Carolyn Cartier Education Ph.D. 1991 Geography, University of California, Berkeley Thesis: ‘Mercantile Cities on the South China Coast: Ningbo, Fuzhou, and Xiamen, 1840-­‐ 1930’ M.A. 1985 Geography, University of California, Berkeley Thesis: ‘Preserving Bukit China: Cultural Conflict in Historic Melaka’ A.B. 1982 (High Distinction, Phi Beta Kappa) Geography, University of California, Berkeley Honors thesis: ‘The Struggle for Kwathulay: An Historical Geography of the Karen People of Burma’. Academic Appointments 2009-­‐ Professor of Human Geography and China Studies, China Research Centre and the School of International Studies, University of Technology, Sydney 2009-­‐10 Associate Professor, Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures, University of Southern California 2002-­‐09 Associate Professor, Department of Geography, University of Southern California 1999-­‐2002 Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, University of Southern California 1994-­‐99 Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, University of Oregon 1991-­‐94 Assistant Professor, Department of Geology and Geography, Vassar College, New York 1991 Lecturer, Department of Geography, University of California, Berkeley. Visiting Appointments and Fellowships 2011-­‐ Adjunct Research Director, Australian Centre on China in the World, The Australian National University 2012 Visiting Professor, 自强特聘教授 (‘Self-­‐strengthening’ Distinguished Professor) Shanghai University 2009-­‐11 Visiting Professor, Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures, University of Southern California 2008-­‐09 Visiting Professor, China Research Centre, University of Technology, Sydney 2005-­‐06 Fulbright Scholar, CIES-­‐Fulbright Lecturer/Research Award, Hong Kong Baptist University 2004-­‐05 Fellow, Center for Interdisciplinary Research, University of Southern California 2000 Fellow, University of California Humanities Research Institute, University of California, Irvine 1998 Fellow, Oregon Humanities Center, University of Oregon 1997 Visiting Scholar, Centre for Advanced Studies, The National University of Singapore 1995 Visiting Scholar, Nanyang Research Institute, Xiamen University, China. University Administrative Appointments 2010-­‐ Member, Management Board, Australian Centre on China in the World, The Australian National University 2012-­‐14 External Examiner, M.A. in China Development Studies, University of Hong Kong 2008-­‐09 President, The Faculty Council, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Southern California (elected) 2007-­‐08 Chair, Department of Geography, University of Southern California 2003-­‐05 Coordinator, Urban and Global Studies Initiative, University of Southern California. Institutional Service Appointments 2014-­‐ Co-­‐Editor, Eurasian Geography and Economics (Taylor & Francis) 2012-­‐14 Member, Standing Review Board for the Social Sciences and Humanities, Research Grants Council, Hong Kong 2008-­‐10 Member, Fulbright-­‐Hays National Committee, Institute of International Education, New York 2008 Co-­‐Chair, International Dissertation Research Fellowship Final Selection Committee, Social Sciences Research Council, New York 2006-­‐08 Member, International Dissertation Research Fellowship Final Selection Committee, Social Sciences Research Council, New York 2000-­‐01 Chair, China Specialty Group, Association of American Geographers 1994-­‐97 Chair, Committee on the Status of Women in Geography, Association of American Geographers. Chinese Language Programs San Francisco City College, San Francisco, California (2003-­‐04) Mandarin New Asia Yale-­‐in-­‐China Language Centre, Chinese University of Hong Kong (2005-­‐06) 2 Professor Carolyn Cartier, University of Technology, Sydney Post-­‐doctoral fellow, Inter-­‐University Center for Chinese Language Study, National Taiwan University, Taipei (1996) School of Advanced International Studies, The Johns Hopkins University (1993) Inter-­‐University Program for Chinese Language Study, National Taiwan University, Taipei (1985). Current Research Projects ‘The Geography of Power in China: Urban Expansion and Administrative Empire’, Australian Research Council Discovery Project, DP120101901. Collaboration with Liu Junde, Director, Center for the Study of the Administrative Divisions of China, and Professor Emeritus, East China Normal University, Shanghai. Supplementary funding: China Scholarship Commission Visiting Fellowship (2013-­‐14), Dr. Hu De, Associate Director, Center for the Study of the Administrative Divisions of China, East China Normal University, Shanghai. Monographs in progress: Designs on Territory: Ideas from China’s Regional Worlds; Territorial Urbanization and the Party-­‐state in China ($183,000, 2012-­‐2015) ‘Culture and the City in China’, funded by the Australian Centre on China in the World. Development of primary materials for research on the National Civilized City Program in PRC; and political change and alternative art and culture in Hong Kong. Articles and monographs in preparation: Future Truth: Governmentality and the City/Region in South China; Sudden Culture: Urban Redevelopment in Hong Kong and the Aesthetics of Politics ($30,000, 2011-­‐ 2017) Current Journal Special Issue Projects ‘Inequality and Gentrification in Asia: Lost in Transposition’, invited commentaries for the Debates and Developments section of the International Journal of Urban and Regional Research ‘Transformations in the Pearl River Delta: Reform and the Future in South China’ for China Information co-­‐edited with Luigi Tomba, Australian Centre on China in the World, The Australian National University ‘Hong Kong in China/Cosmopolitan Journeys’ for Global Networks co-­‐edited with Adrian Bailey, Professor of Geography and Dean, Arts and Social Sciences, Hong Kong Baptist University. Publications Books Empire and Territory in Regional China, co-­‐edited with Tim Oakes, in preparation Geographical Thought and the Macroregion in China, in preparation The China Story Yearbook 2012: Red Rising, Red Eclipse, edited by G.R. Barmé and J. Goldkorn with C. Cartier and G. Davies, Canberra: Australian Centre on China in the World, The Australian National University, 2012. Seductions of Place: Geographical Perspectives on Globalization and Touristed Landscapes, London and New York: Routledge, edited with Alan A. Lew, 2005 3 Professor Carolyn Cartier, University of Technology, Sydney The Chinese Diaspora: Space, Place, Mobility, and Identity, Lanham, MD: Roman & Littlefield, edited with Laurence J.C. Ma, 2003 Globalizing South China, Oxford: Blackwell, 2001. Journal Articles (single author) ‘Contextual urban theory and the appeal of “gentrification”: lost in transposition?’ International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, in review ‘Model Hong Kong malls in mainland China: National networks, trasnational mode’, Global Networks, in review ‘Territorial urbanization and the Party-­‐state in China’, Territory, Politics, Governance, in review ‘What’s territorial about China? From geopolitical narratives to the administrative area economy, Eurasian Geography and Economics, 53 (2013): 55-­‐77 ‘Image, precariousness and the logic of cultural production in Hong Kong,’ PORTAL: Journal of Multidisciplinary International Studies, 9 (2012): 1-­‐19 ‘State formation and comparative area studies – Between globalization and territorialization’, The Journal of Asian Studies, 70 (2011): 965-­‐70 ‘Neoliberalization in the neoauthoritarian city in China – Contexts and research directions, Urban Geography, 33 (2011): 1110-­‐1121 ‘Urban growth, rescaling, and the spatial administrative hierarchy’, Provincial China, 3 (2011): 9-­‐33 ‘Production/consumption and the Chinese city/region: Cultural political economy and the feminist diamond ring’, Urban Geography, 30 (2009): 368-­‐390 ‘Hong Kong and the production of art in the post/colonial city’, China Information, 22 (2008): 245-­‐275 ‘Culture and the city: Hong Kong, 1997-­‐2007,’ The China Review, 8 (2008): 59-­‐83 ‘Making space for art: The culture debate and the studio arts movement in Hong Kong’, Travaux de l'Institut de Géographie de Reims, no. 129-­‐130 (2007): 101-­‐120 ‘Symbolic city-­‐regions and gendered identity formation,’ Provincial China, 8 (2003): 60-­‐77 ‘From home to hospital and back again: Economic restructuring, end of life, and the gendered problems of place-­‐switching health services,’ Social Science and Medicine, 56 (2003): 2289-­‐ 2301 ‘Land development, regulation theory, and the regional economy in south China,’ Asian Geographer, 21 (2002): 33-­‐52 4 Professor Carolyn Cartier, University of Technology, Sydney ‘Transnational urbanism in the reform era Chinese city: Landscapes from Shenzhen,’ Urban Studies, 39 (2002): 1513-­‐1532 ‘Origins and evolution of a geographical idea: The ‘macroregion’ in China,’ Modern China, 28 (2002): 79-­‐143 ‘“Zone fever”, the arable land debate, and real estate speculation: China’s evolving land use regime and its geographical contradictions,’ Journal of Contemporary China, 10 (2001): 445-­‐69 ‘Cosmopolitics and the maritime world city,’ The Geographical Review, 89 (1999): 278-­‐89 ‘The state, property development, and symbolic landscape in high rise Hong Kong,’ Landscape Research, 24 (1999): 185-­‐207 ‘Megadevelopment in Malaysia: From heritage landscapes to ‘leisurescapes’ in Melaka’s tourism sector,’ Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, 19 (1998): 151-­‐76 ‘The dead, place/space, and social activism: Constructing the nationscape in historic Melaka,’ Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 15 (1997): 555-­‐86 ‘Symbolic landscape in high rise Hong Kong,’ Focus (American Geographical Society) August, 44 (1997): 13-­‐21 ‘Conserving the built environment and generating heritage tourism in West Malaysia,’ Tourism Recreation Research, 21 (1996): 45-­‐53 ‘Singaporean investment in China: Installing the Singapore model in Su’nan,’ Chinese Environment and Development, 6 (1995): 117-­‐144 ‘Creating historic open space in Melaka,’ Geographical Review, 83 (1993): 359-­‐373 ‘Commuting in America,’ Institute of Transportation Studies Review, 11 (1988): 1-­‐3 ‘Research Symposium: Prospects for Ports,’ Institute of Transportation Studies Review, 9 (1988): 1-­‐3. Journal Articles (multiple author) ‘The information have-­‐less: Inequality, mobility, and translocal networks in Chinese cities’, Studies in Comparative International Development, 40(2005): 9-­‐34, with Manuel Castells and Jack Linchuan Qiu ‘Empowering the victim? Gender, development, and women in China under reform,’ Journal of Geography, 98(1999): 283-­‐94, with Jessica Rothenberg-­‐Aalami. Book Chapters (single author) ‘Governmentality and the urban economy: Consumption, excess and the “civilized city” in China’ in E. Jeffreys and D. Bray, eds., New Mentalities of Governance in China, London: Routledge, forthcoming 5 Professor Carolyn Cartier, University of Technology, Sydney ‘Restructuring urban space: The mall in mixed-­‐use developments’ in Stefan Al, ed., Mall Cities in Hong Kong, Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, forthcoming ‘Building civilised cities’ in Geremie R. Barmé and Jeremy Goldkorn, eds., China Story Yearbook 2013: Civilising China, Canberra: The Australian National University, 2013, pp. 256-­‐285­‐2013/chapter-­‐5-­‐building-­‐civilised-­‐ cities/ ‘Class, consumption and the economic restructuring of consumer space’, in Minglu Chen and David S.G. Goodman, eds., The Middle Class in China, London: Edward Elgar, 2012, pp. 34-­‐53 ‘Uneven development and the symbolic time/space economy’, in Yingjie. Guo and Wanning Sun, eds., Unequal China: The Political Economy and Cultural Politics of Inequality, 2012, pp. 77-­‐90 ‘Mediatization of art and culture in brand PRD™’ in Wanning Sun and Jenny Chio, eds., Local and Provincial Media in Contemporary China, London: Routledge, 2012, pp. 126-­‐42 ‘Neoliberalism at a crossroads: Transcolonial Hong Kong’ in Margit Mayer and Jenny Künkel, eds., The Urbanization of Neoliberalism: Local Space/Social Conflict, Houndsmill, Basingstroke, Hampshire, UK: Palgrave, 2011, pp. 137-­‐54. ‘The world city’ in John A. Agnew and James S. Duncan, eds., The Blackwell Companion to Human Geography, Wiley-­‐Blackwell, 2011, pp. 313-­‐324 ‘Power plays: Performance art, political life and social documentation’ in Kam Louie, ed., Hong Kong Culture: Word and Image, Hong Kong: University of Hong Kong Press, 2010, pp. 25-­‐40 ‘Cultural space/Hong Kong: Relational urban studies and the epochal state’ in Elizabeth Sinn, Wong Siu-­‐lun, and Chan Wing-­‐hoi, eds., Rethinking Hong Kong: New Paradigms, New Perspectives, Hong Kong: Centre of Asian Studies, University of Hong Kong, 2009, pp. 225-­‐243 ‘Afterword’ in Jack Lin-­‐chuan Qiu, Working-­‐Class Network Society: Communication Technology and the Information Have-­‐Less in Urban China, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2009, pp. 249-­‐52. ‘The Shanghai-­‐Hong Kong connection: Fine jewellery consumption and the demand for diamonds’ in David S.G. Goodman, ed., The New Rich in China, London: Routledge, 2008, pp. 187-­‐200 ‘City-­‐space: Scale relations and China’s spatial administrative hierarchy’ in Laurence J.C. Ma and Fulong Wu, eds. Restructuring the Chinese City: Changing Society, Economy and Space, New York: Routledge, 2005, pp. 21-­‐38 ‘Symbolic city-­‐regions and gendered identity formation’ in Tim Oakes and Lousia Schein, eds., Translocal China: Place Identity and Mobile Subjectivity, London: Routlege, 2005, pp. 254-­‐84 ‘Regional formations and transnational urbanism in south China’ in Jing Wang, ed., Locating China: Place, Space, and Popular Culture, London: Routledge, 2005, pp. 52-­‐71 6 Professor Carolyn Cartier, University of Technology, Sydney ‘Seductions of place/touristed landscapes’ in Carolyn Cartier and Alan A. Lew, eds., Seductions of Place: Geographical Perspectives on Globalization and Touristed Landscapes, London: Routledge, 2005, pp. 1-­‐19 ‘San Francisco and the left coast’ in Carolyn Cartier and Alan A. Lew eds., Seductions of Place: Geographical Perspectives on Globalization and Touristed Landscapes, London: Routledge, 2005, pp. 148-­‐68 ‘City-­‐space: scale relations and China’s spatial administrative hierarchy’ in Laurence J.C. Ma and Fulong Wu, eds., Restructuring the Chinese City: Changing Society, Economy and Space, London and New York: Routledge, 2005, pp. 21-­‐38 ‘Engendering industrialization in China under reform’ in Changing China: A Geographical Appraisal, Chiao-­‐min Hsieh and Max Lu, eds., Boulder, Co: Westview Press, 2003, pp. 268-­‐290 ‘Diaspora and social restructuring in postcolonial Malaysia’ in The Chinese Diaspora: Space, Place, Mobility, and Identity, L.J.C. Ma and C. Cartier, eds., 2003, pp. 69-­‐96 ‘Regions of diaspora’ in L.J.C. Ma and C. Cartier, eds., The Chinese Diaspora: Space, Place, Mobility, and Identity, 2003, pp. 379-­‐390 ‘Placing development: Landscape transitions in Malaysia’ in Malaysia at a Crossroads: New Perspectives in Malaysian Studies, Hazim Shah, Jomo K.S. and Phua Kai Lit, eds., Kuala Lumpur: The Malaysian Social Science Association and Penerbit UKM, 2002, pp. 300-­‐315 ‘Imaging Melaka’s global heritage’ in Interconnected Worlds: Tourism in Southeast Asia, Peggy Teo, T.C. Chang, and Ho Kong Chong, eds., Oxford: Elsevier Science, 2001, pp. 193-­‐212 ‘The role of the state’ in Thomas R. Leinbach and Richard Ulack, eds., Southeast Asia: Diversity and Development, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-­‐Hall, 1999, pp. 274-­‐301 ‘Preserving Bukit China: A cultural politics of landscape interpretation in Melaka’s Chinese cemetery’ in Elizabeth Sinn, ed., The Last Half Century of the Chinese Overseas, Hong Kong: University of Hong Kong Press, 1998, pp. 65-­‐89 ‘Women and gender in contemporary China’ in Carolyn V. Prorok and Kiran Banga Chhokar, eds., Asian Women and their Work: A Geography of Gender and Development, Indiana, PA: National Council on Geographic Education, 1998, pp. 1-­‐7. Book chapters (multiple author) ‘Symbolic cities and the “cake debate”’ in G. Barmé, J. Goldkorn, eds., with C. Cartier and G. Davies, The China Story Yearbook 2012: Red Rising, Red Eclipse, The Australian National University: Australian Centre for China in the World, 2012, pp. 25-­‐52, with Luigi Tomba­‐2012/chapter-­‐2-­‐symbolic-­‐cities-­‐and-­‐ the-­‐cake-­‐debate/ ‘Conclusions: centering tourism geography’ in Carolyn Cartier and Alan A. Lew eds., Seductions of Place: Geographical Perspectives on Globalization and Touristed Landscapes, London: Routledge, 2005, pp. 301-­‐06, with Alan Lew 7 Professor Carolyn Cartier, University of Technology, Sydney ‘Gender and development’ in Thomas R. Leinbach and Richard Ulack, eds.,Southeast Asia: Diversity and Development, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-­‐Hall, with Jessica Rothenberg-­‐ Aalami, 1999, pp. 244-­‐73. Essays on Contemporary Culture ‘與其他世界在:林嵐與藝術家駐留計劃’ and ‘With other worlds: Jaffa Lam and the artists’ residency’ in Yeung Yang, ed., 人多的地方不要去-林嵐的藝術 / Away from the Crowd – The Art of Jaffa Lam, Hong Kong: YEUNG Yang, 2013, pp. 127-­‐139 ‘Lam Yuk Lin: Works, practice and place’, in ‘The Late Version of Shan Hai Jing’, Artists in the Neighborhood Scheme IV, exhibition booklet, Hong Kong: Government of Hong Kong SAR Art Promotion Office, 2010 ‘光影別處’ and ‘Beyond luminosity’ in Carol Lee Mei-­‐kuen, Threads of Luminosity, Hong Kong: MCCM Publications, 2010, pp. 63-­‐69 ‘区域性与后殖民:香港和珠三角地区的当代艺术 (Regionalism and the postcolonial: Contemporary art in Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta)’, 当代艺术和投资 (Contemporary Art and Investment), No. 41 (2010), pp. 14-­‐17 ‘Being and event—The archive and exhibitions’, AAA Dialogue, Asia Art Archive, October, 2010, Online: ‘精英無用: 誰應參與再造公供空間 (No use for the elite: Who should participate in re-­‐creating public space?), CUP Magazine (茶杯雜誌), no. 93 (2009), pp. 158-­‐59 ‘Regional formation and the postcolonial question: Contemporary art, Hong Kong and the PRD’, AAA Dialogue, Asia Art Archive, September, 2009. Online: ‘Beyond luminosity’ introduction to the exhibit of artworks by Carol Lee, booklet, Fotanian Open Studios, Hong Kong: Carol Lee, 2008 ‘Geography and Gender’, course description, Vassar College catalog, reprinted in ‘On Society: PC Crimes and Misdemeanors’, US News and World Report, Feb. 12, 1996, p. 19. Book Reviews ‘Making Capitalism in Rural China: A Review’­‐capitalism-­‐in-­‐rural-­‐china-­‐a-­‐review/ 2013 ‘Beijing Record: A Physical and Political History of Planning Modern Beijing’ by Wang Jun, The China Journal, 69 (2012): 16-­‐17 ‘The Great Urban Transformation: Politics of Land and Property in China’ by You-­‐Tien Hsing, The China Quarterly, no. 205 (2011). pp. 178-­‐79 ‘Shanghai Rising: State Power and Local Transformations in a Global Megacity’ edited by Xiangming Chen, Urban Geography, 32 (2011): 606-­‐607 8 Professor Carolyn Cartier, University of Technology, Sydney ‘Hong Kong Mobile: Making a Global Population’ edited by Helen F. Siu and Agnes S. Ku, China, Chinese Journal of Communications, 4 (2010): 256-­‐57 ‘Global Shanghai, 1850-­‐2010: A History in Fragments’ by Jeffrey N. Wasserstrom, China Information, 24(2010): 111-­‐12 ‘China’s Governmentalities: Governing Change, Changing Government’ edited by Elaine Jeffreys, U: Magazine (University of Technology, Sydney), November, 2009 ‘The Question of Women in Chinese Feminism’ by Tani E. Barlow, Women’s Studies Quarterly, 34 (2006): 471-­‐75 ‘Social Space and Governance in Urban China: The Danwei System from Origins to Reform’ by David Bray, The China Review, 6 (2006): 199-­‐202 ‘China's Living Houses: Folk Beliefs, Symbols, and Household Ornamentation’ by Ronald G. Knapp, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 93 (2003): 527-­‐28 ‘China’s Old Dwellings’ by Ronald G. Knapp, The China Quarterly, 172 (2002): 1094-­‐1096 ‘Gender and the South China Miracle’ by Ching Kwan Lee, Progress in Human Geography, 25 (2001): 330-­‐331 ‘Red Capitalism in South China: Growth and Development of the Pearl River Delta’ by George C.S. Lin, Geographical Review, 89 (1999): 461-­‐462 An ‘Erratum’, in Journal of Asian Studies on the Faure and Siu review, 56 (1997): 591 ‘Down to Earth: The Territorial Bond in South China’ edited by David Faure and Helen F. Siu, Journal of Asian Studies, 55 (1996): 979-­‐980 ‘Developing the Environment: Problems and Management’ by C.J. Barrow, Professional Geographer, 48 (1996): 469-­‐470 ‘China’s New Political Economy: The Giant Awakes’ by Susumu Yabuki, Growth and Change, 26 (1995): 645-­‐647 ‘China: Ancient Culture, Modern Land’ edited by Robert M. Murowchick, Social Sciences Quarterly, September, 76 (1995): 695-­‐697 ‘Passing Strange and Wonderful’ by Yi-­‐fu Tuan, Geographical Review, 84 (1994): 342-­‐343 ‘Chinese Landscapes: The Village as Place’ by Ronald Knapp, ed., Geographical Review, 83 (1993): 492-­‐494 ‘Tokyo: Changing Profile of an Urban Giant’ by Roman Cybriwsky, Geographical Review, 83 (1993): 104-­‐106 ‘China: People and Places in the Land of One Billion’ by Christopher J. Smith, Geographical Review, 82 (1992): 216-­‐218. Conference Proceedings 9 Professor Carolyn Cartier, University of Technology, Sydney ‘Placing Development: Landscape Transitions in Malaysia’, in Proceedings of the Second Malaysian Studies Conference, Hazim Shah, Jomo K.S. and Phua Kai Lit, eds. Kuala Lumpur, University of Malaya, Aug. 2-­‐4, 1999 (CD Rom) ‘The Place of Asia and Pacific Geography at the University of California’, Proceedings of the International Geographical Union Committee on Geographical Education, University of Hong Kong, Aug. 6-­‐10, 1990, pp. 163-­‐168 Ferry Service on San Francisco Bay: Proceedings of a Symposium, Metropolitan Transportation Center, Oakland, June 8, 1988, with E.C. Sullivan and S. Stadfeld ITS Ports Research Symposium: Summary and Proposed Research Agenda, proceedings from a conference at U.C. Berkeley, May 26, 1986, with L. Steinman. Competitive Grants 2012-­‐15 ‘The Geography of Power in China: Urban Expansion and Administrative Empire’, Australian Research Council, Discovery Projects (DP120101901), with Liu Junde, George Lin and Minglu Chen (AU$183,000) 2010-­‐11 ‘Local Governance and the Reproduction of State Power -­‐ Urban China in Economic Transition’, Australian Social Science Association International Science Linkages Bilateral Program, with Shiuh-­‐Shen Chien and Minglu Chen (AU$7500) 2009 Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant (CI for Ph.D. candidate J. Peters), U.S. National Science Foundation, Directorate of Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences grant #0925921 ($9392) 2008-­‐09 ‘Art and Power in Contemporary South China’, University of Southern California Advancing Scholarship in the Humanities and Social Sciences Initiative ($15,000) 2006-­‐07 ‘Chinese State Power in Practice: Scale Relations and Political Economic Change in Guangdong Province’, Hong Kong Baptist University, Faculty Research Grant, Co-­‐Investigator (HK$100,000) 2006 ‘China’s Spatial Administrative Hierarchy: State Power in Practice’, Hong Kong Baptist University, Faculty Conference Grant, Principal Investigator (HK$40,000) 2005-­‐06 Fulbright Fellowship (Hong Kong Baptist University), Council on International Educational Exchange ($55,000) 2004-­‐05 ‘Space and Culture’, Center for Interdisciplinary Research Fellowship, University of Southern California (one year fellowship + $50,000 lecture series funds) 2004 ‘Comparative Information Inequality and Evolving City-­‐Regions in China’, University of Southern California, James H. Zumberge Research and Innovation Fund, with M. Castells and J. Aronsen ($50,000) 2002 ‘International Summer Program in Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta’, (East Asia supplement to the IGERT-­‐funded USC Sustainable Cities Program) National Science Foundation, IGERT PI Joe Devinny ($43,979) 10 Professor Carolyn Cartier, University of Technology, Sydney 2001 ‘Urban Transformation in China and Reorganization of the State in an Era of Si-­‐ming Li, Chair, Department of Geography, Hong Kong Baptist University, funded by the Mellon Foundation, administered by SUNY-­‐Albany ($60,000 -­‐ 3 years) 2001 ‘China and Trans-­‐Pacific Migration: New Gendered Mobilities’, University of Southern California, James H. Zumberge Research and Innovation Fund ($25,000) 2000 ‘East Asia supplement to the IGERT-­‐funded USC Sustainable Cities Program’, National Science Foundation IGERT PI Joe Devinny ($5800) 2000 ‘Health Policy and Place’, University of California Humanities Research Institute, University of California, Irvine ($14,500) 2000 alternate, ‘Rebuilding the Cities of Min: Urban Conservation and Economic Development in South China’, Fulbright-­‐Hays Faculty Research Abroad Program 1999 ‘Suburban California in South China? An Orange County Developer Builds a New City Center in China’s Largest Special Economic Zone, Southern California Studies Center, University of Southern California ($7000) 1998 ‘Globalizing South China: Regional Geography and Regional Identity Reversals’, University of Oregon, Humanities Center Research Fellowship ($8000) 1998 ‘Globalizing South China: The Historic Ports Cities’, Summer Research Award, University of Oregon ($4000) 1997 ‘Engendering Industrialization in China under Reform’, University of Oregon, Center for the Study of Women and Society, Faculty Travel Grant ($400) 1996 ‘Environmental Perception in Wetlands Conservation, Futian District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, P.R. China’, University of Oregon, Freeman Foundation ($2000) 1996 ‘Advanced Modern Chinese’, Inter-­‐University Center for Chinese Language Study, Taipei, Taiwan, Chiang Ching-­‐kuo Foundation, postdoctoral fellowship ($7250) 1995-­‐96 ‘Chinese Language in the Social Sciences’, Ford Foundation Languages across the Curriculum Grant for the University of Oregon, participant ($6000) 1994 ‘Nationalism and the Politics of Landscape Conservation, Melaka, Malaysia’, Lucy Maynard Salmon Fund, Vassar College ($3040) 1993 ‘Cartographic Support for Research in Melaka, Malaysia,’ J.R. Heimerdinger Fund, Vassar College ($1700) 1992 ‘Urbanization and Industrialization in the Asian Region,’ Mellon North Grant, Vassar College ($6500) 1992 ‘Preserving Bukit China: The Articulation of Cultural Identity in the Conservation of Historic Open Space, Melaka, Malaysia’, Association of Asian Studies Small Grant (Luce Foundation) ($3200) 11 Professor Carolyn Cartier, University of Technology, Sydney 1989 Humanities Graduate Research Grant, University of California, Berkeley ($1900) 1989 Phi Beta Kappa Graduate Research Fellowship, University of California, Berkeley ($1500, declined) 1987-­‐88 University of California Regents Fellowship, University of California, Berkeley ($6500) 1985 Foreign Languages Area Studies Fellowship, University of California, Berkeley ($5000) 1985 Society of Women Geographers Fellowship, University of California, Berkeley ($3000). Invited Lectures and Papers ‘Territory and administration’, invited meeting to prepare the Handbook of Research on Politics and Governance in China, Nanjing, 26-­‐28 May, 2014 ‘Urban China and China Studies’, First meeting of the International Consortium of Chinese Studies, Peking University, Apr. 19-­‐20, 2014 ‘Territorial urbanization and the Party-­‐state in China’, Regional Studies Association International Conference, University of California, Los Angeles, Dec. 16-­‐18, 2013 ‘Urban China and the loss of space in research design’ for the Forum: Urban China Research is Dead, Long Live Urban China Research, Department of Geography and David C. Lam Institute for East-­‐West Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University, Nov. 19, 2013 ‘Theory, area studies and the problem of the global city’, International Conference on Hong Kong, Macao and the Pearl River Delta in the Development of Contemporary China, Sun Yat-­‐ sen University, Guangzhou, China, Nov. 16, 2013 ‘Heaven and rank in Suzhou: Elite mobility and the city’, Local Elites in the Contemporary PRC, China Studies Centre, University of Sydney, Dunhuang, Sept. 2-­‐7, 2013 ‘Developmental logistics and (Leninist) governmentality in China’, Fourth Critical Studies Conference – Development, Logistics and Governance, Kolkata, Sept. 8-­‐10, 2011 ‘Global modernity, aesthetic regimes and contemporary arts organizations in Asia’, Global Asia Institute, National University of Singapore, Sept. 12-­‐13, 2011 ‘Sudden culture: Urban redevelopment in Hong Kong and a politics of aesthetics’, Urban Representations in Hong Kong: Local and Comparative Perspectives, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, Dec. 9-­‐10, 2010 ‘Regional governmentalities or territorialization with/out boundaries’, Inter-­‐Asian Connections II, the Social Sciences Research Council and the National University of Singapore, Dec. 8-­‐9, 2010 ‘Approaches to urban China: The ‘loss of space’ in research design’, International Conference on China Urban Development, University of Hong Kong, Dec. 7, 2010 ‘Huaqiao lives and landscapes: Sojourning urbanization and the built environment in 12 Professor Carolyn Cartier, University of Technology, Sydney the cities of the South China Sea’, Migration and Mobility in a Global Historical Perspective, Taipei, Aug. 25-­‐28, 2010 ‘Historical or transhistorical? Thinking about time-­‐space and the city in China’, Department of History, Pomona College, Nov. 11, 2008 ‘The struggle to make space for art in an era of creative industry: Hong Kong, Shenzhen and Shengang’, Department of Geography, UCLA, Feb. 22, 2008 ‘Power plays: Performance art and social documentation in Hong Kong’, Hong Kong Culture: Word and Image, International Conference on Hong Kong Culture, The University of Hong Kong, Dec. 6-­‐7, 2007 ‘Instant cities and ‘Confucian consumption’: Urbanization in China and its environmental consequences’, Keynote address, Annual Meetings of The National Council for Geographic Education, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Oct. 21, 2007 ‘Making space for art’, When creative industries crossover with the city, Hong Kong Institute of Planners and the Urban Planning Society of China, Hong Kong, Apr. 3, 2007 ‘Urban and regional development in China,’ Tecnológico de Monterrey – University of Technology, Sydney collaboration in China Studies, Guadalajara, Jan. 18; Puebla, Jan. 23; Mexico City, Jan. 26, 2007 ‘Culture and the city: Emergent arts districts and the culture debate’, Department of Geography, Hong Kong Baptist University, Dec. 21, 2006 ‘Culture on the edge: Emergent arts districts and the culture debate in Hong Kong’, Centre for Planning and Environmental Management, University of Hong Kong, May 24, 2006 ‘Scaling the Chinese state: Theory, state practices and the transhistorical administrative hierarchy’, Challenges of the Pearl River Delta: Inter-­‐Disciplinary Approaches to its Global-­‐ Local dynamics, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Nov. 19, 2005 ‘Two sides of development: “Civilization” and Ramsar at the Hong Kong-­‐Guangdong border’, Elizabeth Chan Cheng E-­‐Lay Academic Lecture/Seminar Series, Hong Kong Baptist University, Nov. 10, 2005 ‘Space, consumption and the world city’, global cities/world histories, The 22nd Annual History and Theory Conference, UC Irvine, March 19, 2005 ‘The information have-­‐less: Inequality, mobility and translocal networks in China’, with Jack Qiu, Studies in Comparative International Development Symposium, University of California Berkeley, February 2, 2005 ‘China and critical human geography’, Hong Kong Baptist University, Department of Geography, June 17, 2004 ‘Central frontier: China’s internal colonialism and US – PRC relations after September 11’, Ford Foundation Crossing Borders Conference: Creative Destruction, Graduate Center, The City University of New York, April 15-­‐17, 2004 13 Professor Carolyn Cartier, University of Technology, Sydney ‘Symbolic city/regions and gendered identity formation in South China’, University of Arizona, Department of Geography, February 20, 2004 ‘Opening up the West: China’s regional development policy’, Institute of Asian Affairs, Hamburg, Germany, May 8-­‐10, 2003 ‘Scaling the Chinese state’, Meeting of the Theory Sub-­‐group of the Working Group Urban Transformation in China and Reorganization of the State in an Era of Globalization, Urban China Research Network, Santa Monica, Feb. 14-­‐15, 2003 ‘Reorganization of the state and changes in the urban hierarchy in an era of globalization’, Department of Geography and the Institute of Chinese Studies, University of Oxford, Oct. 2 ‘Symbolic city/regions and gendered identity formation’, The 8th China’s Provinces in Reform Workshop: Translocal China: Place-­‐Identity and Mobile Subjectivity, Haikou, China, June 3-­‐6, 2002 ‘Global and local knowledge after September 11’, Ford Foundation Workshop, CUNY Graduate Center, The City University of New York, Apr. 19-­‐20, 2002 ‘China and trans-­‐Pacific migration: New gendered mobilities’, Peking University, Association of Pacific Rim Universities Fellows Program: Human Migration in the Pacific Region: Emerging Patterns and New Opportunities, Aug. 19-­‐25 ‘Regional formations and transnational urbanism in south China’, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, Workshop: Locating China: Place, Space and Popular Culture, Duke University Asian/Pacific Studies Institute, UNSW-­‐UTS Centre for Research on Provincial China, and Peking University, June 18-­‐20, 2001 ‘Engendering industrialization in China under reform’, University of Southern California, Feminist Research Center, Mar. 7, 2000 ‘Imaging Melaka’s global heritage,’ National University of Singapore and the Singapore Tourism Board, ‘Interconnected Worlds: Southeast Asian Tourism in the 21st Century,’ Sept. 6-­‐7, 1999 ‘Engendered interrogations of transitional economy in China under reform’, Workshop on ‘Rethinking Economy: Alternative Accounts,’ The Australian National University, Aug. 9, 1999 ‘Landscape transitions in Southeast Asia’, Southeast Asian Studies Summer Institute, University of Oregon, July 12-­‐17, 1999 ‘Evolving nature-­‐society relations in China under reform: Actual and discursive sites of environmental conservation’, Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies, University of Washington, Mar. 4, 1999 ‘Regional geography in an era of theoretical invigoration: Transnational arguments’, Department of Geography, University of Washington, Seattle, Mar. 5, 1999 ‘Maritime cities, cosmopolitan cultures’, Oceans Connect: Mapping a New Global Scholarship, Ford Foundation ‘Crossing Boundaries’ project, Duke University, Oct. 28-­‐31, 1999 14 Professor Carolyn Cartier, University of Technology, Sydney ‘China and transboundary economic regions’, Charles A. Lundquist School of Business, University of Oregon, Apr. 1, 1998 ‘A transhistorical region? Megadevelopment in south China under reform’, Department of Geography, Portland State University, Jan. 21, 1998 ‘A transhistorical region?: Megadevelopment in south China under reform’, Centre for Advanced Study, The National University of Singapore, Sept. 5, 1997 ‘Installing the Singapore model in Su’nan’, The Inter-­‐University Program for Chinese Language Study, National Taiwan University, July 26, 1996 (in Chinese) ‘Creating historic open space in Melaka’, International Studies in Planning Seminar Series, Cornell University, February 19, 1993 ‘Japan: Its geographical setting’, Advanced Area Studies Program in Japan, Foreign Service Institute, United States Department of State, Washington, D.C., May 14, 1993 ‘The potential for Ellen Churchill Semple’s regional geography in Asia: Case studies from Japan’, Evalyn A. Waugh Symposium, Vassar College, April 2-­‐4, 1992 Preserving Bukit China’, Rotary Club of Melaka, Malaysia, August 7, 1987. Teaching Teaching Award: Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor, University of California, Berkeley (1984). Original Syllabi Introductory courses The Local and the Global -­‐ University of California, Berkeley World Geography: Political and Economic Systems -­‐ Vassar College Introduction to Asian Studies -­‐ Vassar College Geography and Environment -­‐ University of Oregon Geopolitics -­‐ University of Southern California World Cities and Regional Development -­‐ University of Southern California China and the World -­‐ University of Southern California Upper division courses Geography of the World Economy -­‐ Vassar, UOregon, University of Southern California Environmental Problems and Solutions -­‐ San Francisco State University China and the Chinese Overseas -­‐ Vassar College Geography of East Asia -­‐ Vassar College Geography of Gender – Vassar College Political Geography -­‐ Vassar College Population and Resources -­‐ Vassar College Origin, Nature, and Problems of the Contemporary International System -­‐ Vassar College Geography of China -­‐ University of Oregon Geography of Pacific Asia -­‐ University of Oregon Environmental Alteration -­‐ University of Oregon Asia and the Global Economy -­‐ University of Southern California Culture and Place -­‐ University of Southern California 15 Professor Carolyn Cartier, University of Technology, Sydney Urban Cultural Landscape -­‐ Hong Kong Baptist University Post/Graduate seminars Teaching Methods in Geography -­‐ University of California, Berkeley Landscape/Place/Region -­‐ University of Oregon Regional Geography and Comparative Development Theory -­‐ University of Oregon CitySpace and Globalization -­‐ University of Southern California Critical Social Theory and Human Geography -­‐ University of Southern California Gender, Space and Globalization -­‐ University of Southern California The Nature of Geography -­‐ University of Southern California Research Design in Geography -­‐ University of Southern California Space/Economy and the Urbanizing Present -­‐ University of Southern California Urban Geography -­‐ Hong Kong Baptist University. Supervision and Advising Postdoctoral Fellows – University of Technology, Sydney Hu De (Ph.D. East China Normal University), 2013-­‐14 (Lecturer, East China Normal University, Shanghai) Mi Shih (Ph.D. Rutgers University), 2011-­‐2013 (Assistant Professor, Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Alberta) Jane Jie Zheng (Ph.D. University of Hong Kong), 2010 (Assistant Professor, Programme in Cultural Management, Chinese University of Hong Kong) Postdoctoral Fellows – University of Southern California Jack Linchuan Qiu (Ph.D., University of Southern California, 2005-­‐06) ‘Comparative Information Inequality and Evolving City-­‐Regions in the People’s Republic of China’ (Associate Professor of Communications, Chinese University of Hong Kong) Ph.D. Supervision – University of Technology, Sydney Miguel Hidalgo Martinez, in progress. ‘The Political Economy of Development in Chongqing New North Zone’ Jorge Gonzales, in progress. ‘Disaster to Opportunity: Social Capital and Sustainable Development in a Tsunami-­‐affected Community in Thailand’ Vivien Waiwan Chan, in progress. ‘Identities, Transnational Networks and Business Strategies: Chinese Women Bankers in Australia and China’ Zhang Yichi, in progress. ‘The Parlor of the Metropolis: Public Parks and Open Space in the British Concessions of China, 1842-­‐1937’. Ph.D. Supervision and Committees – University of Southern California Annenberg School of Communications Jack Linchuan Qiu 2004 ‘(Dis) connecting the Pearl River Delta: The Transformation of a Regional Telecommunications Infrastructure, 1978-­‐2002’ (Associate Professor of Communications, Chinese University of Hong Kong) Cinema and Television Belinda Baldwin 2003 ‘A New American Cinema’ (Adjunct Lecturer, SMU Meadows School 16 Professor Carolyn Cartier, University of Technology, Sydney of the Arts, Dallas, Texas) Geography Jake Peters 2011 (co-­‐director) ‘Ubuntu and the Globalization of Free Labor’ (Program Administrator, USC Dornsife, University of Southern California) Mary Roche 2004 ‘Unfinished Business: The Production of Resistance to State Violence in Los Angeles and Derry’ (Political Advisor, Sinn Fein; Lecturer, University College Cork) International Relations Fei Huang 2008 ‘The Dynamics of Regional Advantages and Disadvantages: Beijing as a Center of High-­‐tech Entrepreneurship’ David McClough 2008 ‘Understanding the Popularity of RTA Notifications to the GATT/WTO’ (Assistant Professor of Economics, Northern Ohio University) Leslie Wirpsa 2004 ‘Oil, Exploitation and Indigenous Rights: Global Regime Network Conflict in the Andes’ School of Policy, Planning and Development Zhou Yu 2005 ‘Immigrants and Housing Attainment: Different Forms of Residential Assimilation’ (Associate Professor, Family and Consumer Studies, University of Utah). M.A. Supervision – University of Southern California Geography Farid Azfar (director) 2002 ‘Spatializing Access: Technology, Globalization and the Geography of Information’ (PhD., History, Brown University; 2010-­‐12 Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow, Assistant Professor of History, Swarthmore College). Ph.D. Supervision and Committees – University of Oregon Geography Jessica Rothenberg-­‐Aalami 2002 (director) ‘Coming Full Circle? Nike Production Networks in and beyond Vietnam’ (Best Dissertation 2002, Economic Geography Specialty Group, Association of American Geographers) Becky Mansfield 2001 (director) ‘Globalizing Nature: Political and Cultural Economy of a Global Seafood Industry’ (Best Dissertation 2001, Economic Geography Specialty Group, Association of American Geographers; Professor of Geography, The Ohio State University) Yoo Jeong Hwang 1998 ‘Forest Land Distrubance and Geomorphological Effects in Korea’ Political Science Paul Thiers 1999 ‘Green Food: The Political Economy of Organic Agriculture in China’ (Associate Professor, Political Science Department, Washington State University, Vancouver, Washington). M.A. Supervision – University of Oregon Asian Studies Melissa Barnes 1998 ‘A Comparative Study of the Use of Science and Technology Parks in the Industrial Development of Taiwan and India: The Cases of Hsinchu and Bangalore’ Cass Herrin 1998 (director) ‘Integration, Ideology, and the Built Environment in Indonesia’ 17 Professor Carolyn Cartier, University of Technology, Sydney Environmental Studies Barry Cameron Brewer 1998 (director) ‘Certified Ecoforestry in British Columbia: The Development of a Small Scale System’ (Research Associate, Centre for Sustainable Community Development, Simon Fraser University) Jill Fuglister 1998 (director) ‘Portland’s Foodshed: An Assessment and Analysis of Local Food Production and its Distribution in Portland, Oregon’ (Program Officer, Meyer Memorial Trust) Christine Mitchell 1997 (director) ‘Headhunters, Harvesters, and Homelands: The Political Ecology of Development Impacts on Indonesian Borneo’ (Lecturer, Geosciences & School of Regional and Urban Planning, Florida Atlantic University) Atiya Achakulwisit 1996 (director) ‘Changing Course: A Study on Water Shortage in Thailand and Interbasin Water Transfer from the Salween Basin’ (Journalist, The Bangkok Post, Thailand) Becky Mansfield 1996 (director) ‘Growth in the Oregon Groundfish Fishery: Challenging the Tragedy of the Commons Model of Human Use of Natural Resources’ (Professor of Geography, The Ohio State University) Karen Piper 1996 ‘Refilling the Lake: The Owens Valley Option’ (Professor of English, University of Missouri-­‐Columbia) Geography Jeff Baldwin 1998 (director) ‘Tourism, Development, and Environmental Alteration in Antigua, West Indies: Wetlands Reclamation and Changing Views of Coastal Ecologies’ (Assistant Professor, Sonoma State University, Sonoma, California) Michael Goodman 1998 (director) ‘The Internationalization of the Organic Food Trade’ (Professor of Environment and Development/Human Geography, University of Reading, Reading, UK) Daphne Minton (White) 1996 ‘The Effect of Gender on Earthquake Hazard Perception among Homeowners in California and Japan’ (Ph.D., Department of Geography, University of Utah) International Studies Manynooch Nitnoi Faming 1998 ‘The Open Door Policy of the Lao Government: A Lao Way to Development’ (Ph.D. Sociology, University of Hong Kong; UNDP, Office of the Prime Minister of Laos) Political Science Hong Fang 1997 ‘Chinese Perceptions of the Environment’. University and Professional Service Referee for National and International Funding Organizations Australian Research Council, 2012-­‐ Research Grants Council, Hong Kong, 2004-­‐06, 2008-­‐14 Social Sciences Research Council, New York, 2003-­‐08 U.S. National Geographic, Committee for Research and Exploration, 1999-­‐2002 U.S. National Science Foundation, 1994, 1997, 1999, 2000, 2002, 2009, 2013, 2014 18 Professor Carolyn Cartier, University of Technology, Sydney Referee for Tenure and Promotion Cases National University of Singapore; University of California, Berkeley; University of California, Los Angeles; University of Colorado, Boulder; University of Hong Kong Editorial Boards Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 2004-­‐08 Eurasian Geography and Economics, 2014-­‐ Geographical Review, 1996-­‐2006 Space and Culture, 2002-­‐2006 Tourism Geographies, 1998-­‐2001 Urban Geography, 2008-­‐ Book Manuscript Reviews Basil Blackwell, Columbia University Press, Cornell University Press, Guilford Press, Harvard University Press, Prentice-­‐Hall, Rowman & Littlefield, Routledge, University of Hawai’i Press, University of Hong Kong Press Service Public Service 1998 Debriefing on China with the Governor of the State of Oregon, The Honorable John A. Kitzhaber, The Capitol Building, Salem, Oregon, Apr. 14 1998 Briefing for the Governor of the State of Oregon, The Honorable John A. Kitzhaber on political economic issues in China, The Capitol Building, Salem, Oregon, Jan. 22 1997 Television appearances on the Hong Kong handover, local stations KTMR and KVAL, Eugene, OR, June 28, 30 1993 Educational Testing Service (ETS), Princeton, NJ; Geography consultant for the United States Foreign Service Examination 1990 Consortium for History Education in the Schools, Graduate School of Education, University of California, Berkeley, China geography consultant for the State of California curriculum guidelines University Committees and Administration University of Technology, Sydney 2011 Cluster Advisory Group for the Exercise of Research Assessment (ERA2012) 2010-­‐13 Coordinator, Urban China Research Group, China Research Centre 2010-­‐13 Member, Research and Grants Committee, China Research Centre 2010-­‐13 Member, Public Programs Committee, China Research Centre University of Southern California 2007-­‐08 President, Faculty Council (elected) 2006-­‐09 Member, Faculty Council (elected) 2006-­‐09 Member, Steering Committee, U.S.-­‐China Institute 2006-­‐07 Chair, Graduate Caucus, Faculty Council 2006-­‐07 Member, General Education Committee 2003-­‐05 Coordinator, Urban and Global Studies Initiative, USC College 2002-­‐04 Geography Department, Director of Graduate Studies 2000-­‐02 Center for Feminist Research, Board member 2000-­‐04 Sustainable Cities Program, Faculty Affiliate and East Asia program coordinator 19 Professor Carolyn Cartier, University of Technology, Sydney University of Oregon 1998-­‐99 Center for Asian and Pacific Studies, Executive Board member 1998-­‐99 Asian Studies, Executive Board member 1998-­‐99 Southeast Asian Studies, Executive Board member 1998-­‐99 Geography Department, Director of Graduate Admissions 1997-­‐98 Geography Department, Director of Graduate Admissions 1996 Environmental Studies, Graduate Admissions Committee chair 1995-­‐98 Environmental Studies, board member 1995-­‐99 Comparative Literature, participating faculty 1995 Environmental Studies, graduate student admissions committee, member 1994-­‐99 Asian Studies, participating faculty Vassar College 1993-­‐94 Phi Beta Kappa Selection Committee, chair 1991-­‐94 Asian Studies Program, board member and faculty advisor 1991-­‐94 International Studies Program, board member and faculty advisor 1992-­‐94 Women’s Studies Program, board member and faculty advisor 1991-­‐94 Department of Geology and Geography, library representative 1992-­‐93 Phi Beta Kappa Selection Committee, member 1992-­‐93 Faculty Appeal Committee, member 1992-­‐93 Department of History, member, faculty search committee 1992-­‐93 Berkshire Women’s History Conference, member, arrangements committee Memberships in Professional Societies American Anthropological Association American Geographical Society Association of American Geographers Association of Asian Studies Australian Geographical Society Chinese Studies Association of Australia Institute of British Geographers Malaysian Social Sciences Association Regional Studies Association Society of Women Geographers (elected) May 2014 20 Professor Carolyn Cartier, University of Technology, Sydney