Computer Science AP Outline

Advanced Placement Computing Science A
Course Overview:
This course is intended for students who will study computer programming at
University and wish to prepare for the advanced placement exam for computer science A.
The content parallels that of a typical first course in programming with the Java language.
In order to be successful, students will be expected to exercise problem solving skills
similar to those in a mathematics course. Programming skills will be marked based on
efficiency, elegance and correctness. The duration of the course is approximately 20
weeks after all holidays and non-instructional days are removed from the 5 month
Tests................................................................. 35%
Programming.................................................. 40%
Textbook exercises...........................................10%
*The AP CSA exam will not count towards your mark in the course. This course is
intended to prepare you to write the exam.
*Plagiarism will not be tolerated in this course. All source code submitted will be
screened for plagiarism. Any files flagged for plagiarism will not be accepted for
marking. Students will have 1 extra school day (whether we meet that day or not) in
order to resubmit their assignment. In this case, class time will not be given to students to
work on their code.
*Group programming assignments must follow a software engineering model for
development. During that process students will decide and submit to me the requirements
of the project and which members are responsible for which parts. Marks will be given
for each individual as well as a small group mark for the integration of your work.
Waterloo CCC:
Every year the University of Waterloo hosts the Canadian Computing Contest (CCC).
This contest is exciting in that if you qualify locally you will be invited to Waterloo to
compete nationally. The winners of the National Competition are invited to represent
Canada and compete in the world championships.
Previous competitions and solutions can be found at:
The style of questions and the topics that appear are usually taken from this (very
large) problem set:
All are invited and encouraged to participate
Lewis, Loftus, and Cocking. Java Software Solutions for AP Computer Science A. 2nd ed.
Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 2007.
AP® GridWorld Case Study
Course website:
In order to keep the course moving along and to allow students to work ahead or
from home, a course website will be maintained at the following link: Additional resources will also be posted here.
Computing Lab:
Our class meets 5 times a week in 5 Falcon Place (FP) where we have the
computer lab reserved for us. All software a texts will be stored in here. Students may
sign out additional resources as needed. Additional time in the lab (lunch/after
school/spare block) can be arranged upon request at a time that is mutually convenient.
The Java Development tool we’ll use in this course is NetBeans. It is freely available
from Sun Microsystems:
Curricular requirements as stated by AP central for syllabus submission:
C2)The course includes all of the topics listed in the "Computer Science A" column of the Topic Outline in
the AP Computer Science Course Description.
C3) The course teaches students to design and implement computer-based solutions to problems in a
variety of application areas.
C4) The course teaches students to use and implement commonly used algorithms and data structures.
C5) The course teaches students to develop and select appropriate algorithms and data structures to solve
C6) The course teaches students to code fluently in an object-oriented paradigm using the programming
language Java. The course teaches students to use standard Java library classes from the AP Java subset
delineated in Appendixes A and B of the AP Computer Science Course Description. (Note: Students who
study a language other than Java in AP Computer Science must also be taught to use Java, as specified in
the AP Java subset.)
C7) The course teaches students to read and understand a large program consisting of several classes and
interacting objects, and enables students to read and understand the current AP Computer Science Case
Study posted on AP Central.
C8) The course teaches students to identify the major hardware and software components of a computer
system, their relationship to one another, and the roles of these components within the system.
C9) The course teaches students to recognize the ethical and social implications of computer use.
Topics Outline [C2]
Introduction to Computer Systems (week 1) [C8][C9]
• Learn about the software and hardware components that under which a computer
is organized
• Understand the role of operating systems, virtual machines, and compilers
• Learn about computer number systems/bases and data representation/limitations
• Discuss responsible use of computer systems
At the end of this unit, students will have a deeper understanding of how the parts
of a computer interact with the operating system to create the machines we now use daily.
They will also have some additional understanding of the social implications and ethical
issues with modern day uses of technology.
Assignments and Reading/Reference
As an introduction to the course, students will review Chapter 1 from our
textbook and complete multiple choice questions 1.1 – 1.8 and short answer 1.1 – 1.6. In
addition to students’ notes, they will review the self review questions from Chapter 1.
Java Basics
(week 2-4)
• Use an IDE and compile their first programs
• Import statements and Sun Java library classes (reading documentation)
• Demonstrate proper style and syntax supported by commenting/indentation
• Learn about fundamental data types, arithmetic operators and using constants
• Basic Console I/O using BufferedReaders, System.out, print, printf and println
• Find and correct errors in sample programs and alter their behavior
• Classify types of errors: Compile time, run time and logical errors
• Casting objects and fundamental data types
• Learn static methods from java.lang.Math
• Learn to use the methods available in the String class to solve problems
• Using strings to process data and check for input errors
• Converting numeric types to strings and strings to numeric types
• Numerical limits with Integer.MIN_VALUE and Integer.MAX_VALUE
Students will become familiar with an IDE and how to create and compile basic
projects. Programming exercises will focus on the building blocks of the language and
reading and writing to the console, delaying objects until the next week. At the end of this
unit, students should understand basic Java syntax and how a program is executed step by
step. A focus on fundamental data types and mathematical operators will dominate the
first programs. Students will become familiar with common text processing tasks and the
Java String class. A particular focus will be spent on how strings are processed as input
from users: converting to and from numeric values, tokenizing input etc.
Unit Overview
Output using print/println
Indentifiers in Java
pg. 26 - 41
Self Review: pg. 48 #16,17
Multiple Choice: pg. 50 #6,7,8
Labs and Assignments
Tests and
Programming Projects:
pg. 53 #3,4,5,6
Recognizing Errors
Correcting Errors
Introduction to Objects/Strings
Variables, Assignments, and Constants
pg. 58 - 74
Self Review: pg. 113 #3,7
Multiple Choice pg. 114 #1,2
Short Answer pg. 116-117 #2,3,4,5
Lab 2.1 - 2.2
Names and Places
Student Grades
Two meanings of plus
Numeric Operations, Casting rules and
Enumerated data types
Getting input with Scanner
pg. 75 - 81
Self Review: pg. 113 #12,13,14,15
Multiple Choice: pg. 114 #3,5,6
Short Answer: pg. 117 #6,7
Programming Projects:
pg. 119 #2,3,4,5,6,7
Creating and using Objects
pg. 82-88
Multiple Choice: pg. 115 #7,9,10
Short Answer: pg. 118 #8,9
Lab 2.3 - 2.4
Area and Circumference
Painting a Room
Ideal Weight
Intro to JGraphics
Programming Exercises:
#1-4 in slides
Here is the program we wrote on our tour:
Common Java Objects: Strings, Random,
Math, Integer and Double pg. 88-99, 144145 (section 3.4)
Shortcut operators
Multiple Choice: pg. 115 #8
Short Answer: pg. 118 #10-13
Programming Exercises:
There are 9 total included in the
slides for which you will have two
blocks in class to work on them.
Introduction to GridWorld Case Study
Unit Test
Conditional Statements
(week 5-6) [C3][C7]
• Write programs/classes with simple if/if else/else statements
• Write programs/classes with nested decision statements
• Learn to apply logical operators (and, or, not) to compound decision statements
• Model algorithms with pseudocode and translate it to Java
• Modeling decision structures with UML and translating it to Java
Students will become familiar with how to issue commands so that their Java
programs will make decision branches. In order to help them in the design process, they
will also learn pseudocode and UML designs for conditional statements. It is expected
that students will be able to trace programs and determine the output of a program by
hand that uses compound and nested conditional statements.
Assignments and Reading/Reference
The if Statement (pg. 128 - 132)
Multiple Choice:
pg. 180 #1
Short Answer: pg 184 #3,4
The if/else if/else Statement (pg. 132 - 139)
Multiple Choice:
pg. 181 #3
Short Answer: pg. 184 #2,5
Comparing objects with CompareTo
(pg. 143)
Labs and Assignments
Graphics Programming
Arithmetic Programming
*both at end of slides
See exercises at end of
slides, there are 2 graphics
and 2 standard java
See exercises at end of
slides, there are 4 total
Short Answer: pg. 185 #6
Compound Decisions, using && || and !
(pg. 139 - 141)
There are 2 standard java
exercises and the rock,
papaer, scissors game at
the end of the slides.
Multiple Choice: pg. 181 #2,3,9,10
Loops and Iteration
(week 7-8) [C3][C4][C5][C6]
• Learn the syntax of for/while loops in Java
• Apply loops to programs
• Write pseudocode for looping and design UML diagrams
• Recognize when to apply nested loops and how to code them
• Testing and debugging loops and conditional statements
• Using a debugger to find infinite loops and flaws in logical statements
• Tracing a program by hand
Tests and Quizzes
As an extension of conditional statements, loops and iteration will build primarily on
the for and while loops with Java. Students will become proficient with the syntax and
common programming errors due to flaws in logic and infinite loops. In addition to UML
designs, students will also learn to use a debugger and trace a program by hand to find
errors in their programs and sample programs with intentional errors.
Assignments and Reading/Reference
For Loops (pg. 160-165)
Multiple Choice pg. 182 #4,6
Short Answer pg. 186 #8,9
While Loops (pg. 146-153)
Multiple Choice pg. 182 #7,8
Short Answer pg. 185 #7,10,11
Nested Loops (pg. 153-157)
Labs and Assignments
Tests and Quizzes
4 Java Programs
1 Graphics program
Convert Previous for Loops
to while Loops
4 Java Programs
Sierpinski's Triangle
3 Programming Exercises
Programming Projects
Written exercises due
Multiple Choice pg. 182 #5
Unit Test
GridWorld part 1
(week 9)
• Experimenting with the GridWorld GUI
• Using and modify classes
• Black box testing
Assignments and Reading/Reference
See GridWorld case study and associated exercises issued by AP collegeboard
(week 10-11) [C6]
• Learn the difference between constructing new objects and referencing objects
• Use methods to access member functions and variables
• Create basic classes
o Public and private keywords
o Behavior (methods) and attributes (member variables)
o Terminology: constructor, mutator, accessor, encapsulation, information
o Creating methods and properly commenting them for javadoc
• Modeling classes in UML
• Understanding how to use static variables and methods
This unit will be an introduction to objects and the object oriented paradigm of
programming. Students will begin by learning to use objects through calls to member
functions and accessing member variables. After they have worked with objects, they will
then learn the syntax and structure to create their own basic classes by modeling the
“behavior” of an object (methods) and the attributes it has (member variables).
Assignments and Reading/Reference
Labs and Assignments
Creating Classes (pg. 196 - 234)
Objects and Reference revisited Important!!!
Class Template Files:
Slides to go along with textbook readings
4 Java Exercises
2 Graphics Exercises
Multiple Choice from text Ch4
Tests and
Enhancing Classes (p260-278)
Source code files from notes:
Interfaces (pg. 279-285)
Source code files from notes:
Block 1)
Multiple Choice #1,2,3,10
Short Answer #1,2,3,7
Chapter 5 Lab Exercises
Tracing References
Changing People
Block 2)
Banker Class
Multiple Choice #6,7,8,9
Short answer #4,6
Prism Interface Classes
End of Unit
Unit Test
Arrays and ArrayLists
(week 12-14) [C3][C4][C5][C6]
• Declaring, constructing, initializing and indexing
• Storing primitives and objects
• Traversing, inserting and deleting elements
• Create parallel arrays
• Passing Arrays/ArrayLists to methods
• Casting, ClassCastException, ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
• Understand when an Array or ArrayList is most appropriate
• Sequential and binary searching
• Quadratic sorts: Insertion sort, Selection sort, Bubble sort
• Learn mergesort and how its runtime complexity compares to other sorting
• Introduction to complexity and Big-Oh notation
• 2D arrays.
• Intro the List Interface
Students will understand the advantages of storing elements in contiguous memory
blocks and how to access, modify and traverse these data structures. This section is
intended to prepare them for the searching and sorting topics to follow. It is expected that
students will be able to implement and demonstrate how the listed quadratic sorting
algorithms work. Students will be expected to show how each algorithm changes the state
of an array by tracing algorithms by hand. They are also expected to develop some
understanding of how complexity affects run time and memory usage of software.
Assignments and Reading/Reference
Labs and Assignments
Tests and Quizzes
Introduction to Arrays
(pg. 318 - 337)
Array Operations
(pg. 353 - 354)
Searching and Sorting
Animations of our sorting
algorithms can be found
Multiple Choice pg. 378
Short Answer pg. 381
2 Programming Exercises
Histogram Class
2 Programming Exercises
DynamicArray class
2 Programming Exercises
Card and Deck Class
BlackJack Demo
Implement each algorithm
described in the slides
Advanced Features
Two Dimensional Arrays
List Interface
Inserting and Removing
Card Game
Insert/Remove methods
Unit Test
Inheritance and Polymorphism
(week 15-17) [C3][C4][C5][C6][C7]
• Implement Interfaces (Comparable, Locatable)
• Data structure design and selection
• Understand the how Polymorphism works and when to override super class
• Create and extend abstract classes
• Elegance: Data structure/algorithm selection and design
• Become familiar with the remaining Actors in the GridWorld case study
• Extend the class in GridWorld to make new Actors
Students will learn how inheritance, polymorphism and interfaces can enhance their
class designs.
Assignments and Reading/Reference
See GridWorld case study and associated exercises issued by AP collegeboard
Intro to Inheritance
pg. 392-419
Labs and Assignments
Create your first hierarchy in class
during notes
Multiple Choice p.453 #1-5
Gridworld part 2
See Gridworld links on left margin
Gridworld part 3
See Gridworld links on left margin
Do you know set 2
Exercises #1-4
Do you know set 3,4,5&6
JumperBug by yourself
Tests and Quizzes
Gridworld part 4
Do you know set 7,8,&9
Exercises #1-6
See Gridworld links on left margin
Pair project
Creating new bugs
pg. 420-434
Operator Class Heirarchy
Unit Test
GridWorld is a class library that is used in AP computer science. The classes and
their methods are included in the exams for the course and Advanced Placement.
The JavaDoc can be found here:
You can download the library for the GridWorld Classes here.
The official readings/exercises for unit one from the College Board are located in
the file below:
Unit 1
You will also need the source file to complete the exercises
Print this worksheet to record your answers from the question sets in unit 1
After you've completed the worksheet above, complete these additional
Create a program that displays your initials in a pleasing format using a
combination of Actors, Bugs, Flowers, and Rocks. You will need to use the
Location class to place Actors in a specific cell. See the javadoc for more info...
The official readings/exercises for unit two from the College Board are located in
the file below:
Unit 2
Source Files:
The official readings/exercises for unit three from the College Board are located
in the file below:
Unit 3
The official readings/exercises for unit four from the College Board are located in
the file below:
Unit 4
Source Code:
(week 18)
• Students will explore problems that are naturally suited to recursion
• Students will recognize when recursion is appropriate to use as a problem solving
• Students will identify the base step and recursive step in solving a recursive
Students are intended to develop some understanding of recursive thinking and how a
problem can be broken down into sub problems that can greatly simplify the description
(and implementation) of an algorithm. Emphasis will be placed on identifying the base
and recursive steps in an algorithm and being able to see the recursion in a loop.
Assignments and Reading/Reference
pg. 466-488
Labs and Assignments
Tests and Quizzes
Written Work
pg. 501 Multiple Choice
pg. 504 Short Answer
#7 (do by hand, not with
Recursion Quiz
Fibonacci Loop/Recursion
Recursive Triangle
Recursion Exercises
Unit Test
(weeks 19-20)
• Students will review materials from the AP CS A course
• Write practice finals from sample questions on AP website and provided by the
This page will help you keep organize and give you materials for the final exam.
The official AP exam page with previous written questions and solutions can be
found here:
*Note: Prior to 2008, the Marine Biology case study was used instead of
You can ignore the Marine Biology questions, all other questions are still relevant
to your studying. From 2008 on, the Gridworld questions appear.
The exam also comes with an appendix for you to refer to while writing.
You may be wondering just what language features (after all of this) that you are
responsible for in the AP Computer Science exam. The subset can be found here.
In order to cut down your search, I have compiled many of the web resources
College Board Sample Exam Questions 2008
College Board Sample Exam Questions 2009 (key attached)
*Some of the 2008 questions reappear in the 2009 sample
I have several practice exams which we will work on during class time also.