nourished, whereas protein synthesis for the whole body is only slightly altered (Fouillet et al, 2008; Harber et al, 2005; Morens et al, 2003; Forslund et al, 1998; Pacy et al, 1994; Price et al, 1994). However it should be noted that renewal is variable depending on the proteins under consideration, and that intestinal proteins are renewed more rapidly than those found in peripheral tissue in general (Masanes et al, 1999). Under these conditions, protein renewal measurement for the entire body represents an average of different tissues in the body with individual variations or even contrary measurements depending on the level of protein intake. Therefore more specific body tissues should be evaluated to determine the impact of protein intake. Copyright © IDF 2011. All rights reserved. 2/7 Muscle… Muscle is the major protein containing tissue found in the body and could therefore be used as a sensitive marker for protein intake. Muscle protein anabolism is stimulated by eating and contractile activity. Protein ingestion is required for the synthesis of muscle protein, as well as function and muscle mass maintenance. Protein synthesis and muscle protein mass are therefore sensitive to protein deficiency. In contrast, protein consumption higher than the recommended safe intake level does not seem to impact on muscle mass in a healthy subject in the absence of exercise (Bolster et al, 2005; Chevalier et al, 2009; Taillandier et al, 2005; Almurshed et al, 2000). Branched-chain lateral amino acids (valine, isoleucine and especially leucine) seem to play a vital role during in vitro protein synthesis. However, in vivo results obtained from animals and human tests are contradictory and do not demonstrate that an increase in leucine intake (i.e. above the basic requirement as defined according to current criteria), further aids protein synthesis and muscle mass development. To date according to current knowledge, no clear evidence exists to demonstrate that the ingestion of regular leucine supplements further stimulates protein synthesis effectively when the intake of protein and indispensable dietary amino acids is adequate (Sherwin, 1978; Tessari et al, 1985; Schwenk and Haymond, 1987; Nair et al, 1992a; Koopman et al, 2005; Balage and Dardevet, 2010). However, the intake of amino acids and leucine remain a sensitive criterion for muscle. The use of rapid absorption proteins such as whey proteins illustrated interesting results allowing increase of post-prandial amino acid and leucine muscle contents. Bone… Proteins and calcium are the main components of bone structure. It has been demonstrated that protein intake lower than the recommended safe level increases bone fragility and the risk of fracture (Dawson-Hughes, 2003). A number of epidemiological studies also demonstrate a positive correlation between bone mineral density and protein intake for values higher than the safe level of protein intake also (Promislow et al, 2002, Devine et al, 2005). This result leads certain authors to recommend higher intake of protein than the recommended safe level in order to optimise the relationship between ingestion and mineral bone density. The relation between protein intake above the recommended level and the risk of fracture remains less evident and under dispute (Frassetto et al, 2000). An increase in protein intake is often associated with increased in urinary calcium excretion. This was initially interpreted as bone absorption activation in order to provide calcium to neutralise acid production from sulphur-containing amino acids catabolism. However, this supposition has yet to be confirmed. It is believed that the increase in calciuria is due to increased calcium absorption resulting in its increased excretion through urine (Kerstetter et al, 2003a, Kerstetter et al, 2003b). The body’s acid-base balance is a complex phenomenon and is highly localized and regulated. Urine acidity produced by the catabolism of sulphurcontaining amino acids is not directly correlated to plasma acidity. Moreover, mobilisation of bone calcium is not a major process for acid regulation in the body which takes place mainly through respiratory and renal pathways (Fenton et al, 2009a; Bonjour, Chevalley, 2009). Under these conditions, the risk of bone resorption does not seem to be a major limiting factor for protein intake (Pye et al, 2009; Fenton et al, 2009b). Copyright © IDF 2011. All rights reserved. 3/7 Sarcopenia and osteoporosis The loss of both muscle mass (sarcopenia) and minerals in the bones (osteoporosis) are degenerative processes frequently associated with ageing. It is suspected that these phenomena are partly due to a decrease in the effectiveness of the metabolic response by muscle and bone tissue to protein ingestion and that, under these conditions, the protein requirement for protein synthesis could be higher for the elderly in comparison to young adults. Data referring to protein intake levels required by the elderly are limited, with some data indicating a negative nitrogen balance in elderly people with a protein intake of 0.8 g/kg/d. Reduced muscle surface is noted at this level of intake, without significant alteration of the metabolism of leucine or total body composition. Several other studies also conclude that there is a higher protein need in older subjects when compared to young adults. This is linked to a reduction in the effectiveness of protein use by elderly (Wolfe et al, 2008; GaffneyStomberg et al, 2009; Thalacker-Mercer et al, 2010). However these results are not found systematically. According to certain recent studies, improved body composition in older subjects requires the linkage of adequate protein intake with physical exercise (Campbell et al, 2008, Campbell and Leidy, 2007, Iglay et al, 2009). Protein quality These few illustrations highlight the main issue of markers and criteria related to better definition of the relationship between the quantity and quality of protein intake. The traditional approach evaluates protein quality on the basis of capacity at a safe level of dietary ingestion to cover requirements of indispensable amino acids, a limiting factor for protein synthesis. It follows that protein quality is derived from the indispensable amino acids content. This criterion could potentially distinguish between different protein sources due to the substantial differences in indispensable amino acid composition of different protein sources. As a general rule, proteins from animal origins are richer in indispensable amino acids than proteins derived from plants. It has been demonstrated that tissue retention of amino acids (or net protein use) is higher when the indispensable amino acids content of food proteins is high for equivalent protein intake, including protein intake above the recommended safe level and an indispensable amino acids intake above the basic requirement (Morens et al, 2003; Juillet et al, 2008; Fouillet et al, 2009). Such results indicate that the concept of protein quality is still meaningful for intake that is higher than the determined safe intake level. It also questions the traditionally-accepted idea that surplus indispensable amino acids above the basic dietary need no longer contribute to quality of the intake. Based on data regarding average nitrogen balance, an average coefficient for net protein use at 50 percent in adults can be derived (Rand et al, 2003). Considering the post-prandial phase - the sensitive phase of food protein use - in greater detail, a net post-prandial protein use coefficient (NPPU) can be measured. This approach highlights the variation between different sources of proteins with values of 74 percent, 70 percent and 66 percent respectively for milk, soya and wheat proteins (Bos et al, 2005; Fouillet et al, 2009). The upper limit of protein intake tolerable is also an important issue. Intake analyses demonstrate that for numerous populations of industrialized countries, intakes are higher than the safe level of 0.83 g/kg/day, with an average intake of protein by adults of 0.9 to 1.2 g/kg/day. Under these conditions, it is important to define an Copyright © IDF 2011. All rights reserved. 4/7 adequate margin between the safe level of protein intake and the upper limit of intake. However, few pertinent markers have been identified. When considering the ammonia produced by amino acid break down as a limiting factor, the capacity of the urea cycle to eliminate the ammonia can be taken as a marker. Following this approach and taking safety factors into account, a protein intake between 0.83 g/kg/day and 2.3 g/kg/day represents an adequate margin for adult intake. This is nevertheless a theoretical recommendation that relies on functional markers that have yet to be defined. Conclusion Today, available clinical observations do not enable several national and international bodies and agencies to consider additional markers for use to correct the safe level of protein intake derived from the nitrogen balance, despite an almost unanimous agreement regarding the limits of this approach. Several questions remain unanswered: 1) The concept of food protein quality at the recommended safe level of protein intake; 2) The influence of the quantity and quality of food protein on metabolism and physiology on several tissues and organs; 3) The relation between protein metabolism and energy metabolism and the influence of the quality of food protein on this relationship; 4) The influence of physiological conditions and ageing on different processes related to protein intake; 5) The definition of criteria and markers to define the tolerable upper level of protein. Daniel Tomé, AgroParisTech, Paris Translation by CNIEL (Susan Owens) and IDF (Sandra Tuijtelaars and Catherine Shiels) Copyright © IDF 2011. All rights reserved. 5/7 References Almurshed KS, Grunewald KK. Dietary protein does not affect overloaded skeletal muscle in rats. J Nutr 2000;130:1743-8. Dawson-Hughes, B. Interaction of dietary calcium and protein in bone health in humans. J Nutr, 2003 133, pp. 852S-854S. 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