Bronco Ticket Office Table of Contents Welcome to the Bronco Ticket Office ..............................................................................3 Athletic Ticket Office Overview ........................................................................................5 What You Can Expect From Us.......................................................................................7 What the Ticket Office Expects from You ........................................................................7 Job Description................................................................................................................8 Standards of Conduct......................................................................................................8 UNACCEPTABLE ACTIVITIES .........................................................................................................................8 DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS ...............................................................................................................................9 CRISIS SUSPENSION ..................................................................................................................................11 Performance Reviews ...................................................................................................11 INTRODUCTORY PERIOD ............................................................................................................................11 PERFORMANCE REVIEWS...........................................................................................................................11 Employment...................................................................................................................12 AFFIRMATIVE ACTION/EEO........................................................................................................................12 AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT............................................................................................................12 OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT .............................................................................................................................12 RESIGNATION/TERMINATION ......................................................................................................................12 EXIT INTERVIEWS ......................................................................................................................................12 REFERENCE LETTERS ................................................................................................................................13 Work Schedule ..............................................................................................................14 BUSINESS HOURS .....................................................................................................................................14 REPORTING TO WORK ...............................................................................................................................14 ABSENCE OR LATENESS ............................................................................................................................14 SUBSTITUTION POLICY ...............................................................................................................................15 MISSING A SHIFT .......................................................................................................................................16 MEAL AND BREAK PERIODS .......................................................................................................................16 LEAVES.....................................................................................................................................................16 Compensation ...............................................................................................................18 PAY RATE POLICY .....................................................................................................................................18 BASIS FOR DETERMINING SCHEDULES ........................................................................................................18 EVENT SCHEDULING ..................................................................................................................................18 WORK PERFORMED DURING HOLIDAYS AND BREAKS ..................................................................................19 PAY PERIOD ..............................................................................................................................................19 PAYCHECK DISTRIBUTION ..........................................................................................................................19 CLOCK IN PROCEDURES ............................................................................................................................19 SECURITY & ACCOUNTABILITY....................................................................................................................20 COMMUNICATIONS .....................................................................................................................................20 TELEPHONE USE AND COURTESY ...............................................................................................................21 COMPUTER USE ........................................................................................................................................21 PERSONAL USE OF WMU PROPERTY .........................................................................................................21 EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH ........................................................................................................................22 APPEARANCE & UNIFORM ..........................................................................................................................23 MEALS ......................................................................................................................................................23 1 HOMEWORK ..............................................................................................................................................23 LOST AND FOUND ......................................................................................................................................24 GIFTS .......................................................................................................................................................24 SOLICITATIONS AND DISTRIBUTIONS ...........................................................................................................24 HARASSMENT POLICY ................................................................................................................................24 Ticket Admission Policies ..............................................................................................26 GENERAL PUBLIC ......................................................................................................................................26 WESTERN MICHIGAN STUDENTS ................................................................................................................26 FACULTY/STAFF ........................................................................................................................................26 WMU STUDENT-ATHLETES........................................................................................................................26 RECRUITS .................................................................................................................................................27 ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT PROFESSIONAL STAFF & COACHES .......................................................................27 Ticket Office Cashiering Policies and Procedures .........................................................30 Trouble Shooting ...........................................................................................................34 Seating Descriptions and Facility Information................................................................38 Paciolan Operation Procedures.....................................................................................41 TELEPHONE SALES ....................................................................................................................................43 WINDOW ORDERS ...................................................................................................................................................41 Student Employee Forms ……………………………………………………………………. 44 2 Welcome to the Bronco Ticket Office Congratulations on becoming a part of the Western Michigan University Athletic Ticket Office Staff! We hope you realize the important contribution you can make to the success of our Athletic Department and that you find your employment with us a rewarding experience. We look forward to the opportunity of working together and want you to feel that your employment with us will be mutually beneficial and gratifying. You have joined an organization that has established an outstanding reputation for excellent service and fiscal responsibility. Credit for this goes to everyone who works in the ticket office, especially the 10-15 student-employees who work here every year. We hope you will also find satisfaction and take pride in your work. As a member of the WMU Athletic Department, you will be expected to be the best student employees on campus and seek to further improve the environment and quality of our department. To help you perform at the high standard we expect, this Training Manual was developed to provide you information that will allow you to satisfy our customers in the best possible way. In addition, it will provide answers to most of the questions you may have about our policies and procedures. You are responsible for reading and understanding this manual. We recommend that you keep it with you until the information becomes second nature to you. If anything is unclear, please discuss the matter with a graduate assistant or a ticket office manager. We extend to you our personal best wishes for your success and happiness at WMU and the Athletic Ticket Office. 3 Athletic Department Professional Staff Ticket Office Personnel Don Beyer, Director of Ticket Operations Primary Contact: Football, Men’s Basketball Matt Folck, Assistant Director of Ticket Operations Primary Contact: Hockey 387-8142 387-8141 Vince Terbrack, Graduate Assistant 387-8243 Primary Contact: Volleyball Josh Render, Graduate Assistant Primary Contact: Women’s Basketball Athletic Department Professional Staff Kathy Beauregard - Athletic Director Dave Corstange - Senior Associate Athletic Director, Facilities Monty Porter - Associate Athletic Director, Business Operations Jeff Stone - Assistant Athletic Director, Academic Services Bob D'Amelio - Assistant Athletic Director, Marketing and Promotions Rob Hunt - Director of the Gary Fund Dannie Alexander - Director of Athletic Facilities Stacy Vallier - Director of Corporate Relations Paul DeVries - Director of Compliance Jeff Rank - Director of Marketing 4 387-8255 Athletic Ticket Office Overview Operations Athletic event tickets are a negotiable commodity and an important source of revenue for the Athletic Department. The mishandling or misappropriation of tickets could result in revenue losses or NCAA sanctions. For this reason, the policies and procedures prescribed for the printing, handling, sale and distribution of tickets are to be strictly followed. The primary objectives for operating the Ticket Office are as follows: 1. To properly handle and account for the distribution of tickets and admissions to ticketed athletic events; 2. To properly deposit and record income obtained from ticket sales; and 3. To maintain proper public relations posture with the customers in order to promote continued support for the University and Athletic Department. All employees involved with the sale and distribution of tickets are responsible for maintaining a current knowledge of University, Conference, and NCAA rules and regulations governing ticket operations. Sales Individuals involved in the sale of tickets for Bronco Athletics are expected to use care in communicating with customers. Employees should consult with a supervisor in the event of a difficult situation in order to resolve the problem. Employees are expected to treat customers respectfully and to be familiar with ticket office policies and procedures. Mail/Phone Orders Season ticket orders are marketed in several ways. Current season ticket holders are sent renewal applications in the form of an invoice, allowing for renewal of the same tickets with an option to increase or decrease their order. The majority of season tickets are marketed by direct mail using patron files (i.e. current season ticket holders, Gary Fund and Alumni, W Club members, etc.). Any remaining season tickets and individual game tickets are marketed through media advertising and promotions. Individual game ticket orders are not filled and mailed until after the season tickets have been filled. Mail order tickets may be purchased by money order, payroll deduction, check, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or billed via University accounts (Intra’s) if purchased by another WMU department or employee. Tickets may also be purchased by phone and charged to an accepted charge card or WMU department account. A $7 postage and handling charge is added to all phone/mail orders for season tickets, and a $5 postage and handling charge is added to individual game tickets (including web site orders). Tickets purchased may be mailed or placed at Will Call. 5 Accountability With the exception of ticket sales on football game days, all sales are handled through the Paciolan Ticketing System. The ticketing system will tabulate the number of tickets that are sold during the shift and the amount of money that should have been collected. Each seller will then audit their cash drawer to ensure these totals are the same and then complete their deposit information. For football games, the individual seller will be issued a predetermined number of tickets on game day. The beginning inventory of tickets minus the ending inventory equals the number of tickets sold and the total amount of cash in a seller’s box minus the starting cash is the amount of receipts for deposit. This amount must be reconciled with the number of tickets distributed. 6 What You Can Expect From Us Employees can expect the following behaviors from their supervisors in the ticket office: 1. Provide a challenging, rewarding and fun workplace and experience. 2. Select people on the basis of skill, training, ability, attitude, and character without discrimination with regard to age, sex, color, race, creed, national origin, religious persuasion, marital status, political belief or a disability that does not prohibit performance of any job function. 3. Assure employees an opportunity to discuss any issue or problem with a staff member. 4. Take prompt and fair action of any complaint, which may arise, in the everyday conduct of our business. 5. Treat all employees with courtesy and consideration. 6. Provide a work environment that is comfortable, orderly and safe. What the Ticket Office Expects from You To work in the Athletic Ticket Office, the following behaviors are expected out of each employee: 1. Be on time, prepared and ready to work at the beginning of your shift. Employees are expected to arrive early in order to prepare for the start of their shift. Do not expect to be able to do any type of outside work while you are on the clock. 2. Adhere to ticket office procedures and guidelines at all times as described in training and staff meetings. Very strict policies are in place to account for the processing of athletic department revenue. We expect 100% accuracy for every shift. NO SHORTCUTS. 3. Treat all customers with respect, and in a way that you would want to be treated. We expect every patron to have a pleasant ticket office experience. It is important to respond to customer problems in a quick and sincere manner. Remember, the patrons are not mad at you, but at the situation. 4. Maintain a good attitude and be friendly, upbeat, outgoing and well groomed. Employees will be required to maintain a dress code while working in the office and at events. 5. Read and understand the Ticket Office Training Manual. Everything that you will need to do your job is contained within this handbook. 7 Job Description 1. Process ticket requests through telephone and walk up sales at Waldo Stadium for the following sports and events: Basketball (men’s & women’s), Football, Hockey, Volleyball, and Bronco Luncheons. Ticket sales can be made by cash, check, credit card and interdepartmental transfers (Intra’s). 2. Staff WMU sporting events at Waldo Stadium, Read Fieldhouse or Lawson Arena that require a paid ticket to enter by performing the following duties: a. Sell tickets. b. Distribute Public and Player Will Call tickets. c. Perform usher and ticket taker responsibilities as needed. 3. Process summer camp registrations and staff the registration process for each camp. 4. Perform other related office duties such as typing, filing, etc. Standards of Conduct Whenever people gather together to achieve goals some rules of conduct are needed to help everyone work together efficiently, effectively, and harmoniously. By accepting employment with us, you have a responsibility to adhere to certain rules of behavior and conduct. The purpose of these rules is not to restrict your rights, but rather to be certain that you understand what conduct is expected and necessary. Unacceptable Activities Note that the following list of unacceptable activities does not include all types of conduct that can result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination. Minor Violations 1. Late to a shift (This includes not reporting to work prior to starting time to prepare for the beginning of your shift). 2. Not properly positioned at your workstation in the office or at an event (Failing to answer a call or greeting a customer at the window). 3. Not having the proper forms, equipment or information at your workstation. 4. Not being well groomed or in proper work attire (i.e. shirt untucked, wearing a t-shirt, not wearing collared game shirt, wearing clothing from other universities). 5. Homework, reading or socializing interfering with your job responsibilities. 6. Eating meals in the public eye. 7. Using office equipment for non-business purposes (class, telephone, copier, and computers). 8. Failing to respect the roles of your superiors. 8 9. Failing to share in office responsibilities. 10. Taking excessive or unannounced breaks. 11. Failing to accurately complete the paperwork associated with transactions completed during your shift. Mistakes in completing batch reports will be noted on your performance record. 12. Providing inaccurate information to our customers. 13. Failing to follow job procedures. Major Violations 1. Failing to report to an assigned shift without proper notice. 2. Declining to work an assigned shift or event. 3. Negligence or carelessness in the handling of money which results in a loss. 4. Reporting to work intoxicated or under the influence of a controlled substance. 5. Unauthorized possession of a dangerous or illegal firearm. 6. Engaging in criminal conduct or acts of violence when representing WMU athletic department. 7. Insubordination or refusing to obey instructions properly issued by a supervisor pertaining to your work, refusal to help out on a special assignment. 8. Negligently causing the destruction or damage of WMU property, or the property of fellow employees, patrons or visitors. 9. Theft or unauthorized possession of WMU property or the property of fellow employees or unauthorized use of WMU equipment for personal reasons or using to gain a profit. 10. Dishonesty; falsification on your application for employment or other work records; lying about sick or personal leave; alteration of records or documents. 11. Engaging in behavior which creates discord; interfering with another employee on the job; restricting work output or encouraging others to do the same. 12. Conducting a lottery or gambling on company property. 13. Any act of harassment, sexual, racial or other; telling sexist or racist jokes; making ethnic or racial slurs. 14. Leaving work early without the approval of a supervisor. 15. Sleeping while on duty. 16. Smoking in restricted areas. 17. Posting, removing or altering notices on any bulletin board on university property without permission. 18. Abusive language, rudeness, or antagonistic conduct toward any employee or patron on university property. 19. Soliciting funds or donations on company property during working hours without authorized permission. 20. Alteration of a timesheet. Disciplinary Actions This policy pertains to matters of conduct as well as the employee’s competence. However, an employee who does not display satisfactory performance and accomplishment on the job may be dismissed, in certain cases, without resorting to the steps set forth in this policy. Under normal circumstances, the procedures outlined below will be followed. There may be 9 particular situations, however, in which the seriousness of the offense justifies the omission of one or more of the steps in the procedure. Likewise, there may be times when a disciplinary step may be repeated. Unacceptable behavior, which does not lead to immediate dismissal, may be dealt with in the following manner: Step One: Verbal Warning A verbal warning will be issued for minor violations of workplace policy. If a violation of this type occurs, your supervisor will meet with you to discuss the problem or violations, making sure you understand the nature of the problem and expected remedy. This warning will be documented and remain in effect for one year. Employees will be given up to three verbal warnings for minor violations, if needed, before the next level of warning is issued. Step Two: Written Warning This warning will be issued after three verbal warning or one major violation of office policy. In this stage of the disciplinary process, the supervisor will discuss the problem with you, emphasizing the seriousness of the issue, and the need for you to immediately remedy the problem. After the meeting, your supervisor will write a memo to you summarizing the discussion and your agreement to change. The Written Warning will remain in effect for one year, but stay in your file for future references. Step Three: Decision-Making Leave If your performance does not improve following the written warning, or if you are again in violation of a Ticket Office standard of conduct, you will be placed on Decision-Making Leave. The Decision-Making Leave is the third and final step of the disciplinary process, and consists of a work suspension for an indefinite period of time. Employees will spend this time away from work deciding whether to commit to correcting the immediate problem, or to quit and terminate their employment. If you decide to return to work, your supervisor will write a letter to you explaining your commitment and the consequences for failing to meet this commitment. You will be allowed to return to work with the understanding that if a positive change in behavior does not occur, or if another disciplinary problem occurs with the next year, you will be terminated. If you are unwilling to make such a commitment, you may either resign or be terminated. Step Four: Termination 10 Crisis Suspension If you commit any of the actions listed below, or any other action not specified but similarly serious, you will be suspended pending an investigation the situation. Following the investigation, you may be terminated without any previous disciplinary action having been taken. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Theft Falsification of Records Threats or Harassment Use and/or possession of intoxicants, drugs or narcotics. Any Major Violation The provision of this Disciplinary Policy is not a guarantee of its use. The ticket office reserves the right to terminate employment at any time, with or without any reason. Additionally, we reserve the right to prosecute any employee for any of the above infractions. Performance Reviews Introductory Period Your first 30 days of employment with the WMU Athletic Ticket Office will be a time for getting to know your fellow employees, your supervisors, and the tasks involved with your job position, as well as becoming familiar with the ticket packages we sell. Your supervisor and fellow employees will work closely with you to help you understand the processes of your job. Training will consist of the following sessions: • Review of WMU Athletic Ticket Office personnel policies & job description • Review of ticket office procedures and use of Paciolan Ticketing System (PTS) • Practice using PTS. • Shadow employees in the following areas: Phone Sales, Walk up Sales, Game Day Operations in Football, Basketball/Volleyball and Ice Hockey • Tour of the sports venues During this introductory period, employees will be paid for their training. At the end of this period, employees who receive a favorable evaluation from their supervisor will be eligible to begin working shifts as part of the permanent schedule. Employees who do not receive a favorable review will be terminated from the position. Performance Reviews Because we want you to grow and succeed in your job, we will perform an evaluation one to two times per year for each employee. The review will be performed at unannounced times by your supervisor. They provide an opportunity for collaborative, two-way communication. The evaluation is meant to elevate each person’s performance to the expectations that we set and our customers expect. You are encouraged to voice any problems you have with work procedures, co-workers, and to offer suggestions as to ways to make our operation more effective. 11 Employment Affirmative Action/EEO Western Michigan University, in compliance with federal EEO laws, prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, sex, age, color, national origin, height, weight, marital status, sexual orientation, religion, and handicap unrelated to ability to perform one’s job. EEO laws are designed to create, ensure, and maintain equal opportunity for applicants and employees. The University Affirmative Action/EEO policy and commitment cover all WMU staff, including student employees. Americans with Disabilities Act WMU supports and complies with the ADA. WMU prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities in hiring, promotion, and other terms of employment provided that individual is qualified for the position and able to perform the essential functions of the position, with or without reasonable accommodation for that disability. Outside Employment If we cannot provide the number of hours or work experiences that employees need or want, you may take another on or off-campus job. However, your other jobs should not interfere with your regularly scheduled shifts in the ticket office. If you have another on-campus job, please keep in mind you will only be allowed to work a total of 29 hours per week between both jobs. If you work more, you will lose both jobs and not be allowed to work on campus. Resignation/Termination Your employment with the WMU Athletic Ticket Office is at-will. This means that neither you nor the ATO has entered into a contract regarding the duration of your employment. You are free to terminate your employment with us at any time, with or without reason. Likewise, we have the right to terminate your employment, or otherwise discipline, transfer, or demote you at any time, with or without reason. We hope and expect that you will give us at least two weeks notice in the event of your resignation. Employees who are terminated for poor work performance will be sent a notice of termination and receive a telephone call from their supervisor. Exit Interviews Whether you were terminated from this job or left due to graduation, an exit interview questionnaire will be given to all employees. It is important for the employee to voice their concerns about working for the WMU ATO. We will use your input to make our department a better place to work. At the same time, we will provide you with our opinion of your work performance, which will hopefully help you with your future profession. 12 Reference Letters Employees who would like a reference letter written in their behalf should submit their resume and address of the organization that it is to be sent to. The letter of reference will follow closely to the employee evaluation(s) found in your file. We reserve the right to contact the employer after a reference is written if the employee resigns immediately thereafter, or is terminated from the position for unsatisfactory performance. Please submit your request two weeks in advance. 13 Work Schedule Business Hours The Athletic Ticket Office at Waldo Stadium is open from 9 am to 5:30pm on Monday – Friday from August - March. Spring and summer hours (April 1-July 30) are weekdays from 10 am – 5pm. We will need anywhere from 2-4 employees to work at any given time during normal operating hours. Ticket orders can be placed over the phone or by visiting the ticket office. Ticket orders may also be placed at the athletic department web page ( Business hours for events will vary with the sport. A ticket office representative will be at the site selling tickets at the following times: • Football, Hockey, & Men’s Basketball: Four hours before game time. • Women’s Basketball & Volleyball: Two hours before game time. Reporting to Work Opening Procedures - In order to begin your shift on time, employees are required to arrive to work 15 minutes early unless prior arrangements have been made. The first shift of the day will need to complete the Daily Task Form. Closing Procedures - At the conclusion of every shift, whether it is in the office or at an event, employees must complete a batch report that summarizes their daily sales. After the batch report is completed, the start up cash must be returned to the supervisor or given to the next shift. The revenue generated during the shift is placed in the plastic moneybag. If your transactions do not balance, contact your supervisor before leaving. Do not turn in a batch report that is not correct. The Daily Task Form will also need to be completed. Absence or Lateness In order to maintain consistency with our patrons, it is vital to report to work as scheduled. Not only do our patrons desire it but also so do your co-workers. If you are late or absent, another employee will either have to come in or work twice as hard during their shift. Because of these factors, tardy and unannounced absences from work will not be tolerated. If you are unable to report to work or if you will arrive late, please contact your supervisor immediately. If you know in advance that you will be absent, make arrangements to have your shift covered by another employee (see substitution policy). You will not be assessed a warning report if one of the following actions has occurred: 1. You have a substitute willing to work your shift. You must document the change in writing in the sub book AND in writing to the supervisor. If your sub does not show up and you do not have it documented, the responsibility for the shift is still yours and you will receive appropriate disciplinary action. 14 2. Special Circumstances: The absence has been pre-approved by your supervisor 24 hours in advance. Each situation will be handled on an individual basis. If you have taken the appropriate steps necessary to find a sub (i.e. placed the shift in the sub book, called other employees, offered to trade shifts with a co-worker, etc.), the supervisor will be willing to try to find a sub for you. However, there are no guarantees the supervisor will be able to help. Remember that once you are assigned a shift, it is your responsibility. You must be willing to provide the reason for needing the time off. Some situations will not be acceptable (i.e. My friends just came in town). Since you know when you work, make arrangements well in advance. 3. Sickness: Communicate your sickness to us as quickly as possible. We do not expect you to come to work if you are ill. If you are sick in the morning or previous evening, you may be too sick to come to work so communicate this to your supervisor. Do not wait until an hour before your shift begins to call in. If you can go to class, at least report to work and let the supervisor see that you are sick. We will not hesitate to send you home. If you do not come to work at all, a doctor’s slip may be requested from you. 4. Alert the supervisor at least 3 hours in advance if you are running late due to weather, class projects, illness, car accident, etc. If less than 3 hours of advance warning is given, disciplinary action may ensue. Take extra steps of precaution for traffic or car problems if you are going to be out of town the day before a schedule shift. 5. Emergency Absence: We will not question the seriousness of the emergency in which you will need to be excused from work. Remember to use your best judgment in regards to the use of an emergency absence. If you are unable to call in yourself because of an illness, emergency or for some other reason, be sure to have someone call in for you. We will not seek to disprove your emergency, but if we find it not to be truthful, you will be terminated from the job. Absence from work for 2 consecutive days without notifying your supervisor will be considered a voluntary resignation. If you are absent because of an illness for three or more consecutive shifts, we may request written documentation from your doctor stating that you are able to resume normal work duties. A consistent pattern of questionable absences can be considered excessive, and may be cause for concern. In addition, excessive lateness or leaving early without letting your supervisor know will be considered a lateness pattern and may carry the same weight as an absence. Other factors, like the degree and reason for the lateness, will be taken into consideration. Substitution Policy We understand that student employees may not always be able to work at scheduled times due to unexpected events. If such a reason should arise, employees must find their own substitutes in one of the following ways: 1. Call co-workers at random to work for you. Notify your supervisor in writing of the change. 15 2. Post your shift on the Sub Sheet. Simply posting your shift on the Sub Sheet does not guarantee that the shift will be taken. It must be signed by the replacement and approved by your supervisor, or the individual originally responsible for the shift must work. If someone verbally commits to the shift, please have him or her sign their name on the Sub Sheet. If this is not done, you are responsible for the shift if the sub does not show. To avoid any last minute problems, post your shift as far in advance as possible. If you suspect a sub cannot be found, call your co-workers in case they have not noticed that the shift is available. You may have to arrange a shift trade in order to get your shift filled. If calling does not work, notify your supervisor at least two days in advance to see if adjustments can be made. There are not guarantees that the situation will be rectified and you may have to change your plans. Missing a Shift If you miss a shift without finding a substitute, contact your supervisor immediately or it will be considered an unexcused absence. A note from a physician or an accident report may be required for an excused absence. Meal and Break Periods The length of a break you receive during a shift will depend on the length of your shift. Continuous shift less than 4 hours: No break required. Continuous shift between 4 and 8 hours: One 15-minute break is allowed. Continuous shift over 8 hours: Two 15 minute or one 30 minute break is allowed. Employees must clock out for lunch breaks unless they eat during the 15-minute paid breaks they receive for working over a 4-hour shift, or if they eat while they work. If you are scheduled to work an event immediately after an office shift, contact your supervisor so a break can be arranged. Leaves Vacations: Employees are expected to notify their supervisor in writing of times they wish to have off for vacations. Because many events are scheduled during traditional break periods (i.e. Thanksgiving, Christmas, Spring Break), some vacation requests may not be allowed. Employees should start this process early to avoid any last minute problems. Funerals: Up to three working days of leave shall be granted to employees upon request to make arrangements for and attend funeral services of a family member or relative. You may take a day to attend funerals of other relatives and friends. 16 Medical: Employees will be excused from work for medical reasons. However, communicate your sickness to your supervisor as soon as possible. Personal: We understand that employees need time off occasionally for personal reasons and family emergencies. We will not question your request unless it consistently interferes with your work and puts us in a situation where we are at risk by your absence. If we find your reason to miss work is unjustified, it may lead to termination from the job. You can assist us by finding a substitute, if possible, when this situation occurs. 17 Compensation Pay Rate Policy Employee pay rates will increase with the number of years of service with the Athletic Ticket Office. The pay scale is as follows: Up to 1 year of service: B1 1 - 2 years of service: B4 2 - 3 years of service: C1 Other than the wage you will be earning, we believe there are many intangible benefits that add to your hourly wage: • Convenience of working on-campus • Flexible scheduling • Exciting atmosphere • Friendly staff • Learn lifetime skills involved with patron relations and fiscal responsibility Basis for Determining Schedules Several factors influence the number of hours you are scheduled to work and your work schedule. Among the most important is your performance. Employees who perform above our expectations will be assigned to the shifts that they prefer to work. Negative evaluations or reports will reduce the number of shifts you are scheduled to work. The length of time you have worked for us is also considered important. The final two factors are your availability and quantity of work desired. Employees who are flexible and available to work at various times through the day are easier to schedule. Employees who request 20 hours per week demonstrate more of a commitment and are more likely to obtain their requests than someone who wants only 3-6 hours. Event Scheduling Outside of working in the office, employees are required to work all football games and 50% of the other events where the ticket office needs to be present. At the start of every semester, employees will sign up for these events based on their seniority. You know your schedule for the rest of the semester. If an event is not covered with an adequate number of employees, your supervisor will assign employees who have not met their event requirements. In addition, events that come up after the initial registration period will be assigned to employees only if an insufficient number of volunteers exist to work the event. If you cannot work an event after it has been assigned, you are responsible for finding a replacement. In these situations, please inform your supervisor of who will be working for you. Do not change your name in the Event Schedule Book. For employees who want additional hours, working extra events is permitted. 18 Work Load During periods when classes are in session, students may only be scheduled to work 29 hours per week. The university feels that by working more than this, you will compromise your academic status. If a student exceeds this amount, they may be terminated from working on-campus if it happens again. For this reason, we will not schedule you to work above 29 hours per week. If you work another on-campus job, let us know so you do not violate this policy. Work Performed During Holidays and Breaks Since the ticket office is open and events are staged during holiday and break periods, there is a need for employees to work. During these situations when school is not in session, employees may work up to 29 hours per week. Events during these times will be scheduled as any other event and you may have to make plans to return to Kalamazoo to work. Pay Period The student-employee pay period is BI-weekly and begins on a Monday and ends on a Sunday. Paycheck Distribution Paychecks can be picked up at the Athletic Department on the 2nd Floor of Read Fieldhouse by presenting a picture ID. A direct deposit option is available by contacting the Payroll Department. Clock in Procedures Employees will clock in and out by swiping their WMU ID through a Kronos time clock. There is one located at all the on-campus venues you work. If you forget your ID or fail to clock in or out, you must complete a time adjustment form and have it verified by a supervisor. Failure to clock in or out appropriately on three occasions will lead to a warning and possible termination. If you work at a venue without a time clock, there will be a sign in sheet for you to record your hours. Other policies governing payroll are listed below: • Falsification of hours worked is grounds for immediate termination. • You are responsible for recording your time. Do not give your ID to another employee to record your shift for you. 19 Workplace Policies and General Information Security & Accountability Due to the large amount of money this is processed each day, security is a major issue with the ticket office. The ticket office is secured by an alarm system that only allows access to certain individuals during specific time periods. We pride ourselves with being 100% accurate each day. Each shift should never be over or short. Checks and balances have been implemented to prevent theft. Anyone caught stealing will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. To maintain a secure environment, we observe the following rules: • Do not allow friends or patrons into the ticket offices at Waldo Stadium, Lawson Arena or Read Fieldhouse without approval from your supervisor. • Do not loan your ID to a friend. Your ID will be programmed to give you access to the ticket offices at Read Fieldhouse and Waldo Stadium. • Balance your daily sales in private out of the public’s eye. • Never leave a remote ticket booth without a Police escort. When transporting money through a large crowd, you must have an escort. • Unsold tickets are audited after each event by the professional staff. An outside firm then audits these results. • A silent alarm button is set up at each window at Waldo Stadium. Please be careful not to accidentally set off the alarm. Communications One of the biggest challenges we face is communicating information between our staff. We utilize several forms of communication to make sure you are aware of changes in procedures, policies, and other general information. Email Notifications/Memo Book: A binder with all the email memos and meeting notes for the year is located on the front counter. Employees should check this binder frequently for new announcements or to review a past policy. After the memo is read, place your initials at the bottom of the document. Meetings: A mandatory monthly meeting is held at the Ticket Office. At these meetings, important information on a variety of important topics is discussed. In addition, employees are able to voice their concerns about an issue affecting the ticket office. Meetings will be scheduled to accommodate all employees’ schedules. Employees who are excused from the meetings will need to cover the material with their supervisor before their next shift. White Board/Bulletin Board: Another source of information that should be checked on a daily basis is the white board located behind the front counter and the bulletin board in the phone room. Employees scheduled to work the current weekend events will be posted, as well as other late breaking news. 20 Radios: On days there is an event, employees who work in a remote location will be issued a two-way radio to communicate with their supervisor. The ticket office uses Channel 2. The radios are very expensive and should not be left unattended. In addition, talk on the radio should be kept to a minimum and restricted only to business. Telephone Use and Courtesy Since telephone sales are an important source of revenue for the ticket office, it is necessary to be very professional when answering the phone. Listed below are some points to remember when using the phone: • When a phone is in use, the UCDBO button should be turned off to allow incoming calls to be answered. When a call comes in and all the telephones are busy, the caller is placed on hold and told the next available attendant will answer their call. Several calls can be on hold at the same time so it is important not to take an extended time with a caller. • The telephones in the back offices do not receive calls from our patrons because the UCDBO button is turned on. • If you are working in the phone room and you have to leave for some reason (i.e. restroom break, load ticket stock), make sure you turn the UCDBO button on so you will not receive any calls. • Our goal is to answer the telephone after the first ring. • If you receive a call for a supervisor, ask the caller for his/her name and transfer the call to the appropriate person. • At opening and closing, the answering machine will need to be turned off and on. Instructions for this are located on the first phone on the right in the phone room. • Patrons who need to use a telephone should not be allowed inside the ATO. • A telephone script has been designed for you to answer the phone in a consistent manner. All calls should be answered Western Michigan Ticket Office, (Name) Speaking. At the conclusion of the call we should repeat the order back to them and remind them there are no refunds or exchanges on their ticket purchase. Computer Use Employees who complete their ticket office duties may utilize the computers for homework or email. However, these things should not interfere with your ticket office responsibilities. Personal Use of WMU Property In no instance may an employee borrow or use WMU equipment for their personal use off premises without prior management approval. If approval is granted, we are not liable for personal injury incurred during the use of the equipment and are responsible for any injuries or losses that occur. 21 Employee of the Month The Employee of the Month Program is designed to improve the productivity and service of the Athletic Ticket Office student staff by improving morale and rewarding extra effort. To be a viable candidate for this honor, employees must exceed expectations while performing their duties. When determining the Employee of the Month, many different criteria will be taken into consideration. Examples are: • • • • • • Receiving positive comments from patrons or other staff members. Substituting for other student employees. Coming into work when called on the day of the shift. Working beyond your regular shift to cover the next employee’s shift. Volunteer to work a special event. Proposing an idea that leads to changing the way things are currently done within the Athletic Ticket Office. Awards The employee who is named Employee of the Month will receive an award to be determined by the managers. 22 Appearance & Uniform During events, employees will also be required to wear a WMU collared shirt and slacks (no jeans). These shirts are to be returned at the end of the event. Replacement shirts cost $25. Employees who need extra warmth may check out a wind jacket. Employees will need to report to work well groomed. Shirts must be clean and tucked in. The following items are not allowed: • Hats • Tank tops • T-shirts (Men should wear a collared shirt) • Earrings (other than on the ear) • Cut off shorts • Pants with holes • Any shirt promoting a university other than WMU. • No open-toed shoes When working the front window, your posture is important. Employees should be standing or sitting with their feet on the floor, back straight and head up. Do not slouch or have your head on your arms. Meals Employees should attempt to eat their meals before or after their shift. However, if your shift falls during a mealtime make sure you eat out of view of our patrons. You may utilize a GA’s desk for this. A refrigerator and microwave oven are available for you to use. Please respect your co-workers’ food and clean up your mess when you are finished eating. During events, meals should not be eaten at your workstation. Homework Employees should not expect to do homework while they are working in the office. If it is not very busy and your supervisor does not have a special task for you to do, homework may be completed as long as it does not interfere with your work assignments. If you need more study time, make arrangements with the supervisor to give up some of your shifts. During events, do not bring any homework or other magazines to read. 23 Lost and Found The ticket office houses all lost and found from events until it can be turned over to the Campus Police. If a patron has lost an item and we do not have it, refer them to Campus Police. Gifts Advance approval from your supervisor is required before an employee may accept or solicit a gift of any kind from a patron. Employees are not permitted to give unauthorized gifts (i.e. tickets) to patrons, except for certain promotional items purchased for this purpose. Solicitations and Distributions Solicitation for any cause during working time in working areas is not permitted. Employees are also not permitted to distribute non-company literature, sell chances, or merchandise without supervisor approval. Patrons will periodically stop by to ask for the ticket office to donate tickets to their charity event or fundraiser. It is our policy to review each request for a ticket donation on an individual basis. Inform the customer that we need a letter with the following information: • Nature of the event • Specific donation requested • Date and time of the event • Contact person associated with the event A gift certificate will be mailed to the group if their request is approved. Harassment Policy The Ticket Office intends to provide a work environment that is pleasant, professional, and free from intimidation, hostility, or other offenses that might interfere with work performance. Harassment of any sort - verbal, physical, and visual - will not be tolerated, particularly against employees in protected classes. What is Harassment? Workplace harassment can take many forms. It may be, but is not limited to: words, signs, offensive jokes, cartoons, pictures, posters, e-mail, jokes or statements, pranks, intimidation, physical assaults or contact, or violence. Harassment is not necessarily sexual in nature. It may also take the form of other vocal activity including derogatory statements not directed to the targeted individual but taking place within their hearing. Responsibility All employees have a responsibility for keeping our work environment free of harassment. Any employee, who becomes aware of an incident of harassment, whether by witnessing the incident or being told of it, must report it to their immediate supervisor. When management becomes aware of its existence, it is obligated by law to take prompt action despite of the victim’s desire. 24 Reporting WMU encourages you to communicate directly with the alleged harasser, and make it clear that the behavior is unacceptable. It is essential to notify your supervisor immediately even if you are not sure the offending behavior is considered harassment. An appropriate investigation and action will be taken; however, confidentiality cannot be guaranteed. Retaliation of any sort will not be permitted and no adverse employment action will be taken for any employee making a good faith report of alleged harassment. 25 Ticket Admission Policies General Public The general public may purchase tickets to any Bronco sports event in one of three ways: • By visiting the ticket office at Waldo Stadium from 9am-5:30pm, Monday - Friday. • By calling 1-888-4-WMU-TIX and ordering them over the phone during normal business hours. • By visiting our website at Tickets ordered over the telephone or through our website will be mailed or can be placed at Public Will Call on the day of the game. Tickets ordered the week of the game must be placed in the will call box associated with the particular sport. Western Michigan Students All WMU students (undergrads, graduate, & part-time) are eligible to attend all regular season athletic events requiring a ticket. In order to gain admission to an event, a student will need to display a valid university ID. There is no longer a student ticket for each game. The student ID is good for a general admission seat in the designated student section. A student may not sit in a reserved seat unless a reserved ticket is purchased. However, if a friend or family member of a student wants to sit in the student section, a student guest ticket may be purchased upon presentation of a student ID. For games when more students are expected to attend than we have seats for, we may require students to pick up a reserved ticket in advance of the game. This would eliminate the ability to have non-students sit in the student section. Students who fail to bring their university ID will not be granted free admission to the event. Children & Other Students Students at other institutions (colleges, high schools, etc.) and children two years and older must purchase a ticket for the event. These tickets are priced at the same rate as the adult price except for the sport of volleyball and women’s basketball. Children under two years of age do not need to purchase a ticket provided they sit in their parents lap. Faculty/Staff Faculty/Staff members must purchase a ticket for each event. Discounted season ticket packages exist for each sport. Faculty/staff may pay for tickets through payroll deduction. WMU Student-Athletes Each student-athlete at WMU will have the opportunity to leave 2- 4 complimentary admission tickets for their friends or family members for all home and away contests that they participate in. Players wishing to obtain more tickets may borrow an additional 6-8 tickets from a teammate but cannot exceed 10 total complimentary tickets. If a player needs additional tickets, they must be purchased at the same price and in the same manner as for 26 other students at the university. Under NCAA guidelines, players may not receive payment or exchange the tickets for any item of value. In addition, the individuals who receive the complimentary admissions are not permitted to receive any type of payment for these admissions. Violations of these policies will render the student-athlete ineligible for participation. Procedures Players will have a specific day prior to the event to sign up for their complimentary tickets. The first and last name of each guest must be listed and each name can only be listed once. Tickets will then be available to the guests at Player Will Call on the day of the game. Each guest must have a picture ID when picking up their ticket (except for children who can be verified by an accompanying adult) and must immediately enter the arena. The ticket office representative is responsible for checking the ID with the name on the list, highlighting the name, and stubbing the ticket as the guest enters. Never give an unstubbed ticket to a person on the complimentary guest list. Any suspicious behavior by a guest or false identification should be reported to your supervisor immediately. Recruits High school student-athletes who are being recruited by Western Michigan University can be allocated up to 3 tickets (athlete and parents) for each athletic event while on their official visit. The tickets must be in a general area and cannot be to a special seating area (i.e. suite, bench, and press box). Upon entering the arena, the recruit must sign for the tickets and the ticket office representative will stub the tickets for them. Athletic Department Professional Staff & Coaches Employees of the Athletic Department have the opportunity to pick up 2-4 complimentary tickets to all athletic contests on Monday during the week of the game. They must present a valid ID to the ATO at Waldo Stadium to claim their tickets. A list of staff members and the number of tickets they may request will be located at the front window. We will not accept phone orders. If a staff member cannot make it to the ATO prior to game day, we will allow them to pick up tickets at the site of the event based on availability. 27 Game Day Assignments As a condition of employment employees are required to work all football games and 50% of the other ticketed events. Football - Employees are expected to work the following positions: • Telephones - One employee will answer caller questions prior to the start of the game. Tickets will not be sold at this time. Telephones will be manned approximately 4-8 hours before the start of the game. • Player Will Call - Two to three employees will distribute tickets left by WMU and opposing team members from the Waldo Stadium ticket office. Will Call will open one and a halfhours before the start of the game. A picture ID is required for each guest (except for small children) and their ticket must be stubbed as it is handed to them. Each name on the Will Call list must then be highlighted • Public Will Call - Public will call tickets will be distributed from the Gate 1 ticket booth. Two to four employees will man will call at least 4 hours prior to game time. A picture ID and signature is required before releasing the tickets. If tickets cannot be found, contact your supervisor by radio ASAP. • Ticket Booths - Four ticket booths exist at Waldo Stadium to accommodate game day sales. Two or three employees will be stationed at both Gate 1 and 2, while one or two employees will be stationed at the Oakland Drive and Press Box ticket booths. Employees will be given a briefcase with start up cash and a variety of tickets to sell. When ticket supplies get low, contact your supervisor for more. Employees will require a police escort to and from their booths. At the conclusion of the shift, employees will need to balance the day’s sales and have a supervisor check in their starting cash. 28 Basketball/Volleyball At events in Read Fieldhouse, the following positions will be needed: • Ticket Sellers (2-4) - The ticket booth will open four hours before the start of the men’s games and two hours before the women’s. Ticket sellers will utilize the Paciolan Ticketing System to sell tickets. Sellers will be done at approximately halftime of the contest. • Will Call (2) - To the left of the ticket sellers window will be a table to distribute will call tickets. One employee will distribute Player will call tickets and the other will distribute public will call tickets. Hockey Hockey events at Lawson Ice Arena will be staffed as follows: • Front Ticket Booth (2) - The ticket booth at the front of Lawson will open 4 hours before game time and remain open until the end of the second period. • Rear Ticket Table (1) - This ticket table will be manned when the doors to the facility open (approximately 1 hour before game time). A ticket taker will also be stationed at this entrance. One hour after the start of the game, the back entrance will be locked and the ticket seller should return to the main ticket booth via the lower tunnel to balance sales. • Public Will Call (1) - Public Will Call will be housed in the ticket booth at the front of Lawson Ice Arena and be manned when the doors to the facility open. • Player Will Call (2) - The Player Will Call table will be set up just inside the door at the front entrance of Lawson Ice Arena. One employee will distribute WMU player and recruit will call, while the other employees handles visiting will call. The will call table will stay open until the end of the second period. 29 Ticket Office Cashiering Policies and Procedures I. Responsibilities A. Cash, checks, and credit card charges received by any department within the Division of Intercollegiate Athletics will be deposited through the Athletic Ticket Office. B. The Athletic Ticket Office is responsible for the completion of transactions involving tickets purchased through the Athletic Ticket Office. C. The Athletic Ticket Office is responsible for the collection and deposit of summer camp revenues. D. The Athletic Ticket Office is responsible for the recording and deposit of all interdepartmental receipts. II. There are six cashiering function areas in the Athletic Ticket Office. A. Ticket Sales B. Summer Camps C. Interdepartmental Deposits D. Ticket Sales Auditing E. Preparing the Deposit F. Vault Procedures III. Window Ticket Sales A. Each cashier will be assigned $100 starting cash by a supervisor. B. Each cashier will be responsible for verifying their starting cash and opening their window immediately at the beginning of their shift. C. The cashier will log into the Paciolan System software using their personal password and begin selling. D. At the end of the cashier’s shift, he/she will count out the correct amount of starting cash and return it to a supervisor who will return it to the vault. E. The cashier will then proceed with balancing the days transactions and make the deposit adhering to the steps described in Ticket Sales Balancing (X). IV. Phone Ticket Sales A. The phone sales function only requires a credit card machine (no starting cash). B. The phone seller will remove the phone from the answering system at the start of the business day by pressing #7 on the telephone station by the typewriter. C. The phone seller will log into the Paciolan System software using their personal password and begin selling. D. At the end of the phone seller’s shift, he/she will proceed with balancing the days transactions and make the deposit adhering to the steps described in Ticket Sales balancing (X). V. Mail A. A supervisor will open all mail. B. The supervisor will then give the mail revenues to a cashier who will enter the ticket orders (by customer) on the computer. 30 C. At the end of each mail batch or at the end of his/her shift, each cashier will proceed with balancing and make the deposit adhering to the steps described in Ticket Sales Balancing (X). VI. Internet Orders A. Ticket orders from the web site will be checked each morning by a supervisor. B. The supervisor will prepare a charge deposit adhering to the steps described in Ticket Sales Balancing (X) VII. Pre-Printed Ticket Sales (Football Games) A. Each cashier will be assigned starting cash by a supervisor. B. The supervisor will enter the amount of starting cash on a game day audit sheet, which is kept inside the cash box, and initial verifying the starting cash amount issued to the seller. C. The supervisor will then enter the number of tickets issued on the game day audit sheet and initial verifying the number of tickets issued to seller. D. Each cashier, prior to opening sales window, will verify his/her starting cash and number of tickets issued indicating his/her agreement to the amount/number by initialing the game day audit sheet. E. At the end of the cashier shift he/she will count out the correct amount of starting cash, record the amount as being returned to supervisor and initial the game day audit sheet. Supervisor will verify starting cash returned from cashier and initial the game day audit sheet. Supervisor will then return starting cash to the vault. F. The cashier will count/verify the remaining number of unsold tickets/discount stubs and agree the monies on hand to the number of tickets sold. G. Any discrepancy in monies on hand versus number of tickets sold will be reported to a supervisor. H. If there are no discrepancies the cashier will ready the monies for deposit adhering to the guidelines established in Preparing the Deposit (X). VIII. Summer Camps A. Responsibilities 1. All summer camp revenues will be deposited through the Athletic Ticket Office. 2. The Athletic Ticket Office will provide all camp coaches with weekly financial reports on the status of registrations for their camps. B. Procedures 1. All camp applications and deposits will first come to the ticket office. 2. A supervisor will open all mail. 3. The supervisor will then give the camp revenues to a cashier who will subtotal the revenues by sport, make a copy of the check and application for the coaches records, make the deposit and file the actual application and a copy of the check for ticket office records. The cashier will then return a copy of the check and application to a supervisor who will update the camp spreadsheets by date. 31 IX. Interdepartmental Deposits A. Responsibilities All interdepartmental revenues will be deposited through the Athletic Ticket Office. B. Procedure (Cash, check, credit card) 1. The individual requesting the deposit will bring a completed 3 part deposit requisition form and the cash, check or credit card # to the ticket office front window. 2. The cashier will verify the amount, initial the deposit requisition form, return the pink copy of the deposit requisition form to the depositor and deliver both to a supervisor. 3. The supervisor will record the cash; check or credit card receipt in the interoffice deposit log and make the deposit. 4. When the deposit receipt is received back in the ticket office from cashiering the supervisor will record the receipt reference number and the date of the deposit on the 2 part deposit requisition form and return 1 copy to the person who requested the deposit. 5. The supervisor will then record the deposit receipt reference number in the interoffice deposit log and staple the deposit receipt to the remaining copy of the deposit requisition form and file. X. Ticket Sales Balancing A. Balancing Daily Revenue At the completion of the shift, the cashier will print a batch report (In Paciolan, go into Reserved Seat Ticketing-Balancing-Reports-Batch Reports and enter your batch number). 1. Cashier will count monies, separating cash, checks and credit card receipts. Return starting cash, if any, to a supervisor who will return it to the vault. 2. Cashier will endorse the back of each check with the National City stamp before placing it in the deposit bag. Cash will also go into a separate deposit bag. Do not seal the bags until a supervisor has checked them. 3. Cashier will compare batch report totals with individual customer receipts (cash, checks and credit card tape) and make the deposit. 4. Any discrepancies will be reported to a supervisor. XI. Preparing the deposit A. Cash and Checks 1. Prepare a separate 3 part National City deposit slip for cash and check sales. Write the deposit bag # on this slip. 2. Prepare the Ticket Office Deposit Form. Make sure to neatly write the correct fund and cost centers. 3. Attach the yellow copy of the National City deposit slip to the outside of your completed batch. 4. Place the white copy of the National City deposit slip inside the bag. 5. The remaining pink copy of the National City deposit slip is attached to the Ticket Office Deposit Form and both are placed inside the batch report and turned in to a supervisor for filing. 32 6. Turn bag into supervisor for placement in the vault. B. Charges 1. Prepare Ticket Office Deposit Form. 2. Your supervisor will print a batch ending statement for credit card sales from your batch. C. Intras 1. Cashier will prepare intra form, using the proper fund and cost centers. The object code will always be 4488. 2. A copy of the intra form will then be given to the Assistant Manager for processing and the original intra form will be attached to the batch report and filed. 3. Do not include the intra amount on your ATO deposit forms. D. Payroll Deduction 1. A payroll deduction form is filled out by the customer (WMU employee) and turned in to the ticket office. 2. The payroll deduction form with social security number, total amount to be deducted and customer signature is sent to payroll for processing. Vault Procedures A. Access a) Due to the large sums of money held within the vault, keys/access are strictly limited to the following staff persons: (1) Athletic Ticket Manager (2) Assistant Ticket Manager (3) Graduate Assistant(s) (4) Assistant Athletic Director - Business Operations B. Change Funds/Starting Cash When cash is needed to change ticket sales the following procedures will be followed: a) Manager (see A1 access above) will fill out Change Fund Requisition form indicating the date, amount removed, name of manager removing the funds and the purpose which funds are to be used. b) Manager will secure vault to ensure safety of remaining vault monies. C. When change fund needs to be placed back into vault cash the following procedures will be followed: a) Manager will re-count change fund returned from cashier so as to verify that the amount returned is the amount checked out on the Change Fund requisition form. b) Manager will fill out the remaining portions of the Change Fund requisition form indicating amount replaced, date replaced and the name of manager replacing the funds. Manager will then file the completed requisition form. c) Manager will secure vault to ensure safety of vault monies. 33 Trouble Shooting Listed below are some unique situations that each employee will need to be comfortable handling: A patron calls in to report that they never received their tickets in the mail. < Confirm the address of the patron in the computer, the spelling of their name and the day the tickets were printed (Order-Inquiry-Transactions). If the tickets were not printed, contact a supervisor to do so immediately. < If the tickets were printed, check the will call box in case the tickets were not mailed. If the order was a less than a week old, have the patron call us back after a week if the tickets are still not received. < If the address was correct and the tickets were printed over a week ago, confirm their seat assignment and your supervisor will issue a seating pass for the lost tickets. The seating pass takes priority over the original tickets and can be picked up at Will Call. We will not mail seating passes. < To avoid tickets not being received from telephone and web orders, do not mail tickets the week of the game. Inform the patron to pick them up in advance at Waldo Stadium or at Will Call on the day of the game. A patron forgets their tickets at home on the day of the game. < For single game ticket sales, we will try to verify the seat location if the patron has an order on Paciolan. If they purchased tickets at the window, we will not be able to verify this information. < We can issue a seating pass after they give us a credit card number. They will only be charged if they do not send us the tickets in the mail within a week after the game. < If it is a season ticket holder, confirm their seat assignment and your supervisor will issue a seating pass. We will not hold the tickets with a credit card number. < If the patron has lost their tickets, we will charge them for new tickets but may be able to give them the same seat assignments if their order can be verified. An organization makes a request for a ticket donation for a fundraiser. < The ticket office receives and grants hundreds of requests for ticket donations. For an organization to be considered, they must submit a letter on company stationary with the date of the event, type of event, type of donation, and a contact name. If the donation is granted, the donation will be in the form of a gift certificate and sent in the mail. All certificates will have an embossed watermark to prevent unlawful copying. Occasionally, you will have a patron present a Ticket Gift Certificate for redemption. These gift certificates must be redeemed by a certain date to be valid. The Boca ticket printer runs out of ticket stock or gets jammed. < To avoid the printer from running out of ticket stock, check your ticket printer at the beginning of your shift. < If the ticket printer runs out of stock while you are processing an order, contact your 34 supervisor to get more stock from the vault. Open up the side compartment of the printer and load more ticket stock (make sure it is loaded Bronco logo facing you). The printer should begin printing automatically where it left off. If the printer gets jammed and does not print the total number of tickets that you requested, complete a ticket reprint command on your computer. It should be one of the options you have before you proceed to the next sale. The wrong tickets were printed. < Our official ticket office policy is “No exchanges and no refunds.” However, if we make a simple mistake or the person at the window changes their mind right after they buy them, a supervisor can void the tickets from your batch. If a supervisor is not readily available, sell the patron new tickets and a supervisor can void the old tickets later. To void tickets, the supervisor will need the voided tickets, customer number, and your batch number. Immediately after the sale is made, there is a prompt that asks if you would like to void the previous sale. A patron would like a refund because they cannot go to the game. < Use your best judgment. If a patron has a medical or family emergency, we will refund their tickets after they are sent in to us. In most other situations, we do not refund tickets. A supervisor must approve all refunds. A patron needs two more seats next to the two tickets they recently purchased. < Do not be tempted by their desires to trade you their two tickets for four seats together. The best you can do is to place them as close as possible. A student wants to sit with their non-student friends or family members. < Students who want to sit with friends outside of the student section must buy a reserved seat ticket. The friend or family member could also purchase a “Student Guest” ticket in the student section. We should not encourage non-WMU students to sit in the student sections. A patron wants to attend a pre-game tent party on Hyames Field. < A special ticket is required to enter Hyames Field before football games. These tickets are given to the corporations or student groups who rent a tent from Stacy Vallier (Director of Corporate Relations). The ticket office does not sell tickets to this pregame event. The tent parties normally begin 2 ½ hours before kickoff. A patron wants to purchase away game tickets and needs directions to the facility. < We will request consignment tickets for most away games. If you get a request, check your computer to see if the game is on sale. If it is listed, then we have tickets to sell to the general public. These tickets are located in the top drawer of the horizontal filing cabinet in the hall. If there are not enough tickets to fill the order, contact your supervisor because we may have more filed in another area. Along with the tickets, there are maps and directions to many of the facilities in the front closet. If we do not have away game tickets, the opponent’s ticket office number is posted in the phone room so the patron can order tickets directly. 35 < < < < When selling away game tickets, it is important to capture the customer information and also their seating location (place under “Special” on Order Form). When selling away game tickets over the phone during the week of the game, we will not mail the tickets but leave them at Will Call at the site of the game. To prevent fans from other schools or ticket brokers from purchasing tickets to popular games, the patron must be a WMU student, alumni, or season ticket holder. Call the Alumni Office or Registrar to verify their status. In addition, there is a maximum of 6 away game tickets a person can buy (see a manager for exceptions). When selling away game tickets at the window, we do not check the status of the individual. This is only done for phone orders. You have finished working your shift for the day. < You will need to completely log off the system by clicking the “Close” icon the upper right-hand corner of Paciolan. A patron wants to pay for some tickets using a credit card and cash. < Ticket requests can be processed with a split payment. Your payment screen allows you to process this order. Contact a supervisor is you have questions. A patron wants to order season tickets. < < < < Employees are not responsible for processing orders or allocating seat assignments for season tickets until all renewals for the current season have taken place. If a customer wants to place an order, complete a season ticket application form and ask the patron for their seating preference. Paperclip the payment with the order and place it in the letter tray in the phone room. Indicate if the patron wants to be informed before we allocate the seats. Your supervisor will process the order and print the tickets out at a later time. After ticket renewals have taken place, employees may sell season tickets (indicated by a “t” on Paciolan). It is important to do this under the Mail or Phone control. Do not process under the Window control. Patrons will not receive their tickets immediately after ordering them. Normally, season tickets are printed the day following the order. The same rules apply regarding mailing the season tickets. There is a $7 handling charge with all season ticket orders. Individual game tickets ordered over the phone or on the web require a $5 handling charge. A patron needs a handicap accessible seat. < Handicap accessible seats are available in all of our venues. At Waldo Stadium, several handicap platforms (Section B, F, M, N, EE, and CC) are available and these seats can be purchased at the window or over the phone. If the person in the wheelchair is with a group, it is best to seat the group in the rows adjacent to these areas. If a patron needs assistance getting to their seats from their car, two golf carts are available to bring them as close as possible to their seats. The golf carts run between Lots 4 (off Oakland Drive) and 6 (off Stadium Drive), and Gate 2. Contact a facility representative on game day to secure a ride on a golf cart. 36 < At Read Fieldhouse, two handicap-seating areas exist in Sections BB and CC. Chairs are also available for people who come with the handicap patron. The elevator to get to the upper level is located across from the entrance to the Athletic Dept offices. Handicap parking is in Lot 16. < At Lawson Ice Arena, handicap parking is located in the Lot directly in front of the Arena. Patrons in wheelchairs are sold a reserve ticket and may wheel up to the rail anywhere along the concourse and companion seating is available in the top row of Section 22. If standing room only tickets are sold, wheelchair individuals have priority to be in front. The elevator in Lawson is located near the back entrance of the facility. A patron has a special discount they want to take advantage of on game day. < Several on going ticket promotions exist for each game (i.e. W Club Card, ECCU Discount, Family Zone, and Kids Club Card). Some of these promotions can be redeemed on game day and some can not. If the promotion is listed on your selling screen as an option, it can be sold. Other promotions must be redeemed prior to game day (i.e. ECCU Discount). Please make sure before you sell what promotions/coupons are accepted. < Because we issue hard tickets for football games, we typically do not honor ticket promotions on game days. However, when we do accept them, make sure you tear off the left stub and mark it so you know you gave away a discounted/complimentary ticket. 37 Seating Descriptions and Facility Information I. Waldo Stadium A. Seating Types 1. Reserved - All seats are reserved with the exception of the student section in P-U. Tickets in the end zone are priced less than sideline seats. 2. Chairbacks - Seats in the chairback sections (BB-FF) that are not sold as season tickets are available on a single game basis during the week of the game ONLY. 3. Handicap - The handicap sections are located in sections CC, EE, and N, and along the top of Section B and F. Patrons in wheelchairs should be sold seats in these areas. One able-bodied guest may be sold a WC seat along with the handicapped individual, while others must sit in the adjacent rows. 4. Lawn - Seats on the grassy hillsides are sold only after all other reserved seats have been sold. 5. John Gill Club - Club seats located above the Press Box are not sold to the general public on a single game basis. 6. Suites - Seats in the suite area are located above Sections N-U and in the Seelye Center. They are not available to the general public. B. Best Seating Options 1. The best seating option for patrons who order tickets are generally as close to the 50-yard line as possible. Since season ticket holders take up most of Section C-E, the best tickets for single game purchases begin in Sections B & F. However, orders for 1-4 tickets can sometimes be accommodated in Section C-E. 2. After the press box side of the stadium is filled, Sections O and N are usually the next best option. Patrons who sit in Section O, however, sometimes have to stand to see over the student section. 3. After the sideline seats are filled, seats in the end zone (V-Z and H-M) are preferred. The end zone opposite the scoreboard (V-Z) is preferred. 4. Upper Bowl vs. Lower Bowl - Most fans will prefer to sit at least 5 rows above the walkway in each section (this is known as the upper bowl). Seats in the first 5 rows of the upper bowl should not be sold until the very end because the view is obstructed due to people walking in the aisles. If a person wants to sit as close to the field as possible, seat them in the sections below the walkway (lower bowl). Rows are numbered AA-KK in the lower bowl. 5. Patrons who do not want to climb up and down the steps on the Press Box side should be seated as high as possible. Conversely, lower row seats in sections N and O should be sold. 38 C. D. II. Special Seating 1. The visiting team is given tickets in Section A. 2. The WMU band sits in rows 1-20 of Section R. 3. The WMU player will call tickets are in the lower bowl of Section C & D. 4. The Care About Kids Program is given seats in Section Z. 5. The student sections are general admission in Sections P-U. Parking 1. The general public is encouraged to park at Lawson Ice Arena and ride the shuttle bus to the game for free. The shuttle bus runs continuously throughout the game and drops off at Gate 2. After the game, the bus picks up near Gate 4 on Oakland Drive. 2. Most university parking lots are manned and cost $5 to park. 3. Patrons may park off campus at their own risk. 4. Handicap parking is in Lot 4 and 6. Patrons with seats on the press box side of the stadium should park in Lot 4. Golf carts are available for transport from the parking lot by contacting a facility representative. 5. Lot 7 is reserved for Gary Fund Donors and Suite Ticket Holders. 6. Lot 10 is reserved for John Gill Club members, media, the president and other VIP’s. 7. Lot 95 is also reserved for Gary Fund Donors. 8. Lot 9 is reserved for the ticket office manager and visiting team buses. 9. Parking lots will be cleared of fans at game time. Lawson Ice Arena A. Seating Types 1. Reserved - All seats are reserved with the expectation of the student sections (11,13,15,17,19, 21 and 23). 2. Chairbacks - The chairback seats are located in Section 24 and are sold on an individual game basis. 3. Family Zone - Individuals who buy 3 or more tickets and mention the Family Zone promotion may be seated in Section 1. 4. Loft - The seats in the loft are reserved for private parties and are not sold to the general public. 5. Handicap - Individuals in wheelchairs should be sold reserved seat tickets and can sit anywhere along the rail. The companion should be sold a reserved seat ticket in the last row of a section. If none are available, a folding chair can be made available. 6. Standing Room Only - After all reserved tickets are sold, a standing room only ticket will be put on sale. These tickets allow the patron to stand anywhere in the upper concourse to watch the game. B. Best Seating Options 1. The most popular sections are in between the blue lines in Sections 12, 14, 16, and 18. Since most season tickets are located here, the selection of seats is limited. 2. Seats in Sections 10 and 20 are also popular, as are seats behind the goal. 3. Some spectators like to sit on the ice in one of the first rows, while other 39 C. D. III. prefer to sit near the top of the section. 4. Try to avoid putting people within 3 rows directly behind the WMU and Visitor’s bench because it is difficult to see over the players and coaches. 5. Families should not be placed near the student sections. Special Seating 1. Guests of WMU players are seated in Section 5, 7, and 9. 2. Guests of visiting team players are seated in Section 16 and 18. 3. Visiting team consignment tickets are low in Sections 18, 20, and 22. 4. Athletic department staff tickets are in Section 22. 5. The student section is general admission. Parking 1. Lot 63, located across from the front entrance, is reserved for Gary Fund Donors and handicap parking. 2. Handicap parking also exists in the lot behind Lawson. 3. Ample parking is available for the general public in other lots close to the venue. There is no charge to park. Read Fieldhouse A. Seating Types 1. Reserved - All seats, with the exception of the student sections, are reserved. 2. Handicap - Sections BB and CC have two areas for the handicap. An elevator is needed to get to the second level and is located across from the A.D. B. Best Seating Options 1. The chairback seats in Sections A-D are almost completely filled with season ticket holders. 2. The best available reserved seats to check for would be in Sections AA-DD. 3. Seats in the first 3 rows above the portals in Sections 200, 201 and 222 are obstructed view due to a safety railing. C. Special Seating 1. The student sections are behind the basket (105-107, 116-118) and 110. For overflow, section 210 will be utilized. 2. The band will sit behind the basket in section 106 or 117. D. Parking 1. Lot 14 (behind Read Fieldhouse) is reserved for game day staff and media. 2. Lot 16 (next to Read and the SRC) is not reserved but held for members of the athletic department. 3. Lot 18 (side lot next to Read) is reserved for the coaching staff and visiting team buses. 4. Lot 13 (in front of the SRC) is reserved for Gary Fund donors and handicap parking. 5. A free shuttle runs from Lot 10 to Read Fieldhouse prior to and after the game. 6. Parking is free in other university lots. 40 Paciolan Operation Procedures The basic procedures to make a sale on the Paciolan Ticketing System are explained below: Telephone Sales 1. Select Reserved Seat Ticketing-Orders-Selling 2. Control: Type P and click “Accept” 3. Use the mouse to tag desired event. 4. Click “Go” when events are selected. 5. An item form for each event selected is displayed. Press F5 to go to the map of the venue. 6. Use the mouse to navigate to the desired area and click on map. 7. Move cursor to desired seats and click to star seats. Click “Go” when finished. 8. Type in the quantity, price level, and price type of each different ticket ordered (Default is set for all tickets to be in public type). Make sure the quantity totals equal each other at the bottom and click “Go.” 9. Press return to the “D” column and enter M (US Mail), or W (Will Call) to indicate how the customer will receive their tickets. 10.Press return and enter any special ticket requests made by the customer under the Special column. Click “Go” to go to the address screen. 11.Press return once and type the person’s name (last name, first name) under Name #1. Press return. • If the name is already in the computer, a list of similar customers will appear. Arrow down to the correct name/address and press return. All the data will appear. Confirm the address and click “Go.” If the name is not present, press escape to go back to the original menu. Follow the next instructions. • If the name is not in the computer, the fields will remain blank. Click “Go.” Press return 6 times to get to the Mailing Box. Enter the address on the ADDR2 line and zip code on the ZIP line. Click “Accept” to exit the box and press return twice to type in phone numbers. Click “Go” (new customer # appears) and return. 12.Select the payment type (Visa, Discover, MasterCard, Intra) and press return. If using a credit card, type in the number and expiration date. Click “Accept” to authorize and “Go” to complete the order. Window Orders (Same as above except) 1. Press W in step 2. 2. Skip steps #9, #10, and #11. 3. In step #12, you have two added payment options: Cash, Check. 4. Coupons and certain discounts that require a membership card are only accepted at the window. When a membership card is displayed, make a copy for your batch report. 41