2001 NJCL Roman History Test

2001 NJCL Roman History Test
1. Which commander of the Upper Rhine plotted to set up M. Aemilius Lepidus in place of the
emperor Gaius?
A. Gn. Lentulus Gaetulicus
B. L. Apronius
C. A. Cornelius Palma
D. Q. Cornificius
2. This King of Syracuse destroyed Etruscan naval power near Cumae in 474 B.C., allowing the
Romans to take the offensive against Etruria .
A. Dionysius I B. Gelon
C. Hieron I
D. Dionysius II
3. Which emperor disuaded the king of Parthia from invading Armenia by means of a letter.
A. Trajan
B. Hadrian
C. Antoninus Pius D. M. Aurelius
4. From whom did Marius take the command against Jugurtha when he was elected consul for
107 B.C.?
A. L. Sulla Felix
B. Sp. Postumius Albinus
C. Q. Metellus Numidicus
D. L. Calpurnius Bestia
5. Which shows the correct order of the Julio-Claudian emperors after Augustus?
A. Tiberius, Claudius, Gaius, Nero
B. Claudius, Tiberius, Gaius, Nero
C. Gaius, Tiberius, Nero, Claudius
D. Tiberius, Gaius, Claudius, Nero
6. Who was the commanding general that won the battle of Magnesia in 190 B.C.?
A. Antiochus III
B. G. Livius
C. L. Scipio Asiaticus
D. Gn. Domitius Ahenobarbus
7. To which of the Kings was the Roma Quadrata layout of the city ascribed?
A. Numa Pompilius
B. Servius Tullius
C. Tarquinius Priscus
D. Tarquinius Superbus
8. Which province was NOT in revolt at the time of Hadrian’s accession
A. Britain
B. Mauretania
C. Upper Germany
D. Egypt
9. ______, consul of 195 B.C., put down the rebellion in Hither Spain and enacted long-lasting
economic reforms for both the Spain.
A. M. Porcius Cato
B. P. Scipio Africanus
C. P. Scipio Nasica
D. M. Fulvius Nobilior
10. How many curiae were in the original Comitia Curiata?
A. 30
B. 50
C. 100
D. 300
11. During the reign of which emperor was Polycarp, the bishop of Smyrna, killed?
A. Hadrian
B. Trajan
C. Antoninus Pius
D. Nero
2001 NJCL Roman History Test
12. Which Roman general presided over the destruction of Carthage in 146 B.C.?
A. P. Scipio Nasica
B. P. Scipio Aemilianus
C. L. Aemilius Paulus
D. Gn. Domitius Ahenobarbus
13. ____ obtained a command against the pirates for Gn. Pompeius Magnus in 67 B.C.
A. A. Gabinius
B. G. Manilius
C. P. Servilius Rullus
D. T. Labienus
14. During the reign of______ Avidius Cassius captured in rapid succession Edessa, Nisibis,
Ctesiphon and Seleucia.
A. Domitian
B. Trajan
C. M. Aurelius
D. Hadrian
15. What emperor led both the defeated Tetricus and Zenobia in his triumph and received the
title of Restitutor Orbis?
A. Claudius Gothicus
B. Probus
C. Diocletian
D. Aurelian
16. Which state was not allied with Roman in their war against Antiochus III?
A. Macedon
B. Carthage
C. Aetolian League D. Achaean League
17. Who was the chairman of the Decemviral Commission writing the Law of the 12 Tables?
A. T. Genucius B. L. Valerius Poplicola C. Appius Claudius D. Sp. Tarpeius
18. Who was the third of the “Good Emperors”?
A. L. Verus
B. Hadrian
C. Antoninus Pius
D. Trajan
19. With the destruction of ______ in 133, the Romans effectively finished their conquest of
A. Olisipo
B. Numantia
C. Toletum D. Ilipa
20. According to tradition, which of the following events took place in 494 B.C.?
A. The passage of laws forbidding the intermarriage of patricians and plebeians
B. The first secession of the Plebeians
C. The passage of laws forbidding enslavement for debt
D. The creation of the office of Curule Aedile
21. To whom did Antiochus III entrust the command of his fleet at the battle of Side?
A. Polyxenidas B. Hannibal
C. Eudamus D. Antiochus III
22. For his victories over the Germans and the _____, Diocletian raised Maximian to the rank of
Augustus in A.D. 286.
A. Franks
B. Burgundians C. Alemanni D. Bagaudae
2001 NJCL Roman History Test
23. Choose the list which correctly reflects the order of the battles Caesar fought in his civil war
against the Pompeians.
A. Dyrrhachium, Pharsalus, Thapsus, Munda
B. Pharsalus, Thapsus, Munda, Dyrrhachium
C. Thapsus, Munda, Dyrrhachium, Pharsalus
D. Dyrrhachium, Pharsalus, Munda, Thapsus
24. Who died at Vindobona while establishing the provinces of Sarmatia and Marcomannia?
A. Hadrian
B. Trajan
C. M. Aurelius
D. Commodus
25. Which of the following was NOT killed by (or for) Nero?
A. Agrippina the Younger
B. Britannicus
C. Afranius Burrus
D. Poppaea Sabina
26. At what battle did the Cimbri and Teutones destroy the combined forces of Gn. Mallius
Maximus and Q. Servilius Caepio?
A. Tolosa
B. Cirta C. Noreia
D. Aurausio
27. The office created in 443 of the Fasti was that of
A. Consular Tribunes.
B. Censors. C. Praetors. D. Plebeian Aedile.
28. Which of the Tetrarchs waged war against the Persian king Narses?
B. Diocletian.
C. Galerius. D. Maximian.
29. In what year did Augustus resign the consulship which he had held continuously since 31
B.C., only to resume it on rare occasions for the remainder of his rule?
A. 27 B.C.
B. 25 B.C.
C. 23 B.C.
D. 21 B.C.
30. At which battle did L. Aemilius Paulus defeat Perseus of Macedon in 168 B.C.?
A. Myonessus
B. Amamea C. Thermopylae
D. Pydna
31. The Marian partisan Q. Sertorius held much of what province in rebellion against Rome
from 77-72 B.C.?
A. Spain
B. Gallia Narbonensis
C. Illyricum D. Africa
32. Upon which enemy of Rome did Cincinnatus inflict a shattering defeat in 458 B.C.?
A. Sabines
B. Hernici
C. Aequi
D. Volsci
33. What tribune of 133 B.C. vetoed Ti. Gracchus’ legislation and was ultimately voted out of
A. G. Octavius
B. G. Atinius
C. M. Livius Drusus
D. Q. Fulvius Flaccus
34. Who was co-consul with G. Julius Caesar during his first consulship of 59 B.C.?
A. M. Licinius Crassus
B. M. Antonius
C. M. Calpurnius Bibulus
D. M. Iunius Silanus
2001 NJCL Roman History Test
35. What “second Nero” died on the last day of A.D. 192 at the hands of his favorite wrestling
A. Pertinax
B. Commodus
C. L. Verus
D. Caracalla
36. Which Roman leader captured Veii in 396 B.C.?
A. M. Furius Camillus
B. G. Servilius Ahala
C. Sp. Maelius
D. Q. Claudius Quadrigarius
37. Which rival did Constantine defeat at Saxa Rubra in A.D.312?
A. Licinius
B. Maximian
C. Maxentius
D. Galerius
38. Why were the “Donations of Alexandria” badly received in Rome?
A. Romans did not like the foreign monetary influence
B. Romans realized that the donations were actually tribute
C. The amount of the donation was only half what was promised
D. They gave Roman territory to be ruled by Cleopatra
39. Which province was NOT returned to Senatorial control in 27 B.C.?
A. Achaea
B. Bithynia C. Baetica
D. Syria
40. Where did the Senones defeat the Romans on the 18th of July, in 387 B.C.?
A. Mt. Algidus B. Allia River
C. Lake Vadimo
D. Fregellae
41. In what order did Septimius Severus defeat his rivals for the emperorship?
A. Didius Julianus, Clodius Albinus, Pescennius Niger
B. Didius Julianus, Pescennius Niger, Clodius Albinus
C. Pescennius Niger, Clodius Albinus, Didius Julianus
D. Pescennius Niger, Didius Julianus , Clodius Albinus
42. During the reign of which emperor was the election of magistrates transferred from the
Popular Assemblies to the Senate?
A. Augustus
B. Tiberius
C. Nero
D. Domitian
43. Which law abolished the consular tribuneship and restored the dual consulship?
A. Lex Licia/Sextia, 367 B.C.
B. Lex Genucia, 342 B.C.
C. Lex Publilia, 339 B.C.
D. Lex Poetelia/Papiria, 326 B.C.
44. What was the collatio lustralisof Constantine?
A. graded tax on senators based on land ownership
B. annual land tax paid by produce from the fields
C. a tax based per head as a unit of work per diem figured monthy
D. a quinquennial tax on urban merchants paid in gold and silver
45. What Sicilian slave led a revolt in 135 B.C. claiming that he was Antiochus of Syria?
A. Aristonicus
B. Eunus
C. Cleon
D. Athenion
2001 NJCL Roman History Test
46. Where did Septimius Severus defeat Clodius Albinus?
A. Antioch
B. Issus
C. Rome
D. Lugdunum
47. In 70 B.C. the orator M. Tullius Cicero prosecuted _____, the governor of Sicily for
A. M’. Aquilius
B. L. Sergius Catilina
C. Q. Metellus Celer
D. G. Antonius Hybrida
48. What did the Lex Hortensia of 287 B.C. do?
A. Increased the number of augurs and pontiffs
B. Set the maximum interest rate at 4 1/6 %.
C. Allowed the registration of city residents in the rural tribes.
D. Granted full force of law to resolutions of the Plebeian Council.
49. Which emperor first fought against the Dacians under the leadership of Decebalus?
A. Domitian
B. Claudius
C. Trajan
D. Antoninus Pius
50. An alliance with ________ caused the First Samnite War.
A. Caere
B. The Gauls
C. Tarentum
D. Capua
51. Who forced the Senate to revoke the memoriae damnatio of Commodus?
A. Didius Julianus
B. Septimius Severus
C. Pertinax
52. The Danubian legions defeat the forces of Vitellius near
A. Vesontio
B. Cremona
C. Firmum
D. Caracalla
D. Mutina
53. What were the original municipia as established after the Latin War of 340-338?
A. Cities granted full Roman citizenship.
B. Latin colonies
C. Towns granted citizenship sine suffagio
D. Roman Colonies
54. Where did the Roman commander Q. Fabius Rullianus suffer a serious defeat at the hands of
the Samnites in 315 B.C.?
A. Caudine Forks
B. Suessa Arunca
C. Casinum
D. Lautulae
55. Which was one of Marius’ reforms of the legion?
A. creation of the triple line of hastati, principes, and triarii
B. creation of the 120-man maniple
C. creation of the 500-600 man cohort.
D. addition of light-armed skirmishers to the first line of battle
56. In the reign of _______ Roman citizenship was granted to all free inhabitants of the empire.
A. Elagabalus
B. Septimius Severus
C. Severus Alexander
D. Caracalla
2001 NJCL Roman History Test
57. _____ persuaded the praetorian cohorts to support Galba by promising them large donatives
in Galba’s name.
A. C. Iulius Vindex
B. Nymphidius Sabinus
C. Faenius Rufus
D. C. Calpurnius Piso
58. Which Roman commander defeated a coalition of Samnites, Gauls, and Etruscans at
Sentinum in 295 B.C.?
A. Q. Fabius Rullianus
B. L. Scipio Barbatus
C. L. Papirius Cursor
D. M’. Curius Dentatus
59. Where did Sulla win his decisive victory over Carbo’s Samnite army in 82 B.C.?
A. Brundisium B. Nola C. Praeneste D. Colline Gate
60. Near what city did the emperor Bassianus’ troops defeat Macrinus to take the throne?
A. Carrhae
B. Antioch
C. Issus
D. Nicomedia
61. ____ brought Rome into conflict with Tarentum and their champion, Pyrrhus.
A. Paestum
B. Thurii
C. Brundisium
D. Metapontum
62. In what year did L. Mummius sack Corinth and raze it to the ground?
A. 191 B.C.
B. 183 B.C.
C. 168 B.C.
D. 146 B.C.
63. Which former consul led the mob that murdered Ti. Gracchus and 300 of his supporters?
A. P. Scipio Nasica
B. P. Popillius
C. G. Papirius Carbo
D. Metellus Macedonicus
64. Where did the Roman M. Atilius Regulus defeat the Carthaginian fleet in 256 B.C.?
A. Mylae
B. Drepana
C. Cape Ecnomus
D. Cape Hermaeum
65. At the battle near ____ the combined forces of G. Marius and Q. Lutatius Catulus defeated
the Cimbri in 101 B.C.
A. Aquae Sextiae
B. Vercellae C. Ocelum
D. Aquileia
66. Who was the Roman commander who took possession of Messana in 264B.C., thus
beginning the First Punic War?
A. G. Duilius
B. Appius Claudius Caudex
C. Manlius Vulso
D. M’. Curius Dentatus
67. Which Praetorian Prefect tried to set himself up as the successor to the emperor Tiberius?
A. Q. Sutorius Macro
B. L. Aelius Seianus
C. Cassius Chaerea
D. Ofonius Tigillinus
68. What Severan matriarch checked the caprices of Elagabalus and even took an open part in
the debates in the senate?
A. Julia Maesa
B. Julia Domna
C. Julia Mamaea
D. Julia Soaemia
2001 NJCL Roman History Test
69. Put the following battles into the correct chronological order
A. Heraclea, Beneventum, Asculum
B. Beneventum, Heraclea, Asculum
C. Asculum Heraclea, Beneventum
D. Heraclea, Asculum, Beneventum
70. Which Roman commander, the victor of Aegates Islands, negotiated peace terms with
Carthage’s representative, Hamilcar Barca?
A. P. Claudius Pulcher
B. G. Lutatius Catulus
C. L. Caecilius Metellus
D. M’. Valerius Maximus Messala
71. Which emperor added Britain to the empire?
A. Tiberius B. Caligula
C. Claudius
D. Nero
72. What was the main cause that led to the rebellion of N. Africa against Maximinus Thrax in
A.D. 238?
A. military losses in Dacia
B. resentment at a commoner usurpation of the throne
C. excessive tax collection from the large land-owners
D. attempts to confiscate land for the settlement of veterans
73. Which Roman commander and consul of 89 B.C. directed the successful siege of Asculum
in the Marsic War?
A. L. Julius Caesar
B. L. Sulla Felix
C. Gn. Pompeius Strabo
D. L. Porcius Cato
74. What nephew and adoptive son did Tiberius transfer from the German frontier to Syria
where he died, allegedly poisoned by Cn. Calpurnius Piso.
A. Germanicus
B. Drusus the Elder
C. Drusus the Elder
D. Agrippa Postumus
75. What consul of 223 B.C. decisively defeated the Insubrian Gauls in Transpadane Gaul?
A. G. Flaminius
B. M. Claudius Marcellus
C. Gn. Scipio Calvus
D. G. Hostilius Mancinus
76. The brilliance of Gordian the III’s praetorian prefect _____ stabilized the situation on the
Danube and restored the Roman position in the East.
A. D. Calvinus Balbinus
B. G. Furius Timesitheus
C. G. Fulvius Platianus
D. M. Iulius Agrippa
77. Who established the important Carthaginian base, New Carthage?
A. Hamilcar
B. Hasdrubal
C. Hannibal
D. Hanno the Great
2001 NJCL Roman History Test
78. When the Senate wished to lavish praise on a late emperor, it called him
“Felicior _______ melior _______.”
A. Augusto, Traiano.
B. Claudio, Vespasiano.
C. Traiano, Tito
D. Nerva, Augusto.
79. Where did T. Sempronius Longus, the intended invader of Africa and consular colleague of
P. Cornelius Scipio, first face Hannibal in battle?
A. Rhone River
B. Ticinus River
C. Trebia River
D. Lake Trasimene
80. Who lost some 20,000 men in the military disaster of A.D. 9 in Germany?
A. P. Quinctilius Varus
B. L. Domitius Ahenobarbus
C. M. Valerius Messlla
D. M. Julius Agrippa
81. Which emperor was highly praised by Pagan Latin writers and completely condemned by
Christian writers because he was the first to conduct a systematic persecution of Christians
throughout the empire?
A. Gallus
B. Valerian I
C. Decius
D. Philip the Arab
82. Who was the “impulsive” Magister Equitum of the dictator Q. Fabius Maximus that urged
the assembly convened to elect the new consuls to elect men who would stop delaying and bring
the war to a speedy end?
A. M. Minucius Rufus
B. G. Terentius Varro
C. Q. Fulvius Flaccus
D. G. Claudius Nero
83. What Prefect of Egypt did Augustus send in 25 B.C. to gain access to the Strait of
A. M. Licinius Crassus
B. G. Aelius Gallus
C. L. Cornelius Balbus
D. P. Sulpicius Quirinus
84. Which emperor first took the power of censor perpetuus?
A. Claudius
B. Vespasian C. Domitian
D. Commodus
85. The tribune ____ made an unsuccessful attempt to grant full Roman citizenship to the Italian
allies, and was assassinated in 91.
A. L. Marcius Philippus
B. Q. Varius
C. M. Livius Drusus
D. P. Rutilius Rufus
86. The defeat and capture of which emperor at Edessa resulted in the looting of Asia Minor and
occupation of Mesopotamia by Shapur I?
A. Gallienus
B. Valens
C. Valerian I
D. Aemilianus
2001 NJCL Roman History Test
87. Augustus promote the Lex Fufia Caninia (2 B.C.) and the Lex Aelia Sentia (A.D. 4 )
A. to try to increase the numbers of the Italian stock.
B. to increase the numbers and quality of medical doctors in Rome.
C. to decrease the number of manumitted slaves.
D. to establish procedures for the Seviri Augustales.
88. Which Numidian king allied with P. Scipio Africanus and supplied much of the allimportant cavalry for the Romans at the battle of Zama?
A. Syphax
B. Sophonisba
C. Adherbal
D. Massinissa
89. Who put down the British rebellion of Boudicca in A.D.61?
A. Q. Petillius Cerialis
B. T. Flavius Vespasianus
C. Gn. Julius Agricola
D. G. Suetonius Paulinus
90. Augustus adopted Gaius and Lucius Caesar as his heirs. Whose children were they?
A. Marcellus’ and Octavia’s
B. Drusus the Elder’s and Antonia’s
C. Agrippa’s and Julia’s
D. Tiberius’ and Julia’s
91. Whom did the Roman T. Quinctius Flamininus defeat at Cynocephalae in 197 B.C.?
A. Antiochus III
B. Philip V C. Viriathus
D. Achaean League
92. Which king invaded Asia Minor in 88 B.C. and initiated the slaughter of some 80,000
Italians in a single day?
A. Antiochus IV
B. Nicomedes III
C. Mithridates VI
D. Tigranes II
93. The Jewish revolt of Bar Kokhba occurred during the reign of the emperor ________
A. Nero
B. Vespasian C. Hadrian
D. Antoninus Pius
94. Whom did Octavian besiege in Perugia?
A. L. Antonius
B. S. Pompeius.
C. M. Antonius
95. Which Gallic leader defeated Caesar at Gergovia in 52 B.C.?
A. Ambiorix
B. Vercingetorix
C. Divitiacus
D. Q. Labienus
D. Cassivellaunus
96. Which of the following was not one of G. Gracchus’ reforms?
A. Regulation of Rome’s grain supply and price
B. Transferring of the court de rebus repetundis to the Equestrians
C. Reorganization of the tax and tribute laws in Sicily.
D. Foundation of new colonies.
97. __________ intercepted the Gauls at Naissus in A.D. 268, destroying some 50,000 there
before he was assassinated by some of his own officers?
A. Claudius
B. Macrianus
C. Gallienus
D. Aurelian
2001 NJCL Roman History Test
98. Which Roman in incorrectly matched with the year of his death?
A. Gn. Pompeius Magnus, 48 B.C.
B. G. Julius Caesar, 44 B. C.
C. M. Licinius Crassus, 54 B.C.
D. M. Tullius Cicero, 43 B. C.
99. Who commanded the fleet that defeated Sex. Pompeius near Naulochus?
A. M. Antonius
B. Octavian
C. M. Vipsanius Agrippa
D. M. Aemilius Lepidus
100. What Palmyrene king caught Shapur I on his retreat back to Persia in A.D. 260 seriously
defeating him?
A. Macrianus
B. Odaenathus
C. Callistus
D. Postumius