Institute on Medicare and Medicaid Payment Issues March 25-27, 2015 Baltimore Waterfront Marriott Hotel • Baltimore, MD Planning Committee Robert L. Roth, Program Chair Jennifer L. Evans Susan Maxson Lyons Andrew D. Ruskin Lawrence W. Vernaglia PYA has provided sponsorship in support of this program. AMERICAN HEALTH LAWYERS ASSOCIATION Institute on Medicare and Medicaid Payment Issues Make plans to join us in Baltimore! AHLA is pleased to present the Institute on Medicare and Medicaid Payment Issues. This program is the most comprehensive program available on legal issues related to reimbursement. Leading experts, including many officials from CMS, will present on topics such as Recent Developments in Fraud and Abuse Enforcement, The 340B Program, Provider-Based Status, Under Arrangements, Enrollment, and Related Medicare Requirements, Cutting Edge Stark Issues, Overpayments and Disclosures, and many more. The committee has worked very hard to offer an array of sessions that are of interest to those looking for fundamentals sessions and those looking for more intermediate/advanced sessions that will allow them to delve into their specific areas of interest. Learning Objectives Attendees will learn about: j R egulations and enforcement initiatives related to Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement j Th e impact of emerging regulatory trends, recent case law, and legislative developments on health plans and various types of health care providers j Reimbursement challenges faced by plans and providers Exhibitors: AHLA would like to thank the following companies for their support of the Medicare and Medicaid program and encourages attendees to visit their exhibit booths: j Coding Compliance Solutions j Dixon Hughes Goodman LLP j EHR 2.0 j Essential Consulting LLC j GME Solutions LLC j Government Data Services LLC j Healthcare Payment Specialists LLC j HORNE LLP j PYA Program Materials: We will not automatically be printing binders for everyone. All materials will be available on a website prior to the program and handed out on a flash drive at the program. For those who still do want the binders, they will be available for an additional fee; please order on the registration form on page 19 or online. Continuing Education: Participants will be given continuing education forms at the program. Forms must be completed and returned to AHLA staff to receive credit. AHLA is an approved sponsor of continuing legal education credits in most states. AHLA will apply for 19.3 continuing education credits (including 1.0 ethics credits) based on a 60-minute hour and 23.2 credits (including 1.2 ethics credits) based on a 50-minute hour. The number of credits approved may vary. Introductory remarks, Keynote Addresses (in some states), breaks, and luncheons are not approved for CLE credits. AHLA is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be addressed to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors, 150 Fourth Avenue North, Suite 700, Nashville, TN 37219-2417. This seminar will be worth approximately 23.0 CPE credits. AHLA will be applying for Compliance Certification Board (CCB) credits. This program is designed to be an update on developments in the area of reimbursement. There are no prerequisites or advanced preparations required to register for this group live program. Those seeking accounting credits should be familiar with the basic concepts of law and terminology associated with reimbursement in order to obtain the full educational benefit of this program. Hotel Reservations: Baltimore Marriott Waterfront Hotel 700 Aliceanna Street Baltimore, MD Reservations: (800) 266-9432 Hotel accommodations are not included in the registration fee. AHLA has reserved a block of rooms at the Marriott Waterfront Hotel at a discounted rate of $229. To make reservations, please call the hotel directly at (800) 266-9432. The group rate cutoff is March 10, 2015 and may sell out prior to this date. Travel: Association Travel Concepts (ATC) has negotiated discounts with United, Delta, Enterprise, Hertz Rental Car, Enterprise, and Dollar Rent a Car to bring you special airfares and car rental rates lower than those available to the public. Some restrictions may apply and a service fee may apply. ATC will also search for the lowest available fare on any airline. Association Travel Concepts 1-800-458-9383 | email: (follow the Member Travel links) Fax: (858) 362-3153 ATC is available for reservations from 8:30 am until 8:00 pm Eastern, Monday through Friday. Special Needs: If you have needs requiring special assistance or accommodations, including special dietary needs, or have questions about accessibility issues at the program, contact our special needs coordinator, Valerie Eshleman at (202) 833-0784 or Additional information on page 18. 2 Baltimore, MD Program Agenda Tuesday, March 24, 2015 6:30–8:30 pm Registration and Information Wednesday, March 25, 2015 7:00 am–5:45 pm Registration and Information CONCURRENT SESSIONS 8:00–10:00 am A. Fundamentals of Medicare and Medicaid Reimbursement (not repeated) Barry D. Alexander Thomas R. Barker Joel M. Hamme j History and background of the Medicare and Medicaid Programs encompassing Parts A-D j Component Pieces of the Medicare and Medicaid Programs j Historical and New Payment Systems deployed within the Medicare and Medicaid systems j Key policy and other considerations impacting Medicare and Medicaid payment systems B. Masters Level Session: Current Issues in Medicaid: Start Paying Attention (not repeated) Barbara D. A. Eyman Mark H. Gallant Charles A. Luband Craig H. Smith Megan Tinker C. Advanced Provider Enrollment–Forewarned is Forearmed (not repeated) Julie Burns Louise M. Joy Seth A. Killingbeck j New Medicare provider enrollment regulation regarding enrollment denials and billing revocations j Current status of revocations, rejections, denials, and appeals j Implementation of fingerprinting requirements j Overlap of Medicaid enrollment fees/screenings j DAB opinions j Challenging enrollment scenarios/examples 10:00–10:10 am Coffee Break, sponsored by PYA GENERAL SESSION 10:10–10:30 am Welcome and Introduction David S. Cade, AHLA CEO Lois Cornell, AHLA President-Elect Robert L. Roth, Program Planning Committee Chair 10:30–11:00 am Conference Overview: Look Back on 2014 James F. Flynn Robert L. Roth 11:00–11:30 am CMS Present and Future Issues Marc Hartstein Laurence Wilson 11:30–11:45 Updated on Office of Inspector General Initiatives Gregory E. Demske 11:45–12:20 Learn from My Mistakes Dennis M. Barry 12:20–1:35 pm Lunch on your own or attend the Regulation, Accreditation, and Payment and Health Information Technology Practice Groups Joint Luncheon OR the Payers, Plans, and Managed Care Practice Group and Behavioral Health Task Force Joint Luncheon (additional fee; limited attendance; pre-registration required; see page 18 for more information) CONCURRENT SESSIONS 1:45–3:15 pm Extended Sessions D. Medicaid: The Largest Coverage Source in the United States (not repeated) Jennifer L. Evans Gretchen M. Hammer Justin Senior Craig H. Smith j The evolution of Medicaid and key program components j Medicaid expansion: Is your state in or out? j Innovative state approaches to reforming Medicaid j Federal and state Medicaid Program Integrity efforts j Representing clients facing Medicaid program recoupments and sanctions E. Fraud and Abuse Primer for the New Health Care World (not repeated) Troy A. Barsky Joan P. Dailey Vicki L. Robinson j New to fraud and abuse law or need a refresher? Want to impress partners and clients? Interested in current enforcement and compliance trends? This session presented by government and private experts will provide an introduction to: –Who’s who in fraud and abuse law – The primary fraud and abuse statutes and regulations every health lawyer should know – Practical pointers for assessing fraud and abuse risk 3 Institute on Medicare and Medicaid Payment Issues Program Agenda –Top trends and hot issues in the changing health care environment F. Medicare Physician Fee Schedule David W. Hilgers Christina Smith Ritter Sidney S. Welch j Basic mechanisms and components of Part B reimbursement j Implications from the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule j Changes in the Sustainable Grown Rate j Perspectives from the government and Part B providers G. Meaningful Use–Stage 3 Coming, Stages 1 and 2 Compliance Samantha Burch James F. Flynn Elizabeth S. Holland j Preview of upcoming 3 Meaningful Use requirements and a review of compliance and audit issues with Stage 1 and Stage 2 attestations j CMS discussion of upcoming MU requirements j Common audit and compliance issues with Stage 1 and Stage 2 MU requirements j Penalties, hardship exceptions and changes of ownership H. Recent Developments in Fraud and Abuse Prevention and Enforcement Kevin R. Barry Edgar D. Bueno Laura F. Laemmle-Weidenfeld Janet S. Nolan j Ongoing efforts and new trends in fraud enforcement and prevention by CMS, HHS-OIG, and DOJ j CMS’ recently finalized authority to deny or revoke a provider/supplier’s Medicare enrollment j Recent OIG fraud alerts j Enforcement focus areas, including kickbacks, Stark Law, quality of care, exclusion, PODs, and clinical laboratories j Special issues arising in FCA litigation including statistical sampling, privilege, and statutes of limitation j Use of data and public information J. The Medicare DSH Payment Ing-Jye Cheng David Hoskins Christopher L. Keough j The traditional DSH payment calculation j The new DSH payment for uncompensated care j Update on DSH litigation 3:30–4:30 pm K. Introduction to Medical Coding for Payment Lawyers (not repeated) Robert A. Pelaia j The basics of procedural (CPT) coding j Evaluation & Management (E&M) coding overview j General review of diagnosis (ICD-9 and ICD-10) coding j Guidance on use of the CPT & ICD coding manuals L. Medicare Advantage–New Developments and Key Legal Issues Anne W. Hance j Policies in CMS’ annual payment notice, draft call letter, and other guidance j Challenges affecting plan-provider relationships, including risk-based and other payment arrangements M. Unraveling the Knots: Stark and Medicare Reimbursement Principles Intertwinings Elucidated Alice G. Gosfield j Understanding the differences between profit sharing and productivity in a physician group j ‘Incident to’ services and how they matter under Stark j Supervision issues in in-office ancillary services j How non-physician practitioners fit j Understanding the distinctions between reassignment and purchased services j Understanding the distinctions in the anti-markup rule and j Stark’s approach to independent contractor physicians N. ICD-10 Transition: What Health Lawyers Need to Know Julie E. Chicoine Denise J. Hall j What is ICD-10 and why is it important to the health care community? j What is the current regulatory status of ICD-10? j Update on the organizational impact–operational and finance j ICD-10 value in the world of new payment models (value based purchasing and population health) O. Update on Medicare’s Two-Midnight Rule: Where Things Stand in 2015 Marc Hartstein Mark D. Polston j The two-midnight rule–in theory and in practice j Physician order and certification requirements j Latest guidance from CMS j Update on MAC probe P. The 340B Program: Overview, Compliance, and What to Expect in the Year Ahead Ellyn Sternfield Barbara S. Williams j Overview of 340B Program requirements j Compliance issues and lessons learned from HRSA Audits j Aftermath of PhRMA v. HHS and expectations about HRSA j 340B guidance j Advocacy efforts on Capitol Hill 4 Baltimore, MD Program Agenda M. Unraveling the Knots: Stark and Medicare Reimbursement Principles Intertwinings Elucidated (repeat) 4:45–5:45 pm Q. Provider Audit Contractors (not repeated) Kimberly Brandt Mark R. Korpela Andrew B. Wachler j Background on provider audit contractors j Assessment of the enforcement environment j Review of jurisdiction and scope of review, including time periods subject to review and types of documents j Discussion of provider contractor approaches and tools j Practical advice on working with provider audit contractors and steps on reducing the likelihood of an audit 5:45–6:45 pm Celebrating Diversity+Inclusion Reception, sponsored by the AHLA Diversity+Inclusion Council (all faculty and attendees are welcome; RSVP on the registration form; see page 18 for more information) 6:45–9:30 pm Networking Reception at the American Visionary Arts Museum, sponsored by PYA (attendees, faculty, children, and registered spouses and guests welcome; transportation provided) R. Current Issues in Medicaid Supplemental Payments and Financing (not repeated) Barbara D.A. Eyman Charles A. Luband j Medicaid disproportionate share hospital (DSH) payments j Other Medicaid supplemental (eg UPL) payments j Medicaid waiver payments, including delivery system reform incentive program payments j Medicaid financing (IGTs, CPEs, and provider taxes and donations) j Impact of health reform and current regulatory issues Thursday, March 26, 2015 7:00 am–5:45 pm Registration and Information 7:00–8:15 am Continental Breakfast, sponsored by PYA (attendees, faculty, children, and registered spouses and guests welcome) 7:00–8:00 am Medicare Legislative Update: What to Expect from Congress Eric Zimmerman j Medicare Physician Payment (SGR) repeal and reform j Hospital and post-acute payment changes j Other anticipated Medicare payment and regulatory changes in 2015 and beyond S. Legal Ethics: Conflicting Laws/Conflicting Duties: Professional Responsibility Issues when Federal and State Laws are Inconsistent Andrew J. Demetriou Susan Winkler j Ethical issues confronting lawyers who are counseling clients in areas where federal and state laws conflict, such as sales of marijuana, health care marketing arrangements, and drug compounding j Appropriate scope of legal advice and services, confidentiality issues, the line between counseling clients and facilitating potential illegal conduct, and other risks for lawyers in these situations, including dealing with cash transactions CONCURRENT SESSIONS 8:15–9:45 am Extended Sessions U. Medicare Claims Appeals–Soup to Nuts (not repeated) Thomas E. Herrmann James P. Kelly Donna K. Thiel j Five appeal levels; five sets of rules j Procedural fundamentals (RAC, ZPIC, and contractor denials, deadlines, content of appeal petitions, evidence, stay of recoupment, obtaining information, solving contractor process errors, CMS as a “participating” non-party, etc.) j Advanced substantive defenses for typical appeal issues (statistical, medical necessity, limitation on liability, waiver of recovery, evidence missing from record, post-ALJ hearing difficulties, AdQIC protest letters to Medicare Appeals Council, re-openings for good cause, fraud or recently discovered material evidence, administrative remands, federal court challenges, new ADR alternatives, etc.) T. Recent Cost Report Appeal Issues Leslie Demaree Goldsmith Susan Maxson Lyons Arthur Peabody, Jr. j Recent decisions of PRRB and CMS Administrator and several issues chosen by attorneys who represent providers, Blue Cross and CMS j Cases address myriad of issues including: IME/GME, Nursing and Allied Health, Bad Debt, Wage Index, DSH, SNF Cost Limits, and PRRB Jurisdiction L. Medicare Advantage–New Developments and Key Legal Issues (repeat) 5 Institute on Medicare and Medicaid Payment Issues Program Agenda j Practical tips for special problems (initiating post-victory “recalculation,” “Section 935 Interest,” regular interest, maintaining appellant’s solvency during appeals, repetitive denials, parallel proceedings, escalations and improvisations for dealing with OMHA and MAC backlogs, getting help from CMS on contractor problems, obtaining internal QIC advisor memos, pre-hearing briefs and conferences, packaging the evidence, dealing with ALJ “neutral” experts, etc.) V. Fundamentals of Provider Enrollment Emily W.G. Towey Jeanne L. Vance j Medicare enrollment process overview by type of filing: Initial enrollments, revalidations, changes of information, changes of ownership, mergers and consolidations j Special enrollment rules for different provider types j Recent developments in enrollment: New rules, enrollment denials due to Medicare debts, Medicaid enrollment changes, CMPs for false information or omissions on enrollment forms, new forms, new MACs j Avoiding enrollment revocations: Timely reporting of changes, preparation for enrollment site visits, understanding how to respond to enrollment rejections, denials and revocations j Common Medicare enrollment problems and strategies to successfully enroll and report changes to Medicare files W. Post-Acute Care Edo Banach Colin T. Roskey j Policy objectives for 2015 and beyond j Payment and service delivery reform agenda–the IMPACT Act and the 114th Congress j Demonstrations, initiatives, opportunities, and expectations j Strategies to be successful j Legal, operational, and implementation challenges X. Hospital Inpatient PPS Update John R. Hellow Daniel Schroder Michael Treitel (invited) j Statutory changes to IPPS j What is in store for the wage index, FY 2015 IPPS rule changes, including the uncompensated care DSH and two midnight IPPS payment reduction j What‘s in store for IPPS with the upcoming budget changes other significant changes G. Meaningful Use–Stage 3 Coming, Stages 1 and 2 Compliance(repeat) H. Recent Developments in Fraud and Abuse Prevention and Enforcement (repeat) 10:00–11:00 am Y. PRRB Workshop (not repeated) Ronald S. Connelly Paul Crofton Arthur Peabody, Jr. j Mediation j PHI/non PHI j Consolidation/case management of appeals j Conduct of hearings j Documentation issues j Board exhibits j Jurisdictional briefs Z. Mental Health and Addiction Treatment: Moving Forward (not repeated) Mark Covall j The role that Medicare and Medicaid plays in covering and paying for mental health and substance use services j Implications of key federal policies and laws on access, coverage, and treatment of mental and addictive disorders j Policy initiatives to improve Medicare and Medicaid coverage and payment for persons with mental and addictive disorders AA. Provider-Based Status, Under Arrangements, Enrollment, and Related Medicare Requirements Andrew D. Ruskin Lawrence W. Vernaglia j Framework for analysis of compliance issues and transactions involving the following: Provider-based status requirements; under arrangements principle and limitations; and Medicare enrollment requirements for provider-based entities j Medicare coverage, payment, and compliance implications of provider-based status compared to freestanding status j Provider-based and related hot topics, including: Potential for overpayments or false claims act cases associated with provider-based status challenges; shared space arrangements; 340B drug discount program and provider-based departments; billing non-Medicare payers for services furnished in provider-based facilities; and joint ventures j The future of provider-based status, including the President’s 2016 Budget, MedPAC recommendation and Congress considering equalizing Medicare payment rates for ambulatory care furnished in provider-based and freestanding settings BB. Cutting Edge Stark Issues S. Craig Holden David E. Matyas j Recent Stark case developments j SDRP resolutions j Due diligence challenges-the aggressive hunt for violations j Impact of repayments on the period of disallowance j Business courtesy issues j Potential legislative changes 6 Baltimore, MD Program Agenda CC. H ot Topics in Overpayments and Stark SelfDisclosures Thomas S. Crane Lisa Ohrin Wilson Robert L. Roth j When repayment/disclosure is not voluntary–the 60-day report and repayment statute j Final Rule on implementation of 60-day statute for Medicare Parts C and D and update on Proposed Rule for Parts A and B j To which agency should you report a disclosure j Distinctions between the OIG and Self-Referral Disclosure j Protocols j Self-Referral disclosure protocol hot topics GG. Not Just for Geeks: Why You and Your Client’s Executives Need to Understand Medicare’s Change of Ownership (“CHOW”) Rules Jan Lundelius Claire F. Miley j Why CHOWs are important j CHOW situations and non-CHOWs, including the 36-month rule for Home Health Agencies j Benefits and burdens of accepting vs. rejecting automatic assignment of Medicare provider agreement j Handling licensure and payment issues in CHOWprocessing period j Obtaining a new provider agreement after rejecting automatic assignment j Medicare filing requirements and responsible parties as a result of CHOW j Combining two providers under single provider agreement j Due diligence issues to consider when entering into a CHOW O. Update on Medicare’s Two-Midnight Rule: Where Things Stand in 2015 (repeat) 11:15 am–12:15 pm DD. Primer on Researching Medicare and Medicaid Issues: Sources and Techniques (not repeated) Camille Blake-Fall Anthony H. Choe j Developing a research plan and tips to conduct research effectively and efficiently j Key primary and secondary sources for researching Medicare and Medicaid coverage and payment issues j Best practices and how to avoid pitfalls j Real-life examples of researching Medicare and Medicaid issues P. The 340B Program: Overview, Compliance, and What to Expect in the Year Ahead (repeat) S. Legal Ethics: Conflicting Laws/Conflicting Duties: Professional Responsibility Issues when Federal and State Laws Are Inconsistent (repeat) 12:15–1:35 pm Lunch on your own or attend the Accountable Care Organization and Health Care Reform Education Task Forces Joint Luncheon (additional fee; limited attendance; pre-registration required; see page 18 for more information) EE. Medicaid Expansion (not repeated) Eliot Fishman Mark H. Gallant j Updated status of state participation in Medicaid expansion initiatives j Gap-filling in non-expansion states through exchange enrollments, including the King v. Burwell case and other issues and challenges involving exchanges j Private Option/Premium Support Sec. 1115 waiver programs and the politics and economics of expansion j Regulatory and litigation developments impacting providers’ rights to adequate Medicaid reimbursement, the importance of which is magnified by Medicaid expansion FF. Standing Orders, Ordered Protocols, and Standardized Order Sets Timothy P. Blanchard Joan C. Ragsdale j Evolving policies, uncertainties and admonitions j Developing, adopting, implementing, monitoring, and updating j Initiation, authentication and related documentation j Implications for patient care, quality, efficiency, and coverage CONCURRENT SESSIONS 1:45–2:45 pm HH. Medicare Claims–Substantive and Sampling (not repeated) Steven A. Greenspan Lester J. Perling j A year in review of relevant federal case law and Medicare j Common errors of law seen at ALJ prompting a request for Appeals Council review j Latest legal developments in statistical sampling 7 JJ. Providing and Billing for Transitional and Chronic Care Management Robert Jarrin Martie Ross j History of Medicare policy regarding care management services j Detailed explanation of new billing rules for TCM and CCM and potential pitfalls Institute on Medicare and Medicaid Payment Issues Program Agenda j The role of technology in providing care management j Unique arrangements for providing centralized care management services KK. Medicare Litigation Update Robert Balderston Chris E. Rossman j Decisions impacting payment j Trends in advocacy and judicial decision-making j Judicial deference policy by federal courts as it affects Medicare litigation j Emerging issues Recent years have seen a substantial increase in the volume of jurisdictional challenges filed by the MACs and a corresponding increased number of jurisdictional decisions issued by the PRRB, many of which are now published. This session will provide a primer on basic PRRB jurisdiction principles and then turn to an examination of PRRB and judicial jurisdictional decisions issued in approximately the past twelve months. j Primer on PRRB jurisdiction j Significant PRRB jurisdiction decisions j Judicial decisions regarding PRRB jurisdiction T. Recent Cost Report Appeal Issues (repeat) N. ICD-10 Transition: What Health Lawyers Need to Know (repeat) AA. Provider-Based Status, Under Arrangements, Enrollment, and Related Medicare Requirements (repeat) BB. Cutting Edge Stark Issues (repeat) GG. Not Just for Geeks: Why You and Your Client’s Executives Need to Understand Medicare’s Change of Ownership (“CHOW”) Rules (repeat) CC. Hot Topics in Overpayments and Stark SelfDisclosures (repeat) 3:00–4:00 pm LL. PRRB Appeals–The View from the Board (not repeated) Michael W. Harty j Overview of the Office of Hearing and Appeals j Division of jurisdiction and case management j Types of cases and inventory j Board initiatives j Decisions j Alert 10 MM. Calendar Year 2015 OPPS Update Elisabeth Daniel Twi D. Jackson Esther B. Markowitz Valerie Rinkle Operational and compliance implications of the most significant OPPS payment policy changes since the payment system’s inception in 2000, including: j Implementation of comprehensive APCs j Changes in reporting of device dependent edits j New packaging policies for ancillary services and prosthetic supplies j Changes to pass-through payment process for skin substitutes j Collection of off-campus provider-based department data NN. It Don’t Mean a Thing if It Ain’t Got Jurisdiction: The Expanded Significance of Jurisdiction Practice before the PRRB Jocelyn Beer Kenneth R. Marcus Brendan G. Stuhan 4:15–5:45 pm Extended Sessions OO. Medicaid Litigation Update (not repeated) Lloyd A. Bookman Alan S. Dorn j Availability of private rights of action to challenge state Medicaid decisions and HHS approvals j Level of deference owed to state decisions and HHS approvals j Challenges to provider rate reductions j Challenges to coverage limits, reductions, exclusions: Medicaid and Olmstead issues j Third party liability issues PP. PRRB Appeals: Current Challenges (not repeated) Mark R. Korpela Melanie Marolf-Fetchik Lisa Ogilvie Stephanie A. Webster j Emerging jurisdictional trends j Group appeal pitfalls j MACs and the role of the Appeals Support Contractor j Reopenings of appealed issues j Avoiding procedural snafus QQ. Emerging Administrative Enforcement Tools Julie Burns Judith A. Waltz j CMS’ fraud prevention system and data analytics j “Recalcitrant” providers/suppliers j Medicare: Loss of billing privileges, enrollment moratoria j Payment suspensions (recent Medicaid targets as well as Medicare “sweeps” in HEAT cases) j OIG CMPs–proposed rules j Medicaid: Reciprocal terminations, suspensions j New CMS enrollment regulations (abuse of billing 8 privileges, outstanding debts) Baltimore, MD Program Agenda RR. Graduate Medical Education Thomas W. Coons Tim Johnson Lori K. Mihalich-Levin j Payment for medical education j ACA requirements for redistribution of unused resident slots and resident slots for closed hospitals j New programs and CMS restrictions j Litigation/compliance issues j The future of GME j The movement from paying for volume to paying for value J. The Medicare DSH Payment (repeat) W. Post-Acute Care (repeat) QQ. Emerging Administrative Enforcement Tools (repeat) and the implications for rural areas j Recent changes in RHCs, FQHCs, CAHs, and other Medicare programs j New CMS and ORHP innovations and programs for rural areas F. Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (repeat) V. Fundamentals of Provider Enrollment (repeat) X. Hospital Inpatient PPS Update (repeat) RR. Graduate Medical Education (repeat) 5:45–6:45 pm Reception at the Baltimore Marriott Waterfront Hotel, sponsored by PYA (attendees, faculty, children, and registered spouses and guests welcome) 9:45–10:45 am TT. Making Pay-for-Performance (P4P) Pay: Opportunities and Pitfalls of a Shifting Reimbursement Paradigm (not repeated) Daniel J. Hettich Marci A. Love Early in 2015, CMS made a “historic announcement” that it would seek to link 85 percent of all traditional Medicare payments to quality or value by 2016. As the paradigm for health care reimbursement shifts from one focused on quantity of care to one focused on quality of care, the health care industry must shift its paradigm for health care delivery to be successful. To help hospitals align health care delivery with the new pay for performance (P4P) paradigm, this session will: j The key aspects of Medicare’s three P4P programs (i.e., the Value-Based Purchasing Program, Hospital-Acquired Conditions program, and Hospital Readmission Reduction program), which together will account for 6% of Medicare reimbursement in 2015, emphasizing synergies among the programs and ways to maximize returns on quality improvement efforts j Practical advice for creating a top-to-bottom “culture of quality” while highlighting potential pitfalls 7:00 pm Life Members Networking Dinner OR Young Professionals Networking Dinner If you would like to go to dinner with some of your colleagues (everyone pays for their own dinner), RSVP on the registration form; see page 18 for more information. Friday, March 27, 2015 7:00 am–1:00 pm Registration and Information 7:00–8:00 am Continental Breakfast, sponsored by PYA (attendees, faculty, children and registered spouses and guests welcome) 7:00–7:50 am Women’s Networking Breakfast, sponsored by the Women’s Leadership Council (attendees and faculty welcome; space is limited; RSVP on the registration form; see page 18 for more information) FF. Standing Orders, Ordered Protocols, and Standardized Order Sets (repeat) JJ. Providing and Billing for Transitional and Chronic Care Management (repeat) CONCURRENT SESSION 8:00–9:30 am Extended Sessions SS. Current and Emerging Issues in Rural Medicare Policy (not repeated) Corinne Axelrod Emily J. Cook Aaron Fischbach Marge Watchorn j Medicare regulatory and payment policies and how they affect rural providers KK. Medicare Litigation Update (repeat) MM. Calendar Year 2015 OPPS Update (repeat) NN. It Don’t Mean a Thing if It Ain’t Got Jurisdiction: The Expanded Significance of Jurisdiction Practice Before the PRRB (repeat) 9 Institute on Medicare and Medicaid Payment Issues Program Agenda 11:00–11:30 am UU. Diagnostic Imaging Services Thomas W. Greeson j The regulatory focus on diagnostic test supervision rules j Key imaging related issues in 2015 HOPPS and MPFS final rules j Latest developments on Place of Service, Date of Service billing rules for interpretation services j CMS payment policies for Digital Breast Tomosynthesis and Breast Biopsy procedures VV. Long Term Care Hospitals–Regulatory Update Albert W. Shay Stephen M. Sullivan j Preparing for new LTCH-PPS Payment Criteria and Site Neutral Payment Rules beginning October 1, 2015 –Practical tips j The 2015 LTCH Moratorium, including the process for and scope of an exception. j ‘‘Improving Medicare Post-Acute Care Transformation Act of 2014’’–IMPACT –How and when will it impact LTCHs? WW. DMEPOS Supplier Practice Tips from Enrollment to Payment Jana Kolarik Anderson j Medicare enrollment pointers j OIG and CMS guidance affecting structure and referral arrangements j Licensure and documentation issues affecting payment j Compliance safeguards XX. Clinical Labs Peter M. Kazon Few providers groups have faced the types of sweeping changes that are currently facing the clinical laboratory industry. This session will review recent developments affecting laboratories, including the following: j The status of changes in the Clinical Laboratory Fee j Schedule mandated by PAMA, the Protecting Access to Medicare Act, which requires a new market based approach to laboratory testing j Other recent changes in hospital outpatient reimbursement that will affects clinical laboratory and pathology services j Draft Guidelines issued by the FDA, which could require, for the first time, that Laboratory Developed Tests be subject to premarket review by the FDA j Other areas of focus by contractors, such as Molecular Diagnostic Testing and Drugs of Abuse testing YY. FQHCs, RHCs, and CHCs: The Year in Review Kathy S. Ghiladi j Selected highlights and developments for those entities j Aspects of ACA implementation applicable to FQHCs, RHCs, and CHCs 11:45 am–12:15 pm ZZ. Emergency Services Edward R. Gaines, III Salvatore G. Rotella, Jr. j Review and analysis of case law addressing the scope of EMTALA and coverage for emergency services j Developments in payment rates for out-of-network emergency services j 5 Emergency Medicine (EM) Payment challenges and strategies in 15 minutes: – Converting the rural hospital ED into a free standing ED (FSED), in states with no Medicaid expansion –Medical debt is skyrocketing and the impacts of the TCPA and FDCPA, respectively, on collecting patient cost sharing – Medicare provider charge and payment data is now searchable on Internet—what are the implications for EM providers? –How should EM providers adopt/react to tele-medicine? – Out of network (OON) services and balance billing (BB) are under assault in state legislatures—what does it mean to EM? AAA. Home Health and Hospice Update William A. Dombi j 2015 Medicare home health and hospice payment changes j Hospice annual cap reporting requirements j New Medicare home health face-to-face physician encounter compliance changes j Value-based Purchasing in Medicare home health j Medicaid home care moves to managed care UU. Diagnostic Imaging Services (repeat) XX. Clinical Labs (repeat) YY. FQHCs, RHCs, and CHCs: The Year in Review (repeat) 12:30–1:00 pm VV. Long Term Care Hospitals–Regulatory Update (repeat) WW. DMEPOS Supplier Practice Tips from Enrollment to Payment (repeat) ZZ. Emergency Services (repeat) AAA. Home Health and Hospice Update (repeat) Adjournment 10 Baltimore, MD Program Faculty PLANNING COMMITTEE Robert L. Roth, Program Chair Hooper Lundy & Bookman PC Washington, DC Jennifer L. Evans Polsinelli PC Denver, CO Susan Maxson Lyons Deputy Associate General Counsel for Litigation US Department of Health and Human Services Office of the General Counsel CMS Division Washington, DC Andrew D. Ruskin Morgan Lewis & Bockius LLP Washington, DC Lawrence W. Vernaglia Foley & Lardner LLP Boston, MA _______________________________________ Barry D. Alexander Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough LLP Raleigh, NC Jana Kolarik Anderson Foley & Lardner LLP Jacksonville, FL Corinne Axelrod Health Insurance Specialist Hospital and Ambulatory Policy Group, CMS US Department of Health and Human Services Baltimore, MD Robert Balderston Office of General Counsel US Department of Health and Human Services Washington, DC Kevin R. Barry Office of the Inspector General US Department of Health and Human Services Washington, DC Troy A. Barsky Crowell & Moring LLP Washington, DC Jocelyn Beer Office of the General Counsel US Department of Health and Human Services Washington, DC Camille J. Blake-Fall Office of the General Counsel US Department of Health and Human Services Washington, DC Timothy P. Blanchard Blanchard Manning LLP Orcas, WA Lloyd A. Bookman Hooper Lundy & Bookman PC Los Angeles, CA Kimberly Brandt Chief Oversight Counsel US Senate Finance Committee Washington, DC Edgar D. Bueno Assistant United States Attorney, Civil Chief and Affirmative Civil Enforcement Coordinator US Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of Georgia Savannah, GA Samantha Burch Vice President of Health and IT Federation of American Hospitals Washington, DC Edo Banach Senior Advisor, Acting Director Division of Program Alignment MedicareMedicaid Coordination Office Windsor Mill, MD Julie Burns Office of the General Counsel US Department of Health and Human Services, CMS Division Baltimore, MD Thomas R. Barker Foley Hoag LLP Washington, DC Ing-Jye Cheng Deputy Director, Division of Acute Care Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Windsor Mill, MD Dennis M. Barry King & Spalding LLP (Ret.) Washington, DC Julie E. Chicoine Senior Assistant General Counsel Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center Columbus, OH 11 Anthony H. Choe Morgan Lewis & Bockius LLP Washington, DC Ronald S. Connelly Powers Pyles Sutter & Verville PC Washington, DC Emily J. Cook McDermott Will & Emery LLP Los Angeles, CA Thomas W. Coons OBER | KALER Baltimore, MD Mark Covall Executive Director National Association of Psychiatric Health Systems Washington, DC Thomas S. Crane Mintz Levin Cohn Ferris Glovsky & Popeo PC Boston, MA Paul Crofton Director, Division of Hearing and Decisions Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Windsor Mill, MD Joan P. Dailey Senior Attorney Office of the General Counsel US Department of Health and Human Services Washington, DC Elisabeth Daniel Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Windsor Mill, MD Andrew J. Demetriou Lamb & Kawakami LLP Los Angeles, CA Gregory E. Demske Chief Counsel Office of the Inspector General US Department of Health and Human Services Washington, DC William A. Dombi Vice President for Law National Association for Home Care & Hospice Washington, DC Alan S. Dorn Chief Counsel, Region V Office of General Counsel US Department of Health and Human Services Chicago, IL Institute on Medicare and Medicaid Payment Issues Program Faculty Barbara D. A. Eyman Eyman Associates PC Washington, DC Anne W. Hance McDermott Will & Emery LLP Washington, DC Peter M. Kazon Alston & Bird LLP Washington, DC Aaron Fischbach Policy Coordinator Federal Office of Rural Health Policy, HRSA US Department of Health and Human Services Rockville, MD Marc Hartstein Director, Hospital and Ambulatory Policy Group Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Windsor Mill, MD James P. Kelly Kelly Law Firm PC Atlanta, GA Eliot Fishman Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Windsor Hill, MD James F. Flynn Bricker & Eckler LLP Columbus, OH Edward R. Gaines, III Chief Compliance Officer Medical Management Professionals, Inc. Greensboro, NC Michael W. Harty PRRB Board Member, Office of Hearings/ PRRB Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Windsor Mill, MD John R. Hellow Hooper Lundy & Bookman PC Los Angeles, CA Thomas E. Herrmann Strategic Management Services LLC Alexandria, VA Mark H. Gallant Cozen O’Connor PC Philadelphia, PA Daniel J. Hettich King & Spalding LLP Washington, DC Kathy S. Ghiladi Feldesman Tucker Leifer Fidell LLP Washington, DC David W. Hilgers Husch Blackwell LLP Austin, TX Leslie Demaree Goldsmith OBER | KALER Baltimore, MD S. Craig Holden OBER | KALER Baltimore, MD Alice G. Gosfield Alice G. Gosfield & Associates PC Philadelphia, PA Elizabeth S. Holland Director, HIT Initiatives Group Office of E-Health Standards and Services Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services Windsor Mill, MD Steven A. Greenspan Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Executive Health Resources Newtown Square, PA Thomas W. Greeson Reed Smith LLP Falls Church, VA Denise J. Hall PYA Atlanta, GA Gretchen M. Hammer Medicaid Director Colorado Dept. of Health Care Policy and Financing Denver, CO Joel M. Hamme Powers Pyles Sutter & Verville PC Washington, DC Christopher L. Keough Akin Gump Washington, DC Seth A. Killingbeck HCA Nashville, TN Mark R. Korpela Director, Division of Provider Audit Operations, Office of Financial Management/ Financial Services Group Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Baltimore, MD Laura F. Laemmle-Weidenfeld Jones Day Washington, DC Marci A. Love Office of General Counsel US Department of Health and Human Services Washington, DC David Hoskins Office of General Counsel US Department of Health and Human Services Washington, DC Twi D. Jackson Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Windsor Mill, MD Robert Jarrin Senior Director, Government Affairs Qualcomm, Inc. Washington, DC Tim Johnson Greater New York Hospital Association New York, NY Louise M. Joy Joy & Young LLP Austin, TX 12 Charles A. Luband Dentons US LLP New York, NY Jan Lundelius Assistant Regional Counsel, Office of Chief Counsel Office of the General Counsel US Department of Health and Human Services Philadelphia, PA Kenneth R. Marcus Honigman Miller Schwartz and Cohn LLP Detroit, MI Esther B. Markowitz Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Windsor Mill, MD Melanie Marolf-Fetchik Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Windsor Mill, MD David E. Matyas Epstein Becker & Green PC Washington, DC Baltimore, MD Program Faculty Lori K. Mihalich-Levin Director, Hospital and GME Payment Policies, Health Care Affairs Association of American Medical Colleges Washington, DC Claire F. Miley Bass Berry & Sims PLC Nashville, TN Janet S. Nolan Deputy Associate General Counsel for Program Integrity US Department of Health and Human Services Washington, DC Lisa Ogilvie Director, Division of Jurisdiction and Case Management-PRRB Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Windsor Mill, MD Arthur Peabody, Jr. Lead Medicare Counsel Blue Cross Blue Shield Association Washington, DC Robert A. Pelaia Senior University Counsel University of Florida Jacksonville, FL Lester J. Perling Broad and Cassel Fort Lauderdale, FL Mark D. Polston King & Spalding LLP Washington, DC Joan C. Ragsdale CEO MedManagement LLC Birmingham, AL Valerie Rinkle Associate Director Navigant Consulting Seattle, WA Colin T. Roskey Alston & Bird LLP Washington, DC Michael Treitel (invited) Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Windsor Mill, MD Martie Ross PYA Overland Park, KS Jeanne L. Vance Salem & Green PC Sacramento, CA Chris E. Rossman Foley & Lardner LLP Detroit, MI Andrew B. Wachler Wachler & Associates PC Royal Oak, MI Salvatore G. Rotella, Jr. Reed Smith LLP Philadelphia, PA Judith A. Waltz Foley & Lardner LLP San Francisco, CA Daniel Schroder Health Insurance Specialist Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Windsor Mill, MD Marge Watchorn Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Windsor Mill, MD Justin Senior Medicaid Director Florida Agency for Health Care Administration Tallahassee, FL Albert W. Shay Morgan Lewis & Bockius LLP Washington, DC Craig H. Smith Hogan Lovells LLP Miami, FL Elllyn Sternfield Mintz Levin Cohn Ferris Glovsky & Popeo PC Washington, DC Brendan G. Stuhan Senior Associate Counsel Blue Cross Blue Shield Association Washington, DC Stephen M. Sullivan Sullivan Stolier Knight LC Lafayette, LA Donna K. Thiel King & Spalding LLP Washington, DC Christina Smith Ritter, PhD Deputy Director Hospital & Ambulatory Policy Group, Center for Medicare Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Windsor Hill, MC Megan Tinker Senior Counsel Office of the Inspector General US Department of Health and Human Services Washington, DC Vicki L. Robinson Senior Counselor to the Inspector General Office of the Inspector General US Department of Health and Human Services Washington, DC Emily W. G. Towey Hancock Daniel Johnson & Nagle PC Richmond, VA 13 Stephanie A. Webster Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP Washington, DC Sidney S. Welch Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP Atlanta, GA Barbara S. Williams Powers Pyles Sutter & Verville PC Washington, DC Laurence Wilson Chronic Care Policy Group Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Windsor Mill, MD Lisa Ohrin Wilson Senior Technical Advisor Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Windsor Mill, MD Susan Winkler Assistant US Attorney US Attorney’s Office Boston, MA Eric Zimmerman McDermott Will & Emery LLP Washington, DC Institute on Medicare and Medicaid Payment Issues Program at a Glance Tuesday, March 24, 2015 Registration and Information 6:30– 8:30 pm Wednesday, March 25, 2015 7:00 am– 5:45 pm 8:00– 10:00 am Registration and Information A. Fundamentals of Medicare and Medicaid Reimbursement (not repeated) C. Advanced Provider and Supplier Enrollment (not repeated) B. Masters Level Session: Current Issues in Medicaid: Start Paying Attention (not repeated) Eyman Gallant Luband Smith Tinker Alexander Barker Hamme Burns Joy Killingbeck 10:00– 10:10 am Coffee Break sponsored by PYA 10:10 am– 12:20 pm GENERAL SESSION 10:10–10:30 am Welcome and Introduction Cade, Cornell, Pavarini, Roth 10:30–11:00 am Conference Overview: Look Back on 2014 Flynn, Roth 11:00–11:30 am CMS Present and Future Issues Hartstein, Wilson 11:30–11:45 Update on Office of Inspector General Initiatives Demske 11:45–12:20 Learn from My Mistakes D. Barry 12:20– 1:35 pm 1:45– 3:15 pm Extended Sessions Lunch on your own or attend the Regulation, Accreditation, and Payment and Health Information Technology Practice Groups Joint Luncheon OR the Payers, Plans, and Managed Care Practice Group and Behavioral Health Task Force Joint Luncheon (additional fee; limited attendance; pre-registration required; see page 18 for more information) E. Fraud and Abuse D. Medicaid Expansion and Primer for the New Health Care World Maintenance: (not repeated) A View from the States (not repeated) Evans Hammer Smith Senior Barsky Dailey Robinson F. Medicare Physician Fee Schedule G. Meaningful Use– H. Recent Developments in Fraud and Abuse Stage 3 Coming, Prevention and Stages 1 and 2 Enforcement Compliance Burch Flynn Holland Hilgers Smith Ritter Welch 14 Barry Bueno Laemmle-Weidenfeld Nolan J. The Medicare DSH Payment Cheng Hoskins Keough Baltimore, MD Program at a Glance Wednesday, March 25, 2015 (continued) 3:30– 4:30 pm 4:45– 5:45 pm K. Introduction to Medical Coding for Payment Lawyers (not repeated) L. Medicare Advantage–New Developments and Key Legal Issues M. Unraveling the Knots: Stark and Medicare Reimbursement Principles Intertwinings Elucidated Pelaia Hance Gosfield Q. Provider Audit Contractors (not repeated) R. Current Issues in Medicaid Supplemental Payments and Financing (not repeated) S. Legal Ethics: Conflicting Laws/ Conflicting Duties: Professional Responsibility Issues when Federal and State Laws Are Inconsistent Eyman Luband Demetriou Winkler Brandt Korpela Wachler N. ICD-10 Transition: What Health Lawyers Need to Know O. Update on Medicare’s Two-Midnight Rule: Where Things Stand in 2015 P. The 340B Program: Overview, Compliance, and What to Expect in the Year Ahead Chicoine Hall Hartstein Polston Sternfield Williams T. Recent Cost Report Appeal Issues L. Medicare Advantage–New Developments and Key Legal Issues (repeat) M. Unraveling the Knots: Stark and Medicare Reimbursement Principles Intertwinings Elucidated (repeat) Hance Gosfield Goldsmith Lyons Peabody 5:45– 6:45 pm Celebrating Diversity+Inclusion Reception, sponsored by the AHLA Diversity+Inclusion Council (all faculty and attendees are welcome) 6:45– 9:30 pm Networking Reception at the American Visionary Arts Museum, sponsored by PYA (attendees, faculty, children, and registered spouses and guests welcome; transportation will be provided) Thursday, March 26, 2015 Registration and Information 7:00 am– 5:45 pm 7:00– 8:15 am Continental Breakfast, sponsored by PYA (attendees, faculty, children, and registered spouses and guests welcome) 7:00– 8:00 am Medicare Legislative Update: What to Expect from Congress Zimmerman 8:15– 9:45 am Extended Sessions U. Medicare Claims Appeals–Soup to Nuts (not repeated) Herrmann Kelly Thiel 10:0011:00 am Y. PRRB Workshop (not repeated) Connelly Crofton Peabody V. Fundamentals of Provider Enrollment W. Post-Acute Care X. Hospital Inpatient PPS Update G. Meaningful Use–Stage 3 Coming, Stages 1 and 2 Compliance (repeat) H. Recent Developments in Fraud and Abuse Prevention and Enforcement (repeat) Hellow Schroder Treitel (invited) Burch Flynn Holland K. Barry Bueno Laemmle-Weidenfeld Nolan CC. Hot Topics in Overpayments and Stark Self-Disclosures Towey Vance Banach Roskey Z. Mental and Addiction Treatment: Moving Forward (not repeated) AA. ProviderBased Status, Under Arrangements, Enrollment, and Related Medicare Requirements BB. Cutting Edge Stark Issues Ruskin Vernaglia Holden Matyas Covall 15 Crane Ohrin Wilson Roth O. Update on Medicare’s Two-Midnight Rule: Where Things Stand in 2015 (repeat) Hartstein Polston Institute on Medicare and Medicaid Payment Issues Program at a Glance Thursday, March 26, 2015 (continued) 11:15 am– 12:15 pm DD. Primer on Researching Medicare and Medicaid Issues: Sources and Techniques (not repeated) EE. Medicaid Expansion (not repeated) FF. Standing Orders, Ordered Protocols, and Standardized Order Sets GG. Not Just for Geeks: Why You and Your Client’s Executives Need to Understand Medicare’s Change of Ownership (“CHOW”) Rules P. The 340B Program: Overview, Compliance, and What to Expect in the Year Ahead (repeat) S. Legal Ethics: Conflicting Laws/ Conflicting Duties: Professional Responsibility Issues when Federal and State Laws Are Inconsistent (repeat) Blake-Fall Choe Fishman Gallant Blanchard Ragsdale Lundelius Miley Sternfield Williams Demetriou Winkler Lunch on your own or attend the Accountable Care Organization and Healthcare Reform Education Task Forces Joint Luncheon (additional fee; limited attendance; pre-registration required; see page 18 for more information) 12:15– 1:35 pm 1:45– 2:45 pm 3:00– 4:00 pm HH. Medicare Claims– Substantive and Sampling (not repeated) JJ. Providing and Billing for Transitional and Chronic Care Management KK. Medicare Litigation Update N. ICD-10 Transition: What Health Lawyers Need to Know (repeat) BB. Cutting Edge Stark Issues (repeat) Greenspan Perling Jarrin Ross Balderston Rossman Chicoine Hall Holden Matyas LL. PRRB Appeals–The View from the Board (not repeated) MM. Calendar Year 2015 OPPS Update NN. It Don’t Mean a Thing if It Ain’t Got Jurisdiction: The Expanded Significance of Jurisdiction Practice Before the PRRB T. Recent Cost Report Appeal Issues (repeat) AA. ProviderBased Status, Under Arrangements, Enrollment, and Related Medicare Requirements (repeat) Beer Marcus Stuhan Goldsmith Lyons Peabody GG. Not Just for Geeks: Why You and Your Client’s Executives Need to Understand Medicare’s Change of Ownership (“CHOW”) Rules (repeat) Ruskin Vernaglia Lundelius Miley QQ. Emerging Administrative Enforcement Tools RR. Graduate Medical Education J. The Medicare DSH Payment (repeat) X. Hospital Inpatient PPS Update (repeat) Coons Johnson Mihalich-Levin Cheng Hoskins Keough Hellow Schroder Treitel (invited) Daniel Jackson Markowitz Rinkle Harty 4:15– 5:45 pm Extended Sessions OO. Medicaid Litigation Update (not repeated) Bookman Dorn PP. PRRB Appeals: Current Challenges (not repeated) Korpela Marolf-Fetchik Ogilvie Webster Burns Waltz CC. Hot Topics in Overpayments and Stark SelfDisclosures (repeat) Crane Ohrin Wilson Roth 5:45– 6:45 pm Reception at the Baltimore Marriott Waterfront Hotel, sponsored by PYA (attendees, faculty, children, and registered spouses and guests welcome) 7:00 pm Life Members Networking Dinner OR Young Professionals Networking Dinner If you would like to go to dinner with some of your colleagues (everyone pays for their own dinner). See page 18 for more information; RSVP on the registration form. 16 Baltimore, MD Program at a Glance Friday, March 27, 2015 Registration and Information 7:00 am– 1:00 pm 7:00– 8:00 am Continental Breakfast, sponsored by PYA (attendees, faculty, children and registered spouses and guests welcome) 7:00– 7:50 am Women’s Networking Breakfast, sponsored by the Women’s Leadership Council (attendees and faculty welcome; RSVP on the registration form; see page 18 for more information) 8:00– 9:30 am Extended Sessions SS. Current and Emerging Issues in Rural Medicare Policy (not repeated) Axelrod Cook Fischbach Watchorn 9:45– 10:45 am TT. Making Payfor-Performance (P4P) Pay: Opportunities and Pitfalls of a Shifting Reimbursement Paradigm (not repeated) Hettich Love 11:00– 11:30 am UU. Diagnostic Imaging Services F. Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (repeat) V. Fundamentals of Provider Enrollment (repeat) W. Post-Acute Care (repeat) QQ. Emerging Administrative Enforcement Tools (repeat) Hilgers Welch Towey Vance Banach Roskey Burns Waltz FF. Standing Orders, Ordered Protocols, and Standardized Order Sets (repeat) JJ. Providing and Billing for Transitional and Chronic Care Management (repeat) KK. Medicare Litigation Update (repeat) MM. Calendar Year 2015 OPPS Update (repeat) Balderston Rossman Daniel Jackson Markowitz Rinkle Blanchard Ragsdale ZZ. Emergency Services Gaines Rotella 12:30– 1:00 pm NN. It Don’t Mean a Thing if It Ain’t Got Jurisdiction: The Expanded Significance of Jurisdiction Practice Before the PRRB (repeat) Beer Marcus Stuhan XX. Clinical Labs YY. FQHCs, RHCs, and CHCs: The Year in Review Kolarik Anderson Kazon Ghiladi AAA. Home Health and Hospice Update UU. Diagnostic Imaging Services (repeat) XX. Clinical Labs (repeat) YY. FQHCs, RHCs, and CHCs: The Year in Review (repeat) Dombi Greeson Kazon Ghiladi Shay Sullivan VV. Long Term Care Hospitals– Regulatory Update (repeat) Shay Sullivan Coons Johnson Mihalich-Levin WW. DMEPOS Supplier Practice Tips from Enrollment to Payment VV. Long Term Care Hospitals– Regulatory Update Greeson 11:45 am– 12:15 pm Jarrin Ross RR. Graduate Medical Education (repeat) WW. DMEPOS Supplier Practice Tips from Enrollment to Payment (repeat) Kolarik Anderson 17 ZZ. Emergency Services (repeat) Gaines Rotella AAA. Home Health and Hospice Update (repeat) Dombi Institute on Medicare and Medicaid Payment Issues Additional Program Information NETWORKING OPPORTUNITIES Dennis Smith, McKenna Long & Aldridge LLP, Washington, DC Thursday, March 26, 12:15–1:35 pm Accountable Care Organizations and the Health Care Reform Education Task Forces (joint luncheon) The Medicare Shared Savings Program—Lessons from the Past, for the Present, and into the Future Dr. Terri Postma, Medical Officer of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Windsor Mill, MD Dr. Dennis Weaver, Chief Medical Officer and Executive Vice President of The Advisory Board Company, Vernon Hills, IL Wednesday, March 25, 5:45–6:45 pm Celebrating Diversity+Inclusion Reception, sponsored by AHLA’s Diversity+Inclusion Council Celebrate, connect with one another, learn what AHLA is doing to integrate diversity throughout the Association, share, learn, network, and enjoy together. Attendees and faculty welcome; RSVP on the registration form on page 19. Practice Group Luncheons There is an additional fee, pre-registration is required, and space is limited for both of these luncheons. Register on page 19. Thursday, March 26, 7:00 pm Young Professionals Networking Dinner OR Life Member Networking Dinner Calling all young professionals OR life members! We are hosting groups for dinner together at area restaurants. Dinner will be on your own dime, but the time spent with your colleagues and AHLA leaders will be priceless. RSVP on the registration form on page 19. Wednesday, March 25, 12:20–1:35 pm Regulation, Accreditation, and Payment and Health Information and Technology Practice Group (joint luncheon) The Ever-Changing Legislative and Reimbursement Landscape that is Telemedicine Alexis Gilroy, Jones Day, Washington, DC (Moderator) Gary Capistrant, Chief Policy Officer, American Telemedicine Association, Washington, DC Jordan See, Communications Director and Chief Health Care Policy Advisor to Congressman Gregg Harper, Washington, DC Congressman Gregg Harper (Invited, R-MS), Washington, DC Friday, March 27, 7:00–7:50 am Women’s Networking Breakfast, sponsored by the Women’s Leadership Council Join us for breakfast and hear a panel of experts share their tips, advice, and takeaways on leadership, executive presence, and more. Prior to and after the panel discussion, you will have the opportunity to speak with members of the Women’s Leadership Council. There will be time to network with one another. Attendees and faculty welcome; limited space; RSVP on registration form on page 19. Payers, Plans, and Managed Care Practice Group and Behavioral Health Task Force (joint luncheon) The Changing Landscape of Medicaid Coverage of Behavioral Health Suzanne J. Scrutton, Vorys Sater Seymour and Pease LLP, Columbus, OH REGISTRATION INFORMATION Registration Fees: Postmarked and paid by March 10, 2015 $855 for the first AHLA Member $780 for each additional AHLA Member from the same organization/firm $1095 Non-Members Postmarked and paid between March 11–March 17, 2015* $980 for the first AHLA Member $905 for each additional AHLA Member from the same organization/firm $1220 Non-Members Printed Course Materials: $90 *Registration Fees increase $100 after this date. Membership: Dues are $200 for those admitted to the Bar/ graduated from college within the last four years; $320 for those admitted/graduated between four and eight years ago; and $365 for those admitted/graduated eight or more years ago. Dues are $100 for government employees and full-time academicians; $85 for paralegals, $100 for public interest professionals and $25 for fulltime law school students. Include the applicable membership fee with your registration form and take advantage of the program registration fee for members. Cancellations/Substitutions: Cancellations must be received in writing no later than March 16, 2015. Refunds will not be issued for cancellations received after this date. Registration fees, less a $125 administrative fee, will be refunded approximately 3-4 weeks following the program. If you wish to send a substitute or need more information regarding refund, complaint and program cancellation policies, please call (202) 833-1100, prompt #5. Please note that registration fees are based on the AHLA membership status of the individual who actually attends the program. 18 Baltimore, MD Registration Form 3 To register: Remit payment and completed registration form by mail to the American Health Lawyers Association • P.O. Box 79340 • Baltimore, MD 21279-0340 or fax with credit card information to (202) 775-2482. To register by phone call (202) 833-1100, prompt #2. If any program is over-subscribed, only AHLA members will be placed on a waiting list. On-site registrations will be accepted on a space-available basis only. Name:__________________________________________________________________ Member ID #:________________________________________________ First Name for Badge (if different than above):____________________________________________________________________________________________ Title:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Organization:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address:____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City:___________________________________________________________ State:__________________ ZIP+ 4:_____________________________________ Telephone: (______)__________________________________________________ Fax: (______)____________________________________________________ E-Mail:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Spouse/Guest _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ REGISTRATION INFORMATION Early Registration Fees (Postmarked and paid on or before March 10, 2015): AHLA Members: N $855 Non-Members: N $1095 Group Members: N $780 each additional member registering from same organization at same time on the same check or credit card payment Registration fees (Postmarked and paid on or before March 11-March 17, 2015): AHLA Members: N $980Non-Members: N $1220 Group Members: N $905 each additional member registering from same organization at same time on the same check or credit card payment I plan to attend: N Celebrating Diversity+Inclusion Reception, Wednesday, March 25, 5:45-6:45 pm N Young Professionals Networking Dinners, Thursday, March 26, 7:00-9:00 pm N Life Members Dinner, Thursday, March 26, 7:00-9:00 pm N Women’s Networking Breakfast, Friday, March 27, 7:00-7:50 am I will require: N Audio N Visual N Mobility N Other assistance_______________ N I have special dietary needs REGISTRATION INFORMATION Please fill in applicable amount: (Sorry! Registrations cannot be processed unless accompanied by payment.) $______________ Registration Fee $______________ RAP/HIT Practice Group Luncheon OR PPMC/Behavioral Health Task Force Practice Group Joint Luncheon–March 25 ($35 for PG Members/$45 for Non-Members) $______________ Accountable Care Organizations and Health Care Reform Education Task Forces Joint Luncheon –March 26 ($35 for AHLA Members/$45 for Non-Members) $______________ Printed Course Materials ($90) (all attendees will receive an electronic version of the course materials. Attendees may purchase the binder for an additional fee) $______________ Membership Dues (Date admitted to the bar/graduated: N N/ N N/ N N) $______________ Spouse/Guest Fee ($75) Name____________________________________ $______________ Total Enclosed N Check enclosed (Make checks payable to American Health Lawyers Association) Bill my credit card: N Á N Ò N Å N ¸ N Diners Club Number: _________________________________________________________________________ Exp. Date: N N/N N Name of Cardholder:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature of Cardholder:______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ZIP Code of Cardholder’s Billing Address _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Please Note: Should your credit card total be miscalculated, AHLA will charge your credit card for the correct amount. To receive a refund of the registration fee paid minus $125, cancellation notice must be received in writing by March 16, 2015. Fed ID No. 23-7333380 19 For updates and to register, go to March 25-27, 2015 Baltimore Waterfront Marriott Hotel • Baltimore, MD 1620 Eye Street, NW 6th Floor Washington, DC 20006-4010 Presorted Permit No. 4841 Suburban, MD U.S. Postage Paid First-Class Mail