Muscular movements of the head (at the cervical spine/neck) and of the torso (thoracic and lumbar spine/upper, middle, and lower back): flexion, extension, lateral flexion, rotation. Muscles of the Neck and Vertebral Column Origin Insertion Action Sternocleidomastoid (anterior neck) Manubrium of sternum and medial clavicle Mastoid process of temporal bone Semispinalis capitis Semispinalis cervicis/thoracis Transverse process of cervical and thoracic vertebrae Occipital bone. Spinous process of cervical & thoracic vertebrae Splenius capitis Spinous process of cervical and thoracic vertebrae Mastoid process and occipital bone Splenius cervicus Spinous process of thoracic vertebrae Spinalis capitis (erector spinae) Spinous process of cervical and thoracic vertebrae Spinous process of thoracic and lumbar vertebrae Transverse process of vertebrae Transverse process of cervical vertebrae Occipital bone Flexion, lateral flexion, and rotation of the head at the neck Extension and rotation of the head at the neck. Extension of the neck and upper back (cervical and thoracic spine) Extension (both), lateral flexion and rotation (one side) of the head at the neck Extension of cervical spine/neck Spinalis cervicis and thoracis (erector spinae) Longissimus capitis (erector spinae) Longissimus cervicis and thoracis (erector spinae) Iliocostalis cervicis (erector spinae) Transverse process of vertebrae, sacrum Iliocostalis thoracis and lumborum (erector spinae) Quadratus lumborum Iliac crest, sacrum, ribs Ribs Iliac crest Extension of the head at the neck Superior (upper) spinous processes Extension of the upper spine/back Mastoid process Extension (both), lateral flexion and rotation (one) of head at the neck Extension and lateral flexion of the upper spine/back Extension of cervical spine/upper back Superior (upper) transverse processes Transverse process of cervical vertebrae and upper ribs Upper ribs, transverse process Transverse process of lumbar vertebrae & 12th rib Extension of spine/back, lateral flexion of spine/back Lateral flexion of lumbar spine, stabilization of pelvis/lumbar spine Muscles of the Abdominal Wall Origin Insertion Action Rectus abdominis Pubis: Pubic crest and symphysis Xiphoid process (of sternum) and costal cartilage of ribs (#5-7) Flexion and lateral flexion of vertebral column, compression of abdomen, stabilization of pelvis (controls tilt of the pelvis) External oblique Lower eight ribs Linea alba, Iliac crest and pubic bone Flexion, lateral flexion, and rotation of vertebral column Internal oblique Iliac crest and inguinal ligament Costal cartilage of ribs #8-10, linea alba Flexion, lateral flexion and rotation of vertebral column Transverse abdominis Costal cartilage of ribs and iliac crest Linea alba and pubis (pubic crest) Compression of abdomen i.e. forced expiration Other muscles of the Axial Skeleton: Deep muscles of the vertebral column Multifidus, Rotators, Interspinales, Intertransversarius Muscles of the thorax Scalenes, Intercostals, Diaphram Can produce some movement (extension, lateral flexion, and rotation) of the vertebral column, but are primarily stabilization muscles of the vertebrae These muscles are primarily used in respiration, although the scalenes can produce slight movement of the cervical spine Scapular movements: Protraction, Retration, Elevation, Depression, Rotation Muscles of the Anterior and Posterior Thorax (Scapular) Origin Insertion Serratus anterior Surface of upper 9 ribs Protraction (abduction) Vertebral (medial) border and rotation of the of scapula scapula Trapezius Occipital bone and spinous processes of C7 and all thoracic vertebrae Clavicle; acromion process and spine of scapula Levator scapulae Vertebral(medial) border Transverse process of cervical Elevation and retraction of scapula superior to the (C1-4) vertebrae (adduction) of scapula spine Action Elevation (upper), depression (lower), retraction(adduction), rotation and stabilization Retraction, downward Rhomboids (major and Spinous processes of cervical Vertebral (medial) border rotation, stabilization of and thoracic vertebrae of scapula minor) the scapula Pectoralis minor Ribs 3-5 Coracoid process of scapula Subclavius Costal cartilage of rib #1 Clavicle Depression of scapula, also can elevate ribs when arms are raised Stabilization of shoulder girdle, depression Humeral movements: Flexion, Extension, Abduction, Adduction, Medial rotation, Lateral rotation, Circumduction Muscles Crossing the Shoulder Origin Joint (humeral) Insertion Action Pectoralis major Clavicle, sternum and costal cartilage of ribs Flexion, horizontal Intertubercular groove of flexion, internal rotation, humerus and adduction of humerus Latissimus dorsi Iliac crest, posterior sacrum, spinous processes of lower thoracic, lumbar vertebrae Extension, adduction and Intertubercular groove of internal rotation of the humerus humerus Deltoid Clavicle, acromion, and spine Deltoid tuberosity of of scapula humerus Abduction; flexion and medial rotation; extension and lateral rotation of humerus Extension, adduction and Intertubercular groove of internal rotation of humerus humerus Teres major Posterior surface of scapula Teres minor Axillary (lateral) border of the Greater tubercle of scapula humerus Lateral rotation of humerus (rotator cuff) Infraspinatus Infraspinous fossa of scapula Greater tubercle of humerus Lateral rotation of humerus (rotator cuff) Supraspinatus Supraspinous fossa of scapula Greater tubercle of humerus Assists in abduction (rotator cuff) Subscapularis Subscapular fossa of the scapula Lesser tubercle of the humerus Medial rotation of the humerus (rotator cuff) Coracobrachialis Coracoid process of the scapula Medial surface of humeral Flexion and adduction of shaft the humerus Movements at the wrist: Flexion, Extension, Supination, Pronation Movements at the fingers: Flexion, Extension Muscles Crossing the Elbow Joint or Origin Wrist joint Insertion Action Triceps brachii Long head: infraglenoid tubercle; Medial and Lateral Olecranon process of ulna heads: posterior shaft of the humerus Extension at the elbow Biceps brachii Short head: coracoid process of scapula; Long head: supra Radial tuberosity of radius glenoid tubercle of scapula Flexion at the elbow and supination at the elbow and wrist Brachialis Humerus Flexion at the elbow Brachioradialis Lateral supracondylar ridge Styloid process of the of the humerus radius Flexion at the elbow Anconeus Lateral epicondyle of the humerus Olecranon process of ulna Extension at the elbow, stabilization Pronator teres Medial epicondyle of humerus; ulna Lateral surface of radius Pronation at the elbow and wrist Pronator quadratus Ulna (distal, anterior) Radius (distal, anterior) Pronation at the wrist Supinator Lateral epicondyle of the humerus; ulna Radius (proximal) Supination at the elbow Flexor carpi radialis Medial epicondyle of humerus Metacarpals (base, 2-3rd) Flexion and abduction at the wrist Flexor carpi ulnaris Medial epicondyle of humerus; ulna 5th metacarpal, pisiform, hamate (carpals) Flexion and adduction at the wrist Palmaris longus Medial epicondyle of humerus Palmar aponeurosis Flexion at the wrist Coronoid process of Ulna Flexor digitorum profundus and superficialis Humerus, ulna, radius Flexor Pollicus Longus Radius and ulna Middle (FDS) and distal (FDP) phlanges #2-5 Flexion at the wrist and fingers Distal phalanx #1 Flexion at the wrist and thumb Extensor carpi radialis Lateral supracondylar ridge Base of 2nd metacarpal of humerus longus Extensor carpi radialis Lateral epicondyle of the Base of 3rd metacarpal humerus brevis Extension and abduction at the wrist Extension and abduction at the wrist Extensor carpi Ulnaris Lateral epicondyle of the humerus; ulna Base of 5th metacarpal Extension and adduction at the wrist Extensor digitorum Lateral epicondyle of the humerus Phalanges #2-5 Extension at the wrist and fingers Extensor Pollicis Longus Ulna Phalanx #1 Extension at the wrist and thumb Muscles Crossing the Hip and Knee Joint Origin Insertion Action Psoas major Lumbar vertebrae Lesser trochanter of femur Flexes the hip Iliacus Iliac Fossa Lesser trochanter of the femur Flexes the hip Sartorius Anterior superior iliac spine Flexes, adducts and Medial aspect of proximal externally rotates the tibia (pes anserine) hip, also flexes the knee Adductor magnus Ischium and pubis Linea aspera and adductor tubercle Adducts the thigh Adductor longus Pubis (Anterior) Linea aspera Adducts the thigh Adductor brevis Pubis (Inferior) Linea aspera above adductor longus Adducts the thigh Pectineus Pubis Lesser trochanter to linea Adducts, flexes and aspera of femur medial rotates the thigh Gracilis Pubis (Inferior) Medial surface of tibia (pes anserine) Adducts the thigh, flexes the knee Rectus femoris Anterior inferior iliac spine Patella and tibial tuberosity Extends the knee and flexes the hip Vastus lateralis Greater trochanter , Linea aspera,and intertrochanteric line of femur Patella and tibial tuberosity Extension of the knee Vastus medialis Linea aspera, intertrochanteric line Patella and tibial tuberosity Extension of the knee Vastus intermedius Anterior surface of femur Patella and tibial tuberosity Extension of the knee Tensor fasciae latae Iliac crest, and anterior superior iliac spine Iliotibial tract (IT band) Flexes and abducts the hip Gluteus maximus Ilium, sacrum, and coccyx Femur and iliotibial tract Extends and externally rotates the hip Gluteus medius Lateral surface of the ilium Greater trochanter of femur Abducts and internally rotates the hip Gluteus minimus Lateral surface of the ilium Greater trochanter of femur Abducts and internally rotates the hip Biceps femoris Two heads: Long head, Ischial tuberosity / Short head, linea aspera Head of fibula and lateral Extends the hip and side of tibia flexes the knee Semitendinosis Ischial tuberosity Medial Tibia (pes anserine) Extends the hip and flexes the knee Semimembranosus Ischial tuberosity Medial side of the tibia Extends the hip and flexes the knee Popliteus Posterolateral Femur Posteromedial Tibia Flexes the knee Muscles of The Origin Lower Leg Insertion Action Achilles tendon to calcaneus Plantarflexion of the ankle and flexion of the knee Gastrocnemius Two heads from medial and lateral condyles of femur Soleus Proximal posterior tibia and Achilles tendon to head of fibula calcaneus Plantarflexion of the ankle Tibialis anterior Lateral condyle and shaft of tibia medial cuneiform and first metatarsal Dorsiflexion and inversion of the ankle Tibialis posterior Tibia and Fibula (Posterior) Bases of 2-5 metatarsals Plantarflexion and and cuneiforms inversion of the ankle Flexor digitorum longus Tibia (Posterior) Distal phalanges 2-5 Flexion of the toes and plantarflexion and inversion the ankle Extensor digitorum longus Lateral condyle of tibia, anterior fibula middle and distal phalanges 2-5 Toe extension and Dorsiflexion of the ankle Flexor hallucis longus Fibula (Posterior) Distal phalanx #1 Flexion of the great toe and plantarflexion and inversion of the ankle Extensor hallucis longus Fibula (Anterior) Distal phalanx of big toe Extension of the big toe, dorsiflexion of the ankle Peroneus (fibularis) tertius Fibula (Anterior distal) 5th metatarsal Dorsiflexion and eversion of the ankle Peroneus (fibularis) longus Head of Fibula Base of the 1st metatarsal Plantarflexion and eversion of the ankle Peroneus (fibularis) brevis Fibula (Lateral) Base of the 5th metatarsal Plantarflexion and eversion of the ankle Plantaris Lateral condyle of femur Achilles tendon to calcaneus Plantarflexion of the ankle and flexion of the knee