5/22/2012 1.1 9:45 1.2 9:45 1.3 9:45 1.4 9:45 1.5 9:45 WTCS Tech Expo ‐ May 24, 2012 Sectional Description Using Windows Live@edu in Teaching & Learning This session will explain the features available in Windows Live@edu. Learn how students can create Office document from any Internet connected computer using Office Live. See how students can collaborate on documents using Office Live and the Skydrive. Learn how students can develop online portfolios using the Skydrive. Presenters Keith Hasart, WITC Biography Keith Hasart has worked in higher ed for over 20 years in a variety of areas, including library services, instructional technology, instruction and instructional support. Library Services to improve the Student Experience Review the new services and resources that libraries offer to support instructors and students online and in the classroom including e‐books, streaming video, digital pathfinders, and a new library search interface that brings it all together. Matt Rosendahl, WITC Matt Rosendahl and the intrepid technicians at WITC’s Learning Resource Centers will stop at nothing to get instructors and students the stuff they need, when they need it. They’ve mined the depths of the internet, immersed themselves in tomes, and devised original solutions to bring 21st century tools to tomorrow’s workforce. Matt Rosendahl is the Director of Learning Resources at Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College, Chair of Wisconsin Library Association's Resource Sharing Roundtable, a current participant in the Wisconsin Leadership Development Institute (WLDI). In partnership with WITC staff and public librarians, Matt has offered community e‐book forums in three communities in the past year... though he remains devoted to h d Instructor of Architectural Technology at Western Technical College, La Crosse, WI iPad in the curriculum Loren Anderson, WTC A session that looks at enhancing teaching and learning through the use of tablets (specifically the Apple iPad). Tablet technology is expanding exponentially and creating new paradigms for learning. Educational applications to be discussed include digital ‘textbooks’, eBooks, web based content, social media collaboration, clouding, and apps. Learn how tablets can enhance productivity and creativity. These new tools are anticipated to change the way we, as instructors, interact with learners. Through a viewport of an architectural curriculum example, join us as we discover resources available and also dream about what could be. Dar DeBruin‐Hein, FVTC LiveBinder‐In the Classroom Veronica Flower, FVTC LiveBinders, an online three‐ring binder, is a great addition to any classroom. LiveBinders provides an easy way to organize class resources, upload and store class assignments, present employment portfolios, and collaborate with other instructors. LiveBinders only requires access to the Internet, no special equipment needed. And best of all, it’s free! Cisco Telepresence Demonstration Mark Koxlien, Cisco Cisco video architecture is built around Cisco medianet and its unique, end‐to‐end approach to Ryan Schroeder, CDWG video strategy. It delivers a smarter network, smarter endpoints, shared media services, and cloud services. It reduces costs, simplifies management, delivers a superior user experience, and makes the organization more agile in its use of video resources. Join us as we demonstrate Cisco Telepresense as part of a Unified Collaboration platform that is easy to use and easy to scale for your faculty and staff. We will also discuss practical applications for using video in the classroom – Distance Learning, Online Classes and Capture, Transform, Share of recorded lectures, classes or student projects. Page 1 of 5 BA Architecture – Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa 30 years as a registered Architect in Wisconsin and other states Member ‐ American Institute of Architects Dar DeBruin‐Hein has been with FVTC for 29 years. Her most recent employment adventure has been teaching in the Business Technology program area for the past 11 years. Prior to teaching, Dar worked as a technical trainer and also served as the FVTC’s Certification Coordinator. Dar has a Bachelors Degree in Business from UW‐Stevens Point, a Masters in Educational Technology from Marian College, and truly enjoys collaborating with others on cool ways to use technology! 5/22/2012 WTCS Tech Expo ‐ May 24, 2012 Jessica Brogley, SWTC Using Google Sites to create Online Portfolios Are you looking to have students publish a portfolio, but you can’t find an easy inexpensive tool to use? Google Sites is your answer! Within a few minutes you can teach your students how to 2.1 create their own site, manage privacy settings, set up collaboration, and create pages! Your 10:45 students will be able to manage their own personal digital portfolio that they can share with potential employers. Come to this session wide‐eyed and see just how easy digital portfolios can be! I have taught English and speech in the K‐12 setting for 11 years. During that time I developed my ability to integrate technology and work with a variety of students. 7 years ago I embarked on my first experience with digital portfolios as I had my students creating them using Dreamweaver. After 11 years of teaching I left the classroom to enjoy a short experience as a district Technology Coordinator. Though that position, I realized that I missed teaching and decided to head back to the classroom where I’ve been honored to become a Communications teacher for Southwest Technical College in Fennimore, Wisconsin. I am also an adjunct instructor for Marian University in the Educational Technology program and a presenter for CESA 3 on iPads in education. Implementing Quality Matters Andrea Schullo, WITC Quality Matters (QM) is a faculty‐centered, peer review process that is designed to certify the Julia Raehpour, CVTC quality of online and blended courses. CVTC and WITC have implemented the QM and will share their experiences. Discussion on WTCS consortium opportunities will be discussed. Andrea Schullo has been employed at WITC for 20 years in various roles as Communications Instructor, Professional Development Specialist, Tech Prep Coordinator, and currently as Curriculum Design Specialist. She has a Master’s Degree from Viterbo University in Education and a graduate certificate in E‐Learning and Online Teaching from UW Stout. Andrea is Co‐Chair of the team that is working to implement QM at WITC. Julia Raehpour has directed the Quality Matters™ initiatives at Chippewa Valley Technical College since 2009 including developing an in‐house peer review process from scratch. She presented at the annual Quality Matters Conference in 2010 on implementing QM within a union environment and has many frontline experiences to share. Before moving into an administrative role Julia taught psychology and sociology courses for 16+ years including online, hybrid, and ITV deliveries. She currently works with faculty in designing aligned curriculum, especially in online and hybrid course designs. She is delighted to facilitate with Andrea at WITC on the steps, challenges, and rewards in implementing Quality Matters. Developing & Implementing a Master Courses Program at FVTC Anne Haberkorn, FVTC This session will outline the procedure used by FVTC to dramatically reduce course data load Shana Farrell, FVTC before migrating its Bb system to a managed hosting environment. The session will describe the Elizabeth Jones, FVTC Master Courses Project, whereby instructors create and maintain master courses from which course copies are made each semester. Presenters will explain the strategic outlook/conception and messaging from the administration standpoint, organization, operational planning, and procedures from the support team standpoint, and instructional design and training from the faculty standpoint. Anne Haberkorn works at Fox Valley Technical College as the Dean of Information Technologies and Distance Education. At the College, Anne supports supply chain and lean manufacturing instructors, information technology programs, and distance learning. Prior to working at FVTC, Anne gained industry‐related experience at Oshkosh B ’Gosh, Appleton Papers, and Kimberly Clark. Anne earned a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from the University of Wisconsin‐Oshkosh and a Master’s degree in Education from the University of Wisconsin‐Stout. Anne holds a current State of Wisconsin teaching certificate. Anne is active in APICS at the local chapter and the association levels. She is a graduate of the WI Development Leadership Program and the FVTC LEAD Academy. Elizabeth Jones is the Department Chair for Curriculum, Assessment, and Flexible Learning at FVTC, where she provides training and consultation for faculty in the areas of course design, development, and delivery for traditional and distance‐based instruction. A former lawyer, Elizabeth has been a college instructor for more than twelve years. Her experience includes teaching courses at the associate, bachelor’s, and master’s degree levels in a variety of delivery formats, including traditional face‐to‐face, accelerated, hybrid, and online. Elizabeth earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in English at UTEP and a Doctorate in Jurisprudence at Texas Tech University. Shana Farrell is the Printing and Distance Learning Manager at FVTC. Since 1997, she has been in various roles including Marketing and Business and Industry Services. Shana currently manages the Printing Services department, curriculum services, and the Blackboard team. She earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Professional Communication in 1991 from Alverno College and a Master of Science degree in Management and Organizational Behavior in 2003 from Silver Lake College. 2.2 10:45 2.3 10:45 Using Prezi for your presentations Mallory Gauerke, MPTC Do you want to learn about a fun, new way to present your information in meetings or in the classroom? Come to this session to find out about Prezi. "Prezi is a cloud‐based presentation software that opens up a new world between white boards and slides. The zoomable canvas 2.4 makes it fun to explore ideas and the connections between them. The result: visually captivating 10:45 presentations that lead your audience down a path of discovery" (prezi.com/about). The session will include a short demonstration as well as hands‐on activities. Mallory Gauerke has worked in Organizational Development at Moraine Park Technical College for the last four and a half years. In her current role she provides technology assistance and training for faculty and staff and assists with the coordination and creation of online training through SkillSoft. These activities provide her with the opportunity to research and learn about new technologies that can help create a more interactive and dynamic experience in the classroom. Louis Loeffler "The World in your hands" Web‐enabled smart phones, iPods, iPads, and many other similar devices have helped to change the way we live our lives. Just as important, there are so many things we can do with hand‐held 2.5 technologies in the educational environment. Join us to learn more about these new 10:45 technologies and become immersed in the possibilities. WTCS would like to welcome Louis Loeffler as the Keynote Speaker for the 2012 WTCS Tech Expo. An Assistant Professor at Cardinal Stritch University and the Department Chair for Instructional Technology he works with students who wish to learn how to integrate technology into their teaching and learning. He consulting with schools and businesses on the integration of technology into their training. He is a father, and teacher (usually in that order) and enjoys reading, music, podcasts and photography. His Blog Tech‐Lou‐ology http://tech‐lou‐ology.blogspot.com/ provides a series of musings on technology and education – where they collide. From Web 2.0 to Social Learning and Mobile Learning, Louis has demonstrated how all these various technologies can facilitate the learning process. Blackboard Team Blackboard Learn for Course Delivery 9.1 SP8 Demo, Q&A 2.6 This sectional will demonstrate the new SP8 release of Blackboard and provide time for some Q & 10:45 A from the Blackboard Team. Page 2 of 5 5/22/2012 WTCS Tech Expo ‐ May 24, 2012 Go ask ALEKS..Empowering Students with self‐directed learning Teri Jaeger, MSTC Developmental math students enter into courses with varied math backgrounds and learning styles. See how, using ALEKS, a web‐based learning and assessment system, the focus in two of Mid‐State Technical College’s redesigned math courses is shifted from the instructor leading 3.1 students to supporting them in self‐directed learning. In this presentation view ALEKS course 12:45 content from the student view as well as reporting tools available to instructors as resources for instruction and course management. Brief Bibliography (education/professional exp, especially as it relates to your proposed session): • B.S., Mathematics, UW‐Madison, M.S. Teaching Mathematics, UW‐Oshkosh • Small business owner for 2+ years, Math/ABE Instructor at MSTC since August 2004 • Lead MSTC math instructor on NCAT Changing the Equation Grant Team (through the National Center for Academic Transformation) for developmental math instruction using ALEKS (web‐based instructional program) • Currently teaching developmental and college math courses using ALEKS program The Google Toolbox: Building blocks for better online experiences • Presentation/hands‐on demonstration of Google Products that can easily plug into online environments or classrooms as ways to expand /enhance both BlackBoard and D2L. • I will be demonstrating the use of o Google + Hangouts for meetings and collaboration, 3.2 o Google Sites for class room projects and managment, 12:45 o Google Docs and Apps that can enable collaboration and sharing on a massive level, o Google Docs + Viewer API to easily distribute content and self publish, o RSS Reader (with Feed2JS service) to provide constant feeds of the latest information • Masters in Library and Information Studies 2007 – UW‐Milwaukee • Leader and advocate for technology at WITC‐Superior and throughout the state of Wisconsin • 6 years of increasing responsibility for training, implementation and development of technology into the classroom settings. • Speaker at local, district and statewide conferences on Web 2.0, Google, Techanology • Continuing Education Instructor for WITC Superior on topics related to Social Networking Adam Brisk, WITC Ian Falu, Madison Flexible Office Hours: reaching students in more than one way This workshop presents the integration of web‐conferencing and tablet computer as an 3.3 alternative to traditional office hours. By integrating these tools, students will have more 12:45 alternatives to reach professors in a flexible environment. The advantages and disadvantages for this alternative will be discussed. Ian Falu, has a Masters in Mechanical Engineering and pursuing its PhD in the same area. Ian Falu serves as a Math Instructor for the Madison College. I have an interest in new technologies for the classroom specially in reaching students in this highly flexible environment. Bernard Pagenkopf , CVTC iPad Project 2 Bernie Pagenkopf, Electrical Power Distribution Instructor, will show you how he restructured 3.4 class so the handouts, worksheets, assignments and textbooks are accessible on the iPad. He will 12:45 also share the benefits, as well as a few obstacles, of using the iPad rather than using the traditional way of teaching. Bernie was a Journeyman Lineman for Northern States Power Co / Xcel Energy for 31 years. While he was working as a lineman, he completed his Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration at the University of Eau Claire. Bernie fully retired December 7, 2007 and enjoyed 9 months of recreational freedom. The fall of 2008 found him adjunct teaching the afternoon Electrical Power Distribution program at Chippewa Valley Technical College, which turned into a full time instructor position. Bernie realized he needed to develop his teaching skills so he enrolled in the St. Mary’s Master of Education program and graduated May, 2011. The knowledge he gained from St. Mary’s inspired him to introduce iPads into his EPD program. Jessica Brogley, SWTC Learn about Twitter Twitter has exploded into the best professional development resource for every educator. You don’t have to follow celebrities and you don’t have to tweet your day‐to‐day activities. 3.5 Thousands of teachers are using Twitter to network and share ideas. Come find out why Tweeting 12:45 is so much fun! Bring a laptop and Jessica will show you how to make an account, find teachers to follow, and even send out your first tweet. I have taught English and speech in the K‐12 setting for 11 years. During that time I developed my ability to integrate technology and work with a variety of students. 7 years ago I embarked on my first experience with digital portfolios as I had my students creating them using Dreamweaver. After 11 years of teaching I left the classroom to enjoy a short experience as a district Technology Coordinator. Though that position, I realized that I missed teaching and decided to head back to the classroom where I’ve been honored to become a Communications teacher for Southwest Technical College in Fennimore, Wisconsin. I am also an adjunct instructor for Marian University in the Educational Technology program and a presenter for CESA 3 on iPads in education. Cisco Telepresence Demonstration Mark Koxlien, Cisco Cisco video architecture is built around Cisco medianet and its unique, end‐to‐end approach to Ryan Schroeder, CDWG video strategy. It delivers a smarter network, smarter endpoints, shared media services, and cloud services. It reduces costs, simplifies management, delivers a superior user experience, and 3.6 makes the organization more agile in its use of video resources. Join us as we demonstrate Cisco 12:45 Telepresense as part of a Unified Collaboration platform that is easy to use and easy to scale for your faculty and staff. We will also discuss practical applications for using video in the classroom – Distance Learning, Online Classes and Capture, Transform, Share of recorded lectures, classes or student projects. Furthering Excellence in Faculty Development and Course Design: Quality Matters and Blackboard Partnership For faculty to be expert designers and facilitators of fully online and blended courses, organizations need an effective online curriculum to support pedagogical and technology skills 3.7 development. With Faculty Development Strategy, we work with you to design just such a 12:45 curriculum. With Course Design Strategy, we help ensure your organization delivers a high‐quality student experience and impactful learning. And Blackboard’s partnership with Quality Matters means your strategy will be grounded in nationally recognized standards for online course quality. Page 3 of 5 Blackboard Team 5/22/2012 4.1 1:45 4.2 1:45 4.3 1:45 4.4 1:45 4.5 1:45 WTCS Tech Expo ‐ May 24, 2012 Partners in patient Care Shelby Harbeck, WCTC The Institute of Medicine (IOM) declared that "health professionals should be educated to deliver Julie Brady, WCTC patient‐centered care as members of an interdisciplinary team…” Interprofessional education is a pedagogical approach which helps prepare students in various health disciplines, to provide patient care in a collaborative team environment. “Partners in Patient Care” describes the development of a simulated multiple patient experience using our Meti Pre‐Hospital, Meti Nursing, and adult ECS simulators. The collaborative experience provided an opportunity for paramedic and nursing students to provide emergency care to patients at a staged outdoor scene and continue the care through the hospital setting in our Human Patient Simulation lab. These efforts support the 2010 IOM initiatives of promoting interprofessional education and practice. Shelby is a full time nursing instructor at Waukesha County Technical College (WCTC) for the last 5 years, teaching both clinical and theory courses for the Level 4, senior level nursing students. She has over 30 years experience working in a variety of settings at Waukesha Memorial Hospital, Waukesha WI. She has taught BLS and ACLS courses for over 25 years, and has worked with METI simulation for the last 4 years. She has developed multiple scenarios and case studies to assist students with critical thinking in the clinical setting. Are you ready to be an online learner? Diane Pettis, WITC Do you have students in your online courses that are not technically or personally ready to be Lenore Knock, WITC successful? The SmarterMeasure Learning Readiness Indicator is a free, web‐based tool assessing the likelihood for a student’s success in an online and/or technology rich learning program. In this session, we’ll discuss how WITC is using SmarterMeasure to identify student skills, attitudes, and habits to help them experience online success. Then you can log in and take the SmarterMeasure assessment yourself. Diane brings real‐world experiences to the classroom with more than 20 years in the information technology field. She has worked as a systems operator, programmer/analyst, project control coordinator and consultant in information systems. As a consultant she has worked in a variety of business environments, including manufacturing, telemarketing and medical. Diane is an IBM Certified Specialist as an iSeries RPG IV Programmer and an iSeries System Operator. Lenore has been the Dean of Students at the WITC New Richmond campus for the past 7 years. She has 30 years of student affairs experience in higher education where she has devoted her energies to assessing student needs and implementing services for student success. She holds a Master’s degree in Education from the University of Illinois and is a trained StrengthsQuest facilitator. Lenore has provided Strengths sessions for students, college staff and public groups. Cindy Munson, WTC Putting it together: ITV and Student Friendly media I will demonstrate the effective combination of ITV with social media, MP4 cameras, and computerized teaching programs. Most importantly, I will demonstrate that their use is intuitive if not easy. The availability of these technologies is greater now than ever and it is important that instructors use them. This is particularly true since the bulk of our students are already using them! I began teaching full‐time at Western Technical College in the Fall of 1989 in the field of economics. After visiting ITV systems and attending instructor training in North Dakota, Utah and Oklahoma, I helped design the ITV system for our school. I was the first faculty ITV instructor and, as such, trained other instructors to use the medium. I still teach on ITV and combine those classes with the new technologies that we now have available (Facebook, MP4, Blackboard, virtual economics programs from the Council for Economic Education.) Using Voicethread to converse online Kelley Kepler, WITC VoiceThread is a web‐based, multimedia slide show used for collecting and sharing group conversations. Users can navigate through a VoiceThread and leave audio, video, and written comments – and even doodles – on the slides they are viewing. VoiceThread offers a fun alternative to the traditional online discussion board and a platform for instructors and students to create and discuss presentations. This session will share one instructor’s experience using Voicethread in an oral communication class, including research gathered and student feedback. You will also have a chance to try VoiceThread for yourself and brainstorm its potential uses in your classes. Kelley Kepler teaches communication full‐time at WITC‐New Richmond. She is passionate about technology as a teaching and learning tool and teaches all of her courses (Oral & Interpersonal Communication, Technical Reporting, Written Communication, and Success Strategies) in both online and face‐to‐face formats. In 2009, Kelley implemented WITC’s first online section of Oral & Interpersonal Communication and has made many revisions to the course since then. Kelley has a B.A. from St. Norbert College and an M.A. from the University of Minnesota Duluth. Her educational background is in English studies, educational technology, linguistics, creative writing, and music. Kelley has also worked as a reporter and editor, research assistant, and writing tutor. iBooks, Textbooks and the iPad Vin Capone, Apple Please join us as Apple reviews a few new products including: iBooks 2, iBooks Author, and the new iTunes U. iBooks 2 is Introducing an entirely new kind of textbook that’s dynamic, current, engrossing, and truly interactive. A textbook created by publishers using a new authoring tool from Apple. A textbook brought to life by iPad. iBooks Author, a new app that is free from the Mac App Store, makes it easy for writers and publishers to create incredible Multi‐Touch books complete with rich graphics, movies, 3D objects, and more. The new iTunes U offers an educator an easy way to design and distribute complete courses featuring audio, video, books, and other content. And students and lifelong learners can experience your courses for free through a powerful new app for iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch. Current Position: Account Executive in Higher Education ‐ 5 years Pre‐Apple: 20+ years of technology related sales, sales management, and marketing Page 4 of 5 Julie is a full time EMS instructor at Waukesha County Technical College (WCTC) and has taught at all levels of EMS. Experiences include hospital and pre‐hospital patient care and staff education. She has been an AHA instructor for BLS, ACLS and PALS for over 25 years and has worked with simulation for many years and has been using high‐fidelity simulation for the last 5 years. As part of facilitating the student’s simulation experiences, she has developed scenarios and promoted critical thinking with differential diagnosis and patient management. As an Apple account executive Matt is responsible for working closely with academic leadership, faculty, IT and others to educate them on the improved learning outcomes generated via the use of Apple's technology. 5/22/2012 5.1 2:45 5.2 2:45 5.3 2:45 5.4 2:45 5.5 2:45 WTCS Tech Expo ‐ May 24, 2012 Mobile Technology in the Classroom Suzanne Rathe, MSTC This session is designed to explore the use of mobile technology in the classroom. Faculty will Patty Fairchild, MSTC lead a discussion regarding the use of mobile technology in the classroom from their experiences. They will address topics such as expectations as they began using mobile technology, trials and tribulations, and how they see the use of mobile technology as a valuable component to learning. The session will include demonstrations and hands on experience with mobile technology. Participants are encouraged, not required, to bring with them devices such as iPads, tablets, iTouches, iPods, smartphones, etc. Suzanne Rathe is a General Education Instructor in Social Science at Mid‐State Technical College. She has been teaching at MSTC since January of 1996. Suzanne has earned a Master of Arts degree in Political Science from Marquette University and a Master of Science degree in Psychology from Walden University. Suzanne is an early adopter at MSTC and was a member of the first “online” team of instructors at the college. She is currently piloting the use of tablets and other mobile devices in her courses. Patty Fairchild has been involved with technology in a variety of roles, most recently as Director of College Advancement at Mid‐ State Technical College. She has an MA in Education and Technology from Clarke College and taught computer science classes prior to working primarily in distance education. Passionate about instructional design and technology, she supports and advocates for the thoughtful implementation of technology into the educational environment. Cengage TeamUP Portal Our session will be focused on Cengage Learning’s brand new TeamUP Portal, which is intended to provide both live and online, self‐paced faculty development resources intended to full‐fill continuing education requirements. Moira Lafayette, Education Director for the WTC System expressed interest in having us come to the Expo and present on this due to the growing need to provide faculty development resources within the system, and the increasing financial and staffing demands system campuses are facing to meet the needs of WTC instructors. Session attendees will be able to see the resource and how they will be able to access content at their convenience, developed in peer‐to‐peer environments, which upon completion, will provide continuing education credits. Melissa Zantello is the Executive Director and founder of TeamUP Faculty Programs. TeamUP, a part of Cengage Learning, is a group of college educators who provide peer‐to‐peer support, consulting services, and innovative faculty development Melissa is currently Faculty at the University of Phoenix and was previously a Professor of English and General Education Chair at Davenport University. Melissa holds an MA in English and an MFA in Writing from Western Michigan University. Melissa is a professional presenter and faculty development specialist who has designed and delivered workshops to thousands of college educators and administrators across the country. She is the creator of the new TeamUP Faculty Development Portal. Her vision for the Portal was to replicate the peer approach and practical strategies from faculty development workshops in a online format. The Portal content was a community effort with experienced instructors, professors, counselors, administrators, and TeamUP staff contributing their expertise and passion for education to create a unique online professional development offering. Melissa will present the three main elements of the Portal and discuss the biggest challenges for effective faculty development initiatives. Melissa Zantello Senior Director, Faculty Programs Cengage Learning Peter Moran Institutional Solutions Director Cengage Learning Kinga N. Jacobson, NWTC Adjunct Experience Club ‐ A Roadmap to Adjunct Faculty Success The presentation focuses on Northeast Wisconsin Technical College’s experience on developing adjunct faculty in teaching excellence in order to improve college wide student success. NWTC’s Adjunct Experience Club comprises 1 hour long in‐person or online sessions combined with peer networking and a comprehensive Adjunct Experience website. The basic level focuses on classroom management, student emotional engagement, collaborative learning, curriculum, critical thinking and feedback. The advanced level incorporates impactful presentation methods, Web 2.0 teaching tools, CTE educational trends and instructor philosophy, universal learning design and international CTE coursework. Session handouts are 5‐10 teaching tool cards of best instructional practices and strategies. Peter Moran B.A. – Communication Studies; Gustavus Adolphus College Over the course of the past seven plus years I have worked in various sales positions within Cengage Learning that have included emphasis on Cengage Learning faculty development service offerings. Thus, I have worked closely with Department Heads, Deans, and Administrators in aligning various Cengage offerings in this area to accommodate the needs of schools across the Central United States. In my Faculty Development Facilitator role at Northeast Wisconsin Technical College’s Center for Instructional Excellence, I focus on Adjunct Faculty development, facilitating Orientation and In Service events as well as regular development opportunities relating to classroom management, teaching strategies, collaborative learning practices, project assessment, instructional design, CTE trends and philosophy, teaching technology tools, etc. ( Adjunct Experience Club events incorporating professional development and networking – topic of WTC Tech Expo Presentation Proposal) Additionally, I serve as mentor and coach for Adjunct Faculty in their quest toward teaching excellence leading to students to success. My educational background includes a Masters Degree in Career and Technical Education and an E‐Learning and Online Teaching Graduate Certification at University of Wisconsin – Stout, a 5‐Year Wisconsin Technical College System Certification License, a BA in Business Administration and ASS in Human Resources Management. I am an actively involved in the Wisconsin Association for Career and Technical Education being responsible for online teaching within the Professional Development Committee. I presented the “Emotional Engagement for Student Success” subject at the League of Innovations National Conference in March, 2012. In my previous role as NWTC Adjunct Faculty in Business& Information Technology focusing on banking business and credit/finance I developed curriculum incorporating adult teaching strategies and modern web technologies, always aiming to deliver highly practical, real‐life scenario based curriculum that motivates and engages students. Using small group activities, mentorships and reflection exercises I facilitated learners’ deep knowledge retention leading to achieved career goals. Pat Mielke, WTC The Virtual Classroom ‐ Attendance Desired! Increase student engagement with the use of technology. Instead of feeling required to come to Brandee Ortery, WTC class, students will desire to come to class! Selecting tools that are easy to learn and fun to use allows you to adjust your curriculum plan for new and beneficial assessments as well as the demonstration of skills, abilities, and competence. We will demonstrate and discuss the use of Google in Education: Google Docs and Google Site as well as other Cool Tools on the iPad and Bamboo Tablet: Educreations, Bamboo Paper, SimpleMind, Xtranormal, Evernote, and Dropbox. Pat MBA, BS ‐ Business Administration, Management Business Management Instructor (blended and face‐to‐face) Technology Mentor and Professional Development Trainer (Blackboard ‐ Basics, utilizing rubrics, Jing, iPad apps for teaching, Wacom tablet and Flip camera. Brandee MBA; BBA ‐ Management Information Systems and Marketing. Supervisory Management Instructor (Traditional, ITV, Online, Blended, and Accelerated), Technology Mentor and Professional Development Trainer (Blackboard ‐ Basics, Discussion Board, Assignments, Wiki, & SafeAssign; Flip Video; Camtasia and Jing; Microsoft Office) NTC's Upgrade to High Definition Videoconferencing Tim Dunbar, NTC Northcentral Technical College needed to update its end‐of‐live videoconferencing system. This session will discuss the technology that will be used and some of the decisions that were made to provide the best available system for NTC’s students and staff. Tim Dunbar is a 1985 graduate from NTC has been with NTC for over 20 years, and in that time he has provided support for the college’s instructional technology. He currently oversees NTC’s telephone, e‐mail, audio/visual, and distance education systems. Page 5 of 5