Course Description Art is the looking glass that enables us to see into our past. The images that have been created from prehistory to our current time enable us to explore what has been valued in the history of humankind. This course will prepare students to become aware of the significant role art has played in depicting a culture’s historical, religious, social, and political views. The first term (18 weeks) covers the art from the Paleolithic through the High Renaissance era. The second term covers the art from the 16th century Renaissance through Postmodernism. Basic course objectives include (1) an extensive exploration of art images from Western and non-Western cultures, (2) the development of visual literacy through formal analysis, comparison and contrast, and the study of icons, symbols, and metaphors, (3) the development of written analysis, objective and reactive, and (4) assessing and understanding how art styles, techniques and content from the past have been repeated and modified throughout time. This course is intended to prepare students for the AP Art exam. Textbooks Art Across Time, Laurie Adam A Concise History of Art, Gardner 1 Assignments Semester 1 Lecture notes Paper: Formal analysis of artwork from a gallery or museum Power Point Presentation: Woman Artist Response essays Vocabulary quizzes Midterm Final Semester 2 Lecture notes Paper: Thematic analysis of 3 artworks from 3 time periods Power Point Presentation: Non-Western Art Response essays Vocabulary quizzes Midterm AP Final Exam (Required by all students to pass class) 15% 15% 15% 20% 15% 15% 15% 15% 15% 15% 10% 10% 15% 20% Miscellaneous Check the Art History website for weekly assignments and further reading. Attendance is mandatory. Chapter reading is mandatory. Make-up work, quizzes, and tests must be completed within 2 days of the original due date. One of the response essays will be a summary of a novel or periodical article pertaining to art history. These will be presented to the class. Semester 1 Week 1 Ch.1: Prehistory Paleolithic Response essay: Why were images and forms created? 2 Neolithic Week 2 Ch. 2: Ancient Near East Create a clay cuneiform tablet Response essay: Describing style Begin visual flash cards Week 3 Ch. 3: Ancient Egypt Ch. 4: The Aegean Vocabulary Quiz: Ch. 1-3 Begin architecture chart Week 4 Week 5 Ch. 5: Ancient Greece Ancient Greece Ancient China Add to architecture chart Vocabulary Quiz Flash cards Week 6 Ch.6: The Etruscans Ch.7: Ancient Rome Response essay: Compare and contrast the focus of Greek and Roman art Week 7 Ch.7: Ancient Rome Ancient India Vocabulary Quiz Flash cards Week 8 Ch.8: Byzantine, Jewish, and Early Christianity Week 9 Architecture chart Response essay: Junius Bassus Sarcophagus – How Does Imagery Begin to Modify? Create an Icon Midterm Ch.9: Middle Ages: Islam Ch.9: Early Middle Ages Flash cards Week 10 Ch.10: Romanesque Art Architecture chart Week 11 Ch.11: Gothic Art Paper due: Formal Analysis Essay Vocabulary Quiz Week 12 Ch.12: Precursors of the Renaissance Response Essay: The Influences of Giotto Week 13 Ch.13: Early Renaissance/Italian Power point presentation due: Woman Artist Week 14 Ch.13: Early Renaissance/Northern Flash cards Week 15 Ch.13: Early Ren. Italian/North Quiz: Comparing Italian/Northern Art Vocabulary Quiz Week 16 Ch.14: The High Renaissance Week 17 Ch.14: The High Renaissance Week 18 Review Flash cards Architecture chart Final Exam 3 Semester 2 Week 1 Ch.14: High Renaissance Review Ch.15: Mannerism Week 2 Ch. 16: 16th Century Northern Renaissance Week 3 Ch. 17: 16th Century Venetian Art Week 4 Ch.18: Baroque Art Flash cards Quiz: Comparing Italian/Northern/Venetian Styles Flash cards Vocabulary Quiz Week 5 Baroque Art Flash cards Architecture Chart Week 6 Rococo Week 7 Neoclassicism Midterm Flashcards Week 8 Romanticism Response Essay: Line vs. Color Week 9 Realism Week 10 Impressionism Week 11 Post-Impressionism Expressionism Week 12 Cubism/Futurism Week 13 Surrealism/Dada Week 14 Abstract Expressionism Flash cards Week 15 AP Art History Exam Thematic visual analysis chart Week 16 Art History-related project Week 17 Art History-related project Week 18 Art History-related project Power Point Presentation: Non-Western Art Quiz: Realist/Impressionist Artists & Styles Paper: Thematic Analysis of Artwork Presentation of projects 4