Welcome to Math 112 - Mathematics Technology Learning Center

MATH 112 (Thursday)
Fall 2013
Handout: Abbreviated copy of syllabus
Course Requirements
Email correspondence
 You email instructor: ma112mtlc@as.ua.edu
○ (Put instructor’s name in subject line)
 Instructor emails you: at your crimson email address.
○ Check this email account regularly!
Clicker for use in each class
 Access Code for course software
 Textbook (OPTIONAL)
 CASIO FX-260-SOLAR SCHOOL calculator
 ONLY handheld calculator model allowed on tests
 Or may use the computer calculator
Comes in
a white
You will be required to have a Turning Technologies
Response Unit (or “clicker”) in class with you every
day for
 Recording attendance
 Participation in class
May be purchased at a campus book store.
 If you already have a clicker for another class, that
will work for this class too.
 Register your clicker in our Blackboard Learn
course right away
Clicker – front and back
Use the
Device ID
when you
register your
clicker in
Access Codes
Every student must have a NEW MyLabsPlus access code.
 Must purchase from UA bookstore or course software
 Amazon or other online won’t work. Must say “Univ. of AL”, “MTLC”
Required to access all assignments and tests.
Also gives access to a complete e-textbook, video lectures,
examples of assignments more.
Temporary access code available in software for the first 21
days of the semester.
We have a new edition of the text this semester, so repeaters
must also purchase a new code.
Course Grades
A, B, C (+/-) or NC
Class Participation/Lab Attendance
4 tests (100 points each)
Study Plan
Final Exam
Minimum final average to pass = 70% (C-)
Course Grades
A, B, C (+/-) or NC
>70% is passing; <70% is NC
 NC means “no credit”.
 Must repeat course to earn credit.
 NC does not affect your GPA.
Last day to withdraw with “W”:
 Wednesday, 10/30.
Class Attendance
 Our
Math 112 class meets every Thursday.
 Class attendance is recorded by the
instructor via “clicker”.
 Attention and participation required
 No cell phones or laptops out during
 Must attend entire class for attendance
Lab Attendance
In MTLC a minimum of 75 minutes each week
 Credit for lab time based on ACT card swipes
 Swipe when entering AND exiting the lab.
 Swiping another student’s ID is academic
Weekly lab time counted Sunday to Friday
 No “roll over” minutes
 Partial points awarded for partial time
 If you spend 3 hours or more in the lab at one
time, you must swipe out and swipe back in.
MTLC Information-B1 Tutwiler
Hours of Operation
 Sunday: 6:00pm – 9:00pm
 Mon. – Thursday: 8:00am – 10:00pm
 Friday: 8:00am – 4:45pm
 Business: Mon.-Thur. 8am-5pm, or Friday 8am-4:45pm
Labor Day Holiday: Sun. 9/1 & Mon. 9/2
Fall Break: Thursday 10/31 – Sunday 11/3
Thanksgiving Holiday: Wednesday 11/27-Sunday 12/1
Last day for help in the MTLC will be Friday 12/6
Phone Number: 348 – 2592
Website: www.mtlc.ua.edu
Common Rules for the MTLC
is a classroom.
 Be courteous and considerate of fellow
 No food, drinks, tobacco products ,cell phone
use, loud music, profanity, or companions.
 Math work only.
 Ask questions if you need help. Instructors
and tutors are there to help you!!
Graded homework assignments for each section
Due dates and times are in syllabus and software
May save, close, and return to complete (before deadline)
Can earn 100% of EACH homework assignment
 Click “Similar Exercise” to rework an exercise until you get it right!
 Help is available if needed:
○ In software: Teaching video, e-text, ‘Help Me Solve’
○ MTLC: Instructors and tutors on duty to help you
3 lowest hw grades will be dropped at end of semester.
Graded quiz for each section.
Due dates and times are in syllabus and software
 No MTLC help during quiz
 Two attempts are allowed on each quiz
 Only the higher score will be included in your grade calculation.
You can review the quiz, but only immediately after it
has been scored.
 See which questions you missed and why
 MTLC help available during review
Lowest 3 quiz grades dropped at end of semester
Study Plan
Unique to you based on your quiz and test
Only work AFTER completing quizzes
Good review before tests
Covers entire course
Due by end of final exam week (12/13)
Worth 100 points (as much as a test!)
Test Deadlines
Our Math 112 test deadline days will be on TUESDAYS, but
you will choose what time to take the test on each deadline
 Test 1: Tuesday, 9/17
 Test 2: Tuesday, 10/8
 Test 3: Sunday 10/27 – Wednesday 10/30 (choose)
 Test 4: Tuesday, 11/19
 Final Exam: Sunday – Friday, 12/8-12/13 (choose)
Lowest test score will be replaced by final exam score.
We will discuss Testing in more detail closer to Test 1.
Make-up Policy
Missed homework or quiz deadline
 Incomplete HW or quiz = as completed at deadline
 HW or quiz not started before deadline = 0
 Lowest 3 HW and lowest 3 QZ dropped at end
Missed test
 Must petition for makeup as soon as possible (by 10pm
on the MONDAY after your missed test)
 Petition form online: www.mtlc.ua.edu/petition.
If the petition request is approved, makeup test may be
scheduled for Thursday or Friday after test week.
Working at Home
You can work in the software anywhere you have
internet access.
Homework and quizzes may be completed at home.
 Work well ahead of deadlines to be safe.
 If you have any trouble, come to the MTLC right
away to complete your assignments on time.
 Deadlines will not be extended because of home
computer/internet issues.
Tests must be completed in the MTLC.
Disability Accommodations
 Office
of Disability Services
 348-4285
 Bring paperwork from ODS to your
instructor or directly to the MTLC.
 Do this as soon as possible.
 Must be done each semester.
Extra Help: CAS
Center for Academic Success (Osband Hall)
has many resources at your disposal:
 Free
 Go
walk-in tutoring sessions.
to www.cas.ua.edu to see times and
locations for help sessions.
Software Login Information
No access code required for this part:
 Log into myBama
 Go to your Blackboard Learn courses
 Click on Math 112
Note: In case myBama is down, here’s another way:
 Website: www.ua.mylabsplus.com
 Username = crimson email prefix (ex: jksmith)
 Password = CWID (ex: 12345678)
You will need your MyLabsPlus access code to get to the
math content (textbook, assignments, etc.). There is a
temporary code in the software good for first 21 days.
Before Our Next Class
Get a clicker if you don’t already have one.
Get an access code (or be prepared to buy it with a
credit/debit card through the software)
Log into software
 Do this even if you don’t have your code yet.
 For help, go to the MTLC.
Take the Syllabus Quiz
 Use your syllabus during the quiz! (Link to full syllabus
available in software.)
 Retake it if necessary to get 100%! Unlimited number
of attempts.
Do 1.3 Homework
Final thoughts
Make the commitment now to do what it
takes to be successful in this course
 Attend class and MTLC regularly
 Work hard on each assignment
 Stay on schedule
 Get help when you need it – MTLC Staff
and CAS Staff are there FOR YOU!