English 3-Honors/D. Collett Summer Reading 2015 You will read two novels for your summer reading assignment. On day one of class, you need to bring notes/annotations for each title; the first lesson and term paper/ course evaluation will be based on this work. (See other side for an example of annotations.) I strongly advise purchasing these titles. I will provide you with a bookmark to assist you during the reading. Summer Reading #1 “Mandatory” Selection- Fahrenheit 451. You will take notes (annotate) on: important vocabulary, theme, characterization (important quotes), stylish use of language and symbolism as they relate to the themes on the bookmark. You will be graded on these notes and they will be useful as you prepare to write about the novel and take a test on the novel. (See other side for an example of how to take notes.) You will also participate in an online seminar at http://www.nicenet.org where we will have several discussions (with imminent due dates) on this novel as we read DURING THE SUMMER. Check in during the first week of the summer and see the assignments so you can pace yourself. Class Name: 2015-6 English 3 Honors Class Key: S36754Z2ZZ Summer Reading #2 “Choice” Selection In addition to Fahrenheit 451 you must read ONE major work by an author from the list below (or a major American author you select with teacher approval). The list includes poets, playwrights, essayists, short story and science fiction authors, and novelists. Choose within a genre you enjoy. You will take notes (annotate) on: important vocabulary, theme, characterization (important quotes), stylish use of language and symbolism as they relate to the themes on the bookmark. (See other side for an example of how to annotate.) These notes will be graded. Take careful notes because you will be writing an essay and eventually a term paper about this book. Be sure to select an AMERICAN author that will interest you, as he/she will be the subject of your junior year research paper; you will have to read two more major works by this author during the course of the year. Another important element to consider is that there must be literary criticism on each of your author’s titles since you will be required to use literary criticism in each paper you write on this author (total is 3 books by one author to be analyzed for the course’s enduring understandings). * means that another title by this author is used in the junior or senior curriculum and you need to make sure you don’t chose it as one of your titles Edward Albee The Sandbox Sherwood Anderson Death in the Woods Isaac Asimov Foundation WH Auden The Dyer’s Hand James Baldwin Going to Meet the Man Toni Cade Bambara Gorilla, My Love Ray Bradbury *TheMartian Chronicles Gwendolyn Brooks The Bean Eaters Willa Cather O Pioneers! Paddy Chayefsky The Hospital Sandra Cisneros Woman Hollering Creek Tom Clancy The Hunt for Red October Lucille Clifton Good Times James F Cooper The Deerslayer Stephen Crane Maggie, a Girl of the Streets Michael Crichton Jurassic Park Countee Cullen Color EE Cummings The Enormous Room Philip K Dick Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? EL Doctorow Ragtime John Dos Passos USA Trilogy Rita Dove Thomas and Beulah Lonnie Elder Ceremonies in Dark Old Men TS Eliot Murder in the Cathedral Ralph Waldo Emerson May Day and Other Pieces William Faulkner The Sound and the Fury F Scott Fitzgerald *This Side of Paradise Robert Frost North of Boston Alan Ginsberg The Fall of America Susan Glaspell Alison’s House William Goldman Temple of Gold John Guare Six Degrees of Separation Alex Hailey The Autobiography of Malcolm X Lorraine Hansberry To Be Young, Gifted, and Black Ursula Hegi Stones From the River Lillian Hellman Little Foxes Ernest Hemingway A Farewell to Arms Beth Henley The Miss Firecracker Contest Susan Howatch The Rich are Different Langston Hughes Shakespeare in Harlem Zora Neal Hurston *Dust Tracks On A Road Susan Isaacs Compromising Positions Henry James Washington Square Jack Kerouac The Subterraneans Barbara Kingsolver *Animal Dreams Wally Lamb I Know This Much is True Louis L’Amour Jubal Sackett Chang-Rae Lee Native Speaker Sinclair Lewis Main Street Archibald MacLeish Conquistador Norman Mailer American Dream Bernard Malamud The Fixer David Mamet Glengarry Glen Ross Edgar Lee Masters Spoon River Anthology Cormac McCarthy All the Pretty Horses Herman Melville Redburn John Michener Hawaii Arthur Miller All My Sons Edna St. Vincent Millay Collected Poems of . . . Marianne Moore The Complete Poems Toni Morrison *Jazz Frank Norris McTeague Eugene O’Neill The Hairy Ape Chaim Potok The Chosen Anna Quindlen One True Thing Ayn Rand The Fountainhead Anne Rice A Cry to Heaven EA Robinson The Children of the Night Theodore Roethke Praise to the End! Phillip Roth American Pastoral Carl Sandburg The People, Yes Sam Shepard Buried Child John Steinbeck The Grapes of Wrath William Styron Sophie’s Choice Amy Tan The Hundred Secret Senses Anne Tyler Accidental Tourist Kurt Vonnegut Welcome to the Monkey House Alice Walker The Color Purple Wendy Wasserstein The Heidi Chronicles EB White The Lady is Gold Walt Whitman Leaves of Grass Thornton Wilder Our Town August Wilson Piano Lesson Tom Wolfe Bonfire of the Vanities Herman Wouk Marjorie Morningstar Richard Wright Black Boy