Alex’s Discovery Alex’s Discovery LESSON ONE YEAR LEVEL 6 PURPOSE • To commence exploring the world of work with a view to future careers • To introduce students to Alex and his/her friends as they commence their VE&T learning journey RATIONALE TIMEFRAME DELIVERY MODE TERMINOLOGY CHECKLIST You may wish to pre-teach these words before the lesson or refer to them during the lesson. The checklist is not exhaustive and a list displaying these words and their meanings should be available to all students during the lesson. (I)M!LEX )MHERETOSHOW YOU6%4ISA GREATWAYTOGO Alex is about to start the transition process from Year 6 by investigating the world of work through discovering how everyday items come to be part of our lives. The character Alex at this stage is presented as either male or female, and can take on the persona of any student at this level considering his or her future learning and training options. The activities in this lesson focus on the ‘dreaming’ stage of career development. That is, students imagine their future work options without the need to make significant final decisions. This stage of career development should focus on reflection of their present learning journey and the exploration of future learning journeys with the focus clearly on VE&T options. 1 Hour Classroom-based activities based on the VE&T Way to go worksheets. Group discussion activities and written tasks. Pathway – a way to progress through training and education to employment Work – both paid and unpaid activities Job – a particular work situation, e.g. teacher at Smart secondary school, cashier at Food Galore supermarket, mechanic at Gogo Cars auto shop Occupation – the kind of work that people do in different places and in different ways, e.g. teaching is an occupation that includes Primary and Secondary school teachers, adult educators, principals etc Career – all the roles a person undertakes throughout their life – education, training, paid and unpaid work, family, volunteer work, leisure activities and more Career Development – a lifelong process of growth through life, learning and work. It can happen unintentionally, or it can be about actively creating the work one wants to do within the context of the life one wants to live. It is both complex and unique to the individual TAFE - Technical and Further Education University – Higher Education Year 6, Lesson 1: Page 1 of 7 Alex’s Discovery CONCEPTS TO COVER BRAINSTORM ACTIVITY 5 M INUTES CONCEPT QUESTIONS On–the-Job Training – learning in the workplace VE&T – Vocational Education and Training, a practical skill based learning qualification This lesson asks students to reflect on: • their own learning journey • what they understand about the world of work • their top jobs or occupations they may wish to pursue • Alex’s learning journey using the VE&T worksheets • In groups or pairs, ask students to write what they like about learning – this could include learning they do outside of school – they may wish to identify who helps them to learn • Ask students to list how they learn- doing, reading, listening, watching, talking, planning, participating, making mistakes, repeating activities, developing special skills • Ask students to identify how they think Alex might learn – give reasons for their choices. Record these for all to consider • Students make a list of three tasks they have learnt recently – where they learnt these tasks and who helped them to learn • Work through the concept questions with the class 1. 20 M INUTES 2. 3. 4. Who is Alex? Describe his/her learning journey • Encourage students to invent Alex’s story. Try and link this story to his learning journey Who am l? How do l learn? What do l like to learn about? • Students record their own learning journey from Prep to Year 6. Identify the key players in their learning journey. Identify how they learn best and what engages them in learning What do l know about the world of work? How do people learn at work? • Students develop a list of ways that people may learn on the job. For example, through observation, practice, discussion, special classes, shadowing another worker or explaining tasks. Students identify common approaches to learning Ask students to identify their top five jobs. What would be their five worst jobs? Why? What would Alex say would be the top five jobs? (I)M!LEX )MHERETOSHOW YOU6%4ISA GREATWAYTOGO Year 6, Lesson 1: Page 2 of 7 Alex’s Discovery ACTIVITY 1 “How Did They Get There?” 20 M INUTES ACTIVITY 2 “Can you find a person who does this job?” 10 M INUTES (I)M!LEX )MHERETOSHOW YOU6%4ISA GREATWAYTOGO Using the VE&T Alex worksheets ask students to identify all the images in Alex’s world. • Students may need to be prompted to include, dining table, glass of milk, fish bowl, Xbox etc • Ask students to answer these questions: How did these items get there? Why do we need these items? Who might have made them? Who makes these items at work? Students will be able to obtain answers for these questions from the Alex worksheet Using Page 2 of the Worksheet ask students to identify how many jobs/ occupations make up Alex’s world? • Students should choose three vocational jobs that they may consider they would like to know more about or may even consider as a future career and give reasons for their choices As a homework or follow-up task ask students to find out about the three jobs/occupations they enjoyed the most from Alex’s world. Ask students to talk over their choices with their parents or other adults in their family. They should aim to find out: • What the job involves, how they can find out about work in this industry? • What type of a person might be best suited to this work? • What skills are needed for this job? • What they need to learn before they can do this job? • Where they can do this learning? TAFE/On the job? • What can they do to find more information about this job? Useful websites for this task: • State Government site for young people, information and links to VE&T options • Links to VE&T Pathways and career and transition information for students, teachers and parents • New Apprenticeships Job Pathways site where students can search using an occupation title • Provides full job files under the Facts menu bar. Students can browse alphabetically or by industry for a description of occupations of choice. Year 6, Lesson 1: Page 3 of 7 Alex’s Discovery FOLLOW UP TASK RESOURCES FOR THIS LESSON VELS APPLICATION Level 4 Students present one of their favourite job choices from their homework task and present a brief talk on what they have discovered about their choice. This presentation may form part of the assessment outcome for this unit of work. VE&T Way to go worksheets DE&T – • DEST – The Job Guide online at and My Future STRAND DOMAIN DIMENSION Physical, personal & social learning Interpersonal development Building social relationships Personal learning The individual learner Discipline-based learning The humanities - economics Knowledge & understanding reasoning & interpretation Interdisciplinary learning Communication Listening, viewing & responding Presenting Information & communications technology ICT for visualising thinking Thinking processes (I)M!LEX )MHERETOSHOW YOU6%4ISA GREATWAYTOGO Year 6, Lesson 1: Page 4 of 7 Economic reasoning processing & inquiry Economic reflection, evaluation & metacognition Alex’s Discovery ACTIVITY 1 This is Alex. You can see into the house where Alex lives and through the window into Alex’s backyard. Maybe it looks a lot like yours, and you recognise many of the things in the house and in the garden? Look closely at what’s in Alex’s life. On the next page there are pictures of eight things from Alex’s life, and lists of some of the people and the jobs that helped to get them there. Fill in the blank spaces, and see if you can pick other items from Alex’s place and fill in more. (I)M!LEX )MHERETOSHOW YOU6%4ISA GREATWAYTOGO Year 6, Lesson 1: Page 5 of 7 Alex’s Discovery ACTIVITY 2 Alex wants to work with you to understand how the things in our lives get to be there: What sorts of people make these things? How do they get to our houses? What jobs would you need to do to keep them working? One has already been filled in – your job is to fill in the rest and then talk about your choices with your class. SOCCER BALL Sports coach Professional sportsperson Sports equipment maker GAMES CONSOLE Software Programmer ____________________ ____________________ PAINTING Artisits Supplies Shop ____________________ Picture Framer TELEVISION ____________________ ____________________ TV Salesperson THE END NEWSPAPER Printer ____________________ ____________________ GOLDFISH BOWL ____________________ Glassmaker ____________________ (I)M!LEX )MHERETOSHOW YOU6%4ISA GREATWAYTOGO Year 6, Lesson 1: Page 6 of 7 Alex’s Discovery ACTIVITY 2 MILK MILK CARTON ____________________ Milk Tank Driver Milk Bar/Shop Assistant GARDEN ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ..................................... ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ..................................... ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ..................................... ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ..................................... ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ (I)M!LEX )MHERETOSHOW YOU6%4ISA GREATWAYTOGO Year 6, Lesson 1: Page 7 of 7